51 databases found starting with S X
Sabinet African Journals encompasses the breadth and depth of African research content by offering the most comprehensive, searchable collection of full-text African electronic journals available on one platform. Over 600 journal titles in 10 collections are available, including African Journal Archive, Business & Finance, Education, Juta's Law Journals, Labour, Law, Medicine & Health, Religion, Science Technology & Agriculture, and Social Sicences & Humanities.
African government & law plus news resources, also curated by Sabinet, are available on Sabinet Discover.
Sabinet Discover is an information services tool providing seamless access to comprehensive African legal, news and research content. McMaster users have access to modules of Government & Law, News resources, as well as Sabinet African Journals, which is available on a separate platform.
- Sabinet’s Legal Information Services include all South African Legislation on National, Provincial and Municipal level as well as all Gazettes from 1910 to current. Also included are Sabinet Labour and Sabinet Judgments.
- Sabinet’s News Services includes SA Media, a news clipping research service as well as the South African Press Association’s Archive with content dating back as far as 1977 to 2015 and all African News Agency’s newswires from 2015 to September 2022.
SAGE Journals has a portfolio that includes more than 1,100 journals, spanning the humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, and medicine. McMaster offers access to the full collection.
For open access (OA) publishing considerations, authors affiliated with McMaster can now publish in over 900 SAGE Choice journals with no article processing charges (APCs), and may receive a 40% discount on publication in SAGE’s Gold open access titles, with a small number of titles excluded. Please visit Library Support for Open Access for more information.
Contains information on the full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioral sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences, pulled from over 750 handbooks, encyclopedias, and journal articles. Supports researchers in every step of a research project, from writing a research question, choosing a method, gathering and analyzing data, to writing up and publishing the findings.
Learn about research methods and research design through stories from researchers in the field and their critique of their own research articles.
Learn to master quantitative and qualitative data analysis with step-by-step guides and sample data.
Supports users in conducting research that is both critical and inclusive, by showcasing a diverse range of experiences and approaches from marginalized, under-represented, underserved, and vulnerable communities, as well as decolonial perspectives that challenge traditional research paradigms.
Read bite-sized introductions to hundreds of research concepts and methods written by global experts.
Watch cutting-edge nursing streaming videos that support teaching, learning, and research at all levels.
A digital library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. The ADS maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 14 million records covering publications in astronomy and astrophysics, physics, and the arXiv e-prints. Abstracts and full-text of major astronomy and physics publications are indexed and searchable. ADS also tracks also citations and usage of its records to provide advanced discovery and evaluation capabilities and provides access and pointers to a wealth of external resources, including articles available from publisher's websites, astronomical object information, data catalogs and data sets hosted by external archives.
Full-text for over 160,000 e-books from commercial publishers, including titles from Springer, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, and the Gibson Canadian publishers collection. Also includes approximately 400,000 e-books that are open access or public domain titles.
Contains over 50 million articles from over 23,000 full text journals covering many disciplines.
A multi-disciplinary science database that indexes over 6,000 journals from a variety of science disciplines. Database offers searching by topic, author, address, journal title, etc. and a Cited Reference search. Full text links are available for journals to which McMaster subscribes through the getit! link.
Provides a critical review of synthetic methodology developed to-date in the fields of organic and organometallic chemistry. Includes: Houben-Weyl Archive, Science of Synthesis Knowledge Updates and Science of Synthesis Reference Library.
Provides online access to over 4,000 journals and 30,000 books published by Elsevier. Strong collections in the social sciences, pure and applied sciences, engineering, and medicine. This service allows you to browse or search the journals and access full text articles (PDF & HTML). McMaster has access to many, but not all titles at this site.
Includes over 30 full-text reference works and encyclopedias published by Elsevier.
SciFinder-n is a comprehensive source for chemical literature, searchable by topic, author, substances by name or CAS Registry Number, OR use the editor to draw chemical structures, substructures, or reactions. It provides access to new workflow solutions such as PatentPak™, MethodsNow™ and Retrosynthesis Planner as well as the core Chemical Abstracts Service databases available in classic SciFinder.
