
3 databases found starting with W X Art and Art HistoryX

Best Bets for Art and Art History

Not sure where to begin? Try these first.

Coverage: Varies: 1995 onwards for many titles

Provides full-text articles from more than 1,600 journals and over 22,000 Wiley e-books in a wide range of subject. Titles are also listed in the catalogue.

Coverage: 1910 to 6 months ago

Includes high-resolution images of the pages, articles, advertisements, and covers of Women's Wear Daily, along  with searchable text and indexing. This trade publication is one of the fashion industry's most influential reads covering key moments in the history of the industry, as well as major designers, brands, retailers and advertisers. Subject coverage includes retail business, fashion history, popular culture, gender studies, marketing and advertising.

Coverage: Before 1000 BC to the present

WorldCat is the world's largest library catalogue, merging the holdings of over 72,000 institutions worldwide. Includes records for books, journals, maps, recordings, films, scores, and other materials located in public, academic, corporate, school and specialized libraries all over the world. McMaster's holdings will be listed first. Items not in our library can be requested via Interlibrary Loans.