Finding Aid
Robert Sawyer fonds. - 1969-2013. - 14.1 m of textual records, printed materials and graphic materials. - Title based on contents of the fonds.
Note: 'RJS' is used in the finding aid for the name of Robert J. Sawyer.
Series 1 Fiction
Manuscripts of novels and collections. - 1982-2013. - 7.68 m of textual records. - Title Based on contents of the sub-series.
Note: Titles of books are listed alphabetically first and then by date. Dates of manuscripts are taken from dates of printouts except those in square brackets, which are estimated by archivist.
Box 1
F.1 Armada. Outline and query letter. November 27, 1984
F.2 Armada. Sample chapters and outline. [1984]
F.3 Armada. A Star Trek Novel. Sample chapters and outline. [1984]
F.4 Calculating God. First printout, pages 1-63. May 14, 1999
F.5 Calculating God. Chapter 5 draft, edited. May 17, 1999
F.6 Calculating God. Chapter 29 draft, edited. June 11, 1999
F.7 Calculating God. Edited draft of ms., p. 9-347 with title-page "Source Code". June 20, 1999
F.8 Calculating God. Edited page proofs June 22, 1999 with title page "Source Code", also changed to "Transcendence". Accompanied by 2 pages of notes and suggestions by David Clink.
F.9 Calculating God. Edited page proofs, June 22, 1999.
F.10 Calculating God. Edited page proofs with title as "Source Code". June 22, 1999
Box 2
F.1 Calculating God. Complete manuscript, edited. June 30, 1999
F.2 Calculating God. Partial manuscript, edited by RJS. Pages 1-120. June 30, 1999
F.3 Calculating God. Partial manuscript, edited [June 30, 1999
F.4 Calculating God. Complete manuscript, edited by Ted Bleaney. July 4 - July 20, 1999
F.5 Calculating God. Comments by Ariel Reich. July 6, 1999
F.6 Calculating God. Complete manuscript, edited. July 7, 1999
F.7 Calculating God. Complete manuscript, edited. July 15, 1999
Box 3
F.1 Calculating God. Complete manuscript, edited with notes for copyeditor. July 15, 1999
F.2 Calculating God. Comments from Andrew Weiner. July 16, 1999
F.3 Calculating God. Complete manuscript, edited. July 21, 1999
F.4 Calculating God. Complete manuscript, edited. July 23, 1999
F.5 Calculating God. Pages, edited. August 15, 1999
F.6 Calculating God. Complete manuscript, bound. Three copies. June 2000
F.7 Calculating God. Email re: review that appeared in Skeptical Inquirer. March 9, 2002
F.8 Calculating God. Background research for characters. November 10, 2007
F.9 Calculating God. Partial manuscript, edited. [n.d.]
F.10 Calculating God. Notes re: cover. [n.d.]
Box 4
F.1 End of an Era. Novella. March 25, 1988
F.2 End of an Era. Novella. May 12, 1988
F.3 End of an Era. Novella, edited by Carolyn Clink. May 26, 1988
F.4 End of an Era. Novella. May 26, 1988
F.5 End of an Era. Novella.June 12, 1988
F.6 End of an Era. Novella. June 14, 1988
F.7 End of an Era. First draft of manuscript, edited by Carolyn Clink and RJS. December 2, 1988
F.8 End of an Era. Second draft of manuscript, edited by TMG. December 5, 1988
F.9 End of an Era. Complete manuscript, edited Ted Bleaney. December 26, 1988
F.10 End of an Era. Complete manuscript, edited by David Clink. December 27, 1988
F.11 End of an Era. Complete manuscript, edited by Robin Rowland. December 27, 1988
Box 5
F.1 End of an Era. Complete manuscript, edited by RJS. January 2, 1989
F.2 End of an Era. Revised epilogue. Partial Ms. and Ts. January 4, 1989
F.3 End of an Era. Complete manuscript, edited. January 10, 1989
F.4 End of an Era. Comments by John Robert Colombo. January 18, 1989
F.5 End of an Era. Third draft of manuscript, edited by [ ] Russell. September 19, 1989
F.6 End of an Era. Fourth draft of manuscript, edited. September 25, 1989
F.7 End of an Era. Final manuscript, draft 4. September 27, 1989
F.8 End of an Era. Complete manuscript. [1989]
Box 6
F.1 End of an Era. Comments by Andrew Weiner. January 26, 1990
F.2 End of an Era. Redlined draft. May 3, 1990 and January 16, 1991
F.3 End of an Era. Draft pages 1-77, edited by P. Heck. January 17, 1991
F.4 End of an Era. Complete manuscript, edited by Carolyn Clink. October 10, 1991
F.5 End of an Era. Partial manuscript, pages 8-148. October 30, 1991
F.6 End of an Era. Partial manuscript, pages 7-15. October 31, 1991
F.7 End of an Era. Partial manuscript, pages 1-7. November, 1991
F.8 End of an Era. Eighth draft. December 1992
F.9 End of an Era. Ninth and final draft with related correspondence. December 1992
F.10 End of an Era. Ninth draft. [February 1994]
F.11 End of an Era. Revisions made by RJS. March 1, 1994
Box 7
F.1 End of an Era. Production manuscript published by Ace Science Fiction of the Berkeley Publishing Group. [1994]
F.2 End of an Era. Manuscript. [1994]
F.3 End of an Era. Complete production manuscript. January 26, 2000
F.4 End of an Era. Press release. [n.d.]
F.5 Factoring Humanity. Complete manuscript, edited. April 1997
F.6 Factoring Humanity. Complete manuscript. [1998-1999]
F.7 Factoring Humanity. Pages. [n.d.]
F.8 Far-Seer. Outlines and diagrams. 1985-1990
F.9 Far-Seer. Pages. March 1986
Box 8
F.1 Far-Seer. Pages, edited by Carolyn Clink. January 26, 1990
F.2 Far-Seer. Chapters 1-4. January 27, 1990
F.3 Far-Seer. First complete draft. [September 1, 1990]
F.4 Far-Seer. Second draft, edited by Andrew W. October 19, 1990
F.5 Far-Seer. Chapters 1-5. October 19, 1990
F.6 Far-Seer. Draft, edited. December 23, 1990
F.7 Far-Seer. Redlined draft. January 3, 1991
F.8 Far-Seer. Fourth draft as submitted to Richard Curtis and auctioned. January 20, 1991
F.9 Far-Seer. Complete manuscript, edited. 1991
F.10 Far-Seer. Pages 67-77. May 29, 1992
Box 9
F.1 Far-Seer. Manuscript. June 1992
F.2 Far-Seer. Trade paperback page proofs. October 21, 2003
F.3 Far-Seer. Notes for cover noting Book One of Quintaglio Ascension. April 21, 2004
F.4 Far-Seer. Notes for cover noting Book One of Quintaglio Ascension. [2004]
F.5 Flashforward. Page proofs of tp. Draft of three pages, edited. January 27, 1999
F.6 Foreigner. Partial draft, edited. January 30, 1992
F.7 Foreigner. Complete manuscript, edited by Carolyn Clink. November 1992
F.8 Foreigner. Complete manuscript, edited by Edo van Belkon. November 6, 1992
F.9 Foreigner. Complete manuscript. December 1992
Box 10
F.1 Foreigner. Complete manuscript with list of characters, epilogue, and appendix. December 1992
F.2 Foreigner. Pages, edited by Carolyn Clink. December 1992
F.3 Foreigner. Outline and appendix. [1992]
F.4 Foreigner. Appendix. [1993]
F.5 Foreigner. Reviews to be included on cover. [1993]
F.6 Foreigner. Production manuscript. June 1994
F.7 Foreigner. First pass from Tor Books. February 15, 2005
Box 11
F.1 Foreigner. Production manuscript. October 6, 2005
F.2 Foreigner. Appendix. [2005]
F.3 Fossil Hunter. Complete manuscript with formatting notes. [n.d.]
F.4 Fossil Hunter. Second draft, edited by David Clink. [n.d.]
F.5 Fossil Hunter. Outlines. 1990-1991
F.6 Fossil Hunter. Partial manuscript with correspondence. March 24, 1991
F.7 Fossil Hunter. Complete manuscript. April 24, 1991
F.8 Fossil Hunter. "The Challenge" plotline. May 17, 1991
Box 12
F.1 Fossil Hunter. "Old One" plotline. August 1, 1991
F.2 Fossil Hunter. Partial manuscript. August 4, 1991
F.3 Fossil Hunter. Complete manuscript, edited. August 27, 1991
F.4 Fossil Hunter. "Evolution" plotline. November 12, 1991
F.5 Fossil Hunter. Toroca character scenes. November 15, 1991
F.6 Fossil Hunter. Second draft, edited by Carolyn Clink. December 21, 1991
F.7 Fossil Hunter. Second draft, edited by Ted Bleaney. December 21, 1991
F.8 Fossil Hunter. Third draft, edited by RJS. January 15, 1992
F.9 Fossil Hunter. Complete manuscript, edited by Carolyn Clink. October-November 1992
Box 13
F.1 Fossil Hunter. Production manuscript from Ace Science Fiction. 1993
F.2 Fossil Hunter. Page proofs for hardcover with related correspondence. October 7, 2004
F.3 Frameshift. Outlines. 1993
F.4 Frameshift. Complete manuscript, edited. August 3, 1995
Box 14
F.1 Frameshift. Complete manuscript, edited. August 16, 1995
F.2 Frameshift. Complete manuscript, edited by RJS. August 20, 1995
F.3 Frameshift. Complete manuscript with prologue and genetic code, edited by Ted Bleaney. August 1995
F.4 Frameshift. Complete manuscript with formatting notes. 1997
Box 15
F.1 Frameshift. Production manuscript. 1997
F.2 Golden Fleece. Handwritten notes and ideas. November 27, 1982
F.3 Golden Fleece. Pages 1-14. December 21, 1982
F.4 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited. May 13, 1983
F.5 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited by Carolyn Clink. May 15, 1983
F.6 Golden Fleece. Pages ms. and ts. June 21, 1983
F.7 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited by Terence M. Green. July 1983
F.8 Golden Fleece. Novelette. July 1983
F.9 Golden Fleece. Pages 22-26 with handwritten notes. July 6, 1983
F.10 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited. July 17, 1985
F.11 Golden Fleece. Novelette. August 7, 1985
F.12 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited. February 14, 1986
F.13 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited. April 21, 1986
F.14 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited by Ted Bleaney. April 26, 1986
F.15 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited by Ariel Reich. April 29, 1986
F.16 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited by Ariel Reich and Asbel Bedrossian. April-May 1986
F.17 Golden Fleece. Novelette, revised May 21, 1986
F.18 Golden Fleece. Novelette, revised May 22, 1986
F.19 Golden Fleece. Novelette, revised May 23, 1986
F.20 Golden Fleece. Novelette. 1986
F.21 Golden Fleece. Novelette. 1986
F.22 Golden Fleece. Only copy of "doomsday" version. April 10, 1987
F.23 Golden Fleece. First copy of "Trains" version. April 11, 1987
F.24 Golden Fleece. Second draft, edited by Algis Budrys. May 26, 1987
F.25 Golden Fleece. Novelette, edited. June 17, 1987
F.26 Golden Fleece. Novelette. June 23, 1987
F.27 Golden Fleece. Novelette. June 27, 1987
F.28 Golden Fleece. Novelette, fourth draft. June 1987
Box 16
F.1 Golden Fleece. Novelette, fourth draft copyedited. June 1987
F.2 Golden Fleece. Complete manuscript with formatting notes by RJS. [1987]
F.3 Golden Fleece. First draft, edited by David Clink. June 28, 1989
F.4 Golden Fleece. First draft, edited by Carolyn Clink and RJS. June 29, 1989
F.5 Golden Fleece. Second draft, edited by RJS. July 7, 1989
Box 17
F.1 Golden Fleece. Third draft as submitted to Richard Curtis. September 26, 1989
F.2 Golden Fleece. Handwritten equations and drawings. 1989
F.3 Golden Fleece. Pages, revised and related correspondence. March 1990
F.4 Golden Fleece. Partial manuscript. April 4, 1990
F.5 Golden Fleece. Pages, revised by the copyeditor. April 18, 1990
F.6 The Great Martian Fossil Rush. Draft of chapters 1-2, edited. October 8-9, 2011
Working Title: Infinite Faculties
F.7 Hominids. Draft of chapters 10-24, edited. March 3, 2001
F.8 Hominids. Draft of chapters 25-35, edited. March 23, 2001
F.9 Hominids. Draft of chapters 36-epilogue. March 23, 2001
F.10 Hominids. Draft, edited by David Clink. March-April 2001
F.11 Hominids. Partial manuscript. May 9, 2001
F.12 Hominids. Draft of chapters 19-25, edited. May 13, 2001
Box 18
F.1 Hominids. Draft of chapters 26-28, edited. May 14, 2001
F.2 Hominids. Partial manuscript, edited. [May 20, 2001]
F.3 Hominids. Draft of chapters 30-epilogue, edited. May 22, 2001
F.4 Hominids. Complete manuscript. May 22, 2001
Working title: Infinite Faculties
F.5 Hominids. Complete manuscript. May 22, 2001
F.6 Hominids. Complete manuscript, edited by John Douglas. June 25, 2001
Box 19
F.1 Hominids. Draft of chapters 1-4. June 28, 2001
F.2 Hominids. Complete manuscript. July 3, 2001
F.3 Hominids. Final draft of manuscript, complete. July 18, 2001
F.4 Hominids. Pages as sent to Dr. Stanley Schmidt, editor at Analog Science Fiction and Fact. July 19, 2001
Box 20
F.1 Hominids. Page proofs for Analog Science Fiction and Fact. January 2002
F.2 Hominids. Production manuscript. 2002
F.3 Hominids. Handwritten notes and calendar. 2002
F.4 Hominids. Introduction for audio of the first installment in The Neanderthal Parallax. February 23, 2003
F.5 Hominids. Draft of chapters 1-23, edited with typed notes. [n.d.]
F.6 Hominids. Notes for copyeditor. 2001
F.7 Hominids. Suggestions for show topics. 2001
F.8 Hominids. Complete manuscript. 2001
F.9 Hominids. Notes for paperback cover. 2001
F.10 Hominids. Synopsys by RJS, edited. 2001
F.11 Humans. Manuscript with prologue, edited. February 4-5, 2001
F.12 Humans. Outline. August 5, 2001
F.13 Humans. Chapter 1, edited. August 10, 2001
F.14 Humans. Outline. August 10, 2001
Box 21
F.1 Humans. Proofs for Analog Science Fiction and Fact with scene outline and revised scenes. December 28, 2001
F.2 Humans. Manuscript, edited by David Clink. December 31, 2001
F.3 Humans. Pages with handwritten notes and correspondence. March 2002
F.4 Humans. Pages, edited. March 27, 2002
F.5 Humans. Pages with production corrections by RJS. August 2002
F.6 Humans. Pages for production of hardcover. October 1, 2002
F.7 Humans. Revisions to be made for paperback cover. February 2003
F.8 Humans. Page proofs with corrections for paperback. May 2003
F.9 Humans. Complete manuscript of second pass from Tor Books. June 17, 2003
F.10 Humans. Page proofs (copy). June-September 2003
F.11 Humans. Pages. 2003
F.12 Humans. Pages, edited by Sally Tomasevic. 2003
F.13 Humans. Comments by Christopher Kovacs. March 2003
F.14 Humans. Information for paperback cover. [date?]
