Finding Aid
1. Chalier Procureur de la Commune à Lyon, condamné à mort le 29 mai 1793, 47 × 30 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 6 de la République [1797]
2. Charette, Commandant en Chef l’armée royale de la vendée, Fusillé à Nantes le 9 Germinal, l’an 4 [29 March 1796], 42 × 32 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi Bertaux, l’an 8 de la République [1799]
3. Joseph Emmanuel Sieyes, né à Frejus le 3 mai 1748, 47 × 30 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 10 de la République [1801]
4. La Tour d’Auvergne, Premier Grenadier de la République française, tué à la bataille d’Hoberhausen, le 8 Messidor, an 8. (28 juin 1800.), 48 × 30 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 10 de la République [1800]
5. Camille Desmoulins, Député de Paris à la convention nationale, jugé à mort le 6 avril 1794, 47.5 × 32 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 6 de la République [1797]
6. Dumouriez, Ministre des Affaires Étrangères, Puis Ministre de la Guerre, enfin Général des armées françaises dans le Nord en 1792 et 1793, 47.5 × 30 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 6 de la République [1797]
7. Guadet, Deputé à la convention nationale, décapité à Bordeaux en l’an 2, (1794), 48 × 31 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 9 de la République [1800]
8. Charles Duval d’Épremenil, conseiller au parlement de Paris; et Député aux Etats Généraux de 1789, 47.5 × 31 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 8 de la République [1799]
9. Fouquier-Tainville, né à Hérouan, Déput. Dept. de l’Aisne, en 1747. Accusateur public au tribunal ré Jugé à mort le 17 Floréal, et décapité le 18, l’an 3 [6-7 May 1795], 46 × 31 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 7 de la République [1798]
10. Henriot Commandant Général de la Garde Nationale Parisienne, en 1974 exécuté le 10 Thermidor, an 2 de la République [28 July 1794], 47 × 30 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 7 de la République [1798]
11. Caritat de Condorcet Député à la convention nationale, mort le 28 mars 1794, 47.5 × 30 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 6 de la République [1797]
12. Marie-Jean Hérault-de-Sechelles, Député à l’assemblée législative et à la convention nationale. Décapité le 16 Germinal l’an 2. (5 April 1794), 48 × 31 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an X de la République [1801]
13. Gensonné, Député à la convention nationale, décapité le 31 octobre 1793, 47 × 31 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 8 de la République [1799]
14. Pierre Manuel, Procureur de la Commune de Paris en 1792, ensuite Député à la convention nationale, jugé le 24 Brumaire, l’an 2 [14 November 1793], 47.5 × 30 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 8 de la République [1799]
15. Le Général Marceau, mort le 3e. jour complémentaire de l’an 4; 22 [septem]bre 1796, 48 × 30.5 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 8 de la République [1799]
16. Jean Sylvain Mauri, Député aux États Généraux de 1798, depuis Cardinal à Rome, 47.5 × 31.5 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 7 de la République [1798]
17 and 18. Chaumette Procurer Syndic de la commune de Paris en 1793. Jugé à mort le 12 avril 1794, 49.5 × 33 cm; 47 × 29.5 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 8 de la République [1799], 2 copies
19. Pichegru, Général en Chef de l’armée du nord, en l’an II et en l’an III, ensuite Député au corps législatif, né à Arbois, Département du Jura, le 16 fevrier 1761, 48 × 31 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 10 de la République [1801]
20. Championnet, successivement Général en Chef de l’armée de Naples, de l’armée des Alpes, et des armées réunies des Alpes et d’Italie, 48.5 × 31 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 8 de la République [1799]
21. Claude Roberjot, ministre plénipotentiare de la République française à Rastadt en 1798 et 1799, (l’an 6 et l’an 7), 47 × 30 cm. Drawn and engraved by Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 9 de la République [1800]
22. Napoléon Ier 1769-1821 [Napoleon, “Little Corporal” on 7 July 1807 at Tilsit], 28.5 × 22 cm. B&w photograph by [Nicolas] Gosse, 1106 Musée de Versailles
23. Napoléon à Craonne [1814], 42 × 32 cm, colour image size 17 × 12.5 cm. Engraving by Hébert, drawn by A. Raffet, 1839
24. [Louis , Chevalier de Toussard], 40.5 × 30.5 cm, image size 17.5 × 12.5 cm. Copyright 1900 by Max Rosenthal, Philadelphia, with Rosenthal’s signature
25. Louis, Chevalier de Toussard 1749-1821, 40.5 × 30.5 cm, image Size 17.5 × 12.5 cm. Mezzotint by Max Rosenthal, edition limited to 50 sets in 3 states of the plate
26. Letter [in facsmile in English, 4 February 1794] introducing Talleyrand to Mr. and Mrs. Breck Philadelphia [signed by Laperouse & foreign officers in the American army], 34 × 26.5 cm
27. Letter [in facsmile in English, 4 February 1794] introducing Talleyrand to Mr. and Mrs. Breck Philadelphia Pl. LIV [signed by Laperouse & foreign officers in the American army], 35 × 27 cm. A different setting than no. 26.
28. Statue of Impératrice Joséphine La Ville de Paris 1763 1814. Image size 24 × 19 cm; page size 35.5 × 30 cm. Albumen print signed Achille Quinet. Paul F. Franco collection
29. 260 Le Dernier Jour de Napoléon Ier. Page size 40 × 30 cm; image Size 27 × 20.5 cm. Stamped albumen by Vincenzo Véla, Paris: J. Kuhn, Musée de Versailles
30. Marengo. 2 5. Prairial an 8 (14 Juin 1800) Bonaparte 1er Consul, 26 × 35 cm. Drawing by Hippolyte Bellangé, engraved by Gihaut frères éditeurs
31. Napoleon’s Vision at St. Helena, 27.5 × 37 cm. From the painting by Kratke, copyrighted by Boussod, Valadon & Co. Supplement to New York Times Mid-Week Pictorial, December 16, 1915
