Finding Aid
United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers. Local 504/550 (Hamilton, Ont.) fonds. First accrual
Activities, Research Files, Publicity, Boxes 243-245
Agreements, Negotiations, Strikes 1944-1978, Boxes 115- 25, 237-240
Conferences, Conventions, Councils 1956-1975, Boxes 254-257
Constitution, Box 186
Correspondence, Boxes 1-114
Daily Information (Starts, Quits, Transfers, Discharges, Layoffs) 1959-1970, Boxes 228-232
Executive Board (Minutes, Reports, Elections), Boxes 186-187
Financial Records 1950-1977, Boxes 233-235, 292
General (includes minutes of grievance panel), Boxes 126-185, 214-215
Incentive Arbitration Grievances, Boxes 216-218
Job Classification Grievances, Boxes 190-202, 219-227
Seniority Grievances, Boxes 203-213
Incentive Rate Programme, Boxes 219-222
Incentive arbitration cases, Boxes 216-218
Job Classification/Identification, Boxes 190-202, 219-227, 260
Membership Meetings (Minutes), Boxes 188
Negotiations see Agreements, Negotiations, Strikes
Photographs, Boxes 261-268
- by U.E. 504, Boxes 246-253
- by U.E. National Office, Box 257
- by Westinghouse, Box 236
- by other bodies, Box 242
Publicity, Boxes244-245
Research Files, Boxes 243-244
Seniority, Boxes 203-213
Stewards Council Minutes, Box 189
Strike Committees, Box 115-125, 237-240
Veterans Committee Minutes, Box 189
Wage Rates, Box 258-260, 219-223, 226-227
Arrangement Order (roughly):
Agreements, Negotiations, Strikes
Executive Board, Minutes
Job Classification / Identification
Incentive Arbitration
Daily Information
Financial Records
Activities, Research Files, Publicity
Conferences and Conventions
Correspondence: Boxes 1-114.
This series contains correspondence files dating from 1937 to 1972. These files are extensive and cover all aspects of Local 504's activities. Information is included on negotiations, grievances and arbitration, finances, publications, social activities, conferences, etc. Original order has been maintained, that is in chronological order and then alphabetical order by file headings.
BOX 1 1937-48
Leaflets - Local 504 - 1937
Leaflets - Local 504 - 1941
Leaflets - Local 504 - 1942
Miscellaneous -1942-43
Leaflets - Local 504 - 1943
Leaflets - Local 504 - 1944
Wage Rates - Westinghouse - 1944
C.W.C. Miscellaneous job re-classification, rates, shift schedules, etc. - 1944
Leaflets - Local 504 - 1945
Reports: Per Capita - 1945 - 48
Financial Reports - Local 504 - 1945-46
Monthly Financial Reports - Local 504 - 1947/48
Meetings and Convention Stewards Conference 1947 - Local 504, 520, 508
BOX 2 1941-48
Provincial and Federal Government 1945-48
C.S. Jackson 1947-48
R. Russell 1946-48
Press Releases - Local 504 - 1945-46
Income Tax Records 1945-48
Leaflets. Political Action Committee 1945
1946 Strike. Press Releases
List of Stewards and Departments 1941
1947 - Testimonial Dinner in honour of Sam Lawrence
Historical Interest
Memo of Settlement 1946
BOX 3 1946-48
Correspondence Area Representative Bill Walsh 1946-48
Local 504 Elections 1947
Reports: Loca1504 Auditors Financial Statement 1947-48
Reports: Loca1504 Local Audit Report 1948
Landlord - 472 Barton St. East
Westinghouse Rates 1946
Reports: Local 504 Executive Reports to Membership, 1946-48
Local 504 - Membership etc. 1946-48
Local 504 - Miscellaneous 1946-48
Correspondence District 5 U.E. Miscellaneous 1947-48
Correspondence Local 504 - Other Unions 1947-48
Canadian Seamen’s Union 1947-48
Local 504 - P & L Committee 1948
U.E. Locals District 5 and International U.S.A. 1946-48
Stewards Election 1947
Workmen’s Compensation 1947-48
Workers Educational Association 1947- 48
Veterans Committee 1946-47
Canadian Congress of Labor 1947-48
C.C.L. Wage Co-ordinating Committee 1946
Hamilton Labour Council 1945-47
Ontario Federation of Labour 1946-48
Unemployment Insurance 1947 - 48
BOX 4 1948-49
Local 504 Elections 1948
International U.E. Bonding 1948
Canadian Westinghouse Co. Benefit 1948
Reports: Loca1504. Auditor’s Financial Statements 1949
Local 504. Auditor - Stern & Saunders 1949
Canadian Congress of Labour 1949
Canadian Seamen’s Union. Seamen's Defense Committee 1949
Materials Loca1504 Constitution, Constitutional Amendments 504, 1949
District 5 U.E. George Harris 1949
District 5 U.E. R. Russell 1949
Area Rep. Bill Walsh 1949
International U.E. Julius Emspak 1949
Reports: Financial Secretary Reports 1949
Government - Provincial & Federal 1949
District 5 U.E. Group Insurance 1949
1949 Election Committee
504 Membership 1949
Miscellaneous 1949
U.E. Locals District 5 U.S.A.
other Unions 1949
Reports: Per Capita -1949
District 5 U.E. J. Douglas “U.E. New” 1949
Local 504 Report to Membership 1949
Materials. U.E. News On The Air -1949. Loca1504
Unemployment Insurance Commission (cases) 1949
BOX 5 1950
Unemployment Insurance Commission - Cases
Unemployment Insurance Cases
Workmen’s Compensation Board (cases)
Workers’ Educational Association. Drummond Wren
Int. U.E. Salaried Contract
Materials - Miscellaneous CLRB - Application for Certification C.S.U
League for Democratic Rights
Correspondence: Local 504. Members Local 504
Materials: Raiding IUE etc. New Deal Leaflets
Materials Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings
O.L.R.B. Re Local 508 Certification I.U.E.
Materials - Local 504 Income Tax 1949 - 50
Canadian Westinghouse Co. Pensions 1950
Reports: Per Capita Report
Press Releases
Radio Scripts “UE News on the Air” .
Idele Wilson - Research
Stewards, Executive, Activists
Stern & Saunders - Auditors
Correspondence & Circular Letters to Staff and Business Agents
Correspondence - Trade Union Unity
BOX 6 1950-51
Arbitration Local 504
Audited Financial Statements [Financial Report. For eight months ending August 31, 1950]
Re: Bonding of Local Union Officers
U.E. Locals - District 5 and U.S.A.
William Walsh
C.S. Jackson
George Harris
Ross Russell. Director of Organization
Reports: Reports to Members
Provincial and Federal Government
Leaflets. Other Unions
Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Miscellaneous Unions
BOX 7 1951
Materials. Accounts Receivable
Materials. Audited financial reports
Correspondence. Area Representatives
Correspondence re: building. 564 Barton St. E.
U.E. Locals Dist. 5. U.E.
Correspondence William Walsh - Dist. Rep.
Correspondence International U.E. USA Correspondence; Circular to U.E. Locals and International Representatives
Correspondence. C.S. Jackson
George Harris
Ross Russell - Director of Organization
Dominion Government
G.E. Joint Board. Re: Loan
1950 - 51 Frank Krouse - Group Insurance
Income Tax (office)
BOX 8 1951
Materials - International U.E. Leaflets, Shop Papers, U.E. Locals U.S.A.
Members Local 504
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Organizer’s U.E. Bulletin
Other Unions
Per Capita Reports
Provincial Government
Radio Scripts
Correspondence & Circular Letters to Local Secretaries
Stern & Saunders (Auditors)
Trial Balance
Stewards, Executive, Activists
Telegrams - Miscellaneous
Unemployment Insurance Commission (cases)
Unemployment Insurance (office)
Workmen's Compensation Board (cases)
U.S.W. Local 1031. Arbitration Case
Correspondence: International U.E. Correspondence & Circular Letters.
Westinghouse Locals
BOX 9 1952
Materials. Results of Strike Vote. April 17, 1952
Correspondence District 5 U.E. Staff and Business Agents
Stern and Saunders (Auditors)
Materials. Trial Balance
Correspondence Stewards, Executive, Activists
Materials. Strategy Committee
Correspondence Telegrams
Correspondence UE Locals
Correspondence Unemployment Insurance Commission (cases)
Materials. Unity Committee
Materials. Unemployment Insurance (office)
Correspondence. International UE. UE Locals - U.S. Districts
Materials - Local 504. Veterans Committee
Correspondence- International U.E. Circular Letters Westinghouse Locals
Correspondence - Local 504. Workmen’s Compensation Board (cases)
Correspondence - Local 504. Other Unions
Materials - Miscellaneous. Newspaper clippings
Press Releases
Peterborough Building
Materials. Petitions - Members
Per-Capita Reports
Provincial Government
Materials. Radio Scripts
BOX 10 1952
Materials. Referendum Vote. Results. February 14, 1952
Correspondence. Research Dept. Idele Wilson
Area Representative
Materials. Accounts Receivable
Audited Financial Reports
Re: Building, 564 Barton St. E.
Can. Westinghouse Co. Ltd. Contract Violations
Materials. Reports to Members
Department of Labour
Dominion Government
C.S. Jackson
George Harris
Ross Russell. Director of Organization
Harvester Strike Bulletins
International Officers
Income Tax (office)
Local Secretaries
GE Joint Board. re: Loan
William Walsh - Area Rep.
Members - Local 504
Miscellaneous Correspondence
BOX 11 1952
Benefit Department
Lists. Check-off card lists
Re: Dues. Check-off
Grievances. 4th stage
Grievances. 3rd stage
Company officials
Information re: profits, etc.
BOX 12 1953
Appointment of Stewards
Arbitration Cases
Re: Arbitration Grievance
Classification Adjustments since 4/30/53
Re: Dues. Check off
Grievances - 3rd stage
Grievances - 4th stage
Area Representatives
Accounts Receivable
Audited Financial Reports
Re: Building, 564 Barton E.
Christian Labour Association of Canada
District Council Meeting. February 21 and 22
UE Locals. District 5
BOX 13 1953
Arbitration- Incentive Grievances
Incentive Grievances
Lost Time paid by Company
Company Officials
Company Personnel
Reports to Membership
Westinghouse Share
Area Representatives
Accounts Receivable
Audited Financial Reports
Loca1504. Re: Building, 564 Barton E.
Materials - Miscellaneous. Christian Labour Association of Canada
District Council Meeting. February 21, 22
U.E. Locals. District 5
BOX 14 1953
Materials. Press Releases (2 folders)
Materials. Per-capita Reports
Raiding, Disruptive Activities. IUE Leaflets
Materials. Radio Scripts
Research Department. Idele Wilson
Staff and Business Agents
Stern & Saunders (Auditors)
Trial Balance
Unemployment Insurance (office)
Unemployment Insurance Commission (cases)
Workmen's Compensation Board (cases)
Contract Negotiations. C.W. Co. Modifications and Amendments
Newspaper Clippings
BOX 15 1953
Office Staff
Materials. International UE Organizers Bulletin
Correspondence Local 504. Other Unions
Policy Committee
William Walsh - Area Rep.
C.S. Jackson
George Harris
Dominion Government
Incentive Arbitration Cases
Income Tax (office)
International Officers
Loan to GE Peterboro
Leaflets & Shop Papers. UE Locals
Local Secretaries
Members of Local
Contract Negotiations - C.W. Co. Memorandum to Agreement
BOX 16 1954
Accounts Receivable
Janitoress. Arbitration Case. 1954
Arbitration Cases
George Harris
William Walsh. Area Rep.
Dominion Government
Executive, Stewards, Activists
Financial Reports to Members
Income Tax (office)
Incentive Arbitration Cases
BOX 17 1954 Canadian Westinghouse Co.
Arbitration - Incentive Grievance
Grievances - 3rd stage
Information re: Profits, etc.