Box 22
F.1 Hybrids. Complete draft, edited. September 18-24, 2002
F.2 Hybrids. Chapter 35, edited. October 4, 2002
F.3 Hybrids. Complete draft, edited by David Clink. October 8, 2002
F.4 Hybrids. Complete draft, edited by Peter Halasz. October 8, 2002
F.5 Hybrids. Complete draft, disposable copyedited. October 8, 2002
F.6 Hybrids. Pages, edited by Sally Tomasevic. October 9, 2002
F.7 Hybrids. Pages, edited by David Hartwell. November 11, 2002
F.8 Hybrids. Synopsis. December 9, 2002
F.9 Hybrids. Chapters 24-26 draft.[November 28, 2002
Box 23
F.1 Hybrids. Complete manuscript. November 28-30, 2002
F.2 Hybrids. Pages, edited by Moshe Feder with correspondence. November - December 2002
F.3 Hybrids. Hardcover pages proofs. May 2003
F.4 Hybrids. Relationship charts. December 22, 2003
F.5 Hybrids. News re: release date from RJS website. 2003
F.6 Hybrids. Information for paperback cover. [n.d.]
F.7 HHH. Neanderthal Parallax guide to Neanderthal timekeeping. [n.d.]
F.8 HHH. Copies of praise selected for trilogy. [n.d.]
F.9 HHH. Family chain and hand written notes. [n.d.]
F.10 HHH. Chapters 1-7. December 3, 2002
F.12 HHH. Pages. [2002]
F.12 Identity Theft. First draft, edited by Carolyn Clink. July 7, 2004
F.23 Identity Theft. Second draft, edited by Carolyn Clink. July 11, 2004
F.14 Identity Theft. Draft with new ending, edited by RJS. July 12, 2004
F.15 Identity Theft. Second draft with new ending, edited by Carolyn Clink. July 13, 2004
Box 24
F.1 Identity Theft. Third draft of ending, edited by Carolyn Clink. July 14, 2004
F.2 Identity Theft. Pages, edited. September 10, 2004
F.3 Identity Theft. Manuscript with corrected pages for inclusion in anthology. March 2005
F.4 Illegal Alien. First printout of first draft. April 1996
F.5 Illegal Alien. Third draft, edited. May 16, 1996
F.6 Illegal Alien. Complete manuscript with comments and notes. 1996
Box 25
F.1 Illegal Alien. Production manuscript published by Ace Science Fiction of the Berkeley Publishing Group. [1997]
F.2 Illegal Alien. Revised draft. March 11, 1997
F.3 Illegal Alien. Page proofs. July 22, 1997
Box 26
F.1 Illegal Alien. Uncorrected proofs. December 1997
F.2 Illegal Alien. Author queries with notes by RJS. September 19, 2011
F.3 Mindscan (working title Action Potential). List of names for main characters. December 21, 2003
F.4 Mindscan. Cover plans. January 2, 2004
F.5 Mindscan. Manuscript with comments by Carolyn Clink. March 9, 2004
F.6 Mindscan. Partial manuscript. March 25, 2004
F.7 Mindscan. Pages. April 15, 2004
F.8 Mindscan. Complete manuscript. May 3, 2004
F.9 Mindscan. Complete manuscript, edited by David Clink. May 3, 2004
F.10 Mindscan. Complete manuscript, edited by Carolyn Clink. May 3, 2004
F.11 Mindscan. Draft, edited. May 3, 2004
F.12 Mindscan. Pages with edits and comments. May 3, 2004
F.13 Mindscan. Portion of draft as mailed to RJS. May 26, 2004
F.14 Mindscan. Pages, edited by Carolyn Clink. July 24, 2004
F.15 Mindscan. Pages, edited by David G. Hartwell. July 27, 2004
Box 27
F.1 Mindscan. Manuscript with corrections and rewrites by RJS. September 2004
F.2 Mindscan. Page proofs with correspondence from Tom Doherty and Associates. November 4, 2004
F.3 Mindscan. Page proofs. September 2005
F.4 Mindscan. Production manuscript. October 6, 2005
F.5 Mindscan. Notes. April 28, 2008
F.6 Mosaic. Chapter 1, First edition. December 29, 1997
F.7 Mosaic. Complete manuscript, edited by Ariel Reich. April 1998
Box 28
F.1 Mosaic. Complete manuscript. May 1998
F.3 Neanderthal Breakthrough. Draft, edited. February 2-5, 2001
F.3 Northern Lights. Page proofs for anthology of short stories by RJS and poems by Carolyn Clink. 2003
F.4 Relativity Essays and Stories. Complete manuscript with author biography and cover art. August 22, 2004
F.5 Rollback. Complete manuscript, edited. August 1, 2005
F.6 Rollback. Pages 1-79, first official printout. August 16, 2005
Box 29
F.1 Rollback. Complete manuscript. October 20, 2005
F.2 Rollback. Complete manuscript, edited. November 8, 2005
F.3 Rollback. Complete draft. November 10, 2005
F.4 Rollback. Complete draft, edited by David Clink. November 10, 2005
F.5 Rollback. Pages 306-318, edited. November 16, 2005
F.6 Rollback. Disposable copy, edited by Hayden Trenholm and Liz Trenholm. November 29, 2005
F.7 Rollback. Pages 184-187, edited. November 29, 2005
F.8 Rollback. Comments from Hayden Trenholm. December 14, 2005
F.9 Rollback. Complete draft, edited by Ted Bleaney. November 29, 2005
F.10 Rollback. Complete draft, edited by David Clink. November 29, 2005
Box 30
F.1 Rollback. Complete draft. December 13, 2005
F.2 Rollback. Comments from Liz Trenholm. December 14, 2005
F.3 Rollback. Complete draft, edited by Carolyn Clink. December 27, 2005
F.4 Rollback. Comments from Asbed Bedrossian. December 29, 2005
F.5 Rollback. Chapters 20-42. January 5, 2006
F.6 Rollback. Partial draft, edited by David Clink. January 16, 2006
F.7 Rollback. Complete draft, disposable copy. January 14, 2006
Box 31
F.1 Rollback. First printout of hardcopy version. January 14, 2006
F.2 Rollback. Editorial feedback. January 14, 2006
F.3 Rollback. Comments from David Hartwell. January 16, 2006
F.4 Rollback. Comments from David Clink. January 30, 2006
F.5 Rollback. Complete draft. February 22, 2006
F.6 Rollback. Fifth draft of epilogue, comments by Andrew Weiner. February 22, 2006
F.7 Rollback. Epilogue, fifth draft. February 24, 2006
F.8 Rollback. Fifth draft, comments by Stanley Schmidt. February 2006
F.9 Rollback. Comments from David Clink. March 22, 2006
F.10 Rollback. Part I of IV, page proofs for Analog Science Fiction and Fact. 2006
F.11 Rollback. Synopsis. April 11, 2006
F.12 Rollback. Serialization synopsis. 2006
F.13 Rollback. Production manuscript from Tor Books. June 14, 2008
F.14 Rollback. Timeline. [n.d.]
F.15 Rollback. Comments from Jerry Barkow. [n.d.]
Box 32
F.1 Starplex. Outline. [1993]
F.2 Starplex. First complete printout. October 24, 1994
F.3 Starplex. Prologue - Chapter 8. August 21, 1994
F.4 Starplex. Complete manuscript, edited. October 1994
F.5 Starplex. Manuscript for Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine and "Causality", a poem by Carolyn Clink. 1995
F.6 Starplex. Page proofs, edited. 1996
Box 33
F.1 Starplex. Production manuscript from Berkeley Publishing Group with correspondence. July 23, 1997
F.2 Starplex. Cover and catalogue copies by Red Deer Press. 2009
Working title: Hobson's Choice
F.3 The Terminal Experiment. Outline. January 22, 1993
F.4 The Terminal Experiment. Drafts and notes on progress. April - September 1993
F.5 The Terminal Experiment. Complete manuscript, first draft. June 7, 1993
F.6 The Terminal Experiment. Complete manuscript, edited by David Clink. June 27, 1993
F.7 The Terminal Experiment. Partial manuscript, pages 311-383. July 9, 1993
Box 34 Working title: Hobson's Choice
F.1 The Terminal Experiment. Complete first draft of manuscript, edited. July 13, 1993
F.2 The Terminal Experiment. Complete second draft of manuscript, edited. July 17, 1993
F.3 The Terminal Experiment. Complete second draft of manuscript, edited by Ted Bleaney. July 17, 1993
F.4 The Terminal Experiment. Complete second draft of manuscript, edited by Edo van Belkom. July 17, 1993
F.5 The Terminal Experiment. Complete second draft of manuscript, edited by Asbed Bedrossian. July 17, 1993
F.6 The Terminal Experiment. Plan for rearranging of scenes. August 1, 1993
F.7 The Terminal Experiment. Timeline. August 15, 1993
F.8 The Terminal Experiment. Version for UPC Science Fiction Awards (Spain). August 16, 1993
F.9 The Terminal Experiment. Pages 1-3. December 2, 1993
F.10 The Terminal Experiment. Third draft as printed for Richard Curtis on August 30, 1993 with Letter of Provenance from RJS. January 11, 1997
Box 35
F.1 The Terminal Experiment. Final draft as typeset by Analog Science Fiction and Fact in 1993 with Letter of Provenance from RJS. January 11, 1997
F.2 The Terminal Experiment. Copyedited and typeset by Harper Collins, USA on September 7, 1993 with Letter of Provenance from RJS. January 11, 1997
F.3 The Terminal Experiment. Cover information for reissue by Ace Books. April 26, 2011
F.4 Tesseracts 6. Manuscript, edited with correspondence, contracts, and news clippings. 1995-1997
F.5 Tesseracts 6. Science Fiction anthology edited by RJS and Carolyn Clink, includes correspondence and contributors. 1997
Box 36
F.1 Triggers. [Working title Displaced Persons]. Novel proposal and correspondence. June 21, 2010
F.2 Triggers. Novel proposal. June 29, 2010
F.3 Triggers. Draft of chapter 1, edited. February 7, 2011
F.4 Triggers. Pages 1-39, edited. February 13, 2011
F.5 Triggers. Complete manuscript, edited. March 5, 2011
F.6 Triggers. Results of Facebook tally on whether to change title from Displaced Persons to Triggers. March 30, 2011
F.7 Triggers. Complete manuscript, edited. May 1, 2011
F.8 Triggers. Chapters 44-50, edited. June 14, 2011
F.9 Triggers. Complete manuscript, edited by RJS. July 10-11, 2011
F.10 Triggers. Pages, edited. July 21, 2011
F.11 Triggers. Fragment of novel part I of IV, adapted for Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited. August 19-26, 2011
F.12 Triggers. Fragment of novel part II of IV, adapted for Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited. September 23, 2011
F.13 Triggers. Complete manuscript for Ace Galley, edited by RJS. October 18, 2011
F.14 Triggers. List of characters. 2011
F.15 Triggers. Cover art with selected praise and synopsis. [n.d.]
F.16 Triggers. Synopsis of novel. [n.d.]
F.17 Triggers. Handwritten notes. [n.d.]
Box 37
F.1 Wake. Writer's block scenes 1-48 and plot chart. February 10, 2007
F.2 Wake. Complete draft, edited by Carolyn Clink. February 10, 2007
F.3 Wake. Comments from Pat Forde. February 10, 2007
F.4 Wake. Complete manuscript, edited by Suzanne Church with correspondence. March 2007
F.5 Wake. Chapter 1 as submitted for Ontario Arts Council Application. May 13, 2007
F.6 Wake. Handwritten notes from meeting. March 24, 2007
F.7 Wake. Complete manuscript, edited by James Alan Gardner. March 20, 2007
F.8 Wake. Complete manuscript, edited by Pat Forde with correspondence. March 2007
F.9 Wake. Partial manuscript, edited by Carolyn Clink. September 23, 2007
F.10 Wake. Partial manuscript, edited by Pat Forde. October 2, 2007
F.11 Wake. Partial manuscript. October 2, 2007
F.12 Wake. Complete draft, edited by Fiona Kelleghan. October 4, 2007
Box 38
F.1 Wake. Galleys for Part IV. October 6, 2008
F.2 Wake. Copyedited pages for Analog Science Fiction and Fact with correspondence. December 3, 2008
F.3 Wake. Partial draft, edited. December 24, 2007
F.4 Wake. Chapter 9, edited. December 26, 2007
F.5 Wake. Chapters 10-14, edited. December 27, 2007
F.6 Wake. Chapters 15-24, edited. December 29, 2007
F.7 Wake. Chapters 24-31, edited. January 1, 2008
F.8 Wake. Pages, edited. January 3, 2008
F.9 Wake. Pages, edited. January 5, 2008
F.10 Wake. Pages, edited. January 6, 2008
F.11 Wake. Pages, edited. [January 7, 2008]
F.12 Wake. Partial manuscript, edited by Ted Bleaney. January 9, 2008
F.13 Wake. Chapters 1-11, edited. January 9, 2008
F.14 Wake. Chapters 21-22, edited. January 10, 2008
F.15 Wake. Chapters 14-19, edited. January 12, 2008
F.16 Wake. Chapters 1-5, edited. January 13, 2008
F.17 Wake. Chapters 6-24, edited. January 14, 2008
F.18 Wake. Partial draft of manuscript, second version. January 24, 2008
Box 39
F.1 Wake. Partial draft. February 1, 2008
F.2 Wake. Draft. February 12, 2008
F.3 Wake. Complete manuscript, draft. February 29, 2008
F.4 Wake. Complete manuscript, draft. April 4, 2008
F.5 Wake. Manuscript edited for production with enclosed ts from Berkeley Editions. April 15, 2008
F.6 Wake. Complete manuscript with synopsis, cover copy, and corrections for Ace. April 17, 2008
F.7 Wake. Complete draft. April 29, 2008
Box 40
F.1 Wake. Galley proofs for Part I adapted for Analog Science Fiction and Fact. June 28, 2008
F.2 Wake. Complete manuscript, edited with page proofs. October 17, 2008
F.3 Wake. Group reading guide. 2008
F.4 Wake. Canadian revised cover copy, edited. May 12, 2009
F.5 Wake. Revised dust jacket copy for Canadian reprint with correspondence from Penguin Group. May 13, 2009
F.6 Wake. Cover copy and page proofs for Ace. April 2010
F.7 Wake. Audible introduction. [n.d.]
