Finding Aid
Jack Winter fonds. Accruals 1-4 (combined)
Note: All sound recordings, moving images, and photographic slides are stored separately. They are described in this finding aid with the textual records that they reflect.
Arrangement: Full-length original stage plays; shorter and unfinished plays; radio and television; films; thesis, theatres; poetry; articles, broadcasts and book reviews; correspondence. One stage play is found out of the main sequence in Box 38.
Full-length original stage plays
Box 1
Before Compiegne (1963)
Produced Dec. 13, 1963 to Jan. 12, 1964 at Toronto Workshop-Productions (Toronto, Ontario);
Apri1 3 to April 30, 1964 at The Colonnade Theatre (Toronto, Ontario); July 20 to July 25, 1964 and Oct. 16, 1964 at Waterloo University Theatre of the Arts; March 5 to April 11, 1965 at Toronto Workshop Productions (Toronto, Ontario). Originally titled Joan.
Outline of Play: includes one letter regarding development of a drama programme at York University. For additional correspondence see Box 42.
Manuscript notes
Typescript copyright Jack Winter and Workshop Productions: 1963
Dec.- Jan. 1964 version, includes characters Zanni 1 & 2
Carbon typescript, “Stage Manager, April 1964”, revised, with addition of Dijon, Muchmore and Colonnade.
Mimeographed typescript, “July 1964 version, Waterloo”
Box 2
Mimeographed typescript, “Spring 1965, Director”, annotated
Mimeographed typescript, Summer 1965
Mimeographed typescript, “working copy” annotated by author?
Mimeographed typescript, another copy
Mimeographed typescript, “July., Aug. 1966”
The Death of Woyzeck
New version of Georg Buchner’s Woyzeck. Worked on in the fall and winter of 1964-65. Produced January 12 to April 11, 1965 at Toronto Workshop Productions. See also Box 29.
Script of 1963 Toronto Workshop’s Production interleaved with manuscript material
Manuscript material “The Death of Woyzeck Dramaturge”; “New Material”
Rough copy of final version, typescript
Annotated copy of 1963 production “Dramaturge”
Mimeograph of Woyzeck (adapted from G. Buchner) 1965. “Final Version,” 57 pp.
Box 3
Hey Rube! (1966)
First produced in spring of 1961 by Toronto Workshop Productions as a full-length play which had been improvised by the actors and director. At that time Toronto Workshop Productions was an amateur theatre without a resident writer.
Manuscript-typescript, annotated, “Hey Rube! 1st Production at Workshop Productions. (Spring, 1961)”
Manuscript-typescript “Hey Rube! July 1966 (author’s working script)”
Manuscript-typescript “Hey Rube! Nov. 1966, July 1967”
The Mechanic (1964)
Produced July 27 to August 3, 1964 and February 5, 1965 at Waterloo University Theatre of the Arts (Waterloo, Ontario). July 27 to August 8, 1965 at Theatre in the Park (Stratford, Ontario). Oct. 14, 1965 at Toronto Workshop Productions (Toronto, Ontario). November 7, 1965 at Ten Centuries Concert Series (Edward Johnson Building, Toronto)
Ms. & typescript, “The Mechanic–manuscript material and notes.”
Typescript, annotated; mimeograph, “Script–Summer 1964 (Waterloo) 1st version.”
Mimeographed typescript, “2nd version, Stratford/65”
Mimeographed typescript, “Final version 67. Includes Stratford version Youth Expo.” This final version also includes “Production History of Major Productions.”
Tom Thumb (1971)
Commissioned by Young People’s Theatre (Toronto); not produced.
“Manuscript of script outline and production notes.” Ms. notes, (“Tom Thumb, an outline”).
“Script Outline.” Carbon typescript, (8 pp.), titled “Tom Thumb”, an outline commissioned by Susan Rubes for the Young People’s Theatre.”
Golovlovo (1977)
Based on the writings of Mikhail Saltykov
Script and mss. (April, May, June, July, 1977). Complete, clear typescript. (73 pp.)
Ms. notes, annotated typescript notes.
Box 4
The Centre (1971)
First titled “Apartment”, later renamed “The Centre”. Commissioned by the Ontario Housing Corporation. Written, directed and produced by Jack Winter for the Nineteenth Annual Housing Conference (Sudbury, Ontario) also produced at Regent Park Theatre (Toronto)
Administrative files:
Includes correspondence (Ontario Housing Corp and other); copies of draft contract and budget; contacts (names, addresses, phone numbers); contracts and payments (invoices, statement of expenditure, personal expenses, budget, and Distribution of funds); financial payments (salaries, expenses, budget, and accommodation expenses); production and rehearsals (rehearsal times and dates); production and rehearsals (mimeographs of press releases )
Box 5
Production files:
Casting notes
Music notes; original score
Slides correspondence
Sound notes, articles, pamphlets
Sudbury notes, maps, pamphlets
Tape notes
Theatre notes
Rehearsal files:
“The Centre”. Manuscript-typescript notes
“John (“Old man’s T.V.”) II (d)”. Manuscript-typescript notes
“Tom (“basement”) II (d)” notes
“Dave (My place”) II (h) notes
“Laurette, Louise, Darlene (“women”) II (c ).” Ms. notes and clippings.
“Unit one” Ms. notes on “mother”
“Unit two”. Ms. and typescript notes
“Unit three”. Typed notes
“Unit four”. Ms. and typescript notes
“Script (copies)”. Typescripts of units two and four
“II Cons”. Typescript notes
“Outlines and Schedules”. Ms. and typescript notes
“Outlines”. 7 photocopies
“Schedules”. 14 photocopies
“Pros”. Ms. and typescript notes, pamphlets, sketches
“Drop-In (Youth Corps)”. Ms. and typescript notes
“Planning Committee”, Notes, mimeographed copies
Box 6
Script files:
“First draft–writer’s copy”
“Ms.-1” notes
“Ms.-2” notes
“First draft. (Encl. preview = prompt book)”
2 mimeographs of “First draft”.
“First draft.” Mimeographs of pp. 1-10
“First draft”. Mimeographs of pp. 11-22
“Final Draft Centre Park”. 3 mimeographs
Final version, extra pp.
Box 7
“Final version, Centre Park”, 1971. 7 files
Audio reels:
Audio reel I (3 3/4)
Live performance of the original production at the Regent Park Theatre, Toronto, on December 4, 1971; Acts One and Three.
Audio reel II (7 1/2)
Act two of the original production (voice recording on track no. 3; track no. 1 open for programming of cue signals to Kodak dissolve slide projectors).
Audio reel III
Duplicate of Audio reel II above.
Audio reel IV (3 3/4)
Original production live performance at the Nineteenth Annual Housing Conference at Sudbury, Ontario, (October, 1971) Act I.
Audio reel V (7 1/2)
Music rehearsals (Peter Cornell).
Audio reel VI (3 3/4)
Original interviews with old men.
Audio reel VII (3 3/4)
A continuation of audio reel VI.
Audio reel VIII (7 1/2)
Duplicate of audio reel VI.
Audio reel IX (7 1/2)
Duplicate of audio reel VII
Audio reel X (7 1/2)
Duplicate of audio reels VIII and IX
Audio reel XI (7 1/2)
Duplicate of audio reel X
Audio reel XII
First edit of old men.
Audio reel XIII (3 3/4)
Original interviews with the actors.
Audio reel XIV (3 3/4)
Continuation of audio reel XIII
Audio reel XV (3 3/4)
Continuation of audio reel XIV
Audio reel XVI (7 1/2)
Duplicate of audio reels XIII, XIV, XV
Audio reel XVII (3 3/4)
First edit of the actors.
Audio reel XVIII (7 1/2)
Final edit of old men.
Audio reel XIX (7 1/2)
Final edit of the “prologue” and the “epilogue” to audio reel XVIII
Audio reel XX
Extracts from old men.
Box 8
Letters From the Earth (1973)
Commissioned by Toronto Workshop Productions; produced at Toronto Workshop Productions (Toronto), the National Arts Centre (Ottawa) and for touring in Ontario and the United States.
Background Material:
Correspondence/Research, typescript and ms. notes
Programs, reviews, articles, letters
“Eve. Letters”
“The Great Dark”
“The pilot”
“Refuge of the Derelicts”
“Religion (M & Sc) Twain”
“Twain quotes”
“Misc. units”
“Misc. edits”
Ms. 1. Manuscript and typescript notes
Ms. 2. Manuscript and typescript notes
Ms. 3. Manuscript and typescript notes
Ms. 4. Manuscript and typescript notes
Box 9
“German translation and correspondence (by Maxim Corky Theatre, East Berlin./ G.D.R.)
Production script. Mimeographed copy
Material not used in “Letters”, typescript notes
“Letters From The Earth”, extra copies
Box 10
Party Day (1969)
Commissioned by the National Arts Centre; written, directed and produced by Jack Winter; for the official opening of the National Arts Centre Studio Theatre (Ottawa) June 4-7 1969
“Party Day. A Play in One Act .” First edition (one signed copy)
“Party Day”. Typescript copy signed by Jack Winter for William Ready
“Party Day”. Mimeograph
Bound green notebooks with research notes.
Research notes and other material.
Box 11
Research notes and other material.
Audio reels:
Audio reel I (7 1/2) (half-track). Live performance of original production at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa, on June 7, 1969. Act One. Rehearsals on reverse track.
Audio reel II (7 1/2).
As above: Act Two, part one.
Audio reel III (7 1/2).
As above: Act Two, part two.
Audio reel IV (7 1/2).
Production material for the “wands.”
Audio reel V (7 1/2).
Copy of Audio reel IV.
Audio reel VI (7 1/2).
Production material for the public address system.
Audio reel VII (7 1/2).
Copy of Audio reel VI
Audio reel VIII (7 1/2).
Research material from CBC World War II propaganda broadcasts.
Audio reels VIII (a) and (b) (7 1/2).
Copies of audio reel VIII.
Audio reel IX (7 1/2).
Research material from CBC “Assignment.” (Nathan Cohen).
Film (16mm, sound). Production film of “Joseph Goebbels.” (Joseph Shaw).
Photographs : Slides I
a. performance stills
b. ceremonial opening of the National Arts Centre.
Photographs : Slides II
Production slides
Box 12
Waiting (1972)
Commissioned by the Department of Manpower and Immigration, Local Initiatives Program. Written, directed and produced by Jack Winter in Toronto and for touring in Ontario. Adapted for CBC Radio (one hour).
Administrative files:
Local Initiatives Program: applications, reports, correspondence
Performance. Public Performances May-June 1972
Production files:
Casting notes
Music. Ms. and typescript notes
Publicity (programs, previews): correspondence, programs, reviews, news clippings, Canadian Magazine Star Weekly. Performing Arts in Canada.
Rehearsal Notes (including improvisations, character analysis, outlines)
“Interview A”, holograph notes
“Interview B”, holograph notes
“Interview C”, holograph notes
“Customs Shed (1)”, holograph and typescript notes
“Directions” (2), holograph notes
“Elmwood Hotel”, holograph notes
“The Interview 8”, holograph notes
“School 8 (a)”, holograph notes
“Tits & Ass 8 (b)”, holograph notes
“Aptitude Test 8 ( c)”, holograph notes
“Canada Manpower 8 (d)”, holograph notes
“Drunk Tank”, holograph notes
“Misc.”, holograph notes
“Themes”, “Structure”, typescript notes
Ms. (March-May, 1972) in 2 file folders
“Production Script”, annotated typescript
“ Radio”, radio script–“A half hour radio adaptation of stage play”
Audio reel I (video-reel. Live performance of the original production, June 4 [1972], Bathurst United Church, Toronto.
Audio reel II (3 3/4). Live performance of the original production, May 25, 1972, George Brown College, 507 College Street, Toronto.
Audio reel III (7 1/2). Production, actors (full version).
Audio reel IV (7 1/2). Production, actors (short version).
Audio reel V (7 1/2). Interviews with the actors (rough edit).
Audio reel VI (3 3/4 and 7 l/2). Interviews with the actors (unedited).
Audio reels VII, VIII, IX (7 l/2). Continuation of audio reel VI.
Audio reel X (3 3/4) (both sides). Interviews with Canada Manpower applicants to be “actors”.
Audio reel XI (7 1/2). Continuation of audio reel X.
Audio reel XII (3 3/4). Interviews with Canada Manpower counsellors.
Box 13
Mr. Pickwick (1971-72)
Commissioned by Toronto Workshop Productions; first produced at Toronto Workshop Productions (1971-72) and the St. Lawrence Centre for the Performing Arts (Toronto, 1974).
F.1 Research notes. Annotated carbon typescript manuscript, 184 pp. Holograph notes, “first reading notes.”
F.2 Rehearsal notes. Holograph and annotated typescript notes.
F.3 “Complete manuscript”. Manuscript, 133 pp.
F. 4 Production script. Manuscript.
F. 5 Theatre programs (three copies) for Mr. Pickwick, January, 1972.
Box 14
You Can’t Get Here From There (1974-75)
Commissioned and produced by Toronto Workshop Productions
F.1 Ms. 1, Sept. 3, 1974, holograph notes, annotated typescript notes.
F.2 Ms. 2, Oct. 17, 1974.
F.3 Ms. 3, Oct. 28, 1974.
Box 15
F.4 Ms. 4, Dec. 2, 1974. Manuscript notes and typescript, annotated typescript and photocopied typescript notes.
F.5 Ms. 5, Dec. 21, 1974.
F.6 Ms. 6, Feb. 2, 1975.
Box 16
Television version
F.7 Holograph notes and annotated typescript, “A one hour play for television commissioned by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, August 30, 1974”; 2 versions, one dated Sept. 20, 1974
Production notes, research, administration
F.8a Ian Adams. Holograph notes and correspondence, July 15, 1974; Aug. 12, 1974. Typescript manuscript entitled, “Nov. 26, 1973, Special Briefing Tape for John Harney & P. De Bane made by Ian Adams...”, 17 pp. Photocopied article, The Weekend Magazine, Feb. 9, 1974, “Death and Despair in Chile.”
F.8b Pedro Albuqurque (Tereza). Holograph notes, April 8, 1974.
F.8c Allende. Annotated typescript notes, “Isabel Allende.” Photocopied news articles on Salvador Allende. Photocopy of “An Open Letter to the People of Canada” signed Hortensia Bde Allende, November 1973.
F.8d Belesario. Holograph and typescript notes. Correspondence: Jack Winter to Belesario, Aug. 12 and 14, 1974. Belesario to Jack Winter.
F.8e Brazil. News clippings.
