
17 databases found starting with A X ReferenceX

Includes over 200 engineering reference sources, with the latest editions of Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook, Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, and many more.

Offers a new approach to hematology-oncology reference and research. Updated regularly, this comprehensive online HemOnc resource covers the entire spectrum of hematology-oncology from the basics to specialty-specific content – optimized for viewing on any device. AccessHemOnc can assist fellows and residents in strengthening their skills with instant access to multimedia and leading textbooks that will establish a solid base for learning, and allow practicing physicians to reinforce their medical knowledge for re-certification.

Collection of online textbooks covering basic and clinical sciences. Repository contains the latest editions of selected medical titles. Includes image and audio files, drug database, differential diagnosis, laboratory tests, guidelines and patient handouts.

Updated regularly, this comprehensive online neurology resource covers the entire spectrum of neurology from the basics to specialty-specific content. Contains landmark neurology references including Principles of Neural Science. Also contains a multimedia library featuring an interactive Neuroanatomy Atlas as well as videos on neurologic examinations and EEG monitoring, Other online learning tools include case and self-assessment reviews, a drug database, and a 3-D brain anatomy tool.

An integrated online resource that provides medical students, pediatric residents, and practicing pediatricians with a broad range of content that covers the entire span of pediatric practice, from neonatology through adolescent medicine. Updated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive online pediatric resource provides instant access to information essential for completing evaluation, diagnosis, and case management decisions.

Online resource for physical therapy students, educators, and practicing professionals. Features content and images from leading McGraw-Hill textbooks; drug database; curricular tools; review questions and answers; and multimedia study aids, including an interactive program entitled: Anatomy & Physiology Revealed.

A federated search designed to find the best evidence-based answer to your clinical questions by simultaneously searching the leading evidence-driven medical publications and high quality clinical literature.

With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. The entries are classified into categories such as Information Technology, Military & Government, Business & Finance, Science & Medicine, Organizations & Schools, Slang & Pop Culture. It also contains a database of US and Canadian postal codes.

This not-for-profit foundation website provides content "to enrich the understanding of advertising and its role in culture, society and the economy."

Searchable database of bibliographic information about all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including plant and animal sciences, forestry, entomology, soil and water resources, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, agricultural products, alternative farming practices, and food and nutrition. There are two databases, one for books and one for articles which can be searched separately or simultaneously.

Altmetric is a system that tracks the attention that research outputs such as scholarly articles and data sets receive online.  It pulls data from 

  • Social media such as Twitter and Facebook
  • Traditional media - both mainstream (e.g., The Guradian, New York Times) and field specific (e.g., New Scientist, Bird Watching).  Many non-English language titles are covered.
  • Blogs - both major organizations and individual researchers
  • Online reference managers such as Mendeley and CiteULike

McMaster users have access to the licensed version of Altmetric Explorer for Institutions, which provides a McMaster-wide view of the online activity surrounding academic research at the institution.

Researchers, research support staff, and administrators can explore attention on scholarly works, browse by author, group or department for their own institution, benchmark against peer organizations, report on the outcomes of outreach activity, and integrate the insights the data provides into evaluation and review processes.

This site is an interface to a crystal structure database that includes every structure published in the American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, and the European Journal of Mineralogy.

Biographical dictionary of more than 19,000 notable American men and women from all eras of American history and culture who are deceased. Includes illustrations and links to other web resources.

Coverage: 1892 to the present

Compiled by the Modern Humanities Research Association, ABELL is a key bibliographical source for English studies.  It indexes monographs, periodical articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews, essay collections and dissertations published worldwide on English language and literature.

This freely available database provides information on over 200,000 artists, with a focus on American artists from the early 16th-Century through the present. Some services are restricted to subscribers: McMaster currently does not have a subscription.

This fully searchable online database now contains 40,300 binary and ternary alloy phase diagrams, from over 9,000 systems. With associated crystal and reaction data, the ASM Alloy Phase Diagram Database places this reliable information at your fingertips.

The latest update includes more than 230 new aluminum, 87 new copper, 86 new magnesium, and 71 new titanium ternary phase diagrams; 895 new ternary diagrams, including 185 ternary systems that are new to the database; 205 new binary diagrams, including 12 binary systems that are new to the database.

ASM Handbooks Online is a comprehensive source of information on metals and materials technology. Published by ASM International, the ASM Handbooks contain peer-reviewed, trusted information in every area of materials engineering. McMaster provides access to the complete content of all volumes.