Access is available on and off campus to current McMaster University students, faculty and staff. Walk-in use by patrons not affiliated with McMaster is not permitted.
- On April 26, 2023, the Supply chain module was added to Mergent Online.
- On June 25, 2020, the following reports were added to Mergent Online - Fundamental Report, London Stock Exchange Report and Industry/Subsector Report. More information about these new reports are included in this Mergent New Release Product Sheet.
- On November 1, 2019, Mergent Online was upgraded to Mergent Online Premium which added several new modules to our subscription including D&B Private Company Database (Basic search & Advanced search tabs), Mergent BondViewer (Bond search tab), economic indicators (Economic research tab), Mergent Industry Reports (Industry analysis tab), Ford Equity Reports (Independent research tab) and more.
- As of October 24, 2019, Mergent Online now includes analyst reports via the Investext tab. These are essentially the same reports available via Thomson ONE (T1), a database which expired at McMaster on December 31, 2019.
The Investext portion of Mergent Online is fully funded by McMaster's DeGrooote School of Business (DSB) - As of January 11, 2018, Mergent Online now includes inactive company data. Inactive companies are those companies that are not currently, but were once, publicly traded on U.S. or international exchanges.
Coverage: 1980s to the present
Mergent Online enables in-depth business and financial research. It contains business and financial data on all public (active & inactive) and some private companies worldwide. Also includes country profiles, industry reports, equity reports, bond data, broker analyst research reports, and more.
The Basic search and Advanced search tabs contain corporate and financial data for all publicly traded companies (both active and inactive) worldwide (1990s to the present). Company profiles typically include the following sections: Company details, Executives, Ownership, Company financials (e.g., balance sheet, income statement and ratios, all of which can be downloaded into Excel), Equity pricing, Reports (e.g., annual, industry, broker), Filings, News, Competitors and more. Much of the content noted in the sections described below are integrated in these company profiles.
The D&B Private Company Database option on the Basic and Advanced search tabs includes Dun & Bradstreet's list of companies privately owned in the US and Canada. NOTE:This option is unselected by default. To include private companies in your search, select the D&B checkbox.
The Executive search supports finding executives in active U.S. and international companies using criteria in a variety of categories including Corporate Information (e.g., company name, city), Executives (e.g.,name, age, education), Financials (e.g., net income, total assets), Industry Codes (NAICS, SIC or MIC), Pricing, Ratios, Textual Search and Index.
The Government filings tab provides access to current and historical company filings via the SEC (US) and SEDAR (Canada). Updated daily.
The Bond search tab takes you to Mergent BondViewer which contains US taxable and municipal fixed income data including both issuer and bond level terms and condition data, US taxable bonds, municipal bonds and retail notes. Includes Fitch, Moody's and S&P ratings on the synopsis page for individual bonds.
The Economic Research tab includes a variety of economic indicators for many countries around the word including Australia, Canada, China, Germany, United Kingdom, United States and others.
The Industry analysis tab contains current and historical Mergent Industry Reports (2003 to 2020). Thirty industry sectors (e.g., Banking, Biotechnology, Health Care, Media, Retail, etc.) are covered in four regions (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America). The industry reports typically include the following sections: Current Environment; Industry Profile; Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG); and Market Trends & Outlook. NOTE: Individual countries are often highlighted in the regional reports. For example, Canada and the United States are covered separately in the North America reports. Search by company, date range, industry and/or region.
The Independent research tab includes Ford Equity Reports which cover approximately 4,000 stocks using a proprietary quantitative model that evaluates a company's earnings strength, its relative valuation and recent price movement. Each covered stock is assigned a rating of 1 to 5 with 1 representing the top score. While stocks rated 1 are expected to be the best performers and those rated 5 are expected to be the worst performers, there is no guarantee that such will be the case on an individual stock basis or on average. For all stocks in this coverage universe, ratings are generated each week and reflect the fundamental and price data as of the last trading day of the week. Search by company, date range, ratings and/or industry. Browse upgrades & downgrades and special studies.
The Supply chain tab includes supply chain information for global, publicly traded companies (both USA and international). It extracts information from public company documents, the trade literature and other sources, and creates links between the companies for: Industries & sectors, Products & services, Competitors, Customers, Suppliers, Partners and M&A scenario report. These are generally lists of the major customers and suppliers, not comprehensive lists. Additional information can often be found by looking up entries for companies on both sides of the relationship. Company profiles will also include a Supply chain tab.
The Investext tab contains over 20 million current and historical broker research reports (1980s to the present, some analyst reports in Investext can be delayed for approximately 3 days to a few weeks from publication) on companies, industries, products and markets. Includes over 1,700 research contributers such as BNP Paribas, CIBC World Markets, Deutsche Bank, GlobalData, J.P. Morgan, Morningstar, Oppenheimer, Wells Fargo and many more. The reports include forecasts and opinions from industry experts that can provide insight into company strategy, industry trends, company valuation, competitive analysis and market share. NOTE: When searching for a specific company (particularly if inactive or delisted), try both the Company Name/Ticker and Keywords (Search Headline or Search Whole Report) options to ensure that the most comprehensive list of reports is retrieved.