32. Arrival of the Funeral of Napoleon at the Invalides. Paris, Decr. 15th. 1840, 25 × 40 cm, signed LB
33. Blücher and his soldiers, 40.5 × 28 cm, Coloured lithograph, signed A. Waters; J. Ottmann Lith. Co. N.Y.
34. Alerte de la nuit du 14 au 15 Juillet 1789 No. 27, 40.5 × 28 cm. Drawing by Jean-Louis Prieur; engraved by Pierre Gabriel Berthault
35A & 35B Entrée de S.M. L’Empereur à Berlin
35A. 25 × 32.5 cm
35B. 25 × 33 cm
Engraved by L.J. Allais from a sketch by Jean-Baptiste Debret. Printed by Ostervald l’ainé, Paul F. Franco collection
36. Bataille d’Austerlitz (2 décembre 1805), 23 × 31 cm. Drawn by François-Pascal-Simon Gérard, engraved by Leopold Beyer, printed by F. Chardon ainé
37. Bataille d’Eylau (7 février 1807), 23 × 31 cm. Drawn by Antoine-Jean Gros, engraved by Alexandre Marie Colin, printed by F. Chardon ainé
38. La Garde Nationale de Paris Part Pour L’Armée (septembre 1792), 23 × 31 cm. Drawn by Léon Cogniet, engraved by Jean François Pourvoyeur, printed by F. Chardon ainé
39. Cécile Renaud arrêtée chez Robespierre le 22 mai, et jugée le 17 juin 1794: ou 4 Prairial et 29 du même mois,l’ an 2e. de la République, 27 × 33 cm. Pierre Gabriel Berthault, no. 110
40. Favras, Faisant Amende Honourable en face d’Église de Notre Dame à Paris le 19 février 1790, 27 × 32 cm. Drawn by Jean-Louis Prieur , engraved by Pierre Gabriel Berthault after, no. 45
41. Reprise de Toulon Par Les Troupes Françaises le 18 décembre 1793: ou 28 Frimaire de la République, 27 × 33 cm. Drawn by Jacques François Joseph Swebach-Desfontaines, engraved by Pierre Gabriel Berthault, no. 104
42. Les Troupes Françaises Passant le Rhin Prés Dusseldorff, le 20 Fructidor an 3me [6 Sepetmber 1795] de la République, 27 × 33 cm. Drawn by Jacques François Joseph Swebach-Desfontaines, engraved by Claude-Nicolas Malapeau, no. 128
43. Croquades Variés No. 3 [soldiers on horseback], 35 × 25 cm. London: published by Shepherd & Sutton, printed by Lefevre & Kohler
44. La Main Grenadier [29 July 1809], 27 × 36 cm. Déposé à Paris chez M.V. Turgis
45. Bateau de Poudre Arrêté au Port St. Paul, le 6 aoust 1789, 26.5 × 31 cm. Drawn by Jean-Louis Prieur , engraved by Pierre Gabriel Berthault, after, no. 32
46. Napoleon à Smolensk [1812], 24.5 × 31 cm. Déposé à Paris chez Codoni jeune
47. Ah! Monsieur Vous Voulez Donc Ne Faire Mourir de Joie!!! [Napoleon and Josephine seated at a table with servants, Milan, 1797], 24 × 31 cm. Déposé à Paris chez M.V. Turgis
48. Skizze Aus Der Französ. Revolution, 32 × 40.5 cm, image 16 × 24 cm. Printed pencil sketch by Carl von Piloty, Adolf Ackerman in Munich
49. [Bearded man in uniform wearing medals and hat], 35.5 × 25 cm, coloured print. Nach d’Original des G. Schedler im Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck, Verlag der Franz Unterbergerschen Kunsthandlung
50. Bataille de Wagram (deuxième journée) 6 Juillet 1809, 27 × 32 cm. Drawn by Hippolyte Ballangé, engraved by Pierre-Eugène Aubert
51. Bataille de Watignies 16 Octobre 1793, 27 × 35 cm. Drawn by Loeillot from painting Louis Eugène Lami, engraved by Pierre-Eugène Aubert, Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard
52. Prise du Pont de Lecco 6 Juin 1800, 25.5 × 34.5 cm. Drawn by G.P. Bagetti, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 702
53. Bataille de Lodi (10 Mai 1796) passage de L’Adda, 25.5 × 35.5 cm. Drawn by G.P. Bagetti, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard. No. 571
54. Bataille de Rivoli (12 Janvier 1797) défense de l’armée française à Ferrar, 26 × 34 cm. Drawn by G.P. Bagetti, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 608
55. Prise des hauteurs de Saint-Michel 20 Avril 1796, 26 × 34 cm. Drawn by G.P. Bagetti, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 551
56. Siège de Toulon (8 Octobre 1793) Investissement de la Place, 33 × 24.5 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by Ed. Chavane. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 489
57. Combat d’Anghiari 14 Janvier 1797, 25 × 33.5 cm. Drawn by G.P. Bagetti, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard. No. 619
58. Passage de L’Inn 9 Decémbre 1800, 26 × 33.5 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard
59. Bataille de la Moskawa (1ère feuille) 7 Septembre 1812, 21 × 39 cm. Drawn by Jean-Charles Langlois, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard
60. Prise de Koenigsberg 14 et 15 Juin 1807, 23.5 × 33 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by Chavane jeune. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 843
61. M. Gerard and his Family Painted by David, 32 × 24.5 cm, photographic reproduction
62. Lauriston (Jacques Alexandre Bernard Law, marquis de) le 6 juin 1823 Maréchal de France 1828, 37 × 23 cm. Drawn by Gérard. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 1553
63. Bataille de Valmy Sept. 1792, 24 × 35 cm. Drawn by L. Massard from a painting by H. Vernet, engraved by Pierre-Eugène Aubert. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 458
64. Combat de Wesen 26 Septembre 1799, 26.5 × 36 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by Chavanne. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 233
65. Bataille de Hanau 30 Octobre 1813, 25.5 × 36 cm. Drawn by H. Vernet, engraved by Samuel Cholet, No. 939
66. Bataille de Jemmapes 6 Novemb. 1792 , 22 × 36 cm. Drawn by L. Massard from a painting by H. Vernet, engraved by Pierre-Eugène Aubert. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard
67. Entrée de l’armée française à Leipsick 18 Octobre 1806, 24 × 35 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by Chavane. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 616
68. Saint Cloud vers 1713 à 1720 Vue du chàteau et des jardins du côté du bassin du fer à cheval, 23 × 35 cm. Engraved by Bury
69. Bataille de Zurich 1799 25 septembre 1799, 23 × 30 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard
70. Versailles, 22 × 14 cm. Photogravure from a painting
70. Sainte Hélène (5 mai 1821), 15.5 × 22 cm. Drawn by Sandoz, engraved by Doherty, printed by F. Chardon ainé
72. Prise du Château de Cossaria 14 Avril 1796, 33.5 × 25.5 cm. Drawn by Brunner from a painting by Nicolas Antoine Taunay, engraved by Schroeder. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard
73. Bataille d’Eylau (8 Février 1807), 23 × 30 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 830
74. The Nelson Column Trafalgar Square, 32 × 24 cm. Drawn by G. Hawkins, engraved by J.B. Allen, Paul F. Franco collection
75. Bataille de Marengo (14 Juin 1800), 27 × 41 cm. Drawn by Carle Vernet, engraved by Jean François Pourvoyeur, No. 708
76. Bataille d’Oporto 29 Mars 1809, 32.5 × 23.5 cm. Drawn by Aug. Sandoz from a painting by Joseph Beaume, engraved by Pierre-Eugène Aubert. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 870
77. Siège de Dantzick (Avril 1807) Investissement de la place, 31.5 × 23 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 834
78. The Divorce of Josephine, 32 × 24.5 cm. Painted by H.F. Schopin, engraved by F. De Meersman. New York: Patterson & Neilson from the picture collection of Sir Richard Wallace, Bart. Paul F. Franco collection
79. Banquet Offert par les Conseils à Bonaparte et à Moreau dans le Temple de la Victoire (St. Sulpice) 15 Brumaire an VIII [6 November 1799], 32.5 × 26.5 cm, d’après Grenier et E. Courtin. Paul F. Franco collection
80. Après la Charge (Hanau - 1813), 21 × 30.5 cm, by H. Chartier, 1896. photogravure
81. Napoléon Elève â l’Ecole Militaire (1783), 36 × 25 cm. Partially coloured illustration based on a painting by Nicolas Toussaint Charlet
82. Traité de Bayonne Le roi Charles et Ferdinand son fils abdiquent la couronne d’Espagne, 21 × 25 cm
83. The Execution of Louis XVI late King of France, 20.5 × 11.5 cm. Engraved for the Carleton House Magazine
84. Napoleon crossing the Alps – after Deleroche, 26.5 × 18 cm
85. Combat de Succarello 18 Septembre 1795, 33 × 16 cm. Drawn by L. Massard from a painting by Boulanger, engraved by Alès. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 521
86. Prise de Maestricht 4 Nov. 1794, 35 × 17 cm. Drawn by Eugène Lami, engraved by J. Outhwaite. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 512
87. Combat d’Eylau (9 Février 1807) attacque au cimitière, 23 × 30 cm. Drawn by Jean-Antoine Siméon Fort, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 829
88. Prise de Bignasco 25 Mai 1796, 23 × 30 cm. Drawn by G.P. Bagetti, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard. No. 580
89. Passage de l’Artillerie française sou le fort de Bard 21 Mai 1800, 23 × 30 cm. Drawn by G.P. Bagetti, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard. No. 681
90. Passage de la Brenta et prise de Fort de Covelo (Septembre 1796), 23 × 30 cm. Drawn by G.P. Bagetti, engraved by William Skelton. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard. No. 601
91. Combat de Costalla 21 Juillet 1812, 20 × 30 cm. Drawn by Charles-Samuel Girardetfrom a painting by Jean-Charles Langlois, engraved by Claude Marie François Dien. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard
92. Bourgain (G) – Soumission de Mainclucks à Bonaparte, 21 × 33 cm, photogravure
93. The French in Cairo, 23 × 32 cm, from the picture by Walter C. Horsely, photogravure
94. L’Armée française traverse le defile d’Albaredo, 28.5 × 25 cm. Drawn by Loeillot from a painting by Pierre Antoine Mongin, engraved by Schroeder. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard. No. 678
95. Portrait de Turgot, 32 × 22 cm. Photogravure of a painting by Joseph Ducreux. Paul F. Franco collection
96. Bal de Madame Duchesse de Berry l’escalier, 32 × 24 cm. Photogravure of a sketch by Eugène Lami. Paul F. Franco collection
97. [Napoleon portrait], 28 × 23 cm, signed P. Tassaert
98. Schweizer, Membre de la Députation de L’Empire au congrés de Rastadt, en 1797, 1798 et 1799 au nom de la République de Francefort. 28 × 21.5 cm, coloured. Drawn by F. Hof, engraved by C. Guerin A Bâle, chez J. Decker, Libraire. Paul F. Franco Collection
99. [Two soldiers with their horses], 27 × 34.5 cm. Photogravure of an engraving by Jean-Louis Ernest Messonier. Copyright C. Klackner, 1916
100. Voltaire, 4.5 × 24 cm. Girardet from a painting by Dubois; Lith de Ducase
101. Regnier, 30.5 × 21 cm, coloured. Drawn by J. Juerin, engraved by Elizabeth G. Herhan. Déposé à la Bibliothèque Nationale, le 1 Prairial an 8 [21 May 1800] de la République Française
102. Napoléon Ier. Empereur des Français. & Roi d’Italie, 29 × 23 cm. Engraved by Dien
Paris, chez Marchand, Libraire, no. 188
103. Leopoldus II D.G. Rom. Imp. Hung. Et Boh. Rex. Archid. Aust., 33.5 × 24.5 cm. Engraved by Johann Simon Negges, printed? by G. Kraus in Venice
104. Canbacerès, Second Consul de la République française en grand costume, 34.5 × 23.5 cm, coloured, Paris chez Basset
105. Buonaparte, 28.5 × 24 cm. Drawn by T. Phillps in 1802, engraved by Edwards
106. Antonio-Vittore Arciduca d’Austria Gran. Mestro dell’ Ordine Teutonico, 34 × 25 cm. Drawn by Johannnes Monsorno, engraved by David Weiss. Printed in Vienna by Artaria e Comp.
