Best Bets for Kinesiology
Not sure where to begin? Try these first.
Includes the backfiles of the following nine major US and UK consumer magazines devoted to health, fitness, exercise, nutrition, and medicine, charting trends in these areas from the mid-20th century to the 21st.
- Flex [US] (1983 to 2015)
- Men’s Fitness [US] (1985 to 2015)
- Men’s Fitness [UK] (1999 to 2015)
- Men’s Health [US] (1986 to 2015)
- Prevention [US] (1950 to 2015)
- Women’s Health [US](2005 to 2015)
- Women’s Health Activist [US] (1975 to 2015)
- Women’s Health Weekly [US] (1994 to 2015)
- Zest [UK] (1994 to 2014)
Coverage is from issue 1 through to 2015 (or publication ceased date), with issues scanned from cover to cover, although there will be some small coverage gaps (issues / pages).