
649 databases found

Coverage: 400 to 1700

An online bibliographyof secondary source material pertaining to the Renaissance and Medieval periods in Europe from 400 to 1700. Citations for books and journal material (articles, reviews, review articles, bibliographies, catalogues, abstracts and discographies) are included, as are citations for dissertation abstracts and essays in books (including entries in conference proceedings, festschriften, encyclopedias and exhibition catalogues).

Contains Felix Jacoby's monumental collection of Greek historians whose work is preserved incompletely, i.e. in fragments.  The New Jacoby (1st and 2nd editions) includes new critical commentary, a brief entry about each historian's life and works, and select bibliographies for further research.

Coverage: 1868 to 1942

The Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics is a project supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). It consists of two parts: A literature database based on the "Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik" (1868-1942) and an archive of digitised mathematical publications at the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.

Includes fundamental tools for understanding and applying the medical literature and making clinical diagnoses.

Contains three textbooks:

  1. Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
  2. The Rational Clinical Examination: Evidence-Based Clinical Diagnosis
  3. Care at the Close of Life: Evidence and Experience.

Also contains education guides, glossary, calculators, learning tools, custom curriculum, and audio content.

JPO is one of the three main international patent offices (i.e., the United States, Japan and the European Union). The J-PlatPat (Japan Platform for Patent Information) is an official digital library for patents, utility models, designs and trademarks.

This database covers Japanese literary works translated into other languages, mostly after World War II. Searches can be made either in Japanese character or Roman letters.

Coverage: 1939 to 1944

Digitized from originals held by the Library's Research Collections.  David Diamant is the pseudonym of David Erlich, a Jewish communist and committed member of the underground resistance during World War II. This collection consists of original documents collected by Diamant over a period of approximately 30 years dealing primarily with the Jewish segment of the French underground resistance; many of the documents originate with communist groups, and some deal with Polish groups. Most of the documents are in French, while some are in Yiddish.

The Guide consists of 226 alphabetically arranged entries on individual critics and theorists, critical and theoretical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods. Each entry includes numerous cross-references, hyperlinks to related entries, and citations for further reading. This full-text guide can be searched by name, topic or keywords. The print work Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism (MILLS Bookstacks PN 81. J554)  is related to this online guide

Coverage: 1997 to current

Provides citation data that helps evaluate and compare more than 20,000 scholarly journals in the areas of arts, business, humanities, science, technology, and social sciences. Journals can be retrieved by title, keyword(s), category (subject area), publisher, or country and sorted by several criteria such as total citations and impact factor. 

JoVE Science Education is a revolutionary video library dedicated to teaching laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations.

McMaster has access to the entire library including the following collections:


JoVE publishes the leading peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed video methods journal. Articles consist of high-quality video demonstrations and detailed text protocols which facilitate scientific reproducibility and productivity.

The scope of the journal includes novel techniques, innovative applications of existing techniques, and gold standard protocols in the physical and life sciences. The content and editorial vision of the journal is advanced by JoVE’s Editorial Board and Science Editors. JoVE’s 2018 impact factor is 1.108.

McMaster subscribes to all of the 13 sections, covering the following areas:

Coverage: Does not include the most recent 3-5 years for most titles

JSTOR provides access to a digital archive of journals in the areas of Arts, Business, Economics, and Sciences. JSTOR includes the entire runs of these journals, from the very first issue to the volumes published a few years ago. With a small number of exceptions - the "Current Scholarship" titles - JSTOR is a backfile collection and excludes the most recent issues (as part of the terms of the agreement with the journal publishers).

JSTOR Sustainability is a collection of academic and policy research on environmental stresses and their impact on society. This thematic database includes 115 journals and over 5,400 research reports from more than 30 international policy institutes.

McMaster's subscription to  Kanopy provides online access to over 7,000 documentary films from a range of major producers, including PBS, California Newsreel, Kino Lober, Documentary Educational Resources, and many more.  Videos can be integrated with Avenue to Learn and accessed remotely by students.  The majority of the videos are closed captioned, and clip-making is allowed.  Transcripts are also available by clicking on the 'More' tab.

Full screen mode and playback speeds can be adjusted upon clicking the "Play" button of the video.

To access additional features such as creating a Clip/Playlist, Adding comments or sharing via social media, a personal login  (eg. Google) is recommended.

Further information is available at the Kanopy Help page

Coverage: [2001 to the present]; Mergent covers current 5 years; CHASS covers 2001-2011

Provides industry benchmarking data compiled from Dun & Bradstreet’s database of public and private companies. Features 14 key business ratios (one-year or three-year set of ratios) for public and private companies in 800 lines of businesses.