F.8f Canada (Misc.). Pamphlets, news articles, leaflets on the subject of Chile, and Allende. Correspondence from the Canadian Peace Congress, July 8, 1974. Propaganda material from the “Canadian Committee for Solidarity with Democratic Chile.”
F.8g Canada (Govt.). Photocopied documents regarding the Chilean question. Correspondence from the House of Commons, David Lewis, New Democratic Party Leader, and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Photocopies of news articles on Chile.
F.8h Chicago Commission. Typescript, “Report of the Chicago Commission of Inquiry into the Status of Human Rights in Chile. Santiago, Chile. Feb. 16-23, 1974”, 28 pp. “Documents appended to the Report of the Chicago Commission of Inquiry, Santiago, Chile. Feb. 16-23, 1974”, 27 pp.
F.8i Churches. Typescripts. “Inter-Church Statement: Chilean refugee situation.” 5 pp. “Notes from a trip to Talca”, 2 pp. “Resume of Meeting, March 19, 1974 with Charles Harper, Co-ordinator of the Chile Emergency Task Force of the World Council of Churches”, 8 pp. “Liberation in Latin American Christian Thinking by Jose Comblin”, 14 pp. News articles and pamphlets. Holograph notes.
F.8j Chile. Holograph notes, magazine articles, photocopied news clippings.
F.8k Edelstam. News articles.
F.8l Economics. Annotated typescript notes.
F8.m Export Development Corp. (EDC). Photocopied news articles, and an annotated typescript copy of the “Statement by the Secretary of State for External Affairs, The Honorable Mitchell Sharp, Oct. 26, 1973. Chile”. 2 pp.
F8.n John Foster. Holograph notes
F8.o Mario Fratti. Photocopied news article, “Chile, 1973a”
F8.p Immigrants. Photocopied news articles, “Canada: Immigrants. Chile” and typescript, “Canadian Questionnaire”.
F8.q Dept. of Immigration. Photocopied typescript, “Report: on the situation of the four Brazilian families who arrived in Canada, Feb. 16, 1974.” 9 pp. Also copies of the following: Letter stating that the candidate to emigrate to Canada is not applicable because the person does not fulfill the necessary requirements. Letter sent to the applicant stating that the authorities after going through the questionnaire filled by him inform that he is not applicable ...
F.8r International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation (ITT). Holograph notes and photocopied news articles.
F.8s Junta. Holograph notes and photocopied news articles.
F.8t Carlos Marighela. Holograph notes.
F.8u Pablo Neruda. Photocopied news articles about Neruda. Article in Ramparts, Sept. 1974.
Box 17
F.8v News (journalism). Typescript notes. Carbon typescript, 29 pp., entitled “Chile and the Canadian Press”, published by the Latin American Working Group.
F.8w Panama. Carbon typescript, “Mini-Dossier on Panama Refugee Situation”. “General Information about Immigration to Canada”
F.8x Refugee Camps in Chile. Carbon typescripts of letters from the people in the refugee camps. Copy of “An Open Letter to the Canadian People”. Carbon typescripts, “Problems of Refugees in Chile” and “Interview re: Chile”. Article “Shut Up Or We’ll Shoot”. Typescript “Refugee Programme in Chile”.
8.y Roderigo. Holograph and annotated typescript notes.
8.z Ambassador Ross. Holograph notes and photocopied news articles about Ambassador Ross.
9.a Mitchell Sharp (misc.). Annotated typescript notes of the script. Carbon typescript of article, “Condensed Biography of the Honorable Mitchell Sharp”. Carbon copy of a petition sent to Mitchell Sharp in Ottawa, from Chilean students residing in Canada. News article about Mitchell Sharp.
9.b Frank Teruggi, Frank. Carbon typescript, “A Fact Finding Trip to Santiago Chile 27 Feb. 1974” by Frank Teruggi, Sr.
9.c Tupemaros. Holograph notes.
9.d United States (Govt.). Correspondence with J.W. Fulbright, Chairman, United States Senate, Oct. 2, 1973. Edward M. Kennedy, Oct. 26, 1973. Photocopied letter to Fulbright from Richard R. Fagen, Prof. of Political Science, Stanford University. Article, “U.S. Imperialism and Chilean Fascism” by Barry Cohen.
9.e Miscellaneous research. News articles, copy of “Latin American Political Prisoners Report, Winter 1974”
9.f Administration. Correspondence. June 27, 1974 with North American Congress of Latin America. May 7, 1974 with Walter Lowenfels. May 17, 1974 S.C.M. Book Room.
9.g Contacts. Correspondence from Perry Friedman, Unit Productions Ltd. Steven (Rush?)
9.h CBC. Typescript material.
9.I Outlines. Annotated typescript notes on the play, outlines and brief summaries of the play. Brief holograph notes on the play.
9.j Toronto Workshop Productions. Correspondence. Two letters to George Luscombe, 1974; ms. notes with dates of rehearsals and previews. Printed theatre programme
F.10 Production script. Copyright 1975 by George Luscombe and Jack Winter. Production script of the stage version as presented at Toronto Workshop Productions from Dec. 31, 1974 to Jan. 25, 1975. Mimeograph, 114 pp.
Audio reels:
Audio reel I (7 1/2). Production version of demonstration program, (Fall, 1974).
Audio reel II (7 1/2). Copy of audio reel I.
Audio reel III (3 3/4). Interviews with Canadians and Chileans, (Spring, Summer, 1974).
Audio reels IV to XII (3-3/4) Continuation of Audio reel III
Box 18
Summer 76 (1975)
Commissioned by Toronto Workshop Productions; first produced at Toronto Workshop Productions (1975); rewritten and produced at The Young Vic (London, England) and on tour in Holland (The Holland Festival), Belgium, and England (1976). The play asks “How can we protect ourselves against the Olympics?”
F.1 Ms. 1. Holograph and annotated typescript, Jan. 16, 1974.
F.2 Ms. 2. Holograph and annotated typescript, March 1975.
F.3 Ms. 3. Holograph and annotated typescript, March 24, 1975.
F.4 Ms. 4. Holograph and annotated typescript, April 4, 1975.
F.5 Ms. 5. Holograph and annotated typescript, April 11, 1975.
Box 19
F.6 Ms. 6. Holograph and annotated typescript, April 16, 1975.
F.7 Ms. 7. Holograph and annotated typescript, April 16, 1975.
Box 20
Production notes, research material and administration notes.
F.8-1 All That Glitters. Holograph notes.
F.8-2 Olympics. Misc . Photocopied news articles on the Olympics. Holograph and typescript notes. Photocopied manuscript, “A History of the Concept of Professionalism in Canadian Sport” by Frank Consentino, Assistant Professor Physical Education, University of Western Ontario, 11 pp.
F.8-3 1900 (Paris). Empty envelope.
F.8-4 1904. St. Louis. Holograph notes and photocopied news articles.
F.8-5 1906. Athens (rump Olympics). Photocopied news article and holograph notes.
F.8-6 1908. London. Holograph notes, news articles and a leaflet from the Hall of Fame, “Indian Hall of Fame,” containing sketches and short written blurbs on famous Indians including Louis Riel and Pauline Johnson.
F.8-7 1912 Stockholm. Holograph notes.
F.8-8 1920 Antwerp. Holograph notes.
F.8-9 1928 Amsterdam. Holograph notes.
F.8-10 1932 Los Angeles. Holograph notes.
F.8-11 1936. Holograph notes.
F.8-12 1948 London. Photocopied news articles and holograph notes.
F.8-13 1956 Melbourne. Holograph notes, photocopied articles.
F.8-14 1952 Helsinki. Photocopied news articles.
F.8-15 1960 Rome. Photocopied news articles and holograph notes.
F.8-16 1964 Tokyo. Typescript and holograph notes. Photocopied news articles.
F.8-17 1968 Mexico City. Holograph notes and photocopied news articles.
F.8-18 1972 Munich. Holograph notes and photocopied news articles.
F.8-19 M.I.L. News clippings.
F.8-20 1980 Moscow. Photocopied news clippings.
F.8-21 Arab/Israel. Photocopied news articles.
F.8-22 Arts (Culture) '76. Holograph notes; news articles and carbon typescript, “National Fine Arts”.
F.8-23 “Athletes”. News articles on the subject of “sex tests”.
F.8-24 Bibliography. Holograph notes.
F.8-25 Brundage. Annotated typescript notes; news clipping.
F.8-26 Security (police, military, international, etc.), photocopied news articles.
F.8-27 Ceremonies. Annotated typescript notes, holograph notes, photocopied news articles.
F.8-28 Construction, (Quebec). Photocopied news articles.
F.8-29 Construction, (Olympics). Photocopied news articles, holograph notes.
F.8-30 Drapeau. News articles.
F.8-31 Events (misc.). Holograph and typescript notes, copies of “The Toronto Star Maple Leaf Indoor Games. Feb. 14 1975”, “Games of the 21 Olympiad Montreal 1976”. Programme
F.8-32 Promotion (commercial). Holograph and typescript notes, photocopied news articles and typescript manuscript, “Just what was said”. Summary of Remarks made by Bruce Kidd on the Panel Discussion, Government in Sport, March 10, 1975. 3 pp.
F.8-33 Federal Govt. Photocopied news articles.
F.8-34 Finances. Photocopied news articles, booklet, “Rendez-vous 76 Montrea1 3”
F.8-35 [blank]
F.8-36 Food. Holograph notes, xerox news article.
F.8-37 International Olympic Committee. Holograph notes, Photocopied news articles.
F.8-38 Media (TV, CBC, etc.)”. Photocopied news articles.
F.8-39 Politics. Photocopied news articles.
F.8-40 Provincial Govt. Photocopied news articles.
F.8-41 Sex Test. Holograph notes.
F.8-42 Village (Olympic). Photocopied news articles.
F.8-43 Christianity. Holograph notes, photocopied news articles.
F.8-44 Notes (misc.). Holograph and typescript notes.
F.8-45 Kick-Back. Holograph notes, news articles, pamphlet, “Eaton’s Your Guide to Buying Tickets for the Olympic Games.”
F.8-46 Cafeterias. Holograph notes.
F.8-47 Old Man. Holograph notes.
F.8-48 Shot-putter. Annotated typescript notes.
F.8-49 The Torch. Holograph and typescript notes; photocopied news articles.
F.8-50 Kaudak. Holograph notes. Annotated typescript notes.
F.8-51 The Vault. Holograph and annotated typescript notes.
F.8-52 Walking. Annotated typescript. Holograph notes and news articles.
F.8-53 Misc. script. Annotated typescript notes.
Note: Further production files are located in Box 22, beginning with F.14a
F.9 Production Script. Carbon typescript, annotated. By George Luscombe and Winter.
F.10 Two copies of the programme, “Theatre Ontario presents the Ontario Theatre Festival. Hamilton”. May 17-24, 1975. Hamilton Place.
F.11a-c Holograph and typescript manuscript, March 3, 1976.
F.12a-c Holograph and typescript manuscript, March 28, 1976.
Box 21
F.13a-b Holograph and typescript manuscript dated April 4, 1976.
Box 22
Production files (continued from Box 20)
F.14a Arts (Culture). Leaflet, “The Artists-Athletes Coalition ... 1976 Olympics”
F.14b Athens. Photocopied typescript pp.
F.14c Athletes. News clippings and photocopied copies of news articles.
F.14d Brundage. Holograph notes and photocopied news clipping.
F.14e Costs (breakdown). Holograph notes and news clipping.
F.14f Cliche. Photocopied news articles.
F.14g Drapeau. Annotated typescript notes, news clippings, photocopied news clippings.
F.14h Drugs. Photocopied news articles.
F.14i Events. Annotated typescript notes.
F.14j Finances. Holograph notes, photocopied news articles, and news clippings.
F.14k Health. Photocopied news articles.
F.141 Labour. Photocopied news articles, news clippings, and holograph notes.
F.14m Lottery. Holograph notes, photocopied news articles.
F.14n Melbourne. Photocopied article.
F.14o Moscow. News clippings .
F.14p Politics. Photocopied news articles.
F.14q Security. News clippings and news articles.
F.14r Snyder. Holograph notes, photocopied news articles and news clippings.
F.14s Solicitation. Photocopied news articles, and annotated typescript notes.
Box 23
F.14t Taillibert. News clippings and photocopied news articles.
F.14u Tickets–Eatons. Photocopied news articles.
F.14v T.V. Holograph notes and photocopied news articles.
F.14w Village. Photocopied news articles and news clippings.
F.14x Visions of 8. Holograph notes.
F.14y Miscellaneous research. Photocopied typescript notes.
F.15 Copies of pages from the script.
F.16 Production script, 1976
The Golem of Venice
Commissioned by Toronto Workshop Productions; first produced at Theatre in the Park (Stratford) in 1966 and Toronto Workshop Productions in 1967; entirely rewritten and produced at Toronto Workshop Productions in 1976.
Box 24
Research & misc., 1966-1967
F.1 Oriental material. News clippings; annotated typescript notes.
F.2 Minstrel show material. Annotated typescript notes, holograph notes.
F.3 Script material (not included in production). Photocopied typescript and mimeographed pp.
F.4 Religion. Holograph and annotated typescript notes.
F.5 Typescript and photocopied typescript miscellaneous notes.
F.6 Typescript, mimeographed pages, as produced July 15 to Aug. 14, 1966, Stratford, Ont.
F.7 Typescript, 81 pp., as produced March 17 to April 23 1975-1976
F.8 Ms 1. Holograph and annotated typescript notes.
Box 25
F.9a-b Ms. 2. Holograph and annotated typescript notes.
F.10a-b Ms. 3. Act One. Annotated typescript and holograph notes. Holograph notes.
F.11a-b Ms. 4. Holograph and annotated typescript notes.
F.12 Production script (stage management copy). For production at Toronto Workshop Productions, February 1976. Annotated typescript, including “Prop List and Running Times”.
Box 26
Material relating to the revised version (Summer, 1976)
F.13 Production script: July 1966. Annotated carbon typescript.
F.14 Production script: March 1967. Note: “pencil annotations are, mostly, notations for the 1976 new version. J.W.” Annotated carbon typescript.
F.15 Miscellaneous script material. (February, 1976). Holograph notes, annotated carbon typescript notes.
F.16 Script cuts. (February, 1976). Annotated typescript notes.
F.17 Script as revised and rewritten (Sept. 1976). Annotated typescript.
F.18 Clean copy of F.17 above.
F.19a-b Miscellaneous script material, Sept. 1976
F.20 Outlines; Kabbalah (ms. notes); Music (ms. notes); Shipping (ms. notes); Venice (ms. notes)
Ten Lost Years. See Box 38
Shorter and Unfinished Plays
Box 27
The Captain of Kopenick (May 1967 adaptation)
Mimeograph, 149 pp.
