Best Bets for Law
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Provides over 200 fulltext French-language journals in the disciplines of economics, law, history and geography, literature and linguistics, psychology, education, political science, sociology, and sport.
"Retrouvez sur ce site 44 697 articles parus depuis 2001 dans 161 revues de recherche et de débat. Les archives sont en accès gratuit, ainsi que les résumés, sommaires et plans d'articles, et le texte intégral de certains articles récents."
Cambridge is a not-for-profit publisher dedicated to the world-wide dissemination of knowledge across a wide range of subject areas, and currently publishes over 380 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine. As well as those journals owned by the Press itself, they publish on behalf of over 100 learned and professional societies.
Indexes publications produced by Canadian governments (federal, provincial, territorial & municipal), government agencies & departments, research institutes and government laboratories. Full-text of reports will be available in the Microlog microfiche collection in MILLS Government Publications (2nd floor).