F.8 Watch. First printout of manuscript pages 1-111, edited by Carolyn Clink. September 4, 2008
F.9 Watch. Pages 1-4. September 23, 2008
F.10 Watch. Pages 1-68, edited by Carolyn Clink. October 13, 2008
F.11 Watch. Pages 1-134 with comments by James Alan Gardner. November 22, 2008
F.12 Watch. Pages 1-63. December 11, 2008
F.13 Watch. Pages 46-49. December 11, 2008
F.14 Watch. Pages 1-50, edited by Carolyn Clink. December 11, 2008
F.15 Watch. Partial draft with Paddy's response. December 16, 2008
F.16 Watch. Pages 1-125. December 17, 2008
F.17 Watch. Pages 193-218. December 28, 2008
F.18 Watch. Pages 123-219. December 28, 2008
F.19 Watch. Pages 221-303 with "Webmind says hello". January 9, 2009
Box 41
F.1 Watch. Pages 343-346 and 363-415, edited by Carolyn Clink. February 19-20, 2009
F.2 Watch. Book tour proposal. 2010
F.3 Watch. Author's comments for SFBC. February 4, 2010
F.4 Watch. Script for book on tape. [n.d.]
F.5 Watch. Synopsis. [n.d.]
F.6 Watch. Partial draft. February 15, 2009
F.7 Watch. Complete page proofs. February 23, 2009
F.8 Webmind. Novel proposal. January 13, 2003
F.9 Webmind. First writer's block printout. March 15, 2005
F.10 Webmind. First printout of portion of novel. March 16, 2005
F.11 Webmind. Prologue and chapter 1. May 10, 2005
F.12 Webmind. Notes and family tree. August 31, 2006 and November 27, 2006
F.13 Webmind. Point of View scenes, edited by Carolyn Clink. March 14, 2007
F.14 Webmind. Project description. [n.d.]
F.15 WWW Trilogy. Proposal to agent Ralph Vicinanza at Tor Books with correspondence and draft. May 24, 2006
F.16 WWW Trilogy. Proposal with sample chapters for Ralph Vicinanza Ltd. June 8, 2007
F.17 Wonder. Chapters 1-9 with notes and illustrations. December 22, 2009
F.18 Wonder. Draft, edited. December 27, 2009
F.19 Wonder. Chapter 8, edited. January 14, 2010
F.20 Wonder. Chapters 1-13, edited. January 18, 2010
F.21 Wonder. Chapters 1-12, edited. February 11, 2010
F.22 Wonder. Chapters 13-15, edited. February 16, 2010
F.23 Wonder. Pages, edited. February 21, 2010
F.24 Wonder. Pages, edited. February 23, 2010
F.25 Wonder. Pages, edited. February 24, 2010
F.26 Wonder. Pages, edited. March 1, 2010
Box 42
F.1 Wonder. Pages, edited. March 15, 2010
F.2 Wonder. Pages, edited. March 23, 2010
F.3 Wonder. Complete draft, edited by Carolyn Clink. April 13, 2010
F.4 Wonder. Pages, edited. April 22, 2010
F.5 Wonder. Chapters 11-Epilogue, edited. April 15-23, 2010
F.6 Wonder. Chapters 25-Epilogue, edited by David Clink. April 24, 2010
F.7 Wonder. Chapters 1-10, edited by Herb Kanderer. May 1, 2010
F.8 Wonder. Complete manuscript as submitted May 4, 2010
F.9 Wonder. Complete draft as submitted to copyeditor. July 1, 2010
F.10 Wonder. Acknowledgements and style guide. 2010
Box 43
F.1 Wonder. Unapproved cover copy, edited. 2010
F.2 Wonder. Author queries with notes by RJS. 2010
F.3 Wonder. Sample pages with correspondence from Berkeley Group. November 9, 2011
Juvenilia and early writing - 1969-1980. - 16 cm of textual records and graphic materials. - Title based on contents of the sub-series.
Note: This sub-series consists of Robert Sawyer's early attempts at writing science fiction stories from the age of 8 years old. Files are arranged in date order, beginning with the earliest date.
Box 43
F.4 "Lost In Space". 1969. Ms., handwritten on newsprint with pencil. Contained in orange construction paper covered "MEMO Pad", 6 p. Signed at end as "Robin Sawyer".
F.5 "Mishon[sic] Pluto".Ms., handwritten on newsprint with pencil, March 26,1969 with drawings in colour pencil. 6 p. Accompanied by Affidavit dated March 17, 2013 from Robert Sawyer attesting to date when story was written.
F.6 "The Iron Hand of the Universe". [March 16, 1972]. Ms. Handwritten with pencil, 2 p., with teachers' comment, correction and note on top of page. Accompanied by Affidavit dated March 17, 2013, from Robert Sawyer attesting to date when story was written and another version of the ms. in felt pen, written on July 27, 1974. As well as various notes, some made at a later date.
F.7 "Stargazer". 1974. Ms. handwritten on loose-leaf paper, 10 p. Text is accompanied by two drawings in graphite, colour pencil and felt pen: 1) Stargazer 2) Dr. Charles Robertson with Robot Karl.
F.8 "Tuber Seven". 1974. Ms. Handwritten in pen, 13 p. submitted for Grade 8 English assignment with teachers comment on title-page and corrections throughout story. Accompanied by 3 pages of handwritten synopsis of story and full page drawing in graphite and colour pencils
F.9 High School creative writing portfolio containing 3 partially filled notebooks, scribblings, stories and notes on loose-leaf paper. 1973-1976.
F.10 "The Statis Situation". 1975. Ms. Handwritten in pen, 19 p. The manuscript has been marked up and graded by Sawyer's grade ten English teacher. Accompanied by Affidavit dated March 17, 2013 from Robert Sawyer attesting to the date when the story was written as September 1975. The file also contains an earlier draft in pencil, dated Dec. 22, 1974 and several later variant drafts, 1976-1977.
F.11 "Justification". 1975. Ms. Handwritten in pen, 10 p. dated 23 April 1975. Included are graphite, colour pencil drawings of characters in story and detailed drawings and statistics of spaceships. This file also contains another version of story dated 16 Oct. 1976, which was submitted for high school English class, with teachers' comments; one page of re-write notes on "Justification" dated 19 March 1980.
F.12 "N.R.P."[Nasfa Radio Play]. 1975-1976. Ms. Handwritten of script, 26 pages, copyrighted on top of page by Northview Association for Science Fiction Addicts. [On October 16, 1975, Robert J. Sawyer, Richard Gotlib, and Ted Bleaney founded NASFA, the Northview Association for Science Fiction Addicts, based at Northview Heights Secondary School in Willowdale].
File also contains various rough drafts and 3 drawings of a Command module as well as a sketch.
F.13 "Loophole". 1975-1976. Various early handwritten with working title as , "Guilt by Association": January 1975, February 1975 (one, with teacher's comments); fourth draft June 1975. Handwritten draft with title changed to "Loophole", edited and revised, dated July 1976; typescript with title as "Loophole" August 16, 1976, with some corrections. File also includes correspondence regarding submission of this story to two magazines, August 1976, and a page of sketches as well as a computer print-out of calendar for the year 2033,
F.14 "Quintaglios". 1975-1978. Ms.handwritten and typed , outlines, notes and classification of terms used by Quintaglios. One piece is titled "Stories of the Commonwealth of Planets" and is a compilation of the three stories above. The file also contains graphite and colour pencil drawings of Quintaglios as well as RJS's compilation of Quintaglio alphabet, vocabulary, for piece entitled ""Concordance and Lexicon", 1976. [See Quintaglio entry on]
F.15 "Field Archaeology". 1978. Ms. Handwritten edited draft, for English course evaluation for RTA [Ryerson School of Media]; also includes 3 copies of typed version, one which was submitted for English course and has corrections made by instructor. File also contains correspondence post cards from Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 1978.
F.16 "Smile". 1978. Ms., handwritten draft 28 June 1978 with note at end of text reading "N.B.: Editorial IASFM July-Aug 1978"[Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine]. Typescript of story submitted to RTA [Ryerson School of Media] for an English course and returned with instructor's comments; file also contains a copy of this story.
F.17 "Science Fiction". 1974-1980. A collection of science fiction stories. File includes early chapters in pencil, titled "Nerva Alpha Space Mission", authored by David Raymer. Variant drafts, have a character by the same name. One early script titled "The Number You Have Dialed", 30 October 1980 with teachers' comments. Contains 15 colour drawings, one titled "Time Machine" copyright 1974 revised Feb 9, 1975 and 5 pen and pencil sketches.
Short fiction. - 1978-2010. - 96 cm of textual records. - Title based on contents of the sub-series.
Note: The sub-series contains agreements, contracts and correspondence which have been retained with the work.
Box 43
F.18 "The Abdication of Pope Mary III". Published version in Nature, includes photocopy, correspondence, and agreement. July 6, 2000
F.19 "Above it All". Three versions with research material and correspondence to Ed Kramer re: inclusion in anthology Dante's Disciples. March 1995
F.20 "Above it All". Manuscript for reading in larger font. 1995
F.21 "Starcology Argo". Typescript(photocopy). 1983
F.22 "Bakka to the Future". Anthology Galley, corrected pages. November 9, 2002
F.23 "Biding Time". As submitted to John Helfecs. February 6, 2005
F.24 "Biding Time". As published in Slipstreams by Daw Books. May 2005
F.25 "Biding Time". Related correspondence from Tekno Books and Penguin Books included. 2005-2007]
F.26 "Black Reflection". Ms. of submissions for The Wall with correspondence from Tekno Books.October 26, 2001
F.27 "Black Reflection". Corrected pages for inclusion in In the Shadow of the Wall anthology. April 19, 2002
F.28 "The Blue Planet/Mars Reacts". Correspondence with David Hartwell and the Ministry of Education included along with contract. 2001
F.29 "Campus Chills". Introduction. August 16, 2009
F.30 "Cathedral of Worlds". Personal production manuscript, final draft. March 1982
F.31 "Caught in the Web". Ms. (handwritten) of early draft titled "IVAN" ,December 30, 1980; Another ms. draft January 3, 1981; Correspondence [1981]; Clipping from printed version in White Wall Review. 1982
F.32 "Changing Constants". Draft, edited. 1988
Box 44
F.1 "Changing Constants". Ms. of reading copy, dated at Bristol. September 27, 1988
F.2 "Come All Ye Faithful". Draft, edited by RJS. April 27, 2002
F.3 "Come All Ye Faithful". Chapbook includes excerpt from Humans, chapbook published by Who's that Coeurl? Press. July 2003
F.4 "Come All Ye Faithful". Draft, edited by Carolyn Clink and Timothy Carter. April 27, 2002
F.5 "Come All Ye Faithful". Draft, edited by RJS. April 28, 2002
F.6 "Come All Ye Faithful". Correspondence from Tekno Books 2001-2002 and Agreement with Precision Media Solutions Inc. [March 31, 2008]
F.7 "Committing Trilogy: The Origins of The Neanderthal Parallax". Essay, two versions, one for Minican Chapbook. January 8, 2003
F.8 "The Contest." Early version of story written as evaluation for university English course, [1978]; Examination book; Transcript (ts) of evaluation; Ms printout of short story, 1980; Ms. handwritten of first draft of script. November 9, 1982
F.9 "The Contest". From White Wall Review, marked up printout [1980] and reprint of story in 100 Great Fantasy Short Stories, ed. by Isaac Asimov, et al. 1983
F.10 "Crossing the Line". Correspondence, research, and clippings included. [1994]
F.11 "1993: The Dark Side of the Force". Ts. Ms. with correspondence and agreement for inclusion with Harcourt, Brace & Co. September 1994
F.12 "DEW". Introduction. January 20, 2009
F.13 "Divided we Stand". Ts. Ms. 1980
F.14 "Driving a Bargain". Facsimile copy, edited. March 31, 2002
F.15 "Driving a Bargain". With correspondence from Edo van Belkom and permission agreement for Be Very Abroad anthology. January 2002
F.16 "Driving a Bargain". [2002]
F.17 "The Eagle has Landed". Draft, edited [February 24, 2003] and contract for inclusion in I, Alien. March 7, 2003
F.18 "Earthfall". Ms. of first and second drafts. Ms of opening video script July 14, 1982; Ts. of first draft July 14, 1982; and second draft, July 20, 1982; and correspondence 1983
F.19 "Encyclopedia Galactica". Draft with notes by [Carolyn Clink?] August 28, 2004
F.20 "Encyclopedia Galactica". Draft with notes by [Carolyn Clink?] August 29, 2004
F.21 "An Exchange of Letters Concerning the Windermere/Colbeck Dig" by Steven Leigh and RJS as published in Mikecon #21. 2000
F.22 "Fallen Angel". Page proofs with correspondence from Vincent Harper 1999; seven photos of artwork by Lisa Shellings; and contract with Edward E. Kramer for inclusion in Strange Attraction. February 9, 1999
F.23 "Fallen Angel". Three chapbooks published by Who's that Coeurl Press. June 2000
F.24 Flashforward, Flashbacks, and Me". Essay. October 6, 20
F.25 "Flashes". License agreement for Future Shocks and correspondence from Lou Anders. September 8 and 24, 2004
F.26 "Forever". Ms. contract from Tekno Books. November 2, 1996
F.27 "Frameshift". Novella, disposable copy with timeline and correspondence to Science Fiction Age and Analog Science Fiction and Fact. [1995-1996]
F.28 "Gator". Ms. first draft, edited July 30, 1996 and disposable copy; electronic publishing contract with LTD Books September 19, 2000 and termination of contract December 31, 2005; correspondence [1996-2001]
F.29 "Golden Fleece". Photocopies of galleys. October 18, 1987]
F.30 "Golden Fleece". Revised. Computer printout as submitted to AMAZING. June 1987
F.31 "Golden Fleece" Revised with agreement with TSR Incorporated July 31, 1987; Nebula Awards reports [1988]; and correspondence [1987-1988]
F.32 "The Good Doctor". (Earlier titled "PUN-DIT"). Handwritten and typed versions with notes and correspondence. 1980-1989
F.33 "The Hand You're Dealt". Contract, research, and correspondence re: inclusion in anthology and publishing in Polish. 1988-1998
Box 45
F.1 "The Hand You're Dealt". First draft of short story. May 18, 1995
F.2 "The Hand You're Dealt". Third draft of short story. May 19, 1995
F.3 "The Hand You're Dealt". As submitted to Ed Kramer for Free Space. May 19, 1995
F.4 "The Hand You're Dealt". Idea for short story. [n.d.]
