
56 databases found Statistics & DataX

Altmetric is a system that tracks the attention that research outputs such as scholarly articles and data sets receive online.  It pulls data from 

  • Social media such as Twitter and Facebook
  • Traditional media - both mainstream (e.g., The Guradian, New York Times) and field specific (e.g., New Scientist, Bird Watching).  Many non-English language titles are covered.
  • Blogs - both major organizations and individual researchers
  • Online reference managers such as Mendeley and CiteULike

McMaster users have access to the licensed version of Altmetric Explorer for Institutions, which provides a McMaster-wide view of the online activity surrounding academic research at the institution.

Researchers, research support staff, and administrators can explore attention on scholarly works, browse by author, group or department for their own institution, benchmark against peer organizations, report on the outcomes of outreach activity, and integrate the insights the data provides into evaluation and review processes.

Coverage: 2012 to the present, but data varies by location

First-ime user? Access requires an Esri ArcGIS account. To request an account, current McMaster students, faculty and staff should fill in this ArcGIS Software Request form or contact  contact libgis@mcmaster.caOnce your account is approved, sign in to these products with the ArcGIS login (not Your ArcGIS organization's URL).

Provides location-based analysis that can be used for market planning, site selection, customer targeting and other decisions. Use web-based GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping technology to visualize demographic, lifestyle, behavioural, psychographic (e.g., PRIZM, Tapestry Segmentation) spending and business data for over 130 countries (including Canada). Data is derived from a variety of sources (e.g. Esri, Environics, Infogroup, Michael Bauer Research) and will vary for each country. Adding or importing your own data is supported.  Maps, charts, infographics and reports can be created and saved for any area.

Bloomberg - Visit DeGroote Trading Centres On-Campus More Info/Permalink

Bloomberg is fully funded by McMaster's DeGrooote School of Business (DSB)
Bloomberg can only be accessed on-site from dedicated workstations in the DeGroote Trading Centres located in DSB-B106 (Hamilton campus) & RJC-126 (Burlington campus).

Provides both historical and real-time financial market and economic data, covering all sectors worldwide. Also includes analytics, company financials, news, charts and graphs.

Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, is a bilingual, multi-disciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Borealis supports open discovery, management, sharing, and preservation of Canadian research data.

Borealis is available to researchers who are affiliated with a participating Canadian university or research organization and their collaborators. Borealis is a shared service provided in partnership with Canadian regional academic library consortia, institutions, research organizations, and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, with technical infrastructure hosted by Scholars Portal and the University of Toronto Libraries.

Some value-added features include: 

Coverage: 1988 to the present

Provides counts of Canadian business locations or establishments for a specific time period by employment size ranges, geography groupings and industry classification (NAICS). 

Coverage: 1961 to current

The Canadian Census Analyser provides access to Canadian Census Data (both short and long form).

Internet Archive Canada (IAC), with its Toronto scanning centre established in 2004 on the campus of the University of Toronto, has worked with more 250 institutions, in providing their unique material(s) with open access and sharing these collections the world over, including texts, collections, images, data, videos and audio. From the Archives of the Sisters of Service to the University of Alberta, IAC has digitized more than 675,000 unique texts. McMaster's collection is also included. 

Statistics Canada's site of time series (sequences of values of a variable measured over time, spaced apart at uniform time intervals) covering a wide variety of social and economic aspects of Canadian life. Topics include the system of national accounts, labour, manufacturing, construction, trade, agriculture and finance. As well, selected demographic and social data, such as population estimates and vital statistics, are available. There is no charge for data via this interface. Geographic area: Canada (national and sub-national), some United States, some international. Time span of data coverage: varies by series.

The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) is a highligh concentrated source of reports of randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials. The majority of CENTRAL records are taken from bibliographic databases (mainly MEDLINE and Embase), but records are also derived from other published sources. In addition to bibliographic details (author, source, year, etc.) CENTRAL records will often include an abstract (a summary of the article). 

Includes daily and monthly Toronto Stock Exchange trading information about specific securities as well as information on "price adjustments" such as dividends, stock splits, recapitalizations, etc. The database also includes daily and monthly indexes containing information on daily and monthly index levels as well as selected other financial markets information.

CFMRC TSX highlights: 

  • expanded daily data set includes opening as well as closing data for: prices; bids; asks; trades; and volumes, amongst other information 
  • expanded monthly data set includes: betas; earnings per share; volume; and transactions, amongst other data 
  • expanded daily and monthly index data sets which include: a selection of interest and exchange rates; TMX Group indices; new under- and over- $2.00 indices, as well as other data
Coverage: 1999 to the present

The Cochrane Library includes evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews, methodology reviews, clinical trials, and more. Cochrane reviews bring you the combined results of medical research studies. Focus is on evidence-based health care.

Coverage: 1999 to the present

Provides full-text access to Conference Board of Canada reports and recorded webinars. Research areas covered include economic trends, organizational performance and public policy.