Re: Layoffs
Lost Time paid by Company
Company Publicity to Employees
Company Officials
Wage Rates
Employee Welfare - Pensions, Sick Benefit and Hosp
Westinghouse Share
BOX 18 1954
Clearwater Lodge
Loan to GE Peterboro
Labour News, news clippings (1954)
Loan to Toronto G.E. Joint Board
Members of Local
Newspaper Clippings
Other Unions
Per-capita Reports
Staff and Business Agents
Stern and Saunders (Auditors)
Unemployment Insurance Commission (cases)
Materials - Local 504. Trial Balance
Workmen’s Compensation Board (cases)
BOX 19 1954
Correspondence - Canadian Westinghouse Co. Appointment of Stewards
Classification Adjustments since 4.30/53
Re: Arbitration Grievance
Company Grievances
Re: Dues Check off
Incentive Grievances
Company Personnel
BOX 20 1955
Accounts Receivable
Canada Const.
Area Representatives
Clearwater Lodge
W. Walsh - A.R.
Members of Local
Dominion Government
Income Tax (Office)
Loan UE/GE Joint Board
Newspaper Clippings
Trial Balance
Per-capita Reports
Press Releases
Other Unions
Provincial Governments
Research Department - IW
Stern and Saunders
Shop Paper
Unemployment Insurance Commission
Workmen’s Compensation
BOX 21 1956
Materials. Loca1 504. Accounts Receivable
International - Correspondence Bonding. Local officers
Materials. Building Administration
Candidates re: European Trip
Constitutional Amendments
Clearwater Lodge
Credit Union
Dominion Government
Executive Board Reports
UE Locals - District 5
District 5 - Correspondence. George Harris
504 Correspondence. William Walsh -Area Rep.
Hospital, Surgical, Medical Plan
Materials. Loca1504. Income Tax (office)
[Constitutional Changes]
Literature from District 5
Loan UE/GE Joint Board & Peterboro
Members of Local
Newspaper Clippings
Other Unions
Per Capita
Press Release
Provincial Government
Research Department - I.W.
Stern & Saunders
Trial Balance
Unemployment Insurance Cases
Unemployment Insurance Commission
BOX 22 1957
Legislative Action Committee File
Accounts Receivable
Arbitration Case. 2370 - 2371
Clearwater Lodge
Building Administration
W. Walsh A.R.
C.S. Jackson
Ross Russell
George Harris
Dominion Government
Executive Stewards and Activists
(Co. Correspondence. Company officials)
BOX 23 1957-58
Executive Board Reports
Health and Safety
Income Tax (Office)
Members of Local
Other Unions
Per-capita Reports
Provincial Government
Stern and Saunders
Trial Balance
UE Locals District 5
Unemployment Insurance Cases
Workmen's Compensation
Women Conference
Application. Re: Westinghouse Service Division 1957-58
Company Officials
BOX 24 1958
Building Administration
Building Insurance
Clearwater Lodge
Company Suit
Correspondence - Conciliation
District Council Convention
Co-ordinating Committee UE - Westinghouse Locals
Executive Board Reports
Correspondence re: C.S. Jackson
Correspondence re: Ross Russell
Correspondence W. Walsh
Correspondence re: G. Harris
Income Tax (Office)
Members of Local
Negotiations 1958
Newspaper Clippings 1958
Ontario Labour Relations Re: Org. 1958
Other Unions
Per Capita Reports
Trial Balance
Unemployment Insurance (2 folders)
Other UE Locals and District
BOX 25 1959
Clearwater Lodge
Arbitration cases other than 504
Co-ordinating Committee Westinghouse UE Locals
Correspondence Re: George Harris
Correspondence Re: C.S. Jackson
Correspondence Re: Ross Russell
Correspondence Re: William Walsh
UE News. UE Guide. Correspondence
Dominion and Provincial Governments
Educational File
Executive Board Reports
Company Grievance Re: Union
Income Tax
Ladies Auxiliary
Legislative Action Committee
Members of Local
Negotiations 1959
Newspaper Clippings
Other Unions
Other UE Leaflets re: Org. etc.
Per-capita Reports
Press Releases
BOX 26
Research Dept. Correspondence
Trial Balance
Unemployment Insurance (2 folders)
UE Locals. Other than 504 and District
Union publications
C.G.E. Woodward. 1959
W. Guide. Dealing with UE Reps.
BOX 27 1960
3rd Stage Grievances. January-June 1960
Company correspondence. Company suits. Westinghouse Credit Union
UE Guide. Company Suit
Letters to members re: Grievance Arb. & Class. etc.
Company correspondence grievances - incentive
Company correspondence Arbitration - incentive
Company correspondence Job Evaluation
BOX 28
Income Tax
Materials. 504. Per Capita
Union and Company Arbitration. Miscellaneous
Materials. 504. Trial Balance
3rd Stage Grievances. July-Dec. 1960
Company correspondence Leave of Absence
BOX 29 1960
Leave of Absence for tours
Company Correspondence. Lost time paid by Westinghouse
Correspondence Shift Workers
Overtime and Working Conditions
Sick Benefit
Appointment of Stewards
Arbitration - re: Westinghouse
Arbitration - D. Wren etc.
Westinghouse Benefit File
Classification Adj.
Company Officials
City Elections
Clearwater Lodge
Co-ord. Committee UE. Westinghouse Locals
1960 Dept. of Labour
Dominion and Provincial Governments
BOX 30 1960
Officers and Executive Board Elections
Co. Correspondence Notices and Bulletins
Materials - 504. Executive Board Reports
Educational File
Executive, Stewards and Activists
Delegate to China
Ladies Auxiliary
Legislative Action Committee
Members of Local
New Committees, etc.
other Unions - 1960
Share Holders Report. Westinghouse finances. 1960
Pensions (Pensions. office staff)
Pensions. Miscellaneous Materials
Press Releases
UE Locals other than 504 and District
Unemployment Insurance
United Electrical Correspondence
Unemployed Committee
UE News and UE Guide Correspondence
BOX 31
Materials District 5
Materials - International. Economic Notes etc. Printed Matter
District Council Credentials
George Harris
C.S. Jackson
Dist. Council Materials
Jean Pare
W. Walsh
Ross Russell
Schools - Cred. & Materials
Materials - International org. Bulletins
International Materials About I.U.E.
W. Re: Job Evaluation
BOX 32 1961
UE Organizers’ Bulletin
Dec. 7, 1961
July 12, 1961
April 28, 1961
Feb. 17, 1961
Jan. 25, 1961
Dec. 1, 1960
1961 Neg. Medhurst Arb., Leaflets and Paper Clippings
Donations and Petitions Re: Peace, Disarmament, Radiation Hazards etc.
Educational File 1961
Election for Stewards and Exec. Board
Ladies Auxiliary
Members of Local
Credit Union and Canada Perm. Mortgage
UE and other Unions
Intl. Materials about I.U.E.
Shop Paper of other Unions and Correspondence
UE Locals Other Than 504 and District
Unemployment Insurance
Unemployed Committee
BOX 33 1961
Election Committee
Letters to Members from 504 Re: Grievance. Arb. Etc.
Medical and Surgical Correspondence
Notices and Bulletins
To and From International
Schools Cred. and Materials
International Rep. Correspondence
Lost Time Paid by W.
Building Adm.
Ex. Board Reports
Income Tax
Per Capita
Trial Balance
Unemployment Insurance
Co-Ord. Committee UE Locals
Clearwater Lodge
Dominion and Provincial Government
Exec. Stewards and Activists
Labour Facts. Research Associates
Canada Labour Views
UE News Correspondence
UE Guide Correspondence
BOX 34 1961
Appointment of Stewards
Arbitration other than 504
Company re: open jobs
Company officials Miscellaneous
Arbitration R: Westinghouse
Correspondence Re: Grievances
BOX 35 1961
January - June 3rd stage Grievances
July - Dec. 3rd stage Grievances
Classification Adj.
Leave of Absence for Members Re: Conv. etc.
Incentive Arb.
Incentive Grievances
District Council Credentials
George Harris
C.S. Jackson
Ross Russell
W.M. Walsh
District office Other than Officers
District Council Materials
BOX 36 1962
Address Changes
Union Correspondence. Arbitration. D. Wren etc
Arbitration Other Than 504
Company Correspondence Appointment of Stewards
Company Correspondence Westinghouse Benefit File
Benefit, Great West Life etc.
Canada Labour Views
BOX 37 1962
Company correspondence. Grievances [2 Folders]
Company correspondence. Company officials Miscellaneous
Company Re: Open Jobs
D. Hatrick. Grievance
Company Correspondence. Arbitration Re: Westinghouse
Anomalies of C.R. (For J. Ball)
District Council Cred.
District. George Harris
Ross Russell
BOX 38 1962
District. M. Walsh
Donations Re: Peace, Disarmament etc. and Petitions
Dominion and Provincial Governments
Department of Labour
Strikes and Donations. Other Unions
Educational File
Income Tax
Elections for Stewards and Ex. Board
Executive, Stewards and Activists
Canadian Westinghouse Credit Union
Company Security Forms
Foundry File
Company correspondence. Incentive Grievances
BOX 39 1962
International Representatives’ correspondence Re: I.U.E.
Job Evaluation and Int. Appeal
Labour Unity Committee
Ladies Auxiliary
Leaflets. Other Unions
Labour Facts. Research Association
Labour Today - USA
Leave of Absence for Members Re: Conventions, Meetings etc.
LOLA Re: Copies
Lost Time Paid By Westinghouse
Leg. Action Committee Correspondence
Letters to Members from Westinghouse and 504
Members of Local
Company Correspondence Notices and Bulletins
BOX 40 1962
Press Releases and Publicity
Schools. Cred. and Materials
UE Westinghouse Locals Correspondence
UE Clearwater Lodge
Unemployment Insurance
UE Locals other than 504 and District
District. C.S. Jackson
Workmen’s Compensation. 504 - 520
UE News. Correspondence UE Guide. Correspondence
Roberts Gordon
Other Unions (USA- Steel) etc.
BOX 41 1963
Miscellaneous (clippings)
Mine Mill, Leaflets
Labour Unity Committee
GE - UE. Re: International
Hamilton and District Labour Council
Contract Proposals (Westinghouse)
Letters re: Hamilton and 504
Schools. Cred. and Materials
UE Westinghouse Locals. Correspondence
International Reps. Correspondence
Correspondence to and from International
BOX 42 1963
UE Strikes and Other Appeals
Economic Notes
IUE. International material
Local 512
Address changes
Appointment of Stewards
Incentive Arbitration
Westinghouse 504. Great West. Life Association
Temporary Arbitration. Westinghouse File Aug. 30/63
B0X 43 1963
1963 Correspondence. Re: Grievances
Company Officials Miscellaneous
BOX 44 1963
UE Locals other than 504 and District
Unemployment Insurance
Westinghouse News
Women’s Meeting. 504
District Council Cred.
District Press Releases
District, other than officers
C.S. Jackson
George Harris
Ross Russell
William Walsh
I.L.W.U. Longshoremen. Seafarers International
BOX 45 1963
Newsletter. Human Relations. Etc.
Legal Action Comm.
Labour Facts
McMaster Growth Fund
Members of Local
Material for and about Neg.
Newspaper Clippings
Ontario Hospital Service Commission
UE Hamilton organization
BOX 46 1963
Ontario Welfare Council
Other Unions - re: Neg. and UE
Parking Problems
Press Releases and Publicity
Literature Miscellaneous
UE News. UE Guide. Correspondence
BOX 47 1963
Arbitration. D. Wren. P. Siren
City Hall
Clearwater Lodge
Department of Labour
Co-ordination Committee. U.E.W. Locals
Donations and Petitions re: Peace, Disarm. etc.
Dominion and Provincial Governments
Educational File
Executive, Stewards and Activists
Export of Turbine Work
Ladies Auxiliary
Industrial Materials. Occupational Health
Elections for Steward and Ex. Board
BOX 48 1963
Arbitration re: Westinghouse
Westinghouse Credit Union and Canada Perm. Mortgage
Company Suits and Co. Lawyer
Correspondence re: Notices and Bulletins
Westinghouse Benefit and Great West Life
Leave of Absence for Members Conv. etc.
