Finding Aid
World War, 1914-1918 World War, 1914-1918, collection. – 1761-1968; predominant 1914-1918 . – 4.5 m of textual records and other materials.
This collection includes the following:
- Alphabetical by personal name (Boxes 1-7)
- Official documents (Boxes 8-11)
- 2/14th Battadton, London Regiment (London Scottish)
- 15th Division, Corps of Royal Engineers
- Documents from various sources
- Richard Calow collection of letters about World War I aviation (Box 12)
- Artwork (Box 13)
- Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London, leaflets (Box 14)
- Ville Libre de Dantzig (Box 15)
- French and Belgian Generals letters collection (Box 16)
- Printed materials, maps, and other items (Box 17)
- Sound recordings and moving images (Box 18)
- Photographs (Boxes 19-24)
- General (1-35)
- Woolwich Arsenal, London postcards (37-48)
- General postcards (49-69)
- Sunbeam Tours postcards (70-82)
- Royal Flying Corps (83-104)
- Royal Navy, Mobile Column (105-152)
- Scenes probably near Cape Town, South Africa (153-230)
- General (231-422)
- Stereographs (430-632)
- German photos (633-710)
- General (712-744)
- Glass plate negatives and ariel views (729-786)
- Oversize items (removed from above categories)
- Albums: photograph albums, scrapbooks, diaries / journals, notebooks (numbered 1-73).
Box 1
F.1 Anonymous. An untitled manuscript about Gallipoli and Constantinople, 51 pages. Possibly from the British Embassy, Constantinople.
F.2-3 William Bailey, 1914-1919. 2/15th Battalion, London Regiment. Official correspondence, notification of being wounded, pay book, pocket dairies, news clippings (file 2). Programmes, passes, tickets, greeting cards, b&w annotated photographs (includes Alexandria, Egyptian rebellion, Palestine, hospitals), b&w photograph postcards (Fleet review, Spithead, 1914; various troop groups), personal correspondence. Artwork by Sgt. Boddy: watercolour titled “our bivouac on the Vardar Salonica”, 1917; pencil sketch, cartoon, orders, Turkish cigarette papers, issue of The Grey Brigade, documents in Turkish marked souvenirs. (file 3).
F.4 Admiral David Beatty, Commander-in-Chief, British Grand Fleet, 1918. Messages on signal forms to/from the Commander-in-Chief of the German High Sea Fleet to arrange details for the Naval Armistice. Rear-Admiral Meurer was authorized as the German representative and there are messages from him as well. All text is in English.
F.5 C.W. Berry, 1917-1919. Personal and official correspondence, 2 b&w photographs, German and Belgian money, map in pencil, dated 13 September 1916, of the area around Rossignol Wood.
F.6 C.E. Bent, typed copy of letter to Mrs. Skene, from Bas Oba, Belgium 28 January 1919.
F.7 Tom Burrow Bindloss, 1915-1919. Record of service, b&w photographs (himself, Mudros, Lemos Harbour), 3 pocket diaries, 1915-1918, official correspondence, Leave / Duty ration book, mimeographed poem “Hospital 10”.
F.8 A.C Bishop, Royal Marine Artillery, 19151920. “Target book” with gun notation measurements, b&w annotated photographs in Belgium and France (himself, guns, ruins, Ostend), post cards.
F.9 Charles H. Bowering, 1915-1919. Two postcards to his wife Sarah and one postcard from her. Also Bowering’s Comrades of the Great War certificate, 12 May 1919. The remainder of the documents concern HMS Roxburgh which on 20 June 1915 was damaged by torpedo from German submarine U39. There are 4 handwritten pages about the events of 20 June as well as a copy of a letter of 12 August 1915 concerning “services rendered by certain officers and men in connection with the salvage of ‘Roxburgh’”. There are two diagram sketches of a ship convoy, including the Roxburgh, on 24 May 1917 after leaving Hampton Roads. Also in this file is a document containing printed messages from Naval, Military, and Civil Authorities of Estonia, as well as an English translation of a leading article from a Finnish newspaper, 21 November 1919.
F.10 Sgt. George Bowyer, 118th M.G. Corps and Pte. Charles Gilbert Bowyer, Cambridgeshire Regiment, 1914-1918. Pre-war Recruitment leaflet and programme, Cambridgeshire, January 1914, personal and official correspondence, an issue of The Balkan News, 4 December 1916, Christmas cards, 2 b&w photographs. The only documentation concerning Pte. Bowyer is his death notice, 20 July 1916.
F.11 Doris Boyes, National Registration card, 1915
F.12 Fred Braggett, 1917-1918. Five postcards written to his wife
F.13 Major F.E. Buchanan, Royal Scots Fusiliers, mentioned in despatches, 13 July 1916 – the certificate recording this issued on 1 March 1919.
Mrs. Byam-Grounds, Comité Britannique de la Croix Rouge Française certificate, 1920; contains engraved border of nursing sisters, wounded soldier, places. Oversize, Map Cabinet 38.
Box 2
F.1 L.E. Chirney, 15th Battalion London Regiment, 1917-1919. Official correspondence, certificates, news clipping, 5 b&w postcard photographs with signatures, religious pamphlet peace celebrations programme.
F.2 Robert Coe, Royal Engineers, 1916-1918. Autographed programme, b& w photograph presumably of Coe, 4 ration books for Robert Coe and other family members, 4 col. post cards, 4 b&w postcards, 12 b&w photographs predominately of ships (H.M.S. Lysander and Emden, others not identified), 2 pages of notes taken at cadet school, printed drawing of a horse with harness from the Training Depot at Aldershot in August 1916, and other documents.
F.3 Ethel Cotton, 1915-1918. Three post cards written by her brother to Miss Ethel Cotton and one written to Mrs. Cotton by her son Jack, 1915. Also 1 b&w photograph, a “History of the Old Contemptibles” pamphlet, 1918; 3 col. post cards.
F.4 Miss Curzon. Autograph collection, 1916-1921, including Byng of Vimy and Lloyd George. In addition to the autographs, there are six letters from Lord Curzon to Milner and others, as well as several third-party letters including Oliver Lodge, General Maurice, Robert Reid, W.P. Pulteney, and others which have no apparent connection to the Curzons.
F.5 Capt. O.T. Daniel(s), Lincolnshire Regiment. Carrying case for messages, several messages and signals forms with messages, one order, lists, and letter to Capt. Daniels.
F.6 W.A. Ellington, 1917. Ellington was a POW at Spandau prison. He received weekly packages paid for by Mrs. Stocks sent through the Central Prisoners of War Committee. Receipt of parcel cards, 1 postcard from Ellington to Carrie Stocks, 3 letters from the Committee to Mrs. Stocks with receipts, standard and individual parcel lists, printed documents.
F.7 Sister M.C. English (nursing sister, probably Canadian), 1915-1920. War badge service certificate, issued in Victoria, B.C., 1919, which indicated she served in France. Two Christmas cards from the No. 1 Canadian Stationary Hospital, 1915-1916. Allied Women on War Service Dinner, Paris, August 1918. Postcards, b&w photographs, most of them of nursing sisters with soldiers and hospitals. There are 2 photographs from 1915, one marked “Turkish prisoners”, and the other of a field hospital, although the photograph depicts horses with a wagon at a camp. There are two documents in German (one is a paybook issued to Johann Rutert which indicates he was vaccinated by a British doctor) and another document in Polish, 1920, issued to Sister English.
F.8 Susannah Mary Graham, National Registration Card, 1915. Also one post card.
F.9 Evangeline Brandford Griffith, 1914-1919. “Notes on Experiences Amongst the War Refugees”, ts., 14 pp., n.d. but concerns 1914 – Griffith was in charge of transport. By 1915 she was in France. Correspondence from the War Refugees Committee and the Friends Ambulance Unit; also a autographed dinner programme and other documents, 3 b&w photographs – two of French nursing sisters and one of a VAD. Published final report of The War Refugees Committee, 1919.
F.10 Commander A.W. Gush, Royal Navy, 1915-1915. Four passes belonging to Gush; “Bombardment of Dunkerque” on 22 June 1915 – typed list with notations by Gush; “National Theatre at ‘The Front’” notice.
F.11 Colonel Hans Hamilton, 1917. Two official letters, 2 pages of notes, Allied War Photographs Exhibition programme.
F.12 Lt. Col. C.F. Healey, Dublin Fusiliers, 1914-1919. Six b&w photographs of the Fusiliers outside their barracks on parade – several of the photographs are annotated with names and whether they were wounded or killed; one portrait of Healey. Also appointments, battle order and other official documents. His Croix de Guerre certificate issued by the Belgian King “Royamme de Belgique” is oversize, in Map Cabinet 38.
Box 3
F.1 Pte. Frank Henbury, 1917-1919. Pay book, demob certificate, service certificate, Out-of-Work Donation Policy book.
F.2 Squadron Commander T.G. Hetherington, 1916-1918. Letters re the development of tanks; includes a copy of memorandum re a libellous article published in The World about him, Commodore Murray Suetor, and Wing Commander Briggs.
F.3 Pte. E.W. Hodgson, Royal Fusiliers, 1916-1920. Many letters and post cards to different family members, 1916-1918; news clipping, 1920
F.4 J.W. Hunter, Heavy Battery R.G.A., 1915, 1917-1918. Orders, messages, maps, 8 b&w photographs of the Driving Competition, 80th Brigade, R.F.A. in Swanage, April 1915 (depicts horses pulling gun carriages and then the setting up of guns); annotated lists of the sick and wounded, 1918. Not all documents in this file appear to pertain to Hunter.
F.5 Charles Bertram Jones, Royal Navy, 1916. His service record, including list of ships he served on – he joined the navy in 1911 and served until 1923. Unbound “Diary of H.M.S. Marlborough’s Firing off Jutland May 31, 1916”, 4 handwritten pages (one page is missing); b&w post card photographs, predominantly of the Marlborough.
F.6 Sir Alfred Keogh (1857-1936), Director-General, Army Medical Services, War Office, 1916-1925. Two letters to John MacAlister (1856-1925), Secretary of the Royal Medical Society, 1916 and 1925. The latter letter which reflects back on the war notes MacAlister’s illness which resulted in his death later than year. Also in the file is a typescript “Friday, 8th. November 1918, Written from a train, in Compiègne Forest”, author not known; also 2 post cards of the train.
F.7 Sgt. A Kilpatrick, Canadian Engineers; Capt. C.H. Kilpatrick, 1917-1918. Letter from E.W. to A. Kilpatrick, 1917; also a letter to Miss Kilpatrick, 1918, from the War Office – both documents concern Kilpatrick’s bravery. C.H. Kilpatrick, orders, passes, 1 official letter. The file also contains a b&w photograph (“1917, France, Riding School, AYR”) – the soldiers are grouped before a building with the sign “Royal Artillery School”.
F.8 Peter Morton Sturges Latham, 1914 and 1921. His commission and de-commission papers.
F.9 Lieut. D.G. Logan, R.F.A., 1915-1916. Field message book, incoming official correspondence, advance pay book, Howitzer chart.
F.10 Muskatier Peter Ludwig (German), 1918; Lutheran military printed songbook, 1897; six postcards, four of them are addressed to Ludwig 1918; printed cards of saints (the one of Loyola has the date 1831 written on the verso).
F.11 Lieut. C. MacDonald, 1918-1919. Two printed song-sheets (“The Hielan’ Division” and “Good Old Fifty-First”, both published in 1918 by Paterson, Sons & Co. Ltd, Edinburgh with artwork on their covers by Leonard J. Smith, and MacDonald’s name); 2 printed maps, one in French showing the Front from 1 March to 16 April 1917, the other in German; b&w postcard photographs, many concern the Black Watch – places include Belgium, The Somme, Cambrai, Bethune, Verdun; depictions include ruins, marches, German prisoners at work, trenches. Also aerial photographs, postcard in German, news clippings.
John Monck. Decorative travel permit issued under Kaiser Wilhelm’s name to John Monck, attaché at the British Embassy, in Berlin on 5 August 1914. The document appears to indicate that Monck had deserted Germany and thus required protection. Oversize, map cabinet 38.
Box 4
F.1-4 William Newsam McClean, Royal Engineers, (assigned to the Australian Corps for part of his service), 1916-1918; 1924. Letters to his wife, Agnes (Aggie) Maude, 1916-1917 (file 1). Officer’s record of service, commission, “Some Notes on Trench Construction” written by McClean and published in 1916, passes, b&w photographs of trenches – three of the photographs are noted as being Russian, a note with the photographs identifies some of them as the “Billericay trenches, 1915”, 3 aerial photographs, 3 photographs of churches. Also situation, trench maps, field service and sectional books (file 2). Official correspondence, messages, greeting card, orders, money (file 3). Artwork (5 pen and ink cartoon / caricatures; 1 pencil drawing of trench boards), letters from F.K. McClean and others, “My War Experience”, a five- page manuscript for the war history with a thank-you note to McClean from F.J.M. Stratton, 1924.
F.5 William Alan Menzies, 118 Abbey Road (and others living at that address), 1915-1918. Rations books, registration cards, shopping cards.
F.6 Elizabeth Jane Moore, Defence of the Realm permit book issued in 1918 with photograph.
F.7-8 Major Sydney H. Morgan, East Lancashire Divisional Engineers, and Lieut. Cyril F. Morgan, East Lancashire Royal Field Artillery, 1915-1918. Commissions, 1915, official and personal incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1916-1918, messages and signals, railway vouchers, 1 b&w photograph, 3 copies (file 7). Programmes, menus, greeting cards, money, tickets, officer’s record of service for S.H. Morgan, orders, gun registration lists, range tables, notes on The Somme, part of a trench map, protractor for plotting compass bearings, field notebook and other documents (file 8). See also Albums 60a-c (photograph album and notebooks) and Box 11, F.11
F.9 J.E. Myzerall, 1918-1919, pass and leave books
Box 5
F.1 Capt. Charles John Spencer Nicholl, Welsh Regiment, 1914-1919. Officer’s record of service book; also b&w photograph of Nicholl. The book indicates that Nicholl re-joined the services in 1930.
F.2 Diana Katharine Robinson, 1915, 1917. Postcards from her father and aunt; ration sheet, greeting cards mostly unsigned, blank postcards, special Zeppelin Supplement, 1915.
F.2a Florence P. Robinson, 1917-1918; her Canada registration card, 22 June 1918, field post card to her, 6 August 1917.
F.3 W.J. Russell, 1914-1916. Enrolment certificate in the Old Contemptibles’ Association, 1914; photograph of the 5th R.I. Lancers retiring from Mons, 1914; detail pencil sketch of 85 fire trench, 1916, b&w photograph of the model of Old Contemptible.
F.4 Muskatier Friedrich Wihelm Karl Scharwächter (German), 26 Jul.-4 Oct. 1918. Regimental documents, 4 pp. concerning his Überweisungsnationale [assignment national] as well as the document, which records him as being from Remscheid, Prussia, 1909-1915, 24 pp. [many pages with printed forms not filled out].
F.5 James Sharpe, 1914-1917. Registration card, trade card, Munition Volunteer card and letter of appointment.
F.6 Lieut. Gerald Caldwell Siordet, 13th Rifle Brigade. Privately printed book, containing a photograph of Siordet, his poetry and artwork. A note indicated he was killed on 1 March 1917 but The Times reports the date correctly as 9 February 1917. Also an offprint of one of his poems “To the Dead” – it was published in The Times, 30 Nov. 1915, using the name Gerald Caldwell as was the first poem in the book (13 Nov. 1914). Poems in ms., 1 official letter, letter from his sister Vera to Archie, 1918. News clippings including a letter to the editor of the Morning Post on the classics by Siordet, n.d. Biographical information on Siordet was supplied by his great nephew James Ritchie in 2008.
F.7 Brig.-Gen William H. Sitwell, 1917. Ts. “The Situation in the Present War”, 26 July 1917; b&w portrait of Sitwell.
F.8 Major Isham Percy Smith, 1917, 1924. Photograph of his and his father’s grave and marker, news clipping (death notice), letters of condolence to his mother, Ethel Saunders, on the death of her son from: Guy Beech, Chaplain to the Forces, Church of England, 17 Dec. 1917 and H.W.T. Phillips, Commander of the 6th Corps Heavy Artillery, 27 Dec. 1917. Smith’s leather wallet, and other documents, b&w portrait photograph of Smith, 2 portraits of his father, Maj.-Gen. Percy Smith, letter to Ethel Saunders from the Royal Engineer Corps Committee, 1924. Also a scarf with the lyrics and music to “It’s a long, long way to Tipperary”, illustrated with flags, shamrocks, and marching soldiers.
F.9 Cpl. W.G. Smith, 1914-1915. Postcards, messages, including one from George V, which is annotated as being rare.
F.10 Robert Sturgeon, 1st K.G.S.B. Headquarters runner. Field Message book, 1918.
F.11 Hermann Thomas (German), 1917. Two business cards identifying him as “Lehrer” [a teacher or tutor], Lutheran military printed songbook, 1897, b&w postcard photographs (three are family members), b&w and col. postcards – some are blank, four have messages in German, blank notebook.
Box 6
F.1 Miss Thurstan (Red Cross nursing sister),1914- 1918. Letter to her from Joint War Committee – if something happened to her while serving the Military Authorities would not provide any compensation. Thurston has annotated this letter at the bottom and in a separate note. Three postcards, all written to Miss Eden, National Union of Trained Nurses. One postcard from the Russian Front, pmk. 1914 may be from Thurston as the hand appears to match her annotations. B&w photograph (“General Ivanov’s Army: A Russian ambulance train at the front. Sisters having breakfast”). There are 2 additional postcards from “Monk” to Miss Eden, one of the postcards depicts an exchange of Russian and German prisoners in Lapland. Five b&w Russian postcards annotated in English on their versos, 1914-1915. Also a pamphlet, The Volunteer Army of Alexeiev and Denikin, by Prince P.M. Volkonsy, 1918.
F.2 Lieut. John Frederick Turpie, 1916-1919. Commission, officer’s record of services book.
F.3 Mayor W.F. Vint, Sunderland, 1917-1919. Letter from the Royal Train ,15 June 1917, written by Clive Wigram, regarding the success of the royal visit to Sunderland; two souvenir programmes, 1919.
