Finding Aid
All archival material except for box 3 File 15 concerns arrangement for speakers at the Shakespeare Seminar at Stratford, Ont. by the Department of Extension at McMaster University under the direction of Professor Jackson.
Box 1
file 1 Seminar speakers, 1961. Includes correspondence with:J. Mavor Moore, A.W. Trueman, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scofield, R.B. Parker, Sir John Neale, George McCowan, Clifford Leech, Michael Langham, L.C. Knights, Brian Jackson, Herbert Howarth, George Hauger, Alfred B. Harbage, Sir Tyrone Guthrie, David Galloway.
file 2 Seminar Speakers, 1961. Includes correspondence with:Northrop Frye, R. Foakes, Francis Ferguson, Arnold Edinborough, Peter M. Dwyer, Nevill Coghill, John Crow, Douglas Campbell, Claude Bissell, Eric Bentley, S. Ross Beharriell, Wystan Hugh Auden, Herbert Whittaker, G.W.G. Wickham.
file 3 Seminar Speakers, 1963. Includes correspondence with:Andrew Allan, Eric Christmas, John Crow, Kildare Dobbs, Arnold Edinborough, Duke Ellington, Sidney T. Fisher, Northrop Frye, Walter Kerr, Michael Langham, Clifford Leech, Harry Levin, Maynard Mack, The Rev. W. Moelwyn Merchant, Joseph Papp, John Pettigrew, Charles Ritchie, Tom Patterson, Tony van Bridge.
file 4 Seminar Speakers, 1964. Includes correspondence with: Lee Strasberg, Northrop Frye, A.B. Harbage, Roy W. Battenhouse, John Crow, F.E. Halliday, A.R. Humphreys, Walter Kerr, Michael Langham, Clifford Leech, Kenneth Muir, John Pettigrew, E.T. Salmon, Marion B. Smith, Robert Speaight, H.G. Thode, Derek Traversi.
file 5 Seminar Speakers, 1965. Includes correspondence with: G.P.V. Akrigg, J.G. McManaway, R.B. Parker, Leslie Hotson, M.H.M. MacKinnon (John Lawlor), Arnold Edinborough, W. Craig Ferguson, Bamber Gascoigne, Nathan Cohen, John Hayes, Irving Wolfe, Herb Whittaker, Tony van Bridge, J. Percy Smith, J.S. Pettigrew, Maynard Mack, Frances Hyland, Michael Horngansky, John W. Holmes, Mrs. Dora de Pedery Hunt, Philip Edwards, Gareth Lloyd Evans, F.W. Bateson, H.V.D. Dyson, Eric Christmas, Lord Cecil David, Douglas Campbell, Katharine Hepburn, Berhard Bergonzi, Peter Ure, Muriel Bradbrook.
file 6 Seminar Speakers, 1966. Includes correspondence with: John Crow, G.P.V. Akrigg, Barbara Reid re: Duke Ellington, Lionel C. Knights, Ward Cornell, Michael Burn, C.L. Barber, W.W. Robson, Peter Alexander, Charles Ritchie, Charles T. Prouty, Allardyce Nicoll, William B. Martin, Michael Macowan, John Brown, A.C. Sprague, G.N.T. Widdrington, George Rylands, F.H. Mares.
file 7 Seminar Speakers, 1967. Includes correspondence with: Philip Child, C.L. Barber, Allardyce Nicoll, Henri Fluchere, Patrick Crean, Anthony Burgess, Nevill Coghill, J. S. Pettigrew, R.D. Chambers, Muriel Bradbrook, Ronald Bryden, Maurice Valency, John F. Danby, Helen Gardner, J.F. Kermode, Jan Knott, Peter Alexander, Maynard Mack, George Rylands, Peter Raby, James R. Sutherland, Hazel Vincent Wallace.
file 8 Seminar Speakers, 1968. Includes correspondence with: Robert Speaight, Michael MacOwan, George Rylands, David Daiches, D.F. Rowan, Murray D. Edwards, A.T. Brissenden, J. Percy Smith, Martin Banham, Glynne Wickham, Leo Ciceri, John Crow, Eric Christmas, T.J.B. Spencer. Box 1 file 9 Seminar Speakers, 1969. Includes correspondence with: Anthony Burgess, David Hoeniger, Richard Wilbur, Peter Ure, J.I.M. Stewart, George Rylands, W.W. Robson, Peter Raby, Brian Parker, Bernard Miles, J.A. Lavin, Bamber Gascoigne, G.H. Durant, Robertson Davies, David Daiches, Patrick Crean, Nevill Coghill, Leo Ciceri, Gilbert Bagnani.
Box 2
file 1 Seminar Speakers, 1970. Includes correspondence with: Salem Ludwig, Michael Sidnell, J.B. Priestley, Joseph O'Connor, Allardyce Nicoll, M.M. Mahood, William Green, John Ditsky, Rabbi Herbert Bronstein, Gareth Lloyd Evans, Anthony Burgess, Neil Carson, C.L. Barber.
file 2 Seminar Speakers, 1971. Includes correspondence with: Michael Bawtree, Nicholas Brooke, John S. Hayes, Harry Berger, Jr., Anthony Burgess, Eric Donkin, Douglas Duncan, Joseph G. Green, Finn Gallagher, Mrs. Zelda Heller, William Hutt, Jill Levenson, Julius Novick, Brian Parker, John Pettigrew, I.A. Shapiro, John Simon, Peter Stevens, Powys Thomas, Irving Wardle, Kenneth Welsh, Ronald Vince, Richard Grove.
file 3 Seminar Speakers, 1972. Includes correspondence with: Duncan F. Cameron, Ronald Bryden, Anthony Brennan, Rabbi Herbert Bronstein, John Russell Brown, Signora Barbara Heliodora Carneiro de Mendonca, John Ditsky, R.A. Foakes, G.K. Hunter, Harry MacGregor, John C. Meagher, George Merrill, Daniel Seltzer, G.B. Shand, Ken Welsh, Robert S. Wallace, Sheldon Zintner.
file 4 Seminar Speakers, 1973. Includes correspondence with: Edward Atienza, George Hibbard, Anthony Brennan, Rabbi Herbert Bronstein, Duncan Cameron, Cesar Crana, William Green, J.A Lavin, Benedict Nightingale, Julius Novick, Christopher Ricks, Daniel Seltzer, Skip Shand, Richard Southern.
