
3 databases found starting with D X eBooksX

The two databases present a complete Hebrew transcription and English translation of the Biblical texts and the Non-Biblical texts found at Qumran and other sites, together with high-resolution images.  The online publication, based on the 2006 CD-ROM, addiitionally offers an inventory and tools for carrying out searches and viewing the images of the DSS texts. 

Coverage: Fulltext: 1970-1996, Indexing: 1951 to 2011

Contains citations & abstracts of all McMaster theses submitted to UMI Dissertation Publishing up to 2011. Authorized McMaster users can download full-text PDF versions (if available) of dissertations and theses published by McMaster students, 1970-1996.

Drama Online is an award-winning digital library that has been created as a response to the need for a high-quality online research tool for drama and literature students, professors, and teachers. It combines exclusively available playtext content and scholarly publications with filmed live performances, film adaptations and audio plays.

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