DEM files are created by the interpolation of elevation information from the Canada National Topographic Database in order to create a uniform grid of elevation points. The DEM files are tiled according the Canada National Topographic System (NTS) map boundaries. A 30 metre grid is available, equivalent to the elevation information on NTS 1:50,000 maps. A 90 metre grid is available, equivalent to the elevation information on NTS 1:250,000 maps. Files for all areas of Canada are available. The files are provided is ASCII .txt format, and must be converted into raster format before they can be viewed in ArcMap. If you would like to request these files from the Library, please specify the appropriate NTS map sheets (i.e. NTS 1:50,000 for 30m grids, or NTS 1:250,000 for 90m grids)
Available to Canadian universities under DMTI Spatial SMART Consortium agreement.