107. Albert Duc de Saxe Teschen &c.&c. dédié à son altesse imperiale Charles Archiduc d’Autriche, 33 × 24.5 cm. Drawn by Johannnes Monsorno, engraved by David Weiss. Printed in Vienna by Artaria e Comp.
108. Ranieri Arciduca d’Austria &.&.&.&. Vice ré del regno lombardo Veneto, 32 × 23 cm. Engraved by Blasius Hofel. Printed in Vienna by Artaria e Comp.
109. Baron von Kleist Königl. Preuss. General-Lieutenant, 33 × 24.5 cm, printed in Vienna by Artaria e Comp.
110. W Von Bülow Königl. Preuss. General Lieutenant, 33 × 24.5 cm, printed in Vienna by Artaria e Comp.
111. Jean Lasnes Duc de Montbello Maréchal de France, 33 × 25.5 cm, Paris, chez Cereghetti
112. Her Majesty Marie-Antoinette Queen of France, 30 × 25 cm. Engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi from a miniature painting by P. Violet. London: publish’d Jany. 18th. 1790 by J.F. Tomkins. Printed in brown
113. Johann Graf von Nostitz Rhienck K.K. Feldmarschalllieutenant, 31 × 25 cm, printed in Vienna by Artaria e Comp.
114. Desfourneaux, 29.5 × 21 cm. Engraved by Forestier under the direction of Ambroise Tardieu. Paul F. Franco collection
115. Ludwig der Sechzehnte König von Frankreich und Navarre, 35 × 25 cm. Painted Joseph Boze, engraved by Sturm, printed by Gebrüden Klauber
116. L’Egalité [portrait of woman], 24.5 × 18 cm. Drawn by Boizot, engraved by Louis Darcis. Paris chez Depeuille
117. L’Egalité Patrone des Républicains français indivisible et invincible [woman holding scales], 17 × 14.5 cm. Engraved by François Bonneville, Paris rue du Théatre Français
118. Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon Duc d’Enghien, 29 × 21 cm
119. Tomb of Marat, 24.5 × 32 cm, after Pillemant. Paul F. Franco collection
120. Proto Ferrajo, in the Isle of Elba, 22 × 28.5 cm. Drawn by W.M. Craing, engraved by R. Campbell. Boston: published by S. Walker
121. Imp. Caes. Franciscvs. II. P.F. Avg. Adsertor. Pvblici. Privatiq. Ivris Depvlsor. Italicae. Servitvtis. A.C. M.DCCIC. EXX Archet. Co. Franc. Calantinivs. Dedic, 30 × 23 cm. Drawn by Franciscus Novelli, engraved by Joseph Mezzani. Printed in Venice by Vincentius Giacconi
122. Marie Louise Archiduke d’Autriche Impératice de France Reine d’Italie, 30 × 25 cm. Engraved by Auguste B. Desnoyers from the miniature painting by Guérard. Paris chez l’Auteur
123. Marie Antoinette Reine de France et de Navarre, 32.5 × 25.5 cm. Paris chez Germain Mathiot
124. Sua Maesta la Regina Maria Luisa di Barbone Infanta di Spagna Duchessa di Lucca ec. ec., 38 × 27 cm, Drawn by Biondi, lithograph by Salucci Firenze. Paul F. Franco collection
125. F. De Coulmiers Abbé regulr. d’Abbecour Député de la Vicomte et Prévoté de Paris, 32.5 × 22.5 cm, in brown and black. Engraved by A. Sergent. Chez Sargent and à pais chez le Vachez
collection Génerale des Portraits… à Versailles le 4 mai 1789
126. Vincenzo Monti, 38 × 26 cm. Drawn by Bettoni, engraved by P. Becceni (under the direction of Longhi)
127. Mr. Necker, 34 × 24 cm. Painted by J.S. Duplessis, engraved by Auguste de St. Aubin, Paris chez l’Auteur
128. The Hon. Samuel Barrington, Admiral of the White, & Lieutenant General of marines, 38 × 26.5 cm. Drawn by W. Evans from an original picture of A.G. Stuart, engraved by G. Bartozzi. Published 7 February by T. Cadell & W. Davies, London
129. Fürst Platow Kaiserl Russischer General der Cavallerie und Hetmann der Donischen Cosaken. Coloured, 33 × 24 cm. Industrie Comptor in Leipzig
130. Le Lieut. Général Foy Député du Dépt. de l’Aisne, 31 × 21.5 cm, coloured. Paris chez Demaison
131. Ch. Ant. Chasset Avocat Maire de Ville-Franche Député du Beaujolois, Président, 33 × 24 cm. Drawn by Lembert, engraved by Coqueret. Paris chez le Vachez. Collection Génerale des Portraits… à Versailles le 4 mai 1789
132. Fürst Repnin Wolchonsky Russisch Kaiserlicher Generalmajor und Generaladjutant…., 34.5 × 24 cm, coloured. Industrie Comptor in Leipzig
133. Graf von Wrede Königlich Bayrischen General der Cavallerie, 33.5 × 25 cm. Printed in Vienna by Artaria e Comp.
134. M.A. Charrier de Nasbinals. Député du Gevaudan, 32 × 20.5 cm. Coloured, no. 36. Drawn by Mercier, engraved by J.F. Allais. Paris chez le Vachez. Collection Génerale des Portraits… à Versailles le 4 mai 1789
135. Oeuvres de Beaumarchais Paris Alph. Lemerre 1872, 31 × 22.5 cm. Engraved by Bracquemond, printed by A. Salmon
136. L’Impératrice Joséphine, 31.5 × 25 cm. Printed by Jamomme
137. A.P.J.M Barnave Deputirter aus dem Dauphine…., 31.5 × 23 cm. Printed by Gebrüder Klauber
138. Napoleon et le danseur de Corde, 32 × 23.5 cm. Drawn by François Grenier, lithograph by V. Ratier. La Sihouette Album