F.5 "If I'm Here, Imagine Where They Sent My Luggage". First handwritten draft, heavily edited. December 16, 1980 and first typed draft, edited December 16, 1980
F.6 "Immortality". Draft, edited. September 4, 2002
F.7 "Immortality". Final printout before submission to Janice Ian. September 5, 2002
F.8 "Immortality". Three copies. [2002]]
F.9 "Immortality". Reprint for Janice Ian's Universe. September-October 2002
F.10 "Ineluctable". As returned to RJS from Dell magazine. August 27, 2002
F.11 "Ineluctable". Novelette for Analog Science Fiction and Fact. January 18, 2002
F.12 "Ineluctable". Corrected page proofs for Analog Science Fiction and Fact. November 2002
F.13 Iterations. Two manuscript drafts, correspondence, contract, and CT magazine. 1999-2006
F.14 Iterations. Complete manuscript. 2001
F.15 "Just Like Old Times" also titled as "Old Times". Ms. of first draft, edited and second draft, edited by Carolyn Clink. September 28-29, 1992
F.16 "Just Like Old Times" also titled as "Old Times". Second draft of ms, edited by Andrew Weiner and an additional ms, edited. September 29, 1992
F.17 "Just Like Old Times" also titled as "Old Times". Two ms. drafts, edited by Carolyn Clink and RJS. October 5 and 8, 1992
F.18 "Just Like Old Times". Clippings and reviews. 1994
F.19 "Just Like Old Times". Correspondence with CBC's Robert Weaver, rejection letter and returned ms. [n.d.]
F.20 "Just Like Old Times". Reading copy. [n.d.]
F.21 "Just Like Old Times". Edited page proofs for inclusion in Dinosaur Fantastic with correspondence. March 18, 1993
F.22 "Just Like Old Times". Later ms. with greater word count. [1994]
F.23 "Just Like Old Times". Disposable copy with correspondence and agreement for inclusion in Dinosaurs II. December 5, 1994
F.24 "Just Like Old Times". Agreement for French anthology Editions Alvie. March 6, 2011
F.25 "Just Like Old Times". Various agreements and correspondence. 1992-2000
F.26 "Kata Bindu". Agreement with Tekno Books for inclusion in Microcosms. July 11, 2001
F.27 "Kata Bindu". Pages, edited. [2004]
F.28 "Last But Not Least". Ms. disposable copy. [2001]
F.29 "Last But Not Least". Correspondence and permission with Tundra Books (Edo van Belkom) with promotional poster December 10, 1999-2000 and correspondence with CBC re: radio reading June 18, 2001
F.30 "The Legacy". Ms. (handwritten), edited. December 15, 1976 and Ms. (handwritten) as submitted for grade eleven assignment with teacher's remarks January 1977
F.31 "The Legacy" also titled as "Martian Legacy". Ts. outline for drama for children November 19, 1979 and Ts. of teleplay script with teacher's comments [December 13, 1979]
Box 46
F.1 "The Legacy". Ms, edited with photocopy of original version [May 18, 1980] with correspondence from Asimov Science and Amazing Science Fiction Stories [1982]; Version of ms. submitted to Creative Writing Workshop February 1982
F.2 "Likely Candidate". Ms., reading copy for Dinosaur Fantastic. July 26, 1992
F.3 "Lost in the Mail". Rejection letters from various magazines, some include ms. 1987-1996
F.4 "Lost in the Mail". Ms. of script by Scott Calbeck of Calbeck Productions[2000?] and correspondence and contract with MVP Productions January 24, 2011
F.5 "Lost in the Mail". Ms. Ts. of first draft [February 17, 1987]; Ts. of second draft, comments by Ted Bleaney March 19, 1987; Ts. of second draft, edited March 26, 1987; Ts of partial pages while at Playboy. August 10, 1987
F.6 "Lost in the Mail". Published copy, 1995, Who's That Coeurl? Press, Thornhill; Alumni magazines from Ryerson, York, and U of T, 1987.
F.7 "Lost in the Mail". TTX (printer) printout as submitted to Amazing, 5 Oct. 1987.
F. 8 "Lost in the Mail". As submitted to Patrick Prue, 5 Oct. 1987 (photocopy).
F. 9 "Lost in the Mail". As submitted to the CBC Literary Competition XI on 5 Oct. 1989. Includes earlier edited and cut MSS., 16 Sept. 1989 and 4 Oct. 1989.
F. 10 "Lost in the Mail". Ms. (as published). Disposable copy - reading copy (1995).
F.11 "Marking Time". Extracted from Frameshift, a novel in progress. First cut "Brown Eyed Gift" ms, edited March 11, 1994; edited version March 13, 1994; version submitted to Prairie Fire.[March 13, 1994]
F.12 "Marking Time". Reading copy. 1994
F.13 "A Microchip in the Mosaic". Teleplay, synopsis and pages. 1983
F.14 "Mikeys". Page proofs for inclusion in Space Station anthology, edited with correspondence from DAW Books Inc. (Tekno Books). November 12, 2003
F.15 "Mikeys". Correspondence and contract with DAW Books Inc. (Tekno Books) for inclusion in Space Station. April-May 2001and three colour posters for Robot, an Italian magazine. 2004
F.16 "Motive". SF novelette submission and rejection letters. 1983
F.17 "Motive" or "Futurescapes". Production script (photocopy) [1980]; with correspondence, publicity, and newsletters from Rochester Museum and Science Center [1979-1992]; and publicity from RJS website for "Futurescapes" January 18, 2010
F.18 "Motive" or "Starplex". Ms. handwritten, longhand version with extensive editing and comments by Patricia and Carolyn Clink. September 5, 1979
F.19 "Motive" or "Starplex". Ms., edited (whiteout) with various comments [1979-1980]
F.20 "Motive" or "Starplex". Rochester Museum Contest entry, ms. handwritten. July 22, 1979 and August 20, 1979; photocopy of production ms April 30, 1979; correspondence and title pages [1980-1981]
F.21 "Motive II". Ms. (handwritten) and Ts., edited pages that have been revised out [1980]; rejection letter from Asimov's SF Magazine. [1980]
F.22 "Motive II" titled as "Starplex". Ms and Ts., revised with drawings [1980]
F.23 "Motive II". Photocopy of Ts. with rejection letter from Fantasy and Science Fiction. [1980]
F.24 "Motive III". Ms. (handwritten), revised to reflect rejection comments from IA sfm. March 22, 1980
F.25 "Motive IV". Correspondence from IVB and INC and Ms. (handwritten), three edited versions with Ts. drafts and partial Ms., edited. 1980-1981
F.26 "Motive IV". Revised and typed master, with copies. April 15, 1980
F.27 "Motive V". Originals, edited Ts. sections May 25, 1981 and correspondence 1983
Box 47
F.1 "Motive V". Ts., edited pages and rejection letters 1982
F.2 "Motive VI". Ms. and Ts., edited draft for Patrick Price at Dragon Magazine. December 28, 1982 and edited drafts, ts and photocopy 1983
F.3 "My Father's Hammer" Draft, edited. August 27, 2002
F.4 "My Favourite Word". Entry for limited publication at Literary Festival in Mississauga2010 and handwritten draft, edited, 2010
F.5 "No Choice". Correspondence re: Japanese serial rights for story. 2001-2002
F.6 "No Olive Trees". Ms. (handwritten) and Ts., edited with correspondence from various magazines. 1976-1983
F.7 "On the Shoulders of Giants". Ms. with correspondence and contract from Tekno Books. 1999
F.8 "On the Surface". Correspondence re: inclusion in Future Wars anthology published by Tekno Books. 2001
F.9 "Ours to Discover". Ms. (handwritten) with Ts. copies with correspondence and clippings. 1982
F.10 "Peking Man". Ms. with disposable copy, correspondence, contract, and research materials. 1996
F.11 "Please Notify". Three complete copies, edited with pages, edited. 1981-1983
F.12 "Relativity". Draft and contracts. 2002
F.13 "The Right's Tough". Ms. of for inclusion in Give Me Liberty. March 19, 2004
F.14 "Shed Skin". Disposable manuscript. August 7, 2002
F.15 "Shed Skin". Page proofs, edited for Analog Science Fiction and Fact. 2003
F.16 "Shed Skin". Correspondence from Analog Science Fiction and Fact and Dell magazines. 2003
F.17 "Skins". Draft, edited by Carolyn Clink. March 7, 2002
F.18 "The Stanley Cup Caper". Draft, edited. [n.d.]
F.19 "The Stanley Cup Caper". Short story. [n.d.]
F.20 "The Shoulders of Giants". Page proofs for inclusion in Star Colonies anthology. [June 2000]
F.21 "Starlight, Starbright". Three versions of drafts, edited with correspondence and contract from Tekno Books. 1999
F.22 "Story Planet". Draft, edited for Tom Best, VP of H.B. Fenn. October 26, 2010
F.23 "Stream of Consciousness". Correspondence, illustrations, and contract for inclusion in No Limits. 1996
F.24 "Stream of Consciousness". Packing fractions and royalty statements for inclusion in No Limits. 1998
F.25 "The Transformed Man". Edited draft of essay as submitted for LocusMagazine, 25 August 2008
F.26 "The Transformed Man". Printed copy, signed by RJS, at Harbourfront International Readings Centre, Sept 30, 2008
F.27 "Then Transformed Man". As submitted to Tesseracts 14, 15 Sept 2009
F.28 "The Transformed Man". Corrected page proofs, as submitted above, 2009
F.29 "The Transformed Man". Agreement for publication rights for essay with Hades' Publications Inc., August 10, 2010
F.30 "Trek chapter intros", draft, Feb 8, 2006
F.31 "Uphill Climb". Typed and edited draft,15 April 1982, submitted to Maryanne Brandis; drafts 1983, 1984, 1985 with accompanying correspondence regarding submissions to various journals and comments by editors. 1982-1994.
Box 48
F.1 "Where the Heart Is". Variant drafts 1984, 1985, 1986 with correspondence regarding submissions to journals 1984-1986 and contract for anthology, 1998
F.2 "Where the Heart Is". Short story submitted to Robert Weaver of CBC with rejection letter, 10 Nov1986
F.3 "Wiping Out". Disposable copy as submitted for Guardsmen of Tomorrow, edited by Larry Segriff, published by Daw Books. Correspondence and contract with Tekno Books, 1999-2000
F.4 "You See But You Do Not Observe". Story outline as sent to Mike Resnick, July 21, 1993
F.5 "You See But You Do Not Observe". Edited drafts Sept 14, Sept 15, Sept 21, Sept 23, 1993.Correspondence and agreements regarding inclusion in journals and anthologies, 1993-2009
F.6 Notes in manuscript and index cards with details regarding submissions of various short stories and publication history. 1978-1982
Television and radio scripts and adaptations. - 1980-2012. - 96 cm of textual records. - Title based on contents of sub-series.
Note: Series are arranged in title order. The series also contains correspondence ,contracts and business documents and publicity materials.
Box 48
F.7 The 150-Year Old Man. Draft for proposed documentary with dramatized segments. Submitted 3 November 2011.
F.8 The Adversary. A TV series proposal. Edited draft, [May 2008].
F.9 The Adversary. Backstory. Running title: 'The Adversary (reimagined!)".Edited draft May 30, 2008
F.10 The Adversary. Pilot Episode. Teaser. First printout. June 8, 2008
F.11 The Adversary. Draft of pilot outline. Teaser. June 10, 2008
F.12 The Adversary. Pilot Episode: "Star-Crossed". Draft 11 June 2008 marked up by "Jim" with comments at end. Another copy marked up by Paddy Forde. Title-page showing 'Reywan Body Plan'.
F.13 The Adversary. Edited draft of two pages, 16 June 2008
F.14 The Adversary. Pilot Episode Outline : "Star-Crossed" with scripted segments. Teaser. June 19, 2008
F.15 The Adversary. Pilot Episode Outline and series Backstory as submitted to Fraser Robinson at CTV/Space 19 June 2008
F.16 The Adversary. Notes from a lunch meeting between RJS and Fraser Robinson about the outline for The Adversary, July 14, 2008
F.17 The Adversary. Pilot Episode: "Star-Crossed". Draft August 18, 2008
F.18 The Adversary. Invoice to CTV Television for script fees, August 20, 2008
F.19 The Adversary. Agreements between Writers' Guild of Canada and RJS for Pilot script, one copy revised by RJS, and second copy with added delivery dates of drafts. [2008].
F.20 Cathedral of Worlds. Personal production script. Typescript of first draft, edited with various notes, February 1982; Ts. of production script with instructions for camera, lighting, music and sound and one photocopy, final draft, March 1982. File also includes, photocopy of class handout on television slides.[ Early script, while student at RTA].
F.21 Charlie Jade created by Robert Wertheimer and Christopher Roland. "Series Bible by RJS. Preliminary schedule of 22 episodes ; First season story ARCs; draft of "The Multiple Worlds of Charlie Jade; correspondence and agreements with Producers and Creators, Jan-March 2002; edited drafts of description and concept of show, March 2002. File also contains draft of Diane Boehme's notes.
F.22 Charlie Jade. Draft of "Series Bible", March 20, 2002. F.16 Charlie Jade. Draft of "Series Bible", April 2, 2002.
Box 49
F.1 Charlie Jade. Draft of "Series Bible", July 5, 2002
F.2 Charlie Jade. Draft of "Series Bible", Feb 7, 2003
F.3 Charlie Jade. Script note summary from Robert Wertheimer to Diane Boehme, Feb 22, 2003
F.4 Charlie Jade. Edited draft of "Series Bible", notes made on Feb 25, 2003
F.5 Charlie Jade. Draft of "Series Bible", Feb. 25, 2003
F.6 Charlie Jade. Edited draft of "Series Bible", Feb 25, 2003
F.7 Dinosaur Wars. Proposal for a Saturday morning animated series based on the novel End of an Era [c.2000]. See also Box 7.
F.8 Earthfall. Application for a Film Production Grant to Canada Council submitted by Larry Moore [1982]. Includes documents such as the Story, which is a Screenplay by RJS, 2nd draft, 21 July 1982.
F.9 Earthfall. Photocopy of 2nd draft, 21 July 1982 with accompanying letter from Len McColl re comments on script
F.10 Earthfall. Shortened version of script, 1983, that won Honorable Mention in Writer's Digest, 1983 Writing Competition: #28 of top 100. File also contains correspondence and clipping
F.11 Earthfall. Edited draft of Backstory. Aug 19, 2008 and draft as submitted, Aug 20, 2008
F.12 Earthfall. 1st draft, edited of Pilot Episode "Vanguard". "Final read-through before submission". Aug 19, 2008, 1st draft Aug 20, 2008
F.13 Earthfall. 1st draft of Pilot Episode "Vanguard" as submitted to CTV, Aug 20, 2008
F.14 Earthfall. 1st and 2nd draft of Pilot notes with comments and revisions by RJS and others. Sept 17, 2008
F.15 Earthfall. 1st draft of Pilot Episode with revisions by RJS. Sept 23, 2008
F.16 Earthfall. Notes for a Series Bible, draft 28 Feb 2009. "As submitted to Space".
