Finding Aid
McMaster University Office of the President fonds. – 1936-1981; predominant 1957-1980. – 13.6 m of textual records and graphic material.
This fonds contains material relating to three presidents: George P. Gilmour, 1941-1961; Henry G. Thode, 1961-1972; Arthur N. Bourns, 1972-1980. Most pre-1957 material is located in the Divinity College archives. There is some material relating to Alvin A. Lee before he became president. The individual names do not appear in many instances in this finding aid, instead the date will indicate which president was in office.
Series 1:
Council, committees, and reports. – 1957-1981. – 4.2 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – Order does not reflect how the files were arranged in the president's office; it has been imposed on the series by the archivist from files which were in disarray and in some cases non-existent.
Box 1
President's Council. Members of the Council were H.G. Thode as chair; A.N. Bourns, D.M. Hedden, M.A. Preston, E.T. Salmon, J.R. Evans; M. Zack as secretary. Others attended meetings by invitation. See also Executive committee, Boxes 7-8.
F.1 Minutes, 9 August 1967-26 December 1967
F.2 Minutes, 1968. Joining the Council were W.J. McCallion and H.A. Sellers.
F.3 Minutes, 1969
F.4 Minutes, Jan.-June 1970. Joining the Council were W.F. Hellmuth, D.R. McCalla, A.G. McKay, W.J. Schlatter, L.W. Shemilt
F.5 Minutes, Jan.-Oct. 1973. Joining the Council were S.J. Frankel, Alvin A. Lee, R.C. McIvor, J.F. Mustard, L.A. Prince. The minutes note that the Council had not met since 1970. Dr. Bourns re-convened the Council because he felt it played three roles (see file) which the President's Executive Committee did not.
F.6 Minutes, Nov.-Dec. 1973. Joining the Council were A. Berland, S.J. Frankel, B.A.W. Jackson, L.J. King; F.H. Elliott, as secretary.
F.7 Minutes, Jan.-Apr. 1974. Joining the Council was R. Joyner.
F.8 Minutes, June-Sept. 1974. Joining the Council was R.C. McIvor.
F.9 Minutes, Oct.-Nov. 1974
F.10 Minutes, 1975. Joining the Council was J.H.T. Wade.
Box 2
F.1 Minutes, 1976. Joining the Council were W.B. Ready, D.W.L. Sprung, and R.J. Gillespie (on leave).
F.2 Minutes, 10 February 1977
F.3 Minutes, 1978. Joining the Council was E.C. Higbee
F.4 Circulars and appendixes, 1979
F.5 Two circulars, 1980
Committees: All of the committees which appear to report to the president have been grouped together. They include standing, adhoc, special and subcommittees as well as task forces. Files usually contain minutes (although some do not), correspondence and reports.
F.6 Lists of various university committees, 1964-1967
F.7 Special Committee on Admissions from Grade 12, 1966: Correspondence and press release
F.8 Advisory Committee: Also contains minutes from the Vice-President's Advisory Committee
F.9 Advisory Committee, 1965-1966: Re library issues
F.10 Appointments and Promotions, 1946-1959: Correspondence, press releases, news clippings
For appointments of Deans and Vice-Presidents see Box 14
Box 3
Budget Advisory Committee
F.1 1970-1971, correspondence
F.2 1972, correspondence and report
F.3 1973, minutes (D.M. Hedden as chair), correspondence, budget models
F.4 Administration, General, Student Services, proposed budget for 1974-1975, 8 Jan. 1975
F.5 Planning and Physical Plant Budget, preliminary for 1974-75
F.6 Division of Arts proposed budget, 1974-1975
F.7 Science and Engineering proposed budget, 1974-1975
F.8 Jan-Feb. 1975, minutes, reports; also letter from Bourns to A.K. Gillmore, Vice-Rector, U. of Ottawa.
F.9 Mar.-Dec. 1975, minutes, reports, correspondence re the membership of the committee
F.10 Jan. 1975, reports, correspondence
F.11 Feb. 1975, minutes, reports, correspondence
F.12 Mar.-Apr. 1975, minutes, reports, correspondence
F.13 May-June 1975, minutes, reports, correspondence
F.14 Nov. 1975, minutes
F.15 Draft report for 1975, stamped 4 June 1975
Box 4
F.1-7 Zero Base Budget Review Task Force, 1975-1976, minutes and reports
F.8 Budget Advisory committee, Jan.-Apr. 1976, minutes
F.9 Apr.-Dec. 1976, minutes
F.10 1976 report
F.11 1976-1977 budget development report
F.12-3 1976-1977 task forces reports
F.14 Agenda and attachments for 16 Feb. 1977 meeting
Box 5
F.1 Agenda and attachments for 23 Feb. 1977 meeting
F.2 Agenda and attachments for 9 Mar. 1977 meeting
F.3 Agenda and attachments for 16 Mar. 1977 meeting
F.4 Feb.-Mar. 1977 minutes
F.5 28 Mar. 1977, agenda and minutes
F.6 May-Nov. 1977, correspondence
F.7 1977 report
F.8 Agenda, attachments and minutes for 2 and 7 Feb. 1978 meetings
F.9 Agenda, attachments and minutes for 15 Feb. 1978 meeting
F.10 Agenda, attachments and minutes for 17 Feb. 1978 meeting
F.11 Agenda, attachments and minutes for 1 Mar. 1978 meeting
F.12 Agenda, attachments and minutes for 3 Mar. 1978 meeting
F.13 Agenda, attachments and minutes for 7 Mar. 1978 meeting
F.14 Agenda and attachments for 15 Mar. 1978 meeting
F.15 Apr.-Aug. 1978 correspondence
F.16 1978 report
F.17 Four Year Financial Forecast, 1978-79 to 1981-82, issued Jan. 1979
Box 6
F.1 The Challenge of University Recruitment, 1974, set up following a seminar on the same topic; correspondence, seminar materials.
F.2 Policy on Private Consulting by Academic staff members, 1961-1972, guidelines, correspondence
F.3 Co-ordinating committee, minutes of 7 April 1965
F.4 Advisory committee on Internal Communications, 1973-1976, minutes and correspondence
F.5 Co-ordinating committee for Computer Services, 1972, correspondence
F.6 Environmental Studies, 1972-1975, correspondence, minutes for 6 Nov. 1972
F.7 Task Force on Data Security, 1973-1975, minutes
F.8 Task Force on Data Security, various draft reports
F.9 Task Force on Data Security, 1976-1977, correspondence, report
F.10-1 Task Force on Data Security, documents
F.12 Ethics in Human Experimentation, 1967-1969, correspondence
F.13 Ethics in Human Experimentation, 1971, minutes, draft report
F.14 Ethics in Human Experimentation, 1973-1975, final report
F.15 Ethics in Human Experimentation, 1976-1977, correspondence
Box 7
Executive committee. Members were Thode, Bourns, J.R. Evans, D.M. Hedden, W.F. Hellmuth; M. Zack (as secretary). Others attended meetings by invitation.
F.1 Oct. 1969-Dec. 1969
F.2 Jan.-Feb. 1970
F.3 Mar.-Apr. 1970
F.4 June-Aug. 1970
F.5 Sept.-Dec. 1970
F.6 Jan.-Apr. 1971
F.7 May-Aug. 1971
F.8 Sept.-Oct. 1971
F.9 Nov.-Dec. 1971
F.10 Jan.-Feb. 1972
F.11 May-July 1972; Thode's last meeting was 25 April
F.12 Aug.-Sept. 1972; J.F. Mustard joins the committee
F.13 Nov.-Dec. 1972; D.R. McCalla joins the committee, F.H. Elliott becomes Acting Secretary
F.14 Jan-June 1973
F.15 Sept.-Oct. 1973
Box 8
F.1 Nov. 1973; S.J. Frankel has joined the committee.
F.2 Jan.-Feb. 1974
F.3 Mar.-May 1974
F.4 Aug.-Dec. 1974; Alvin A. Lee has joined the committee
F.5 1975
F.6 1976
F.7 1977
F.8 July-Aug. 1980. Members: A.A. Lee, L.J. King, J.A. MacFarlane, J.F. Mustard, J.P. Evans, K.H. Post
F.9 Sept.-Oct. 1980
F.10 Dec. 1980
F.11 Jan.-Mar. 1981
Box 9
Equal Rights / Status of Women (F1-F.4)
F.1 Correspondence and reports, 1971-72
F.2 Minutes, 1972-74. Committee established to review personnel policies relative to equal rights was first called the Committee on McMaster Personnel Policies and Practices. At the end of 1973 the name changed to Committee to Review McMaster's Policies and Practices Relative to Equal Rights
F.3 Correspondence and reports, 1973-76
F.4 Minutes, agendas, attachments, 1975-79
F.5 Committee into Failure Rate in Year I, 1958, correspondence
F.6 Committee on Financial Assistance for Students, 1975, correspondence and reports
F.7 Group Conflict, 1974, 1976, report, briefs, correspondence, news clippings
F.8 Long Range Planning, 1966 circular letter and report
F.9 Mass Media educational programs, 1973, correspondence
F.10 Matriculation committee, 1965 clarification circular
F.11 Campus Names, 1973-1975, minutes, correspondence (including the honorees). Re naming of Chester New, Togo Salmon, and Kenneth Taylor halls; Charles Burke science building; Ivor Wynne Centre; Arthur Burridge Gymnasium; Lewis Field House; E.T. Clarke Centre
F.12 Campus Names, 1976-81, minutes and correspondence re Thode Library and various street names
F.13 Northern Studies, 1972-76, correspondence. Includes letter from Jean Chétien, Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs, in support of the committee.
F.14-5 Northern Studies, 1977-78, correspondence, reports
Box 10
Non-Academic Athletics (F.1-F.4)
F.1 Feb.-May 1973, minutes, correspondence, schedules, programme
F.2 May-June 1973, minutes and attachments
F.3 July-Dec. 1973, correspondence, minutes, report
F.4 1974, correspondence (including photocopies of some 1977 correspondence), minutes
F.5 Orientation Activities, Coordinating and Advisory Committee, 1981 report
Planning and Building Committee, later called the Facilities Planning Committee
F.6 1958-1960, correspondence, memorandums
F.7 Planning report, 1963, Sasaki
F.8 1967, Emergency Power Study and Report
F.9 1970, correspondence, report
F.10 Part-Time Degree Studies (Extension), 1963-1970, correspondence, minutes, reports
F.11 Patent Policy ( Management of University Patents), 1965-1970, correspondence
Box 11
F.1 Race Relations, 1977-1981, correspondence, minutes, report
F.2 Radio, 1964-1967, correspondence, reports, press releases
F.3 Radio, 1968-1978, correspondence, reports, press releases, news clippings
F.4 1968-1969, minutes, correspondence, report
F.5 1974-1975, correspondence, reports
F.6 1977-1978, correspondence including the Jacobs case
F.7 Student Awards, 1972-1973, minutes, correspondence
F.8 Student Discipline, 1963, l letter
F.9 Student Housing, 1969-1971, minutes, correspondence
F.10 Study Session on Provincial University Funding, 1975, minutes, correspondence
F.11 Teaching and Learning, 1978, report
Box 12
F.1 Television, 1965-1968, minutes, correspondence
F.2 Television, 1965, reports
F.3-4 1963-1972, correspondence, 1 b&w photograph of Martin Brenzell, Director of Drama, news clipping of his death at age 27
F.5 1973-1975, correspondence, report
Traffic and Parking
F.6 1958-1967, minutes, correspondence, regulations, circulars
F.7 1969-1970, correspondence, news clipping
F.8 Study report, 1970
F.9 1971-1972, correspondence
F.10 Two-Shift System, 1964, correspondence, report
Joint Presidential / Faculty Association committees
Box 13
F.1 Academic staffing, 1972-1974, correspondence, report
F.2-6 Faculty Individual Remuneration (FAIR) and Tenure for Part-Time Faculty, 1972-1975, minutes, correspondence, report
F.7-8 Faculty Career Progress / Merit Remuneration, 1975-1976, minutes, correspondence, reports
F.9 Integration of Part-Time Programs, correspondence, reports
F.10 Teaching loads, 1973, correspondence, amendments
F.11 Allocation of Summer Stipends, 1972-1974, minutes, correspondence
F.12 Faculty Members Seeking Public Office, 1972-1974, correspondence, guidelines
Senate and / or Board of Governors and non-presidential committees and sub-committees
Box 14
Academic Appointments, Tenure and Promotions
Content of files F.1-5 vary, may contain correspondence with advisors, candidates, short lists, circulars. A list of appointments precedes F.1 in the box.
F.1 Dean of Engineering, 1968-1969
F.2 Dean of Humanities, 1967-1968
F.3 Dean of Medicine, 1971
F.4 Vice-President Academic (Arts), 1967-1968. Includes correspondence with Claude T. Bissell, Northrop Frye, George Grant
F.5 Vice-President Academic (Health Sciences) and Dean of Science, 1967
F.6 Dean of Social Science, 1967-1969, 1974 (for an acting dean)
F.7-9 1967-1970, minutes, correspondence, reports
F.10 1968-1973, minutes, correspondence, reports
Box 15
Academic Policy
F.1-2 1970, reports, correspondence. Includes “Remarks by Dr. Thode at meeting of Senate Committee on Academic Policy, October 6th, 1970”
F.3-4 1971, reports, correspondence
F.5 1971-1972, minutes
F.6 1971-1972, correspondence. Includes a presentation of views, presumably by Thode.
F.7 “Canadianization” issue, 1973, briefs and responses
F.8 1963-1966, correspondence and report
F.9-10 1969-1974, minutes, correspondence, reports
F.11 Ontario Government Select Committee on Economic and Cultural Nationalism, McMaster submission to, 1974
Box 16
Reorganization of the government of the university
J.S. Kirkcaldy chaired the Senate Study Committee on University Government which was set up in September 1966
F.1 1962, correspondence. Includes report by Gilmour, “Reorganization and realignment at McMaster University”
F.2 July-Dec. 1966, correspondence, submissions, draft reports
F.3 1966, minutes, Shaw Committee report
F.4 1966, reports by Woods, Gordon & Co., management consultants
F.5 1966, briefs, submissions, summaries and reports
F.6 1967, minutes
F.7 1967, Report to the Board of Governors by the Committee on the Duff-Berdahl report; report on university government at McMaster, n.d., to the Duff Commission
F.8-9 1967, correspondence, circulars, report
F.10 1967-1969, minutes, circulars
F.11-2 1973, ad committee on university government, minutes, correspondence, report
Box 17
F.1 Senate nominating committee, 1974, correspondence, circulars
F.2 Senate structure and by-laws, 1973-1975, minutes, report
F.3 Student misconduct, 1962-1963, correspondence, minutes
F.4 Student discipline, 1964-1970, correspondence
F.5 Televised lectures, 1959-1963, correspondence
F.6 Timetable committee, 1969, correspondence
F.7 Undergraduate education organization, 1967-1974, report, minutes, correspondence
F.8 Undergraduate awards, 1974-1977, minutes, circulars
F.9-12 University Student Centre, 1968-1974, minutes, correspondence, reports
Box 18
Annual reports to the President. Note: Reports from the Librarian and the Registrar are shelved separately and do not form a part of this fonds.
F.1 Vice-President's report (Thode), 1959-1960
F.2 Arts and Science: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Physical Education and Athletics; Political Economy; Religion; Romance Languages; Russian; Sociology
F.3 Arts and Science (Hamilton College): Biology; Chemistry; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Geography; Geology; Mathematics; Psychology; Nursing Education; Physics; Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
F.4 Deans: Arts and Science, H.S. Armstrong; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins; Graduate Studies, A.N. Bourns; Men, P. Rowntree Clifford; Women, Marion Bates
F.5 Other: Alumni Activities; Students' Council; Development Fund Council to the Board of Governors; Extension; Student Personnel Services; Armed Forces; Women Students
F.6 Arts and Science: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Physical Education and Athletics; Political Economy; Religion; Romance Languages; Russian; Sociology
F.7 Arts and Science (Hamilton College): Biology; Chemistry; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Engineering Physics; Geography; Geology; Mathematics; Psychology; Nursing Education; Physics; Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
F.8 Deans: Arts and Science, H.S. Armstrong; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins; Graduate Studies, H.E. Duckworth; Men, P. Rowntree Clifford; Women, Marion Bates; also Principal of University College, E.T. Salmon
F.9 Other: Director of Research, H.E. Petch; Assistant to the President, W.N. Paterson; Alumni Activities; Students' Council; Warden of Wentworth House; Whidden Hall; Edwards Hall; Armed Forces; Extension
F.10 Student Personnel Services
F.11 Arts: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Physical Education and Athletics; Political Economy; Religion; Romance Languages; Russian;
F.12 Arts: Biology; Chemistry; Geography; Geology; Mathematics; Nursing Education; Physics; Applied Mathematics; Psychology
F.13 Engineering: Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Engineering Physics
F.14 Deans: Arts, A.W. Patrick; Science, R.P. Graham; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins; Graduate Studies, H.E. Duckworth; Men, P. Rowntree Clifford; Women, Marion Bates; also Principal of University College, E.T. Salmon
Box 19
F.1 Other: Extension; Development Fund Council; Friends of McMaster Inc.; Alumni Activities; Research; Women Students; Edwards Hall; Students' Council; Educational Services; Assistant to the President W.N. Paterson; Wentworth House; Financial Review; Armed Forces; Alumni Activities; Whidden Hall
F.2 Student Personnel Services
F.3 Arts: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Physical Education and Athletics; Political Economy; Religion; Romance Languages; Russian; Sociology
F.4 Science: Biology; Chemistry; Geography; Geology; Mathematics; Psychology; Nursing Education; Physics; Applied Mathematics
F.5 Engineering: Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Engineering Physics
F.6 Deans: Arts, A.W. Patrick; Science, R.P. Graham; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins; Men, P. Rowntree Clifford; Women, Marion Bates; Graduate Studies, H.E. Duckworth; Extension, John Melling; also Principal of University College, E.T. Salmon and Principal of Hamilton College, H.E. Petch
F.7 Other: Women students, Women's residences; Men's residences; Edwards Hall; Whidden Hall; Armed Forces; Information officer G.A. MacGibbon; Development Fund Council; Office of Career and Placement Services; Financial Review; Assistant to the President W.N. Paterson; Alumni Activities
F.8 Arts: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Physical Education; Political Economy; Religion; Romance Languages; Russian; Commerce
F.9 Science: Biology; Chemistry; Geography; Geology; Mathematics; Nursing Education; Physics; Psychology; Applied Mathematics
F.10 Engineering: Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering
F.11 Deans: Arts, A.W. Patrick; Science, R.P. Graham; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins; Graduate Studies, H.E. Duckworth; Extension, John Melling; also Principal of University College, E.T. Salmon and Principal of Hamilton College, H.E. Petch
F.12 Other: Whidden Hall, Armed Forces; Admissions Office; correspondence re Educational Services
Box 20
F.1 Arts: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Physical Education; Economics; Political Science; Religion; Romance Languages; Russian; Commerce; Sociology and Anthropology
F.2 Science: Biology; Chemistry; Geography; Geology; Mathematics; Nursing Education; Physics; Psychology; Organic and Associated Terrain Research Unit
F.3 Engineering: Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering
F.4 Deans: Arts, A.W. Patrick; Science, R.P. Graham; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins; Graduate Studies, M.A. Preston; Extension, John Melling; also Principal of University College, E.T. Salmon; Principal of the College of Health Sciences, John R. Evans; Principal of Hamilton College, H.E. Petch; School of Business; also a list of promotions throughout the university.
