Finding Aid
Peter C. Newman fonds. First accrual.
Boxes 1-5
Typescript of Renegade in Power (1963)
Typescript of The Distemper of our Times (1968)
Box 6
Copies of Toronto Daily Star columns
Copies of Maclean’s Magazine articles
Notes for a lecture at York University, 8 Dec. 1965
Ts., Conversation with Lester B. Pearson, 4 May 1964, 4 pp. by Floyd S. Chalmers
One article on Trudeau
Typescript and galley proofs of Home Country: People, Places, and Power Politics (1973?)
Boxes 7-20
Research material, includes notes, interviews, rough drafts
Boxes 21-26
Typescripts, unsorted
Boxes 27 & 27A
Newspaper clippings from Canadian newspapers
Envelope of reviews of Distemper of our Times
Box 28
Printed matter (unsorted) includes press releases and speeches
Box 28A
Newman’s annotated copies of Hansard
Box 28B
Royal Commission Reports
Box 28C
Judicial Inquiries
Box 28D
Research materials: Statements by Jean Lesage, 1964-1965; Confederation of Tomorrow Conference, 1967; Commission of Inquiry into Complaints made by George Victor Spencer, 1966
Boxes 29-56
The following boxes contain material used by Newman in creating The Canadian Establishment, Volume 1. For the most part, the material has been arranged under the subject headings used by Newman and in order to understand the particular aspects of many of these subject divisions, the book itself must be consulted. Correspondence relating to each subject has been kept with the research material relating to that subject.
Box 29
Boxes 29A-B
Annual Reports
Box 30
Banking: Correspondence and Interviews
Box 31
Corporate Power
Box 32
Clubs - information about
Clubs - correspondence
Clubs - Membership Lists
Box 33
Harvard Business School: Correspondence and Interviews
Box 34
Services and Business Intelligence
C.D. Howe, War-time and Canadian Business
Executive offices and “trappings”
Box 35
Private schools
Box 36
Bell Telephone
Order of Canada and Who’s Who
Introductory material
Directors and shareholders
Chief Executive Officer
Box 37
Business Establishment: Maritimes, Montreal, The West, Winnipeg
Box 38
Business Establishment: Toronto and Vancouver
Boxes 39-40
Box 41
Bata family
Nelson Davis
Eaton Family
Box 42
C.D. Howe
Max Meighen
David Macdonald Stewart
Box 43
J.M. Keynes and Economic Theory
Box 44
John Angus (Bud) McDougald and Argus Corp.
Box 45
Molson family and Doug Willmot
Jake Moore
Richardson family
E.P. Taylor
Boxes 46-47
Manuscript (second draft?) of The Canadian Establishment
Boxes 48-52
The Canadian Establishment, Volume 1: Manuscripts, proofs and research notes
The Canadian Establishment, Volume 1: Interviews
Box 53
Note: Audio cassettes are stored separately. Transcripts are predominantly photocopies.
Aird, John B., 31 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 1
Ambridge, Douglas W., 12 pp. and 10 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 2 & 96
Anderson, Alfred, 24 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 3
Anderson, Clare, 18 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 3. May also include Donald S. Anderson.
Asper, 23 pp. transcript, 11 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 4
Axworthy, Lloyd, 15 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 101
Baldwin, John, 2 pp. notes re interview November 1973
Barbeau, Jacques, 17 pp. transcript, 20 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 5
Barber, 21 pp. transcript
Barrett, David, 64 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 6, 32; also 2 pp. notes re interview
Bata, Thomas J. or G., 29 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 77 retained by Newman
Bawden, Harry, 17 pp. transcript, 41 pp. transcript (p. 1 missing), Audio cassette 8
Bedson, Audio cassette 56
Bennett, Roy and William J.,44 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 10
Bisson, Andre, 33 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 9-10
Blair, Robert, 24 pp. transcript, 4 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 11
Brown, Colin, 23 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 12
Brown, Thomas,19 pp., 12 pp. and 16 pp. transcripts, Audio cassettes 13-14
Burns, Charles F.W., 50 pp., 25 pp. transcripts, October 1974, Audio cassettes 15-16
Calgary, notes from, 5 pp., Audio cassette 17
Cameron, Harold, 14 pp. transcript
Card, E.H., 29 pp. transcript, Audio cassette l9
Caves, Professor, 18 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 18
Chalmers, Floyd S., 7 transcripts (19 pp., 25 pp., 30 pp., 20 pp., 23 pp., 30 pp., 3 pp.); 3 pp. notes re first interview, Audio cassettes 20-23, 47
Child, Arthur J.E., 25 pp. transcript, 20 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 24-25
Chipman, Murray, 2 pp. notes re interview October 1974
Clement, Wallace, 4 pp. notes re interview June 1974
Clyne, John V., 63 pp. transcript and 19 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 26-28
Coates, Dan, 7 pp. notes
Cohen, Albert D., 8 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 29 & 64
Cohen, Marshall, 2 pp. notes re interview April 1974
Cooper, Covert, Audio cassettes 30-31
Crowe, Marshall, 2 pp. notes, 5 pp. notes re second interview June 1974
Box 54
Davis, Nelson M., 35 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 35
Desmarais, Paul 6 transcripts (24 pp., 18 pp., 19 pp. with 6 pp. of excerpts; 11 pp. of excerpts; 14 pp. excerpts), 5 pp. fact sheet
Deutsch, John J, 38 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 36
Dimma, William A., 38 pp. transcript. Audio cassette 34
F.S.C., Audio cassette 33
Ferguson, George, 4 pp. notes
Ferguson, Maynard, Audio cassette 91
Firestone, O.J. (Jack), 36 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 115
Frazee (?), Audio cassette 66
Fullarton, Douglas H., 12 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 50
Freedman, Audio cassette 98
Genest, Pierre, 18 pp. transcript, 14 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 37
Gonick, Cy, 13 pp. transcript, 6 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 38
Gordon, Walter, 21 pp. transcript of 1 Nov. 1973 with 5 pp. notes, Audio cassette 39
Gotlieb, Allan, April 1974, 4 pp. notes
Griffin, A.G.S., 29 pp. transcript, 18 pp. transcript, 21 pp. transcript, Sept. 1974 Audio cassettes 40-42 and possibly 43
Hamilton, William, 13 pp. transcript, 11 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 44
Harries, Hu, 10 pp. transcript ( typescript), 25 pp. transcript (typed) Audio cassette 25
Harris, William B., 32 pp. transcript + 1 p. notes, Audio cassette 45
Henderson, Ian A., 32 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 46
Hockin, Tom, (transcript filed under Private Schools in Box 35 presumably), Audio cassette 107
Howe, C.D., 66 pp. quotations from C.BC. program about Howe by Robert Hambleton
Hunter, Donald, 15 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 47 & 81
Hurtig, Mel, 14 pp. transcript , Audio cassette 49
Jack, Mel, 13 and 19 pp. transcripts, June 1974, 2 pp. notes re interview, June 1974, Audio cassette 50 & 88
Jackman, Hal, 18 pp. transcript, 12 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 51
Jackman, Henry R. Sr, 22 pp. transcript
Jarislowsky, Stephen A., 24 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 43 (?) and 52-53; 4 pp. of notes of interview at end of 1974
Johnson, Al, 8 pp. notes of interview April 1974, Audio cassette 54
Johnson, Leo, 48 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 55
Jones, Audio cassette 56
Kanee, Sol, 7 pp. transcript, 38 pp. transcript
Keate, J.S. Stuart, four transcripts 7, 5 (not finished), 9, 14 pp., Audio cassettes 50, 57 and 76
Box 55
Knowles, Stanley, two transcripts, 24 pp., 2 pp., also 2 pp. notes of interview, 29 November 1973, Audio cassettes 58-59
Labatt, John, three transcripts, 23 pp., 44 pp., 10 pp., Audio cassette
Lee, William, 10 pp. transcript, 104 pp.
Leeming, Howard, 16 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 61
Lennard, Gordon H.,18 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 63 (?)
Lougheed, E. Peter, 1 p. note, Audio cassette 32
MacAulay, John, 17 pp. transcript + 1 note, Audio cassettes 64-65 and 109
MacIntosh, Robert W., 17 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 66
MacKenzie, Maxwell W., 23 pp. transcript, 3 pp. notes of interview November 29, 1973, Audio cassette 86
Malone, Cliff Jr., Richard C., and Brig. R.S., 42 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 67-68
Mansur, David, 29 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 18
Martin, Hugh, Lorre, and Paul Jr., two transcripts, 6 pp. and 8 pp., Audio cassettes 58 and 69
Matthews, A. Bruce, two transcripts, 26 pp. and 6 pp., 1 p. notes of interview May 1974, Audio cassette 70
Maunder, Brian, 8 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 62
McCabe, Michael, 4 pp. notes of interview, June 1974
McDougald, John Angus (Bud), five transcripts, 97 pp., 22 pp., 25 pp., 42 pp., 29 pp., Audio cassettes 71-74 119, 120, 121, also 16 pp. excerpts of quotations, with 2 pp.
McGeer, three transcripts, 15 pp., 15 pp., 7 pp., Audio cassettes 75-76
McKinnon, Hector, 8 pp. notes of interview, Audio cassette 77
McLaughlin, R.S., S. Bruce and W. Earle, 16 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 78
Meighen, Maxwell, 23 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 79
Mitchell, W.O., 15 pp. transcript
Moore, John Henderson, 29 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 80
Mulroney, 16 pp. transcript (corrected),15 pp. transcript (uncorrected) and p. 1-9 (corrected),13 pp. transcript (uncorrected), Audio cassettes, 63, 81-82
Murray, J. Richard, 18 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 83
Nichol, John and David, 16 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 106
Nickle, Carl O., 11 pp. transcript, 20 pp. transcript
O’Hagen, Richard, 2 pp. notes re interview June 1974
Ostry, Bernard and Sylvia, 4 pp. notes re interview April 1974
Ottawa, notes to self, 1 pp. and 3 pp. (Spring1974)
Pare, Paul, 9 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 84
Parkin, John C., 23 pp. transcript, 8 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 85
Pepin, Jean-Luc,13 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 86
Box 56
Perry, Harvey, 26 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 87
Picard, Laurent, 17 pp. transcript, 14 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 88
Pitfield, Michael, 23 pp. notes on interview November 1974, Audio cassettes 89 & 100
Porter, Marsh M., 33 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 90
Powis, Alfred, 18 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 105
Price, Brig., Audio cassette 59
Purves, R.P., 12 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 29
Purvis, Audio cassette 56
Rae, John, 24 pp. transcript of January 1975 interview, Audio cassette 91
Ramsay, 27 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 92
Reisman, Simon, 6 pp. notes re interview June 26, 1974
Richardson, George, 16 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 29
Riley, Conrad S. and Culver, 9 pp., 13 pp. transcripts Audio cassettes 48 & 93
Ripley, T. Stewart and Wilder, 19 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 94
Ritchie, A.E., 4 pp. notes re interview
Roberts, Harold and K.A.,13 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 96
Roberts, Ed, 21 pp. transcript (incomplete), Audio cassette 95
Roblin, Duff, 9 pp., 17 pp. transcripts, Audio cassette 97
Roman, Steve, 15 pp. transcript
Ryan, Audio cassette 14
Saint-Denis, Annette, 4 pp. notes re interview November 28, 1973
Schreyer, Ed, Audio cassette 98
Scott, Peter, 27 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 99
Sharwood, Gordon, 32 pp. transcript (incomplete), Audio cassette 100
Sinclair, Ian, 21 pp. transcript of December 1974 interview
Smith, Gordon, 10 pp. transcript, Audio cassettes 93 & 101
Spry, Graham, 5 pp. notes re interview November 27,1973
Stewart, David, 2 pp. notes re interview
Sweatman, Alan, 29 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 93
Tarshis, Lorie, 37 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 102
Taylor, E. P., 25 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 103
Thain, Don, 25 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 104
Thomson, Audio cassette 105
Touche, Rodney, 10 pp. transcript, 31 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 106
Tunnell, Arthur L., 12 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 107
Twaits, Audio cassette 108
Vogel, Garson, 31 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 109
Watkins, Mel, 21 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 118
Watts, Murray, 12 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 110
Webster, Howard, 2 pp. notes, five transcripts, 12 pp., 44 pp., 20 pp., 31 pp., 20 pp. transcripts, Audio cassettes 78, 111 and 112; also letter from Newman, Oct. 20, 1975
Webster, Jack, Audio cassette 113
Weston, Galen, Audio cassette 114
Wilmot, Bud, Audio cassette 114
White, Arthur, Stanford, and Kenneth A., 27 pp. transcript, Audio cassette 84
Wilder, William P., five transcripts, 55 pp., 19 pp., 18 pp., 20 pp., 4 pp., Audio cassettes 54, 92, 115, 116 transcript
Winnipeg notes, 1 p., 7 pp.
Wisener, Robert, transcript not extant, Audio cassette 117
Box 57
The Canadian Establishment Volume I (1979), revised edition
Photocopies of typescripts and proofs
Peter C. Newman fonds. Second accrual.
Bronfman Dynasty (1978), originally planned as The Canadian Establishment, Vol. II. Includes
correspondence, research files, manuscripts, proofs, sound recordings and notes.
Box 58
F.1 Charles Bronfman to PCN, 10 April 1975
F.2 Charles Bronfman to PCN, 24 November1976
PCN to C. Bronfman, 17 November 1976
Saidye Bronfman to PCN, 27 September 1976
PCN to S. Bronfman, 22 September and 18 October 1976
F.3 Others concerning Bronfman Dynasty, 1976
Jean de Brabant to PCN, 8 December
Cy Cobb to PCN, 29 June
James H. Gray to PCN, 15 March
Arthur Pascal to PCN, 16 August
F.4 Bronfman family members, 1977
Allan Bronfman, 18 August, from PCN
Charles Bronfman, 3 letters from PCN, 2 May, 7 September, 28 October; letter to PCN, 14 December (copy)
Edgar Bronfman, 2 letters from PCN, 27 January and 11 July; letter to PCN, 4 August
Edward Bronfman, 2 letters from PCN, 25 March and 3 May
Gerald Bronfman, 5 letters from PCN, 18 August, 6, 7, and 16 September, 28 October; 2 letters to PCN, 27 May and 23 December
Mitchell Bronfman, letter from PCN, 1 June
Peter F. Bronfman, 9 letters from PCN, 26 May, 10, 27 June, 18 July, 18 August, 6 and 7 September, 28 October, 12 December; 7 letters to PCN, 5, 16, 20, 27 May, 29 August, 9 September
Phyllis Lambert, 2 letters from PCN, 18 August and 26 September; letter to PCN, 15 September (copy)
F.5 Others concerning Bronfman Dynasty, 1977
Ian Bickle from PCN, 6 December; to PCN, 2 December with encl.
Jacques Courtois to PCN, 30 May
Doris Harvison to PCN, 16 July
Justice M.A. MacPherson from PCN, 25 August
R.I. Martin to J.G. McClelland, 10 November
J.G. McClelland to R.I. Martin, 27 September
Lazarus Phillips to PCN, 16 August
Daniel P. Sullivan to PCN, 21 June
Welik and McCaughy from PCN, 28 September; to PCN, 21 September
F.6 Bronfman family members, 1978
Charles Bronfman, 3 letters from PCN, 3 February, 27 March, 16 May
Edgar Bronfman, 3 letters from PCN, 3 January, 27 March, and 16 May
Gerald Bronfman, 4 letters from PCN, 5 January, 3 March, 16 May, 1 June; 3 letters to PCN, 12 January, 23 May, 26 May
Mitchell Bronfman, letter from PCN, 16 May
Peter F. Bronfman, 4 letters from PCN, 6 January, 27 March, 16 May, 4 July; 3 letters to PCN, 29 March 23 and 27 June
Mrs. William Cohen, letter from PCN, 7 February
Baron Alain de Gunzburg, 2 letters from PCN, 3 January and 13 February, also notes
Phyllis Lambert, 2 letters from PCN, 2 and 16 May; also newspaper photocopy 1 p. to PCN, 9 August
F.7 Others concerning Bronfman Dynasty, 1978
S.J. Drache to PCN, April 27, 4 May (encl. article), 5 May, 18 May; from PCN, 25 May
J.S. Grafstein from PCN, 22 August
James H. Gray to PCN, 27 April
Q. Gwyn from PCN, 3 January and 14 February; to PCN, 28 January
Ken John to PCN, 4 and 25 April
David Kerr to PCN, 24 January; from PCN, 9 February
Leo Kolber from PCN, 13 February 13, 16 May; to PCN, 16 February and 7 March
Jack Ludwig from PCN, 28 August
Martin Lynch to PCN, 7 October
W.W. Lynd from PCN, 5 and 10 April; to PCN, 22 April
H.P. Milavsky to PCN, 30 May
Lazarus Phillips from PCN, 28 April and 26 May; to PCN, 16 May
Luke Roe from PCN, 5 April
Seagrams (P. Beekman) to PCN, 10 May
Seagrams (D. Deans) to PCN, February 27; from PCN, 9 March
Seagrams (G. Rabin) to PCN, March 10 (plus enclosure), 17 March (plus enclosures), 23 May; from PCN, 4 April, 31 May
James A. Soden from PCN, 23 May
Philip Vineberg from PCN, 28 April; to PCN, 8 May
Andrew Wells to PCN, 12 May (plus enclosure)
Larry Zolf from PCN, 18 April
F.8 Bronfman objections to the book, 1978
Charles Bronfman (notes re conversation with Charles, 30 August; audio cassette 36; manuscript signed, 4 pp.) letter from PCN, 6 September
Edgar Bronfman, letter from PCN, 31 August; 2 letters to PCN, 24 August and 25 August (enclosures)
Gerald Bronfman, 3 letters from PCN, 19 June (plus enclosures), 9 and 11 July; to PCN, 21 July
Leo Kolber, from PCN, 5 May; also notes re conversation, 19 and 25 May
D.K. Laidlaw (McCarthy and McCarthy law firm), to PCN, 29 March and 29 May; from PCN, June 26
Phyllis Lambert, 2 letters from PCN, 14 August and 31 August; also notes, 5 pp. re conversation with PCN, August
F.9 McClelland and Stewart re Bronfman family objections to book, 1978
Peter Bronfman, copy from J. G. McClelland, 29 September
Leo Kolber from J.G. McClelland
D.K. Laidlaw to J.G. McClelland, 24 May
R.I. Martin to L. McKnight, 14 August (plus enclosure)
J.G. McClelland from PCN, 25 April, 24 August, 30 August
Philip Vineberg, notes of telephone conversation to J.G. McClelland, 6 pp., 29 August
F.10 Litigation documents relating to Harry Bronfman, Samuel Bronfman and Myer Chechik, photocopies,1921-1948
F.11 Research: annual reports, articles, clippings
F.12 Cards of questions used in interviews
Box 59
Back-up material: news clippings, articles, reports, transcripts of interviews, etc
F.1 Prologue: Back-up material
F.2 Chapter 1: Back-up material
F.3 Chapter 2: Back-up material
F.3a Harry Bronfman’s diary ts (photocopy)
F.4 Chapter 3: Back-up material
Box 60
F.1 Chapter 4: Back-up material
F.2 Chapter 5: Back-up material
Box 61
F.1 Chapter 6: Back-up material
F.2 Chapter 7: Back-up material
F.3 Chapter 8: Back-up material
F.4 Chapter 9 (originally 10): Back-up material
F.5 Chapter 10 (11): Back-up material
F.6 Chapter 11 (12): Back-up material
Box 62
F.1 Chapter 13 (14): Back-up material
F.2 Chapter 14 (15): Back-up material
F.3 Chapter 15 (16): Back-up material
F.4 Chapter 16 (17): Back-up material
Box 63
F.1 Chapter 17 (18): Back-up material
F.2 Chapter 18 (19): Back-up material
F.3 Epilogue: Back-up material
Transcripts of taped interviews
Box 64
Note: Audio cassettes are shelved separately.
Audio cassette 1
Ain, transcript, 4 p.
Asper, transcript, 17 p.
Baudinet, Jean-Claude, transcript, 11 p.
Binks, Ken C., transcript, 12 p.
Bochner, Lloyd,. transcript, 11 p
Brandon, Mayor La, transcript, 9 p.
Bronfman, Allan, 14 p. transcript, audio cassette 8
Bronfman, Charles Rosner, 20 p. and 14 p. transcripts (photocopy), audio cassette 4; 18 p. transcript, Audio cassette 39; 18 p. transcript dated May 17,1977, audio cassette 3
Bronfman, Edgar Miles, 8 p. transcript, audio cassette 6; 28 p. transcript, audio cassette 5; 24 p. transcript; audio cassette 7
Bronfman, Gerald, 18 p. transcript; audio cassette 9; 27 p. transcript, audio cassette 8; audio cassette 10
Bronfman, Mitchell, 10 p. transcript of CBC programme with McCleary, audio cassette 13
Bronfman, Peter, 19 p. transcript, audio cassette 11; 36 p. transcript of interview with Peter Bronfman, Edward Bronfman, and an Englishman (unidentified), audio cassette 12
Bronfman, Saidye, 12 p. transcript
Campeau, Robert (?), 13 p. transcript, audio cassette 10
Castro, Raoul, 8 p. transcript (photocopy)
Chace, James, 3 p. notes re interview
Clifford, Jack, 42 p. transcript, audio cassette 14
Clyne, Jack, 7 p. transcript, dated January 1976 (annotated), audio cassette 15; 8 p. transcript, corrected version (p.1 missing), audio cassette 15
Courtois, Jacques, 9 p. transcript, audio cassette 16
Cummings, (Maxwell), 11 p. transcript, audio cassette 17
De Braant, 11 p. transcript
Drache, Sam, 30 p. transcript plus 2 p. transcript, audio cassette 18
Eller, Carl, 3 p. transcript, corrected
Fortier, Yves, 21 p. transcript, 14 p. transcript
Fouks, 16 p. transcript
Gittes, William (Billy), 5 p. transcript, audio cassette 19
Godsoe, 20 p. transcript
Gunzburg, Baron Alain de, 9 p. transcript, audio cassette 18
Hallward, Hugh, 10 p. transcript
Harrington, 8 p. transcript, audio cassette 20
Hayes, Saul, 13 p. transcript, audio cassette 20; 37 p. transcript, audio cassette 4
Henderson, Maxwell, 24 p. transcript
Houlhin, P./E. Lowry, 16 p. transcript (badly distorted)
“Jani”, 11 p. transcript (photocopy)
John, Ken, 18 p. transcript, audio cassette 21; 5 p. transcript (The Matoff Story)
Kahn, 27 p. transcript
Kanee, Sol, 22 p. transcript, audio cassette 22; 23 p. transcript, audio cassette 24; 7 p. transcript (photocopy); 38 p. transcript (photocopy), audio cassette 23
Box 65
Kerr, 20 p. transcript, audio cassette 25
Koffman, 13 p. transcript
Kolber, Leo, 12 p. transcript (photocopy), audio cassette 38
Kruger, 21 p. transcript, audio cassette 17
Lafferty, 4. p. transcript (incomplete)
Lambert, Phyllis,10 p. transcript, audio cassette 8
Landau, Saul, 33 p. transcript, audio cassette 26
Levine, Moe, 9 p. transcript plus 2 p. notes, audio cassette 7
MacKenzie, 4 p. transcript
Mansur, David B.,16 p. transcript
Mayer, J., 8 p. transcript, corrected
Mayrnan, Dr. Abe, 11 p. transcript, audio cassette 14
McCullough, 37 p. transcript, audio cassette
McNaughton, Andrew, 8 p. transcript
Medjuck, 20 p. transcript, audio cassette 27
Mendleman, 7 p. transcript
Mulroney, Brian,17 p. transcript dated February 15, 1976, audio cassette 29; 4 p. transcript, audio cassette 7; 4 p. transcript, dated May 1977
Paperny, Maurice, 22 p. transcript, audio cassette 5
Pascal, Arthur,16 p. transcript, audio cassette 7
Payne,18 p. transcript, audio cassette 28
Phillips, 14 p. transcript
Phillips, Lazarus, 98 p. transcript, audio cassettes 29, 30, 31
Prossin, 23 p. transcript, audio cassette 26
Reisman, 28 p. transcript, audio cassette 22
Reitman, 8 p. transcript, audio cassette 12
Ronan, William, 11 p. transcript
Rose, 9 p. transcript
Rothstein, 16 p. transcript
Salsberg, 9 p. transcript, audio cassette 17; 11 p. transcript (continuation of above recording) audio cassette 32
Schochter, 20 p. transcript, audio cassette 33
Segal, 25 p. transcript, audio cassette 34
Shumachier, 17 p. transcript, audio cassette 35
Sorenson, Ted,12 p. transcript, also 2 p. notes
Spector, Norman, 10 p. transcript, audio cassette 12
Steinberg, 11 p. transcript
Strong, Maurice, 9 p. transcript (2 versions) plus photocopy, dated July 16, 1976
Wask, 12 p. transcript
X, Mr., 2 p. transcript
The following audio cassettes do not have transcripts:
Alaunt, audio cassette 27
Batshaw, audio cassette 2
Batslyak, audio cassette 1
Bick Crime Commission, audio cassette 2
Covert, audio cassette 24
Grafstein, audio cassette 27
Gray, Gordon, audio cassette 9
Kay, Jimmy, audio cassette 9
Loeb, audio cassette 17
Mondale, audio cassette 20
Shreyer, Ed, audio cassette 23
Vineberg, Philip, audio cassette
Willson, Bruce, audio cassette 28
Webster, audio cassette 38
Quotation taken to Charles Bronfman February 2, 1978 TMS (photocopy) 7 pp.
Quotations taken to Edgar Bronfman, March 1978; TMS (photocopy) corrected, 2 pp.
Quotations taken to Gerald Bronfman (file empty upon arrival at McMaster)
Quotations from Harry Bronfman’s diary TMS 3 pp.
Quotations taken to Senator Lazarus Phillips TMS 4 pp., another set TMS (photocopy) 4 pp.
Quotations taken to Philip F. Vineberg (n.d.) TMS (photocopy) 3 pp.
Box 66
Bronfman Dynasty manuscripts
F.1 Introductory pages, acknowledgments: TMS rough draft, corrected,3 pp. with introductory section from The Canadian Establishment, Vol. I., altered.
F.2 Introductory pages, acknowledgments: TMS draft 10 pp. plus photocopies 5 pp.
F.3 Introductory pages, acknowledgments: TMS master (photocopy and original) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 13 pp.
F.4 Author’s Note (originally Prologue, Acknowledgments): TMS rough draft, corrected, 9 pp.; TMS rough draft, corrected, 4 pp.; TMS draft (photocopy), 5 pp.; TMS draft (photocopy) incomplete, 3 pp.
F.5 Author’s Note (originally Prologue, Acknowledgments): TMS draft, 2 pp.; TMS note, 1 pp.; TMS draft (original and photocopy) corrected, 6 pp.
F.6 Author’s Note: TMS draft (original and photocopy) corrected, dated July 1, 1978, 7 pp.; TMS draft (photocopy), 7 pp. (differs from above version); TMS draft, 3 pp.
F.7 Author’s Note: TMS master (original and photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 6 pp.; TMS master (photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 7 pp.
F.8 The Bronfman Family Tree: 1 p. list of names; chart, corrected (3 copies)
Chapter 1: “The Rothschilds of the New World”
F.9 TMS rough draft, corrected, 24 pp.
F.10 TMS draft, corrected, 15 pp.
F.11 TMS later draft (original and photocopy) corrected, 15 pp.
F.12 TMS master (original and photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 13 pp.
Chapter 2: “Mr. Sam” (originally “The Godfather”.)
F.13 TMS rough draft, corrected, 76 pp.
F.14 TMS draft (original and photocopy), 46 pp.
F.15 TMS draft (original and photocopy) corrected, 46 pp.
F.16 TMS master (original and photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 46 pp.
Chapter 3: “Running for the Red Chamber”
F.17 TMS draft (photocopy) corrected, 21 pp.
F.18 TMS master (original and photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 21 pp.
Chapter 4: “Hidden Roots”
F.19 TMS rough draft, corrected, 16 pp.
F.20 TMS draft (photocopy), 15 pp.
F.21 TMS master with typesetting instructions and corrections, 25 pp.
Chapter 5: “Getting into Booze”
F.22 TMS rough draft, corrected, 46 pp.
F.23 TMS draft, corrected, 43 pp.
F.24 TMS master (photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 44 pp.
