Finding Aid
These six boxes of material appear to have been assembled by Gil Murray, the retiring director of the Department of Information.
They consist of correspondence relating to McMaster's centennial celebrations, newsclippings, research files relating to McMaster's history and faculty,and files of material generated by the planning and building of the Health Sciences Centre. There were also three video cassettes which have been described below and some photographs. Most of the photographs have been interfiled with the existing photograph holdings in S.W.351/2 but those that relate to specific subject files have been maintained within those files as is indicated in the listing which follows.
Box 209: Subject Files relating to McMaster's History
Board of Governors
Lists of Chairmen, 1887 - 1975, 3pp.
Brandon University
Certificate of congratulations upon McMaster's centennial, 1 October 1987.
Notes, tss. and photocopies concerning the history of McMaster's buildings, including ones in Toronto and Woodstock, 14 items.
Buildings, cont.
As F.3 above,
Also includes some issues of Contact,
67 items (some duplicates).
See also Library file below.
Lists and biography, 4pp.
List of well-known McMaster graduates, 1p.
Heraldry and Insignia
Material relating to McMaster's Coat of Arms: Articles, cuttings, photocopies, reports and related correspondence, 20 items (some duplicates).
Also contact sheet of photographs and copy of R.P. Graham's book The Insignia of McMaster University.
Historic Material - McMaster
Cuttings, brochures, photocopies, press releases and articles, some related correspondence, 101 items.
Honorary Degrees
Article, notes, lists, 5 items.
Lee, Alvin
Profile, 2pp.
Library - Mills
Mills Memorial Library issue of McMaster Alumni News, December 10 1951.
Also cuttings and photocopied material, 4 items.
Library - Thode
Planning report for the new library, c. 1976.
Also notes, 2pp.
McMaster, Senator William and Susan
Memoranda relating to the McMaster bust and the biography of Susan McMaster, 3 items.
Move to Hamilton, 1929 - 1930.
Articles, cuttings, photocopies and 1 photograph relating to the establishment of McMaster in Hamilton, 31 items (some duplicates).
Nuclear Reactor, 1956 - 1959
Brochure and photocopied material, 6 items.
Salmon, E. Togo
Biographies, curriculum vitae, news releases, cuttings, related memoranda, 31 items.
Toronto - McMaster Property
Photocopies, notes and related correspondence, 9 items (some duplicates).
Woodstock College
Photocopy of article.
Wynne, Ivor
Cuttings, press releases, memos, photocopies, 29 items.
Box 210 McMaster Centennial Material
Centennial Programme
Outline of events scheduled for 1987, 5pp.
Centennial Committee Minutes, memoranda and related correspondence, 1983 - April 1986, 15 items.
F.3 Centennial Committee cont. As F.2 above, May 1986 - February 1988, 57 items.
F.4 Centennial Media Projects, 1986 - 1987 Memoranda and related correspondence, Also notes, clippings and photocopies, 47 items.
F.5 Centennial Times Correspondence and memoranda relating to this special issue, 18 items.
F.6 Centennial Times Commemorative issue of McMaster Times, Complete issue.
F.7 Centennial T.V. Documentary Outlines, fact sheets, notes, invoices and related correspondence, 37 items.
F.8 Centennial Article by Kim Bryson in Dofasco Illustrated News, May 1987, Complete issue.
F.9 Centennial Article by Margaret Carter in Stelco Today, June 1987, Complete issue.
Box 211 Material relating to Health Sciences Centre - McMaster University Medical Centre.
F.1 Architects' Proposals, Illustrated brochure from Craig, Zeidler and Strong, c.1967.
F.2 Architects' Planning Report #2, March 1968.
F.3 Architects' Planning Report #3, March 1968.
F.4 Architects' Planning Report #4, July 1968.
F.5 Architects' Planning Report B1, July 1968.
F.6 "Architects' Planning Report" - "spoof" issue, Illustrated brochure in same format as above reports, with humorous captions, May 1973.
F.7 Construction of Health Sciences Centre. Lists of contractors, press releases, clippings, photocopies, 17 items. [2 photographs, 1 negative and 1 slide removed from this section and placed in the photographs section of this archive.]
F.8 Engineers - H.S.C. Illustrated prospectus of William Trow Associates, c.1970.
F.9 Ewart Angus Centre Memoranda, clippings, news releases and photocopies, 15 items. [Photograph of Ewart Angus removed to photographs section of the archive.]
F.10 Family Health Care Centre Notes, press releases, clippings, brochures, photocopies, 1970 - 1971, 16 items.
F.11 Faculty of Medicine - Mcmaster University News, 7 issues, early 1967 [undated] - September 1969.
F.12 Smithville Notes, memorandum, application, press releases, clippings, 1970 - 1971, 23 items.