F.4 Lt.-Col. Reginald Selby Walker, Royal Engineers, 1914-1918. Walker was the son of Lieut-Col. J. Selby Walker and was married to Ethel Bridget Walker; he was killed on 30 September 1918. Typed transcript of his “War Diary”, 14 pages, field service book, pass, French certificate. Letters to his mother, 1915-1916, letters and telegrams of notification and condolence to his wife, 1918. News clippings (obituary notices), b&w photograph of Walker. Also a letter to Miss B. Walker from the military, thanking her for a gift of rugs for the Remount Hospital, 1914.
F.5 Capt. John Lucas Warry, 1915-1917. Four letters, two to his aunt and two to “Dorothy” Killed in 1917. Photocopies of obituaries notices.
F.6-9 Col. F.D. Watney, The Queen’s Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1902-1920; predominant 1915-1918. Four files of letters written to his wife. Also news clippings about the Regiment, b&w photographs, one taken in 1903 of Major Watney, and one taken in1920 of the 18th Division Headquarters Staff in Mosul (including Watney), February 1920 ; two letters and copies of telegrams to Watney’s wife re a minor injury sustained by Watney in 1916, copy of a menu, issue of The Journal of The Royal Institute of British Architects.
Box 7
F.1 Lieut. J. Wedderspoon, Royal Flying Corps, 1916-1917. Pilot’s Flying Log Books (2), 1916-1917, map of Belgium, B Series, Sheet 38 S.W., order and official correspondence, news clippings. Letter from Wedgwood Benn to Weddespoon, 1917. Pamphlet, Fighting in the Air, 1917. B&w photograph of a pilot, written on the verso: “Brought down at Vimy Ridge on a S.P.A.D., 25/3/1917, Baker, Canadian G.L. & … missing, brought down first time over the lines.”
F.2 Lieut. Cyril J. Wentworth, Royal Sussex Regiment, 1913-1916. Wentworth was sent by his mother to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Cadets in 1913-1914 – there is some correspondence on his conduct there; he was not accepted back into the reserves because of problems at Dunkirk. Printed Field Service Book, 1915, orders, gas pamphlet, letters to his family (not dated), two letters from Major C. Crawford-Stuart in the Sudan, 1916; b&w photographs and postcard photographs (family and military, including four of Sikhs and one happy one of soliders’ heads peering out from a tent flap), bank book, greeting cards. There are also two letters to the Wentworths from Jack Carne, a notice of Carne’s death, and a typed letter to Carne’s mother notifying her of his death.
F.3 Lieut. Melville Arthur White, Royal Flying Corps. White was from New Zealand, his obituary notice (photocopy) contains the details of his military career. He was killed over France on 23 April 1917. Ts. carbon, 21 July 1915, written in Alexandra [Egypt], 6 pages. B&w photograph of his aunt, Miss A.B. Weir at his grave in Jeancourt Cemetery, copy of letter to Miss Weir about White, 2 b&w photographs of White.
F.4 Miss E. Wilde, 1917. British Red Cross certificate.
F.5 Pte. Bert Wood, 1916. Two letters to his parents and two letters from; one envelope is annotated that Wood had been killed.
F.6 D.F. Woollan, Scots Guards, Second Battalion, 1918-1919. B&w photographs and postcard photographs, many are annotated, most are military scenes but there are a few theatrical ones. Three greeting cards, envelope from D.F. Woollan to Mrs. Montgomery Woollan.
F.7 Lieut. J. Alexander Wright, 1916-1917. Field Message books, notes and notebook, official correspondence. Also in the file is letter in French, Department of The Somme.
F.8 Various, English: 8 postcards and a greeting card that could not be identified as belonging to any of the files listed above or the album collection. One is an embroidered design of flags and flowers with the year 1915 – on the verso is “To Lousia with love from her brother Harry”. Another is embroidered flowers with "Yours Always" also embroidered – on the verso is "To my dearest Maj with true love from Jack".
F.9 Various, German: 4 postcards described below:
1- Military postcard from [Fran?] [...] [Neikes?] to Muskatier Volkenbarn of the Infanterie-Regiment 60, 3. Bataillon, 10. Kompanie, dated 26 Sept. 1918, postmarked Oberhausen, Rheinland, 27 Sept. 1918.
2- Military postcard from his friend [...] to Füsilier Paul Deichsel of the Füsilier-Regiment 38, 3. Bataillon, 10. Kompanie, postmarked [-]gramsdorf [?], Oct. 1917.
3- Military postcard from [?] to Füsilier Paul Deichsel formerly of the Füsilier-Regiment 38, 3. Bataillon, 10. Kompanie, postmarked Metschkau, [Silesia], 28 June 1917.
4- Military postcard from his friend Ignatz to Bataillons-Tambour [Franz Opare?] of the Bataillon [Ersatz?] Regiment 10, dated Schweidnitz, [Poland], 10 Sept. 1917, postmarked the same.
F.10 Various, Dutch and French: 3 cards described below:
* Ration certificate from the Nationaal Hulps- en Voedingskomiteit [National Committee of Aid and Provisions] to Joseph Van hutten of Square Gutenberg, No. 25, Brussells, 5 Mar. 1918, 1 card. – Dutch and French.
* Card for purchasing shoes at Van Helmontstraat shoestore to Van Meertens of Sq. Guttenberg, no. 25, Brussells, 8 Oct. 1917. – Dutch and French.
*- Coal card from ... to Gerard Hubert Van Meertens aka Vermeulen of Square Guttenbeerg, no. 25, Brussells, [1917?], 1 card. – Dutch and French.
2/14th Battalion, London Regiment (London Scottish)
See also Robert Whyte (separate fonds) and Album 65
Box 8
F.1 Signaling instructions, cable and communications diagram and notes, secret code words (file 1a). Transportation instructions, animal allotment, cooking instructions for meat and potatoes, Farewell Order to 60th (London) Division, Lewis Gun ammunition sheet, demobilization procedures, musketry lecture notes, handwritten trench notes, Operation Orders by Major R. Whyte, list of officers, “Common Faults in Musketry”, officers posting, examination instructions, secret memos, disembodiment notice, uniform list, mess kit diagram, “Notes for Lecture on Trench Warfare”, official correspondence, notes on bombing, telegram from R. Whyte, signaling notes, official notes, legend for markings of horse drawn and motor vehicles, Battalion Orders, Proceedings of a Committee of Officers to consider adoption of suitable headstones for battalion members, court of inquiry into missing signaling equipment. Also includes charge sheets and summaries of evidence (typed and handwritten) against W. R. Tarrant—theft and Sapper A. King—deserting (file 1b).
F.2 Instructions on foot care in the trenches, march table, National Insurance Cards procedures, Personal and Camp Hygiene procedures, Operation Orders by Col. J. W. Greig, Operation Orders by Act. Major Robert Crerar, map of area around Royal Botanic Gardens, lists of troops (strength, furloughs, discharges, transfers etc.), 2/4th London Infantry Brigade Programme of Training, Operation Orders by Col. E. W. Baird, Battalion Orders by Col. J. W. Greig, Battalion Orders by Lt. Col. A. E. Rogers, Battalion Orders by Lt. Col. Robert Dunsmore (file 2a). Daily Orders Part II – lists of troops (file 2b).
F.3 Operation Orders by Lt. Col. R. J. L. Ogilby, orders for 179th Infantry Brigade, memos, attack ideas.
F.4 Operation Orders by Major V.C. Egerton for 2/16th Bn., Transport of an Infantry Battalion chart, observation post procedures, dress and equipment procedures, battle standing orders for the 60th division, organization operations with appendices, secret memos, relief notice, departure procedures, camp standing orders, memo on baths, list of offences and punishment, notes on discipline and saluting, defence schemes with appendices, more observation post procedures, communications scheme, special idea for aeroplane patrols.
F.5 Battalion 00 and Administrative Insts. Operation Orders by Major R. Whyte, Lt. Col. R. J. L. Ogilby, and Captain R. M. Robertson.
F.6 Map of “Belgium and Part of France” Sheet 29 Ed 3, map of “Belgium and Part of France” Sheet 28 S.W., map of “Wervicq” Sheet 28 S.E. 1, map of “Hell Farm”, map of “Enemy Defences” Sheet 28 S.W., map of “Ploegsteert” Sheet 28 S.W. 4, operation orders for 90th Infantry Brigade, operation orders by Captain H. Buchanan, communication notes, notes from preliminary examination of 5 O.R. prisoners, some memos, signal instructions, operation orders by Lt. Col. N.G. Pearson, “Very Secret” signal communications, diagram of communications, a march table.
2/14th Battalion, London Regiment (London Scottish)
Box 9
F.1 179th Infantry Brigade Operation Orders by Brigadier General F. M. Edwards, Field Day ideas, associated memos, transport and supply arrangements, march tables, march orders, “Programme of work to [be done at] night”
F.2 179th Infantry Brigade Operation Orders by Captain E. Sherston (?), march table.
F.3 Envelope full of Dispersal Certificates (Soldier). Notebook containing: lists of troops, officers, cold shoers, carpenters, shoemakers, tailors, butchers, vehicle signals, snipers, men who speak French, trench life guidelines, “Trench Mortars Anti-Aircraft Position Finders”, and transport notes. Associated memos, “Billeting Arrangements for the March”, “List of Duties Found by 2/4th Oxf. & Bucks. L. I. in Etaples, Field Service postcard with side filled in addressed to Robert Whyte, page torn from a notebook about a proposed meeting point (above all in folder entitled “Operation Orders”). Operation Orders by Lt. Col. R. J. L. Ogilby. Dispersal Certificates, Operation Order by Major R. Whyte, 90th Infantry Brigade orders. Preliminary operation orders with appendices and a map. Report on body-snatching mission, including: a report by Wm. J. Bethune 2nd Lieut detailing their (the “Body Snatching Party”) capture of German prisoners, a report on two missing Body Snatching Party members, nominal roll of raiding party, notes on the raid, and code for 2/14th Regt. Raiding Party.
F.4 Lists of honours and awards given for the 2/14th Bn London Regt (London Scottish), including the Military Cross, Bar to M. C., Distinguished Conduct Medal, Bar to M. M., Military Medal. List of awards winners with justifications, handwritten lists, recommendations for honours and accompanying justifications, a trench plan (?), requests for award publication in the London Gazette, honour roll, and associated memos.
F.5 Transfer procedures, trench orders and procedures, blank “Daily Work Table of Work to be Done”, memos, correspondence between R. Whyte and Capt. J. Peterson regarding typewriters, bugles, pipes, and drums, handwritten “Orders of Dress”, handwritten transport procedures, list of addresses and signal calls, “Gum Boots, Use Of”, gum boot reparation guidelines and other associated correspondence, specifications for drying sheds, blueprint entitled “Details of Nissen Fire Box”, memos on iron rations, procedures for censoring correspondence, correspondence regarding the Chief Censor and the importance of secrecy, inventory lists, “Medical Arrangements of Battalions”, “Narrative of Work Done by Brigade Staff”, censorship regulations. In a separate folder: narrative of operations, “Assault on Trenches” operation orders, schematics for barbed wire, trench sections, bomb storage.
F.6 Conference minutes regarding routine orders and associated appendices, a memo on football equipment and divisional teams, revised battalion orders, daily intelligence summary orders, report procedures, blank shell observation report table, Operation Orders by Major C. H. Flower, relief instructions, provost arrangements, provisional defence scheme, “Administrative Instructions in the Event of Move” and associated memos and addenda, operation orders, “Infantry Battalion/France/War Establishment” table of horses/mules and personnel, list of different kinds of officers. There is a separate folder in the file entitled and containing “Divisional Admin Instr’s”.
15th Division, Corps of Royal Engineers
Box 10
F.1 Divisional orders, printed map of Auchy Lens dated 11 June 1915, and a hand-drawn map entitled “Plan shewing Cellars in 15th Div. Area—Arras” dated 12 March 1917.
F.2 Hand-drawn maps (trenches and infrastructure) of Somme, Ypres, and Arras. Also contains hand-drawn schematics entitled “Block Plan of Cellars—Rue de Donai”, a traced map of Arras, an untitled traced map showing Porte Baudiment (Arras), printed maps of Arras (?) with hand-drawn details dated between 2 September 1916 and 25 April 1917, and a printed map labelled “No. 3”.
F.3 Divisional orders, defence scheme, narrative of operations of the 15th Division, administrative instructions (re: relief of 15th Division by 2nd Australian Division), memos, “Account of the 15th (Scottish) Division on the Somme”, notes on dugouts and shelters, cellar reports, reconnaissance reports on The River La Scarpe (handwritten and typewritten), “Report on the part taken by the 74th Field Company RE”, and a list of casualties. Also contains several maps.
F.4 Original folder cover, “To be handed over to C. R. E., 15th Division”. Divisional orders, including anti-aircraft defence procedures, information obtained from refugees about infrastructure (bridges, railways, etc), copy of Record of 15th (Scottish) Division. Also contains several maps.
F.5 Original folder cover, “C. R. E.” Operation orders plus associated addenda and corrections.
F.6 Printed maps with hand-drawn details of Illies (France), Bois du Biez (France), The Scarpe Valley (France), Martinpuich (France). Also contains printed trench maps of Belgium and France (4), two printed maps entitled “Cambrai Road” and “The Triangle”, a traced map of a dugout, and aerial photographs (some with details drawn in) taken between 26 July 1915 and 8 April 1916.
Documents from various sources
Box 11
F.1 Batallion Order Book 180th Infantry Regiment (German); manuscript, 23 pages. Also a typed letter in English, 13 November 1916, noting the capture of this document by Captain Hacker and a mimeographed extract from the book translated into English (one page).
F.2 “Historical Record of 125 Heavy Battery, R.G.A., in France”; ts. carbon, 13 pages.
F.3 Captain Arthur E. Hartzell, Inf., U.S.A., “Meuse-Argonne Battle (Sept. 26 – Nov 11, 1918)”; mimeograph, 47 pages.
F.4 Lieutenant J.E.H. Neville, “The Story of the 52nd Light Infantry from the 20th to the 30th of March, 1918,”; mimeograph, 27 pages, includes sketch map.
F.5 Lieutenant Colonel H.A. Robinson, Battalion Routine Orders for the 26th (S) Bn. Royal Fusiliers; mimeograph and ts. carbon, 25 pages, includes a map.
F.6 Commiques to the Troops, one dated, 26 January 1916 and the other, 10 March 1916, both from Major General Charles Townshend, 6th Division, both issued from Kut.
F.7 Scots Guards, 2nd Battalion, 1914, 1918. Mimeographed letters and statements. Most of the material concerns escaping from the Germans; one letter is written from prison camp by Pat Bolton, 1914. Also an order by General Sir W.R. Robertson, Eastern Command, re conversations between prisoners of war in Germany, 1918.
F.8 Royal Air Force, No. 41 Training Squadron, 1917-1918; 2 pieces of correspondence, order sheet.
F.9 41st Infantry Brigade, Order and list of gas attacks, 1918.
F.10 208th Brigade Headquarters, handwritten letter, 24 April 1918, re airship over Doncaster.
F.11 Royal Engineers, 1917-1918; lists of military personnel and their trades in Sections 2, 3, 4; also a description of stores in No. 2 Section.
F.11 Official History of the War, Military Operations: France and Belgium1918, The German Offensive, Fifth Army, 21-23 March.; first draft, chapters and sketches, mimeographed, slip-cased, with covering letter from the Director of the Historical Section, Military Branch, 1928 to Major S.H. Morgan, asking him for corrections and additional information.
Oversize: shelved beside Box 11. “Celer et Audax. Being a Record of the 9th Battalion of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps. 1914/1918”, by the Batallion I.O. Typescript carbon, 97 pages. Bound in red leather – the spine identified the author as Lieut. Eric Barlow. In a pocket constructed as part of the binding are: maps, intelligent reports written by Barlow, notes, correspondence with Barlow (1951-1966), photographs (some of which are reproduced in the typescript), dinner menu and programme, 1936.
Fifty Royal Irish Lancers diary see Album 21.
Most of the letters were written to Calow, an American, in 1966. Callow also collected some earlier letters addressed to Rev. C. Greenway. Calow presumably posed the following questions: most interesting experience, who was the best pilot, air records. For some he only asked for an autograph.
Box 12
Incoming letters, from former American servicemen; exceptions noted
F.1 Wainwright Abbott, 28 November 1966
F.2 Clifford W. Allsopp, 31 October 1966; also news clipping and b&w photograph
F.3 R. Alex Anderson, 30 December 1966
F.4 T. I. Ardway, undated photograph only
F.5 Harry A. Batchelor, 7 November 1966
F.6 Charles J. Biddle, 9 August 1965; also b&w photograph
F.7 Lester Strayer Brady, n.d.
F.8 Arthur Raymond Brooks, 17 September 1966; also his war record
F.9 Harold Robert Buckley, undated war record only
F.10 Douglas Campbell, 9 November 1966
F.11 Leland M. Carver, n.d.
F.12 Alan A. Cook, 29 September 1966
F.13 Willy Coppens (Belgium), 20 April 1966, 23 September 1966; 2 letters and 1 postcard; angry letter about General Galland’s claims in World War II.
F.14 John E. Costigan, 18 July 1965
F.15 Edward P. Curtis, 18 October 1966
F.16 W. A. Curtis, 27 October 1966; mentions Billy Bishop
F.17 Andre de Meulemeester (Belgium), n.d.; letter, 2 col. photographs of a painting of his house and neighbourhood; ink sketch of the house.
F.18 George Dock, 9 October 1966; discusses how thousands of Vietnamese worked as labour troops for the French
F.19 H. Bradley Fairchild, 26 September 1966; discusses how he found a way to shoot at German troops (shot at ditches) without hurting their horses.
F.20 Fearchar Ian Ferguson, 26 September 1966
F.21 Henry Forster, 10 October 1966; describes flying a plane – untrained – while in the navy
F.22 Fremont C. Foss, 3 November; describes 2 close shaves!
F.23 John E. Halligan, n.d.
F.24 Chas L. Heater (?), 31 October 1966; also a b&w postcard photograph of Clemenceau visiting a French aviation camp near front
F.25 Alfred. Heurtaux (France), 10 October 1965; also b&w photograph; refers Calow to Association Nationale des As du Communiqué
F.26 Thornton D. Hooper, 9 June 1967; also an autograph
F.27 Charles Dabney Horton, 2 October 1966; also b&w photograph; describes “weird adventures”: story about firing at (and missing) a white homing pigeon; releasing loose sheets of propaganda paper only to have them clog the plane’s motor; forcing an emergency landing only to have the wind destroy the plane later on in the night; crash-landing on a beach close to a hospital, sustaining head injuries and briefly losing his memory.