Box 67
Chapter 6: “Murder at Beanfate”
F.1 TMS rough draft, corrected, 10 pp.
F.2 TMS draft, 10 pp.
F.3 TMS master (photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 10 pp.
Chapter 7: “At the Bar of Justice” (originally “Handcuffs and Hijinks”)
F.4 TMS rough draft, corrected, 60 pp.
F.5 TMS draft, corrected, 53 pp.
F.6 TMS master (photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 53 pp.
Chapter 8: “Oh! To Be a Bronfman”
F.7 TMS rough draft, corrected, 17 pp.
F.8 TMS draft, 15 pp.
F.9 TMS master (photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 19 pp.
Chapter 9: “The Death of a Titan” (originally Chapter 10)
F.10 TMS rough draft, corrected, 23 pp.
F.11 TMS draft (photocopy) corrected, 17 pp.
F.12 TMS master with typesetting instructions and corrections, 17 pp.
Chapter 10: “Growing up in Belvedere Place” (originally Chapter 11)
F.13 TMS rough draft, corrected, 13 pp.
F.14 TMS draft, corrected (headed Chapter 4), 12 pp.
F.15 TMS master (photocopy and original) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 13 pp.
Chapter 11: “Phyllis” (originally Chapter 12)
F.16 TMS rough draft, corrected, 12 pp.
F.17 TMS draft, corrected, 17 pp.
F.18 TMS master, with typesetting instructions and corrections, 16 pp.
Chapter 12: “Minda” (originally Chapter 13)
F.19 TMS rough draft, corrected, 15 pp.
F.20 TMS draft (photocopy), 6 pp.
F.21 TMS later draft (photocopy), 11 pp.
F.22 TMS master, with typesetting instructions and corrections, 11 pp.
Chapter 13: “Edgar” (originally Chapter 14)
F.23 TMS rough draft, corrected, 42 pp.
Box 68
F.1 TMS draft, 48 pp.
F.2 TMS draft (photocopy of F.l) corrected, 48 pp.
F.3 TMS master (photocopy and original) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 54 pp.
Chapter 14: “Leo” (originally Chapter 15)
F.4 TMS rough draft, corrected, 28 pp., draft of CEMP chart.
F.5 TMS draft, corrected, 25 pp.
F.6 TMS master (photocopy and original) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 27 pp.
Chapter 15: “Gerald” (originally Chapter 16)
F.7 TMS rough draft, corrected, 18 pp.
F.8 TMS draft, corrected, 16 pp.
F.9 TMS master (original and photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 16 pp.
Chapter 16: “Mitch” (originally Chapter 17)
F.10 TMS rough draft, corrected, 18 pp.
F.11 TMS draft, corrected, 16 pp.
F.12 TMS master (original and photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 16 pp.
Chapter 17: “Peter” (originally Chapter 18)
F.13 TMS rough draft, corrected 35 pp. draft of chart, TMS list, 5 pp.
F.14 TMS draft, corrected, 36 pp.
F.15 TMS master (original and photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 40 pp.
Chapter 18: “Charles” (originally Chapter 19)
F.16 TMS rough draft, corrected, 42 pp.
F.17 TMS draft, corrected, 45 pp.
F.18 TMS master (original and photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 52 pp.
F.19 TMS rough draft, corrected, 10 pp.
F.20 TMS draft (photocopy) corrected, 12 pp
F.21 TMS master (photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 12 pp.
F.22 Appendix I, The Seagram Galaxy: master ms. of chart (photocopy), list of holdings
F.23 Appendix II, Seagram’s World: printed map
F.24 Appendix III, Bronfman real estate and company holdings in Canada: TMS master (photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 37 pp.
F.25 TMS master with typesetting instructions and corrections, 18 pp.
Box 69
The following appendices were compiled and in some cases typeset, but were not included in the finished book.
F.1 Appendix I, List of brands marketed in North America by Seagram’s: TMS master with typesetting instructions and corrections, 50 pp.
F.2 Appendix II, List of Seagram operations alphabetically by country: TMS master with typesetting instructions and corrections, 11 pp.
F.3 Appendix IV, List of Bronfman holdings outside Canada: TMS master (photocopy) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 19 pp.
F.4 Appendix VI, The Bronfman Dinner Guest List: TMS master (photocopy and original) with typesetting instructions and corrections, 8 pp.
F.5 Editorial comments re book, production notes and schedules
F.6 Jacket blurb: TMS, 2 pp.; About the Author: TMS, 2 pp., TMS, 2 pp. (different version); Bronfman Dynasty, TMS, 2 pp.; The Dynasty, TMS, 3 pp.
F.7 Introductory pages: 9 pp., 14 July 1978; 7 pp., 14 and 28 July 1978 (3 copies)
F.8 Author’s Note (originally Prologue): 4 pp., 24 July 1978, with corrections; 4 pp., 8 August 1978 with corrections; 4 pp. (photocopy) 16 August 1978
F.9 Chapter 1
- 8 pp., 16 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 8 pp., 14 July 1978
- 8 pp., 14 and 28 July 1978 (3 copies)
F.10 Chapter 2
- 28 pp., 16 June 1978, with corrections
- 27 pp., 14 July 1978
- 27 pp., 14 and 28 July 1978 (3 copies)
F.11 Chapter 3
- 12 pp., 16 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 11 pp., 14 and 28 July 1978 (4 copies)
F.12 Chapter 4
- 12 pp., 5 July 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 12 pp., 20 July 1978, with corrections
- 12 pp., 20 July 1978
- 12 pp., 3 August 1978, with corrections
F.13 Chapter 5
- 23 pp., 25 July 1978, with corrections
- 23 pp., 16 August 1978
F.14 Chapter 6
- 6 pp., 7 July 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 6 pp., 20 July 1978
- 6 pp., 3 August 1978, with corrections
F.15 Chapter 7
- 28 pp., 24 July 1978, with corrections
- 29 pp., 16 August 1978
F.16 Chapter 8
- 9 pp., 24 July 1978, with corrections
- 10 pp., 16 August 1978
F.17 Chapter 9
- 11 pp., 27 June 1978, with corrections
- 11 pp., 13 July 1978, with corrections
- 11 pp., 13 July 1978
- 11 pp., 3 August 1978, with corrections
F.18 Chapter 10
- 7 pp., 16 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 7 pp., 14 July 1978
- 7 pp., 28 July 1978 (3 copies)
F.19 Chapter 11
- 8 pp., 27 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 9 pp., 13 July 1978 (2 copies)
- 9 pp., 3 August 1978, with corrections
F.20 Chapter 12
- 5 pp., 27 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 5 pp., 13 July 1978 (2 copies)
- 5 pp., 3 August 1978, with corrections
Box 70
F.1 Chapter 13
- 24 pp., 16 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 24 pp., 14 July 1978
- 24 pp., 14 and 28 July 1978 (3 copies)
F.2 Chapter 14
-13 pp., 16 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
-15 pp., 14 July 1978
-15 pp., 3 August 1978, with corrections
F.3 Chapter 15
- 8 pp., 16 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 8 pp., 14 July 1978
- 8 pp., 14 and 28 July 1978 (3 copies)
- 8 pp., 16 August 1978
F.4 Chapter 16
- 11 pp., 16 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 10 pp., 14 July 1978
- 10 pp., 14 and 28 July 1978 (3 copies)
F.5 Chapter 17
- 19 pp., 27 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 19 pp., 13 July 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 20 pp., 3 August 1978, with corrections
F.6 Chapter 18
- 22 pp., 27 June 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 22 pp., 13 July 1978, with corrections
- 22 pp., 13 July 1978
- 22 pp., 13 July 1978 and 3 August, 1978 with corrections
F.7 Epilogue
- 5 pp., 7 July 1978, with corrections (2 copies)
- 5 pp., 20 July 1978 (2 copies)
- 5 pp., 8 August 1978. with corrections
F.8 Appendix III 10 pp.
F.9 Appendix I (withdrawn) 16 pp. proofs and typescript, corrected
F.10 Appendix IV (withdrawn) 11 pp.
F.11 Appendix VI (withdrawn) 9 pp., 27 June 1978 with corrections (2 copies); 8 pp., 13 July 1978 (2 copies)
F.12 Page proofs, pp. 8-311, with corrections
Box 71
F.1 Page proofs, corrected and initialed PCN pp. 8-311
F.2 Page proofs, corrected, pp. 19-311
F.3 Page proofs (final?) Part I, pp.1-11, 16-152
F.4 Page proofs (final?) Part II, p.154-282
F.5 Jacket proofs: 2 pp., 21 July 1978, corrected; 2 pp., 3 August 1978, corrected; 2 pp. final proofs (photocopy)
F.6 Excerpt for release October 14, 1978; printed draft, corrected, 6 pp.; TMS draft,16 pp.
F.7 Excerpt for release October 21, 1978, Toronto Globe and Mail only; printed draft, corrected, 4 pp.; TMS draft, 12 pp.
F.8 Excerpt for release October 28, 1978, Globe and Mail only; printed draft, corrected, 5 pp.; TMS draft, 10 pp.
Box 72
Proofs of American edition, re-titled King of the Castle
Peter C. Newman fonds. Third accrual.
The Canadian Establishment, Volume II, The Acquisitors (1981)
Includes correspondence, research files, “back-up” material, transcripts of interviews, audio cassettes and manuscripts.
Box 73
Correspondence, 1970-1983
Much of this correspondence relates directly to Newman’s research for The Acquisitors, however, a large portion of it is with prominent Canadian Jews, written in the early to mid-1970s when he planned to write a book on the Jewish Establishment. In sorting these letters no attempt has been made to separate those marked, for example, “Vancouver” or “Calgary” or left unmarked which more obviously relate to The Acquisitors. The artificiality of attempting any such division is indicated by correspondence between Newman and such figures as Joe Segal and Max Tanenbaum; both men were part of the originally projected Jewish Establishment volume but both have been dealt with at some length in The Acquisitors. Most of these letters have been removed from “back-up” or research files. Newman himself appears to have kept no separate correspondence files and the letters here obviously represent only a portion of those written and received while he was at work on this book.
F.1 A
TLs, Doris Anderson to PCN, March 13, 1980
TL (car.), PCN to W.A. Andres, October 6, 1976
AL, anonymous to PCN, undated
AL, anonymous to PCN, March 11
TL, Jack Austin to PCN, November 26, 1976
TL, Jack Austin to PCN, November 26, 1976
TLs (copy), Jack Austin to PCN, March 6, 1978
F.2 B
TLs (copy),Steve Bailey to PCN, undated
TL (car.), PCN to Julius Balshine, May 3, 1977
TLs, Julius Balshine to PCN, June 16, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Roger Bannister, January 22, 1981
TLs, J.E. Belliveau to PCN, April 7, 1976
TL (car.) (copy), PCN to Samuel Belzberg, February 18, 1917
TLs, Samuel Belzberg to PCN, August 25, 1980
Note: for Belzberg see also Pekarsky correspondence
TL (car.), PCN to S.E. Berger, February 1, 1977
ALs, S.E. Berger to PCN, November 25, 1974
TLs, S.E. Berger to PCN, January 26, 1977
TLs, Hy Bessin to PCN, April 28, 1977
TLs, S.R. Blair to PCN, September 19, 1974
TLs, S.R. Blair to PCN, July 3, 1980
TLs, Arthur J. Block to PCN (Maclean’s), September 12, 1980; with note attached from Carol Burman, Maclean’s, September 23, 1980
TL (car.), PCN to Arthur J. Block, October 17, 1980
TLs, Arthur J. Block to PCN, October 28, 1980
TL (car.), PCN to Arthur J. Block, October 30, 1980
TLs, R.A.N. Bonnycastle to PCN, December 5, 1980
ALs, Peter (Bronfman? Swan?) to PCN, November 21, 1973
TLs (secretary), Bob Brawn to PCN, December 5, 1980
F.3 C
ALs, Gerry C (Toronto Public Health) to PCN, February 4, 1980
ALs, Gerry C (Toronto Public Health) to PCN, March 28, 1980
TL (car.), PCN to R. Campeau, November 10, 1980
TLs (secretary), R. Campeau to PCN, November 14, 1980
TLs, Donald Carr to PCN, July 5, 1978
TL (car.), PCN to Donald Carr, July 7, 1978
TLs, Peter A. Cherniavsky to PCN, June 28, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Lou Chesler, April 26, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Lou Chesler, May 20, 1977
TLs, Arthur Child to PCN, December 2, 1980
TL, Arthur Child to PCN, June 2, 1981
TLs, Arthur Child to PCN, June 22, 1981
TLs, Joseph A.P. Clark to PCN, July 11, 1979
Tls, Harry B. Cohen to PCN, February 7, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Albert Cohen, September 7, 1976
ALs, Dusty Cohl to PCN, undated
TLs (2nd pg only), George A. Cohon to PCN, May 27, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to George A. Cohon, April 20, 1979
TL (car.), PCN to George A. Cohon, July 10, 1979
TLs, George A. Cohon to PCN, March 18, 1981
TLs, Jack Cole to PCN, August 12, 1977,
TLs, H.L. Corbett to PCN, August 3, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to H.L. Corbett, August 8, 1977
TLs, Janet C[raig] to PCN, April 3, 1977
Card P.C. Edie & Eddie Creed, June 14, 1980
TLs, Sam Crystal to PCN, October 12, 1976
F.4 D
TL (car.), PCN to Jack Diamond, March 25, 1977
TLs, Jack Diamond to PCN, March 29, 1977
F.5 F
ALs, Rabbi Abraham Feinberg to PCN, July 17, 1971
TLs, Rabbi J. Benjamin Freinberg to PCN, February 14, 1980
TL (copy), PCN to Arthur Fouks, February 18, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Arthur Fouks, March 25, 1977
TLs, Murray B. Frum to PCN, July 18, 1977
F.6 G
TLs, W.D.H. Gardiner to PCN, December 13, 1976
TLs, Jacob Gallagher to PCN, July 17, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Harry L. Gelfant, March 25, 1977
TLs, Jake Geller to PCN, October 24, 1977
TL, Jake Geller to PCN, December, 1977
TLs, Jake Geller to PCN, undated
TL, Jake Geller to PCN, undated
TLs, W.P. Gilbride to PCN, January 31, 1980
ALs, D. Goldberg to PCN (Maclean’s), undated
TL (copy), Edwin A. Goodman to Max Tanenbaum, February 21, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Dr. Eli Gottesman, January 3, 1977
with note attached from research assistant Martin Lynch
TLs, Jerry Grafstein to PCN, November 12, 1973
TLs, Jerry Grafstein to PCN, July 9, 1976
TLs, Philip Granousky to PCN, November 22, 1976
Tls,Gordon C. Gray to PCN, February ,23, 1981
TLs, Judge Nathan Green to PCN, March 1, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Judge Nathan Green, March 9, 1977
TLs, David B. Greenspan to PCN, May 5, 1977
TLs, David B. Greenspan to PCN, September 1, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to David B. Greenspan, September 7, 1977
TLs, David B. Greenspan to PCN, September 4, 1979
TLs, David B. Greenspan to PCN, December 10, 1979
F.7 H
TLs, George Hamann to PCN, November 7, 1977
TLs, William M. Hamilton to PCN, December 30, 1980
TLs, J.W. Hardie to PCN, September 2, 1980
TL (car.), PCN to Edwin C. Harris, January 7, 1977
ALs, Edwin C. Harris to PCN, February 17, 1977
TLs, H.C. Heimbecker to PCN, April 28, 1981
TLs, Samuel Heller to PCN, April 7, 1977
TLs, H. Hildebrandt to W. Stewart (Maclean’s), June 9, 1971
TL (car.), PCN to Heather Hildebrandt, June 15, 1971
TLs, Heather Hildebrandt to PCN, June 16, 1971
TLs, Roy M.P. Jones to Maclean’s, February 12, 1981
F.9 K
TL (car.), PCN to Leon Kahn, March 25, 1977
TLs, Edgar F. Kaiser, Jr. to PCN, April 24, 1981
TLs, B.G. Kayfetz to PCN, December 29, 1975
Tls,N.B. Keevil, Jr. to PCN, December 12, 1980
Tls,N.B. Keevil, Jr. to PCN, February 12, 1981
TLs, Carl K. Keyfetz to PCN, February 9, 1976
TL (car.), PCN to Carl K. Keyfetz, February 12, 1976
TLs, Joe King to PCN, undated
TL (car.), PCN to Joe King, March 24, 1977
TL (car.) (copy), PCN to Morley Koffman, February 18, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Morley Koffman, March 25, 1977
F.10 L
TLs, Sy Langer to PCN, August 17, 1971
TLs (secretary), Jean de La Bruyere to PCN, December 22, 1980
ALs (copy), Trisha la Touche to “Lovely One”, June 14, 1976
TL (car.), PCN to Paul LeBrooy, January 14, 1976
TLs, Paul LeBrooy to PCN, January 19, 1976
TLs, Edmond Y. Lipsitz to PCN, March 12, 1976
TL (car.), PCN, reference for Sol Litman, October 12, 1973
TLs, Sol Littman to PCN, June 25, 1974
ALs, Bertram Loeb to Susan Cole, Wednesday
Note: PCN’s research assistant
TLs, Peter Longcroft to PCN, January 19, 1981
TLs, Maurice Lucow to PCN, undated
TL (car.), PCN to Martin Lynch, May 27, 1976
TL (car.), PCN to Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lynch, May 24, 1977
ALs, Martin Lynch to PCN, September 16, 1977
TLs (copy), PCN to Martin Lynch, September 26, 1977
TLs (+ copy), Jane Lynch to PCN, July 7, 1980
TLs, Jane Lynch to PCN, December 9, 1980
TLs, Martin & Jane Lynch to PCN, October 11, 1981
Note: Martin & Jane Lynch were PCN’s Research Assistants and many notes and memoranda from them may be found among the back-up material for this book.
TLs (secretary), Alan A. Macnaughton to PCN, October 13, 1976
TLs, Sandy A. Mactaggart to PCN, June 30, 1980
Tls, John B. Maughan to PCN, November 18, 1980
Tls, encl. galleys, Jack McClelland to PCN, June 10, 1977
TLs (copy), M.J. McCormick to PCN, February 8, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Philip Meyerovitch, June 10, 1977
TLs, Philip Meyerovitch to PCN, June 15, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Peter Moore, May 29, 1974
ALs, Peter Moore to PCN, June 2, [1974]
TL (car.), PCN to Peter Moore, June 13, 1974
TLs, Edwin C. Morgan to PCN, September 14, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Edwin C. Morgan, September 21, 1977
TLs, Edwin C. Morgan to PCN, September 29, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Edwin C. Morgan, October 14, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to J.H. Moore, June 25, 1979
F.12 N
Tls,A.R. Neilsen to PCN, June 4, 1980
TLs, M.J. Nurenberger to PCN, February 2, 1976
F.13 P
TL (car.), PCN to K. Palatiel, May 9, 1977
ALs, K. Palatiel to PCN, June 1, 1977
TLs, J. Pattison to PCN, March 20, 1981
TLs, John deB Payne to PCN, March 15, 1976
TLs, D.U. Pekarsky to PCN, October 30, 1980
TL (car.), PCN to D.U. Pekarsky, November 3, 1980
TLs, D.U. Pekarsky to PCN, February 5, 1981
TLs, D.U. Pekarsky to PCN, June 8, 1981
Note: all Pekarsky correspondence concerns Sam Belzberg
TLs, Robert G. Peters to PCN, March 2, 1981
TLs (secretary), Bert Petlock to PCN, May 17, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Bert Petlock, May 18, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Bert Petlock, June 29, 1977
TLs, 2pp., Bert Petlock to PCN, July 7, 1977
Tls, Lazarus Phillips to PCN, March 7, 1972
TLs, L. Phillips to PCN, November 5, 1974
Als, Helen Pollock to PCN, December 31, 1976
TL (car.), PCN to Helen Pollock, January 10, 1977
ALs, Helen Pollock to PCN, January 14, [1977]
TLs (assistant), Jack W. Poole to PCN, November 18, 1980
TL (car.), PCN to Ben Y.S. Prossin, January 7, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Ben Y.S. Prossin, February 1, 1977
TLs, Ben Y.S. Prossin to PCN, February 7, 1977
F.14 R
TL (car.), PCN to David Radler, May 19, 1977
TLs, David Radler to PCN, July 4, 1979
TL (car.), PCN to Av Richler, January 7, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to Norman L. Rothstein, March 25, 1977
F.15 S
TLs, George Sans to PCN, December 6, 1977
ALs (copy), Berna Schwartz to Nancy, June 23, 1976
TLs (secretary), Joseph Segal to PCN, February 2, 1981
TL (car.), PCN to Joseph Segal, March 25, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to A. Mark Shinbane, May 3, 1977
ALs, A. Mark Shinbane to PCN, May 8, 1977
TLs, A. Mark Shinbane to PCN, May 14, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to A. Mark Shinbane, May 24, 1977
ALs, A. Mark Shinbane to PCN with encl., June 1, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to A. Mark Shinbane, June 14, 1977
TLs, A. Mark Shinbane to PCN, July 6, 1977
TLs (+ copy), A. Mark Shinbane to PCN, July 29, 1977
ALs, A. Mark Shinbane to PCN, undated
ALs, A. Mark Shinbane to PCN, August 27, 1977
TL (car.),PCN to A. Mark Shinbane, September 7, 1977
TLs, Morris C. Shumiatcher to PCN, December 22, 1975
TL (car.), PCN to Morris C. Shumiatcher, December 30, 1975
TLs, Morris C. Shumiatcher to PCN, January 9, 1976
TL (car.), PCN to Morris C. Schumiatcher, January 13, 1976
TLs, Morris C. Schumiatcher to PCN, April 4, 1977
TL, Morris C. Schumiatcher to PCN, January 27, 1978
TLs, Phil Stone to PCN, October 27, 1976
TLs (copy), Alan Sweatman to PCN, April 2, 1981
TL (car.), PCN to Dr. J.G. Sylvestre, October 17, 1977
TLs, Dr. J.G. Sylvestre to PCN, October 25, 1977
TLs, Dr. J.G. Sylvestre to PCN, November 16, 1977
TLs, Anna Szigethy to PCN, encl. galleys, July 19, 1971
F.16 T
TL (car.), PCN to Max Tanenbaum, November 4, 1976
TLs, David Thomas to PCN with encl.,May 9, 1972
TLs, Dale C. Thomson to PCN, March 17, 1977
TLs, William Thorsell to PCN, undated, 1980 or 1981
TLs, Toronto Star subscribers to PCN,August 11, 1970
F.17 V
ALs, Gus A. Van Weilingen to PCN, July 10, 1981
TLs, H. Veiner to PCN, May 25, 1977
TL (car.), PCN to H. Veiner, June 1, 1977
TLs, H. Veiner to PCN, July 15, 1977
F.18 W
TL (car.), PCN to Prof. H. Waller, March 11, 1976
TL (car.), PCN to Andrew Wells, February 14, 1977
TLs, Hugh Whittington to PCN, July 30, 1981
TLs, I.C. Whynot to PCN, March 5, 1981
TLs, Ray D. Wolfe to PCN, March 8, 1974
TLs, Ray D. Wolfe to PCN, July 8, 1976
TLs, Ben Wosk to PCN, May 27, 1976
TLs, Ben Wosk to PCN, June 1, 1976
F.19 Y, Z
TLs, Robert G. Yeoman to PCN, August 18, 1981
TLs, Moses Znaimer to PCN, February 6, 1974
TLs, Moses Znaimer to PCN, May 23, 1975
Research and Back-up Material
Peter Newman originally intended the second volume of The Canadian Establishment to be a study of the Jewish establishment. Although there are many prominent members of Canada’s Jewish community represented in The Acquisitors much of the extensive research undertaken for the projected book was not used. Thus while the back-up material for the various chapters of The Acquisitors was received in files which corresponded to chapters or to major figures in the book, the Jewish material was received as a separate unit and was apparently unsorted.
The Jewish establishment material has been arranged into:
a) research material: transcripts of tapes, notes by Newman and his assistants, biographies and other generally unpublished research information
b) back-up material: generally published information such as newspaper clippings and company reports. The back-up material used in The Acquisitors proper has been sorted according to the various chapters and parts of chapters to which it corresponds. Correspondence, with the exception of internal memoranda between Newman and his research assistants, has been removed from all back-up and research files and has been placed in the correspondence series.
Box 74
F.1 Proposed introduction to book on Jewish Establishment and critique by Lynch
F.2-3 Research notes on Jewish Establishment: interview manuscripts, book reviews, biographies, lists of names, (much of this by Susan Cole, PCN’s Research Assistant)
Box 75
F.1-2 Research notes on Jewish Establishment
F.3 Back-up material on Jewish Establishment: newspaper clippings, company reports, theses, publicity releases
Boxes 76-83
Back-up material on Jewish Establishment
Box 84
F.1 Back-up for introduction / prologue to The Acquisitors
F.2 Critique [Lynch] of Chapter 1 -“The Sungods”
Note: Back-up material on the various individuals discussed within each chapter has been sorted alphabetically.
F.3 Belzbergs
F.4 Belzbergs
F.5 Peter Bentley
F.6 Peter Brown
F.7 Bob Carter
F.8 Peter Cundill
F.9 Doman
Box 85
F.1 Kaiser
F.2 Keevil
F.3 Jimmy Pattison
F.4 Jack Poole
F.5 Joe Segal
F.6 Nelson Skalbania
F.7 Peter Thomas
Box 86
F.1-4 General back-up material for Chapter 1
Box 87
Back-up material for Chapter 2, “The Money Movers”
F.1 Andy Sarlos
F.2-3 Max Tanenbaum
Box 88
Back-up material for Chapter 3, “The Urban Cowboy”
George Cohon
Box 89
Back-up material for Chapter 4, “The Earth Movers” and Chapter 5 , “The Takeover Artists”
F.1 Reichmanns, Chapter 4
F.2 Brascan, Chapter 5
Box 90
Back-up material for Chapter 5, “The Takeover Artists”
Box 91
Back-up material for Chapter 5, “The Takeover Artists”
Box 92
Back-up material for Chapter 5, and Chapter 6, “The Acquisitors’ Roost”
F.1- 7 Chapter 5, back-up material
F.8 Chapter 6, back up material
Box 93
Back-up material for Chapter 7, “The Emancipators”
F.1 Allard, Dr. Charles
F.2 Bannister, Rodger
F.3 Cormie, Donald
F.4 Eaton, Howard
F.5 Ghermezian, Eskander
F.6 Hurtig, Mel
F.7 Lougheed, Peter
F.8 Love, Donald
F.9 MacTaggart, Sandy
F.10 O’Callaghan, Patrick
F.11 Pearson, H. J. “Sandy”
F.12 Pocklington, Peter
F.13 Shoctor, Joseph
F.14 Stollery, Robert
F.15 Edmonton, general back-up material
Box 94
Back-up material for Chapter 8, “The Squatters”
F.1 Asper, “Izzy” and Schwartz
F.2 Cohen, Albert
F.3 Kanee, Sol
F.4 Kives, Phil
F.5 Manitoba Club
F.6 Nygard, Peter
F.7 Riley, Con
F.8 Runciman, Alexander M
F.9 Grain Families
F.10 Winnipeg, general back-up material
F.11-2 Saskatchewan, general back-up material
Box 95
Back-up material for Chapter 9, “The Oil Patchers”
F.1 Ballem, John
F.2 Bawden, Peter
F.3 Bell, Joel
F.4 Blair, Robert
F.5 Bonnycastle, R.A.N.
F.6 Brawn, Robert
F.7 Child, Arthur
Box 96
Back-up material for Chapter 9
F.1 Fleming, John
F.2 Gallagher, Jack
F.3 Graham, Alan
F.4 Hashman, Sam
F.5 Knowlton, Gerald
F.6 Lamond, Robert W.
F.7 Longcroft, Peter
F.8 McCaig, J.R.
F.9 McDaniel, Roderick
F.10 Mannix, Ron and Fred
F.11 Masters, John
F.12 Mercier, Joe
F.13 Milavsky, Harold
F.14 Mitchell, Dave
Box 97
Back-up material for Chapter
F.1 Nickle, Carl
F.2 Nielsen, Arne
F.3 Pierce, Jack
F.4 Rostoker, Georges
F.5 Scrymgeour, Jack
F.6 Scurfield, Ralph
F.7 Sefel, Joseph
F.8 Singer, Jack and Allan
F.9 Southern, Ron
F.l0 Taylor, Nick
F.11 Van Wielingen, G.A.
