Finding Aid
Robinson, Judith fonds. 1913-1961. – 4.63 m of textual records. – 53 photographs (b&w ; 25.5 x 32 cm and smaller).
Material is arranged within the following series:
1. Correspondence. Boxes 1-9
2. Articles, clippings. Boxes 10-15.
3. Articles, research. Boxes 16-18
4. “Calling Canada” / NEWS. Boxes 19-21.
- Complete set of NEWS (1941-1946) Boxes 22-25.
5. Invoices and personal material. Box 26.
6. Christie St. Hospital. Box 27.
7. Manuscripts and writing. Boxes 28-33.
8. Work by other authors. Boxes 34-38.
9. Oversized material. Boxes 39-40.
Arrangement reflects the received order of the material. Series aggregations have been invented to reflect the organization of material by previous custodians.
Series 1
Correspondence. – 1913-1961. – 113.2 cm of textual records and photographs. Series consists mostly of incoming correspondence addressed to Judith, or ‘To the Editor,’ and includes some outgoing correspondence. Interfiled subject files which include research material have been retained by the archivist in the order which they were received.
Arrangement reflects the received order of the material, organized alphabetically or chronologically within the following groupings:
- General, 1928-1941 (Box 1);
- General, ca. 1941-1946 (Box 2-5);
- General, ca. 1946-1961 (Box 6);
- Personal, 1913-1961 (Box 7 - Box 8, File 1);
- Professional, ca. 1938-1961 (Box 8);
- Letters from readers to Judith or ‘To the Editor’, 1937-1961 (Box 8, File 17 - Box 9).
Box 1
General correspondence ca. 1928-1941 (Box 1)
F.1 Anderson, Harry : Globe Editor. 1928-1931. 0.9 cm. Incoming letters and 2 letters of introduction addressed to Beverley A. Baxter (The London Express) and Hon. Baron Beaverbrook. Also includes 1 personal letter to J.R. Robinson.
F.2 1930-1931. 0.1 cm. 6 items. Incoming letters from John A. Tory, the Poppy Fund Committee, R. Blatelgord, and Mary Hamas Greenwood.
F.3 Letters addressed to the editor of the Toronto Globe. 1934. 1 cm.
F.4 1935-1936. 0.2 cm. Incoming letters from: Frost & Frost and J.M Barnard.
F.5 McIntyre, Ross R.M. 1936-1939. 0.1 cm. Includes letters addressed to McIntyre from George S. Burton and W. Hay.
F.6 M.E. Wherry. 1937. 0.5 cm. Includes letters and m.s. of articles titled, “One of Canada’s Unemployed Speaks.”
F.7 McIntosh, A.A. 1937-1938. 0.3 cm.
F.8 McCullagh, George. 1937-1938. 0.3 cm.
F.9 Correspondence. 1938. 0.2 cm.
Sara Abernathy
Mary Collier
Fred Warner Neal
The Public Library of Toronto
F.10 Brenn, J. H. 1938. 0.1 cm. 1 letter from a veteran.
F.11 Christmas. 1938. 0.3 cm. Includes personal and professional cards and letters.
F.12 John Frank House. 1938. 0.5 cm. Letters of support for the John Frank House campaign.
F.13 John Frank House. 1939. 0.5 cm. See above. Also includes article on unemployed veterans sent from Department of Health, 1929.
F.14 S. Lyle – John Frank House, Unemployment. 1939. Letters to S. Lyle, Transient Unemployed Men of John Frank’s House from members of the Canadian government. 0.3 cm.
F.15 Letters and statistics on unemployed from Federated Work-Finding Service Clubs. 1939. 0.4 cm. Includes letters addressed to Gus Harris, signed by men looking for work. Also includes completed questionnaires for the Federated Work-Finding Service Clubs.
F.16 Unemployment. 1939. 0.3 cm.
A.H. Armstrong
Thomas Chester
A.J. Elliott, Kingsley Hall, Toronto Men’s Hostel Inc.
Robert W. Gall
A. Johnston
Fred W. Taite
Includes an 11 p. typescript draft article and related notes.
F.17 G.D. Conant A.D. & United Church of Canada. 1939. 0.1 cm. Includes copies of: a letter from W. Stuart Edwards to Hon. G.D. Conant, Attorney-General, a memorandum, and statement re: “Witness against War.”
F.18 Correspondence. Jan.-Feb. 1940. 0.2 cm.
D.F. Annesley
Edwin A. Baker
J.H. Biggar
F.B. Bowman, M.D.
Ellen L. Fowler
C.E. Silcox
F.19 Correspondence. Mar.-Apr. 1940. 0.3 cm. Notable correspondents include:
H.H. Van Wart (Czechoslovak Consul)
The National Conference for Civil Liberty in Wartime
Gladstone Murray
F.20-21 Correspondence: May 1940. 2 cm. [1 of 2]. Notable correspondents include:
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Canadian Red Cross Society
Canadian Youth Congress
Department of National Defence
McKinley Loyal Orange Lodge No. 275
Also includes enclosed radio addresses of Dr. F.F. Tisdall, Canadian Medical Association’s Nutrition Committee.
F.22 Correspondence: June 1940. 1.4 cm. Notable correspondents include:
Department of National Defence
National Federation of Kindergarten
Nursery School and Kindergarten-Primary Teachers
Lorne Pierce
H.A. Wills
F.23 Correspondence: Jul.-Aug. 1940. 0.2 cm. Incoming letters from B. Rickards and Harry Martin.
F.24 Correspondence: Sept.-Oct. 1940. 0.2 cm. Notable correspondents include:
Roy Davis
League for Economic Democracy
Donald F.W. Munro
Real Rousseau
F.25 Correspondence. Nov.-Dec. 1940. 0.6 cm. Notable correspondents include:
American Jewish Congress
Canadian Pacific Railway Company
National Steel Car Corporation Ltd.
F.26 Canadian Corps. Buy a Bushel of Wheat. 1940. 0.2 cm. Includes correspondence of C.E. Reynolds, President of Canadian Corps Association. His correspondents include: the Office of the Prime Minister, Office of The High Commissioner for the United Kingdom, Anthony Eden, and R.B. Bennett.
F.27 Correspondence. Jan.-Jun. 1941. 0.2 cm. 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 12 cm. Includes letter from C.H. Millard to PM W.L. Mackenzie King and a photograph of Victory Parade in Hamilton, Ont., sent by W.B. Hambly.
F.28 Correspondence. Jul.-Aug. 1941. 0.5 cm. Notable correspondents include:
Canadian Jewish Congress
R.B. Hanson, M.P.
D. Massey, R.C.A.F.
Includes letter from Archie Campbell to Dr. J.R. Farquharsen.
F.29 Correspondence. Sep.-Oct. 1941. 0.6 cm. Incoming letters. Notable correspondents include:
Canada Colonization Association
M.J. Coldwell, M.P.
Elizabeth Lang
A. Schocter, R.C.A.F.
T.F.C. Skelton
F.30 Correspondence. Nov.-Dec. 1941. 0.1 cm. 2 photographs : b&w ; 6 x 10.5 cm. Incoming letters. Notable correspondents include:
Elizabeth Penny, President of the Business and Professional Women’s Club
Board of Trade Club
Also includes 2 photographs sent by Ross R. McIntyre.
General correspondence ca. 1941-1946 (Box 2-5)
Box 2
F.1 A. 1942-1946. 0.4 cm. 13 items.
Frank Aldham
J.G. Andrews
Stuart Armour
William Archer, Association for Religious Liberty
Geoffrey Ashe
A.H. Askanasy
Mary E. Askim
Mary Atkins
F.2 Adamson, Rodney, M.P. for West York. 1940-1944. 0.3 cm.
F.3 Agriculture. 1941-1945. 0.7 cm.
Howard Fraleigh
Walter S. Hislop
R. Alex Sim
J. Harry Smith
H.S. Spencer
F.4 Alberta. 1941-1945. 0.2 cm. Includes correspondence with Thomas Draper and Edward Dix and research material re: Alberta tar sands and irrigation.
F.5 Aluminum. 1943. 0.2 cm. Includes correspondence with J.A. Morton of the Aluminum Company of Canada.
F.6 Applications from writers. 1945. 0.2 cm. Freelance writing submissions.
F.7 Armstrong, W.S.B. 1941. 0.1 cm. 1 item.
F.8 Atom Bomb. 1945. 0.2 cm. Includes research material and a letter from the Joint Public Relations Committee of the Canadian Jewish Congress and B’nai B’rith.
F.9 Australia. 1942-1945. 0.5 cm. Includes letters from the Office of the High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia, press releases, and other collected material.
F.10 B. 1942-1946. 0.7 cm.
C. Baker-Carr
Mlle M. Barratis
R.A. Bell
R.B. Bennett
Karl Bickel
Frank C. Boultbee
W. Russell Brown
Dr. H.A. Bruce
Arthur Buckley
Agnes Bullock
F.11 Baker, Lieut. A.L., Associate Editor, Canadian Statesman. 1941. 0.5 cm.
F.12 Balmer, A.W. 1945. 0.3 cm.
F.13 Beet Sugar Industry. 1943-1945. 0.1 cm. 5 items. Includes correspondence with C.E. Desmond, M.P.
F.14 Big Three Conference. 1945. 0.1 cm. 2 items. Includes research material.
F.15 Bouchard, Senator. 1944-1945. 0.3 cm. Includes correspondence with the Secretary to Senator T.D. Bouchard and L.P. Macdonald.
F.16 British Columbia. 1941-1943. 0.3 cm. Includes research material.
F.17 British Empire. 1943-1944. 0.1 cm. Includes a letter to Lord Cranborne and research material.
F.18 British Food Ministry. 1941. 0.5 cm. Includes research material re: food shortages.
F.19 British Information Services. 1942-1945. 0.3 cm. Includes research material.
F.20 Burge, M.R.K. 1945. 0.1 cm. 3 items.
F.21 Butterfield, John. 1942. 0.1 cm.
F.22 C. 1941-1946. 0.5 cm.
Annie Campbell
Cmdr. W. Carr
R.A. Cluff
Albert E. Cutler
T.L. Church, M.P.
Dr. Thomas Cullen
M.J. Caveney
Collier’s Magazine
J.J. Carrick
Fillmore Calhoun
Phileas Cote, M.P.
Gordon Colgrove
C.G. Cockshutt
Colin Cameron
T.H. Crerar
W.H. Cranston, M.P.
S.L. de Carteret
M.J. Coldwell, M.P.
M.G. Counsell
F.23 Canada. 1939-1945. 2 cm. Research material re: Canada’s entry into WWII. Includes t.s. fragments.
F.24 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 1942-1943. 0.5 cm. Includes correspondence with John G. Diefenbaker, M.P. and R.A. Daley about a program featured on CBC News. Also includes a letter from D.C. McArthur, Chief Editor of CBC National News Service and research material.
F.25 Canadian Jewish Congress. 1941-1942. 0.1 cm. Includes correspondence with H.M. Caiserman and S.H. Abramson of the Canadian Jewish Congress and a 4 p. t.s. of article on “the Palestine problem.”
F.26 Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 1942-1944. 0.5 cm. Also includes correspondence with Service for the Blind of the U.S. Office of Education.
F.27 Canadian School for Physical Re-Education. 1945. 0.2 cm. Correspondence re: spinal cord injuries and a t.s. article.
F.28 Carr, Lt. Comdr. W.J.G. 1940-1945. 3 cm. Incoming letters from Lt. Comdr. W.J.G. Carr, t.s. copies of Carr’s writings and copies of his correspondence with Lt Col. Alan Cockerham, M.P. re: the Arcadia Construction Company, war-readiness, and post-war rehabilitation for veterans.
F.29 C.C.F. 1945. 0.1 cm. Includes unattributed paper titled, “What’s what in CCFism” and correspondence with Robert E.S. Morgan and E. North Scott.
F.30 Cemeteries. 1931-1939. 0.3 cm. Collected correspondence, predominantly from J. Somers, City Clerk at Toronto City Hall re: Toronto General Burying Grounds Incorporated.
Box 3
F.1 Censorship. 1945. 0.1 cm. 3 p. memorandum sent to newspapers and news associations.
F.2 Churchill. 1940. 0.1 cm. Includes collection of speeches.
F.3 Cluff, R.A. 1945. 0.2 cm
F.4 Cockeram, Lt. Col. Alan. 1941. 0.3 cm. Includes a copy of a letter between the Minister of National Defence and Lt. Col. Alan Cockeram, M.P., a copy of a speech delivered by Lt. Col. Cockeram, and t.s. research notes.