F.28 Frank O’D. Hunter, 19 February 1968; also an autographed Sky Birds col. card of himself, No 70, autographed. There were 144 bubble gum cards in the set.
F.29 Earl Wedderburn Hutchison, 1 December 1966
F.30 Clinton Jones, 21 January 1966, 29 January 1966; his son and grandson also became pilots; very detailed accounts of whom he considered to be the best fighters; “Bishop was a very sloppy flier and his landings were terrible” but he was the best gunner.
F.31 David Edward Judd, 28 September 1966
F.32 Chas W. Kerwood, 17 October 1966
F.33 Jim L. Kinney, 15 November, 1966
F.34 C. M. Kinsolving, 3 October 1966; also b&w photograph
F.35 W. C. Lambert, 23 August 1966; fan of Bill Claxton; also col. picture of a Sopwith Camel printed on cardboard.
F.36 David W. Lewis, 19 October 1966. “Some day I will answer your letter at greater length. Meanwhile here is my signature as requested.”— no follow-up letter extant.
F.37 Frederick Libby, 9 March 1966
F.38 Kenneth Littauer, 4 October 1966; only his autograph
F.39 E. L. Lussier, September 1968; also a Christmas card; writes about his daughter, who flew in World War II, rather than about his own experiences
F.40 Francis P. Magoun Jr, 7 August 1965. “Here is the signature you asked for but I cannot deal with any further communications.”
F.41 Chas. P. McCormick, 29 September 1966; only 2 b&w photographs (1, wreckage, 1918)
F.42 George C. Mosely, 27 September, 1966; notes he wrote a book he published on his World War I experiences
F.43 Edwin C. Parsons, 22 June 1966, 14 February 1968; letters suggest a dialogue between Calow and Parsons
F.44 George C. Philipoteaux, n.d.; 4 newspaper clippings (one reports Philipoteaux’s death), b&w photograph of his mother Lillian N. Philipoteaux, May 1913; 2 b&w postcard photographs – one contains a message from George to his mother; the other shows a crashed aeroplane in Germany, 28 June 1919, telegram re George passing a test; letter to George from The Aero Club of America, 1917.
F.45 Donald S. Poler, 10 February 1968; also a tear-sheet with article about Poler.
F.46 Lionel Wilmot Brabazon Rees (Great Britain), 16 January 1934; letter is addressed to Rev C. Greenway, sent from a yacht in Nassau, Bahamas; Rees received the Victoria Cross
F.47 Eddie Rickenbacker; 17 February 1936, 20 March 1959, 4 November 1959; 3 letters and a detailed account of shooting down some Fokkers; 1936 letter is addressed to Rev. C. Greenway; letters from 1959 are addressed to Robert Liska.
F.48 Alexander de Seversky (Russia); autographed portrait dated 20 December 1963
F.49 Harry F. Slarb, 17 February 1969; in the post-script, “Remember we never had any parachutes.” Also 3 b&w photographs from a reunion of overseas pilots in 1966.
F.50 Homer I. Smith, 13 October 1966
F.51 Reg Soar (France), 18 January 1966;letter is in French and English
F.52 Carl A. Spaatz, 20 July 1964
F.53 Elliot W. Spring, autograph only
F.54 Stanley Stanger, 4 October 1966; “I do not consider that shooting down another pilot is a memorable experience. I had the privilege of meeting one of them who was wounded, and who subsequently died. He was a young fellow just like me, and I never regretted anything more than that I should have taken his life.”
F.55 Joseph C. Stehlin, 20 October 1966; served in three wars
F.56 Alan P. Tappan, 6 December 1966; enclosures not extant
F.57 William P. Taylor, 21 January 1967; chosen as the official historian for the 148th Aero Squadron
F.58 W. J. Tempest (Britain), 21 February 1932; addressed to Rev. C. Greenway; names Capt. Albert Ball as his top ace, speaks warmly of the American Army men he met, remembers Christmas dinner with the Americans. Also an auction sales catalogue listing for this letter.
F.59 W. Turner-Coles, 13 March 1968; “No. Unfortunately I was not in the movie ‘Hell’s Angels’”.
F.60 George Vaughn, n.d.
F.61 Arch G. J. Whitehouse, autograph only.
F.62 Paul R. Winslow, signed souvenir program for Winslow’s guest appearance at the New York Chapter of Cross & Cockade, 28 October 1966
F.67 News clippings of photographs of aeroplanes, pamphlet published in 1917, Silhouettes d’Avions, typed notes about the collection.
Arrangement is by artist and then date. Unknown artists appear at the end. Artwork also appears in the boxed collection (1-7) and the numbered albums.
Box 13
1. Flouret, “Eglise bombardée de Fresne-en-Woerre”, watercolour, n.d.
2. A. Fouet, “Mont Saint Eloi – Pas de Calais”, watercolour, Jul. 1915
3. A. Fouet, Tank named Sammy, watercolour, 16 Apr. 1917
4. A Fouet, “Champagnes”, watercolour, Apr. 1917
5. A. Fouet, “As d’atout – tank française”, watercolour, 1917
6. A. Fouet, “Ovillers – Somme”, watercolour, 1917
7. A. Fouet, “Versailles”, watercolour, 1917
8. A. Fouet, “Arras”, watercolour, 1919 (?)
8a,b. Hermkuhn, P.O.W.; 2 Dutch landscapes depicting windmills, sheep, both with human figures; watercolours, 12 Dec. 1918 and 15 Dec. 1918
9. P.E. Lott, Battleship, watercolour, Oct. 1911; battleship is Centurion, Ajax, or Audacious
10. Howard Oulsnam (?), “Gen. Maude”, watercolour and pencil, 1918
11. Percy Smith, “15” Howitzer”, etching, 1916
12. D. Snaith, “The Wounded Soldier,” pen and ink drawing with water-colours, 1916; despite the title this is a charming image.
13. Trench, “Ypres”, watercolour, 27 May 1919
14. Trench, “Amiens Cathedral”, watercolour, 28 May 1919
15. Trench, “Village on the Somme: Tout à fait démoli”, watercolour, 28 May 1919
16. Trench, “Hotel de Ville – Arras”, watercolour, 29 May 1919
17. Trench, “Ruins of Arras Cathedral”, watercolour, 29 May 1919
18. E. Verpilleux (Capt. RAF), “Station Erection”, print, 1919
19. A. Paul Weber, “Grodova” (?), pencil drawing, 18 Aug. 1918; oversize: M.C #38
20. A. Paul Weber, Grodova (?), railway bridge, gouache, 1918
21. Artist unknown, “H.M.S. Hampshire”, pen and ink drawing, n.d.
22. Artist unknown, “H.M.S. Thetis”, pen and ink drawing, n.d.
23. Artist unknown, “The Cameronians; Scottish Rifles”, pen and ink drawing, June 1916 or later. Drawing of the regimental crest with names of soldiers who received the Distinguished Conduct Medal, 5 August 1914 to 19 June 1916; a rifleman has been drawn in the centre.
See posters collection for the posters issued by this Committee.
Box 14
Folder I
Lists of Publications
1. September 1914. Folded leaflet, 3 pp. Lists 6 pamphlets, nos. 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.
2. October 1914. Folded leaflet, 4 pp. Lists 14 pamphlets, nos. 5, 9, 12, 1-4, 6-8, 10-11, 13-14.
3. November 1914. Folded leaflet, 4 pp. Lists 23 pamphlets, 5, 9, 12, 21, 1, 1a, 1b, 2-4, 6 - 8, 10-11, 14-20, 22.
Leaflet, unnumbered:
“Separation Allowance / Rates For Wives And Children Of Soldiers / For the information of Soldiers’ Wives.” “[Revised to 11 November, 1914]”. Folded leaflet, 4 pp.
#1a “Separation Allowance / Increased Rates For Wives And Children Of Soldiers / For the information of Soldiers’ Wives.” “With effect from 1st. October 1914”. 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
Leaflet, unnumbered:
“Allowances / To / Dependants Of Seamen / Marines And Soldiers.” [February 1915]. Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
Leaflet, unnumbered:
“Separation Allowance / For / Wives And Children / Of Soldiers. / Revised to include the increased rates for/ children...” March 1st. 1915. Folded leaflet, 4 pp.
[#1b] “Separation Allowance / For / Dependants Of Unmarried Soldiers / (Or Widowers) During The War.” [Revised to 11th. November, 1914]. 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
[#1b] “Separation Allowance / For Dependants Of Soldiers.” [Revised to 1st. March 1915]. 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#3 “Manifesto To The Trade/ Unionists Of The Country. / Dated September 3rd, 1914, ...” 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp. 2 copies.
[#4] “Recruiting: / List Of Commands, Military Districts / And Regimental Areas.” [September 1914?], 8 pp.
#5 “To a Victorious Conclusion!” / The Prime Minister’s / Appeal to the Nation / Speeches delivered at the / Guildhall, London, on / September 4, 1914, by / Mr. Asquith, / Mr. Bonar Law, / Mr. Balfour and / Mr. Churchill.” Also another copy, not bearing “No.5” in upper right corner.
#6 To The Men Of Great Britain / A Call To Arms. / Your Country wants more men for her Army ...”. [September 1914], 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#7 “Who said “Enough”? / You have not yet enlisted, perhaps because / ...”. 18/9/14, 2-sided leaflet, 2 pp.
[#8] “To Welshmen / The Sound of War is abroad in the land of Peace.” Reverse side, in Welsh, begins “At y Cymry”, 9/14, 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
[#9] “Through Terror to Triumph!” An Appeal to the Nation/ by the/ Chancellor of the Exchequer.” September 19, 1914, 16 pp.
#10 “‘Just for a Scrap of Paper.’/ Below is a photograph of the signatures ...”.10/14, 2 sided leaflet, with black and white photograph, 2 pp. Also as above but dated 11/14, 2 sided leaflet, with coloured (blue and red) photograph, 2 pp. 8 copies.
#11 “Patriotic Song Sheet”. Includes 10 songs: #1 is “God Save The King”, #10 is “MEN OF HARLECH”, 10/14, 2-sided leaflet, 2 pp. Also as above but dated 11/14, 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#12 “How / The Great War / Arose.” 11/14, 15 pp.
#13 “The Kaiser’s Insult / to / The British Army.” 10/14. 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#14 “A Just Cause to A Successful End” / The Rally of / Our United Empire.” 11/14, 8 pp. 2 copies.
#15 “The United / Call To Arms. / The King’s Word.” 11/14, Folded leaflet,4 pp.
#16 “More Men! / In regard to the Army we must, ...”. 11/14, Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#17 “Young Men, / Your Country / Needs You!”. November, 1914, Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#18 “Germany’s Barbaric Treatment / Of The Belgian People”. With Punch cartoon entitled “Unconquerable” on verso, 14/11/14, 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#19 “A Message From The Front/ To The Womenfolk At Home”. With cartoon entitled “Smiling Faces Everywhere” on verso.14/11/14, 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#20 “The Glorious / British Army”. 11/14, Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#22 “Our Religious Leaders / on a / Just and Righteous War.” 11/14, Folded leaflet, 4 pp.
#23 “Women And The War. / The men of Britain have answered ...”.12/14, 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#28 “‘Be British’. / These were the words of / the late Captain Loxley / ...”. 1/15, Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#29 “5 Questions To Men Who / Have Not Enlisted.” 1/15, Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#30 “Three Questions/ To Employers.” 1/15, Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#31 “Four Questions/ To Women”. 1/15, Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#32 “Scientific / Savagery. / The Official Handbook ...”. 1/15, 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#33 “Our Village and the War./ By Mrs. F.S. Boas.” 2/15. 7 pp.
#34 “A Reason – Or An Excuse? / In The Great War / (the greatest there has ever been) / Are You Doing / Your Share?” 3/15, Single sided leaflet, 1 p. 2 copies.
#36 “‘Partners In One/ Great Enterprise.’/ An Appeal for/ Sacrifice and Service.” 3/15. Folded sheet, 4 pp.
#37 “Lord Kitchener’s / Appeal. / ‘Unless the whole Nation works/ with us and for us.’” 3/15. 2 sided leaflet, 2 pp.
#39 “‘The Greatest Task.’ / The Prime Minister’s Appeal / to the Wholesale and Retail / Distributing Trades ....”. 5/15, 11 pp.
#40 “Remember the Lusitania! / One mother lost all her three / young children ...”. 5/5/1915. Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#41 “Britons! / Remember The / Lusitania’s / Last Message / Send / Out / Soldiers.” 12/5/1915. Single sided leaflet, 1 p.
#43 “The Truth About / German Atrocities / Founded on the Report of the Committee / on Alleged German Outrages.” 6/15. Blue, soft-covered pamphlet, 24 pp. Also as above, but with pink cover, 24 pp.
#44 “But Why Did You/ Kill Us?” Headline surmounts cartoon taken from New York World, Verso is headed “How the Germans murder Children”, 2 sided leaflet, 6/15, 2 pp.
#45 “Lord Kitchener’s Appeal / for more Recruits / (From a Speech at the Guildhall, London, July 9th., 1915.)” Folded sheet, 8/15, 4 pp.
#46 “Poisoning The Wells”. With photograph of document below. Verso headed “Cold-Blooded Murder!”. 2 sided leaflet, 8/15, 2 pp.
Folder II
Other Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Material
l. Circular, undated, from P.R.C. Hon. Secretaries to local P.R.C.s - “Horncastle Division” written in pencil. Refers to “seven million envelopes containing the Householders’ Forms”,1 p.
2. Blank request cards for posters and leaflets, addressed to P.R.C., 4 printed 5/15, 4 printed 7/15.
3. P.R.C. Circulars, 1914-1916:
a) 1914. “Enclosed leaflets and posters are now ready. To avoid waste, please only ask for such quantities as can usefully be dealt with ...”. 1 p. 5 copies.
b) February 1915. “The Parliamentary Recruiting Committee desires to bespeak your assistance in its publicity work by arranging for the effective display of the enclosed posters ...”. 1 p.
c) 12 June 1915. Circular letter to accompany enclosure of two pamphlets, The Truth About German Atrocities and The Great War and How it Arose: “This Committee and the War Office desire that the former should have wide publicity and the latter is invaluable to speakers, lecturers, and those who seek information on the origin of the War ...”. Folded sheet, 2 pp.
d) 25 June 1915. “It has come to the knowledge of this Committee that various outside Organizations are approaching the Constituencies ...”. Circular letter addressed to A.H. Beeton, Esq., 1 p.
e) 30 July 1915. Circular letter to accompany “samples of new Posters, Card and Post Stamp” with stamp “Take Up The Sword of Justice” affixed, 1 p. (Stamp is a small version of Poster #106).
f) 20 November 1915. From Finance Sub-Committee to accompany “forms on which you are requested to make the Return of Expenditure incurred in connection with the special canvassing campaign ...”. 1 p.
g) 12 February 1916. Circular letter to accompany “samples of more new posters to which my committee attach considerable importance”. 1 p.
h) 16 February 1916. Circular letter to accompany “samples of two new posters to which my Committee attach considerable importance .... Please note that these posters must not appear on the hoardings earlier than February 21st, and that the accompanying slips should be pasted across the posters on February 23rd.” 1 p.
4. 2 P.R.C. Compliments Slips.
Folder III
Other Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Material
1. List of Recruiting Posters, October 1914. Lists as available and provides illustrations of posters #1 - #10 and #12, 11/14, Folded sheet, 4 pp.
2. “Poster no.63 - ‘The Veteran’s Farewell’, Instructions for Billposters”, 2/15, Single sided sheet, 1 p.
3. “Germany’s / Dishonoured Army. / Additional records of German / Atrocities in France./ by / Professor J.H. Morgan.” 8/1915,12 pp.
4. “Meetings Sub-Department ./ Digest Of Reports Of Work / Done By / 1. - A County Recruiting Committee/ 2. - A Borough Recruiting Committee.” Illustrated pamphlet, 11 pp.
Folder IV
Local Recruiting Leaflets and Posters Relating to Meetings held at Spilsby under the auspices of the P.R.C.
[#1] “For Your King / And Country. / As suggested by the Parliamentary / Recruiting Committee (London). / A Patriotic Public Meeting / will be held at the / School, / Hutton, / Wednesday, March 3, 1915, / subject:- / The War.” Poster with red and blue flag and red lettering.
[#2] “For Your King/ And Country. / As suggested by the Parliamentary / Recruiting Committee (London). / A Patriotic Public Meeting / will be held at the / School, / Hagworthingham, / Thursday, March 4th, 1915, / subject:- / The War.” Poster with red and blue flag and red lettering.
[#3] “For Your King And Country. / As suggested by the Parliamentary / Recruiting Committee(London). / A Patriotic Public Meeting / Will be held at / The Rest, Walmsgate, / On Saturday, March 6th, 1915, / Cinematograph / Display Of / War Pictures/ and an address.” Leaflet with red and blue flag and red and blue lettering.
[#4] “A Patriotic / Public Meeting / (Under the auspices of The Parliamentary Recruiting Committee) / will be held at / The School, / Old Bolingbroke, / On Wednesday, March the 17th, 1915, / in support of Lord Kitchener’s urgent appeal for more / Men to Fight for King and Country.” Leaflet with red lettering.
Also 5 smaller size envelopes and 26 large (foolscap) size envelopes, all but one addressed to A.H. Beeton, Esq., Town Hall, Spilsby, Lincs. from The Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, 12, Downing Street, London, S.W. and postmarked during 1915. There is one return envelope, unused, bearing the printed address of Sir Jesse Herbert, Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, 12, Downing Street, London, S.W. The oversize envelopes are in Map Cabinet 38.
Folder V
National War Aims Committee Leaflets.
[no number] “Man Power. / A Speech Delivered By / General Sir A. Hunter-Weston, M.P. / (In the House Of Commons, January 24, 1918.).8 pp.
#12 “‘Gentlemen’ / Of / Germany .... The murder of thirty-eight members of the crew of the / Belgian Prince on July 31 1917 ...”. Folded sheet, 4 pp.
#14 “Right And Might / A Lesson Which Germany / Must Be Made To Unlearn / For more than fifty years Germany’s rulers ...”. 2-18 [February 1918], Double sided sheet, 2 pp.