F.5 Other: Armed Forces; Faculty Association; Academic Development; Growth Fund; Information Office; Alumni Activities; also a list of annual reports.
F.6 Arts: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Physical Education; Economics; Political Science; Religion; Romance Languages; Russian; Commerce; Sociology and Anthropology
F.7 Science: Biology; Chemistry; Geography; Geology; Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Nursing Education; Physics; Psychology; Organic and Associated Terrain Research Unit
F.8 Engineering: Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy and Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering
F.9 Deans: Arts, A.W. Patrick; Science, R.P. Graham; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins; Graduate Studies, M.A. Preston; Extension, John Melling; also Principal of University College, E.T. Salmon; Principal of the College of Health Sciences, John R. Evans; Divinity College; School of Business; also a list of promotions throughout the university
F.10 Other: Growth Fund; Armed Forces; Planning and Physical Plant
Box 21
F.1 Arts: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Physical Education; Economics; Political Science; Romance Languages; Russian; Sociology and Anthropology;
F.2 Science: Biology; Chemistry; Biochemistry; Geography; Geology; Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Psychology; Physics; Organic and Associated Terrain Research Unit
F.3 Engineering: Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy and Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering
F.4 Health Sciences: Anatomy; Biochemistry; Family Medicine; Pediatrics; Psychiatry; Radiology; Surgery
F.5 Deans: Arts, J.H. Trueman (acting); Science, R.P. Graham; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins; Graduate Studies; Extension, John Melling; Medicine, J.R. Evans. Vice-Presidents: Arts, E.T. Salmon; Science; J.R. Evans, Health Sciences; also Divinity College principal; Business
F.6 Other: Educational Services; Thaleia Society; Matthews Hall; Whidden Hall; Security Office; D.M. Hedden; Armed Forces; Growth Fund; Planning and Physical Plant; Data Processing and Computer Centre; Theatre
F.7 Humanities: Classics, English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Romance Languages; Russian
F.8 Social Sciences: Religion; Economics; Sociology and Anthropology; Social Work; Political Science; Physical Education; Psychology; Geography
F.9 Science: Biology; Physics; Chemistry; Applied Mathematics; Mathematics; Geology
F.10 Engineering: Metallurgy and Materials Science; Electrical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Engineering Physics
Box 22
F.1 Health Sciences: Medicine; Anatomy; Biochemistry; Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Family Medicine; Pathology; Pediatrics; Radiology; Surgery; Nursing Education
F.2 Health Sciences: Psychiatry
F.3 Deans: Humanities, Alexander G. McKay; Social Sciences and Extension, J. Melling; Science; Graduate Studies; Business; Engineering, J.W. Hodgins. Vice-Presidents: Arts, William F. Hellmuth; Science and Engineering, A.N. Bourns; Health Sciences
F.4 Other: Data Processing and Computing Centre; Educational Services; Planning and Physical Plant; Growth Fund
F.5 Humanities: English; Fine Arts; German; Philosophy; Romance Languages; Russian; Music; History
F.6 Social Sciences: Social Work; Sociology and Anthropology; Physical Education; Political Science; Religion; Economics; Geography; Psychology
F.7 Science: Chemistry; Applied Mathematics; Biology; Geology; Mathematics; Physics
F.8 Engineering: Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Engineering Physics; Metallurgy and Materials Science
F.9 Health Sciences: Pathology; Surgery; Anatomy; Biochemistry; Medicine; Nursing Education; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Paediatrics
F.10 Health Sciences: Psychiatry
F.11 Health Sciences: Psychiatry, Field Unit Project
Box 23
F.1 Deans: Humanities, Alexander G. McKay; Social Sciences, Saul J. Frankel; Science; Engineering
F.2 Deans: Graduate Studies, M.A. Preston; Business. Vice-Presidents: Health Sciences, John R. Evans; Science and Engineering; Arts, William F. Hellmuth; also, Ivan C. Morgan, Principal of Divinity College
F.3 Other: Data Processing and Computing Centre; Information and Publications; Planning and Physical Plant; Fund Raising (Growth Fund and Development Fund)
F.4 Humanities: Music, Philosophy; Russian; Classics; English; German; History; Romance Languages
F.5 Social Sciences: Political Science; Economics; Social Work; Religion; Sociology and Anthropology; Physical Education; Geography; Psychology
F.6 Science: Geology; Applied Mathematics; Chemistry; Physics; Biochemistry; Mathematics; Biology
F.7 Engineering: Electrical Engineering; Communications Research Laboratory; Civil Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Engineering Physics; Metallurgy and Materials Science
F.8 Health Sciences: Anatomy; Medicine; Pathology; Surgery; Nursing
F.9 Health Sciences: Biochemistry; Family Medicine; Neurosciences; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Radiology; Psychiatry
F.10 Deans: Humanities, Alexander G. McKay; Social Sciences, Saul J. Frankel; Science; Engineering, L.W. Shemilt; Students and Men, Leslie A Prince (acting dean); Women, Mrs. Frank M. Scott; Graduate Studies, M.A. Preston; Business; also Divinity College
F.11 Vice-Presidents: Health Sciences, John R. Evans; Science and Engineering; Arts, William F. Hellmuth
Box 24
F.1 Other: Audio Visual Communications; Data Processing and Computer Centre; Overseas Students; Student Health Service; Alumni Affairs; Planning and Physical Plant; Institutional Research; Student Counselling; Student Placement
F.2 Humanities: Music; History; German; Fine Arts; English; Classics; Russian; Romance Languages; Philosophy
F.3 Social Sciences: Economics; Sociology and Anthropology; Social Work; Religion; Political Science; Physical Education; Psychology; Geography
F.4 Science: Chemistry; Biology; Applied Mathematics; Geology; Mathematics; Physics
F.5 Engineering: Engineering and Management; Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy and Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Chemical Engineering
F.6 Health Sciences: Medicine; Anaesthesia; Anatomy; Biochemistry; Neurosciences; Obstetrics and Gynecology
F.7 Health Sciences: Pathology; Psychiatry; Radiology; Nursing
F.8 Deans: Humanities, Alexander G. McKay; Social Sciences, S.J. Frankel; Science; Engineering, L.W. Shemilt; Business, W.J. Schlatter; Graduate Studies, Alvin A. Lee; Adult Education, W.J. McCallion. Students and Men, Leslie A Prince; Women, Mrs. Frank M. Scott; also Divinity College.
F.9 Vice-Presidents: Health Sciences, John R. Evans; Administration (Assistant), B.R. James
F.10 Other: Theatre, Institutional Research; Financial assistance; Student Placement; Audio-Visual; Student Counselling
F.11 Humanities: Classics; English; Fine Arts; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Romance Languages; Russian
Box 25
F.1 Social Sciences: Economics; Social Work; Sociology and Anthropology; Political Science; Physical Education; Psychology; Geography
F.2 Science: Applied Mathematics; Biochemistry; Biology; Geology; Mathematics; Physics
F.3 Engineering: Chemical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Engineering Physics; Mechanical Engineering; Metallurgy and Materials Science
F.4 Health Sciences: Psychiatry; Nursing; Anaesthesia; Family Medicine; Medicine
F.5 Health Sciences: Neurosciences; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Paediatrics; Radiology; Surgery; Pathology
F.6 Deans: Humanities, William F. Hellmuth; Science; Social Sciences, S.J. Frankel; Business, W.J. Schlatter; Adult Education, W.J. McCallion; Graduate Studies, Alvin A. Lee; Health Sciences, J.F. Mustard; Engineering; Men and Students; Women, Mrs. Frank J. Scott. Vice-Presidents: Administration
F.7 Other: Information, Publication and Development; Student Health Service; Student Counselling Service; Alumni Affairs; Audio Visual Services
F.8 Other: Planning and Physical Plant
F.9 Humanities: History; Music; Philosophy; Romance Languages; German; Classics; English; Fine Arts
F.10 Social Sciences: Social Work; Sociology and Anthropology; Economics; Religion; Political Science; Physical Education; Psychology; Geography
F.11 Science: Chemistry; Physics; Applied Mathematics; Biology; Geology; Biochemistry; Mathematics
Box 26
F.1 Engineering: Chemical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Metallurgy and Materials Science; Engineering Physics; Civil Engineering
F.2 Health Sciences: Surgery; Radiology; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Neurosciences; Nursing; Psychiatry; Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
F.3 Health Sciences: Medicine; Pathology; Pediatrics; Family Medicine; Anaesthesia
F.4 Deans: Social Sciences, S.J. Frankel; Science; Graduate Studies; Men and Students; Women, Mrs. Frank M. Scott
F.5 Other: Information and Development; Financial assistance; Overseas students; Student Counselling; Student Health Service; Student Placement; Security Office
F.6 Other: Planning and Physical Plant
F.7 Humanities: History; Music; Philosophy; Romance Languages; German; Classics; English; Fine Arts; Russian
F.8 Social Sciences: Social Work; Sociology; Anthropology; Economics; Religion; Political Science; Physical Education; Psychology; Geography
F.9 Science: Chemistry; Physics; Applied Mathematics; Biology; Geology; Biochemistry; Mathematics
F.10 Engineering: Chemical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Metallurgy and Materials Science; Engineering Physics; Electrical Engineering
F.11 Health Sciences: Anaesthesia; Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Family Medicine; Medicine; Neurosciences; Obstetrics and Gynecology
Box 27
F.1 Health Sciences: Pathology; Pediatrics; Psychiatry; Radiology; Nursing
F.2 Business
F.3 Deans: Women, Mrs. Frank M. Scott; Social Sciences, R. Craig McIvor (acting); Science, D.R. McCalla
F.4 Other: Security Office; Student Health Services
F.5 Other: Planning and Physical Plant
F.6 Humanities: Art and Art History; German; English; Romance Languages; Russian; Philosophy
F.7 Social Sciences: Political Science; Anthropology; Physical Education; Economics; Social Work; Religious Studies; Sociology; Psychology
F.8 Science: Biology; Biochemistry; Applied Mathematics; Mathematics; Geology; Chemistry; Physics
F.9 Engineering: Metallurgy and Materials Science; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Engineering Physics; Mechanical Engineering
F.10 Health Sciences: Anaesthesia; Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Family Medicine; Medicine; Obstetrics and Gynecology
F.11 Health Sciences: Pathology; Pediatrics; Radiology; Surgery; Nursing
F.12 Business
F.13 Deans: Science, D.W.L. Sprung
Box 28
F.1 Other: Security
F.2 Other: Planning and Physical Plant
F.3 Humanities: Art and Art History; Classics; English; German; History; Philosophy; Russian
F.4 Social Sciences: Anthropology; Economics; Physical Education; Political Science; Religious Studies; Sociology; Geography; Psychology
F.5 Science: Applied Mathematics; Biochemistry; Biology; Physics
F.6 Nuclear Reactor
F.7 Engineering: Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Engineering Physics; Metallurgy and Materials Science
F.8 Health Sciences: Anaesthesia; Clinical Epidemiology and Biostastics; Family Medicine; Neurosciences; Nursing; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Pediatrics; Surgery
F.9 Business
F.10 Other: Parking; Security
F.11 Other: Planning and Physical Plant
F.12 Humanities: Classics; English; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Romance Languages; Russian
F.13 Social Sciences: Physical Education; Anthropology; Economics; Political Science; Religious Studies; Social Work; Sociology; Psychology; Geography
F.14 Science: Applied Mathematics; Biochemistry; Biology; Chemistry; Geology; Mathematics; Physics
F.15 Engineering: Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Engineering Physics; Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Metallurgy and Materials Science; Communications Research Laboratory
Box 29
F.1 Health Sciences: Anatomy; Anesthesia; Family Medicine; Neurosciences; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Pediatrics; Radiology; Surgery
F.2 Business
F.3 Other: Parking; Security
F.4 Other: Operations and Maintenance
F.5 Operations and Maintenance
Annual Reports (bound) Issued by the President
1962-1963; also ts. “Review of Year 1963-1963”
Series 2:
Faculties, departments, and administrative units. – 1939-1979. – 2.4 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – The content of individual files follows that of the president's office. An incoming president took over files set up by his predecessor and continued to add to them. To maintain the integrity of these records, the earlier material was not removed and sent to the Divinity College.
Box 30
Arts and Science (divided into Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences in 1968)
F.1 Faculty of Arts and Science meetings, 1957-1961; agendas and minutes; also letter from Gilmour to Dean Patrick re re-organization
F.2 Dean of Arts and Science, H.S. Armstrong, 1958-1960, correspondence, including a memorandum on organization
F.3 Vice-President, Arts, William F. Hellmuth, 1960, correspondence
Note: Arrangement within the following files is the original chronological order. Correspondence–both internal and external, incoming and outgoing–mainly concerns appointments to the departments, but is not limited to that. Includes correspondence between applicants, faculty members, heads of departments, deans, principals and vice-presidents, with the presidents and others. Not all correspondence is listed individually, particularly that of higher-ranked administrators whose correspondence appears throughout the files. Also, names appear only at their initial appearance in the file. Arrangement of the series has been imposed by the archivist.
Departments of Arts and Science that later formed the Faculty of Humanities.