F.5 Cornwall, Evelyn B. 1944. 0.1 cm. Re: a request to print a letter about the Royal Canadian Navy in the Globe and Mail.
F.6 Cost of Living. 1941. 0.1 cm. Includes a letter from Oakley Dalgleish to W.F. Robinson, Sales Manager, A&P stores, a t.s. fragment of an article, and a chart re: food prices between 1939 and 1941.
F.7 C.P.R. 1942-1945. 0.2 cm. Correspondence with Harry Smith, Manager of Canadian Pacific Railway Company’s Press Bureau.
F.8 Customs. 1941. 0.1 cm. Includes 2 letters to S.J. Taylor, Superintendent of Customs.
F.9 D. 1941-1946. 0.5 cm.
R.A. Daly
Aubrey Davis
George De Blois
Anna Dexter
Dora Dibney
Edward Dix
Sergine Dosne
Lewis Duncan
F.10 Dalgleish, Oakley. 1941-1942. 0.2 cm. Letters from Dalgleish addressed to C.A.P. and two letters from Harold Dingman, Press Gallery, Ottawa.
F.11 Dalhousie University. 1945. 0.6 cm. Correspondence related to an article in NEWS re: the resignation of University President Carleton Wellesley Stanley. Also includes a 6 p. ts. copy of the article.
F.12 Dawe, William. 1944. 0.1 cm. Correspondence between William Dawe and the Department of Public Welfare Old Age Pensions Commission.
F.13 Mme De Sezhen. 1941-1942. 0.4 cm. Correspondence related to Marthe d’Olne re: anti-conscription in Quebec; and correspondence relating to an article submitted to NEWS by Marie-Therese de Sezhan.
F.14 Diefenbaker, John C., M.P. 1941-1944. 0.3 cm.
F.15 Dominion Press Clipping & Public Relations Bureau. 1941-1942. 0.1 cm.
F.16 Dominion-Provincial Conference. 1945. 0.1 cm. Includes clipping by Normal Marshall.
F.17 Douglas, T.C., M.P. 1941-1945. 0.2 cm.
F.18 Drew, George. 1943. 0.2 cm. Includes one incoming letter. Also includes “George Drew and Conservatism” by Stephen Leacock and an address by George Drew given to the Macdonald Club of Hamilton, November 25, 1940.
F.19 E. 1944-1946. 0.2 cm.
W.S. Edgar
Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath
Heloise Elliott
Marcel Estienne
F.20 Education. 1943-1944. 0.7 cm. Includes research material related to day care for working mothers and religion in schools and related correspondence.
F.21 F. 1941-1946. 0.6 cm.
John Farthing
Rabbi Abraham Feinberg
A.L. Feinberg
E.E. Field
G.C. Field
W.S. Findlay
David Fingard
Archie D. Fisher
John H. Flett
Kenneth Forbes
R.E. Frankel
F.22 Farthing, Hugh C. 1942-1945. 0.6 cm.
F.23 Finlayson, R.K. 1942. 0.4 cm.
F.24 Fisher, Mary C. 1942-1943. 0.4 cm.
F.25 Food. 1941. 0.1 cm. 2 letters from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics re: the price of food.
F.26 Foreign Affairs. 1943. 0.1 cm. Correspondence with Byron Dexter of Foreign Affairs magazine.
F.27 Forsey, Eugene. 1942-1944. 0.7 cm.
F.28 Fort Erie Times Review. 1941-1946. 0.4 cm. Correspondence with Ben Bramble.
F.29 French Canada. 1942-1946. 0.1 cm. Correspondents include NEWS Circulation Department of the House of Commons, Picture News Press Ltd., Le Soleil, and Fillmore Calhoun of Time Magazine.
F.30 French Information Services. 1943-1946. 0.5 cm. Correspondence with Gladys Arnold.
F.31 French Questions. 1942-1944. 1.2 cm. 1 photograph : b&w ; 15 x 21 cm. Includes research material on the Free French Movement including correspondence with France Forever: The Free French Movement in America and a photograph of Governor-General Félix Éboué.
F.32 G. 1941-1946. 1 cm.
Harris G—
G.H. Gallagher
Gordon C. Garbutt
Paul Gardner of the National War Finance Committee
David Gatley
Lionel Gelber
Clarence Gillis, M.P.
Margaret Godsoe
Ella Goldsmith
L.F. Grant
J.H. Gray of Winnipeg Press
Ross Gray, M.P.
Gordon Graydon, M.P.
Howard Charles Green, M.P.
Jim Greenblat
G.E. Grey
J.E. Grimshaw
F.33 Golden, L.L.L. 1941-1942. 0.5 cm.
F.34 H. 1942-1946. 1 cm.
W.D.B. Hackett
Norman Hainsworth
W.S. Haney
C.D. Hanniwell
Lawren Harris
Count Jean de Hauteclocque, French Ambassador
Herald Tribune
W.D. Herridge
W.T. House
N.H. Humpherson
J. Huston
K.C. Hyndman, M.P.
F.35 Halifax riots. 1942-1945. 0.3 cm. Correspondence primarily with A.P. Waldron of the Western Producer and Henry C. Childers. Also includes a t.s. article on the riots.
F.36 Hamel-Emile, Charles (Le Jour). 1941-1943. 1 cm.
F.37 Harris, Gus. 1945. 0.1 cm. Includes article, “First In, First Out” by Gus Harris.
F.38 Harvey, Jean Charles (Le Jour). 1940-1945. 1 cm.
F.39 Homo the Sap. 1944. 0.9 cm. Includes the booklet, The Permanent War or Homo the Sap by Lorne T. Morgan, and an article by Arthur L. Phelps.
F.40 I. 1942-1945. 0.1 cm.
I.O.D.E. Retail Furriers Campaign
Arthur Irwin
John C.W. Irwin
Box 4
F.1 The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and Children of the Empire. 1944. 0.1 cm.
F.2 India. 1942. 0.1 cm. Includes letter and enclosed m.s. article, “The Cloud Over India” by Sadhu Singh Dhami.
F.3 Indian question. 1942-1945. 1 cm.
Combined Production and Resources Board (US)
Catholic Missions of the Yukon and Prince Rupert
Indian Welfare and Training Oblate Commission
Okanagan Society for the Revival of Indian Arts and Crafts
T.A. Crerar, Minister of Mines and Resources, Department of Indian Affairs (US)
Howard Fraleigh
Beattie Greenbird
George Phelps
G.C. Monture
H.G.L. Strange
F.4 Infeld, Leopold. 1944. 0.1 cm. Includes copy of his resignation letter from the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America.
F.5 Ireland. 1940s. 0.1 cm. Includes an article on Éamon De Valera, unattributed.
F.6 Irving, Tom. 1943-1945. 0.7 cm.
F.7 Irving, Tom. 1945-1954. 0.6 cm.
F.8 J. 1941-1946. 0.7 cm.
Alex Jackson
A.Y. Jackson
Gilbert Jackson
George W. James
George Johnston
E.B. Jolliffe
F.9 Japan. 1945. 0.5 cm. Includes material from the Cooperative Committee on Japanese Canadians and related correspondence.
F.10 K. 1941-1946. 0.7 cm.
William Kashtan
Janet Keith
Doris Kelly (GM)
Janet Kelly
Charles Kelsey
Supt. Kemp (RCMP)
Joy Denton Kennedy
Betty Kerr
J.G.G. Kerry
F.V. Keys
Watson Kirkconnell
The Kiwanis Club of Kingston
A.K. Knight
Patrick Kuhn
F.11 L. 1942-1946. 0.6 cm.
Capt. D.P. LaChance
General LaFleche
William Lambert
H.J. Landahl
Sgt. Farnand LeDuc
J.F. Laurence
Charles Lee
K.I. Litster
W.A. Lowery
Tracy Ludington
C.C. Ludwig
Jim Lynch
F.12 Labrie, Charles. C. 1941. 0.4 cm.
F.13 LaRoque, Hertel. 1942-1943. 0.4 cm.
F.14 Latin America. 1943. 0.1 cm. Research material including a speech by Dr. Humberto Diaz-Casanueva to the Latin-American Club of Carleton College and an article by Pablo Santos Munoz, counsellor of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
F.15 LeBel Report. 1945. 0.2 cm. Includes a note from Gladstone Murray with enclosed transcripts from the commission to enquire into charges made by E.B. Joliffe during the 1945 Ontario election.
F.16 Lever Bros. 1942-1943. 0.2 cm. Includes letters from Howe Martyn of Lever Brothers and Stephen Diplock.
F.17 Lumber. 1944-1945. 0.7 cm. Research material on the Ontario lumber industry.
F.18 M. 1941-1946. 0.7 cm.
Neil MacDonald
Esther Mackie
Katherine Marston
Marjorie Meredith
John Meyer
J.R. Monaghan
H.G. Montillon
Elizabeth Mosbaugh
J. Muir
L.A. Munro
Gladstone Murray
F.19 Malton. 1940-1941. 0.6 cm. Includes correspondence and research material relating to aircraft production in Malton, Ont.
F.20 Mc. 1942-1946. 0.9 cm.
Neil MacDonald
Major Douglas MacFarlane
Hon. Ian Mackenzie
A. McAlister
Craig McCeachy, British Embassy, Washington D.C.
John McCormack
George McCullough
Peter McDonald
Harold W. McGill
Peter McLintock
Ross R. McIntyre
Frank McManus
Marjory S. Mecredy
D.B. McWilliams
M.T. McRae
F.21 MacNicol, John A. M.P. 1945-1946. 0.1 cm.
F.22 MacPherson, M.K.C. Murdoch & Iowa. 1942-1945. 0.7 cm.
F.23 Medical. 1943-1944. 0.7 cm. Includes research material and correspondence related to War Amputations Canada, the manufacture of penicillin, and the welfare of the mentally ill.
F.24 N. 1942-1946. 0.2 cm.
Jane E. Nash
National Council for Democratic Rights
Minister of the Netherlands
Frank Neate, Secretary of Dominion Fuel Board
New York Public Library
A.M. Nicholson M.P.
E. North-Scott
Ed Stephenson (Northern Tribune)
F.25 National Film Board. 1944-1945. 0.1 cm. A brief history of the NFB and correspondence.
F.26 Natural Resources. 1941. 0.3 cm. Includes research material related to Canadian mining.
F.27 New Zealand. 1943-1944. 0.4 cm. Includes research material and correspondence with the Office of the High Commissioner for New Zealand.
F.28 O. 1945-1946. 0.1 cm. Correspondents include Charles R. Owens, E. Owen, and V. O’Neill.
F.29 Oil Controller.1940-1941. 0.4 cm. Correspondence with G.R. Cottrelle, Canadian Oil Controller, and research material.
F.30 Ontario. 1942-1944. 0.1 cm. Correspondence with the Attorney General of Ontario with enclosed article.
F.31 P. 1940-1945. 0.1 cm.
V.S. Patriarche
Effi Polley
Hamilton P—
Also includes correspondence with C.R. Dickinson (Ryerson Press) re: a tribute to Lorne Pierce, and a copy of the death certificate of Viola Paige.
F.32 Penny, Arthur G. Editor, Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph. 1943-1944. 0.6 cm.
F.33 Phillips, Tracy. 1943-1944. 0.6 cm. Also includes correspondence with the United Nations Welfare Division, and related research material.
F.34 Philpot, Elmore. 1942-1946. 0.6 cm.
F.35 Progressive Conservative Association. 1941-1944. 0.9 cm. Copy of an address by Hon. John Bracken, “First Essentials”, delivered at Massey Hall, Toronto, and other research material.
F.36 Property Owners’ Association of Toronto. 1941. 1.2 cm. Includes correspondence and a copy of an address by Hon. J.L. Ilsey.
F.37 Quebec & Plebiscite. 1942. 0.3 cm. Correspondents include the Service de l’information de France Libre, and also includes a typescript of an article by Emile-Charles Hamel re: conscription.
Box 5
F.1 R. 1941-1946. 0.3 cm.
Mary Ray
Wallace Reid
P. Richman
C.F. Rickard
Audrey Roberts
R.P. Roberts
George Robinson
Marty Robinson
James Roe
J.A. Ross
E.S. Rutledge
F.2 Relief. 1941. 0.1 cm. 1 letter from the City of London City Clerk’s department.
