649 databases found
Provides the text of over 170 plays originally published by Playwrights Canada Press after 1984. While located in Ontario, the Press is proud of its list of published playwrights that stretches from Newfoundland to British Columbia and the Yukon. Playwrights Canada Press also publishes French plays by Canadian authors in English translation, and includes theatre for young audiences.
Produced by Coherent Digital, Policy Commons is the world’s largest database for public policy, with more than 3.2 million reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of more than 24,000 IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, and research centers. It includes over a million pages of premium content from leading publishers and restored from organizations that have disappeared.
The Policy Commons interface offers fulltext searching in addition to 3,400 topics tags and filters for document type, organization name and type, publication language, country of publication, and publication date. It also provides a searchable database of more than 16,000 policy organizations worldwide.
Covers U.S. public policy issues with indexing and linking to the output of over 350 public policy think tanks, nongovernmental organizations, research institutes, university centers, advocacy groups, and other similar organizations.
This archive provides insight into how communist, socialist, and Far-Left groups and figures saw themselves and the world around them during the major political and social events that occurred in the twentieth century. The primary sources in this collection come from multiple regions, offering the opportunity for a comparative study of left-wing thinking and government ideology, and connect researchers to firsthand narratives to explore left-wing political radicalism and extremism across Europe, America, Latin America, and more. Collections include documents and correspondence that shed light on the political ideologies of Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, Trotskyism, and anarchism. Researchers can analyze the world’s response to major extremist events, like the Russian Revolution, the rise of the Soviet Union, and the Red Scare.
Covers hundreds of leading political science, public policy, and international relations journals. Topics include comparative politics, political economy, international development, environmental policy, and more. It also includes thousands of full-text doctoral dissertations on political science topics, together with working papers, conference proceedings, country reports, policy papers and other sources.
Provides simultaneous access to the databases PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) Index, Policy File Index, Political Science Database and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, covering the international literature in political science and public administration/policy, along with related fields. Together, they provide abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, country reports, dissertations, think-tank reports, working papers, government documents and more, including full-text from many leading political science and international relations journals.
From music and youth culture to politics and fashion, the period from 1950 to 1975 witnessed dramatic changes in society. This primary source database traces the development from 1950s austerity to the excess of the 1970s through a range of printed and manuscript sources, visual material, ephemera and video footage including:
- Pamphlets, letters, government files, and eye witness accounts covering key events of the period.
- The renowned Social Protest Collection from University of California, Berkeley.
- Underground magazines including OZ and IT; as well as American fanzines and alternative press titles from Bowling Green State University.
- Thousands of indexed photographs depicting the people and events of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
- Ephemera and memorabilia – posters, pins and artefacts.
- A collection of carefully selected video footage that brings the sights and sounds of the period to life.
Collection of primary sources for the study and understanding of the challenges facing the European peoples in the aftermath of World War II. Topics covered include the administration of refugee camps across Europe including England, Germany, Italy, Hungary and Yugoslavia; displaced Persons Assembly Centre reports; Jewish Relief Unit field reports; British Military Government in Germany; Belsen DP Camp; Maclean Mission in Italy; Politics of the Refugee Crisis; and, strengthening of the Zionist cause.
Sources include surveys, leaflets, photographs, reports of relief workers, US zone reports, War office memos, Exodus Camp records, Displaced Persons Assembly Centre weekly reports and correspondence of relief organizations.
Provides nearly two million preprints from arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv and and is accessible via the Web of Science platform.
Discover preprints for key research articles ahead of the formal publication in a journal from a range of international selected and evaluated preprint repositories in the sciences, social sciences and arts & humanities
- Discover preprints connected to author profiles and peer reviewed literature in the Web of Science.
- Link directly to the preprint repositories to view each version of the preprint and download full text.
- Track citation activity for the preprint and link to the citation network in Web of Science.
An index of conference publications from worldwide meetings, conferences, expositions, workshops, congresses, and symposia. Provides an overview of the event's activities by listing the papers presented.
A collection of over 670 full-text scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Individual journal titles are accessible through the library catalogue (Omni).
Cross-search over 50 indexing, abstracting, and full-text databases in a range of subjects.
Indexes over 4 million doctoral dissertations and master's theses completed at colleges and universities worldwide.
Contains thousands of full-text e-books across a variety of disciplines. To display titles accessible to McMaster users, use the "Book Status" filter and select "Owned and subscribed to by my library."
