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Coverage: 1976 to the present
Citations, author abstracts and cited references from over 1,700 scholarly social sciences journals, and individually selected, relevant items from approximately 3,300 science and technology journals. Contains bibliographic information on all types of documents appearing in journals including articles, citations, letters, corrections, additions, excerpts, editorials and reviews. author abstracts available from 1992 forward
Information from these indexes can be retrieved by author, subject, journal title, address, or cited reference (or bibliography). Direct links to full-text from the full record display screen are provided only for journals published by the Academic Press, American Institute of Physics, Annual Reviews, Elsevier Science, IEEE, Kluwer, Nature Publishing Group, Royal Society of Chemistry, SIAM, Springer-Verlag and Wiley. For other journals, please check Get It! or the Library Catalogue to determine if we have a subscription to the journal.