F.3 Research Enterprises Ltd. 1945. 1.2 cm. Includes research material and correspondence with persons including: the President of Trades & Labour Congress, George Drew, Alistair Stewart, M.P., and CCF Halifax District Council.
F.4 Riddlehough, Prof. Geoffrey B. 1942-1944. 1.2 cm.
F.5 Roundtable on Canadian Policy. 1942. 0.2 cm. Includes material related to an event held September 4 to 7, 1942 in Port Hope, Ontario. Includes registration form for Lou Golden, an agenda, a description by Hugh Farthing, and a list of attendees.
F.6 Rousseau, Real. Department of Munitions and Supplies. 1940-1942. 1.1 cm.
F.7 Royal Canadian Institute. 1943-1945. 0.2 cm.
F.8 S. 1942-1946. 1 cm.
Eva Sanderson
A.W. Savage
Andre Schwob
H.G. Scott
L.W. Skey, M.P.
T.F.C. Skelton
Ada Siegel (This Month magazine)
A.L. Smith, M.P.
C. Smith
Harry Smith
Jack Smith
H.S. Southam,
Isle A. Sternberg
George Stevens
R.A. Stewart
Reginald Stewart (Baltimore Symphony Orchestra)
I.R. Stone.
E.J. Struthers
Also includes correspondence relating to Sergeant Allan F. Seymour, including with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and J.R. MacNicol, M.P. and relating to Dr. Otto Strasser, including with Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath of Holy Blossom Synagogue. Includes typescript of article re: Dr. Otto Strasser.
F.9 Shipbuilding with reference to Mr. MacDonald. 1941. 0.3 cm. Includes letters from Earle Beattie and to Senator C.C. Ballantyne, and a report by the Canadian Seamen’s Union.
F.10 Smith, Mrs. Sholto. 1942-1946. 2 cm.
F.11 Steel & Iron Industry. 1943. 0.2 cm. Includes correspondence re: a dispute of the National Association of Technical Employees. Includes letters from P.C. Armstrong, Everett Bristol, and Sir James Dunn. Also includes collected correspondence between H.H. Stevens and Harry J. Landahl.
F.12 T. 1941-1946. 0.5 cm.
R.E. Lee Taylor.
Watson Thomas
S.R. Thompkins
Toronto Committee for Labor Palestine
Pte. Charles A. Tupper
Also includes correspondence with Oxford University Press re: a manuscript by D. J. Tosevic.
F.13 Taxes. 1942. 0.1 cm. Includes correspondence with John Butterfield re: an article about income tax.
F.14 Toronto. 1943-1945. 0.2 cm. Correspondents include the Toronto Board of Control, Hugh Scully, Steel Controller, H.G.L. Strange, Hon. J.L. Ilsley, and the Toronto Board of Trade.
F.15 Torres, M. Henry (France-Amérique). 1942-1944. 0.5 cm. Correspondence re: a libel lawsuit from Bruno Weil and includes a letter of complaint from Weil’s legal representatives.
F.16 Town Planning. 1941-1946. 0.7 cm. Correspondents include:
Rodney Adamson, M.P.
The Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association
Lewis Duncan
J.P. Hynes, Architect
Morris King, Mayor of Stratford, Ont.
Netherlands Government Information Bureau
Ontario Association of Architects
Saint John Town Planning Commission
Brig. R.E. Smith
Toronto General Trust, Co
United Kingdom Information Office
R.C. Wallace
F.17 Trade Unions. 1942. 0.2 cm. Correspondents include:
Canadian Congress of Labour
Canadian Hosiery Workers’ Union
Toronto District Labor Council
Canadian Tribune Civil Liberties Bureau
Charles Bruce of the Canadian Press
International Association of Machinists
F.18 U.N.R.R.A. 1943. 0.2 cm. A letter from the British Embassy in Washington D.C. with attached information re: food rations.
F.19 U.S. government. 1942-1943. 0.2 cm. Correspondents include: John A. Huston, Claris Edwin Silcox, the U.S. Information Service, and members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
F.20 U.S.S.R. 1942-1945. 0.2 cm. Letters and enclosed material from the National Council of Canadian-Soviet Friendship and to the Embassy of the U.S.S.R. in Washington, D.C.
F.21 V. 1943-1946. 0.3 cm.
Anthony Valente
Veterans’ Organization of Niagara Falls, Ont.
Sgt. C.H. Vickers
J.H. Vickers
Merion Vickers
F.22 Vancouver Daily Province. 1943-1946. 0.6 cm. Correspondents include: W.L. MacTavish and M.E. Nichols.
F.23 W. 1941-1946. 0.3 cm.
Claire Wallace
Ernest Walter
T.W. Weaver
Tom Weyling
O.T.G. Williamson
Oswald Withrow
F.24 Walter, Ernest. 1942-1943. 0.3 cm. Includes letters sent to Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath and a translation of an article, “Pan-Germanism” by S. Solovejchik, sent by Ernest Walter.
F.25 Wartime Housing. 1944-1945. 0.4 cm. Includes correspondence and documents received from the Toronto & District Emergency Housing Committee, the Wartime Information Board, National Housing Building Association, Citizens’ Housing Association of Toronto, Canadian Corps Association. Also includes a transcript of “This is Democracy: A Radio Forum dedicated to open discussions of Canadian problems by Canadian citizens,” broadcast May 13, 1945.
F.26 Woodward, A. 1945. 0.2 cm. Includes a letter and an enclosed m.s. article re: juvenile delinquency.
F.27 Women’s Elector’s Association of Toronto. 1941-1942. 0.2 cm. Includes correspondence with H.P. Plumptre and J.W. Falkner.
F.28 Welfare. 1942-1945. 0.1 cm. Includes letters from C.H.R. Fuller of the Toronto Board of Education and Alice Ingram Jenns of the University of British Columbia. Also includes a reprint of articles from Saturday Night, titled, “Welfare Must Be Planned and Paid For.”
F.29 W.P.T.B. 1941. 0.1 cm. Includes one letter from William Cranston of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board (to Lou Golden).
F.30 Youth. 1944. 0.1 cm. Includes a copy of a letter from R. Keith Chapman to Mary Brechin of the Canadian Youth Commission, and a press release of the Toronto Committee, Young Communist League of Canada.
F.31 Unknown. 1943. 0.1 cm.
General correspondence ca. 1946-1961 (Box 6)
Box 6
F.1 A. 1954-1961. 0.2 cm.
Harry Abramsky
Arnold H. Agnew
Ralph E. Allerston
H.R. Alley
Wilhelm Andermann
E. Anderson
William L. Archer
Phyllis Williams Arnoldi
Jean Atkins
Jean Atkinson
F.2 B. 1952-1961. 0.5 cm.
E. Bailey
E.A. Baker
Phil Baker
Sydney A. Banks
Allan Bark
John Bassett
Walter S. Bayley
Frank Beare
D.L. Beaton
E.W. Bell
J.E. Belliveau
Roy E. Belyea
Emile Benoist
Bermuda Trade Development Board
June T. Bernhard
Ruth J. Bevis
R.W. Bonner
Marie-Therese Bramble
N. Brenan
Stuart Brown
Ernest J. Broome
Gertrude Brown
Winfield Brewster
Dick Bryant
C. Roy Burroughs
F.3 C. 1952-1960. 0.5 cm.
Canadian Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
W. J. G. Carr
Helen Cass
Kole Casule (Consul, PR of Yugoslavia)
Gordon Churchill, M.P.
Elizabeth N. of the Alumnae Association of the Church Home and Hospital School of Nursing.
V. Clarke
Alice Roger Collins
Murray Cotterill (United Steelworkers of America)
Mary B. Dixon Cullen
Helen Cunningham
F.W. Cutler
F.4 D. 1953-1961. 0.3 cm.
Agnes Dallas
R.A. Daly
B. Davies
Fred J. Dawson
Phyllis Deakin
Burt Dean
John Deepwell
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker
Walter Dinsdale
Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation Limited
Premier T.C. Douglas
F.5 E. 1954-1958. 0.2 cm.
Cyrus Eaton
Thomas D. Elson
Gena d’Estere
The Etobicoke Press
C.J. Eustace
Ron Everson
F.6 F. 1953-1961. 0.5 cm.
Alexander Factor
Ellen L. Fairclough
Doug Fisher, M.P.
George Fisher
Jack Fleming
Laura Foggett
M. Follick
Henry J. Foster
George Fox
R.Y. Francis
Alistair Fraser
Stanley Frolich
Leslie M. Frost
F.7 G. 1953-1960. 0.5 cm.
Betty Garbutt
J. Garrick
W.A. Gilbert
M. Elizabeth Gillespie
Douglas Glenesk
Edwin Goodman
L.F. Grant
John Gray
Howard Charles Green, M.P.
Arthur L. Guess
Jack Guse
Annie M. Gutten
F.8 H. 1953-1960. 0.5 cm.
John Haig
Sue Hallet
William Hamilton, M.P.
John B. Hamilton, M.P.
Frank M. Harris
Dick Hayman
W.P. Headden
Lillian Henderson
Fay Hershkovitz
John G. Higgins
Harold Horwood
Mjr. J. Norman Hooey
Nell Hall-Humpherson
Lawrence Hunt
J.P. Hutchison
F.9 I. 1957. 0.1 cm. Includes 1 letter from Robert Inglis.
F.10 J. 1953-1961. 0.2 cm.
Kate Jaffrey
George Johnston
Robert W. Jones
F.11 K. 1954-1961. 0.2 cm.
Bern and George Kelshaw
Ruth E. Kennedy
D. Knechtel
Stanley H. Knowles, M.P.
Pratt Kuhn
F.12 L. 1953-1961. 0.2 cm.
Claude R. Labarre
Victor Laskey
J.H. Lawsons
John Leberg
E.A. Leftly
Guy Leslie
J.C. Lewis
E.G. Loney
Eugene Lyons
F.13 M. 1952-1961. 1 cm.
Evelyn R. Macartney
J.D. MacFarlane
J.D. MacFarlane
D.H. Mackay
Robert H.B. Mackenzie
MacLaren Advertising Co. Ltd.
Maria Maclean
Iowa MacPherson
H.N. MacPherson
M.A. MacPherson
H. Marquis
J.T. Marshall
George Martin
M.M. Maxwell
Mrs. George Erskine Maynard
Margaret McA—
G.L. McCallum
Sec. E. McCormack
Prof. H.W. McCready
C.H. McDowell
Fred H. McIntire
Robert Burns McIntosh
George M. McKanday
John H. McKennell
W.J.A. McKenzie
J.B. McLean
Marion McLean
Robert C. McManus
J.C. McNabb
J.L. Melville
Don Minifie
James Minifie
Joseph P. Moat
A.B. Moffat
Mildred M.J. Moore
Sam Morford
Stanley Morris
F.14 N. 1953-1961. 0.2 cm.
H. Nevison
George Newton
Margaret Noble
E. North-Scott
F.15 O. 1954-1958. 0.1 cm.
John Oetzel
Henry O’Brien
F.16 P. 1954-1959. 0.4 cm.
E.A. Pearce
Peerless Textile Products Co. Ltd.
W.S. Perlin
Vera C. Perlin
Joseph Pollick
Elsie Pomeroy.
F.A. Pyefinch
Also includes enclosed t.s. article on drug addiction by Joseph Pollick and Midge Geary (14 p.).
F.17 R. 1953-1959. 0.5 cm.
Charles E. Rea, M.P.
Edith M. Read
C. Harold Riches
M.M. Robinson
George R. Ronald
Bessie A. Ross
Adelaide Ross
Carl Rossman
Earl Rowe
Betty Royon
F.18 S. 1953-1961. 0.4 cm.
Sigmund Samuel
W.B. Sanders
B.A. Scott
E.B. H. Shaver
B. Shaw
Jean Sheppard
Herb Sheppard
C.E. Silcox
Donald R. Sisson
L.J. Skaife
Forbes H. Skene
Reuben Slonim
Hiram K. Smith
Conn Smythe
Douglas Stevenson
Fred Stinson
Geoffrey E.W. Styles
F.19 T. 1950-1957. 0.2 cm.
Fred J. Taylor & Sons Ltd.
Ernest Tate
W.H. Thomas
R.H. Thomson
Charles S. Thomson
Also includes copies of correspondence to D.J. Tosevic regarding his book, World Crisis in Maps, including from John G. Diefenbaker, George R. Pearkes, and Harry R. Low.