#15 “A Kalendar / Of / ‘Kultur’. / Some outstanding dates and facts to remember when /our German friends’ talk of a German peace:-.” 2-18 [February 1918], Double sided sheet, 2 pp.
#30 “Germany’s Two Voices/ ...”. Cartoon of the Kaiser with a mask appears below this title. Cartoon by Wm. Stephen Sanders, 1918. 12 pp. and cover.
#33 “Our United War Aims / The Prime Minister declared Britain’s War Aims in / an Address to delegates of the British Trade Unions at the Central Hall, / Westminster, on January 5th, 1918.” Folded sheet, 4 pp.
#34 “A World Peace. / President Wilson’s Programme. / President Wilson, in an Address to Congress / on January 8th, 1918, outlined what he called The Programme Of The World’s Peace.” 2/18, Folded sheet, 4 pp.
Also an envelope printed: “Pamphlets On National War Aims. / Gratis.”
Folder VI
Parliamentary War Savings Committee.
[No number] Covering slip to accompany “the enclosed leaflets which deal, from different points of view, with the features of the War Loan and the necessity for its support ...”. Refers specifically to Leaflet #4 (below). 7/15, Single sided sheet, 1 p.
#1 “Why You Should Save./ 1. Save in every way possible for your Country’s sake and for your own good.”. 7/15, Double sided sheet, 2 pp.
#2 “Why We Ought / To Save Now. / Because!” Verso shows a Punch cartoon entitled “The New Capitalist”, 7/15, Double sided sheet, 2 pp.
#3 “Help Your Country / And Yourself / By / Saving All The Shillings You Can / And Putting Them Into / The War Loan.”. 7/15. Single sided sheet, 1 p.
#4 “‘Silver Bullets’ / Will Win The War. / Why We Must Save.”. 7/15. Folded sheet, 4 pp.
#6 “National War Loan. / How To Invest Small Sums In The / War Loan. / Investments of £5 and Upwards.” 7/15. Double sided sheet, 2 pp.
#7 “National War Loan. / How To Invest Small Sums In The War / Loan. / [Scrip Vouchers.] / Investment of Smaller Sums than £5.” 7/15, Double sided sheet, 2 pp.
#9 “We shall fight to the End.” / Appeal to the Nation / for Thrift. / Speeches delivered at the / Guildhall, London, on/ June 29, 1915 ...”. 7/15, 10 pp. and 1 p. advertisement.
#13 “How To Save / And / Why. / This pamphlet is meant to illustrate the possibilities/ of saving by all classes ...”. 8/15, 8 pp.
[No number] Promotional leaflet to accompany Pamphlet #14. “Pamphlet No.14, “Why We Must Save and / How is available in limited quantities only, and it / is requested that care and discrimination be used / in its distribution.”. 8/15. Single sided leaflet, 1 p. 2 copies.
#14 “Why We Must/ Save And How.” Blue, soft covered pamphlet, 8/15. 47 pp.
Folder VII
Army Forms
B.218F “Young Men, / Your Country / Needs You! / More men are urgently required for the Regular/ Army...”.Signed , in facsimile, “Kitchener”. Folded leaflet, 4 pp.
B.218M “His Majesty’s Army / 10th. November, 1914. / This Leaflet is intended to take the place of any issued before this date. / Weekly Rates Of Pay Of Private Soldiers ...”. Folded leaflet, 4 pp.
B.218P “His Majesty’s Army. / 15th. June, 1915. / This Leaflet is intended to take the place of any issued before this date./...”. Folded leaflet, 4 pp.
Folder VIII
Local Tribunals
1. Small buff-coloured card, designed to be folded to half size. Right front side reads: “R.39/ Military Service/ Act 1916./ Certificate Of Exemption.” The verso or inside section has spaces designated for the name of the Local Tribunal, the certificate number, the name, address, age and occupation of the holder and the type of and grounds for the exemption. 2/16.
2. Register Of Cases. Loose sheets for the use of the Local Tribunals in reporting claims for exemption from military service. These sheets were intended for use by the Spilsby Tribunal, as this name has been stamped in the upper right corner. The reporting sheets have spaces for the entering of the name of the man and of his employer, a column for the decision or recommendation of the tribunal and another for the date when the papers were sent to the Central Appeal Tribunal “in cases of appeal or recommendation”. 2/16, 18 copies.
Folder IX
Printed material materials acquired with this accession but not produced by the PRC. See Box 17 for other printed materials.
[#1] “The Tragic Scale / Loss Of Population. / ....When the Unionists come into Power.” Leaflet issued by the Small Ownership Committee, [1911?], Folded sheet, 4 pp. 2 copies.
[#2] “Map Of Industrial Ireland”. Map reprinted from the Belfast Newsletter of November 29th, 1912. Verso contains an article headed “Where Ulster Leads”. Large, double-sided sheet, 2 pp.
[#3] “September, 1914. / List Of Publications / Issued By His Majesty’s Stationery Office / In Connection With Events / Arising From The State / Of The War.” Pamphlet, 22 pp.
[#4] “Have You Forgotten?” Title is followed by a coloured illustration of a soldier pointing John Bull’s attention to a poster. Caption underneath illustration reads: “Shall British Troops Be Used Against Loyal Ulster?” Leaflet published by National Unionist Association of Conservative and Liberal Unionist Organizations. [March?] 1914. Double sided sheet, 2 pp.
[#5] “Have You Forgotten?” As #4 above, but the soldier is pointing to a different poster and the caption beneath the illustration reads: “Shall Irishmen Be Denied The Right Of Self Government?” Leaflet “published by the Liberal Publication Department (in connection with the National Liberal Federation and the Liberal Central Association).” 16/3/14. Double sided sheet, 2 pp.
#6 Young Men’s Christian Associations – National Council. Package of material appealing for funds for Y.M.C.A. camp centres.
(i) “Will you be Host? Brochure with illustration of middle aged couple and a Y.M.C.A. camp centre. Inside the leaflet is an appeal for funds and a reply form which may be cut out in the bottom right corner. Folded sheet, 4 pp.
(ii) Small card containing messages of support for the Y.M.C.A. camps from the King, the Prince of Wales, the Queen and others. Double sided card, 2 pp.
(iii) Circular letter from A.K. Yapp, General Secretary, dated 21 July 1915, referring to “the enclosed card which invites subscriptions to maintain the recreation rooms and shelters which the Y.M.C.A. has established.”
(iv) Reply forms – 3 on one sheet.
(v) Reply envelope, addressed to Capt. R.L. Barclay.
(vi) Poster containing photographs of 2 Y.M.C.A. huts and illustrated with a smiling soldier. The text begins “You have heard them singing / ‘Tipperary’” and concludes “What will you give?” Mauve lettering and illustrations.
(vii) Subscription card, the one referred to in (iii) above. The smiling soldier, in profile, heads an appeal which is followed by columns where the name of the subscriber and an amount donated may be entered.
(viii) Also an envelope dated July 22 1915 addressed to “The Secretary, Horncastle Division, Central Conservative Assn., Town Hall, Spilsby.”
#7 “Collection / Of / Pamphlets On The / Substitution Of Women In Industry / For / Enlisted Men / Prepared By The / Home Office And The Board Of Trade / Pamphlets Nos. 1-27.” Second edition, December 1917, 100 pp. and photographic illustrations.
#8 “Calendar 1918”. Card with 6 months in squares on each side of an illustration (by Bruce Bairnsfather) of a soldier looking down a ravaged road. The card is headed “The Pilgrim’s Way”. Underneath the illustration is a poem by J.S.A., November 1917 which begins “The road is rough before his feet”, 2 copies.
#9 Pamphlet. white stock cover reads: “Not by / Bread / Alone”. Title page reads: “With England’s Great Men ... by Helen R. Macdonald.” Compliments slip (from Judge Henry Neil), newspaper cutting (July 1918) and a smaller pamphlet: “Will America Fight On?” enclosed. Also another copy with buff coloured cover enclosing a smaller pamphlet: “Pensions For Mothers”.
Folder X
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee.
Promotional Cards of the Great War.
[no number] “If you want to know about / Germany’s / Dishonoured / Army, / Ask within for a copy of the pam- / phlet, containing additional records of/ German Atrocities In France, / issued Free Of Charge by the / Parliamentary Recruiting Committee.” Red and white card with string loop for hanging at top.
Card #100 “Come Along Boys! / Enlist Today”. Shows a smiling recruit with a pipe in his mouth against a white background. Entire image framed in a brown border [November 1914]. 26 x 41 cm.
Card #101 “‘England /Expects /Every Man / to Do His /Duty’ /and Join the Army /To-day”. Blue and red lettering on a white background, framed with red and blue lines. [November 1914]. 23 x 40 cm.
Card #107 “Come And Do / Your Bit / Join Now.” 5/15. Black, yellow and red card showing a smiling soldier pointing to the message.
Card #108 “Your Country Wants / You /And 300,000 More Men Like You / Don’t Wait / But Join Now”. Blue and red lettering on a white interior square framed in brown. Printed by C.J. Faulkner, no date. 27 x 40 cm.
Card #112 “It’s Our Flag”. Underneath heading is red, white and blue Union Jack. The message below the illustration reads: “Fight for it/ Work for it”. White lettering on olive green background.
Box 15
Helmer Rosting and Vladimir Miselj, Ville Libre de Dantzig (Geneva, League of Nations, 1926). Bound mimeograph ts. with Miselj’s signature on the flyleaf and a loose note from him to his co-author re draft chapters. Placed into this bound volume in different locations are multiple typescript and typescript carbon additions. Dantzig’s name is now Gdansk in Poland.
All letters in French unless noted as English.
Box 16
F.1 Général Berthelot, 2 letters, 30 May 1922 (to Crépy) and 27 September 1927.
F.2 Général Degoutte, 31 January 1923.
F.3 Général Gourand, 4 letters, 22 October 1919 , 21 July 1921, and 12 December 1923 (to General Godley). Also a note in English, 28 July 1921, indicating that Général Gourand thought the British Government was behind his attempted assassination.
F.4 André Maginot, Minister of War. Telegram to General Godley, 2 May 1924, and typed translation into English; undated telegram to Godley. Also handwritten card, 8 January 1924.
F.5 Général Maistre, 2 letters,13 September 1920 and 22 May 1920.
F.6 Général de Mitry, 6 June 1918.
F.7 Général Nollet, (19?) January 1927.
F.8 Général Ruquoy, 2 letters, 16 December 1923 and 21 August 1923.
F.9 Général Weygand, 29 (?) January (?) 1923.
F.10 Other French and Belgian Generals, Staff, and Liaison officers. 1) Bizard, 8 January 1919 and 4 March 1922. 2) Boquet, 31 July 1923. 3) Burguet, 13 June 1924. 4) Chevalier, 1 August 1923. 5) Crépy, 1 August 1923. 6) de Croÿ, 25 September 1918 and 15 April 1930 (both in English). 7) Heamish (?), 20 December 1929. 8) Commandant de Malcissye-Meliy, 4 August 1923 (to General Godley in English). 9) de la Panouie, 31 March 1922 (to Godley in English). 10) Rampont (?), 2 July 1924.
F.11 Original file folder for this collection, listing its contents.
See also Folder IX in Box 14.
Box 17
F.1 Postcards and greeting cards:
Bound collections of cards: Cambrai, Doues, Ypres, Zeebrugge
4 postcards with German text, printed in Breslau and Dresden; images of Flanders and an Infantry Regiment, accompanied by winged horsemen.
4 postcards with French text, images of Paris, The Somme, a Red Cross dog; painting of a soldier
17 postcards with English text, images of tanks; William Leefe Robinson, V.C; captured German submarine ; defenders of the Empire; caricatures and cartoon; woman dressed in the Stars and Stripes with caption “I’ve come to see you through it!”; series 1 to 3 depicting an airman attack.
Greeting card (col.) from the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces, 1917-1918, Somewhere in France, with caricature and greeting in French inside. Also Christmas and New Year's greeting card from the Canadian Cavalry Training Brigade, 1916-1917.
125th Canadian Infanty Battalion: Christmas Service card, 1917; Christmas card from Withley Camp, Surrey, 1917-1918
F.2 Printed cards and exemption certificate; includes information about bridges, roads and the water supply; also a programme for a military concert, Fergus Unit, 153rd Battalion, 17 April 1916.
F.3 Publications:
Audibility of the Gun-Firing in Flanders over the South-East of England, September 1914-1916; offprint from The Quarterly Journal of The Royal Meteorological Society.
The Gunfire on the Continent During 1918: Its Audibility at Chignal St. James Near Chelmsford; offprint from The Quarterly Journal of The Royal Meteorological Society.
Americans at the Front, 32 pages, illustrated.
The Great Air Raid on England, September 3rd, 1916; booklet of souvenir photographs.
The New Testament with Lord Robert’s Message to the Troops printed on the back of the front cover.
F.4 Charts numbered 1-6 of various revolvers and pistols. Chart number six indicates it was from the 3rd Northern Division.
F.5 Women: “The Alphabet of the Women’s Legion” “By one of them (with apologies)”; illustrated; blank enrolment form for the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps.
F.6 Messages, information statements, propaganda, one page each:
* “The King’s Message to the Royal Air Force”, 11 November 1918
* A Proclamation by the King asking for a reduction in the consumption of bread and the use of flour in pastry, 1917
* “How to Invest Through the Post Office in the National War Loan”
* “Sketch Shewing Correct Method of Wearing Putties”
* “To the British Troops in Upper-Silesia”. A plea from Upper Silesians – they are not rebelling against the Allies; 2 copies
* “Last Will and Testament of the Kaiser”, also printed on the verso. Satirical.
F.7 Three printed b&w images issued by F.E. Lockwood, Argyle Street, Derby: “The S.S. Belgian Prince Tragedy”; “The Llandovery Castle Lifeboat Murders”; “Once A German Always a German”, issued in conjunction with The British Empire Union.
F.8 Other: 4 German stamps, 1 Hong Kong stamp; 3 German medical tags; one blank Soldiers’ Small book. Also paper col. lapel pins in support of various causes and associations – Sailors Society, Royal National Life-Boat Institution, Woolwich Hostel for Girls, Fund for Wounded Soldiers, Seamen’s and Miller Hospitals; YMCA Hut Day, Lord Roberts Memorial Fund, Help Russia, flags. Also two metal pins with flags and 2 ribbons (red, white and blue combined); metal Machine Gun Officer’s protractor with cord and case.
F.9 Material of German origin:
Alarm und Sprengungen [Alarm and Explosions], n.d., 6 pp. – German.
Order from J.V. von Rodbertus, Oberst [Colonel] of the Kaiserlich Deutsche Kommandantur in Brussells, 20 Feb. 1917, 1 p. – German, Dutch and French.
Order to deliver unnecessary household articles to the collection point at the Luxemburger Train Station on 6 Mar. 1917. Failure to comply with order will result in forcible seizure of the articles. House searching will be conducted.
F.10 News clippings, special issues, tear-sheets:
* Photographs: “Canadians on the March in France”, n.d.; “The South African Aviation Corps”, 1915; publications not known
* Belgian newspapers (three), published 20 and 21 August 1914, two in French (one annotated “Copy of last newspaper issued in Brussels before the Germans entered”, one in Flemish
* French newspapers tear-sheets: “Les Cinq Armes de l’armée Française” with coloured drawings; Le Jeune France with col. illustrations of “Les Ravageuirs de l’Oise” and “La Bataille Navale d’Héligoland”
* Illustrated London News: The War Pictorial, November 1917; b&w photographs; insert of col. painting of ship, aeroplane, the coast
* The New York Times, tear-sheet, 26 May 1918
* Cartoon, “What Time do they feed the sea lions Alf”; Drawing of Mr. Poliu
* "Deeds that Stirred the Empire: The Canadians' Glorious Stand at Ypres", reprinted by "The Daily Chronicle," London by permission of the Acting High Commissioner of Canada. 1915
* Paintings: Pictorial Review, tear-sheet, July 1919: “The Battle Among the Clouds” by John O. Todahl; on verso “David Lloyd George. Oversize, Map Cabinet 38
* The New York Times Magazine Mid-Week Pictorials: 29 June 1916, 7 September 1916, 1 February 1917. Oversize, Map Cabinet 38
*The Morning Post, Friday 29 October [1915]. "The King's Visit to the Front ...". News agent's advertisement. Oversize, Map Cabinet 38
*"Canada's Aid to the Allies and Peace Memorial", Montreal Standard, ed. Frederic Yorston. Oversize, Map Cabinet 38
*Canadian Corps Fall Championship Athletic Meet Held in France, September 1917." Programme. Oversize, Map Cabinet 38.
F.11 Mons, France: Three leaflets of instructions for the citizens, issued 1917-1918; two are in French, one is in French with some German.
F.12 Victory Bond Campaign leaflet, London, Ontario.
Souvenir commemorations:
10 Souvenir commemorations 1915-1919, printed by S. Burgess, with coloured decorative borders: (Oversize, Map Cabinet 38)
1a&b – “Souvenir in Commemoration of the King and Queen’s Visit to St. Paul’s Cathedral, August 4, 1915”; 2 copies with different borders.
2a&b – “In Commemoration of the First Anniversary of the ‘Anzac Landing in Gallipoli’: Memorial Service at Westminster Abbey, attended by the King and Queen. April 25, 1916”; 2 copies with different borders.
3 – “Souvenir in Commemoration of the Glorious ‘Contemptible Little Army’ … at the Royal Albert Hall, December 15, 1917”.
4a&b – “ In Commemoration of the Feed the Guns Campaign in Trafalgar Square, October 1918”; 2 copies with different borders.
5 – “Photo and Souvenir of Visit of the British Tank”, [October 1918]
6 – “Souvenir in Commemoration of the King and Queen’s Visit to St. Paul’s for the Great Peace Thanksgiving, Peace proclaimed Nov. 11, 1918”
7 – “Souvenir in Commemoration of The Women’s Joy Loan Day Celebrations in Trafalgar Square, Saturday 28 June 1919”
8 “Bow-Wow! Strafe the Kaiser – Wow!, Sergeant Major of Canada” Text is printed around an image of a bull-dog.
Maps: (Maps listed below are located in Map Cabinet 38, exceptions are noted)
1 – Diagram of the blocking operation at Zeebrugge harbour drawn by Admiral Sir Stuart Bonham-Carter who was in charge of the Intrepid. It was one of three old cruisers, the others being Iphigenia and Thetis that were filled with cement and sunk in the harbour at the entrance to the ship canal to Bruges on 23 April 1918. There were problems with the Thetis which are shown on the diagram.
