Various GIS coverages in vector and raster format developed by the Grand River Conservation Authority, as part of their mandate to manage the Grand River watershed. Data covers the Grand River watershed area only. The Grand River watershed includes parts of many counties and municipalities in Ontario, including City of Brantford, City of Hamilton, Brant County, Oxford County, Perth County, Dufferin County, Grey County, Haldimand County, Norfolk County, Regional Municipality of Halton, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Wellington County and the First Nations properties of Six Nations and New Credit.
Examples of vector layers available through the Grand River Information Network include: Cross section, dams, floodplain mapping index, floodplain, dynamic lake beaches, lake erosion, lake shoreline reaches, municipal boundaries, rail trails, rain gauge stations, river watch sites, sewage treatment plants, slope erosion, slope valley, snow course, source protection boundaries, subcatchments, water flow gauges, water quality monitoring sites, watershed boundary, and wetlands.
Examples of available raster layers are: Depth to bedrock, depth to first aquifer, depth to water table, discharge areas, ground surface, land cover, overburden thickness, sand and gravel thickness, vulnerable areas, and water table.