
649 databases found

Brings together approximately 50,000 images of original manuscript and printed material, including a strong core of documents from the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Ephemeral material such as ballads, cartoons and pamphlets is featured alongside diaries, advice literature, medical journals, conduct books and periodicals. The database is structured into five thematic sections:

  • Conduct and Politeness
  • Domesticity and the Family 
  • Consumption and Leisure
  • Education and Sensibility
  • The Body

DEPATISnet is the database of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office for online searches on patent publications from around the world. It includes the internal DEPATIS electronic document archive of the office (German patent information system). 

A dictionary of biographical entries for individuals who have contributed to the history of Canada. 

 A compilation of Buddhist terms and texts--as well as names of temples, schools, and people--found in East Asian Buddhist canonical sources. A collaborative dictionary project, thought to be the most comprehensive compilation of Buddhist terms available in English today. Maintained by Charles Muller at the Toyo Gakuen University.

The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is a cooperative online library for resources from and about the Caribbean, providing access to cultural, historical and research materials from archives, libraries, and private collections.  Collections include photographs, archives of Caribbean leaders and governments, official historical documents, scientific scholarship, and travel accounts, with particularly strong representation of Caribbean Maps and Caribbean Newspapers.

Coverage: 1945 to the present

From the nongovernmental National Security Archive, this database consists of curated and indexed, declassified government documents covering U.S. policy toward critical world events – including their military, intelligence, diplomatic and human rights dimensions – from 1945 to the present. Each collection is assembled by foreign policy experts and features chronologies, glossaries, bibliographies, and scholarly overviews that provide insight into significant international issues.

A digital library containing full text and page images of over 500 individual Quaker works from the 17th and 18th centuries. These works include books, essays, doctrinal works, pamphlets, epistles, and proceedings. Documents can be browsed by title or author. Various search options are also available. Books are shown one page at the time. The text or the digitized original can be viewed.

An online streaming video collection of current, leading British theatre productions, musicals, and operas, including notable works such as the Donmar Shakespeare.

Includes behind-the-scenes documentaries as well as teaching and learning resources to facilitate a deeper understanding of the productions and texts. Learning resources include a detailed introduction, plot summary, character biographies, a relationship map, language analysis, scene study, performance background and historical context for each play.

The purpose of the Digital Transgender Archive (DTA) is to increase the accessibility of transgender history by providing an online hub for digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world. Based in Boston, Massachusetts at Northeastern University, the DTA is an international collaboration among more than sixty colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, public libraries, and private collections. By digitally localizing a wide range of trans-related materials, the DTA expands access to trans history for academics and independent researchers alike in order to foster education and dialog concerning trans history.

Brings together grants, publications, citations, alternative metrics, clinical trials, patents and policy documents to deliver a platform for users to find and access the most relevant information and analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research. Combines a citation database, a research analytics suite, and article discovery and access functionality.

DOAJ  provides access to articles from over 14,000 high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of subjects.  The directory is curated by the community in an effort to maintain quality.

Includes primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with video. The content is not only  useful for teaching and research in disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are often overlooked.

Coverage: Fulltext: 1970-1996, Indexing: 1951 to 2011

Contains citations & abstracts of all McMaster theses submitted to UMI Dissertation Publishing up to 2011. Authorized McMaster users can download full-text PDF versions (if available) of dissertations and theses published by McMaster students, 1970-1996.

A  searcheable database of medical diseases and how testing changes disease probabilities with over a 1,000 diagnostic likelihood ratios.

Coverage: 1897 to the present

An international database of citations for completed dissertations and new dissertation topics in the fields of musicology, music theory, and ethnomusicology, and related musical, scientific, and humanistic disciplines. Includes the corrected and updated contents of all earlier printed editions of Doctoral Dissertations in Musicology (MILLS Library Bookstacks ML 128 .M8D63) and supplements contributed from musicological centers throughout the world. Records include standard bibliographic information as well as publication details and internet availability (if available). Dissertations themselves are not included. Browse by broad topic or search by author or keywords. 