F.20 U. 1954. 1 letter from T.E. Utley, The Times Publishing Company Ltd. London. 0.1 cm.
F.21 W. 1954-1958. 0.2 cm.
G.C. Wardrope
Maud Watherson.
Margaret Wherry
R.M. Whylock
S.F. Wise
Elizabeth Workman
F.22 Unknown. 1953-1961. 0.7 cm.
F.23 Diefenbaker election. 1957. 0.2 cm.
Derek Bedson
F. Marron
R.B. Megginson
Stanley H. Knowles, M.P.
Gordon Churchill, M.P.
Grace Prescott
Joe Radford
Peg Smith
Charlotte Whitton
F.24 The Dylan Thomas Fund. 0.2 cm. 1953. Includes a collection of material related to Dylan Thomas and the Dylan Thomas Fund.
F.25 French correspondence. 1950-1955. 0.1 cm. Includes postcards from France and letters from Henry Gernoux, L. Ma Passés, and H. Fernaux.
F.26 Toronto Housing: Geco. 1951-1954. 0.8 cm. Includes collected correspondence and research material.
Personal correspondence, 1913-1961 (Box 7 - Box 8, File 1)
Box 7
F.1 A-F. 1947-1959. 0.4 cm.
Jan Armstrong
Irene Beck
E.W. Bickle
May Brickerd
Hon. Dr. Herbert A. Bruce
S.R. Carew
Wilfred Chart
W.I. Chisholm
Grant Dexter
Ann Dorian
George Drew
Sal Fisher
Includes poetry by Blanche Balfour.
F.2 G-L. 1950-1961. 0.3 cm.
Grace Gage
H. Gibb
Hugh W. Grant
Jane S. Hersh
A.C. Hunt
Jacqueline Kennedy
Norman A. Keys
Mary C. Kienzle
Jean Lonergan
Harold W. Lowry
F.3 M-S. 1941-1953. 0.4 cm.
Dr. Lily B. Mathieson
Margaret Munroe
Wallace Nesbitt
E. Paneth
Arthur G. Penny
Lorne Pierce
J. Arthur Rank
Dr. E.C. Reichel
Loftus H. Reid
Minerva Reid
E. Richardson
Geoffrey B. Riddlehough
George Robinson
Macey Roso
Robert H. Saunders
Walten Schiess
Vera Sheppard
George S. Singer
M.A. Stewart
F.4 T-Z. ca. 1954-1960. 0.1 cm.
W. Woods
John Yaremko
Also includes a wedding announcement of Peter and Eugenia Webb.
F.5. Unorganized correspondence. 1947-1960. 1.1 cm.
F.6 Adamson, Agar Rodney, M.P. Ca. 1951. 0.1 cm.
F.7 Anderson, Harry. 1936-1945. 0.2 cm.
F.8 Daley, Katherine. 1940. 0.2 cm.
F.9 Dix, Edward. 1933, 1953. 0.5 cm.
F.10 Elliott, A.J., Irish Regiment of Canada, (C.A.) C.M.F. 1942-1944. 0.2 cm.
F.11 Farthing, John. 1952-1957. 0.5 cm.
F.12 Forsey, Eugene. 1947-1953. 0.2 cm.
F.13 Golden, Lou. 1952-1957. 0.5 cm.
F.14 Grant, George. 1958-1961. 0.2 cm.
F.15 Jackson, A.Y. ca. 1948. 0.1 cm.
F.16 MacDonald, J.E.H. 1932. 0.2 cm. Includes copies of his grandfather’s wartime journal entries.
F.17 MacKenzie, Lt. Col. A.J. (C.A.M.C.) 1913-1917. 0.6 cm. Includes Christmas card from the Commanding Officers of the 48th Highlanders of Canada.
F.18 Matorney, Vera. 1926. 0.2 cm. Includes a letter from a French refugee and a letter from Charles Bishop, M.P., regarding her case.
F.19 Mencken, H.L. 1945. 0.1 cm.
F.20 Ramsay, Carrie. 1954-1958. 0.3 cm.
F.21 Robb, Wallace Havelock. 1945-1946. 0.2 cm. Also includes copies of the poems “Welcome Home” and “An Abbey Dawn.”
F.22 Smith, Jock. 1947-1957. 0.4 cm.
F.23 Smith, Peggy. 1944-1961. 0.5 cm.
F.24 Wright, Conrad. 1959-1961. 0.2 cm.
F.25 ---, Frida. 1952-1954. 0.2 cm.
F.26 ---. Kate. 1952-1954. 0.2 cm. Note: Thomas Cullen’s sister.
F.27 ---, Lorelei. N.d. 0.1 cm.
F.28 Xmas cards. 1945-1956. 1.5 cm.
F.29 Telegraphs. 1947, 1958. 0.1 cm.
F.30 Letters from friends and family re: illness. 19454-1947. 0.8 cm.
F.31 Letters from friends and family re: illness. 1960. 1 cm.
F.32 …Bill. 1924. 0.2 cm.
F.33 Robinson, Jessie. 1931. 0.2 cm.
F.34 Robinson, John R. ca. 1954. 0.2 cm.
F.35 Miller, Joy (Robinson). 1924-1929. 0.1 cm. Also includes her marriage announcement.
F.36 Tributes to J.R. Robinson. 1929, 1945. 0.1 cm. Includes a signed letter from the staff of the Evening Telegram and a letter from Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.
F.37 Photographs: family. N.d. 10 photographs : b&w ; 6 x 11 cm and smaller. Includes photographs of John, David, Joy, Jack, and Robert Blake.
Box 8
F.1 Letters sent to Joy and Peggy re: Judith’s death. 1961-1962. 1.3 cm.
Professional Correspondence ca. 1938-1961
F.2 Professional corr. 1938-1944. 0.1 cm.
The Canadian Magazine
The Globe and Mail
Maclean’s Magazine
The Vancouver Daily Province.
F.3 Professional corr. 1947. 0.3 cm.
The Midland Free Press Herald
The Times Review
Underwood Limited
Vancouver Daily Province
F.4 Professional corr. 1949. 0.2 cm.
British Book Service (Canada) Limited
Shipping Limited
Shirley Leishman Books
The Times Review
The Toronto Telegram
F5. Professional corr. 1951-1952. 0.3 cm.
Canadian Home Journal
J.H. Cranston
Gerald Pollinger
Saturday Night
Standard (Montreal)
F6. Professional corr. 1953. 0.5 cm.
Department of Public Printing and Stationary
Lord Mayor’s National Flood and Tempest Distress Fund
Ryerson Press
The Telegram
The Times Review
Toronto Newspapers Guild
F7. Professional corr. 1954. 0.1 cm.
Canadian Press
The Canadian Women’s Press Club
Thomson Newspapers.
F.8 Professional corr. 1955-1960. 0.1 cm.
McClelland & Stewart Ltd.
Ryerson Press
Toronto Newspaper Guild
Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Canada Ltd.
F9. National Newspapers Award. 1954. 0.8 cm. Letters of congratulations and material related to receiving the award for “Spot News Reporting.” Includes the certificate of the award.
F.10 National Newspapers Award (clippings). 1954. 0.1 cm.
F.11 Diploma of thanks and appreciation, Le Ministre de la Population du Gouvernement Provisoire de la République Française. ca. 1946-1950. 0.1 cm.
F.12 France-Canada. 1942. 0.5 cm. Includes the December 1942 issue of France-Canada and France Forever Year Book 1942.
F.13 Chatelaine correspondence. 1952-1953. 0.3 cm.
F.14 Telegram correspondence. 1957-1961. 0.7 cm.
F.15 Photographs. [1932-1961]. 18 photographs : b&w ; 19 x 24 cm and smaller. 1 intaglio printing block : 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm. Includes photographs sent to Peg Blackstock from the Toronto Telegram. Includes photographs of Judith and Lou Golden.
F.16 Invitations. 1957. 0.2 cm. Includes invitations from the High Commissioner for the United Kingdom, St. Patrick’s Anglican Church, Willowdale, Ont., Canadian Clubs of Brantford, Guelph, and Kitchener, the Prime Minister of Canada, and Eva Szulner.
Letters from readers addressed to Judith or ‘To the Editor’ 1937-1961 (Box 8, File 17 – Box 9)
F.17 Reader responses. 1937. 0.9 cm.
F.18 Reader responses. 1938. 0.6 cm.
F.19 Reader letters of support re: dismissal from Globe and Mail. 1938. 1.6 cm.
Box 9
F.1 Reader responses. 1938-1939. 1.7 cm.
F.2 Reader responses, undated, 1939. 0.3 cm.
F.3 Reader responses. 1940. [1 of 2]. 1.8 cm.
F.4 Reader responses. 1940. [2 of 2]. 1.9 cm.
F.5 Reader responses. 1941-1943. 0.2 cm.
F.6 Reader responses. 1945. 0.5 cm.
F.7 Reader responses. 1949. 0.1 cm.
F.8 Reader responses. 1952. 0.1 cm.
F.9 Reader responses. 1953. 1 cm.
F.10 Reader responses. 1954. 0.3 cm.
F.11 Reader responses. 1955. 0.2 cm.
F.12 Reader responses. 1956. 0.5 cm.
F.13 Reader responses. 1957. 0.6 cm.
F.14 Reader responses. 1958. 0.4 cm.
F.15 Reader responses. 1959. 0.2 cm.
F.16 Reader responses. 1960. 0.1 cm.
F.17 Reader responses. 1961. 0.6 cm.
Series 2
Articles, clippings. – 1927-1961. – 57.7 cm. Series title based on contents. Series includes clippings of columns printed in The Toronto Telegram, The Globe and Mail and other publications, drafts of articles, and her obituaries.
(Oversized clippings from the Telegram, the Globe, and the “European Cavalcade” series found in Box 39, F.3-5).
Box 10
F.1 Columns. 1927. 0.1 cm.
F.2 Columns. 1928. 0.2 cm.
F.3 Columns. 1929. 0.5 cm.
F.4 Columns (no bylines). 1929. 0.9 cm.
F.5 Columns. 1930. 0.1 cm.
F.6 Columns. 1931. 0.1 cm.
F.7 Columns from trip to England. 1931. 1.5 cm. Columns by Judith as Special Staff Correspondent of The Globe. Also includes related correspondence.
F.8 Columns. 1932. 0.1 cm.
F.9 Partial, Imperfect and Prejudiced – Toronto City Council. 1932. 0.7 cm. Includes numbers 1 to 21 (missing #15) of the series, “Side views of the 1932 City Council as it does not see itself.”
F.10 Under the Gallery Clock – Parliamentarians. 1933. 0.4 cm. Includes numbers 1 to 6 (missing #4) of the series, “Close-ups of some of Canada’s parliamentarians snapped when they were not posing.”
F.11 Under the Gallery Clock – Ontario MPPs. 1933. 0.5 cm. Includes numbers 1 to 29 of the series, “Pen pictures of Ontario’s legislators when they are not posing.” Also includes a letter of praise from F.W. Wilson, M.P.P.
F.12 Columns. 1933. 0.1 cm.
F.13 Columns. 1934. 0.1 cm.
F.14 Columns. Toronto. Ft. York. Brock. 1934. 0.4 cm. Includes articles re: Toronto’s centennial.
F.15 Columns. 1935. 0.9 cm.
F.16 Columns. 1936. 0.4 cm. Includes clippings from The Globe, and the Kingston Whig Standard.
F.17 Columns. Saturday Night Magazine. 1936. 0.7 cm.
F.18 Columns. 1937. 0.7 cm.
F.19 Columns. 1938. 0.2 cm.
F.20 Columns. 1939. 0.1 cm.
F.21 Columns. 1940. 0.3 cm.
F.22 Columns. 1941. 0.3 cm.
F.22 Columns. Undated. ca. 1930s-1940. 0.7 cm.
Box 11
F.1 Telegram columns. Feb.–Apr. 1953. 1 cm.
F.2 Telegram columns. May–Aug. 1953. 1.7 cm.
F.3 Telegram columns. Sep.–Dec. 1953. 1.8 cm.
F.4 Telegram columns. Jan.–Apr. 1954. 1.5 cm.
F.5 Telegram columns. May–Aug. 1954. 1.5 cm.
F.6 Telegram columns. Sep.–Dec. 1954. 1 cm.
F.7 Telegram columns. Jan.–Apr. 1955. 0.8 cm.
F.8 Telegram columns. May–Aug. 1955. 1.7 cm.
