Finding Aid
Edith Russell fonds. First accrual. – 1767-1978; predominant 1955-1977. – 3.38 cm of textual records, graphic material and realia.
Note: Most of the letters in this accrual are searchable in the BRACERS database. Some extracts of the correspondence are published in “The Edith Russell Papers”, Russell 12, no. 1 (Summer 1992): 64-78.
Series 1: Correspondence. – 1938-1977. – 1.37 m of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.09
General Correspondence:
F.1 Unknown, documents 310001-7
310001 Edith to “Dear Sir”, 23 June 1952; re the storage of furniture and linens
310002, Postcard, 28 Nov. 1951; “enjoyed seeing you”
310003, Christmas greetings from “Mag”
310004, Postcard from Bologna, pmk. 18.8.77, from “Ken”
310005, Postcard from Bormio, Feb. 1975
310006, Edith to three different people, drafts on 2 pages; one mentions an accident she had, breaking her toe.
310007, Mimeographed circular letter, Christmas 1974, from “Jim & Eleanor”
F.2 A, documents 310008-50
310008, Elizabeth “Bee” Abbott, 9 Oct. 1972
310009-19, Polly Abbott, n.d., postmarks, 1971-75
310020-21, Vittorio Abrami (La Fiera Leteraria), 2 letters plus questionnaire, 1973-75; draft replies on versos
310022, Johanna Ackermann, 16 November 1975, printed notice re Max Ackermann
310023, Thomas Agnew & Sons (Evelyn John), 17 Sept. 1960 re the artist Hendrik Franks Van Lindt; receipt for £140 for “In the Campagna”, no. 59 in the Exhibition
310023a, Thomas Agnew & Sons (W. Plomer), 17 May 1962; receipt for the watercolour drawing by H.J. Harpignies
310024, Bill and Francesca Alpert, postcard
310025-30, June Allen, letters, 26 August 1970, Sept. 1970, 4 Sept. 1971, 2 May 1971, n.d. (pmk. 1974); 2 draft replies, 24 Sept. 1971, 14 May 1971
310031, Robert F. Allen Jr., 25 March 1973
310032-36, Peter Allison, 24 January 1972; ts. carbon reply, 27 January 1972 inviting Allison to Plas Penrhyn; reply from Allison, 31 January 1972, accepting the invitation; thank you letter after the visit with Brian Williams, 26 Feb. 1972; Edith’s draft reply; telegram from Allison, 18 May 1972
310037-9, Antony Alpers, 14 Sept. 1971, re Katharine Mansfield’s Prelude; ts. carbon reply from Edith, 21 September 1971, copy in BR’s library is inscribed: “B. Russell from Elizabeth R”; Alpers’ reply, 27 September 1971
310040, Günther Anders, letter, 27 December 1971
310041, Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights (J.R. Patrick Montgomery), Mimeographed letter, June 1977
310042-43, Aristotelian Society, 2 letters, 4 Dec. 1970 and 8 Jan. 1971
310044, Noel Armstrong, “Parliament Versus the People”, pamphlet, July 1971
310045, Authors Guild of the Authors League of America; printed invitation addressed to Edith Finch, not returned
310046-7, Franco Avandero, letter in Italian, 25 marzo (March) 1970; English translation; ts. carbon reply from Christopher Farley, 7 May 1970
310048, A.J. (“Freddy”) Ayer, August 1971
3100049-50, Mehmet Ali Aybar, 2 letters, 2 Jan. 1972, 7 Sept. 1976, in French
F.3 B, documents 310051-121
310051-3, N. Barker, 2 letters, Feb. 1970; ts. carbon reply from Christopher Farley, 18 Feb. 1970
310054, Geraldine Barry, letter postmarked 27 Sept. 1977
310055-7, R.H. Barry, 12 Feb. 1975; draft reply from Edith, 15 Feb. 1975; thank you reply from Barry, 19 Feb. 1975
310058-9, Robert Beaudrier, November 1972; draft reply from Edith, 28 Nov. 1972
310060-70, Nicole, Duchess of Bedford, letter forwarded to Christopher Farley who will show it to Ken Fleet, 7 Dec. 1972; letter pmk. 15 May 1972; Christopher Farley to Edith, 17 April 1972, with printed invitations to Woburn Abbey; draft reply to Nicole from Edith, 5 May 1972; mimeographed letter from K.J. Fleet, Bertrand Russell Centenary Committee; draft ts. carbon from Edith to Nicole, 10 April 1972; printed invitations with handwritten note from Nicole on verso; telegram 19 May 1972 from Nicole and her husband Ian, Duke of Bedford; Christopher Farley to Nicole, 5 April 1972, ts. carbon
310071-2, Wilhelm Bettelheim, 18 January 1976; draft reply from Edith, 14 February 1976
310073-4, George Bilainkin, 30 June 1974 after hearing Edith on BBC Radio 4; draft reply from Edith, 12 July 1975. Re Lucy’s tragic death.
310075-78, Akeel Bilgrami to Rupert Crawshay-Williams, n.d. asking him to forward an obituary by Professor Swamidasan to Edith; two draft replies from Edith, one to Bilgrami and the other to James Swamidasan; letter to Edith from Bilgrami, n.d. but the following year. See also Box 2.19, F.13.
310079, Maurizio Bini, letter in Italian, 19 August 1974
310080, Julia Broadhead Bissell, encl. 7 col. photographs; one contains a “college days’ photo” of Edith
310081, Dora Black (not Dora Russell), undated postcard
310082-84, Henry Blyth, letter, 11 December 1969, re Catherine Walters (“Skittles”) and Wilfrid Blunt; ts. carbon draft reply from Edith, 2 Jan. 1970; Blyth’s reply, 16 Jan. 1970
310085, Abigail Bok, postcard, n.d.
310086, Hilary Bok, postcard, n.d.
310087, Ada von Böselager, ts. carbon letter from Christopher Farley, 1 April 1970 with thanks for her letter of 21 March to Edith
310088-89, Leonard B. Boudin, two letters, 27 July 1970, 13 December 1971
310090-91, Dr. J. Lister Boyd, ts. carbon letter from Edith re BR, 4 September 1961; Christmas card from Lister and Helen
310092-99, Elias Bredsdorff, draft telegram from Edith, 4 July 1970; news clippings re Cambridge students’ sentences of imprisonment; 8 July from Bredsdorff mentioning Ralph Schoenman; draft reply from Edith, 19 July; 16 May 1971 re Chomsky lectures; postcard also signed by Anne Lise, 1975; letter 14 March 1976; draft reply from Edith, 18 March; letter 23 March 1976; information sheet on Scandinavica, edited by Bredsdorff. See also Box 2.15, F.10.
310100-01, Donald Gray Brien, card, 27 November 1974, no message; Christmas card
310102-03, British Broadcasting Corporation (Peter Foges), letter, 26 May 1972, re programme on Russell using gramophone records; draft reply from Edith, 31 May
310104-05, British Liaison Committee for Women’s Peace Group, mimeographed letter 1975; leaflet, “A Message to British Women from Countess Edith Russell … Received by Women for World Disarmament, 1975
310106, British Society for Social Responsibility in Science, invitation, November 1970
310107, British United Provident Association Limited (L.J. Colston), 25 March 1977, to Edith refusing her application to join
310108-9, Fenner Brockway to Christopher Farley, 21 April 1970, re Madame Tussauds, in reply to Farley’s letter of 14 April
310110-11, Bronygarth Hospital, 1968, 1970, thank you letters for gifts to patients.
310112-14, Bryn Mawr College (Janet M. Agnew), Feb. and March 1959, 2 letters from, 1 letter to, re exhibiting “The Perplexities of John Forstice” before returning it. Edith writes that Russell: “writes things in his head and when he writes them on paper, or as he usually does now-a-days, dictates them, he seldom makes correction in the text. It is as if were reading them from some mind tablet.”
310115-17, Bryn Mawr (John E. Forsythe; Agnes Leach), 1960, 2 letters to, one letter from Edith, 27 Feb.1961, re her donations to the Lucy Martin Donnelly Fellowship Fund
310118, Bryn Mawr, invitation to lunch, 1971
310119-21, Rabi’a Omar Budair, 1977, 2 letters to, letter from Edith re Wilfrid Blunt.
F.4 Hilda Ballinger, 1975-1977; 10 letters and 2 cards, draft reply from Edith, 10 July 1975, documents 310122-38
F.5 J.D. and Eileen Bernal, 1971-1976; 17 letters and 4 cards from Eileen; typed copy of telegram from Edith to J.D., 1971 (310139); invitation and mimeograph of the Bernal memorial meeting and tribute 8 December; draft reply from Edith 19 Feb. 1975; ts. carbon message from Edith for Eileen’s Call to Women, 12 January 1975; copy of Nov. 74-Feb. 75 issue; documents 310139-173
F.6 Mary and Michael (Mickey) Burn, 1971-77; one letter from Mickey and Mary, 3 letters and 1 card from Mary, telegram from Mickey and Mary; draft letter from Edith to Michael, 10 August 1974; pamphlet “Mary Burn died August 10, 1974”; 18 letters from Mickey; documents 310174-310200
Box 2.10
F.1 C, documents 310201-274
310201-03, Peggy Cameron, 3 letters, n.d.
310204, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Dick Nettleton), letter, 25 Jan. 1972 with notes by Edith in the margin.
310205, George Canino, handwritten card, 1 Dec. 1973 in French
310206, Brian Carr, letter, 31 Jan. 1974
310207-8, Sir George Catlin, April 1975 re the death of Lucy; draft reply from Edith, 22 April
310209, Lloyd Chandler, 1974, letter and reply with envelope
310210, Ch’ang Jen-hsia, 6 May 1974, ts. carbon from Edith
310211, Chaos, missing from file
310212-14, Buwei and Yuen Ren Chao, 2 post cards, ts. carbon from Edith asking for photos taken in China; see also document 310224 below
310215, 16 missing from file
310217, Chelsea Copying Office, 28 March 1951, one postcard
310218, Philip Cherrill, 19 April 1976, one card; annotated by Edith “Sarah’s friend”
310219-21, Chinese Embassy cards, 1971-73
310222, China, mimeographed press release on the death of Mao Tse-tung, 1976
310223, Choi Choon Sun, 5 Feb. 1970, letter
310224, Yuen Ren Chao, “Fourth Green Letter”, printed pamphlet, 1 Jan. 1975; re his life and work. There has been a gap of fifty years between letters.
310225, Noam Chomsky, letter, 15 Dec. 1971
310226-7, Ronald W. Clark, 2 letters, 1973-74
310228, Ken Coates (The Spokesman), letter, 26 Nov. 1972 re Ronald Clark
310229, Ken and Tamara Coates, birthday greetings
310230, Mrs. G. Clinton (aka Augusta Gardner), postcard, 9 June 1977
310231, M. Clark and Ken Coates, course outline “Bertrand Russell: His Philosophical and Social Thought”, mimeographed, 1972
310232-44, Sydney Cockerell, letters, Dec. 1958-61; one handwritten note, n.d.; printed cards; death notices, 1962
310245-6, Jean Cocteau, letter and envelope 1926; draft letter from Edith, 17 April 1962
310247, Roger A. Cole, letter, 11 Jan. 1969,re Wilfrid Blunt
310248-9, C.P. Cook (British Library of Political and Economic Science), 2 letters, 31 Jan. and 19 Feb. 1974 re Frank Russell’s papers
310250, Dennis Cooper, letter and envelope, pmk. 1972
310251, Cosmopolitan Club (Catherine Meredith Brown), letter 15 May 1951, re Edith’s resignation from the club.
310252, Peter G. Cranford, letter, 20 Nov. 1972
Rupert and Elizabeth Crawshay-Williams
310253-56, cards and letters, 1955-56 re the decoration of Plas Penrhyn
310257-64, letters, 1970, including to/from Christopher Farley, draft reply from Edith
310265-67, 1955, n.d., from Elizabeth, re the decoration of Plas Penrhyn
310268, n.d., from Elizabeth, lunch thank you
310269, Memorial printed card, 20 Sept. 1977, for the Crawshay-Williams
310270-72, Louise Crenshaw (aka Mrs. J.L. Crenshaw), 2 letters 1970, 1974; one postcard, 1972
310273, Lord’s Cricket Ground, printed card
310274, Mike Cushman, ts. carbon letter from Pamela Wood, 29 April 1970; Edith “willing to become a member of the Committee you are getting together for the Stop the 70 Tour Fund.”
F.2 Frances S. (Fanny) Childs, 1965-75; 9 letters and 2 cards, documents 310275-85
F.3 D, documents 310286-339
310286, Doris Dabrowski, letter and envelope, 14 Jan. 1965
310287-94, Mansel Davies, letters, 1970-73; draft reply from Edith, 27 Nov. 1971
310295-99, Rheannon Davies (aka Mrs. Mansel Davies), letters, 1970-74; 2 draft replies from Edith
310300-3, Robert K Davis (Bertrand Russell Society), letters, 1976; 2 draft replies from Edith
310304-6, Debrett’s, mimeographed letters re the 1973/4 and 1976 editions with page proofs; handwritten note by Edith noting Dora’s second marriage to Gordon Grace in 1940 which was added.
310307, Vladimir Dedijer, telegram, 30 August 1972
310308, Kyotaro Deguchi, letter 18 March 1974
310309, W.J. Dore-Dennis, letter, 1 Oct. 1955, re Wilfrid Blunt
310310-17, Lester E. Denonn, letters, 1974-75; postcard from “Bess and Les”; encl. photocopy of letter from Allen & Unwin (Rayner S. Unwin) to Denonn, 2 June 1975; draft reply from Edith, 2 July 1975. See also F.6.
310318, D. Anthony D’Esopo, letter, 29 May 1951; a medical doctor charged with looking after Russell’s health in America
310319, Dickens Society of Ceylon (M.M. Aryaratna), letter, 1 January 1972
310320-27, Marjorie Dobkin, 1974-75, 5 letters and one postcard; 2 draft replies from Edith
310328, Danilo Dolci Trust, Annual Report, April 1971
310329-30, Pham Van Dong, Prime Minster of Viet Nam, telegram, 16 September 1972; letter with translation, 15 November 1976
310331-37, Constance LaBoiteaux Drake and Tom Drake, 2 letters, 1970, 1972, encl. letter from Marnie; encl. photographic slide of a building in Lima, Peru “Academie Matematic Bertrand Russell”, art gallery promotional materials; one draft reply from Edith, 26 March 1972
310338, Edith Draper, letter, 16 October 1957
310339, Mrs. Dudley, draft reply (photocopy) from Edith. Note: Original with Mary Trevelyan letter to her on verso of original.
F.4 Edith de Chadenedes (aka Mrs. François de Chadenedes), documents 310340-57
Letters and postcards, telegram, one encl. photograph (other photographs removed to Box 2.22) 1955-1977; one draft reply from Edith, 28 August 1976
John de Chadenedes, her son, letter, n.d., document 310358
Anne de Chadenedes her daughter, letter 9 August 1965, document 310359
F.5 Alan Denson, documents 310360-393
Letters and cards, encl. newsletter Emerge, news clipping, 1972-76; one draft letter from Edith, 7 April 1961; ts. carbon from Christopher Farley, 17 Jan. 1974; letter to Farley, June 1976 (310393)
F.6 E, documents 310394-417
310394-98, Elizabeth Ramsden Eames, 1977, letters and telegram
310399, Mrs. Edge, letter, pmk. 13 May 1974
310400-03, Education for International Understanding (James L. Henderson, Rex Andrews), letters, 1974-76; ts. carbon reply from Edith, 15 Jan. 1975
310404-10, Robert E. Egner (The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell), 1972 letters; draft replies, from Edith, 1970, 1972; ts. carbon, “E.R.’s Comments on Mr. Denonn’s List of Suggested Additions to Basic Writings”; Barry Feinberg to Edith, 18 Feb. 1972; photocopy of letter from Lester E. Denonn to Feinberg, 15 Feb. 1972 with attached “The Use of Books” typescript
310411, Susanna Elmhirst, letter, 16 May 1975
310412, Mabel A. Elliott, letter, 10 July 1970
310413, Gertrude Ely, letter, pmk. 1 July 1959
310414-16, Kathleen Epstein, 2 letters, 1975; draft reply from Edith, 4 July 1975
Box 2.11
F.1 F, documents 310417-449
310417-22, Christopher Farley, letters and card, 1972-76; ts. carbon letter to Anton Felton, 29 Jan. 1974
310423-32, Barry Feinberg, 1970-77, letters, encl. proofs of covers for the paperback Autobiography; photocopies of news clippings; encl. photocopy of letters from Rayner S. Unwin to Feinberg, 5 Sept. and 16 Nov. 1977; Farley to the District Valuation Officer, 18 Feb. 1970
310433-38, Flinders University of South Australia, 1970-72, letters; ts. carbon reply from Edith, 15 April 1970, draft reply 7 April 1971; draft reply 28 April 1971
310439, Frances Fox Method (M. Dauncey), letter, 31 Dec. 1957
310440-43 Virginia Kneeland Frantz, 1951-65, letters, encl. ts. carbon to Mrs. Finch (Mrs. Edward B. Finch, Edith’s mother)
310444, Anne Fremantle, photocopy of letter 29 June 1977 typed on letter from Russell, 23 Oct. 1968
310445, Friends of the Earth (Tom Burke), letter, 18 June 1977
310446-49, Hinda Frimet, letters, 1974; encl. mimeograph letter to Ken Coates and Chris Farley; draft reply from Edith, 8 Feb. 1974
F.2 Elsie Fairbairn, documents 310450-463, 14 letters and cards, 1970-73
F.3 Flexner
319464, Beatrice (Mrs. James), letter, 1 November 1971
310465-6, Bill, letters, 1974, 1976
310467-79, Betty (Mrs. William), letters, 1971-75
310480, Magdalen (Maggie), letter, 9 Feb. 1972
F.4 G, documents 310481-512
310481, Martin A. Garstens, letter, pmk. 30 Sept. 1974
310482-83, Robert Gathorne-Hardy, 2 letters, 1972
310484, Ruth George, letter, n.d.
310485, Geriatric Day Hospital, April 1974
310486, Sarah Gibbs, letter, 15 Jan. 1956
310487-89, John Gillooly, 2 letters, 1970; ts. carbon reply from Christopher Farley
310490-91, William T. Going, letter, 8 September 1964, enclosing offprint from Victorian Poetry of his essay on Wilfrid Scawen Blunt; ts. carbon reply from Edith, 24 Sept. 1964
310492-3, Ronald Goldstein, two letters, 1977 to arrange a visit
310494, Granada Television Ltd. (Denis Forman), letter, 12 Oct. 1973
310495-509, Ivor Grattan-Guinness, letters and note, 1972-75, encl. photocopy of his article on Hollybush House (Anton Felton’s house); three draft replies from Edith. One letter asks questions about Bagley Wood (Edith’s reply is not extant).
310510, Rona Greenish, draft reply from Edith, 19 March 1975
310511, Grenada General Post Office, letter, 10 Nov. 1972
310512-13, Pio Guadagno, letter 22 Feb. 1974; draft reply from Edith, 7 March 1974
F.5 H, documents 310514-591
310514, Alan Hadfield, letter, 18 Feb. 1970
310515-22, Barbara Halpern, letters, 1976-77; draft reply from Edith, 1977 re copyright; exchange of letters between Edith and Anton Felton; re her book Remarkable Relations
310523-6, Dorothy Hawksley, encl. mimeograph about Sir Sydney Cockerell by R.C.H. Briggs
310527, Hampton & Sons, 4 Feb. 1973; notice that her “tenancy of the above furnished house is due to terminate on Thursday, 12th February”; re 6 Paradise Walk
310528-38, Elenore Montague Harry (aka Mrs. Robert V. Harry), letters, 1970-76, encl. two postcards
310539-50, Norah Hartley (aka Miss A.N. Hartley), letters and card, 1957-73
310551-56, Harvey and Gore Ltd. (Brian Norman), 1961-62; re jewellery for grandchildren designed with pearls supplied by the Russells
310558-61, Rebecca Haskell (aka Mrs. Paul T. Haskell), letters and cards, 1977
310562, Selina Hastings, letter, n.d. re the death of Elizabeth Crawshay-Williams
310563-64, Linda Haye, letter and card, 1974
310565, Rev. Guenther Heipp (Albert Schweitzer), printed materials, 1970
310566-68, Helen Hervey, letter, 1972; draft reply from Edith. Note: document number 310567 not used.