F.17 Earthfall. 2nd draft of Pilot Episode "Vanguard" commissioned by CTV for Space: The Imagination Station. 28 Feb 2009
F.18 Earthfall. Pilot Episode "Vanguard". Polished second draft 28 February as submitted to Space
F.19 Earthfall. TV Pilot/Spec Screenplay Festival Event Nov 27, 2009 at the NFB, Toronto. Publicity and website printout.
F.20 Emanations. Draft and final announcement of series coming to CBC Radio by Michael Lennick and RJS. Foolish Earthling Productions, July 25, 2004
Box 50
F.1 Emanations. The Pilot Episode. "Birth". Outline by Michael Lennick and RJS. 24 Nov 2004
F.2 Emanations. "Birth". Edited first draft. Dec. 28, 2004
F.3 Emanations. "Birth". First draft, script format, marked up and heavily revised. Jan 5, 2005
F.4 Emanations. "Bugs". A story outline. [2005]
F.5 Emanations. "Bugs". First draft. [2005]
F.6 End of an Era. Proposal for a science-fiction TV series based on novel. [2000]. See also
Boxes 4-7 in Series 1.
F.7 Exodus: Mars. Pilot Episode "Redpeace Rising". Second draft script. Nov 28, 2000
F.8 Faster Than Light. Draft of Commentary of Pilot Episode, edited by Carloyn Clink, July 3, 2002
F.9 Faster Than Light. Episode #1. Produced by Barbara Worthy and Joe Mahoney. Hosted by RJS. Edited script, as taped, July 5, 2002; Draft of Commentary by RJS
F.10 Faster Than Light. "Proof of Concept". Draft of script and taping schedule for CBC Radio, May 4, 5, 2003
F.11 Faster Than Light. Development Session itinerary February 24, 2004
F.12 Faster Than Light. Drafts of Episode #3 "The Other", March 8, 2004 and March 15, 2004
F.13 Faster Than Light. Edited drafts of Pilot #3 "Anecdote" and Commentary, 16 March 2004
F.14 Faster Than Light. Draft of script of Episode #3.1. Dec 3, 2004
F.15 Faster Than Light. Draft of additional essay to be incorporated into Pilot #3.1. Dec 28, 2004
F.16 FlashForward. Amendment to Option Purchase Agreement for HBO adaptation of novel, Oct 7, 2008, executed Oct 16, 2008
F.17 FlashForward. Printout of Television blog announcing the ABC 's new drama pilot, written by David S. Goyer and Brannon Braga, based on RJS' novel FlashForward (1999). Dec 10, 2008
F.18 FlashForward. Draft (photocopy) of Pilot "No More Good Days". [Dec 1, 2008]
F.19 FlashForward. Draft of "Basis for the Hit TV Series" with Front cover, back cover and Splash pages, 2009
F.20 [FlashForward]. No title-page. First edited draft of partial pages, 22 Nov 2009; two drafts of partial pages Dec 1and Dec 2, 2009
F.21 FlashForward. Draft and edited draft of studio outlines, titled as "Tales of the Gold Monkey", Episode 119 "Boomerang" with draft notes relevant to episode. Jan 11, 2010
F.22 FlashForward. Partial draft of Episode 119 "Boomerang" Jan 15, 2010
F.23 FlashForward. Titled as "Tales of the Gold Monkey", complete draft of Episode 119 "Boomerang" as submitted. First printout of this version, 16 Jan 2010; another version of edited draft and notes and emails outlining changes and additions
F.24 FlashForward. Excerpts from novel from Chapter 26 for Season 2 with accompanying emails and write-ups, Jan-February 2010
F.25 For All Mankind. Draft of A TV series proposal, 13 May 2008
F.26 For All Mankind. Draft of Episode 1 Concept "Exit Strategy", 18 May 2008
F.27 Glitch. Film script by Srinivas Krishna and Peter Lauterman based on the novel The Terminal Experiment by RJS. June 1, 2010
F. 28 The Great Leap Forward. 1st-3rd edited drafts, Nov 27, 2002.
F.29 Hominids. Draft of "Potential Radio Pitches" , Feb 14, 2002
F.30 Hominids. First draft screenplay adaptation by Deb Nathan 10 March 2005 with comments by RJS 18 March 2005. See also Boxes 17-20 in Series 1.
F.16 Hominids. [no title-page]. Draft of screenplay. [2005]
Box 51
F.1 Identity Theft. Edited draft of script treatment, March 11, 2009 and draft as submitted to SNOOT, 12 March 2009. See also Box 23-24 in Series 1.
F.2 Illegal Alien. Photocopy of adapted screenplay by Miceal Lennick. Based upon the novel by RJS. June 1999. Carbon-Based Productions. See also Boxes 24-26 in Series 1.
F.3 Illegal Alien. Revised draft of screenplay, April 2001 with correspondence and Agreement with Moon Chutes Productions Ltd., Oct, 24, 2000
F.4 Motive. Edited drafts of film outline as submitted to Len McColl at RTA with comments by instructor on two submissions, 1980 1nd 1981
F.5 The Ocean of Europa. Edited draft of studio version script for Science FACtion, Dec 10, 2002
F.6 Shadows of ROBOTECH. Story outline by Tommy Yune, Feb 19, 2001
F.7 ROBOTECH Shadow Force. First draft of "Series Bible", March 8, 2003
F.8 ROBOTECH Shadow Force. Edited draft of "Series Bible", March 9, 2003. Title-page has logo of "United Earth Expeditionary Force" over which the title is superimposed.
F.9 ROBOTECH Shadow Force. Draft of Series Outline containing "Series Bible", March 10, 2003
F.10 ROBOTECH Shadow Force. Draft of revised "Series Bible", March 10, 2003
F.12 [ROBOTECH]. No title-page. Draft of second movie outline, edited, Episode 4 "Mysteries Solved", March 20, 2003
F.13 [ROBOTECH]. No title-page. Revised draft of second movie outline. Episode 4 "Surrender", March 20, 2003.
F.14 ROBOTECH Shadow Force. Draft of "Series Bible", March 21, 2003
F.15 ROBOTECH Rendevous with Destiny. Edited draft of "Series Bible", April 24, 2003
F.16 Rollback. Draft of storyline for script for CBC, Episode 1-23, July 30, 2008
F.17 Rollback. Draft of play by Virginia O'Dine, based on the novel by RJS. 2010. See also
Box 28-31 in Series 1
F.18 Science FACTion. Revised June scripts, for CBC Radio One [2003].
F.19 Slipstream. Draft of Studio Shoot, notes, questions re pilot for a new media (video for the web) documentary series for CBC [2008]
F.20 Soulwave. Treatment of Step Outline by Srinivas Krishna and Peter Lauterman. Based on the novel The Terminal Experiment. Revised outline, 7 September 2007
Box 52
F.1 Starboard. Drafts for Outline for Mini-series, July 30, 2008
F.2 Starboard: A Science-Fictional Pinoccohio. Outline for a Miniseries. Draft July 31, 2008; Revised with Carolyn [Clink]'s comments, 4 Aug 2008; late revised draft with additions, as submitted 4 Aug 2008
F.3 Supernatural Investigator. Draft of proposal for documentary series for Vision TV. 10 Nov 2008
F.4 Supernatural Investigator. Edited draft of "Crystal Skulls" [2008]
F.5 Terror of Whitechapel. Drafts of audioplay by RJS and Henry Wong, March 1980
F.6 To Alter Worlds. Draft of script for a planetarium show, 1 January 1990; contract from Loch Ness Productions, Aug 24, 1989; correspondence and catalogue.
F.7 Toronto on Trial. Manuscript draft of script entered for CITY TV Drama Competition, 9 April 1983; typed first versions marked 'A' and 'D', 9 April 1983; another typed draft, 10 April 1983; final draft as submitted to [RTA] with instructor Len McColl's comments at end of script. File also contains clips about drama competition.
F.8 Triggers. Draft of edited pitch and proposal outline for drama, June 20, 2011; edited draft June 28, 2011; draft 7 July 2011
F.9 Triggers. Draft of addition notes for script, July 6, 2011 with email feedback from Vice Gerardis. See also Box 36 in Series 1.
F.10 Websight. Draft of proposal for TV series based on Wake, Watch, and Wonder , with comments by Carolyn [Clink], Aug 6, 2011; another draft August 7, 2011
F.11 Websight. Draft 25 August 2011, titled as "The Calculass Zone" with notes on characters; marked-up longer draft with title Websight, 30 August 2011
F.12 Where The Heart Is. Draft of original play for radio: "Overview of Action, Conflict, Build and Climax" as submitted to CBC's Radio show Vanishing Point, 1984; Draft of Outline, 28 Nov 1984; draft in script format, 30 Nov 1984; edited draft with notes, 4 Dec 1984, correspondence and background research material, 1984. See also Box 48, files 1 and 2 in sub-series Short Fiction.
F.13 Where The Heart Is. Drafts of a thirty-minute screenplay as submitted to agent Vince Gerardis, [1985]
Series 2
Non-Fiction. - 1982-2011. - 96 cm of textual records, printed and graphic material. - Title based on contents of sub-series.
Note: This series consists predominantly of freelancing assignments including newspaper and magazine articles; radio and TV commentaries; op-ed essays and pieces, technology articles, religion articles; book reviews by RJS; advertorial assignments; editorial consulting and blog posts for the website File titles and short titles in square brackets are taken from titles supplied by RJS. This series contains correspondence and contracts.
Box 52
F.14 "Advanced Uses for the Word Plus". Printed copy from Profiles, 1987
F.15 Aerospace Canada International. Article clips for "Anik E" Jan/Feb 1987 and "Flying High", May/June 1987
F.16 "AGO Screens Disney Gems". Photocopy of article from Toronto Star, April 1, 1984
F.17 "Alternative Science Fiction Markets". Draft, 1983; correspondence with Canadian Author and Bookman 1982-1983; Article print from Canadian Author and Bookman [c. 1983].
F.18 [Alias]. "Digital Video Computer Graphics from Alias Research". Draft for Playback, 1987
F.19 "The Amateur Space Telescope". 1st working ts. draft with ms. notes and revisions 3-5 May 1982; final ts. draft with Abstract as submitted to Sky & Telescope 18 May 1982; correspondence 1982-1983 with 1 photograph of scientists from Rensseber Polytechnic Institute, Nestunn, Norway and 1 slide of space ship; partial copy of magazine, August 1982
F.20 "Asimov Against Star Wars". Draft of article "Why Asimov is Against Star Wars", 1985 citing Asimov as the source of the article. Correspondence with Asimov: 1 letter to, June 6, 1985; 2 signed letters from, 2 June 1985, 9 June 1985 and 1 signed card acknowledging Sawyer's article in The Toronto Star, 27 August 1985.
F.21 "Atwood's Depressing Future". Draft of book review of Oryx and Crake, with press release for the book and Atwood's tour schedule, 2003
F.22 "Author Has Harsh Words for Star Wars Plan". Print copy of article on Asimov, The Toronto Star, August 18, 1985.
F.23 "The Author Who Folded Me". Two edited drafts, Dec. 16, 2002
F.24 "Automating a Monolith" Environment Canada and Revenue Canada report mixed reactions to their new office automation system". Print copy from InfoAge, Oct 1985
F.25 [BAC]. "Back to Reality". Drafts for Your Money, August 1987 and correspondence August 7, 1987
F.26 "Betacam SP Means Better Pictures, Easier Field Shoots". Draft for Playback, October 1987
F.27 "Better Than One: An Alien Design". Edited draft, Feb 2, 2003
F.28 "The Big Idea: Wake". Draft, April 3, 2009
F.29 "Breaking Into the Science-Fiction Market". Draft for Canadian Writer's Guide, 2003
F.30 "A Bright Idea for Atheists". Draft [2007].
F.31 [BRO]. Correspondence from Playback regarding Paul Brown profile assignment, 1`5 April 1987 and info from The Talent Group
F.32 Broadcaster Magazine original paste-ups of various articles by RJS, 1985
F.33 [Brothers]. "Discovering Jesuit Brothers". Edited drafts, 13 March, 15 March, 18 March, 1985. Ms. notes and draft and correspondence, 11 March 1985
F.34 "Browsing the World: Introduction". Draft of article on Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 [2011].
F.35 [BUR]. "CRTC Chief Exonerated". Draft of article on André Bureau for The Globe and Mail, June 28, 1986 and correspondence from Broadcaster Magazine, August 18, 1986, and printed copy
F.36 [CAD] "Computer Aided Design:CAD in Canada". Draft and correspondence, 20 June 1987
F.37 Canadian Author & Bookman. Original pasted clips for articles, 1980-1983
F.38 Canadian Cultural News Service Inc. "Initial Computer Hardware and Software Purchase Recommendations for the Start-up Phase of An Innovative Canadian News Wire Service". Printed copy, 1985
F.39 Canadian Interfaith Network. "Summary of the Licence Application of the Canadian Interfaith Network..." Printed copy [1980s]
F.40 "Canadians Feel at Home with Computers". Draft for Your Money, December 1987 and correspondence March 1987
Box 53
F.1 "CanLit Mac-style". Printed copy for InfoAge 1985
F.2 [CBC]. "Mainframe-Micro Link at the CBC" by RJS and Nigel Patchett. Edited drafts 29 March, 31 March 1985 and research material
F.3 "A Channel for the Taking", published as "The Last Toronto FM Licence", in Broadcaster Magazine", 1986 and correspondence
F.4 CGN Videodisc Development Corporation. "Proposed Scientific Research Into Advanced Multiple-User/Multiple-Function Interactive Delivery and Display Systems". A Brief for Revenue Canada. Printed copy. [1980s]
F.5 "Champagne Pictures: A Very Good Year". Edited draft 11 Dec 1984, printed page from Broadcaster Magazine, Jan 1985
F.6 "Chimps and Humans". Draft, edited, Oct 17, 2002 and two versions of scripts
F.7 " The Chip of Choice". Printed page from InfoAge, 1985
F.8 "CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing". Letter to the Financial Post confirming assignment, 13 July 1987
F.9 Cinevillage Facility for Production Services. Edited notes and background, for Playback Magazine, Feb 1987
F.10 "CITY-TV and CANPRO". Notes on assignment for Playback Magazine, 11 March 1987
F.11 "The Command Post and Transfer". Correspondence re assignment of article for Playback Magazine, Jan/Feb 1987
F.12 CONSILIUM article for Access, 1986.Proposal, correspondence and draft of article "Building for the Future", July 2, 1986
F.13 [ CORE]. "Notes for the Search Committee Concerning the Role of Executive Vice-President in the North York Board of Education's Community Outreach in Education (Core ) Foundation. [1980s]
F. 14 "The Cost of Privacy". Drafts edited by Carolyn Clink. June 6, June 9, 2002
F.15 Cover Stories. Covers of various journals featuring RJS articles. 1985-1987
F.16 CTS News Final draft for article for the Ministry of Government Services and correspondence and printed material, 7 Dec 1987
F.17 "The Data Game". Printed page from The Financial Post Magazine. Dec 1, 1985
F.18 "Dating Science Fiction". Two edited drafts, April 2002 and web printout as submitted to Made in Canada newsletter, April 19, 2002
F.19 Desktop Publishing article for The Creative Marketing Network Inc.. Edited draft and correspondence Feb 12, 1988
F.20 Diabetes brochure sub-contracted from Lois Tupper, draft, 1985 and diabetes quiz for Donlands High School 12 March 1985 with correspondence
F.21 "The Difference Engine". Draft of book review for The Globe and Mail, April 15, 1991
F.22 [DINOSAURS]. "Canada's Dinosaur Hunters: East Meets West". Draft for Technology Dimensions, Feb 1987, with contract from National Research Council and correspondence and clippings
F.23 "Dinosaurs in Science Fiction". Draft Dec 31, 2003, for "China's top SF magazine".
