
3 databases found starting with P X Earth Environment and SocietyX

Best Bets for Earth Environment and Society

Not sure where to begin? Try these first.

Coverage: 1734-1997

Provides "bird's-eye" views of nineteenth and early twentieth century cities and towns across the United States and Canada. Each map contains a detailed look at architecture and urban planning of the period, and allows users to zoom in on particular areas.

Coverage: 1802 to 2006; Volume 1(1) to 2005 for most titles

Major online periodical archive that makes the backfiles of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences available electronically. PAO contains over 700 journals spanning more than two centuries of content, 37 key subject areas, and multiple languages. McMaster's subscription includes PAO collections 1-10.

Contains thousands of full-text e-books across a variety of disciplines. To display titles accessible to McMaster users, use the "Book Status" filter and select "Owned and subscribed to by my library." 

Individual titles are also listed in McMaster's library catalogue and in the standard ProQuest databases platform.