Alternative Title: Canada Info Desk | Canada InfoDesk | CIRC
Number of Simultaneous Users: 1
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Access is available on and off campus to current McMaster University students, faculty and staff.
Coverage: Current
Coverage: Current
Canada's Information Resource Centre integrates the content of 19 titles in a single online Canadian resource. The database includes the following titles:
- Associations Canada
- Canadian Almanac & Directory
- Canadian Environmental Resource Guide
- Canadian Parliamentary Guide
- Canadian Who's Who
- Cannabis Canada
- Financial Services Canada
- FP Bonds - Corporate
- FP Bonds - Government
- FP Equities - Preferreds & Derivatives
- FP Directory of Directors
- FP Survey - Industrials
- FP Survey - Mines and Energy
- FP Survey - Predecessor and Defunct
- Health Guide Canada
- History of Canada
- Governments Canada
- Libraries Canada
- Major Canadian Cities
Some of these titles can be searched simultaneously.