Individual titles are also listed in McMaster's library catalogue and in the standard ProQuest databases platform.
Search or browse issues (full page and article images in PDF) of several Canadian, British, French, Indian and U.S. newspapers including The Globe and Mail, The Hamilton Spectator, Le Monde, The New York Times, The Guardian and The Observer, The Times of India, Toronto Star and The Wall Street Journal.
Provides full-text access and/or indexing to thousands of business sources, including scholarly journals, magazines, trade publications, newspapers, books, dissertations, reports (e.g., company, country, industry), videos and more. Includes a mix of practical and theoretical content that covers all areas of business including accounting, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, finance, human resources, information systems, international business, management, marketing and operations research.
Provides full-text articles for 140 journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber. Many titles go back to volume 1, issue 1.
Includes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-1 through DSM-5), the American Journal of Psychiatry and other psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools.
Eleven online videos that feature demonstrations of a therapist conducting supervision with a student and an interview with the experts, conducted by hosts Hanna Levenson and Arpana G. Inman. An excellent resource for students learning how to supervise, as well as practitioners seeking quick references to improve their own supervision skills.
Searchable database of streaming video files on psychotherapy. Anyone with access to the video library can create clips and store them in the Video Library. Videos are searchable by therapeutic approaches, therapeutic issues, expert therapists, population, and titles. It allows viewers to go straight to the heart of clinical practice as it is done by today's leading practitioners in North America. The database features demonstrations and counseling sessions with participants on a host of therapeutic topics. This is a resource for teaching and training in psychotherapy practice and for education about psychology and related areas in social work.
Provides citations and abstracts to journal articles in the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, social work, education, business, pharmacology, physiology, law, linguistics. Covers over 1,800 international professional journals, as well as books, book chapters, reports, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations. Nearly all records contain non-evaluative summaries. Produced by the American Psychological Association. Beginning in 2001, many citations include references, their abstracts, and links to cited references.
The PTSDpubs bibliographic database, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, includes citations and abstracts to the worldwide literature on post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological effects of trauma.
An open chemistry database that collects information on chemical structures, identifiers, chemical and physical properties, biological activities, patents, health, safety, toxicity data, and many others. PubChem mostly contains small molecules, but also larger molecules. Examples include chemical compounds including drugs, nucleotides including siRNAs and miRNAs, carbohydrates, lipids, peptides and chemically-modified macromolecules.
Multidisciplinary database that brings together or links to full-text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv as well as open access journals. Content includes journal articles, pre-prints, dissertations, conference papers and reports.
PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
Pre-filtered PubMed searches for clinicians: Search by Clinical Study Category, Systematic Reviews, and Medical Genetics. After running one of these searches, you may further refine your results using PubMed's Limits feature. Results of searches on these pages are limited to specific clinical research areas. For comprehensive searches, use PubMed directly.
Qur'anic Studies Online gives access to:
- Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ān, an encyclopaedic dictionary of qur’ānic terms, concepts, personalities, place names, cultural history and exegesis extended with essays on the most important themes and subjects within qur’ānic studies.
- Early Western Korans Online, a collection of 62 korans printed in Arabic type in several Western European cities between 1537 and 1857.
- Qurʾān Concordance, a unique finding aid which allows users to identify and localize text fragments, or even snippets, of the Qurʾān.
- Dictionary of Qurʾānic Usage, a fully-researched and contextualised Arabic-English dictionary of Qur'anic usage, compiled in accordance with modern lexicographical methods by scholars who have a lifelong immersion in Qur'anic Studies.
- Encyclopedia of Canonical Ḥadīth Online, an indispensable sourcebook of the development of Islam in all its facets during the first three centuries since its foundation as reflected in the canonical ḥadīth.
Provides full-text access to a collection of medicine, nursing and allied health e-books.
A selective bibliography of articles in various fields of Jewish studies and in the study of Eretz Israel and the State of Israel. Compiled mainly from the holdings of the Jewish National and University Library. Database includes materials in Hebrew, Yiddish, English, French, German, and other European languages.
A free online directory that provides information about all of the community and government services available in Hamilton. Search for services by keywords, by target population, by type of support and by location. For information regarding early learning, child care, and other services for children and their families in Hamilton, visit Early Years and Child Care Services