2 file 5 Seminar Speakers, 1974. Includes correspondence with: J.B. Priestley, Gareth Lloyd Evans, Michael Bawtree, James Clements, Amelia Hall, John Hayes, Barry MacGregor, Brian Parker, Robin Phillips, Bruce Swerdfager, Powys Thomas, Henry Van Keuren.
2 file 6 Seminar Speakers, 1975. Includes correspondence with: John Ditsky, Ronald Bryden, J. Percy Smith, Mia Anderson, Robin Phillips, William Hutt, William Needles, Muriel Bradbrook, Robertson Davies.
file 7 Seminar Speakers, 1976. Includes correspondence with: Jack Merigold, Eric Sams, Tony van Bridge, Gale Fisher, Mia Anderson, Nicholas Pennell, William Needles.
Box 3
file 1 Canada Council, 1963. Includes correspondence with: N.F.W. Gates, Frank A. Milligan, Pauline Barabe, Mireille Adams, M. de Groot, Marcia McClung, Jean Roberts, Monique Aupy, Peter M. Dwyer, Ann M. Coffin, A.W. Trueman, H. Charbonneau, Lillian Breen, W.J. McCallion.
file 2 Canada Council Grant. Includes correspondence with: Jean Roberts, B. Hertzberg, C.J. Sisson, Peter M. Dwyer, Arthur J. Montague.
file 3 Administration: Finances. Seminars Statements as well as including correspondence with: The Windsor Hotel, McMaster University Bookstore, Stratford Country Club Limited, D.G. Seldon Printing Ltd., Fanfare Books, Institute of International Education, McMaster University (continuing education), J.M. Dent and Sons (Canada) Limited, Victorian Inn (Stratford) Limited.
file 4 Administration: Planning Seminar Speakers. Includes correspondence with: Bill Ballantyne, S.T. Bindoff, Edward Fridner, W. Craig Ferguson, Geoffrey D. Aggeler, Thomas B. Hendry, George R. Hibbard, Allan Lewis, John Crow, M.B. Smith, Mervyn Blake, John Pettigrew, John Van Domelen, David Galloway, Neil Carson, Mrs. Francelia Butler, Barry Brent.
file 5 Administration: Planning Seminar Speakers. Includes correspondence with: John Ditsky, M.M. Mahood, A. Hall, Neil Carson, Daniel Seltzer, Allan Lewis, Hannah Tompkins, John Pettigrew, Edward Feidner, John R. Elliott, Jr., D.F. Rowan, Robert Fothergill, Peter Thompson, Betsy Hemphill, Archbishop William Cardinal Brown, David Galloway, Neil Carson, Mrs. V.K. Sisson, D.A. McLennan, Thomas B. Hendry, Mark Niederhoffer, Peter Stevens, Herbert Weil, Jr., William Green, M.A. King, Harry Levin, W.J. Keith, John Paterson, H.E. Howard-Lock.
file 6 Administration: Planning, budget, reservations. Includes correspondence with: Allardyce Nicoll, S.W. Wells, Rae Fitall (University Women's Club of St.Thomas), Barbara Reid, Thomas B. Hendry, Peter Galloway (Shakespeare Summer Institute), Paul M. Cubeta (re: Derek Traversi), Stratford Shakespearean Festival, Louis Marder, Asa Briggs, John Bayley's article, James G. McManaway (The Shakespeare Association of America), John Pettigrew, Stratford Festival (Leo Ciceri Fund), Dale D. Huffington, Douglas Duncan, Leeds Barroll (Shakespeare Association of America), Bernard Beckerman (Hofstra College), Sidney Fisher, Leslie Evershed-Martin (The Chichester Festival Theatre Productions Company Limited).
file 7 Administration: Programmes. Includes biographies of speakers.
file 8 Administration: Programmes.
file 9 Administration: Tickets, 1976.
file 10 B.A.W. Jackson, "McMaster at Stratford: The Anniversary Year", McMaster News 34, no.3: 3, 21-2.
files 11-13 Correspondence from Seminar Attendees.
file 14 Publication: Stratford Papers. Includes correspondence with: W.J. Gage Limited, William E. Miller, Theatre Collection Harvard College Library, Methuen Publications, Irish University Press, Rabbi Bronstein, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, F.H. Mares, Arthur Sprague, John Russell Brown, Charles Sisson, Alan Brissenden, Martin Banham, Sidney Fisher, G.W. Knight, F.E. Halliday, Arthur Humphreys, E.T. Salmon, G.B. Harrison, John Pettigrew, Brian Parker, Wallace Robson, G.H. Durrant, Leo Ciceri, Anthony Burgess, J.A. Lavin, T.J.B. Spencer, Glynne Wickham, William Ready, Herbert Whittaker, Arnold Edinborough, Charles P. Prouty, Bamber Gascoigne, Philip Akrigg, Michael Burn, L.C. Knights, John W. Holmes, Robert Speaight, J. Percy Smith, N.S. Brooke, John Ditsky.
file 15 Correspondence with The Rev. W. Moelwyn Merchant 1961-62.