2 – Printed map of “Red Road”; notes have been written on the verso. Location: Box 17.
3 – "Daily Mail Map of the British Front, Section 1", [1914]. Extreme oversize. Location: Map Cabinet 34
1 – “Merkblatter Zum Weltrieg, Die Schlacht von Hermannstadt, 26-29 Sept. 1916”
2 – “Vier Jahre Weltkreig. 2. Osten.” Three maps printed on one sheet, 1915-1917, also charts.
Ontario Department of Agriculture calendar for 1918, "All Together Onward to Victory": Location Map Cabinet 38.
Box 18
“Oh What a Lovely War” in 2 acts, Alan Bishop, 2 video recording tapes.
“What Is for This The Clay Grew Tall?” Richard Rempel and Alan Bishop, September 1978; this copy made in May 1980
Drummond Wren, 4 audio cassettes, memoirs, including his youth in Scotland, his emigration to Canada in 1912, First World War and the W.E.A., the union-education link in the 1920s.
PHOTOGRAPHS (Boxes 19-24)
The numbers were placed on the photographs by archival staff many years ago. Some aerial photographs have been transferred to the Trench Maps and Aerial Photographs collection. No attempt to arrange photographs by subject was made. For example, photographs taken in South Africa are separated. Some photographs are captioned or annotated – this explanatory text is indicated by quotation marks. Some photographs have no clear connection to the War. Some photographs are postcard photographs. They have been noted as such. The quality of this numbered grouping of photographs varies from good to very poor. Other photographs are located throughout this collection.
Box 19
1 Men posing with crashed plane (postcard)
2 Bodies of German crew of Zeppelin shot down over castle (postcard)
4 Men posing with R.E. 8 British aeroplane used to take aerial photos [E 90] (postcard)
5 Officers on stairs in front of American flag (postcard)
6 Two Canadians in front of Airco plane with maple leaf (postcard)
7 Soldiers lined up (postcard)
8 Soldiers posing with walking stick (postcard)
9 German soldiers with a Maschinegewehr machine gun (postcard)
10 Soldier posing with a handgun (postcard)
11 German soldier: addressed to Wilhelm Schafer of Hanover, Germany (postcard)
12 Soldier posing in front of a rock formation (postcard)
13 E Co. Imperial Service Battn. First Surrey Rifles. St. Albans Dec. 1914 (postcard)
14 Officers on horses inspecting troops (postcard)
15 British battalion at attention in a field (postcard)
16 Du Chasseur Alpin – soldier in a Paris studio (postcard)
17 57th Brigade Hdqts., Martin Eglise (postcard)
18 Royal Flying Corps airmen in front of a four-blade propeller plane [E90?] (postcard)
19 Maréchal Foch; to Mrs. Morley St. Albans, May 16, 1919 (postcard)
20 Maréchal Foch and Georges Clemenceau; to Mrs. Morley, May 26, 1919 (postcard)
21 Royal Marines Light Infantry group [?] (postcard)
22 Leyland truck #50115, Royal Flying Corps men on a (postcard)
23 Leyland truck #50115, painted “Bing Boys - Louvre Terie” (postcard)
Leland trucks - see also #69.
24 Royal Flying Corps airmen sitting in front of a porch, with a dog (postcard)
25 Two soldiers with a car, man on left, possibly a chaplain (postcard)
26 Royal Flying Corps airmen in front of a plane in hanger (postcard)
27 Airco D.H. 9a British bomber, I.F., 170/c3/11-10-18, with pilots (postcard)
28 Airco D.H. 9a, I.F. (E-716) with pilots (postcard)
29 Airman in the Royal Flying Corps, studio W.H. Christmas Bowes Park (postcard)
30 Soldiers in snow with football, Caudry, France (postcard)
32 St. Albans, Nov. 1914, Lord Roberts at head of group; to W. Morley (postcard)
33 Family portrait, same airman as in #29 (postcard)
34 British and French officers (postcard)
35 German military funeral leaving a hospital (postcard)
Woolwich Arsenal, London (postcards)
37 Woolwich Arsenal, Central Avenue
38 Wheeler’s shop
39 Shell Foundry
40 Shell Turnery
41 Metal Turnery
42 Maxim Machine Shop
43 Making cases to store cordite
44 Trimmer’s Shop
45 Blacksmith’s Shop
46 Bullet Foundry
47 No. 1 Main Forge
48 Turning 50 ton gun
General Postcards
49 Camp No. 15 Godford No. 2 (postcard)
50 German incendiary bomb dropped at Maldon April 16, 1915 (postcard)
51 Coast artillery gun and men; to Mrs. Fordhan, Kent from Tom 20/7/15 (postcard)
52 Woodford Green - Air Raid over London, Oct. 13, 1915; annotated (postcard)
53 Gruss aus Gremsdorf (Greetings) Germany, posted Sept. 13, 1916 (postcard)
54 Watching the guns fire from Hohenzollen Bridge June 20, 1919 Cologne (postcard)
55 Guns, Rhine Bank, Peace Day, June 28, 1919 [13 pounder CWT QF gun](postcard)
56 Guns, Rhine Bank, Peace Day, [13 pounder CWT QF gun] Cologne, Germany (postcard)
57 Guns, Rhine Bank, Peace Day, June 28, 1919 Cologne (postcard)
58 1st gun to fire across the Rhine, June 28, 1919 [13 pounder CWT QF gun]
59 Guns of Cologne signal the signing of peace June 28,1919, Germany
60 Albert (Somme) Amienes after bombardment (postcard)
61 Albert (Somme) Villa des Rochers - La Chapelle (postcard)
62 Aveluy (Somme) - La place (postcard)
63 Vimy; written in German, 8 April 1917 (postcard)
64 Group of soldiers; written in German, 31 August [1916] (postcard)
65 Vimy; written in German, March 1917 (postcard)
66 Royal Flying Corps? Airman (postcard)
67 Seaforth Highlander (postcard)
68 Royal Flying Corps, dispatch rider? (postcard)
69 Soldier driving Leland truck, #50114 (postcard)
Sunbeam Tours postcards
70 Meso. 1 Coast of Arabia
71 Meso. 2 Arab pilot
73 Meso. 4 Banks of Shat-el-Arab (postcard)
74 Meso. 5 Magil Light Railway (postcard)
75 Meso. 6 Magil-Basra Railway (postcard)
76 Meso. 7 Approaching Basra (postcard)
78 Meso. 10 Hospital Ship on Tigris (postcard)
79 Meso. 11 River front at Amara (postcard)
80-2 These numbers were assigned to film containers no longer extant.
Royal Flying Corps
83 Corporal
84 corporal
85 Aeroplane being pushed in background
86 de Havilland DH9 plane
87 Pilot (?) in front of bomber plane
88 Aeroplane taking off
89 Aeroplane in air
90 Tail of aeroplane F929
91 Parachute (?)
92 Row of aeroplanes
93 Row of 4 aeroplanes with men in front
94 Four aeroplanes, one with marking S. E5710
95 Four aeroplanes, one with marking Y 926
96 Tail ends of 3 aeroplanes
97 Zeppelin, staaken RVI (?)
98 Aeroplane in motion among row of aeroplanes
99 Aeroplanes outside hanger
100 Aeroplane flying over people on bicycles
101 Balloon hanger (?)
102 Balloon hanger and observation tower
103 Corporal in aeroplane with gun
104 Aeroplane tipped forward
Royal Navy, Mobile Column
105 Hoisting artillery gun
106 Military personnel gathered inspecting gun
107 Funny pose
108 Man catching canister on truck
109 Snow-covered truck
110 Group of marines
111 Men working
112 Men with just hoisted artillery gun
113 Truck tire being fixes
114 Men admiring anti-aircraft (?) gun
115 Marines on truck
116 Snowball fight
117 Winter at the depot
118 S.J. Scown, 5.4.16
119 75 mm QF anti-aircraft gun (?)
120 Gun inspection
121 arines and sentry, shaking hands
122 Truck access beside a pub
123 Sentry
124 Group of sailors at depot
125 Three marines
126 Seating area of mounted gun
127 Clinometer on gunner’s level
128 Heavy gun (3 in 20cwt QF anti-aircraft gun?) on truck
129 Mounting gun (3in 20cwt QF anti-aircraft gun?) on truck
130 Machine gun (Colt Browning?)
131 Shielded sighting area on gun
132 Mounted gun
133 Mounted gun with dispatch rider
134 Marines checking gun sights (Vicker’s machine gun)
135 Marines rigging gun to platform
136 Vicker’s 3-pounder
137 Mounted gun being transported
138 Mounted gun ready for transport
139 75mm QF gun (anti-aircraft?) on mount, with civilian
140 Marines on Coaling Gatigue
141 Transport convoy ready to move
142 Truck with mounted gun trailer
143 Marines at depot
144 Cricket game
145 Train in marshalling yard
146 Train in marshalling yard, different view
147 Train in marshalling yard, yet another different view
148 Railway carriage
149 Truck transport convoy along tree-lined road
150 Truck transport convoy in field
151 View of truck ahead on road
152 Truck convoy lined up in field
Scenes probably near Cape Town, South Africa
153 Wave hitting rock
154 Coastline view
155 Sea spray on rocks
156 Rocks and mountain
157 View of town below mountain
158 View of town from beach
159 Hilltop view of town and beach
160 Ship’s passengers on deck
161 Ship’s officer (captain?) with telescope on deck
162 Man leaning on ship rail
163 Ship’s below deck crew eating
164 Military personnel on deck
165 Military personnel in life jackets on deck
166 Ship at dock with military personnel and family
167 People waiting at dock
168 Truck transport convoy at rest
169 View from a vehicle of a tree-lined road
170 Two Royal Flying Corps men standing on a rock in a wave
171 Soldier sitting on tarps with a monkey
172 Bow of a ship
173 Ship underway, presumably taken from another ship
174 Ships
175 Ship
176 Civilian and two soldiers in front of Rhodes monument, Cape Town, South Africa
177 Earthen fortification
178 Village
179 Earthen fortification
180 Building on a hill
181 Cape Town, South Africa
182 Gateway to the castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, S. Africa
183 Cape Town, South Africa
184 Pier at bottom of Adderley St., Cape Town, S. Africa
185 Pier observation tower, bottom of Adderley St., Cape Town, S. Africa
186 Cape Town, S. Africa from Adderley St. Pier
187 Four soldiers outside a wood building
188 Marines and women sitting in the grass
189 Royal Navy depot (?)
190 Soldiers on lawn by a wrought iron fence
191 Table Rock, Cape Town, S. Africa
192 Group of men in turbans
193 Military personnel dockside
194 Seven military personnel in life jackets on deck
195 Soldier on sentry duty
196 Rail transport convoy
197 Rail transport convoy
198 Soldier, with tea, reading
199 African coastline. Oversize, at back of box.
200 Unidentified equipment
201 Estate building
202 Estate building
203 Estate building, in Cape Town, S. Africa
204 Building, possibly used as barracks, Cape Town, S. Africa
205 Cape Town - Houses of Parliament
206 Brick buildings
207 Cape Town City Hall and Grand Parade
208 Cape Town City Hall
209 Theatre stage and bench seating
210 Pub
211 Aerial view
212 Two soldiers in front of a war monument
213 Soldiers and civilians on a beach, Cape Town, S. Africa
214 Woman in white with hat
215 Woman in a pin-striped dress reading
216 Two women and three children on the stairs of a home in S. Africa
217 Same group this time with a young soldier
218 Officer in front of a cannon at the Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, S. Africa
219 Soldier wearing an iron cross medal on his life jacket
220 Military funeral
221 Troops waiting to move out
222 Soldiers washing up
223 Two soldiers leaning on ship railing looking at coast
224 Nine military personnel posing against brick building
225 Two corporals (Royal Flying Corps?) in front of sign “Longericher Haupisir” (Germany)
226 Military personnel watching on the sidelines of field
227 Troops lined up for roll call
228 Military personnel in a truck
229 Royal Flying Corps airman at the Castle of Good Hope
230 Airman with cigarette at Castle of Good Hope earthen wall
231 Five military personnel in front of wood building
232 Snowball fight
233 Soldier with a black dog in front of a truck filled with men
234 “B. Howes (?) and Seabrook lorry H.Q. Imbros [Turkey] 1915”
235 Constructing airship hanger
236 Constructing airship hanger
237 Aerial view of hanger and tents
238 Airship in hanger
239 Airship being taken out of its hanger
240 Airship ready for flight
241 Airship in flight
242 Airship in flight
243 “[Air]ship over lagoon No. 2 Wing 1915”
244 “Avro 2nd wing Imbros [Turkey] 1915” (Avro 504B; Serial No. 1043)
245 Pilot sitting in his airplane
246 Aerial view airship hanger and camp
247 Aerial view of camp
248 “Turkish Fort, Kastro Lemnos [Turkey]1917”
249 Ship convoy
250 Overhead view of ship
251 Ships off Turkish (?) Coast
252 “View at Malta”, Old Navy Hospital, Kalkara, Malta (postcard)
253 Malta “peninsula” (postcard)
254 “Malta” Royal Naval Canteen, Grand Harbour (postcard)
255 “French battleship” Grand Harbour, Malta (postcard)
256 “Ships rolling to starboard” (postcard)
257 “Lowering boat at sea, towing target” (postcard)
258 “Model aeroplane” being towed by a rowboat (postcard)
259 “Zeppelin, Salonika”, Greece shot down at mouth of Vardar May 5, 1916 (postcard)
260 “Zeppelin, Salonika”, Greece shot down at mouth of Vardar May 5, 1916 (postcard)
261 Zeppelin wreckage, Vardar marsh, Greece
262 Zeppelin wreckage, Vardar marsh, Greece
263 “Destruction of zepp”[elin] May 5, 1916; image depicts search at sea (postcard)
264 Tenedos island, off the coast of Turkey (postcard)
265 “Malta” Ricasoli Lighthouse, Grand Harbour (postcard)
Box 20
266 Searchlights with two sailors (postcard)
267 “French battleship, Malta” (postcard)
268 “Getting in ammunition” onboard ship (postcard)
269 “Ship lying off [Malta] peninsula” (postcard)
270 “River Clyde” (postcard)
271 “Ship skiffing seas” (postcard)
272 Ship at “Imbros” Turkey (postcard)
273 “Bombarding” by ship’s guns (postcard)
274 Ship at “Malta” (postcard)
275 Ship at “Imbros” Turkey (postcard)
276 “Porst Bundjo (?) N.B.” ship at lift bridge (postcard)
278 to 309 [Transferred to Trench maps and Aerial photographs collection]
310 Man painting a dragon
311 Meeting of officers and a civilian
312-313 [Transferred to Trench maps and Aerial photographs collection]
314 Coast
315 [Transferred to Trench maps and Aerial photographs collection]
316 Aeroplane flying over fields
317 Train track and tunnel
318 “Railway blown up by Huns near Cambrai”
319 Aerial; identifying caption has been cut off
320 Two soldiers in front of Nideggen rail station
321 German cross
322 German tank
323 Bomb damage to public building
324 Farmhouse and barn
325 Bullocks in front of cart
326 Bullocks in front of cart
327 Stell Werk railway line
328 Bombed damaged buildings
329 Grave of L.W. Stone 201squadron, RAF, August 9, 1918
330 German airplane, JIII
331 Royal Flying Corps airman
332 “B.G. Flemons France, 1918”; airman
333 Two airmen Royal Flying Corps
334 Royal Flying Corps airman
335 Group of soldiers and civilians outside a hut (postcard)
336 View of a large, ornate stone bridge
337 “The top of Bow St.” London
338 Transport vehicles outside a large stone building
339 Red Cross and other truck in front of buildings
340 Trucks outside same buildings as 339
341 Damaged bridge over a canal
342 Damaged bridge over a canal
343 Damaged bridge over a canal
344 Demolished metal bridge
345 105 - Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme (numbered, published postcard)
346 Truck convoy in front of buildings
347 Truck convoy in front of buildings
348 Truck convoy and soldiers; lead truck number, 35377
349 Soldiers in truck 35377
350 Bombed large building
351 Military personnel and a Leyland truck in a city
352 Men in front of a German armoury
353 Farm house and well
354 Demolished bridge and damaged building
355 Castle-like gate with turrets
356 Children walking through a gatehouse
357 Bombed church
358 Village scene
359 Village with signs for Boich and Düren
360 Royal Flying Corps airmen in front of a Nissen hut
361 View of a stone bridge, houses and hill
362 Royal Flying Corps air man standing in ruins; possibly related to #334
363 German military funeral procession
364 Church nave facing toward the altar
365 Book and paper supply office with civilians
366 Damaged public building corridor
367 Farm buildings and waterlogged field
368 Field with buildings in the distance
369 Two men in uniform smoking; caption is illegible
370 Dead horses and men
371 Dead horses and wagons
372 Dead horse with wagon
373 Bombed church with red cross symbol on roof
374 Large field artillery guns
375 Large field artillery guns
376 Rail line in foreground with battle-damaged terrrain
377 Damaged equipment
378 Damaged equipment
379 Not identified
380-384 [Transferred to Trench maps and Aerial photographs collection]
385 View of base?, France 1/6/18
386 City in Northern France
387 [Transferred to Trench maps and Aerial photographs collection]
388 Smoking battlefield, France
389 Rail station in a city, France?
390 Railyard outside a town, France?
391 “Boat captured from Huns ...” in East Africa.
392 “Fort Ikoma where I recently spent a week”, East Africa
393 “Natives near Fort Ikoma who gave trouble”, East Africa
394 Duplicate of #393
395 “War dance”, East Africa
396 Africans in war dress, East Africa
397 “Entrenchments Belgian position”
398 “Kiduha Belgian Camp showing Entrenchments”
399 Inspecting troops, Africa
400 “Dismantled Belgian position”
401 Army camp, East Africa?
402 British soldier with flag, 2 African men, small child saluting
403 Same place as #402 with same child
404 Soldier with Africans
405 African soldiers
406 Military patrol, Africa
407 Large group of African soldiers
408 “Belgian cal[vary] and officer”’ one mounted soldier and dog, other soldier on foot
409 “H.M. King George V at Eastern Command Depot Shoreham by Sea, during the Grat War. Also the commandant, Lieut. Col. Ritchie”. Other people are in the photo, also 2 cars
410 “H.M. King George V at Eastern Command Depot, Shoreham-by-Sea, during the Great War. Also the commandant Lieut. Col. Ritchie”. Also other military personnel, buildings.