310569, Christopher Hibbs, to the editor of the Western Mail, with carbon to Edith, 5 Feb. 1970
310570, Anne Hillhouse (aka Mrs. Francis B. Hillhouse), letter, 10 Feb. 1972
310571, Phyllis Hindle, letter, 25 Sept. [1970?] with encl. illustrating her style of art
310572-74, Hiroshima Ikio-no-iye [Hiroshima House] (Ira Morris, Edita Morris, Koichiro Tanabe, Shigeko Tanabe), 1970-77, one letter, two mimeographed letters
310575-80, Ikki Hitaka (Russell Society in Japan), letters and card, 1971-75; ts. carbon from Edith, 10 June 1972
310581-82, Kazuteru Hitaka (Bertrand Russell Society in Japan), re the exhibit of Onisaburo Deguchi at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 1974
310583-84, Kevin Holland, 24 April 1970; Christopher Farley to Holland, ts. carbon, 14 April 1970
310585, Welmoet Roland Holst (incorrectly identified as Peggy Kiscadden’s son-in-law by Edith; the letter is from Peggy’s daughter), letter, pmk. 1971
310586, Grace Hooper, letter, 1973
310587-89, Peter Houchin (Octodecimo Books), letters, 1977, encl. typescript (an excerpt from G.H. Wilson, ed. The Eccentric Mirror, 1813), re Elizabeth Russell, died 14 April 1772 (at death found to be a man); draft notes by Edith on Rachel Russell
310590, Constance de Howard (?) (a neighbour in Penrhyndeudraeth), invitation card, 1973
310591, Joan Howson, letter, 15 Dec. 1956, re refugees
310592-607, David Harley, 1974-77; letters and draft replies; encl. his wedding invitation
Box 2.12
Huxley and Hazelton
F.1, documents 310608-666, Juliette Huxley, letters and draft replies, 1970-77
F.2-F.3, documents 310667-729, Byrd Hazelton, letters and cards, 1955-77, encl. Jacob Epstein retrospective catalogue (includes bust of Lucy Martin Donnelly commissioned by Edith), news clippings, photographs
Box 2.13
F.1 I, documents 310730-47
310730, Yukiko Inuma, holiday card
310731-34, International Friendship Hospital for Women and Children in Hanoi (Connie Seifert, Marie Philibert), letters and mimeographs, 1973-76
310735, Kaoru Ishido, letter and printed letter, 1976
310737-47, Shigetoshi Iwamatsu (Japan Information Centre of the BRPF), letters, 1971-77
F.2 J, documents 310748-53
310748, Storm Jameson (aka Margaret Chapman), letter, 3 July 1972
310749, Kathleen Davies Jones, card, 9 Nov. 1975; re the death of Peanut (dog)
310750-52, Mrs. Jones, birthday cards
310753 June [H?], draft letter from Edith, 1970
F.3 K, documents 310754-77
310754, Marion Kearns, letter, 11 May 1972
310755, Kelly’s Handbook, 1972, encl. entry on Edith
310756-7, Jeffrey John Kenefic, two letters, 1971
310758-60, Erwin Kerz, two letters, 1976; draft reply from Edith
310761, A.J. Khanji, printed card, 1970
310762-65, Mr. Khezaeli, letters, 1977; draft reply from Edith
310766-68, Nalle Kielland, 1975-77, re helping Constance Malleson financially; Russell’s estate; Katharine Tait’s book; Dora Russell; Peter Russell; draft reply from Edith, 31 Jan. 1975
310769-71, Frida Knight to Christopher Farley, 1970 re her book on William Frend; ts. carbon from Farley
310772-75, Joseph Koombas, card and letter, pmk. 1974; encl. photographs
310776, Theodor Körner-Stiftungsfonds, printed card, 1958
310777, Marie Kudolla (Edith note: a maid in New York), Gustave Kudolla, Christmas card, n.d.
F.4, Rita Kipling, letters and cards, 1971-74; many of them undated, documents 310778-791
F.5, Peggy Kiscadden, letters and cards, 1970-77, encl. news clippings; draft replies from Edith 16 Jan. 1972, 5 Nov. 1973, 17 Feb. 1975, 18 July 1975, documents 310792-832
F.6 L, documents 310833-865
310833-34, Mary M. Lago, letter, 2 June 1972; draft reply from Edith, 10 June 1972
310835-41, Corliss Lamont, letters, 1972-73, encl. pamphlet and leaflet; draft replies from Edith, also one typed reply marked “not sent”
310 842, Frances Frenaye Lanza, letter, 1970
310843-44, League Against Cruel Sports, Annual Reports, 1969 and 1970 (Edith was a patron)
310845-47, A. Leamy, letter, 10 Feb. 1970, encl. letter to News of the World re their “offensive obituary on Earl. Russell.” Ts. carbon reply from Christopher Farley, 18 Feb.
310848, Letter from Rosemary Leather (née Casson), about her father and Plas Penrhyn
310849-50, Michael Levin, 2 letters, 1970-71
310851, Patricia Lindop, letter, 30 April 1974, re visit to Plas Penrhyn by Joseph Roblat and her family
310852, John R. Lloyd, letter, 16 Oct. 1974; re Jacob Epstein
310853-4, Kate Lloyd (former employee), 2 letters, one dated 1971
310855, Bronwen Lloyd-Williams (Moreton Hall), letter, 16 Feb. 1970
310856, London Library Annual Report 1974-75
310857-60, Victor and Victoria Lincoln Lowe, letters, 1971-74; encl. news clipping
310860a,Longman Group Ltd., 21 July 1977, delivery invoice
310861-62, Hildegard Lueg, 2 letters, 1973-74
310863, Russell and Mildred Lynes, postcard, 1971
310864, Brendan Lynch, letter, 10 May 1972, encl. photographs of Cleiddon Hall (formerly Ravenscroft) taken recently (not extant); draft reply from Edith, 12 May
F.7 Ed Lewis, documents 310866-893
Letters and cards, 1971-77, encl. newsletters; draft replies from Edith, 1974, 1976; ts carbon from Edith to Cyrus Eaton, 20 May 1976 re Lewis
F.8 Margaret Lloyd, documents 310894-910
Letters and cards, 1971–76, encl. news clipping, programme; ts. carbon reply from Edith, 22 June 1971
F.9 M, documents 310911-918
310911-14, Hugh Mackarness, letters and card, 1955-57
310914a, Maggs Bros. Ltd., letter and receipt, 17 May 1957, for The British Herbal (1756).
319915, Mabel Meek, card, n.d.; annotated by Edith “hairdresser in Philadelphia”.
310916, Irene Menkhof, letter and card, 1973
310917, Merioneth County Council, letter, 1970
310918, Nola Miller, letter, 20 August 1976
F.10 Constance Malleson, documents 310919-55
Letters and replies, 1971–75, n.d.; encl. lace (not extant); postcard to Constance from Prof. Abraham in India, Sept. 1973; letter to Constance from Elaine Ellison-Brown, 1974 with handwritten transcript by Edith; b&w postcard of Castlewellan Castle, county Down, Ireland where Constance grew up.
Box 2.14
F.1 N-O, documents 310956-59
310956, Jo Vellacott Newberry, letter, 4 Dec. 1976
310957, Pat O’Connell, letter 15 Oct. 1961; re experience in jail
310958, F. Payne, letter, pmk. 1976
310959, Jack A. Pitt, letter, 19 Feb. 1976
F.2 Press Council, documents 310960-93
Letters, 1975-76; re a dispute with Dora Russell over what she published, partly in reference to the Ronald Clark biography. In addition to the Press Council letters, there are letters to/from The Freethinker (William McIlroy), the Guardian, Dora Russell, Heald & Nickinson (Jack Black); encl. mimeographed press release, news clipping; issues of The Freethinker
F.3 R, documents 310994-311002
310994, Joan Rees, n.d.
310995-97, Catherine Robbins, letters, 1970-76
319998-99, Keith Robbins, letter, 22 Oct. 1976; draft reply from Edith, 30 Oct.
311000-02, Royal Society invitation, n.d.; Memorial Service, 1977
F.4 S, documents 311003-029
311003-06, St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, 1951, 1966-68; encls. include Edith’s entry in the College Register and an appeal brochure
311007-11, Saeko Saigusa (Fujin Koron), letter and telegrams, 1961; ts. carbon reply from Edith, 15 Dec. 1961
311012, Michael Scott to Ken Coates, photocopy of letter, 21 Dec. 1974
311013, Mrs. Nándor Sebestyén, Hungarian Peace Council, printed card
311014, Norodom Sihanouk, photocopy of telegram to Ken Coates, 11 Nov. 1971
311015, Stafford Hotel (Simon Broome), letter, 8 April 1974
311016, Evelyn Stanley, letter, pmk. 4 Feb. 1976; annotated by Edith “Julie Medlock’s sister”
311017-28, John Sutcliffe (Bertrand Russell Society English representative),letters, 1977, n.d., encl. mimeograph “Beyond Nationalism”
311029, James D. Swamidasan, draft reply (photocopy) from Edith, n.d. but Nov. 1971. See also Box 2.9 F.3.
F.5 T, documents 311030-042
311030-32, Franciszka and Stefan Themerson, letters, 1970, 1977; encl. art gallery brochure of a show by Franciszka, New York Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978
311033, Maureen and John Thomas, card, pmk. 1977
311034-37, Veronica Toynbee, letters 1975-76; draft reply from Edith, 21 Oct. 1976
311038-40, Mary Trevelyan, letters, n.d.; draft reply from Edith 3 Sept. 1970; Trevelyan cannot locate photographs taken of Russell in Taormina.
311041-42, Tribunale Russell II (Lelio Basso, Linda Bimbi), 2 letters, 1974
F.6 Joan (“Gogi”) Thompson, aka Joan Henry, Joan Standage and mistakenly Joan Braby, documents 311043-98. Her second husband was J. Lee Thompson. She was a descendent of Lord John Russell. 37 letters, 1970 to 1977, card, n.d. 311091, “Of course I didn’t know Bertie until he was in his mid-seventies. But we had lots of talks and think he was amused to find a younger cousin he could giggle with....”
F.7 U, documents 311099-102
311099, United States Post Office, letter, 1954
311100, University of Lagos, letter, 1972 encl. mimeograph
311101-02, University of London Institute of Education, 2 letters, 1974; ts. carbon reply from Edith, 21 Jan. 1974
F.8 V, documents 311103-112
311103-05, Folly von Erffa, letters and card, pmk. 1955, 1960, encl. mimeographs, printed material
311106, [ ] and George Vaux, letter, pmk. 1977
311107, Victoria and Albert Museum (Donald King), letter, 29 Sept. 1972 re the care and repair of lace; samples sent
311008-09, S.H. Levey and Judith Dore, letter and card Oct. 1972; lace identified as Brussel bobbin, c. 1860
311110-12, Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, press release, May 1977; invitation, and card, 1976
F.9 W, documents 311113-311126
311113, Jonathan Westphal, letter, 23 June, letter
311114-17, Graham Whettam, letters, 1973, 1976, 1977, encl. photocopies of news clippings, mimeographed press release; draft reply from Edith, 5 Feb. 1973
311118-19, Anne Whiteman, 2 letters 1976-77
311120, Miss Wilkinson, draft reply from Edith, 3 September 1970
311121, Clough Williams-Ellis, letter, 15 May 1957, encl. statement of account for a new garage at Plas Penrhyn, 9 May 1957, £10.10.0.
311122, Amabel Williams-Ellis, draft reply from Edith, 5 June
311123-4, David Wood, two letters, 1976-77
311125, Pamela Wood, card, n.d.
311126, Robert W. Wood, Jr., envelope addressed to Wood by Edith, returned by post office; the letter is no longer in the envelope.
Box 2.15
Family correspondence:
F.1 Anne Russell, documents 311127-39. Anne was the daughter of Susan Lindsey adopted by John Russell; married Ian Dryden, Philip Terry, Larry Underwood; had one daughter, Rowan, with Underwood. Letters, 1971–77; ts. carbon from Edith and BR, 4 Sept. 1961, draft reply from Edith, 19 Dec. 1970.
F.2 Conrad Russell, documents 311140-53; encl. ts. carbon letter to editor from Conrad, 31 Dec. 1974, also children’s artwork; draft reply from Edith to Conrad and his wife Elizabeth, 8 Feb. 1970; draft reply from Edith, 25 Feb.; draft reply from Edith, 6 June 1971; 10 letters from Conrad (two with postscripts from his wife Elizabeth), 1971–75
F.3 Elizabeth Russell (Conrad’s wife), letters, 1971-77, documents 31154-216
F.4 Dora and John Russell, documents 311217-21. Letter from John, March 1970 (he asks Edith to send BR’s watch to the Messrs. Child & Co., “to be kept safely for Conrad until he succeeds”); draft replies from Edith, all 1970
F.5 Lucy Russell, documents 311222-249; cards and letters, 1971–75
F.6 Sarah Russell, documents 311250-270, letters, 1976–77; also a letter from Fair Mile Hospital, 30 May 1977 re Sarah’s admission; ts. carbon from Edith and BR, 4 Sept. 1961, draft replies from Edith, 14 Sept. 1976, 22 Sept. 1976
F.7 Kate Tait, documents 311271-291, letters, 1970–1977, encl. wedding invitation to her son David’s wedding; draft replies from Edith, 8 Feb. 1970, 16 March 1970, 31 Aug. 1972, 20 Sept. 1972
F.8 re Edith Russell’s books, documents 311291a-h
Two letters from Jonathan Cape, 1947; draft replies from Edith, 18 and 28 Aug. 1947. George Allen & Unwin Ltd (Stanley Unwin), 1961. Contracts with Jonathan Cape, 1938 and Harper & Bros., 1947. Reviews of her biography about Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, 1938.
F.9 Bertrand Russell (BR), documents 311292-325
Aogaki Zeniehi, letter, 4 Dec. 1969, document 211293
Letters from admirers and merchants, written after BR’s death, 1970-75, documents 311292-98, 306, 308
Coward, Chance & Co. (C.B. Drover), letters 13 Sept. 1957-12 Sept. 1960; ts. carbon reply from BR, 9 Sept. 1960, documents 311299-303
Rupert Crawshaw Williams post card from, re the telephone at Plas Penrhyn, document 311304
Barbara Crighton, letter, 13 Jan. 1970, document 311305
Post card invitation re Jacob Epstein portraits, 1953, document 311307
G. Heywood Hill Ltd., invoice for sale of Piranesi and Heraldic Anomalies, March 1953, document 311307a
Foyles Literary Luncheon card, 1953, document 311309
Erich Fromm, letter, 23 Jan. 1970, document 311310
Peter Gruen, letter, 17 Nov. 1969, document 311311
Owen W. Gustafson, mimeograph “Justice: An Equality”, “to be read by the postman at his grave”, document 311312
Thomas Goode & Co., invoice for china and glass, 15 May 1952, document 311312a
Hepburn & Ross, letter, 20 June 1960 re Red Hackle; ts. carbon reply from BR, 26 June 1960, documents 311313-14
Frank Hampl, ts. carbon from Christopher Farley, 1968 and reply, documents 311315-16
Maylu Kaplan, n.d., letter, document 311318
A.J. Khanji, letter, 1 Jan. 1970, document 311319
Chan Un Kim, letter, n.d., document 311320
Gilbert Lallia, card, document 311321
North Thames Gas Board, letter, 8 Feb. 1957, re purchase of cooker rented since “24/3/49”; letter sent to 29 Millbank Road, document 311321a
Parliamentary Association for World Government, Challenge of the H-Bomb complimentary ticket and flyer, 31 March 1955; BR was one of the speakers, document 311322
Laurette and Frederic Pease, card, pmk. 1955; envelope also addressed to Edith, document 311323
Progressive Party of South Africa, letter, 3 Nov. 1969, document 311324
William Rest, re BR’s watch, n.d., document 311324a
George Allen & Unwin (Stanley Unwin), letter, 23 Dec. 1958 re Gilbert Murray’s letters, document 311325
O. Griffin Dairy, Honiton, Devon, label, document 311325a
R. Twining & Co. Ltd., invoice 1953, document 311325b
Fribourg and Tryer, invoice, 1955, document 311325c
F.10 Death of Bertrand Russell, documents 311326-341
Lists of people who sent condolences; flyer for and news clip about a memorial meeting, 13 March 1970
Elias Bredsdorff, letter, 15 March 1971, re Noam Chomsky lectures. Draft reply from Edith, 7 April 1971.
R. Robson, Trinity College, letters re the inscription for BR’s memorial brass; draft reply from Edith, 17 Oct. 1970
See also Archives 2, class 726
Box 2.16
Allen & Unwin:
F.1 Letters, 1953, 1970–1977; encl. dust jacket of The Collected Stories; letter, 10 June 1953 “You are quite right that the plaque was for Pembroke Lodge in Richmond Park, and I am at once writing to the L.C.C. about it.” (document 311342)
F.2 Royalties, document 311358, 1974; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.3 Royalties, document 311359, 1974; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.4 Royalties, document 311360, 1975; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.5 Royalties, document 311361, 1975-76; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
Box 2.17
Christmas and Birthday cards, documents 311362-68
F.1 Birthday, 1977, document 311362; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.2 Birthday, 1972–73, document 311363; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.3 Christmas, 1972–73, document 311364; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.4 Christmas, 1973, document 311365; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.5 Christmas, 1974, document 311366; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.6 Christmas, 1975, document 311367; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
F.7 Christmas, 1976, document 311368; the file contains many documents, only one number assigned
Note: End of the first part of the correspondence series. Further correspondence follows after Series 2 in Boxes 2.20 and 2.21 (travel and large print books).
Series 2: Manuscripts.—c.1913-1977; 1970-1977 predominant.—25 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.18
By Edith Russell:
“The British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament”, 15 Dec. 1961, Ts. carbon, 6 leaves with emendations, document 311369
[John G. Slater and Kingsley Martin], [1970], Ms., 1 leaf, document 311370
“[Notes on] Earl Russell Fund Protest by Peter Gladstone Smith, pub. in Sunday Telegraph”, 8/12/74. Ms., a leaf; also photocopy of Telegraph article. Document 311371.
F.2 [Notes on Michael Burn’s ts.] [1976]. Ms., 3 leaves, document 311372. See Box 2.19, F.4 for a description of Burn’s typescript.
“1st Notes on Clark’s Biog. of BR,” [1975], ms. 5 leaves, document 311373
“Comments on Clark’s Biog. of BR (after 1st reading)”, [1975], ms., 27 leaves, document 311374
“Comments on Clark’s Biog. of BR after 3rd reading)”, [1975], ms. 89 leaves, document 311375
“Gen’l Assessment of [Clark’s] Book”, 1975, ms., 3 leaves, document 311376
There is also a copy of Clark’s The Life of Bertrand Russell with numbered points written in it to match the numbers in the manuscript; the dust-jacket has been reversed and is titled “Clark’s fatuous book”.
F.4 Photocopy of document 311375 done by archival staff
F.5 Typed transcript of document 311375 prepared by archival staff.
F.6 “Notes on The Tamarisk Tree by Dora Russell”, Sept. 1975, ms., 19 leaves. Photocopy of pp. 1-18 of the manuscript, document 311377. Typed transcript by archival staff. There is also a copy of the book, unmarked, Elek/Pemberton, London, 1975.
Box 2.19
F.1 “Taught B.R. in his youth” and “Learned by B.R. from L.P.S.”, ts., document 311378a.
Michael (Micky) Burn:
“A Window in Buda. 1950”, N.d. Ts. carbon; 2 leaves. Document 311379
“Alexander Pecofi”. N.d., Ms., 1 leaf. According to his note to Edith it was published in the Times Literary Supplement. Document 311380
“Against Torture”. N.d. Ts. carbon, 3 leaves. Document 311381
“The Dinosaur”. N.d. Ts. carbon, 3 leaves. “Into Europe”. N.d. Ts. carbon, 6 leaves. These two poems are stapled together. Document 311382
“Giving a Lecture”. N.d. Ts., 6 leaves with emendations. Document 311383
[“I’d often dreamed that someone else …”]. N.d. Ts. carbon; 2 leaves. Document 311384
[“In the imperium and common sense …”]. N.d. Ts., 2 leaves with emendations. Stapled to [“With tenderness …”]. N.d. Ts. carbon, 1 leaf. Document 311385
“Malvolio’s Revenge”. N.d. Ts. carbon, 4 leaves. Document 311386
“Memoirs of my Dream Life”. N.d. Ts. carbon, 2 leaves. Document 311387
“Merry Tales 1567”. N.d. Ts. 1 leaf. Document 311388
“Nehemiah”. N.d. Ts., 7 leaves. Document 311389
[“She sits in front of her glass …”]. N.d. Ms., 8 leaves. Document 311390
[“There was a mouse who mused that he …”]. N.d. Ts. carbon, 3 leaves. Document 311391
[“And if Hamlet had come to the throne? …”]. June 1972. Ms., 2 leaves. Document 311392
“For Moura Budbert”. Dec. 1972. Ts. carbon, 3 leaves with emendations. Document 311393
“After Samson. A Philistine Speaks”. [Dec. 1972.] Ms., 1 leaf. Document 311394
“A Visit from the Biographer.” Dec. 1975. Ms., 2 leaves. Document 311395
“The Sky at Night”. 10 June 1976. Ms., 1 leaf. Document 311396
[“The rider found few takers …”]. 1976. Ms., 1 leaf. Document 311395
“All Soul’s Night”. 5 Nov. 1976. Ts. carbon, 2 leaves. Document 311398
“Eurydice”. 5 Dec. 1976. Photocopy of ts., 11 leaves. Document 311399
[“When I came from hospital, after the prods and probes …”]. 2 Feb. 1977. Ms., 1 leaf. Document 311400.