F.4 Classics, 1942-1966; C. H. Stearn; J.E.A. Crake; A. Ewart Rusbridge, Bristol Grammar School; L.E. Woodbury; Cedric G. Boulter; W.L. Grant; Homer A. Thompson, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; H. Grant Sampson; Gordon M. Kirkwood; R.A. Brooke; W.J. Waines; Albert W. Trueman, National Film Board; J.B. Skemp; William F. Fletcher; Edwin D. Eagle, b&w photograph; R.E. Wycherley; Leslie H. Neatby; Margaret Thomson; Mary McCrimmon; Georgiana Reynolds; S.M. Adams; C.M. Wells; Alexander G. McKay; Brooks Otis; Alastair A.R. Henderson; Robert A. Walker
F.5 Classics: Proposal for Ph.D. programme, 1967
F.6 English, 1948-1961: Desmond Stewart; Robert K. Gordon; Burns Martin; Charles Dunn; G.H. Clarke; William P. Wilgar, 1 b&w photograph; Watson Kirkconnell; Peter Alexander; Bruce E. Vardon; W.R. Olfield; P.H. Butter, Balliol College; Ian Mackenzie; Geoffrey Walton; J. Stevenson; M.E. Aubrey; G.C. Haddow; R.M. Wiles; Edward Yeomans; R.W. Ingram; Bernard Groom
F.7 English, 1962-1967: R.M. Wiles; Barrie S. Hayne; Arthur W. Plumstead; L.A. Mann; Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Committee; George McKnight; Sandra Cowman; Brian J. McCullin; Malcolm Page; David S. Chamberlain; Richard Detlef; Robert Keefe; David S. Thatcher; Lawrence E. Miller; Carl Ballstadt; F. N. Shrive; Gordon D. McLeod
F.8 English, 1968-1972: Mark Stavig; A.W. Patrick; K. James Cox; Jeffrey M. Heath; Michael David Platt; A.G. Bishop; Arthur H. Cash; Miriam Waddington; Robert Gardner; Arthur W. Patrick; Dorothy S. Murphy
F.9 English: Proposal for Ph.D. programme, 1964
F.10 Fine Arts, 1946-1960: John Martin, Ella DesBrisay; Marion Veals; C.E. Burke; Donald C. Holden; Frederick E. Hofmann; David J.L. Anderson; Louis Finkelstein; Eleanor Shepherd Thompson; Richard Glover; Hector J. Greville; Edwy F. Cooke; Alan W. Gowans; John Macgillivray; Hector J. Greville; Naomi Jackson; R.W. Ellis; Richard Kurman; Richard B. Leach; Helen J. Dow; Eric Byrd; Hylarie Morris; Erica Cruikshank
F.11 Fine Arts, 1968-1973: H. Levy; Roy C. Cole; E.L. Stringer; John Miecznikowski; E. Marseglia; Argue Martin; Rosemary Kilbourn; A.G. McKay; Nancy Perkins; Paul H. Walton; Janet Deuters; James B. Spencer; Stephen Taylor; William Kirby; Ann Davis; Ian Vincent
F.12 German, chair of: Paul W. Mueller, death of, 1939. Statement by the registrar of his employment history, 1910-1920 (written in 1939); eulogy by N.H. Parker, news clippings. Albert P. Martin, 1939-1960; encl. news clipping re Martin's appointment
F.13 German, 1946-1966; Albert P. Martin; Barker Fairley; L. Berzins; Geoffrey L. Hall; Martin Wander; George W. Brandt; Hugo Gabriel; Cecil Lewis; Walter Krausse; Mary Crichton; George G. Iggers; Karlis Kempe; Fritz Müller-Guggenbuhl; Hugh L. Keenleyside, Deputy Minister of Mines and Resources; Eileen Abrams; Dorothy Frisch; Victor J. Klopp, 1 b&w photograph; Carl Heimrich; Walter Lehn; Heinz George Kyritz; Herbert E. Jestner; German Ambassador to Canada; Karl Denner; F. Dannenbring; Jane Munn; K.P. Umland; Countess Finckenstein; I.D. Brown; Phillip R. Shriver; Elmar Engels; Arthur Tilo Alt
F.14 History, chair of, 1929-1954: Norman Macdonald; Howard P. Whidden; letters of reference, 1929-1930; retirement citation
F.15 History, 1951-1957 : Messecar endowment and appointment of Chester New statement, 1950; retirement of Chester W. New statement, 1951; photocopy of Messecar appointments to 1955; correspondence, Anne Smith; H.S. Armstrong; Murray M. Tolmie; W.G. Barr; Myron P. Gilmore; G.E. Wilson
F.16 History: Proposal for Ph.D. programme, 1962
F.17 History, 1963-1973: “Library Needs in History: a brief presented to the President by the Department of History”, 1963; G.S. French; David A. Davies; Alan Cassels and Nancy Cassels; History Conference programme, 1968; J.H. Plumb, Christ's College, Cambridge; Carol E. Brooks; “Report on the ad hoc Committee on Extension Studies in History”, 1972; H.F. Guite; James G. Greenlee; K. Garay
Box 31
F.1 Music, 1941-1959: “Memorandum of meeting called unofficially by Sir Ernest MacMillan and held at the University of Toronto on January 2, 1941”; Committee on Music in the Universities and Secondary Schools minutes; H.P. Whidden; R.M. Wiles; Brock McElheran; Ian A. McDonald; James C. Thomson, b&w photograph; Harold Neal; “Memorandum on Hamilton Conservatory of Music”; E.C. Fox; J.F. Leddy; Lois Kempe; Schlicker Organs; John A. Hansler; A.W. Patrick; Michael S. Day; Charles Wilson; Howard W. Jerome; Ralph Kidd; Arthur R. Poynter; Bryden Thomson; James M. Gayfer; Michael Roth; George A. Proctor; John R.L. Sidgwick; Paul Rowntree Clifford; William A. Wylie
F.2 Music, 1960-1973: Frederick B. Prentice; Carl Morey; William Dugan; F. Thorolfson; Millard S. Thomson; Faculty Music board minutes; George Veary; statement and press release re Music becoming a department in 1965; Inter Varsity Choral Festival, R.M. Wiles, 1967; C. Ian Lumsden; Royal Hamilton College of Music; Student Madrigal Choir; Patrick H. Hick; L.S. Paikin, Czech Quartet; Lee Hepner; Peter Salinger; Bruce Minorgan; Michael J.A. Doran; Antal Dvorak; Frederick A. Hall; Brian Cherney; E. Weisz; Gladys Whitehead; Charles M. Wilson; Arlene Wright; Victor Bridgewater; Reginald Bedford; Robert Hansen; Rudolf Kalup; Jaroslav Karlovsky; Znedek Knoicek; Eileen McManamy; Janet Peterson; Stephen Pettes; Ryan Scott; Desmond H. Tyrrell; Milan Vitek
F.3 Philosophy, 1943-1960: W. Burton Hurt; William M. Sibley; G.P. Cosgrave; Emil L. Fackenheim; H.S. Armstrong; F.W. Waters; Albert L. Hilliard; John J. Ivan; Maurice Natanson; Alastair McKinnon; William R.H. Montgomery; “To the Curriculum Committee from the Department of Philosophy and Psychology”; Statement by Gilmour on the death of Gordon Jury; Hugh Thomson Kerr; L.E. Tsao; Harold Michell; R.J.C. Burgener; Horace A. Dulmage; H.H. Titus; Mitchell Bedford; Herbert Lewis; R.B. Wiley; “Reduced portion of annual report ... 1958”
F.4 Philosophy, 1962-1967: Joseph P. Fell; Peter Krausser; James H. Noxon; D.M. Hedden; Wayne Sumner; Howard Adelman; E.T. Salmon; F.W. Waters
F.5 Philosophy, 1968-1973: Juan Carlos D'Alessio; Martha Husain; J. Merleau-Ponty; David Pears; S. Najm; A. Shalom; H.-G. Gadamer
F.6 Romance Languages, 1942-1966: Thomas Irving, b&w photograph; D. Marin Molina; A.W. Patrick; Mariano de Yturralde, Consul General for Spain; Paul Essabal; “Proposed New Honours Course in French and Fine Arts”; Rafael Fuster; press release re language laboratory; Walter Lehn; H.W. Wardman; Vincenta Travale; M.P. de Almeida; Edmundo Imperial Padilla; Seraphin Marion; Margaret Mackenzie; Leonard G. Sbrocchi; Italo Di Marco; Alain Gazio; Pierre Morizot, Consul General; G. Falquier, Consul General; A.H. Black; J.D. Bankier; Catie Allan
F.7 Romance Languages, 1967-1973: Catherine Banker; Margaret Mackenzie; Catie Allan; Erwin Bernath, Ambassador of Switzerland; Antonio Franceschetti; Daniel de Yturralde; Annie Mear; John R. Allan; Michael L. Ross; Paul Corvez; Hans W. Gasser; Elena R. Ross; Elianne Roullier; Françoise Khettry; Jean Roullier; Paulette Collet; Rosine Rousse; Gilles M. Auguin; Elena Ross; S.B. Chandler; Pierre Gaudet; Jean-Pierre Bigel and J.P. Pfirrmann (includes circulars re their re-hiring); P. Benimadhu; Bruno B. Crugnale
F.8 Romance Languages, French, 1944-1959: E.F. Haden; E.R. Sims; J.H. Parker; Stanislas Livet; Osvalds Aume; K. Rayski-Kietlicz; N.E. Jackman; Jacques Metford; Augusta V. Bronner; Guy Gavrel; Felix A. Roux; Irving Massey; Joseph A. Mercier; Bruno Vercier; A.W. Patrick
F.9 Russian, 1943-1971: Kyril Evans and Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd.; “Memorandum re Course in Russian History, 1945” ; Olga Anderson; J.Wilhelm Dyck; “Formation of a Department of Russian Studies”; G. Luckyj; M. Burtniak; press releases; 1962 examination paper for Russian 1a6; Boris Christa; Magnus K. Krynski; D. Dorotich, Canadian Assn. of Slavists; A. Lentin; Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.
Departments of Arts and Science that later formed the Faculty of Social Sciences; also new departments
Box 32
F.1 Economics, 1965-1967: Note: The Economics Department was separated from the Department of Political Economy in 1964. “The Doctoral Programme in Economics–Some Crucial Prerequisites”, “Proposal for Ph.D. Studies in Economics...”; R. Craig McIvor; I.M. Drummond
F.2 Economics, 1968-1973: J.E.L. Graham; consultants' reports; Ian McDougall; interview between Professors Graham and Melling re Hirofumi Shibata; John McManus; George Fallis; J.L. Bridge; William C. Birdsall; N.K. Choudhry
F.3 Geography, 1942-1967: G.L.P. Grant-Suttie; John Elson; H.F. Angus; W.R. Mead; W.O. Davis, Dept. of National Defence for Air; Donald W. Kirk; Walter H. Gage; Major E.T. Hansen; Lloyd G. Reeds; “Geography at McMaster”; A.G. Hooper; Wreford Watson; press release re visit of Dudley Stamp; Margaret Montgomery; “The Guyatt Prehistoric Village Site” by W.D. Bell, 5 b&w photographs; H.F. Crown; H.L. Keenleyside, United Nations; Stephen H. Stackpole, Carnegie Corp.; André C. Simonpietri; Alan G. MacPherson; Hugh R. Thompson; “A Brief Regarding Future Requirements for the Dept. of Geography”; N.L. Nicholson, International Geographical Union; “Brief Concerning an Earth Sciences Building”; Harold A. Wood; W. H. Parker; “Brief ... New Appointment”; press release re visit of Andrew Hill Clark; Calvin G. Willberg; William J. Megill, Royal Canadian Geographical Society; F.K. Hare; Harold A. Wood; John Fisher; B.S. John
F.4 Geography, 1968-1973: press releases; Kenneth Atkinson; Brian Clarke; M.F. Goodchild; H.F. Andrews; R.K. Semple; B.H. Masson; P. Beaumont; James F. Quinlan; William J. Megill, Royal Canadian Geographical Society; Lloyd G. Reeds; A.A. Lee; D.R. McCalla; Rodney R. White; David Maclellan, Royal Canadian Geographical Society
F.5 Geography, Urban Research Unit, 1966-1969: press releases; Georges Potvin; Leo Molinaro; James M. Gillies; I.R. Maclennan; Nyal E. Wilson; Jean Drapeau, Mayor of Montreal; Robert C. Weaver, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.; H. Carl Goldenberg; Carl Feiss; R. Bullock; “Memorandum on the Objectives and Structure of a Unit for Urban Research at McMaster University”; statement by Thode, 1967; letters from Bourns to Thode, 1967-68; C.D. Morley; J. Melling; R.J. Spence; R. Louis Gentilcore
F.6 Geography, Urban Research Unit, 1970-1973: S.J. Frankel; Leslie J. King; C.M. Johnston; John A. Byles; Peter C. Pineo; Peter R. Stopher; D.H.E. Carlson, Ford Motor Co. of Canada; John F. Betak; S. Mestelman; P.C. Ansley, Ford Motor Co. of Canada
F.7 Physical Education, 1947-1952: “McMaster Athletic Board, Memorandum on Release of Students to Non-College Teams, September 1947”; “Brief prepared by the McMaster University representative [E.T. Salmon] on the Transfer Regulations and Freshman Rule of the C.I.A.U.”; Leslie Prince; Joan M. Christie; “The Position of Athletic Director”; Janice Metcalfe, b&w photograph; Kenneth McAdam; Reg Blackstock; Roy Dilworth; G.A. Life; J.H. Passmore; R.D. Campbell; Ivor Wynne; Natalie Faver; Joan Christie; Mr. Justice R.L. Kellock, Supreme Court of Canada; G. Edward Hall, University of Western Ontario; W.A. Mackintosh, Queen's University; F. Cyril James, McGill University; Sidney Smith, University of Toronto; K.W. Taylor, Dept. of Finance; “Memorandum on McMaster University application for senior intercollegiate rugby statust, 1952”; J.P. Loosemore, secretary of C.I.A.U.; H.G. Hilton; “McMaster and Intercollegiate Rugby”; “Memorandum for President Sidney Smith on C.I.A.U. Football”; “Comments on Athletics in Canadian Universities”; Rev. Canon W.W. Judd; J.B. Kirkpatrick, President, C.I.A.U.; “Statement by McMaster University concerning its application for admission to the Ontario-Quebec conference in rugby”; constitution of the C.I.A.U., 1952
F.8 Physical Education, 1953-1961; T.E. Lloyd; Donald Fawcett; Ivor Wynne; Joan M. Christie; Anne D. Tilley; “Bachelor of Physical Education” proposal; Gwen-Anne Miller; Dalton White; F.S. Rivers, C.F. Cannon, J.G. Althouse, Ontario Department of Education; Barry Lowes; William Huycke; J.D. MacLachlan, Ontario Agricultural College; B.C. Diltz, Ontario College of Education; “Proposal for replacing and addition to facilities ...”; Michael S. Dunn; P. Carr-Harris, President, Atlantic Football Conference; news clippings
F.9 Physical Education, 1962-1967: G.W. Booth, Ontario Dept. of Education; J.W.B. Sisam; Ivor Wynne; John A. Macdonald, Dept. of National Health and Welfare; R.C. Detwiler; A.C. Smith; Rodney C. Hyde; Leslie Prince; Dorothy Patterson; Douglas Insleay; C.C. Lawson; Leslie A. Prince; William Knox; John Moule; J.V. Daniel; Vince Franco; Dorothy Maclaren; Jari V. Daniel; A. Duff Waddell; R.C. Detwiler; R.N. Lofthouse; C.C. Hopmans; M.L. Van Vliet; curriculum submission; Ed Bevan; Leslie A Prince; W.C. Daniel; J.R. Abel; Geoffrey MacGibbon; Alan J. Smith; G.L. Duffin and H.E. Elborn, Ontario Dept. of Education; St. Clair Balfour; budgets; press releases; brief submitted to the Committee on University Government
Box 33
F.1 Physical Education, 1968-1969: Alan J. Smith; Glyn C. Roberts; Dick Sunday; W.S.H. Crawford; R.D. Bell; Henry Board; “Master of Physical Education: a supplement prepared for a meeting of the Faculty of Graduate Studies”; Geoff M. Elliott; Jim Connor; W.J. Waines; press releases and schedules
F.2 Physical Education, 1970-1972: W.S.H. Crawford; Robert Hayes; petition; Katherine Hoffman; John A. Carruthers; information sheet about the physical education complex which opened in 1966 and 1 b&w photograph of the building; Mr. and Mrs. D. Pugliese (re commissioned portrait of Ivor Wynne); John R. Kennedy; Alan J. Smith; T.W.D. Farmer; list of faculty
F.3 Physical Education, 1973: Ontario Soccer Assn.; Geoff Elder; Richard A. Bates; S.W. Link; petition; Rose Hill; “Proposal on the Restructuring of the Present School of Physical Education and Athletics into One Integrated Administrative Unit”; news clipping
F.4 Physical Education, 1974: “Master of Arts (Applied Human Biodynamics) Programme Proposal”
F.5 Political Economy / Commerce / Economics / Political Science, 1949-1965: Betty Belle Robinson; W.J. Waines; T.A. Judson; Hugh Gorrie; T.A. Rice; H.M. Griffith; J.G. Sheppard; minutes of meeting re Bachelor of Commerce course, 26 January 1953; “Memorandum to the President concerning a curriculum for the B.Comm. degree”; news clipping and press release; Clark, Gordon & Co.; R.C. McIvor; D.A. MacGibbon; Erle F. Neff; Brian Dixon; James A. Sherbaniuk; interim report of the Dept. of Political Economy to describe the development of the Master of Business Administration; mimeograph, 1965, re the division of the Department of Political Economy into Economics and Political Science; Commerce had been separated from Political Economy in 1964. For Economics Department see Box 32, F.1-2. For Commerce (Business) see Box 35.
F.6 Political Science: one letter, 1966 from G.R. Davy to E.T. Salmon re the future of Political Science, copy to President Thode
F.7-8 Political Science: Donald J. Grady affair, 1967-1968: Correspondence with department members, circular letters, news clippings
F.9 Political Science, 1967-1971: Hector Massey; “Short Report on the Dept. of Political Science”; Henry Albinski; H.B. Mayo; H.G. Thorburn; joint-signatory letter asking that the chaotic situation in the department be dealt with by appointing a permanent chair; D. Novak; Ralph Bertram; H.H. Lentner; Robert E. Agger; Klaus Pringsheim; Derry Novak; Peter J. Potichnyj; George Grant; Wallace Gagne; Marshall N. Goldstein; Marsha Chandler
F.10 Political Science, 1969, re proposed Ph.D. programme in Political Science
F.11 Political Science, 1972-1973: Kenneth Kernaghan; Heng-cheah Lim; S. Allen and A. Kroker; Howard Aster; joint-signatory letters re the appointment of chair; Marsha Chandler; minutes of departmental meeting; N.P. Sidoruk; Howard H. Lentner; S.J. Frankel; Desmond Pacey; B.L. Robinson
F.12 Psychology, 1953-1967: Note: The Department of Psychology was established in 1957 and remained within Arts (University College) because of the impending reorganization of the university. In 1962 it was moved to Sciences (Hamilton College). Since it now forms part of the Faculty of Social Sciences, its files have been placed at this point in the series.
Carnegie Foundation (letter to Gilmour re the proposed department), 1953; H.S. Armstrong to Gilmour re psychology development, 1955; W.H. Coons; P.L. Newbigging; Dept. of Health; report, 1962; Leon Kamin; Lewis E. Tauber; H.M. Jenkins; A.H. Black; H.S. Terrace; John M. Darley; Robert Fox
F.13 Psychology, 1968-1973: Douglas G. Mook; Walter von Saal; John A. Swets; R. Vitalo; J.W. Schneider; A.H. Black; Leo Kamin; N.T. Adler; S.K. Sharpless; R. Weigel; Frances K. McSweeney
Box 34
F.1 Religion, 1957-1967: “Future Policy Regarding Religious Studies”; senate minutes, 12 Jan. 1959; plans for the year 1961-1962; P. Rowntree Clifford on Roman Catholic students; “Memorandum for Senate Committee on Religious Studies”, 1962; Miklós Vetö; Cathleen M. Going; H.R. Stevenson; Michel Despland; “Why a Department of Religious Studies at McMaster?”; John E. Smith; “Proposal to Establish Ph.D. Studies in Religion”; George Grant; G. Edward Hall; Harold J. Johnson; press release
F.2 Religion, 1968-1973: J.T. Sanders; Eberhard Cold; Ted. E. Thomas; H.P. Sullivan; E.P. Sanders; R.J. Williams; Maurice Boutin; R. Morton Smith; “Five Year Plan”
F.3 Sociology, 1949-1959: R. Alex Sim; Luke M. Smith; Helen Kirkwood; Barbara Harris; T.F. McIlwraith; “Memorandum ... re Anthropology and Sociology”; “Memorandum on relation of sociology to other social sciences”; Orvoell Roger Gallagher; Maurice R. Davie; Yusuf S. Dadabhay, b&w photograph; Cecil R. Evans; Sir Philip Morris; C.A. Dawson; “Memorandum on the establishment of sociology or social science as a degree subject...”; Alfred E. Johns; Roger Pearson; “The Development of Sociology at McMaster”
F.4 Sociology and Anthropology, 1960-1967: Aquila B. Kiani; Bernard Portis; Ronald M. Pavalko; Valerie C. Kincade; Harold Mark; David R. Heise; Donald I. Warren; Ian R. Whitaker; Mildred A. Schwartz; Elaine Cumming; Henry Cooperstock; Dennis Brissett; “Proposal to establish a program leading to the Ph.D. degree in sociology”; Sidney Kronus; Arthur P. Sorensen Jr.; James A. Geschwender
F.5 Sociology and Anthropology, 1968-1972: Richard Slobodin; Franklin J. Henry; Fred Adelman; Jack L. Roach; C.K. Vanderpool; T.A. Nosanchuk; Alan Hedley; Shailer Thomas; S.A. Longstaff; Francis Pryor; John Gittins; Anthony R. Harris
F.6 Sociology and Anthropology, 1972-1973: Ian Kenyon; Gillian Sankoff; Ph.D. program in Anthropology; John A. Price
F.7 Social Work, 1965-1967: Canadian Welfare Council; Social Planning Council; various reports on establishing a Social Work programme; J.R. McCarthy, Deputy Minister of University Affairs; John R. Evans; Frank A. Smith; Frank E. Jones; N.N Papove; applicants short-list; circular letter and press release
F.8 Social Work, 1968-1972: press releases and pamphlet; Harry L. Penny; Howard I. Buchbinder; Stanley G. Mullins; Linda M. Kennedy; John Munro, Minister of National Health and Welfare; Michael Wheeler, Canadian Council on Social Development; Barbara A Chisholm; self-study report
F.9 Social Work, 1973: Frank Turner, Canadian Assn. of Schools of Social Work; H.L. Penny; Atkinson Charitable Foundation; Ontario Committee on University Affairs re M.A. in Social Work; R.G. Brown
Box 35
Business. The Commerce Department was separated from the Department of Political Economy in 1964. The School of Business received its authorization in 1964 but did not start operations until September 1965.