411 “H.M. King George V at Eastern Command Depot, Shoreham-by-Sea during the Great War. Also Sir Wm. Robertson and the commandant, Lieut. Col. Ritchie”. The 3 men are walking down stairs.
412 “H.M. King George V at Eastern Command Depot Shoreham by Sea during the Great War. Also the commandant, Lieut. Col. Ritchie” in foreground.
413 “Sir Wm. Robertson at Eastern Command Depot Shoreham by Sea during the Great War. Also the Second in Command Major Wellesley”. Other military personnel and buildings in photo.
415 “Australian Headquarters Statistical Department 1917”. A small photograph album containing 13 photographs.
416 Seaplane carrier H.M.S. Ben-my-chree (postcard)
417 “H.M.S. Temeraire 1909” “Yours very sincerely Leon H. Holliday” ; 7 sailors
418 Peace Conference at Versailles 1919; stamped in French on verso as Army property
419 Peace Conference at Versailles 1919; stamped in French on verso as Army property
420 Peace Conference at Versailles 1919; stamped in French on verso as Army property
421 The ADC, Gen. Sir Wm. Robertson, Lt. Col. Hetherington, Gen. Maurice inspecting wreckage of Zeppelin L33 at Little Wigborough, Essex 24/9/1916
422 The ADC, Gen. Sir Wm. Robertson, Lt. Col. Hetherington, Gen. Maurice inspecting wreckage of Zeppelin L33 at Little Wigborough, Essex 24/9/1916
Box 21
This is a published series of stereographs produced by Realistic Travels London. Each card has two photographs pasted on it. Most items are still in their original cases. Numbers 430 to 524 are in one case; numbers 525-614 are in another case; numbers 615-632 do not have a case. The first number below refers to the archival number assigned; the second to the published number. Captions are printed on each card; quotations marks have not been used as most captions have been condensed.
430 (1) Seaforths watch through periscope for the Bosche.
431 (2) Enemy sighted - Fire!
432 (10) A battery of Royal Field Artillery snatching a few minutes’ rest.
433 (11) H.R.H. the Prince of Wales at the Chateau in France.
434 (12) London Territorials - La Bassee Road.
435 (21) French Graves smashed by German shell fire.
436 (22) The famous Gurkhas near Neuve Chapelle.
437 (24) Courage Unsurpassed! Crawling through wire to rescue comrades.
438 (25) The price of Victory! Brave lads killed during raid on Hun lines.
439 (27) Beury Chateau, Festubert where the Prussian Guards were hurled back.
440 (28) A battery of Field Artillery crossing a bridge at eventide.
441 (29) A regiment of Allenby’s Cavalry recuperates behind the line.
442 (32) Inspecting the Ruins of Richbourg Cathedral.
443 (33) Sappers and miners at work on tunnel under Hill 60 at Ypres 1915.
444 (34) The Labyrinth, Arras.
445 (35) The battlefront along the Yser Canal - winter 1916.
446 (36) Dogs with first-aid and stimulants search for wounded in no-mans-land.
447 (37) H.M. King George V inspecting shells at Holmes & Co. Ltd. Hull.
448 (42) Belgian Trenches at Nieuport in winter.
449 (48) Under cover of gas and smoke we breakthrough to Serre and Theipval.
450 (50) Over the Top at Somme.
451 (52) Moving up with French 75s during attack on Thiepval Ridge.
452 (54) Delville Wood shattered in fierce struggles by the South Africans.
453 (55) At dawn in Tromes Wood, we carry the Hun entrenchments.
454 (57) The Flanders mud hampers our artillery.
457 (58) Stretcher-bearers rescue a comrade.
458 (60) Examining a Jerry Prisoner.
459 (69) Incessant, thrilling aerial combats secure us mastery in the air.
460 (70) A battle squadron in fighting formation.
461 (78) Waiting in trenches near Arras.
462 (79) Formidable Hun Pillbox at Bullecourt.
463 (80) R.Es mine and counter-mine Messines Ridge.
464 (81) Leaving for a night raid at Messines.
465 (83) Zero Hour! Over the Top to Wytschaete Wood.
466 (85) Our Troops carrying supplies over destroyed bridges on Yser Canal.
467 (87) Huns surrender at Pilken.
468 (89) Our Troops charge forward into Berafay Wood.
469 (91) Victors & Vanquished both happy after weeks of fighting for Minin Road.
470 (92) Attending the wounded on the Menin Road, Ypres.
471 (93) Our troops occupy Houthoulst Forest.
472 (97) Our Troops advance to final assault of Passchendaele Ridge.
473 (98) Tenderly carrying a “blighty” case to aid post at Passchendaele.
474 (100) Guarding Sacred Ypres.
475 (101) British destroyers on the track of a German Submarine.
476 (102) Trapped German submarine driven inshore and blown out of the water.
477 (103) Ship River Clyde grounded on V beach during landing at Sedd-ul-bahr.
478 (104) Beach W: a Turkish death-trap rushed by Lancasters.
479 (105) Our reserves awaiting orders on slopes of Cape Hellas.
480 (106) Our Troops charge at Gallipoli despite shortage of ammunition.
481 (107) Australian camp at Anzac.
482 (108) The Anzacs land supplies near Gaba Tepe.
483 (109) Where the Anzacs dug themselves in on the shelterless slopes of barren hills.
484 (110) Sinews of war at Anzac for attack on Lone Pine and Sari Bair for the Narrows.
485 (111) Dreadnoughts bombard the heights of Chocolate Hill and Lalu Baba.
486 (112) Turks who fell on Chocolate Hill resisting our attack from Suvla Bay.
487 (113) On the inhospitable Gallipoli hillsides.
488 (114) After the desperate struggle for Lone Pine, Australians and Turks lay dead.
489 (115) Entrenchments on crest of Table Top sealed by New Zealanders.
490 (117) Turkish Emissary with white flag led blindfolded at Anzac beach, Gallipoli.
491 (118) Kitchener - in happy mood, praises officers and men at the Dardanelles.
492 (119) Glorious Vindictive - Pride of the Navy.
493 (120) Our gallant defenders of the Nile awaiting orders.
494 (121) Mounted Anzac troups force the Wadi Ghuzzee and outflank Saza.
495 (122) Spotting the Turks, observation balloon ready to ascend.
496 (123) Under the Star and Crescent - Infantry of the Sultan defeated by Allenby.
497 (125) Jerusalem, the Holy City rescued forever from the Turks.
498 (126) Spoils of War. Gun and stoves captured from Turks at Palestine.
799 (127) On the long march to Bagdad.
500 (128) Early morning camp fires and breakfast in the Persian Gulf.
501 (129) Machine gun section & infantry crossing flooded river by pontoon bridge.
502 (130) Unique sand block-house in the deserts of South-West Africa.
503 (131) Wit. Rifles back from Windhoek entrain at Cape Town.
504 (132) Mounted brigade under Gen. van Deventer.
505 (133) British Troops refresh themselves at a waterfall.
506 (134) Scouts cautiously feeling for the enemy in jungles of East Africa.
507 (135) South African gunners with pet zebra in East Africa.
508 (136) In touch with Von Voreck’s column.
509 (137) Our monster tanks surprise the Hun at Cambrai.
510 (138) A badly crippled tank in the battle-zone.
511 (139) Tank disabled in our break-through near Moeuvres.
512 (140) French 75s returning to “Chemin des Names”
513 (141) German prisoners carry our wounded at Bourlon Wood.
514 (142) Light Railway pushed forward by R.O.D. through old canal at Lens.
515 (143) Ready for the enemy in the thick of a gas attack.
516 (144) Our fearless men mine the bridges and retire across the Crozat Canal.
517 (145) Gas shells-most terrifying of all bombardments.
518 (146) We valiantly resist the furious enemy onslaught at Morry.
519 (147) The men who fell covering retreat of 5th Army at Albert.
520 (148) Listening Post in shell-crater in No-Man’s land near Lagnicourt.
521 (149) Engineers repair light railways near Hangard.
522 (150) Prisoners after repulse at Hangard and Villers-Bretonneux in “Kaiser’s Battle”
523 (151) British tank amid ruins of Bapaume.
524 (152) Smoldering Bethune, ignited by Bosche guns in payment for Festubert.
525 (153) Dead Jerry found on wire after futile night raid at Givenchy.
526 (155) Soldiers of King Albert defend the line of the Yser against the Germans.
527 (156) Belgian stretcher-bearers carrying comrade through trenches at Dixmode.
528 (157) H.R.H. The Prince of Wales discusses cinematography with Dr. H.D. Girdwood.
529 (158) Notre Dame Armentieres, a mute witness to desperate fighting.
530 (159) Male Tadpole tank, especially designed to cross the Hun trenches.
531 (160) Tanks worsted in Battle of Tanks - Villers Bretonneux.
532 (161) Our troops leaving by a sap to cut off Huns at Villers Bretonneux.
533 (162) On eve of great battle, squadron of aviators reconnoitre.
534 (163) Squadron of giant planes on moonlight raid beyond the Rhine.
535 (164) Aerial photo over German lines, showing deep trenches, mine craters etc.
536 (165) Armour-plated Hun plane, mounting seven machine guns.
537 (166) An intrepid observer meets with mishap and makes a hurried descent.
538 (167) Trail of smoke from burning remnants of enemy observation balloon.
539 (168) Ingenious camouflage used to conceal lines of communications, etc.
540 (169) Our l6-in. railway-guns demolish Hun concrete emplacements.
541 (170) The bursting of our high-explosive shells shatter Hun defences.
542 (171) Column of earth from explosion of British mine under a German position.
543 (172) Our whippet tanks penetrate German lines at Morcourt.
544 (173) Tank rescues comrade bogged down during advance on Rosieres.
545 (175) Bosche prisoner escorted by French troops in front of Albert Cathedral.
546 (176) Shattered ruins of Albert.
547 (177) Sappers remove derelict tank obstructing the “corduroy road.”
548 (178) Australian drivers gallop to move guns during battle for Le Transloy.
549 (179) The battered sugar refinery at Le Transloy taken by Australians.
550 (181) With dogged courage we break the Hun lines from Epehy to Bellicourt.
551 (182) On the run! In hot pursuit we cross the Canal du Nord.
552 (183) The Hun vandal, French village set on fire by retreating Germans.
553 (184) Our cavalry pursues the defeated enemy through the ruined villages.
554 (186) 11-inch shells abandoned by the Germans.
555 (187) Hundreds of captured German guns in a gun park at Brussels.
556 (189) l2-inch gun on a Monster German submarine.
557 (190) Under the Sea in a “U” boat!
558 (193) His Majesty reviews the “Young Guards” before departure for Rhine.
559 (195) Field Marshall Earl Haig arrives at Cologne on tour of inspection.
560 (196) F.M. Douglas Haig, inspecting sailors .
561 (197) In Cologne the martial tread of British troops reigns supreme.
562 (201) Our dauntless men storm the Hun lines at Croisilles.
563 (202) Bosche machine gun captured and gunner taken prisoner at Croisilles.
564 (203) Inch by inch, our lads hack their way through tangled maze of wire.
565 (204) Following close on our gas, we storm the Schwaben redoubt.
566 (205) “Kamerad” Bewildered Huns give up near Martinpuich.
567 (206) Under heavy shell-fire, our troops drive the enemy out of Trones Wood.
568 (210) South Africans prepare to defend against a gas attack.
569 (2l2) Casualties on embankment after assault of the Railway Triangle near Arras.
570 (2l3) Amid the havoc of war, our troops carry on, passing Monchy.
571 (2l4) Ten minutes to zero! Irish troops stand to arms before Wytschaete Wood.
572 (215) Hun prisoners taken in underground defences on Pilckem Ridge.
573 (216) We cross the Yser Canal & force the Hun out of Bixschoote.
574 (2l8) Interrogating a Bosche prisoner taken after assault on the Hohenzollern redoubt.
575 (224) Pressing the Hun rearguard, we cross the Canal and push on toward Cambrai.
576 (226) The Sergeant calls for volunteers to go to No-Man’s-Land.
577 (227) Our rapid advance near Cambrai compelled Germans to abandon ammunition.
578 (230) The desolate rain-sodden battlefields.
579 (23l) The first of a Squadron of giant bombing planes returns from successful raid.
580 (232) Bird’s-eye view of a French village taken from an aeroplane.
581 (233) Observation balloon brought down in flames by a lucky shot.
582 (234) Skeleton of a huge German bomber.
583 (235) Unlucky hit brings down British plane but aviators land safely.
584 (236) Anti-aircraft gun captured from defeated Germans.
585 (237) Field Battery at rest, responds to urgent summons from Ypres.
586 (238) Our hidden batteries prepare to put down a barrage for the infantry.
587 (239) One of our l6-inch railway guns.
588 (240) An ammunition column bringing up some of the endless stream of shells.
589 (243) A gas attack threatened ready with S.O.S. at Rifle Ville.
590 (248) The parapet of captured trenches hastily reversed and strengthened.
591 (249) Infantry, equipped with H.P. gas masks fire on retreating enemy.
592 (250) Casualties after the charge has swept over.
593 (252) Caring for the wounded, after the storm and stress of battle.
594 (253) Arrival of wounded at a base hospital.
595 (254) Dear Mother this Hospital is “tres bon” and the nurses are Angels
596 (255) Interior of the commodious hospital at Brighton.
597 (256) Her Majesty visits R.N. Hospital at Hull.
598 (257) Lord Kitchener’s magic appeal for men.
599 (258) The answer to Lord Kitchener’s call. Kitchener’s men arrive in France.
600 (260) Leicesters passing a French canal on way to firing line.
601 (261) Guns of the Royal Horse Artillery thundering through a French village.
602 (262) A battalion of the Manchesters recuperate behind the line.
603 (263) An Army field kitchen always ready with hot meals.
604 (264) Cavalry coming up to support a hard pressed point of the line.
605 (265) Tommy’s mount receives first attention.
606 (266) Huge park of motor lorries waiting at railhead to load up with supplies.
607 (267) Surprise! secret concentration of a huge fleet of British tanks.
608 (269) Enormous propeller of wrecked Zeppelin.
609 (271) Examining the fuse of an incendiary Zepp bomb.
610 (272) Millions of pounds for sinews of war: busy day for Tank Bank.
611 (273) England’s great welcome to first contingent of American troops.
612 (274) Army lorries bringing up supplies on Italian front.
613 (275) Naval gun landed at Walfisch Bay.
614 (276) Afternoon tea under difficulties, invasion of bees.
615 (278) Transporting wounded by hospital train during East African campaign.
616 (279) Auxiliary Cruiser "König” sunk by Germans in attempt to block Dar-es-Salaam harbour.
617 (280) EI-Kantara, base for Egypt and Palestine as viewed from Suez Canal.
618 (283) Holding a trench on the ridge of Lone Pine.
619 (284) Turks lying as they fell on the slopes of Chunuk Bair.
620 (286) Our gallant infantry charging the German position on a Balkan hillside.
621 (288) Anzacs witness Commemoration of the End of War review in London.
622 (290) Captured German submarine of the “Deutschland” type.
623 (291) “U” boat has Saw-like cutters on prow of boat to aid escape from nets.
624 (292) Conning tower on mine-laying German U Boat.
625 (293) Interior of forward compartment of U boat 135.
626 (294) German battle cruiser “Derfflinger” hauls down its flag to Admiral Beatty.
627 (295) German battleship Kaiserin surrendered at Scapa Flow.
628 (296) Officers of 15th Btn., 48th Highlanders have last parade before demobilization.
629 (297) End of the great adventure! Canadian troops return home.
630 (298) U.S. troops arrive in New York, escorted by warships.
631 (299) Doughboys remove wounded from ship on arrival at New York.
632 (300) Sailors and soldiers of America in Victory Loan Procession, New York.
Box 22
Photographs 633-761
The captions below (633 to 710) are translations into English from text in German pasted or typed on the versos.
633 “The installation of the Polish Council of Regency in Warsaw, 27th October 1917. The festive procession from the cathedral to the castle”
634 “Polish firemen forming a cordon in front of the castle”
635 “A Polish escort of Ulans on Sigismund Square”
636 “The crowd during the festive procession on Sigismund Square in front of the castle”
637 “Russian negotiators in discussions with German officers” 20 December 1917
638 “Russian deputies which have come to the German Front because of armistice negotiations” 20 December 1917
639 “Russian deputies, which went because of armistice negotiations to the German Front”, 20 December 1917
The treaty of Brest-Litovsk
640 “ The reception of the Russian delegation at the railway station of Brest-Litovsk.” 20 December 1917
641 “The reception of the Russian delegation at the railway station of Brest-Litovsk”.
642 “The armistice of Brest-Litovsk. The reception of the Russian delegation at the railway station of Brest-Litovsk”.
643 “ The reception of the Russian delegation at the railway station of Brest-Litovsk: officers of the Russian delegation talking to German officers. Left to right: Captain of Russian General Staff Lipsky, (Captain von Trotha), Lt. Col. of Russian General Staff Fokko, Maj. Gen. Skalan, Rear Adm. Altvater”.
644 “Members of the Russian delegation after their arrival at the railway station of Brest-Litovsk. Left to right: Maj. Brinkmann, Joffe, Chairman of the Russian delegation, Mrs. Biecenko, Komeneff, Korachan, Secretary of Delegation”.
645 “The building in which the negotiations of the armistice took place”.
646 “At the Russian telegraph office Brest-Petersburg”. 24 December 1917
647 “Col. Gantschew, the Bulgarian plenipotentiary, on his way to the negotiations”. 24 December 1917
648 “Mrs. A.A. Biecenko, a member of the Russian delegation”. 20 December 1917
649 “Members of the Russian delegation on the way to the place of negotiations”.
650 “Members of the Russian delegation on the way to the council chamber. Left to right: Kameneff, Joffe, Rear-Adm. Altvater”.
651 “Members of the German and Austrian Commissions in conversation before the reception of the Russian delegation.”
652 “In front of the conference building”
653 “Before the entrance to the conference room”
654 “View of the conference room during the negotiation”
655 “His Royal Highness, Prince Leopold of Bavaria the commander- in-chief of the East signing the armistice”. Also a mimeographed list of all participants. Numbers have been written on them for identification purposes.
