25 databases found Global Peace and Social JusticeX
Covers the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Include 450,000+ citations and abstracts from over 2,000 journals; also includes book and media reviews and dissertations.
Explore the rise of the global human rights movement during the second half of the twentieth century through the International Secretariat records of Amnesty International. The material within this collection is vital for studying the history of key political events, global social change, human rights violations and campaigns with themes including international relations, state violence, political prisoners, minority rights, and more.
Includes over 40 archival collections with a focus on Anti-War Protest Movements, Colonialism, Holocaust Studies, and International Relations, scanned from national and local archives. Part of Gale Primary Sources.
Contains citations to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion and theology. Produced by the American Theological Library Association (ATLA), the database covers topics such as Biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues.
BBC Monitoring was founded in 1939 at the start of WWII. Its purpose was to listen to radio broadcasts and gather open-source intelligence to help Britain and its allies understand global dynamics and assess emerging global threats and capabilities. Over the next 60 years, the scope of its monitoring grew quickly. Trained specialists transcribed broadcasts of speeches, current aff airs, political discussions, and social and cultural events worldwide. Transcripts, in turn, were translated into English, then read by experts who carefully selected critical content for publication. Finally, selections were summarized and curated into daily reports that comprise the Summary of World Broadcasts. These original daily reports often included commentary and evaluation by subject-matter experts, as well as synopses and specialist briefings.
The online Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) indexes literature on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present. In addition, special projects have contributed substantian numbers of additional citations to the database, among them references to journals on Southeast Asia dating as far back as 1779.
Through 1991, the BAS included citations to Western-language periodical articles, monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and Festschriften. However, monographs published since 1992 have not been added, and sources such as WorldCat should be consulted instead.
Provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55 BC to the present. Books, articles in books and articles in journals are listed, with some 700 journals and series currently searched for relevant material.
The Bibliography aims to be as comprehensive as is practical for publications since 1900 and has been enriched by co-operation with other projects. Data from the London Past Online project were added to the database in January 2003 and the first batch of data from Irish History Online was added in August 2004, with further batches from both projects being added later. From the end of 2006 the Bibliography has co-operated with teams working under the auspices of the Scottish Historical Review Trust which will henceforth edit the primarily Scottish titles in the database. The complete database now contains over 475,000 records.
A bibliographic database covering all aspects of Indigenous culture, history, and life in North America. This resource covers a wide range of topics including archaeology, education, the gaming industry, religion, folklore, economic development, acculturation, mythology, missions, tribal governments, and ethnohistory. BIPNA contains more than 350,000 citations for newspapers, magazines, academic journals, books, reviews, and trade publications from the United States and Canada with expanded content from Great Britain and Australia. Dates of coverage for content range from the sixteenth century to the present. The database is an essential research tool for anthropologists, educators, historians, political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, linguists, theologians, and policy makers. BIPNA will appeal to anyone interested in exploring the contributions and lived experiences of North America's Indigenous peoples
Explores and provides historical background on more than thirty key worldwide border areas, including: U.S. and Mexico; the European Union; Afghanistan; Israel; Turkey; The Congo; Argentina; China; Thailand; and others. At completion, the database will include 100,000 pages of text, 175 hours of video, and 1,000 images. It is organized around fundamental themes associated with border and migration issues such as border identities, border enforcement and control, border disputes; border criminologies; maritime borders; human trafficking; sea migration; undocumented and unauthorized migration; and global governance of migration.
A full-text database containing working papers, journal articles, country data and maps, policy briefs, special reports, research papers, videos, books, case studies, and current analysis & commentary related to international politics and related fields, including security studies, global finance, diplomatic practice, humanitarian law, global governance, development studies, and environmental studies.
Content is aggregated from 300 international publishing institutions including government research organizations, independent think tanks, university analysis centres, and scholarly journals. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) supplies country surveys with political and economic data and maps. More EIU content is available in the EIU Viewpoint database.
This primary sources collection consists of historical documents from the British National Archives that offer perspectives on politics, diplomacy and everyday life in the German-occupied countries. Includes detailed information indexed by year and section, from the occupied states of Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and the Vatican, and the neutral countries--Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland--along with a day-by-day chronology of the war, photographs and posters from The National Archives, film footage of Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents in France from the Imperial War Museum, links to related resources and three newly commissioned essays by leading experts in addition to a comprehensive introduction by Dr. Michael Stenton.
