Alternative Title: CBC | Canadian Business Patterns | CBP | Business Register
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Access is available to everyone, anywhere.
- Starting with the June 2015 reference period, Canadian Business Patterns (CBP) changed its name to Canadian Business Counts (CBC). CBP covers 1988-2014 and CBC covers 2015-current. The link noted above includes data from both CBP and CBC on the Odesi platform.
- In Odesi, select the Download Data button to access CBC/CBP data in Beyond 20/20 format (.ivt). To view data on non-library computers, you must download and install Beyond 20/20 software. A free download (for Windows) is available at the Statistics Canada website.
Coverage: 1988 to the present
Coverage: 1988 to the present
Contains data that reflects counts of business locations or establishments for a specfic time period by:
- employment size ranges
- geography groupings: province/territory, census division, census subdivision, census metropolitan area and/or census agglomeration
- industry using the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) at the 2, 3, 4 and 6-digit level or the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) at the 1, 2, 3 and 4-digit level
Data is taken from the Business Register, a repository of information on the Canadian business population.