Coverage: 1815-

CNTS contains more than 200 years of annual data in Excel format from 1815 onward, for over 200 countries, with 196 variables used by social scientists, academia, government, finance and media, including demographic, political, legislative, economic and social data.

Coverage: 1960s to the present, but varies by database and by indicator

International selection of economic, social and environmental indicators from the World Bank. Website includes over 60 databases providing data on a wide variety of subjects.

Brings together grants, publications, citations, alternative metrics, clinical trials, patents and policy documents to deliver a platform for users to find and access the most relevant information and analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research. Combines a citation database, a research analytics suite, and article discovery and access functionality.

Coverage: Data: 1980s to the present | Reports: 1990s to the present | Varies by geography

Covers the political, policy, business and economic outlook for hundreds of countries and several industries, focusing on the dynamics that could impact organizations.

EIU Viewpoint includes:

  • Forecasts for the global economy - 200 geographies
  • Medium-term country forecasts  
  • Long-term country forecasts - 80 major economies
  • Industry analysis and data - 26 sectors across 6 major industries
  • Commodity forecasts - 25 critical goods
  • Daily Insights
  • Political and economic analysis
  • Macroeconomic indicator database
  • Proprietary ratings

A multi-disciplinary database that provides access to current and archived news, business and company information worldwide. The database contains content from more than 30,000 sources from 200 countries in 32 languages.

Number of Simultaneous Users:


Provided by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) is a system for researchers in Canada to deposit and share research data and to facilitate discovery of research data through federated searching across over 100 Canadian research data repositories. Anyone can use FRDR to search for and download data, and researchers can use FRDR as a robust repository option into which large research datasets can be ingested, curated, processed for preservation, discovered, cited, and shared.

Some key features include:

Coverage: 1997 to 2013 (includes data from 1994/96 to 2009/2011)

Contains 15 key financial ratios by industry groupings compiled from the North American Industry Classification System. It is based on reliable and comprehensive data on Canadian businesses, derived from Statistics Canada databases of financial statements for three reference years

Coverage: 2007 to the present, but varies by title and by database

Provides country risk, industry and competitive intelligence for almost 200 countries. 

Coverage: 1348 to the present

Contains epidemiological data going back to 1348 AD, covering 230+ countries and territories. Over 28,000 outbreaks, 39,000+ graphs, and 100,000+ surveys. Includes interactive tools to identify 2,000+ pathogens, diagnose and compare 360+ infectious diseases, as well as to explore the properties of 30,000+ trade names of drugs and vaccines. The application is updated every day by a team of highly regarded medical scientists.

Coverage: 1985 to the present

Provides access to information on measurement instruments (i.e., questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, index measures, coding schemes/ manuals, rating scales, projective techniques, vignettes/scenarios, tests) in the health fields, psychosocial sciences, organizational behavior, and library and information science. Designed to identify measures needed for research studies, grant proposals, client/patient assessment, class papers/projects, theses/dissertations, and program evaluation.

Coverage: 2010 to the present

A repository of synthesized research evidence related to governance, financial and delivery arrangements in health systems and to implementation strategies that can support change within health systems. Contains details about policy briefs, overviews of systematic reviews, systematic reviews, and protocols of systematic reviews relevant to health systems, as well as links to any user-friendly summaries, scientific abstracts and full-text reports that are currently available for these syntheses.

Coverage: Current

Provides access to over 1700 U.S., 430 Canadian, 427 Ontario (+ other provinces and territories) and 74 global industry market research reports. Search for industries by keyword(s) or browse a list of industries defined according to the five digit NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) level.

Coverage: Varies by dataset

The IMF provides open access to four key statistical databases -  International Financial Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payments Statistics (BPS), Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Direction of Trade Statistics (DOT) - plus a selection of other datasets and free reports.

NOTE: Register an email address to Sign In.
Customized, web-based research evaluation tool that allows you to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark your output against peers worldwide.

For the purposes of registration, a clinical trial is any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. Clinical trials may also be referred to as interventional trials. Interventions include but are not restricted to drugs, cells and other biological products, surgical procedures, radiologic procedures, devices, behavioural treatments, process-of-care changes, preventive care, etc. This definition includes Phase I to Phase IV trials. 

Coverage: 1950s to the present

A standard source of statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance for most countries of the world. 

Coverage: 1997 to current

Provides citation data that helps evaluate and compare more than 20,000 scholarly journals in the areas of arts, business, humanities, science, technology, and social sciences. Journals can be retrieved by title, keyword(s), category (subject area), publisher, or country and sorted by several criteria such as total citations and impact factor. 

Coverage: [2001 to the present]; Mergent covers current 5 years; CHASS covers 2001-2011

Provides industry benchmarking data compiled from Dun & Bradstreet’s database of public and private companies. Features 14 key business ratios (one-year or three-year set of ratios) for public and private companies in 800 lines of businesses.