
6 databases found starting with S X Primary SourcesX

Sabinet Discover is an information services tool providing seamless access to comprehensive African legal, news and research content. McMaster users have access to modules of Government & Law, News resources, as well as Sabinet African Journals, which is available on a separate platform. 

  • Sabinet’s Legal Information Services include all South African Legislation on National, Provincial and Municipal level as well as all Gazettes from 1910 to current. Also included are Sabinet Labour and Sabinet Judgments.
  • Sabinet’s News Services includes SA Media, a news clipping research service as well as the South African Press Association’s Archive with content dating back as far as 1977 to 2015 and all African News Agency’s newswires from 2015 to September 2022. 

Covers conflicts, policies, and relationships that have impacted the global arena throughout modern history. At completion, this collection will include at completion 175 hours of video and 100,000 pages of printed materials (personal papers, organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, insurgency and counterinsurgency, cybersecurity, ethnic conflicts and resolution, and nuclear threats.

Coverage: Parts I-IV (complete collection)

Includes collections on the transatlantic slave trade and the global movement for the abolition of slavery from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century.  McMaster currently has access to

  • Part 1: Debates Over Slavery and Abolition
  • Part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World
  • Part III: The Institution of Slavery
  • Part IV: The Age of Emancipation

In addition to newspaper collections and books published in the antebellum era, this database contains primary sources from several archives originally available only on microfilm.

Coverage: 1490-2007

Brings together primary sources, documents and collections from libraries and archives across the Atlantic world on slavery and abolition. Close attention is being given to the varieties of slavery, the legacy of slavery, the social justice perspective and the continued existence of slavery today.

A multimedia database that combines recently published social work books along with documentaries, clinical demonstration videos, and lectures that illustrate the complex and challenging issues faced by social workers. Areas covered include children and families, older adults, crisis and trauma, immigration, diversity, school and social work, substance abuse, mental health, and health care.

Coverage: 1805-1929 [bulk 1818-1929]

This collection, digitized from originals held within McMaster University Library's Research Collections, contains pamphlets that deal with many aspects of Canadian history, literature, social and political conditions. Included are pamphlets on religion and churches, all levels of government, elections, peace movements and war service, Communism, local communities and labor organizations to name but a few of the topics covered. Approximately 250 pamphlets date from before 1867. Several of the pamphlets are in the French language. There are a very small number of pamphlets in this collection that have no relation to Canada; they are mainly British and American although a number of pamphlets concern Cuba and Third World countries. At least one pamphlet about Ireland is in Gaelic; a few pamphlets are in other languages.