F.24 "Distant Signals and Other Stories". Draft of review for The Canadian Book Review Annual, June 28, 1990
F.25 DMR Integration Study "The Integration of Data, Text, Voice, and Image.A Nationally syndicated study by DMR Group", RJS as editorial consultant. Sept 18, 1986
F.26 "Do It Your Way". Printed page from Profiles July 1986
F.27 "Down To the Sea in Chips". Printed page from InfoAge, Sept 1986
F.28 "Driving A Bargain". Correspondence re article for Your Money, Sept-Dec 1987
F.29 E-Reader blog post "There's No Justification for this!". Feb 23, 2010
F.30 "Editors and Colour Correctionists" article contract for Playback Magazine, June 1987
F.31 "Eight Things Science Fiction Writers Need to Know". Blog post from
F.32 [ELECTRONIC WHITEBOARDS]. "Whiteboards becoming helpful meetings tools". Printed page from Financial Post, [1980s]
F.33 Encyclopedia Galactica Entry. "Canada". Draft, 1992. With correspondence and research material 1992-1993
F.34 "The Ever Expanding Definition of Life". Edited draft, Dec 7, 2010
F.35 Family finance article for Your Money. Correspondence, research notes, 1987-1988
F.36 Financial Post original article paste-ups. [1985-1987]
F.37 "FlashForward: From Novel to Screen". Draft for SciFi Now Magazine , Nov 23, 2009
F.38 "Flying High" Printed page from Aerospace Canada International. 1987
F.39 [FM2]. "Easy Listening Triumphs". Printed page from Broadcaster and correspondence and freelancing agreement, March 26, 1986
F.40 "Foreword" for Danita Maslankowski. Draft and revised draft Dec 30, 2004
F.41 "The Future Is Already Here". Page proofs edited by Carolyn Clink, August 15, 2004
F.42 "A Galaxy Far Far Away.Science Fiction As a Mirror for Reality". Chapter One. Corrected page proofs [2007]
F.43 "Garfield and Judith Reeves-Stevens". Draft, Aug 29, 2006
F.44 "Gateway by Frederick Pohl". Page-proof for write-up for People's Choice Award [2000]
F.45 "Getting Near the End: Introduction". [Introduction about Andrew Weiner]. Draft, 5 March 2004
F.46 "God and the Brain". Two edited drafts for CBC Commentary, Oct 21, 2002
F.47 "High Profile: A Report on Media Strategy". Prepared for Interactive Image Technologies. [1980s]
F.48 "IBM PCs vs. 3270 Terminals". Draft for Access, June 6, 1986 and correspondence
F.49 "I won't be attending Con-Version in Calgary this year". Edited draft, Sept 20, 2010
F.50 "Ipad Makes Science Fiction Science Fact". Print of feedback page for The Mail (UK), Feb 14, 2010
F.51 "Instantaneous Voice Translations". Draft, 1986.
F 52 "Donald Kingsbury". Interview. Edited drafts for Books in Canada, and Science Fiction Review, Starship with correspondence 1982-1983; letter from Don Kingsbury 15 Aug 1982. Clips of interview 1983-1984
F.53 [KEYS]. "Match-making with Wordstar". Revised draft, 10 April 1986. Acceptance contract from Profiles, 1986 and 1991
F.54 [LAN] "Local Area Networks: The good news and the bad". Printed page and clip from InfoAge March 1985
F.55 [LAN] "Local Area Networks Overview". Correspondence and contract with Profiles Magazine, Dec 15, 1986
F.56 "Lap-top computers". Printed page from The Financial Post". [1980s]
F.57 "Laser Printers" tentative title. Draft and contract with Profiles Magazine, Oct 21, 1986
F.58 "Life Prolongation". Edited draft for Ottawa Citizen. June 23, 2011
F.59 "Live Long and Prosper". Draft of Op-Ed for The Ottawa Citizen, June 23, 2011
F.60 "Local Graphics Company beams over success on Spock Mission". Printed page, Saturday Star [1980s]
F.61 "The Mac in Business". Edited draft, notes, printed page from InfoAge, January 1985
F.62 "Mail-Order Software". Guidelines and research for article for Office Management and Automation, August 1987
F.63 "Mainlining the CBC" by RJS and Nigel Patchett. Printed page from InfoAge [1980s]
F.64 "Managing a Trip". Assignment for article for Office Management and Automation. 1988
F.65 "Marshall McLuhan, A Ryerson Memoir". Edited draft, 1982, and pasted clip for White Wall Review, 1982
F.66 [McCLELLAND &STEWART]. "CanLit Mac-style". Draft 1985, time-line for implementation of MacIntosh at M&S and clip of ad with staff of M&S.
Box 54
F.1 "Jack McDevitt, This One's For You". Draft for website, may 2, 2008
F.2 [MIC]. "Disney Cartoons at the Art Gallery" and "Persistence of Mickey". Two drafts for the Art Gallery of Ontario and The Globe and Mail, April 12, 1985 and clips
F.3 Miriad orginals. Pasted clips for RJS' article "Pyrogenesis: The Making of Quest for Fire", Spring 1982
F.4 "Mirror on Anne Wanstall". Draft, 1981
F.5 "Modems Helping to Put Office on Wheels". Assignment from The Financial Post, Jan 10, 1986 and clip
F.6 Oshawa- Financial Times. Aug/Sept. 1988.
F.7 "Multitasking and Attention Deficit". Edited draft, March 17, 2009
F.8 "My Books, My Place". Edited draft for The Globe and Mail, June 28, 2011
F.9 "My Residency". Draft for website, August 6, 2003
F.10 "Nanotech: What's the Big Idea?". Edited draft and notes for CBC Commentary, Oct 22, 2002
F.11 "The Next Best Thing". Edited draft for website, Jan 10, 2007
F.12 "On Anniversaries". Guest Editorial. Draft, revised and final draft as submitted to On Spec, 24 May 2009
F.13 "On Letterhead". Draft, 1983 for Canadian Author and Bookman, correspondence 1984 and clip and printed page of article.
F.14 [PBXs]. "Market Tightens for PBX Systems". Printed page from The Financial Post [1980s]
F.15 "PC Finds End of the Rainbow". Edited draft, ms. notes for draft, Assignment from PC Canada, Sept 7, 1984 and printed page from InfoAge, November 1984
F.16 "Palos Trilogy Intro". Draft for website, May 8, 2008
F.17 [Physics Textbook]. Concepts in Physics. Canadian Edition. [1986]. Draft of chapters "Special Relativity" and "Early Quantum Theory", 1985
F.18 Playback : clips of various articles and copies of advertorial feature section, [1`980-1987]
F.19 "The Polaris Trilogy". Draft, 2003
F.20 "The Power User's Guide to the New Wordstar". Proposal to write article Nov 1987, and contract with Profiles, Dec 12, 1987
F.21 "Preaching to the Converters". Printed page from Broadcaster, with proposal to Editor for an article, 24 April 1984 and partial magazine
F.22 "Printing the Light Fantastic". Printed page from Profiles, 1987
F.23 Profiles originals. Clippings [1980-1987]
F.24 "Project Management Software". First draft with comments by John A. Sawyer, 1987; Assignment contract for Profiles, Nov 25, 1986
F.25 A Proposal for the Feasibility Study for Science Centre in Amsterdam" prepared by the Ontario Science Centre, with RJS as consultant, 1987
F.26 "Pyrogenesis: The Making of Quest for Fire". Typed, edited draft, 1982; photocopy of marked up proof for Myriad Spring 1982 issue; research material and clips of article from Myriad 1982
F.27 "Quick Access Screen Wars: Terminals cs. PC's. Printed page [1980s]
F.28 "Randy McCharles...A Tribute", Draft Feb 7, 2006
F.29 "Relativity". Edited page proofs and speaking copy, [2003
F.30 "Religion and the Brain". Draft of article in Newsweek,14 May 2001
F.31 "Resources for the Writer". Edited draft and copy for White Wall Review 1983 and Canadian Consumer, with accompanying correspondence, 1983
F.32 "Review of Evolution by Stephen Baxter". Draft, May 2003
F.33 "Review of The Immunity System Remastered". Edited draft and final draft, April 8, 2007
F. 34 "Robert Charles Wilson: Eight Random Accolades". Two edited variant drafts; final draft as submitted, 31 Dec 2005
F.35 "Robot Ethics: A Guest Editorial". Draft for Science, Oct 4, 2007; draft of podcast version and speaking copy.
F.36 "Robyn Harrington: In Your Face". Draft of eulogy, for ChiZine, March 21, 2011
F.37 "Rochester's First Satellite". Handwritten ms, corrected, 1977; Ms. notes 1983, typed revised draft 1983, correspondence with Upstate
F.38 "Royal Trust Case Study". Printed page from Access, [1980s]
F.39 "Running Show by Remote Control". The Financial Post, 7 Sept 1987
F.40 "Ryerson Goes on Location". Edited draft for Broadcaster, ms. notes, correspondence and 5 black and white photos of Ryerson's newly acquired video-broadcasting equipment' printed page from Broadcaster, October 1983
F.41 "Ryerson Ready for the Future". Draft , June 23, 2008
F.42 SF originals: Donald Kingsbury article paste-up and reprint, 1982-1984
F.43 "Science and God". Author essay for Borders; printout, July 5, 2000
F.44 "Science and Salvation". Print from Maclean's Magazine, April 28, 2003
F.45 "Science Fiction". Draft for website, Dec 12, 2002
F.46 "Science Fiction and Real-Life Technology Issues". Drafts for Slate, January 23, January 24, 2011
F.47 "Science Fiction in the Classroom". Edited and revised drafts for website, Dec 30, 2002
F.48 "Science Fiction Today". Draft of "Introduction" for radio show and correspondence, [1980s]
F.49 "Science Fiction's other Clarke". 1st draft, Sept 12, 2003
F.50 "Science is Magic". Edited draft, 3 May 2008
Box 55
F.1 "Science: Ten Lost Years". Edited draft, Dec 6, 2009
F.2 "SETI and God". Draft edited by Carolyn Clink, April 23, 2002
F.3 "Show, Don't Tell". Draft for [2007]
F.4 "Simultaneous Translation Of Telephone Calls a Possibility". Printout from Access, 1986
F.5 "Size Matters". Drafts of book review of The Dance of Molecules: How Nanotechnology is Changing Our Lives" by Ted Sargent, Jan 10, 2006
F.6 "Smart Buildings Allow Tenants to Share Resources". Printed page from Access, 1986
F.7 "The Speed of Light". Printed page from InfoAge, Jan 1985
F.8 [SideKick]. "A First Session with SideKick". Printed page from Profiles, 1987
F.9 "'Smogtown' in 30 Years". Printout from web of article in The Star, Aug 24, 2003
F.10 "Summer Science Fiction". Draft for Quill & Quire Now Literary Supplement with correspondence, June 10, 1994
F.11 "Swamp Thing". Edited drafts for Miriad 6 , 1982; correspondence and photocopy of article.
F.12 "Star Trek II". Draft of entry for Compendium Miriad 7, 1982 with clip
F.13 "Talking About Computers". Photocopy of proposal for weekly radio magazine series to CIUT, Nov 1987
F.14 Telecommunications article. Draft of overview and assignment, September 1988
F.15 "Telescope in Space". Printed page from Upstate, January 15, 1984
F.16 [TEM]."Traditional Skills No Longer Enough for Temporaries". Printed page from The Financial Post, Dec/Jan 1985
F.17 "Terrence M. Green". Draft of interview for Books In Canada and correspondence, 1983-1986
F.18 "That Thompson Charm". Printed page from Broadcaster 1980s]
F.19 Toronto Star originals: pasted clips of articles, 1985
F.20 "Uncle Hugo's Legacy". Draft, Jan 26, 2006
F.21 "Up To Code". Draft of proposal for a novel for Space, April 4, 2008
F.22 [Jules Verne]. Draft of article for Toronto Star, March 20, 2005
F.23 "Where are the Aliens?". Two drafts, one written as interview. Oct 2002.
F.24 "Wither Canadian SF&F?". Two drafts May 2 and May 3, 2206 and page proofs Nov 7, 2006 for Nebula Awards Anthology
F.25 "Webmind Says Hello". Printout of article for Communications of the ACM, June 2009
F.26 "The World Will Be a Better Place". Drafts of review of Oryx and Crake by M. Atwood, April 16, 2003 and April 28, 2003 for Maclean's Magazine
F.27 [Xerox Canada case study]. "Removing the Mystique". Printed page for Access [1980s]
F.28 Freelancing contracts and finances 1981-1987
F.29 Report and corporate work originals [1980s]
F. 30 Freelancing correspondence and queries, 1983-1985
Boxes 55 and 56
5 binders of printouts of various articles listed in the above Boxes.
Series 3
Agreements, Contracts and Royalties. - 1991-2012. - 16 cm of textual records. Title based on contents of series
Note: Files are arranged in date order. This series also contains correspondence. Agreements and contracts are also located in Series 1 and 2.
Box 56
F.1 Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. for PC/Computing. Master Agreement on Contributions and All Rights, 15 July 1991
F.2 Fictionwise Inc. Agreements and Royalty statements for various titles, 1991-2007
F.3 The Discovery Channel. Letter of Agreement for 2020 Vision segment, Nov 7, 1997; Temporary Consulting Agreement 1998-1998
F.4 Quarry Press. Memorandum of Agreement (amended)June 26, 2000 for "Iterations" with correspondence, 2000-2002
F.5 Dell Magazines. Agreement concerning "Ineluctable", Feb 27, 2002
F.6 Test of Faith One Productions Inc. Consent forms for being taped for "Test of Faith" television series, 11 Nov 2002
F.7 Harmony Gold Pictures, Inc. Agreement for new Robotech series, Dec 12, 2002
F.8 Tom Doherty and Associates. Royalty statement for period ending Dec 2003
F.9 Illinois Science Fiction Press, Chicago. Agreement for Relativity June 1, 2004 and royalty statement for Relativity from ISFiC Press, September 16, 2008
F.10 BenBella Books, Inc. Royalty statements 2004-2012
F.11 Foolish Earthling Productions Ltd. Option Agreement for Illegal Alien, 2004, edited but not signed
F.12 Bookspan. Agreement for contribution for anthology entitled Down These Dark Spaceways, Feb 3, 2004
F.13 Archaeology Magazine. Agreement for RJS book review of Jack London's Befoe Adam, February 3, 2005
F.14 . Ace Books. Agreement to include Identity Theft in Nebula Awards 42 anthology, April 6, 2006
F.15 S.C. Bastion S.R. L. (Romania) Publishing contract (Copyright Assignment). Contract for Romanian edition of Identity Theft, March 31, 2008
F.16 Speaker's Spotlight. Agreement to Engage Speaker, Nov 25, 2008
F.17 Red Deer Press Inc. Agreement for Distant Early Warnings: Canada's Best SF, April 29, 2009, amended Oct 15, 2009
F.18 Michael Robison Films Inc/Moon Chutes Productions Inc. Contract for Illegal Alien, May 5, 2010
F.19 Swordsmith Productions. Author/Contributor copyright release agreement for Sense of Wonder, Aug 19, 2010
1 binder containing Royalty statements for Golden Fleece, Far-Seer, Fossil Hunter, Foreigner, End of an Era and The Terminal Experiment from various publishers, 1991-1996.