A Ceramic Nun (1960)
A one act play, not produced.
Manuscript. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, correspondence
Two typed copies
The Evil Eye (1962)
Adaptation of a one-act play by Pirandello). August 1962 at Haliburton, Bobcaygeon, Minden, and Fenelon Falls, Ont.; Sept. to Oct. 1962 at Toronto Workshop Productions, Toronto, Ont.
Manuscript. Holograph notes, annotated by the author
Typescript, annotated by the author
15 U.B. (1960)
One-act mime play. Published in Canadian Forum April 1961
2 typescript versions; both annotated
5 typescript versions
Gentlemen Be Seated (1966)
A projected full-length play worked on for several months and abandoned in February 1966. The material is grouped under the headings of characters, scenes and topics. It includes manuscript notes and records of improvisations, typescript material, outlines and research notes.
Miscellaneous research and bibliography
Script. Holograph and typescript notes
Mrs. Lincoln. Typescript notes (numerous copies)
Lincoln. Holograph notes; mimeographs and typed annotated notes
Lincoln–Second Unit. Holograph notes
Lincoln–Third Unit. Holograph notes
Lincoln–Fourth Unit. Holograph notes, “A drive in the country.”
General Grant. Holograph notes and typed notes
Stump Speech/Minstrels re Slavery. Holograph notes
Minstrel Show (misc. ). Holograph notes
Assassins (misc.). Holograph and typescript notes
Song book Director. Musical songs, typescript copies
Outlines, misc. notes. Holograph notes
Box 28
House Wedding (1960)
A one-act play, not produced.
Miscellaneous manuscript notes
2 typescripts, annotated by author
4 mimeographed typescripts
An attempt to adapt Aristophanes’ Peace.
Manuscript material (not completed)
Untitled Play
A full-length play before 1960 (not completed).
Manuscript material
“1st notes to Beginning and General Outline”
The Rehearsal (1961)
One-act children’s play
Mimeographs, 6 copies
Tales of the Emperor
Ms. 1, manuscript
Ms. 2 manuscript
Typescript draft
Typescript and holograph notes, December 1976 to June 1977
Box 29
And They’ll Make Peace (Sept. 1961)
Adaptation of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata. Produced December 1961 to February 1962 at Toronto Workshop Productions
Manuscript in binder
Miscellaneous manuscript material, including original lyrics of songs used in production and
design of stage
Reviews, news clippings
Typescript, produced Sept. 1961
“T.W.P. to C.T.R.”. Article commissioned by Toronto Workshop Productions in 1974 in reply to Canadian Theatre Review, not published
Draft typescript, annotated
Typescript, final version, 2 copies
The Way Out (“The Middle Way”) (1960)
One-act, unpublished and not produced.
Miscellaneous manuscript notes
Manuscript, for first typing.
Typescript, first version. Mimeographed
Typescript, final version. Mimeographed
The Whistle (January 1961)
One-act play
Mimeographed typescript
Woyzeck (March-May 1963)
An adaptation of Georg Buchner’s Woyzeck. Produced at Toronto Workshop Productions
Mimeographed typescript.
Box 30
Radio and Television
Bruno Gerussi. Feb. 1968-Oct. 1969. Material produced daily on the “Gerussi Show”and its successor “This Country in the Morning,”(CBC radio). Includes poems, dramatic monologues, fictional and factual material on a wide variety of subjects.
“An act of immorality”
“Advice on the choice of a mistress”
“The Aleph”
“The apartment”
“The architect”, 2 copies
“The art of the folk”
“Bad omens”
“Ballad of the Peacetime Soldier”
“The banana war”
“The barbarians win”
“The beer strike”
“the Belly”
“Berliner Ensemble”
“the big Country Club”
“the big-little book”
“the birth of a clown”
“bitter October”
“black art”
“the blameless man”
“boarding school”
“a boat”
“bouquet” and “Nietzsche”
“the boy with the crossbow”
“the brain explosion”
“brother Joe’s Halloween”
“burn me”
“the business of advertising”
“the business of dying”
“the business of writing”
“Cairo, today”
“Capek’s prayer”
“Chaplain and Cocteau”
“Charlie Parker’s birthday no”, 3 copies
“Charley Starkweather”
“child's eye view”
“Chinese puzzle”
“the church”
“the church of cheese”
“C.I.A. Marxist”
“Cider with Rosie”
“clippers and coolies”
“coming of the conquistadores”
“courtesy corner”
“crazy Ulysses”
“the critic”
“cutting grass in October”
“the Czech pavilion”
“David Eisenhower”
“Davy Crockett saves the world”
“Davy is daid”
“day camp”
“day in court”, “two pigeons”, “one’s supper”
“De Gaulle and the Jews”
“the deep well”
“Diego Rivera and the priests”
“Dona Catalina”
“the elders”
“election day”
poem dealing with election
“the emperor said”
“the emperor’s birthday”
“the Emperor Suite”
“the Emperor’s darkness”
“Eros Centre”
“everyone loves Walter”
“experimental education”
“fashions and frustrations”
“the flat Earth”
“freedom-riding– 1968”
“front-line psychotherapy”
“fruit flies”
“funny things”
“the Gaspe”
“the gentleman”
“ghosts”, “democracy”
“giving up”, 2 copies
“the gods”
“golden paper”
“the Good Book”
“good writing”
“Grandpa’s horses”
“the great wall”, 2 copies
“group therapy”
“C.I.O. Handscomb”
“happy birthday, death!”
“here and there”
“the hidden persuader”
“high-school in Florida”
“Hilarie” “C.D.W.”
“hire learning”
“the hollow earth”
“Hollywood on tria1”
“How to Pad”
“the human touch”
“hundred year old man”, 2 copies
“I, Attila Jozsef”
“I remember”
“the imperial colonel”
“Independence Day”
“Intelligence Articles”
Introduction to “for Lincoln & liberty too”
“the iron maiden”
“the island”
“the ivy”
“James Joyce”
“the judge”
“the Killing of Kinsmen”
“Kingfisher” “Old Winter’s dismal party” 2 copies
“King’s dead” 2 copies
“Kitty Genovese”
“the last rose of summer”, “the window”
“the Last Words of H. Dumpty, Egg”, “My uncle”, “weather cock”
“Lee and Jake”
“A letter to us”
“Li Su”
“the Little moron”
“the locker room”
“M”, “Status”
“Madame Blavatsky”
“Marcel Marceau”
“the market by the river”, 2 copies
“Master Ching and the Prince”
“Miles and Boon”
“the mind-bend”
“miscellaneous openers”
“Mr. Hunt”
“Mr. Moynihan”
“mother earth”
“Mother Russia”
“Moving Mountains”
“my audience”
“my daughter”
“my hair”
“my religion”
“National Data Bank”
“Negroes and Jews”
“the nomads”
“the old man”
“Operation Breadbasket”
“our revolution”
“pacifying the Aztecs”
“parlez-vous français?”
“Party Day”
“peers incorporated”
“the people”
“the poet”
“the poor little rich”
“the porcelain dragon”
“portrait of a lady”
“private school rebellion”
“the promo”
“the prudent minnow”
“punishing the musician”
“Queen Passionella”
“Quel Paese”
“the rabbi”
“the rabbi said”
“the rational rabbit”
“a real big man”, “soup”
“the reflecting pool”
“refugee”, “after the concert”
“the reincarnate”
“repairs”, 2 copies
“a reply to Mrs. Waines”
“revolutionary lady”
“the roar that moused”
“Rosh Ha-Shanah”
“the sacred goat”
“St. Pierre”
“selling the president”
“a sensible varmint”
“seriously”, “$80,000”
“show business”, 2 copies
“Sir James Barrie”
“Sit still”
“sit up, old man!”
material on “skin-mags”
“slave trade”
“a song”, “some openers”
“the songbird”
“Springtime in Chunking”, 2 copies
“Squid Jiggin’ Ground”
“state of the poet”
“step on a crack”
“street songs”
“Suez today”
material on Sweden
“swimming class”
“the table”
“the tailor”
“talk shows”
“tapioca pudding”
“Theatre Canada”
“there are no black children”
“three old men”
three poems, “my uncle”, “Sunday morning”, “dawn”
“three tourists”
“Tisot”, “MAN wins a round”
“Tom Thumb”
“2.80 a day”
“the two officials”
“unbending the mind”
“Union Station”
“up here down there”
“the urge to kill”
“Victoria and Brown”
“Villa meets Zapata”
“the voice of the machine”
“War games”
“the Warsaw ghetto”
“Waugh faces Life”
“way out”
“welcome to Stephen”
“A week in the life of ...”
“the western”
“what’s black?”
“the whole man”, “he who”
“the whole truth”, 2 copies
“winter night”
“wise guys”
“woolly thinking”
“the worker”
“World War Two and me”, 2 copies
“year-end report”
Box 31
Cabaret Canada:
Cabaret Canada was created by Jack Winter and Perry Friedman, who wrote original political cabaret material (songs, poems, monologues) and performed as a team on radio (CBC), television (CBCH, CTV, CITY-TV), and on the concert stage in Canada (Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto) and Germany (East Berlin). Cabaret Canada was formed in 1972 and disbanded in 1975.
Scripts: holograph, typescript and annotated versions
“the bad little girl”
“Buchenwald Lied”
“Canadian observers”
“February in Toronto”
“fire water”
“hark the herald”
“Here We Stand”
“Home Free”
“honey cake”
“it wasn’t so much”
“January in Toronto”
“let’s have a hanging”
“the man in the street”
“a man of worth”
“Marlborough and Yonge”
“misery waltz”
“my bonnie”
“my long-lost uncle”
“nice news”
“Noel Nemesis”
“open plan”
“Over Dover”
“political football”
“Porno Lib”
“proper Canadians”
“the tax collector”
“two newspapers”
The following material duplicates that in Box 30:
“the architect”
“crazy Ulysses”
“the promo”
“year-end report”
F.c Miscellaneous notes.
F.d Planned items for Cabaret Canada. Manuscript notes and typescripts of short skits that are also contained in Box 30.
F.e Concerts for Cabaret Canada. Holograph, typescript notes on concerts and rallies. Leaflets, bulletins, material concerning “The Nabet Strike”
F.f News clippings on various topics. Includes reviews of “Hey Rube”and “Letters from Earth”
F.g Promotion and administration. Manuscript notes and correspondence regarding Cabaret Canada.
Box 32
Ms. 1, manuscript
Ms. 2, manuscript notes
Ms. 3, manuscript and typed notes
Tenth World Youth Festival concert. East Berlin. July and August 1973.
Typescript: German-English translation
“A Canadian Point of View”. Concert at Loyola University and McGill University, Montreal, December 1973.
Photocopied annotated typescript
Publicity: brochures, and correspondence
Audio reel I
1. “NABET strike”(3 3/4) - song promoting strike-rally (1972)
2. “SO2”
a) CBC National News (3 3/4)
b) recorded October 12, 1972 (7 1/2)
3. “Man of Worth”
a) recorded November 3, 1972 (7 1/2)
b) CBC Newsmagazine, November 5, 1972 (7 1/2)
4. “Man in the Street”(and) “A.Y.”- rehearsals (7 1/2)
5. “Man of Worth”; “Man in the Street”; “A.Y.”; “Promises”: record masters (7 1/2)
Audio reel II - two copies of Audio reel I item 5
Audio reel III
1. demonstration reel (7 1/2)
“SO2”; “Promises”; “My Long-Lost Uncle”; “I Have a Beloved”; “Remains”; “This Land”;
2. rehearsals (3 3/4) (both sides)
“Let’s Have a Hanging”; “L.B. Pearson”; “Nice News”
3. “Political Football”
a) rehearsal (7 1/2)
b) CBC “Sunday Magazine”: recorded March 17, 1974; (3 3/4)
4. “The General Strike”, (7 1/2)
5. “Good Morning, Toronto”
Rehearsal (3 3/4)
Audio reel IV
“A Canadian Point of View” (3 3/4)
Love”; “Point of View”; “Promises”; “Walter Vandermeer”; “Truman”; “Remains”; “I Have a Beloved”; “The Chestnut Tree”; “American Sand”; “Speak White”.
Audio reel V (7 1/2)
“Remains”; “I Have a Beloved”; “The Chestnut Tree”; “American Sand”; “Speak White”.
Box 33
Also produced for the CBC:
“Bathurst Programs”, 1972
Background Material: correspondence, schedules, research, press releases.
“My Bathurst”. Ms. production notes (complete manuscript and production notes)
“An Acadian Party”. Ms. production notes (complete manuscript and production notes)
Audio reels:
Audio reel I. (7 1/2) Radio production of “My Bathurst” (CBC, 1972)
Audio reel II. (7 1/2) Continuation of Audio reel I
Audio reel III. (7 1/2) Radio production of “An Acadian Party” (CBC, 1973)
Audio reel IV. (7 1/2) Continuation of Audio reel III
Audio reel V. (7 1/2) Practice Audio reel of “An Acadian Party”
Audio reel VI. (7 1/2) Continuation of Audio reel V
Audio reel VII. (3 3/4) Interviews with people of Bathurst, New Brunswick, and environs, (unedited)
Audio reels VIII. (3 3/4) Continuation of Audio reel VII
“Five Great Days” (1974: one-hour original play, produced on CBC Radio)
“Draft production script”, typescript copy
“German Democratic Republic Programs” (1973: “Arts and Letters in the G.D.R.”; “Women in the G.D.R.”etc.) 2 file folders
Correspondence, invitations, program outlines, including manuscripts
“Happy Birthday, Death” (radio play)
Script material first used as part of The Golem of Venice; extracted from The Golem of Venice and with additional material was produced as a radio play.
Annotated typescript, (miscellaneous)
Annotated typescript and typescript of radio version (draft)
Typescript of radio script (produced on CBC). “Introducing”. 21 pp.
Box 34
“Italo” (1974: half hour commentary, produced on CBC Television)
Production script, manuscript / typescript
“Olympia” (1970, half-hour original play; produced on CBC Radio)
Manuscript notes, correspondence
Draft, photocopied typescript, 5 copies.
“A Saltykov-Schedrin Sketchbook” (1968. Radioscript one hour) Adaptations from the works of M. Saltykov
Manuscript and typescript notes: “Saltykov!”, fables, incomplete script and research notes including correspondence
Typescript of the Five Fables
Manuscript and typescript, “Saltykov-Golovolovs”
Typescript, “Saltykov–Radio Script of Fables”, 50 pp.