F.3 French poems, typed from published works
[“Tant que mes …”]. Typescript, 1 leaf, Louise Labé, 1522-66, document 311401
[“Quand vous serez …”] Typescript carbon, l leaf, Pierre de Ronsard, document 311402. Some of the text is in English.
F.4 Michael Burn, “Bertrand Russell: a Letter to my Wife”, 18 July 1976. Ts. carbon, bound, 134 leaves. This is an expansion of “Bertrand Russell: St. George and the Dogma”, The Times, 18 May 1972, p. 18. Document 311403.
F.5 Ken Coates:
[Biographical Essay on Bertrand Russell]. N.d. Ts. carbon, 56 leaves. For I Protagonisti, an Italian encyclopedia. Document 311404.
[“Speech by Ken Coates for Linz Seminar”], [Sept. 1972], Ts. carbon; 52 leaves. The title is written in Edith’s hand. In Ken Coates, ed., as “The Internationalism of Bertrand Russell”, Essays on Socialist Humanism (Nottingham: Spokesman Books, 1972). Document 311405.
F.6 Christopher Farley. “Bertrand Russell: Reminiscences and Reflections”. [1972]. Ts. carbon, 19 leaves with emendations. Presented at McMaster’s Russell Centenary Celebrations. In Russell in Review (B&R H201). Document 311406.
F.7 B.T. Feld. “Attempts at Nuclear Arms Control—Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?” 8 Oct. 1974. Ts. carbon, 14 leaves, document 311407.
F.8 Nicholas Griffin. Reviews of Mortals and Others and The Tamarisk Tree for the Spokesman. Typescript photocopies, 10 leaves, forwarded to Edith by the Peace Foundation; envelope pmk. 1977. Documents 311408 and 311408. In The Spokesman, no. 34 (Winter 1977-78).
F.9 Peggy Kiskadden. “[Peggy Kiskadden’s Reminiscences of Bertrand Russell]”. 29 Feb. 1972. Ts., 4 leaves. Titled in Edith’s hand. Quoted extensively in Ronald Clark’s biography of Russell, pp. 468-9. Document 311410.
F.10 Julie Medlock. [“Bertrand Russell: So Fondly Remembered”]. c.1972. Ts. carbon of chapters 6-9; 117 leaves. Document 311411. See Rec .Acq. 675 for the entire typescript.
F.11 Robert Rounseville. “Title: Bertrand Russell’s GUIDED TOUR OF INTELLECTUAL RUBBISH!” N.d. Photocopy of ts., 2 leaves. Document 311378. See W.B. Ready’s article about this play in Russell o.s. no. 10 (Summer 1973): 13-14.
F.12 Conrad Russell. “Memories of My Father”. [1972]. Ts., 9 leaves on letterhead of Features International. Published in The Sunday Times Magazine, 14 May 1972, pp. 32-3, 35, 37. (B&R Hh72). Document 311412.
F.13 James Swamidasan. “A Whole Man: Bertrand Russell”. [1971]. Signed ts., 8 leaves. Forwarded to Rupert Crawshay-Williams by Akeel Bilgrami. Also 2 ts. carbons prepared by Edith Russell. Document 311413.
F.14 Graham Whettam. “On Bertrand Russell and My Fourth Symphony”. 1972. Ts./ts. carbon, 8 leaves. The title-page notes that “this article was the basis for an interview with Graham Whettam recorded by Netherlands Radio in Sept. 1972.” Also 2 mimeographs. A third mimeograph was issued in 1977 with a postscript; the title had been changed to “On Bertrand Russell—and a Symphony” to reflect the change in the symphony’s title to Sinfonia contra Timore. Document 311414.
Bertrand Russell:
F.15 “Poem written c. 1913 by B.R.” Ts., 1 leaf, document 311411a; see also document 220.027030 in RA1.
Box 2.20
Series 1, correspondence, continued. Travel correspondence and documents:
Envelope stamped with document number 311415 with luggage tags: British European Airways, four cabin baggage tags; Pan American World Airways, 2 seat assignment tags; 4 yellow tags addressed “Russell, l’Hotel Pont Royal, Rue Montalembert, Paris”; 6 green tags addressed “Russell, Hotel Imperial, Vienna, Austria”; one green tag addressed “Russell, Hotel d’Angleterre, Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen”; one tag addressed “ Russell, Hotel Minerva, Rome, Hotel Pont Royal, Paris, Richmond Surrey”, first two struck out; British European Airways, four checked pieces to Vienna (4 tags); British European Airways, to London, six tags each with 3 pieces, eight tags with four pieces; BEA to Rome, 3 tags for 4 checked pieces; BEA to Copenhagen, 1 tag; Scandinavian Airlines System, 1 tag to London; envelope addressed by Edith “for Mrs. Walker, for 7 labels” inside are 8 typed labels with sticky backing for “The Earl Russell, O.M., l’hotel Pont Royal, rue Montalembert, Paris 7, France.”
Envelope stamped with document numbers 311416, 417, 418 containing 3 Edith Russell passports issued 7 June 1930, 5 Dec. 1950, 2 Dec. 1954
F.1 document 311419
Tickets and other documents
6 Tourist class tickets coach to London Airport
Pan American World Airways envelope, “Miss Edith Finch – New York/London”; inside is a blank “international Certificate of Inoculation and Vaccination” and a leaflet “Information for Bearers of Passports”, 1 March 1950, U.S. Dept. of State; PAA Time Selector card wheel.
Thomas. Cook & Co leaflets: “Notes for Travellers”, June 1954 and Sept. 1954; also 3 blue folders; 2 car hires; 2 foreign exchange receipts 1954 and 1955; travellers cheques record.
British European Airways passenger tickets and baggage checks; 2, London to Paris and return, 1954 and 1955; 2 London to Rome to Paris and return, with 4 tags stapled inside; 2, London to Paris and return, 1958; 2, London to Vienna and return, 1958; 2, London to Copenhagen and return, 1960.
American Express travelers cheque records, 1951
BEA timetable, valid from 1 June 1951
Italian Visa, signed by Russell on 11 April 1955
F.2 World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government (Gilbert McAllister), documents 311420-425
Letters concern expenses for trip to Rome. 4 letters to, 2 replies from Edith, May, July 1955
F.3 British hotel receipts, 1953–1962
Motoring trips in 1953
Feathers hotel, Ludlow, Shropshire, 19 April 1953, document 311426
The Blossoms, Chester, Cheshire, 20 and 21 April 1953, document 311428
Bay Tree Hotels Ltd., Burford, Oxfordshire, 12-14 May 1953, document 311429
Drummond Arms Hotel, St. Fillians, Perthshire, Scotland, 1–7 May 1953; attached note for the Times, Telegraph and Express costs, document 311427
Motoring Trips in 1955
Itinerary for trip; date assigned by hotel receipt; 17 May to 14 June 1955; ts. carbon, document 311431
The Swan Hotel, Bibury, Gloucs., 17 May 1955; document 311430
The Royal Oak Hotel, Leominster, Herefordshire, 15 and 16 July 1955; document 311432
The Royal Oak Hotel Leominster, Herefordshire, 20 August 1956; document 311433
Motoring trip, May 1959
Itinerary for trip 4-7, May 1959, ts. document 311434; manuscript for same trip, this version extends to 16 May, n.d., document 311435
Llansantffraed Court Ltd, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, 5-6 May 1959, document 311436
Crown Hotel, Wells, Somerset, 7-8 May 1959, document 311437
Gunnings Garages, Wells, receipt for battery, document 311445
The Copper Beech Hotel, Glastonbury, Somerset, 8-10 May 1959, document 311438
Antelope Hotel, Dorchester, May 1959; document 311439
Manor House Hotel, Bexington-on-Sea, Dorchester, Dorset, 11-13 May 1959 (also a hotel brochure) documents 311440-41
The Old Bell, Malmesbury, 13-14 May 1959; document 311442
LL, 14-15 May 1959, document 311443
Belle Vue Royal Hotel, Aberystwth, 15-16 May 1959; document 311444
Motoring trip, May and June 1959
Swan Hotel, Whitchurch, Salop., 27 May 1959, document 311446
Marquis of Granby Hotel, 28 May-1 June 1959; documents 311448-9
Izaak Walton Hotel, Dovedale, Ashbourne, 2 June 1959, document 311450
Belle Vue Royal Hotel, Aberystwyth, 2-3 June 1959, document 311447
Motoring trip, 1962
Royal Hotel, Ventnor, 23-26 March 1962; document 311458
Balmer Lawn Hotel, Brockenhurst, 26-28 March 1962; document 311451
Montagu Arms, Beaulieu, Hampshire, 27-29 March 1962; document 311454
Gloucester Hotel, Weymouth, 29-31 March 1962, document 311455
White Horse Hotel, Romsey, Hants., 31 March-2 April 1962; document 311456
Queen’s Hotel, Birmingham, British Transport Hotel Services, 14-16 April 1962; document 311457; also a small leaflet and 5 receipts for food and refreshments.
Guides and maps pamphlet issued by National Provincial Bank Ltd.
F.4 Greece, 1952, document 311459
King George Hotel, receipt made out to Mrs. Finch
Cooks travel tag, addressed to “Russell, King George Hotel, Athens” in BR’s hand
Wagons-Lits/Cook, typed quotation for a five-day car trip from Athens to various classical sites
British European Airways, Athens, “Personal Declaration of Origin and Health”, signed by Edith Finch, 9 April 1952
American Express Co., Athens, 3 receipts for Edith Finch, dated 10, 12 April and 23 April 1952
100 drachma printed currency note
3 tickets to a tourist site printed in Greek
3 printed tourist brochures; map of Greek Handicraft Shops in Athens
British European Airways transit document, Italian Customs, signed by Edith Finch, 8 April 1952
F.5 Paris, 1954, 1955, 1958
Letter from Thos. Cook & Son, 18 August 1954, reply from Edith typed on the side of the letter, 18 August; re flights and hotel. Documents 311460 and 311463
Pont-Royal Hotel, 1954, room and bar charges for No. 128, some are signed by Russell; one restaurant bill
Letter from Thos. Cook & Son, 29 June 1955 with attached invoice, re arrangements; document 311461
Pont-Royal Hotel, April 1955, room and bar charges for No. 128, one is signed by Russell
Pont-Royal Hotel, July 1955, room charges for No. 102, one is signed by Russell
Pont-Royal Hotel, letter, 11 Jan. 1958; document 311462
Pont-Royal Hotel, room and bar charges, No, 89, Jan. [1958], all signed by Russell
Bateau-mouche trips on the Seine, tourist brochure
Handwritten note re trip times between Paris and Chartres
F.6 Vienna, 1958, document 311464
Hotel Imperial, receipts
Shopping: Receipts from Berta Gmeikal and Richard Löwenherz; Popp & Kretschmer, listing of prices for bronzes and other items.
F.7 Denmark, document 311465
Two Danish government passenger charge tickets
Typed itinerary with handwritten additions by Edith
Also placed in this folder a receipt from Royal Copenhagen, London, for vases
F.8 Ticket to Glyndeborne, 24 June; stamped 24 May 1954
F.9 Exchange Control Statement of Notes Seized, signed by Edith Finch, 9 July 1951 at Northolt
Box 2.21
Large Print Books correspondence:
F.A. Thorpe (Christine Pincher, B. Tracey, B.E. Bassett, M.E. Bulmer). Series of letters to/from Edith and BR, 1967 to 1970. Some of these letters contain lists of books that Russell was ordering. Documents 311466-311481. Includes Christopher Farley to Edith, 9 Oct. 1967; document 311468.
Letters from Edith to various publishers written on 27 June 1969:
Harper & Row, document 311482
Lanewood Press, document 311483
Prentice-Hall, document 311484
Charles Scribner’s Sons, document 311485
Viking Press, document 311486
Walker & Co., document 311487
National Aid to Visually Handicapped (Gene Marchi). Letter from Edith, 27 June and reply. Re short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Documents 311488-89.
Guild for Large Print Books. Reply of 31 July 1960 to Edith’s letter of 27 June. Documents 311490-91.
F.2. Invoices, listing titles, 1967-70. Documents 311492
F.3. Order forms and catalogues, 1967-70. Document 311493
F.4 Order forms and catalogues, 1970 and after. Document 311494
F.5 Promotional literature. Document 311495
F.6 Bank order forms and catalogues. Document 311496
Series 3: Diaries, Licenses, Certificates, Forms, Personal and Financial documents. – 1921-1978; 1950-1977 predominant.—25 cm of textual records and graphic material. Series contains some correspondence and photographs. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.22
Envelope, document 311497, Driving Licenses and test:
International Driving Permit, 27 March 1953; with b&w photograph of Edith.
State of Pennsylvania: 2 licenses, 1952 and 1953; Edith’s address is London.
State of Massachusetts, 3 driver licenses, 1951, 1953, 1955 1957; Edith’s address is Great River Road, Deerfield.
Great Britain, 2 licenses, 1954, 1960.
Appointment for driving test, 18 Jan. 1955
Envelope, document 311498
British Museum Reading Room ticket, 1938
British Museum, Students’ Room, Department of Manuscripts, ticket, 1938
Ration Book, 1950-51
2 Notices of Edith’s death, 1 Jan. 1978
Envelope, document 311499
Alien Certificate of Registrations
Issued 29 June 1921, with photograph of Edith and stamps up to 1924
Issued 31 Jan. 1938, with photograph of Edith (wearing leopard coat); lists all her visits to the UK, 1921-24, 1934
Envelope, document 311500
“A Genealogical Table Designed to Show Their Descent of the Living Members of the [Russell] Family from the Nearest Common Ancestor, and their Relationship to One Another (January 1937)”; photocopied tables taped together.
F.1 document 311501
Multitone Electric Company Ltd., 1955-1961, letters to ER and BR, enclosing hearing aids (not extant); guarantees, price lists
National Parcels Insurance Co. Ltd., invoices and other documents for shipping hearing aids, 1955-1961
Envelope, documents, 311502-04
City of New York, Department of Health, letter, 29 March 1921, certifying the birth of Edith, document 311502
Certificate of vaccination, 29 Sept. 1921, issued by Edward Bronson Finch, document 311504
J. Lister Boyd, letter, 28 June 1963, re Edith’s health, document 311503
Prescriptions and Medical statements for Edith Russell, 1938–1965; 1977
Envelope, document 311505
J. Lister Boyd, letter, 28 June 1963, re BR’s health “for the last sixteen years”
BR prescriptions (including spectacles)
F.2 Foreign Service Application
Letter from the U.S. Department of State to Edith, 7 Sept. 1951
Application for Federal Employment form, 11 Dec. 1950
Application for Federal Employment form, n.d.
United States Civil Service Commission, Notice of Rating Form, 16 Nov. 1951; annotated by Edith in 1976
Pages of manuscripts in ER’s hand outlining her employment history and foreign travel
Leaflet issued for applications for the positions of Intelligence Research Specialist, Military Intelligence Research Specialist, Foreign Affairs Office
F.3 Document 311515
Misc. notes and lists by Edith: includes addresses, birthday lists, recipe, book lists, people lists, repair lists, financial notes
Typescript “The Proper Way to Address Us”
Printed materials: calling cards; Bryn Mawr College Campus map; Rosemont-Bryn Mawr to Philadelphia railroad timetable 1949; Brown’s Hotel postcard; Minffordd Club Membership Card and Programme 1960–61 (BR was a Vice-President); SANE ticket; Television Broadcasting Receiving Licence, 1978
Note: Document 311516 appears not to have been used.
F.4 Photographs: Documents 311506-13 see below; they form a separate series
Box 2.23
Edith Russell Pocket Diaries, placed in envelopes stamped with document numbers. The diaries contain appointments for Russell as well as her own.
311517, 1950, 2 diaries
311518, 1951, 3 diaries
311519, 1952, 3 diaries
311520, 1953, 2 diaries
311521, 1954, 2 diaries
311522, 1954-5
311523, 1955
311524, 1956, 2 diaries
311525, 1957
311526, 1958
311527, 1959
311528, 1960
311529, 1961, 2 diaries
311530, 1962
311531, 1963
311532, 1964
311533, 1965
see Box 17.50 f.11 for 1966 and 1967
311534, 1968
Box 2.24
311535, Cambridge pocket diary, 1969-70, blank presumably BR’s diary
Edith Russell Pocket Diaries (cont.), placed in envelopes stamped with document numbers
311536, 1970
311537, 1971
311538, 1972
311539, 1973
311540, 1974
311541, 1975
311542, 1976
311543, 1977
Document 311574
Address and Telephone Book. Kenneth Blackwell note: “This is pre-1960 but includes the move to Wales”. Includes 3 home addresses, 41 Queens Road, Richmond, 29 Millbank Road, London and Plas Penrhyn, North Wales.
F.1 document 311544
[Summary of Events, 1948-1952], manuscript by Edith, 5 pages
[Three Dates, 1939, 1940, 1943], ms. by Edith
[Dates, 1950-56], ts., 1 page; explanatory note by S. Turcon
F.2 document 311545
London appointments for BR and ER, typescripts, typescript carbons, manuscripts, n.d.; the date of 1959 has been assigned to one document
F.3 document 311546
London appointments for BR, manuscript, 3 pages, n.d.
Box 2.25
Document numbers 311547 and 311548 appear not to have been used.
F.1 Brown, Shipley & Co. Ltd., documents 311549-560
Letters to ER, 1955–71, draft replies from Edith; list of securities held, 1965
Also in the file: ts. carbon of a letter from Internal Revenue, 10 Sept. 1958; letter from Anton Felton, 29 Sept. 1970 with document listing securities; letter from Edith noting Felton to act on her behalf.
F.2 Brown, Shipley & Co., statements and receipts, document 311561, 1954–1971
Also cheque book; ms. notes on finances 1951-52
F.3 documents 311562-66
Child & Co., envelope of cheque stubs, 1973, 1975-77
Child & Co, cheque book, stubs dated 1972-77
Child & Co., cheque book, stubs dated 1977
Letter from H.E. Madams, Percy A. Popkin & Co., 26 Oct. 1959 to Edith re bank statements
Letter from BR to Child & Co., 8 Nov. 1962 and reply
Child & Co., statement, 1977
Ms. notes by Edith
Barclays Bank Ltd. Portmadoc, blank cheque book
F.4 Coward, Chance & Co., documents 311567 to 311625
“Particulars required by the Registrar”, 8 Dec. 1952, ts. with handwritten additions by Edith
Draft letter from Edith to Tylor, n.d. on verso is a list of foreign travel by Edith and BR, 1950-55
Correspondence between Edith and various people at Coward, Chance & Co., 1954-76
Typescript of recommended schools
“Notes on Settlement of February 5, 1964”, ts.
F.5 Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance (Family Allowance), documents 311626 to 311640
Correspondence and documents, to/from Edith, 1955-65
Series 4:Photographs. – 1903-1977. – 72 photographs. – Title based on content of series. – Located in Box 2.22, F.4.
Envelopes with document numbers:
311506, Queen Mary, b&w, 10.5 x 9 cm, taken at the Fitzwilliam Museum; photo from a newspaper, “Mrs. Finch’s Carriage” 1903; Finch children and donkeys 6 b&w, assorted sizes, none larger than 9 x 8.5 cm.; Edith Russell, 2 b&w passport size, 1938; b&w passport size, 195?
311507, Sydney Cockerell, b&w, 12x16.5 cm, described on verso: “by Dorothy Hawsley, taken at Cambridge about 1930.”
311508, New Place, the home on Beech Road, Rosemont, Pennsylvania that Edith shared with Lucy Donnelly from 1936 to 1948: 2 b&w, 15 x 10cm; 3 b&w, 11.5 x 10 cm.
311508a, Candlesticks, b&w, 25 x 20 cm; note in Edith’s hand on verso indicates they were sold in 1951. Painting “Anemones” by P. Tchiletchew; Edith has noted on verso “At New Place given to BMC [Bryn Mawr College]”.
