Finding Aid
6 Letters from McGill Administration Officials to S. Gray re dismissal and arbitration proceedings. 11, 12, 18, 21, 24
Feb. and 15 Aug., 1969.
A Letter to the McGill Senate from S. Gray
appealing the charges against him. 19 Feb., 1969. Photocopy. 1 p.
Manuscript material:
Handwritten Notes by Stanley Gray. 40 pp.
"Direct Action and Intellectual Freedom"
by Jeremy Walker, Philosophy Dept., McGill. Ts. 13 pp.
Printed Materials:
The Board of Governors - Whom Does it Serve? A leaflet distributed
by the Socialist Action Committee and the 27th of January Committee, urging
students to attend the Board meeting of 27th Jan., 1969, that was allegedly
disrupted. Mimeo. 1 p.
Leaflet supporting Gray's position. Distributed 24 Feb., 1969, by the
Radical Students Alliance. 10 pp.
Agreement to Arbitrate Between McGill University And Mr. Stanley Gray.
Hearings held at McGill University, 13, 14, and 17 Feb., 1969. Photocopy
of a ts., transcribed from a tape recording. 170 pp.
Verbatim Transcript of Arbitration Proceedings Between Stanley Gray And McGill University, held at the Moot Court, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal, from 26 March, 1969 to 11 July, 1969. Carbon ts. 24 vols. Plus Gray's corrections to the transcript. Ts. 4 p.
Award of The Arbitration Committee. 15 Aug., 1969. Mimeo. 39 p.
Nominating Committee, The Board of Governors and the Senate, for the 24 and 27 Jan., and the 5 Feb., 1969 respectively. Documents submitted by the university to the Arbitration Board. Photocopy of mimeo.
Minutes of the Senate meeting of 8 Nov. 1967. Submitted by S. Gray. Photocopy, 6 pp.
Testimony re Hearing of Stanley Gray. A brief prepared for the Arbitration Board by Robert Hajaly, a student senator and president of the McGill Students' Society. 19 April, 1969. Printed. 49 pp.
The Record on Senate Oct. 31, 1968 - Feb 19, 1969 [And] Proposals For Senates's Reform. A brief submitted to the McGill Students' Council by Robert Hajaly and resubmitted in testimony to the Arbitration Board. Dated 25 Feb., 1969. Printed. 10 pp.
Statement. By Stanley Gray, 17 April, 1969, protesting the procedures of the Arbitration Board. Photocopy of ts. 10 pp.
McGill Reporter (administration newspaper).
Stanley's Gray's Academic Research. Boxes 5-6
Research notes for his political writings
Notes for thesis at Balliol College
Ts. drafts of his thesis
1 letter from Paul
Ts. "The Explanation of Political Action"