Coverage: 1898 to 1990

A fully searchable collection of primary source documents from Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), shedding light on diplomatic history throughout the 20th century. It is based on three print series which form a record of British peacetime diplomacy since the end of the 19th century: British Documents on the Origins of the War 1898-1914Documents on British Foreign Policy 1918-1939 and Documents on British Policy Overseas.  Documents are selected and edited by the official historians of the FCO, with many documents specifically declassified for inclusion. 

Streaming video collection of independent, social-issue and environmental films from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution, including titles from Bullfrog Films, Collective Eye, GOOD DOCS, Women Make Movies, and many others.

Drama Online is an award-winning digital library that has been created as a response to the need for a high-quality online research tool for drama and literature students, professors, and teachers. It combines exclusively available playtext content and scholarly publications with filmed live performances, film adaptations and audio plays.

McMaster offers access to: 

Evidence-based reference tool of diseases, disorders, and symptoms, with information on etiology, associated conditions, history and research findings, differential diagnosis and diagnostic testing, prognosis, treatment, prevention, and links to patient information.

Coverage: Current

Provides detailed information on thousands of reagents and catalysts used in organic synthesis. The A to Z listing covers classical reagents, along with new "designer" reagents and catalysts. Designed and developed by chemists for chemists to help find the most suitable reagent for performing particular chemical reactions. Updated regularly.

An international online open access repository for academic papers in Library and Information Science (LIS).

Coverage: 1534 to 1850

Contains nearly 100,000 pages of letters, diaries, memoirs and accounts of early encounters among peoples in North America from 1534 to 1850. Collection focuses on personal accounts and provides unique perspectives from all of the protagonists, including traders, slaves, missionaries, explorers, soldiers, native peoples, and officials, both men and women. 

EEBO contains page images of almost every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700.  From the first book printed in English through to the ages of Spenser, Shakespeare and of the English Civil War, EEBO's content draws on authoritative and respected short-title catalogues of the period and features a substantial number of text transcriptions. 

The Text Creation Partnership, which provides highly searchable versions of the texts, made the first 25,000 works freely available in 2015.  This interface, at the University of Michigan, allows proximity and boolean searching within the available works, but does not search the full EEBO database.  

Coverage: 1500 to 1700

Over 200 complete works in fictional prose from the period 1500-1700.

Coverage: 1450 to 1700

Provides access to works printed in Europe before 1701, bringing together a diverse array of printed sources, regardless of language, as well as works published further afield. Full-color, high-resolution facsimile images of some of the world's most significant collections of early printed books in Europe are included. McMaster has access to Collection 3, 5, 6, 10 and 12 of Early European Books.

Coverage: varies by database

Cross-search over 30 indexing, abstracting, and fulltext databases in a range of subjects.

A wide selection of academic full-text e-books from top publishers and presses. Individual titles are also listed in McMaster's library catalogue.

The eCampusOntario provides educators and learners with access to more than 1,600 free and openly-licensed educational resources. The library was launched in 2017 in partnership with BCcampus. Thanks to the Open Publishing Infrastructure Project, a joint effort between eCampusOntario, and Toronto Metropotitan University, the library is now integrated with publishing infrastructure, allowing for the easy creation or adaption of OER. eCampusOntario has also supported enhancements to the PressbooksEDU platform, including the integration of H5P interactive content, version tracking, and cloning support.

Coverage: 1969 to the present

EconLit is a comprehensive indexed bibliography of the world's economic literature.

Coverage: 1843 to 2020

For over 170 years, The Economist has published timely reporting, concise commentary and comprehensive analysis of global news every week. It covers the world's political, business, scientific, technological and cultural developments and the connections between them. Included in the archive are full-colour images, covers, advertisements, multiple search indexes, and the facility to browse each and every issue from 1843 to 2020.

The most current issues of The Economist are available in print and online via several databases.