F.1 Business (Commerce), 1963-1965: “Recommendation re establishment of a Graduate School of Business”; “Recommendation re establishment of a Department of Commerce”; William Cole; “Report of the President's Committee on the organization and administration of the School of Business”; observations on the report; J.E.L. Graham; “Authorization for a School of Business”; Isaiah Litvak; C.C. Potter; press release; “Report of the School of Business, 1965-1966”
F.2 Business, 1966-1971: Joseph T. Kostyk; St. Clair Balfour; Marc Belanger; C.C. Potter; Peter C. Brian; V.W. Scully; Harold A. Gram; D.E. Armstrong; W.J. Schlatter; Joseph Kostyk; A. Saliba; P.C. Briant; St. Clair Balfour; C.H.M. Vinells; Ujjal Singh Maker; J.T. Martin; awarding of Litvak medal; Norman A. White, Toronto Dominion Bank; Herbert Herauf; Roop Choudhry; Peter Turney; A.K. Steigerwalt; Lucille S. Mayne, Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation; S.R. Sondhi; Derek Tayler
F.3 Business, 1973-1974: press releases; Carson M. Duncan; Jean-Loup Ardoin; Bent Stidsen; Robert T. Owen; policy committee report; W.J. Schlatter; G. Michael Finnigan; proposal for a Ph.D. program
Divinity College
F.4 Divinity College, 1961-1972: chapel service, 1961-1968; Royal Architectural Institute of Canada article on the Divinity College, 1961; plaque to unknown Baptist minister unveiling, 1963; pamphlet, 1964; R.P. Graham; press release; J.M.R. Beveridge;“Theological Education and McMaster University: a brief presented to President H.G. Thode”, 1968; Lois A. Tupper; H.C. Dixon; news clippings
Departments of Arts and Science that later formed the Faculty of Science
F.5 “Memorandum regarding [science] departmental organizational changes”, 13 September 1950, H.G. Thode
F.6 Applied Mathematics, 1959-1967: M.A. Preston; council minutes, 1962; B. Banaschewski; J.W. Hodgins; senate minutes, 1963; G.L. Keech; proposal to establish a Department of Applied Mathematics, 1966; R.P. Graham; A.C. Benson; Ricardo Forschi; Park M. Reilly
F.7 Applied Mathematics, 1969-1973: “Proposed new courses in applied mathematics and computer science”; M.W. Gentleman; A.R. Edmonds; B.O. Nash; I. Hal Sudborough; Forbes Burkowksi; J.S. Masteron; M. Silbert; A.T. Bharucha-Reid
F.8 Biochemistry Biophysics Biology Research Unit, 1962-1967: P.F. Nace; Martin W. Johns; H. Kleerekoper; press release; Ontario Cancer Foundation; Gordon H. Dixon; John R. Evans
F.9 Biochemistry, 1967-1972: K.N. Subramanian, R.N. Hall
Biology see also Zoology, Box 36, F.8
F.10 Biology, 1944-1967: James H.Soper; D.J. Wort; H.G. Thode ( then principal of Hamilton College); A.H. Hutchinson; Valerie M. Aimer; S.F.H. Threlkeld; H. Kleerekoper; Norman W. Radford; John Morison, M.P. for Wentworth; E.B. Wagenaar; Sewbarath Ram
F.11 Biology, McIlwraith bird collection, 1948-1965: Herman Kleerekoper; Royal Botanical Gardens
F.12 Biology, Organic and Associated Terrain Research Unit, 1963-1965: Ontario Cancer Institute; Walter Dinsdale, Minister of Northern Affairs; Norman W. Radford; Better Business Bureau; John S. Poyen, Imperial Oil; press release; Ontario Department of Lands and Forests
F.13 Biology, Molecular Virology proposal to National Research Council, 1967
F.14 Biology, 1968-1973: Herbert Pohl; submission for equipment; Michael L. Rosenzweig; P.R. Norton; J.E.M. Westermann; E.J.M. Campbell; Canadian Committee of University Biology Chairmen; W.A. Glooschenko, Canada Centre for Inland Waters
F.15 Chemistry, 1940-1977: Arthur E. Lorch; Sidney Katz; Kenneth W. Saunders; H.C. Wright; R.C. Wallace; Cosmo Marchant; C.J. Mackenzie, National Research Council; ls. from Gilmour to Thode (1946, 1948); Alan Hutcheon; J.B. McArthur; Karl F. Keirstead, b&w photograph; “Survey of the Graduates in Course 40 ... by R.P. Graham”; S. Basterfield; W.P. Thompson; ts. newsclip of S. Basterfield's obituary; letter from Bourns to Gilmour (1951); Sam Kirkwood; Hanna Newcombe; J.A. Pearce; L.H. Cragg; A.H. Heatley; E.J. King; Victor Stollar; D. Davidsson; R.H. Tomlinson; Hugh A. Gillis; Montreal Medal Awards Committee, Chemical Institute of Canada; Canadian Industries Ltd. (CIL), report of J.W. Tomecko's visit to McMaster; Russell V. Webber; Eldon L. Haines; M.A. Whitehead; G.G. Litvan; Norbert De Jaeger; M.O. Morgan; E.N. Smith, National Revenue Canada; Murray J. Fraser; Z. Valenta; John E. Vertie; T. Robinson; J.T. Wrobel
F.16 Chemistry, Conference on Nuclear Chemistry, 1947: correspondence, program, news clippings
F.17 Chemistry, 1968-1973: R.H. Tomlinson; J.Z. Ozog; R. Hulme; J.P. Crowe; James A. MacLeod; E. Leistner; P.A.W. Dean; D.C. Moule; Peter J. Smith; M. Preiss; Oliver K. Manuel; M.S. Gibson; Larry Weiler; C.G. Davies; G.M. Volkoff; Thomas A. McCarrick; “Response to the Chemistry Consultants report...”.
Box 36
F.1 Geology, 1940-1966: R.D. George; J.G. Althouse, Ontario Dept. of Education; H.S. Scott; F.W. Beales; H.S. Armstrong; H.S. Scott; J.J. Crabb; D. Francks; L.H. Ahrens; Denis M. Shaw; “A Brief Concerning Space Requirements ...”; J.D. Weir; R.H. Bate; Raymond V. Best; “Submission of the Dept. of Geology for authorization of the degree Ph.D. in geology”; Gerard V. Middleton; Paul E. Potter; J.F. Redmond; E. Irving; Paul H. Ribbe; K.H. Wedepohl
F.2 Geology, 1969-1973: Brian J. Burley; Peter W. Bretsky; T.N. Irvine; Mary E. Thompson; A. Hallam; D.H. Collins; F.W. Beales; Floyd C. Elder; A.E. Beck; pamphlet
F.3 Mathematics, 1946-1964: Donald Miller; A.J. Coleman; C.H. Dowker; H.S. Thurston; Alfred E. Johns; W.H. Williams; J.J.H. Chalk; W.B. Pennington; Paul R. Beesack; B. Banaschewski; E. Witt; G.A. Dirac; honoring of A.C. McKay
F.4 Mathematics, 1967-1973: B. Artmann; Thomas Stroud; David W. Roeder; Math lab 1a6 students; A. Rosa; M. Rosenblatt-Roth; Q.I. Rahman; R.N. Bhattacharya; Ian Tweddle; Ed Dubinsky; D. Bierlein; James C.S. Wong; Arthur Smith; visit of Vangipuram Lakshmikantham; D. Solitar; C.F.A. Beaumont;
F.5 “A Program for Nuclear Science at McMaster University”, May 1963
F.6 Physics, 1942-1967: Gerald Wrenshall; H.F. Dawes; David A. Keys; T.A. Thomson; John H.L. Watson; Neil M. Morrow; Glyn E. Reesor; Gordon Dean; Fricis Gulbis; R.L. Graham; George Kirkland; Colin A. Plant; Harold Waterman; H.J. Scott; L.R. Walker; Charles H. Schauer; Martin Johns; B.W. Currie; Robert R. Haering; Robin L. Armstrong; Gaston Fischer; A.E. Douglas; Russell J. Donnelly; L. Krause; D. Matz; A.E. Litherland; Lu Jeu Sham; “General Consideration Concerning McMaster's Nuclear Physics Laboratory”, October 1965; Joseph Macaluso, M.P.; “A Proposal for the Establishment of Engineering Physics and Applied Physics...”, 1967; P. Meincke; William G. Weitkamp; A.T. Stewart
F.7 Physics, 1968-1974: R.H. Tomlinson; Ronald C. Davidson; Michael Ingleby; L.M. Falicov; B.N. Brockhouse; E.R. Cowley; J.T.C. McMullen; John Davies; R.A. McFarlane; R.L. Graham; A. Chatterjee; D.A. Goodings; E.P. Jones; “Five Year Plan for Physics Department”; Martin Johns
F.8 Zoology, 1945-1960:W.M. Bowden; Donald C.G. MacKay; Walter H. Reginald Werner; W.W. Judd; A. Emerson Warren (also brief obituary); Harrison F. Lewis, Canada Dept. of Mines and Resources; E.H. Marchant; Constance I. MacFarlane; “Prospective Teaching Loads”, 1948-1949; John G. Oughton; Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil; H. Kleerekoper; D.E. Delzell; “Ph.D. Studies in Zoology”; “Dr. Kleerekoper and Students from Holland”; Barbara T. Harrison; W.N. Paterson; Edward Botan; P.F. Nace; P.R. Zilsel; J.D. McFarlane, Canada Immigration
Faculty of Engineering
F.9 Engineering, 1957-1967: press releases, news clippings and b&w photograph of drawing of new building; J.W. Hodgins; C.W. Booth, Ontario Department of Education; C.D. Homes; J.B. Franklin; G.H. Samuel; J.B. Franklin; A.S. Gladwin; R.E.M. Caskie; J.T. Rogers; John Duncan; George Lindsey; H.W. Smith; William K. Oldham; J.D. Raal; Ki Soo Sung; C.K. Campbell; R.N. Kardosh; E.D. Schroeder; P.T. Shannon; Philip G. Hill; Maurice A. Bergougnou; T.W. Hoffman; Geoffrey L. Kulak; B.W. Firth; progress report
F.10 Engineering, 1968-1969: press releases; D.L. Pulfrey; Richard A. Stein; R.W. Menzies; Edgar A. Bunt; Biran W. Firth; H.D. Barber; D.W. Coutts; B.G. Hutchinson; P.M. Reilly; R.G. Rice; R. Hogg; Norman Ashford; G.R. Slemon; V. Corbo; J.W. Hodgins; O.C. Zienkiewicz; 1 b&w photograph of President Thode at Applied Dynamic Laboratory opening
F.11 Engineering, 1970-1972: press releases; Kurt F. Schenk; Robert L. Schiffman; F. Souhrada; A.A. Ghobarah; J.M. Alexander; W.M. Kirkpatrick; J. Shewchun; E. Mosca; R. de Buda; O.A. Trojan; Robert Lugannani; H.D. Barber; J.P. Marton; D.A. Thompson; Helen Howard-Lock; H.J. Wilkinson; Michio Kuroda; James A. MacLeod; P.R. Barnard; J.R. Arrowsmith; Eric Betz; V. Temple; O.A. Trojan; Andrew Nellestyn; F.E. Dudas; Bob Pastor; L.W. Shemilt
Box 37
F.1-2 Engineering, 1973-1974: press releases, proposals, and lists; “Study and Report on the Future of Engineering Ph.D. programmes”; Ron Korol; F.E. Dudas; C.D. diCenzo; Zdzislaw Marciniak; David J. Frame; Kipling ceremony invitation; G. Barrow; “Five-Year Plan for Doctoral Work in Engineering”; L.W. Shemilt; D.R. McCalla; Helen E. Howard-Lock; J.A. Davies; James A. MacLeod; J.P. Marton; O.A. Trojan; H.D. Barber; Peter R. Barnard
F.3 Mechanical Engineering: “Proposal to Establish Ph.D. Studies in Mechanical Engineering”, March and December 1965
F.4 Metallurgy: Extension course, 1958-1959
F.5 Metallurgy, 1958-1966: M.N. Parthasarathi; G. Sibakin; Ph.D. proposal; Gordon E. Willey; Walter W. Smeltzer; Geoffrey MacGibbon; press releases; J.H.L. Watson; Michel Desjardins; James S. Foster; John A. Fellows; J.S. Kirkcaldy; D.A. Jackson; J.P. Evans; E.T. Turkdogan; Markus O. Speidel; news clipping
F.6 Metallurgy, 1967-1973: E.G.A. Steinmetz; L.S. Williams; J.C.M. Li; Klaus Schwerdtfeger; G.F. Bolling; G.R. Purdy; American Society for Metals; L.M. Brown; G.M. Sargent; L.W. Shemilt
F.7 “An Interdisciplinary Materials Research Laboratory”, 1963
F.8 Materials Research, 1963-1966: Advanced Research Projects Agency; B.G. Ballard, W.G. Schneider, National Research Council; A.H. Zimmerman, Defence Research Board chairman; G.S. Field; C.J. Mackenzie; F. Sherman; V.W. Scully; J.D. Campbell; W.W. Smeltzer; I.D. Brown
F.9 Materials Research, 1967-1973: press releases; circular letters; C.K. Campbell; W.G. Schneider, National Research Council; C.V. Stager; Walter Smeltzer; H.D. Barber; T. Timusk; M.B. Ives; C.J.L. Lock; C. Calvo; M.A. Preston; Bourns to Thode; J.A. Morrison
Science and Engineering
F.10 Postdoctoral fellowships, 1968-1971
F.11 Research grants, 1972-1973
F.12 Research grants, 1973-1974
Box 38
Centre for Applied Research and Engineering Design Inc. (CARED)
Note: The president serves as a member of the Board of Directors
F.1 1966-1969
F.2 1970-1972
F.3 promotional materials
Board of Directors meetings
F.4 1972
F.5 1973
F.6 1974
F.7 bylaws, 1973
F.8 1973
F.9 1973-1974
F.10-2 1974
Box 39
Health Sciences
F.1 Medical education, 1943-1958: “McMaster Academy Committee on Post-Graduate Medical Education” February 1943 report for five-year period ending June 1942, minutes from 1945-; Edwin Mills; Hamilton Academy of Medicine; A. Emerson Warren; Hamilton Medical Research Institute letters patent and bylaw; “Memorandum to Chancellor Gilmour concerning the establishment of a Medical College at McMaster University”; Arthur Wright; Martin W. Johns; Thode to Gilmour, 1953; “Memorandum on Medical School Possibilities”; Sir Francis Fraser; “Report of Sir Francis R. Fraser to President Gilmour”, 1956; E.T. Clarke; Ray Farquharson; J.A. MacFarlane; T.A. Rice; “Proposal to the McLaughlin Foundation”
F.2 Nursing education, 1946-1961: Isabel Black; Mildred I. Walker; aims of nursing school; fellowship program; agenda; Dorothy G. Riddell; Russell T. Kelley; Jeanette E. Watson; Clara Graham; Alma E. Reid; Helene M. Snedden; Marjorie Pinchbeck; proposed budget; Mildred Tuttle; statements on nursing degree; J.T. Phair, Ontario Dept. of Health; Frances Riddell; A.B. McFarlane; May Watanabe; Hazel Ward; Myrtle Kutschke; Kira Sibakin; Joan Eagle; Marilyn Mason; brochures and news clippings
F.3 Reports on visits to American medical centres, correspondence, 1960-1962
F.4 1961-1962: John P. Robarts; M.B. Dymond, Ontario Minister of Health; C.E. Dolman; Lloyd Jackson, Mayor of Hamilton; John Neilson, Ontario Hospital Services Commission; J.A. MacFarlane, Royal Commission on Health Services
F.5 Medical education report, 1961; Medical school report, 1963
F.6 Nursing education, 1962-1967: Alma E. Reid; Mary Fawcett; Joyce Schroeder; Mary Tidey; Sister Françoise de Chantal; Dorothy M. Pringle; M.B. Dymond; W.B. Burwell; Sister M. Celestine; E.A. Ho
F.7-8 Medical education,1963: reports, speeches, and drafts of speeches; H.E. Johns; J.A. MacFarlane; John P. Robarts; J. Wendell Macleod, Assn. Canadian Medical Colleges; J.V. Frei; Philip Carter Johnson; J.M. Pigott; news clippings
F.9 Medical education, 1964: J. Wendell Macleod; J.A. McFarlane; George M. Yost, Sasaki, Walker and Associates, Inc.; J.F.W. Fry; V.K. Copps, Mayor of Hamilton; H.S. Armstrong; William A. Oille; Cyrus Eaton; news clippings
F.10 Medical education, 1965: John R. Evans; G. Edward Hall; F.S. Weatherston; F.B. Bowman; John B. Neilson; J.A. MacFarlane; Robert C. Dickson; Robert J. Slater; J.D. Hamilton; J. Wendell Macleod; John F. McCreary; A.B. McFarlane; W.J. Walsh; news clipping
F.11 Woods, Gordon & Co., Management and Design Consultants, Govan Architects, 1965-1967; 1 B&w photograph of model of proposed Health Sciences Centre (not built)
Box 40
F.1 Medical school, Jan.-Mar., 1966: minutes; John R. Evans; Charles P. Fell; W.J. Walsh; Joseph Macaluso, M.P.; speeches; notes for telephone interview; William G. Davis and M.B. Dymond; Gary Lautens radio script; Woods, Gordon & Co.; Ray Connell, M.L.A.; David E. Smith; W.B. Spaulding; news clippings
F.2 Medical school, Apr.-Aug. 1966: John R. Evans; M.O. Morgan; statement of policy; Scott Young; Mayor Copps; William G. Davis and M.B. Dymond; Bernard Snell; John M. Russell
F.3 Medical school, Sept.-Dec. 1966: John R. Evans; Woods, Gordon & Co.; K.C. Charron; press release; John F. McCreary; agenda
F.4 Royal Botanical Gardens, 1961-1965; includes property acquisition of 1962 for the Health Sciences Centre, site plans, aerial b&w photograph of campus; Leslie Laking; Tilley, Carson, Findlay & Wedd; W.F. Schwenger; minutes; press release; Robert N. Steiner
King Street diversion proposed to accommodate the building of the Health Sciences Centre (F.5-F.9)
F.5 1964-1965: City of Hamilton; site plans; George M. Yost; John Frid; speeches; news clipping
F.6-8 1966: City of Hamilton; speeches; Westdale Community Council; Hamilton Chamber of Commerce; Roy L. Kellock; Hamilton Spectator; press releases; minutes, reports and presentations; J.D. Campbell; 86 home owners between King, Main, Forsyth and Dalewood; Hamilton and District Labour Council; John P. Robarts; Hamilton Board of Education; site plans; news clippings
F.9 1967: press release; J.D. Campbell; City of Hamilton
Box 41
F.1 1967: term appointment list; agreement; John R. Evans; W.B. Spaulding; Ontario Society for Crippled Children; William G. Davis; minutes; Medical Research Council; press release; Margret Meikleham; W.J. Walsh; opening ceremonies program of University Clinic at Henderson Hospital; National Cancer Institute of Canada; Ontario Mental Health Foundation; Samuel McLaughlin
F.2 Press release, press conference, July 1967
F.3 1968: Canadian Mental Health Assn.; E.H. Botterell; John R. Evans; press releases; D. Morgan Firestone
F.4 1969: M.D. Dymond; John R. Evans; speeches; Merck Company Foundation; E.E. Stewart, Ontario Committee on University Affairs; press releases; Canadian Council on Animal Care; John P. Robarts; K.C. Charron; A.P. Gordon; Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada; K.L. MacCannell; 2 b&w photographs of the model of the Health Sciences Centre, with Thode and others
F.5 News clippings, 1961-1969
F.6 Biomedical Research at University of Guelph, 1969-1970: John R. Evans; A.P. Gordon; E.E. Stewart
F.7 Ewart Angus Centre at the Health Sciences Centre, 1969-1972: John R. Evans; Ewart Angus; dedication; statement; news clippings
F.8 1970: John R. Evans; Medical Research Council; 1 b&w photograph of Centre at night; press releases; Dorothy Pringle; Myrtle Kutschke; Grace E. Terry; F.B. Bowman
F.9 1971: Canadian Cancer Society; F. Sherman; Gary Wrathall; J.C. Simpson; Chinedu Azonobi; John Hamilton; Medical Research Council; I.M. Park; Alfred U. Oakie; statement; I.M. Park; M.C. Cline; B.C. Lentle; news clippings
F.10 1972: John R. Evans; J.S. Robbins; Gil Murray; Henrietta Henry; H.M. Sharma; press releases; George A. Kerr; H.H. Walker, Ontario Department of Colleges and Universities; staff appointments; noise complaints; Medical Research Council; Conference Board in Canada
F.11 1973: J. Fraser Mustard; press releases; W.K. Kellogg Foundation; P.H. Albertin; A. Buivids; T.W.D. Farmer; minutes; Hamilton and District Health Council; City of Hamilton; silencer installation. See also Box 42, F.5.