F.12 Van Maffei, Carlo
F.13 Wisener, Bob
Box 98
Back-up material for Chapter 9
F.1 Jets and planes in Calgary
F.2 Jets and planes in Calgary
F.3-6 Calgary
Box 99
Back-up material for Chapter 9 and Appendix
F.1 Calgary
F.2 Alberta (Calgary and Edmonton),
F.3 Appendix: Takeovers
Box 100
Back-up material not developed in The Acquisitors
F.1 Robert Campeau and Royal Trust Co. (only isolated references in the book)
F.2 Film Makers (Section planned in original outline, not developed)
F.3 Lou Chesler (Toronto financier)
F.4 Preston Gilbride (Toronto Establishment)
F.5 Fortunes (Denison, Laidlaw and others)
F.6 Appendices (Plan of Winston’s, not used)
Box 101
Back-up material not developed in The Acquisitors
F.1-4 Taxes and banking
Box 102
Photocopies of parts of books on Jews
Belford, Lee, Introduction to Judaism, New York; Association Press, 1961
Bermant, Chaim, The Cousinhood, New York; Macmillan Co., 1971
Betcherman, Lita Rose, The Swastika and the Maple Leaf; Toronto Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1975
Birmingham, Stephen, Our Crowd; The Great Jewish Families of New York New York; Dell, 1967
Fine, Morris & Milton, American Jewish Year Book, 1977, New York; Himmelfarb, editors American Jewish Committee, 1977
Goldberg, M. Hirsh, The Jewish Connection, New York; Stein & Day, 1976
Kahn, Roger, The Passionate People, New York; Wm. Morrow & Co., 1968
Kertzer, Morris N., Today’s American Jew, New York; McGraw-Hill, 1967
Kurelek, William & Abraham Arnold, Jewish Life in Canada, Edmonton; Hurtig, 1976
Plaut, W. Gunther, The Case for the Chosen People, New York; Doubleday, 1965
Sidorsky, David, The Future of the Jewish Community in America, editor New York; Basic Book Inc., 1973
Strober, Gerald S., American Jews: Conununity in Crisis, New York; Doubleday, 1974
Van Den Haag, Ernest, The Jewish Mystique, New York; Delta, 1971
Villiers, Douglas, Next Year in Jerusalem, New York; Viking, 1976
Transcripts of taped interviews for The Canadian Establishment, Vol. II, The Acquisitors. Audio cassettes are shelved separately.
Box 103
Eight transcripts: 9 p., 2 p.,7 p., 3 p., 9 p., 8 p., 2 p. 24 October 24 1980, 8 p.
Abbott, Douglas, 3 p. notes re interview (photocopy)
Ain, Joe, 8 p., Audio cassette 1
Aird, 31 p. (photocopy)
Aisenstat, Hy, 7 p., October 27, 1980, Audio cassette 32
Alberta Establishment:
Part I - 17 p., Audio cassette 2
Part II - 16 p., Audio cassette 2
Part III - 16 p., Audio cassette 2
Part IV - 16 p., Audio cassette 3
Part V - 20 p., Audio cassette 3
Amato, 7 p., Audio cassette 4
Ambridge, Doug, Part I - 12 p. (photocopy); Part II - 9 p. (photocopy)
Anderson, Part I - 24 p. (photocopy); Part II - 18 p. (photocopy)
Ardies, Tom, 14 p., March 14, 1981, Audio cassette 5
Arena, John, 37 p., October 10, 1979, Audio cassette 8; 20 p., February 6, 1980, Audio cassette 7; 25 p., June 16, 1980, Audio cassette 6
Asper, Israel, 41 p., August 26, 1980, Audio cassette 9; 18 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 10
Austin, Jack, 40 p., annotated, Audio cassette 11; 6 p. notes; 34 p., Audio cassette 11a; 59 p., corrected, Audio cassette 11b
Baldwin, John, 2 p. notes re interview, (photocopy)
Ballem, John, 17 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 13
Barbeau, Jacques, 46 p. transcript, October 20, 1980, Audio cassettes 14 and 15; 16 p., Audio cassette 16
Barter, Phil, 27 p., Audio cassette 17
Bawden, Harry, Part I - 17 p., corrected (photocopy); Part II - 42 p. (photocopy)
Bawden, Peter 25 p., Audio cassette 23
Box 104
Bedford, C.P., 9 p. (photocopy) corrected, Audio cassette 136
Bell, Joel, 19 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 56
Belzberg, Samuel, 18 p., February 11, 1980, Audio cassette 18; 21 p., October 20, 1980, Audio cassette 15; 37 p., Audio cassette 19
Bentley, Peter, 29 p., October 21, 1980, Audio cassettes 20 and 87
Berman, 13 p., Audio cassette 76
Bick, 31 p., Audio cassette 21; 11 p.
Blair, Bob, 26 p., Audio cassette 22
Bonnycastle, Dick, 23 p., Audio cassette 23
Bovey, 5 p., Audio cassette 76
Braun, Bob, 19 p., Audio cassette 99
Breyfogle, Peter, 36 p., January 16, 1981, Audio cassettes 24 and 115
Brown, 28 p. (see Farris file), Audio cassette 129
Brown, Peter, 65 p., October 22, 1980, Audio cassettes 25 and 17
Bulloch, John, 24 p., Audio cassette 26
Burns, Lathum, 9 p., February 11, 1981
Caldwell, Doug, 11 p., August 6, 1980
Cameron, Harold, 14 p. (photocopy)
Campeau, Robert, 52 p., January 30, 1981, Audio cassette 27
Carter, Bob, 40 p., October 21, 1980, Audio cassette 129 and 20
Caves, 18 p. (photocopy), annotated
Chalmers, Floyd, 25 p., April 12, 1979, Audio cassette 28
Chester, Lou, 14 p., Audio cassette 29
Child, Arthur, 18 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 125
Chipman, Murray, 2 p. notes re interview (photocopy)
Box 105
Clark, Joe, 10 p., June 26, 1979 incomplete and photocopy of transcript, Audio cassette 30
Clement, Wallace, 4 p. notes (photocopy)
Clyne, Jack, 1 p., October 23, 1980, Audio cassette 32
Cohen, 18 p.
Cohen, Albert, 17 p., Audio cassette 33
Cohen, Ted, 22 p., June, 1979, Audio cassette 34; 10 p., June 18, 1979, Audio cassette 37
Cohon, 38 p., Audio cassette 39; 25 p.
Cohon, George, 3 p., April 9, 1980; 44 p. 5 p., September 12, 1979, Audio cassette 42; 14 p., July 23, 1979, Audio cassette 40; 41 p., April 19, 1979, Audio cassette 36
Cole, Jack, 30 p., Audio cassette 46
Collier, 7 p., Audio cassette 47
Cormie, Donald, 9 p., Audio cassette 62
Crowe, Marshall, 2 p. notes re interview (photocopy); 5 p. notes re interview (photocopy); 80 p. annotated, Audio cassettes 48, 48a
Cundill, Peter, 22 p., October 23, 1980, Audio cassette 32
Cunningham, Alan, 7 p., October 23, 1980, Audio cassette 17
Davis, Nelson, 2 p. notes re interview (photocopy); 4 p. notes (photocopy); 2 p. quotations (photocopy); 35 p. (photocopy), Audio cassette 49; 10 p., Audio cassette 49
Dawson, Graham R. 10 p., October 20, 1980, Audio cassette 109
Diamond, 17 p., Audio cassette 68; 9 p., Audio cassette 58
Dimma, Bill, 38 p. (photocopy)
Doman, Herb, 14 p., February 12, 1980, Audio cassettes 81 and 50
Box 106
Eaton, Howard, 18 p., June 6, 1980, Audio cassette 51
Eby, Peter, 12 p., Audio cassette 82
Ewing, John, 21 p. (photocopy) annotated, Audio cassette 127
Eyton, Trevor, 35 p., February 18, 1981, Audio cassette 52; 25 p., Audio cassette 54; partial transcript, Audio cassette 53
Facuenheim, 8 p., (incomplete), Audio cassette 55
Farris, Haig, 28 p., October 21, 1980, Audio cassette 129
Feldman, Zane, 14 p., Audio cassette 97
Finklestein, 20 p., Audio cassette 57; photocopy of above t. (Vol. II Music)
Fleming, John, 16 p., January, 1981, Audio cassette 56
Freedman, Martin, 16 p., Audio cassette 83
Freeman, 3 p., Audio cassette 58
Gallagher, Jack, 24 p., Audio cassette 59
Gardiner, Doug, 18 p., Audio cassette 61; 14 p., March 24, 1980, Audio cassette 60
Geddes, Eric, 32 p., Audio cassette 62
Gelfant, 7 p., Audio cassette 111
Getty, Donald, 10 p., June 6, 1980, Audio cassette 51
Gibson, 18 p. (photocopy)
Gibson, Gordon, 8 p., February 11, 1981, Audio cassette 82
Gilbride, Preston, 22 p., November 25, 1980, Audio cassette 64; 21 p., Audio cassette 63
Gluskin, Ira, 18 p., May 28, 1979, Audio cassette 66
Box 107
Gobuty, Michael, 29 p., Audio cassette 67
Goldfarb, 15 p., Audio cassette 68
Goodis, 16 p., Audio cassette 69
Goodman, 23 p., Audio cassette 70
Gordon, 21 p.
Gordon, Monty, 4 p., Audio cassette 51
Grafstein, 25 p., Audio cassette 16; 27 p.
Graham, Senator A., 18 p. (photocopy)
Graham, Ron, 7 p., June 26, 1980, Audio cassette 72
Granovsky, 31 p., Audio cassette 73
Gray, Gordon, 23 p.; 8 p., Audio cassette 66
Greenspan, 14 p., Audio cassette 39
Griffin, A.G.S., 11 p., Audio cassette 88; 16 p., Audio cassette 74; 3 p. letter re interview
Griffin, Tony, 5 p., incomplete, Audio cassette 75
Gurstenberg, 7 p., corrected (photocopy), Audio cassette 36
Hartley, 18 p. (photocopy) corrected; 7 p. (photocopy) corrected
Heimbecker, 6 p., April 2, 1981
Herman, 11 p., Audio cassette 100
Hermant, 22 p., Audio cassette 55
Hotchkiss, 11 p.
Howe, Bruce, incomplete transcript, Audio cassette 81
Hurtig, 3 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 130
Hurtig, Mel, 13 p.
Irv, House of Chan, 16 p., Audio cassette 76
Jarislowski, 22 p., Audio cassette 78
Kaiser, Edgar, 6 p., April 16, 1981, Audio cassette 79; 28 p., February 12, 1980, Audio cassette 81; 50 p., Audio cassette 80
Keate, Stu, 12 p., October 21, 1980
Keevil, 14 p., February 10, 1981, Audio cassette 82
Kives, Philip, 21 p., Audio cassette 83
Knowlton, Gerald, 16 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 13
Kronick, 6 p., June 11, 1980
Labatt, Arthur, 14 p.
Lamond, Bob, 24 p., March 10, 1981, Audio cassettes 84 and 85
Lapierre, Laurier, 17 p., February 12, 1980
Lee, Robert H., 33 p., October 22, 1980, Audio cassette 87
Leeming, 16 p. (photocopy)
Littman, Sol, 28 p., Audio cassette 88
Loeb, 10 p.
Loewen, 27 p., Audio cassette 85
Longcroft, Peter, 21 p., Audio cassette 97
Longstaff, Ron, 12 p., February 12, 1980, Audio cassette 50
Lougheed, Peter, 19 p., Audio cassette 89
Louie, Tong, 12 p., October 20, 1980, Audio cassette 109
Love, Don, 12 p., March 31, 1981, Audio cassette 114
MacDonnell,18 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 130
MacKenzie, Jack, 34 p., March 10, 1981, Audio cassette 84
MacLaren, Woody, 15 p., October 21, 1980
MacLaren, Roy, 12 p., March 4, 1980 (photocopy)
Martin, Hugh, 14 p., Audio cassette 90
Masters, John, 20 p., January 1981, Audio cassettes 108 and 119
McCabe, Michael, 8 p., July 26, 1979, Audio cassette 91
McCaig, J.R., 12 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 126 and 13
McConnell, 10 p., Audio cassette 92
McDaniel, Rod, 14 p., Audio cassette 59
McDougall, D.H., 6 p., September 29, 1980
McNeil, Fred, 14 p., January 1981
Mercier, Joe, 18 p.
Milavsky, Harold, 6 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 56
Mirvish, Ed, 11 p., Audio cassette 92
Morris, 26 p., Audio cassette 45
Morrison, 16 p., Audio cassette 94
Munroe, Colonel, 27 p., Audio cassette 96
Neilsen, Arne, 20 p., Audio cassette 97
Nickle, Carl, 12 p., January 1981, Audio cassettes 119 and 125
Box 109
Nuremberger, 25 p., Audio cassette 98
Nygard, P., 35 p., Audio cassette 99
O’Callaghan, Patrick, 8 p., Audio cassette 62
Offman, Alan, Part I - 18 p.; Part II - 16 p.; Part III - 13 p. Audio cassettes 100, 101, 102; 5 p., Audio cassette 103; 34 p., January 12, 1976 annotated, Audio cassette 104; incomplete photocopy of above; 39 p., Audio cassette 39
Ondatje, 27 p. (see Loewen transcript), Audio cassette 85
Palk, William, 22 p., Audio cassette 67
Pattison (Delta Hotels), 17 p., November 4, 1980, Audio cassette 106
Pattison, Jim, 30 p., October 22, 1980, Audio cassette 105
Pearson, Sanders, 8 p., Audio cassette 23
Perry, Harold, 9 p., August 19, 1980, Audio cassette 107
Phillips, Ed, 19 p., October 23, 1980, Audio cassette 17
Pierce, Jack, 39 p., January 1981, Audio cassettes 10 and 56
Pilley, Trevor, 7 p., February 12, 1980, Audio cassette 81
Pittfield, Michael, 23 p. notes re interview, November 1974 (photocopy)
Plaut, 25 p., Audio cassette 38
Pocklington, Peter, 25 p., January 19, 1981, Audio cassette 108; 21 p., June 6, 1980
Poole, Jack, 25 p., October 20, 1980, Audio cassette 109
Powis, A., 22 p., Audio cassette 110
Price, 2 p. notes (photocopy)
Ritchards, William, 5 p., Audio cassette 115
Ritchie, A.E., 4 p. notes (photocopy)
Rostoker, George, 6 p., Audio cassette 22
Rosenfeld, 14 p.
Rotstein, 19 p., Audio cassette 111
Rowland, 4 p., Audio cassette 115
Runciman, 29 p., Audio cassette 112
Ryan, Part I - 14 p. (photocopy); Part II - 15 p. (photocopy)
Sarlos, Andy, 18 p., Audio cassette 113; 14 p., October 30, 1980, Audio cassette 106; 4 p.; 18 p., May 26, 1981
Schwartz, Gerald, 29 p., March 31, 1981, Audio cassette 114
Scott, Peter, 27 p. (photocopy), annotated
Scrymgeour, Jack, 11 p., Audio cassette 97
Scurfield, Ralph, 11 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 130
Sefel, Joseph, Part I - 22 p., Audio cassette 115; Part II - 2 p., Audio cassette 83
Segal, Joe, 36 p., October 22, 1980, Audio cassettes 120 and 105
Box 110
Sharwood, Gordon, 32 p., annotated (photocopy)
Sheridan, Pat, 20 p., Audio cassette 116
Shulman, 8 p., Audio cassette 117
Sigel, Skippy, 26 p., Audio cassette 118
Singer, Allan, 15 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 119
Skalbania, Nelson, 29 p., September 9, 1980, Audio cassette 121; 23 p., October 21, 1980, Audio cassette 120; 33 p., Audio cassette 122; 1 p. letter, March 27, 1981
Stanley, David, 32 p., Audio cassette 123
Stollery, Robert, 11 p., Audio cassette 62
Tannenbaum, Max, 54 p., Audio cassette 124
Taylor, Charles, 5 p., June 11, 1980
Taylor, Nick, 23 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 125
Thomas, 25 p., October 24, 1980, Audio cassette 32
Torno, 21 p. (photocopy)
Van Wielingen, Gus, 33 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 126
Vance, Cy, 11 p., Audio cassette 127; 1 p. comments
Ward, Barbara, 35 p., Audio cassette 128
Watkins, Mel, 21 p. (photocopy)
Watts, Murray, 12 p., annotated (photocopy)
Webster, Ben, 24 p. to, November 12, 1980
Whittall, Dick, 11 p., October 21, 1980, Audio cassette 129
Willson, 24 p.; 11 p.
Wisener, Robert, 10 p., January 1981, Audio cassette 130; 22 p. to, November 27, 1974 (photocopy)
Wolfe, Ray, 24 p., Audio cassette 92
Woodsworth, Charlie 1 p. notes (photocopy)
Wrench, 13 p. (photocopy), annotated
Wyman, Robert, 22 p., October 20, 1980, Audio cassette 14
Zachary, Peter, 29 p., June 25, 1979, Audio cassette 131
Zimmerman, 34 p., annotated, Audio cassette 132
Zukerman, Barry, 41 p. to, March 17, 1981, Audio cassette 133
United States, trip to, April 1976
16 p. ms. (rough unedited)
6 p .ms.
1 p. dictation on Los Angeles (photocopy)
4 p. self dictation (photocopy)
1 p. Washington notes (photocopy)
1 p. notes re interview with Daniel J. Boorstin
2 p. notes re interview with Jack Blum
2 p. notes (photocopy)
6 p. interview with Fleming, photocopy, annotated
The following sound recordings either to not have transcripts or the archivist was unable to match the transcripts to the sound recording.
List of Names and Audio cassette numbers
Asper, 68
Ball, George, 12
Bannerman, Doug, 13A
Bassett, 98
Batshaw, 142
Baudinet, 73
Bentley, 87
Berger, Steven, 140
Binks, 48
Black, 92 and 121
Blair, Bob, 2 (see Alberta Establishment, Box 103)
Bochner, 135
Bonnycastle, Dick, 35
Braddon, 127
Bremner, 135
Bronfman, Charles, 78
Brown, 25
Brown, Peter (Rabbit), 107
Chace, James, 127
Child, Arthur, 2 (see Alberta Establishment, Box 103)
Chisvin, Jack, 137
Cockwell, 134
Cohen, 35 and 69
Cohon, George, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45
Collins, 2 (see Alberta Establishment, Box 103)
Copeland, 82
Elton, 75
Este, 47
Finberg, 38
Finlay, 51
Fortier, 1 and 78
Fowks, 58
Freiberg, 55
Fu1ford, 60
Gallagher, 2 (see Alberta Establishment, Box 103)
Gilbride, Percy, 65
Gillespie, Roy, 22
Goodson, 71
Hartley, 135
I.B.M., 143
James, Bill, 77
Kahn, 111
Kinfitz, Ben, 139
Koffler, 41
Koffman, 58
Lafferty, 76
Layton, 86
Liswood, Sidney, 138
Littman, Sol, 140
Mackenzie, 76
Malone, 75
Mannix, 3 (see Alberta Establishment, Box 103)
Match, 83
Mayban, 31
Mayer, 136
McCaig, 2 (see Alberta Establishment, Box 103)
McNaughton, 47
Mendelman, 69
Mitchell, 23
Montague, 121
Morton, 95
Mu1roney, 93
Pattison, 50
Phillips, 1
Pos1uns, 118
Rad1er, 33
Riley, Con, 67
Riley, 112
Ronan, 127
Rose, 73
Rose, Jack, 141
Sobey, 106
Solway, Herb, 137 and 138
Sorensen, 127
Southern, R., 3 (see Alberta Establishment, Box 103)
Strong, 92
Suther, 1 and 47
Sweatman, 133
Wask, 16
Wilder, 61 and 116
Woodward, 87
Unidentified, 20, 135, 136, 142
Box 111
Ontario Securities Commission
F.1 pages 1 - 100
F.2 pages 101 - 200
F.3 pages 201 - 300
F.4 pages 301 - 400
F.5 pages 401 - 500
F.6 pages 501 - 600
F.7 pages 601 - 670
F.8 Staff Argument
F.9 Submission of the Respondent
F.10 Appendix
F.11 Reply Argument
Manuscript and Proofs
Note: All page references correspond to those in the 1981 published version of The Acquisitors
Box 112
Preliminaries and Chapter 1, original typescript, and revisions.
F.1 Tentative Outline of Canadian Establishment, Vol. II
F.2 Estimate of word length of The Acquisitors
F.3 Front and back flaps; original and corrected versions
F.4 Frontispiece
F.5 Prologue - Early draft, ts. with ms. revisions
F.6 Prologue - Later draft, ts. with ms. revisions
F.7 Prologue - originally called “Introduction”, ts. with extensive ms. revisions
F.8 Prologue - 2nd, 3rd and 4th drafts
F.9 Chapter 1 -“The Sungods” , ts. with ms. revisions
F. 10 Chapter 1- ts. (copy) of final version, to p. 59, with ms. revisions
F.11 Chapter 1- 2 tss. (copy) of pp. 21-59
F.12 Chapter 1- Jimmy Pattison, pp. 59-68, ts. with ms. revisions
F.13 Jimmy Pattison, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.14 Chapter 1- Herb Doman, pp. 68-71, ts. with ms. revisions
F.15 Herb Doman, 2 tss. (copy)
F.16 Chapter 1- The Rabbit, (Peter Brown) pp. 71-78, ts. with ms. revisions
F.17 The Rabbit, 2 tss. (copy), revised
F.18 Chapter 1- Peter Bentley, pp. 78-80 ts. with ms. revisions
F.19 Peter Bentley, ts. (copy)and ts. (copy), revised
F.20 Chapter 1- Peter Thomas, pp. 80-82, ts. with ms. revisions
F.21 Peter Thomas, ts. (copy) and ts. (copy), revised
F.22 Chapter 1- Kaiser, pp. 83-98, ts. with ms. revisions
F.23 ts. (copy), revised
F.24 Chapter 1- Peter Cundill, pp. 98-101, ts. with ms. revisions
F.25 Peter Cundill, ts. (copy) and ts. (copy), revised
F.26 Chapter 1- Bob Carter, pp. 101-107, ts. with ms. revisions
F.27 Bob Carter, ts. (copy), revised
F.28 Bob Carter, ts. (copy), further revised
F.29 Chapter 1- Jack Poole, pp. 107-110, ts. with ms. revisions
F.30 Jack Poole, ts. (copy), revised
F.31 Chapter 1- The Keevils, pp. 110-114, ts. with ms. revisions
F.32 The Keevils, ts. (copy), revised, ts. (copy), further revised
F.33 Chapter 1- Joe Segal, ts. with ms. revisions
F.34 Joe Segal, ts. (copy), revised
F.35 Joe Segal, ts. (copy), further revised
F.36 Joe Segal, ts. revised (copy)
Box 113
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, original typescript and revisions.
F.1 Chapter 1- Billy, Sam and Hymie (later Sam, Billy and Hymie), pp.118-127, ts. with ms. revisions
F.2 Billy, Sam and Hymie, ts. (copy)
F.3 Chapter 1- Nelson Skalbania, pp.127-143, ts. with extensive ms. revisions
F.4 Nelson Skalbania, ts. with ms. revisions
F.5 Nelson Skalbania, ts. (copy), ts., revised (copy), 2 tss., further revised (copies)
Note: various drafts have been arranged so that they follow in what appears to be chronological sequence, from the earlier to the later versions
F.6 Chapter 2, “The Money Movers”, p. 147, ts. with extensive ms. revisions of opening paragraphs
F.7 Chapter 2, pp.147-153 (originally planned as Chapter 5), ts. with ms. revisions
F.8 Chapter 2, ts. with further ms. revisions
F.9 Chapter 2, ts. (copy), revised
F.10 Chapter 2, ts., incorporating earlier revisions
F.11 Chapter 2, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.12 Chapter 2, ts. (copy)
F.13 Chapter 2, ts., revised (copy) - final version
F.14 Chapter 3, “The Urban Cowboy”, pp.173-197, ts. with ms. revisions
F.15 Chapter 3, ts.
F.16 Chapter 3, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.17 Chapter 3, ts. (copy) with ms. corrections and comments
F.18 Chapter 4, “The Earth Movers” , pp .199-212, ts. with ms. revisions
F.19 Chapter 4, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.20 Chapter 5, “The Takeover Artists”, pp. 213-254, ts. with ms. revisions (early draft - later much expanded)
F.21 Chapter 5, ts. (copy) of second half of the chapter, later revised
F.22 Chapter 5, ts. with ms. revisions, material added to original draft
F.23 Chapter 5, ts. (copy)
F.24 Chapter 5 ,ts. (copy), final draft
Box 114
Chapters 6, 7 and 8, original typescript and revisions
F.1 Chapter 6, “The Acquisitors’ Roost”, pp. 255-256, ts. with extensive ms. revisions of opening paragraphs
F.2 Chapter 6, pp. 255-267, ts. with ms. revisions
F.3 Chapter 6, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.4 Chapter 6, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.5 Chapter 6, ts. (copy)
F.6 Chapter 6, ts. with revisions (copy), final draft
F.7 Chapter 7 (earlier planned as Chapter III), “The Emancipators”, pp. 271-289, ts. with ms. revisions, later much expanded
F.8 Chapter 7, pp. 271-298, ts. with ms. revisions
F.9 Chapter 7, pp. 271-298, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.10 Chapter 7, ts. - odd pages not used in subsequent re-type
F.11 Chapter 7, pp. 271-289 (incomplete), ts. (copy)
F.12 Chapter 7, pp. 271-298, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.13 Chapter 7, pp. 271-298 (incomplete), ts., revised (copy)
F.14 Chapter 8, “The Squatters”, pp.299-332, ts. with ms. revisions
F.15 Chapter 8, pp. 299-311, 2 tss. (copies)
F.16 Chapter 8, pp. 299-316, ts., revised (copy)
F.17 Chapter 8, pp. 299-311, pp.317-323, ts. (copy)
F.18 Chapter 8, pp. 317-330, ts., revised (copy)
Box 115
Chapter 9, original typescript and revisions.
F.1 Chapter 9, “The Oil Patchers”, pp. 333-424, ts. with ms. revisions
F.2 Chapter 9, p. 340, “Touchstones”, ts. (copy)
F.3 Chapter 9, pp.333 - 424, ts. with ms. revisions
F.4 Chapter 9, “Alberta Profiles”, pp. 363-372, ts. (copy)
F.5 “Alberta Profiles”, pp. 363-380, ts., revised (copy)
F.6 “Alberta Profiles”, pp. 372-376, ts. with ms. revisions
F.7 “Alberta Profiles”, pp. 372-380, 2 tss. (copies)
F.8 Chapter 9, Arthur Child, pp. 381-386, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.9 Arthur Child, 2 tss. (copy) with revisions
F.10 Chapter 9, “Bossa Nova” (Bob Blair), pp. 386-392, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.11 Bob Blair, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.12 Chapter 9, Carlo Von Maffei, pp. 393-396, 1 ts + 2 tss. (copies), second more revised than first
F.13 Chapter 9, “Bones” (Richard Bonnycastle) , pp. 396-400, ts., revised (copy)
F.14 Chapter 9, Jack Pierce, pp. 400-402, ts., revised (copy)
F.15 Jack Pierce, ts., revised (copy)
F.16 Chapter 9, John Masters, pp. 402-408, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.17 John Masters, ts., revised (copy)
F.18 Chapter 9, Gus (G.A. Van Wielingen) pp. 408-412, ts., revised
F.19 G.A. Van Wielingen, ts. (copy) with ms. revisions
F.20 G.A. Van Wielingen, ts. (copy), further revised
F.21 Chapter 9, The Lord of Dome (Jack Gallagher), ts. with ms. revisions
F.22 Jack Gallagher, ts. (copy)
F.23 Jack Gallagher, ts., revised (copy)
F.24 Jack Gallagher, p. 423, ts., additional note
Box 116
Epilogue and Appendix, original typescript and revisions, Galley and page proofs
F.1 Epilogue, pp. 425-432, ts. with ms. revisions
F.2 Epilogue, ts. with ms. revisions
F.3 Epilogue, ts. and 2 tss. (copies)
F.4 Epilogue, ts. with ms. revisions
F.5 Epilogue, 3 tss. (copies)
F.6 Epilogue, ts., revised (copy)
F.7 Appendix, “The Takeovers Record”, pp. 433-489, ts., revised (copy)
F.8 Acknowledgements, p. 491, ts. (copy)
F.10 Galley Proofs, with revisions, Chapters 2, 4, 5 (originally 7), 6, 8, 9, Epilogue and Acknowledgements
F.11 Page Proofs, with revisions, Prologue, chapters 1 (incomplete), 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and Epilogue
F.12 Page Proofs, pp.174-212 (Cohon), duplicate
Note: Boxes in this part of the third accrual were not numbered consecutively at the time they were arranged. Since the numbering sequence continues into the fourth accrual and beyond, these boxes have been assigned numbers available at the end of the sequence, i.e. after the seventh accrual.