Lost Time Paid by Westinghouse
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
Overtime and Parking Conditions
Mail to 504 from Members re: Westinghouse
Re: Dept. 131. Suspensions
Arb. Material
BOX 49 1964
Columbia River Project
Columbia River Mailing List
Coca Cola Strike
Mine Mill. 1956 onwards
Labour Unity Committee
Mine Mill Leaflets Etc.
United Steelworkers of America, Hamilton
Steel. Local 1005
Steel re: Mine and mill etc.
Westinghouse - Canada
1964-66. 1005 U.S.W.A. and Steel Co. of Canada Ltd. Agreement
1964. Westinghouse Rate Book. [Hourly Wage Rates and Classifications Book]
1964 Last Check-Off (missing)
BOX 50 1964
Legislative Action Committee
Lanark Strike [Manufacturing Co., Dunnville, Ontario]
S.L. Farkas
Ladies Auxiliary
1964. Appointment of Stewards
Company Grievance. 2 and 3rd stage
BOX 51 1964
Westinghouse [Memorandum of Settlement. June 19, 1964]
[Interim Copy of Agreement between Can. West. & United Electrical]
[Negotiating Committee’s Position Before Conciliation Board. June 1, 1964]
Unemployment Insurance
Women’s Meeting. Loca1504
Other Unions. Re: Neg.. [A submission to the Public Hearings called by the Board of Industrial Relations] Oct. 1964
Press Releases and Publicity
Staff - Pensions and Compensation
UE News and UE Guide. Correspondence
UE and Other Unions. Strikes, etc.
BOX 52 1964
Correspondence to and from International
Tom Davidson. Miscellaneous
Tom’s Miscellaneous file letters. Odds and Ends
Vallance Brown organizing
I.U.E. International
Ontario Welfare Council
U.E. Hamilton org.
BOX 53 1964
Union Grievances 2nd and 3rd stage
Arbitration Re: Westinghouse
Building Administration
Company Officials
Westinghouse Benefit File. Great West Life and Group Life
Westinghouse Credit Union and Canada Permanent Mortgage
Leave of Absence. 504 Staff
Leave of Absence. Members. Convention etc.
Lost Time Paid by Westinghouse
Mail to and from members from 504 re: Westinghouse, etc.
Pensions re: Westinghouse
Correspondence re: shift work
Contract - and Information
BOX 54 1964
Westinghouse Share
Co-ordinating Committee. Westinghouse UE Locals
Dept. of Labour
Clearwater Lodge
City Hall
1964 and 1963 All materials re: Birmingham, Alabama
504, Dist. and International Letters, telegrams, press releases, etc.
UE Correspondence Arbitration. D. Wren, etc.
Election Comm. 1964
Executives, Stewards and Activists
Education File
Elections for Stewards and Executive Board
Dominion and Provincial Governments
BOX 55 1964
Members of Local
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
Correspondence re: Notices and Bulletins
District Council Delegates
Press Releases - District
Correspondence Re: Geo. Harris
Correspondence: C.S. Jackson
BOX 56 1964
Correspondence, Jean Pare
Correspondence, Ross Russell
District Office correspondence, other than officers
Bob Ward
Materials International
Organizers Bulletins. International
UE Westinghouse Locals correspondence
International Reps. Correspondence
BOX 57 1965
Ross Russell
Bob Ward
Press Releases. District
District Council
District Office Correspondence
Schools, Credentials and Materials
Correspondence to and from International
UE Westinghouse Locals
BOX 58 1965
City Hall
Leaves of Absence
Lost Time Paid by Westinghouse
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
Notices and Bulletins
Westinghouse In Plant Medical Services and Safety
Pensions Re: Westinghouse
Westinghouse Share
Arbitration re: Nominees
Arbitration Cases. Other than 504
Clearwater Lodge
Dept. of Labour
BOX 59 1965
Appointment of Stewards
Westinghouse Benefit File
Union Answers. Grievances 2nd and 3rd stage
Arbitration re Westinghouse
Grievances. 2nd and 3rd stages
CompanyOfficials. Miscellaneous
BOX 60 1965
Dominion and Provincial Governments
Draftsmen's Association
Donations Re: Peace, Disarmament etc.
Educational File
Elections: Re: Stewards and Executive Board
Executive Stewards and Activists
S.L. Farkas
Ladies Auxiliary
BOX 61 1965
Legislative Action
Members of Local
Ontario Welfare Council
Press Releases
Correspondence with other unions
Canada Labour views
BOX 62 1965
Copies - Economic Notes
Labour Facts. Research Association
Copies of National Guardian
Labour Unity Committee
Mine-Mill. Leaflets. Etc.
Tom Davidson’s Odds and Ends
Steel. Local l005
Loca1512. Etobicoke. Correspondence etc.
Loca1514. Don Mills. Correspondence etc.
Loca1548. Correspondence. Members
Contract. Loca1548. Grimsby
Loca1548. Correspondence. Westinghouse
Conciliation - Local 547. Woodward
Correspondence - Local 547
Loca1547. Woodward. Leaflets
Loca1546. London. Correspondence re: Westinghouse
Loca1546. London. Correspondence re: Members and District
William Walsh Social
Correspondence. UE Guide and UE News
UE Locals other than 504 and District
Women’s Meetings
Workmen’s Compensation
Unemployment Insurance
Correspondence - George Harris
Correspondence - C.S. Jackson
Correspondence - Jean Pare
BOX 63 1966
Non-Canadian Work etc. 1966. Relate to Foundry File 1962
Ontario Welfare Council
Press Releases
Ladies Auxiliary
Legislative Action
Correspondence. Other unions
Shop Papers. Other unions
6th Constitutional Convention of the CLC. Winnipeg. April, 1966
U.E. Strikes
Unemployment Insurance
UE News and UE Guide. Correspondence
UE Locals - Other Than
Westinghouse Salaried
Women’s Meetings
BOX 64 1966
District Council Materials
Correspondence to and from International
International Rep. Correspondence
Literature - Miscellaneous. International
Canada Labour Views
Economic Notes
Labour Facts
National Guardian
Newspaper Clippings
BOX 65 1966
National Strike Fund and Dues Increase Campaign
Dominion and Provincial Governments
Executives, Stewards, and Activists
Sick Members
National Council Delegates
BOX 66 1966
Elections for Stewards and Executive Board
Stewards Election
Donations and Petitions
BOX 67 1966
Appointment of Stewards
Arbitration re: Westinghouse
Westinghouse Benefit File
Westinghouse Charities Fund
Company officials
Company. Suits and Grievances
Credit Union
Union Answers. Grievances. 2nd and 3rd Stage
Company Grievance
Notices and Bulletins
Westinghouse Grievances. 2nd and 3rd Stage
BOX 68 1966
Leave of Absence
Lost Time paid by Westinghouse
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
Members of Local
Industrial Materials and Occupational Health Bulletin
BOX 69 1966
Pensions re: Westinghouse
Vacation Problem
Canada Permanent
Westinghouse Share
UE Arbitration Cases
Arbitration Cases other than 504
City Hall
Clearwater Lodge
Convention Material. 1966
Co-ordinating Committee
Educational File
BOX 70 1966
Workmen’s Compensation. Re: Mrs. Calder
London 546. Grievances
London 546. Leaflets
London 546. Correspondence - District
London, 546. Correspondence
London 546. Correspondence - Westinghouse
London 546. Correspondence. Miscellaneous
Woodward. Loca1547. Correspondence
Woodward. Loca1547. Leaflets
Woodward. Loca1547. Westinghouse Correspondence
Woodward. Loca1547. District Correspondence
Mrs. Patricia Burgess, General Delivery, Grimsby
Nancy Mitsui
Eva Weninger. Unemployment Insurance
Grimsby. Loca1548. District. In and Out
Grimsby. Loca1548. Contract
Grimsby. Loca1548. Miscellaneous
Newspaper Clippings and Letters. Columbia River etc.
Grimsby. Loca1548. Workmen’s Compensation
Grimsby. Loca1548. Correspondence. Miscellaneous
Grimsby. Loca1548. Westinghouse Correspondence
Grimsby. Loca1548. Leaflets. Notices
Grimsby. Loca1548. Seniority
Correspondence. Bob Ward
BOX 71 1966
Workmen’s Compensation
Correspondence: George Harris
Correspondence: C.S. Jackson
Correspondence: Jean Pare
Correspondence: Ross Russell
Tom Davidson’s Letters
Correspondence: District Office
Press Releases - District
Canadian Westinghouse Three Rivers
Hamilton and District Labour Council
Mine Mill Leaflets, etc.
Etobicoke. Loca1512
Don Mills. Loca1514
BOX 72 1967
Correspondence. Other Unions
Other Unions (U.E.)
Eveready Printers
UE Retirees
Unemployment Insurance
Women’s Committee
Workmen’s Comp.
Press Releases
Correspondence. G. Havvis
C.S. Jackson
Jean Pare
Bob Ward
Research Bulletin
BOX 73 1967
UE Local 548 Grimsby
Miscellaneous Correspondence 1967
Local 548. Grimsby. Correspondence. Westinghouse
Local 547. Woodward. Correspondence. Leaflets
Local 546. Correspondence
Local 546. Correspondence to Members
Letters UE
Don Mills Contract. Local 514
Local 546. Leaflets
Local 514 - Don Mills
Correspondence. Local 512
Westinghouse Etobicoke Contract
Loca1548. Seniority
Tom’s Letters. Hamilton and 504
Tom’s Miscellaneous File
Loca1548. Jean Devrieze
UE Local 548 Leaflets
30th Annual Convention April 6 - 9, 1967
B0X 74 1967 Convention
Strike Letters
Strike Bulletins
Strike (John Lepitrie)
BOX 75 1967
Ladies Auxiliary
Industrial and Occupational Health
Legislative Action
Dominion and Provincial Government
Donations and Petitions re: Peace, Disa
Department of Labour
Newspaper Clippings
Policy Committee
Elections for Stewards and Executive Board
Election Committee, 1967
Sick Lists (Christmas)
Ontario Welfare Council
Other UE Leaflets re: Organizing etc.
Executives, Stewards and Activists
BOX 76 1967
City Hall
Arbitration Cases. Other than 504 and Contracts
Clearwater Lodge
Westinghouse News
Carter Report
GE and Westinghouse Finance and Pension Set-up in U.S.
Westinghouse Negotiations
BOX 77 1967
Leave of Absence. Members, etc.
Leave of Absence - A. Fuller
Members of Local
Notices and Bulletins
Lost Time Paid by Westinghouse
Pensions re Westinghouse
Westinghouse Credit Union
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
Correspondence - Arbitration
BOX 78 1967
Westinghouse Benefit File
Company Grievances. 2nd and 3rd Stage
Company Officials
Union Answers Grievances 2nd and 3rd
BOX 79 1967
Canadian Labour Views
Strike - Publicity. Greetings - Correspondence
Bulletins, Press Releases
Strike Correspondence. Financial Materials
Appointment of Stewards
Arbitration re: Westinghouse
BOX 80 1968
Documents and Agreements 1968. Local 547
UE Local 547 Woodward Collective Agreement and Negotiations
UE Local 546 London. Negotiations
UE Local 546 London. Correspondence To and From District
UE Local 546 London. Leaflets
Loca1548 UIC Problems
Loca1548 Grimsby. Seniority
UE Local 546 London. Correspondence to and from members
UE Local 546 London. Correspondence to and from Westinghouse
UE Local 546 London. Miscellaneous
UE Local 546 London. Compensation and constitutions
UE Local 546 London. Telegrams and Newspaper Clipping
UE Local 548 Grimsby. Leaflets - Notices
UE Local 548 Grimsby. Miscellaneous
UE Local 548 Grimsby. Westinghouse - In and Out
UE Local 548 Grimsby. Newspaper Clippings and Telegrams
UE Local 548 Grimsby. Miscellaneous
UE Local 548 Grimsby. District - To and From
Grimsby Westinghouse Negotiations
Company. Correspondence and Demands. 548
UE Local 548 Grimsby. Contract
Edna Miller
BOX 81 1968
George Harris
C.S. Jackson
Ross Russell
Jean Pare
UE News and UE Guide Correspondence
Unemployment Insurance
Workmen’s Compensation
UE Locals Correspondence Other than 504 and District
UE Retirees
Viet Nam
Economic Notes
Dimensions. 1968
BOX 82 1968
Appt. of Stewards
Arbitration Cases. Other than 504
Arbitration - Westinghouse [2 Folders]
Westinghouse Benefit file and Great West Life
Building Insurance
Grievances. 2nd and 3rd stage
Dept. of Labour
Lost Time Paid by Westinghouse
Notices and Bulletins
BOX 83 1968
UE Westinghouse Coordinating Committee. 1962 - 1968
Tom Davidson’s Letters re: Hamilton- 504
Tom’s Letters. Miscellaneous Odds and Ends
Ed Vibert
IUE Materials
John Inglis - United Auto Workers
United Auto Workers
Canada Labour Views
UE Local 512 - Etobicoke
UE Local 514 - Don Mills
Notes on Negotiations. 1968. Local 547
BOX 84 1968
Westinghouse Credit Union
Westinghouse Mail to Members. Recalls
Westinghouse News
Westinghouse Share
Addiction Research
Donations - Peace etc.