139. André Dumont, Député de la Somme…, 31 × 24.5 cm. Drawn by Gabriel, engraved by M. Riester?
140. Louis Seize Roi de France et de Navarre, 35 × 25 cm. Painted by Joseph Boze in 1785, engraved by Benoît-Louis Henriquez
141. Conte Giuseppe Luosi fu gran guidici Ministro della Guisizia…., 39 × 26 cm. Drawn by Napoleone Melini, lithograph by P. Bertotti, Milan
142. Pascal de Paoli Général des Corses, 32 × 22 cm. Paul F. Franco collection
143. Dachaffault de Besné (Louis Charles de Rezay comte), 29.5 × 22 cm. Painted by Marlet, engraved by Delannoy. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard. Paul F. Franco collection
144. François II, Empereur d’Autriche et Roi de Bohême et de Hongrie, 30 × 24 cm. Drawn by Swebach, engraved by L. Gabriel. Paris chez Joubert fils et Charles les Blance
145. Fried. Adolph Ludwig von Bismark Königl Preusse General Major, 31 × 23 cm. Drawn by Buchorn, engraved by Bollinger. Verlag bei Baptista Weiss, Berlin
146. Louis XVII. Roi de France et de Navaree, 36 × 25 cm. Drawn by P. Bouillon from a bust by A. Valois, engraved by P. Audoin
147. Kinderkopf Von C.L. Vogel, 31 × 26 cm. Albumen print, photo and publisher F. and O. Brockmann, Dresdener Galerie
148. [Woman behind bars], 41 × 27 cm, photogravure
149. [Officer with sword], 32.5 × 26 cm. Paul F. Franco collection
150. Napoleon I Fontainebleau 31 Maerz 1814, 27 × 19 cm. Drawn by Paul Delaroche, engraved by G.L. Leybold. Paul F. Franco collection
151-2. [Married couple and wedding guests outside of a restaurant], 42 × 31.5 cm, 2 copies in brown. Photogravure Goupil, G.J.A. Cain. Paul F. Franco collection
153-4. [Queen Marie Antoinette and her children], 37.5 × 30.5 cm; 42 × 31.5 cm, 3 copies. Photogravure Goupil, Vigée Le Brun
155. Charlotte Corday. [death scene of Marat with Corday standing behind a curtain], 43 × 30 cm. Photogravure from a painting by Jules Aviat
156. Napoleon Louis Bonaparte, 32.5 × 25 cm. Drawn by Stewart, engraved by H.B. Hall
157. Colonne de la Place Vendôme, 33 × 26 cm. Engraving by Chamoüin from a Daguerreotype
Paul F. Franco collection
158. William Pitt , 32 × 23 cm. Drawn by P. Macdowell, engraved by W.H. Mote
159-60. Napoleonis Mater, 32 × 23.5 cm, 2 copies. From the statue by Canova owned by the Duke of Devonshire. Drawn by F. Roffe, engraving by W.H. Mote
161. [Maret Duc de Bassano], 45 × 32 cm. Drawn by Jean-Baptiste Isabey, engraving by Goulière
162. The Empress Eugénie, 40.5 × 30 cm. Photogravure Goupil, P.G. Gerard. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Paul F. Franco collection
163. La Belle Hamilton, 38 × 27.5 cm. Drawn by Sir Peter Lely, engraved by C. Rolls. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Paul F. Franco collection
164-5. Marie Antoinette on her way to the place of execution, 33 × 25 cm, 2 copies. Engraved by H. Balding from the statue by Lord Ronald Gower. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Paul F. Franco collection
166. The Last Toilet of Charlotte Corday, 37 × 28 cm. Drawn by E.M. Ward, engraved by L. Stocks. New York: D. Appleton & Co.
167. Charlotte Corday [in prison, hands being tied], 42 × 32 cm. Drawn by Julian Story. Photogravure Goupil. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Paul F. Franco collection
168. Voltaire’s last visit to Paris, 43 × 30 cm. Drawn by Maurice Leloir. Photogravure. Copyright 1882 by George Barrie
169. Massacre of the Mainelukes from the original painting in the Galllery of the Luxembourg, 38 × 29 cm. Drawn by Alexandre Bida, Garvure Goupil et cie, Gebbie & Co. Paul F. Franco collection
170. His Imperial Majesty The Emperor of the French [Napolen III], 40 × 27 cm. Engraved by D.J. Pound from a photograph. London: presented with the Illustrated News of the World
171. Lieutenant General Sir George Wakelyn Harry Smith, K.C.B., 40 × 27.5 cm. Engraved by D.J. Pound from a photograph by John Eastham. London: presented with the Illustrated News of the World
172. Sur les quais (1795), 42 × 30 cm. Drawn by Georges Cain. Figaro Illustré, 1895. Colour, typogravure Boussod, Valadon et Cie
173. The Battle of Trafalgar, 28 × 37.5 cm. Drawn by J.M.W. Turner, engraved by W. Miller
New York: D. Appleton & Co. Paul F. Franco collection
174. Marie Antoinette at the Conciergerie, 29 × 43 cm. Photogravure. Drawn by Charles Louis Lucien Muller. Copyright 1881 by George Barrie
175-6. [Dramatic depiction of anxious people in a large room (women and children, soldiers, chair upturned, priest, etc.), French Revolution], 27 × 41 cm, 2 copies, one on thin paper. Photogravure
177. La Garde Nationale de Paris part pour l’armée September 1792, 29.5 × 45 cm. Engraved by Beyer and Jean François Pourvoyeur. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe Gavard, no. 457. Paul F. Franco collection
178. Bataille de Fleures 26 Juin 1794, 29.5 × 45 cm. Drawn by A. Sandoz from a painting by Jean-Batiste Mauxaisse, engraved by Frilley. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 506. Paul F. Franco collection