Canadian-American Relations: General Research Files
This material is comprised partly of research files for two proposed books: “The Anatomy of Canada” and a study of multi- national corporations. The remainder is largely general research material on Canadian topics and business affairs. Newman’s file headings have been retained, but the contents of the files have been divided into three types of material: research material (reports, speeches, sections of books etc.), notes and correspondence, and newspaper clippings.
Box 158
Avco Corp.
Ball, George
Brain Drain
Notes and correspondence
Notes and correspondence
Canadian-American Committee
E.H. Card
Central Intelligence Agency
Committee for an Independent Canada
Notes and correspondence
Notes and correspondence
Notes and correspondence
Ford Motor Co.
Notes and correspondence
General Research
General Motors Corp.
Notes and correspondence
Box 159
Notes and correspondence
Imperial Oil Co.
Research (five files)
Notes and correspondence (two files)
Clippings (two files)
Box 160
Notes and correspondence
I.T. & T.
Notes and correspondence
Eric Kierans
Notes and correspondence
Mackenzie Valley Pipeline
Notes and correspondence
Research (four files)
Box 161
Research (five files)
Notes and correspondence (three files)
Clippings (two files)
Box 162
Clippings (two files)
Notes and correspondence
U.S. Business
Research (four files)
D.J. Fowler, “A Comparison of the Performance of Canadian and U.S. Manufacturing and Mining Industries.”
Box 163
U.S. Business
Research (seven files)
Box 164
U.S. Business
Research (three files)
Notes and correspondence (three files)
Clippings (three files)
Box 165
U.S. Business
John Hutcheson, Domination and Dependency (proofs)
Harry Antonides, Multinationals and the Peaceable Kingdom (proofs)
U.S. Business: American Story
Notes and correspondence
U.S .– Canada Relations
U.S. Imperialism
Westinghouse Co.
Xerox Corp.
Box 166
Committee for an Independent Canada
Quebec Nationalism
During the 1960s and 1970s Peter C. Newman collected material for an intended study of Quebec nationalism. Included are clippings from various Canadian newspapers, journal articles, press releases from federal and provincial politicians, reports of various government departments, and correspondence. Also included are transcripts of interviews Newman conducted with some prominent political figures such as Claude Ryan.
Newman arranged the material under broad topical headings and also kept a large volume of material under the heading “Quebec–General”. This arrangement has been retained. However, the files have been subdivided into “background research material” which includes news clippings, journal articles, reports and press releases, and “research notes, interview notes and correspondence” which contains Newman’s own notes and drafts of text, transcripts or notes from interviews, and correspondence concerning the topic.
Box 167
General background research material (three files)
Research notes, correspondence, interview notes
Box 168
General background research material (three files)
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Box 169
General background research material (three files)
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Box 170
General background research material (two files)
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence pulled from files 1-2
Background research material
Ancient History
Background research material
Box 171
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Jean Jacques Bertrand
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission
Background research material (two files)
Box 172
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Robert Bourassa
Background research material (two files)
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Business Elite
Background research material
CNTU Unions
Background research material
Catholic Church
Background research material
Background research material
Box 173
Constitutional History
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Research notes, interview notes, and correspondence
Background research material
Jean Drapeau
Background research material
Maurice Duplessis
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Yvon Dupuis
Background research material
Economic Crises
Background research material
Economic Growth
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Box 174
Background research material
Election 1976
Background research material (three files)
Box 175
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence (two files)
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
English Response
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
English Threats
Background research material
Estates General
Background research material
Box 176
French Outside Quebec
Background research material
Frère Untel
Background research material
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Daniel Johnson
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Johnson Cabinet
Background research material
Background research material
Box 177
Louis Laberge
Background research material
Marc Lalonde
Background research material
Jean Lesage
Background research material (two files)
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence (two files)
Other Splits
Background research material
Jacques Parizeau
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Box 178
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Provincial Government
Background research material
Quebec and France
Background research material (two files)
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence (two files)
Quebec and Ottawa
Background research material
Quebec and U.S .
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Box 179
Quiet Revolution
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Role of Government
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Claude Ryan
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Transcript of interview, 22 pp., (n.d.)
Background research material
Background research material
Box 180
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Social Change
Background research material
Special Status
Background research material
Research notes, interview notes and correspondence
Union Nationale
Background research material
Pierre Vallières
Background research material
War Measures Act
Background research material
Peter C. Newman fonds. Fourth accrual.
Establishment Man: A Portrait of Power (1982)
This accrual includes correspondence, “back-up” (research) material, sound recordings and transcripts of interviews, manuscript and proofs.
In the writing of The Establishment Man, as with the preparation of his earlier works, Newman appears not to have kept separate correspondence files. The letters described in the list which follows have been removed from files of general research material and clearly do not represent all of the author’s correspondence in connection with this book. The researcher is also directed to the copies of Conrad Black’s correspondence with others, supplied to Newman by Black, which have been included with other general backup research material in Box 129.
Box 117
Anderson, R. (Hanna Mining), TL (car.), to, July 23, 1982
Archdiocese of Toronto, TLs (photocopy), from, undated
Avirovic, Joan (Secretary to Black), TL (car.), to, July 13, 1982; TLs. from, Sept. 2, 1982
Barron, Alex E., TLs, from [+ attachments], March 25, 1982; TLs, from, June 21, 1982
Black, Conrad
TLs, from, April 8, 1976
TLs, from, Nov. 10, 1976
TLs, from, Dec. 29, 1976
TLs, from, Jan. 25, 1977
TL (car.), to (2 pp.), March 19, 1979
TLs, from (2 pp.), March 26, 1979
TL, from [+ attachments], Jan. 11, 1980
TL, from [+ attachments], April 3, 1980
TL (car.), to, May 27, 1980
TLs, from, July 9, 1980
TLs, from (+ photocopy), Oct. 8, 1980
TLs, from, Dec. 15, 1980
TLs, from (2 pp.) (+ photocopy) June 8, 1981
TLs, from (2 pp.), Nov. 26, 1981
Invitation, from [printed], May 12, 1982
TL (car.), to, June 9, 1982
TLs, to (+ carbon + envelope) [not sent?]
July 29, 1982
TLs, from (+ attachments), Aug. 18, 1982
Black, Shirley, ALs, from, Sept. 12, 1980; ALs, from, July 26 (1982)
Breyfogle, Peter N., ALs, from, April 25, 1982
Carter, G. Emmett Cardinal, TLs, from, April 20, 1982; TL (car.), to, May 11, 1982
Davis, Glen W., TLs, from, May 20, 1980
Edmison, Harry
TLs, from, Jan. 4, 1982
TL (car.), to, Feb. 10, 1982
TLs, from, March 29, 1982
Erb, Rev. John E., TLs, from, Jan. 7, 1981
Graham, Ron, TLs, from, March 26
Griffin, Tony, TLs, from (+ attachment), Nov. 11, 1977
Hedstrom, Mrs. Cecil, TL (car.), to, Aug. 8, 1980, [for attachment see Prusac]
Jackman, H.N.R.
TLs, from, Dec. 3, 1979
TLs, from, Dec. 18, 1979
TLs, from, Nov. 25, 1981
Jones, Margaret, TL (car.), to, March 4, 1980; TL (photocopy), to, May 16, 1980
Kaplan, Nadia, ALs, (3 pp.), June 30, 1982
Kilgour, David, M.P., TLs, from, July 7, 1982; TL (car.), to, July 13, 1982
Mackey, Stuart, ALs, from, May 7, 1980
Marston, Anna Marie, TL (car.), to, April 30, 1980; TL (car.), to, May 14, 1980
Matthews, A. Bruce, TLs, from, March 13, 1980
McClelland, Jack, TLs, from, March 16, 1979; TL (car.), to, July 2, 1982; TL (car.), to (2 pp.) (3 copies) July 7, 1982
Melzack, Brian & Louis, TL (car.), to (4 pp.), July 2, 1982; TL (car.), to, July 20, 1982
Neale, John, TL (car.), to (+ attachments) July 2, 1982
Pogue, Richard w., TLs, from (+ attachments), July 21, 1982
Porter, Anna, TL (car.), to, July 20, 1982
Porter, Julian, TL (car.), to, July 2, 1982
Prusac, John R., TL (car.), to, May 1, 1980; TL (car.), to, August 8, 1980; TL (car.), to, Oct. 6, 1980
Radler, David, TL (car.), to, Oct. 29, 1980; ALs, from, Nov. 3, 1981
Riley, Jeremy, TL (car.), to, Jan. 28, 1982
Sheard, Terence, TL (car.), to, July 4, 1979
Sinclair, Ian, TLs, from, Feb. 2, 1979
Singleton-Wood, Allan, TL (car.), to, July 1982
Wallace, F.C., TLs, from, July 19, 1979
Warburg, Sir Siegmund, TLs, from, Oct. 21, 1980; TLs, from (photocopy); [To Conrad Black], April 19, 1982
Boxes 118-129 Back-up Material
The material compiled by Newman and his researchers for use in The Establishment Man has been sorted according to the various chapters to which it corresponds. Where material was received loose or in unmarked files it has been assigned by the archivist to the chapter to which it most closely relates.
The back-up files here comprise newspaper clippings and company reports, but these files also rely very heavily upon the transcripts of tape recorded interviews which have frequently been cut up and stapled onto large sheets of white paper and annotated by the author.
Box 118 Back-up material for chapters 1 and 2 of The Establishment Man
F.1 -2 Back-up material for Chapter 1, “Growing Up Rich”.
F.3-5 Back-up material for Chapter 2, “Bohemian Interlude”.
Box 119 Back-up material for chapters 3 and 4
F.1-3 Back-up material for chapter 3, “Pre-emptive Manoeuvres”
F.4 Back-up material for chapter 4, “Demise of a Titan.”
Box 120 Back-up material for chapter 5, ‘The Great Argus Grab”.
F.1-4 General back-up material
F.5 Back-up material [unused?]
Box 121 Back-up material for chapter 5
Subject Files:
F.1 Alex Barron
F.2 Dixon Chant
F.3 Reuben Cohen
F.4 Reuben Cohen and Crown Trust
F.5 Nelson Davis
F.6 Shirley Hishon [Black]
F.7-8 Igor Kaplan
F.9 Bruce Matthews
F.10 Max Meighen
F.11 John Prusac
F.12 Smith Sisters [Doris Phillips, Cecil Hedstrom, Jim McDougald]
F.13 Ravelston Corporation
Box 122 Back-up material for chapters 6 and 7
F.1-3 Back-up material for chapter 6, “Messing with Massey”.
F.4 Massey material - unused
F. 5 Back-up material for chapter 7, “A Random Walk Through the Mind of Conrad Black.”
Box 123 Back-up material for chapters 8 and 9
F.1 Back-up material for chapter 8, “Wintering on the Gold Coast”.
F.2-4 Back-up material for chapter 9, “Mandate from Heaven”.
F.5 Chapter 9, including: Norcen, Crown Trust Lawsuit, F.P. takeover bid, Dominion Stores shuffle Black’s fortune, Reichmann bid for Argus.
F.6 Chapter 9, including: McMartin family, footnote no. 22, W.D.I – Rothermere family, footnote no. 27, Finlay connection.
F.7 Chapter 9, including Company reports of Argus, Dominion Stores, Norcen and Labrador Mining.
Box 124 Back-up material for chapters 9 and 11
F.1 Chapter 9, including: Hollinger sale of Noranda to Brascan; Standard Broadcasting; Bow Valley; Domtar sellout by Argus; Barron, Meighen resign; Buyout of Meighen from Argus
F.2 Chapter 9, Jackman
F.3 Chapter 9, including: W.D.I. Rothermere footnote p.22; W.D.I. and The Rileys; Hollinger Argus Shuffle; Finlay-McMartin; Desmarais buyout; Fortune article; Argus charts; Ravelston
F.4 Chapters 9 and 11, general back-up material
F.5 Chapter 9, general back-up material
Box 125 Back-up material for chapter 10, “Hard-Hearted Hanna”.
F.1 General back-up material
F.2 Norcen: E.G. Battle testimony
F.3 Norcen and Hanna, Appeal Briefs
Box 126 Back-up material for chapter 10; Legal documents.
F.1-2 Hanna v. Norcen, transcripts
F.3 Hanna v. Norcen, plaintiffs’ submissions
F.4 Hanna v. Norcen, Deposition of Martin B. Mulroney
Box 127 Back-up material for chapter 10
F.1-2 Hanna v. Norcen, transcripts
F.3 General back-up, Cleveland
Box 128 Back-up material for chapters 10, 11 and Epilogue
F.1 Chapter 10, “Hard Hearted Hanna”.
F.2-3 Chapter 10, footnotes, history, families, persons, Hanna today
F.4-5 Chapter 11, “Keeping Up With Conrad,” back-up material
F.6-8 Epilogue - back-up material
Box 129 General back-up material
F.1 Hollinger dinner invitation list; Argus agreement and memos; will of G.M. Black; articles on Conrad Black; various company reports
F.2 Copies of various items of correspondence and articles supplied by Conrad Black to Peter C. Newman
F.3 Transcripts of various segments of the CBC Television programme, The Canadian Establishment
Boxes 130-133 Interview Transcripts
There is a total of 87 sound recordings which contain interviews conducted by Newman while researching The Establishment Man. A few sound recordings do not have corresponding transcripts and there are some transcripts for which sound recordings are lacking. Cassettes are shelved separately.
Box 130
F.1 Atkey, Ronald, May 13, 1980, 13 pp. transcript, audio cassette 1a
F.2 Auf Der Maur, Nick, March 13, 1980, 30 pp. transcript (photocopy, audio cassette 2
F.3 Barron, Alex, May 13, 1980, 24 pp. transcript, audio cassettes 1a, 3
F.4 Barron, Alex, May 27, 1980, 29 pp. transcript, audio cassette 4
F.5 Bassett, Douglas, January 30, 1980, 39 pp. transcript (+ partial photocopy), audio cassette 4
F.6 Bassett, John, Sr., I & II [no date], 25 pp. transcript, audio cassette 6
F.7 Bassett, Johnny F., Nov. 13, 1980, 25 pp. transcript, audio cassette 8
F.8 Bassett, [ ], no date, earlier interview (for Jewish Establishment?), 14 pp. (also photocopy), audio cassette 7
F.9 Beattie, Allan, June 11, 1980, 9 pp. transcript, audio cassette 81
F.10 Birks, Jonathan, transcribed May 10, 1982, 33 pp. transcript, audio cassette 9
Bisson, Andre, audio cassette 3
F.11 Black, Conrad, April 17, 1979 (1), 52 pp. transcript, audio cassette 10; April 17, 1979 (2) 52 pp. transcript, audio cassette 11; April 17, 1979 (3) 52 pp. transcript, audio cassette 12
F.12 Black, Conrad, April 17, 1979 (4), 28 pp. transcript; April 17, 1979 (5), 16 pp. transcript F.13 Black, Conrad, July 11, 1979, 55 pp. transcript, audio cassette l3
F.14 Black, Conrad, Oct. 12, 1979, 35 pp. transcript (+ photocopy), audio cassette 14
F.15 Black, Conrad, Dec. 13,1979, 42 pp. transcript, audio cassette 15
F.16 Black, Conrad, March 12, 1980, 46 pp. transcript, audio cassette 16
F.17 Black, Conrad, April 29,1980, 32 pp. transcript, audio cassette 17
F.18 Black, Conrad, May 20, 1980, 34 pp. transcript, audio cassette 18
F.19 Black, Conrad, Aug. 19, 1980, 40 pp. transcript, audio cassette 19
F.20 Black, Conrad, Sept. 11, 1980, 45 pp. transcript, audio cassette 20
F.21 Black, Conrad, Nov. 5, 1980, 33 pp. transcript, audio cassette 21
F.22 Black, Conrad, Nov. 25, 1980, 21 pp. transcript, audio cassette 22
F.23 Black, Conrad, May 26, 1981, 33 pp. transcript, audio cassettes 23 & 24
F.24 Black, Conrad, (Aug. 1981), 26 pp. transcript (+ photocopy), audio cassette 25
Box 131
F.1 Black, Conrad, [no date] (1981), 26 pp. transcript, audio cassette [27?]
F.2 Black, Conrad, Dec. 30, 1981, 39 pp. transcript (+ photocopy), audio cassette 26
F.3 Black, Conrad, Mar. 17 & 19 1982, 67 pp. transcript, audio cassette 28
F.4 Black, Conrad, Mar. 22 & 25 1982, 58 pp., 33 pp.(+ photocopies), audio cassette 29
F.5 Black, Conrad, May 31, 1982, 29 pp. (+ photocopy), audio cassette 30
F.6 Black, Conrad, July 7, 1982, 11 pp. transcript, audio cassette 31
F.7 Black, Conrad, July 12, 1982, 37 pp., audio cassette 32; no transcript nor date, Argus takeover, audio cassette 33; no transcript nor date, Duplessis, audio cassette 34
Black, George, Feb. 23, 1973, audio cassette 35; March 13, 1973, audio cassette 36; March 13, 1973, audio cassette 37; April 1973, audio cassette 38
F.8 Black, Montegu, Sept. 16, 1980 30 pp. transcript, audio cassette 78
Bonnycastle, Roy, for Acquisitors (?), audio cassette 45
F.9 Bosley, Tom, no date, 5 pp. transcript
F.10 Bratty, Rudolph, June 2,1982 , 9 pp. transcript (+ photocopy)
Bris, Wallace, Oct. 14, 1979, audio cassette (perhaps 31 or 39)
F.11 Campbell. J.G., Oct. 10, 1979, 23 pp. transcript, audio cassette 40
F.12 Carter, Emmett. Cardinal, no date, 9 pp. transcript (+ photocopy), audio cassette 41
F.13 Chant, Dixon, May 1, 1980, 34 pp. transcript
F.14 Cochrane, Michael, Feb. 19,1980, 11 pp. transcript (photocopy, audio cassette 43
F.15 Cochrane, Michael, Aug. 12, 1980, 14 pp. + 2 pp. transcript, audio cassette 63
F.16 Cohen, Reuben, Nov. 11, 1980,13 pp. transcript
F.17 Cotton, Peter, Aug. 28, 1980, 12 pp. transcript, audio cassette 71
F.18 Dowie, Ian, Oct. 9, 1979, 12 pp. transcript, audio cassette 44
F.19 Early, Don, May 13, 1980, 16 pp. transcript, audio cassette 1
F.20 Eaton, Fred, no date, 31 pp. transcript, audio cassette 45
F.21 Eaton, John Craig, no date, 31 pp. transcript, audio cassette 46
Eaton for The Acquisitors (?), audio cassette 86
F.22 Edmison, Harry H., April 8, 1982, 31 pp. (+ 2 photocopies, audio cassette), 19 pp. (+ 2 photocopies) audio cassette 47
F.23 Elder, Norman, April 14, 1980, 15 pp. transcript, audio cassette 71
F.24 Elton, Harry, March 10, 1980, 2 pp. transcript
F.25 Erb, John, April 6, 1982, 28 pp. transcript (+ photocopy), audio cassette 48
Box 132
F.1 Fennell, Scottie, Sept. 5, 1979, 32 pp. transcript (+ photocopy), audio cassette 49
F.2 Finlay, John, June 3, 1980, 23 pp. transcript
F.3 Finlay, Percy, Oct. 24, 1979, 17 pp. transcript, audio cassette 50
F.4 Fraser, John, April 17, 1980, 10 pp. transcript, audio cassette 54
F.5 Gerstein, Irving, no date, 12 pp. transcript, audio cassette 51
F.6 Graham, Ron, no date, 19 pp. transcript, audio cassettes 52, 53
F.7 Greig, Angela, April 29, 1980, 15 pp. transcript, audio cassette 54; CD also available
F.8 Griffiths, Naomi, June 25, 1980, 4 pp. transcript
F.9 Harris, Peter, March 6, 1980, 36 pp. transcript, audio cassette 55
F.10 Hayes, Derek, May 30, 1980, 30 pp. transcript, audio cassette 56
F.11 Hayhurst, George, Nov. 23, 1981, 13 pp. transcript, audio cassette 57
F.12 Hedstrom, Cecil [Smith], June 2, 1980, 5 pp. transcript (photocopy), audio cassette 58
Hurtig, Mel for The Acquisitors (?), audio cassette 86
F.13 Jackman, H.N.R. (Hal), Feb. 18, Apr. 5, 1982, transcript (+ photocopy), audio cassettes 59, 6
F.14 Kaplan, Igor, no date, 23 pp. transcript, audio cassette 62
Lapierre, Laurier, audio cassettes 63, 6
F.15 Lind, Phil, no date, 23 pp. transcript, audio cassette 64
MacKey , Stuart, audio cassette 54
F.16 MacLaren , George, March 25, 1980, 7 pp. transcript, audio cassettes 63, 6
F.17 Matthews, Maj. Gen. A. Bruce, March 5, 1980, 24 pp. transcript, audio cassette 66
F.18 Matthews, Maj. Gen. A. Bruce, no date, 26 pp. transcript & 6 pp. transcript
F.19 McCutcheon, James W., no date, 25 pp. transcript
F.20 McDougald, “Bud”, Sept. 1974, 97 pp. transcript (photocopy)
F.21 McDougald, “Bud”, no date, 20 pp. transcript
F.22 McDougald, “Bud”, 42 pp. transcript
F.23 McDougald, “Bud”, no date, 22 pp. transcript
F.24 McDougald, “Bud”, no date, 39 pp. transcript
F.25 McDougald, Mrs. “Jim”, May 6, 1980, 32 pp. transcript, audio cassette 67
F.26 McIntosh, Donald A., May 29, 1980, 12 pp. transcript, audio cassette 56
F.27 McIntosh, Donald A., May 4, 1982, 20 pp. transcript (+ 2 photocopies), audio cassettes 5, 68
F.28 McKenna, Brian, Mar. 13, 1980, 15 pp. transcript, audio cassette 61
F.29 Meighen, Col. Maxwell, no date, 21 pp. transcript (photocopy)
F.30 Meighen, Col. Maxwell, Feb. 7, 1980, 11 pp. transcript, audio cassette 69
Box 133
F.l Osler, Gordon, Sept. 12, 1979, 8 pp. transcript, audio cassette 70
F.2 Parkin, John, Apr. 8, 1980, 2 pp. transcript, audio cassette 71
F.3 Parkin, John, June 10, 1980, 14 pp. transcript, audio cassette 81
F.4 Radler, David, no date, 28 pp. transcript, audio cassette 69
F.5 Radler, David, no date, 35 pp. transcript, audio cassette 72
F.6 Radler, David (transcribed) Apr. 19, 1982, 45 pp. (+ photocopy), audio cassette 73
F.7 Rice, Victor, July 31, 1979, 23 pp. transcript, audio cassette 74
F.8 Riley, Con, Mar. 27, 1981, 36 pp. transcript
F.9 Riley, Jeremy (transcribed) Feb. 5, 1982, 26 pp. transcript (+ copy), audio cassettes 61, 75
F.10 Riley, Jeremy (transcribed) Apr. 9, 1982, 19 pp. transcript (+2 photocopies) audio cassette 76
F.11 Riley, Ron T., Mar. 13, 1980, 11 pp. transcript
F.12 Riley, [W. Cu1ver?], no date, 12 pp. transcript (photocopy)
F.13 Ripley, Stewart, Sept. 25, 1980, 13 pp. transcript, audio cassette 77
F.14 Rogers, Edward S., no date, 42 pp. transcript, audio cassette 78
Sarlos, Andy for The Acquisitors (?), audio cassette 58
F.15 Sheard, Terence, July 4, 1979, 19 pp. transcript, audio cassette 79
F.16 Shuve, Ainslie, Aug. 7, 1980, 16 pp. transcript
F.17 Smith, David, July 20, 1979, 34 pp. transcript, audio cassette 80
F.18 Stewart, Brian, Mar. 10, 1980, 28 pp. transcript (photocopy), audio cassette 63
F.19 Taylor, Charles (transcribed) Mar. 18, 1982 6 pp. transcript, audio cassette 81
F.20 Thornbrough, A.A., Sept. 5, 1980, 14 pp. transcript
F.21 Ward, Douglas, no date, 13 pp. transcript, audio cassette 82
F. 22 Ward, Douglas, Jan. 31, 1980, 22 pp. transcript, audio cassette 83
Webster, Ben, audio cassette no.?
F.23 White, Peter (transcribed), Oct. 8, 1979, 31 pp. transcript (+corrected photocopy), audio cassette 84
F.24 White, Peter (transcribed), Feb. 6, 1982, 42 pp. transcript (+ photocopy), audio cassette 85
F.25 Willmot, Donald, June 4, 1980, 19 pp. transcript, audio cassette 87
The genesis of The Establishment Man can be found in the commanding figure of J.A. (“Bud”) McDougald. McDougald was a dominant figure in the first volume of The Canadian Establishment and Newman suggests that since his death Conrad Black has, in some ways, assumed the older man’s mantle. Chapter 4 of The Establishment Man, “The Demise of a Titan” (originally entitled “Bud Croaks”), which explores the relationship between Black and McDougald seems to have been the first chapter of this book drafted as it was received in 1981 with the third accrual of the fonds, The Acquisitors.
Newman’s earlier “establishment” books each cover a great deal of disparate territory and, as a result, the material for each chapter and for sections within a chapter is clearly differentiated and readily identifiable. In The Establishment Man, however, where a single individual dominates the book, the manuscript was more fluid in its early stages and there were more changes made in the positioning of chapters and sections than in his previous works. In sorting, the attempt has been made to arrange the various versions of each section in chronological order, starting with the earliest.
Box 134
F.1 McClelland and Stewart internal memoranda, also letters regarding production of The Establishment Man: April 1, 1982, typed memorandum to Linda McKnight from Janet Craig, 2 pp.; May 18, 1982, typed memorandum to P.C.N. from Jack McClelland, 3 pp.; May 17, 1982; typed memorandum to Linda McKnight from Jack McClelland, 6 pp.; May 18, 1982, typed memorandum to Jack McClelland from Peter Newman, 3 pp.; May 19, 1982, typed letter signed, to Peter Newman from Jack McClelland, 2 pp.; June 14, 1982, typed letter signed to Peter Newman from Jack McClelland, 2 pp. with attached memo from Janet Craig, June 12, 1982
F.2 Author’s outline May 10, 1982, list of contents, word estimate, prelims, appendices, photocopy.
F.3 Photocopies of part of F.2.
F.4 Photocopies of preliminaries, annotated.
F.5 “Prologue” [here called “Author’s Note”], early draft.
F.6 “Prologue” [here called “Author’s Note”], later draft
F.7 “Prologue” [here called “Author’s Note”], 3rd draft, photocopy.
F.8 Contents and Prologue, typescript dated June 19, 1982.
F.9 Chapter 1, “Mandate From Heaven” [chapter later abandoned], original typescript. Material from this chapter was later used in the Prologue (see above), Chapters 2 and 11 and in the Epilogue. The title “Mandate From Heaven” was subsequently applied to Chapter 9.
F.10 Chapter 1, “Mandate From Heaven” [abandoned], rewritten version of F.11, heavily revised.
F.11 Chapter 1, “Mandate From Heaven” [abandoned] , retyped version of F.11 with extensive ink and pencil revisions.
F .12 Chapter 1, “Mandate From Heaven” [abandoned], photocopy of F.11, without pencil revisions, with some additional ms. pages.
F.13 Chapter 1, “Mandate From Heaven [abandoned], retyped version of F.12 with further revision, initialled by Camilla Newman and annotated “May 10 `82, 3rd. edit.”
F.14 Chapter 1, “Growing Up Rich”, researcher’s notes and typescript of footnote on p.37.
F.15 Chapter 1, “Growing Up Rich”, 2 photocopies of early draft, unannotated.
F.16 Chapter 1, “Growing Up Rich”, rewritten version with photocopy inserts from F.15, heavily revised.
F.17-8 Chapter 1, “Growing Up Rich”, unrevised photocopies of retyped version of F.16.
F.19 The original typescript of F.17 and F.18 with revisions.