Box 42
F.1-2 May 1972 open house: includes planning for the event which began in 1971; speeches, invitations; Lincoln M. Alexander; James A. Bethune; John D. Campbell; Ralph W. Cooper; J.D. Galloway; G.E. Grundy; George A. Kerr; Jack McNie; S. Mitminger; Robert Morrow; J. Gordon Parr; G.W. Reid; John P. Robarts; John Smith; Hamilton Chamber of Commere; Hamilton and District Labour Council; Robert Welsh; Thomas L. Wells; William H. Young; Douglas Wright; Reg Gisborn; Charles Rathgeb; minutes; J.D. Baker; William G. Davis; T.W.D. Farmer; L.T. Beare; Argue Martin
F.3 1972 legal agreements
F.4 1973 legal agreements
F.5 1973: Thomas R. Mason; J. Fraser Mustard; Canadian Tax Foundation; D. Bocking; E.H. Betz
F.6 Jan.-July 1974: J. Fraser Mustard; W.R. Love; minutes; Jack McNie, M.P.P.; T.W.D. Farmer; Ontario Medical Assn.; Myra Linstrom; Heather Wallingford; B.A. Wilson; Medical Research Council; R.G. McAuley
F.7 July-Dec. 1974: Alun Wynn-Williams; Thomas R. Mason; J.M. Bell; J. Fraser Mustard; H.E. Petch, Ministry of Health; Mrs. B.N. Brockhouse, Hamilton Right to Life; report; C.D. diCenzo; J. Gordon Parr and S.W. Martin, Ontario government; 1974 financial statements
Box 43
F.1 Jan.-June 1975: J. Fraser Mustard; Robert J. Moore, High Commissioner for Guyana; Ontario Paper Co.; S.W. Martin and J. Gordon Parr, Ontario government
F.2 July-Dec. 1975: J. Fraser Mustard; J.M. Cleghorn; Medical Research Council; Ebherhard H. Zeidler; list of faculty members; by-laws; J. Downie, Rigidflex Canada Ltd.; H.S. Armstrong; P. Agache
F.3 Jan.-June 1976: Cliff Terrio; J. Fraser Mustard; Andrew D. Booth; Lincoln M. Alexander, M.P.; photocopy of letter from Senator Edward M. Kennedy to J. Fraser Mustard re Kennedy's visit to McMaster; Paul W. Kadar
McMaster-Mohawk Health Sciences Liaison Committee
F.4 1974
F.5 1975
F.6 1976
F.7 1977
F.8-9 1978
F.10 1978-1979
Box 44
School of Graduate Studies; Union of Graduate Students
F.1 Graduates Studies, 1964-1971: William G. Davis; Leslie M. Frost; M.A. Preston; text of Thode's speech on the development of graduate programmes; Sir Hugh Taylor; John D. Campbell; minutes; E.B. Heaven; J.R. Hanna
F.2-3 Graduate Studies, 1972-1974: circulars and minutes
F.4 1974: W. Bien; E. Thomas Weir
F.5 Union of Graduate Students, incorporation of, 1967-1968
F.6 1967-1968, 1970-1971: Robert S. Sainsbury; R.E. Florida; Donald Posluns; P. Bowlby; T. Kadai
F.7 1972, labour unrest: T. Kadai; R.H. Hall; George A. Kerr; news clipping
Office of Institutional Research, Eliot C. Higbee, Director; files include expenditure analysis
F.8 1969-1971
F.9 1972
Box 45
F.1 1972
F.2-3 1973
F.4-6 1974
F.7-8 1975
F.9 1976
F.10-1 1977-1978
Series 3:
Convocation. – 1958-1978; predominant 1958-1974.– 1 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – Files usually contain programmes, correspondence with the honorees, press releases, photographs, speeches, citations and biographies of the honorees, and news clippings. The number of photographs has been noted for each file, along with correspondence with others, i.e. not the honorees. Convocation material before 1958 is located in the Divinity College archives as are all Divinity College convocations, even those after 1957.
Box 46
F.1 Hon. degree recommendations for 1958: minutes of committee, correspondence with Robert A. Speirs, headmaster, Selwyn House School
F.2 Arts and Science, 19 May 1958: Hon. degree, David L. Thomson; 8 b& w photographs; 2 contact sheets
F.3 Arts and Science, 24 October 1958: Hon. degree, Duncan Thomas Norman; laying of Engineering building cornerstone by James N. Allen, Treasurer of Ontario; 7 b&w photographs; correspondence with W.A. Arbuckle, R.L. Kellock
F.4 Hon degree recommendations for 1959: correspondence with M. Cleeve Hooper, Adiel J. Moncrief, G.B.R. Collier, R.E. Hubbard
F.5 Arts and Science, 18 May 1959: Hon. degrees, Robertson Davies and Walter Bagnall; 11 b&w photographs
F.6 Arts and Science, 23 Oct. 1959: Hon. degrees, Frank A. Sherman, Ralph L. Jeffrey, Hugh G. Hilton, John Convey; opening of Engineering building, convocation address by J.W. Hodgins, Dean of Engineering; 6 b&w photographs
F.7 1959 convocations, 5 b&w photographs
F.8 Hon. degree recommendations for 1960:correspondence with Glaister Knight, Gertrude S. Telford, E.C. Fox, Gavin H. Young, Thomas M. Thomson, Watson Kirkconnell
F.9 Arts and Science, 23 May 1960: Hon degrees, Richard Manske and Arthur Moore; 11 b&w photographs
F.10 21 October 1960, installation of Charles P. Fell as Chancellor; Hon. degrees, Robert B. Bradley and Herbert P. Frid; 9 b&w photographs; correspondence with J. Keiller Mackay, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario; R. Lennox; E.C. Fox; Watson Kirkconnell
F.11 Hon. degree recommendations for 1961; correspondence with Rev. H.S. Hillyer, Robert D. Stout, H.S. Armstrong, H. Arthurs
F.12 Arts, Science and Engineering, 22 May 1961: Hon. degrees, James N. Allen, Reginald H. King, Kenneth F. Tupper, Arthur S.P. Woodhouse; 4 b&w photographs; correspondence with R. Lennox and Stephen M. Fletcher
October 1961 see Box 47
F.13 Hon. degree recommendations for 1962: correspondence with T.J. Brown, Andre La Riviere, Norman Davies, Argue Martin, Melvin Calvin
F.14 Baccalaureate service, 20 May 1962
F.15 Arts, Science and Engineering, 21 May 1962: Hon. degrees, William K. Warrender, Rob Roy McGregor, Wilder Graves Penfield, Michael Langham, Healey Willian; correspondence with E.C. Fox, Marion Bates, Kenneth Johannson
F.16 23 b&w photographs, news clippings
F.17 Arts, Science and Engineering, 26 Oct. 1962: Hon. degrees, Harold Braun, Sidney Raybould, Frederick Beamish; 8 b&w photographs; correspondence with E.C. Fox, C.P. Fell, Marion Bates
Box 47
Thode installation as president at 27 October 1961 convocation, resignation, and honours
F.1 Correspondence: invitations to guests, including all the presidents of Canadian universities, also Claude Bissell, John P. Robarts, E.W.R. Steacie, Watson Kirkconnell and others
F.2 Invitations and invitation list
F.3 Arrangements, programmes, correspondence, news clippings, 3 b&w photographs. Hon degree: R.F. Legget
F.4 Correspondence: congratulations letters, including Ellen Fairclough, H. Lyman Hooker, Claude Bissell, W. Sherwood Fox, St. Clair Balfour, James Allan, Wallace P. Cohoe (Class of 1896), Leslie Laking, Walter E. Bagnall, and many others
F.5-7 Press release, programme, and 22 b&w photographs
F.8 “The Inaugural Address”, ts., also 2 press releases containing the address
F.9 Resignation, November 1971, effective June 1972. Correspondence, offering best wishes, from politicians, faculty members, students, university presidents, and others
F.10 Harry Thode: An Appreciation (printed programme), reception and dinner programme, remarks by B.A.W. Jackson at dinner in Thode's honour, June 1972, news clippings, and other printed materials
F.11 Naming and opening of Thode Library: programme, correspondence, 1978
Box 48
F.1 Hon. degree recommendations for 1963; correspondence with Esmond Butler, Secretary to Governor-General Georges P. Vanier refusing the offer of an honorary degree; T.E. Kruger
F.2 Arts, Science and Engineering, 20 May 1963: Hon. degrees, H. Allan Leal, Joseph M. Pigott; 10 b&w photographs
F.3 Arts, Science and Engineering, 25 October 1963: Hon degrees, Alan V. Young and G.M. Shrum; condolence letter from Bourns to Alan V. Young's widow in 1973
F.4 1963 convocations: 6 b&w photographs
F.5 Hon. degree recommendations for 1964
F.6 Baccalaureate service, 24 May 1964
F.7 Arts, Science and Engineering, 25 May 1964: Hon degrees, A. Eustace Haydon, Ralph J. Bunche, and John Short; correspondence with Cyrus Eaton; 17 b&w photographs
F.8 Arts, Science and Engineering, 30 Oct. 1964: Hon. degrees, Vern N. Ames, C.W. Small, Harold C. Urey; 15 b&w photographs
F.9 Hon. degree recommendations for 1965; correspondence with Marion Bates, C.P. Fell, J.E. Kersell, Stanley H. Seal
F.10 Science, Engineering and Physical Education (morning), Arts (afternoon), 31 May 1965: Hon degrees, Maurice Lebel, James Stowe, J.R. McCarthy, James M. Minifie; 21 b&w photographs; correspondence with C.P. Fell, Chancellor (his last convocation), remarks by Thode on Fell's retirement
F.11 Arts, Science and Engineering, 5 November 1965: Hon. degrees, Hugh MacLennan and Wilfrid B. Lewis; 16 b&w photographs
F.12 1965 convocations, 33 b&w photographs
F.13 Hon. degree recommendations for 1966; letter from Bourns to Thode recommending J.A. MacFarlane, correspondence with Martin W. Johns and W. Herbert Kribs
F.14 Installation of Argue Martin as chancellor at the morning convocation, 30 May 1966
F.15 Science, Engineering and Physical Education (morning), Arts (afternoon), 30 May 1966: Hon. degrees, J.E. Wallace Sterling, Gwendolen M. Carter, Norman McLaren; 18 b&w photographs
F.16 Arts, Science and Engineering, 4 Nov. 1966: Hon. degrees, Marion Bates, John P. Robarts, W. Kaye Lamb; 10 b&w photographs
F.17 1966 convocations, 17 b&w photographs, proofs, 2 col photographs
Box 49
F.1 Hon. degree recommendations for 1967; includes letter from J.W. Fulbright, United States Senate, refusing the offer of an honorary degree
F.2-3 Science, Engineering, Business, Nursing and Physical Education (morning), Arts (afternoon), 26 May 1967: Hon. degrees, Marcel Faribault, H.S. Armstrong, Donald O. Hebb, Robert S. McLaughlin, Joseph F. Ryan; 29 b&w photographs
F.4 Arts, Science, Engineering, Business, and Physical Education, 3 Nov. 1967: Hon. degrees, J.M. Harrsion, R.F. Shaw; 3 b&w photographs, 5 col photographs, proofs
F.5 1967 convocations, 23 b&w photographs, 3 col photographs, proofs
F.6 Hon. degree recommendations for 1968; includes correspondence from Mayor Jean Drapeau, refusing the offer of an honorary degree, also correspondence with Norman Radforth, Alma Reid, H.E. Turner, William Ready
F.7-8 Science, Engineering, Business, Nursing and Physical Education (morning), Arts (afternoon), 31 May 1968: Hon. degrees, William G. Davis, Ira Needles, J.O. Dineen, John J. Deutsch; 28 b&w photographs
F.9 Arts, Science, Engineering, Business, and Physical Education, 1 Nov. 1968: Hon. degrees, Cyrus Eaton, George A. Gale; 7 b&w photographs
F.10 1968 convocations, 54 b&w photographs
Box 50
F.1 Hon. degree recommendations for 1969: includes letter from Claude Ryan of Le Devoir, refusing the offer of an honorary degree; also correspondence with Marion Bates, G.S. Murray, William Ready who suggests giving an hon. degree to Bertrand Russell, and George Grant
F.2-4 Science, Engineering, Business, Nursing, Physical Education, and Degree Studies in Extension (morning), Arts (afternoon), 30 May 1969: Hon. degrees, T.C. Douglas, Gladys Sharpe, W.G. Schneider, Bernard Baskin, Louis Rasminsky; ca. 50 b&w photographs, proofs
F.5-6 Autumn convocation, 21 Nov. 1969 (programme not extant): Hon. degrees, Jean Sutherland Boggs, Henry Duckworth, 13 b&w photographs
F.7 1969 convocations, 18 b&w photographs
F.8 Hon. degree recommendations for 1970
F.9-10 Science, Engineering, Business, Nursing, Physical Education, Medicine and Degree Studies in Extension (morning), Humanities and Social Sciences (afternoon), 29 May 1970: Hon. degrees, Louis-Philippe Bonneau, John D. Campbell, Harold E. Johns, George Gathercole, Roy Daniells; 30 b&w photographs
F.11 Arts, Science, Engineering, Business, and Physical Education, 20 Nov. 1970: Hon. degrees, David Easton, Lawrence T. Pennell; 13 b&w photographs
F.12 1970 convocations, 20 b&w photographs
Box 51
F.1-2 Engineering, Medicine, Science and Adult Education (morning), Business, Humanities and Social Sciences (afternoon), 28 May 1970: Hon. degrees, R.D. Hiscocks, Leslie Laking, Arthur J.R. Smith, Margaret Laurence; 15 b&w photographs
F.3 Installation of Lawrence T. Pennell as chancellor; Business, Engineering, Humanities, Medicine, Science and Social Sciences, 19 Nov. 1970; 4 b&w photographs, proofs
F.4 Hon. degree recommendations for 1972-73; includes letter from Stanley H. Knowles refusing the offer of an honorary degree. See also Box 52, F.6
F.5-6 Business, Humanities, Adult Education, 25 May; Social Sciences (afternoon), Engineering, Medicine and Science, 26 May 1971: Hon. degrees, Argue Martin, Naomi Jackson Groves, Joseph W. Willard, James D. Galloway, Kenneth C. Charron; 13 b&w photographs, contact proofs
F.7-8 Installation of Arthur N. Bourns as president; Business, Engineering, Humanities, Medicine, Science and Social Sciences, 17 Nov. 1972: Hon. degree, John R. Evans; 15 b&w photographs; also correspondence from J.P. Evans, Registrar, acknowledging attendance of invitees, correspondence with Bourns about his installation; installation address
Box 52
F.1-5 Business, Humanities, Adult Education, 24 May; Social Sciences, 25 May; Engineering, Medicine and Science, 26 May 1972: Hon. degrees, George F. Davidson and Jean L. Gascon; Sylvia Ostry and W.F. Schroeder; L.H. Craig and Henry G. Thode; 13 b&w photographs
F.6 Business, Engineering, Humanities, Medicine, Science and Social Sciences, 16 Nov. 1973: Hon. degrees, Stanley H. Knowles, M. Banker Bates, John Porter; 8 b&w photographs, contact proofs
F.7 Business, Humanities, Adult Education, 30 May 1974: Hon degrees, Catherine Wallace, Roy McKeen Wiles; 4 b&w photographs
F.8 Social Sciences, 31 May 1974: Hon. degrees, Norman Ward, Elizabeth Bagshaw; 11 b&w photographs
F.9 Engineering, Medicine and Science, 1 June 1974: Hon. degrees, Donald J. LeRoy and Victor K. Copps; 11 b&w photographs
F.10 Spring convocations, 1974, contact proofs
F.11 Business, Engineering, Humanities, Medicine, Science and Social Sciences, 14 Nov. 1974: Hon. degrees, Howard E. Petch, Thomas R. MacDonald; 14 b&w photographs, contact proofs
Series 4:
Correspondence. – 1936-1981. – 5.2 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – All three presidents kept an alphabetical sequence of files where letters (both incoming and outgoing) were grouped together; in addition Bourns kept a small chronological sequence. These files are followed by larger files, i.e. files which contain only one topic, arranged in alphabetical order. Arrangement of this part of the series was imposed by the archivist on files that were often in disarray or non-existent. This correspondence is predominantly external and includes incoming and outgoing letters. Throughout this series some letters are about the individual or organization listed, rather than to or from. That method of filing originated in the office of the president and has been retained by the archivist.