179. La Consulta de la République Cisalpine réunie en Comices à Lyon décerné la présidence au premier Consul Bonaparte (26 janvier 1802), 29 × 39 cm. Drawn by Girardet from a painting by Nicolas-André Monsiau, engraved by Torlet. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 728. Paul F. Franco collection
180. Mort de Busson (5 novembre 1827), 37.5 × 30 cm. Drawn by Girardet from a painting by Mme Rang, engraved by Leclerc. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 977
181. [Baron Berger], 40.5 × 31 cm. Drawn by Longhi, engraved by Mediol, 1808
182. Bataille de Hohenlinden 3 Décem. 1800, 30 × 44 cm. Drawn by Schopin, engraved by Frilley. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pentagraphe-Gavard, no. 718. Paul F. Franco collection
183. Henri de la Roche Jacquelein, 30 × 43 cm. Drawn by Julien Le Blant, engraved by Menzies, printed by A. Salmon. Salon de 1879
184. Passage du Rhin à Kehl 24 Juin 1796, 29 × 40 cm. Drawn by Charlet, engraved by Huot
Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 583
185. Rouget d l’Isle Singing the Marseillais for the First Time, 29 × 38 cm, photogravure. Painted by J.A.A. Pils (Luxembourg Gallery), engraved by Goupil et cie. Paul F. Franco collection
186. [Soldiers, peasants, prisoner in chains, and children in the coutyard of a walled building], 30 × 43 cm, photogravure. Drawn by Carl von Häberlin Stuttgart 1879. Paul F. Franco collection
187. Episode in the Siege of Saragossa, 29 × 38 cm; 2 copies, one from the Paul F. Franco collection. Photogravure. Drawn by Jules Girardet (1881), engraved by Goupil et cie
188. The Old Noblesse in the Conciergerie, 28 × 38 cm. Drawn by W.H. Fisk, engraved by C.W. Sharpe. New York: Appleton & Co., Paul F. Franco collection
189. Bataille de Lutzen 2 Mai 1813, 28 × 37 cm. Drawn by Girardet from a painting by Beaume, engraved by P. Brunellière. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard
190. Marie Louise d’Autriche Impératice des Français & Reine d’Italie, 38.5 × 30 cm. Drawn by P. Freilhon, engraved by Millier. Printed in Vienna by les principaux Mds d’Estampes
191. Alexand: De B, 36 × 29 cm. Engraved under the direction of Hollowat, Paul F. Franco collection
192. Victoires et conquêtes Affaire du Château de Bard (Vict: et conq: tome 13me=, page 25. 24 mai 1800. An VIII), 34 × 41 cm. Drawn by Francois Grenier, lithography by C. Motte à Paris
193. Attaque du camp de Mori (Victoires et conquêtes, tome 7, page 46), 33.5 × 41 cm. Drawn by François Grenier (1891), lithography by C. Motte
194. [Battle of Castiglione August 3 1796], 31 × 45 cm. Early trial proof. Drawn by Martnet, engraved by Lerouge jeune
195. Vue intérieure de l’Assemblée du Champ-de-Mai au moment de la présentation des drapeaux, 30 × 44 cm. Drawn by Martinet, engarved by Jaxet
196. Bataille de Castiglione Bonaparte à Lonato – 3,4,5 aout 1796, 29 × 45 cm. Drawn by Martinet, engraved by Le Jeune
197. Passage du Mont-Saint-Bernard, Bonaparte-14 Mai 1800, 30 × 45 cm. Drawn by Martinet, engraved by Le Jeune
198. Départ de l’armée d’Orient pour l’Égypte 19 mai 1798, 29 × 44 cm. Drawn by Martinet, engraved by Le Jeune
199. [Napoleon with his soldiers, tents in the background], 30 × 41 cm. Drawn by L. Marin
200. General-Major Boguslaw von Dźierżanowski Commandant in Celle, 42 × 30 cm. Drawn by N. Casler (1831), lithograph by Julius Giere Hannover
201. Ferino [Governor of Grenoble], 38.5 × 29 cm. Drawn by J. Guerin, engraved by Elisabeth Herhan. Déposé à la Bibliothèque National, le 1 Thermidor, l’an 9 [20 July 1800]
202. Les adieux de Louis XVI à sa famille, 42 × 32 cm
203. Armand Louis de Gontaut Duke dc Lauzun, 38 × 31 cm. Etched by H.B. Hull, Morrisania, N.Y., 1873
204. Biron (Louis-Antoine de Gontaut, duc de) 24 février 1757 Maréchal de France, 1778 Grave par Francois, 37 × 31 cm. Drawn by Court, engraved by François. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 1489
205. Fesch (Joseph) Cardinal, Archevêque de Lyon, grand aumonier de l’Empire, 38 × 29 cm
Drawn by Meynier, engraved by Thibault. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pentagraphe-Gavard
206. John 16th. Earl of Shrewsbury, Wexford and Waterford, F.S.A., 41 × 31 cm. Drawn by Joseph, Francis, Aloysius Lynch from a painting by Carl Baas, lithographed by Day & Son
207. The Right Hon: Lord Barham, Admiral of the Red Squadron, 38.5 × 31 cm. Engraved by Miss M Bourlier from an original drawing by I. Downmar. Published Oct. 12, 1809 by T. Cadell & W. Davies, London
208A. Vue extérieure du temple [castle in background], 30 × 23 cm
208B. [Grasset’s Napoleon], 36 × 28 cm. Designed for Century Co., then used for a glass by Tiffany, and reproduced in the Literary Collector, vol. 3, no. (1902)
209. King, Queen and Dauphin or France sic transit gloria mundi, 27 × 19 cm. No. 33
210. Battaglia d’Eylau [Feb. 8 -10, 1807], 19 × 26 cm
211. Entrevue de L’Empereur Napoléon et du Grand-Duc dans les jardins du Palais de Wurtzbourg (2 octob. 1806), 39 × 45 cm. Drawn by Hippollyte Lecomte, engraved by Aubert père, Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 808