Box 12
F.1 Telegram columns. Sep.–Dec. 1955. 1.2 cm.
F.2 Telegram columns. May–Aug. 1956. 1.7 cm.
F.3 Telegram columns. Jan.–Apr. 1956. 1.6 cm.
F.4 Telegram columns. Sep.–Dec. 1956. 1.1 cm.
F.5 Telegram columns. Jan.–Apr. 1957. 2.5 cm.
F.6 Telegram columns. May–Aug. 1957. 1.5 cm.
F.7 Telegram columns. Sep.–Nov. 1957. 0.8 cm.
F.8 Telegram columns. Jan.–Apr. 1958. 1.6 cm.
Box 13
F.1 Telegram columns. May–Aug. 1958. 1.6 cm.
F.2 “Keeping Politicians in their place.” 1958. 0.2 cm.
F.3 Telegram columns. Sep.–Dec. 1958. 1.4 cm.
F.4 Avro Arrow. 1958-1959. 0.4 cm. Includes articles published in the Telegram, t.s copy of articles (6 p.), and letters of praise from readers and J.L. Plant of Avro Aircraft Ltd.
F.5 Newfoundland election. 1959. 0.8 cm. Includes articles published in the Telegram.
F.6 Telegram and Globe and Mail columns. Jan.-Apr. 1959. 1.8 cm.
F.7 Telegram columns. May–Aug. 1959. 1 cm.
F.8 Telegram columns. Sep.–Dec. 1959. 1.2 cm. Includes articles written as a correspondent in Europe.
F.9 Telegram columns. Sep.–Nov. 1960. 1 cm.
Box 14
F.1 Telegram columns. Jan.–Apr. 1961. 1.5 cm.
F.2 Telegram columns. May–Aug. 1961. 1.2 cm.
F.3 Telegram columns. Sep.–Dec. 1961. 0.3 cm.
F.4 Telegram columns re: James Coyne. 1961. 0.4 cm.
F.5 Telegram columns re: Bennett, B.C. Electric. Aug.-Sept. 1961. 0.3 cm.
F.6 Fort Erie Times Review columns. 1940. 0.2 cm.
F.7 Fort Erie Times Review columns. 1946. 0.2 cm.
F.8 Fort Erie Times Review columns. 1947. 0.3 cm.
F.9 Fort Erie Times Review columns. 1948. 0.4 cm.
F.10 Fort Erie Times Review columns. 1949. 0.7 cm.
F.11 Fort Erie Times Review columns. 1951. 0.4 cm.
F.12 Fort Erie Times Review columns. 1952. 0.8 cm.
F.13 Fort Erie Times Review columns. 1953. 1 cm.
F.14 Vancouver Daily Province columns. 1945. 0.4 cm.
Box 15
F.1 European Cavalcade. 1950. 0.9 cm. Includes articles published as a series, written during a trip to Europe.
F.2 European Cavalcade: printed in the Guelph Mercury. 1950. 0.3 cm.
F.3 European Cavalcade: copy. 1950. 1.9 cm.
F.4 Misc. articles. ca. 1953. 0.3 cm.
F.5 “By Any Other Name” copy. 1932. 0.2 cm. Drafts of article submitted to Chatelaine and Canadian Home Journal.
F.6 Chatelaine, Canadian Life: clippings. 1951-1953. 0.3 cm.
F.7 Saturday Night Magazine: clippings. 1930. 0.2 cm.
F.8 Miscellaneous clippings. 1953-1957. 0.3 cm.
F.9 Judith Robinson obituaries. 1961. 0.9 cm.
F.10 Photocopies of articles. 1956-1959. 0.3 cm.
Series 3
Articles, research files. – 1930-1961. – 31.1 cm. Series title based on contents. Series consists of collected material, related correspondence, drafts of articles, and notes relating to articles published in the Globe and Mail, NEWS, and the Telegram.
Box 16
F.1 1776-1814: historical background. N.d. 0.5 cm. Includes m.s. notes and t.s. material re: the Bill of Rights, the Alaska Boundary dispute, Montcalm, John A. Macdonald, and George Herbert. Possible t.s. draft articles.
F.2 Harold Banks, U.S. Seafarers’ Union. 1957-1958. 0.3 cm. Includes clippings of Judith’s articles on the Harold C. Banks case, and a copy of the writ of summons and Supreme Court of Ontario statement of claim between Harold C. Banks and The Telegram Publishing Company, John Bassett, and Judith Robinson. Also includes related correspondence, including with a member of the House of Commons, William J.A. Mackenzie, W. Herridge, M.P., and Maurice Marrinan of the Montreal Sailors’ Institute.
F.3 British Columbia Development of Peace River – Donald Fleming. 1961. 0.4 cm. T.s. drafts of articles, related notes, and collected material.
F.4 British background. 1959. 0.3 cm. Includes m.s. and t.s. research notes.
F.5 British Empire. 1957. 0.4 cm. Includes notes and collected material re: the British Commonwealth and Australia.
F.6 British politicians. ca. 1954. 0.1 cm. Includes notes, draft t.s. fragments of articles. Includes slipping of speech by Winston Churchill, 1940.
F.7 Cdr. Wm. Carr. 1945. 0.1 cm. Includes 1 carbon-copy letter from H.G. Stairs to Commander W.J.G. Carr.
F.8 Canada Cement NFLD’s North Star Cement. 1954. 0.1 cm. Includes m.s. and t.s. notes.
F.9 Defense Production Act. 1955-1956. 0.2 cm. Includes draft t.s. of article on C.D. Howe and a clipping of Judith’s article in the Telegram.
F.10 Tommy Douglas. 1957-1960. 0.6 cm. Includes 2 letters of correspondence from Premier T.C. Douglas and a transcript of a speech by Douglas.
F.11 George Drew and the Conservative Party. 1940. 0.3 cm. Includes a letter from Russell H. Underhill and enclosed article, “The Future of the Conservative Party in Ontario.”
F.12 Cyrus Eaton & His Secretary: correspondence. 1957-1960. 0.6 cm. Correspondents include: Anne and Cyrus Eaton, Betty Royon, and Stanley H. Knowles, M.P.
F.13 First Nations. 1953-1959. 0.3 cm. Includes a carbon copy of a letter to the Indian Rights Association, 1933, draft t.s. of an article, and copies of Judith’s column re: First Nations issues.
F.14 Fisher, Douglas. 1957-1958. 0.2 cm. Includes correspondence with Douglas Fisher, M.P., a map of Fort William, Ont., and photocopies of Judith’s columns.
F.15 C. Dunning. Minister of Finance. 1936. 0.9 cm. Includes t.s. and m.s. notes and draft articles and a census page from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics.
F.16 Pre-1939 Germany. N.d. 0.1. cm. Includes t.s. notes and fragments..
F.17 Igor Gouzenko. 1956. 0.4 cm. Includes letters from O. Pidharru(?) and Filmore Calhoun, draft m.s. and t.s. articles, and notes.
F.18 Government contracts : Ottawa. 1953. 0.9 cm. Includes draft t.s. and m.s. articles.
F.19 Jean-Charles Harvey : Le Jour. 1940, 1952. 0. 9 cm. Includes correspondence with Harvey, Germaine B. Guilbault, Emile-Charles Hamel, and Oakley Dalgleish.
F.20 C.D. Howe. 1954. 0.5 cm. Includes research material, clippings of Judith’s columns, and notes.
F.21 Japan Power Treaty Con. 1937. 0.2 cm. Includes a letter from The Nova-Kelp Company Ltd, and a statement regarding the Japanese government’s declination to participate in the Nine Power Treaty Conference, sent by the Japanese Legation, Ottawa.
F.22 League of Nations. 1936. 0.1 cm. Includes t.s. notes, possible draft article (4 p.).
F.23 Harvey Lunam. 1953. 1.9 cm. Includes t.s. and m.s. drafts, notes, and collected material.
Box 17
F.1 Toronto Malton Expropriations. 1954-1959. 0.1 cm. Includes a letter from the George Hees, Deputy Minister of Transport to Aileen Drew, an open letter to Hees from James Spence and others, and a copy of a report by Donald C. Macdonald, M.P.P.
F.2 Maps : Ontario. Ca. 1930. 1 cm. 5 maps.
F.3 John Marshall : Victoria Library. 1954. 0.5 cm. Includes letters and received material from Ann W. Johnston, collected material, and t.s. notes. File relates to the dismissal of John Marshall from the Victoria Library due to allegations of communist sympathies.
F.4 Joseph McCarthy. 1953-1954. 0.3 cm. Includes m.s. notes, t.s. draft articles, collected materials, and clippings of Judith’s articles.
F.5 Metropolitan Toronto. 1955-1957. 0.3 cm. Includes m.s. notes, 2 letters from Remington White, and collected material including an address by Frederick G. Gardiner.
F.6 Parliament. 1960-1961. 0.2 cm. Includes collected material, m.s. notes, and a letter from Betty Royon.
F.7 Parliament Hill. ca. 1953-1954. 0.2 cm. Includes collected material and notes. Also includes a carbon copy of “Report from Parliament Hill” (CKRD Red Deer, 04/29/53) by Ray Thomas, M.P.
F.8 A.G. Dana Porter. 1953. 0.1 cm. 1 carbon-copy letter from D.J. O’Connor to Attorney General Dana Porter.
F.9 Mechanization of Post Office. 1960. 0.6 cm. Includes draft copy of article with edits and related transcripts.
F.10 1926 election in Prince Albert, Sask. ca. 1926. 0.1 cm. Includes report on by-election by T.D. Agnew and related collected material.
F.11 Queen Victoria Niagara Park. 1923. 0.2 cm. Includes a letter from the Superintendent of the Commissioners for the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park and an enclosed annual report.
F.12 Radio. 1938. 0.4 cm. Includes t.s. draft article, m.s. notes, and 2 items of collected correspondence of Frederic Rogers.
F.13 Scarborough background. 1954. 0.2 cm.
F.14 H.L. Sheppard. 1945-1958. 0.7 cm. Includes correspondence and briefs from the Whaley-Eaton Service.
F.15 C.E. Silcox. 1939. 0.3 cm. Includes collected correspondence and research material on the Christian Social Council of Canada.
F.16 Morton Sobell case. 1954-1955. 0.7 cm. Includes collected correspondence of the Minister of National Defence, a press release, related research material, and photocopies of Judith’s column. Also includes 2 letters of praise from readers re: her column.
F.17 St. Lawrence Seaway. 1954. 0.8 cm. Includes draft t.s. and m.s. articles and notes.
F.18 St. Pierre + Miguelon. 1958. 0.2 cm. Includes a hotel receipt, m.s. notes, and draft t.s. fragments.
F.19 Suez. 1957-1958. 0.2 cm. Includes m.s. notes and a reader response letter.
F.20 Canadian Textile Industry. 1954. 0.3 cm.
F.21 Trail, B.C. United Steelworkers of America. 1950. 1.7 cm. Includes collected correspondence of the United Steelworkers of America, research material, and a possible draft t.s. article.
F.22 Proposed amendment, Trustees Act. 1938. 0.2 cm. Includes a memorandum addressed to Miss Robinson.
F.23 Charles Vance Millar. 1936. 0.3 cm. 1 photograph : b&w ; 10.5 x 16 cm. Includes a photograph portrait of Millar, t.s. draft article, and computer printout copy of article filed by Gillian Watt.
F.24 Wheat surplus. 1957. 0.3 cm. Manuscript notes.
F.25 Wiley Act, C.C.F. 1954. 0.3 cm. Includes m.s. notes and draft t.s. fragments.
F.26 Mary Williamson, United Nations. 1947. 0.3 cm. Includes correspondence with Mary Williamson, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
Box 18
F.1 Copy, notes. ca. 1936. 0.3 cm. Includes t.s. draft of article re: Jean-Francois Pouliot and unrelated notes.
F.2 Copy, notes. ca. 1937. 0.1 cm. Includes t.s. fragment of article re: sea and air ports in Toronto and unrelated notes.
F.3 Copy, notes. 1937-1940. 0.7 cm. Includes t.s. draft fragment of articles re: Premier William Aberhart and the 1940 general election, 7.p. draft t.s. describing “Father Divine”, French grammar lesson notes, and unrelated notes.
F.4 Notes. 1939. 0.2 cm. Includes a background report on Henry Latham Doherty and related and unrelated notes.
