Finding Aid
Extent: 47 16mm reel to reel films, comprising 38 titles, and 107 3/4 inch video cassettes on McMaster-related subjects
Date: 1960s and 1970s
Provenance: Part of larger group of films selected for disposal by McMaster’s Audio Visual department; first appraised by Health Sciences Library Archivist. Those with no Health Science footage offered to McMaster Archives in March 1990.
Access: The majority of the 16mm reel to reels and some of the cassettes were digitized through the generosity of the Class of 1950. A link has been added to the title and/or film number to go directly to the video, or please use the previous link (also at right) to see the folder in the Digital Archive.
Note on numbering: Films 6-165, except no.9 (which was also labelled 8 originally), were numbered prior to acquisition by the archives. All other items have been numbered by the archival staff.
Film no. 4 The Point, made before July 1992, no. 1377.
Film no. 5 McMaster University Orientation, 1978
by Atlantis Films (J. Klein)
Long film in good condition
Film no. 6 Campus footage, 1967
Short film in good condition
Film no. 6a “Orientation”, 1968, 3 film reels
by Ivan Reitman and McMaster Audio Visual Dept.
Soundtrack, Colour
28 min. film; incomplete/poor quality
Film no. 7 McMaster. "An Impression", [c.1965]
Soundtrack, Black and White
Short film, good condition
Running time: 28 min,18 sec.
Film concerns research and teaching at McMaster and features Dr. Thode speaking as McMaster President
Film no. 8 Open House [early 1970s?]
Silent, Colour
Short film in good condition
Film no. 9 Football parade [early 1967]
Silent, Colour
Short film in good condition
Film no. 10 Physical Education at McMaster, Autumn 1967: 4 film reels
Soundtracks on separate reels, Colour
2 video tracks, 2 soundtracks
All short films in good condition
Film include views of the McMaster campus and footage of physical activities.
Films nos. 36a Sports at McMaster, October 1969
Silent, Colour
2 short films (36b is a duplicate) in one large canister
Shows track & field and football
Film no. 36d
Campus Promotional Film–Orientation ?
[1969? relates to 36a/b above?]
Soundtrack, Colour
Short film, good condition
Running time: 2 min, 30 sec.
Film no. 128
“First Half” - McMaster Marauder Football Game
Silent, Colour
Short film, good condition
Film no.165 “This Space Age: Summer Studentships”
[c.1970], September 25
Soundtrack, Colour
Long film, good condition
Running time: 26 min, 48 sec.
[Produced by Channel 11?]
Shows local highschool students on summer studentships at McMaster. Interviews with coordinator Dr. Bayley and a number of students.
The following films were numbered in May 2004. It is not clear if all of them belong with the 1990 accession.
Film no. 700 Moulton College: Life in Moulton
[About 1940 or 1941]
Typed description of contents also available
Film no. 701 MAC
Director: H. Steubing. Films 703, 705, 712 are all prints of this film. Produced in the summer and fall of 1972. Number 712 appears to be the best copy. However it was 701 that was converted to DVD and subsequently digitized.
Film no. 702 “Paint the Park” -- sound track only. [ca. 1968]; See no. 710.
Note: Housed in a used case with the name of Director Bryce Kanbara on it. Kanbara's film is no longer part of the collection.
Film no. 703 McMaster film - “MAC” See no. 701
Film no. 704 Walk On by Jim Bennett, March 1969. Condition is rough.
Film no. 705 McMaster film - “MAC” See no. 701
Film no. 706 Escape: Fx 1, Fx 3, Fx 4 - 3 reels – Dan Ryder
Film no. 707 Escape: Music 1, Music 2, Fx 1 - 3 reels – Dan Ryder
Film no. 708 “How to Make It”, Written and Directed by David Campbell. Soundtrack is out-of-phase. Location currently not known.
Film no. 709 "Penelope" - Sean Selway. Previously misidentified as "Mr. Hollister"
Film no. 710 To Paint the Park. Director, David Martin, 1968.
Film no. 711 “Escape” – Dan Ryder, [1975]. Also available on DVD.
Film no. 712 “MAC”; see no. 701.
Accession 08 - 1996:
Film no. 713, 2 reels
Film no. 714 Coulter Counter, opening, N.D.
Film no. 715 A Convocation, May 1957
Film no. 716 Fall Convocation, November 1978
Film no. 717 Mass Spectrometer, 1976
Film no. 718 Science scene, requires magnetic audio playback
Film no. 719 Convocation, May 1957?
Film no. 720 Chinese students visiting McMaster, late 1970s requires magnetic playback
Film no. 721 Carbon-14 Dataing at McMaster, 1978, No Audio
Film no. 722 Urban Transport Idea Machine, 1977, Audio - requires magnetic audio playback
Film no. 723 Webster’s Falls area, Dundas, Ont., 1977, requires magnetic audio player film projector
Film no. 724 McMaster University, Campus Promotion, October 22, 1970s?
Film no. 725 McMaster Reactor, June 1980
Video Cassettes, 1978-1981
Town and Gown
Town and Gown was a half-hour television program produced jointly by McMaster University’s Department of Information and CHCH-TV, Hamilton, Ont. The format provided for a host, Jack Moore, Director of Information and Publications, along with four guests: two from the University and two from the general community. The group was supplied with a topic for discussion, to which each brings his or her particular expertise. Note: More detailed information on Town and Gown is available in hard copy in the Reading Room.
Box 200
Box 201
1979, numbers 5-20; for numbers 1-4, see Box 1 miscellaneous; 1980, numbers 1-10
Box 202
1980, numbers 11-18
1981, numbers 1-10, 13-18. Note Numbers 11-12 are missing.
The Idea Machine
The Idea Machine was a half-hour interview / documentary televison program produced jointly by McMaster University’s Department of Information and CHCH-TV, Hamilton, Ont. Dr. W.J. Phillips of the Divinity College was the host; interview subject are members of McMaster’s faculty and administrative staff. Note: More detailed information on the Idea Machine is available in hard copy in the Reading Room.
Box 203
1975, McMaster Presents (4 cassettes)
Box 2204
1976, 1977
Box 205
1978, 1979. Note: Program number 10 is on the same cassette as the Town and Gown series, 1980, Program 3.
The Energy Crisis, Art Gallery, Architecture of Russia, Design by Computer
Box 206
Box 207
Velikovsky Part 1 and II; Town and Gown 1979, numbers 1-4
McMaster Centennial interviews: John Weaver (1), 100 Years (1)
Audio cassettes: Century of Discovery; Medical Centre opening, 27 May 1972
Box 208
R.B. Day psychology 1A6 lectures (Accession 25-2009)
Six lectures on video cassette; converted to six DVDs by the Archives. Lecture 5 contains a Martin Short skit (in "Denial" section) at 23.35 mark.
Lecture 1 - Personality
Lecture 2 - Everything you wanted to know about Freud
Lecture 3 - Other Personality Theories
Lecture 4 - Psychopathology
Lecture 5 - Functional Psychoses
Lecture 6 - Personality and Physiological Disorders
Film no. 900 - Compilation 1930-1945.Compilation of four older reels copied to video cassette.