Spaulding, W.B. Article by Spaulding, Photocopied from The Canadian Medical Association Journal, April 1969.
F.14 Zeidler, E.H. Article by H.S.C. architect, The Canadian Nurse, October 1969.
Box 212 Material Relating to Health Sciences Centre/McMaster University Medical Centre. Includes correspondence, articles, press releases and publicity.
F.1 [1964] - 1974 Notes, memoranda and some related correspondence, 52 items.
F.2 1969 - 1973 Photocopies and clippings, some duplicates, 85 items. Also an envelope full of short clippings.
F.3 Health Sciences Centre - Press Conference, 1969. Circulars, memoranda, lists of contacts, press releases, 13 items.
F.4 H.S.C. - Press Conference, 1969. Complete Press Kit, in folder.
F.5 1970 - 1971 Includes some related correspondence and memoranda, 29 items.
F.6 1971, Includes some related correspondence and memoranda, 35 items.
F.7 1971 - H.S.C. & John Munro, Includes ms. draft of J.R. Evans's statement in reply to Munro, 6 items.
F.8 1972 - H.S.C. Opening invitations list, Includes invitations, presidential address, related correspondence, poster, press kit, Spectator supplement, 80 items.
F.9 Open House, 1972, Spectator supplement.
F.10 Article on the Medical Centre by R.P. Strachan, Dofasco Illustrated News, vol. 36, issue #4, 1972.
F.11 Health Sciences Centre, Information Handbook, February 1980.
Box 213 Health Sciences Centre, Clippings of published material.
F.1 List of published articles concerning H.S.C., 1968 - 1971, Ts., 2pp. & attached note.
F.2 Clippings, 1968, 15 items.
F.3 Clippings, 1969, Photocopies, offprints and newspaper clippings, many in multiple copies, 59 items.
F.4 Clippings, 1970, Photocopies and offprints, 25 items.
F.5 Clippings, 1970, cont. Mostly photocopies, includes some multiple copies, 34 items.
F.6 Clippings, 1971, Mostly photocopies, includes some multiple copies, 21 items. Also ms. notes of article titles, 3pp.
Box 214 Department of Information and Publications, Reports issued and received.
F.1 Report Issued: Department of Information and Development, Preliminary Operating Plan, Fiscal 1969, Prepared by H.A. Sellars, April 1968, 28pp. With copies of related articles and a memo, loosely inserted, 4 items.
F.2 Reports Received: Cornell University Report of the Commission on the Interdependence of University regulations and Local, State and Federal Law. September 1967, 48pp. With copy of covering letter from D.M. Hedden, July 23 1968, 1p.
F.3 Duff-Berdahl Report Report to the Board of Governors of Mcmaster University by the Committee on the Duff-Berdahl Report, July 1967, 36pp. + 3pp.
F.4 President's Submission Submission to the Minister of University Affairs and the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario from the President of McMaster University, November 1966, 20pp. + 8pp. + exhibits.
F.5 Sasaki Report Report on the Pilot Plan for the Development of the Campus of McMaster University, Prepared by Sasaki, Walker and Associates, Sasaki Strong and Associates, in joint venture, First Draft, April 1963, 179pp.
F.6 Spinks Commission Statement for the Spinks Commission by the Dean of Graduate Studies, McMaster University, [c.1965], 18pp. + 12pp. + additional tables.
F.7 University Government Report to the Senate of McMaster University by the Committee on University Structure and Government, Part I [includes Shaw Committee Report], December 1966, [2], xi, 39, [5], 100, +23pp.
F.8 University Government Report to the Senate of McMaster University by the Committee on University Structure and Government, Part II, May 1967, vii, 27, [3]pp. + Appendices I - VII.
Videotaped Material - Located in S.W. 337
#1. Historic Material on Videotape Video cassette compiled from film material in the Baptist Archives with typed list attached. Includes people and campus scenes 1944 - 1945, 1986.
#2. McMaster, 100 Years Cassette tape of CHCH T.V. programme celebrating McMaster's centennial.
#3. McMaster Centennial CHCH T.V. News interview with Dr. John Weaver regarding McMaster Centennial, January 1987.
Audio Tapes - Located in S.W. 337
#1. McMaster University Medical Centre
Tape of T.V. and radio reports before and after the opening of the centre on May 27 1972, includes Premier Davis's address.
#2. McMaster Centennial
Tape entitled "Century of Discovery - Demo", [1987].
Interfiled with other photographs in S.W. 351/2 but placed in separate file folders.
Information and Publications photographs may be found under the following subject headings:
Aerial Views of Campus
Fundraising - Growth Fund 1964
Graduates - Class of 1933
Services - Telephone
Also photograph of Senator McMaster included in McMaster History File.