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- The Library's subscription to Statista includes all (or most of) the content in Statistics, Reports, Insights (i.e., Market and Company Insights only), Research AI and Daily Data (i.e., infographics) menus, but excludes most content in the Services menu.
- To retrieve all content in Statista, leave the search box blank/empty and click the Statista Search button. This will retrieve a list of results which can be sorted by Publication date (which highlights the newest content) or refined using the filters on the right (e.g., Content types, Industry, Publication date, etc.).
- To view older content in Statista, perform a search and then in the results list go to the Refine Your Search column, select the Archive filter and pick All (incl. archive).
Statista includes over 1,500,000 statistics on over 80,000 topics from more than 18,000 sources. It provides access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions. It also includes market forecasts, dossiers, industry reports, infographics, and more. Statistics can be downloaded directly in PNG, PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint formats.