F.5 Unidentified articles. 1940. 0.3 cm. Includes t.s. articles titled “Freedom and Tolerance” (18 p.), “Hay Bay Church” (2 p.), and “England in Queen Elizabeth’s Time” (1 p.).
F.6 Copy, misc. 1941. 0.1 cm. Includes miscellaneous collected material and a draft t.s. fragment of articles re: the invasion of Paris, the Canadian army, and the Canadian press.
F.7 Loose notes. ca. 1941. 0.1 cm.
F.8 Draft copy. ca. 1943-1950s. 1.5 cm. Includes miscellaneous notes, t.s. fragments of articles re: International Airways Ltd., the Korean war, the Nesbitt Thomson Company, Toronto public housing, the sale of copper to Japan, Quebec elections, and the Emergency Relief Branch of the Department of Labour.
F.9 Copy, notes. ca. 1947-1950. 0.6 cm. Includes draft fragments of articles re: Lord Woolton and Edwin Leather, m.s. and t.s. notes.
F.10 Copy, notes. ca. 1950-1956. Includes draft fragments of articles re: the Palace of Westminster and Diefenbaker’s cabinet. Notes include material re: Galt, Ontario. 1.7 cm.
F.11 Misc., notes. ca. 1953. 0.6 cm.
F.12 Copy, notes. ca. 1953. 0.2 cm. Includes t.s. research notes and draft t.s. fragments of articles re: St. Laurent’s cabinet and GATT.
F.13 Copy, notes. ca. 1955. 0.2 cm. Includes notes taken during question period at the House of Commons, draft t.s. fragments, and unrelated notes.
F.14 Notes. ca. 1955. 0.2 cm. Includes posters for the Progressive Conservative electoral campaign of Jean-Paul Bérubé for Témiscouta, Quebec.
F.15 Copy, notes. ca. 1956. 0.1 cm. Includes draft fragments of articles re: Toronto schools and Senator Courtemanche.
F.16 Copy. ca. 1957. 0.6 cm. Includes draft fragments of articles re: Clement Atlee, the Royal visit of the Crown Prince of Japan, Canadian-US tariffs, elections in Gaspé, and a book review of Canada: Tomorrow’s Giant by Bruce Hutchison.
F.17 Notes. July 1958. 0.1 cm.
F.18 Copy, notes. Ca. 1961. 0.4 cm. Includes draft t.s. article, “Dog Fight in Baltimore”, misc. collected material, and research notes.
F.19 A Miscellaneous collection. 1956-1960. 0.7 cm. [Items found within a scrapbook labelled, “A Miscellaneous Collection”]. Includes research material.
F.20 Notes, misc. n.d. 0.4 cm.
F.21 Misc. n.d. 0.5 cm. Received material, notes, and fragments. Also includes printed material added by Gillian Watt.
Series 4
“Calling Canada” / NEWS. – 1939-1946. – 50.2 cm. Series title based on contents. Series consists of administrative records, related correspondence, and other material related to the publication and writing of the “Calling Canada” advertisements (1940) and its successor, NEWS (1941-1946).
(Additional oversized material: lists of NEWS subscribers and address cards of subscribers found in Box 39 and 40. NEWS poster found in the Oversized folder.)
Box 19
F.1 Calling Canada. 1939-1941. 0.4 cm. Correspondence related to the printing of “Calling Canada” advertisements advocating Canadian involvement in the war effort. Includes a 12 p. t.s. history of “Calling Canada” by Robinson MacLean and t.s. notes re: the plans for the publication.
F.2 “Calling Canada.” 1940. 1 cm. Correspondence and other material related to the publication, advertising, and distribution of the Calling Canada advertisements; copy of a statement by Calling Canada Inc. sent to the Canadian Press.
F.3 “Calling Canada”: correspondence. 1940. 0.1 cm. Includes letters received from Kenneth McMillan, Bernard K. Sandwell, M.J. Coldwell, M.P., and William C. Grant.
F.4 “Calling Canada” clippings. 0.1 cm.
F.5 “Calling Canada” press clippings. 1940. 0.6 cm. Includes the article “Who is Calling Canada” by Judith Robinson printed in Liberty, Aug. 31, 1940.
F.6 “Calling Canada” mat mold flongs. 1940. 2 cm. Includes 3 stereotypes for “Calling Canada” advertisements.
F.7 Printing plans, The Review Company. 1941. 0.3 cm. Includes correspondence with the Review Company Printers and Oakley Dalgleish and an early draft pencil sketch of NEWS paper’s format.
F.8 NEWS Bulletin : Twelve Hours of History. ca. 1941. Graphic card : 10.5 x 27 cm.
F.9 NEWS : setting up. 1939-1940. 0.4 cm. Correspondence re: the foundation of NEWS.
Oakley Dalgleish, D.M. Hogarth, J.M. Macdowell, Jean-Charles Harvey, Cyril ---, B.H. Bramble., J.A. Faulkner, M.F. Calhoun, and John R. MacNicol.
F.10 Draft charter. Picture News Press, Limited. 1941. 0.1 cm. Correspondence with enclosed copy of the original charter of Picture News Press, Limited.
F.11 Founders. 1941. 0.5 cm. Includes correspondence with the potential founding sponsors of NEWS, including: Conn Smythe, R.A. Daly, W. Frank Prendergast, Hume Cronyn, Hon. R.C. Matthews, E.W. Bickle, D.M. Hogarth, Charles McCrea, Everett Bristol, Sir Ellsworth Flavelle, and Senator Arthur Meighen.
F.12 Newspaper presses. 1941. 0.4 cm. Includes an invoice from Toronto Type Foundry Co. Ltd., and brochures for printing press equipment.
F.13 Beginnings of News. 1940. 0.6 cm. Correspondents include: E. W. Johnston and B.H. Bramble (The Review Company Printers, Fort Eerie), Lou Golden, Cyril ---, and A.S. Hanna (Almonte Gazette). Also includes draft vision statements for NEWS.
F.14 Early reactions to NEWS. 1941. 0.6 cm. Includes letters of praise from Rhea G. Clyman, R.A. Stapells, Edna Barr, Charles C. Labrie, W.H. Cranston, Arthur J. Monk, Peter L. Brown, H.E. Walter, and Floyd M. Campbell. Includes a copy of the pamphlet, “What Others Say … of NEWS.”
F.15 NEWS : subscribers, founders, etc. 1941. 0.6 cm. Consists of lists of ‘founders’ (life subscribers), and subscribers.
F.16 NEWS: mailer. 1941. 0.1 cm.
F.17 Statements, commissions. 1941-1942. 0.2 cm.
F.18 Financial statements. 1942-1944. 0.3 cm.
Box 20
F.1 Balance sheets. 1941-1944. 0.9 cm.
F.2 Distributors: American News Co. Toronto. 1941. 1 cm. Includes invoices, statements, and correspondence related to distribution.
F.3 Distributors: Western News Co. London. 1942-1945. 0.6 cm.
F.4 Distributors: misc. 1941-1944. 1 cm. [1 of 2].
F.5 Distributors: misc. 1941-1944. 1 cm. [2 of 2].
F.6 Distributors: reports, newsstands. 1940s. 1.2 cm.
F.7 Advertisers: in voices. Ca. 1942. 0.1 cm.
F.8 Advertisers, British. 1945-1946. 0.2 cm. Includes correspondence and invoices.
F.9 Total War Committee : NEWS. ca. 1945-1947. 0.5 cm. Includes name tags with “NEWS” headings. Also includes a possibly unrelated letter from K.A. Cockburn.
F.10 Galley of News subscribers. 1946. 1.5 cm.
F.11 Press clippings lists. 1942-1944. 0.5 cm.
F.12 NEWS: payroll. 1942. 0.6 cm. Monthly statements of staff payroll.
F.13 NEWS: payroll. 1943. 0.3 cm.
F.14 Dominion News Bureau: cartoons. June-Aug. 1941. 1.4 cm. Includes two articles of the series, “The David Lawrence Dispatch”, mat mold flongs and clippings of cartoons, sent by Dominion News Bureau Ltd.
F.15 NEWS. Misc. 1941. 0.2 cm. Includes mailers, national rate cards, and draft copy for “Who’s Who” sponsorship page.
Box 21
F.1 NEWS correspondence, misc. 1941. 0.5 cm. Includes personal letters of congratulations and a possible unsolicited writing submission.
F.2 NEWS correspondence. 1941. 0.1 cm. Includes professional correspondence and reader responses.
F.3 Workings of NEWS. 1941-1942. 1.4 cm. Includes the following correspondents:
Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath
Fill Calhoun
Emile Charles Hamel
Real Rousseau
Harry Rowe
Madame M.E. De Sezhan
Also includes writing submissions from J.G. Sinclair (aka Stephen Embleton), research notes, and other fragments.
F.4 NEWS correspondence. 1942-1943. 0.2 cm. Includes reader responses.
F.5 NEWS correspondence. 1945-1947. 0.5 cm. Includes professional correspondence, reader responses, and writing submissions.
F.6 NEWS: correspondence. 1945-1946. 0.2 cm. Includes reader responses, writing submissions, and letters from the following correspondents:
John Allen, Winnipeg Deputy Attorney General
Edward J. Brindell.
Margaret Hyndman
Gladstone Murray
F.7 Letters re: the end of NEWS. 1946. 0.3 cm. [1 of 3].
F.8 Letters re: the end of NEWS. 1946. 0.2 cm. [2 of 3].
F.9 Letters re: the end of NEWS. 1946. 0.2 cm. [3 of 3].
F.10 Draft articles, unknown. 1940, 1999. 0.2 cm. Includes t.s. and m.s. draft fragments of articles, a letter and enclosed writing submission from William Guy Carr, R.D. Commander R.C.N.R. Also includes an email to Gillian Watt.
F.11 Draft articles. 1940. 0.9 cm. T.s. and m.s. draft fragments of articles.
F.12 Background research, draft articles. November 1940. 0.2 cm. Includes research material, draft t.s. articles on Jules Romains, and a letter from Lou Golden.
F.13 Draft articles. November 1941. 1 cm. Includes t.s. and m.s. articles and fragments.
F.14 NEWS story possibilities. 1941. 0.5 cm. Includes received research material, draft articles and fragments.
F.15 NEWS. Undated. Misc. [1941-1946]. 0.3 cm. Includes fragments, research, and collected material including poetry by Jean Colbert and an unattributed article on economics.
F.16 NEWS background. ca. 1941. 0.2 cm. Includes a draft article titled “Hydro is Yours?” by Gus Harris, a letter from Vincent Geller, clippings, and t.s. fragments.
F.17 Background. 1941-1942. 0.1 cm. Includes misc. collected material and a press release sent by the War Metals Advisory Committee.
F.18 Labour (Canadian). 1941. 0.2 cm. Includes research material re: Canadian Congress of Labour and an m.s. letter addressed to Larry Rogers.
F.19 Notes. Malton, Avro-Ansons. 1941. 0.1 cm. T.s. research notes.
F.20 National Council for Democratic Rights. 1941. 0.3 cm. Includes research material and a letter from Rev. A.H. Tyrer.
F.21 NY Herald Tribune Forum. November 1942. 0.3 cm. Includes text of an address by Wendell Wilkie at the New York Herald Tribune Forum on Current Problems and notes.
F.22 Notes. The State. [1941-1946]. 0.1 cm. Includes research notes and fragments.
F.23 Tanks research. 1939-1940. 0.9 cm. Includes research material re: the article on Canadian tank building, published under “Calling Canada.”
F.24 Women + War. 1941. 0.4 cm. Includes research material.
F.25 Submissions to NEWS. 1941-1946. 1.5 cm. Unsolicited writing submissions.
F.26 Submissions: Gus Harris, M.J. Caveney. 1945. 0.2 cm. Includes writing submissions titled “Slanting NEWS” and “Do YOU Hate War.”
F.27 Submission: photograph by James Thomas Lynch. 0.1 cm. 1 photograph : b&w ; 16 x 17 cm.
F.28 Misc. ca. 1939-1945. 0.2 cm. Includes research material, an undated and unattributed lecture to the Fortnightly Club, and a memorandum of the Canadian Paraplegic Association.
Complete set of NEWS (1941-1946) (Boxes 22-25).
Note: The newspapers were numbered by the publisher using the following set: 41, 42, 43, 4, 5, and 6.
Box 22
NEWS. Toronto: Picture News Press, Limited. 35 issues.