Audio reel I (3 3/4) Radio production on “CBC stage”, (1968)
“The Speaker” (1971)
Half-hour original play, produced on CBC Radio; commissioned for “Ideas” by John Robert Colombo.
Complete manuscript
Production script, typescript, 3 copies
“The Wrecked Blackship”
One-act radio play, dealing with Coolie Trade. Written in the autumn of 1967, amended in June 1969 and produced on “Sunday Stage”in the autumn of 1969. 1/2 hour
Research news item and manuscript
Typescript, annotated by author plus radio script and correspondence
“The Road Show” (1974)
Proposal for a series of half-hour television programs. Typescript, 4 pp.
“Vern” (1976)
A half-hour original radio play commissioned by the CBC; production title “Untimely Death.”
Final script (July, August, September, 1976) Total time approximately thirty minutes.
Complete typescript, 21 pp.
Holograph notes
Annotated typescript notes
“The World of Saltykov-Schedrin”. A ninety minute original radio-play prepared for the BBC (1976).
Final script. (September, November, December, 1976)
Clean typescript. (playing time: approximately 90 minutes)
Manuscript and typescript, rough notes and drafts
Box 35
Labour Series (1972-73)
A series of light half-hour original TV programmes, commissioned by Ontario Educational Authority (Channel 19); series cancelled.
I. Administration
Contracts, correspondence, controversies
Outlines: manuscript form and typescript notes
Schedules: manuscript notes
Ideas: manuscript notes and news articles
Vancouver trip: schedules and manuscript notes
II. Research
Automation (the combine): manuscript notes
Machine: misc. notes
“Blairmore”, typescript article
Communism: manuscript notes and news articles
Music: manuscript notes
Nationalization: manuscript notes
O.E.C.A. research (A)
Research material from “The Nation Builders. History of Canadian Labour Series”.
Photocopy of “The On To Ottawa Trek” by Victor Hoar, 54 pp.
Photocopy of unpublished manuscript of Victor Howard (Hoar), 33 pp.
O.E.C.A. Research (B)
Photocopy of “Red Walsh–Trek”, 51 pp.
Photocopy of “William Davis: On To Ottawa Trek”, 57 pp.
Photocopy of “Microcosms of Misfortune” by Thomas William Tanner, 1965. 156 pp.
O.E.C.A. Research (C)
Photocopy of “The Regina Riot: 1935”, thesis by Gladys May Stone, 1967. 129 pp.
Research material including “The Nation Builders. History of Canadian Labour Series”.
Box 36
O.E.C.A. Research (D)
Research material from “The Nation Builders: History of Canadian Labour Series.”. 2 file folders
Lipton. The Trade Union Movement in Canada: manuscript notes
“Women”s Lib”, article in Toronto Life, March 1973, p. 32-37. Also typescript notes
Misc. research: news clippings and manuscript notes
III. Scripts
A “Five Great Days”
Manuscript (holograph + typescript notes) including typescript of first draft
Draft script: annotated typescript, 30 pp.
Production script, final draft: typescript, 30 pp.
B “The Future”
“Copper Mountain (O.E.C.H.)” , manuscript notes
“A Days Labour”, manuscript notes
“COX Systems (Wilson-Southam)”, research notes
C “The Immigrant”
“Immigrant Labour”, manuscript notes
D “The Organizer”
“Canadianization”, news articles; typescript articles
Canadian Labour. April 1971
Misc. manuscript notes and brochure
Pamphlets and brochures
Manuscript notes: research material from “The Nation Builders”
Typescript, “Labour”, 25 pp.
Typescript and manuscript notes
Manuscript notes
Box 37
F “Quebec”
News clippings, typed work sheets and holograph notes
Copy of Quebec-Presse, Jan. 14, 1973
G “The Silent March”
Manuscript (holograph and typescript)
Draft script (typescript)
Production script (typescript)
H “The Trek” (3 file folders)
Outline. Holograph manuscript
Material from “O.E.C.A. Labour series”
Production script (typescript copy)
Box 38
Ten Lost Years (1974)
Written by Barry Broadfoot and adapted by Jack Winter. Full-length original stage dramatization, commissioned by Toronto Workshop Productions. Written by Jack Winter and Cedric Smith, first produced at Toronto Workshop Productions (Toronto), also adapted for CBC-TV (one hour).
F.1 Research/Outlines (including rehearsal notes, improvisations). Holograph notes, which include notes on “Acts One, Two”; and “Themes”
F.2 Work sheets (including material not used in production); carbon typescript notes
F.3 Complete manuscript with annotated typescript pp.
F.4 Production Script: Photocopy of carbon typescript, annotated by the author, ms. inserts, 123 pp.
F.5 Work sheets (TV version). Holograph notes with annotated typescript and carbon typescript notes.
Draft script, 55 pp.
Annotated typescript, 58 pp.
F.6 Production Script (TV version), carbon typescript copy, 58 pp., titled “Play of the Week”.
Audio reel 1 (1 7/8) - live performance of first production at Toronto Workshop Productions, March (1974)
Audio reel II (1 7/8) edited working copy of above for the preparation of the CBC-TV adaptation
Box 39
Yankee Doodle (1971)
Half-hour original play for television: commissioned by CBC-TV for “Program X” (CBC TV) by George Jonas. May 3, 1971; not produced
F.1 Manuscript of first draft, May 3, 1971; annotated by the author; 23 pp.
F.2 First draft.
The Fifth Sun (1974)
Half-hour original film: commissioned by Robert van der Hilst and produced on CBC-TV
F.1 Complete manuscript (of commentary). Production script. April 6, 1974. “Quetzalcoatl”. Holograph and annotated typescript manuscript, including 11 page typescript.
F.2 Production script. Final typescript version, 14 pp.
Tamara’s Tapestry World (1975)
Half-hour original film: produced on CBC TV, directed by Tadeusz Jaworski
F.1 Complete manuscript of commentary, March 17, 1975. Annotated holograph manuscript, March 17, 1975. Includes typescript manuscript, 5 pp., “Resume. Tamara Jaworska, B.F.A., M.F.A. Feb., 1974.”
F.2 Production script, March 17,1975. Voice-over script for a half-hour television film, carbon typescript, 4 pp.
Wild Rice (1975)
Half-hour original film script: commissioned by and produced on CBC-TV
F.1 Production script (2 copies). Annotated typescript (1 copy); photocopy typescript (1 copy)
F.2 Complete manuscript. Holograph notes, and annotated typescript versions.
Box 40
The Holy Terrors
A television adaptation of Jean Cocteau’s The Holy Terrors. Commissioned by “Festival” CBC-TV (not produced)
Typescript regarding first reactions to the book, The Holy Terrors. 2 copies
Manuscript notes including a bibliography
Photocopy of final draft, 84 pp., annotated by author
The Maritimers.
Script of a television play, commissioned by “The Way It Is” for CBC-TV (not produced)
Research material including photocopies of newspaper articles, newspaper articles and one pamphlet.
Manuscript notes and research material including “Dead Industry” a annotated typescript
2 preliminary drafts, annotated
Final draft, annotated
Selling out. 1971. Original commentary for thirty-minute film. 16 mm & 35 mm (colour/sound) Educational distributor: Encyclopedia Britannica
Typescript (two copies)
Box 41
M.A. thesis, “T.S. Eliot as Dramatist in the Commercial Theatre”, McGill University
Manuscript notes
Typescript annotated by author
Miscellaneous corrections replaced with revision inserts.
Three articles and one monograph based on the thesis:
“Prufrockism” in The Cocktail Party”
Typescript 1st copy, uncorrected
Typescript annotated by author
Typescript annotated by author, final corrected copy
Published version in Modern Language Quarterly, 22, no. 2 (June, 1961), 2 copies
Miscellaneous typescript corrections, replaced with revision inserts
“Celia and the Cocktail Party”
Manuscript (partial)
Typescript annotated by author
Typescript annotated by author (another copy)
“Peter and The Cocktail Party”
Manuscript (holograph and typescript), annotated by the author
Typescript copy annotated by author
Mimeographed typescript
Box 42
Toronto Workshop Productions Publications Series. An attempt to launch a monograph series relating to the work of Toronto Workshop Productions in general and to specific plays in particular.
Paste-up of “Music and the Mechanic”
Manuscript material and notes. Typescript material.
York University
Planning and Development of Large Lecture Auditorium for York University, later named the Burton Auditorium, 1962-65
Notes on various other theatres (Stratford)
Report on York University Auditorium
Meetings of Project Committee”
Sketches, blueprint Plans and typescript notes
“Programme for the Teaching Theatre, York University Toronto, April 19, 1963.” Draft
2 copies of annotated typescript
Planning and Development of a Theatre Programme at York University, 1962-65.
Correspondence concerning “plans, controversy and harangues, mainly regarding the creation of York’s first academic course in theatre and correspondence with York University
administration, mainly regarding the failure to implement a satisfactory drama programme.
“Drama Programme” proposed for York University including draft-plans and theatre programme contents
Background for Humanities AIIIc, York’s first theatre course
The Electric Newspaper
A cabaret/theatre designed and planned for the presentation of entertainment, generally combining live action with electronic production.
Re Mirvish brief ,1967
Holograph and annotated typescript notes including “Financial Projection: Introduction” and “Direct Capital Investment Budget”
Typescript: “A Proposal for the Creation of a Mixed-Media Theatre”, submitted to Edwin Mirvish by Jack Winter, Oct. 20, 1967
“Union Situation”
“Budget: Projected Operating Costs”
“Theatre Pre-Projection Expenses”
“Financial Projection. Conclusions and Recommendations”
Mirvish brief (The official brief) 1967
Typescript, 25 pp., “A Proposal For The Creation Of A Mixed-Media Theatre”, submitted to Ed. Mirvish by Jack Winter, October 20, 1967.
National Arts Centre (1969-70): Notes, budgets, outlines
Architectural Drawing. Rental Space (4 copies)
Typescript notes on cost estimates as of April 6, 1970 (10 copies)
“Electric Newspaper: Sept. 1970 to Sept. 1971a”, 30 pp.
“National Arts Centre, Ottawa. Electric Newspaper” (first 6 months)
Holograph notes
National Arts Centre (1969-70).
Correspondence dating from July 4, 1969 to June 4, 1970 dealing with the National Arts Centre.
“Meat and Potatoes restaurant (1970), notes, budgets, outlines”
Typescript notes:
Some musings after April 6 in Ottawa (2 copies)
Some preamble to the Electric Newspaper (4 copies)
“The Electric Newspaper in an operating restaurant” (2 copies)
Misc. 1968-70. Misc. proposals and correspondence
Correspondence, Spring 1968-to Dec. 15, 1970
Holograph notes
Misc. program material (1968-71)
Typescript “Some units for the Great Wall”and other typescript notes.
Box 43
Poetry. See also Box 44
Scales (Montreal, 1958, privately published)
Manuscript and typescript versions of poems
Galley proofs,1 page only
“Paste-up”of Scales
The Island (Fiddlehead Press, 1973; adapted as one hour radio play, produced by CBC Radio)
Complete holograph manuscript (two file folders)
Draft annotated typescript
Final version, typescript (five copies)
Production script 1
Production script 2, signed copy, annotated by the author
Production notes for radio version
Audio reel I (7 ½) radio production on CBC “Anthology” (Dec. 14, 1973): part one.
Audio reel II radio production on CBC “Anthology” (Dec. 14, 1973): part two.
Articles, Broadcasts, Book Reviews. See Box 46 for additional book reviews
Box 44
F.1 “The Canvas Barricade”, Canadian Commentary, Oct. 1961. Typescript, 3 pp.
F.2 “Comedie-Canadienne [The Theatre Season: Montreal]”, Canadian Forum, Dec. 1966. Manuscript 2 pp.
F.3 “Critically speaking”, CBC Broadcast, taped Feb. 19, 1963, Producer: Lyn Higgins. Typescript 5 pp.; Manuscript 4 pp.
F.4 “A Pocket Canadian Renaissance”, Saturday Night, September 1961, Typescript, 4 pp.
F.5 “Stratford and Success”, Exchange. October, 1961, Manuscript, 36 pp.
F.6 “Stratford 1961”, Canadian Forum, Sept. 1961. Typescript, 2 copies, 5 pp.
F.6 “The Theatre Season: Toronto”, October l5, 1960, mimeograph, 7 pp.
F.7 “[The Theatre Season: Montreal]”, Canadian Annual Review, January 24, 1961 for April 1961, mimeograph, 8 pp.
F.9 “Town Talk”, CBC broadcasts on Canadian Theatre, January 6, 1961, manuscript 6 pp.; typescript 2 p. January 3, 1961, typescript 2 p.
F.10-2 “Who Am I?”. Article/playlet, Performing Arts (Winter 1970): 36-37
Complete manuscript
Draft typescript, mimeographed typescript
F.13-5 “Mandelstam” (1975) six thousand word article on the Russian poet Osip Mandelstam and Nadazhda Mandelstam; unpublished.
Holograph and typescript manuscript.
Holograph research notes; letter to The Editor of The New York Review.
Photocopy of annotated typescript.
F.16-9 Poem manuscripts, 1958, 1961
“Pound” 1958
“Seascape” (2 versions)
“The Wizard Branch”
“Vacuum Cleaner”
“Sermon in the Flood (For Three Voices)”
“A Very Short Story”
“Troubadour Tripailleuse”
“to be yes to no”
“The Middle Way”
“To I.A. Richards (Nov. 5, 1959)”
“Another Very Short Story”
“The Pantheist”
“Cocktail Credo”
“Taking My Pee-Aich-Dee”
“Mouth Love”
“Come, My Love”
“The Dismal Party”
“The Death of Adolf Eichmann (on my twenty-fifth birthday) (Apri1, 1961)”
“Song (July 1961)”
“Island” (?)
Poem sheet by John Colombo “Lines for the Last Day.”
Jack Winter: Itinerary (July 17 to Sept. 26, 1968)
Jack Winter: Curriculum Vitae”
Typescript of “Limbo of the Canada Goose”, a play by John Marier, Sept. 1965
Poems and Monologues, Sept. 1969 to April 1975
Box 45
F.1-5 “Poems / Monologues”, manuscripts
Box 46
F.6-7 “Poems / Monologues”, manuscripts
F.8 “Poems / Monologues”, typescripts and manuscripts, also bound black notebook, Summer 1973
Book Reviews
Box 47
Note: The reviews were written for periodicals in England, 1977. A number of these book reviews were submitted to Sue Hill for Granada Publications.
The Raven and the Writing Desk. Frances Huxley.
Typescript, submitted Jan. 25, 1977. 3 pp. (4 copies).