212. Carnot of Wattlignies, 49 × 35 cm. Drawn by Moreau de Tours, photogravure by Gebbie & Hudson Co. Ltd.
213. Entrevue de Napoléon et du pape Pie VII dans la forêt de Fontainbleau (26 nov. 1804), 40 × 39 cm. Drawn by Demaire and Dunoui, engraved by A. Pilinski. Galerie historique de Versailles
Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, no. 741
214. Bertrand Ctc Clausel 30 juillet 1831 Maréchal de France. George Mouton Ctc de Lobau 30 juillet 1831 Maréchal France + 1838, 33 × 39.5 cm. Drawn by B. Raynaud, engraved by Ruhierre . Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe Gavard
215. The Young Hussar (the late Lord Fitzgibbon), 32 × 23.5 cm. Engraved by W.H. Motte from the statue by P. MacDowell. London: James S. Virtue
216. Beurnonville (Pierre de Riel, Marquis de) le 3 juillet 1816 Maréchal de France + 1821. Painted by Rathier Coigny (Marie François Henri de Franquetot Marquis puise duc de) le 3 juillet 1816 Maréchal de France + 1821. Painted by Rouget, 32 × 41.5 cm. Drawn by Girardet, engraved by Darodes. Galerie historique de Versailles. Diagraphe et Pantographe-Gavard, nos. 1549-50
217. Jean-Sifrein Maury, Député aux États-Generaux de 1789, depuis Cardinal à Rome et Archevêque de Paris, 49 × 33.5 cm. Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, l’an 7 de la République [1798]
218. The Reunion [Napoleon and his son in the sky], 38 × 28 cm. Drawn by Tasset, lithographed by G. Rymer. Published by O. Hodgsen Oct. 8th 1832
219. [Napoleon on horseback], 35 × 33 cm. Printed in brown. Paul F. Franco collection
220. Destruction of Count Bismarck’s Cuirassiers by the Mitrailleuse, 17.5 × 27 cm
221. Battle of Eylau, 18 × 27 cm. The London Printing and Publishing Company Limited
222. Cafarelli [Louis M.J.M. Caffarelli du Falga, French General, died 1801], 23 × 15 cm. Engraved by Dutertre
223. Yes, Beda, thus Beda, when I melancholy grew…., 19 × 24 cm. Sheet music
224. Officer with sword, 28.5 × 19.5 cm, colour. Engraved by Blücher
225. Mameluck (en garde), 35 × 27.5 cm. Drawing by Hippolyte Bellangé, lithographed by G. Engelmann, No. 3
226. [Officer on a ship holding scales] … des humains, la balance à la main il pèse le destin. Voltaire, 46 × 38 cm
227. Bataille de Bassano, 39 × 48 cm. Drawn by Webert, lithographed by C. Motte<
228. Napoléon accepte la couronne de fer, 38 × 49 cm. Drawn by Courtin, figures drawn by Adam, lithographed by. C. Motte
229. Lord Viscount Nelson Duke of Bronti, &c.&c., 26 × 21 cm. Engraved by Hopwood from an original painting for Gifford’s History of the War. London: published by Lewis & Oddy, Oct. 1815
230. Nelson. Drawn by Hoppner, engraved by A.H. Payne. London: Brain & Payne
231-2. Horatio, Viscount Nelson . 25 × 18 cm and 27 × 19.5 cm; 2 copies, one from the Paul F. Franco collection. Engraved by W. Finden from the original of Hoppner. London & New York, JohnTallis & Company
233. Nelson Bronte, 23.5 × 16 cm. Engraved by S. Freeman from painting by F.S. Abbot. Paul F. Franco collection
234. Nelson Bronte, 25 × 16 cm. Printed by Hoppner, engraved by H Robinson
235-6. Horatio Nelson, Viscount Nelson, 15 × 9.5 cm, 2 copies. Drawn by J. Hoppner, engraved by E. Prudhomme, New York: J.&J. Harper. Paul F. Franco collection
237. Lord Nelson, 21 × 14 cm. Engraved by T. Woolnoth from an original picture by J. Hoppner
London: James S. Virtue
238. F.C. Kellermann, 21 × 12 cm. Drawn by F. Bonneville, engraved by L.A. Claesens
239. Charlotte Corday, 36.5 × 31 cm. Engraving by Metzmacher from a painting by Jean François Gigoux 1848
240. George the Third, 26 × 21 cm. Engraved by H.R. Cook from an original painting for Gifford’s History of the War. London: published by S.A. Oddy, 20 April 1815. Paul F. Franco collection
241. Prince Regent [later George IV], 26 × 21 cm. Engraved by Roberts from an original painting for Gifford’s History of the War. London: published by Lewiss & Oddy, 1 August 1815. Paul F. Franco collection
242. The Sun of Austerlitz [Napoleon on horseback], 35.5 × 28 cm. After the poster by Eugene Grasset. Copyright, 1894, 1895 by the Century Co.
243. [Voltaire], 33 × 26 cm; proof. Engraved by P.G. Langlois from a painting by Maurice Quentin de la Tour
244. Rouget de Lisle La Marseillaise, 32 × 25 cm. Coloured. Engraved by G. Staal
245. Memorial de St. Hélène, 36.5 × 28 cm. Drawn by Charlet, engraved by J. Quartley. Printed by Lacrampe et comp
246. Marie Antoinette Going to Her Execution , 42 × 22.5 cm. Coloured print from a painting by François Flameng. Art supplement to the New York Recorder, 7 Jan. 1894. New York: The Knapp Co. Lith.
247. The Evening of the Battle of Waterloo, 21 × 38.5 cm. By E. Crofts (coloured print). Cranston Fine Arts, Scotland, courtesy of the National Museums and Galleries of Merseyside, Walker Art Gellery
248. Cupid’s Garden, 22 × 14 cm. Coloured. Etched by Gery-Bichard
249. Ground Plan of Longwood, 23 × 28 cm. Engraved by H. Moise. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1823
250. A Vision on the Way. “Beware!”, 33 × 54 cm. Proclamation of the French People by the Emperor Napoleon III, July 1870. Engraved by Swain
251. A Vision on the Way. “Beware!”, 28.5 × 43.5 cm. Punch, or the London Charivari-July 30/18. No. 21 is a variant of no. 250 and is affixed to it.
