Best Bets for Engineering Physics
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Contains over 50 million articles from over 23,000 full text journals covering many disciplines.
A multi-disciplinary science database that indexes over 6,000 journals from a variety of science disciplines. Database offers searching by topic, author, address, journal title, etc. and a Cited Reference search. Full text links are available for journals to which McMaster subscribes through the getit! link.
Scopus provides broad indexing and citation coverage of academic journals, books and conference proceedings published worldwide. Delivering a comprehensive overview ofresearch output in the fields of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
The most extensive database available on optics and photonics research, with more than 500,000 papers spanning biomedicine, communications, sensors, defense and security, manufacturing, electronics, energy, and imaging. Our subscription includes conference proceedings from 1962 onwards, full-text for 10 journals, and some 200 e-books.
Some Proceedings volumes are not available online, either because they were not published, or because SPIE does not have the electronic rights.
Covers subjects in the areas of behavioral sciences, biomedical & life sciences, business & economics, chemistry & material science, computer science, earth & environmental sciences, engineering, humanities, social sciences & law, mathematics & statistics, medicine, and physics & astronomy.
SpringerMaterials: The Landolt-Börnstein Database, is the world's largest resource for physical and chemical data in materials science. This resource includes 250,000 substances and material systems, 3,000 properties, and 1,200,000 literature citations.
SpringerMaterials incorporates all volumes of Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the largest and most respected compilation of data in physics and chemistry founded in 1883, along with a number of unique and specialized databases.
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