Finding Aid
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. Local 1000 (Toronto, Ont.)
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. Local 1002 (Windsor, Ont.)
Williams, Lynn R.
Lynn R. Williams collection. - 1947-1955. - 12.5 cm of textual records.
Box 1
F.1 Correspondence, 1947-1951. One mimeo from the Ontario Federation of Labour, 2 letters from the Canadian Congress of Labour, notes and flyers
F.2 Three different tss concerning the history of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), n.d. but c. 1947-1948
F.3 Organizer's manual, Local 1000, Eaton's, November 1951; Union manual for Department Store organizing committees, n.d.
F.4 Reports, November-December 1951
F.5 Minutes, 21 May 1953, Lynn R. Williams, Secretary
F.6 Eaton Drive report, 30 June 1953
F.7 Ken Thomason, undated ts. carbon re radio broadcasts
F.8 RWDSU radio broadcast scripts, 1948, on CFRB and CKEY
F.9 RWDSU radio broadcast scripts, 1949, on CFRB and CKEY
F.10 RWDSU radio broadcast scripts, 1950, on CKEY
F.11 RWDSU radio broadcast scripts, 1951, on CKEY and CKFH
F.12 New clips, n.d.
F.13 Smith's Department Store, correspondence, 1954-1955. File include letters from the Canadian Labour Congress and the Ontario Labour Relations Board, and agreements. Some of the correspondence is addressed to Lynn Williams.