Holograph and annotated typescript.
Frederick Rolfe: Baron Corvo - A Biography. Miriam J. Benkovitz & Hamish Hamilton
Typescript, submitted Feb. 8, 1977. 5 pp. (2 copies).
Holograph notes.
They Went Thataway. James Horwitz.
Typescript, submitted Feb. 16, 1977. 2 pp.
Holograph notes.
Rogers and Hart. Samuel Marx and Jan Clayton
Typescript, submitted Feb. 18, 1977. 2 pp.
Holograph notes.
A Rendezvous With Destiny: The Roosevelts of the White House. Eliot Roosevelt and James Brough
Typescript, submitted March 6, 1977, 4 pp. (2 copies)
Holograph notes.
The Death of Narcissus. Morris Fraser.
Typescript submitted March 11, 1977. 4 pp.
The Wild Boy of Aveyron. Harlan Lane.
Typescript, submitted March 29, 1977. 4 pp.
Holograph notes and annotated typescript notes.
Scapegoat: The Truth About the Lindbergh Kidnapping. Anthony Scaduto
Typescript, submitted June 1, 1977, 3 pp.
Holograph notes, and annotated typescript notes.
Zen Culture. Thomas Hoover.
Typescript, submitted June 15, 1977. 3 pp.
Holograph notes.
Nightside of Eden. Kenneth Grant.
Typescript, submitted June 17, 1977. 1 p.
Heroes: From Byron to Guevera. Hamish Hamilton.
Typescript, 3 p. [n.d.]
Holograph notes and annotated typescript notes.
“A Crime Like Any Other”.
Typescript, 5 pp., Jan. 5, 1977.
Annotated typescript and holograph notes.
“The Group of Seven: an exhibition of Canadian paintings”.
Typescripts, 2 pp. (2 copies). Jan. 11, 1977.
Annotated typescript.
1 file of misc. ms. notes
1 file of news clippings by and about Winter.
Note: Correspondence is assumed to be incoming. Numbers above one are noted.
Box 48
F.1 A-B
Association of Canadian Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1971, 1975
Aaron, Paul (Centre Theatre Group), 1968
Abrams, Teria, outgoing, 1963
Allen, Robert. 5 incoming, 4 outgoing, 1974-75
Almond, P. (attached to U. Redgrave letter), outgoing, 1970
Arthur, Paul (Managing Editor for Canadian Art), outgoing, 1963
Ash, William (BBC), 1968
Association of Teachers of English in Quebec, 1971
The Atlantic Monthly, incoming and outgoing, 1969
B.B.C. (P. Flude), outgoing, 1977
Baker, Doris J. (D. Calder Utters), 1966
Baker, Ron, incoming and outgoing, 1974
Ballantine, Richard, 2 outgoing, 1968
Bankson, Douglas (Dept. of Creative Writing U.B.C.), 3 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1977-67
Bartels, Jean, incoming, 2 outgoing, 1972-73
Batke, Prof. T.L. (Univ. of Waterloo), incoming and outgoing, 1964
Bawtree, Michael (Simon Fraser Univ.), incoming and 2 outgoing, 1968, 1979
Beck, Julian (From L. Ross for Living Theatre), outgoing, 1960
Beeson, William (Alley Theatre), 2 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1968
Beissel, Henry (Editor of Edge), 3 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1963
Bessai, Diane (written to George Luscombe), 1976
Best, Henry B.M., 1966
Bib, Leon (Arts Club Theatre), 1975
Bider, Milt, 1971
Block, Richard (Actors Theatre Louisville), outgoing, 1967
Blumenstein, D., 1975
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, 2, 1961
Boehler, Louis (‘The Centre’), incoming and outgoing, 1972, 1975
Bonura, Ruth, 1964
Brawer, Prof. Moshe, incoming and outgoing, 1968
Brooks, Jeremy, outgoing, 1967
Brown, Arvin, outgoing, 1967
Brown, C. Alexander, incoming and outgoing, 1975
Brundagel, Jack, 1966
Brunel University (D.B. Clark), incoming and 2 outgoing, 1977
F.2 C-D
Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (CBC)
R. Weaver, 1974
D. Sandison, 1975
Howard Engel, incoming and 2 outgoing, 1977
Calder, Dianne, 2 incoming and 2 outgoing, 1965-66
Campbell, Douglas, outgoing, 1967
Canada Council, 5 incoming and 1 outgoing, 1971
Awards section, 3 incoming and 6 outgoing, 1968, 1972
L. Vallieres, 1975
D. Peacock, outgoing 1975
R. Millette, 3, 1975
Canadian Conference of the Arts, 1965
Canadian Jewish Outlook (R. Herman), 1972
Canadian Sound Industries, 1972
Canfield, Dean F. Curtis, outgoing, 1963
Canino, Frank, n.d.
Carman, Milton S. (Ontario Council for the Arts), outgoing, 1967
Carson, Neil, 1971
Cartier, Jacques, outgoing, 1967
Catalano, Richard M. (Ford Foundation), incoming and outgoing, 1964, 1965
Cecil, Curtis, outgoing, 1963
Charlesworth, R. (S. Winters), 1971
Chatelaine (Editorial Dept.), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1969-70
Christoff, A.H., 1972
Cloves, Jeff, 1977
Coffin, Ann M. (Canada Council), 3 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1964-65
Cogswell, Fred (Univ. of New Brunswick), 2 incoming, 3 outgoing, 1972-73
Cohen, Nathan, (Toronto Star Ltd.), 1968
Cole, Toby, (Actors and Authors Agency), incoming and outgoing, 1966
Colombo, John Robert, 4 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1973
Commonwealth Film Awards, outgoing, 1973
Concordia Univ. (H. Fink), 1975
Coupland, Ken H. (George Luscombe), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1965
Cuthbert, Roland, outgoing, 1967
Davidson, Gordon. outgoing, 1967
Davis, Violet (Study Group. The Development of the Theatre), outgoing, 1966
DeLanney, David, 1974
Derumaux, A.E., outgoing and ingoing, 1966
Desborough, Patricia C. (Univ. Women’s Club of Woodstock), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1966
Dodman Press, outgoing, 1977
Doherty, Merle, 2 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1971, 1972
DuBrock, Neal (Studio Arena Theatre), incoming and outgoing, 1967
Dullege, Hilda, outgoing, 1972
Dwyer, Peter M. (Canada Council), 5 incoming, 6 outgoing, 1964-70
Dzioba, Martha, 1975
F.3 E-F
Eaton’s (Toronto), outgoing, 1975
Ebermann, Wolf (Secretary, German Democratic Republic of I.T.I.), 2 incoming (T.B. Hendry), outgoing, 1968
Electric Newspaper, 2 outgoing, 1970
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, incoming and outgoing, 1970
Encyclopedia Britannica Pub. Ltd., 2, 1972
Fabrycki, William, outgoing, 1975
Fauvelle, Laurette, outgoing, 1971
Faulkner, June, incoming and outgoing, 1974
Fefferman, Stan, outgoing, 1967
Festival International de Cinema-Nyon, outgoing, 1971
Festival Int. Film Locarno, outgoing, 1972
Fichandler, Zelda (Arena Stage), incoming and outgoing, 1967
Fink, Howard, 1971
Flannery, J., 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1969, 1970
Fletcher, Allen, outgoing, 1967
Frame, Alec, incoming and outgoing, 1972
Franklin, Shirley (The Morning After), outgoing, 1969
Freedman, David, outgoing, 1975
Freedman Ltd., Bill, incoming and outgoing, 1977
Freeman, Brian (National Arts Centre), 1970
Fulford, Robert, 1968
F.4 G-H
Gelinas, Gratien (La Comedie Canadienne vie), 1960
Gerard, Dare, 1968
Gerussi Show (D. Fuller), outgoing, 1969
Glover, Larry ( written but not signed)1969
Golcke, S., 1968
Goldhar, Josh, outgoing, 1972
Goorney, Howard, outgoing, n.d.
Gorrill, Bruce, outgoing, 1972
Grandfield, N.A. (Shakespeare Lectures), 2 outgoing, 1 incoming, 1966
Grant, Major, 1964
Gray, Jack, 1970
Greenwich Theatre, incoming and outgoing, 1977
Growtowski (T.B.Hendry), incoming and outgoing, 1968
Haber, David (National Arts Centre), 7 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1969-1972, also l. to D. Rome re Winter
Hall, Adrian, outgoing, 1967
Hamilton-Wright, J., n.d.
Hampstead Theatre, incoming and outgoing, 1977
Hannah G. Solomon Study Group, Curriculum & Bibliography for 1965-1966
Harvey, John, 1969
Harper’s Magazine, incoming and outgoing, 1969
Hayman, Mavis (Theatre Toronto) 4, 1967-68
Heavysides, Martin, outgoing 1975
Hendry, T.B. (Canadian Theatre Centre), 3 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1967-1968
Hess, G.J., incoming and outgoing, 1966
Hill, Susan see Paladin Books Granada Publishing
Hoar, Victor, incoming and outgoing, 1967
Holmes, Charlotte, 1967
Hughes, Alan, 1963
Hunt, Marlene, 1975
F.5 I-J
International Filmaker’s Association (written but not signed 1972 by T. Jaworski)
Issacs, Sandy, outgoing, 1972
Jaworski, Tadensz, 4, 1974
Jewish Standard (Julius Hayman), 1976
Jonas, George (Theatre Canada), 2, 1970-1971
Box 49
F.1 K-L
Kattan, Naim, 1973
Landa, Harvey (Front St. Theatre), incoming and outgoing, 1969
Langshur, H., incoming and 2 outgoing, 1969, 1972
Languirand, Jacques (Les Productions), incoming and 2 outgoing, 1967
Lantela, Markku, outgoing, 1967
Leabo, Judith, 1968
Ledbury, Reading, outgoing, 1968
Lewkowiez, Helen, incoming and outgoing, 1968
Library Museum of the Performing Arts, incoming and outgoing, 1970
London Poetry Secretariat, 1977
Lovell, James, 5 incoming and 3 outgoing, 196265; also l. to J. Lovell from V. Shaw
Lowe, Elmo, outgoing, 1967
Luscombe, George, 6 outgoing, 1970, 1973, 1974
F.2 M-N
MacKenzie, C. Ross, 1970
Mack1em, Michael, incoming and outgoing, 1970
MacLeod, John (CBC), 1964
[MacPherson], John, outgoing, 1970
Madill, John D., 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1965
Majchee, John, outgoing, 1964
Malina, Judith, outgoing, 1968
Man and His World, 2, 1969
Manchester Guardian Weekly, outgoing, 1970
Mason, Dorothy (Univ. Women’s Club, Hamilton), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1966
Martin, Peter, outgoing, 1970
McAndrew, Jack, outgoing, 1971
McCallum, Heather, incoming, 1963
McCarthy, Eugene, outgoing, 1969
McKenna, Rick, 1976
Menexes, Elias Statins, 1974
Meyers, Donald, 2 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1968
Mezei, Leslie, outgoing, 1972
Michalski, Kirsten, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1974
Miller, Mrs. Elsie A., 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1972
Millette, Rodrique (Canada Council Arts Division), incoming and outgoing, 1968
Millgate, Michael (York Univ.), 2 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1965-66
Mitchell, Vicki, outgoing, 1968
Moore, Mavour, 1972
Morris, Peter, 2 incoming and 1 outgoing, 1972
Morris, Tina, incoming and outgoing, 1977
Moscow Int. Film Festival, outgoing, 1972
Murray, Michael, outgoing, 1967
National Theatre, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1977
Newby, P.A., incoming (secretary) and outgoing, 1968
Newman, Jessy (Pyramid Productions)
Newman, Peter C., incoming and outgoing, 1970
New Society, incoming and outgoing, 1977
New Statesman, 2 incoming and 2 outgoing, 1977
Nims, William H. (Ford Foundation New York), 1965
Nolgin, Mark (Dept. of External Affairs), 1975
Noonan, James, 1972
F.3 O-P
Office of the Minister of Health & Welfare, outgoing, 1973
Orrel1, John (Dept. English, Univ. Alberta), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1965
Osborne, Julia (Canada Council), 1964
Paladin Books (Susan Hill), 3 incoming, 4 outgoing, 1977
Partisan Review, outgoing, 1959
Payne, Dick, incoming and outgoing, 1975
Pearson, Lester B., petition to, 1970
Philmus, Robert, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, also 1 letter re: Philmus, 1972-73
Podbrey, Maurice, 1975
Porteous, Timothy (P.E. Trudeau), outgoing, 1969
Porterfield, Robert, outgoing, 1967
Powell, Alan (Univ. of Toronto), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1970-72
Press Centre (Man and His World), outgoing, 1969
Prizek, Mario, 2 outgoing, 1968
Province of Ontario Council for the Arts (R. Evans), outgoing, 1975
Purden, Christine (Associates), 2, 1971
F.4 R
Rae, John (Office of the Minister of Indian Affairs), 1969
Ratcliffe, Michael, outgoing, 1977
Redgrave, Veronica, 1970
Reynolds, Beth, 1973
Ripley, John D., incoming and outgoing, 1971
Robb, Dodi (CBC), incoming, 1969, 1971
Robins and Partners, Barristers and Solicitors. See F.8
Roffey, Joanne, incoming and outgoing, 1973
Rome, David, incoming and out going, 1971
Ross, Lola (The Living Theatre), 1961
Ross, Murray G. (York Univ.), 3 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1964-1966
Rosset, Barney, incoming and outgoing, 1960
Rotstein, Abe (Univ. of Toronto), outgoing, 1970
Rowe, P.A., 1969
Royal Ontario Museum, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1971
Rubin, Don, 1975
Rutherford, (Allenby Public School), outgoing, 1972
Ryan, Oscar, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1976
F.5 S-T
Saidye Bronfman Centre, 1975
Schechner, Richard , incoming and outgoing, 1968
S’cism, Mack, outgoing, 1967
Scroggie, Florence, 1969
Seale, Douglas, outgoing, 1969
Shaw Festival, 3, 1971
Shaw, Mary, 1974
Smith, Cedric, 1977
Smith, Darlene, outgoing, 1972
Smith, John (includes letter of R. Baker 1974), 1973
Snell, R.R. (Ontario Housing Corp.), incoming, 2 outgoing, 1971
Soukupova, Dr. Eva , outgoing, 1968
Southam, Hamilton (National Arts Centre), 1973
Spectator (London), outgoing, 1977
J.H. Stapleton Co. (H. Demorest), incoming and outgoing, 1975
Sunday Telegraph (London), 3 incoming, 7 outgoing, 1977
Svoboda, Josef , outgoing, 1968
Swarbrick, Brian (Brian Swarbrick Productions), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1972-73
Tallon-Karlweis, Ninon, 1969
Tenschert, Joachim, 1968
Teron, Bill (sp?), outgoing, 1970
[“The Morning After”], outgoing, 1969
Theal, Don (McGill Univ.), 4, 1964-65
Theatre Toronto, outgoing, 1968
Theatrical Enterprises Ltd. (C.W. McGibbon), outgoing, 1976
Thursday Evening Study Branch (Lash, Chernoff), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1966
The Times (London), outgoing draft, 1977
Toronto Workshop Productions (Mrs. Luscombe, June Faulkner) 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1965, 1974-75. See also F.8
Totton, S.J. (McClelland & Stewart Ltd.), 4, 1964-65
Touliatros, George, outgoing, 1967
Trolt, Linda (Canada Council), incoming, 1974
F.6 U-W
Unit Productions Ltd., 2 outgoing, 1972
University of Waterloo (info. release), 1964
Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd., 4 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1973
Vance, Nina, outgoing, 1967
Vaughan, Stuart, outgoing, 1967
Villiers Publications Ltd., incoming an outgoing, 1973
Vizinczey, S. & Gloria, 5 incoming, 4 outgoing, 1961, 1969-70
Wadsworth, Martha, outgoing, 1968
Waineo, Allan, 1 (2) incoming, 1968
Walsh, Tom, outgoing, 1972
Wasserman, David, 1972
Weaver, Robert (CBC), 4 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1967-69, 1974
Weigel, Helene, outgoing, 1968
Wheeler, David, outgoing, 1967
Wilbraham, Katherine (Macmillan Co. of Canada), 2 incoming, 2 outgoing, 1967
Williams, C.H., incoming and outgoing, 1964
Williams, Clifford (Theatre Toronto), 1968
Wilson, Lorene (McClelland & Stewart), 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1974
Wilson, Phyllis, incoming and outgoing, 1974
Wolfe, Irving, 2 incoming, 1 outgoing, 1971
Woodcock, Glen (Toronto Telegram), outgoing, 1969
“The Wrecked Blackship”, outgoing, 1970
F.7 Y-Z
Yalman, Tunc (Milwaukee Repertory Theatre), 2 outgoing, 1 incoming, 1967-68
York University, outgoing, 1973
The Young Vic (London), incoming and outgoing, 1976
Zend, Robert, 1970
Toronto Workshop Productions (TWP), 1976-1977. Correspondence with Robins and Partners, Barristers and Solicitors, re TWP. Also letter to and letter from TWP, ms. notes by Winter.