Vol. 41, no. 1 (May 8, 1941) – Vol. 42, no. 1 (Jan. 3, 1942).
Box 23
NEWS. Toronto: Picture News Press, Limited. 83 issues.
Vol. 42, no. 2 (Jan. 10, 1942) – Vol. 43, no. 31 (July 31, 1943).
Box 24
NEWS. Toronto: Picture News Press, Limited. 73 issues.
Vol. 43 no. 32 (Aug. 7, 1943) – Vol. 4, no. 52 (Dec. 30, 1944).
Box 25
NEWS. Toronto: Picture News Press, Limited. 68 issues.
Vol. 5, no. 1 (Jan. 6, 1945) – Vol. 6, no. 14 (Apr. 13, 1946).
Series 5
Invoices and personal material. – 1924-1959. – 7.5 cm of textual records and photographs. Series consists of financial and personal records of the Robinson family, including records which pertain to John Robinson Robinson, Sr., Jack Robinson, Jessie Baker, and Joy Miller.
Box 26
F.1 Cottage. 1952-1953. 0.2 cm. Includes construction notes, architectural sketches, and correspondence with R.M. Milligan, Boat Storage and General Repairs, Collins Bay, Ont.
F.2 Architectural drawings. 1953. 0.4 cm. Also includes letters from R.M. Milligan.
F.3 Architectural drawings: Baker House, Collins Bay. 1959. 1.2 cm. Also includes letters from R.M. Milligan.
F.4 Sunbeam car, family. 1925. 0.3 cm. 1 photograph : b&w ; 8 x 5.5 cm. Reports on the family car by S.T.D. Motor Services and the Royal Automobile Club. Also includes a photograph of a church exterior.
F.5 Car insurance. 1935-1953. 0.2 cm.
F.6 Charity. 1928-1938. 0.2 cm. Includes receipts and material from the Poppy Fund, Working Boys’ Home of Toronto, The Canadian National Institute for the Blind, and the Art Gallery of Toronto.
F.7 Estate. 1929. 0.4 cm. Correspondence with the legal firm Church and Robinson and the City of Toronto, re: estate payments and life insurance on the occasion of the death of John Robinson Robinson.
F.8 House. 1934-1938. 0.2 cm. Includes reports of work completed and some correspondence re: house renovations.
F.9 Income tax. 1937-1938. 0.5 cm. Income tax returns, assessment notices, and other material received from the Department of National Revenue.
F.10 Life Insurance. 1910-1934. 0.3 cm.
F.11 Medical. 1945-1953. 0.1 cm. Includes doctor’s bills from The Church Home and Hospital, Baltimore.
F.12 Property taxes. 1923-1936. 1 cm. Includes notices from the municipalities of Invergordon, Beaverton, and the City of Toronto, and correspondence with the legal firm Church and Robinson.
F.13 Royal Bank of Canada. 1945-1946. 0.2 cm. Includes statements of accounts.
F.14 Stocks. 1924-1938. 1.9 cm. Records relating to stock holdings and transactions.
F.15 Misc. receipts. 1924-1936. 0.2 cm. Includes purchase receipts.
F.16 Unidentified notes. N.d. 0.2 cm.
Series 6
Christie St. Hospital Campaign – 1944-1945. – 10.6 cm of textual records. Series title based on contents. Series consists of correspondence, working files, and other material related to the campaign of the Women’s Emergency Committee to shut down the Christie Street Veterans Hospital to be replaced with the Sunnybrook Military Hospital. The campaign was organized by Dr. Minerva E. Reid, Lady Eaton, Judith Robinson, Margaret Hyndman, L.C. and other prominent women. [Appraisal note: only a sample of petition signature sheets have been retained due to poor condition.]
Box 27
F.1 Christie St. Campaign. Aug. 1944. 0.8 cm. Includes drafts of founding statement, list of members of the Women’s Emergency Committee, letters of support, and memoranda.
F.2 Women’s Emergency Committee. 1944-1945. 0.4 cm. Includes minutes of a meeting held at 63 Wellesley, June 22, 1945, carbon copy letters to politicians, letterhead, receipts, invitations, and received letters of support.
F.3 Christie St. Hospital: background. 1944. 0.9 cm. Includes a mailer from the Women’s Emergency Committee, 5 p. t.s. description of the issue, letters from Peg Smith, letters, and a statement of accounts.
F.4 Christie St. / Sunnybrook: Women’s Emergency Committee. 1944. 0.5 cm. Letters sent to Dr. Minerva E. Reid, Chairman, Women’s Committee for War Hospitals and letters of support for the Women’s Emergency Committee.
F.5 Ian MacKenzie. 1944. 0.5 cm. Petitions to Hon. Ian MacKenzie, Minister of Pensions and National Health.
F.6 W.L.M. King. 1944. 0.7 cm. Petitions to PM William Lyon MacKenzie King and responses from H.R.L. Henry, his Private Secretary.
F.7 Letters addressed to Dr. Minerva E. Reid and the Women’s Emergency Committee: re: petition. 1944. 1.5 cm.
F.8 Christie St. Campaign. 1944. 0.2 cm. General correspondence addressed to Dr. Minerva Reid. Notable correspondents include Lily Phelps, Gordon Graydon, M.P., Alphonse Fournier, M.P., and Lady Eaton.
F.9 Christie St. Hospital correspondence: addressed to Judith. 1943-1948, 1957. 0.8 cm. Notable correspondents include:
W.J.G. Carr
Thomas Cullen
Lady Eaton
Milton F. Gregg, M.P.
Paul M. Husby
Betty Kerr
Ferdinand Kuhn
John McCormack of the New York Times
G.R. McDougall
H.G. Montillon
J.W. Noseworthy
Sholto Smith
W.J. Stewart M.P.P.
Includes a photocopy of an article by Judith in memory of Dr. Reid printed after her death in 1957, filed by Gillian Watt.
F.10 Christie St. Campaign: misc. 1944. 0.2 cm. Includes correspondence with the National Film Board re: a request for a film on veterans, a letter of thanks from the Permanent Committee on Veterans Rehabilitation, and misc. notes and collected material.
F.11 Sample petition signature sheets. 1944. 0.6 cm. Includes a sample of pages with petitioners’ signatures.
F.12 List of Petitioners. 1944. 2 cm. Consists of lists of names and addresses, likely a list of petitioners for the Christie St. Hospital campaign. [1 of 2].
F.13 List of Petitioners. 1944. 1.5 cm. Consists of lists of names and addresses, likely a list of petitioners for the Christie St. Hospital campaign. [2 of 2].
Series 7
Writing, manuscripts. – 1940-1959. – 51.5 cm of textual records and photographs. Series title based on contents. Series consists of manuscripts, research, related correspondence, review clippings, and other material related to the writing and publication of Tom Cullen of Baltimore (1949), As We Came By (1951), and This Is On The House (1957). Series includes correspondence between Judith Robinson and Thomas Cullen and Thomas Cullen’s own personal correspondence with various other recipients, collected as research material for, and otherwise related to, the writing and publishing of Tom Cullen of Baltimore. Also includes notes and research files for an unfinished book on the history of the Galt Reporter abandoned in 1954, and the manuscript for Corpses Delicti, an unpublished mystery novel based on the disappearance of Ambrose Small, co-written with her brother, Jack Robinson.
Box 28
Robinson, Judith. Tom Cullen of Baltimore. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1949.
F.1 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1942-1943. 0.2 cm.
F.2 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1944. 0.3 cm.
F.3 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1945. 1.5 cm.
F.4 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1946. 0.9 cm.
F.5 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1947. 0.6 cm. [1 of 2].
F.6 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1947. 0.9 cm. [2 of 2].
F.7 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1948. 0.7 cm.
F.8 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1949. 0.6 cm. [1 of 2].
F.9 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1949. 0.5 cm. [2 of 2].
F.10 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1950. 0.4 cm.
F.11 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1951. 0.1 cm.
F.12 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1952. 0.1 cm.
F.13 Correspondence: Thomas Cullen. 1953. 0.1 cm.
F.14 Cullen biography: research questions. 1944-1946. 0.3 cm.
F.15 Correspondence: Oxford University Press. 1946-1951. 0.7 cm.
Box 29
F.1 Thomas Cullen’s personal correspondence. 1940-1948. 0.3 cm.
F.2 Thomas Cullen’s personal correspondence. 1949. 2.2 cm.
F.3 Thomas Cullen’s personal correspondence. 1950-1951. 0.3 cm.
F.4 Thomas Cullen’s personal correspondence. Undated. 1 cm.
F.5 Cards addressed to Thomas Cullen. 1949-1950. 1.4 cm.
F.6 Photographs. 1948-1949. 6 photographs : 21 x 19 cm and smaller. Includes photographs of Thomas Cullen, his home, and a window display at Enoch Pratt Free Library advertising Tom Cullen of Baltimore.
F.7 Letters of congratulations to Judith re: Tom Cullen of Baltimore. 1949. 0.5 cm. [1 of 2].
F.8 Letters of congratulations to Judith re: Tom Cullen of Baltimore. 1949. 0.5 cm. [2 of 2].
F.9 Tom Cullen: dust jackets. 1949. 0.1 cm.
F.10 Research notes and fragments. 1940s. 0.5 cm.
F.11 Notes, interview transcripts. 1940s. 0.6 cm.
F.12 Tom Cullen of Baltimore reviews: clippings. 1949. 1 cm.
F.13 Tom Cullen reviews. 1949. 3 cm. Clipping book.
F.14 Cullen, Thomas S. Howard A. Kelly and Max Brödel, Reprinted from The Johns Hopkins Alumni Magazine Vol. 31, Nos. 3 and 4, March and June, 1943. Baltimore, Maryland. 45 p.
(Oversized portrait photographs of Thomas Cullen found in Box 39)
Box 30
Robinson, Judith. As We Came By. Toronto: J.M. Dent & Sons (Canada) Limited, 1951.
F.1 As We Came By: draft typescript fragments. ca. 1950. 0.4 cm.
F.2 As We Came By: draft typescript sent to J.M. Dent. October 9, 1950. 1.3 cm.
F.3 As We Came By: draft typescript. [1950-1951]. 1.7 cm.
F.4 As We Came By: galley proofs. 1951. 4.5 cm. Printed by Maracle Printing Company, Oshawa.
F.5 As We Came By: draft artwork. 1951. 0.1 cm.
F.6 As We Came By: dust jacket. 1951. 0.1 cm.
F.7 J.M. Dent & Sons: correspondence re: As We Came By. 1950-1957. 0.4 cm.
F.8 Photographs: J.M. Dent & Sons. 13 photographs : b&w ; 12 x 17.5 cm and smaller. Photographs of Judith and Joy Miller traveling by car in Europe. 0.6 cm
F.9 Pearn, Pollinger & Higham Limited. 1951. 0.2 cm. Correspondence with literary agent, Gerald Pollinger.
F.10 As We Came By: reviews. 1951. 0.4 cm.
F.11 As We Came By: reviews. 1951-1952. 0.3 cm.
Box 31
Robinson, Judith. This Is On the House. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, Limited, 1957.
F.1 This Is On the House: working file. 1950s. 1.5 cm. Typescript fragments and clippings of Judith’s columns, edited and reworked for publication in book form, in a draft arrangement. [1 of 2].
F.2 This Is On the House: working file. 1950s. 0.6 cm. [2 of 2].
F.3 This Is On the House: revised working file. 1950s. 0.9 cm. Includes a revised arrangement.
F.4 This Is On the House: working file (pipeline debates). 1950s. 1.4 cm. Includes clippings and fragments primarily related to the pipeline debate of 1956.
F.5 “It’s Come to this.” 1957. 0.3 cm. Draft typescript of a chapter of This Is On the House.
F.6 “Big Neighbour.” 1957. 0.3 cm.
F.7 “St. Laurent.” 1957. 0.3 cm.
F.8 “Power above Parliament.” 1957. 0.5 cm.
F.9 “Paying for the Pipeline.” 1957. 0.2 cm.
F.10 This Is On the House: galley proofs. 1957. 3 cm. Printed by T.H. Best Company, Toronto.
F.11 This Is On the House: galley proofs. 1957. 0.7 cm.
F.12 McClelland and Stewart correspondence re: This Is On the House. 1956-1957. 0.4 cm. Also includes letters of congratulations.
F.13 This Is On the House: review clippings. 1957. 0.2 cm.
Box 32
Galt Reporter (unfinished) and Corpses Delecti (unpublished).