This collection brings together material from within former British colonies and Commonwealth nations, alongside some from former French and Portuguese territories, to provide valuable primary source material created for local audiences by local actors during a period of enormous global change. After the Second World War decolonization movements around the world gathered pace, and the development of party politics, trade unions and other local and national movements in former colonies and Commonwealth nations across Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Australasia and the Americas took many different forms.
This archive allows insight into the variety of systems and modes of national and international political thought that became prominent in the twentieth century, including socialism and communism, anti-imperialism, regional independence movements, trade unionism, student activism, Pan-Africanism and many modes of constitutional democracy. The three sub-collections included are: Marjorie Nicholson Papers from the Trades Union Congress Library, Papers of African Trade Unions, and Political Pamphlets from the Institute of Commonwealth Studies.
From the nongovernmental National Security Archive, this database consists of curated and indexed, declassified government documents covering U.S. policy toward critical world events – including their military, intelligence, diplomatic and human rights dimensions – from 1945 to the present. Each collection is assembled by foreign policy experts and features chronologies, glossaries, bibliographies, and scholarly overviews that provide insight into significant international issues.
Streaming video collection of independent, social-issue and environmental films from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution, including titles from Bullfrog Films, Collective Eye, GOOD DOCS, Women Make Movies, and many others.
Cross-search over 30 indexing, abstracting, and fulltext databases in a range of subjects.
A multi-disciplinary database that provides access to current and archived news, business and company information worldwide. The database contains content from more than 30,000 sources from 200 countries in 32 languages.
Includes coverage of 180 issues, topics, and events from the late 1890s to the present that are key to understanding today’s world including border and migration, atrocities and human rights violations, peacekeeping, climate change, terrorism, revolutions, and human trafficking. Specific events explored include the U.S. and Mexico Border, the Rwandan Genocide, the Arab Spring, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and climate migrants in Asia Pacific.
Provides comparative documentation, analysis, and interpretation of major human rights violations and atrocity crimes worldwide from 1900 to 2010. The collection includes primary and secondary materials across multiple media formats and content types for each selected event, including Armenia, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, Darfur, and more than thirty additional subjects.
Abstracts of articles in the field of political science published in journals (and yearbooks) all over the world. The scope of the discipline is that of the major political science journals.
Provides access to thousands of sources covering a wide range of subject areas. Includes international news, legislation, company profiles, industry reports, and more.
The Official Document System (ODS) is an online database of UN documents that was first launched in 1993 and updated in 2016. ODS has full-text, born-digital UN documents published from 1993 onward, including documents of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and their subsidiaries, as well as administrative issuances and other documents. The database also includes scanned documents published between 1946 and 1993, including all resolutions of the principal organs, all documents of the Security Council and the General Assembly Official Records. Documents are available in the official languages of the UN; some documents are also available in German.
Indexes and abstracts journal articles, books, book chapters such as contributions to an anthology, and book reviews.. Subject coverage includes aesthetics, axiology, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphilosophy, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of education, philosophy of history, philosophy of language, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, political philosophy and social philosophy. Geographic coverage is global with publications coming from more than 135 countries. Includes more than 530,000 records in 37 languages and has records from 1940 to present, with additional records dating back to 1902.
Produced by Coherent Digital, Policy Commons is the world’s largest database for public policy, with more than 3.2 million reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of more than 24,000 IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, and research centers. It includes over a million pages of premium content from leading publishers and restored from organizations that have disappeared.
The Policy Commons interface offers fulltext searching in addition to 3,400 topics tags and filters for document type, organization name and type, publication language, country of publication, and publication date. It also provides a searchable database of more than 16,000 policy organizations worldwide.
The United Nations Digital Library (UNDL) includes UN documents, voting data, speeches, maps, and open access publications. The platform provides access to UN-produced materials in digital format and bibliographic records for print UN documents starting in 1979. System features include linked data between related documentation such as resolutions, meeting records and voting, and refining of searches by UN body, agency or type of document.