Jack Winter fonds. 5th accrual. Textual records, graphic material, sound recording.
Stage Plays
Box 50
F.1 The Golem of Venice. Early use of golem theme in version of “Before Compiegne”. Ts. and ms., 104 pp.
F.2 The Golem of Venice. Early draft, with research notes. Ms., 107 pp.
F. 3 The Golem of Venice. Median version (1965-66). Ts. and ms., 34 pp.
F.4 The Golem of Venice. Various draft versions (up to 1966). Ts., 125 pp.
F.5 The Golem of Venice. 1983 version (ts.) with ms. notes, 149 + 22 pp.
F.6 Party Day. Correspondence, 1968-69, 169 pp.
F.7 Party Day. Photographs, 50 items.
F.8 Party Day. Programmes, 10 items.
Box 51
F.1 Before Compiegne. 1982 version (prepared for Ipswich but not produced). Promptbook, ts. and ms., 160 pp.
F.2 Before Compiegne. 1983 ts., 79 pp. (bound).
F.3 Before Compiegne. 1984 ts., 86 pp. (bound).
F.4 You Can’t Get There From Here. Television version (1974), ts. (photocopy), 143 pp. + a congressional committee report on “Covert Action in Chile” (photocopy), 31 pp.
Radio Plays
F.5 Golovlovo. Working draft, ts. and ms., 143 pp.
F.6 Golovlovo. Various draft sections, ts. and ms. (1977-84), 237 pp.
F.7 Golovlovo. Ts. (1984), 91 pp.
F.8 Golovlovo. Ts. (1984), 93 pp.
Box 52
F.1 Haydon. Original draft material, ts. and ms., 343 pp.
F.2 Haydon. Ts. (car), 1979, 42 pp.
F.3 Haydon. Ts. (car), 1979, 51 pp.
F.4 Haydon. Drafts of reworked script (1980-84), 97 pp.
F.5 Haydon. Preliminary typing of final version, ts., 51 pp.
F.6 Haydon. Final typing (1981), ts., 59 pp.
F.7 Haydon. Draft additions (Feb.-March 1984) , ms. and ts., 51 pp.
F.8 Haydon. Late ts. (March 1984), 50 pp.
F.9 Haydon. Final ts. (1984), 46 pp.
F.10 Balance. Synopsis, notes, script etc, ts. and ms., 101 pp .
Film script
Box 53
F.1 Selling Out. Script, ts. and ms., 86 pp.
F.2 Selling Out. Research material, 19 pp.
F.3 Selling Out. Correspondence etc., 74 pp.
F.4 Tales of the Emperor (novel). Early (1970) ts., 120 pp.
F.5 Tales of the Emperor. Ts. (photocopy), 1974, 77 pp.
F.6 Tales of the Emperor. 1978 draft, ts. and ms., 224 pp.
F.7 Tales of the Emperor. 1979 draft, ts. and ms., 268 pp.
Box 54
F.1 Tales of the Emperor. 1980 draft, ts. and ms., 292 pp.
F.2 Tales of the Emperor. Ts., 1980, 130 pp.
F.3-4 Tales of the Emperor. Drafts. of September-October, 1980, ts. and ms., 343 + 259 pp.
F.5 Tales of the Emperor. “Preliminary working version” (November-December 1980) ts., 127 pp.
Box 55
F.1 Tales of the Emperor. “Final working version” (November-December 1980), ts., 194 pp.
F.2 Tales of the Emperor. Ts. (1981), 40 pp.
F.3 Tales of the Emperor. Notes, miscellaneous material etc., 311 pp.
F.4 Agnes (novel). Various drafts., 1981-83, ts. and ms., 373 pp.
F.5 Eddy’s Visit (novella). Draft (1981-84), ms. and ts., 119 pp.
Short Stories
Box 56
F.1 “Ishana and Ian”. Ts. and ms., 9 pp.
F.2 “Julia’s Gift”. Ts. and ms., 89 pp.
F.3 “Andrew”. Ts. and ms. (including some research material), 172 pp.
F.4 “Patience”. Ts. and ms., 97 pp.
F.5 “Entitlement”. Ts. and ms., 85 pp.
F.6 “The Careers Master”. Ts. and ms., 148 pp.
F.7 Misplaced Persons. Ts., 58 pp. (poems and stories) .
F.8 Misplaced Persons. Bound ts. , 65 pp .
F.9-10 Individual poems. (1977-84) in various drafts., ts. and ms., 115 + 123 pp.
Box 58
F.1 “Do You Mean Joined-Up Writing?” Ms. and ts., 128 pp.
F.2 “Do You Mean Joined-Up Writing?” Production script for concert, ts. (2c.), 38 pp.
F.3 “Do You Mean. ..?” Correspondence re article, 15 pp.
F.4 “Do You Mean. ..?” audio reel of concert.
F.5 “Commerce and the Arts: An Immodest Proposal”. Ts. and correspondence, 37 pp.
General Correspondence
F.6 A- K
F.7 L -Z
Box 59
Other material
F.1 Ontario Centennial Planning Branch. Correspondence, agendas, minutes, reports. 56 pp.
F.2 Reader’s reports. by Winter (for publishers). 62 pp.
F.3 Writers in Performance (a series of readings organized by Winter). Correspondence, 1980-1983.
F.4 Writers in Performance. Posters etc.
F.5-6 Residencies: correspondence and reports concerning Winter’s tenure of 4 fellowship positions, 1978-84. 128 + 198 pp.
Jack Winter fonds. 6th accrual
Note: All sound recordings and moving images are stored separately. They are described in this finding aid with the textual records that they reflect.
Stage plays, radio and television plays
Box 59
Before Compiege
F.1 Preface, manuscript, revised typescript, typescript, 1986-1988
Caboose to Moose Jaw
F.2 Story proposal, outline, draft script, 1987-1988
F.3 Manuscripts, draft script, Feb.-April 1988
Family Matters
Performed in March 1988 at Chameleon Studio, Montreal
F.4 Manuscripts, administrative and publicity correspondence
F.5 Production script, earlier typescripts
2 audio cassettes, recorded at Chameleon Theatre, 19 March 1988
Base on the writings of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin
F.6 Revised typescript, summer 1984
F.7 Final typescript, 1987
F.8 BBB radio script, 1988
F.9 Manuscripts and typescripts, June 1988
F.10 Preliminary draft typescript, July 1988
F.11 Draft typescript, Aug. 1988
F.12 Draft typescript, uncut, 1988
3 audio cassettes of BBC broadcast, 12.04.88
2 audio reels, recorded 2/5/85, Australian Broadcasting Corp.
Letters from the Earth
Based on the writings of Mark Twain
Radio and television
F.13-4 Manuscripts and typescripts, 1985-1987
F.15 Radio version, typescript, 1985
F.16-7 Television version, typescript with revisions, Aug. 1987
F.18 Television version, typescript, 1987
F.19 Television version, final typescript, correspondence, 1987-88
Box 60
Mask of the Bear
Working title, A Bird in the House
Based on the short story, Mask of the Bear, by Margaret Laurence
F.1 Manuscripts and typescripts, 1970-1987
Video-cassette (format not known, but not VHS), produced by Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Oct. 8, 1988
Saltykov’s World
Based on the writings of Mikhail Saltykov
F.2 Manuscripts and typescripts, 1985-1986
F.3 Revised typescript, final typing, Aug. 1986
F.4 Typescript, 1986
F.5 BBC radio script, 1986
Colloquium for the Stage
“Cursur and Precursor: The Toronto Theatre, 1960-76”
F.6 Manuscripts and typescripts, 1988
2 audio cassettes, recorded 3 February 1988, at the Norris Building, Concordia Centre for Broadcasting Studies, Montreal
F.7 Outline for “Street-Games”, 1988
Misplaced Persons (1995)
F.8 Typescript, 1988. File also contains a poster for a reading by White at Concordia University.
Poetry and Shorter Prose
F.9 Miscellaneous poems
F.10-4 “The Career Master”, “Entitlement”, “HIM”, “Ishana and Ian”, “Patience”
F.15 Manuscript and typescript drafts, Nov. 1984-July 1985
F.16 Manuscript and typescript drafts, Aug. 1985
F.17 Manuscript and typescript drafts, Sept.-Nov., 1985
On Not Teaching Creative Writing (not published?)
F.18 Two small notebooks containing ms. notes
F.19 “In Residence”, ts. carbon, 1986. Untitled ts. carbon, 1986
Manuscripts and typescripts:
F.20 March 1986
F.21 April 1986
F.22 May 1986
F.23 June 1986
F.24 July-Aug. 1986
F.25 Oct.-Dec. 1986
Box 61
F.1 Jan. 1987
F.2 Feb. 1987
F.3 Mar. 1987
F.4 April 1987
F.5 May 1987
F.6 June 1987
F.7 Corrected typescript, 16 July 1987
F.8 Typescript incorporating changes of 16 July
F.9 Extracts from final typescript
F.10 Manuscripts and typescripts, Sept. 1988
Box 62
F.1 1979, 1982, 1985-1986
F.2 1987
F.3 1988
Jack Winter fonds – 7th accrual. – 1961 -2019. – predominant 5.4 m of textual and graphic records and printed material. --
Title based on contents of the fonds.
Note: Ts = typescript; holograph= in author’s handwriting
Box numbering is sequential from the 6th accrual.
Series 1
Dramatic works -Stage plays, radio, and television plays. – 1961 -2019. -- 1.12 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on contents of series.
Box 63 “The Golem of Venice and Other Plays”
F.1 Early edited drafts, July 1989, 83 p. and 26 July 1989. 84 p.
F.2 Compilation of partial drafts in holograph and typescript. June 1990. 67 p.
F.3 Edited draft. 14 February 2002. 119 p.
F.4 Draft with addition of 1p. of musical scores. March 2002. 121p.
F.5 “Song” draft, included in play. Words by Jack Winter, Music by Perry Friedman.
F.6 Edited draft. 15 February 2003. 120p.
F.7 Edited draft. Includes addition of music titled “An Orphan of the City”. 2005. 122 p.
F.8 “The Golem of Venice and other plays”. 2019. p.1-150
F.9 “The Golem of Venice and other plays”. 2019. p.151-300
F.10 “Ravers”. Ts, annotated draft. 12 April 2002.
F.11 “Ravers”. Stage play version included in “The Golem of Venice”. 2019. 39 p.
Box 64 “Caboose to Moose Jaw” (included in “The Golem of Venice and Other Plays”)
F.1 Earliest drafts of storylines. Holograph and typescript. 1974-1989.
F.2 Draft typescript submitted to Leo Foucault (Cameraction Inc). 18 April 1988.
F.3 Early drafts of partial pages, 12-13 April 1990.
F.4 Drafts of partial pages. 6-28 February 2000.
F.5 Drafts of partial pages. 7 -31 March 2000.
F.6 Drafts of partial pages. 1 April-11 April 2000.
F.7 Drafts, including third draft and partial pages. 10 April-17 April 2000.
F.8 Drafts of partial pages. 2-3 May 2000.
F.9 Version #4, revised draft 3 Nov 2000. 72 p.
F.10 Holograph and typescript drafts and partial pages. 4-6 Nov 2000.
F.11 Revised draft. 8 Nov 2000. 59 p.
F.12 Drafts of partial pages. 3 Dec 2000.
Box 65 “Caboose to Moose Jaw” (cont’d)
F.1 Drafts of edited pages. January 2001.
F.2 Draft #8. 23 January 2001. Includes draft of partial pages. 49 p. and 23 p.
F.3 Draft #8, revised, and annotated, with added pages of Acts and Scenes. 24 January 2001. 52 p.
F.4 Annotated draft of TV version. 2001. 14 p.
F.5 Draft #10. 4 February 2001. 52 p.
F.6 Draft of revised pages, annotated. 30 April 2001.
F.7 Drafts for UK version. Heavily revised. 5-9 October 2001. Includes unsigned form letters to be sent to production companies for consideration,
F.8 Drafts of partial pages. 6-7 February 2002 and 2 May 2002.