Dominion and Provincial
Executive Stewards and Activists
BOX 85 1968
Company Officials
Pensions re: Westinghouse
Co. Reply - Grievances
Clearwater Lodge
BOX 86 1968
Election for Stewards and Ex. Board
Educational File
S.L. Farkas
F. Hannabuss
L. of Absence. Members. [2 folders]
Legislative Action
BOX 87 1968
Members of Local
Ontario Labour Relations. S. Farkas
Newspaper Clippings
Ontario Farmers’ Union
Ontario Welfare Council
Isabelle Pelletier
Press Releases
Research Bulletins
Westinghouse Security Guards
Westinghouse Tariff and Annual Report
BOX 88 1968
Correspondence. Other unions
District Office and Bob Ward
District Council Materials
Correspondence to and from International
BOX 89 1969
Grievance Answers from Company
Canada Labour Views
City Hall
Correspondence To and From International
Constitutional Committee
District Council and Credentials
Dominion and Provincial Governments
District Correspondence Other Than Officers
BOX 90 1969
Wabaco Ltd.
Addiction Research
Appointment of Stewards
Arbitration Cases
Arbitration re: Westinghouse
504 Arbitration 1968-69
Leave of Absence Staff
Leave of Absence. Joe Bothen 1969
Jim Bridgewood
Westinghouse Charities Fund
Westinghouse Benefit File and Great West Life
Company Officials
Grievance Answers from Union
BOX 91 1969
Economic Notes
Correspondence. Stan Bullock and Publicity
George Harris
C.S. Jackson
Ross Russell
Jeane Pare
Donations and Petitions re: Peace, Disarmament etc
Elections for Stewards and Ex. Board
Executive, Stewards, and Activists
Educational File
Hamilton organizing
Guards at Westinghouse
Home-Housing. Hamilton Area Co-op. Housing Association
BOX 92 1969
Industrial Safety Notes of John Ball [1962-69]
Industrial Occupational Health
Leave of Absence
Legislative Action
Ladies Auxiliary
Lost Time Paid By Westinghouse
Members of Local
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
BOX 93 1969
Newspaper Clippings
Notices and Bulletins
Ontario Federation Labour
Ontario Hospital Services Commission
Dept. of Labour
Department of Labour. S.L. Farkas
Ontario Welfare Council
Day Roll Breakdown
Pensions re: Westinghouse
Press Releases
Press Releases and Publicity
Hamilton Tenants and Ratepayers
Mrs. Elizabeth Tauton. Hamilton. Ontario
Franklin Manufacturing
Women’s Equal Opport. Employment Act
T. Davidson. Miscellaneous Items
BOX 94 1969
South Africa Literature etc.
Westinghouse Negotiations
Westinghouse News
Port Hope. Westinghouse
Strikes. UE Unions
UE News and Guide Correspondence
UE Locals Other Than 504
UE Retirees
Unemployment Insurance
Workmen’s Compensation
Rand File
Correspondence. Other unions
BOX 95 1969
1 folder containing material (correspondence, leaflets) relating to Labour Disputes.
Royal Commission Inquiry Into Labour Disputes. Rand. August 1968.
Ontario Federation of Labour. C.L.C. Resolutions. Twelfth Convention.
The Rand Report
B0X 96 1970
George Harris
District Council Credentials
District Office Correspondence
Stan Bullock
Ross Russell
Jean Pare
C.S. Jackson
Department of Labour
Dominion and Provincial Governments
Executive Stewards and Activists
Elections for Stewards and Executive
Hydro - re: 504
Ladies Auxiliary
Members of Local
Ontario Welfare Council
BOX 97 1970
Unemployment Insurance
UE News and UE Guide. Correspondence
Westinghouse Salaried
Westinghouse Share
Westinghouse News
Economic Notes
UE Retirees
UE Locals. Other than 504 and Dist.
BOX 98 1970
Appointment of Stewards
Arbitration re: Westinghouse
Grievances. 2nd and 3rd from Union
Grievances. 2nd and 3rd from Company
Westinghouse Benefit File
Company Officials. Miscellaneous
BOX 99 1970
Notices and Bulletins
Clearwater Lodge
City Hall
Arbitration Cases Other Than 504
UE Correspondence Arbitration
Westinghouse Credit Union
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
Lost Time Paid by Westinghouse
Leave of Absence
BOX 100 1971
Appointment of Stewards
Arbitration Correspondence
Benefit File
Grievances from Company
Company Officials
Grievances from Union
Notices and Bulletins
BOX 101 1971
City Hall
Dominion and Provincial Government
Donations and Petitions. Re: Peace, Disarmament etc.
Educational File
Elections for Executive and Stewards
Executive Stewards and Activists
Stewards Elections
Industrial. Occupational Safety
Legislative Action
C.S. Jackson
Jean Pare
Ross Russell
BOX 102 1971
Leave of Absence
Lost Time Paid by Westinghouse
Canadian Dimension and Last Post
Clearwater Lodge
District Office and Research
Correspondence To and From International
District Council Materials
Economic Notes
George Harris
BOX 103 1971
Ladies Auxiliary
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
Members of Local
Press Releases
Westinghouse Credit Union
UE News. Stan Bullock
BOX 104 1971
Department of Labour
UE Skilled Trades. S.L. Farkas. 1971
Westinghouse News
Textile-Pack. Brantford
Westinghouse Share
Correspondence UE News and UE Guide
Other. UE Locals. Correspondence
Unemployment Insurance
U.E. Retirees
Westinghouse Salaried
Workmen’s Compensation
Tom Davidson
Don Mills. Local 514
London. Local 546
BOX 105 1971
Woodward. Local 547. 1971.
Denise Lisko. Grimsby Arbitration Case
Vicki Markwick. Local 548
Grimsby. Local 548
Local 548. Suspension Grievances 1971.
Various Agreements (1970-72) .
Appointment of Stewards.
BOX 106 1972
District Council Credentials
District Office Other than Officers. 1972
International Correspondence
Dimension and Last Post
BOX 107 1972
Economic Notes
[Issues of] Liberation
Literature. Miscellaneous
BOX 108 1972
Notices and Bulletins
Ontario Welfare Council
Press Releases
Correspondence. Other unions
UE News and Guide Correspondence
BOX 109 1972
Unemployment Insurance
Copies. UE News and UE Guides
UE Locals. Other Than 504 and District
UE Retirees
Press Releases
Stan Bullock
Ross Russell
Jean Pare
C.S. Jackson
George Harris
Westinghouse Salaried
Workmen’s Compensation
Tom Davidson’s Correspondence
Note: Box number 110 not used
BOX 111 1972
Pay Ending (Last Pay). December 1972
Arbitration Correspondence
Appointment of Stewards
Leave of Absence
Arbitration re: Westinghouse
Long Term Disability Plan. Problems. Rg. Co. Administration
Westinghouse Benefit File
Company Officials
Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Westinghouse
Grievances from Union. 2nd and 3rd stage
Grievances from Westinghouse 2nd and 3rd stage
BOX 112 1972
Broadcast Act
Bell Telephone
Hamilton and District Labour Council
Department of Labour
Dominion and Provincial Governments
Clearwater Lodge
City Hall
C.H.O.P. Membership
Ladies Auxiliary
Labour Committee For Jobs
BOX 113 1972
Legislative Action
Westinghouse Negotiations
Lost Time Paid by Westinghouse
Westinghouse News
Westinghouse Share
Mail to Members from Westinghouse
BOX 114 1972
Executive, Stewards and Activists
Members of Local
Christmas Lists
Westinghouse Credit Union
Agreements, Negotiations, Strikes. Boxes 115-125, 237-240
Negotiation notes, correspondence, and leaflets issued by the union, submissions of the union and the company to a conciliation board, and memoranda of agreement. The material is filed chronologically, 1944 to 1978.
Box 115
F.1 504 Application for certification 1944
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1945
F.3 Request for intervention of Ontario Labour Relations Board
F.4 Westinghouse regional war board. Local 504 Submissions 1945 - 46
F.5 National War Labour Board [1945] - case reports
F.6 Incentive System outline
F.7 Job descriptions
F.8 1946-47 Application for certification, Westinghouse watchmen
F.9 1946 Strike - correspondence, C.W.C. and Dept. of Labour
F.10 1946 Strike Bulletins 504
F.11 1946 Executive Strike Committee - minute book
F.12 1946 Strike - result of vote
F.13 1946 Strike - Telegrams
F.14 1946 Strike - Donations received
F.15 1946 Strike - welfare issued
F.16 1946 Strike - loan service
F.17 1946 Strike - general material
Box 116
F.1 1946 Contract Negotiations
F.2 1946 Strike - materials issued
F.3 1946 Strike - U.E. News on the Air
F.4 Radio - re 1946 Strike
F.5 1946 Strike - Statements by Westinghouse
F.6 Raiding and disruptive activities - anti U.E. Leaflets
F.7 Raiding, etc. I.B.E.W.
F.8 Raiding, etc. - “New Deal Committee”
F.9 Radio - Miscellaneous broadcasts 1946-47
Box 117
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1947
F.2 Agreement 1947
F.3 Correspondence with District 5, George Harris 1947-48
F.4 C.W.C. Lists, check off cancellations, 1947-49
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1948
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1949
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1950
F.8 Contract Negotiations 1951-52 - Walsh notes
F.9 Contract Negotiations 1951-52 - Correspondence
Box 118
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1951-52 - Union modifications to collective agreement
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1951-52 - Briefs to conciliation board from union and company
F.3 Contract Negotiations 1951-52 - Company charts to conciliation board
F.4 Board of Conciliation report, minority and supplementary report (missing)
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1951-52 - Memorandum to agreement and agreement
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1953 - Company proposals in agreement
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1953 - Company and union proposals
F.8 Contract Negotiations 1953 - Correspondence
F.9 Contract Negotiations 1953 - Negotiation material
F.10 Contract Negotiations 1953 - Application for conciliation
Box 119
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1953 - union submission to conciliation board
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1953 - union briefs to conciliation board
F.3 Contract Negotiations 1953 - company briefs to conciliation board
F.4 Contract Negotiations 1953 - company exhibits to conciliation board
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1953 - Company briefs to conciliation board
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1953 - company exhibits, etc.
