
3 databases found starting with M X SociologyX

Best Bets for Sociology

Not sure where to begin? Try these first.

Coverage: 1905 to 2015

Provides cover-to-cover online access to the prominent Canadian news magazine from its first issue in 1905 through 2015. Published weekly through much of its run, the magazine conveyed both domestic and international news and analysis on a spectrum of subjects of interest to Canadians.  Front and back covers are included, along with all advertisements, providing insight into 20th century social history.

Coverage: 1937 to 1967

The Mass Observation project collected information about everyday life in Britain during the mid-twentieth century, reflecting attitudes, behaviors, and public opinion. Created by three British researchers as a personal research project, its focus changed as it served the government during the Second World War and then emerged as a market research organization. The findings continue to be valued for their insight into British society, although sometimes criticized for the self-selecting methodology used to collect the data.

The online database provides over 2,000 File Reports (top-level summaries), Day Surveys from 1937-38, Diaries from 1939-67, and a range of Topic collections including: Household Matters and Household Budgeting, 1939-1950; Juvenile Delinquency; Korea, 1950; Radio Listening, 1939-1948; World Outlook, 1945-1950, Film; Reading Habits; Dreams; Religion; Victory Celebrations, and Capital Punishment.

Coverage: 1845 to 2015

Provides digital access ( full color page-image format) to the backfiles of the following six major US and UK men’s-interest consumer magazines covering contemporary issues and trends in history and society, masculinity, sex roles, literature, sports, fashion, popular culture, entertainment, and more.

  • All Sports Illustrated Weekly (1919 to 1930)
  • Argosy (1882 to 1978)
  • Esquire [UK edition] (1991 to 2015)
  • M: The Civilized Man (1983 to 1992)
  • National Police Gazette (1845 to 1977)
  • Sports Budget (1923 to 1939)

Coverage is from issue 1 through to 2015 (or the publication ceased date), with issues scanned from cover to cover, although there will be some coverage gaps (issues / pages).