F.9 Draft, British version. Contains excerpt from prose version. February 2002. 1 p. and 66 p.
F.10 Draft, U.K. version. 2002. 66 p.
F.11 Draft, Small Theatre version. February 2002. 51 p.
F.12 Draft, Canada version.2002. 52 p.
F.13 Draft annotated labelled as “Worthing copy”. 95 p. Acting script.
F.14 Draft, production version. 2005. 93 p.
F.15 Drafts of Chapter 1, prose version. 12 January 2010. 13 p.
Box 66 “Golovlovo”. Also included in “The Golem of Venice and Other Plays.”
Based on the writings of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. Radio version, 1984, stage, 1988.
F.1 Early draft, photocopy 1977. 100 p.
F.2 Spiral bound notebook with photocopied version, 1983. 100 p.
F.3 Master version of radio play (Sept. 1984) with added titlepage and Author’s note at end. Also includes handwritten notes. 1988. 88 p. and 14 p.
F.4 Later version of draft, 1988. 102 p.
F.5 Draft of Author’s note, 11 Dec 1990. 10 p.
F.6 Complete play, without author’s note, 2000. Cerlox binding. 102 p.
F.7 Complete play, edited throughout, with proofs of author’s note. 2000. 102 p.
F.8 Complete play: serial in two parts dramatized for TV. 5 November 2004. 122 p.
F.9 Correspondence regarding play, 1995-2005.
Miscellaneous drama
Box 67 Miscellaneous Drama and related memorabilia
F.1 “A pocket Canadian Renaissance”. “My first contact with George Luscombe”. Annotated ts. For The Canadian Forum, Sept. 1961.
F.2 “François”. Ts. (carbon copy) drafts, annotated holograph drafts and working notes of play originally written in 1962. 1962-1985.
F.3 “François”. Annotated Ts. draft, April 2002.
F.4 “Theatre Why?” Ts. by Arnold Wesker for Expo ’67, Montreal. Includes holograph version of commentary by Winter on last page. 1967.
F.5 Interview. “My first contact with Tadeusz Jaworski”. Holograph notes and complete Ms. 1970.
F.6 “House Hunting”. Early annotated Ts. draft with added holograph pages of notes that contain a small sketch of a bedroom. 1983-1984.
F.7 “The King of the Schnorrers”. Dramatized from the writings of Israel Zangwill (1984-1926). Ts. annotated and revised drafts with added holograph versions. 17 October 1984-10 March 1985.
F.8 “The King of the Schnorrers”. Scored through partial title, reading “Based on the novel by Israel Zangwill…”. Revised and annotated draft with added holograph pages of script and notes. 1985.
F.9 “A Bird in the House”. Untitled Ts. draft of author’s introduction and partial pages to screenplay that is in production at CBC Winnipeg, based on Margaret Laurence’s short story of the same title. Includes holograph version of play, with title. 1987.
F.10 “The Mainstream”. Working title. Ts. outline, holograph notes with revised added write-ups for Centaur Theatre production, Montreal. May-June 1988. Includes correspondence from Centaur Theatre Company 10 May 1988.
F.11 “Haydon”. Radio version. Ts. and holograph annotated and revised drafts. 1983-1991.
Box 68 Miscellaneous drama (cont’d)
F.1 “Kadish”. Radio play. Ts. annotated and revised drafts. November-December 1993.
F.2 “Prairie Mountains”. Radio play. Early holograph and Ts. drafts. 21-25 November 2000.
F.3 “Prairie Mountains”. Ts. drafts of partial pages revised. 26-30 November 2000.
F.4 “Prairie Mountains”. Ts. drafts of partial pages revised and annotated. December 1-4, 2000.
F.5 “Prairie Mountains”. Ts. revised drafts, annotated. 11-13 December 2000.
F.6 “Prairie Mountains”. Ts. draft. 26 December 2000.
F.7 “Prairie Mountains”. Ts. draft. 27 December 2000.
F.8 “Prairie Mountains”. Ts. draft with added acoustic cues. 2 January 2001. Includes character chart in Ts. and holograph, 1 January 2001.
F.9 “Prairie Mountains”. Revised and annotated Ts. drafts for CBC. 10-11 February 2001.
F.10 “Prairie Mountain”. The letter ‘s’ crossed off on titlepage. Ts. draft. 14 February 2001.
F.11 “Prairie Mountain”. Final Ts. submitted to Ann Jansen, CBC. 1 March 2001.
Box 69 Miscellaneous Drama (cont’d)
F.1 “Hey Rube”. First draft with repeated page numbers. Heavily revised and annotated. 14 June 2000.
F.2 “Hey Rube”. Ts. revised and annotated draft of Act One. 15 June 2000.
F.3 “Hey Rube”. Ts. Second and Third drafts, annotated. 15-16 June 2000.
F.4 “Hey Rube”. Ts. drafts of partial pages, annotated. 16-22 June 2000.
F.5 “Hey Rube”. Final Ts. 2005. 117 p.
F.6 “The Wrecked Blackship”. BBC Radio play. Revised and annotated script. 25 July 2003. 37 p.
F.7 “The Wrecked Blackship”. Final script. 1 August 2003. 37 p.
F.8 “Before Compiegne”. Final typescript. 2005. 174 p.
F.9 “The Death of Woyzeck”. Adapted from George Buchner’s Woyzeck. Final typescript. 2005. 107 p.
F.10 “Letters from the Earth”. Dramatized for the stage from the writings of Mark Twain (1835-1910).
Ts. of play excerpted from Winter’s My Toronto Workshop Production plays: “The Middle Years”. Revised and annotated, with author’s Preface. 26 February 2010.
F.11 “Letters from the Earth”. Final typescript. 2019. 48 p.
F.12 “Saltykov’s Bestiary”. Dramatized from the writings of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-89). Final typescript. 2019.
Series 2
Poetry. – 1971-2019. – 1.28 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on contents of series.
Box 70 Nomad’s Land: Poems and Stories (Bath City Books: 2000).
F.1 Early edited draft of handwritten and typed pages assembled, without consecutive pagination. 3 May 1993. [142 p.]
F.2 Early edited draft of handwritten and typed pages assembled, without consecutive pagination.
4 May 1993. [120 p.]
F.3 Early edited draft of handwritten and typed pages assembled, without consecutive pagination.
[May-June 1995]. [225 p.]
F.4 Later edited draft labelled as “Ms. 4”. November 20, 1995. 42 p.
F.5 Final edited draft, with repeated and revised pages. September 11, 1999. 53 p.
F.6 Page proofs – paste ups with edits. 14-18 September 1999. 70 p.
F.7 Last edits of page proofs. 6 October 1999. 63 p.
F.8 Page proofs edited and folded as follows:
12 September 1999. 72 p.
14 September. 72 p.
15 September. 74 p.
17 September. 76 p.
19 September. 73 p.
20 September. 73 p.
22 September. P.37-40
23 September.p.9-18; 59-68
24 September. 73 p.
28 September. 74 p.
30 September. 76 p.
2 October. 76 p.
F.9 Cover mock-up and copy of signed book.
Box 71 Misplaced Persons (Peterloo Poets: 1995).
F.1 Early titlepage and list of poems, annotated. 1971.
F.2 “A work in progress”. Compilation of draft worksheets in typescript and holograph, heavily annotated and revised. 1983.
F.3 Draft, partial pages. 1983.
F.4 Draft, spiral bound. 1983. 83 p.
F.5 Photocopy of draft. 1988.
F. 6 Compilation of various holograph and typescript drafts, some revised. [1988] scored through, 1989.
F.7 Holograph pages in prose of poem “Parchment Skin” with some revised poems in typescript added in. Written in Dordogne. September 1989.
F.8 Drafts for individual poems, revised, in holograph and typescript. Fall 1989-30 October 1990.
Box 72 Misplaced Persons (cont’d)
F.1 “Family Matters” changed to “Misplaced Persons”. Photocopy of draft. 39 p. 1990.
F.2 “Family Matters” changed to “Misplaced Persons”. Photocopy of draft variant. 39 p. 1990.
F.3 “Family Matters”. Annotated and revised draft. 17 August 1990.
F.4 “Family Matters”. Drafts, some photocopied. Pagination varies. 25 p., 27 p., 39 p.1991.
F.5 “Family Matters”. Draft with binding notes and dedication on title page. 27 p.
F.6 Compilation of drafts of individual poems, in holograph and typescript, some revised. 5 January-23 Nov. 1991.
F.7 Draft, longer version. 82 p. 1991.
Box 73 Misplaced Persons (cont’d)
F.1 Compilation of working drafts, holograph and typescript, revised and annotated. 19 January 1992-12 March 1992. *Includes poem on Bertrand Russell.
F.2 Working draft, lacking title page, with added pages, revised heavily, in typescript and holograph. 15 May 1992-October 1992.
F.3 Draft, spiral bound. 1992. 54 p.
F.4 Working copy, spiral bound. 54 p. 1993. Pages of edits placed inside.
F.5 Compilation of working drafts, typescript, annotated and revised. 3 February-14 February 1995.
F.6 Typescripts of poems: agreed cuts. 1993.
F.7 Final version, 16 February 1995. 54 p.
F.8 Typescript of book review by Norman Ravvin for Books in Canada. 1997.
F.9 German version – samples of typescript pages, revised. 24 November 1997. 19 p.
F.10 Correspondence re German version with LCB Edition, Berlin. 5 January 1998. Enclosure of typescript of sample pages. 21 p. Typescript copy, unsigned.
F.11 Correspondence with Peterloo Poets and other publishers: typescript copies, unsigned. 13 August 1990-September 15, 1998.
F.12 Copy of Misplaced Persons (Peterloo Poets: 1995).
Box 74 The Ballad of Bladud: Being a true history in verse of the mythological primordial founder of the city of Bath (Bath City Books: 1999).
F.1 Ts. annotated with revisions of p. 1-3. 8 February 1997.
F.2 Holograph of early poems and notes. May 1997 (New York).
F.3 Ts. partial, annotated and revised. 1 July 1997.
F.4 Ts., edits of Foreword. 25 September 1999.
F.5 Page proofs, annotated. 19 September 1999.
F.6 Page proofs, annotated. 24-28 September 1999.
F.7 Page proofs with illustrations. September 1999.
F.8 Ts. “Last edits: of partial pages. 6 -14 October 1999.
F.9 Ts. edits of p. 1-57. 1999.
F.10 Correspondence with designer and printer; includes mock-up of cover. 1998-1999.
F.11 Ts. annotated drafts and revisions. 25 June -25 December 2001.
F.12 Signed copy of book.
Box 75 “Bestiary”
F.1 Ts. drafts of poems and compilations. 1998-1999.
F.2 Ts. draft with annotated and revised “Table of Contents”. 9 February -16 August 2000.
F.3 Ts. variant drafts. 2, 10, 17 September 2002. 77p, 72 p. 82 p.
F.4 Ts. revised poems, annotated. 03 May-29 September 2004.
F.5 Ts. draft of compilation of revised poems titled “Mr. Darwin’s Poems”. 11 September 2002.
F.6 Ts. drafts, annotated, of poem “The Death of Dragons”. 18-20 September 2002.
F.7 Ts. draft of compilation. Included are letters (blank) for consideration of manuscript submission. 13 September 2004.
F.8 Ts. annotated draft 27 July 2005.76 p.
F.9 Ts. annotated draft with title changed to “Darwin’s Bestiary”. 17 April 2010.
Box 76 “Deerman”
F.1 Ts. and holograph early drafts, annotated and revised. 24 October 1989-9 June 1990.
F.2 Ts. drafts, some annotated. 5-9 September 2003.
F.3 Ts. and holograph annotated drafts, revised working copies in various versions. 4 October-3 December 2003.
F.4 Ts. annotated draft with holograph notes. 14 January 2004. 22 p. Added Ts. of “Six Poems from “Dearman”.
F.5 Ts. draft. 2005. 41 p.
F.6 Ts. variant draft compilation with non-consecutive pagination. May 2005.
F.7 Ts. edited drafts of some poems. 8 February- 28 February 2005. Includes holograph of “Reverse Charge”.
F.8 Ts. entire, without titlepage. 2005. 217 p.
F.9 Ts. annotated and holograph of working drafts of poems. 3 September 2005-24 March 2006.
Miscellaneous Poetry
Box 77
F.1 Ts and holograph early poetry drafts. 8 May 1988-19 May 2002.
F.2 “Montreal”. Ts. annotated draft - selected from published and unpublished works. 1997. 102 p.
F.3 “No Time at All: Verses for Older Children and Childish Adults”. Ts. annotated drafts #1-4. September-December 1997. Pagination varies.
F.4 “No Time at All”. Ts. annotated drafts of partial pages and expanded version #5. November 1997-December 1997/8.
F.5 “King Leir”. Ts. annotated draft. 31 January 2000. 14 p.
F.6 “King Leir”. Notes and sources. [2000].
F.7 “Once A Canadian”. Ts. annotated. Original title-page “Selected Poems, changed to “Once A Canadian”. Fall 2012. 121 p.
F.8 “Once A Canadian: Selected Poems from Four Decades”. Version 2. Ts. annotated draft. December 2014. 100 p.
F.9 “Once A Canadian: Selected Poems from Four Decades”. Ts. final draft. 136 p.
F.10 Offprints of poems by Jack Winter appearing in anthologies. (Photocopies).1977-1980.
Prose. – 1968-2019. --1.92 m of textual and graphic material and printed record. -- Title based on contents of series.
Box 78 The Tallis Bag (Oberon Press: 2012)
F.1 “Curser and Precursor”. Talk by Jack Winter at the “Concordia University Colloquium Series titled “The Toronto Theatre 1960-1970”. Ts., annotated drafts 2 February 1988, 4 July 2003.
F.2 “Curser and Precursor, and Other Essays (for the Tallis Bag). Revised draft. 28 January 2002.
F.3 “Curser Precursor, and Other essays” (for The Tallis Bag). 13 January 2003. 182 p. See also under Miscellaneous Prose
F.4 The Tallis Bag. Various drafts of radio scripts. 2004.
F.5 “Goyim and Other Stories (for The Tallis Bag). Draft of version #1. January 2005. 201 p.
F.6 “Goyim and Other Stories”. Holograph and ts. partial drafts, annotated. June-November 2005.
F.7 “Goyim and Other Stories”. Alternate title “Short Stories” scored through. 1 October 2007
Box 79 The Tallis Bag (cont’d)
F.1 “Goyim and other Stories”. 2008. Made into a Toronto Workshop Production play. 201 p.
F.2 “Goyim and other stories “. 25 March 2008. 2nd copy with appended pages. 201 p. with additional 153 p.