Scitation is the online home of more than 100 journals from AIP (American Institute of Physics), APS, ASCE, ASME, SPIE, and a host of other prestigious science and engineering societies. Includes SPIN (Searchable Physics Information Notices) Web, a searchable database of physics, astronomy and engineering journals and conference proceedings.
scite is a tool which offers a quantitative and qualitative insight into how scientific publications cite each other by using access to full-text articles and its deep learning model to tell you, for a given publication:
- how many times it was cited by others;
- how it was cited by others by displaying the text where the citation happened from each citing paper;
- whether each citation offers supporting or contrasting evidence of the cited claims in the publication of interest, or simply mention it.
Assistant by scite is a new feature (in beta) powered by Generative AI within By adding ChatGPT to scite, Assistant helps users find research-backed information by querying its citation index.
Other features offerd by the Smart Citation database include:
Scopus provides broad indexing and citation coverage of academic journals, books and conference proceedings published worldwide. Delivering a comprehensive overview ofresearch output in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
Provides detailed information on new issues, mergers and acquisitions, syndicated loans, private equity and more for the global financial marketplace. It supports analyzing investment banking and deal trends, identifying comparable deals, monitoring deal activity and generating industry-leading league tables and market share analysis.
Covers conflicts, policies, and relationships that have impacted the global arena throughout modern history. At completion, this collection will include at completion 175 hours of video and 100,000 pages of printed materials (personal papers, organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, insurgency and counterinsurgency, cybersecurity, ethnic conflicts and resolution, and nuclear threats.
SEDAR+ is the CSA (Canadian Securities Administrators) website for Canadian securities, filings, disclosures, and other information.
Date coverage:
- All historical profile, Cease Trade Order and Disciplinary List data is available through SEDAR+.
- SEDAR+ contains all documents filed after January 1, 2015. All prospectuses and applications filed on SEDAR since January 1, 1997 are also available in SEDAR+.
- All public historical data filed prior to SEDAR’s retirement on July 20, 2023, are available via an archive report option on SEDAR+. This includes documents filed prior to January 1, 2015.
Based at the Allen Institute for AI, Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, which provides access to over 180 million research publications in all scientific domains. It applies artificial intelligence to extract the meaning from the scientific literature allowing scholars to navigate research much more efficiently than a traditional search engine.
An annotated bibliography of historical work covering the entire span of U.S. foreign relations. Its thirty chapters cover all eras in U.S. history from colonial days onwards. The online edition also includes four new thematic chapters—on economic issues; non-governmental actors; domestic issues, the Congress, and public opinion; and race, gender, and culture. Entries are drawn from many sources, from collections of government documents to biographies, monographs, book chapters, journal articles, web sites, and more.
Includes collections on the transatlantic slave trade and the global movement for the abolition of slavery from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century. McMaster currently has access to
- Part 1: Debates Over Slavery and Abolition
- Part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World
- Part III: The Institution of Slavery
- Part IV: The Age of Emancipation
In addition to newspaper collections and books published in the antebellum era, this database contains primary sources from several archives originally available only on microfilm.
Brings together primary sources, documents and collections from libraries and archives across the Atlantic world on slavery and abolition. Close attention is being given to the varieties of slavery, the legacy of slavery, the social justice perspective and the continued existence of slavery today.
Abstracts and indexes articles from more than 600 periodicals in both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences. Subjects include anthropology, criminology, economics, law, geography, policy studies, psychology, sociology, social work, and urban studies.
Citations, author abstracts and cited references from over 1,700 scholarly social sciences journals, and individually selected, relevant items from approximately 3,300 science and technology journals. Contains bibliographic information on all types of documents appearing in journals including articles, citations, letters, corrections, additions, excerpts, editorials and reviews. author abstracts available from 1992 forward
Information from these indexes can be retrieved by author, subject, journal title, address, or cited reference (or bibliography). Direct links to full-text from the full record display screen are provided only for journals published by the Academic Press, American Institute of Physics, Annual Reviews, Elsevier Science, IEEE, Kluwer, Nature Publishing Group, Royal Society of Chemistry, SIAM, Springer-Verlag and Wiley. For other journals, please check Get It! or the Library Catalogue to determine if we have a subscription to the journal.
Indexes current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development; covers over 1,406 serial publications; includes over 95,224 abstracts of journal articles and dissertations, and citations to book reviews.