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1953 - Conciliation board report
F.8 Contract Negotiations 1955 - Union correspondence and negotiations file
Box 120
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1955 - company letters re negotiations
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1955 - Union submission to conciliation board
F.3 Contract Negotiations 1955 - company brief to conciliation board
F.4 Contract Negotiations 1955 - company exhibits to conciliation board
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1955 - Highlights of company brief to conciliation board
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1955 - company rebuttal to unions’ submission
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1955 - union rebuttal to company’s submission
Box 121
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1955 - Conciliation board reports
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1955-56 - current position -company
F.3 Mediation Notes 1956
F.4 Agreement 1956-58
F.5 Agreement 1957 - between 504 and 520
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1958 - company brief
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1958 - union brief and contract demands
F.8 Contract Negotiations 1958 - company demands
F.9 Contract Negotiations 1958 - company finances
F.10 Contract Negotiations 1958 - memorandum to conciliation officer
F.11 Contract Negotiations 1958 - conciliation proceedings
F.12 Contract Negotiations 1958 - company brief to conciliation board
F.13 Contract Negotiations 1958 - company exhibits to conciliation board
Box 122
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1958 - conciliation board reports
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1958-59 - C.W.C. letters
F.3 Interim agreement 1959
F.4 Memorandum of settlement 1959 and printed copy of agreement
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1960 - correspondence
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1960 - Pensions
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1961 - correspondence
F.8 Contract Negotiations 1961 - C.W.C. proposals re agreement - 17 Jan., 10, 15, 23 Feb.
F.9 Contract Negotiations 1961 - Union proposals re agreement Jan. 8, Jan. 17, April
Box 123
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1961 - miscellaneous files
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1961 - press releases, telegrams, newspaper clippings
F.3 Contract Negotiations 1961 - conciliation files
F.4 Contract Negotiations 1961 - company brief to conciliation board
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1961 - exhibits for company brief
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1961 - highlights of company brief
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1961 - company letters re signing
F.8 Contract Negotiations 1961 - leave of absence, deputy chief steward
F.9 Contract Negotiations 1961 - file re statutory holidays -grievance
F.10 Contract Negotiations 1961 - vote
Box 124
F.1 Memorandum of settlement 1961
F.2 Pension information 1961
F.3 Westinghouse pension files
F.4 Contract Negotiations 1964 - union notes, press releases, etc.
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1964 - union brief to conciliation board
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1964 - file of proposed agreement, notes
Box 125
F.1 Signed agreement 1964
F.2 Pension information 1964
F.3 Contract Negotiations 1967 - interim agreement
F.4 Contract Negotiations 1967 - list of strike committee
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1967 - pension plan agreement
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1967 - picket captain files
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1967 - picket captain files
Note: This finding aid has been in box number order to this point. From here on, box number order is not followed, rather the order is by subject classification.
Box 237
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1967 - picket captain files
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1967 - strike photos
F.3 Contract Negotiations 1972 - strike committees
F.4 Contract Negotiations 1972 - correspondence
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1972 - correspondence, notes, etc.
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1972 - strike committee minutes, representation to police, correspondence
Box 238
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1972 - notes
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1972 - notes
F.3 Contract Negotiations 1972 - pensions
F.4 Contract Negotiations 1972 - Vacations, special holidays and shift bonus
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1972 - notes
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1972 - notes
F.7 Contract Negotiations 1972 - male-female wage structures
F.8 Contract Negotiations 1972 - general
F.9 Contract Negotiations 1972 - welfare breakdown
F.10 Contract Negotiations 1972 - L.T.D.
F.11 Contract Negotiations 1972 - supplementary Medical -hospital
Box 239
F.1 Contract Negotiations 1975 - notes
F.2 Contract Negotiations 1976 - notes
F.3 Contract Negotiations 1976 - w. payroll breakdowns
F.4 Contract Negotiations 1976 - w. payroll breakdowns
F.5 Contract Negotiations 1976 - w. payroll breakdowns
F.6 Contract Negotiations 1978 - strike picket -captains
F.7 Picket captain files -undated
Box 240
F.1 Picket captain files - undated
F.2 Picket captain files - undated
F.3 Picket captain files - undated
Grievance Reports. Boxes 126-185, 214-215
Files of correspondence re general grievance matters, minutes of the grievance committees, and the files of the particular grievances. The grievances may be related to a particular individual or concerned with a department. The grievances are filed in numerical order by the grievance number. They were received in two numerical series which have been interfiled. There are additional grievance files relating to seniority (Boxes 203-213), job classification (Boxes 190- 202, 219-227), and incentive arbitration (Boxes 216-218).
Box 126
A Type 1945 - 49
Box 127
1950 Tallman Bronze. Stewards 1956
B Type 1946 - 51
C Type 1946 - 51
D Type 1946 - 51
E Type 1945 - 50
F Type 1946 - 50
Box 128
G Type 1950
H Type 1945 - 50
M Type 1945 - 50
Box 129
Grievance. Barry Cornthwaite. 1975
1963 - 67. Workmen’s Compensation (1956-62) (Correspondence, etc.)
1966 Grievances
1959 - 3rd Stage Grievances
1960-61 Grievances
1961-64 Grievances (no number)
Policy Grievances 1959-60
Suspension Grievances. 1959
1959-60 miscellaneous grievances
Box 130
Grievance Committee, Minute Books July 3, 1956 - November 20, 1961; Minutes of Incentive Grievance Panel
F.1b Dec. 20, 1957 - May 23, 1958; 3rd Stage Grievance
F.2 Feb. 28, 1957 - Jan. 5, 1958; Regular Grievance Panel Committee
F.3 May 28, 1958 - Jan. 14, 1959; Third Stage
F.4 May 15, 1958 -April 16, 1959; Grievance Panel
F.5 March 26, 1959 - April 4, 1960; Grievance Panel
F.6 April 22, 1959 - June 16, 1959; 3rd Stage Hearing
F.7 June 17, 1959 - October 16, 1959; 3rd Stage Hearing
F.8 October 16, 1959 - March 17, 1960; 3rd Stage Meetings
F.9 March 23, 1960 - Sept. 29, 1960; Third Stage
F.10 April 4, 1960 - November 7, 1960; Regular Grievance Panel
F.11 June 20, 1960 - April 21,1961; [Grievance Panel]
F.12 November 17, 1960 - October 29, 1963; [Grievance Panel]
F.13 February 20, 1961 - October 2, 1961; Regular Grievance Panel
F.14 January 2, 1962 - November 19, 1962; Regular Grievance Panel
F.15 Nov. 19, 1962 - August 19, 1963; Grievance Panel
F.16 Oct. 29, 1963 - March 2, 1964; Grievance Panel [see also book no.12 above]
F.16a April-September 1964; Grievance Panel
F.17 October 5, 1964 - April 19,1965
F.18 May 17, 1965 - August 30,1965; Minutes of Grievance Panel
F.19 September 20, 1965 - December 6, 1965; Grievance Panel Minutes
F.20 December 6, 1965 - June 6, 1966; Grievance Panel Minutes
F.21 June 20, 1966 -Sept. 19, 1966
F.22 October 3, 1966 - March 27, 1967; Grievance Panel
F.23 March 27, 1967 - March 4, 1968
Box 131
1944-45 Westinghouse Correspondence W.H. Mitchell
1945-46 Westinghouse Correspondence B.B. Hodge
1945-48 Westinghouse Company Notices
1946-47 Westinghouse Grievances 1946 - 47
1947 Westinghouse Correspondence B.B. Hodge and others
1948 Westinghouse Correspondence Grievances
1948 Westinghouse Correspondence B.B. Hodge
1949 Grievances
1949 Westinghouse Plant Notices
1949 Westinghouse Mr. B.B. Hodge
1950 Can. Westinghouse Correspondence B.B. Hodge Co. Officials; Can. Westinghouse Correspondence Grievances Jan.- June 30, Grievances July 1- Dec. 31
1950 Job Description and Rates
1950 Canadian Westinghouse Plant Notices
Box 132 1951
Correspondence Can. Westinghouse Co.
Grievances. 3rd Stage
Correspondence Can. Westinghouse Co.
Grievances. 4th Stage
Company Officials
Information re: Profits, etc.
1951 - Job Description
Box 132A 1955
Appointment of Stewards
Confidential Co. Correspondence
Company Personnel
Re: Dues Check-off
Grievances -3rd Stage
Box 132 B 1955 Arbitration cases
Arbitration grievances
Company officials
Arbitration and inc. grievances
Leave of absence
Lost time by company
Westinghouse share
Employees welfare-pensions
Box 133 1956
Appt. of Stewards. Co. Correspondence
Arbitration cases
Arbitration Grievances
Arb. and Inc. Grievances
Confidential Company Correspondence
Emp. Welfare - Pension
Classification Adjust.
Re: Dues Check-Off
Grievances - 3rd Stage
Leave of Absence
Lost Time by Company
Company Officials
Company Pub. to Employees
Wage Rates
[Roberson] 1956
Box 133A
Co. Correspondence: Appt. of Stewards
504 Correspondence: Arbitration
Co. Correspondence: Arbitration
Co. Correspondence: Classification Adjustment
Co. Correspondence: Dues check-off
Co. Correspondence: Grievances 3rd stage
Co. Correspondence: Wage rates
Co. Correspondence: Incentive Arbitration
Co. Correspondence: Inc. Grievance
Co. Correspondence: Leave of absence
Co. Correspondence: Lost time by company
Co .Correspondence: Company officials
Co. Correspondence: Wage rates
Co. correspondence: Appt. of stewards
Co. correspondence: Arbitration
Box 133B
Company suit
Co. Correspondence: Classification adjustments
Co. Correspondence: Dues check-off
Grievances: 3rd. stage Jan. 1958
March 1958
April 1958
May 1958
June 1958
July 1958
act. 1958
Nov. 1958
Dec. 1958
Co. correspondence: Incentive arbitration
Co. correspondence: Incentive grievances
Co. correspondence: Leave of absence
Co. correspondence: Lost time paid by company
Box 134
Company correspondence. Appointment of Stewards
Company correspondence. Arbitration. Re: Westinghouse
Company correspondence. Arbitration. Drummond Wren etc.
Company correspondence. Westinghouse Benefit File
Company correspondence. Classification Adjustments
Westinghouse Letters to Employees. Re: Negotiations etc.
Grievances. 3rd Stage. January-August 1959
Box 135
Grievances. September-December 1959
1959. Company correspondence. Incentive Arbitration
Company correspondence. Incentive grievances
1959 Leave of Absence
Lost Time paid by Company
Company officials
Company publications. Westinghouse
Grievances, numbered
Box 136
Box 137
Box 138
Box 138A
Box 139
Box 140
Box 140A
Box 141
Box 142
Box 143
Box 144
Box 145
Box 146
Box 147
Box 148
Box 149 Grievances
Group. Motor builders. Classification & Rates. 1511
Oct.15/54. Arbitration. Grievance #1555. T. Speers
M. Butt & K. Quinn. 1558. Rate. Re: Packer
Group. Stem & Mount Mill Operations. 1585
Group. Utility Operators. Classification & Rates. 1648
H. Kerr. Discharge. 1650
R. Stewart. Discrimination. 1670
Arbitration. B-7 Painters. J. Roxburgh. 1692
Dispute re: Method of Payment. 1698
Group. Sample Builders. 1717. Re: retroactivity -Estoppel
Grievance 1930. Rate Increase. S. Storoschuk
Grievance #1956. Unjust Discharge. D. McDonald
Reduction of Base Rate. Grievances #1971, 2000, 2001
#2004. w. Reid. More than 10 day layoff
#2011. L. Joyce. Unjust Discharge
#2022. J. Kent. Unjust Discharge
Unjust Discharge. E. Longboat. Grievance #2180
Unjust Discharge. E. Herman. Grievance #2184
Group WX 372. Call in Pay. Grievance #2195
Box 150 Grievances
Grievances 2263, 2264, 2265. Discharge of B. Hogarth, R. Beattie, T. Werishure
J. Gregory and J. Fisher. Seniority. 2370 & 2371
A. Stead. Re: Rates. 2402
Group. Non-payment of Statutory to Stat. Engineers
Group W.D. Tool Room. Unjust suspension. 2537
Group. Dept. 195. Non-payment for Stat. Holiday. 2551
H. Hair & G. Copeland. Request for top rate of Code 163-1. 2620 & 2623
Ross Ryerson. Transfer to Comparable job. 2668
Group. Dept. 251 Test. Suspension from work. 2680-3001
P. Verginello. Seniority. Laid-off. 2761
E. McDonald. Suspension from work. 2763
M. Zabolotney. Re: Seniority transfer. 2772
E. McDonald. Seniority -Transfer. 2790
W. McLary. Laid off out of seniority. 2970
Boring Mill Hands. 2990
U. Morden, R. Oldfield and H. Paget. Transfer to lower paying job
Re: Art. 12 #2991
L. McDermott. Seniority. 2999
Bogie, Blasich & Roccotagliata. Seniority. 3011 - 3013, 3014
W. Young. Seniority. 3024
R. Bock and R. Kulesza. Re: Seniority. 3050 - 3051
N. Kereluk. Sen. transfer to higher base rate job. 3060
C. Eldridge. Seniority. 3067
Box 151
Humphrey & Friel. Seniority. 3136 and 3155
D. Simon. Re: Seniority. 3262
W. Caird. Reclassification to 277-1. 3285
William O’Donnell. Re: Seniority. 3323
T. Russell & Test Group. 3339 and 3340
R. Conlin. 3355
Robert Anderson. Seniority. 3364
M. Noonan. Re: Seniority. 3374
E. Wolf. Re: Seniority. 3384
C. Morris. Re: Suspension for 1 week. 3430
P. Panchezak. Re: Unjust discharge. 3526
S. Roberson. Re: Unjust Dis. Notice. 3546
J. Milanetti. Re: transfer to a comparable job. 3554
Joe Schmirl. Re: Seniority and Health. 3576
Group suspensions. Re: Heat. Dept.592. 3594 etc.