F. 20 Chapter 2, a “Bohemian Interlude”, original draft, heavily revised.
F. 21 Chapter 2, “Bohemian Interlude”, second draft, heavily revised.
F. 22-3 Chapter 2, “Bohemian Interlude”, third draft, unrevised photocopies.
F. 24 Chapter 2, “Bohemian Interlude”, original typescript of F.22 and F.23 (here entitled Chapter 3) with revisions, initialled by Camilla Newman April 22 [1982].
Box 135
F.1 Chapter 3. “Pre-emptive Manoeuvres”, original typescript, heavily revised.
F.2 Chapter 3. “Pre-emptive Manoeuvres”, photocopy of F.1.
F.3 Chapter 3. “Pre-emptive Manoeuvres”, retyped version of F.1, photocopy.
F. 4 Chapter 3. “Pre-emptive Manoeuvres”, linking pages [pp.77-78 in published version] [later shortened].
F. 5 Chapter 4. “Demise of a Titan”, original typescript, heavily revised [received as an untitled chapter with The Acquisitors (third accrual)].
F.6 Chapter 4, “Demise of a Titan” [here entitled “Bud Croaks”], heavily revised 2nd draft.
F. 7 Chapter 4. “Demise of a Titan” [here untitled], retyped version of F.6, unrevised, and 2 photocopies.
F. 8 Chapter 4. “Demise of a Titan” [here entitled “Bud Croaks”], further revised version, lightly annotated typescript and 2 photocopies.
F.9 Chapter 4. “Demise of a Titan” [here changed from “Bud Croaks”], further revised version, lightly annotated typescript, initialled by Camilla Newman April 22 and June 1. [1982].
F.10 Chapter 5, “The Great Argus Grab”, rough typescript [2nd draft?], heavily revised.
F.11 Chapter 5, “The Great Argus Grab”, retyped and further revised version of F.10, initialled by Camilla Newman July 18 [1982].
F .12 Chapter 6, “Messing With Massey” [formerly Chapter VIII], original typescript, heavily revised, first half of the completed chapter [pp.145-154 in published version].
F .13 Chapter 6, “Messing With Massey” [formerly Chapter VIII], retyped version of F.12, photocopy, final version.
F .14 Chapter 6. “Messing With Massey”, original typescript, heavily revised, second half of the chapter [pp.154-167 in published version].
F.15 Chapter 6, “Messing With Massey” [changed here from Chapter VIII], complete chapter retyped and lightly annotated. initialled by Camilla Newman June 1 [1982].
F.16 Photocopy of F.15.
Box 136
F.1 Chapter 7, “A Random Walk Through the Mind of Conrad Black” [retyped version of original typescript], lightly annotated.
F.2 Chapter 7, “A Random Walk....”, photocopy of F.1.
F.3 Chapter 7, “A Random Walk....” [third draft?], heavily revised version of F.1, part revised photocopy and part new typescript.
F.4 Chapter 7, “A Random Walk. ...”, retyped version, final draft, lightly annotated.
F.5 Chapter 8, “Wintering on the Gold Coast” [here entitled “This Year in Marienbad”], original typescript, heavily revised.
F.6 Chapter 8, “Wintering on the Gold Coast”, retyped version, lightly annotated.
F.7 Chapter 9, “Mandate From Heaven”, original typescript, heavily revised.
F.8 Chapter 9, “Mandate From Heaven”, photocopy of the retyped version with further revisions.
F. 9 Chapter 10, “Hard Hearted Hanna”, original typescript, heavily revised.
F.10 Chapter 11, “Keeping Up With Conrad” [here entitled “Chapter 10”], original typescript, heavily revised.
F.11 Epilogue, photocopy of early draft; much of this material later used in other chapters.
F.12 Epilogue, original typescript of later draft, later shortened; much of this material later used in chapters 1, 7 and 9.
F.13 Epilogue, [third draft?], lightly annotated typescript.
F.14 Appendices, photocopies of various appendices, some lightly annotated.
F.15 Appendices, further photocopies.
F.16 Acknowledgements, photocopy of typescript with revisions and list of [Maclean Hunter?] telephone extensions.
F.17 Acknowledgements, retyped version dated 1 August 1982.
F.18 Acknowledgements, photocopy of F.17 lacking final [5th] page.
F.19 List of quotations to be checked, holograph [Camilla Newman?]; PCN’s own typescript notes to self (1 p.).
F.20 Promotional material for front cover flap, photocopy typescript.
Box 137 Proofs
F.1 Holograph notes re the manuscript [by Janet Craig?].
Photocopy of preliminaries and Chapters 1 and 2, containing final revision.
F.2 Photocopy of Chapters 3, 4 and 6 with some final additional revisions.
F.3 Photocopy of Chapter 5, containing final revisions.
F.4 Photocopy of Chapter 7 to Epilogue, containing final revisions. Corrected master proofs for printer.
F .5 Preliminaries and “Black family Ties” chart.
F.6 Prologue
F.7 Chapter 1
F.8 Chapter 2
F.9 Chapter 3
F.10 Chapter 4
F.11 Chapter 6
F.12 Chapter 7
F.13 Chapter 8
F.14 Chapter 11
F.15 Appendices
Proofs, first revised
F.16 Prologue to Chapter 4
F.17 Chapters 6 to 8
F.18 Chapter 11, Epilogue and Appendices
Peter C. Newman fonds. Fifth accrual.
True North: Not Strong and Free. Defending the Peaceable Kingdom (1983)
Boxes 138-143
During the fall of 1982 Peter C. Newman was asked by the Business Council on National Issues to prepare a pamphlet on giving Canada a new defence policy. The original intention was that BCNI put out the pamphlet on its own but McClelland and Stewart proposed instead that it be published as a book
This part of the accrual was received with a certain amount of original organization. Although much of the backup research material was unsorted most of it was marked or could easily be assigned to specific chapters of the book and some of the material was already in file folders which related to particular chapters. The manuscript material was less well ordered; various drafts of various chapters were scattered among the three boxes of material and the archivist has reconstructed the order in which the various drafts were written taking as usual Newman’s bright orange, heavily stapled sheets as his first version, taking the galleys as the final version and arranging the drafts between.
Back-up material
Box 138
F.1 Clippings of earlier articles by Newman on defence, three for the Toronto Star in 1967 and one for Maclean’s in 1980.
F.2 Foreword/Introduction back-up material: Clippings from various sources including transcripts of Newman’s taped interviews, newspapers, magazines and government publications which have been stapled onto large sheets of paper and annotated. There are also several typed paragraphs written by Newman included with the material.
F.3 General back-up material: four publications relating to defence and security, unannotated.
F.4 Chapter 1, “Between the Eagle and the Bear”, back-up material: clippings on Soviet weapons and ideology stapled and annotated.
F.5 Chapter 1, back-up material: six publications and some clippings relating to U.S. and Soviet Union, unannotated.
F.6 Chapter 2, “Buck Rogers”/“The Atari Bandits”, this chapter on space technology and warfare was later abandoned: stapled clippings with some annotations.
F.7 Chapter 2, back-up material: Some unannotated loose clippings and a photocopy of an M.A. thesis on remote sensing satellites.
F.8 Chapter 3, “Bucks for Bangs”: Stapled clippings with some annotations and portions of transcripts.
F.9 Chapter 3, back-up material: Department of National Defence Estimates, 1982-3, unannotated photocopy.
Box 139
F.1 Chapter 4, “The Boys in Green”, back-up: stapled clippings with some annotations and fragments of text by Newman.
F.2 Chapter 4, back-up material: stapled clippings with some annotations, some loose clippings and one portion of TLs (from Hal Lawrence).
F. 3 Chapter 5, “Naval Gazing”, back-up: stapled clippings with some annotations on Soviet and U.S. naval build-up.
F.4 Chapter 5, back-up material: stapled clippings with some annotations on Canadian navy and portions of transcripts.
F.5 Chapter 5, back-up material: loose clippings and articles, unannotated, and four photographs.
F.6 Chapter 5, back-up material: five publications relating to navy matters.
F. 7 Chapter 6, “The Army’s Aches”, back-up: stapled clippings with some annotations.
F. 8 Chapter 7, “Without a Parachute”, back-up: stapled clippings with some annotations on Canadian air force.
F.9 Chapter 7, back-up material: loose clippings, proposal for military use of Mirabel Airport (and accompanying HLs) and brochure regarding a training exercise.
Box 140
F .1 Chapter 8, “The Vanishing Reserves”, back-up material: stapled clippings with some annotations and portions of various transcripts.
F.2 Chapter 8, back-up material: loose clippings, copies of reports to government subcommittees, pamphlet about Royal Naval Reserve.
F.3 Chapter 9, “Taming the Nuclear Demon”, back-up material: copy of speech by Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau to United Nations, stapled clippings and articles with some annotations, some loose article pages.
F.4 Chapter 9, back-up material: articles on nuclear arms, nuclear war and disarmament, stapled clippings with some annotations, copy of statement on defence by Walter Gordon.
F.5 Chapter 9, back-up material: fragments of text, portions of transcripts on MX missiles, stapled clippings on nuclear weapons with some annotations.
F.6 Chapter 10, A planned chapter on Norway, later abandoned booklet, stapled clippings, articles and copies of articles, portion of transcript and fact sheet from Ministry of Defence, Oslo.
F.7 Chapter 10 back-up material: brochure on Norwegian Home Guard.
F.8 Chapter 11, “Bruise for a Cruise”, back-up material: loose clippings and articles, stapled clippings with some annotations.
F.9 Chapters 13 and 14, “Killing Time in NATO” and “NATO’s Lost Lamb”, back-up material: fragments of texts, stapled clippings with annotations, portions of books and articles.
F.10 Chapters 13 and 14, back-up material: pamphlet on NATO and Warsaw Pact and loose clippings.
F.11 Chapter 15, “True North, Not Strong and Free”, portions of transcripts, stapled clippings with some annotations, portion of book, loose clippings and pamphlet on Northern foreign policy.
Transcripts, Correspondence and Manuscript
Box 141
F.1 Transcript of PCN’s interview with Admiral Mainguy, transcribed 12 Jan.1983, 26 pp. and photocopy, 26 pp., and part of another copy, 17 pp.
F.2 Transcript of PCN’s interview with Berel Rodal, transcribed 12 March 1983, 27 pp. and photocopy, 27 pp.
F.3 Transcript of PCN’s interview with General Theriault, transcribed 8 Jan. 1983, 37 pp. and photocopy, 37 pp.
F.4 Transcript of PCN’s interview with Admiral Wood, transcribed, 8 Jan. 1983, 23 pp. and photocopy, 23 pp., and another photocopy with, passages cut out, 23 pp.
F.5 Transcript of an interview (embargoed).
F.6 Readers’ reports on the book (all 1983):
- ALs from Tom d’Aquino enclosing two reports, 23 pp. total.
- TL (copy) from Walter L. Gordon.
- TL (copy) from Rear Admiral J.C. Wood.
- TL from Jack McClelland, 2 pp.
- 2 pp. of unsigned holograph notes.
F.7 Correspondence: 2 TLs and TL (photocopy), letters accompanying research material.
F.8 First draft: contents, early (orange paper) draft, annotated typescript, 1 p .
F.9 Introduction, early (orange paper) draft, heavily revised typescript, 18 pp.
F.10 Early Chapter 1 (later Chapter 2), “Canada as the Peaceable Kingdom”, heavily revised (orange) typescript with some holograph additions, 27 pp.
F.11 Chapter 2, later abandoned , “The Atari Bandits”, heavily revised (orange) typescript with clippings stapled on as part of the text, 9 pp.
F.12 Early Chapter 3 (later Chapter 12), “Threats and Counter Threats”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 8 pp.
F.13 Early Chapter 4 (later Chapter 5) , “Naval Gazing”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 14 pp.
F.14 Early Chapter 5 (later Chapter 6) , “The Army’s Problems”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 10 pp.
F.15 Early Chapter 6 (later Chapter 7) , “A Royal Canadian Air Force”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 16 pp.
F.16 Early Chapter 7 (later Chapter 8) , “Our Vanishing Reserves”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 16 pp., with blank first page and heavily annotated portion of a book included as part of the text, 5 pp.
F.17 Early Chapter 8 (later Chapter 13), “Killing Time in NATO”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 15 pp., with blank first page.
F.18 Early Chapter 9 (later Chapter 14) , “NATO’s Lost Lamb”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 4 pp., with blank first page.
F.19 Chapter 10, later deleted, “The Norwegian Connection”, heavily revised ... (orange) typescript, 7 pp.
F.20 Chapter 10, “The Reluctant Virgin”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 6 pp. with blank first page.
F. 21 Early Chapter 11 (later Chapter 15) , “A True North, Strong and Free”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 13 pp., with blank first page.
F.22 Early Chapter 12 (later Chapter 4), “The Boys in Green”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 6 pp. with blank first page.
F.23 Early Chapter 13 (later Chapter 9), “The Nuclear Dilemma”, heavily revised (orange) typescript with holograph additions, 16 pp., 12 printed pages with heavy annotations included as part of the text and one blank page.
F.24 Chapter 14, later abandoned, “A Touch of Disassociation”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 6 pp.
F.25 Early Chapter 15 (later Chapter 11), “Testing the Cruise”, heavily revised (orange) typescript, 6 pp., with blank first page.
F.26 Early Chapter 16 (later Chapter 3), “Rationing the Defence Dollar”, heavily revised (orange) typescript 5 pp., with blank first page.
F.27 Early Chapter 17, “Defence for the Eighties” and “Envoie” (both later Chapter 16), heavily revised (orange) typescript, 4 pp.
Box 142
Revision of First Draft
F.1 Chapter 1 (later Chapter 2), “Canada: The Peaceable Kingdom”, heavily revised typescript, 18 pp.
F.2 (Chapter 2, later abandoned), “Buck Rogers at Play”, (formerly “The Atari Bandits”), heavily revised typescript, 7 pp.
F.3 Chapter 5 (later Chapter 3), “The Army’s Aches”.
F.4 Chapter 9 (later Chapter 4), “NATO’s Lost Lamb”, heavily revised typescript, 6 pp.
F.5 (Chapter 10, later abandoned), “The Norwegian Connection”, heavily revised typescript, 5 pp.
F.6 Chapter 11 (later Chapter 15), “A True North, Strong and Free”, heavily revised typescript, 6 pp.
F.7 Chapter 12 (later Chapter 4), “The Boys in Green”, heavily revised typescript, 5 pp.
F.8 (Chapter 14, later deleted), “A Touch of Disassociation”, heavily revised typescript, 6 pp.
F.9 Chapter 16 (later Chapter 3), “Rationing the Defence Dollar”, heavily revised typescript, 5 pp.
F.10 Chapter 17 (later Chapter 16), “Defence for the 80s” and “Envoie”, heavily revised typescript, 2 pp.
Second Draft
F.11 Heavily revised and stapled typescript, 182 pp.
F.12 Retyped and uncorrected version of F. 11, typescript, 177 pp.
F.13 Heavily revised copy of the retyped version (F.12), lacks foreword but with additional end material, 174 pp.
Box 143
Third draft, with instructions for printer
F.1 Preliminaries and foreword, heavily annotated typescript, 10 pp.
F.2 Chapter 1, “Between the Eagle and the Bear”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 9 pp.
F.3 Chapter 2, “The Peaceable Kingdom”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 14 pp.
F.4 Chapter 3, “Bucks for Bangs”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 6 pp.
F.5 Chapter 4, (marked as “III”), “The Boys in Green”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 8 pp.
F.6 Chapter 5 (marked as “IV”), “Naval Gazing”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 10 pp.
F.7 Chapter 6 (marked as “V”), “The Army’s Aches”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 10 pp.
F.8 Chapter 7 (marked as “VI”), “Without a Parachute”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 11 pp.
F.9 Chapter 8 (marked as “VII”), “The Vanishing Reserves” , heavily revised and annotated typescript, 16 pp.
F.10 Chapter 9 (marked as “VIII”), “Taming the Nuclear Demon”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 14 pp.
F.11 Chapter 10, “The Reluctant Virgin”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 13 pp.
F.12 Chapter 11, “Bruise for a Cruise”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 14 pp.
F.13 Chapter 12 (marked as “XI”), “Threats and Counterthreats”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 17 pp.
F.14 Chapter 13, “Killing Time in NATO”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 16 pp.
F.15 Chapter 14, “NATO’s Lost Lamb”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 12 pp.
F.16 Chapter 15, “True North, Not Strong and Free”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 14 pp.
F.17 Chapter 16, “Defence for the 80s”, heavily revised and annotated typescript, 18 pp.
F.18 Glossary and index, heavily annotated typescript, 27 pp. and envelope for manuscript.
F.19 Galley proofs marked “author’s copy”, unannotated, 82 pp.
Debrett’s Illustrated Guide to the Canadian Establishment (Toronto: Methuen), 1983
Boxes 144-152
As the correspondence files for this book indicate (Box 144) Peter Newman was approached by Robert Jarman, the Managing Director of Debrett’s Peerage in England during April 1982 to write the text for an illustrated book about the Canadian establishment. While Newman assumed the role of General Editor of the book his own writing was limited to the opening essay “The Power Network: Prowling the Perfumed Stockades of Canada’s Establishment”. A team of writers and researchers provided the “Dynasties” section on the main establishment families using, to some extent, information gleaned from Newman’s previous books and this same team compiled the biographical list of 700 people which concludes the book. An essay on awards and titles was contributed by Carl Lochnan and John Reeves provided many of the photographs.
This part of the fifth accrual of the Newman fonds was received in two parts: most of the material in boxes 144-146 arrived with the True North Not Strong and Free files while more than half of the material for this book came directly from Methuen, the book’s publishers. As the files received from Newman included some galley proofs and as the consignment from the publisher included an early typescript draft, the two shipments were merged and have been arranged here together. However, some physical separation has been made of material relating to Newman’s direct contribution to the book, his “Power Network” essay, and the material written by others with which he had only limited contact as General Editor. Thus boxes 144, 145 and 146 reflect Newman the writer and boxes 147-152 the contributions of others to Debrett’s Illustrated Guide to the Canadian Establishment.
Box 144
Correspondence, Memoranda, Outlines and Early Drafts
F.1 Correspondence between Debrett’s, Methuen and PCN, April-November 1982.
From: Debrett’s (Robert Jarman) to PCN, TLs, April 27, 1982
Debrett’s (Robert Jarman) to PCN, TLs, June 9, 1982
Debrett’s (Robert Jarman) to PCN, TLs June 17, 1982
Methuen (F.D. Wardle) to PCN, memorandum, signed, Sept. 23, 1982, 3 pp
Debrett’s (R.J.) to PCN, TLs, Oct. 13, 1982
PCN to Michael Levine, TL (car.), 3 pp., Nov. 15, 1982
Debrett’s (R.J.) to PCN, TLs, Nov. 16, 1982
F.2 Notes from a meeting of Nov. 26, (1982), Peter Newman, Michael Levine, W. Hushian and F. Wardle, 2 photocopies, 3 pp. each.
F.3 Notes made on Dec. 2, 1982 regarding a meeting on Dec. 1, 1982 from Robert Jarman, 2 copies, 2 pp. each, one annotated by PCN
F.4 Correspondence between Debrett’s, Methuen and PCN and PCN to others, Dec. 1982- Jan. 1983
From: Methuen to PCN ALs and attached book outline, 4 pp., Dec. 10, 1982
PCN & CJN to Michael Levine, TLs (photocopy), 3 pp., Jan. 20, 1983
PCN to John Craig Eaton, TL (car.), Jan. 24, 1983
Debrett’s to PCN, TLs, Jan. 28, 1983
F.5 Methuen’s confidential outline of the book, with PCN’s (?) annotations, 4 pp., Feb. 2, 1983.
F.6 Correspondence between Debrett’s, Methuen and PCN, Feb.-June 1983.
From: PCN to Robert Jarman, TL (car.), Feb. 9, 1983
R.J. to PCN, TLs, March 1, 1983
PCN to R.J., TL (car.) [unfinished?], March 14, 1983
F.D. Wardle to PCN, TLs with 2 pp. of attachments, March 22, 1983
PCN to Fred [Wardle], TLs (photocopy), May 6, 1983
PCN to F.W., TL (car.), 2 pp., June 13, 1983
PCN to F.W., TL (car.), June 27, 1983
F.7 Outline of Debrett’s American Book Programme, April 8, 1982, 10 pp.
F.8 Publishing Agreement between Power Reporting Ltd., Debrett’s Peerage Ltd. and PCN, photocopy, 16 pp.
F.9 Press Release announcing the forthcoming book, [Aug.-Sept.?], 1982, 2 copies, 2 pp. each.
F.10 Photocopy of clipping from London Standard, Dec. 7, 1982, announcing the book.
F.11 Back-up material: outlines of the book, lists of those to be included and a bibliography.
F.12 List of photographs needed for the book, typescript (photocopy), 3 pp.
F.13 Early draft of Newman’s essay section, part I of the book, “The Power Network: Prowling the Perfumed Stockades of Canada’s Establishment”, heavily annotated typescript, 157 pp.
F.14 Photocopy of first part of above draft (F.13) with Martin Lynch’s revisions and comments, heavily annotated typescript, 91 pp.
F.15 Photocopy of second part of early draft (F.13) with Lynch’s revisions and comments, heavily annotated typescript, 65 pp.
F.16 Martin Lynch’s longer comments on the above draft, all dated July/Aug. 1983, holograph, 23 pp. and telephoned memo, 1 p.
F.17 Further revised version of F.13 lacking Lynch’s revisions but apparently later (or simultaneous with) F.15 and F.16 above, heavily annotated typescript, 158 pp.
F.18 A photocopy of the F.17 version, 158 pp.
F.19 Another photocopy of the F.17 version, 158 pp.
Box 145
Later drafts and early galley proofs of PCN’s section of the book
F.1 Another copy of the Box 144, F.13 version with additional revisions, 151 pp.
F.2 A photocopy of the F.1 version, 158 pp.
F.3 Final version of the PCN essay section, set up for printer with further revisions and including preface, 165 pp.
F.4 Galley proofs for the preface and PCN essay section, lightly annotated, dated Aug. 3, 1983, sheet numbers 26-60, 61 pp. (The various galleys for Newman’s section of the book have first been arranged in date order and then in galley sheet number order.)
F.5 Galleys of preface and essay section further revised by PCN and CJN, “working copy”, Aug. 3, 1983, numbers 26-61, 61 pp.
F.6 Galleys, second part of “working copy” with revisions by PCN and CJN , numbers 62-91, Aug. 3, 1983, 45 pp.
F.7 Photocopy of galleys, annotated with instructions for photographs, numbers 26-91, Aug. 3, 1983, 108 pp.
F.8 Galleys of second part of essay section with editor’s changes marked, numbers 60A-91, Aug. 3, 1983, 49 pp.
F.9 Corrected galleys, 4 pp.
Box 146
Galleys of PCN’s section and back-up material and drafts of other section
F.1 Galleys revised by Martin Lynch, of preface and PCN’s essay section, Aug. 12, 1983, numbers 26-91, 107 pp.
F.2 Revised galleys of part of PCN’s essay section, Aug. 12, 1983, numbers 30-91, 104 pp.
F.3 “Working Revised Galleys”, preface and PCN’s essay with CJN’s notations, Aug. 13, 1983, numbers 26-91, 107 pp.
F.4 Revised galleys of preface and essay, Aug. 24, 1983, numbers 26-29, 36-7 and 53, 10 pp.
F.5 “Final Proofs”, preface and part of essay, Aug. 30, 1983, numbers 26-88A, 61 pp.
F.6 Galleys of preface and part of essay, “Checked against final proofs”, Aug. 31, 1983, numbers 26-88, 40 pp.
F.7 Sheets from master galleys, Sept. 23, 1983, numbers 36-37A, 53-53A, 92-92A, 339-347, 349-352, 17 pp.
F.8 Rough copy for the acknowledgements page by F[red] W[ardle] and Robin [Brass], holograph, 4 pp.
F.9 Preliminary list of name entries for the book, annotated (not by PCN) typescript, 92 pp.
F.10 Back-up material (not by PCN) for name entries section, holograph, 3 pp.
F.11 Back-up material (not by PCN) for K.C. Irving section, holograph, 4 pp., photocopies, 2 pp.
F.12 Back-up material (not by PCN) for “Dynasties” section, annotated typescript, 32 pp.
F.13 Back-up material for “Dynasties” section: “Family Trees looked at by PCN” holograph, with annotations, 18 pp.
F.14 Draft of the “Dynasties” section, part II of the book, ready for printer with annotations by PCN, Martin Lynch and others (later galley numbers 92-118) heavily annotated typescript, 78 pp.
Box 147
Drafts of sections not by PCN, photograph captions and credits, heavily annotated typescript (by Martin Lynch and others), 239 pp.
F.1 Draft of the “individuals” section, part III of the book, ready for printer, with annotations (not by PCN) (later galley numbers 121-217), heavily annotated typescript, 212 pp.
F.2 Remainder of “individuals” section (later galley numbers 221-357).
F.3 Preface to the “Dynasties” and “The Debrett’s Six Hundred” sections [by Fred Wardle? see acknowledgements notes, F.8], annotated by PCN, annotated typescript, 2 pp.
F.4 Part of “individuals” section (not by PCN) set up for printer (later galley numbers 518-534), heavily annotated photocopied typescript, 39 pp.
F.5 Draft of an essay “Marks of Honour–Then and Now” and accompanying lists by Carl Lochnan, with Canadian Orders sections, photocopied typescript, lightly annotated, 24 pp.
F.6 Original of the “Marks of Honour” essay with lists and brochures (later galley numbers 568-580), heavily annotated typescript, 26 pp. and two brochures.
F.7 Photograph captions and credits for parts of PCN’s essay section of the book, holograph (not PCN), 28 pp.
F.8 Further photograph captions for PCN’s section, annotated (not by PCN) typescript, 2 pp.
F.9 Photograph captions and credits for PCN’s section set up for printer (later galley numbers 535-567), heavily annotated (not by PCN) typescript with some holograph, 77 pp.
F.10 Draft of part of captions and photo credits for “Dynasties” section, typescript and holograph, 19 pp.
F.11 Retyped and more complete captions and photo credits for “Dynasties” section, photocopied typescript, 40 pp.
F.12 Captions and photo credits for “Dynasties” section set up for printer (later galley numbers 338-c.350), heavily annotated typescript, 42 pp.
F.13 Acknowledgements, preliminaries, captions and credits (later galley numbers 614-617), annotated typescript and holograph, 7 pp.
F.14 Draft of appendix “The Family Foundations” set up for printer (later galley numbers 618-631), annotated (not by PCN) typescript, 28 pp.
F.15 Preliminary material for “individuals” and “Dynasties” sections, set up for printer (later galley numbers 632-633), heavily annotated (not by PCN) typescript, 7 pp.
F.16 Photo captions and credits for “arts” section and “patches for family trees” (later galley Its 641-642), typescript, holograph and photocopies, 9 pp
F.17 Photo captions and credits for “arts and media” and “political & military” sections marked for printer (later galley numbers 644-650), heavily annotated (not by PCN) typescript, 20 pp.
F.18 Index, “setting copy” (later galley numbers 655-681), annotated (not by PCN) typescript, 92 pp.
Box 148
Galley proofs of sections not by PCN
The galleys have been arranged in numerical order, by galley sheet number and then in date order. The numerical order follows the order of the finished book fairly closely except that part of the “individuals” section (III) has been numbered 11-25 and thus is placed here before the “Dynasties” section (II) and the preliminary pages of the book (table of contents, etc. have been numbered 640-650 and thus may be found in box 151. Annotations on these galleys are not by PCN.
F.1 Galleys numbers 1-25, part of the “individuals” section (Anderson, Attwood, etc.) , dated 5-8-83, unannotated, 29 pp.
F.2 Galleys numbers 1-25, 5/8/83, annotated copy, 31 pp.
F.3 Galleys numbers 1-24, 16/8/83, lightly annotated, with additional opening pages 30/8/83 and note 1 Sept. 83, 41 pp.
F.4 Galleys numbers 1-25, 30/8/83, “proofs of repro” , annotated only on first page, 25 pp.
F.5 Galleys numbers 92-120: the “Dynasties” section 8/8/83, only numbers 119-120 annotated (biographical pages on PCN and “blurb” for the book), 52 pp.
F.6 Galleys numbers 92-120, 8/8/83, annotated copy, 50 pp.