Box 53
Gilmour alpha sequence:
F.1 A, 1960-1961: American Peoples Encyclopedia; C.A. Ashely; Stanley Arculus; Duncan Appleford; Meta C. Allen; Russell Aldwinckle
F.2 Arts and Administration proposed building, 1957-1971
F.3 B, 1960-1961: Bruce Brown; R.C. Blagrave; A.G.O. Bahr; Roland H. Bainton; Claude Bissell; Henry Borden; Jessie L. Beattie; S. Bibby; George W. Brown; R.W. Brockway
F.4 C, 1956, 1959-1961: Chrysler Corp.; Paul R. Clifford; Canadian Journal of Economics; Paul Ching-Szu Chen; W.A. Curtis; Victor Copps; Charles Case; Wallace P. Cohoe; James Cooper; CAUT; Carnegie Corp.
F.5 D, 1960-1961: C.W. de Kieweit; C.H. Dickinson; Charles De Koninck; John G. Diefenbaker; Dominion Rubber; G. Henton Davies; Ernest C. Drury
F.6 Divinity College, 1962
F.7 E, 1960-1961: Mr. Englebert; H.E. English; G.B. Elwin
F.8 F, 1954, 1960-1961: R.W.S. Freeman; Forysthe and other Westdale street residents; Barry Fawcett (student discipline case); George Forell; Ellen Fairclough; Carl V. Farmer; Douglass Fogerty
F.9 G, 1960-1961: Bernard Groom, Leland A. Gregory; Harold N. Gleadow; A. Gibson; Allan Gilmore; G.S. Graham; William E. Gwatkin; W.B. Gay; H.B. Greening; W.W. Grave
F.10 H, 1960-1961: George L. Holmes; H.S. Hillyer; John Hain; G. Edward Hall; J.G. Holbrook; David Hill; Hamilton Planning Board; Ross L. Harrison
F.11 Alfreda Hall (Moulton College Alumnae), 1960-1961
F.12 J, 1960-1961: Connor Johnson; H.W. Johnston; Charles H. Jaimet; Minton C. Johnston
F.13 K, 1959-1961: Charles Knapp; J.R. Kidd; Watson Kirkconnell; R.L. Kellock; Lloyd Kyles
F.14 L, 1959-1961: R. Lennard; Loyola University; Herbert H. Lank; T.E. Lloyd; J. Lanza; Lorne Park College
F.15 M, 1960-1961: Adiel Moncrief; John Mayer; W.R.H. Montgomery; R.B. Marshall; Fred Mann; Argue Martin; Edwin W. Mills; Arthur Montague
F.16 Mc, 1954, 1960-1961: T.B. McDormand; Dorothy McGuire; N.A.M. MacKenzie; J.D. McKinnon; Bruce McCrimmon; Anthony MacFarlane (Marmor); William McElcheran; R.J. McCracken; Brian McCool; J.A. MacFarlane; D'Alton McLaughlin; Colin McNairn; Craig McIvor; W.A. McIntosh; W.J. McCurdy
F.17 N, 1960-1961:Thomas E. Nichols; National Research Council; Duncan Norman; Gordon New; National Trust Co. Ltd.; William C. Nicholl
F.18 O, 1948, 1959-1961: Ottawa Citizen; Oxford University Press; J. Edwin Orr; K. Ouchi
F.19 P, 1960-1961: Gordon Price; W.H. Parker; Laura K. Pelton; Prentice-Hall, Inc.; The Phoenix; Arthur R. Poynter; H.L. Puxley; F.W. Patterson
F.20 R, 1954, 1960-1961: Rockefeller Foundation; Homer Racicot; Bernard Riegler; Royal Trust; Fred O. Robinson; Thomas G. Rogers; S.M. Roscoe; J.W. Randall; John E. Robbins; J.D. Robinson; Thomas Ryan
F.21 R, 1952, 1959-1961: Steel Co. of Canada Ltd; Kurt Swinton; K.E. Specht; G. Smallbone; J.W.T. Spinks; Sydney Smart; John M. Sherlock; Ralph S. Derby; Stephen H. Stackpole; C.H. Stearn
F.22 S, 1960-1961: Marjorie Trotter; Harold Trinier; Charles Tarry; J.S.B. Thomson; P.A.S. Todd; Willard H. Taylor; H.A. Tanser
F.23 U-V, 1959-1961: George R. Ursul; University Ball of Canada; United Kingdom Information Service; University of British Columbia
F.24 W, 1958-1961: S. Robert Weaver; H.H. Wilson; A.E. Walford; Charles G. Whidden; Evan M. Whidden; C. Wysocki; Woodrow Wilson Foundation; Clifford F. Waite, Jr.; speech by George L. Wilcox, chair of McMaster University Expansion Fund; b&w photograph of the committte
Box 54
Thode alpha sequence, 1961-1972; several of the letters addressed to Thode are answered by Manuel Zack or by Bourns as acting president; some files also contain news clippings
F.1 A: Lincoln Alexander; American Chemical Society; Association of Professional Designers of Ontario; Vincent Agro; American Assn. for Higher Education; African Students Foundation; American Can Co.; John Andrews; Atomic Energy Control Board; American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies; Astral Communications; Alan J. Adamonis; Athabasca University; APIDO; Atlantic Institute of Education; J.H. Archer
F.2 B: Claude Brown; S.H. Bauer; W.R. Bruce; Bitter Ash film controversy; Joseph J. Becke; G.A. Brakeley & Co. questionnaire; Robert B. Bradley; Marion Bates; Gordon Brannan; Board of Education Hamilton; University of Birmingham; Brock University; Brandon University; Board of Education Etobicoke; University of British Columbia; Mollie Bouquet; H.B. Brown; Brock University
F.3 C: Council of Jewish Organizations; Canadian Assn. University Development Officers; b&w photograph of Thode re fund raising; College Store Journal; Leslie G. Cook; Canadian Assn. of Physicists; Frank B. Caldwell; J.M.S. Careless; R.J. Cudney; K.K. Carroll; Hyliard G. Chappell; J.D. Campbell; Canadian Kodak Co.; Centennial Medals; Chemical Institute of Canada; Carnegie Foundation; Duncan F. Cameron; Thomas Camelford estate; Columbia University; J.E. Cardwell; L.H. Cragg; Canadian General Electric Co.; Canadian Manufacturers' Assn.; press release re Thode's leave of absence at California Institute of Technology
F.4 C (1970-1972): Canadian Council of Resource Ministers; University of Calgary; University of Chicago; Chemical Institute of Canada; Canadian Council of Christian and Jews; H. Kelvin Conners; P.F. Connell; Canadian Assn. of Slavists; Duncan Cruickshank; Canadian Northern Conference; H.G. Chappell, M.P.; Central Canada Broadcasters' Assn.; Canada Dept. of Communications; Canterbury House (Westdale); Canadian Student Affairs Assn.; Carleton University; Dorothy Codd; Canadian Journal of Theology; Canadian Cancel Assn.; CUSO; Centennial College; Canadian Diabetic Assn.
F.5 D: John G. Diefenbaker; Dominion Foundries and Steel Ltd.; A.V. Dean; University of Delaware; Dow Chemical Co. and statement by Thode about Dow Chemical recruitment on campus; Louise Dean; Dominion Rubber Co. Ltd.; Danforth Foundation; D. Davidson; Dartmouth College; R.W.L. Dunning; Phyllis Dunlop; R.W. Dawson; Brian Dunford; Sharda DasGupta
F.6 Henry Duckworth installation as president of University of Winnipeg, 1971
F.7 E: Clifton Edgar, Etobicoke Board of Education; Vera M. Elkington; Canadian flag; Cyrus Eaton; employment policy
F.8 F: W.J. Floyd; Simon Freed; Ford Motor Co. and Ford Foundation; Woof Fisher; John Alexander Finlay; statement re fees; Charles E. Frosst; Margaret R. Forster; Jack Farewell; James H. Filkins; Elbert E. Field; D.F. Forster; W.G. Forbes; Hilda M. Freshwater; Far East College; Financial Post; Finnish Rotarians
F.9 G: E.H. Gavlas; George Gathercole; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; V.V. Gromov; Gulf Research and Development Co.; Robert L. Graham; V.I. Goldansky; H. Griffin; University of Guelph; Pierre R. Gendron
F.10 H: N.B. Hutcheon; H.L. Hooker; Harvey C. Hall; John R. Hulston; L. Foster Hutton; Edward N. Hay & Associates; Kenneth Hare; Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra; John Hofsess; Hamilton Automobile Club; C. Malim Harding; Gerhard Herzberg; Lauren Hitchcock; P.W. Hankinson; Robert C. Hayman; Humanities Research Council; Alexander G. Harrison; Hamilton Convention Bureau; John L. Hall; Hamilton Regional Conservation Authority; Hamilton theatre project; G.C. Haddow; Huntsman Marine Laboratory; Hamilton city council; Denyse Handler
F.11 I: Imperial Oil Ltd.; Ralph E. Ingraham; Immigration Canada; INFOR
F.12 International Field Year for the Great Lakes, 1970
F.13 J: John L. Jaskula; Michael R. Johnstone; Neil H. Jacoby; Robert Johnston; Carl Johnson; Peter Jackson
F.14 K: Ingolf Koch death; David Keys; Mary Kelday death; Vera Kovalova; Chris Kadlen; L.C. Kitchen; Watson Kirkconnell; Brian F. Kain; I.R. Kaplan; Earl J. King; Stanford Katambala; B.R.F. Kendall; R.L. Kellock; Tully Kikauka; A.R. Kilgour; H.R. Krouse; Kingsmill, Jennings, barristers
Box 55
F.1 L: London Public Library; Laidlaw Foundation; David Levy; Learned Societies estimate budget; Judge Latchford; E.R. Lawrence; London House Assn. of Canada; Université Laval; Arthur D. Little Inc.; G.H. Levy; John F. Leddy; Randy Lyttle; N.T. Lewis
F.2 M: P. Martin; John McInnes; R.B. Morris; E. Monroe; Olive McMaster; Ethel McKague; J.H. Moore; Robert F. Legget (National Research Council); b&w photograph of Vincent McFarlane with Bourns and others; b&w photograph of Chalmers Jack Mackenzie with others; S.G. Mason; S.L. Martin; McGraw-Hill Book Co.; Montreal medal nomination; A.J. Mooradian; L. Merlivat; John Melling; M.O. Morgan; Hugh R. McCrimmon; Waclaw Matejcyk; John B. Macdonald; Frank H. McIntosh; P.M. Millman; A.S. Marshall; Moulton College Alumnae Assn.; Stuart McMinn; Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co. Ltd.; Maroon Key Honour Society
F.3 N: G.R. Norman; Duncan Norman; National Health and Welfare; National Library ( W. Kaye Lamb); J.W. Neilson; NATO Parliamentary Assn.; Karen Norton; Dermot P. Nolan
F.4 O: Ottawa Enterprises; Alfred U. Oakie (Forsythe Ave. Noise complaint); L.J. Ordon; F.V.C. Onuchukwu; Ontario Educational Communications Authority; Ontario Medical Assn.; Ontario Student Housing Corp.; Ontario Heart Foundation; Ontario Assn. for Continuing Education
F.5 P: Lester P. Pearson; G.N. Patterson; A. Price; John C. Polanyi re Pugwash; Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada; Frank Panabaker; R.M. Petrie Memorial Fellowship Fund; The Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association; Robert Pieklik
F.6 Q: Queen's University; Quigley Construction Co.
F.7 R: Royal Canadian Mounted Police re George T. Rees; David F. Ritchie; receipts; Rudolf Ritter; Robert C. Rae; E. Roth; John F. Reeser; George A.L. Robinson; Rotary International; Rockefeller Foundation; John M. Rowat; Johnson & Higgins; Royal Military College of Canada; Rio Algom Mines Ltd.; Remembrance Day service
F.8 S: Sunken Gardens press release; H.H. Saunderson; P.H. Smye; House of Seagram Ltd.; Science Secretariat (Privy Council); James L. Sevigny; Carl Scott; Ernest J. Spence; Walter M. Stewart; Omond M. Solandt; Alfred P. Sloan Fdn.; Peter D. Smith; V.I. Spitsyn; E.J. Spence; K.D. Soble; F. Sherman; S.M. Sznuk (Royal Canadian Air Force Assn.) re Communist threat; St. Clair; G.M. Shrum; D.A. Scott; J.R. Smallwood, Premier of Newfoundland; Science Council of Canada; E. Shaw; T.H.B. Symons; Paul Shaw; St. Elmo V. Smith; Linda Suguitan; Jim Smith; S. Smurlick; Social Science Research Council
F.9 Senate, 1962-1963; includes minutes
F.10 T: R. Trafford; Thorneloe University; Cyril Taylor; Time Inc.; Pierre E. Trudeau; Hugh G. Thorburn; Steven N. Tuck; Taylor, Lieberfeld and Heldman;
F.11 U: Robert J. Uffen; W.F. Uitvlugt; USSR delegation (I. Morokhov); U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; Phyllis Upton; Under Attack program; University Challenge (CTV); United Nations Assn.