311509, 4 col., 12.5 x 9 cm, with Hildegard Lueg, taken by Edith de Chadenedes, 1976
311510, 2 col., 9 x 12.5 cm, with Irene Menkhof, taken at Plas Penrhyn, 1973
3115112, Plas Penrhyn, 3 col., 12.5 cm x 9 cm, taken by Edith de Chadenedes, 1976
311513, Conrad Russell, col., 8.5 x 8.5 cm, taken in Baule, France, August 1974; Elizabeth Russell, 2 col., 8.5 x 8.5 cm, taken in the kitchen of Plas Penrhyn, Easter 1974; 2 col. photos taken in France
311513a, col., 12.5 x 8.5 cm, with Martin Garstens and Sarah Russell, taken at Plas Penrhyn, 1974; also 1 col. of house, 1 col. of grounds
311513b, photo of sketch of BR by Lorna Young, 9 x 13 cm
The following photographs were found in the Archives in 2018 by Sheila Turcon and added to this file at that time. They have been placed in envelopes; there are no document numbers.
Peanut (the dog), 3 col., 16 x 11.5 cm, n.d.; 9 x 9 cm, taken by Mike Lester, Sept. 1966; 13 x 9 cm, taken by Alastair Yule, 1963
Plas Penrhyn, b&w 16.5 x 12.3 cm, taken from the air above the house, c.1960, 3 prints
Plas Penrhyn bench, 11 Aug. 1972
Edith with two unidentified visitors, one of whom is Chinese, col. 13 x 9 cm, August 1972
“Russell Byrne and Bertrand Russell August 1962”, 18 x 12 cm
Gilly Marchant: Printed card signed by Gill, encl. col. 12.7 x 9 cm stamped 1959; depicts three young girls
Europe: Set of 13 b&w snapshots, including the Acropolis in Athens, dated as 1920s from an automobile in one of the images; also 2 b&w postcards of Chartres cathedral
Penberth Valley: b&w, 6.5 x 10.7 cm
Unidentified, 9 b&w snapshots, various sizes; includes images of mountains and a chalet
Series 5: House maintenance. – 1932-1977; predominant 1955-1977. – 75 cm of textual records and realia. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.26
Plas Penrhyn (PP); see also Box 2.31, F.4 for butcher and grocery bills
F.1 Draft letters, 21 June 1955, to Messrs. Williams & Son and Elizabeth [Crawshay-Williams] on same leaf of paper re repairs to be done to PP, unsigned, document 311641
BR correspondence in chronological order:
Post Office Telephones, letter to BR, 29 June 1955, document 311642
Osmond Williams to BR, 13 June 1955, 22 June 1955 to BR, documents 311643-44
William Kitching to BR, 7 July 1955, document 311645
Glyn, Mills & Co. to BR, 12 July 1955 re banking with Barclays in Portmadoc, document 311646
Osmond Williams, 26 July and 11 August 1955, documents 311646-8
Coward, Chance (R.J. Abbott) to BR, 19 August 1955 re insurance; ts. carbon and ms. notes about goods with values, document 311649
Coward, Chance (R.J. Abbott), to BR, 7 Sept. 1955, re insurance, document 311650
Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board to BR, 14 Sept. 1955, encl. schedule of work, document 311651.
Barclays Bank Ltd. to BR, 10 Oct. 1955, re payment of staff, document 311652
Glyn, Mills & Co. to BR 12 Oct. 1955, re opening an account in Portmadoc, document 311654
Barclays Bank Ltd. to BR, 13 Oct. 1955, re payment of staff, document 311655
R.C. Jones & Sons to BR, 27 Oct. 1955, request for 50 quarterly rent for PP, document 311656
C.F. Perry to BR, 14 Nov. 1955, re order of Chinese Geese, document 311656a
Glyn, Mills & BR, 4 Jan. 1956, document 311657
Percy A. Popkin to BR, 11 and 20 Feb. 1956, re payment of staff, documents 311657a and 311657b; indicates that BR has rented PP since 22 June 1955.
Barclays Bank Ltd., draft letter from BR, 3 May 1956 re payment of staff, document 311657c
Clough Williams-Ellis, letter to BR, 10 June 1956, document 311658
Deudreath Rural District Council to BR, 1 June 1956, re erection of garage at PP, document 311659
Barclays Bank to BR, 16 Jan. 1957, re payment of staff, document 311660
John Pugh Jones to BR, 4 June 1957, plumbing quotation 661; ts. carbon reply, 5 June, document 311662
Barclays Bank Ltd. to BR, 19 August 1958, re payment of staff, document 311663
Deudraeth Rural District Council to BR, 6 Oct. 1958, re refuse pick up, document 311664
Post Office Telephones, 27 August and 31 December 1959, to BR, document 311665, document 311666
G.F. Blount, Estimate for repairs to the cellar, 25 Jan. 1960, ts. carbon reply, 26 Jan., encls. Cheque for other repairs and the building of a greenhouse, document 311666a
Post Office Telephones, 5 Feb. 1960, 311667 in response to letter (ts. carbon) from BR of 16 Sept. re his unreliable telephone, document 311668
Barclays Bank Ltd., from BR, draft letter, 4 April 1960 re payment of staff, document 311669
Michael [aka Osmond] Williams to BR, 8 June 1960 re “repairs to the Plas Penrhyn-Penrhy Isaf road”, document 311670; also in file documents 31167-680, typed copies of letters, April-June 1956 from various officials
Post Office Telephones to BR, 26 Sept. 1960, more telephone problems, document 311681
T.W. Mullock, to BR, 14 March 1961, applying to be gardener, ts. carbon reply from BR, 20 March 1961, asking him to visit PP, document 311682 and document 311683
Barclays Bank Ltd. to BR, 3 May 1961, re payment of staff, document 311684
Barclays Bank Ltd., draft letter from BR in Edith’s hand, 3 May 1961 re the employment of Thomas W. Mullock, document 311685
Thomas Mullock, draft letter from BR in Edith’s hand, 4 May 1961, document 311686
Barclays Bank Ltd., draft letter from Br in Edith’s hand, 4 May 1961, document 311687
Barclays Bank Ltd., series of 6 letters to BR, 5 May 1961-20 May, 311688-95
Mrs. Jones, ts. carbon letter from BR, 23 May 1961, document 311696
Barclays Bank Ltd., ts. carbon letter from BR, 4 Sept. 1961, re Nell Morgan, cook-housekeeper, document 311696a
National Bank Ltd., 3 Nov. 1961 to BR and ts. carbon reply, re employment of staff, document 311696c
Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board, 23 Feb. 1962, to BR, document 311697
Portmadoc Waterworks, ts. carbon from BR, 28 Jan. 1963 re “no water from the mains since before Christmas and that our private well is now dry”, document 311698
Barclays Bank Ltd., typed signed copy of letter from BR, 19 Dec. 1963 re payment of staff document 31199
Thomas Mullock, to BR, 20 May 1964 document 311699a
Barclays Bank Ltd., ts. carbon from BR, 15 Feb. 1967 re payment of staff, 311700
F.2 Gardening, 1973-1976, documents 311701-756
Letters in the file are to/from Edith and Anton Felton, Barclays Bank, Merioneth County Council, Deudraeth Rural District Council, Focus Consumers Advertising and Marketing Ltd., Cyngor Dosbarth Meirionnydd, Piers Forestier-Walker, Samuel Dobie & Son, E. Paul ; some of the letters concern placing a caravan at PP; lists of plants in Edith’s hand
F.3 1970-77, General matters and Gardening, documents 311757-773
Letters, to/from Edith and Mrs. Edwards, Mr. Ellis, Anton Felton, Peter Jones, John Burgess Coal Ltd., Graiggdu Contractors, Michael (Osmond) Williams, Dunn & Ellis (rent for 76-77 of £200), Murrells of Shrewsbury (gardening centre), Heald & Nickinson (rent changing to 4 quarters rather than annual, £137.50 for a quarter due 25 March 1977)
F.4 House matters, 1955-1957, documents 311774-871
Letters to and from Edith and William Kitchings, Heal & Son Ltd., Kerfoots, Osborne, Ruby Griffiths, Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board, Herbert Fletcher, Prestige Group Ltd., Percy A. Popkin, Osmond Williams, J. Owen, M. Evans.
F.5 House matters, 1958-68, n.d., documents 311809-871
Letters to and from Edith and Percy A. Popkin, Bridget Griffith, H.E. Madams, Army & Navy Stores, Margaret Phillips, Barclays Bank, Eleanor Jones, Nell Morgan, G.F. Blount, Frigidaire, Nell Morgan, Robert Prytherch, Walter H. Willson Ltd., G. Quaeck & Co., John Wood & Sons Ltd., K. Lloyd, Eirwen Humphreys, M. Thomas, T. Mullock, Margaret Harris.
F.6 Domestic staff lists, document 311872
20 Sept. 1960, 11 April 1968, typescripts and manuscripts, mostly undated
F.7 Decorating lists, document 311873
Includes lists of furniture and fittings for the following rooms: ER sitting room, Dining Room, One Bedroom, Little Room, Bathroom, Kitchen Upstairs, Sitting Room, Downstairs Hall, Front Room Ground Floor, Back Room Ground Floor, Basement Hall, Basement Back Room, Basement Front Room. Each item is marked either S (=Sure Take), U (=Unsure), (N=No); some items have to #29 [Millbank Road, London] beside them. These rooms must all be in the Queen’s Road house, Richmond even though they are written on letterhead of 5, St. Leonard’s Terrace, Chelsea. Mss.
Measurements for slip covers, of bookshelves and rooms; mss.
Typed lists of contents of various rooms and cupboards, with handwritten corrections
Typed list of items to be send from various London stores; also list of blinds from Kerfoot
Typed list of work still to be done by various staff members
“Curtain material … from Heal’s”
Also in files is a manuscript: “Conversion at Plas Penrhyn”: which concerns drains, bathrooms, etc. At the top of this is a note: “Kate & Charlie [Tait] & 3 children—aged 9, 7, 5, Cottage—June 27 for four weeks”.
See also Box 2.28, F.6
F.8 Fabric and carpet samples, document 311873
Heal & Son Ltd., 29 June 1955, 13 June 1966; Worth Ltd., 4 April 1956; some of the samples are placed in an envelope addressed to Albert Einstein (never mailed and thus reused).
F.9 Menus “Conrad April [19]76 April 19[77]”
Box 2.27
Pas Penrhyn
F.1 Invoices from various merchants and contractors for goods and services; National Insurance contributions, 1955-1962; also a notice from the Caernaravonshire Constabulary to BR, 14 Dec. 1956, document 311874
F.2 Invoices from various merchants and contractors for goods and services, 1955-1975; also two dog licenses, document 311875
F.3 Invoices from various merchants and contractors for goods and services, statements from Meirionnydd District Council; National Trust membership, donation receipt from League Against Cruel Sports, Dunn & Ellis rent receipt £200, 17 July 1976 and 30 Sept. 1977 for £137.57, 1973-1977; document 311876
F.4 Clough Williams-Ellis to Edith, card, 20 Feb. 1960, document 311877; letter, 8 May 1960, document 311878; ts. carbon reply, 11 May; letter and ts. carbon, 12 Feb. 1960, re the construction of a maisonette, documents 311880-81
F.5 Mason and Nicholson Builders & Contractors (E. Nicholson), 12 March 1970-19 Oct. 1970, 21 Feb. 1970; pages removed from 3-ring binder, for kitchen repairs, documents 311882-311903. Includes Harrods Houseware News, 1970, letters to and from Edith, draft letter to Clough Williams-Ellis, letter from and reply to Michael (Osmond) Williams; handwritten lists of tasks for Mr. Mullock and Mr. Williams by Christopher Farley, 2 drawings of the kitchen, typed list by Farley, letters to and from Farley and Nicholson, handwritten lists by Edith, invoice for £3,193.18, photocopies of invoices from sub-contractors, invoices for £60.0.11 and £2,033.17.1
Box 2.28
43 Hasker Street, London, documents 311904-992; some letters concern the Millbank Road flat and are noted as such.
Envelope, document 311904, containing skeleton keys with tag “keys of flat door”
F.1 Anton Felton to Christopher Farley, 14 June 1968, encl. photocopied lease dated 7 Nov. 1955 (3 copies); drawing of the lot.
F.2 Bertrand Russell
E.H. Brooks & Son, Estate Agents, re the purchase of the lease, 4 Sept. 1958, document 311908 and ts. carbon reply, document 311909; 5 Sept.1958, document 311910 and receipt, document 311911
Coward, Chance & Co. (L.E.P. Tylor), letter, 9 Sept. 1958, document 311912
E.H. Brooks, ts. carbon from BR, 10 Sept. 1958, document 311913
Roy Brooks, card, 12 Sept. 1958, document 311914
Coward (Tylor), letter, 12 Sept. 1958, document 311915
Re: 29 Millbank Road:
Chesterton & Sons, letter, 1 Oct. 1958, document 311916
G.F. Pollock, letter, 11 Oct. 1958, ts. carbon from BR, document 311917
North Thames Gas Board, letter, 14 Oct. 1958, document 311918
Harrods Removals and Warehousing, letter, encl. estimate, documents 311919-20, 14 Oct. 1958. ts. carbon reply, 16 Oct. 1958, document 311921
London Electricity Board, letter, 17 Oct. 1958, document 311922
Coward, Chance, & Co. (L.E.P. Tylor) letter, 21 Oct 1958. Document 311923.; Tylor has seen BR’s letter to Pollock of 11 Oct.
Harrods Removal, letter, 21 Oct. 1958, document 311924
London Electricity Board, 22 Oct.1958 letter and ts. carbon reply, documents 311925-6
Coward, Chance & Co. (L.E.P. Tylor), letter, 27 Oct. 1958, ts. carbon replies 30 Oct., 29 Oct. documents 311927-29
Roy Brooks, ts. carbon to, 30 Oct. 1958, card from, documents 311930-1
Coward, Chance & Co. (not from Tylor), letter, 7 Nov. 1958, document 311932
E.H. Brooks, letter, 11 Nov. 1958, encl. receipt, document 311933
Two letters, both ts. carbons, on the same piece of paper, document 311934, to Tylor, 17 Nov. 1958 and to Dr. Boyd, 17 Nov. 1958
A. May & Son (Builders) Ltd., 3 Dec. 1958, receipt for £11, document 311935
Re: 29 Millbank Road:
Chesterton & Sons, letter, 18 Dec. 1958, document 311396 ts. carbon from BR
On verso of this are two letters, document 311937, to Tylor, 19 Dec. ts. carbon; Edith to Jean Redmond, ts. n.d.
Coward, Chance (L.E.P. Tylor), letter 23 Dec. 1958 re both 29 Millbank Road and 43 Hasker Street, London, document 311938
A. May & Son (Builders) Ltd., 2 Feb. 1959, quotation for repairs, document 311939
Locks Ltd., letter, 26 March 1959, document 311940
Cadogan Settled Estates Co., letter, 7 July 1959, BR has written on it with regard to the necessary amendment: “cannot find this can you make it clear? Russell”, document 311941
Harrods, letter, 2 May 1960, document 311942
Cowley & Anderson Ltd., letter, 13 Jan., document 311943
Telephone Answering Services Ltd., letter, 21 Feb. 1961, with enclosures, document 311344
Jean Redmond, 4 letters, ts. copy reply, 8 April 1961, documents 311945-46, 46a-d
Child & Co., letter, 4 Sept. 1961, ts. carbon, document 311947
Cecil Redmond, letter, 11 August 1963, document 311947a
Jean Redmond, letter, 13 August 1962 and ts. carbon reply, 14 August, document 311948-9
Brian Walker, letter, 16 Dec. 1963 and ts. carbon reply, 19 Dec. 1963, documents 311950-51
Cadogan Estates Management Ltd., letter, 29 Oct. 1964, document 311952
Cecil Redmond, letter, 25 April 1965, document 311952a
Cadogan Estates Management Ltd, ts. carbon from BR, 14 April 1966, document 311953
Also in file are three printed cards: “Bertrand Russell regrets that pressure of work prevents his accepting your invitation.” See also Box 2.36, F.1.
F.3 Edith Russell
Bertram Noller, the Chintz Shop, letter, 11 Feb. 1959, encl. invoice and receipt, documents 311954-55
Revo Electric Co. Ltd., letter, 16 Nov. 1959, document 311956
Sycamore Laundry, letter, 9 March 1971, document 311957
Lomath Brothers Ltd., letter, 24 March 1971, encl. estimate and receipt, documents 311958-9
Christopher Farley to Andrew Milton and Co., ts. carbon, 3 March 1971, in reply to photocopied letter of 22 Feb. 1971, documents 311960-61
Christopher Farley, letter to Edith, 27 April 1971 with note from Edith clipped to it, 311961a
S.J. Walker & Son Decorators, documents 311962-978, 1959-1966; letterhead notes they do plumbing, general repairs, carpentry and electrical repairs. Letters to and from Edith.
A.W. Stevens, Plumbing, Decorating, Carpentry, Roof Repairs, Electrical Work 1963-69, documents 311979-90, letters to and from Edith.
Handwritten lists in Edith’s hand re furniture; one typed list indicating what furniture should go to Plas Penrhyn and what furniture to 43 Hasker St., London, document 311991
Invoices and receipts, business cards, document 311992
One receipt from Perez Carpets concerns the Aubusson carpet at 29 Millbank Road in 1958, later moved to 43 Hasker Street
Box 2.29
Jean Redmond (housekeeper at 43 Hasker Street, London) correspondence; her husband Cecil did repairs
Note by S. Turcon re arrangement, 5 Dec. 1991
F.1 1958, Letters, documents 311993-312001; includes one letter from Edith 16 Oct. 1958 and one letter from Cecil, one photograph presumably of the Redmonds.
F.2 1959, Letters, documents 312002-025, includes 3 letters from Edith (312006, 017, 020) and one letter from Cecil
F.3 1960, Letters, documents 312026-041; includes 3 letters from Edith (312030,035, 042)
F.4 1961, Letters, documents 312043-070; includes letters from Edith (31204, 312059, 312069) and 2 letter from Cecil Redmond
F.5 1962, Letters, documents 312072-088; includes 2 letters from Cecil
F.6 1963, Letters, document 312089-118; includes 3 letters from Cecil
F.7 1964, Letters, documents 312119-156; includes 3 letters from Edith (312151-53)
F.8 1965, Letters, documents 312157-191
F.9 1966, Letters, documents 312193-228; includes one letter from Cecil
F.10 1967, Letters, documents 312229-272; includes one letter from Cecil
F.11 1968, Letters, documents 312273-319
F.12 1969, Letters, documents 312320-370; includes one letter from Cecil
F.13 1970,Letters, documents 312371-414
F.14 1971, Letters, documents 312415-425; letter from Edith, 29 March, giving Jean her notice since the house has been sold, encl. lists some of which are items to be sent to Conrad; there is also a list of furniture and other items to be sent to Conrad from Plas Penrhyn (presumably this was not given to Jean)
F.15-20, 1972-1977; letters, documents 312426-312459
F.21, document 312460, birthday and easter cards
Box 2.30
F.1 Food, document 312462
Menus, weekly lists, mostly undated, April 1974, December 1974, June 1975, 3-4 August 1975, 20-29 August 1975
Butcher and Grocery lists
Note: One menu for 1976-77 has been removed from the envelope and placed in Box 2.26, F.9
Catalogues, document 312463
F.2 Fribourg & Tryer, Red Hackle, and others
F.3 Books: Hatchards and Faber & Faber
F.4 Harrods
F.5 Fortnum & Masons
Envelope: Tear-sheet from Sotheby’s depicting portraits for sale, Wednesday 8 July, pp. xcv-xcvi
F.6-7 Irish Sweepstake tickets, document 312461
Box 2.31
F.1 Hillman Minx automobile, documents 312464-470
Correspondence concerning insurance, repairs, 1967-70; letter from Kenneth Fleet re the loan of the car for Ken Coates
F.2 Daimler Hire Ltd., documents 312471-76
Correspondence re a traffic accident, 1955-56, invoices and receipts; 2 letters from Edith
F.3 Laundry lists, 1977
F.4 Plas Penrhyn butcher and grocery bills and receipts, 1970-77 document 312478
F.5 Invoices and Receipts; includes antiques, business cards. Partial listing of file, document 312479, follows:
Perez Carpets, 1955, Aubusson £155
Bravingtons, 15 jewel pocket watch, 6 Oct. 1960, £440
Keystone Press Agency, wedding photos at Chelsea Town Hall, 1952
Cameo Corner, 1952, Indian necklace £40, purchased by BR
Boswell & Ward Antiques, 1959 Minton tea and coffee set, c.1810, £72; Chippendale Corner cabinets, £240
Laird Clowes Ltd., 1959, mirror, £42.10
Thomas Goode & Co., 1959, Blue Diana china, £43
Spink & Son Ltd., “Circular gold splashed bronze bowl supported on three cone shaped feet and with two loop handles. Inscribed ‘Being treasured and enjoyed by Yü-T’ang.’ 18th century Chinese.” £32, purchased by Edith, Dec. 1951. Note: This bowl is in the Archives.