Suspension of hostilities on Eastern Front
656 “Suspension of hostilities in a snow covered artillery position”, 25 January 1918
657 “Winter silence on the German Quarters on the Eastern Front”
658 “ Winter silence on the German Quarters on the Eastern Front”
659 “Winter silence on the German Quarters on the Eastern Front”
660 “Winter silence in a German shelter on the Eastern Front”, 2 February 1918
Between the positions before Dünaburg:
661 “ Return of Russian emigrants from Switzerland to their homeland; arrival of emigrants on the German light railway before their reloading onto Russian sleds”
662 “Return of Russian emigrants from Switzerland to their homeland. Transfer of Russian emigrants from German light railway to Russian sleds before trip to Dünaburg”. 25 January 1918
663 “Return of Russian emigrants from Switzerland to their homeland. Russian emigrants at the point of transfer from German light railway to Russian sleds before trip to Dünaburg”
664 “Return of Russian emigrants at point of transfer from German light railway to Russian sleds before journey to Dünaburg”
665 “Return of Russian emigrants from Switzerland to their homelands. Transfer of Russian emigrants from the German light railway to Russian sleds before journey to Dünaburg”
666 “Russian emigrants waiting for Russian sleds in the neutral zone”
667 “Return of the Russian emigrants from Switzerland on the way to their homeland”
668 “Between the positions before Dünaburg. Return of Russian emigrants from Switzerland to their homeland. Arrival of Russian emigrants at the neutral zone point of transfer, before the departure to Dünaburg”
669 “Return of Russian emigrants from Switzerland to their homeland. German and Russian soldiers in conversation with the emigrants”
670 “Between the positions before Dünaburg. Return of Russian emigrants from Switzerland to their homeland. Departure of Russian sleds to Dünaburg”
Between the lines before Dünaburg
671 “ German sentry at the border of neutral zone”
672 “ German and Russian sentries in the neutral zone on the railway Wilna-Dünaburg”
673 “ Issuing German newspaper at the neutral zone”
674 “Transferring mail for prisoners of war at a neutral junction”
675 “Labouring to restore the railway line Wilna-Dünaburg”
676 “Labouring to restore the railway line Wilna-Dünaburg”
677 “Labouring to restore the railway line Wilna-Dünaburg”
678 “Before Dünaburg. Building of the railroad connecting line to Dünaburg”, Feb. 1918
679 “Between the lines before Dünaburg. Arrival of Russian soldier in the neutral zone”
Armistice on the Eastern Front
680 “Life and activity in front of the wire entanglements”, 12 January 1918
681 “Life and activity between the lines : Russian purchasing consumer articles”
682 “Life and activity between the lines: Russians purchasing consumer articles”
683 “Life and activity between the lines: Russians purchasing consumer articles”
684 “Life and activity between the lines: the daily exchange of ideas in front of the wire entanglements”
685 “Life activity between the lines: the daily exchange of ideas in front of the wire entanglements”
686 “Life and activity between the lines: peaceful gathering in front of the wire entanglements”
687 “Life and activity between the lines: Russian cigarette under German fire”
688 “Before Dünaburg - German fire for a Russian cigarette”
689 “Between the lines before Dünaburg. Life and activity in the neutral zone during the concert of a German military band”
690 “Life and activity in the neutral zone during the concert of a German military band”
Before Dünaburg, February 1918
691 “Frolick between the lines”
692 “Amusement between the lines”
693 “Amusement between the lines”
694 “German-Russian soldiers dancing at the meeting place between the lines”
695 “Russian regimental band at a recital on a meeting place between the lines”
696 “Concert at a meeting place between the lines”
697 “Concert promenade at meeting place between the lines”
698 “Russian soldiers bartering at a meeting place between the lines”
Life and activity on the Yassyolda river:
699 “At the river crossing”
700 German military concert at a meeting place between the lines
701 German military concert at a meeting place between the lines 13 February 1918
702 At a meeting place between the lines 1 February 1918
703 German military concert at a meeting place between the lines 13 February 1918
704 1 February 1918
705 13 February 1918
706 13 February 1918
707 At barter
708 At barter
709 At barter
710 At barter
712 “The Right Hon. The Earl of Derby, Secretary of State for War, at the wedding of his heir, Lord Stanley, Also Lt. Gen. Sir Francis Lloyd, and Earl Howe”
715 Rt. Hon. Arthur J. Balfour, Prime Minister, autographed portrait
716 Rt. Hon. A. Bonar Law, Prime Minister, autographed portrait
717 Brig. General E. Allan Wood, autographed portrait
718 4 Squadron R.A.F. Nov. 1918 France, without hats. There is also a glass plate negative of this in Box 23.
719 4 Squadron R.A.F. Nov. 1918 France, with hats
Note: 4 Squadron took some of the photographs in our Aerial photographs collection
720 The Grenades, 1919; theatrical group (?)
721 Tadcaster, aerial view of military camp
722 6th Field Survey Co. Royal Engineers (map makers)
723 “R.E. officers 33rd division724 “R.E. officers 33rd division”
725 “R.E. officers 33rd division”
726 “The Great Mystery Tower, Southwick”, Shoreham, U.K., built as a defence tower against German submarines. (postcard)
727 “Central Section of R.N. Mobile A.A. Bgde. In position on coast”. There is also a glass plate negative of this in Box 23.
728 Royal Flying Corps training camp?; aerial view
729 See Box 23
730 R.N. Mobile Column 9?
731 Royal Flying Corps and aeroplane. (Cut-down postcard)
732 Aerial photograph
733 "Overlap Photographs"; table of exposure intervals for aerial photography
734 Officer (postcard)
735 Royal Engineers?
736 Royal Engineers?
737 “Jindman’s (?) Todessturz” [Death fall] German soldiers and wreckage
738 H.M.S. Furious (aircraft carrier)
739 “15.H.1312. Doncaster A24c. 12.6.17”; aerial
740 “15.H.1314. Doncaster A23b.12.6.17”; aerial
740a Soldiers marching, some with guns and others with shovels
740b Women in uniform marching in parade
740c Lord Kitchener portrait
740d “Noakes is officer on left - photograph taken in the South of France where he was convalescing after being wounded”. (postcard)
Aerial Photographs
741 Aerial photo and map. Zannebeke-Passchendaele area [Ypres Salient--Passchendaele], Belgium. Low angle aerial photo with annotations showing various locations and corresponding map printed on one long paper. Digitized version. (Rare Maps, Cabinet 14)
742 Aerial photo and map. Ypres Salient-Zannebeke area, Belgium. Low angle aerial photo with annotations showing various locations and corresponding map printed on one long paper. Digitized version.(Rare Maps, Cabinet 14)
742a [Neiuport Bains], 24 July 1917. Low angle aerial photo showing destruction. Digitized version.(Rare Maps, Cabinet 14)
742b Sea Coast, Nieuport to Ostend (No.1), Belgium Sheet no. 12. Aerial composite. Digitized version.(Rare Maps, Cabinet 14)
743 First Army panorama No. P 110 from Hill 145 [Vimy Ridge]. (Oversize 8L)
744 First Army panorama No. P53 made on 4.14.16 (between Dudley Lane and Stone St.); shows the German Front Line. (Oversize 8L)
Box 23
Glass plate negative; aerial view
729 Supply Centre and rail head in France
Glass plate slides; aerial views
745 Marquion railhead France
746 Rail-head
747 Buried cable and air line above Hombleres?, France
748 Temporary dump, Sancourt France
749 Air line Sancourt, France
750 AA 585 trenches and wire H.6 France
751 N 37 DUP. P.P.6. 4905 Basra Docks, vertical and oblique of same area Iraq
752 342058 AC/2 Viner? F.H. France?
753 Active and inactive batteries in the snow
754 Spider wire batteries in the snow, France
755 Spider wire, France
Glass plate slides
756 Drawing of officer superimposed on a landscape with aeroplane above Chatham (?), numbers 575-771a
757 Model trench
758 Shell exploding
759 Men on barrel dock moving logs
760 Steamship along the coast
761 Men building a floating bridge
763 East Yorkshire Regiment War Memorial
764 Two officers (?) on a wood bridge
765 Men learning to dig a trench
766 Barrel raft with pulley (?)
767 Men building support
768 Cadets tying rope around logs and barrels
769 Men on floating barrel plank way
770 Wood bridge constructed by tying logs with rope
771a Cadets building a wood bridge over ditch
771b Wood bridges at training camp
772 Trench wall (?)
773 Finished wood and rope bridge
774 Looking across wood bridge
775 Soldiers building a wall into a hill
776 Soldiers looking at defence wall
777 Bridge over stream
778 Wood ramp before bridge
779 Rail bridge over a river
780 Practise trench system (?)
781 Soldiers posing on a bridge they built
782 Soldiers viewing ditch trap
783 Constructing a bridge
784 Practise defence positions
785 Stone wall (?)
786 Finished practice trench
Note: There are also six glass plate negatives which have not been identified or numbered
Box 24
Oversize items and photograph negatives, with numbers which fit into the preceding sequence.
423 “55 Squadron Royal Air Force, Mosul 20th May, 1921”, surrounded by signatures
424 “17th H.L.I. Service Brigade taken in 1915 in England before proceeding to France”
425 Two photographs (421, 422) pasted on board with names printed below. These photographs are not larger in size.
426 “Canal Defence Headquarters Ismailia, Egypt 1915”; group of military personnel
427 Army officers at Colchester: Their names are written on the verso: 2nd Lieut. G. Lees, Lieut. Robinson, Smart, 2nd Lieut. Molineux, Capt. E. Middlemiss, Major M. Butler O.C.; Capt. Watson P.S.O.
428 “The officers, Rushmoor group, Howitzer batteries, Royal Field Artillery Oct. 1916”. Underneath this printed text, all the names are printed. Taken at Aldershot.
711 “5th (Service) Battalion the Connaught Rangers. Basingstoke, 1915”
713 “Machine gun course 1915 Bisley Camp ... Central Force School outside Canadian hut, Brookwood”. The names of all the men in the photograph are recorded on the verso.
714 “D. Lloyd George”, Secretary of State of War, 7 July-7 Dec. 1916; portrait
Also 138 photographic negatives: Many have been matched to numbered photographs.
Note: The albums noted as oversize are filed at the end of the sequence of albums.
1 – Album of news clippings, 1917-1918, although the clippings are not arranged chronologically. Also, loose: handwritten sheets of lists – killed, wounded, mentioned in despatches, commissions won in the field, medals, foreign orders and medals, and others; printed East Lancashire Regiment lists with dates and notations added by hand, June 1916-Sept. 1918.
2 – Album, “The Fourth Army’s Advance – August-November 1918”; 48 b&w photographs depicting the crossing of the Selle, The Somme, the Hindenburg Line, the Oise Canal, the Bony Tunnel – landscapes only. There are no human beings in the photographs.
3a-b–.Two albums, Col.-Comdt. Stuart Williams Hughes Rawlins (“Tots”), Royal Artillery, 1880-1927. There is a loose typed note about his military career which began in the South African War in 1902. Album 3a begins with his engagement notice, n.d, and a photograph of him and his wife (“Dots”), in 1919, followed by photographs from “the spring before the Great War”, then “Mobilization, August 4, 1914” at Lyndhurst; birth of his son (“Bun”) in 1915; The Somme, 1916. The album contains personal correspondence (cards addressed to “baby”), photographs (camps, military exercises, baby christening, post cards (one written in German), news clippings, menus. Also loose: personal correspondence, postcards, church program from 1910. Album 3b is noted as “Book 2: The Great War” and begins in 1917. It has a postcard, “Fleurs de France” with flowers made from fabric; pressed dried flowers, letter to Mrs. Rawlins, news clippings, postcards, menus, b&w photographs (war gardens). Loose: letter to his son, Christmas card, b&w postcard photograph of two men with a horse and cart. Rawlins’s French Legion of Honour certificate (oversize) is in Map Cabinet 38, as is his award from Albert, Roi des Belges (Belgium), his Order of the Bath from George V, and his six mentioned in Despatches certificates, 1915-1919.
4a-f – Three albums, and a memoir in three volumes, Lieut. C.H. Lennox Ingall, Gordon Highlanders. Album 4a begins with instalments from a newspaper of The Diary of Lord Bertie of Thame, 1914-1918, published in 1924; the original war material only begins about halfway through the album with documents concerning Lieut Ingall: orders, instructions, certificates, tickets, programme, poem “To my Mother”, ration book, officer cadet examination questions, 7 official b&w photographs; aerial photograph (possibly German), 1914-1918; one later news clipping “The Lost Generation”, 1930. Album 4b is noted as “Letters written between 1914 and 1919 while in the Army (containing one letter from each camp etc. where I was stationed).” Letters are still in their envelopes. Album 4c contains news clippings, printed documents including “Notes on Chinese Labour” and a booklet on The Gordon Highlanders, official correspondence, New Year’s menu, 1918, illustrated with artwork: water colour of witch, cauldron and cat. Memoir, volumes 4d-f: written in 1924. The volumes also contain photographs, postcards, news clippings, maps and diagrams.
5 – Album, C.G. Lacy of Women’s Legion of Motor-Drivers, 1918-1937; predominant, 1918-1923. B&w photographs of ambulances, cars, trucks, peace procession in 1919, French battlefields after the war, Comité Américain pour les regions devasteés de la France. There are also many loose documents: list of members, casualties, orders, printed letter from George VI, news clippings as well as photographs, negatives, and a Christmas card depicting an ambulance.
6 – Album of 24 b&w photographs, n.d., unidentified military personnel – only activities depicted are digging trenches and shaving.
7 – Album of 24 b&w photographs, n.d. Many of the photographs are annotated in different hands: Argonne, Trench St. Mihel, Hindenburg Line, Arras, and Paris. There are several photographs of dead or wounded German soldiers, also German and French flame throwers, wrecked German airplane, German gun, bombed out house and ruined Belgian village, a British tank disguised by the Germans, German cemetery at Drancourt, German trenches, American and French troop reviews. At the end of the album are three photographs of nursing sisters. There are also four loose photographs: Marshall Foch arriving at Victoria Station 27 February 1921; Italy, March 1918; granite pillar near Port Said; unidentified ship.
8 – Album, Lieutenant Gilbert H.C. Hawtrey, 1914-1930: personal and official correspondence, military orders, maps, artwork, postcards, photographs, passes and permits, pressed flower from the Newfoundland Memorial Park dated 1920. Hawtrey served with a variety of British regiments. Oversize.
9 – Scrapbook, Col. H.P. Jones, 1917-1918. Jones was attached to the Intelligence Section A General Staff Headquarters in France. Situation maps and b&w aerial photographs of bomb targets – canals, bridges – (before, during and after) in Belgium, parade ground and bridge building, machine gunners. Also translation of a German poster (printed), Christmas card, entertainment and service programs, news clippings. Oversize.
10 – Scrapbook of news clippings, b&w posters, col. postcard, Oct. 1914-Aug. 1915. Oversize.
11a-e – Album and four journals, Francis Alleyne Marr, 1912-1932; 1943. Album 11a: certificates, officer commission, orders, menu, b&w photographs, postcards. Marr rose to the rank of Brigade Major in the Cambridgeshire Regiment. His death notice and obituary, 1943, are also in the album. Journals b-e: the journals contain handwritten transcriptions of 475 of his letters home from 1915 to 1918. Some news clippings have been pasted into the journals. Album11a is oversize.
12 – Journal, Frederick Charles Edds, 1916-1927, sailor. The journal begins with a few news clippings, including the notice of his wedding in New Zealand in 1927 when he was a Leading Seaman, and an article about the death of his brother, also in the service, in 1918, followed by notes including the “Sailors Ten Commandments”, and a list of his personal war events, 1915-1918. The journal begins in February 1916 with the commissioning of H.M.S. Narwhal, with trials following in the Clyde. The journal takes the form of brief entries, mainly describing where the ship went and other ships that were nearby. Submarine attacks and deaths at sea are noted. This part of the journal ends on 16 December 1918, followed by a note that he was “paid off Narwhal … on April 7, 1919”. The journal then continues with other ships that he served on until 1927. Pasted in at the back of the journal are more news clippings.
13 – Album, Lieut. G.W.M. Grover, Royal Marines, 1915-1920; 1953. Lieut. Grover belonged to “B” Company of the Deal Battalion which landed in Gallipoli on 25-29 April 1915. He sailed on the Franconia. Later the Deal Battalion left Egypt in the Almwick Castle for Mudros and then Skyros. There are b&w photographs taken at Gallipoli, on Stavros and Mudros in Greece, in Egypt, and Malta. Because Grover remained in the service, there are photographs taken in the 1920s. There are also two letters (loose) written in 1953 from Hugh Dalton, M.P, about Rupert Brooke. Re Brooke not writing any of his poetry on Skyros and Grove’s memories of Brooke’s burial. Also printed (col.) British decorations; later research notes on Grover.
14 – Album complied by the Cane family stranded in Switzerland, August 1914. B&w photographs, postcards, artwork, maps, and notices from the British Repatriation Committee, Lucerne. There are two photographs of troop mobilization, one in Lucerne, and one in the woods at Sonnenberg. Apart from these two photographs and the notices, the album depicts an idyllic holiday.
15 – Album of b&w photographs taken in Middle East, 1915-1918. Arrangement of photographs is not chronological. Album begins with photographs taken in Jordan and Jerusalem as well as a group photograph of General Englefield (?) of the 54th Division, General Wabon of the force in Egypt and Lt. Col. Ward. The album contains photographs of dead Turkish soldiers; the aftermath of the Battle of Beersheba; various scenes in Cairo; a camp in the desert in Gaza; and other scenes in the region. There are also four loose photographs including a military group beside a fence with a life preserver which reads “Bridge El Shatt” and a portrait of Col. Sir Arthur Henry McMahon, First High Commissioner to Egypt, 1914-1916.
16 – Album of b&w photographs, 1914-1917. The album begins with sporting activities: lawn tennis, golf, field hockey, croquet as well as family gatherings with children and dogs. The first caption, several pages in is of the August Bank Holiday weekend, 1914. This is followed by a holiday in Scotland in June 1914. Next is a page of various men in military uniform, one of whom has joined the Queen Victoria Rifles. Then photographs taken outside military hospitals begin: Ottershaw Park, 1914-1915; St. Georges Hill, 1914; Clandon Park, 1915-1916; Longleat, 1916 (has some interior shots); Lady Evenly Mason, 1916-1917. A military wedding is also depicted. The album concludes with photographs taken outside England (Malta?, Turkey?) with patients outdoors.