Coverage: Current

Provides full-text access to key accounting manuals such as the CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB) (which includes the CPA Canada Handbook) & International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

NOTE: McMaster subscribes to only two of Knovel's subject collections. All titles are also listed individually in the library catalogue.
Provides over 800 reference handbooks and fulltext e-books in Civil Engineering & Construction Materials and Fire Protection Engineering & Emergency Response.  Many of the handbooks include "productivity tools" that allow you to manipulate/sort data in tables.

Coverage: 1928 to the present

A database on Greco-Roman antiquity (second millennium B.C. to 800 A.D.) covering a wide spectrum of subjects - language and literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, law, science and technology. It indexes books, articles in journals, conference papers and dissertations in English, French, Spanish, and German languages; 1,500 periodicals are covered. A brief abstract accompanies each article entry.

Provides free, organized access to electronic resources in medieval studies through a World Wide Web server at Georgetown University. The Labyrinth's easy-to-use menus and links provide connections to databases, services, texts, and images on other servers around the world.

This free web site lists all substances and their properties which are reported on in the indexed Landolt-Börnstein volumes. In total, 160 000 organic and inorganic compounds are described by names, molecular structures, chemical abstract numbers and other identifiers.

Brings together more than 100,000 pages pages of poetry, fiction, and over 450 plays written in English and Spanish by hundreds of Chicano, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and other Latino authors working in the United States. Among the gems of the collection are nearly 800 items (poems, novels, and plays) that have never been published before. Researchers will also find numerous Chicano folk tales and audio files of selected poems and plays. It contains over 133,465 pages.

Coverage: 1979 to 1990

This databases showcases two radio programs: the weekly Spanish-language Enfoque Nacional (1979-1988) and the Daily English-language Latin File (1988-1990), available for the first time in a searchable database as digitized audio with transcripts. They focus on Latinx issues related to politics, sociology, human rights, the arts and more with interviews of key figures and news reporting by a new generation of Latino/a journalists at the time.

  • Enfoque Nacional, 1979-1988 (Weekly, 500 episodes of 30 minutes each) 
  • Latin File, 1988-1990 (Daily, 414 episodes of 15 minutes each)
Coverage: 1944 to 2000

Full page and article images with searchable full text back to 1944 of this French language newspaper from France covering leading issues and events, like World War II and the Fifth Republic, to French, European and international politics, society and business.

Self-serve instructional modules on palliative care in Canada. Users may create an individual account in Pallium Central to track their progress.

Coverage: 1845 to 2015

ProQuest Leftist Newspapers and periodicals is a collection of English-language publications spanning beyond the 20th century (1845-2015) covering Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice. Issues covered include workers’ rights, organized labor, labor strikes, Nazi atrocities, McCarthyism’s rise after WWII, Civil Rights, and modern-day class struggles which give rise to renewed interest in alternative social organizations. This collection includes 145 titles with over 150,000 digitized pages.

A full-featured scholarly resource for original research into the entire lexical content of Early Modern English. A historical database of monolingual, bilingual, and polyglot dictionaries, lexical encyclopedias, hard-word glossaries, spelling lists, and lexically-valuable treatises surviving in print or manuscript from the Tudor, Stuart, Caroline, Commonwealth, and Restoration periods.

A worldwide, open-access, free full-text patent informatics resource. It includes patents from the U.S., Europe, Australia and WIPO and counterparts in several countries.

Coverage: 1954 to 2015

Archival runs of 26 of the most influential, longest-running serial publications covering LGBT interests. Includes the pre-eminent US and UK titles – The Advocate and Gay Times, respectively. Chronicles more than six decades of the history and culture of the LGBT community. In addition to LGBT/gender/sexuality studies, this material also serves related disciplines such as sociology, political science, psychology, health, and the arts.Subject coverage includes gay rights, gay culture, gay literature/art, gay rights movement, gender identity, gender studies, lesbianism, LGBT activism, LGBT studies, social history and transgender community.

Coverage: 1900s to the present

Includes materials ranging from texts, letters, periodicals, speeches, interviews, and ephemera covering LGBT political, social and cultural movements to memoirs, biographies, poetry, and works of fiction that provide insight into the lives of lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual individuals and the community. Content partners include the Kinsey Institute Archive and Library, Windy City Media Group, ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archive, and notable LGBT publishers Alyson Books, Cleis Press, and Firebrand Books as well as mainstream trade and university publishers.

Provides indexing and abstracts for more than 190 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender-specific core periodicals, with fulltext for 120  of the most important and historically significant journals, magazines and regional newspapers. In addition, it contains more than 330 LGBT-specific core books and reference works, grey literature, including newsletters, case studies, speeches, etc. and a specialized LGBT thesaurus containing over 6,400 terms. Disciplines covered by LGBT Life include civil liberties, culture, employment, family, history, politics, psychology, religion, sociology and more.