LSEG Workspace - Visit DeGroote Trading Centres On-Campus
Access is available on and off campus to current McMaster University students, faculty and staff.
- LSEG Workspace is fully funded by McMaster's DeGrooote School of Business (DSB)
- Formerly known as Refinitiv Workspace. The Refinitiv brand will gradually change to LSEG.
- SDC Platinum is available as an Add-On within the Workspace platform. Email to request access to this module.
- LSEG Workspace is available ...
- remotely via the web - First time users should request access from DSB at Web access becomes accessible once your account is approved by DSB (usually within 1 business day).
remotely via the DSB Virtual Lab (VPN required for off-campus access) - Only accessible to DSB faculty, staff and students. See instructions for accessing the DSB Virtual Lab - Windows, iOS, OSX and Android. Once you Sign In to the DSB Virtual Lab, select the Trading Floor icon, then select the WS (Workspace) icon on the virtual desktop. - on-site - Visit the DeGroote Trading Centres located in DSB-B106 (Hamilton campus) & RJC-126 (Burlington campus)
- remotely via the web - First time users should request access from DSB at Web access becomes accessible once your account is approved by DSB (usually within 1 business day).
Provides access to information on global companies including financials and filings, news & corporate events, earnings estimates, price quotes, M&A transactions, ESG ratings, ownership data and more.