Box 152
F. Hannabuss. Re: Suspension. April 15. 10,010
Group Policy Job Rate “E” Turbine. 10,210
Geo. Partridge. Re: Seniority. 10,237
10,001 - 10,049
10,050 - 10,099
10,100 - 10,149
10,150 - 10,199
10,208 - 10,249
10,250 - 10,299
10,300 - 10,349
10,350 - 10,399
Box 153
10,400 - 10,449
10,450 - 10,499
10,500 - 10,549
10,550 - 10,599
10,600 - 10,649
10,650 - 10,699
Box 154
10,700 - 10,749
10,750 - 10,799
10,800 - 10,849
10,850 - 10,899
Box 155
10,900 - 11049
Box 156
11,050 - 20,074
Box 157
20,075 - 20,199
Box 158
20,200 - 20,299
Box 159
20,300 - 20,424
Box 160
20,425 - 20,499
Box 161
20,500 - 20,599
Box 162
20,600 - 20,699
Box 163
20,700 - 20,824
Box 164
20,825 - 20,999
Box 165
21,000 - 21,099
Box 166
21,100 - 21,146
Box 167
21,147 - 21,170
Box 167A
21,171 - 21,249
Box 168
21,250 - 21,349
Box 169
21,350 - 21,399
Box 170
21,400 - 21,449
Box 171
21,450 - 21,550
Box 172
21,550 - 21,599
Box 172A
21,600 - 21,649
Box 173
21,650 - 21,749
Box 174
21,750 - 21,899
Box 175
21,900 - 23,099
Box 176
23,100 - 23,250
Box 177
23,250 - 23,349
Box 178
23,350 - 23,449
Box 179
23,450 - 23,549
Box 180
23,550 - 23,599
Box 181
23,600 - 23,699
Box 182
23,700 - 24,099
Box 183
24,100 - 24,199
Box 184
24,200 - 24,299
Box 185
24,300 - 25,175
Box 185A
26,029 - 28,130
Box 214
Miscellaneous grievance correspondence and reports
Dept. 722 grievance file
Draftsmen’s Association Local 164- grievances
Box 215
Company grievances
re range line slowdown
re April 15, 1959; re April 23,1959; re Dept. 722
1-7 re individuals
1952 Arbitration re Service dept. and traveling time
1952 Arbitration re Wage rates for pipe fitters
re 6 cent per hour retroactive for vacation period for entire plant
arbitration re unjust discharge
Policy re company’s right to reduce hours of work
Group armature winders re 3 cents retroactive pay
Arbitration of grievances, Sept. 1963 by Bora Laskin
Executive Board Meetings, Minute Books. Boxes 186-189
Box 186
F.1 504 Constitution
F.2 November 12, 1943 - Feb. 5, 1945
F.3 Feb. 26, 1945 - Dec. 8, 1947
F.4 Dec. 22, 1947 - June 28, 1954
F.5 July 12, 1954 - April 28, 1958
Box 187
F.1 May 12, 1958 - July 10, 1961
F.2 August 14, 1961 - June 27, 1966
F.3 July 11, 1966 - Oct. 12, 1971
F.4 Oct. 25, 1971 - Dec. 18, 1974
F.5 Executive Board reports 1962
F.6 Executive Board reports 1963
F.7 Executive Board reports 1964
F.8 Executive Board reports 1966-67
F.9 Executive Board reports 1968-69
F.10 Elections 1960-61
Box 188
F.1 Feb. 16, 1945 - June 29, 1950
F.2 June 29, 1950 -May 30, 1963
F.3 June 26, 1963 -August 23, 1979
F.4 File of some membership cards
Box 189
Veterans Committee Meetings
Feb. 6, 1946 - April 23, 1947
Steward’s Council Meetings. Minute Books
Aug. 21, 1945 - Feb. 2, 1948
Nov. 4, 1957 - April 16, 1962
May 7, 1962 - July 5, 1965
Attendance 1965
Aug. 16, 1965 - Nov. 3,1969
Job Identification and Classification. Boxes 190-202, 219-227
Information on the identification and classification of individual jobs and also on the work of departments. There are files of correspondence relating to the classification of jobs, and also grievance files for jobs considered by the union to have been improperly evaluated. There is some information on incentive rates and on wage rates. Additional information on incentive rates is to be found in the Incentive Arbitration files (Boxes 216-218). A set of wage rate books can be found in Boxes 258-260. Job evaluation manuals issued by Westinghouse are to be found in Box 260.
Box 190 1948-1957
Job descriptions and classifications
Box 191
Job Identification
Dept. 444
Box 192
Job Classifications [Correspondence]
Box 193
Job Classifications
New Job Classifications 1969
Deleted jobs 1970
Deleted jobs 1968
New job class. 1968
New job class. 1967
Deleted job class. 1967
Box 194
Job Classifications
1969 Deleted jobs
1971 New jobs
1972 Jobs deleted
Box 195
Job Classifications
Computer listings. Factor rating list by job family - Hamilton Plants 1, 2 and 3. Dec. 8, 1967.
Computer listings - of the male non-incentive occupational classifications by labour grade and the employee association to these classifications.
Female non-incentive employee list -October 16, 1961.
Hamilton job classification listing male/female. Aug. 28, 1964.
Employee listing as per letter of understanding. Hamilton as of May 9, 1969.
(2) green notebooks containing name-lists of aggrieved persons, (stating name, number of workers, nature of grievance, steward, department, remarks, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th stage, and disposal.)
Box 196
Job Classification
Job Identification, 4-13, tabled
F. Wrong Classification. Tabled
Duplicate Grievances
M. Wrong Classification. Tabled
Errors in Classification
M. Family Group. Settled. 1.
M. Family Group. Settled. 2.
M. Family Group. Settled. 3.
Box 197
Job Classification.
M. Family Group. Settled. 4.
M. Family Group. Tabled. 4.
M. Family Group. Settled. 5.
M. Family Group. Settled. 6.
M. Family Group. Settled. 7.
M. Family Group. Settled. 8.
Box 198
Job Classification.
M. Family Group. Settled. 9.
M. Family Group. Settled. 10.
M. Family Group. Settled. 11.
M. Family Group. Settled. 12.
M. Family Group. Settled. 13.
Box 199
Job Classification.
4.F. - Settled
8.F. - Settled [empty folder]
9.F. - Settled
10.F. - Settled
11.F. - Settled
13.F. - Settled [empty folder]
M. Wrong Classification. Settled.
F. Wrong Classification. Settled.
M. Family Group. Tabled. 1.
M. Family Group. Tabled. 2.
Box 200
M. Family group 3 Tabled
M. Family group 5 Tabled
M. Family group 6 Tabled
M. Family group 7 Tabled
M. Family group 8 Tabled
M. Family group 9 Tabled
M. Family group 10 Tabled
Box 201
M. Family group 11 Tabled
M. Family group 12 Tabled
Job identification sheets 1961 - 63
Hourly wage rates and classification book, plants 1, 2, and 3
Hamilton. Apr. 21, 1966 - Apr. 22, 1967
New job classifications 1967 (extra copies)
Box 201A
Family group 5 - settled
Family group 6 - settled
Family group 7 - tabled
Family group 8 - settled
Family group 8 - tabled
Family group 9 - settled
Family group 9 - tabled
Wrong classification - settled
Family group 10 - tabled
Family group 13 - tabled
Box 201B
403 Appeal forms: job classification
404 Appeal forms: job classification
410 Appeal forms: job classification
Notes re J.E.
Dead Grievances
C.I.R. 2nd appeals - tabled
Co. correspondence re job evaluation
Family group 2 - tabled
Family group 2 - settled
Family group 5 - tabled
Box 202
Job Classifications 1963
Computer Listings
Box 219
Converted Incentive Rates
C.I.R. Family 2 Depts. 101, 111, 131, 141
C.I.R. Family 2 Depts. 161, 181, 192.
C.I.R. Family 2 Depts. 152, 153, 156.
Box 220
C.I.R. Family 2 Depts. 200, 280, 441, 444.
C.I.R. Family 2 Depts. 501, 551, 592.
C.I.R. Family 2 Depts. 631, 842
C.I.R. Family 2 Depts. 851, 871.
Box 221
C.I.R. Family 5 Depts. 154, 161, 192, 215, 231, 280.
C.I.R. Family 5 Depts. 441, 501, 592, 711, 723, 831, 841.
C.I.R. Family 6 Depts. 156, 215, 251, 733.
C.I.R. Family 6 Depts. 831, 841, 847, 851.
C.I.R. Family 8 Depts. 101, 121, 141, 154, 161,541.
Box 222
C.I.R. Family 8 Depts. 561, 711, 842, 851, 871.
C.I.R. Family 9 All Depts.
C.I.R. Family 11 and 13 All Depts.
C.I.R. Female Jobs, All Families, All Depts.
Box 223
Occupation codes and titles, May 30, 1949
Wage rates and classifications book, Sept. 1, 1950
Wage rates and classifications book, August 22, 1952 (2 copies)
Wage rates and classifications book, Oct. 2, 1953 (2 copies)
Wage rates and classifications book, April 27, 1956 (2 copies)
Box 224
Job classification grievances and arbitration decisions
Arbitration decisions, 1962 - 1 file
Weld diaphrams 161 - 25 - 08 - 1
Inspector-tubes 351 - 05 - 04 - 2
J. Wannenmacher
Conveyor attendant, bonderizing unit 531 - 02 - 11 - 1
Fitter-Assemble Turb. Governors and blading 481 - 51 - 05 - 1
Sample selector 391 - 12 - 13 - 2
Lathe Hand 481 - 59 - 02 - 1
Storekeeper - Tube parts 331 - 16 - 10 - 2
Inspector - Electronic Assembly 655 - 30 - 04 - 2
Box 225
Miscellaneous job classification files
Occupational classification, male and female (partial file)
Job evaluation manual, undated
Job evaluation manual, July 14, 1959
Job classification negotiation file, F. Krouse (various dates)
Job classifications and rates, 1970 (includes benefits)
New job classifications 1970
Job reference from present lettering to previous number, Oct. 1963
Various grievance files (unlabelled)
Wage rates / job rates
Box 226
Job rate analysis charts, undated
Rate book, interim issue, effective April 23,1971
Rate books, updated to April 23,1974 for the following job codes:
L.A., J.G., S.P., W.A., Q.P., G.G., R.G., X.G., P.M., E.K., Y.P., G.K., O.G., L.G., C.A., F.G., L.P., W.G., Z.G.
