
15 databases found starting with P X Health SciencesX

Coverage: 1993 to the present

An index to papers presented at worldwide meetings, conferences, expositions, workshops, congresses, and symposia received at the British Library Document Supply Centre.

Provides access to bibliographic details and abstracts of randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.

The PEN System was developed by Dietitians of Canada, with input from thought leaders in dietetic practice, knowledge translation and technology. The database provides ready access to timely, current and authoritative guidance on food and nutrition. It offers evidence-based answers to the questions encountered in every day practice.

Number of Simultaneous Users:


Coverage: 1940 to the present

Indexes and abstracts journal articles, books, book chapters such as contributions to an anthology, and book reviews.. Subject coverage includes aesthetics, axiology, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphilosophy, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of education, philosophy of history, philosophy of language, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, political philosophy and social philosophy. Geographic coverage is global with publications coming from more than 135 countries. Includes more than 530,000 records in 37 languages and has records from 1940 to present, with additional records dating back to 1902.

Coverage: 1991 to the present

Provides nearly two million preprints from arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv and and is accessible via the Web of Science platform. 

Discover preprints for key research articles ahead of the formal publication in a journal from a range of international selected and evaluated preprint repositories in the sciences, social sciences and arts & humanities

  • Discover preprints connected to author profiles and peer reviewed literature in the Web of Science.
  • Link directly to the preprint repositories to view each version of the preprint and download full text.
  • Track citation activity for the preprint and link to the citation network in Web of Science.
Coverage: 1993 to the present

An index of conference publications from worldwide meetings, conferences, expositions, workshops, congresses, and symposia. Provides an overview of the event's activities by listing the papers presented.

Coverage: Indexing - 1637 to the present | Full-text - 1743 to the present

Indexes over 4 million doctoral dissertations and master's theses completed at colleges and universities worldwide. 

Contains thousands of full-text e-books across a variety of disciplines. To display titles accessible to McMaster users, use the "Book Status" filter and select "Owned and subscribed to by my library." 

Individual titles are also listed in McMaster's library catalogue and in the standard ProQuest databases platform.

Includes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-1 through DSM-5),  the American Journal of Psychiatry and other psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools.

Eleven online videos that feature demonstrations of a therapist conducting supervision with a student and an interview with the experts, conducted by hosts Hanna Levenson and Arpana G. Inman. An excellent resource for students learning how to supervise, as well as practitioners seeking quick references to improve their own supervision skills.

Searchable database of streaming video files on psychotherapy. Anyone with access to the video library can create clips and store them in the Video Library. Videos are searchable by therapeutic approaches, therapeutic issues, expert therapists, population, and titles. It allows viewers to go straight to the heart of clinical practice as it is done by today's leading practitioners in North America. The database features demonstrations and counseling sessions with participants on a host of therapeutic topics. This is a resource for teaching and training in psychotherapy practice and for education about psychology and related areas in social work.

Coverage: 1806 to present

Provides citations and abstracts to journal articles in the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, social work, education, business, pharmacology, physiology, law, linguistics. Covers over 1,800 international professional journals, as well as books, book chapters, reports, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations. Nearly all records contain non-evaluative summaries. Produced by the American Psychological Association. Beginning in 2001, many citations include references, their abstracts, and links to cited references.

Coverage: 1871 to the present

The PTSDpubs bibliographic database, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, includes citations and abstracts to the worldwide literature on post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological effects of trauma.

Coverage: 1950s to the present

PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

Pre-filtered PubMed searches for clinicians: Search by Clinical Study Category, Systematic Reviews, and Medical Genetics. After running one of these searches, you may further refine your results using PubMed's Limits feature. Results of searches on these pages are limited to specific clinical research areas. For comprehensive searches, use PubMed directly.