Spink & Son Ltd., “Small circular gilded bronze saucer decorated in relief with two dragons each with the Sacred Jewel among clouds. 18th century, Chinese.” 1959, £30
Walter H. Wilson, 12 August 1932, “pair of new silver oblong toast racks with bars of Gothic arch pattern, engraving with ‘E.F.’ [Edith Finch] on one and ‘L.M.D.’ [Lucy Martin Donnelly] on the other”, £5
F.6 Miscellaneous printed documents, shopping list, post certificate, document 312480
F.7 Edith Russell correspondence, documents 312481-507
312481, letter, addressed to “Dear Sir”, 4 Oct. 1952, re the purchase of a portable recorder
312481a, letter, Royal Automobile Club, 20 July 1954
312482-85, letter, E. Dent & Co. Ltd., 1 Oct. 1969 listing gold pocket watches for sale; draft reply from Edith, 17 Oct.; response, 28 Oct.; another letter, 12 Nov.
312486, letter, Mr. Edgar, 28 Feb. 1973
312487, letter, Givan’s Irish Linen Stores, 26 Jan. 1953
312488, letter, Harrods, 5 Feb. 1953
312489-492, letter, Hillier Couture Ltd., 3 letters and one reply from Edith, 1973
312493-496, letter, Mappin & Webb Ltd., 2 letters re gold pocket watches, 2 replies, 1969; invoices
312497-501, Peter Jones Ltd., 5 letters 1951-53 re storage of books and furniture; handwritten list by Edith; typed list by Peter Jones
312502, letter, The National Trust, 19 Oct. 1953
312503, letter, Selfridges, 3 Feb. 1953
312504-05, Mrs. Stuart’s Workrooms, 2 letters from and one reply from Edith, 1952, re the sale of her clothing; lists of clothing with amounts they sold for
Series 6: Lucy Donnelly. – 1767-1965; predominant 1920-1965. – 12.5 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.32
Documents 312508-579
F.1 Photocopies of correspondence regarding her employment at Bryn Mawr; also contracts, 1896-1918, documents 312508-21
F.2, 312522 Logan Pearsall. Smith, letter to Lucy, 10 Jan. 1934
F.3, 312523, 2 b&w photographs sent by Katherine Peek; one is of Peek, Edith’s mother and Lucy Donnelly; the other is of Lucy with Edith’s mother and the dog Tosh at the farm.
F.4, 312524-28, Last Will and Testament of Lucy, 1937; handwritten note to be appended to the March 1941 will, 10 August 1941; death certificate issued by the Province of Quebec, 3 August 1948; Oliver H. Bair Co. Funeral Directors, statement
F.5, 312529-35, Memorial Service programme, 24 Oct. 1948 (3 copies);typed mimeograph of Judge Learned Hand’s address which appeared in the programme; biography of Lucy, 8 Dec. 1948, described as a “resolution to be recorded in the minutes of the Faculty”, ts. and ts carbon; Bryn Mawr Alumnae Bulletin, Nov. 1948 (2 copies), containing a biography by Edith Petit Borie and Judge Hand’s address.
F.6, 312536-547, Lucy Martin Donnelly Fellowship. Letter to Miss Whitly, 2 Dec. 1949, from Edith (312536); Letter to Edith, 3 Dec. 1949, from Eleanor Rambo (312537); Letter to Mrs. Joseph Johnson, 10 Dec. 1949 from Edith (312538); description of the fellowship, ts., 1 leaf; “Deed of Gift”, ts./ms., 3 leaves; untitled ts./ts. carbon, 6 leaves, “Not to appear in the Deed of Gift …”, with handwritten changes by Edith; printed document about the Fellowship, 3 copies; “This Will Do It” (3 copies), financial information 18 April 1949; letter from Beatrice George to Edith (312561) written on a printed document about Chinese students at Bryn Mawr, Jan. 1959 – George informs Edith that the scholarship will be named in Lucy’s honour.
F.7, 312548-563, Notable American Women, A Biographical Dictionary: Letter from Edward T. James to Edith, 9 April 1965 and reply, 24 April 1965 re Edith writing an article for the new dictionary; letter from James, 29 April 1965, encl. directions for contributors; acknowledgement receipt of article card from James, 2 Nov. 1965; thank you letter from James, 30 Nov. 1965 with remittance statement; letter from Viola (Mrs. John J. Stephens), 22 Feb. and reply from Edith, 15 Sept. asking for help with the article; letter from Viola, 5 Oct. 1965, encl. microfilm print with biographical details; letter from Viola, 20 Oct. 1965, encl. handwritten biographical notes; letter from Edith to Katharine McBride, 15 Sept. 1965, asking for assistance. Ms. notes for the article, 14 leaves; ts, with many handwritten changes, 8 leaves; ts. carbon with a few handwritten changes; photocopy of the article obtained by the Archives and placed in the file on 14 March 1987. Also in the file is a list of articles by Lucy complied in an unknown hand and tear-sheets from The New York Times Magazine, 11 June 1939, containing articles about baseball and navy diving.
F.8 New Place, 1110 Beech Road, Rosemont, Pennsylvania (home shared by Lucy and Edith, during construction it was called house no. 152): Architectural pencil with colour drawing, 19 March 1936, “Sketch of Living-Room Window and Bedroom Balcony” by Durham & Irvine, Philadelphia; blueprint, 6 Dec. 1935 (2 copies, one of which is marked “Approved ….12/1935”); Wm. H Parker (Davey Tree Expert Co.), 7 June 1936, numbered list of trees with cost for maintenance and a map of the property with the location of the numbered trees; Bryn Mawr Trust Co., settlement made by Edith Finch with Mary Austin for the purchase of Beech Road, 3 June 1935, $8,900; Durham & Irvine, 5 August 1936, letter to Edith enclosing the release of liens signed by all sub-contractors who worked on the house; Agreement of sale between Edith Finch and John Stewart and Frances Leaf Stewart for the purchase of Beech Road with a cash deposit of $4,800 (also a bank deposit statement); Lower Merion Township Treasurer certificate, 11 Feb. 1949, showing taxes for 1944 had been paid in full; Bryn Mawr Trust Co. settlement made by John Stewart and Frances Leaf with Edith Finch for the purchase of Beech Road, 18 Feb. 1949 for $48,000.
F.9, 312576-78, Article, “The Celebrated Mrs. Macaulay”. Issue of The William and Mary Quarterly, April 1949, in which the article appeared. It was published posthumously and prepared for the press by Edith and Caroline Robbins. Research notes by Lucy; some are in a small red notebook, others have been placed in envelopes. A few pages are in Edith’s hand. Printed research materials: An Address to the People of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on the Present Crisis of Affairs (London: Edward and Charles Dilly, 1775); Loose Remarks on Certain Positions to be found in Mr. Hobbes’s Philosophical Rudiments of Government and Society (London, 1767) – removed from file and catalogued for Res Coll Disbound; Manfred S. Guttmacher, “Catherine Macaulay and Patience Wright: Patronesses of the American Revolution” The Johns Hopkins Alumni Magazine (June 1936). Letter to Lucy from the National Portrait Gallery, 17 June 1938 re portraits of Macaulay. Two letters to Lucy, 30 June and 12 July 1948 (312576-7) from Catherine (one is on the letterhead of the Department of History, Bryn Mawr). Also in this file is one page of Lucy’s notes on Thomas Hollis and Algernon Sidney in an envelope on which Edith noted: “LMD’s notes from D.N.B.”
F.10 Miscellaneous: Leather tooled writing case for holding paper and envelopes; heraldic needlework, 18 x 18 cm (the design includes two creatures with tails holding a shield with a fleur-de-lis; a bird hovers above; the motto is not legible); a poem, “My Lady is a Pretty One”, from the Harleian mss. printed on velum; three words quoted from Thucydides; tear-sheet, “Sketch Map; The general direction of some of the journeys in this book indicated in red” (the map encompasses Aleppo in the north and Mecca in the south; Edith has written some of the names on the verso); “Meeting of the Chinese Scholarship Committee” minutes, 16 Nov. 1920, ts. carbon (Lucy was the chair).
Series 7: Finch Genealogy. – 1796–1939. – 12.5 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.33
Finch Genealogy, documents 312580-86:
Constructed slip-cover book box stamped “ Finch Genealogy” containing ms. notes, beginning “Finch Genealogy No. I”. Removed from the box and placed in file folder F.1 is a manuscript titled “Genealogical and Historical Collectance [sic] Relating to the Finch family”, 39 pp.
Folder with handwritten printed title “Finch Genealogy” containing various tear-sheets bound together: “Finch, Earl of Winchilsea [sic]”, pp. [529]-538 with charts; “Earls. Finch, Earl of Winchelsea”, pp. 203-208; “Earls. Finch, Earl of Aylesford”, pp. 291-292.
Envelope containing news clippings and other published materials.
Envelope containing two handwritten notes by Edith: one concern blood groups and Mrs. Shreeve and the other lists information needed about a father-in-law.
F.2 Printed materials:
Pamphlet, In Memoriam: The Rev. Peter Voorhees Finch, 1902
The European Magazine for June 1796, pp. [363]-431; Coat of Arms for Finch, Earl of Winchelsea inserted
“List of Freemen”, 1849, pp. 89-96 with handwritten annotations
“History of the Colonies: The New England Colonies”, pp. 47-50. N.d.
“Map of the War of the Revolution. Northern Colonies” pasted on p. 39; on verso, p. 40 is the image of ship named Otsego
“Maps to Illustrate the Wars of 1812-1814” from a book
Joseph Friderich Ernst Hohenzollern, coat of arms, pasted on cardboard
F.3 Manuscripts:
They are written on the letterhead of J.H. Johnston & Son, Diamond Merchants and Jewelers, 18 John Street, New York.
“Earls: Finch, Earl of Winchelsea”, 7 pp.; “Finch Antique”, 1 p.; document 312586
F.4 correspondence
312580, Letter to Edith from her mother, 11 Sept. 1939, encl. 3 pages of notes about Edith’s parents and grandparents
312581-2, Two letters to Rev. P. Voorhees Finch, 28 and 30 Nov. 1892, from Sherman W. Adams
312583, Letter addressed to “Dear Sir”. 14 June 1893 from Charles Hoadly (?), Connecticut State Library
312584, Letter addressed to “Dear Sir”, from John Finch, 12 July 1893
312585, Letter addressed to “Dear Sir”, from G.K. Forstescue (?), British Museum
Series 8: Press related and printed materials. – [194?] –1977; 1971–77 predominant. – 37.5 cm of textual records and realia. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.34
Documents 312587-312999
F.1 News clippings from various British newspapers about Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 1976; includes articles about and letters to the editor. Also included are several letters from the BRPF: “Solzhenitsyn in Exile”, The Times, 5 March 1974 from Ken Coates; “Publication Abroad of Soviet Authors”, The Times, 2 January 1974 from Ken Coates and Chris Farley; “Incarceration of Russian Writers”, The Times, 9 January 1974, from Ken Coates and Chris Farley; “Solzhenitsyn on Russia and the West”, The Times, 5 March 1976, from Ken Coates and Chris Farley; “Solzhenitsyn and Bertrand Russell”, The Times, 20 June 1974, from Edith Russell, Ken Coates and Chris Farley.
Correspondence: Letter to the editor of The Times, 3 March 1976, from Coates and Farley, ts. carbon, published on 5 March.
Also in the file is correspondence with the British Broadcasting Corp. Letter from Edith to Robin Denselow, Panorama, BBC, 4 March 1976 objecting to the programme which featured Solzhenitsyn denigrating Russell. Letter from Michael Charton, 29 March 1976 in reply to Edith’s letter (not extant). Letter from Robin Denselow in reply to her two letters. Documents 312588, 312589, 312593. Clipped together with a note from Edith that they were not sent are 2 letters, both dated 1 April 1976; one is to Denselow and the other to the Programmes Complaint Commission (312590-92).
F.2 News clippings, 1954-1977, document 312594
Four clippings were sent to Edith’s attention by Chris Farley on BRPF letterhead. Edith has attached a note to a group of clippings: “for article vs. newspapers & TV …”. File also contains clippings on the death of Lucy Russell and Constance Malleson’s obituary. If Russell is mentioned in a clipping that is noted by a line drawn in pen.
F.3 News clippings, 1971-1972, document 312595
F.4 Letters to the editor, 1971-1977, document 312595a
Includes one from Edith and others, “Trials in Czechoslovakia”, The Times, 14 August 1971; eight from Conrad Russell, 1973-1977
F.5 Book Reviews, 1971-1976; includes reviews of Katharine Tait’s book
F.6 Printed materials, document 312595
Two greetings cards printed by Arthur Barker Ltd. with a Russell quotation from Bertrand Russell Speaks his Mind; Allen and Unwin book lists; “Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation: Its Aims and Its Work” annotated by Edith; poster for “The Great Psychologist Nobody Knows at the Bertrand Russell Society’s Symposium” at the Mayflower Hotel, 5 Sept. 1976; “The Second Bertrand Russell Memorial Lecture in Philosophy and Science”, Australia, 16 Sept. 1971, mimeo; John Slater, “One Hundred Years of Bertrand Russell: An Appraisal” University College Public Lecture Series, 1971-72
F.7 Bertrand Russell Centenary Celebrations, document 312597
Various publications issued by McMaster University, Woburn Abbey, the University of Nottingham, Rotunda Gallery, London
F.8 Periodicals: document 312598
Bhavan’s Journal, 15 Oct. 1972
New Humanist, Dec. 1972
Humanist in Canada, no. 23
The Humanist, Jan./Feb. 1973
Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Sept. 1972
Contact, McMaster University, 20 Oct. 1972
Call to Women, Feb-May 1976
The Sunday Times Magazine, 14 May 1972
The Churchman, November 1975; pp. 6–8 from the Oct. 1976 issue pp. 21–22 from the Oct. 1977 issue; Edith has also typed an article from the Dec. 1974 issue
Cosmos, The Living Paper, Dec. 1976
Two tear-sheets from the Bryn Mawr Alumnae Bulletin, Winter 1974 (11-14) and Spring 1976 (1-2)
F.9 Dora Russell, document 312999
Includes letters to the editor, reviews of Tamarisk Tree, interviews, 1972-77
F.10 Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Press Release, 25 March 1971, document 312599a
Box 2.35
F.1 News clippings, tear-sheets from magazines, 1961-77, document 312600
F.2 News clippings, tear-sheets from magazines, 1971-75, document 312601
F.3 News clippings, tear-sheets from magazines, 1975–-7, document 312602
F.4 News clippings, 1970-77, document 312603
F.5 “Khrushchev Remembered”, series of articles in The Times, Nov. -Dec. 1970, document 312604
F.6 Political leaflets for elections in Wales, 1974-75, n.d.; Voice of Women U.S.A. c.1959; two election pamphlets issued by UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson, document 311604a
F.7 Photocopies of clippings gathered by Durrant’s, 1972, document 311604b
F.8 Obituary of Sir Emery Walker, The Times, 24 July 1953; removed from envelope no. 311506
Box 2.36
Documents 312605-609
312605, envelope containing Miss Edith Finch, 131 East 62nd Street, New York 21 visiting cards with envelopes
312605a, envelope containing Countess Russell, 41 Queen Road, Richmond Surrey visiting cards
312605b, letterhead for 43, Hasker Street, London, S.W.3. Kensington 4327.
312605c, letterhead for 6 Paradise Walk, Chelsea, S.W.3; 41 Queen’s Road, Richmond, Surrey; Plas Penrhyn
Envelope, 312606, 34 Nuclear Disarmament badges
Envelope, 312607, framed picture of a bird, signed “Laurig 51”; b&w print of St. James church
Envelope, 312608, birthday cake decoration from Hatchett’s Restaurant
Envelope 312609, coin change purse; 5 charge plate cards in leather cases issued to Edith when she lived in New York; appointment cards for Hattie Carnegie and Henri Bendel; receipt from John Wanamaker.
F.1 Printed Christopher Farley post cards, refusing requests made of Russell
Edith Russell fonds. Second accrual. – [185-?]-1952. – 37 cm of textual records and graphic material.
Note: Some of the letters listed in this accrual are in the BRACERS database. Chose the advanced search option and then fill in the name you want to search as well as the class number 967 to narrow your search.
Note: The following items have been placed in Box 2.36 which also contains items from the first accrual:
Green leather folder stamped “Moorish Leather, Made in Morocco, Native Hand Work”; two red leather folders issued by Brown Shipley & Co.; label (Edith Russell/L.M. Donnelly, photos, diaries, articles, poems etc.) removed from lid of black tin box, made by Merriam, Durham, Conn., USA, which was used to store and ship this accrual; blank letterhead for New Place, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, and calling cards for Edith Finch, 131 East 62nd Street, New York City 21.
Note: Edith Russell, formerly Edith Finch is referred to as EF; Lucy Martin Donnelly as LMD; Bertrand Russell as BR, Helen Flexner as HF. Document numbers 312610 to 312646 have been assigned to selected (not all) documents.
Series 1
Correspondence. – 1920-1952. – 12.5 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.71
Edith Finch
Correspondence with Bryn Mawr College re the donation of LMD books and other items:
F.1 Draft letter from EF to Katherine (Kathy) McBride, 15 May [1949]; reply from Janet Agnew, librarian, on behalf of McBride. Also in the file is a typed list of LMD’s books; several books by BR are listed on p. 29 along with the manuscript of “The Perplexities of John Forstice”.
F.2 Lists, handwritten by EF, of books and other items belonging to LMD. One of the items is a “set of 7 coloured etchings by Mary Cassatt” that “belonged to Alys and Bertrand Russell” which are listed on a unnumbered page. Two books by BR are listed on p. 24; several more appear on p. 31.
F.3 Letters to/from EF: Katherine McBride, Janet Agnew, Henrietta (Mrs. Richard A.) Landes, Agnes Leach, 1949-1950. Also in the file is the bookplate to be placed in the LMD books.
F.4 R.G. Buckley to EF, 14 Mar. 1949
F.5 Draft letter, 6 Oct. 1948, from EF to Katherine McBride re the Epstein bust of LMD done in 1931.
F.6 Dorothy Hawksley to EF, 23 Nov. 1952; encl. photograph of portrait of EF done by Hawksley in 1938. She has enhanced the photograph with lines in graphite on EF’s hair.
F.7 Mrs. A.P. Saunders to EF, 27 Feb. [1950]; encl. typescript, “At Bryn Mawr” about LMD, Helen Thomas, LMD’s sister Emily and herself at Bryn Mawr and at Oxford.
F.8 Post cards: (a) illustrated by photograph of the interior of Villa I Tatti, not addressed, the message reads: “I wish you were sitting here, with Edith Finch, to have a good talk! Mary Berenson” (b) illustrated by a photograph of a house, captioned in ink as “Argyll House, Chelsea, 1727-1931”, not addressed, the message reads: “All greeting and good wishes 1932, Sibyl Colefax” (c) illustrated with photograph of “Three Tetons, Wyoming”, pmk. 16 July 1936 from Julie who was vacationing there.
F.9 Grace Worthington to LMD and EF, 29 June 1936. Note: Worthington was Helen Thomas’s sister.
Lucy Martin Donnelly
F.10-22 LMD to her parents, Henry D. and Abby Ann, n.d., 1920-23. She wrote to them individually and also together. Encl. in F.14 is a letter from Marion Reilly to LMD, 27 March 1922, inviting her to a meeting at Bryn Mawr where Alfred North Whitehead was to speak on “Relativity and Gravitation, Group Tensors and their application to the Formulation of Physical Laws”.
F.23 Emily Donnelly, two letters to her mother, 1922.
LMD to/from Helen Flexner
Note: Helen Flexner was born Helen Whitall Thomas; her nicknames were “Nellie” and “Nell”
F.24 LMD to HF, 8 July 1931; also found in the same envelope as this letter is a letter from Emily Donnelly, 25 June 1931, and a letter from LMD’s niece, 26 June 1931.
F.25-38 LMD to HF, 1931, 1935
F.39 Handwritten transcriptions by EF of letters from LMD to HF, 1931-1940, 145 pp. Pages 1-9 lack signatures and contain only one salutation, “Nell”. The letters have not been transcribed in chronological order; the extant original letters in files 24 to 38 have not been transcribed.
F.40 HF to LMD, 2 letters, n.d.