F.3 “On not Teaching”. Draft. (For The Tallis Bag). 2009. 184 p.
F.4 Editorial correspondence re The Tallis Bag with Max Blouw, Wilfred Laurier University, 27 April 2010; Dilshad Engineer, Oberon Books, 8 June 2011.
F.5 “The Tie Rack” (for The Tallis Bag). Revised draft, February 2014. 242p +3 p.
Box 80 The Tallis Bag (cont’d)
F.1 “Standing Ground” (for The Tallis Bag). Revised draft with holograph additions, 2006-2008.
Includes draft cuts from “Tales of the Emperor”. 67 p.
F.2 “Standing Ground”. Revised, edited for “contractions”. 21 October 2014. 203 p.
F.3 “Standing Ground”. Draft, November 2014.
F.4 “Standing Ground”. Reworked draft, double spaced. Jan. 15, 2015. 259 p.
F 5 “Standing Ground”. Final draft, 2019.
F.6 The Tallis Bag (Oberon: 2012). Copy of book signed by author.
Box 81 Tales of the Emperor (Talon Books: 2015)
F. 1 Annotated earliest typescripts with holograph notes. November 1986.
F. 2 Typescript drafts of stories with added holograph notes. November 1988.
F.3 Typescript drafts, fragments and added holograph notes. December 1988.
F.4 Holograph notes, ideas and drafts with some typescript, January 1989.
F.5 Holograph and typescript drafts and fragments. February 1989.
F.6 Holograph and typescript drafts and compilations. March 1989.
F.7 Typescript of story “Zeon the Shaman”. 23 April 1989.
F.8 Typescript and holograph edited drafts. May 1989.
Box 82 Tales of the Emperor (continued)
F.1 Holograph and typescript drafts. June 1989.
F.2 Final working copy #2. Revised draft. April/May/June 1989
F.3 Typescript and holograph story drafts. October 1989.
F.4 Holograph and typescript drafts, with extensive holograph pages and notes. 1990-1995.
F.5 Revised draft. December 1996. 223 p.
F.6 Late revised draft. 14 May 2001. 169 p.
F.7 “The Twisters and the Benders”. Edited chapter. 20 July 2004.
Box 83 Tales of the Emperor (cont’d)
F.1 “Update” version with marked up pages and Synopsis. Holograph note penned by author at end. 2011. 362 p.
F.2 Final manuscript (copy-edits) from Talon Books with edits and additional material: Talon Books author questionnaire. November 2013. 348 p.
F.3 Revised typescript, with added “Author’s Note on Names”. 267 p.
F.4 Final copy-edits, revised, with additions of titlepage and back cover copy. October 2015.
F.5 Copy of book, inscribed to Julia Aram. 2016.
Box 84 “Harry’s Tale”, later title “Harry’s Place”. Prose.
F.1 Early edited draft. Aug 1996. 91 p.
F.2 Draft, typeset version, edited. 14 Aug 1996. 41 p.
F.3 Draft, version Two. Sept 1996. 147 p.
F.4 Draft, typeset version, edited. Oct 1996.
F.5 Draft, version Three. Nov. 1996. 147 p.
F.6 “Harry’s Place”. Draft, version Five. Sept 1997. 150 p.
F.7 “Harry’s Place”. Revised draft with extensive notes. Spring 2014.
F.8 “Harry’s Place”. Final draft with author biography. 2019.79 p.
Box 85 “That Business at Brody”
F.1 Holograph draft. 8 June 2008. 2 p.
F.2 Ts. and holograph drafts. 16-24 June 2008. 20 p. each.
F.3 Ts. draft, annotated. 22 July 2008. 33 p.
F.4 Ts., revised and annotated draft, partial pages. 16 September 2008.
F.5 Ts, revised and annotated draft. 25 September 2008. 51 p.
F.6 Holograph draft of additions, with corresponding Ts. pages marked up. 4-18 October 2008.
F.7 Ts, revised draft, annotated. 12 December 2008. 84 p.
F.8 Ts. draft, version #1 with added bibliography. 22 January 2009. 92 p.
F.9 Ts. draft, version #2, revised. 22 January 2009. 95 p.
F.11 Ts. draft, revised and edited. 14 March 2009 117 pp
F.11 Ts. draft of chapter 10. 29 July 2009. 44 p.
F.12 Ts. revised draft. November 11, 2009. 251 p.
Box 86 “That Business at Brody” (cont’d)
F.1 Ts., revised and annotated draft. 7 December 2009. 256 p.
F.2 Ts. edited draft. 23 November 2009. 256 p.
F.3 Ts. revised and edited draft. Fall 2012. 228 p.
F.4 Ts. final draft. 2019. 143 p.
Prose (cont’d)
Box 87
F.1 “An Anti-Semitic Jew”. Early heavily revised holograph and Ts. 1977.
F.2 “An Anti-Semitic Jew, and Other Essays”. 22 December 2002. 220 p.
F.3 “An Anti-Semitic Jew, and Other Essays”. Ts. annotated. 27 November 2002. 176 p.
F.4 “An Anti-Semitic Jew, and Other Essays”. Ts. revised. 3 December 2002.
F.5 “An Anti-Semitic Jew”. Ts. revised and annotated chapters. 23 November 1999-2005.
Box 88
F.1 “Rene’s Visit”. Annotated holograph (Lake District). 1982.
F.2 “On Not Teaching Creative Writing”. Ts. edited. 1988. 153 p.
F.3 “On Not Teaching Creative Writing”. Ts. annotated and revised drafts. 1992-1998.
F.4 “Eddy’s Visit and Other Stories”. Ts. annotated drafts with partial holograph drafts. 1983-“before 1989”.
F.5 “Eddy’s Visit”. Lacking tittle pages. Ts. annotated drafts, some only Chapter One. Added holograph revisions. August-December 1989.
F.6 “Eddy’s Visit”. Ts. revised partial pages. March 1991.
F.7 “Eddy’s Visit”. Ts. annotated drafts revised. 2000-2010.
F.8 Eulogy for Lou Winter [author’s father]. Holograph and Ts. revised. 1990-1991.
F.9 “Some Prefaces, A Curse and An Epitaph”. Ts. annotated and revised draft. 10 December 2002.
F.10 “The Rabbi’s Cave”. Ts. annotated drafts.
Box 89
F.1 “Our Heroic Dead”. Ts. final draft. 1990. Partial pages of annotated ts. pages from other stories used in final draft. 1990. Includes Table of Contents 2 April 1991.
F.2 “Perry and Other Voices” re German translation published in 2004. Ts. annotated drafts. 1991.
F.3 “Perry and Other Voices”. Ts. draft of submission to Theatre Review in Canada. Includes correspondence and editing notes. 2001-2005.
F.4 “Some Prefaces, A Curse and An Epitaph”. Annotated draft. 10 December 2002.
F.5 “The Rabbi’s Cave”. Ts. annotated draft. 1 May 2003.
F.6 “Epitaph for George Luscombe (1926-1999)”. Annotated and revised drafts 22-23 September 2005.
F.7 “Epitaph for George” [Luscombe]. Annotated and revised draft. 9 Nov 2008; Annotated draft 2009 with attached document containing questions and revisions for Editor. 2009.
F.8 My TWP Plays: A Collection including Ten Lost Years (Talon Books: 2013). Final copy-edits with note to Greg Gibson accompanying the Ts.
F.9 My TWP Plays. Permissions. 2012
F.10 My TWP Plays. Signed copy of book.
F.11 Book reviews – holograph and Ts., annotated and revised for The Observer 1968-1990.
F.12 Photocopy clipping and review with excerpts from Jack Winter. 1969-1973.
F.13 Miscellaneous prose fragments, holograph and Ts. 1996-2003.
Series 4
Correspondence. – 1961-2019. -- .48 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on contents of series.
Note: Arrangement based upon Jack Winter’s original files.
See also under general correspondence Box 92 files 7-25
Box 90 Literary and Professional correspondence
F.1 “Age Concern” project, Swindon. 1993.
F.2 City Lit. 1984
F.3 City Lit. (Maggie Robbins). 1984
F.4 Concordia University (Alex Newell). 1986-1987.
F.5 Concordia University. 1988-1988.
F.6 Eastern Art Association. 1984.
F.7 Festival International de la Poesie, Trois Rivieres, QC. c.1984.
F.8 Great Cornard Upper School. 1980-1982.
F.9 Parliament Hill School #1 (Katrina Curtlidge). 1979-2002.
F.10 Parliament Hill School # 2. 1977-1980.
F.11 Parliament Hill School # 3 (Sophie Gardiner and Jacqui Dawson.
F.11 Pentland Press. 1997.
F.12 Playwright’s Workshop, Montreal. 1988.
Box 91 Literary and Professional correspondence (cont’d)
F.1 The Round Festival, Wimbourne. 1991-1993. Contains holograph notebook.
F.2 University of Bristol. 1995-1996.
F.3 The Writers Guild of Great Britain. 1987-1988.
F.4 Correspondence relating to ownership of copyright of Ten Lost Years. 1986-1991.
F.5 Correspondence relating to literary representation. 2010-2013.
F.6 Correspondence containing photocopies of photos of Jack Winter and other actors, from various plays. 1961-2019.
F.7 Correspondence re Theatre Review in Canada. 2017
F.8 Correspondence re death of Katrin Cartlidge (actor). 2002. See also Parliament Hill School in Teaching series.
F.9 Correspondence (photocopies) and clippings re work of Jack Winter (journalism, articles, reviews, publications from 1957-2016.
Box 92 General and personal correspondence
Note: Significant personal correspondence has been placed in Files 1-6.
F.1 Hanuš Bor. DADA Opera, Prague. 1993.
F.2 George Bowering. 1990-1991.
F.3 John Robert Colombo. Re “Before Compeigne”. c.1963.
F.4 House of Commons, London. (Tony Benn). 1991.
F.5 George Luscombe (Toronto Workshop Productions).1985-1994.
F.6 Stephen and Gloria Vizenczey. 1989-1997.
General Correspondence Files 7-25
F.7 Correspondence A 1995-2003.
F.8 Correspondence B 1987-2004.
F.9 Correspondence C 1967-2004.
F.10 Correspondence D 1997-2004.
F.11 Correspondence E 1995-2002.
F.12 Correspondence F 1993-2001.
F.13 Correspondence G 1996-2016.
F.14 Correspondence H-I 1991-2003.
F.15 Correspondence J 2002.
F.16 Correspondence K 1996-2001.
F.17 Correspondence L 1992-1996.
F.18 Correspondence M 1992-1997.
F.19 Correspondence N 2000.
F.20 Correspondence O-P 1989-2004.
F.21 Correspondence Q-R 1987-2003.
F.22 Correspondence S 1995-2004.
F.23 Correspondence T 1992-2018.
F.24 Correspondence U-V 1995-2004.
F.25 Correspondence W-Z, First names 1995-2004.
Series 5
Teaching. -- 1978-1996. -- 32 cm of textual and graphic records and printed material. – Title based on contents of series.
Note: Arrangement is by date.
Box 93
F.1 Parliament Hill School, London. 1978-1979.
F.2 City Lit College, London. 1979-1980.
F.3 Great Cornard Upper School, Suffolk. 1980-1982.
F.4 Bungay Middle School, Suffolk. Summer 1982.
F.5 Hadleigh High School, Suffolk, Autumn 1982.
F.6 Highgate Prison, Suffolk. 1983-1984.
F.7 East Bergholt School, Suffolk. 1984.
Box 94
F.1 Kingston Primary School, Essex. 1986.
F.2 Birchwood Primary School, Suffolk. 1987.
F.3 “On Not Teaching Creative Writing”. Lecture series at Holburne Museum, Bath. 1993.
F.4 University of the Third Age – Voluntary Services Organization, Bath. 1993.
F.5 University of Bristol, Avon. Certificate in Creative Writing. Avon. 1995-1996.
F.6 University of Bath – Centre of Continuing Education. 1996.
Series 6
Projects, Readings and Performances. – 1964-2000. – 32 cm of textual and graphic records and printed material. – Title based on the contents of series.
See also Series 4 Correspondence
Box 95
F.1 Events – 1964-1981, U.K. and Canada. Includes Ontario School Broadcast script with Robert Bolt as participant.
F.2 Readings – 1968-1990. Typescripts.
F.3 BBC job proposal. 1983. Includes various typescripts.
F.4 BBC job proposal. – “G.D.R.” 1987-1988. Includes typescripts.
F.5 BBC Radio, Bristol – Reading submissions and correspondence. 1993.
F.6 Citizens Advice Bureau Benefit and Book Launch for Misplaced Persons. Waterstones, Bath, November 8, 1995.
F.7 Citizens Advice Bureau Benefit and Book Launch for The Ballad of Bladud and Nomad’s Land. At Waterstones, Bath, November 25, 1999.
F.8 “Terrible Beauty Poetry Series”. Troubadour Coffee House reading. London, July 8, 1996.
F.9 “My Canal: A Journey and a Place”. Presented by Widcombe Junior School and Jack Winter. Bath Literary Festival, 1996.
F.10 Festival international de la Poésie. Trois Rivières, Quebec, Canada. 1997. See also Correspondence series.
F.11 Festival international de la Poésie. Trois Rivières. 1997. #2 French version.
F.12 Bristol Hebrew Congregation. Reading. December 8, 2000.
Box 96
F.1 Eulogies - 1990-1995.
F.2 Avon Poetry Festival, Bristol. 1992.
F.3 “Artifacts”. Holburne Museum and Crafts Study Centre, Bath. 1993. Master of booklet.
F.4 “Artifacts”. Bath International Festival. Holburne Museum, Bath. Poetry and prose by Jack Winter. June 4, 1993.
F.5 “Artifacts”. Reading research for Nomad’s Land. 1993. Includes 3 holograph notebooks.
F.6 “Artifacts”. Selections from a reading at Holburne Museum in honour of its centennial/bicentennial year. 4 June 1993. Includes typescript drafts of poetry.
F.7 Holburne Museum, Bath. Residency – notes, correspondence, projects, annual report and background materials. 1992.
F.8 “Spoonday”. Education Programme for Schools and Colleges. Holburne Museum, Bath. 1992.
F.9 “Spoonday”. Presentations, ballots. 1992.
F.10 “Kaddish”. Reading. Round Festival. Wimbourne, Dorset. July 1993.
F.11 “Kaddish”. CBC submission. 1994. Includes correspondence.
F.12 Poetry Can Festival, Bristol. 1995. Correspondence re reading.
F.13 Epitaph for Perry Friedman – read in Berlin May 4, 1995.