Series 4
Talks, speeches, lectures, interviews and conferences. - 1983-2011. - 48 cm of textual records and printed material. - Title based on contents of series
Note: This series also contains files on readings and special projects. The format of speeches is in manuscripts or edited drafts called "Reading copies", in large text. Files are arranged by date. Some files contain correspondence.
Box 56
F.20 Science fiction talk for Ontario Library Association, 21 November 1992
F.21 Interview with RJS with questions and answers, venue unknown. Edited by Carolyn Clink, May 22, 2002
F.22 "AI and Sci-Fi: Oh, My!" Keynote address presented at The 12th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Calgary May 31, 2002
F.23 "Futurism, Ethics, Science Fiction". Ontario Human Rights Commission, Speaker's Spotlight. 25 June 2003
F.24 "Futuristic Implications of Human Rights", panel and speech for Mediation and Investigation Office Conference, Ontario Human Rights Commission, 17 July 2003
F.25 Speech for Speaker's Showcase 2004 presented at Glenn Gould Theatre, Toronto, 3 March 2004
F.26 "The Age of Miracle and Wonder: Health Technology Twenty Years from Now", speech, April 15, 2004
F.27 "The Social Value of Space Science", banquet speech for 2nd International Symposium in Physical Sciences in Space, May 26, 2004
Box 57
F.1 Keynote speech at Professional Engineers Ontario 2004 Awards Banquet, Nov. 20, 2004
F.2 Keynote speech for The Western Regional Computer Advisory Committee, Dec 9, 2004
F.3 Hominids excerpt speech for OBOC Press Conference, April 27, 2005
F.4 Wake reading for Mississauga Write-Off Reading, September 3, 2006
F.5 Speech given on the occasion of winning the Toronto Public Library Celebrates Reading Award, Book Lovers Ball, Feb 15, 2007
F.6 "A Galaxy Far, Far Away My Ass!: Science Fiction as a Mirror for Reality". Lecture for the Saskatchewan Library Association. Draft May 29, 2007
F.7 Speech for CAMC (Canadian Aviation Maintenance Council)19 October 2007
F.8 Speech to Engineers, Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Toronto, 20 February 2008
F.9 Scholar's Address to Trinity College School, Feb 25, 2008
F.10 Keynote Address at Meeting Professionals International, Toronto, 4 September 2008
F.11 Keynote Address to Grey-Bruce Health Network, Mildmay, Ontario, 29 October 2008
F.12 Reading for The Art Bar Poetry Series, meeting of The Dead Poets Society, December 16, 2008
F.13 Interview with World's Biggest Bookstore, draft April 10, 2009.
F.14 Keynote Address to Hansard Association of Canada, Regina, Sk, 13 August 2009
F.15 Audible Intros, various titles, August 2009
F.16 Introduction to Audible's version of Wonder, recorded February 27, 2011
F.17 "School Libraries in Canada". Interview by Derrick Grose, November 25, 2010
F.18 "The High Cost of Privacy". Speech for University of Toronto's iSchool, January 26, 2011
F.19 List of radio appearances by RJS, 1983-2001. [Interviews and radio stations are included on this list].
F.20 Radio-TV Interview Reports. Includes correspondence from Bradley Communications. 2000-2001.
F.21 Speaker's Spotlight directory, containing biographies and portfolio. [2000]
Conferences, seminars, special events
Note: Listed alphabetically by title of event
F.22 Berton House Writers' Retreat, 4th annual gala, 2007
F.23 Bloody Words Mystery Convention, Toronto, June 10, 2001. Notes from Donald Maass' "Writing the Breakout Novel".
F.24 Canadian Association of Science Centres, Edmonton, Alberta, June 3-5, 2004
F.25 Canadian Authors Association 76th Annual Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, June 26-29th, 1997
F.26 Canadian Space Summit, Etobicoke, September 25, 2004
F.27 Discovery Players' Wilde Oscars science playwriting competition at the Brasserie Les Artistes., Toronto April 20, 1994
F.28 Eden Mills Writers' Festival 2008
F.29 Festival of Words, Moose Jaw, Sk. 2003, 2011
F.30 Five Oaks Faith Odyssey, Paris, ON June 15-16, 2001
F.31 FutureVisions 6.0: Proceedings of the SF and Social Changes Symposium Feb 6-7, 2004, Calgary, Alberta
F.32 Genetic Futures Forum hosted by the Department of Justice of Canada, Ottawa, March 17, 2003
F.33 L. Ron Hubbard's Writers and Illustrators of the Future workshops, 2004, 2006, 2008
F.34 Humber College reading and workshop Oct 20, 1999
F.35 Humber College Literary Wine Bar Oct 24, 2001
Box 58
F.1 ideaCity Conference Toronto 18-20 June 2003
F.2 International Festival of Authors, 28th Annual Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, October 17-27, 2007
F.3 Life Communicators Association, Reno, Nevada Sept 24-26, 2001
F.4 Ontario Library Association's Super Conference, Toronto Feb 3-5, 2005
F.5 Ontario Library Service , Genre Fiction Workshops 1986- 1990
F.6 Ontario Science Centre workshop on "How to Write SF", March 1992
F.7 Parry Sound Books 11th Annual Summer Festival of Canadian Authors 1999
F.8 Politics and the Pen, Ottawa, May 28, 2003
F.9 Precarn Inc. 12th Annual Canadian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Calgary May 29-31, 2002
F.10 SF and Social Change Symposium, Calgary, Alberta Feb 6, 2004
F.11 SFRA Guelph Conference, June 26-29, 2003
F.12 Saskatchewan Writers Guild "The Power of Words", Saskatoon, 17 October 2004
F.13 Science Fiction Festival, East York Public Library, Oct 1994
F.14 Shuswap Lake International Writers Festival, Salmon Arm, B.C.June 25-27, 2004
F.15 Social Science on the Final Frontier, Laurentian University, August 23-25,2010
F.16 The Sunshine Coast Festival of the Written Arts, Sechelt, B.C.,August 10-13, 2000, August 12-15, 2004
F.17 Taddle Creek Summer Writers' Workshop, University of Toronto, July 1-4, 1999
F.18 Taddle Creek Summer Writers' Workshop, University of Toronto, June 30-July3, 2000
F.19 Taddle Creek Summer Writers' Workshop, University of Toronto, June 29-July 2, 2001
F.20 Taddle Creek Summer Writers' Workshop, University of Toronto, June 28-July 1, 2002
F.21 Text in the City. Singapore Writers Festival, 26 August- 4 September 2005
F.22 Time To Labyrinth 'Exit'. Istanbul, Turkey, 02 February 2009
F.23 Torontotrek. Toronto, July 2-4, 2003
F.24 The Uses of the Science Fiction Genre: An Interdisciplinary Symposium. Brock University, St. Catharines, Oct 20-25, 2005
F.25 Vaughan Public Library Young Adult Short Story and Poetry Contest for Early Harvest magazine selections, 1993, 1994
Box 59
F.1 The Walrus Is Coming To Town. University Club of Toronto, 8 May 2008
F.2 Winnipeg International Writers' Festival, September 23-29, 2002; September 20-27, 2009
F.3 Windsor Festival of the Book, October 22, 23, 24, 2004
F.4 The Word on the Street, Toronto, Sept 30, 2007
F.5 World Conference of Science Journalists. Montreal, Oct 4-8, 2004.
F.6 The Writers in Electronic Residence ("WIER") Project sponsored by the Writers' Development Trust. 1990-1991.
F.7 Writers' Guild of Alberta Annual Conference. Red Deer, Alberta, Oct 20-22, 2000
F.8 "Writing the Breakout Novel" seminar at Bloody Words, June 10, 2001.
Series 5
Awards, Publicity, Promotion and Biographical.-16 cm of textual records, printed and graphic materials.Title based on content of series.
Note: Files are arranged in date order. This series contains correspondence.
Box 59
F.9 Alumni Award of Distinction for Radio and Television Arts, 1982. Proof copy, edited of citation.
F.10 Alumni Achievement Award of Distinction, congratulatory letter for awards on September 28, 2002; photo album of recipients, Nov. 2002.
F.11 Mississauga Arts Council Established Literary Artist (Fiction)Award, Oct 16, 2002. Certificate and printed materials.
F.12 The 16th Annual Collectors Awards to RJS for the Most Collectable Author of the Year, 2003
F.13 Prix Aurora Awards 2003. Presentation book with lists of categories for awards and excerpts from books and Prix Aurora Awards souvenir booklet for 2010.
F.14 The Hugo Award press release for August 31, 2003 announcing RJS as winner for Hominds and draft of press release for 2004 with RJS nominated for Humans; Hugo Awards Ceremony booklet, listing RJS as being nominated for the John W. Campbell Award, best novel Wake, 2010
F.15 Mention of RJS in the House of Commons Debates. Hansard report. Sept 18, 2003. Accompanied by a letter from Mauril Bélanger, MP, Sept. 19, 2003
F.16 Publicity and promotional materials consisting of publicity plans, tour plans, book reviews, chapbooks, blogs, 2003-2011
F.17 Robert J. Sawyer Books, science fiction imprint of Red Deer Press: Announcement, samples of logo for dust jackets; dust jackets of some of the authors published, 2003-2006
F.18 Biographical material: write-ups about RJS for Contemporary Authors "Something About the Author", curriculum vitae, 2004-2007
F.19 Photographs:
Envelope 1 RJS in DNA molecule. Photo taken by Carloyn Clink. [1997, for Frameshift]. 3 copies of black and white photograph
Envelope 2 RJS in group photos at Ryerson? , [1982 or 1983]. 2 colour reproductions of photographs
Envelope 3 RJS with Paul and Olga Bushnell; RJS with Carolyn Clink and Paul Bushnell. Both photos taken at Conversion XX convention, Calgary, AB., August 2003. 2 colour photographs
Envelope 4 John Robert Colombo, c. 1980s. Black and white photo
Envelope 5 Donald Kingsbury, 1982. Black and white photo
Envelope 6 IdeaCity convention group photos, 2005. 2 colour photographs
Printouts of RJS photos from website
Box 60
F.1 RJS name tags and ribbons from various events
F.2 and F.3 Binder with publicity flyers, brochures, news releases, book reviews for RJS.
Series 6
Magazines. - 1982-2010. - 16 cm of printed material. - Title based on contents of series.
Note: This series contains science fiction and feature magazines with contributions by Sawyer or with feature articles on Sawyer.
Box 60
F.4 Amazing Stories May 1992
F.5 BEM Febrero-Marzo [19]99
F.6 Backbone July/August 2004
F.7 The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Summer 1997
F.8 The Bund Magazine Shanghai September 2007
F.9 Canadian Author & Bookman Fall 1983, Spring 1984
F.10 Compass: A Jesuit Journal Fall 1985
F.11 Gaylaxian Journal January 2004
F.12 Hayakawa SF Magazine 50th Anniversary issue, 2009
F.13 [Hebrew magazine]. 2007
F.14 Ikaire December 1998
F. 15 Leisure Ways, November 1982
F.16 Miriad Winter 1981, Spring 1982
Box 61
F.1 NFG Magazine 2003
F.2 NIN [Russian magazine ] 2010
F.3 Ryerson Review of Journalism Spring 1990
F.4 Science Fiction Age July 1997
F.5 Science Fiction Chronicle June-July 2000
F.6 Science Fiction Review Summer 1984
F. 7 Scope : The Newsletter of the Royal Astronomical Society November-December 1982
F.8 Sigma (Pittsburgh Area Science Fiction Organization) July 2009
F.9 Sol Rising August 2003
F.10 Sky& Telescope August 1982
F.11 The Torpet Summer 1985
F.12 The Voyager March-May 2009
Series 7
Sci-Fi Conventions. - 1975- 2005. - 1.28 m of textual records and printed and graphic material. - Title based on contents of series.
Note: This series consists of programmes and souvenir books of conventions attended by Robert Sawyer. Files are arranged alphabetically by name of convention. Some files contain correspondence.
Box 61
F.13 Cons 1970s [1975-1976]
F.14 Ad Astra 16 [1996]
F.15 Ad Astra 17 [1997] Includes Certificate of Achievement presented to RJS for sitting on the most panels.