F.41 These items were found together. The initials “H.W.T.”, i.e. Helen Whitall Thomas, appear on two of the envelopes which are empty. Inside one folded piece of paper with the message “A loving message for my love” is a lock of red hair. Inside another folded piece of paper with the message “A sweet thought for a birthday” is a dried flower. A poem, written on a folded piece of paper, which begins “How can I tell thee all my love for thee” contains two locks of red hair and is signed “H.W.T”. Finally there is a prose poem which begins “Go from me”, dated 2 March 1893, Baltimore. Note: Helen had red hair.
F.42 LMD to a Bryn Mawr colleague, Elizabeth, written on Low Buildings letterhead, 12 November.
F.43 LMD to Frances Hand, 1923-48, n.d. EF has written a p.s. on a letter, 31 Jan. 1948, that she typed for LMD. Frances Hand (nee Fincke) was married to Judge Learned Hand.
F.44 Desmond McCarthy to LMD, 22 Jan. 1935.
F.45 Mary Murray to LMD, 2 Feb. 1943
F.46 Handwritten transcriptions by EF of letters from LD to LEP, i.e. Laurette Pease, pp. 1-31, 27 Sept [1943]-2 Mar. 1946
F.47 Alys Russell to LMD, 7 August 1935
F.48 Alys Russell, untitled memoirs of LMD, ms., 3 pp., n.d.
F.49 Handwritten transcriptions by EF of letters from Logan Pearsall Smith to LMD, 22 Feb. 1898-9 Mar. 1925, 32 pp. The letters begin on p. 5. Before that are extracts from publications, a letter from Bliss Perry of the Atlantic Monthly to LMD, 28 Feb. 1907, and notes by Logan.
F.50 Two letters from LMD to Mrs. John B. Stephens, 1922 and 1923. The salutation used is “Dearest E”.
F.51 Edith Sitwell to Logan Pearsall Smith, 3 May 1943.
F.52 Printed calling card: “Baron et Baronne Pierre de Gaiffierd d’Hestroy” with an additional smaller card attached with a blue ribbon “Paul Anthony Marie, August 15, 1951, Ottawa”. Note: D’Hestroy was the governor of a province, Namur, in Belgium, 1919-1937.
Series 2
Photographs. – [185-?]-1939. – 20.5 cm of graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
Box 2.76
Note: The photographs have been identified and arranged by the archivist.
New Place:
“Photographs”, green album, 1939; ca. 60 b&w photographs taken at New Place, Bryn Mawr, the house that Edith Finch and Lucy Martin Donnelly shared. Many of the photographs are captioned. Includes several of EF as well her study and bedroom. Also photos of Bryn Mawr College (exterior and interiors).
“Photographs”, blue bound album, ca. 368 b&w photographs taken at New Place, Bryn Mawr. The photographs are not captioned. Includes EF and LMD together as well as separately. There is one photograph of EF’s mother, Delia (“Dee”) Finch, which was not taken at New Place
F.1 Letter from Gabriella returning b&w photographs taken at New Place, 1936-48, some are captioned by EF.
F.2 New Place exteriors, includes people and dogs, ca. 27 b&w
F.3 New Place interiors, includes people, ca. 31 b&w
F.4 Handwritten, numbered list of photographs of New Place by EF.
Finch relatives:
F.5 Mrs. H. Finch; Eddie Finch, July 1867, both in Denver, Colorado, carte de visites.
F.6 George H. Brodhead, Exeter, N.H., grandfather, also written on the verso is Delia Finch, Greenfield, Mass.; Julia Phelps Brodhead, grandmother, Julia Gardner Brodhead, cabinet cards. The latter cabinet card, an albumen print, has been cut into an oval shape to fit a frame and has been hand-coloured with water-colour to enhance it. Rev. John Brodhead, Boston, Mass., great grandfather, carte de visite.
F.7 J. Hobart Bronson, Waterbury, Conn.; E.B. Bronson, Dresden, Germany, both carte de visites.
F.8 Gardners: Julia Gardner, carte de visite; Mary F. Gardner, cut out pasted on board; C. Gardner, carte de visite; Alida Gardner, Atlantic City, 26 June 1904, photograph in card frame
F.9 Gardners: “Mother, Grandmother Gardner &EF” (caption in EF’s hand). This file also contains photographs of Delia Finch, one dated 14 March 1939, EF’s parents (although not captioned), and EF with her mother and others.
Finch Relatives (?)
F.10 Unidentified couple, ambrotype in frame, c. 1858-89.
F.11 Unidentified woman, in a metal and mosaic frame; photograph of possibly the same woman, but older, on a croquet lawn
F.12 Nellie Williams, Greenfield, Mass., carte de visite; Grace Williams, Greenfield, Mass., cabinet card; Grace Williams, b&w photograph; unidentified man, New York, carte de visite
Edith Finch
All photographs are b&w.
F.13 As a child, although not identified as such. Also in this file are photographs of babies, unidentified children, horses, donkeys. One image is possibly of EF with her parents. One of the donkey images is captioned with the names of the donkeys.
F.14 As a young woman. Three images are portraits, possibly for use in passports. EF is pictured on a camel with others, walking a pet pig, and posing with a painted airplane. There are two images of a New Year’s party, 1928, also two images of EF with LMD, one dated 22 June 1939.
F.15 Two passports, 22 June 1934 and 25 July 1938.
F.16 EF, ca. 1930s, wearing the leopard coat in which she would marry BR in 1952.
Lucy Donnelly
F.17 In academic dress as a young woman; in academic dress, 17 June 1940; 10 vacation snapshots including scenery; portrait in middle-age; inside New Place (12); alone and with others (4); all b&w; negatives.
Box 2.77
F.1 Signed photograph of jockey James Powell on a horse, “with kind regards from James Powell, Paris, 30/1/29”
F.2 “Anna and Torch Hopkings”, 2 b&w
F.3 People: Unidentified people, grouped by activity, gender, and dress; also 2 photographs of domestic staff, all b&w
F.4 Places: outdoors, no captions or captions do not identify specific places, b&w; indoors, not identified, b&w; Memorial stone of M. Carey Thomas, 1857-1935 (3 b&w).
F.5 East Deerfield, Mass., flood, n.d. B&w photographs captioned on the verso by Delia Finch.
F.6 Envelopes containing negatives. Some are captioned by EF: “Flat and Library 1936”, “photos of Lucy and Epstein bust”, “Lucy at desk”.
Series 3
Research materials, notebooks, artwork and printed materials. – 1938-1952. – 4 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
F.7 Notes from an interview of Helen Flexner by EF, 4 May 1950. about LMD.
F.8 Research notes by EF on LMD’s family; includes a family tree
F.9 Research notes on John Buncle, manuscript and typescript. There is a penciled label from the original folder with a note in EF’s hand: “Atmore draft revised for Cohen, Chapts. 1-VIII (incl.) …”; also a post card from EF to Mrs. S.J. Herben (Mrs. Stephen Herben, formerly Caroline Robbins), 15 Feb. 1950, asking for references to Thomas Amory (John Buncle). The post card was returned to EF with references in pencil to which EF has added more information.
F.10 Notebook, covers printed in Paris in 1937. Inside EF has written remedies, recipes for cocktails and food, lists of shops, instructions for knitting socks, transcriptions of poems by others, and inserted a poem sent to her in July 1942
F.11 Notebook containing poem transcriptions
F.12 Notebook containing poem transcriptions in various hands and a list of names and addresses in EF’s hand; also news clippings
F.13 Printed images; calendar for December 1940; map on how to get to New Place; open house invitation, 1948; empty envelope addressed to EF, pmk. 25 Aug. 1947 from the Finches in Deerfield, Mass.; empty photograph envelopes with instructions in EF’s hand; handwritten note not in EF’s hand; tear-sheet from an academic requirements book, ca. 1912; Italian stamps
F.14 Blank postcards, all images, b&w. Some are grouped together: Delphic Festival, Greece, 1930 in envelope marked “Eva’s PC’s” by EF; Quimper, France in a printed envelope; other images include Madison Square Garden, the Whale Inn, Goshen, Mass., Vermont, all in the United States, Little Compton Manor in Chipping Norton, Upham House, Aldbourne, Wilts., Magdalen College, Oxford, all in the U.K.; also Athens.
F.15 Oil paint sketch on board, stamped “Aux Trois Nations Paris” on verso.
F.16 Hudson Review, 1, no. 3 (Autumn 1948) containing a review by Marianne Moore of EF’s book on Carey Thomas.
F.17 Walter H. Willson Ltd., London, description of a silver fork. EF has added by hand: “The spoon is now in the possession of the Duke of Rutland. August 10th 1938”; also envelope.
F.18 Cameo Corner, London. Receipt made out to EF, 26 Nov. 1952, for the purchase of jewellery, £127
Third accrual.
Series 1:
Correspondence. — c1876–1978; 1952–1977 predominant. — 37.5 cm of textual records and graphic material. — Title based on content of series. — Note: Russell’s original letters to Edith form part of this accrual. They have been placed in RA 2, Box 8.01, where their photocopies resided for decades. Their BRACERS records have been updated.
Box 17.46
Bertrand Russell
F.1 Bertrand Russell correspondence; incoming letters are addressed to Russell
312647, William Clark (The Observer) arranging to meet at the BBC to broadcast, pmk. 26 June 1955, ACS
312648, Harrods (J.M. Whiting, Librarian), TLS, re BR’s library subscription, 7 December 1967
312649, John D. Wood & Co., 1 November 1963, TLS with envelope, re Kingston Russell House, in West Dorset. Encl. mimeographed description of the house with b&w photograph. Also in the file is a classified advertisement listing the house for sale, The Times, 1 November 1963 and a note by Edith. Russell wrote about this house in his Autobiography 3: 105–06.
312650–52A, Russell to Mrs. Evanne Garnsey, 21 November 1964 and 6 November 1965 (on one sheet of paper), 9 November 1966, 4 December 1968, all are TL(car). All four letters ask Mrs. Garnsey to purchase gifts for Jonathan and David Wood. The first two letters and the last note that a £5 cheque is enclosed.
312653, A. Gordon, Christmas 1967, signed mimeographed letter offering neckties for sale. Edith has written on the top that she is sending a cheque for two ties.
312654, Russell to Hepburn & Ross, 6 November 1965, TL(car), re Red Hackle Whisky
312654A, Ian Gray MacInnes, 29 January 1970, encl. mimeograph titled “Specific Proposals to Curb War”, 10 pp.
312655, Parliamentary Group for World Government (Peter Archer), mimeographed letter re his subscription. Edith was written on the top “2 guineas sent 17/6/68”.
312656, Robert Parisen Jr., ALS, n.d. but other letters in BRACERS date from 1967–68. Encl. index card with notes.
312657, Marjorie Pizer, 14 January 1970, ALS encl. poems (not extant here)
312658, Russell to Michael Scott, 30 December 1969, photocopy of typed letter re Ralph Schoenman
312659, Russell to Simon & Schuster, 13 January 1955, TLS with envelope re sales account
312660, David Tait, 26 December 1968, ALS, addressed to “Grandpa and Grandma Edith”. Edith has written a note on the top.
312661, David Tait, 4 January 1969, ACS, addressed to “Grandpa”.
See also Box 17.48, F.7 for letters to Russell from Abdur Rehman/Rahman.
F.2 Letters written to Russell after his death
312662–3, Ede and Ravenscroft Ltd., October 1976 and 1977, two mimeographed letters signed re taking his Parliamentary robes to the House of Lords; the 1977 letter has an invoice attached for storage.
312663A, Morey Markel, 3 June 1971, ACS
312664, George L. Pafort, two mimeographed documents with envelope, pmk. 4 December 1974
312665, G.J. Pritchard, 4 November 1970, printed letter signed re the ordering of scientific journals
312666, M. Renaud, 4 February 1970, ALS with envelope
312667, D.A.G. Reid, 26 October 1970, TL(car) signed
312668, Michael J. Robuck, ALS with envelope, pmk. 11 September 1971
312669, A. Nelson Taylor, 20 July 1971, ALS with envelope
312669A, Dean S. Veremakis, 12 January 1972, TLS
312670, Lars Vestlund, a boy from Sweden wanting BR’s autograph. Three other letters from him in BRACERS are dated 1969+.
F.3 312671, Eight Undated Christmas present tags, signed by Russell as either “B” or “Bertie”, expressing his love to Edith. Also one Christmas card with envelope. Only one document number has been assigned to this file.
F.4 312672, Undated Christmas and New Year’s card from “E.R” to Bertie, expressing her love.
Edith Russell
F.5 A
312673, Army & Navy Stores, 9 November 1966, TLS(car), ordering champagne and spirits
312673A, Army & Navy Stores, 30 November 1968, TL(car), ordering liquors and 2 bottles of vodka for Mr. & Mrs. Burn
312674, Aristotelian Society (Alec Kassman), 12 April 1972, TLS; draft handwritten reply from Edith (312675)
312676, Evagelos Antonatopoulos, December 1972, Christmas card, ALS, with envelope
312677, Eileen Andrews, 11 February, ALS
F.6 Allen & Unwin Ltd.
312678, Rayner Unwin to Edith, 27 May 1970, TLS; Unwin is replying to her letter of 20 May (Box 2.16, document .311344). The letter concerns a pamphlet, marked up by Christopher Farley, published by Allen & Unwin listing Russell’s books. Also in the file is a photocopy of a proof copy of the list.
312679, Edith to Rayner, 1 June 1970, TL(car), calling the list “slipshod”
312680, Rayner to Edith, 4 June 1970, TLS, re the list. Clipped to this letter is a photocopy of a letter (TLS) from Peter D. Johnson, Publicity Manager, 29 May 1970 to Barry Feinberg re the list (312681).
312682, Edith to Rayner, 9 June 1970, TL(car), asking when the new list would be available
312683, Rayner to Edith, 10 June 1970, TLS, re Mysticism and Logic
312684, Edith to Rayner, 12 June 1970, TL(car), re Mysticism and Logic
312685, Rayner to Edith, 19 June 1970, TLS, re Mysticism and Logic
312686, Alina Dadlez (Foreign Rights Manager) to Edith, 25 August 1970, TLS, re three translations under separate cover
312687, Alina to Edith, 20 October 1970, TLS, re four translations under separate cover; Edith has written a note about the Italian paperback edition of The Impact of Science; she wants a copy of the photograph which is unknown to her
312688, Rayner to Edith, 5 January 1971, TLS with envelope, thanking her for her letter (not extant) about his mother’s death; attached to the letter is a leaflet “The Publishing Unwins Philip Unwin”
312689, Alina to Edith, 18 January 1971, TLS, encl. a photocopy of a letter to Alina from Aldo Martello, 10 December 1970 (TLS) re the photograph as well as prints of the photograph (not extant here) (312690)
312691, Alina to Edith, 1 April 1971, TLS, re four translations under separate cover
312692, David Ross (Promotion Manager), 18 May 1971, TLS, encl. six copies of the reprinted list (not extant here)
312693, Doreen Gerbaldi (Foreign Rights Dept.), to Edith, 21 May 1971, re two translations under separate cover
312694, Doreen to Edith, 28 July 1971, TLS, re three translations under separate cover
312695, Doreen to Edith, 14 October 1971, re two translations under separate cover; Edith has made notes on this letter
312696, Doreen to Edith, 2 November 1971, TLS, re three translations under separate cover
312697, Edith to Rayner, 10 November 1971, handwritten draft, re the Collected Stories
312698, Rayner to Edith, 12 November 1971, TLS, re the Collected Stories
312699, Alina to Edith, 3 December 1971, TLS, re three translations under separate cover
312700, Doreen to Edith, 2 February 1972, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312701, Foreign Rights Dept. to Edith, 10 March 1972, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312702, Edith to Rayner, 20 March 1972, handwritten draft
312703, Rayner to Edith, 23 March 1972, TLS, re the Collected Stories
312704, Rayner to Edith, 20 April 1972, TLS, re the Collected Stories
312705, Edith to Rayner, 26 April 1972, typed draft copy, re the Collected Stories
312706, Doreen to Edith, 17 May 1972, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312707, Doreen to Edith, 9 August 1972, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312708, Doreen to Edith, 4 September 1972, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312709, Doreen to Edith, 1 December 1972, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312710, Doreen to Edith, 3 April 1972, TLS, re three translations under separate cover
312711, Rayner to Edith, 22 June 1973, TLS, re the ABC of Relativity; Edith wrote a draft reply on this letter which she then crossed out
312712, Edith to Rayner, 27 June 1973, draft handwritten reply to his letter of 22 June re the ABC of Relativity
312713, Doreen to Edith, 11 October 1973, TLS re three translations under separate cover
312714, Edith to Rayner, 4 December 1973, handwritten draft re the Autobiography
312715, Rayner to Edith, 11 December 1973, TLS with envelope re the Autobiography and other books; encl. typescript about those books: The Development of Bertrand Russell’s Philosophy, Essays in Analysis and Bertrand Russell’s America
312716, Doreen to Edith, 30 January 1974 re translation under separate cover
312717, Doreen to Edith, 4 April 1974, TLS, re four translations under separate cover
312718, Rayner to Edith 5 February 1975, TLS with envelope encl. six titles from the new paperback series; draft handwritten reply from Edith (312719)
312720, Doreen to Edith, 18 February 1975, TLS, re three translations under separate cover
312721, Doreen to Edith, 9 April 1975, TLS, re three translations under separate cover
312722, Doreen to Edith, 15 May 1975, TLS, re a translation under separate cover
312723, Doreen to Edith, 10 June 1975, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312724, Ann Cochrane (Schoolbook Sponsor), TLS; she is arranging for Bertrand Russell: An Introduction to be sent
312725, Doreen to Edith, 3 September 1975, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312726, K.A.M. Abbott (Royalty Accountant) to Edith, 9 September 1975, TLS, encl. accounts, not extant here. See Box 17.60 for additional letters from Abbott.
312727, Doreen to Edith, 14 October 1975, TLS, re two translations under separate cover
312728, Rayner to Edith, 24 October 1975, TLS, encl. advance copy of Mortals and Others; not extant here
312729, Caroline Baily (Foreign Rights Dept.) to Edith, 11 March 1976, re three translations under separate cover
312730, Foreign Rights Dept. (JW) to Edith, 14 April 1976, TLS, re four translations under separate cover.
Note: Also in this file is a complements card on which Edith has written “Brian Carr’s Bertrand Russell An Introduction” and a tear sheet on which Christopher Farley has printed “Allen & Unwin, Autumn 1970”.
F.7 Arts Council of Great Britain
312731, Gabriel White (Director of Art) to Edith, 2 April 1961, TLS, re the Epstein exhibition at the Tate Gallery
312732, Edith to White, 12 May 1961, draft typed letter, agreeing to the loan of the Epstein bust of Russell when the Edinburgh exhibit closes
312733, Robin Campbell (Exhibitions & Press Officer) to Edith, 15 May 1961, TLS
312734, Campbell to Edith, TLS, 20 June 1961; insurance value of bust, £1,000
312735, Edith to Campbell, TL(car), 21 June 1961
312736, Edith to Campbell, TL(car), 26 August 1961; Edith provides a quotation for possible use in the exhibit: “My husband and Epstein met one morning outside the Tate Gallery. Epstein remarked: ‘I thought there could be only one such profile.’ To which my husband replied: ‘No, you are mistaken, there are two: one made by the Almighty and the other by Epstein.’” She also included an Ida Kar print, not extant here.
312737, Campbell to Edith, 5 September 1961, TLS, re the Ida Kar print
312738, White to Edith, 2 March 1962, TLS: “The exhibition was visited by 333,041 people during the six weeks it was open.”
Note: The Epstein bust remains with the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. McMaster acquired another casting of the bust in the 1980s. It is not known how many castings were made.
F.8 B
312739–41, British Broadcasting Corporation (Fiona Holmes) to Edith, 5 and 28 May 1976, 2 TLS; reply to her letter of 5 May is from Christopher Farley, 11 May 1976, TL(car), all re a Horizon film about Russell
312742, Edith to Fenner Brockway, 22 June 1975, TL(car), re a proposed conference
312743, Eleanor Brunton to Edith, 30 May 1970, ALS with envelope, 2 pp.