F.12 V: Versafood Services Ltd.; Herman Vander Dussen; George Vanderburgh; University of Victoria; Vanier Medal; A. Vinogradov; R.A. Virtue
F.13 W: Woodrow Wilson Foundation; Max Wyman; Ross B. Willis; S. Weissman; Frank S. Weatherston; Dexter Williams; Wascana Centre, b&w photograph; John Warren; Wm. K. Warrender; S.I. Weissman; Westdale resident complaint; Scott M. Wischmeyer; Hilton K. Wilby; George N. Ward; University of Waterloo; World Shakespeare Congress; Virginia Wyman
F.14 Stephanie Youll
Box 56
Bourns, alpha sequence, 1972-1979
A-B, not extant
F.1 C, 1973: Canadian Embassy, Washington; Canadian University in Europe; Canadian Assn. of Slavists; Canada and the World; Conference Board; Canadian Institute of Metalworking; Canadian Diabetic Assn.; Canadian Business in the World Community; Canada: An Historical Magazine; Canada Starch Co. Ltd.; Canadian Manufacturers' Assn.; Linda Corsun; Commonwealth University Interchange Scheme; Robert W.M. Cuthbert; Mrs. R. Carbotte; Camera Canada College
F.2 C, 1974: Concordia University; University of Calgary; collective bargaining; Howard C. Clark; Conference Board; L.H. Cragg; Canadian Universities Society of Great Britain; Canadian Speech Assn.; Canadian University Committee for Refugee Chilean ...; J.K. Collins; Carnegie Commission on Higher Education; Centennial College; Canadian Embassy, Washington; Cansave Children; Canadian Research Management Assn.; Canada: An Historical Magazine; Donna Chovanec; Columbia University; Paul P. Chien; Canadian Federation of University Women; Donald G. Cameron
F.3 C, 1975: Canadian Universities Society of Great Britain; Carleton University; Canada in the Victorian Image; Canadian Assn. for Information Science; Valery Chalidze; Canadian Assn. of African Studies; Christmas parties; A.R. Corlett; Canadian Executive Service Overseas; University of Calgary
F.4 D: David O. Davis; C.D. diCenzo; H.N. Day; M. DeGroot; Honours dinner; D.F. Downing
F.5 E: Erindale College; Peter Evertse; Elementary Education; essays for sale; B.A.L. Ewens; Emeriti professors; Eastern Michigan University; Alan Earp; John Karl Evans; Evangelical Fellowship of Canada; Ethnic Studies
F.6 F: Mary H. Floros; D.F. Forster; H.A. Freeman; Ellen Fairclough; Philip Furlong; Goldwin S. French; fringe benefits; Fraser M. Fell; John I. Frid
F.7 G: George Gathercole; Ronald E. George; Walter L. Gordon lecturer; J.A.F. Gardner; delegation from Germany; University of Guyana; Peter Globensky; Georgia Institute of Technology; Greenshields Inc.; Global Communications (Arthur Chetwynd, Chetwynd Films Ltd.); Guidance conference; G.H. Gillespie
F.8 H: Hamilton-Wentworth Police; Hamilton-Wentworth Industry Education Council; Hillfield-Strathallan College; H.L. Holmes; Hamilton Magazine; Zakir Hussain; J. Ham; Bertrand L. Hansen; J.W. Henley; Hamilton Association; Halton Board of Education; Robert M. Hannah; George C. Haddow; Hansen Group; Norman Holland; “Health Care Today” includes memo from J.F. Mustard on “Professor Brockhouse–abortion problem”; Peter J. Harris; G. Herzberg memorial; Siavosh Haghighi; C. Hendershot; W.C. Hunter; G.C. Harrison; Christmas holiday; Honours dinner; Hamilton Chamber Music Society; Harcourts Ltd.; C.M.T. Hanly; Peter L. Hill (United Nations Assn.); Gordon Hampson
F.9 I: Institute of Profit Sharing; International Year of the Child; Institute for the Health of Educators; Italian Canadian Federation of Hamilton; India Cyclone Relief Drive; Canadian Life Insurance Assn.; Canadian Assn. for Irish Studies; International Preventive Medicine Foundation; International Assn. of Hispanists; International Committee for Soviet and East European Studies; Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce / Tourism; IR Advisory Committee; International Geographical Congress; Illinois Institute of Technology; Institute of Canadian Bankers; Indian Council for Cultural Relations; M. Israel; Information Centre, downtown; University of Ibadan
F.10 J: Jewish Chatauqua Society; photocopy of news clipping re Burton James; B.A.W. Jackson; L.D. Jackson; L.J. Johnson; Howard Wayne Jones; Anne H. Jones; B.R. Jackson
F.11 C.M. Johnston, McMaster University (history)
Box 57
F.1 K: Judy Knibbs; K. Kiszenia; Ron Keast; Kidney Foundation; A.J. Kresge; Moses Kanhai; Tadeuz Kaczorek; Rector Krapiec; Talis Kikauka; Eli N. Kedoury
F.2 L: S. Lanfranco; J.E. Larose; L. Lau; Laurentian University; N.T. Lewis; Robert F. Legget; H. Allan Leal; Loyola College; Kenneth Lynn; Lawrence, Lawrence, and Lawrence; V. Litovchenko; Gilbert A. Lawrence; Law school applications
F.3 M: Jan Monster; M.O. Morgan; A.A.M. Mohsin; Douglas L. Martin; Gordon M. McTavish; Cameron H. McKenzie; M.A. Murray; University of Manitoba
F.4 M: Michelson / Morley award at Case Western Reserve University, Bourns's nomination of Thode
F.5 M: Memorial University; S.L. Martin; McGill University; multi-disciplinary study group; Doris Moulds (falsification of transcripts); Elizabeth A. McGregor; John McGurran; Metropolitan Life; H.L. MacNeill
F.6 M: Anthony MacFarlane; Mount Saint Vincent University; J. McNie; moving policy; Memorial University; Manufacturing Chemists Assn.; Ministry of State; S. Mitminger; metalworking research group; Mutual Life Assurance Co.; Grace Maynard; Ormond G. Moffat; John D. MacNaughton; University of Malaya; Fred Mercante; J. McNie
F.7 M: Michelangelo symposium; Robert Moore; Mount Allison University; Helen H. McNeill; Valentyn Moroz defense committee; G. Miller; Greg McEwen; F.O. McGuire; Massey medal; John D. Murphy; Richard King Mellon Foundation; Diane Morris; Helen McArthur; Université de Moncton; Howard MacDonald
F.8 N: Netherlands Institute; Bob Nicholls; National Gallery; Peter C. Newman; Nova Scotia Teachers College; Julius Nyerere
F.9 O: J.A. Olagbaiye; Joe Okolie; Ortho Pharmaceutical; A.G. Ogston; Olympic Memorial Committee (Alan Bronfman); Pre-Olympic Basketball tournament; Elmer A. Ordonez; Ontario Federation of Students; Ontario Assn. for Continuing Education; Elmer A. Ordonez; Ontario Research Foundation; Ontario Teachers' Federation; Outlook Hamilton; Ontario Soil and Crop; Ronald Onda; Ontario Educational Communications Authority
F.10 P, 1972-1973: private payroll procedures; S.C. Pandiya; John C. Polanyi; J. Pier; Phoenix editorial board; Product Innovation Canada; Public Service Staff Relations Board; John L. Panabaker; Pearson Memorial projects; Parker Publishing Co.; Progress Hamilton; R. Palme; Presidents Assn.; Peel County Board of Education; N. Parker; J.D. Price; policy and procedure bulletins
F.11 P, 1974-1979: Julius Predac; Pergamon Canada Ltd.; John H. Panabaker; Edmund D. Pellegrino; Canadian Political Science Assn.; Donald Partington; Prince Edward Island graduates; Marnie Paikin; Prime Minister's dinner; printed materials editor; president's office furnishings
Box 58
F.1 R: Royal Conservatory of Music; Miss Reeves; S.M. Roscoe; Bert Fraser-Reid; Royal Bank award; Randolph Rhodes (student discipline); Robert Rensing
F.2-3 S, 1972-1973: Peter Schmid; speakers' bureau; Student Counselling Service; sculpture of E. Carey Fox; space allocation; Support Staff Assn.; Square Dance Assn.; P.J. Smith; Ted Shaw; Shell Canada Centre for Science Teachers; Social Science Research Council; Statistics Canada; John E. Stagg; Irving John Snider; T.H.B. Symons; W.G. Schneider; F. Sherman; James A. Stone; Arthur A.J. Smith; P. Sivalingam; Robert Stanvury; State University of New York; The Stanley Works; Science Council of Canada; Science Research Associates Ltd.; G.A. Smart; Emile F. Short; J.S. Spearing; J.E. Wallace Sterling; St. Clair College; Donald F. Sim; Christian Stoianovich; Systems Research Group; Scarborough College; Standard Life
F.4-5 S, 1974-1979: Hermes satellite; satellites in Canadian education; J.S. Smith; Ben Steidman; A.E. Smith; Shaw seminars; Sun Life Assurance Co.; Elena Smith; University of Science and Technology; Cheryl-Lynn Sickel; Harley Steubing; Standard Life Assurance Co.; Arthur Schoeddert; W.G. Schneider; Sperry Univac; University of Saskatchewan; summer schools; Medardo P. Santos; Raguhbir Singh; Mary Spencer; Robert Gilbert; student recruitment; Roy A. Shutler; student administration; Leslie Smith
F.6 T: Technion-Israel Institute of Technology; University of Toronto (John Evans); telecommunications; technicians in the science division; J.K. Tandan; V. Tomovich; Trinity College, University of Toronto; Canada Teach-In
F.7 U: United Way, University Women's Club; United Nations University
F.8 V: R. Vilenchich; Vanier medal; Robert Vogel; University of Victoria; Ralph Vitalo; A. Veri; vacation
F.9-10 W: Ken Westaway; Cisne J. Watty; University of Winnipeg; University of Waterloo; Women's Conference Institute; Ronald L. Watts; Douglas Wright; Wolf Foundation; J. Wreford Watson; Wintario grants; Gerald A. Wrenshall; F.W. Waters; University of Windsor; W.C. Winegard; Patrick Wilson; Robert F. Whalen; Wilfrid Laurier University; James W. Warren; Weight Watchers; W.C. Wood; Derek Warner; Melville E. Woods; Francine Walsh; D. Carlton Williams; James Weller; G.J. Wasserburg; Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology; H.A. Willis; World Shakespeare Congress; David L. Ward; Westinghouse Canada Ltd.; Waterloo Chamber of Commerce; J.W.T. Wilgar
F.11 Y: York University; Ruth Young
Box 59
Chronological sequence
F.1 1975: Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth; Cooper Construction Co.
F.2 1976: Peter Burns Cameron; Muriel Kovitz, University of Calgary; Victor K. Copps; Howard C. Clark; W.P. Cooper; Chinese Students' Assn.
F.3 1977: Theodore Plantinga; G.E. Connell; Ralph Cooper; University of Calgary; Chinese Students Assn.; COUSA; Gordon P. Means; Ted W. Culp; Canadian University Press; Canadian Life Insurance Assn.; John I. Frid
F.4 1978: Community Distress Centre; G.F. Lyon; COFM; J.N. Campbell; Canadian Assn. of African Studies; John A. MacDonald; Canadian Jewish Congress; insurance; Citizen Action Group; M. Massoud
F.5 1979: G.W. Radford; Howard Cody; A.V. Jansen; Linda Orme; Daniel C. Lee; D.G. Tuck; Gregory Csullog; Jim Wilson; CSIRA; Canadian Cartographic Assn.; Community Education Coordination Committee
Larger files, alpha sequence
Box 60
Alumni Association
F.1 1950-1970
F.2 1971 report
F.3 1971
F.4 1972
F.5 1973-75
F.6 Fund, 1973-1980
F.7 1976-1979
F.8 Nov. 1976: Bourns's trip to Western Canada
F.9 Lectureships, 1976-1980
Box 61
F.1 Association of Commonwealth Universities, 1967-1968. Tenth Congress held in Sydney, Australia, August 1968, attended by Thode. Includes paper given by Thode at the conference.
F.2 Association of Commonwealth Universities; John Melling, 1970-1972
F.3 Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth, 1951-1957
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada see Box 62
F.4 Atomic Energy Control Board; Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 1965-1969
F.5 Atomic Energy Control Board; Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., 1970-1972; 2 b&w photographs of Deep River historical plaque at Chalk River
F.6 Marion Bates, Dean of Women, 1947-1965; news clippings
F.7 Richard Thomas Beaverstock (student discipline case), 1936-1964
F.8 Board of Governors, 1956-1957
F.9 Board of Governors, 1957-1958
F.10 Board of Governors, members of, 1957-1960
F.11 Board of Governors, 1959-1962; includes Gilmour's letter of resignation; news clippings
F.12 Board of Governors, Public Relations committee (Geoffrey MacGibbon), 1965
F.13 Board of Governors, members of, 1966-1977
F.14 Board of Governors, 1968-1970
Box 62
Note: Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada was founded in 1911, although not under that name; its name has changed over the years.
F.1 National Conference of Canadian Universities and Colleges (NCCU); and Canadian Universities Foundation (CUF), its executive agency, 1958-1959. Includes some correspondence with Thode who was then Vice-President.
F.2 1958-1962
Reports to NUCC and CUF
F.3 1957-1957
F.4 1957-1958
F.5 1958-1959
F.6 1959-1960
F.7 1963; also includes correspondence
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)
F.8 1966
F.9 1968
F.10 1969
F.11 1970
F.12 1971
Box 63
F.1 1971
F.2 1972
F.3-4 1973
F.5 Jan.-May 1974
F.6 June-Dec. 1974
F.7-8 1975
F.9 1976
Box 64
AUCC associated bodies
F.1 Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship committee, a committee of the AUCC, 1968-1969
Service for Admission to College and University (SACU) was founded in 1966 to offer a national testing programme
F.2 SACU, 1967-1970
F.3 SACU,1971-1973
Commission on Canadian Studies was founded in 1972 by AUCC
F.4 1973
F.5 April 1974
F.6 May 1974
F.7 July-Sept. 1974
Proceedings of annual meeting, AUCC, 1974, bound copy
Box 65
Brantford, post-secondary education
F.1 1972-1974
F.2 1975-1976
F.3 1977-1978
F.4 Buildings, naming of, 1960-1961
F.5 Building and Services Employees, labour negotiations, 1969
F.6-7 Funding for universities, 1951-1952: includes letter from Louis St. Laurent; letters from other university presidents
F.8 “Commentary on the MacDonald Report on the Role of the Federal Government in Support of Research in the Universities”, by Thode, 1969; also McMaster's Statement, correspondence, Canada Council commentary
F.9 Various ministries, 1971-1974
Canada: Department of National Defence, air force, naval training, officers' training corps, research board
F.10-4 1942-1975
Canada: Opportunities for Youth
F.15 1971-1973
Canada Council
F.16 1957-1959, capital grants
Box 66
Canada Council
F.1 1958-1970
F.2 1970-1976
F.3 1977
F.4 1978, David Gagan application
F.5 1978, SSHRC, Judaism
F.6 1978
Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)
F.7 1971-1974
F.8 1978-1978
Canadian Confederation
F.9 Conference at McMaster, May-Sept. 1977
F.10 Oct. 1977
F.11 Nov.-Dec. 1977
F.12 1978
Box 67
Canadian Confederation
F.1-2 Public Information Committee, 1977-1978; Bourns was a member of the committee
F.3 1979
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
F.4-5 1978
F.6 1979
F.7 1980-1981
Career and Placement Services (J.E. Andoff)
F.8-9 1947-1965
F.10 (University) Christian Council / Mission: Thode, 1961-1968; Bourns 1977
F.11 Paul Rowntree Clifford, Dean of Men and Chair, Department of Religion, 1953-1965; includes printed material on West Ham Central Mission
F.12 Commission on Relations Between Universities and Governments, 1968-1969
Committee of Presidents of the Universities of Ontario (CUPO) founded in 1962; renamed Council of Ontario Universities (CUO) in 1971
Box 68
F.1 April-Dec. 191962
F.2-3 1963
F.4 1964
F.5 1965
F.6 1966
F.7 1967
F.8 1968
F.9 1969
Box 69
F.1 Jan.- 1970
F.2 Aug.-Dec. 1970
F.3 Ontario Universities' Television Council, an affiliate of CUPO, 1970
F.4 Jan.-May 1971
F.5 June-Dec. 1971
F.6 1972
F.7 1973
F.8 1973, response to the draft report of the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario
F.9 1974
F.10 1977
Bound report of Committee of Finance Officers, an affiliate of COU, 1974-1975
Box 70
F.1 1962
F.2 1963
F.3 1964-1965, 1967
F.4 1968
F.5 1968 reports
F.6-7 1969
F.8 1972-1973
Box 71
F.1 Daycare, 1972-1973
F.2 Sit-in at the President's office re food service, 1970; Bourns Acting President
French Student Union strike against Department of Romance Languages which led to university-wide unrest, March 1974
Box 72
F.1 Jan.-Feb. 1974
F.2 Photographs: 4 b&w, MSU meeting, 21 Mar. 1974; 4 b&w, open Senate meeting, 28 March 1974
F.3 March 1974; includes posters
F.4 Security reports
F.5 Open Senate meeting
F.6 1974
F.7 Report by mediator, C.B. Mueller, 1974: Sections A-B, index
F.8 Section C
F.9 Sections D-E
F.10 Section F, Communications from the President
F.11 Sections G-H
F.12 Section I, includes news clippings
F.13 Section J
F.14 April-May 1974
F.15 June- July 1974
Box 73
F.1-2 Aftermath, Sept.-Oct. 1974
Faculty Association see Box 74
F.3 Fire and Safety, 1968, 1978
F.4 E. Carey Fox, 1956-1959
F.5 E. Carey Fox, 1960-1965; 2 b&w photographs
F.6 E. Carey Fox honours: Golden Jubilee illuminated address, 1962; portrait unveiling, 1963; scroll, 1965; E. Carey Fox quadrangle dedication, 1968; Wallace sculpture unveiling 1973; ceremonial garb, 1975; 1 b&w photograph of illuminated address presentation with Fox, Gilmour and others; 6 b&w photographs of portrait unveiling
F.7 Fraternities, 1956-1957
Funding of Scholarships and Fund raising see Boxes 75-77
F.8 Guidance conference, R. Heinzl, 1966
F.9 Hamilton (city of), 1966, 1968, 1969
F.10-1 D.M. (Mike) Hedden, 1958-1963
F.12 History of McMaster University, queries about, 1961-1972
F.13 Cliff Hale Ltd. (public relations), 1957-1961
F.14 Cliff Hale Ltd. press releases, 1957-1960
F.15 Cliff Hale Ltd., 1961-1963
Hungary see Box 78
Box 74
Faculty Association
F.1 1959-1970
F.2 1971-1974
F.3 Reports, 1957-1970
Faculty teaching
F.4 Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations / Canadian Association of University Teachers / McMaster Faculty Association, 1969-1973
Sabbatical leaves
F.5 1960-1972
Faculty and citizenship
F.6 1975
F.7-8 1976
F.9 1977
F.10 1978
Funding of Scholarships and Fund raising
Box 75
F.1 Funding of scholarships, 1954-1968; includes mimeographed report by Gilmour, “A Review–and Prospectus–on McMaster's Fund raising Program”.
F.2-3 Funding of scholarships: Ivor Wynne for physical education, 1970
F.4-5 Funding of scholarships and bursaries, 1972-1973
F.6-7 Fund raising, Ford Foundation, 1956, 1959; also contains correspondence with other universities
F.8 Fund raising, Ford Foundation, 1961-1974
F.9 Fund raising, Development Fund, 1960-1962
F.10 Fund raising, Growth Fund, 1963; also undated report by Thode, “Toward Continuing Excellence”
Box 76
F.1 Fund raising, Growth Fund, 1964
F.2 Fund raising, Growth Fund, 1965-1968
F.3 Fund raising, Growth Fund, 1969
F.4 Fund raising, Growth Fund, Jan.-Aug. 1970
F.5 Fund raising, Development Fund, Sept.-Oct. 1970
F.6 Fund raising, Development Fund, Nov. 1970
F.7 Fund raising, Development Fund, Dec. 1970
F.8 Fund raising, Development Fund, Jan.-June 1971
F.9 Fund raising, Development Fund, July-Aug. 1972
F.10 Fund raising, Development Fund, Oct.-Dec. 1972
Box 77
F.1 Fund raising, Jan-June 1973
F.2 McMaster Fund, July-Dec. 1973
F.3 McMaster Fund, Jan.-Aug. 1974
F.4 McMaster Fund, Sept.-Dec. 1974
F.5 Fund raising, Toronto and Montreal, 1974
F.6 McMaster Fund, allocation of monies, 1974-1976
F.7 McMaster Fund, Jan-May 1975
F.8 McMaster Fund, 1975
F.9 McMaster Fund, 1976
Box 78
Hungary: Hungarian Institute of Cultural Relations
F.1 1970-1972
F.2 1973
F.3 1974
F.4 1975-1976
Indian artifacts (E.J. Case collection and Rutherford Smith collection)
F.5 1955-1967: H. Graham Bertram; Lorne Peirce; E.J. Case; Royal Ontario Museum of Archeology
Information and Development (Harold A. Sellers, Director)
F.6-7 1967-1969
Information and Publications (T.W.D. Farmer)
F.8 1973-1975
Information and Publications (Ken Frederick, Contact)
F.9 1975
Internal correspondence, mainly between the chief librarian (Margret Meikleham followed by William Ready), although there is also some correspondence by others about the library
F.10 1943-1966 (Meikleham); news clippings
F.11 1966-1976 (Ready)
External correspondence about the library and visits to the library
F.12 1947-1975: W.L. Somerville; C.S. Walters; W.S. Wallace, University of Toronto librarian; Wm. Kaye Lamb, Dominion Archivist; Alice E. Hansen, Rollins College; W.H. Clarke, Clarke Irwin & Co.; C.J. Cameron; Lorne Pierce; London Public Library; Board of Education for City of Hamilton; Adolph Monsaroff; National Research Council; Memorial University; M.G. Hall; S. Kees; Jerome Pollock; British High Commission; Lake Erie Regional Library System; Ashmolean Museum Library; Lord Thomson of Fleet; Committee of Presidents; F. Sherman; Carleton University; Brajabidhu Library; Cyrus Eaton; Donner Foundation; Lakehead University; J.W. Dafoe Foundation; Antonie Roynier; Liberal Federation; James MacDonald, Queen's University; W. Paul Hurly, Victoria University Students' Administrative Council; Society of Industrial Accountants; Klaus Renner; H. Lyman Hooker; Hamilton Public Library
Mohawk College
F.13 1975-1976
National Research Council
Box 79
F.1 Death of NRC president, E.W.R. Steacie, 1962; obituary by Thode, 1963
F.2 Steacie Memorial Fund, 1963-1964
F.3 Steacie Memorial Fellowship, 1966-1971
F.5 Steacie Prize, 1970-1971
F.6 Steacie Prize, 1974
F.7 NRC, 1970-1972
F.8 NRC, 1971-1972
F.9-10 NRC, 1973
F.11 NRC, Bourns's expenses, 1973
F.12 NRC, 1974
Box 80
F.1-4 NRC, 1974
F.5 NRC, Bourns's expenses, 1974
F.6-8 NRC, 1975
F.9 NRC, Bourns's expenses, 1975
F.10 NRC, 1976
F.11 NRC, 1977-1978
Ontario, Government of: Boxes 81-87
Box 81
Submissions for funding (bound). Each submission is sent with a covering letter from the president.