Box 227
Job rate grievance files
21,462 re group dept. F.P.
21,534 re group N.B. Millers
21,653 re S. Beckett
Seniority Lists. Boxes 203-213
Seniority lists dating from 1946 to 1972, as well as seniority grievances.
Box 203
1946-59 Stewards’ seniority lists
1947 Seniority lists
1948 Seniority lists
1949 Seniority lists
1950 Seniority lists
1950 Seniority lists as of Sept. lst
1950 Starts
Box 204
1951 Seniority lists as of April lst
1951 Seniority lists as of Nov. lst East plant
1951 Starts
1951 Male seniority
1951 Female seniority
1951 Seniority lists as of Nov. lst West Plant
1952 Seniority lists
1952 Starts
Box 205
1953 Seniority lists (departmental)
1953 Starts
1953 Female seniority
1953 Male seniority
1954 Starts
1954 Female seniority
1954 Male seniority
Box 206
1955 Starts
1955 Female seniority
1955 Male seniority
1956 Female seniority
1956 Male seniority
1957 Female seniority
1957 Male seniority
Box 207
1958 Female seniority
1958 Male seniority
1959 Female seniority
1959 Male seniority
1960 Female seniority
1960 Male seniority
1961 Female seniority
1961 Male seniority
Box 208
1962 Male seniority list
1963 Male and Female seniority
1963 Male seniority
1964 Male and Female seniority
1964 Male seniority list
1964 Salaried personnel list
Box 209
1965 Male and Female seniority lists
1966 Male and Female seniority lists
1967 Male and Female seniority lists
1968 Male and Female seniority lists
1969 Male and Female seniority lists
Box 210
1970 Male and Female seniority lists
1971 Male and Female seniority lists
1972 Male and Female seniority lists
Box 211
Seniority grievance files 10,253-10,609
Box 212
Seniority grievance files 10,629-11,062
Box 213
Seniority grievance files 11,081-20,434
Incentive Arbitration. Boxes 216-218
Information on the incentive programme, and grievance files relating to the programme.
Box 216
File on incentive information from Westinghouse.
[2 Folders] Grievances. Answers to grievances
F. Krouse. Negotiation notes. 1958 - 59
F. Krouse. Job Evaluation.1958-59; Joint Job Evaluation Manual.1943; Co-operative Wage Study (C.W.S.) Manual for Job Description, Classification & Wage Administration
Contract Proposals of Local 504 UEW & MWA Feb. 1958
Westinghouse Works Manual
Westinghouse Works Manual 1952
January 1954 - Change in special rate payment. A-2 Department
September 1954 - Disregard of established times when method changed. K - l Department
Re: Incentive Grievance on Final Assembly Operation for R.M.R. Refrigerator Units in Department WX- 372.
Grievance. Re: Reduction in the time values for assembling relays. B7 relay. switch gear.
Grievance. R.M.R. units WX372. E. Taylor. Jan. 1955.
Grievance. T. Campbell. 1067.
Group 114. WX372 dept.
Incentive Arbitration. Nov. 1954. “Clerical Error.”
February 1954. Incentive Arbitration re: rights of Company to assign time value at later date. M-3 department. Laskin.
Re: Incentive Grievance on Change in Set-up Allowance in Department M-3.
Box 217
Incentive Arbitration. New or Changed Product. A- 2. November 1954.
Incentive Arbitration re: established set-up practice D-l.
May 1954. Incentive Arbitration. X- 2 Established Formula Time. Taylor.
June 1954. Refusal to meet D.I.C. F- l Department.
September 1954. Incentive Arbitration Company change in Special Rate Payment BR-559 Department.
March 19/53. Arbitration- Timestudy 2nd Mica Tape. #631.
June 1954- Time value from partial study. F-l department.
June 1954- Special rate payment in place of est. time value. K- l department
June 1954- Group leader failure to turn in all cards. K-l Dept.
Wire Insulation Group. T.C. Graham.
January 1954. Incentive Arbitration. X- 2 Special rate.
Transfer to meet production requirements. WX380. B. Laskin.
Grievance re: Crane Wait Allowance in Department 131.
Set Up & Run Time. M- 3 Department. George Austin.
1954. Materials - Local 504. Information on Committee Incentive Systems.
J. Mann and E. Dunfield. Re: Fall-downs - individual.
Group. Dept. W.F.391. Re: Fall-downs.
Incentive Information on, Set-Ups.
Group. Assembly of 115 K.U. Type “0" Bushings. Dept. 218 (heard May 22, 1959) .
Group. Dept. 231. Re-established time for “Assemble and Remove End Frames.”
J. Thomson and H. Bonner. Henry Sheares re: Elimination of Set-up Time
Group. Dept. 541. Metal Polishers Re: Payment for Repair Work.
H. Wallace Re: Modify Sample request A.E.R.
Thermolastic Impregnating Dept. 153
Sheares X2. Oper.
Sept. 1/60. Inc. Group 11346 Operation “Burr Grind & Waterglass.”
2 Crane Wait Allowance. Dept. 131.
S. Roberson. Re: Crane Wait Allowance
Box 218
Incentive Grievances
Zone 2 1959-61
Zone 4 1957-61
Zone 5 1957-61
Zone 6 1957-61
Zone 7 1957-61
Zone 8 1957-59
Zone 8 1960-61
Daily Information (Starts, Transfers, Quits, Discharges, Lay-offs). Boxes 228-232
Daily lists of Westinghouse employees/U.E. members who are starting, transferring to another department, quitting, being discharged or laid off. The lists date from 1959 to 1970.
Box 228
Starts, transfers, Quits 1959
Starts, Transfers, Quits 1960
Address changes 1960
Daily information Jan-June 1961
Daily information July -Dec. 1961
Box 229
Recalls 1961
Starts, Quits, Transfers 1961
Addresses 1961
Daily information Jan.-June 1962
Daily information July -Dec. 1962
Box 230
Recalls A-Z 1962
Daily information 1963
Daily information Jan.- March 1964
Daily information April-June 1964
Box 231
Daily information July-August 1964
Daily information Sept.-Nov. 1964
Daily information 1965
Daily information 1966
Box 232
Daily information 1967
Daily information 1968
Daily information 1969
Daily information 1970
Financial Records. Boxes 233-235.
Note: Financial information is also present in the correspondence section, Boxes 1-114.
Monthly Financial Reports, Trial Balances and Audits
Box 233
1950 (incomplete)
1951 (incomplete)
1952 (incomplete)
1953 (incomplete)
1954 (includes auditor’s report)
1955 ( includes auditor’s report)
1958 (includes auditor’s report)
1959 (includes auditor’s report)
1960 (includes auditor’s report)
Minutes of Financial Committee, Dec. 6, 1960
1961 (includes auditor's report)
1962 (includes auditor’s report)
1963 (includes auditor’s report)
1964 (includes auditor’s report)
Box 234
1965 (includes auditor’s report)
1966 (includes auditor’s report)
1967 (includes auditor’s report)
1968 (includes auditor’s report)
1973 (only monthly trial balance reports)
Box 234
1969 financial - wage rates ect.
Box 235
1975 (May) -1977 (August) ledger
miscellaneous financial records
Westinghouse Publications
Box 236
F.1 Westinghouse notices to 504 members.
F.2 Announcements to Westinghouse employees.
F.3 Westinghouse letters/notices to supervisors.
F.4 Westinghouse A Guide For Management Personnel dealing with U.E. 504. June 1959.
F.5 Industrial relations letters, I.R. Department.
F.6 Publications of Industrial Relations Department.
F.7 Westinghouse Employees’ Magazine -incomplete.
F.8 Westinghouse News - few issues.
F.9 Industrial Relations Course - Queen’s University.
F.10 Westinghouse Pension Plan Publications - various dates.
F.11 Other Westinghouse Canada Publications.
Activities, Research Files, Publicity.
Files on various activities and interest groups with which U.E. 504 or its executive (particularly Tom Davidson) were involved.
Box 243
F.1. Automation 1965, 1966
F.2 Automation
F.3 Hamilton and Area Labour Committee
F.4 Hamilton and District Labour Council
F.5 Hamilton Peace Committee
F.6 Housing Action Committee
Box 244
F.1 Housing Action Committee
F.2 Ontario Anti-Poverty Coalition
F.3 Pipeline
F.4 Save Our Square Committee
F.5 U.E. Social Club
F.6 U.E. News on the Air 1947
F.7 U.E. News on the Air, 1948 (note: U.E. News on the Air 1946 is filed with 1946 Strike materials in Box 238)
F.8 Newspaper Clippings
Box 245
Two scrapbooks of news clippings
Box 246
Publications of U.E. 504
Working files for various leaflets, U.E. Guide, etc, including photographs, layouts
U.E. Westinghouse Salaried Employees Bulletin 1964-1965
Occasional publications
Box 247
F.1 1946
F.2 New Deal 1946
F.3 extra copies 1946
F.4 1947
F.5 1947
F.6 1948
F.7 1948
Box 248
F.1 1949
F.2 1950
F.3 1951
F.4 1952
Box 249
F.1 1953
F.2 1954
F.3 1955
F.4 1956
F.5 1957
Box 250
F.1 1958
F.2 1959
F.3 1960
F.4 1961
Box 251
F.1 1962
F.2 1963
F.3 Jan.-June 1964
F.4 July-Dec. 1964
F.5 1965
Box 252
F.1 1966
F.2 1967
F.3 1968
Box 253
F.1 1969
F.2 1970
F.3 1971
Box 254
U.E. National Conventions, reports, minutes and proceedings
1956 20th convention
1961 25th convention
1962 26th convention (also file on 504 resolution)
1963 27th convention (also file on 504 resolution)
Box 255
1964 28th convention
1966 29th convention
1967 30th convention
Box 256
1967 30th convention (continued)
1968 31st convention - in envelope marked 256a
1970 32nd convention
1972 33rd convention
Box 257
1974 34th convention
National Councils - reports, documents, correspondence, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1969
National Conferences - reports, documents 1969, 1971, 1975
District 5 Council - Publications
U.E. National Office Publications:
- U.E. Canada 40 Years 1937-1977
- U.E. Clearwater Lake Lodge Report on 1974 Season
- Jackson, C.S. The Cold War and You
- Report to the National Council on Prices, Profits, Productivity Nov. 19 & 20, 1966
- The Economics of One Day’s Productive Labour, U.E. Research Dept., Feb. 1959
- R.A. Smith. The Incredible Electrical Conspiracy. 1961
U.E. National Office briefs
-to Royal Commission on Taxation, March 29, 1963
-to Ontario Medical Services Insurance Enquiry, Dec. 11, 1963
-statement on Workers’ interests demand an end to raiding... March 21, 1964
-to Dept. of Labour re Industrial Safety Act. 1964 - April 16, 1964
U.E. National Office - various resolutions
Wage Rates and Classification Books
Some of these books may be duplicated in other parts of this accrual, particularly in the job classification section.
Box 258
Wage Rate Book, effective Oct. 28, 1946
Wage Rate Book, Oct. 1950
Wage Rate Book, Oct. 1952
Wage Rate Book, Oct. 1953
Wage Rates and classification, effective April 27, 1956
Wage Rates and classification, effective March 9, 1959
Male and female converted rates, Oct. 25, 1961
Box 259
Wage rates and classification, Oct. 19, 1962
Wage rates and classification, Oct. 18, 1963
Wage rates and classification, effective June 19, 1964
Wage rates and classification, effective April 21, 1966
Wage rates and classification book, effective from date of signing 1967
Rate book, interim issue, effective April 23, 1968
Wage rates and classification book, effective May 24, 1968
Box 260
Wage rates and classification book, effective May 9, 1969
Wage rates and classification book, effective May 28, 1970
Rate book, interim, effective April 23, 1971
Job Evaluation Manuals
Westinghouse Job Evaluation Manual, July 14, 1959
Westinghouse Job Evaluation Manual, November 23, 1961
Substantiating Data for Non-Incentive employees -jobs listed by evaluation terms (e.g. Education, experience, initiative, responsibility, etc. in looseleaf binder
Scheduled Output - looseleaf binder outlining system for supervisors and foremen. [n.d.]