F.7 Galleys numbers 92-120, 8/8/83, further annotated, (number 102 marked “Doug Fetherling’s proofs”), 55 pp.
F.8 Galleys numbers 92-93, number 102 and number 118, 16/8/83, only number 92 annotated also 2 holograph memos on “Steve Eby” headed paper, 10 pp.
F .9 “Master Galleys”, numbers 92-118A, 16/8/83, substantial annotations in different hands, 52 pp.
F.10 Galleys numbers 92A-120, 30/8/83, only 92A annotated, 48 pp.
F.11 Galleys numbers 108-9, 347-51 (photograph captions and credits), 26/9/83, 2 copies of both sections, one lightly annotated, 22 pp. total.
F.12 Galleys numbers 119-120 (PCN biography and “blurb”), two copies one dated 10/8/83 with extensive annotations; the other 2/9/83, unannotated, 4 pp. total.
F.13 Galleys numbers 121-145A, “individuals” listing continued, 16/8/83, with extensive annotations by Martin Lynch and addition note “31 Aug. final Proofs ...”, 39 pp.
F.14 Galleys numbers 121-145A, 16/8/83 “proofed by D.M., M.L. comments added” and instructions for printers Aug. 31, 1983, 39 pp.
F.15 Galleys numbers 121-145A, 6/9/83, “Master set”, lightly annotated, 29 pp.
F.16 Galleys numbers 131-216 (incomplete), “reset-revised”, 15/9/83, only first 2 sheets annotated, 11 pp.
F.17 Galleys numbers 31-216 (incomplete), 15/9/83, “Last (full and patches)” unannotated, 10 pp.
Box 149
F .1 Galleys numbers 146-170, “individuals” section, 6/9/83 “master set”, (continues from Box 148, F.15), lightly annotated, 26 pp.
F.2 Galleys numbers 146-217, 22/8/83 and 24/8/83 “these proofs have not been Lynched” (number 195), annotated, 95 pp.
F.3 Galleys numbers 146-254, 22/8/83 and 30/8/83, with extensive revisions by Martin Lynch and “31 Aug. final proofs ...” noted on number 146, 129 pp.
F.4 Galleys numbers 171-194, 6/9/83, “master set”, lightly annotated, 24 pp.
F.5 Galleys numbers 195-217, 8/9/83, “master set”, lightly annotated, 23 pp.
F.6 Galleys numbers 195-329,6/9/83 and 8/9/83 with extensive revisions by Martin Lynch “returned Sept. 20 ‘83” noted on number 195, 99 pp.
F.7 Galleys numbers 221-254, 30/8/83, unannotated, 34 pp.
F.8 Galleys numbers 221-254, 30/8/83, “master set”, lightly annotated, 34 pp.
F.9 Galleys numbers 221-254, 15/9/83, lightly annotated, 35 pp.
F.10 Galleys numbers 222-280, incomplete, 17/9/83, 11 pp.
F.11 Galleys numbers 255-280, 6/9/83, annotated, 26 pp.
F.12 Galleys, numbers 55-280,6/9/83, annotated with rough p[age] o[rder?], 26 pp.
F.13 Galleys, numbers 55-280, 6/9/83, “master set”, annotated, 26 pp.
F.14 Galleys, numbers 255-280, 15/9/83, lightly annotated, 26 pp.
F.15 Galleys, numbers 281-303,8/9/83, annotated, 23 pp.
F.16 Galleys, numbers 281-303, 8/9/83, only annotated on number 281, 23 pp.
F.17 Galleys numbers 281-303,8/9/83, annotated, 23 pp.
F.18 Galleys, numbers 281-303, 17/9/83, annotated, 23 pp.
F.19 Galleys, numbers 304-329,8/9/83, some duplicates, only 307/8 annotated, 34 pp.
F.20 Galleys, numbers 304-337,8/9/83, heavily annotated, 37 pp.
F.21 Galleys, numbers 304-337, 17/9/83, annotated, 40 pp.
F.22 Galleys, numbers 311-329,8/9/83, annotated, 19 pp.
Box 150
F.1 Galleys, numbers 330-337, 8/9/83, annotated only on number 330, 8 pp.
F.2 Galleys, numbers 330-337,8/9/83, annotated, 8 pp.
F.3 Galleys, numbers 338-351, 15/9/83, annotated, 15 pp.
F.4 Galleys, numbers 338-351A, 15/9/83, further annotated, 15 pp.
F.5 Galleys, numbers 339-342, incomplete, 15/9/83, annotated, 3 pp.
F.6 Galleys, numbers 338-351A, 16/9/83, lightly annotated, 15 pp.
F.7 Galleys, numbers 340-350, incomplete, 20/9/83, unannotated, 6 pp.
F.8 Galleys, numbers 344-347A, 15/9/83 and 26/9/83, annotated, with some original typescript marked up for the printer, 15 pp.
F.9 Galleys, number 306 and numbers 344-347, 21/9/83 and 26/9/83 “revised patch corrections”, lightly annotated, 5 pp.
F.10 Galley, number 347, undated, and original typescript with setting instructions, 2 pp
F.11 Galleys, numbers 348-351, 15/9/83, annotated, 5 pp.
F.12 Galleys numbers 352-357, 17/9/83, unannotated, 5 pp.
F.13 Galleys, numbers 358-372, incomplete, 20/9/83, lightly annotated, 5 pp.
F.14 Galleys, numbers 358A-517A, incomplete, 20/9/83, lightly annotated, 180 pp.
F.15 Galley, numbers 359A, 20/9/83, annotated, 1 p.
F.16 Galleys, numbers 358-387, incomplete, 29/9/83, unannotated, 11 pp.
F.17 Galleys, numbers 358-420, undated, annotated with page order, 28 pp.
F.18 Galleys, numbers 362-425, 20/9/83, annotated, 31 pp.
F.19 Galleys, numbers 384-416, incomplete, 20/9/83, annotated, 5 pp.
F.20 Galleys, numbers 421-517, incomplete, 29/9/83, unannotated, 28 pp.
F.21 Galleys, numbers 421-567, incomplete, 20/9/83 and 29/9/83, annotated, 57 pp.
F.22 Galleys, numbers 422-502, undated, annotated with page order, 34 pp.
F.23 Galleys, numbers 421A-457, incomplete, 20/9/83, annotated, 12 pp.
F.24 Galley, numbers 448, undated, annotated, 1 p.
F.25 Galleys, numbers 465-482, 20/9/83, annotated, 9 pp.
F.26 Galleys, numbers 477 & 483, 20/9/83, annotated, 2 pp.
F.27 Galleys, numbers 485-496, & 509, incomplete, 20/9/83, annotated, 5 pp.
Box 151
F.1 Galleys, number 495 & number 507, 29/9/83, annotated, 2 pp.
F.2 Galleys, numbers 503-519, undated, annotated with page order, 6 pp.
F.3 Galleys, numbers 507,515 & 517, 20/9/83, annotated, 4 pp.
F.4 Galleys, numbers 518-534 (family trees), 20/9/83, annotated, 17 pp.
F.5 Galleys, numbers 535-567 (photograph captions and credits), 20/9/83, lightly annotated, 35 pp.
F.6 Galleys, numbers 535-567 (incomplete), 20/9/83, annotated, 32 pp.
F.7 Galleys, numbers 539-557, incomplete, 20/9/83, annotated with photographs, 14 pp.
F.8 Galleys, numbers 539-557, incomplete, “revised patch corrections to captions Sept. 26/83”, lightly annotated, two copies, 28 pp. total.
F.9 Galleys, numbers 568-580, incomplete, 29/9/83 (“Marks of Honour, Then and Now”essay by Carl Lochnan, and “Canadian Orders”), annotated, 16 pp.
F.10 Galleys, numbers 568-617, incomplete, 23/9/83, (“Marks of Honour”, “Orders”, some captions, acknowledgements and Debrett’s copyright page), “with corrections phoned in by Carl Lochnan”, annotated, 22 pp.
F.11 Galleys, numbers 573-579, 21/9/83 and 23/9/83, heavily annotated, 7 pp.
F.12 Galleys, numbers 581-584, 612-617, 21/9/83, lightly annotated, 10 pp.
F.13 Galleys, numbers 585-611, 22/9/83, “for corrections”, annotated, 27 pp.
F.14 Galleys, numbers 585-614, incomplete, 23/9/83, lightly annotated, 26 pp.
F.15 Galleys, numbers 618-631, 29/9183, “master”, annotated, 15 pp.
F.16 Galleys, numbers 618A-635, 2/10183, lightly annotated, 17 pp.
F.17 Galleys, numbers 618-642, incomplete, 2/10183, annotated, 17 pp.
F.18 Galleys, numbers 632-635, 29/9183, unannotated, 4 pp.
F.19 Galleys, numbers 632 - 635, 29/9/83, “master” , annotated, 4 pp.
F.20 Draft of Galleys, numbers 634-35, holograph sheets with instructions for printer, 4 pp. and sample galley, 1 p.
F.21 Galleys, numbers 637-637A, 2919183, 2 copies, unannotated, 4 pp. total.
F.22 Draft of Galley, number 640, annotated typescript, 2 pp.
F.23 Galleys, number 640- 1, 2/10/83, unannotated, 2 pp.
F.24 Galleys, number 640-651, incomplete, 4/10/83 (includes draft of contents page), annotated, 12 pp.
F.25 Galleys, number 644-650, 4/10/83, lightly annotated, 9 pp.
F.26 Galleys, number 655-668, 12/10 - 83, (index), annotated, 26 pp.
F.27 Galleys, number 669-681, 13/10/83 (index, continued), unannotated, 14 pp.
Box 152
Page Proofs
The page proofs have either photocopies of the photographs to be used in the book or space containing a verbal description of the photograph at the points where they were to appear. All are extensively annotated.
F.1 Page proofs, preliminaries to p.29
F.2 Page proofs, pp.30- 67
F.3 Page proofs, pp.68-105
F.4 Page proofs, pp.106-149
F.5 Page proofs, pp.150-166
F.6 Page proofs, pp.167-197
F.7 Page proofs, pp.198-223
F.8 Page proofs, pp.224-269
F.9 Duplicate proofs of pp.12-75 (part of the Newman essay)
Box 153
Has Anybody Here Seen Canada?, working title for what became Drawn and Quartered: the Trudeau Years (1984), cartoons by Roy Peterson with an introduction by Newman.
F.1 “Roy Peterson Book; Introduction”, various tss.
F.2 “The Philosopher King Has No Clothes”, various tss.
F.3 “Trudeaumania”, various tss.
F.4 “Trudeau and the Liberal Party”, various tss.
F.5 “Trudeau and His Advisors”, ts.
F.6 “Trudeau and His Cabinet”, various tss.
F.7 “Trudeau and Parliament”, various tss.
F.8 “Trudeau and the West”, various tss.
F.9 “Trudeau and Quebec”, various tss.
F.10 “Trudeau and Business”, various tss.
F.11 “Trudeau and the Women”, various tss.
F.12 “Trudeau and External Affairs”, various tss.
F.12 “End of It”, various tss.
F.13 Letter from Martin Lynch to Peter and Camilla Newman, 20 April 1984, re corrections
Peter Charles Newman fonds. Sixth accrual. 1988. – 38 cm of textual records.
Box 154
Sometimes a Great Nation (McClelland & Stewart, 1988)
F.1 “Cold Seasons at the Barriers” (Sometimes a Great Nation) - preliminaries, Ts. and photocopies, four versions with corrections
F.2 Galleys of prelims, 2 sets
F.3 Dust jacket: Ts. draft of text, 3 pp.
F.4 Newman - first ts. draft of “Introduction”, on yellow sheets, 57 pp. corrected
F.5 Ts. of “Introduction”, corrected, 47 pp. + 3 pp.; 3 sets of proofs, corrected, n.d., 30 May 1988, 3 June 1988
F.6 “Introduction”, Ts. 34 pp.; text of book - paste-ups (corrected) of printed pieces used in book
F.7 “Introduction”; photocopy, pp. 35-47, p. 1-3; photocopy of word processed text pp. 2-250 with some corrections
F.8 Photocopy of word processed text. p. 251-603
F.9 Martin [Lynch]’s notes on Newman’s revised pages of introduction – galleys
F.10 Proofs of book, 08-04-88, pp. 41-331, with a few corrections
Box 155
F.1 Proofs of book 08.04.88 pp. 40-331, with no corrections
F.2 Proofs 07.06-88. “Peter’s first set of corrections”, pp. 257-337
F.3 Proofs 07.06.88. Newman’s corrections plus those of others, pp. 123-337
F.4 Proofs 07.06.88. Martin Lynch’s copy with his corrections and letter, plus previous corrections already on the copy. pp. 13-337
F.5 Proofs 07.06.88. “Peter’s second set of corrections”, pp. 13-134 (incomplete)
F.6 Proofs 07.06.88., p. 13-295 with some corrections
F.7 Proofs 07-06-88., with p. 13-337 with no corrections
Box 156
F. 1 Master manuscript, setting copy, introduction + pp. 1-199
F. 2 Master manuscript, setting copy, pp. 200-603 + epilogue
Peter C. Newman fonds. 7th accrual. 1992. – 32 cm of textual records.
Canada--1892: Portrait of a Promised Land (Toronto: McClelland Stewart Inc. and Penguin Books Canada, 1992).
Box 157:
F.1 Incoming Correspondence: Madison Press Books (Ian R. Coutts), February 3, 1992; Ted Rushton, December 2, 1991
F.2 “Canada: Portrait of a Promised Land”; tss. (17 pp., 33 pp.) and photocopy of ts. (15 pp.) with editorial emendations
F.3 “2. Gilded Age”. Ts. (15 pp.), photocopy of ts. (23 pp.), and another photocopy (18 pp.), the latter marked up editorially
F.4 “3. Living It Up in the 1890’s”. 2 tss. (22 pp. and 24 pp.) and photocopy of ts. (15 pp.), the latter marked up editorially
“Ottawa--1892”, Ts. (3 pp.)
“Victoria--1892”, Ts. (4 pp.)
“Regina--1892”, Ts. (2 pp.)
“Quebec--1892”, Ts. (2 pp.)
“Winnipeg--1892, Ts. (4 pp.)
“Vancouver--1892”, Ts. (5 pp.)
“Edmonton--1892”, Ts. (6 pp.)
“Halifax--1892”, Ts. (6 pp.)
“Toronto--1892”, Ts. (7 pp.)
“Montreal-- 1892”, Ts. (8 pp.)
“Calgary--1892”, Ts. (7 pp.)
F.6 “4. A Country Bereft of Its Godfather”. Photocopy of ts. (16 pp.).
F.7 “4. Politics”. Photocopy of ts. (11 pp.) marked up editorially
F.8 “Epilogue”. 2 identical tss. (4 pp.) and a photocopy of a ts. (4 pp.)., the latter marked up editorially
F.9-17 Ts., photocopy of printed text, news clippings, etc. Stapled onto pages. (ca.. 320 pp.)
F.18 “Canada 1892: Portrait of a Promised Land”. “Final, copy edited manuscript ... 2/7/92”.
Ts. in purple binder done by Madison Press Books. [4], 1/1-1/14, 2/1-2/18, 3/1-3/14, 4/1-4/10, [1], H/1-H/4, Q/1-Q/3, M/1-M/8, [4], T/1-T/6, W/1-W/3, R/1-R/3, C/1-C/5, E/1-E/4, VN/1-VN/5, VC/1-VC/3, [1], E/1-E/4 pp.
Note: Box numbering ends at Box 180 (third accrual).
Peter C. Newman fonds. Eighth accrual. 1956-2008. – 1.52 m of textual records. USB key. -- The original arrangement has not been completely retained. Moved files are noted.
Izzy: The Passionate Life and Turbulent Times of Izzy Asper, Canada’s Media Mogul
Boxes 181-184
Chapters from drafts were initially arranged and placed into folders, with file names correlating with chapter numbers. The original arrangement was not chronological in accordance with assigned chapter numbers. The archivist has rearranged these files so that chapters are in numerical order. The archivist has also arranged drafts so that they are in the approximate order in which they were created. Because chapter numbers shift throughout the writing/publication process, the archivist has also made note of the chapter number assigned to the final published project. Likewise, the archivist has noted when full drafts of chapters have been moved from Newman’s research notes into the manuscript series. Correspondence regarding specific manuscript corrections, pulled from Newman’s research notes, are also included in this series. Archivist has divided full manuscripts (Boxes 183, 184) into sections.
Series 1
Manuscripts. – 2008. – 56 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Box 181
F.1 “Izzy Blurb,” two drafts of a promotional document describing Izzy’s contents. Includes biographical information on Newman, and critical praise. Not annotated.
F.2 not annotated, 10 pp.
F.3 not annotated, 14 pp.
F.4 not annotated, 19 pp.
F.5 “last version,” not annotated, 23 pp.
F.6 “New prologue lead,” revision notes, 24 pp. Includes rough note relating writing process.
Chapter 1 (later Chapter 14), “The Day the Music Died”
F.7 not annotated, 3 pp. File includes email from Allan Levine suggesting revisions.
F.8 not annotated, 9 pp.
F.9 not annotated, 16 pp.
Chapter 2 (later Chapter 1), “The Big Noise From ‘Fly-Over’ Country”
F.10 not annotated, 9 pp.
F.11 not annotated, 39 pp.
F.12 not annotated, 23 pp. Includes loose manuscript page and an email from Allan Levine.
Chapter 3 (later Chapter 2), “Formative Stirrings”
F.13 not annotated, 35 pp.
F.14 not annotated, 35 pp.
Chapter 4 (later Chapter 3), “Challenging the Law of Diminishing Returns”
F.15 not annotated, 7 pp.
Chapter 4 (later Chapter 3), “Serving the Law: The Unorthodox Mr. Asper”
F.16 not annotated, 10 pp.
F.17 not annotated, 14 pp.
F.18 not annotated, 14 pp.
F.19 not annotated, 19 pp.
F.20 not annotated, 19 pp.
F.21 not annotated, 14 pp.
F.22 not annotated, 14 pp.
F.23 not annotated, 14 pp.
Chapter 5, (later Chapter 4), “‘Landslide Asper’: The Leader Without a Party”
F.24 not annotated, 4 pp.
Chapter 6, (later Chapter 4), “‘Landslide Asper’: The Leader Without a Party”
F.25 not annotated, 15 pp.
F.26 not annotated, 23 pp.
F.27 part of chapter, not annotated, 14 pp.
F.28 not annotated 15pp.
F.29 not annotated, 14 pp.
F.30 not annotated, 16 pp.
F.31 not annotated, 22pp.
F.32 not annotated, 22pp.
F.33 not annotated, 23 pp.
F.34 not annotated, 23 pp.
Chapter 6, (later Chapter 5), “The Only Merchant Banker Who Ever Cried”
F.35 not annotated, 11 pp.
F.36 not annotated, 5 pp.
F.37 not annotated, 7 pp.
F.38 not annotated, 7 pp.
F.39 not annotated, 14 pp.
F.40 4 pp. Includes notes.
Chapter 6, (later Chapter 5), “The Glory and Pain of the Izzy and Gerry Years”
F.41 not annotated, 12pp.
F.42 not annotated, 10 pp.
F.43 not annotated, 10 pp.
“The Minnedosa Kid,” (later Chapter 5)
F.44 not annotated, 9 pp.
Box 182
Chapter 7 (later Chapter 6)
F.1 not annotated 4 pp.
“Global Goes Global,” (later Chapter 7)
F.2 paragraphs interspersed with point form notes, 43 pp.
F.3 fragment of chapter, 7 pp.
Chapter 8, (later Chapter 7), “Global Goes Global”
F.4 not annotated, 69 pp.
F.5 not annotated, 69 pp.
Chapter 9, (later Chapter 8), “How Jazz Created Izzy’s Groove”
F.6 not annotated, with endnote, 4 pp.
F.7 not annotated, 14 pp.
F.8 not annotated, 14 pp.
“Third Installment, (later Chapter 8)
F.9 not annotated, 7 pp.
Chapter 10, (later Chapter 9), “Fort Asper”
F.10 not annotated, 16 pp.
F.11 not annotated, 18 pp.
F.12 not annotated, 18 pp.
F.13 not annotated, 19 pp.
F.14 not annotated, 26 pp.
F.15 not annotated, 26 pp.
F.16 not annotated, 27 pp.
F.17 not annotated, 31 pp.
F.18 not annotated, 27 pp.
F.19 not annotated, 28 pp.
F.20 Chapter 10, (later Chapter 12), “A Canterbury Tale: Jousting with Conrad,” [moved from Box 189, F.9 “Izzy and Global/Canwest—Clippings”] 23 pp. Lightly annotated, also includes notes for corrections.
F.21 Chapter 11, (later Chapter 10), “The Acrobat Without a Net,” [moved fromBox 189, F.9 “Izzy and Global/Canwest—Clippings”].Manuscript of chapter consists of paragraphs and point form notes, 18 pp. Also includes notes for corrections by Leonard Asper.
Chapter 11, “Spiritual Homeland: King of the Diaspora”
F.22 not annotated, 9 pp.
F.23 not annotated, 39 pp.
F.24 not annotated, 40 pp.
F.25 not annotated, 38 pp.
F.26 not annotated, 38 pp.
Chapter 13, (later Chapter 12) “A Canterbury Tale: Jousting with Conrad”
F.27 lightly annotated, 34 pp
F.28 lightly annotated, [moved from Box 189, F.6 Asper and Global—The Later Years (1998-2003)] 38 pp.
F.29 not annotated, 42pp.
Chapter 14, “The Day the Music Died”
F.30 not annotated, 30 pp.
F.31 not annotated, 26 pp.
Chapter 15, (later “Epilogue”), “Embedding Izzy’s DNA”
F.32 not annotated, 19 pp.
F.33 not annotated, 17 pp.
F.34 not annotated, 20 pp.
F.35 not annotated, 22pp.
F.36 Chapter 16, (later “Epilogue”), Embedding Izzy’s DNA,” not annotated, 9 pp.
F.37 Chapter 20, (later Chapter 14), not annotated, 30 pp.
F.38 Epilogue, [moved from Box 190, F.6 Canwest (later years)/National Post] not annotated, 16 pp.
Box 183
Manuscript Corrections, by Allan Levine
F.1 17 pp. [Moved from Box 189, File 11 Asper Family and Global (1981-2008)]
F.2 13 pp. Includes email from Levine.
F.3 2 pp. [Moved from: Box 189 F.13 Manitoba and Liberal Party]
Manuscript 1
F.4 not annotated, Pages 2-197.
F.5 not annotated, Pages 223-303
Manuscript 2
F.6 not annotated, Pages 1-150.
F.7 not annotated, Pages 151-310.
F.8 Manuscript 3, not annotated, 57 pp. Includes table of contents, list of completed interviews, Asper chronology.
Box 184
F.1 Manuscript Outline, not annotated, Pages 1-147. Includes table of contents, list of completed interviews, Asper Chronology. Bound by spiral spine.
Complete Manuscript
F.2 not annotated, Pages 1-150. Includes table of contents.
F.3 not annotated, Pages 151-219.
F.4 not annotated, Pages 220-354.
Interviews. – 1996-2008. – 48 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. Boxes 185-187
Transcripts of interviews were initially arranged in alphabetic order to accordance with the interviewee’s last name. Archivist has maintained this order, but indicates when files have been moved into this series from Research Notes, Materials, Correspondence. Some interviews were conducted by Newman, others conducted by Newman’s assistant, Allan Levine; this information is included if noted on the transcript. This series also contains a transcript of Evan Solomon’s televised interview with Israel Asper and Michael Enright’s interview with Israel and Leonard Asper on The Sunday Edition.
Box 185
F.1 “Newman Interview List,” photocopies of manuscript folders containing handwritten list of interviewees with notes.
F.2 “Moshe Arens and Babs Asper,” not annotated, 136 pp. total
F.3 “Babs Asper,” by includes two copies of Transcripts 1 and 2, and one copy each of Transcript 3-6, and “Babs 1,” “Babs 2,” by Newman, lightly annotated, 112pp. total.
F.4 “David Asper,” by Levine, interview fragment, lightly annotated, 3 pp.
F.5 “Daniel Asper and Gail Asper,” not annotated, interview with Daniel conducted June 29th 2006, 118 pp. total.
F.6 “Gail Asper,” not annotated, 46 pp total. Includes “Gail Asper Video Interview of IHA”
“Izzy Asper,” by Newman
F.7 Tapes 1-3, not annotated, conducted in September 1996, 79 pp.
F.8 Tapes 4-6, 7-9, not annotated, 142pp. total.
F.9 Tapes 10-12, plus interview conducted on September 18th, 1997, 97 pp. total.
F.10 interview fragments, annotated. [Moved from Box 190, F.4 Asper and Canwest Legal Issues, Personal Stress.]
F.11 “Izzy 1 and 2,” and interview fragment. 48 pp. total. Also includes National Post article by Evan Solomon about the Human Rights Museum, dated June 222005.
F.12 annotated, conducted August 1, 2001. 15 pp.
F.13 “Leonard Asper,” “Leonard on Black,” not annotated, [moved from Box 190, F.4 Asper and Canwest Legal Issues, Personal Stress.] 20 pp.
F.14 “Leonard Asper and Lloyd Axworthy,” not annotated, 48 pp. total
F.15 “Miriam Bernstein and Zita Bernstein,” not annotated, 17 pp. total
F.16 “Don Brinton and Harold Buchwald,” not annotated, 59 pp. Brinton interview conducted on July 28, 2006. Includes transcription of long quotation, “Harold Buchwald on Kelvin High School in the 1940’s,” [moved from Box 185, File 17, “Audrey Chrysyk.”]
F.17 “Audrey Chrysyk,” not annotated, conducted February 27th, 2007, 15 pp.
F.18 “George Cohon and Jack Cowin,” not annotated, 19 pp.
Box 186
F.1 “Danny Danon and Jonathan Davis,” not annotated, 18 pp total. Danon interview conducted December 25th, 2006.
F.2 “Michael Decter and Fred deKoning,” not annotated, 22pp total.
F.3 “Michael Enright and Harry Ethans,” not annotated 42pp total. Includes transcript of Enright’s interview with Israel and Leonard Asper on The Sunday Edition, rebroadcasted on September 10th, 2000.
F.4 “Sandy Frank and Matthew Fraser,” not annotated, 54 pp total. Two interviews with Fraser, including a November 14, 2006 interview with Newman.
F.5 “Aaron Freedman and Bob Freedman,” not annotated, 29 pp. Interview with Aaron Freedman conducted on January 3, 2007. Interview with Bob Freedman conducted on September 12, 2006 by Levine.
F.6 “Laurence Freedman and Martin Freedman,” not annotated, 18 pp. Interview with Laurence Freedman conducted March 26, 2007.
F.7 “Tony Ghee and Peter Godsoe,” not annotated, 28 pp. Interview with Ghee conducted August 29, 2006.
F.8 “Greg Gilhooly,” by Newman, not annotated, 116 pp. in four parts.
F.9 “Gerald Gray, Rabbi Alan Green, Stephen Gross, light annotation, 50 pp.
F.10 “Aharon Harlap and Rick Heatherington,” not annotated, 30 pp. Interview with Aharon Harlap conducted by Levine, December 26, 2006; interview with Rick Heatherington conducted August 24, 2006.
F.11 “Ray Heard,” not annotated, 5 transcripts, 116 pp.
F.12 “Ray Heard,” lightly annotated, interview fragments, 30 pp. [Moved from Box 189, F.6 Asper and Global—The Later Years (1998-2003).]
F.13 “Ray Heard,” lightly annotated, conducted May 2008, 14 pp. [Moved from Box 190, F.4 Asper and Canwest Legal Issues, Personal Stress.]
F.14 “Tom Heintzman and Harry Hurwitz,” not annotated, 34 pp. Interview with Hurwitz conducted December 6, 2006.
F.15 “Doug Hoover,” by Levine, lightly annotated, 9 pp.
F.16 “Don Johnson and Robert Kopstein,” not annotated, 26 pp. total. Interview with Kopstein conducted on June 23, 2006. Includes notes about Johnson.
F.17 “Jonathan Kornbluth and Justice Guy Kroft,” light annotations, 34 pp. total. Interview with Jonathan Kornbluth conducted December 26, 2006.
F.18 “Robert Lantos,” not annotated, telephone interview conducted May 1998, 14 pp. [Moved from Box 188, F.15 Asper and Trudeau, Canadian Establishment.]
F.19 “Richard Kroft and Isi Leibler,” not annotated. Two interviews with Kroft. 39 pp total.
