
664 databases found

Coverage: Before 1000 BC to the present

WorldCat is the world's largest library catalogue, merging the holdings of over 72,000 institutions worldwide. Includes records for books, journals, maps, recordings, films, scores, and other materials located in public, academic, corporate, school and specialized libraries all over the world. McMaster's holdings will be listed first. Items not in our library can be requested via Interlibrary Loans.

Coverage: 1975 to the present

Provides abstracts and indexing of the international literature of political science and international relations, along with complementary fields, including international law and public administration/policy. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 750 core serials publications and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and working papers. Includes the merged backfiles of Political Science Abstracts, 1975-2000, and ABC POL SCI, 1984-2000. Many records from key journals in political science, published since 2000, also include the references cited in the bibliography of the source article. All records added since 2000 are indexed using a thesaurus of over 3,000 terms.

Coverage: 1940s to the present

Includes nine periodicals spanning 1940-2020, highlighting topics and trends of youth culture like fashion, rock and roll, sexuality and dating, as well as youth portrayal in the media. At completion, this collection will have 200,000 pages from periodicals published in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Most of the periodicals within the collection are difficult to find and no longer published, such as Clarity Magazine from the 1940s and Petticoat from the 1960s, providing insight to the various content that influenced youth culture throughout the decades.

Coverage: 1864 to the present

Zoological Record is a discipline specific database for finding the core journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and reports in the field of zoology. Published since 1864, it also provides a taxonomic reference for animal species.