Best Bets for Health Sciences
Not sure where to begin? Try these first.
Contains clinical skills videos featuring head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques, as well as OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations) clinical reasoning modules. Includes current equipment, techniques, and ways to foster effective clinician-based patient interaction.
Designed and built for use specifically as a decision-support tool at the point of care. Latest research evidence, guidelines, and expert opinion are combined and presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Incorporates BMJ Clinical Evidence systematic reviews bringing together the best current evidence with expert guidance.
Povides the life histories and selected bibliographies of deceased National Academy of Sciences members, written by those who knew them or their work. These biographies provide a personal and scholarly view of the lives and work of America's most distinguished scientists and a biographical history of science in the United States.
Comprehensive e-book collection covering medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, rehabiliation sciences, ethics, education, psychology and basic sciences.