F.16 Ad Astra 18 [1998]
F.17 Ad Astra 2000
F.18 Ad Astra 2001
F.19 Ad Astra 2002, Feb. 8-10 2002
F.20 Ad Astra XXII, Mar. 21-23 2003
F.21 Ad Astra XXIII, Apr. 2-4 2004
F.22 Albacon '98, Oct. 9-11 1998
F.23 Albacon 2001, Oct. 5-7 2001
F.24 Andromeda 2, Lincoln NE
F.25 ArmadilloCon 21, 1999
F.26 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1991
F.27 Astronomicon 2001
F.28 Astronomicon 5, Mar. 1-3 1996
F.29 Astronomicon 7, Feb. 28, Mar. 1-2 '97
Box 62
F.1 Astronomicon 2002, Nov. 1-3 2002
F.2 Aussiecon 3, the 57th Worldcon 2-6 September 1999
F.3 Bloody Words 1999
F.4 Bloody Words 2000
F.5 Bloody Words III, June 8-9 2001
F.6 Bloody Words 2002, June 14-15 2002
F.7 Book Expo Canada 2004, June 13-14 2004
F.8 Boskone 38, Feb 16-18, 2001
F.9 Boskone 40, Feb. 14-16 2003
F.10 Bouchercon XXIII, 1992 World Mystery Con, Toronto
F.11 Bouchercon 2004, Oct. 7-10 2004
F.12 Bubonicon 30, Aug. 28-30 '98
F.13 Bucconeer, the 56th World SF Convention , August 1998
F. 14 Can-Con '93, May 1993, Ottawa ON
F.15 Can-Con '97, May 2-4 1997
F.16 Can-Con 2001, Aug. 17-19 2001
F.17 Capricon 17, Feb. 20-23 '97
F.18 Canadian Booksellers Association 1997
F.19 CBA 1998
F.20 CBA 1999
F.21 CBA 2001
F.22 Chattacon XXIII, Jan. 16-18 1998
F.23 Chicon 2000
Box 63
F.1 ConCat 10, Nov. 27-29 1998, Knoxville TN
F.2 Con-Cept '98
F.3 Con-Cept 2000/Boreal
F.4 Con-Cept 2003, Sat. Nov. 8 2003
F.5 Concinnity '99, Oct. 29-31 1999
F.6 Confluence 13, July 20-22 2001
F.7 Confluence 2002, July 26-28 2002, Pittsburgh
F.8 Confurence 8, Jan. 16-19 '96
F.9 Confusion 2003, Jan. 24-26 2003
F.10 Confusion XXX, Jan. 23-25 2004
F.11 Confusion 31, Jan. 21-23 2005
F.12 ConText '91
F.13 Context XII, Oct. 8-11 1999, Columbus Ohio
F.14 ConTradiction 11 Sept 1991
F.15 ConTradiction 17Oct 1997
F.16 Con-Version XIV, Canadian Guest of Honour, July 18-20 '97
F.17 Con-Version XV, 1998 July 17-19
F.18 Con-Version 19, Aug. 9-11 2002
F.19 Con-Version XX, Aug. 15-17 2003
F.20 Con-Version XXI, Aug. 6-8 2004
Box 65
F.1 Ditto 15, Oct. 18-20 2002, Toronto
F.2 EerieCon 1, Apr. 16-18 1999
F.3 EerieCon 2, Mar. 31-Apr. 2 2000
F.4 EerieCon III, Apr. 20-22 2001
F.5 EerieCon 4, Apr. 19-21 2002
F.6 EerieCon 5, Apr. 11-13 2003
F.7 EeireCon 6, Apr. 16-18 2004
F.8 FalCon, Sept. 14 1996
F.9 Toward a Science of Consciousness, 2010
F.10 in CONsequential II, Oct. 15-17 1999, Canvention
F.11 International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts #2, 2000
F.12 Keycon 20, May 16-18 2003
F.13 L.A. Con III
F.14 Lonestar Con 2, 1997 World SF Convention
F.15 MidSouthcon XXI, Mar. 28-30 2003
Box 66
F.1 Millenium Philcon 2001
F.2 Minicon 38, Apr. 18-20 2003
F.3 Murder on the Maitland '98, May 24, 1998
F.4 Oasis 16, May 23-25 2003
F.5 Opuntia 67, Jan. 2009
F.6 Philcon 2002
F.7 Primedia, Nov. 1-3 1996
F.8 Primedia '97, Oct. 31, Nov 1 1997
F.9 Primedia '98, Nov. 6-8 1998
F.10 Primedia, Oct. 22-24 1999
F.11 Readercon 8 ('96)
F.12 Readercon 9 ('97)
F.13 Readercon, July 10-12 1998
Box 67
F.1 Readercon 11, July 9-11 1999
F.2 Readercon 12, July 21-23 2000
F.3 Readercon 13, July 13-15 2001
F.4 Readercon 14, July 12-14 2002
F.5 Rhino, July 12-14 1991
F.6 The Science Fiction Research Association 34th Annual Conference, June 26-29 2003
F.7 SF Expo 2002, Aug. 23-25 2002
F. 8 Torcon 3, Aug. 28-Sept. 1 2003
F.9 Fencon VII, 17-19 Sept. 2010
F.10 Toronto Trek '76 (Phil Foglio)
F.11 Toronto Trek 16, July 5-7 2002
F.12 Toronto Trek 18, July 2-4 2004
F.13 Tropicon XX, Nov. 9-11 2001
F.14 TT2000, July 14-16 2000
F.15 ValleyCon 22 1007
F.16 Vcon 25, May 26-28 2000
Box 68
F.1 Vcon 26. May 4-7 2001
F.2 Westercon 58, July 1-4 2005, Calgary AB
F.3 Windycon XXXI, Nov. 12-14 2004
F.4 Wilfcon 7 June 1 1991
F.5 World Fantasy Con 1984, Ottawa 4 black & white photographs of Canadian SF writers
F.6 The 25th World Fantasy Con, Nov. 4-7 1999, Providence RI
F.7 World Fantasy 2001, Nov. 1-4 2001
F.8 World Horror 1997, May 8-11 1997
F.9 47th World SF Convention, Boston, Aug 31-Sept 4, 1989
F.10 50th World SF Convention, Orlando, Sept 3-7, 1992
F.11 52nd World SF Convention, Winnipeg, Sept 1-5, 1994
F.12 53rd World SF Convention, Glasgow, Aug 24-28, 1995
F.13 54th World SF Convention, Anaheim, Aug 29-Sept 2, 1996
F.14 55th World SF Convention, San Antonio, Aug 28-Sept 1, 1997
F.15 56th World SF Convention, Baltimore, Aug 5-9, 1998
Series 8
Correspondence. - 1981- 2011. -- 64 cm of textual records and printed material. Title based on contents of series.
Note: Files contain incoming and outgoing correspondence by last names unless indicated differently. Some correspondence is addressed to Carolyn Clink.
Box 69 Last names A - O
F.1 'A'
F.2 'B'
F.3 'C'
F.4 Binder containing correspondence from Richard Curtis Associates, Inc. 1988-1995
F.5 Richard Curtis Associates, Inc., 1990-1998
F.6 'D'
F.7 'E'
F.8 'F'
F.9 'G'
F.10 'H' and 'I'
F.11 'J' and 'K'
F.12 'L'
F.13 'M'
F.14 'N'
F.15 'O'
Box 70 Last names P-Z, First names
F.1 'P'
F.2 'Q' and 'R'
F.3 'S'
F.4 'T'
F.5 'U' and 'V'
F.6 'W', 'Y' and 'Z
F.7 First names only
F.8 Cards received, 1989
F.9 Christmas cards, 2002
F.10 Christmas cards, 2003
F.11 Congratulatory and Thank You cards, 2003
Box 71
F.1 Christmas cards, 2004-2005
F.2 Christmas cards, 2010
F.3 Cards, 1990-2011
F.4 Holiday cards, undated
F.5 Christmas letters, 1992-2010
Series 9
Posters and graphic art. - 1984-2011. -- 41 cm of graphic art and drawing. - Title based on contents of series
Box 72
"Sawyer's hero has time bomb in his body waiting to go off", Calgary Herald article article clipping, 1997
"Writersfest 2000", Ottawa International Writers Festival.
"la science / la science-fiction, sgi". Conference poster for Writersfest, Ottawa, 2000
"Vancouver Arts of the Book Exhibition", (4 different posters), 1986
"Great Discovery: Review of Fossil Hunter by RJS", Quill & Quire.
Publicity posters, encapsulated:
The Terminal Experiment
Factoring Humanity
"Book Launch for Starplex by RJS", Ontario Science Centre.
"Visual Information Technology", National Research Council Canada.
Startrek III and Omnibus publicity folio containing photographs courtesy of Paramount Pictures, 1984
1 colour-pencil drawing depicting a young girl wearing a large pair of glasses, possibly a character from Wake, drawn by Stephanie Fuller, 31/03/11
Robert Sawyer fonds. Second accrual. 1991-2013. 64 cm of textual records, printed materials and graphic materials.
Note: Box numbering is sequential and follows the last box number of previous accrual. File titles are in alphabetical order.
Series 1 Fiction. 1991-2013. 8 cm of textual records. Title based on contents of series.
Box 73
F. 1 Parallax. Adaptation for hour long dramatic series. Adapting Homids, Humans and Hybrids. Draft April 2, 2012
F. 2 Parallax. Adaptation for TV series. Text and images. 1st version, 2 April 2012
F. 3 Red Planet Blues. Two edited drafts of TV adaptation, 4 June 2012
F. 4 Red Planet Blues. Draft, 4 June 2012
F. 5 Red Planet Blues. Draft for one-hour episodic by RJS and Dennis Foon, 30 June 2012
F. 6 Red Planet Blues. Announcement of one-hour episodic based on forthcoming novel with image of book with pilot-script Treatment appended, 1 Oct, 2012
F. 7 Red Planet Blues. Script Treatment for a two-hour TV series pilot. [2012]
F. 8 Red Planet Blues. Draft of Notes on our conversations with extrapolations for discussionDF. [2012]
F. 9 Red Planet Blues. Draft of write-up for TV series, edited, with image for Shaftesbury, 2012
F. 10 Red planet Blues. Comments by Maryke McEwen, 6 March 2013
F. 11 Starplex. 1st draft of news release, 20 Sept 2012
F. 12 Starplex. Draft, not final, 20 Sept 2012
F. 13 Starplex. Edited draft, marked up, later than above [2012]
F. 14 Starplex. Version 1.0. 24 Sept 2012
F. 15 Triggers. Page proofs. Sept 30, 2011.
F. 16 Triggers. Marked up draft of Synopsis. [2011]
F. 17 Triggers. Page of holograph notes calculating changes to timeline. Dec 7, 2011
F. 18 Triggers. Introduction to Audibles version. Recorded for speech Feb. 27, 2012
F. 19 Triggers. Drafts (2) of announcement for book on RJS blog, March 20, 2012
F. 20 Triggers. Reading Group Guide with 3 pages of holograph notes and questions by RJS [2012]
F. 21 Triggers. Notes dated 4/16 [2012] and May 16, 2012
F. 22 Triggers. An Excerpt from Triggers. [2012]
F. 23 Websight. Edited drafts of Pilot Episode Patient C. Outline. July 7, 2012 and draft 30 July 2012
F. 24 Websight. Notes on characters, episodes, etc. [2012]
F. 25 Websight. Draft, edited of Synopsis of TV series. [2012]
Series 2 Short fiction, essays, speeches and other. -- 1995-2013. 8 cm of textual records. Title based on contents of series.
F. 26 AI and Sci-Fi: My, Oh, My!. Keynote address at the 10th anniversary celebration for The Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Ontario. Sept 29, 2012
F. 27 An Excerpt from Triggers read at ICFA 33, March 22, 2012
F. 28 Flashes by Jae Dunphy. Adapted from the short story Flashes by RJS. [2012]
F. 29 Foresight in Fiction. Speech by RJS presented at Darwin College College, Cambridge University as part of the annual Darwin Lecture series 1 February 2013. First edited draft, 22 Jan 2013
F. 30 Foresight in Fiction. Edited draft with Carolyn s comments, 23 Jan 2013
F. 31 Fossil Hunter. Comic book by Jason Chow based on novel Fossil Hunter by RJS. May 5, 1995.
F. 32 Immortality. Edited printout of story which originally appeared in Janis Ians Stars, August 2003. [2012]
F. 33 McMaster Conference: Science Fiction: The Interdisciplinary Genre, marked up proposals and abstracts for sessions submitted to RJS, 2013
F. 34 Mindtrap. Edited draft of proposal for TV series. March 30, 2012
F. 35 Mindtrap. Synopsis of docucomedy for Summerhill Television, June 14, 2012
F. 36 Sci-Fi:Taken for Granted. Edited draft, March 30, 2013
F. 37 Sci-Fi: Taken for Granted.Revised draft with Carolyns comments, April 1, 2013
F. 38 Science Fiction Predictions.Edited draft, March 30, 2012
F. 39 Three For the Future. Selected by John Robert Colombo. Edited Carlolyns proof and another draft, Oct 23, 2012
F. 40 A Twin for Earth. Draft for BBC Media. Dec 6, 2011
F. 41 Twin Earth. Draft for BBC Scotland Commentary, Dec. 19, 2011
F. 42 Using Traditional Media to Promote Your Book. Draft. [2011].
F. 43 What Lloyd should say the Flashforward ground rules are in 117. Draft, Nov 21, 2009.
F. 44 Unidentified draft of story, p. 39-212. n.d.
F. 45 Unidentified and incomplete comments with page number references, n.d.
Series 3 Sci-Fi Conventions. 2004-2006. -- 32 cm of textual records and printed materials. Title based on content of series.
Box 74
F.1 Ad Astra 24 [2005]
F.2 Ad Astra 25, Mar. 31-April 2, 2006, Toronto, ON
F.3 After Report of Contact, Japan 4
F.4 Apollocon 2005, June 24-26, 2005
F.5 Astronomicon 9, Nov. 11-13, 2005
F.6 Astronomicon 10, Nov. 10-12, 2006, Rochester, NY
F.7 Bloody Words IV, June 10-11, 2005
F.8 Coppercon 25, Sept. 9-11, 2005, Phoenix, AZ
F.9 Dragoncon 2005, Sept. 2-5, 2005, Atlanta, GA
F.10 Eeriecon 7, April 22-24, 2005
F.11 Eeriecon 8, April 21-23, 2006, Niagara Falls, NY
F.12 Keycon 23, May 19-21, 2006, Winnipeg, MB
F.13 LAcon IV, August 23027, 2006, Anaheim, CA
Box 75
F.1 MileHiCon 38, Oct. 27-29, 2006, Denver, CO
F.2 Noreascon IV, Sept. 2-6, 2004
F.3 Norwescon 28, Mar. 24-27, 2005
F.4 Norwescon 29, April 13-16, 2006, Seattle, WA
F.5 Readercon 16, July 8-10, 2005
F.6 Vcon 30, Oct. 7-9, 2005
F.7 Vcon 31, Oct. 6-8, 2006
Series 4 Correspondence. -- 1991-2013. 3 cm of textual records. Title based on content of series.
Box 76
F. 1 Correspondence A Z
F. 2 Cards received 1991-2012
F. 3 Christmas cards and letters 2011-2012
Series 5 Biographical and Publicity. 1998-2013. 7 cm of textual records, printed material and graphic records. Title based on contents of series.
F. 4 RJS biography draft, edited for Schlager Group, March 2012
F. 5 Desk calendar, marked up for 1998 and printout of online calendar pages 1998-Jan 2002
F. 6 Photographs: 5 small CAA travel photos; 3 World Fantasy Convention, San Diego photos; 1 photo of Craid Erlich, graphic artist with sculpture, with accompanying letter, 2011; 5 printouts of RJS with signature; 1 printout of page with RJS signatures
F. 7 Name badges, guest passes, LAcon convention skill badges for space cadets
F. 8 Publicity and promotion flyers, press releases, notices
Series 6 Periodicals. -- 1998-2012. 6 com of printed materials. Title based on contents of series.
Note: These periodicals contain writings by and about RJS.
F. 9
BCSFAzine. #467 April 1982, #471 August 2012
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. June 2013
Locus. Vol. 59 No 5 Nov 2007;vol 67 No 4 Oct 2011
Neo-Opsis. Issue 22 2012
On Spec. Spring 1995, Summer 1995, Summer 1996,Winter 1996, Spring 1997, Winter 1997.
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