252. Révolte de Pavie (1796), 33.5 × 45 cm. Photogravure by E. Bantigne. Printed by Draeger and Lesieur, Paris; Copyright 1895 C.N. Greig and Co. Paul F. Franco collection
253. Révolte de Favie (1796). 34 × 45 cm. No. 253 is the same as no. 252 except for “Favie”
254. Napoleon in the Kremlin, 33.5 × 27 cm. Coloured print. Copyright 1902 National Colour Type Co.
255. Napoleon on Board the Bellerophon, 25 × 38.5 cm,coloured. New York: copyright 1905 American Type Co
256. Bataille d’Austerlitz 2 décembre 1805, 35.5 × 48 cm. Lithograph by Victor Adam I Paris: published by Jeannin, Place du Louvre, printed by Lemercier, Benard et ce
257. Francesco I. Imperatore d’Austria, Re d’Ungheria e di Bohemia, 47.5 × 35 cm. Engraved by Raffaello Morghen (1819). Printed Luigi Bardi e comp.
258. Napoleon at St. Helena, 19 × 14 cm. Painted by B.R. Haydon, engraved by J. Sartain
259. Bonaparte en Égypte (1798), 34 × 45 cm. Photogravure by H.-Maurice Orange
260. Lower Parade, James Town St. Helena with a View of the Late Emperor Passing Down on the 15 th October 1840, 39 × 57 cm. Drawn by Patterson , B.W. Thayer’s Lithography, Boston
261. [Portrait of General Maximilien Sébastien Foy], 55.5 × 41 cm. Proof copy. Drawn by Horace Vernet, engraved by Achille Lefévre, printed by Bel
262. Adieux à la Garde National [Napoleon’s farewell to the National Guard], 44 × 61 cm
Drawn by, lithograph by C. Mott
263. Bataille de Leipzig, 43.5 × 61 cm. Drawn by Champion, lithograph by C. Mott
264. Traité de Bayonne, 45 × 60 cm. Drawn by Demais, lithograph by C. Mott
265. [Reception line at social event, 19th century], 60.5 × 45 cm. Coloured photogravure. Drawn by Mgebach?
266-7. [13 Vendémiaire, 5 October 1795, battle between the French Revolutionary troops and Royalist forces in the streets of Paris], 45 × 60 cm; 2 copies, one from the Paul F. Franco collection. Copyright 1895 by The Century Co.
268. [Soldiers and ladies in Tivoli Gardens of Paris], 45 × 60 cm. Copyright 1875 the Century Co.
269. Körner, 59 x 45 cm. Albumen print of painting. Drawn by G. Jager. Munich and Berlin: Friedr Bruckmann’s Verlag. Paul F. Franco collection
270-4. [Napoleon standing in uniform]. 65 x 50 cm, 4 copies. Photogravure of painting
275. Napoleon, 36 x 29 cm. Drawn and engraved by Calamatta from the original plaster mold of Napoleon by Dr. Antommarchi at St. Helena
276. [Soldiers on horseback], 36 x 34 cm
277. Napoléon [on his deathbed], 26.5 x 34.5 cm. Lithographed by Jobard. No. 3
278. The Old Guard, Mr. J Nickinson, & Miss C. Nickinson as Havresac & Mclane in the Drama of “Napoleons Old Guard, 42 x 34 cm. Lithograph of Sarony & Mayor, New York
279. Napoleon Bonaparte [bust of , flags, battle scene], 24 x 14 cm. Coloured. Drawn and engraved by Brocas Jr.
280. Tombeau de Napoléon, 20.5 x 28 cm. Engraved by Paul Legrand. Paris: chez Dopter
281. [Napoleon overlooking cliff, presumably at St. Helena], 10.5 x 21cm. Pen and ink drawing by Packer
282. [Charlotte Corday], 23 x 18 cm. Watercolour in black and gray tones
283. Napoléon dans la Chapelle Ardente aux Invalides, 25 x 36 cm. Lithographed by Lordereau, Éditeur
284. Egalité [statue of a woman in flowing robes, Egyptian motif, with Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, 1793], 36 x 26 cm. Drawn by Moitte, engraved by Janinet . Paul F. Franco collection
285.Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge [child and peasant with sword; 2 soldiers and a woman (Marie Antionette)], 31 x 21.5 cm. Watercolour, signed A. de Sta?
286. Le Bateau Catafalque Funérailles de L’Empereur Napoléon / El Barco Catafalco Funerales del Emperador Napoleon, 26 x 37.5 cm. Lithographed by Dumouz, Paris: Lith de Turgis
287. Generale Pontevès, 34 x 26.5; image size: 18 x 12 cm (LxW). Coloured. Paul F. Franco collection
288. Allegoria Mitogica Naploneone Buonaparte, 37.5 x 25 cm
289. [Napoleon in full military dress, standing by a camp fire, forest scene with silhouette of soldier in background], 30 x 20 cm
290. Napoleon, 36.5 x 28 cm (LxW). Coloured portrait. Lith & Pub. by N. Currier 2 Spruce St. N.Y.
291. S.A. Imp. Joachim Napoléon Roi de Naples & de Sicile Gd. Admiral de France. S.A. Imp. Marie Annunciade Coroline, soeur de l’Empr. Reine de Naples & de Sicile, 44 x 35 cm. Drawn by Lafond je., engraved by Choubard. Paris: chez Bance
292. Carl Ludwig Friedrich Erbgrosherzog von [Grand Duke] Baden etc., 44 x 34cm. Lithograph by Stein Von Orth, published by Runge
293. A New Life of Napoleon Is Now Beginning in the Century Magazine Magnificently Illustrated, 33.5 x 23.5 cm. Designed by E. Grasset, Paris. Copyright 1894 the Century Co.
294. Résurrection de la France 28 Floréal an XII [28 May 1904] Bouaparte Empereur des Français, 19.5 x 25 cm. Coloured on light green paper
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