
77 databases found starting with C X

Coverage: 1986 to the present

This is the searchable online version of the print Bibliography of Systematic Mycology from 1986 to the present. It includes literature on biodiversity, classification, distribution, evolution, identification, nomenclature, phylogeny, systematics and taxonomy of fungi (including those groups traditionally treated as fungi but now better classified in other kingdoms).

Coverage: 2001 to the present

Provides over 200 fulltext French-language journals in the disciplines of economics, law, history and geography, literature and linguistics, psychology, education, political science, sociology, and sport.

"Retrouvez sur ce site 44 697 articles parus depuis 2001 dans 161 revues de recherche et de débat. Les archives sont en accès gratuit, ainsi que les résumés, sommaires et plans d'articles, et le texte intégral de certains articles récents."

Coverage: 1883 to 2010

Search or browse issues (full page and article images in PDF) of the Calgary Herald from 1883 to 2010.

The most current issues of the Calgary Herald are available online (plain-text) via Factiva and Nexis Uni

Cambridge Companions are a series of guides to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics, and periods. With over 600 titles and 4,000 essays, it offers subject or theme based cross-searchable collections, available in three sub-collections: Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics, Cambridge Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture, and Cambridge Companions to Music.

Contains published crystallographic data on organic, organometallic, and metal complex structures whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray diffraction or neutron diffraction.  The following search functionality is available in WebCSD: full text and numeric searching, reduced cell searching, 2D substructure searching, and 2D structure similarity searching.  
More complex searches, including 3D substructure searching, can be performed with the desktop client applications (ConQuest, Mercury, Vista, etc). Vicky Jarvis at the MAX Diffraction Facility for more information on the client interface.

Cambridge Histories is a series reference works of over 400 volumes spanning fifteen subject areas across the humanities and social sciences, with a concentration on political and cultural history, literature, philosophy, religious studies, music and the arts.

Cambridge is a not-for-profit publisher dedicated to the world-wide dissemination of knowledge across a wide range of subject areas, and currently publishes over 380 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine. As well as those journals owned by the Press itself, they publish on behalf of over 100 learned and professional societies.

Designed for universities and colleges, this collection provides full-length Canadian video programs, documentaries, feature films, short edu-clips, and podcasts. Can-CORE partners with Canadian and Indigenous filmmakers, and provides a growing collection of content from indigenous filmmakers by and about Indigenous peoples and issues. An 'Indigenous Content Only' filter can be used with any keyword or browse search.

Coverage: Current

Includes the content of nineteen Canadian reference titles in a single online resource.

Number of Simultaneous Users:


Documents the careers of some of Canada's leading professional artists, designers, art writers and curators, as well as some important Canadian art institutions and organizations that have helped shape the Canadian art scene since the 1960s. The Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art (CCCA) Canadian Art Database Project is a work in progress with the overall objective of broadening public awareness of contemporary Canadian Art in Canada and abroad.

The CCCA is also taking on additional projects containing information that informs and lays the groundwork for the core project. A wide range of previously hard to access material [images, texts, media works, and related ephemera]from a variety of sources across Canada is being assembled into the fully searchable, bilingual, database.

Currently contents: 54,000+ images and 600+ video and audio clips by 600+ artists and designers; and 1,600+ texts by 200+ writers and curators.

Coverage: 1933 to the present, but varies by title

Includes content from a broad range of Canadian sources including scholarly journals, magazines, reports, news, radio & television transcripts and dissertations. Useful for research on hundreds of topics in the fields of business, science and technology, medicine, humanities and the arts.

Coverage: 1988 to the present

Provides counts of Canadian business locations or establishments for a specific time period by employment size ranges, geography groupings and industry classification (NAICS). 

Coverage: Current

Brief profiles of over 2 million businesses in Canada, including private companies. Search by company name, by industry code (SIC or NAICS), by geography, etc.

Coverage: 1961 to current

The Canadian Census Analyser provides access to Canadian Census Data (both short and long form).

