The City of Calgary's Open Data Catalogue provides a means of increasing public access to data managed by The City; supporting not only transparency in government, but also innovation and reuse of the data by citizens and community based organizations. This service is provided in the expectation that the data provided will be used in applications that will enhance the public good.
Use of the site and the data available through the site is subject to the Open Government Licence - City of Calgary .
The following categories are available:
- Base Maps (e.g. city boundary, land use polygons, parcel addresses)
- Business and Economic Activity (e.g. business licenses, secondary suites, revitalization zones)
- Demographics (e.g. Census data)
- Environment (e.g. rainfall data, hydrology, natural areas, air quality)
- Government (e.g. election results and voting stations)
- Health and Safety (e.g. fire and police)
- News and Events (e.g. events map)
- Recreation and Culture (e.g. library locations, recreation facilities, public art)
- Services and Amenities (e.g. school locations, community/senior services)
- Transportation/Transit (e.g. roads, traffic incidents, transit and bikeways)
The City of Calgary's Open Data catalogue is available at the following link: https://data.calgary.ca