F.1 Galt handwritten research notes. ca. 1952-1953. 1.5 cm.
F.2 Galt handwritten research notes. ca. 1952-1953. 0.9 cm.
F.3 Research notes. [Originally titled “Windmill”]. ca. 1952-1953. 1.9 cm.
F.4 Research notes. [Originally titled “Toys”]. ca. 1952-1953. 1.1 cm.
F.5 Research notes. [Originally titled “Hurricanes, storms, floods”]. ca. 1952-1953. 1.4 cm.
F.6 Research notes. [Originally titled “Stage”]. ca. 1952-1953. 1 cm.
F.7 Typescript biography of Jaffrey family and notes. ca. 1952-1954. 0.8 cm.
F.8 Peter Jaffrey I. 1 photograph : b&w ; 10 x 16 cm. An oil painting of Peter Jaffrey I (1800-1864), founder of the Galt Reporter in 1846.
F.9 Galt: draft manuscript and typescript fragments. 1952-1954. 0.7 cm.
F.10 Correspondence: research. 1951-1952. 0.1 cm. Includes letters from J.H. Cranston, the Hawick Historical Museum, Scotland, and the Public Library and Museum, Shrewsbury, UK.
F.11 Correspondence: Thomson Company. 1952-1954. 0.3 cm.
F.12 Corpses Delicti. ca. 1959. 2 cm. Typescript. 201 pages.
F.13 Correspondence and notes re: Corpses Delicti. 1953-1959. 0.1 cm. Includes letters from Lou Golden, Canadian Home Journal, and Ann Elmo Agency Inc.
Series 8
Work by Other Authors. –1934-1959. – 81.3 cm of textual records. – Series title based on contents. Series consists of manuscripts and writing sent to Judith by other authors. Includes writing material related to a proposed book to be titled The British Tradition in Canada co-written by Judith, Eugene Forsey, and John Farthing which was later reworked and published as Freedom Wears a Crown by John Farthing. Series has been arranged chronologically.
Box 33
F.1 Child of the Street typescript: unknown author. 1934. 3 cm. Typescript, approx. 400 p. The memoirs of a woman who was a child living in Paris during World War I. Typescript.
F.2 Unidentified typescript: unknown author. [1930s-1940s]. 4.5 cm. Typescript, approx. 500 p. A novel about an unemployed man from a society family in Toronto during the Great Depression.
F.3 Whatsoever House typescript by L.L.L. Golden. 1947. 3 cm. Typescript, 415 p. A fiction novel about the life of a young doctor. Includes a rejection letter from the publisher Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited addressed to Judith.
F.4 A pamphlet or lecture on “Social Justice & the New Economics” by Mr. Bradley of 26 McGill Street. 1938. 0.9 cm. Typescript, 66 p.
F.5 Biographical essay and political ideas: unknown author. 1943. 0.7 cm. Typescript on onion skin paper (26 p.) and manuscript (~40 p.).
F.6 “Death in the Campagna”: unknown author. ca. 1940s-1950s. 0.4 cm. Typescript on onion skin paper, 42 p. Retyped war diary of an officer of the 5th Canadian Armed Division, landing in Naples November 1943 and returning to Canada February 1945. [Note: several pages are severely torn and fragile].
F.7 “My Trip to the Front”: Sgt. Bill Parker. 1944. 0.3 cm. Typescript, 30 p. Retyped war diary sent to Judith by L.M. Wedd for possible publication.
F.8 Proposal for magazine: Jones. Undated. 0.5 cm. Typescript, 28 p.
F.9 “The Common Law”: radio script by Rory Young. 1952. 0.2 cm. Typescript, 13 p.
Box 34
The British Tradition in Canada (unpublished) /
Farthing, John. Freedom Wears a Crown. Edited by Judith Robinson with an introduction by E.D. Fulton. Toronto: Kingswood House. 1957.
F.1 Judith – Eugene Forsey. 1951-1952. 0.4 cm. Includes letters and enclosed typescript fragments.
F.2 Judith – Eugene Forsey – Jack Farthing. 1952. 0.3 cm. Includes 6 t.s. letters.
F.3 Judith – Eugene Forsey – Jack Farthing. April 1952. 0.1 cm. Includes 2 letters from Judith to Jack Farthing, and 1 letter from Eugene Forsey to John Farthing.
F.4 Judith – Eugene Forsey – Jack Farthing. May 1952. 0.1 cm.
F.5 Letter to the Editor, Montreal Gazette, from Jack Farthing. March 27 1952. 0.2 cm. 1 letter in manuscript and typescript copies (23 p. m.s.).
F.6 Eugene Forsey to Jack Farthing. January 9 1953. 0.2 cm. 1 letter with enclosed t.s. chapters on onion skin paper titled, “The British Tradition in Canada” (I & II), “Mr Cullingham and the Governor-General,” and “Professor Angus on the British Columbia Election: A Comment.”
F.7 The British Tradition in Canada working file. 1952. 0.3 cm. Includes draft tables of contents; a 4 p. t.s. fictionalized dialogue of John A. Macdonald, George Etienne Cartier and others; draft copies of article(?) on Commonwealth defence discussions of 1946 (t.s. 3 p. each); 6 p. t.s. on onion skin, titled “The British Tradition in Canada.”
F.8 The British Tradition in Canada working file. ca. 1952. 0.8 cm. Includes draft tables of contents; planning documents for the book’s organization, draft writing fragments, and clippings.
F.9 The British Tradition in Canada: notes. ca. 1952. 0.2 cm.
F.10 Chapter: In the Morning: working file. ca. 1952. 0.2 cm.
F.11 Chapter: Canadianism – Dominion: working file. ca. 1952. 0.4 cm. Collected notes, clippings, and draft fragments.
F.12 Chapter: Home of the Little Englanders: working file. ca. 1952. 0.2 cm.
F.13 Chapter I-A (Pot & Kettle / The Argument). ca. 1952. 0.2 cm. Includes draft t.s. fragments.
F.14 Chapter II-A (Pot & Kettle). ca. 1952. 0.2 cm. Includes draft t.s. fragments and clippings.
F.15 Chapter II-B (The Argument). ca. 1952. 0.8 cm.
F.16 Chapter III-A (The Argument). ca. 1952. 0.2 cm.
F.17 Chapter III-B (The Suspending Power). ca. 1952. 0.1 cm.
F.18 Chapter IV (Mr. Pitt’s Design). ca. 1952. 0.3 cm.
F.19 Chapter V-A (Canadian Historians). ca. 1952. 0.1 cm.
F.20 Chapter VI-A (Memory Aide). ca. 1952. 0.3 cm.
F.21 Chapter VII (Speaking a Colonial Mind). ca. 1952. 0.3 cm.
F.22 Chapter VIII (Case Two II). ca. 1952. 0.1 cm.
F.23 Chapter IX-A (Je me souviens). ca. 1952. 0.3 cm.
F.24 Chapter XII-A (Progress and more progress). ca. 1952. 0.1 cm.
F.25 Research file: Canadian commonwealth. ca. 1952. 0.4 cm.
F.26 Jack Farthing to Eugene Forsey. 1949-1953. 2 cm. Letters in manuscript.
F.27 Jack Farthing to Eugene Forsey. March 24 1952. 0.3 cm. 1 letter in manuscript, 58 p.
F.28 Farthing, Hugh C. and Jean to Judith. 1946-1957. 0.2 cm. 7 letters.
F.29 Freedom Wears a Crown general correspondence. 1957-1961. 0.4 cm. Includes correspondence with British Book Service Ltd., includes notes, printing samples, and a memorandum of agreement.
F.30 Freedom Wears a Crown misc. ca. 1953-1957. 0.4 cm. Includes research material and unorganized writing fragments.
F.31 Freedom Wears a Crown fragments, notes. ca. 1957. 0.6 cm. Includes a draft preface by Judith.
F.32 Freedom Wears a Crown draft copy. ca. 1957. 0.9 cm. Unorganized t.s. draft pages.
Box 35
F.1-5 Manuscript writing fragments by Jack Farthing : likely Freedom Wears a Crown. ca. 1954. 16 cm.
Box 36
F.1 Manuscript writing fragments by Jack Farthing : likely Freedom Wears a Crown. ca. 1954. 2.5 cm.
F.2-5 Manuscript writing fragments by Jack Farthing : likely an unpublished book on philosophy to be titled, An Interpretation of Human History and the Development of Social Institutions. ca. 1954. 7.5 cm.
F.6 Manuscript writing fragments by Jack Farthing: untitled book on history of economics. ca. 1954. 3 cm.
Box 37
F.1 Manuscript writing fragments by Jack Farthing: untitled book on history of economics. ca. 1954. 2 cm.
F.2 Typescript writing fragments by Jack Farthing: untitled book on history of economics re: “the problem of prices.” ca. 1954. 3 cm.
F.3 Typescript writing fragments by Jack Farthing: untitled book on history of economics re: “capital.” ca.1954. 3 cm.
F.4 Typescript writing fragments by Jack Farthing: untitled book on history of economics re: “labour and capital.” ca. 1954. 2.7 cm.
F.5 Typescript writing fragments by Jack Farthing: untitled book on history of economics re: “agricultural vs. commercial economies.” ca. 1954. 1.8 cm.
F.6 Jack Farthing’s notes on Marxism, Adam Smith, Ricardo, Petty, etc. ca. 1954. 1 cm.
Box 38
Roher, Martin. Days of Living: The Journal of Martin Roher. Introduction by Judith Robinson, edited by Joseph Pollick. Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1959.
F.1 A Journal in Pursuit of Myself, Written as Fast as the Fingers Fly by Martin Roher. 1953. 3 cm. Typescript with title page, 341 p.
F.2 The Journal of Martin Roher: Selected Extracts from 1953 and the Complete Journal from October to November, 1954: submitted by Judith Robinson. 1954. 0.4 cm. Incomplete typescript with title page, 19 p.
F.3 A Journal in Pursuit of Myself… 1953. 0.1 cm. Incomplete typescript with title page, 5 p.
F.4 Days of Living draft introduction. 1958. Includes edited draft typescripts of introduction by Judith. 0.3 cm.
F.5 Days of Living draft introduction: revised. 1958. 8 p. 0.2 cm.
F.6 Martin Roher letters and diary entries. 1954. 0.3 cm. Retyped letters and diary entries quoted in Judith’s introduction. 24 p.
F.7-12 Days of Living: The Journal of Martin Roher (fragments). 1954-1958. 8.3 cm. Typed copies of fragments of Roher’s journal entries, cut and organized in various arrangements, with evidence of the editing and selection process for the published version.
F.13 “Tubal and the Angel” by Martin Roher. ca. 1950s. 0.1 cm. 7 p. t.s. printed on onion skin. The story was included in Chapter Six of Days of Living.
F.14 Martin Roher correspondence. 1953-1954. 0.3 cm.
F.15 Roher family. 1958. 0.1 cm. Includes letters from Ann and Harry Roher. Also includes copy of letter to Harry Roher from the RCAF notifying him of the loss of his son Lionel in 1941.
F.16 Correspondence re: Days of Living. 1953-1959. 0.5 cm. Includes letters related to the book’s publication, with British Book Service. Also includes letters of rejection from other publishers.
F.17 Martin Roher: misc. 1954. 0.1 cm. Includes obituary clippings and a U.S. customs declaration tag for shipping the journals.
F.18 Days of Living reviews: clippings. 1959. 0.2 cm.
Oversized material. – 1930-1951. -- 33.2 cm of textual records and photographs. Includes portraits of Thomas Cullen, clippings, information about subscribers to NEWS, and a poster.
Box 39
F.1 Portrait of Thomas Cullen. 1949. 1 photograph : b&w ; 25.5 x 32 cm. Photograph signed by Yousuf Karsh and includes original folder.
F.2 Portrait of Thomas Cullen. 1949. 2 photographs: b&w ; 23 x 30 cm. Photograph signed by Thomas Cullen.
F.3 “Punch and Judith” Telegram clipping. 1958. 0.1 cm.
F.4 Globe column: clippings. ca. 1930-1941. 1 cm.
F.5 European Cavalcade: clippings. 1950-1951. 1 cm.
F.6 Lists of subscribers to NEWS. 1946. 1 cm.
Box 40
F.1 Address cards of subscribers to NEWS. 1941-1946. 29.5 cm.
(OVERSIZED folder)
The NEWS: Canada’s News Weekly. Cardboard poster : 17 x 55 cm.