F.1 Submissions, 31 Oct. 1957, 5 Dec. 1958 and Dec. 1959: to Treasurer of Ontario (Dana Porter; James N. Allan) and Minister of Education (W.J. Dunlop); request for operating grant, 1958-1959; submission, Dec. 1959
F.2 Submissions, 1957-1963, bound together
F.3 Submission, 1960, to Minister of Education (John P. Robarts) and the Treasurer (Allan)
F.4 Submission, 1961 to Robarts and Allan; also letter to J.R. McCarthy, Superintendent of Curriculum; separate submission for medical education
F.5 Submission, 1962 to Minister of Education (William G. Davis), Allan and McCarthy
F.6 Submission, 1963 to Premier (John P. Robarts), Davis, Allan and McCarthy; supplement submission
F.7 Submission, 1964, to Robarts, Davis, Allan McCarthy; also unbound manuscript notes; typed statement
Box 82
F.1 Submission, 1965, to Robarts, Davis, Allan, McCarthy
F.2 Submission, 1966, to Robarts, Davis, Charles S. MacNaughton (Treasurer), Allan, McCarthy
F.3 Report of all grant submissions from other institutions (including McMaster), 1967-1968 with notes on the submissions, 1974
F.4 “A Statement of Long-Term Plans and Goals prepared for the [Ontario Government] Committee on University Affairs”, October 1968
F.5 Ontario Department of Education / Department of University Affairs, Grants-In-Aid program, 1961-1966. Includes correspondence with E.E. Stewart, Deputy Minister of Education; J.R. McCarthy, Deputy Minister of University Affairs; internal correspondence
F.6 Submission re Health Sciences, 1969
Correspondence, 1958-1979. Names of individual are listed here once rather than being repeated for all the files that follow.
Premiers: Leslie M. Frost, John P. Robarts, William G. Davis
Treasurers: James N. Allan, C.S. MacNaughton
Ministers of Education: W.J. Dunlop, John P. Robarts, William G. Davis
Deputy Ministers of Education: J.R. McCarthy
Minister of Health: Matthew B. Dymond
Ministers of University Affairs: William G. Davis, John White
Ministers of Colleges and Universities: John White, George A. Kerr, Jack McNie, James Auld, Harry C. Parrott, Bette Stephenson
Deputy Ministers of University Affairs: J.R. McCarthy, E.E. Stewart, A.P. Gordon (Assistant), H.H. Walker, J. Gordon Parr, Benson A. Wilson (Assistant)
Director of Finance, University Affairs: J.S. Bancroft
Chairmen and Secretaries of Committee on University Affairs: J.R. McCarthy, E.E. Stewart, D.T. Wright, H.H. Walker, J. Gordon Parr (Acting), Reva Gerstein
Council on University Affairs: J. Stefan Dupré (chairman)
M.P.P.s: Ray C. Edwards,
Other government officials: George Gathercole, Deputy Minister of Economics; J.R. McCarthy, Superintendent of Curriculum
Non-governmental: E.C. Fox, F. Sherman (McMaster Board of Governors), presidents and professors from other universities, including Claude Bissell; McMaster administrators and professors
Ontario Department of Education
F.7 1958-1960
F.8 1961-1963
F.9 1964 (Ontario Dept. of University Affairs established)
F.10 Jan.-May 1965
Box 83
F.1 June-Dec. 1965
F.2 Oct. 1965; Nuclear building at McMaster
F.3 1966
F.4 Feb-June 1967
F.5 July-Dec. 1967; includes “Picture of McMaster Development–Past–Present–Future”, ts., 12 pp.
F.6 Jan.-May 1968
F.7 June-Aug. 1968
F.8 Sept.-Dec. 1968
F.9 New programs at McMaster, Oct. 1968
Box 84
F.1 Committee on University Affairs, meeting at McMaster, 28 Oct. 1968; includes “Remarks by Dr. H.G. Thode ...”
F.2 Jan.-July 1969
F.3 Aug.-Dec. 1969; includes “McMaster University's Long Range Plans”, ts., 34 pp.; “Remarks by Dr. H.G. Thode to the Committee on University Affairs”
F.4 Jan.-May 1970
F.5 June-Aug. 1970
F.6 Sept.-Dec. 1970; includes “Draft of President's Remarks”
F.7 Jan.-April 1971
F.8 May-Nov. 1971; Ontario Department of University Affairs becomes Ontario Department of Colleges and Universities
Box 85
F.1 Jan.-June 1972
F.2 July-Dec. 1972
F.3 Jan.-Feb. 1973
F.4 Mar.-Apr. 1973
F.5 May-June 1973
F.6 July-Aug. 1973
F.7 Sept.-Dec. 1973
F.8 1973-1974; Committee on University Affairs, includes “Presentation to the Committee”
F.9 Jan.-March 1974
F.10 April-June 1974; Ontario Council on University Affairs (OCUA) established
F.11 July-Sept. 1974
Box 86
F.1 Oct. 1974
F.2 Nov-Dec. 1974; includes statement by the president
F.3 OCUA, 1974
F.4 Jan.-Feb. 1975
F.5 Mar.-June 1975; includes letter to the editor from Bourns
F.6 July-Sept. 1975
F.7 Oct.-Nov. 1975
F.8 Dec. 1975; includes “Statement by Dr. Bourns to the Hamilton Spectator”
F.9 OCUA, 1975
Box 87
F.1 Jan.-Feb. 1976
F.2 May-June 1976
F.3 July-Oct. 1976
F.4 Nov.-Dec. 1976
F.5 OCUA, Mar-May 1976
F.6 OCUA, 14-15 May 1976
F.7 OCUA, June-Dec. 1976
F.8 Jan.-June 1977
F.9 July-Dec. 1977
F.10 Jan.-Feb. 1978
F.11 Mar. 1978
F.12 Apr.-Nov. 1978
F.13 Jan. 1979
Box 88
F.1 Overseas Students, 1969-1973
F.2 J. Bradford Pengelly, 1966
F.3 Pension Plan, 1965-1972; also includes correspondence with retirees
F.4 Registrar (C.W.H. Linton), 1958-1959
F.5 Registrar (J.P. Evans), 1962-1972
F.6 Registrar (J.P. Evans), 1973
F.7 Registrar (J.P. Evans), 1974
F.8 Reorganization, 1957: McMaster University Act, McMaster Divinity College incorporation (includes earlier material)
F.9 Royal Botanical Gardens, 1971-1972
F.10 Seminar: Post-Secondary Learning, 1973
F.11 Seminar: Role of the University in Modern Society, 1969; invitation letters, refusal letters from Herbert Marcuse, B.F. Skinner, and Irving Kristol of Basic Books, text of Thode's speech, program
F.12 Senate, 1974
F.13 Students Council, 1959, 1968-1972
F.14 Student housing, 1967-1972
F.15 Students, messages to the Marmor, 1961-1971
Box 89
F.1 Universities, correspondence with other: 1949-1961
F.2 Universities, correspondence with other: 1962-1968
F.3 Universities (proposed), Northeastern University, North Bay, Ont., 1959-1960
F.4 World University Service Canada, 1963-1972
F.5 Wright Commission on Post-Secondary Education, 1970-1972
Series 5:
Speeches, reports, printed materials, photographs, appointment books. – 1951-1980; predominant 1957-1980 . – 79 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series. – Speeches by the presidents are also found in other series.
Box 90
Speeches, reports and statements by Gilmour:
F.1 “A Note on the Historic Baptist Connection of the University”, mimeograph, May 1957; “Historical Address, Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec”, mimeograph 12 June 1958; “Division of University Funds in 1957”, ts., Nov. 1960; Whidden Hall, ts., 12 May 1961
Speeches, reports and statements by Thode (typescripts unless noted differently):
F.2 “Opening of Buildings”, 9 May 1961
F.3 “Address to the Toronto Branches of the McMaster Alumnae and Alumni”, 1962, includes ms. notes
F.4 “Chamber of Commerce Address”, 20 February 1962
F.5 “Address at the Banquet of the National Conference of Canadian Universities and Colleges”, 11 June 1972, includes banquet program
F.6 Speech on the University's history with pencilled note “dictated by Mr. Hedden Oct. 20, 1962”, unclear whether Thode delivered this speech
F.7 “Rotary Club address”, 7 February 1963
F.8 “Welcoming Speech to Freshman”, Fall 1963; includes ms. notes
F.9 “Medical Research at McMaster”, 15 August 1963
F.10 McGill Conference on Graduate Education, “Graduate Teaching and Research at McMaster University: Past, Present and Future”, 3-4 January 1964. Also includes correspondence with the conference organizer, Dalbir Bindra
F.11 “Address to the Guelph Collegiate ...”, 23 January 1964
F.12 Speech to the Hamilton Association, 22 February 1964
F.13 “Comments re Grade XIII Study Committee ...”, 7 July 1964
F.14 “Shakespearean Seminar Opening”, 2 August 1964
F.15 “Graduate Teaching and Research in Canada”, speech at A.C.U. conference, University of Western University, 14 September 1964
F.16 Speech given on Thode's behalf by H.E. Petch to American Society for Engineering Education, 16 October 1964
F.17 “Lecture to Freshmen”, 22 September 1965
F.18 “Message for CKOC”, 28 December 1965
F.19 “The Future of Nuclear Science”, unsigned, late 1965 or early 1966
F.20 Draft of remarks to Alcoholics Anonymous, 29 September 1966
F.21 “Welcome to the Ontario Council of Librarians”, 19 January 1967
F.22 Statement to the Hamilton Spectator on the death of F. Sherman, 27 January 1967
F.23 “Honorary Fire Chief”, 27 April 1967
F.24 “International Conference on Non-Aqueous Solutions”, 1 June 1967
F.25 Welcome to first faculty meeting, 15 September 1967
F.26 “Lecture to Freshmen”, 20 September 1967
F.27 National Conference on the Economics of Unity, Banff, “The Challenge of the Technological Revolution”, 17 October 1967. Also includes correspondence conference organizers, Senator Donald Cameron
F.28 Dean's honour list speech, 16 January 1968
F.29 Last meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Science, 4 June 1968
F.30 Montreal Branch of the McMaster Alumni, 12 September 1968
F.31 Welcome to the Faculty, 13 September 1968
F.32 Freshman Lecture, 20 September 1968
F.33 Opening of Seminar on Student Participation in University Government, 18 October 1968
F.34 “Student Participation on Senate and Presidential Committees”, 27 November 1968; includes ms. notes
F.35 Presentation of Honour M's, 4 March 1969
F.36 Montreal Branch of the McMaster Alumni, 25 March 1969
F.37 Remarks at the Opening of the Applied Dynamics Building, 24 May 1969
F.38 Y.W.C.A. conference, 25 May 1969
F.39 McMaster Alumni Montreal Branch, 12 June 1969
F.40 Senate and Board Re-Organization, 7 August 1969
F.41 Conference of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, 24 August 1969
F.42 General Faculty meeting, 20 September 1969
F.43 Statement for the Silhouette, 22 September 1969
Box 91
F.1 “The Economics of Nuclear Power in Tomorrow's Society”, for the Society of Industrial Accountants, 18 September 1969; correspondence, ms. notes
F.2 Freshmen lecture, 19 September 1969
F.3 Opening of the McMaster conference on China, 24 October 1969
F.4 General Faculty meeting, 9 September 1970
F.5 Welcome to conference on Current Problems of Socialist Economies, 23 Oct. 1970
F.6 Welcome on Graduates' Day, 29 May 1971
F.7 Welcome to the Assembly of Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, 3 June 1971; another welcoming speech, n.d.
F.8 General Faculty meeting, 15 September 1971
F.9 “Dissent in the Soviet Union”, 22 October 1971
F.10 Dean's Honour List Dinner, 25 November 1971
F.11 Honour M Awards, 1 March 1972
F.12 New York Alumni Branch, 13 April 1972
F.13 Life Sciences Building opening, 14 September 1972; includes correspondence
Speeches, reports and statements by Bourns (typescripts unless noted differently)
F.14 Listing of Bourns's speeches, 1967-1980
F.15 1972: Shell Canada Centre for Science Teachers; International Geographical Congress Typology Commission (includes ms. notes and program); Academic Policy Committee; Senate; Board of Governors; Student Representative Assembly; Research; Regional Guidance Dialogue; Engineering Management Advisory Council; Toronto Alumni; Business Advisory Council; Science Council Report
F.16 1973: Dean's Honour List; American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies; Ontario Branch of Kidney Foundation; Canadian Diabetic Assn.; Conference on Co-operative Education in Canada; Mathematics Canada; Delimitation of Development Regions in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; Council of the Deans of Arts and Science of Ontario
F.17 1974: Introduction to the Whidden Lecture; Formula Financing–a Position Paper; Senate; Hillel; International CAM Congress; Velikovsky Symposium; Senior Citizens Day; Deans and Chairmen; Mohawk Convocation; Hamilton Association; Status of Women; Ontario Council on University Affairs; Contemporary Ukraine
F.18 1975: Brantford Classes; Business Advisory Council; Board of Governors; Senate; International Union of Amateur Astronomers; Ontario Council on University Affairs; Grads Luncheon; York University Dialogue; Ottawa Branch of McMaster Alumni; Mathematical Land Use Theory (includes program); Honour M Awards
F.19 1976: Fund Raising Committees, Toronto and Montreal; Board of Governors; Canadian Science Writers' Assn.( includes ms. notes); Honour M Awards; Frosst Science Lecture at Hillfield-Strathallan College; “A Scientific Generation Neglected Is a Generation Lost”, Montreal Medal (includes offprint); Brantford Businessmen; Orientation; Council on Continuing Education for Brantford and Brant County; Historical Plaque at McMaster Hall in Toronto; Niagara Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa; Los Angeles Branch of Alumni
F.20 1977: Board of Governors; Canadian Confederation Forum; Redman Lecture; Business Advisory Council; Seminar on Indian Businesses; Whidden Lectures; Council of Ontario Universities; McMaster / Manulife Conference; Senate; Students; Reception for Dean R.P. Graham; McGill University Convocation; International Conference on University Teaching; Canadian Mathematical Congress; Reception for M.A. Preston; Ron Gillespie dinner; Mundialization Week; Ontario Economic Council; Ontario Council on University Affairs; Honour M Awards; Zucker Distinguished Lecture; Canadian Assn. for Irish Studies; “Scientists Meet Politicians”, Hamilton Section of the Chemical Institute of Canada (includes letter correcting the impression left by Hamilton Spectator in its report)
F.21 1978: Physical-Organic Chemistry Minisymposium; Whidden Lectures; Open House; A.H. Black memorial service; “Education and Science Policy”; Senate; Faculty Assn. Executive; Chemistry Curriculum conference; Engineering; Dean Leslie Prince; Open House Canada; Brantford Chamber of Commerce; Canadian Confederation Forum–welcome to J.R. Evans; McMaster Commerce Society; University Women's Club of Brantford; Scouts and Guides ... St. Paul's Church, Dundas; Affirmative-Action; Whidden Formal; Convocation
F.22 1979: Manulife-McMaster Symposium; Whidden Lectures; Race and Sex Equality in the Workplace; Undergraduate Council; Senate; Natural Science and Engineering Research Council; Thode Testimonial dinner; Grads' Day; Dialogue ‘79; Health Science Centre's Open House; Faculty Assn.; Opening of RGB Centre; Science Teachers of the Board of Education for the Borough of Etobicoke; Long Range Planning Committee; Honour M Awards; Ontario Council on University Affairs; Zucker Distinguished lecture; Walter L. Gordon lecture; Department of Chemistry Open House; Convocation
Box 92
F.1 1980: Board of Governors; J.H. Panabaker retirement; Senate; Brock University convocation address; Grads' Day; Convocation; Industry / University Interface; Student Leadership; Ontario Council on University Affairs; Canadian Club; Hamilton City Council; New York Branch of Alumni Assn.; London Branch of Alumni Assn.; Faculty Assn.; Redman Lectures; Rotary Club; Science Council; Honour M Awards; All Faculties Banquet; Zucker Distinguished Lecture; McMaster, Toronto, Queen's and Western Presidents with Alumni Representatives
Circular letters
F.2 Issued by Thode, 1961-1971
F.3 Issued by Bourns, 1974-1977
Printed materials:
F.4 Offprint by E.T. Salmon on Gilmour
F.5 Various items by Gilmour
F.6 Bequests pamphlet by Thode
F.7 Gilmour: 8 copies of b&w portrait; b&w portrait with glasses; b&w portrait at his desk; b&w portrait before fireplace; b&w portrait with bust; 6 b&w with other people; oversize portrait (placed in Map Cabinet 17)
F.8 Thode: portrait, 1951; b&w portrait pasted in Who's Who In Canada pamphlet, ca 1970; 4 copies of b&w portrait, n.d.; b&w photograph with Bourns and unidentified man with his oil portrait; 1 col. snapshot at building opening ceremony, May 1961
Various reports and documents received at the Office of the President
F.9 1964-1964 salary budget
F.10 Cash flow projections, 1974-1983
F.11 Pension plan, 1975
F.12 Other: Technical drawing, access to President's residence
Box 93
Various bound reports:
A Short Report to the Community on the State of their University, 1978-79
Joint Board/Senate Implementation Committee, 1969
A Study of the Undergraduate Student View of McMaster University, 1971
Review of Organization Structure, August 1966
University Centre report, 1966-1967
McMaster University Centre Summary report, 1971
Revised Interim Internal Traffic and Parking report, 1969
Student Housing and Related Needs, 1970
Cultural Scene in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1973
Bound documents belonging to Gilmour:
Financial report for the year ended June 1960
Board of Governors, 1959; 1960; 1961
Binder (outside of Box 93)
Board of Governors, Thode, 1971
Box 94
Appointment diaries, Bourns, 1975-1980