This product includes two CDs that comprise models produced from TERRASTAT: Global Land Resources GIS Models and Databases (CD #1) and Land Degradation Assessment (CD #2).
The TERRASTAT Global GIS Models and Databases were created as part of the Poverty and Food Insecurity Mapping Project (GCP/INT/761/NOR) funded by the Government of Norway.
The CDs include a wide variety of pre-made maps in image format, as well as a full suite of raster data compatible with any GIS.
The raster datasets include: der soil prop, drain, pop20005m, potgrainp_h, potgrainp_l, potrainfp_l, soil_prop, atland, cereal, domll, lgp16cl, lgpmap, maize, popmap, probland, rice, soilprod, terrslope, thcli, wheat