Current and historical names can be searched in English or French for physical features as well as populated places. A search will return the latitude/longitude, feature type, region and NTS map reference. The location can be displayed on a national, regional or larger scale map. Queries can also be submitted for point-to-point distances and places within a user-specified radius of any location.

Coverage: 1844-2000

This database lists obituaries or death notices of Canadian medical personal that appeared in various medical journals listed below between 1844 and 2000.  In cases where the actual journal is available online, the title of the journal has a hyperlink.  Otherwise, you will need to contact a library to get the actual obituary or notice.

This is a collection of monograph publications from Canadian research institutes, government agencies and university centres working in the area of health and medical research. The publications included are both general policy documents as well as those of a specialized technical nature.

Coverage: 1919-1970

Provides rare historical newspapers and magazines tracing events that led to the modern Canadian identity—the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, WWII and the emergence of new roles for women, the Cold War, the LGBTQ and other social movements, protests of the Sixties, and other transitions.  

Internet Archive Canada (IAC), with its Toronto scanning centre established in 2004 on the campus of the University of Toronto, has worked with more 250 institutions, in providing their unique material(s) with open access and sharing these collections the world over, including texts, collections, images, data, videos and audio. From the Archives of the Sisters of Service to the University of Alberta, IAC has digitized more than 675,000 unique texts. McMaster's collection is also included. 

Coverage: 1900s to the present

Citations to articles on musical activity in Canada from the late 19th century to the present, and to articles on international music and musicians published in Canadian periodicals from 1999 to the present.  The database currently includes more 37,000 articles from over 600 Canadian music journals, newsletters and magazines, 200 of which are currently active and continue to be indexed.

Coverage: 1869 to present

This database is updated regularly with newly granted patents and applications opened to public inspection. The electronically available patent information consists of patent document images and bibliographic and text data.

Coverage: 1900s to 2020

A collection of monograph publications from Canadian public policy institutes, government agencies, advocacy groups, think-tanks, university research centres and other public interest groups.

Coverage: 1982 to January 2019 (ceased)

Indexes publications produced by Canadian governments (federal, provincial, territorial & municipal), government agencies & departments, research institutes and government laboratories. Full-text of reports will be available in the Microlog microfiche collection in MILLS Government Publications (2nd floor).  

An online directory for buyers and suppliers of industrial products and services (manufacturers, exporters, distribution and service companies) in Canada. Includes detailed product and service information from Canadian industrial and manufacturing companies of all sizes. 

Searchable information about facilities, services and academic programs offered by Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada member universities as well as links, expert information, stats and deep content.

Contains 19 million pages (96,000 titles) of digitized historical publications, including monographs, serials, and government publications. The collection is largely composed of materials published prior to 1921. Canadiana Online also includes all content from the closed Early Canadiana Online (ECO) collection, including content from the CIHM microfiche series.

Provides access to comprehensive research-based cancer information and resources for cancer researchers, health professionals, patients and their families, advocates, news media and the public.

Statistics Canada's site of time series (sequences of values of a variable measured over time, spaced apart at uniform time intervals) covering a wide variety of social and economic aspects of Canadian life. Topics include the system of national accounts, labour, manufacturing, construction, trade, agriculture and finance. As well, selected demographic and social data, such as population estimates and vital statistics, are available. There is no charge for data via this interface. Geographic area: Canada (national and sub-national), some United States, some international. Time span of data coverage: varies by series.

Career Cruising is a bilingual career guidance resource that features Canadian information on hundreds of occupations, career matchmaker exercises, training & educational opportunities at universities and colleges, and career portfolio and resume builder tools. The profiles typically include job descriptions, working conditions, education and training, earnings, and links to related occupations and other resources.

Coverage: 1535-1920
Published by Readex/Newsbank and created from the renowned holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia, Caribbean History and Culture, 1535-1920, is the largest and most significant collection of its kind. More than 1,200 fully catalogued and searchable books, pamphlets, almanacs, broadsides and ephemera cover the history of this broad region from the 16th century to the early 20th century, expertly compiled by the curators of the extraordinary Afro-Americana Imprints collection.