F.20 “Richard Leipsic and Yale Lerner,” not annotated, 46 pp. total. Interview with Leipsic conducted November 1, 2006.
F.21 “Yale Lerner and Moe Levy,” not annotated. 54 pp. total.
F.22 “Peter Liba and Hettie Lofchy,” not annotated. 41 pp. total.
F.23 “Jack London and Michael MacMillan,” not annotated. 24 pp. total. Interview with London conducted July 6, 2006.
Box 187
F.1 “Susan Macchia, Menachem Magidor,” not annotated, contains “Impressions of Izzy Asper” by Professor Menachem Magidor, President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,” 6 pp.
F.2 “Laurie Mainster,” by Levine, not annotated, conducted on August 9, 2006, 17 pp.
F.3 “Dorothy Mann and Frank McKenna,” not annotated, 19 pp total.
F.4 “Ron Meyers,” interview fragment, annotated, 3 pp. [Moved from Box 190, F.4 Asper and Canwest Legal Issues, Personal Stress.]
F.5 “Ron Meyers and Kip Meek,” not annotated, 26 pp. Meyers interview conducted on June 23, 2006. Meek interview conducted on August 30, 2006.
F.6 “Cameron Milliken and James Morris,” not annotated, 20 pp.
F.7 “Glen Murray and Benjamin Netanyahu,” not annotated, 21 pp. Netanyahu interview conducted on December 26, 2006.
F.8 “Gerry Noble,” not annotated, two parts, 42pp. total.
F.9 “Glen O’Farrell,” by Levine, conducted August 22, 2001, annotated, 5 pp. [Moved from Box 190, F.6 Canwest (later years)/National Post.]
F.10 “Michael Oren and Leonard Peikoff,” not annotated, 10 pp. total. Interview with Oren conducted on December 26, 2006. Interview with Dr. Peikoff “philosopher and Ayn Rand expert” conducted by Levine on October 22, 2006.
F.11 “Greg Phillips and Gordon Pollock,” not annotated, 21 pp. total. Interview with Phillips conducted by Levine, August 30, 2006. Interview with Pollock conducted December 4, 2006.
F.12 “Ron Polinsky and Dan Poliser,” not annotated, 34 pp. total. Interview with Polisar conducted on December 25, 2006.
F.13 “Ross Porter and Hartley Richardson,” not annotated, 28 pp. total.
F.14 “Ced Ritchie and Daniel Sandelson,” not annotated, 19 pp. total. Sandelson interview conducted August 30, 2006.
F.15 “Ed Schreyer and Gerry Schwartz,” not annotated 24 pp. total. Schreyer interview conducted July 4, 2006.
F.16 “Avner Shalev and Jim Shaw,” not annotated, 39 pp. total. Shalev interview December 28, 2006. Shaw interview July 26, 2006.
F.17 “Kevin Shea and Smoky Simon,” not annotated, 22pp. total. Interview with Simon conducted January 2, 2007.
F.18 “Allan Slaight and Evan Solomon,” not annotated, 54 pp. total. Contains transcript of Evan Solomon’s interview with Israel Asper on CBC Sunday.
F.19 “Mira Spivak and Richard Stillwater,” not annotated, 36 pp. total. Spivak interview conducted on June 29, 2006.
F.20 “Tom Strike,” not annotated, in two parts, 52pp. total.
F.21 “Tom Strike,” lightly annotated, 8 pp. total. Includes biographical text on Strike, updated as of January 2008.
F.22 “John Studdy and Jim Sward,” not annotated, 27 pp. total.
F.23 “Alan Sweatman and Dick Thomson,” not annotated, 20 pp. total.
F.24 “Arni Thornsteinson and John Turner,” not annotated, 22pp. total. Interview with John Turner conducted by Levine on August 21, 2006.
F.25 “Peter Viner,” interview fragments, conducted by Levine, annotated, 7 pp. total. [Moved from Box 190, F.6 Canwest (later years)/National Post]
F.26 “Peter Viner and Roy Virnboim” not annotated, 42pp. total.
F.27 “Bill Watchorn and Rich Waugh,” not annotated, 27 pp. total. Interview with Watchorn conducted July 19, 2006.
F.28 “Brenlee Werner and Emily Westelaken,” not annotated, 37 pp. total. Interview with Werner conducted February 18, 2007; Interview with Westelaken conducted June 28, 2006.
F.29 “Rod Zimmer,” not annotated, 20 pp. total. Interview conducted June 24, 2006.
Series 3
Research Notes, Materials, Correspondence. – 1956-2008. – 48 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Boxes 188-190
This series is ordered topically in accordance with Newman’s original arrangement. Files are arranged in approximate chronological order. The series includes correspondences (email and otherwise) and memos, as well as Newman’s rough notes and annotated fragments of interviews and parts of the manuscript. Correspondences – unless otherwise noted – are largely Asper’s. The archivist has noted when files are moved from the original placement.
Box 188
F.1 Asper—Growing Up: photocopies of materials relating to history of Minnedosa and Asper’s parents including clippings from local newspapers, annotated fragments of manuscripts, interviews, correspondence between Asper and current or former residents of Minnedosa and area, including Margaret Laurence (Asper to Laurence, February 28, 1980; Laurence to Asper, March 11, 1980)
F.2 Asper—Growing Up: annotated clippings from notes, interviews
F.3 Asper—Being Jewish: annotated clippings of interviews
F.4 “Anti-Semitism in Manitoba”: copy of article by Jonathan Fine, not annotated, 30 pp.
F.5 Asper and Student Life, Including Ayn Rand: photocopies of “Varsity Varieties,” photocopied yearbook images. Includes annotated clippings from interviews.
F.6 Asper and Student Life, Including Ayn Rand: annotated notes, clippings about Asper and Rand
F.7 Varsity Varieties and Izzy Medley: original typescript of Asper’s 1956 proposal for the Varsity Varieties, also includes Izzy Medley (songs about Asper). [Moved from Box 188, F.15 Asper and Trudeau, Canadian Establishment.]
F.8 Asper and Jazz: annotated notes, newspaper clippings, including part of interview with Asper (annotated) and annotated copy of Chapter 9 (later Chapter 8), “How Jazz Created Izzy’s Groove.”
F.9 Asper and The Legal Profession, Law: Correspondence between Asper and S. J. Drache, Q. C. and Associates and Buchwald, Hentleff and Company. Includes notice of libel to Toronto Star, personal history, annotated copy of Jack London interview, and notes for “Serving the Law: The Unorthodox Mr. Asper.”
F.10 Asper and Political Views, Philosophy: Annotated newspaper articles and notes.
F.11 Asper as Politician, Relationship with Manitoba Politics 1968-2006 (approximately): correspondence, “Confidential Program for Manitoba Liberal Party: Provincial Election 1973,” annotated notes, clippings.
F.12 Manitoba and Liberal Party: Newspaper clippings (1971-1972), Asper’s election propaganda, annotated interview with Roy Virnboim
F.13 Manitoba and Liberal Party: annotated clippings from interviews, notes.
F.14 Winnipeg, Meech Lake Accord: annotated newspaper clippings, interview fragments, notes. Also includes correspondence with Deborah Coyne (1991).
F.15 Asper and Trudeau, Canadian Establishment: annotated letter from Asper to Pierre Elliott Trudeau (December 10, 1981), letter to Newman from Asper “Re: Winnipeg Establishment Names” (January 15, 1981). Correspondence, annotated excerpt from The Canadian Establishment, clippings.
F.16 CRTC Clippings [split from File 15, “Asper and Trudeau, Canadian Establishment”]: newspaper clippings, including those pertaining to Canwest/Global and the CRTC (2007).
F.17 Asper as “Boss,” Style: includes promotional document, “Law and Order Buchwald, Asper, Gallagher, Henteleff” 1970-1995,” annotated notes, newspaper clippings.
F.18 Merchant Bank #1 1966-1980: “Feasibility of a Small Distillery in Rural Manitoba,” Canwest Corporation minutes.
F.19 Merchant Bank #1 1966-1980: Correspondence from Asper, Canwest Global Memos.
F.20 Merchant Bank #1 1966-1980: Newspaper clippings.
F.21 Merchant Bank #2: Includes correspondence between Asper and G. Schwartz, newspaper clippings, annotated clippings.
F.22 Asper Speeches 1979-2002: Speaking notes, lightly annotated.
Box 189
F.1 Global Television (1974-2001): Memos, Correspondence, including Email.
F.2 Asper and Global/Canwest (1980’s-2000’s): Booklet: The CanWest Global Story: The First Twenty Years 1977-1997. Includes annotated photocopy of pages from booklet.
F.3 Asper and Global Canwest (1980’s-2000’s): Correspondence, including Email, photocopied articles (annotated).
F.4 Asper and Global Canwest (1980’s-2000’s): Clippings (annotated).
F.5 Asper and Global—The Later Years (1998- 2003): Email Correspondence (lightly annotated).
F.6 Asper and Global—The Later Years (1998-2003): Clippings (annotated).
F.7 Asper and Global/Canwest (2000’s): Email Correspondence (lightly annotated).
F.8 Asper and Global/Canwest (2000’s): Clippings (annotated)
F.9 Izzy and Global/Canwest—Clippings: Newman’s emails regarding Izzy (to Guy Madden, Levine), annotated fragments of manuscript, annotated interview with Leonard Asper.
F.10 “Izzy Asper” Going Global: Asper’s interview with the Ivey School of Business (University of Western Ontario). Lightly annotated.
F.11 Asper Family and Global (1981-2008): Articles, clippings. Lightly annotated.
F.12 Project Canterbury: List of transaction team and schedule. Not annotated. [Moved from F.11 Asper Family and Global (1981-2008).]
F.13 Thomson Corporation and Project Torch: Canwest Correspondence, overview, evaluation of project.
F.14 Southam Inc. (1998-2000): Includes: Consolidated Financial Statements of Southam Inc. Years ended December 31 and 1998, A Canterbury Tale: Concept Document (May 31, 2000), draft of agreement between CW and Canterbury. Reports, articles, notes (lightly annotated).
F.15 Correspondence—Canwest and Hollinger (1990-2000): Correspondence, memos, primarily between Izzy Asper, Leonard Asper and Conrad Black.
F.16 Correspondence—Canwest and Hollinger (2000-2001): Correspondence, memos, primarily between Izzy Asper, Leonard Asper and Conrad Black. Includes newspaper clippings.
F.17 Black and Hollinger (1996-2006): Newspaper Clippings (lightly annotated).
F.18 Black and Southam, Canterbury Accord and Newspaper Business: Memos, notes, clippings (annotated).
F.19 Newman on Conrad Black, Garth Drabinsky: Issue of Toronto Life, includes Newman article, “The Fall of Conrad Black.” Also includes clipping of Newman article, “The world according to Garth.”
Box 190
F.1 Murdoch Davis/Canwest and Hollinger: Newspaper clippings, memos, annotated clippings.
F.2 Winnipeg Jets: Correspondence, memos, newspaper clippings, annotated clippings.
F.3 Asper and Defamation Suit (1992-1995): Court files, newspaper clippings, faxes, annotated clippings.
F.4 Asper and Canwest Legal Issues, Personal Stress: Newspaper clippings, annotated clippings.
F.5 Asper Park Lodge 2007: Photographs (17) and negatives. [Moved from Box 190, F.13 “Izzy”: Promotion and Response.]
F.6 Canwest (later years)/National Post: Canwest/Global structural chart, Newman’s correspondence with Levine, Matthew Fraser, Newspaper clippings, annotated clippings.
F.7 Asper’s Funeral: Correspondence between Asper and Newman, letters to Babs and Family after Funeral, Correspondence between Levine and Gail Asper, newspaper articles.
F.8 Asper’s Funeral: Annotated clippings.
F.9 Succession: “A Strategic Direction for Canwest Global Communications Corp.” (1999) two copies annotated, Leonard Asper’s “Speech to Canadian Club” (2001).
F.10 Succession: clippings annotated.
F.11 Human Rights Museum (2008): newspaper clipping, copy of Chapter 15, “Embedding Izzy’s DNA,” not annotated.
F.12 Newman’s Email Correspondence (1999-2008): includes correspondence with Izzy Asper, Ken Whyte, Leonard Asper, Roy MacGregor, Matthew Fraser, Michael A. Levine, Jim Gifford, Allan Levine, Gail Asper, Ted Ruston.
F.13 Izzy—Promotion and Response (2008): Newspaper articles, excerpts, reviews, schedule of Newman’s promotional tour.
F.14 Izzy—Promotion and Response (2008): Newman’s appearances on World Affairs and Studio Four. Consists of three DVDs.
F.15 Izzy—Promotion and Response: Booklet—Harper Collins Canada Hall 2008.
F.16 Izzy—Promotion and Response (2006-2008): Newspaper clippings, emails, reviews, details about promotional tour. [Moved from Box 189, F.5 Asper and Global—The Later Years (1998- 2003).]
USB key, Dane/Elec with handwritten label "Izzy Asper" in an envelope.
Peter C. Newman fonds. Ninth Accrual.- 1978-2012. - 45 cm of textual records and 161 audio cassettes.
The majority of the ninth accrual relates to Newman's book about Michael Ignatieff and the Liberal Party of Canada, When the Gods Changed: the Death of Liberal Canada. It includes interviews and research materials, as well as some draft writing. Newman began working on the book during the two year period Michael Ignatieff was leader of the Liberal party. As the political situation changed, so too did the arc of the book. This change can best be seen in Newman's writing, Series 3. Especially telling are some of the notes to himself, first at the outset of the project and then at the turning point when it became clear that his original plan might not succeed (see Box 194, file 15 and 22.)
In addition to the material about When the Gods Changed there a number of audio recordings from earlier work. Scholars interested in this material may also want to consult previous accruals.
Series 1.
Interviews and transcripts relating to When the Gods Changed. - 1989-2011. - 14 cm of textual and 25 audio cassettes. - Title based on content.
Interview transcripts
Multiple copies of each transcript may have been donated, only unique copies were retained.
Box 191
Transcripts of interviews from PCN with:
F.1 Sachin Aggarawal. May 2011.
F.2 Martin Amis.
F.3 Tom Axworthy.
F.4 Doug Beardsley.
F.5 Lise Bissonnette.
F.6 Dan Brock. [February 2011].
F.7 Barry Cooper.
F.8 Romeo Dallaire.
F.9 Ian Davey and Jill Fairbrother.
F.10 Peter Donolo. [c. 2010-May 2011]
F.11 Frank Graves.
F.12 Stephan Hoffman.
F.13 Andrew Ignatieff.
F.14 Michael Ignatieff.
F.15 Michael Levine.
F.16 Michael Marzolini
F.17 Rob Oliphant.
F.18 Derek Paul.
F.19 Revolt.
F.20 Rocco Rossi.
F.21 Mark Sakamoto
F.22 Zsuszanna Zsohar
F.23 Snippets and unidentified interviews.
F.24 Interview schedule for "Titans".
Box 192
Audio cassettes of interviews identified by Newman as related to When the Gods Changed. Tapes with transcripts have been noted.
Aggarawal, Sachin. Two tapes. Transcript in Box 191.
Austin, [Jack].
Brown, Peter.
Hartt, Stanley. 23 September 1991.
Heard, Ray.
Ignatieff, Michael. Five tapes.
Ondaatje, [Michael?].
Pierce, John M. Ranger Oil Ltd. 28 September 1990.
Riley, Sanford. Investors Group Inc. October 1992.
Rose, Jeff. Two tapes.
Sakamoto, Mark. Two tapes. Transcript in Box 191.
Tory Jr., John. 6 April 1989.
Wilson, Red.
Zsohar, Zsuszanna. Transcript in Box 191.
Series 2
Correspondence relating to When the Gods Changed. - 2008-2011. - 1 cm of textual regords. - Title based on content.
The majority of this series is printed email correspondence and often includes both the incoming email as well as Newman's reply.
Box 191
Sachin Aggarwal
Alfred Apps
Doug Beardsley
Gerry Boyce
Anne Collins
Ian Davey
Michael Ignatieff
Liberal Party of Canada
Peter C. Newman
David Olive
Mark Sakamoto
Roger Strange
Jennifer Wells
First name only or anonymous.
Series 3
Articles and clippings. - 1978-2011. - 19 cm of textual. - Title based on content.
Newman examined a great quantity of articles both for how Michael Ignatieff was discussed and portrayed in the press, as well as how Ignatieff presents himself in writing. The material is divided as Newman had it and includes some additional material about the book. The majority of the articles are annotated to some degree.
Box 193
Articles by Michael Ignatieff
F.1 General. 1984-2010.
F.2 On Human Rights. 1998-2009.
F.3 In response to reviews. 1978-2003.
F.4 Loose pages and fragments of Ignatieff's writing. [c.1978-c.2010]
Articles about Michael Ignatieff. Arranged chronologically.
F.5 1980s. 1981-1989.
F.6 1990s. 1990-1999.
F.7 2000s. 2000-2005.
F.8 2000s. 2006.
F.9 2000s. 2007-2008.
F.10 2000s. Jan.-Aug. 2009.
F.11 2000s. Sept.-Dec. 2009.
Box 194
F.1 2010s. Jan.-Apr. 2010.
F.2 2010s. May-Dec. 2010.
F.3 2010s. 2011-2012.
F.4 Fragments and other undated material.
Other Articles.
F.5 Articles for the book not about Ignatieff. [1987?]-2011.
F.6 Reviews and articles about When the Gods Changed. 2009-2011.
Series 4
Draft articles and other writing. - 2009-2011. - 11 cm of textual. - Title based on content.
This series consists mostly of drafts of articles Newman wrote about Ignatieff. It also includes numerous thoughts and rough sections that ultimately were worked into either the above articles or When the Gods Changed. This material helps to track the shift in the direction of the book over Ignatieff's time with the Liberal Party. There are rarely concrete dates associated with the draft material. Dates noted in square brackets are supplied by the archivist and are most often best guesses, indicated by a '?', or approximations indicated with 'c.' based on dates of publication or from the context provided by the material.
Box 194
Article drafts about Ignatieff (arranged by the date they appeared in print)
F.7 ["All Eyes on Ignatieff"]. National Post. 26 February 2005.
F.8 Lament for a Heavyweight. ["Fearing the man who would have been king"]. Maclean's. 18 December 2006.
F.9 "A Time When the Gods Changed". Globe and Mail. 11 October 2008.
F.10 ["A sub-Arctic, WASP Obama is just what this country needs"]. Globe and Mail. 15 December 2008.
F.11 "Ignatieff takes off". Maclean's. 14 May 2009.
Notes and draft material concerning Ignatieff and the book.
F.12 Questions for MI from PCN for Biography.
F.13 "Michael Ignatieff: The Man in Full" book outline. [2008?]
F.14 "Open Letter to Michael Ignatieff from Peter C. Newman". [2008?]
F.15 Mission Statement. [2008?]
F.16 "Memo to Michael Ignatieff: How Ottawa Works".
F.17 "Memo #1".
F.18 "Michael Ignatieff profile". [2008?]
F.19 "Kicking in the Iggy Sanction".
F.20 "Notes on the Count".
F.21 "Michael Ignatieff: The Count Comes Home".
F.22 Thoughts on the direction of the book. [2010?]
Draft material for the book organized by general subject using PCN's own headings where possible.
F.23 Campaign.
F.24 Dion victory in 2006.
F.25 Family.
F.26 Forward.
F.27 Terry Glavin.
F.28 Kingston.
F.29 The Liberal Party.
F.30 Mistakes.
F.31 Pre-convention Ignatieff.
F.32 Prologue.
F.33 Qualities of a Prime Minister.
F.34 Redemption/Psychological profile.
F.35 Fragments.
Material for other books included with When the Gods Changed material:
F.36 Epilogue for Here Be Dragons. With MS notes related to Ignatieff.
F.37 Introduction for The Power of Paper by Christopher Ondaatje. [c.2007]
Series 5 - Audio
Other interviews by Peter Newman. - 1983-2000. - 136 audio cassettes. Title based on contents.
The series has been arranged alphabetically by the descriptions on the cassettes. Information added by the archivist is noted in square brackets. When there are multiple people identified on a cassette they have been listed separately. If a cassette has been filed under a different name there will be a note following the entry indicating where it is filed, e.g. (see Radler). There is one cassette per entry unless otherwise indicated.
Box 192
Adams, Michael. 15 October 1993.
Addis. Stevens. Lamb. Metcalfe. [n.d.]
Apps and Davis. [n.d.]
Arts National. Episodes 5 and 6. D-1186. CBC.
Austin, [Senator Jack?].
Austin, Jack. 19 February 1990.
Austin, Jack. December 1990.
Austin, Jack. 29 October 1992.
Austin, Jack. 6 July 1993.
Austin, Jack. 6 March 2000.
Angus and O'Brien.
Baird, Charles. Inco. 5 September 1986.
Bagnel. [n.d.]
Beck, [Howard?].
Beck, Howard. Davies, Ward & Beck. 22 April 1988.
Bisson, Andre. Maxwell Communications Canada. 21 October 1991.
Black, [Conrad]. [n.d.]
Blair, Bob - Nova. 20 April 1992.
Bonini, Al. [n.d.]
Braithwaite, Carleton. Clyde Turney, side 2. [n.d.]
Brazcan. [n.d.]
Bronfman, Peter. 12 April 1992. (see Boultbee)
Brown, Peter. 12 August 1992.
Brown, Peter. June 1993.
Brown, Robyn. [n.d.]
Boultbee, John A. 12 April 1992.
Buchanan, John. Premier of Nova Scotia. 28 May 1990.
Charest, [Jean?]. [n.d.]
Charest, [Jean?]. November 1994.
Clarke, Graham. [n.d.]
Coates Resignation. [n.d.]
Collins, Judy and Country Stream; Wooden boat.
Copeland and Jack. Reverse:[Rent List?]. [n.d.]
Dalton, Bill. April 2000.
Davey, Ian. [2011?].
Doucet, [Gilles?].
Draben, Jan. October 2000.
Eaton, David.
Edwards, Murray. Calgary. 20 June 2000.
Election Night. [n.d.]
Box 195
Farrar, Jeffrey. Barclay's Bank. 9 December [1993?].
Frennette, Claude. [n.d.] Note: the second side reads John Turner.
Friedenberg, [Edgar]. Dalhousie University, Halifax. 8 December 1985.
Funk, Steven C. July 1992.
Gallagher, Jack. 20 April 1992. [side two: Gerry Maier and Gus Van Wielingen].
Gault. [n.d.]
Gault/McFarlane. [n.d.]
Gayle at the Normandy Rest. 9 March 1995.
Goldberg. [n.d.]
Gregg, Alan. (see Radler).
Griffin. [n.d.]
Griffin. March 2001.
Guthrie. [n.d.]
Hartt. [n.d.]
Hartt. 20 May. [side two A. Sarlos].
Heard, Ray; Joe McInnis; Bill Dimma. 2 tapes.
Hermant, Sydney. Imperial Optical. 11 May 1988.
"Hitch". 2 September 1995.
Holden, Richard. 19 November 1987.
Hopper. 9 January 1992. [Van Willigen side 2].
Horsey, Mike. 29 October 1992.
Hulbert. Architect for Pan Pacific. June 1993.
Jesperson, Kent. Nova Corp of Alberta. Calgary. 5 June 1992.
Johnson, Anne. 26 May 2000.
Kadlec, Jim. 14 July 1993.
Kerr, Tim. September 1997.
Kwok. Western [University?].
Kwok, Stanley.
Laruin, Pierre. Merrill Lynch Canada. 15 November 1991.
Lamb. [n.d.] (see Addis)
Leather. [n.d.]
Ligma. [n.d.]
Long, Tom. [n.d.]
Lougheed, Peter. [1992?].
Lougheed, Peter. January 1993. [Side 1 includes Anna Porter.]
Maier, Gerry. 20 April 1992. (see Gallagher)
Martin, [Paul?]. [n.d.]
Martin, Paul. Gemini. [n.d.]
McCallum, John. [n.d.]
McFarlane. (see Gault).
McInnis, Joe (see Heard.)
McLaren, Woody.
McMurray. 30 October 1992.
Meinick, [Kathy].
Metcalfe. [n.d.] (see Addis)
Michelle. [n.d.]
Mulholland, William. 4 November 1985.
Mulholland, [William] Bill. 26 September 1997.
[Newman, Peter C.] Side 1: "Interview with Vietnamese gent". Side 2: Canadian and English Blood Analysis Investor"
[Newman, Peter C.] Lecture.
[Newman, Peter C.] "Me on K". Two tapes.
Nimmo. [n.d.]
Nolan, Pat. 24 November 1990.
Norr, Partnership Ltd. Hedley Roy and Skip Schwartz. 10 May 1988.
North, David. June 2000.
Nuytten, Phil. Can-Dive Services Ltd, Vancouver. March 1989.
Nygard. [PM/Bralford, John?]. [n.d.]
Olive, David.
Parkinson, Dee. 10 November 1997.
Patterson. [n.d.]
Patton, Barry. [n.d.]
Pezim, Murray. August 1992.
Phelps, Michael. West Coast Energy, Vancouver. 11 December 1990.
Pollock, William (Bill). Drake International. 11 October 1989.
Porter, Anna. Re: C. Black. January 1993. (see Lougheed)
Power. [n.d.]
Radler, David. Alan Gregg, side 1. February 1990.
Ray. [n.d.]
Rock and Heard (brief). (see Heard)
Sarlos, Andrew. [side two of Hartt. 20 May.] (see Hartt)
Sarlos, Andrew. Bernard Isautier Polysar Energy & Chemical Corp. 21 April 1988.
Sarlos, Andrew. Toronto. 21 September 1988.
Schwartz. [n.d.]
Shandro, Frederick W. Vancouver. May 1990.
Shon, Ron. [n.d.]
Sirois, Charles. Chm, Teleglobe Canada Inc. September 1983.
Simpson, Geoff. [n.d.]
Steele. [n.d.]
Stevens. [n.d.] (see Addis)
Taylor, Allan. Royal Bank. 21 March 1986.
Taylor, Allan. Royal Bank. 18 December 1987.
Taylor, Allan. Royal Bank. 30 November 1990.
Tong, Louie. [n.d.]
Tory, John. Tory, Tory, Deslaurier & Binnington. 1 February 1989.
Tory, Liz. [n.d.]
Tory, Liz. 27 September 1988.
Trans Canada Pipeline (History).
Turner, John [second side of Claude Frennette]. [n.d.] (see Frennette)
Turney, Clyde. (see Braithwaite)
Van Wielingen, Gus. 20 April 1992. (see Gallagher).
Van Willigen. 9 January 1992. (see Hopper).
"We should all quit". [n.d.]
[Wener?]. [n.d.]
Wilder. March 2001.
Zimmerman, Adam. Noranda Forest Inc. [second side of Allan Taylor]. 30 November 1990. (see Taylor)
Eleven unidentified tapes.
Peter C. Newman. Tenth Accrual. 1953-1957. 4 pages.
Box G019
To Neil A. Macdougall. 4 TS pages, plus explanatory letter from Macdougall.
Peter C. Newman. 11th accrual.
Interviews. 1978-1999, pred. 1988-1997. -- 158 audio cassettes and 104 diskettes. Title based on contents.
Notes in quotation marks have been transcribed from the cassette or provided by the donor; other notes have been added by the archivist.
These interviews reflect how very well Newman was connected with both political and business insiders. The Conrad Black and David Radler interviews are particularly noteworthy.
