Access is available on and off campus to current McMaster University students, faculty and staff. Walk-in use by patrons not affiliated with McMaster is not permitted.
Coverage: Varies by database (see description below)
SciFinder-n is a comprehensive source for chemical literature, searchable by topic, author, substances by name or CAS Registry Number, OR use the editor to draw chemical structures, substructures, or reactions. It provides access to new workflow solutions such as PatentPak™, MethodsNow™ and Retrosynthesis Planner as well as the core Chemical Abstracts Service databases available in classic SciFinder.
The following databases are available through SciFinder:
- CA Plus - an enhanced version of Chemical Abstracts, 1907 to present
- CAS Registry - a database of chemical structures and names indexed by CAS from 1957 to present
- CASREACT - includes records of single and multistep chemical reactions from the Organic and Organometallic sections of Chemical Abstracts from journals (1985 to present) and patents (1991 to present)
- CHEMCATS - database of commercial suppliers for chemical compounds, 1996-2001 catalogs and chemical libraries
- CHEMLIST - regulatory information records from 1979 to present
- MEDLINE - medical database with coverage from 1958 to present