F.9 Hilda Ballinger
312744, to Edith, 29 April 1975, ALS with envelope
312745, to Edith, 2 May 1975 ALS; draft reply from Edith, 9 May 1975, ALS(car) (312746)
312747, from Edith, 2 May 1975, AL, thank you for sending a shawl; envelope the shawl was sent in attached
312748, to Edith, envelope pmk. 16 May 1974, containing a news clipping from The Age, with a letter to the editor from Edith Russell, asking for funds for the Peace Foundation, 26 March 1975, p. 8
312749, to Edith, “For May 18th”, ACS with envelope, pmk. illegible
312750, to Edith, 1 June 1975, ALS with envelope
312751, to Edith, 10 June 1975, ALS with envelope
F.10 Tim Brown, a tailor
312752, from Edith, 10 October 1970, TL(car); Brown is refitting some of Russell’s suits to fit Ian Dryden; Edith would like the bill
312753, to Edith, 13 October 1970, TLS, encl. account (not extant)
312754, from Edith, 15 October 1970, TL(car); inquiring why he did only one suit
312755, to Edith, 16 October 1970, TLS
312756, to Edith, 12 May 1971, TLS; still waiting to hear from Dryden before he goes ahead with the grey suit and the dinner suit
312757, from Edith, 19 May 1971, TL(car); she would like the suits returned if Dryden does not want them
312758, from Edith to Ian Dryden, 19 May 1971, TLS(car), noting that he and Ann are getting a divorce but he is still welcome to the suits
312759, to Edith, 27 May 1971, TLS, alterations now going ahead
312760, to Edith, 15 November 1971, TLS, alterations are finished, account enclosed (not extant)
F.11 Brown’s Hotel (J. Donnithorne, Manager)
312761, from Edith, 11 February 1972, handwritten draft, inquiring about the cost for a reservation for 15 to 23 May; “I have not stayed at your hotel or any London Hotel since 1951”
312762, to Edith, 16 February 1972, TLS, listing rates; Edith has written various costs on this letter
312762A, from Edith, 22 February 1972, handwritten draft written on the verso of 312762, making a reservation for 15 to 23 May
312763, to Edith, 28 February 1972, TLS with envelope
312764, from Edith, 19 February, TL(car), cancelling her reservation
312765, to Edith, 7 March 1972, TLS
312766, from Edith, 15 April 1972, TL(car), re-booking her reservation.
312767, to Edith, 19 April 1972, TLS, confirming reservations for four nights beginning 15 May
312767A, from Edith, 24 April 1972, handwritten draft written on the verso of 312767
312768, to Edith, 27 April 1972, TLS
312769, to Edith, 16 August 1972, TLS re Edith’s letter of 8 August (not extant), confirming a reservation for 9 nights beginning 9 September; Edith has written various costs on this letter.
F.12 Bryn Mawr College
312770, Vinton Liddell Pickens to Edith, 8 January 1971, ALS with envelope, 2 pp. encl. Fiftieth Reunion mimeographs
312771, Charles Mitchell (Chair, History of Art), 12 February 1971, TLS re the Mary Cassatt etching. This must be “The Letter”, 1890–91, donated by Edith in 1972 from the collection of Lucy Martin Donnelly. See letter from Caroline Robbins, Box 17.48, F.17, who offered to transport it. Edith had earlier, in 1949, donated seven etchings from Lucy’s collection.
312772, Harriet Sebag-Montefiore, 15 February 1974, printed letter signed, re fund-raising
312773, Edmund B. Spaeth, Jr., printed card re the death of Katharine Elizabeth McBride, 1976
312773A, Gertrude Reed, 19 December 1972, TLS
F.13 C
312774, Camera Press (Kenneth Lambert), 18 June 1970, TLS, encl. original print of Russell by Karsh (not extant here)
312775, Co-Operative Retail Services Ltd., n.d., printed letter re their refrigerator rental scheme
F.14 Cambridge University Press
312776, from Edith, 7 May 1970, TL(car), thanking the Press for sending her the new edition of G.H. Hardy’s book
312777, from Jeremy Mynott, 28 January 1975, TLS, with envelope. He introduces himself as the editor responsible for philosophy; the letter concerns the projected Collected Essays. Reply from Christopher Farley, 3 February 1975, TL(car) (312778). Also in the file is a 4-leaf bound sample (pp. 121–127), September 1974, John Slater, editor.
F.15 Charities, 312779
Correspondence with various charities supported by Edith, 1968–77: Anti-Slavery Society, Geriatric Day Hospital, International Hospital for Women and Children in Hanoi, Marie Curie Memorial Foundation, League Against Cruel Sports Ltd., National Children’s Home, Portmadoc and District Horticultural Show, Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Playground Appeal, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Only one document number has been assigned to this file.
F.16 Chester Telephone Area
312780, to Edith, 6 April 1970, printed letter confirming the transfer of the telephone from Russell to Edith
312781, to Edith, 16 November 1971, ALS, re London calls
312782, from Edith, 5 December 1971, TL(car), re London calls
F.17 Ronald Clark
312783, to Edith from Christopher Farley, AN, 26 July 1971, encl. photocopy of typed letter from Anton Felton to Michael Sissons, Clark’s agent, 23 July 1971 (312783A)
312784, to Edith from Clark, 3 September 1971, TLS with envelope
312785, from Edith, 7 September 1971, handwritten draft
312786, to Edith, 14 October 1971, TLS with envelope
312787, from Edith, 16 October 1971, handwritten draft
312788, to Edith, 22 October 1971, TLS with envelope; Edith’s handwritten draft reply, 312788A, is written on Clark’s letter
312789, to Edith, 8 November 1971, TLS with envelope, encl. photocopy of p. 625 from his book on Einstein; thanks her for her hospitality on Saturday
312790, from Edith, n.d. but 10 November 1971, handwritten draft
312791, to Edith, 22 November 1971, TLS with envelope; Clark thanks her for her letter of 10 November
312792, to Edith, 26 February 1972, TLS
312793, to Edith, 22 March 1972, TLS, asking for another visit; Edith has written on the letter “any weekend save April 7–10”; also a news clipping containing a letter to the editor from Clark, written on the bottom in Farley’s hand is “Guardian, 25.3.72”.
312794, to Edith, 28 March 1972, TLS
312795, to Edith, TLS, 27 April 1972; Edith’s handwritten draft reply, 28 April 1972 (312795A) is written on the verso; both letters concern the Woburn dinner
312796, to Edith, 5 June 1972, TLS; he has had lunch with a Beacon Hill school teacher and been to visit Cleddon Hall
312797, to Edith, 31 August 1972, TLS
312798, to Edith, 10 November 1972, TLS; his biography has “has taken on an additional dimension”
312799, to Edith, 11 November 1972, ALS
312800, to Edith, 16 November 1972, TLS
312801, to Edith, 29 November 1972, TLS
312802, to Edith, 12 February 1973, TLS, re a visit
312803, to Edith, 2 March 1973, TLS, encl. photocopy of a TLS from Ralph Schoenman’s lawyers, McCarthy, Bacsik and Hicks to Clark’s lawyer (312804); Schoenman is concerned that the book “will contain actionable, damaging inaccuracies with respect to him … We strongly urge that you permit Mr. Schoenman to review the work prior to publication.” Beside this sentence Edith has written: “We have not got that right.” Draft handwritten reply from Edith, 7 March 1973 (312805); she is surprised that Schoenman thinks she and the Peace Foundation are “your collaborators.”
312806, to Edith, 30 March 1975, TLS; his book “will be as objective as I can make it.” The letter Clark received (312804) was the response he got from attempting to meet Schoenman.
312807, to Edith, 14 December 1973, TLS
312808, to Edith, 17 January 1974, TLS with envelope
312809, to Edith, 1 March 1974, TLS with envelope
312810, to Edith from Mrs. D. Barnsley, Ronald Clark’s secretary, 12 March 1973, TCS
312811, to Edith, 17 March 1973, TLS
312812, to Edith, 4 April 1974, TLS
312813, to Edith, 5 September 1975, TLS; tells Edith that the publication of his book will be 30 October
312814, to Edith, 18 October 1975, TLS with envelope; he has asked his publisher to send her a copy of his book
312815, from Edith, 22 October 1975, handwritten draft of thanks; written on the same sheet of paper with the same date is a handwritten draft of thanks (312816) to A.D. Peters & Co. Ltd. who shipped the book
312817, to Edith, undated signed greeting card from Ronald and Pearl Clark
312818, Christmas card, 1970, with b&w photograph of Monte Pelmo in the Dolomites, Italy. Signed by Ronald Clark. The recipient of the card is not known.
312819, to Alfred Ayer from P.H. Francis, Rector of Racton and Vicar of Stoughton, Chichester, 19 May 1972, TL(copy), 2 pp.; Clark quotes from this letter in the biography, but dates it 19 June 1972.
F.18 Cowley & Andersen, Ltd.
312820, 12 January 1971 and 312821, 29 March 1971, both printed letters signed and addressed to “Dear Sir”. These estate agents were looking for a “house in this area similar to yours.”
F.19 Vladmir Dedijer
312822, from Edith, 19 August 1972, TL(car), encl. “Message to the Bertrand Memorial Seminar at Linz, September 11–15 1972”, dated 19 August 1972, written by Edith Russell, typed carbon, 2 pp. (312823)
F.20 Alan Denson
312824, from Denson to Edith, TLS, 14 April 1970, TLS objecting to the BBC Radio 4 Symposium conducted by Sir Edward Boyle. Also in the file are a typed statement and carbon, headed “Sir Edward Boyle’s Broadcast Symposium: 14 April 1970” signed by Denson.
312825, from Edith, 22 April 1970, TL(copy); she has not yet received a transcript of the programme and is too deaf to hear it. Also in the file is a ts.(car) addressed to “the B.B.C. General Talks (Radio) Department” (312826) signed by Denson and indicating it was signed by Edith and Christopher Farley; a different ts.(car) with the same text but no signatures (312827). See also Pam Wood to Feinberg, encl. statement from Christopher Farley, Rec. Acq. 1343, Box 5.63.
312828, to Edith, 24 April 1970, TLS
312829, to Edith, 24 April [1970], TLS, encl. TL(car), 24 April 1970, to Richard Amos, BBC, 3 pp. (212830)
213831, from Edith, overnight telegram, typed copy: “Sent April 26 from Wales to Alan Denson … Kindly telephone Christopher Farley at Penrhyndeudraeth 242”.
312832, to Edith, 28 April 1970, TLS
312833, from Christopher Farley, 30 April 1970, TL(car)
312834, to Edith, 2 May 1970, TLS
312835, to Edith, 4 May 1970, TLS
312836, to Farley from Denson, 4 May 1970, TLS
312837, to Farley from Ursula Roberts, 7 May 1960, ALS: the letter is signed “Susan Miles” her pseudonym
312838, to Denson from Farley, 6 May 1960, TL(car)
312839, to Edith, 14 June 1970, TLS with envelope, 2 pp.
312840, to Edith, 16 June 1970, TLS
F.21 Domestic Staff References
312841, 41A, References for Mrs. Kate Lloyd and Mrs. Doreen Jones; both references are addressed “To whom it may concern” and are typed on both sides of the same sheet of paper, 18 October 1970, TL(car) copy
F.22 Lucy Donnelly
312842, Christmas greetings card signed by Lucy and Edith, n.d.
312843, “Best Wishes for 1940 to Lucy and Edith”, unsigned card
F.22A Dunn & Ellis
312843A, to Edith, TLS, 7 May 1975; re payment of rent for Plas Penrhyn
F.23 Edinburgh Exhibit
312844, to Edith from Edinburgh City Chambers (Lord Provost), 24 April 1961, TLS re the loan of the Epstein bust
312845, from Edith, 12 May 1961, TL(car), agreeing to the loan
312846, from the secretary to the Lord Provost, 17 May 1961, TLS
312847, from E. Burchett Ltd., to Edith, 31 July 1961, TLS, re the collection of the bust
F.24 Robert Egner
312848, to Edith, 30 May 1970, ALS; “I have almost 100 letters from Lord Russell”
312849, from Edith, 9 June 1970, TLS(car) marked “copy”; she refused his request to write a new preface for the revised edition of Bertrand Russell’s Best. Also in the file is a typed letter with the same date of 9 June but with a different text and marked “not sent” (312850).
F.25 F
312850, from The Folio Society Ltd., n.d., printed letter signed, Edith has written a note to Christopher Farley in the margin
312851, to Frank Smythson Ltd., 9 November 1966, TLS(car), ordering six engagement books for 1967
312852, from Hinda and Hellel Frimett, January 1978, ACS with envelope, New Year’s greetings
F.26 Fortnum & Mason
312853, from Edith, 22 November 1960, TL(car), ordering two bottles of Remy Martin Cognac for Countess Amethe von Zeppelin
312854, from Edith, 9 November 1962, TL(car), ordering various condiments and chocolates from the Christmas catalogue; in the margin was written “8/12/62, where are these” beside four items
312855, from Edith, 6 November 1965, TL(car), ordering glass discs for candles
312856, from Edith to Mr. Wilson, Grocery Department, 6 November 1965, ordering a large quantity of food; also 1 baby stilton to be sent to Ralph Schoenman and four English midget cheeses to the Misses Hartley. There are handwritten notes by Edith listing the food she has already ordered; that she is ordering Christmas crackers from Harrods, and items she has ordered from Portmadoc.
312857, from Edith, to the Wine Dept., 6 November 1965, TLS(car) marked “copy” ordering champagne for Elizabeth and cognac for Countess von Zeppelin
312858, from Edith, 6 November 1965, to the Confectionery Department, TLS(car) marked “copy” ordering chocolates for various members of the domestic staff as well as Pamela Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Burn and Miss Hawkesley
312859, from Edith to Confectionery Dept. and the Cake Dept., 6 November 1965, TL(car) marked “copy”; in the margin Edith has noted gifts of £10 and £5 to various people
312860, from Edith, 9 November 1966, TL(car), ordering chocolate chestnuts and cheese straws
312861, from Edith, 9 November 1966 to the Confectionery Dept., TL(car), ordering chocolates for various people
312862, from Edith, 9 November 1966 to the Confectionery Dept., TLS(car), ordering chocolates
312863, from Edith, 9 November 1966 to the Cheese Dept., TLS(car), ordering cheese for various people
312864, from Edith, 9 November 1966 to the Cheese Dept., TLS(car), ordering brie, camembert, chevre and Austrian smoked cheese
312865, from Edith, 9 November 1966 to the Grocery Dept., TLS(car)
312866, from Edith, 9 November 1966 to the Wine Dept., TLS(car) ordering cognac for Countess von Zeppelin
312867, from Edith, 9 November 1966 to the Confectionery Dept., TL(car) ordering chocolates for various people
312868, from Edith, 11 December 1967, TL(car) ordering chocolates and Christmas crackers
312869, from Edith, 11 December 1967 to the Grocery Dept., TL(car) ordering for herself as well as jars of cheese to go to others
312870, from Edith, 30 November 1968 to the Grocery Dept., TL(car) ordering cheese, stem ginger, and honey for others
312871, from Edith, 30 November 1968 to the Grocery Dept., TL(car); at the bottom she has noted that she has cancelled some items by telephone on 2 December 1968
312872, from Edith, 30 November 1968 to the Confectionery Dept., TL(car) ordering chocolates for others
312873, from Edith, 30 November 1968 to the Wine Dept., TLS(car) ordering cognac for Countess von Zeppelin
312874, from Edith, 2 December 1970 to the Grocery Dept., TL(car), ordering cake, cheese and honey for others and some items for herself
312875, from Edith, 2 December 1970 to the Confectionery Dept., TL(car), ordering items for others as well as herself
312876, from Edith, 27 July 1977, to the Grocery Dept., ALS(car); Edith also noted her Harrods order of 11 August
312877, from Edith, 11 August 1977, to the Accounts Dept., draft handwritten letter
312878, to Edith from S.J. Cherry-Downes, Accounts, 15 August 1977, TLS; also a printed card on which Edith has written: “Application for credit Account sent … 16/8/77” (312879)
312880, Fortnum & Mason catalogue, Christmas 1960; Edith has marked items she ordered on pp. 12, 15, 18, 21, 25
F.27 Fribourg & Treyer
312881, to Edith, 4 July 1977, TLS(x) informing her they are discontinuing Silcut cigarettes; note from Edith written in the margin
312882, to Edith, 5 August 1977, TLS, encl. invoice
312883, from Edith, 8 September 1977, ALS(car), cancelling her standing order “after this week’s supply is sent”; order was for 200 cigarettes—brand being sent is “too strong”
Box 17.47
F.1 G
312884, to Edith from A. Gordon, 1967, TLS(mim) re knitted neckties; Edith has noted at top “green tie kept”, 29 September 1967
312885, to Edith from A. Gordon, n.d., TLS(mim); Edith noted on 15 November 1968 that she sent him £1.10.00
312886, to Edith from Mrs. C. Green, n.d. but pmk. 27 November 1975 ACS with envelope sending Christmas greetings
F.2 Greeting cards (unsent)
312887, Christmas greeting card, addressed to Miss Humphreys. Signed by Edith as “Lord and Lady Russell”; Eirwen Humphreys worked at Plas Penrhyn
312888, 88A, Two identical cards, both signed by Edith as “Lord and Lady Russell”
312889, Good wishes card signed by Edith; a “Scene from Richmond Hill” is pasted on the card
Note: All these cards are undated.
F.3 H
312890, from Edith to Harrods, 6 November 1965, TL(car), ordering “one dozen ¼ lb. packets of the best Lapsang Souchong tea”
312891, stamped empty envelope addressed to Hepburn & Ross Ltd., n.d.
312892, from Henlys Ltd., 18 August 1967, TLS, re motor insurance
F.4 Juliette Huxley
312893, Edith has transcribed part of a letter that Juliette had sent her on 20 May 1972; the original is in Box 2.12, F.1, document 310630; this transcription is not dated
F.5 International Friendship Hospital for Women and Children in Hanoi (Marie Philibert)
312894, to Edith, 9 July 1973, ALS, encl. invitation to Garden Party, “Bring and Buy a Book” on 21 July 1973; Edith has noted on the letter which four books she sent
312895, from Edith, 13 July 1973, handwritten draft, encl. four books
312896, to Edith, 16 July 1973, ALS
312897, to Edith, September 1973, TL(mim)
312898, to Edith, 17 December 1973, TLS(mim)
312898A, from the Vietnam embassy in junction with the hospital, 14 November 1975, a printed invitation to a reception in London; Edith has written “no” on the top
F.6 Christopher Ironside
312899, from Edith, 11 March 1976, TL(car), re the bronze 90th birthday medallion, 1962; Ironside designed it
312900, to Edith, 13 March [1976], ALS; he agrees to the making of more copies; “The medal was cast by Messrs Morris Singer. I do not recollect if a master bronze cast was made—probably not. [I think Ralph Schoenman has the original plaster].”
312901, from Edith, 29 March 1976, TL(car); “The existing medallions were taken to the United States by Ralph Schoenman when he broke with my husband … I believe I have the original plaster framed in Wales.”
312902, to Edith, 6 April [1975]; he will visit the Singer Foundry to see whether they want to work with “the original plaster or one of the bronze casts.”
312903, to Edith, n.d. but in envelope pmk. 17 May 1976, ALS; he has an estimate from the Singer Foundry
312904, from Edith, 10 June 1976, TL(car)
F.7 L
312905, from London Library, a notice, 8 December 1975, printed form with handwritten information
312906, from Louise, printed Christmas card signed, n.d.
Bronwen Lloyd-Williams see Moreton Hall
F.8 Margaret Lloyd
312907, to Edith, 16 April 1970, TLS with envelope; includes a remembered Russell quotation from a lunch at the Grosvenor Hotel
312908, to Edith, 8 May 1970, TLS with envelope
312909, to Edith, 27 May 1970, ALS with envelope
312910, to Christopher Farley, 9 June 1970, ALS, encl. statement “Tillingboure Housing Association”, typed carbon, April 1970
312911, from Christopher Farley, 17 June 1970, TL(car)
312912, from Christopher Farley, 14 June 1971, TL(car)
312913, from Edith, 25 September 1974, ALS(car), marked “copy”; re replicas of the Epstein bust
312914, to Edith, 7 October 1974, ALS with envelope
312915, from John (Margaret’s son), Forum Gallery, Brighton, 9 October 1974, TLS with envelope; re the Epstein and Tomkiss busts
312916, from Edith to John, 12 October 1975, AL described as “not a copy but a sketchy 1st draft of reply”, 2 pp.
F.9 M
312917, to Edith from Tsutomu Makino, 18 July 1972, ALS
312918, from Edith to Tsutomu Makino, 15 March 1975, handwritten draft, thanking him for sending his book; the envelope the book was sent in is also in the file
312919, from Hovik Mardirossian, 13 January 1971, ALS with envelope; also a follow-up letter, n.d. (312919A)
312920, from Fati Marjani, 4 July 1972, ALS
312921, from Olive Markham, 19 April [1975], with envelope, re Lucy Russell’s death
312922, from Moreton Hall (Bronwen Lloyd-Williams), 2 June 1970, ALS with envelope
312923, from Multitone Electric Co., TLS(mim), n.d.