Box 261
Photographs of conferences, conventions, meetings
Box 262
Photographs of conferences, conventions, meetings (continued)
Photographs of individual members, arranged roughly in alphabetical order.
Anwel1, John W.F. 391
Auld, Andy UE Social Club
Atwood, Dave
Abbey, Newel
Borsellino, Shirley
Brill, W. 155
Bellingham, John
Bell, J. 260
Burrows, K.
Buchanan, J. Dept. 630
Ball, John 391
Blanchard, B. 962
Behrens, W. 842
Brown, J.
Brown, Bill 722
Beattie, J.
Billings, Stella
Barton, Walter 504
Bold, Tom 969
Bidulka, Alec BR 551
Brangan 445
Barry, R.
Bulbrook, H 440
Bell, J. 461
Bird, Eldon 342
Bowerman, D.
Burford, Geo. 655
Barry, Dick
Baumgartner, H.
Brilan, S. 449
Burnham, Emily
Bothen, Joe
Brill, W. 155
Buchanan, J. Dept. 630
Brown, Jim 520
Brown, Bill 722
Brewer, Pearl
Barton, Walter 504
Bidulka, Alec BR 511
Bulbrook, H 440
Buston, Pat.
Bowerman, D.
Boyd, Bunty
Brown, J.
Bothen, Joe
Blair, W.
Carless, R.
Church, A.
Corbeil, Louis
Carnstrom, A.
Clark, A.
Collins, W. 154
Camilleri, Silvio
Costello, Hugh
Connell, Jim
Collins, J. 260
Chadwick, Pat & Carl
Cox, Joannie
Chamberlain, Ernie 531
Craig, Je W.X. 381
Crawford, C. A.2
Campbell, Bill
Carnstrom, A.
Crowley, R.
Doan, Ed.
Debroux, J. 561
Dougan, M. W.E.411
Davidson, Tom.
Downey, F.
Davison, Norm. CCF Fed. Candidate
DeForest, N.
Dixon, F.
Elliot, John 504
England, T. 131
Everett, W. 921
Evered, D. 210
Elenuk, Helen
Fowler, Eric
Fennell, L.
Flack, Helen
Fischook Dept.143
Fedorko, Gord
Farraway, John
Ferrol, Hank
Fitzgerald, Albert
Finch, Fred
Finnigan, P. 871
Fuller, A.
Hill, Russ
Hamilton UE Locals Conference on Problems of Working Women. Nov. 6, 1955
Jose, Karen
Kennedy, Bob
Kerr, John
Knight, Ernie 156
Kivell, Dorothy
Krouse, Frank 504
Kewes, E.
Kerr, Harold D.l.
Kuzemka, Eva M.4.
Kirkley, Doug 260
LePitre, John 160
Langhorn, Eileen 209 Eveready
Leach, L. 963
Lebb, Peter All Party Election Meeting June 5, 1962
Lunn, Tom
Legere, D.
Lafferty, J.
Lewis, Doug
Livingstone, C. 551
Lee, H. 655
LeBlanc, Ed.
Lawny, W.
Malley, Tom 800
Moore, Sam Dept. 241
McMillan, Bob
May, E. 822
Mann, H.
Miski, W. 443
McClemont, H.
Marsden, Vic 722
McDonald, Ed
[Micalef], V.
McCavengy, J.
McVittre, B.
McLeod, I.
Milanetti, John
McKay, Craig
Markle, Margaret WT 40
Maycock, John E.
Martin, Box
Mann, Henry
Morris, Harold
McLennan, [Bud]
Mann, J.
McKibbin, Dick 192
Meadows, Sid W.P.357
McLachlan, D.
May, Ernie W.F. 391
Mattes, J.
Makoriczki, George B2
Monger, J. Beach Road 565
McQuarrie, J. WX 379
McMillan, Robt. Loca1504
McIntyre, Bill
Nichols, William B.R.542
Nixon, Al. 504
NevinB, Tom.
Newman, Ed? WX 372
Nutter, A. 521
Nagy, L.P. 520 Treas.
Neven, A. 445
[O’Neil, Roy]
O’Donnell, Bill
[Owen], Norm
O’Donnell, Brian
Phillips, Doug. Apparatus Division
Pokszywka, J.
Pearl, Garnett 531
Paulin, W. 592, Steward
Pratt, Orval 538
Phillips, Ken.
Phillips, D.
Poole, Vic.
Pierce, W.
Palmigri, J.
Pepper, B. BR 555
Reidy, Norman 504
Robinson, S.
Randall, R.
Roberts, Margie
Russell, T.
Ridley, H.
Reilly, M.
Roberson, Stan.
Robertson. J.
Ryma, Kay 835
Ready, Alf. President. Local 504.
D’Renzo, Margie. December, 1954
Ridley, H.
Ruttan, V. F.7.
Roberson, Bill. Dept. 821
Sevitsky, E.
Selman, P.
Steplock, Roy
Steele, Cecil1e 592
Sharp, Dwight
Suttie, W. 101
Swan, Jim. 846
Smit, Lyda
Sartain, Ernie
Skews, E.
Sindon, Butch
Scott, B.
Spence, Stew. 929
Scott, Herb.
Stoneman, V. Trustee
Stewart, Rita W.D.303
Selman, F. 841
Sharp, Dwight
Schoolie, M.
Schofield, [J.]
Speers, Tom
Turner, K.
Thorne, Charlie 1951
Turner, S .
[Twardzik], W. 449
Taylor, Dave
Taylor, G. 857
Twist, Geo.
Thomson, M.
Tennant, Nancy
Twiss, Geo.
Thompson, Murray
[Toman], Norah
Upston, J. Dept. 447
Uchacz, C. 581
Van Wolfern, J.
Wilkinson, Albert
Witley, A.
Whitfield, J.
Watts, R.
Weedon, N. 444
White, Rose Chief Steward
Wilkins, Albert
Walker, Kay
Wilkins, Norman
Woodsworth, Ken.
Wilson, Jim
White, J.
Wallace, H. 143
Williamson, Betty
Webb, R. Dept. 655. Steward
Walsh, W.
Yankowski, E.
Zinunerman, G.
[Zulih, Jennie]?
Box 263
Photographs of individual members (unidentified) and of groups
Box 264
Photographs of social events: dances, picnics, hockey league, etc.
Box 265
Photographs of strikes, demonstrations includes an album of photos on the 1946 strike
Box 266
Photographs of strikes, demonstrations - post 1950
Box 267
Photographs - miscellaneous, unidentified
Box 268
Photographs of other unions and locals some probably intended for U.E. Guide
Note: Most photographs prepared for inclusion in the U.E. Guide are boxed with the Publications (Box 246).
Other U.E. Locals (Boxes 269-289)
543 Cambridge Boxes 271-273
548 Grimsby Boxes 278-286
549 Burlington Boxes 274-5
564 London Boxes 276-7
Boxes 290 - 291
Publications and Duplicates
Box 292
Financial: Deposit slips, cheque stub registers, invoices (account payable), bank statements and cancelled cheques, 1968 with limited material from 1967.
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. Local 504/550 (Hamilton, Ont.) fonds. Second accrual. – 1952-1975; predominant 1973-1975. – 1.6 m of textual records.
Series 1:
Correspondence. – 1973-1975. – 1.1 m of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Additional correspondence is located in Box 298.
Box 293
F.1 Appointment of Stewards
F.2 Arbitration
F.3 Benefits
F.4 Clearwater Lake Lodge
F.5 Company officials, i.e. Westinghouse
F.6 Credit Union
F.7 Donations
F.8 Donations and Petitions
F.9 Elections–executive and stewards
F.10-1 Government–federal and provincial
F.12 Government–federal, Dept. of Labour
F.13 Government–local
F.14 Grievances–company
F.15 Grievances–union
F.16-7 Hamilton and District Labour Council, Ontario Federation of Labour, Canadian Labour Congress
F.18-9 Leaves of Absence
F.20 Lost Time Paid by Union
F.21 Members
F.22 Miscellaneous
Box 294
F.1-2 Notices and bulletins (company)
F.3 Other unions
F.4 Unemployment Insurance
F.5 Arbitration
F.6 Arbitration (UE)
F.7 Benefits and Welfare
F.8 Clearwater Lake Lodge
F.9 Company officials
F.10 Company picnic
F.11 Credit Union
F.12 Tom Davidson, UE National Co-ordinator
F.13 Donations
F.14 Energy
F.15 Government–federal and provincial
F.16 Government–local
F.17-18 Grievances
F.19-20 Hamilton and District Labour Council, Ontario Federation of Labour, Canadian Labour Congress
F.21-3 Leaves of Absence
F.24 Locals (UE)
F.25 Lost Time Paid
Box 295
F.1 Members from the company
F.2 Members from the union
F.3 Miscellaneous
F.4-5 Notices and Bulletins (company)
F.6 Other unions
F.7 Retirees
F.8 Socials
F.9 Sports
F.10 Stewards, appointment of
F.11 Telegrams
F.12 Unemployment Insurance
F.13 Arbitration
F.14 Benefits
F.15 Canadian Labour Congress
F.16 Clearwater Lake Lodge
F.17 Company shareholders
F.18 Credit Union
F.19 Donations and Petitions
F.20 Elections
F.21 Government–federal and provincial; also Spain, Chile
F.22 Government–local
F.23-4 Grievances
F.25 Hamilton and District Labour Council
F.26-8 George Harris, Secretary-Treasurer (UE)
F.29 Lost Time Paid
F.30-1 Leaves of Absence
Box 296
F.1-2 Members from company
F.3 Members
F.4 Miscellaneous
F.5-6 Notices and bulletins
F.7-8 Negotiations
F.9 Other unions
F.10 Ontario Federation of Labour
F.11 Publications–UE news and guide
F.12 Retirees
F.13 Stewards, appointment of
F.14 Telegrams
F.15 Unemployment Insurance
F.16 Weekend School
Series 2:
Executive Board and committees. – 1973-1975. – 13 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Files contain correspondence, minutes, notices.
F.17 Educational committee, 1973-1975
F.18-21 Executive Board and Stewards Council, 1973-1975
F.22-4 Legislative and Political Action committee, 1973-1975
F.25 Stewards Council, 1973-1974
F.26 Stewards election committee, 1975
F.27 UE, Hamilton, organizing committee, 1974
Series 3:
Grievances. – 1952-1975; predominant 1973-1975. – 23 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Grievance cases are usually numbered.
Box 297
F.a No. 7; 1952
F.1 No. 10,810; 1961
F.2 No. 20,312; 1963
F.3 Nos. 21,710 and 20,825; 1964-1965
F.4 No. 21,106; 1965
F.5 No. 21,407; 1967
F.6 No. 21,492; 1966
F.7 Nos. 21,598-99; 1966
F.8 No. 21,852; 1967
F.9 No. 23,542; 1970
F.10 No. 24,089; 1970
F.11 No. 24,116; 1973
F.12 25,005-29
F.13 25,030-49
F.14 25,050-69
F.15 25,070-99
F.16 25,100-22
F.17 25,123-49
F.18 26,000-22
F.19 26,023-49
F.20 26,050-79
F.21 26,080-99
F.22 26,103-22
F.23 Not numbered, various dates, 1952-1976
Box 298
F.1 Correspondence of F.E. Krouse, Business Agent, L.504 re job classifications related to grievances, 1963-1972
F.2 Correspondence of F.E. Krouse re transformers, 1968
Series 4:
Printed materials. – 1969-1975; predominant 1973-1975. – 14 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
F.3 Press releases, 1973-1975
F.4 Ladies Auxiliary newsletters, 1973-1975
F.5 UE Research Bulletin, 1973-1975
F.6-7 Westinghouse News, 1974-1975
F.8 Annual reports, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973
F.9 Notices to shareholders, 1970-1973
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