17 –Album, R.C. Jenkins, Despatch Rider, Hdqts., Harwich Garrison. B&w photographs taken by Jenkins and others, 1914-1915, including a photograph of Jenkins on his motorcycle. At the end of the album there is a photograph of Jenkins in a aeroplane. There are also the following loose items: news clipping noting Jenkins’s death – he was then with the R.F.C. and he died while flying; a divisional party programme; Christmas card.
18 – Album, Capt. E.A. Emmet, Gloucestershire Regiment, 1914-1931. B&w photographs of military training and camps as well as family photographs taken on leave, printed “Bovril War Diary”, certificates, officer’s commission, programmes, Christmas and postcards, official correspondence, news clippings, a history of the Gloucestershire Regiment, 1914, regimental dinner menus, 1920-1931. The album is arranged chronologically; there is also a chronology written on a loose sheet. Also loose are a memorial programme for “The Menin Road”, 1928, a list of officers serving with B.E.F., 1915-1916, and part of a letter.
19 – Scrapbook of news clippings, 1916.
20 – Diary, Walter Dennis who served on H.M.S Vengeance, 28 July 1914-30 July 1915. B&w photographs of the ship and gun turret, col. maps done by hand of Gallipoli; news clippings of other ships. A note in the beginning indicates that he was keeping the diary at the request of his brother. Also loose photographs of the gun crew with a sign “The Dardanelles, 1915”, printed “A Sailors’ Prayer”, photograph of Dennis, ca. 1936.
21 – Diary, Fifth Royal Irish Lancers, written possibly by W.J. Russell, 1914-1915; a description of “Mons Pilgrimage Nov. 10th to Nov. 13th 1927”; also news clippings about the Lancers to 1928
22 – Diary, William O’Sullivan Molony, 1913-1914. Correspondence (includes his American cousin Charlotte with whom he fell in love) has been pasted into the diary which also contains artwork and b&w photographs. Molony, a British subject fluent in German, had been in Berlin since March 1914 where he was cramming for Oxford and was still there when war was declared in August. He describes events in Berlin was well as news that he has read or heard. There are no photographs of this time. The diary ends on16 September when he was still in Berlin. Also loose correspondence, b&w photographs, and col. postcards. Molony wrote Prisoners and Captives in 1933 describing his time as a P.O.W. in the German internment camp of Ruhleben. He also wrote an autobiography, New Armor for Old in 1935 which includes a chapter on his repatriation with other prisoners.
23a-c – Anonymous diaries: Diary 23a is titled “Copy of Rough Diary”, 1916-1917, written in point form. Diary 23b is titled “Memories. 1914-1918”, 69 pp. and was written ca. 1934. The diarist recollects his reluctance to join up, several refusals, and then his acceptance into Queen Victoria’s Rifles in June 1915. The memories are not complete. Diary 23c, 1917, is written as a narrative, appears to be the continuation of 23b. Also loose is a map of Belgium and part of France.
24 – Diary, "My Last Year of the War", Douglas James Valentine, Royal Army Medical Corps, "Nov. 1917-Nov. 1918". This diary is on typed mimeographed pages, later bound. Also contains maps (printed and drawn), menus, postcards, messages, meal card, awarding of Military Cross, official correspondence, news clippings. Loose are a news clipping, map, and a letter.
25 – Album, Red Cross food parcel dispatch labels; 51 labels pasted onto stiff pages.
26 – The Lord Roberts Memorial Fund Stamp Album, London: Fawcett & Co., n.d. Pasted into this published album are news clippings about Lord Kitchener. The col. portrait stamps are generally in good condition, although a few have been damaged. The stamps depict royalty, officers, etc. with mini biographies opposite the portraits.
27 – Notebook, P.D. Willcock, "Machine Gun Notes, taken at The Inns of Court O.T.C. Machine Gun School, Lieut. Royser, Machine Gun Officer, June 1916, [by] P.D. Willcock, No. 2 Company”. The notes are preceded by an index. Artwork – the cover of the notebook has been illustrated in col. with an image of a soldier with a machine gun.
28 – Notebook, “12th Course Rifle. Eastern Command. School of Musketry, Hythe, 28 May to 18th June, 1915 … C.C. Duncum … Middlesex Regiment”. The notes are preceded by an index. Illustrations are pasted in.
29 – Notebook, “Signalling Notes” , J.R. Goldthorpe, 2nd Lieut., Northumberland Fusiliers, n.d. Illustrations are drawn.
30 – Secret cypher log for a ship; blank.
31 – Notebook on a variety of topics including: bombing and grenades, gas, musketry, Hotchkiss gun. Most of the notes are on gas attacks.
32 – Newspaper clippings, 1914-1920. Also 2 b&w postcards, one of Ontario Military Hospital, Orpington, and the other of a military funeral. Oversize.
33 – “Wireless Telegraph Signal Log” for H.M.S. Fantome, 1916. Most pages are blank.
34 – Scrapbook, 1914-1918. Newspaper articles and cartoons. The text of the address (typescript carbon) of Mr. Wodehouse, the British Commission to Cyprus, announcing the annexation of Cyprus by Great Britain in 1914 is pasted on p. 29. Oversize.
35 – Album, S.S.A. (Section Sanitaire Anglaise) No. 16, British Red Cross. B&w photographs, quality varies, some are captioned; b&w and col. postcards. Subjects vary: they include tents, French war graves, cars and trucks, sporting events, towns and villages, Zeppelin brought down at Ravigny (charred bodies), wounded, German prisoners, downed French aeroplane, grave-stones. Although there are pictures of the wounded, there are none of them being treated. There is also a printed leaflet, “S.S.A. 16, 1915-1919”, 3 loose photographs and a negative.
36 – Scrapbook, “Mesopotamia and Bombay, 1916”, 1915-1919, compiled by H. Wicks, Royal Naval Air Squadron. B&w photographs and postcards, most with captions. Arrangement is not chronological or geographic. Includes Basra, Bagdad, Enra’s Tomb, Amara, Orah, Kut, Mosul. Depicts guns, planes, boats, camels, sports, hospital interior (Bombay), military funeral (Bombay), wrecked Zepp at Cuffley. A wedding picture from 1918 appears fairly early in the album. Later in the album there are photographs taken in England at Chingford in 1915, aeroplanes, Americans training at Battersea. There are also 5 loose photographs, including one of H. Wicks and a huge military parade (Bombay?).
37 – Album, Norah Speed,Women’s Volunteer Reserve Corps; Women’s Reserve Ambulance (Green Cross Society); Green Cross Corps, 1915-1921; 1928. Begins with a chronology for 1915. Includes news clippings, correspondence, W.V.R. Marching Song, programmes, constitution and rules, informational brochure, correspondence, list of activities, Thanksgiving Day Eagle Hut programme – cover illustration in col. is a turkey – 1918, b&w photographs, rifle targets. Also loose: b&w photograph, arm patch, 1916 concert program “Ten Years After, No. 3” Ypres programme, 1928.
38 – Album, Major. W.S. Sarsfield, 1st Bn Connaught Rangers and his son, Patrick, 1761-1934; predominant, 1888-1923.W.S Sarsfield was commissioned in 1888 at Sandhurst – he was killed at The Aisne in September 1914. His son Patrick was commissioned in 1917 and later served in India. Commissions, certificates, orders, programmes, b&w photographs, news clippings, maps. Also loose: 3 receipts all dated 1761, 2 letters (one dated 1910), 2 b&w photographs of a regimental dinner, Royal Military College certificate, 1888, news clipping. Oversize
39 – Scrapbook, Capt. Vincent Edward Green, North Staffordshire Regiment, 1916-1919. B&w photographs, including a entire brigade on the steep slopes of the St. Quentin Canal, postcards (includes Ceylon), maps, list of battles, messages, money, tickets, news clippings, and correspondence. The contents of this scrapbook have been removed and placed in file folders; the covers of the scrapbook were not kept. A handwritten list of the contents was begun. Oversize news clippings from this album are in M.C. 38
40a-b – Two scrapbooks, Salmond family. Scrapbook 40a concerns Major-General J.M. Salmond, 1914-1916. News clippings, programmes, stamps, b&w photographs including Australian camps on the banks of the Suez, S.M.S. Emden on the rocks, 1914 (photographs and map), rationing instructions and cards; also 2 loose photographs. The scrapbook is not complete; only some pages from 19 through 47 are extant. Scrapbook 40b concerns Mrs. H.B. Salmond. News clippings, programmes.
41 – Diary, Edward C. Cruttwell, “New Zealand and on Voyage to England, R.M.S. Corinthic”, August-September, 1915. In addition to the text, there are news clippings, b&w photographs, col. postcards, programmes, printed information on the ship and this voyage, menus, some of which are dated earlier in 1915.
42a-b – Diaries, R. Cude, “Diary of My Wanderings Both at Home and Abroad in the War of 1914-1918”; two volumes.
43 – Diary, Sgt. Bell, 16th Lancers, begun 1914.
44 – Diary and maps, Lieut. G. Frampton, Second Canadian Division, 18 April-27 Oct 1916; also reports and diagrams of buried cables (one is marked Ypres), and maps of France in a case
45 – Diary, Capt. A.C. Elliott, 24 July 1914-April 1920. Also a Christmas menu, 15th Scottish Division, 1917, and 3 letters of reference for Elliott, 1920.
46 – Scrapbook, B.M Ivison, 1918-1922. Contains b&w photographs, artwork: pencil drawings of airplanes (one with a pilot), cartoons, best wishes with autographs, printed German documents. One loose coloured pencil drawing of a Sopwith Triplane.
47a-c – Diaries, L.H. Jones, 376 D Company, 10th (S) Battalion, E.Y. RCT., British Expeditionary Force, 1916-1918. Three pocket diaries.
48 –Notebook, March 1918, on the construction of missen huts by the British Expeditionary Forces in France. Anonymous .
49 – Diary, Maurice Marcel Frederic Condé-Williams, Royal Navy, 1914-1915, 1918. Entries begin 28 July 1914. Some entries for August 1914 are written on separate sheets of paper. There is also an exchange of telegrams between King George and an admiral and an application from Condé-Williams to join the Colonial service in 1918. It includes a listing of his various naval appointments, beginning in 1902 until 1918 when he was Paymaster Commander.
50 – Autograph book, E. Cooke, nursing sister, 56 Gen. Hospital, 1917-1918. Begun 30 January 1917 containing best wishes from her patients – poems, and artwork (pencil and pen drawings and water colours of regimental badges, landscapes, trenches); cartoons. Includes “Vimy’s Advance” with an angel overhead, Ypres. There is one portrait.
51 – Notebook, Pte. G.F. Morley, 1917. On machine guns.
52a-b – Bound typescript, “Salvage from a Derelict Ministry”, rescued by G.C. Duggan, 2 vols. The typescripts were bound in Belfast. The inscription to Sir Ernest Julian Foley (Director of Transport, Admiralty and Ministry of Shipping 1917) in Volume 1 notes that the manuscript was completed in June 1920 and this copy was made in May 1924. The author, George Chester Duggan (1887-1967), worked in the Transport Department.
53 – Notebook of various typescripts, beginning with “Notes Prepared for the Guidance of Officers, Posted for or Under Training – For Administrative and Disciplinary Duties”. Each typescript is numbered separately. At the back are separate indexes for each typescript. The typescripts are not dated but the inscription is, 21 November 1918. The author’s signature is not legible. Also loose are four b&w photographs, two of Cardinal Bourne visiting Irish troops at the front, two of a camp at Rochester, Northumberland, taken from a distance.
54 – Scrapbook of news clippings, 1914-1915; some of the clippings are loose. Also a photograph of Robert Love with a captured gun, 1918 and printed notebook, The Royal Engineers Field-Service Pocket-Book, with some hand-written notes by Love, a note of distinction for Robert Love, S.M.E. Fortification Circulars, . The last page of the scrapbook has a photograph of a Miss Love at her wedding to Capt. W.M.L. Escombe.
55 – Pilot’s Flying Log book, Lieut. F. Marlowe, 1915-1918; 1944. Pasted into the front of the log are a photograph of Marlowe in Malta, 1917 and a typed list of aeroplanes flown. Also loose photographs (Marlowe, Snow, aeroplanes, bombing of Goeben, The Dardanelles), officers’ mess bill, two news clippings, one about the death of Edward Snow.
56 – Diary, Capt. Dymoke White, Hampshire Yeomanry, 1917-1918. There is a brief biography of White compiled by archival staff.
57a-c – Three diaries, E.T. Rice, 1st Army Signals, 1917-1918. Two pocket diaries and a notebook. The 1917 pocket diary ends in November 1917 and is completed in the notebook. Also a typescript with information supplied by Rice. His Maintenance Party was in La Bassée Sector of the Front Line and was responsible for the maintenance of the buried cables in that area.
58 – Notebook, T. Parkes, Royal Engineers, August 1917. Notes on lectures about gas attacks – the first lecture is not dated; the third is dated August 13, 1917, the last is dated August 17, 1917. Also a blank Bijou Pocket Calendar, 1917.
59 – Scrapbook, M. Scarlett, Westminster Dragoons, 1915-1918. The scrapbook no longer has its covers and is in sections; the first page is printed “The Great War, Memories of Egypt, Palestine, Gallipoli, Cyprus, Belgium and France”. B&w photographs taken in Palestine, Egypt, Cyprus, and England with captions, including “native omnibus at Bethlehem, 1917”; “the burial of our spurs and mock funeral on being dismounted April 1918”, news clippings, Turkish money picked up with a lance. Also loose: 1 b&w photograph of horses eating from feed bags; manuscript “Survey in Palestine, the M.E.F.”, 8 pages; Red Cross certificate issued to his wife or mother, Mrs. M. Scarlett. Scarlett’s name does not appear on the manuscript or in the scrapbook.
60a-c – Album and two notebooks, Major S.H. Morgan, East Lancashire Divisional Engineers and Lieut. Cyril Morgan, East Lancashire Royal Field Artillery. Album 60a – none of the b&w photographs are dated or captioned – they depict cavalry, artillery guns, a motorcycle, a dog pulling a large wagon, and other scenes. Because of the subject matter, the photographs probably were taken by Cyril. Album 60b – Notebook, stamped Lecture Notes, S.H. Morgan, 15 December 1915-1916. Album 60c – Notebook, different hand and thus by Cyril, begins August 1916 with “course on gunnery” See also Box 4, Files 7-8.
61 – Album, Lieut. Wilfrid Alexander Parr, Royal Fusiliers, 1913-1918. The album was compiled by his friends after his death during the Battle of Arras in 1917. It contains photographs of training and camps, marches, his commission (he came up from the ranks), situation map, official correspondence including accounts of his death, news clippings. Also loose: additional official correspondence, 1918.
62 – Anonymous diary, 1916-1917. Although found in the same file as the Parr album, it cannot be Parr’s. The diarist joined the Surrey Yeo[men?] in 1914 and was trained in mounted infantry, cavalry, as a cyclist, and then infantry. The diary begins when he sails for France in September 1916.
63 – Six diaries, Clifford Thompson, F.R.A., 1915-1918. The diaries have been numbered by the author, 1-6. Also loose: Thompson’s record of service book, 4 b&w annotated photographs of Clifford and others with horses, 1915; postcard of church plaque, ink (blue and red) drawing of battle honours, December 1918; identification tags, one issue each of The Buzzer and Bradford Daily Telegraph.
64a-b – Two diaries, Pte. C.T. Kemmis, 1917-1918; 1924. Kemmis notes that on 9 August he joined the Independent Labour Party (ILP). Pasted into the first diary are three cards issued by the ILP – strangely enough the membership is not made out to Kemmis but to Ed Clinton (an alias?). Also a published booklet is the National Federation of Discharged … Soldiers. A news clipping about the appointment of the new C.I.D. chief in 1924 has also been pasted into the diary. Some of the diary entries (e.g. March 1918) indicate that Kemmis was spying on pacifists.
65 – Scrapbook, London Scottish, 1914-1918, news clippings. See also Robert Whyte (separate fonds) and London Scottish history (Boxes 8 and 9 in this collection).
66 – Field Message Book for the use of Dismounted Regimental Officers and Non-commissioned Officers of Cavalry and Infantry. The book contains one page of notes. Anonymous.
67 – Lt. R. Booth Scott, Machine Gunner’s Pocket Book, 1918
68 – Page 22 from an album; it has not been possible to identify which one. One side of the page is a mimeographed drawing by Bruce Bairnsfather, Spring Dream, 1916; on the other side is a note about a trench map.
69 – Four pages from an album: b&w naval photographs with captions, 1912-1917: includes H.M.S. Kangaroo, 1912; airship picked up in the Channel in 1915; Ajax and King George V; H.M.S. Munster, April 15th 1916; H.M.S. Warsprite May ("sunk by the Hun May 31st 1916"); the sinking of the German Raider Grief Feb. 29th, 1916; Erin and Centurion; Munster, Mary Rose, Diligence; Rosyth, 1916. H.M.S. Ajax ("hoisting out one of a turret's guns damaged at Jutland"); H.M.S. Repluse 1917
70 – Five pages from an album:b&w photographs with captions taken in post-war France, 1920-1926, also a few undated photographs taken in Fiji. Includes American cemetery at Romaigne, Fort Faux at Verdun, tanks, trenches, dug-out, mostly near Prompelle, ruins of buildings (includes Rheims Cathedral)
71 – Five pages from an album: b&w photographs of 25th Cavalry (Frontier Force), 1917-1918, in German East Africa, Portuguese East Africa, arrival in Bombay, Almora, Kumaon. Includes the Mbemkuru Valley Raid in 1917 where German food stores were destroyed.
72 – Notebook on a variety of topics including: camouflage, emplacements, German mortars and ammunition, missiles, observation, ranging, high explosives. The cover is no longer extant. Anonymous. A printed document pasted into the notebook is dated 1918.
73 – Lieut. G.R.E. Hayter, R.F.C., scrapbook of aerial photographs with corresponding photographs of trench maps, including areas around Vis-en-Artois, Haucourt, Hendecourt, Cagnicourt, and Queant.