Box 197 no. 1-92
Box 198 no. 93-158
No. | Old no. | Name | Notes | Date |
1. | 44 | Aggarawal, Sachin |
| Dec. 10 |
2. | Aird, John Black |
| June 11/90 | |
3. | Aird, John Black | Mar. 5/90 | ||
4. | 42 | Allan, Robyn |
| Jul. 14/93 |
5. | 15 | Alwok, Reg | ||
6. | Anderson, (Hon.) David Mul[roney?] |
| Jan 6/94 | |
7. | Austin, Jack |
| Jan. 1995 | |
8. | 26 | Austin, Jack |
| |
9. | 48 | Austin, Jack Val & Heller | ||
10. | Bata, Thomas J. |
| Feb. 20/90 | |
11. | Beaudoin, Laurent Lortie, Pierre |
| Nov. 10/88 Nov. 11/88 | |
12. | Belzberg, Sam |
| Apr./92 | |
13. | Bennett, Dr. Carolyn |
| ||
14. | Black, Conrad Tigert, Don & Black, Conrad | Sept. 15/88 Sept. 15/88 | ||
15. | Black, Conrad |
| Feb. 2/89 | |
16. | Black, Conrad |
| Apr. 5/89 | |
17. | Black, Conrad |
| Oct. 31/90 | |
18. | Black, Conrad |
| Apr. 3/92 | |
19. | Black, Conrad |
| Apr. 3/92 | |
20. | Black, Conrad | Apr./92 | ||
21. | Black, Conrad | Jan. 22/93 | ||
22. | Black, Conrad |
| Oct. 29/93 | |
23. | Black, Conrad | |||
24. | Black, Conrad | |||
25. | Black, Conrad | |||
26. | 3 | Brock, Dan |
| |
27. | 59 | Brock, Dan | ||
28. | Bronfman, Peter Sarlos, Andrew Annisman, Phil |
| Oct. 27 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 | |
29. | Burney, Derek |
| Apr. 20/88 | |
30. | 22 | Caldwell, [Drew?] |
| |
31. | 35 | Caldwell, [Drew?] | ||
32. | Campbell, Gordon |
| Jul./92 | |
33. | Campbell, Kim |
| Jan. 17/93 | |
34. | Campbell, Kim | Jan. 17/93 | ||
35. | Cantor, Paul |
| ||
36. | Carter, Bob |
| Aug. 12/92 | |
37. | 46 | Clark, Joe & MacGregor, Roy | ||
38. | Clarke, Graham |
| Mar. 15/93 | |
39. | Cohl, Michael Kierans, Thomas Sarlos, Andrew Black, Conrad |
| Oct. 29/90 Oct. 31/90 Oct. 31/90 Oct. 31/90 | |
40. | 40 | Cohon, George |
| |
41. | 57 | Cooper, Barry |
| |
42. | Cornelissen, Michael |
| Jan/Feb. 97 | |
43. | Cornelissen, [Michael] | |||
44. | 34 | Crane, David |
| |
45. | 8 | Dabbs, Frank |
| |
46. | 7 | Dallaire, Roméo |
| |
47. | 0 | Day, Andrew |
| |
48. | 1 | Day, Andrew | ||
49. | 50 | [Doyle?], Denny |
| |
50. | 31 | Desmarais, Paul |
| |
51. | 49 | Desmarais, Jacquie |
| |
52. | 49a | Desmarais, Jacquie | ||
53. | Dhillon, Bob |
| ||
54. | Diefenbaker, John G. |
| May 15/79 | |
55. | 39 | Emerson, [David Lee?] |
| |
56. | 32 | Fife, Robert [Bob] Church, Leslie |
| Sept. 12/[ca. 2008-2011] |
57. | Fraser, John Jackman, Hal | Dec. 7/92 Dec. 7/92 | ||
58. | 47 | Fryer, Mary [Beacock] |
| |
59. | 25 | Garreau, Joel |
| |
60. | Ghitter, Ron |
| Nov. 12/97 | |
61. | 52 | Godfrey, John |
| |
62. | Gordon, John |
| May 30/86 | |
63. | 61 | Grant, Doug |
| |
64. | Gray, Jim |
| May 23/91 | |
65. | 58 | Gregg, [Allan] & [Mulroney] |
| Dec. 1993 |
66. | Hartt, Stanley |
| Nov. 28/90 | |
67. | Hartt, Stanley Pocklington, Peter | Oct. 17/91 Oct. 16/91 | ||
68. | Hartt, Stanley (#1) | May 3/91 | ||
69. | Hartt, Stanley (#2) | May 3/91 | ||
70. | 21 | Heard, Ray |
| |
71. | 24 | Heard, Ray | ||
72. | Heard, Ray & Alex | n.d. | ||
73. | Heeme, Andrew |
| ||
74. | 11 | Hees, George & others |
| June 1993 |
75. | Hill, Alan |
| May 11 | |
76. | Hodgkinson, Lloyd M. |
| Sept. 9/87 | |
77. | 19 | Horsey, Mike |
| |
78. | Houssian, Joe |
| Aug./97 | |
79. | 36 | Ignatieff, Michael |
| |
80. | 43 | Ignatieff, Michael | ||
81. | 37 | Johnson, Jon |
| |
82. | Kerry, Aubrey Osler, Richard |
| June 4/92 June 5/92 | |
83. | Kierans, Tom |
| ||
84. | Kraft, Michael |
| ||
85. | 45 | Lamb, David |
| |
86. | Leung, Faye |
| July 14/93 | |
87. | 17 | Levine, Michael |
| |
88. | Levy, Moe |
| ||
89. | Levy, Moe | |||
90. | Ludmer, Irving |
| Nov. 19/87 | |
91. | McCabe, Michael (Mike) Wakim, Sam |
| July 1985 | |
92. | McCabe, Michael (Mike) | Oct. 28/89 | ||
93. | 12 | MacLaren, Ian |
| |
94. | 27 | McNeeley, Fran |
| |
95. | [Marina?] & Nfld. |
| ||
96. | 41 | Mark ? |
| |
97. | 54 | Marshall, Bob |
| |
98. | Martin, Paul |
| Mar. 10/93 | |
99. | Miller, Jim and others |
| May 11/88 | |
100. | 30 | Millikan, [Michael?] |
| |
101. | 2 | Molson & Northrup | ||
102. | 18 | Murray, Lowell |
| 1995 |
103. | Nuytten, Phil |
| Apr. 17/90 | |
104. | Nygard, Peter |
| Feb./94 | |
105. | ODonoghue, Paul H. Sinclair, Sen. Ian |
| June 8/90 | |
106. | Ogilvys Dept. Store | Nov. 3/87 | ||
107. | 13 | Oliver, Peter |
| |
108. | Ondaatje, Christopher |
| May 15/92 | |
109. | Orobetz, Christina |
| Nov. 17/88 | |
110. | 23 | Owen, Loudon |
| |
111. | 33 | Owen, Loudon | ||
112. | 60 | Owen, Loudon | ||
113. | Parasiuk, Wilson Fraser, John F. |
| Dec./92 Dec./92. | |
114. | Parizeau, Jacques |
| May 10/94 | |
115. | 62 | Paterson, Scott |
| |
116. | 38 | Paterson, Scott | ||
117. | Radler, David |
| Feb. 10/89 | |
118. | Radler, David | |||
119. | Rakoff, Dr. Vivian Morris |
| June 5/90 | |
120. | 29 | [Reid], Angus |
| |
121. | 9 | Remillard, Gil |
| July 15, 1992 |
122. | Remillard, Gil Nadeau, Bertin Dufour, Ghislain |
| Nov. 15/91 Nov. 15/91 Nov. 15/91 | |
123. | Reynolds, John |
| Mar. 1992 | |
124. | 20 | Richardson, George |
| Oct. 28/91 |
125. | 28 | Richardson, George | ||
126. | 51 | Rose, Jeff | ||
127. | 4 | Royal Canadian Air Farce Skit with Brian Mulroney | ||
128. | Sarlos, Andrew Connacher, Jim |
| May/92 May 19/92 | |
129. | 10 | Sarlos, Andrew Wilder, Bill |
| |
130. | Sewell, Derek |
| ||
131. | Sinclair, Helen |
| June 8/90 | |
132. | Smith, Bob |
| ||
133. | Smith, Hon. Brian R.D. |
| Jul./92 | |
134. | 16 | Smith, David |
| |
135. | Stevenson, Ken Campbell, D.G. & Hodgkinson, L. M. |
| Sept. 8/87 Sept. 9/87 | |
136. | Stinson, William W. |
| Nov. 20/87 | |
137. | 56 | Styles, [?] | ||
138. | Sunday Morning | Sept. 16/90 | ||
139. | Symons, Scott |
| ||
140. | [Tammas]/Tannas, [Scott] OBrien, [David] Wilson, W. Brett |
| June 22/00 | |
141. | Taylor, Allan |
| May 20/92 | |
142. | 5 | Thomas, Peter |
| |
143. | Thomson, David |
| Oct. 26/89 | |
144. | Thomson, David Tory, John |
| June 5/90 | |
145. | Thomson, David |
| Oct. 28/90 | |
146. | Thomson, David | May 31/91 | ||
147. | Thomson, David | |||
148. | Thomson, David | |||
149. | Tory, Liz |
| ||
150. | 6 | Trudeau, Pierre |
| |
151. | 53 | Trudeau, Pierre |
| |
152. | Veniez, Dan |
| ||
153. | Webster, Lorne Coutu, Francoise-Jean |
| Nov. 11/88 Nov. 11/88 | |
154. | Earl of Westmorland |
| Nov. 4/88 | |
155. | 14 | Wilder, Bill |
| |
156. | Wilson, Trevor |
| ||
157. | Wong, Milton |
| Aug./99 | |
158. | 55 | Young, John A., Boyne Clarke LLP Chisholm, Pos[e]y [Fennel, Rosemary] Ross, Robert |
| Dec. 1997 |
Box 199
104 diskettes
Peter C. Newman fonds. 12th accrual. 1965-2017. 90 cm of textual records, 26 audio cassette tapes, and digital files.
Series 1
Writing. 1968-2017. 15 cm of textual records.
Series consists of drafts and typescripts of Newman’s articles, research notes, and collected material related to his writing subjects.
Box 200
F.1 [“1900 to today”]. N.d. 14 p. typescript.
F.2 [“Anyone for World War III?”]. 2003. 6 p. typescript.
F.3 [“A baron who was larger than life – E.P. Taylor”]. 1989. 5 p. typescript.
F.4 [“Bearing witness for the country”]. 1992. 5 p. typescript.
F.5 [“Brief to the Royal Commission on Corporate Concentration”]. Ca. 1975. 4 p. typescript.
F.6 [“C.D. Howe, Present at the Creation: CD’s Boys”]. N.d. 51 p. typescript.
F.7 [“Excerpts from remarks to a meeting of the Committee for an Independent Canada at OISE”]. 1977. 18 p. typescript.
F.8 [“Get ready for the ‘ruthless economy’”]. 1998. 5 p. typescript.
F.9 [The Great Lone Land : “Foreword”]. 1989. 16 p. typescript and final galleys.
F.10 [“The Ideal Prime Minister”]. Ca. 1993. 9 p. typescript.
F.11 [“Interconnections … jottings … new book]. Ca. 2000. Two 9 p. typescripts.
F.12 [Manuscript for Year Book, article: “The Canadian Identity”]. Ca. 1985. 9 p. typescript.
F.13 [“The Media and the community”]. N.d. 7 p. typescript.
F.14 [“National Post column : ‘Millennium’”]. 1999. 6 p. typescript.
F.15 [“Out takes: A common place book”]. Ca. 2000. 13 p. typescript.
F.16 [“Part VIII – Sir James Douglas and the Pig War.”] n.d. 8 p. typescript, fragment of book.
F.17 [“The Seventies”]. 1979. 15 p. typescript.
F.18 [“Sir William Van Horne”]. 2017. 19 p. typescript.
F.19 [“Speech given to the Institute of the USA and Canada,” Moscow]. 1979. 38 p. typescript.
F.20 [“Trudeau & Quebec”]. N.d. 9 p. typescript, holograph edits.
F.21 [“Walter Gordon: Troubled Canadian”]. Ca. 1968. Includes excerpt of The Distemper of Our Times (7 p. typescript), typescript pages of a draft article, and related material.
F.22 [Background notes]. Ca. 1970s. Includes research notes related to the 1911 Election, John N. Turner, and William Lyon Mackenzie King.
F.23 [The Ticker Club]. 1968-1977. Includes research notes, texts of speeches by Floyd S. Chalmers, and related material.
F.24 Elliott, Geoge. 1972. Typed notes from meeting, Apr. 25, 1972.
F.25 Hurtig, Mel. 2006. 9 p. typescript, “Selling our country and our soul” by Mel Hurtig.
F.26 Jarvis, Stephen. Ca. 2010s. Email correspondence, including draft chapters of Jarvis’ family history book re: Loyalists.
F.27 Mowat, Farley [review of ‘The Distemper of Our Times’]. Ca. 1968.
F.28 Maclean’s. 1974-1975. Includes material related to editorial meetings, planning documents, style guides, etc. Also includes a manuscript submission by William R. Duggan.
F.29 Miscellaneous. ca. 1979-2006. Includes sundry material related to various projects.
Series 2
Interviews. 74 cm of textual records, 26 cassette tapes.
Series primarily consists of transcripts, or incomplete pages of transcripts, of interviews conducted by Peter C. Newman for various publications, including The Canadian Establishment Vol. 3 (1998), When the Gods Changed: The Death of Liberal Canada (2011), and other unknown writing projects. The series also includes tape recordings of the interviews; and research material which was filed together with the interview transcripts.
Box 201
F.1 Applebaum, Ralph (Human Rights Museum). Ca. 2014. [Interview transcripts]
F.2 Aquilini (Trust). 2013. [Research material].
F.3 Bassett, John. 1984. [Interview transcript].
F.4 Bawden, Harry [Dominion Securities]. Pre-1996. [Interview transcripts].
F.5 Beck, Howard. Ca. 1989. [Interview transcript re: Peter Munk].
F.6 WAC Bennett. 1967. [T.s. article, Feb. 18, 1967, Toronto Star].
F.7 Bissonnette, Lise. Ca. 2010 [Interview transcript re: Michael Ignatieff].
F.8 Black, Conrad. 1988. [Interview transcript, Sept. 15, 1988; Text of speech by Black to Canadian Press Annual Dinner, Apr. 20, 1988].
F.9 Black, Conrad. 1989. [Interview transcripts, Feb. 2, Apr. 5, 1989].
F.10 Black, Conrad. 1992. [Interview transcripts, Apr. 1992].
F.11 Black, Conrad. 2001. [Interview transcript, Nov. 15, 2001].
F.12 Black, Conrad. N.d. [Undated transcript fragments].
F.13 Boultbee, John A. 1992. [Interview transcript, Dec. 4, 1992].
F.14 Boyle, Harry. 1985. [Interview transcript, Sep. 3, 1985].
F.15 Bronfman, Peter. 1992-1994. [Interview transcripts, Dec. 4, 1992; Oct. 27, 1994. Also includes related interview transcript of Michael McCormick, undated].
F.16 Brown, […] N.d. [Interview transcript fragment, re: Robert Friedland].
F.17 Brown, Jennifer. 1986. [Interview transcript, Jun. 9, 1986 (CBC Morningside)].
F.18 Burns, Charlie. N.d. [Interview transcript].
F.19 Campbell, D.G. [1972]. [Photocopy of memorandum from D.G. Campbell with related report on Financial Post, Jul. 26, 1972].
F.20 Campbell, Kim. 1993. [Interview transcript, Jan. 17, 1993].
F.21 Carter, Emmett Cardinal. N.d. [Interview fragments re: Conrad Black].
F.22 Carter, Jim. N.d. [Interview transcript, re: Syncrude, ca. 2010s].
Box 202
F.1 Chalmers, F.S. N.d. [Interview transcripts, undated].
F.2 Chan, Caleb. N.d. [2 p. interview transcript fragment, undated].
F.3 Chapman, Don. 2012. [Transcript of interview].
F.4 Clark, Paul. 1988. [Interview transcript, Sep. 1988].
F.5 Cohen, Marshall. [1974]. [2 p. interview notes, Apr. 1974].
F.6 Connacher, Jim. Ca. 1990. [Interview transcript].
F.7 Cooper, Barry. Ca. 2004 [Interview transcript].
F.8 Cornelissen, Michael. 1997. [Interview transcript, August 1996, corrected Jan. 1997]. Copy #1.
F.9 Cornelissen, Michael. 1997. [Interview transcript, August 1996, corrected Jan. 1997]. Copy #2
F.10 Cornelissen, Michael. 1997. [Interview transcript, August 1996, corrected Jan. 1997]. Copy #3.
F.11 Cornelissen, Michael. 1997. [Interview transcript, August 1996, corrected Jan. 1997]. Copy #4.
F.12 Cornelissen, Michael. 1998. [Interview Jan/Feb 1997, transcribed Aug. 1997, annotated by Michael Cornelissen Feb. 1998].
F.13 Creighton, Douglas. Ca. 1992. [Interview transcript, Oct. 2, 1992].
F.14 Creighton, Donald. 1965. [T.s. copy of speech, “John Alexander MacDonald: The Father of His Country”, given at a reception and banquet in Kingston, Ontario, Jan. 11, 1965].
F.15 Crowe, Marshall. [1974]. [2 p. interview notes, Apr. 1974].
F.16 Dallaire, Romeo. Ca. 2010. [Interview transcripts re: Michael Ignatieff].
F.17 Davey, Ian and Jill Fairbrother. Ca. 2010. [Interview transcripts re: Michael Ignatieff].
F.18 DeCew, Robert and Gretchen. Ca. 2013. [Interview transcripts re: Loyalists].
F.19 DePencier, Michael. [Interview transcript, Dec. 9, 1992].
F.20 Desmarais, Paul. N.d. [Interview transcript fragments, undated].
F.21 Diachinsky, Les. Ca. 2009. [Interview transcript].
F.22 Diefenbaker, John G. ca. 1979. [Text of speech by Diefenbaker, 1979; draft t.s. article; and related material].
Box 203
F.1 Donolo, Peter. Ca. 2010. [Interview transcripts, re: Liberal Party].
F.2 Drabinsky, Garth. [1979]. [T.s. draft article].
F.3 Easter, Wayne. 2009. [Interview transcript, re: Liberal Party].
F.4 Eaton, Fred. Ca. 1980s. [Interview transcript with missing pages].
F.5 Flett, Pat. Ca. 2010. [Interview transcript].
F.6 Fraser, John. Ca. 1990s. [Interview transcript, re: Conrad Black].
F.7 Freeman, […]. 2015. [Re-print, interview transcript ca. 1983. Newman is the subject of the interview].
F.8 Frenette, Claude. 2001. [Interview transcript, Jul. 2001].
F.9 Friedland, Robert. 1997 [Interview transcript, Dec. 1997, Tapes #1 and 2].
F.10 Friedland, Robert. 1997 [Interview transcript, Dec. 1997, Tapes #3 and 4].
F.11 Friedland, Robert. 1997 [Incomplete interview transcript, Dec. 1997, Tapes #7 and 8].
F.12 Friedland, Robert. 1997 [Interview transcript, Dec. 1997, Tapes #9 and 10].
F.13 Friedland, Robert. 1997 [Incomplete interview transcript, Dec. 1997, Tapes #12].
F.14 Friedland, Robert. 1997 [Incomplete interview transcript, Dec. 1997, Tapes #14].
F.15 Frye, Northrop. 1985. [Interview transcript, Sep. 3, 1985].
F.16 Fryer, Mary. Ca. 2010s. [Interview transcript, re: Loyalists].
F.17 Gallagher, Jack. 1992. [Interview transcript, Apr. 20, 1992].
F.18 Giustra, Frank. Ca. 1997. [Interview transcript fragments, re: Robert Friedland].
F.19 Godfrey, John. Ca. 2010. [Incomplete interview transcript].
F.20 Gotlieb, Allan. [1974]. [Interview notes, copies].
F.21 Graham, Ron. Ca. 1990s. [Interview transcript fragment, re: Conrad Black].
F.22 Graves, Frank. 2010. [Interview transcript, re: 2011 Federal election].
F.23 Gray […]. Ca. 1997. [Interview transcript fragments, re: Robert Friedland].
F.24 Griffin, A.G.S. [ca. 1970]. [Interview transcripts re: “Home Oil”].
Box 204
F.1 Bill Harris. N.d. [Interview transcript].
F.2 Hartt, Stanley. Ca. 1996. [Interview transcript fragments].
F.3 Cliff Hatch. Ca. 1990s. [Interview transcripts, re: Bronfman family and liquor industry].
F.4 Heller, George. 2004-2005. [Interview transcript and copy of Heller’s remarks to the Annual General Meeting of the Hudson’s Bay Company, May 25, 2005, and the 2004 Annual Financial Report].
F.5 [‘Home oil’ interviews]. Ca. 1974. [Fragments of interview transcript including with ‘Phillips’ and ‘Bovey’, and Nelson Davis. Also includes interview notes with Nelson Davis, Jun. 20, 1974].
F.6 [‘Howe, C.D.’ interviews]. 1973. [Interview notes with Gratton O’Leary and Justice Doug Abbott, Nov. 27, 1973].
F.7 Ignatieff, Michael. Ca. 2009-2010. [Interview transcripts].
F.8 Irving, KC. 1976. [Interview transcript fragment].
F.9 Irwin, Arthur. 1979. [Interview transcript, Aug. 16, 1979].
F.10 Jackman, Hal. Ca. 1990s. [Interview transcript fragment, re: Conrad Black].
F.11 Johnson, Al. 1974. [Interview notes, Apr. 1974].
F.12 Johnson, Peter. 2010s. [Interview transcript, re: Loyalists].
F.13 Kerr, Aubrey. 1992. [Interview transcript, Jun. 4, 1992].
F.14 Knowles, Frank. 1996. [Interview transcript, Nov. 6, 1996].
F.15 Lacavera, Tony. 2009. [Interview transcript].
F.16 Lassonde, Pierre. N.d. [Interview transcript fragment].
F.17 Leeming, Howard. N.d. [Interview transcript].
F.18 Levine, Michael. Ca. 2010. [Interview transcript fragment].
F.19 Levy, Moe. 2011-2015. [Interview transcripts].
F.20 Lougheed, Peter. 1993. [Interview transcript fragment].
F.21 MacAulay, John. 1974. [Transcript of CBC ‘Between Ourselves’ broadcast].
F.22 Malcolm, A.H. 1992. [Interview transcript, Oct. 29, 1992].
F.23 Malone, Richard S. (Brig.). 1980. [Interview transcripts].
F.24 Mannix, Ron. 1998. [Typed questions and responses dated Dec. 17, 1997, sent by fax in 1998].
F.25 McCabe, […]. N.d. [Interview transcript fragment].
F.26 McCafferty, Michael. 1995. [Interview transcript, re: Diefenbaker].
F.27 McCain, A.D. 1981. [Interview transcript, December 1981].
F.28 McDougald, John Angus “Bud”. Ca. 1974. [Interview transcript].
F.29 McMillan, David. N.d. [Interview transcript fragment].
Box 205
F.1 Munk, Peter. 1986. [Telephone interview transcript, Dec. 20, 1986].
F.2 Munk, Peter. 1989. [Interview transcripts, Apr. 15, 1989].
F.3 Munk, Peter. 1989. [Interview transcripts, May 19, 1989].
F.4 Munk, Peter. 1990. [Interview transcript, Nov. 29, 1990].
F.5 Munk, Peter. 1991. [Interview transcript, Sept. 24, 1991].
F.6 Munk, Peter. 1992. [Interview transcript May 11, 1992. Also includes interview transcript with others titled ‘Barrick Interviews’, Mar. 3, 1992].
F.7 Munk, Peter. 1993. [Interview transcript, May 6, 1993].
F.8 Munk, Peter. 1994. [Interview transcript, May 26, 1994].
F.9 Munk, Peter. N.d. [Interview transcript fragments].
F.10 Nystrom, Mark. Ca. 2011. [Interview transcript].
F.11 O’Brian, Michael. 1997. [Interview transcript, Nov. 1997, re: Robert Friedland].
F.12 O’Hagan, Dick. [1974]. [Photocopy, interview notes, Jun. 1974].
F.13 O’Leary, Gratton. [1973]. [Photocopy, interview notes re: C.D. Howe, Nov. 1973].
F.14 Ondaatje, Christopher. 2004. [Interview transcript, Oct. 2004].
F.15 Ostry, Bernard and Sylvia. [1974]. [Photocopy, interview notes, Apr. 1974].
F.16 Owen, Loudon. 2011. [Interview transcripts].
F.17 Pachter, Charles. 1985. [Interview transcript, Aug. 7, 1985].
F.18 Pearson, Lester B. 1965. [Photocopy, interview notes, Feb. 11, 1965].
F.19 [Unidentified interview transcripts, fragments]. N.d.
Box 206
26 audio cassette tapes.
Number | Name | Notes | Date |
01 | Beck, Howard | American Barrick Resources Corporation | Oct. 2, 1989 |
02 | Beck, Howard and |
| May 11, [1989] |
03 | Munk, Peter | American Barrick Resources Corporation; Side 1 and 2 | Nov. 29, 1990 |
04 | Munk, Peter | American Barrick Resources Corporation; Side 3 | Nov. 29, 1990 |
05 | Munk, Peter | American Barrick Resources Corporation | May 1, 1990 |
06 | Munk, Peter | Address to Upsala College convocation | 1991 |
07 | Munk, Peter |
| Oct. 19, 1993 |
08 | Munk, Peter and |
| Nov. 11, 1986 |
09 | Munk, Peter, |
| Aug. 23, Sep. 3, Sep. 5, 1985. |
10 | Munk, Peter |
| May 26, [] |
11 | Rotman, Joseph | Re: Peter Munk | Jun. 22, 1992 |
12 | Donolo, Peter |
| N.d. |
13 | Russell, Sinclair |
| N.d. |
14 | [Heller, George] | Hudson Bay Company | N.d. |
15 | McClelland, Jack |
| N.d. |
16 | [Jarvis, Allen] |
| N.d. |
17 | Lawrence, R. John (Jack) | Chairman, CEO, Burns Fry | Jun. 6, 1990 |
18 | [Rush, Paul] |
| N.d. |
19 | “Icons in Aspic” | [unrelated recorded music] | N.d. |
20 | [Gupta, Steve] |
| Jul. 28, 2015 |
21 | ["MUL Campaign”] | [Blank] | N.d. |
22 | "Great Tape” | [unrelated music] | N.d. |
23 | McCain, A.D. |
| Dec. 1981 |
24 | Loudon, Owen |
| 2011 |
25 | Loudon, Owen |
| 2011 |
26 | Loudon, Owen |
| N.d. |
27 | Blimp, Col. [Angus] |
| N.d. |
28 | […] | [Blank] | N.d. |
Box 207
Digital files. 20 floppy discs (3 ½ inch).
[Information below has been transcribed from associated documents. Digital files have not been accessed].
- Toronto Disc 1. 25 Files (Adams, Michael, Mar. 1997 – Sheperd, John. Feb. 7, 1997.
- Toronto Disc 2. 16 Files (Anthony Munk, Feb. 1997 – Stevenson, John (undated, re; Galen Weston)
- Toronto Disc 3. 25 files (Allan Silber, Counsel Corp. Feb. 7, 1997 – Wright, Dr. Douglas. Sept. 24, 1997.
- Toronto Disc 4. 19 files. (Baillie, James. Sep. 19, 1996. - Waitzer, Ed. Sept. 22, 1997.
- Toronto Disc. 5. 7 files. (Ira Gluskin, Feb. 4, 1997 – Dr. Joseph Wong. Feb 7, 1997).
- Montreal Transcripts 39 files. 1997 (floppy missing).
- Vancouver Disk #1. 25 files (Audain, Michael Oct. 1997 – Fipke, Chuck. Apr. 1997).
- Vancouver Disk. #2. 24 files. (Ketcham, Oct. 1997 – Stephen Stockwell (Kelowna), Apr. 1997.
- Vancouver Disk. #3. 10 files. (Ross Fitzpatrick. Apr. 1997 – VIG editor Indian Magazine. Aug. 1997).
- Calgary Interviews (29 Files). (Bill Britton, Nov. 10, 1997 – Brett Wilson, First Energy. Nov. 11, 1997).
- Halifax, New Brunswick & PEI. (30 files). Alan Scales. Nov. 97 – Steve Parker. Oct. 14, 1997.
- Winnipeg Interviews. 11 files. Allan Levine Oct. 1997 – Winnipeg Note. Sept. 18, 1997.
- Edmonton interviews. Nov. 13, 1997 (6 files). Erker, Dennis Fairly Erker Group – Bruce Saville.
- Peter Munk Interviews. 5 files.
- Oct. 19, 1993 (file Name Munk 19)
- May 26, 1994 (Munk26)
- Dec 13, 1994 (Peter Munk)
- Sep. 4, 1997 (Peter Munk2)
- Munk Notes *undated, re Conrad Black, C. Bronfman, B. Amiel.
- Scott Paterson Package 13 files (missing)
- Paul Demarais Interviews. (Dec. 1996, Palm Beach). 3 files.
- Robert Friedland (5 floppies). 7 tapes. 14 hours. 7 files. Interviews Re: Robert Friedland 1997. Singapore. 77
- [New July 24, 1996 – Giustra, Guistra3, Paterson, Scott – 4 files].
- Peter C. Newman. Potemkin Essay. Draft 1 “Who Do you Think You Are”
- #164 Homecountry Good One