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Sabinet Discover is an information services tool providing seamless access to comprehensive African legal, news and research content. McMaster users have access to modules of Government & Law, News resources, as well as Sabinet African Journals, which is available on a separate platform.
- Sabinet’s Legal Information Services include all South African Legislation on National, Provincial and Municipal level as well as all Gazettes from 1910 to current. Also included are Sabinet Labour and Sabinet Judgments.
- Sabinet’s News Services includes SA Media, a news clipping research service as well as the South African Press Association’s Archive with content dating back as far as 1977 to 2015 and all African News Agency’s newswires from 2015 to September 2022.
Contains over 50 million articles from over 23,000 full text journals covering many disciplines.
Covers conflicts, policies, and relationships that have impacted the global arena throughout modern history. At completion, this collection will include at completion 175 hours of video and 100,000 pages of printed materials (personal papers, organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, insurgency and counterinsurgency, cybersecurity, ethnic conflicts and resolution, and nuclear threats.
Abstracts and indexes articles from more than 600 periodicals in both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences. Subjects include anthropology, criminology, economics, law, geography, policy studies, psychology, sociology, social work, and urban studies.
The premiere database for locating articles in the field of sociology, Sociological Abstracts indexes some 1,800 international serial publications. Related disciplines include social and behavioral sciences, including anthropology, criminology, demography, education, law and penology, race relations, social psychology and urban studies.