Best Bets for Earth Environment and Society
Not sure where to begin? Try these first.
Contains information on the full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioral sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences, pulled from over 750 handbooks, encyclopedias, and journal articles. Supports researchers in every step of a research project, from writing a research question, choosing a method, gathering and analyzing data, to writing up and publishing the findings.
Learn about research methods and research design through stories from researchers in the field and their critique of their own research articles.
Learn to master quantitative and qualitative data analysis with step-by-step guides and sample data.
Read bite-sized introductions to hundreds of research concepts and methods written by global experts.
Contains over 50 million articles from over 23,000 full text journals covering many disciplines.
Provides online access to over 4,000 journals and 30,000 books published by Elsevier. Strong collections in the social sciences, pure and applied sciences, engineering, and medicine. This service allows you to browse or search the journals and access full text articles (PDF & HTML). McMaster has access to many, but not all titles at this site.
SciFinder-n is a comprehensive source for chemical literature, searchable by topic, author, substances by name or CAS Registry Number, OR use the editor to draw chemical structures, substructures, or reactions. It provides access to new workflow solutions such as PatentPak™, MethodsNow™ and Retrosynthesis Planner as well as the core Chemical Abstracts Service databases available in classic SciFinder.
Scopus provides broad indexing and citation coverage of academic journals, books and conference proceedings published worldwide. Delivering a comprehensive overview ofresearch output in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
Abstracts and indexes articles from more than 600 periodicals in both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences. Subjects include anthropology, criminology, economics, law, geography, policy studies, psychology, sociology, social work, and urban studies.
Citations, author abstracts and cited references from over 1,700 scholarly social sciences journals, and individually selected, relevant items from approximately 3,300 science and technology journals. Contains bibliographic information on all types of documents appearing in journals including articles, citations, letters, corrections, additions, excerpts, editorials and reviews. author abstracts available from 1992 forward
Information from these indexes can be retrieved by author, subject, journal title, address, or cited reference (or bibliography). Direct links to full-text from the full record display screen are provided only for journals published by the Academic Press, American Institute of Physics, Annual Reviews, Elsevier Science, IEEE, Kluwer, Nature Publishing Group, Royal Society of Chemistry, SIAM, Springer-Verlag and Wiley. For other journals, please check Get It! or the Library Catalogue to determine if we have a subscription to the journal.
Covers subjects in the areas of behavioral sciences, biomedical & life sciences, business & economics, chemistry & material science, computer science, earth & environmental sciences, engineering, humanities, social sciences & law, mathematics & statistics, medicine, and physics & astronomy.
SpringerLINK service offers full-text access to more than 3,000 e-journals (and other content types) covering disciplines in science, technology, health, engineering, environment, economics and law. McMaster has purchased the Springer Historical Archives with back issue coverage from v.1 onwards for most journals.