Finding Aid
McMaster University collection. 2009-2012. 6.5 cm of textual records.
These are transcripts of interviews conducted by various individuals, including James Greenlee, Gary Purdy, Richard Rempel, Anne Newbigging. These were conducted in preparation for writing McMaster History: Volume III. Transcripts are arranged by interview title, usually one person, but sometimes a department or group. The date of the interview and the transcript are recorded. The interview title and a page number has been added to the footer by the Archivist, otherwise, the files were not changed in any way prior to printing.
Box 300
F.1 John Evans. 26 March 2010, transcribed 3 October 2010.
F.2 Bill Fowler. Transcribed 3 October 2010.
F.3 Peter George. 8 February [2010], transcribed 18 February 2010.
F.4 Peter George and David Gagan. 4 October 2012, transcribed 4 October 2012.
F.5 Helen Howard-Lock. Transcribed 20 January 2011.
F.6 Henry Jacek. Transcribed 18 November 2011.
F.7 Russ Jackson. Transcribed 3 October 2010.
F.8 Alvin Lee. 13 December 2010, transcribed 13 April 2011.
F.9 Bob McNutt. 19 February [2009/10].
F.10 MSU Presidents 1950s/60s. Transcribed 19 May 2011.
F.11 Fraser Mustard. Transcribed 26 August 2010.
F.12 Nuclear Reactor Group. Transcribed 28 February 2011.
F.13 Physical Education Department. Transcription 6 January 2011.
F.14 Psychology Department. Transcribed 30 November 2010.
F.15 Religious Studies. Transcribed 17 January 2012.
F.16 School of Business. Transcribed 18 November 2011.
F.17 Leslie Shemilt. 5 November 2009, transcribed 5 November 2009.
F.18 Donald Sprung. Transcribed 18 June 2009.
F.19 Marianne Walters. 20 October 2009, transcribed 18 September 2010.
F.20 Marianne Walters. Transcribed 3 October 2010.
The material (2014-039) was donated by Jim Greenlee in 2014.
There are no access restrictions.