312924, from Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Ltd. (Richard Hext), ALS(mim) with envelope pmk. 19 Oct. 1966; Edith has noted in the margin that she sent a cheque
F.10 Mc/Mac
312925, from Daniel McDonald, PCS with envelope pmk. 16 Dec. 1971; Christmas greetings
312926, from Kirsty MacLeod, 13 February 1976, ALS with envelope re her book on prime minsters’ wives
312927, to Kirsty from Edith, 16 February 1976, handwritten draft; she thinks that Agatha Russell sold some of the contents of Pembroke Lodge but gave “what she considered to be its treasures” to Woburn Abbey
312928, from Cherrie Galsworthy McNamara, 26 August, ALS, re obtaining a used copy of
Edith’s book on Blunt
312929, MacGibbon & Kee, n.d., TLS re books
F.11 Bill Marno (Towy Community Workshop)
312930, to Edith, 7 February [1974], ALS with envelope
312931, to Edith, 27 December 1974, ALS with envelope, 2 pp.
F.12 Constance Malleson
312932, to Edith, 16 February 1970, ALS with envelope, 3 pp.; she thanked Edith for her letter and noted that Edith “gave B. peace & happiness after all his bad times.” She also wrote: “I admire C.F. for the calm way he has treated Schoenman’s ravings.” C.F. is Christopher Farley.
312933, to Edith, ALS with envelope, [May] 1970: “B.’s birthday roses for Edith from Colette, 1970.”
312934, to Edith, 16 January 1971, ALS with envelope
213935, from Edith, 12 March 1971, handwritten draft; “There seems to me now no greater pleasure than to keep in touch with someone who loves Bertie, and I cherish your letters.”
F.13 Helen Manning
312936, to Edith, [5 July 1970], ALS with envelope, 2 pp.
312937, to Edith, 18 September [1970], TLS
312938, to Edith, [26 October 1971], ACS with envelope
312939, to Edith, 12 December [1971], TLS
312940, to Edith, [March 1972], ALS
312941, to Edith, [6 September 1974], ACS with envelope
312942, to Edith, December 1974, ACS
312943, to Edith, [22 September 1975], ALS with envelope
312944–45, to Edith, ACS, n.d.
Note: Dates supplied from postmarks and/or information from the text of the letter
F.14 Terry Martin
312946, Empty envelope addressed to Miss Hawksley, 44 Redcliffe Gardens, London; on verso in pencil is “SCC’s friend: Mrs. Terry Martin, 37 College Circle, Stillwater, Oklahoma, U.S.A.”’ The envelope is pmk. “Mortlake, S.W.14, 30 January 1952” and has a UK stamp on it.
F.15 Tom McCutcheon
312947, to Edith, 29 January 1973, TLS with envelope; he inquired about Ralph Schoeman
312948, from Edith, 14 February 1973, TL(car); she directed him to the Memorandum
312949, to Edith, 9 February 1975, ALS with envelope
312950, from Edith, 18 March 1975, ALS(car)
312951, from Christopher Farley, 22 April 1975, TL(car), 2pp.
F.16 Brian McGuiness
312952, to Edith, 6 August 1974, TLS with envelope; requested a meeting with her re his biography of Wittgenstein; Edith noted in the margin that she would meet with him
312953, to Edith, 27 August 1974, ALS with envelope
312954, to Edith, 5 September 1974, ALS with envelope; thanked Edith for the visit and letting him see Russell’s library
F.17 Macmillan
312955, to Edith from Mary Gretton, 30 November 1971, TLS with envelope re a biography of Lord John Russell by John Prest; Edith’s reply is written in the margin. She has no photographs of Lady John apart from those already published—she suggested McMaster, Anton Felton, Woburn Abbey as sources.
312956, to Edith from Mary Gretton, 9 December 1971, TLS; Felton has provided a photograph.
F.18 Julie Medlock, 1970, to Edith
312957, 1 April, TLS with envelope, 3 pp., encl. compliments card
312958, 3 April, TLS with envelope, encl. typescript “Excerpts from Sri Aurobindo’s ‘Savitri’”
312959, 18 May, TLS, 2 pp.; also two customs declarations, 19 May 1970 re Medlock’s typescript; also notes by Edith about it on a separate sheet of paper (312959A) and a pamphlet “Auroville and the Religions” published 2 May 1970 (312959B)
312960, from Edith, 5 June 1970, TLS(car), 2 pp.
312961, 18 July 1970, TLS
312962, 24 June, TLS with envelope, 3 pp.; encl. typescript(car), “Excerpts from June 1970 issue of LA WISP”, 2 pp.; also an offprint from The Sunday Standard Magazine Section, 28 June 1970 re Auroville (312962A)
312963, 14 August, TLS with envelope, 3 pp.; encl. tss.(car) of letters to/from her literary agent, Barthold Fles, 3 pp. (312963A)
312964, 23 September, TLS
312965, from Edith, 28 September, handwritten draft unsigned
312966, 3 October, TLS
312967, from Edith, 6 October, handwritten draft unsigned
312968, 17 December, TLS, 3 pp.; encl. TL(car) to Rayner Unwin, 9 November 1970 (312968A); TL(car) to Rayner Unwin, 23 November 1970 (312968B); TL(car) to Allen and Unwin, 6 December 1970 (312968C); TL(copy) from Allen and Unwin, 24 November 1970 (312968D)
Note: Also in this file is a pamphlet The Phenomenon of Death, reprinted in 1970, with a typed note from Sundial House Publications: “Mrs. Julie Medlock asked us to send you this.” (312969)
F.19 Julie Medlock, 1971, to Edith
312970, 19 January, TLS
312971, 2 February 1971, TLS, 2 pp., with envelope; encl. letter to Christopher Farley, 9 March 1971, TL(car) (312972A)
Letters that Julie sent to others; these are typed carbons sent to Edith for her information in one envelope, pmk. 30 March 1971:
312972, Compliments card: “Julie Medlock, International Director, The Accra Assembly; Public Interest International; Conference Committee for the Public Interest, Auroville, Pondicherry, India”
312973, 22 March 1972, to Kenneth Blackwell, 2 pp.
312974, 28 March 1971, to Philip Noel-Baker and Margaret Curwen
312975, 9 March 1971, to Philip Noel-Baker
312976, 9 March 1971, to Philip Noel-Baker
Also in this file: “Let Us Face Some Facts”, ts. carbon, n.d., 2 pp. (312977); typed carbon extract from Peace News, 19 March 1971 quoting Margaret Curwin (312978); reprint “Project Prometheus and Kirshna” by Oliver L. Reiser from World Union, April–May–June 1970 (312979). Photograph, b&w, of Julie holding a cat, inscribed on back “Love to Edith! Julie M 1971 age 61!!” (312980)
312981, 5 April 1971, TLS, with envelope; encl. ts. carbon of her letter of 2 February 1971 with handwritten additions in the margin, 2 pp. (312982); invoice from The Spokesman, 17 July 1970 on which Medlock has noted “Can’t pay, no funds” (312983)
312984, 23 April 1971, TLS, with envelope; encl. a typed carbon of copies two letters on one sheet of paper—one is to Medlock from Peter Schwed, Simon and Schuster, 15 April 1971 and the other is from Kenneth Blackwell, 26 April 1971 (312985A and B); two printed pages, pp. 52 and 54—one is a poem by Addison Parker addressed to Albert Eistein and the other is prose by F. Radiata (312986); see F.20 below.
312987, 6 September 1971, TLS, 4 pp.; “In going through my BR files I found these snaps—taken in that rendezvous we had in Paris in January 1958 just as I was leaving for India, at the Dupont Royal.” The photographs are not extant here. Medlock told Russell that she had refused to learn shorthand so that she wouldn’t have to use it someday to which BR replied: “On the same principle I have always refused to learn how to make beds!”. She noted she will use the quotation in her book.
312988, Envelope containing news clipping. Edith has written “ans[wered]” on the envelope and dated the clipping as 27 October 1971 from The Times.
F.20 Julie Medlock, 1972–1974, to Edith
312989, 14 May 1972, TLS with envelope; encl. letter to Ronald Clark, 14 May 1972, TLS(car) (312990)
312991, 26 May 1972, TLS
312992, 15 September 1972, TLS, 2 pp.; encl. letter, May 1972 TLS(car) to Kushwant Singh (312993) ; letter, 28 August 1972, TL(car), to James O’Shea Wade, David McKay Company, Inc. (312994); letter, 14 September 1972, TLS(car), to James O’Shea Wade, David McKay Company, Inc. (312995); News from Auroville containing the same two pages sent in F.19 (312992A); photocopy from The Sunday Standard, 13 August 1972 (312992B); tear-sheet from The Sunday Standard magazine section, 3 September 1972 (312992C)
312996, 20 October 1972, TLS, 2 pp.
312997, to Edith and Kenneth Blackwell, 20 October 1972, TLS; to each of them she lists what she is mailing to them. There is also a pale blue envelope belonging to Edith upon which she has written: “J. Medlock, Ans”.
312998, Envelope addressed to Edith on which Edith has written the date of 16 April 1973
312999, 28 July 1973, ALS, 3 pp. with envelope; also a letter from Edith to Barclay’s Bank, 7 July 1973, TL(car), asking the bank to deposit £100 in Medlock’s account (312999A)
313000, 8 March 1974, ALS
F.21 Julie Medlock
313001, 19 July 1973, TLS(car) from Edith to the Auroville Office, inquiring about Medlock’s health
313002, 5 November 1973, from Edith, handwritten draft
F.22 Julie Medlock’s memoir of Russell “So Fondly Remembered”. Four chapters were complete by 22 March 1971, more chapters were done by November; the last chapter was never written. It was not published despite Medlock’s attempts.
313003, handwritten draft from Edith, n.d., not titled; encl. four numbered handwritten sheets of notes covering the first three chapters plus the outline of further chapters (313003A). Typescript carbon of this document titled “Notes on J. Medlock’s Bertrand Russell So Fondly Remembered” (313003B). Also in the file is a typescript, “Possible Correction to the Mss of Julie Medlock”, 2 pp. (313003C) as well as a carbon (313003D).
F.23 Membership and Subscriptions, 1967–1975
313004, Country Quest, London Library, National Trust, Royal Automobile Club, Spastics Society
F.24 Merioneth County Council
313005, to Edith, 22 March 1971, TLS
313006, from Edith, 5 April 1971, handwritten draft
F.25 Nola Miller
313007, to Edith, 26 September 1975, ALS with envelope, 15 pp.
313008, from Edith, handwritten draft, n.d.
313009, to Edith, n.d., ACS; encl. undated news clipping
F.26 Mullock: the wife of Thomas Mullock, the gardener at Plas Penrhyn, and his daughter Anne Williams
Mrs. Mullock signed her letters “V. Mullock”
313010, to Edith, n.d., ALS, with envelope, 2 pp., re her husband who is in hospital in Chester
313011, from Edith, 4 March 1973, handwritten draft
313012, to Edith, ALS, n.d. but 1973
313013, to Edith, ALS with envelope, n.d. but 1973 re her return to Plas Penrhyn
313014, from Edith, AN, n.d., but 1973 sending flowers that Mr. Mullock had planted
313015, Printed Card from Mrs. Mullock and Anne, n.d. but 1973
313016, to Edith, ALS with envelope, 3 pp., n.d. but Nov. 1975 since it concerns the death of Peanut, the dog
Anne Williams
313017, from Anne, ALS, dated by Edith as 20 February 1973
313018, from Anne, ALS with envelope, 2 pp., n.d., re the death of her father
313019, from Anne, ALS with envelope, 30 March 1973; she is unsure when her mother will return to Plas Penrhyn
F.27 N–O
313020, from National Secular Society (William McIlroy), 17 June 1970, TLS
313021, from Edith to National Secular Society, 24 June 1970, TL(car)
313022, from Open Court Publishing Co., 7 July 1974, printed car with envelope re a book on back order
313023, from S. Olichengo, 17 April 1970, TLS with envelope
F.28, Abioye Oyesina
313024, to Edith, 3 September 1971, ALS
313025, to Edith, 17 December 1971, ALS
313026, to Edith, printed Christmas card with envelope pmk. 21 December 1971
313027, from Edith, 31 December 1971, handwritten draft
Box 17.48
F.1 P
313028, J. Parker (Dutch Bulbs) Ltd., printed card, pmk. 27 August 1970
313029, Stephen Parker, 6 January 1972, ALS with envelope, encl. poems; draft handwritten reply from Edith, 13 January 1972 (312030)
313031, Frederick B Payne, ALS, 2 pp. with envelope pmk. 1976; draft handwritten reply from Edith: “Alys [Russell] was a friend of mine and I have known many Whitalls.” (313032)
313033, Chris Poirs, 1 August 1975, ALS, he has visited Plas Penrhyn; his signature is not clear but Christopher Farley put it in a “P” envelope
313034, Press Council, 17 May 1976, TLS
313035, O.M. Prichard, 3 June 1970, ALS with envelope
313036, Punch (W.M. Ashton), 14 June 1960, TLS
F.2 Katherine M. Peek
313037, 23 January 1974, ALS, 2 pp. with envelope
313038, 18 February 1974, ALS with envelope
313039, 3 March 1974, ALS with envelope
313040, TLS with envelope, pmk. 26 March 1974
F.3 Portmeirion
313041 and 313042, printed invitations, 3 March 1972 and 21 May 1976
F.4 G. Quaeck & Co. Ltd.
313043, 17 July 1967, TLS with handwritten corrections from Edith re greenhouse repairs
313044, 19 July 1967, TLS
F.5 R
313045, Dr. Raghunandan, 17 February 1970, TLS with envelope, encl. poem
313046, from Edith to the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture Bulletin, 2 November 1972, handwritten draft
313047, Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture Bulletin (Irene B. Ray), 14 November 1972, TLS with envelope
313048, V.P. Roberts, 21 April 1976, TLS with envelope
313049, Robert Rounseville, 1 May 1974, ALS with envelope; encl. photocopy of news clipping from the Greenfield Recorder, 24 April 1974 re “Bertrand Russell’s Guided Tour of Intellectual Rubbish”
313050, Royal Society (R.G. Theobald), 23 January 1974, TLS; handwritten draft reply from Edith, 26 February 1974 (313051)
313052, Royal Society, three printed invitations, all for June; Edith has written “No” on each of them
F.6 Rationalist Press Association (Christopher Macy)
313053, from Edith, 3 June 1970, TL(car)
313054, 16 June 1970, TLS
313055, 19 June 1907, TLS
313056, 15 September 1970, TLS
313057, 26 October 1970, TLS
313058, 2 November 1970, TLS
313059, 24 November 1971, TLS with envelope re dropping the Memorial volume because of the Clark biography; Edith’s draft reply is written at the bottom of this letter, 27 November 1971, she is “puzzled” by this decision. (313059A)
313060, 12 January 1973, TLS
F.7 Abdul Rehman/Rahman
313061A, 24 January 1976, ALS with envelope; encl. two letters that Russell had written to him using the spelling “Rahman”; Rehman also enclosed clippings from the Rawalpindi Times, January 1976.
313061, Russell to A. Rahman, 24 October 1963, TLS, 2 pp.
313062, Russell to Abdul Rahman, 12 November 1963, TLS, 2 pp.
313063, to Mr. Rehman, 14 February 1976, handwritten carbon reply from Edith
F.8 Cecil and Jean Redmond (Hasker Street staff)
313064, 4 June 1968, ALS, re repairs to Hasker Street
313065, Birthday card from the Redmonds; Edith has written the date of 5 November 1974 on it
F.9 Anne Russell and her husband Ian Dryden
Note: Anne often signed her letters as Anne but the letters in this file are signed “Ann”.
313066, undated handwritten card: “To Grandma, with much love for a happy birthday from Ann and Ian.”
313067, 10 February 1970, typed copy of an overnight telegram sent by Edith
313068, 14 March 1970, ALS
313069, pmk. 20 March 1970, ACS; only Ann signed
313070, 8 April 1970, ALS with envelope; also undated notes on which Edith has written two dates, 7 and 10 April
313071, 13 April 1907, ALS; only Ann has signed
313072, 29 April 1970, ALS
313072A, 12 May 1970, AL, 2 pp., with envelope
313072B, 17 May 1970, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope
313073, 27 May 1970, ALS with envelope; only Ann has signed
313074, 11 September 1970, ALS with envelope
From Ann:
313075, 12 October 1970, ALS with envelope; Ann is living at Hasker Street
313076, 19 October 1970, ALS with envelope
313077, 28 October 1970, ALS with envelope
313078, 9 December 1970, ALS with envelope; she is still at Hasker Street and has not applied for a job in Edinburgh where she used to live because “Ian wants to live alone for a year.”
313079, Christmas card; “will be leaving 43 [Hasker] on 27th & hope you will enjoy the New Year in London”
313080, Christmas card; “To grandma for Christmas 1970 with much love from Ann”
F.10 Conrad Russell
313080A, 15 February 1970, TLS, after Russell’s death. “I hope he knew, in the end, how fond I was of him, and how inexpressibly I regretted those wasted years … I’d like to say, too, how much pleasure it gave me to see him so happy with you. I think you made him much happier than he had ever been before … I hope you know how much joy the past two and a half years have been to me, and how grateful I am, both to my father and to you, that they were possible.”
313080B, 4 April [1970], TLS; “The stuff from Plas Penrhyn arrived safely, and has been duly installed, the carpet on the stairs, the candlesticks on the sideboard, and the tables on either side of our bed.”
313081, [24 May 1970], TLS with envelope
313082, 1 August [1970], TLS
313083, 19 September [1970?], TLS
313084, [10 November 1970], TLS with envelope; “I really don’t think you need worry about anything Ralph Schoenmann [sic] says about you; I don’t think anyone will believe him.” He also comments on Rupert Crawshay-Williams’ book
313085, 7 December [1970], TLS
313086, from Edith, 14 December 1970, TLS(car); she is without a cook and advises against a Christmas visit
313087, n.d., [197?], ALS with envelope, encl. scribbles from his son Nicholas
F.11 Dora Russell, aka Dora Grace
313088, 26 March 1970, TLS with envelope, signed “Dora Grace” re Russell’s watch
313089, 29 March 1970, handwritten draft from Edith to Mrs. Grace: “I wrote to John saying that his father wished him to have his, John’s, grandfather’s watch & chain if he cared to have them. John replied begging me not to send the watch to him.”
313090, 31 March 1970, TLS with envelope, signed “Dora Russell”; “John tells me that he has asked you to send his father’s watch to the bank for safe keeping … His moods are so variable.”
Also in this file is a certificate from the Divorce Registry at Somerset House, 13 May 1970; there is no record of a divorce pertaining to Dora and Gordon Grace. (313091)
F.12 Elizabeth Russell (Conrad’s wife)
313092, 10 April 1970, ALS
313093, 12 September 1970, ACS
313094, 20 September 1970, ALS
313095, 24 September [1970], handwritten draft from Edith
313096, 22 October 1970, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope
313097, 20 December 1970, ALS , 2 pp., with envelope
313098, 29 September 1973, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope
313099, 11 October 1973, ALS, 2 pp.
313100, 25 October 1973, handwritten draft from Edith
313101, 7 November 1973, ALS
313102, 24 November 1973, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope
313103, 8 January [1974], ALS, 2 pp., with envelope
313104, 23 March 1974, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope
313105, 13 June 1974, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope
313106, undated card; “To Edith, with much love from Conrad, Elizabeth & Nicholas”
F.13 Lucy Russell
313107, 1 April 1970, ALS, 2 pp.
313108, 4 July 1970, ACS
313109, 5 August 1970, ALS, 2 pp.
313110, 20 August 1970, ALS with envelope
313111, 6 September 1970, ALS, 8 pp., with envelope
313112, 18 September 1970, handwritten draft from Edith
313113, 23 September 1970, ALS, 4 pp., with envelope
313114, 20 October 1970, ALS with envelope
313115, n.d. but pmk. 23 November 1970, ALS, 3 pp. with envelope
313116, “Tuesday evening”, ALS, 2 pp. with unposted envelope
F.14 Sir John Russell
313117, 27 February 1970, TLS with envelope; encl. photocopy of letter from Worku-Habet-Wold, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Interior, Ethiopia, 5 February 1970 to Sir John (313118)
F.15, Sarah Russell
313119, 27 September [196-?], to “Grandpa & Grandma” written from her school Moreton Hall, ALS, 2 pp.
313120, 7 October [196-?], to “Grandpa & Grandma” written from her school Moreton Hall, ALS,2 pp.
313121, 19 October [196-?], to “Grandpa & Grandma” written from her school Moreton Hall, ALS
313122, Moreton Hall Christmas programme, 6 December 1964, mimeograph
313123, 29 May [1970], ALS, 3 pp., with envelope
313124, 21 September 1970, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope
313125, 2 November [1970], ALS with envelope
313126, 20 November 1970, ALS
Note: For Katharine Tait see F.25 below.
F.16 Russell Centennial Trust Board, Captain Cook Memorial Museum, New Zealand
313127, 5 February 1972, ACS with envelope from Conti Drake telling Edith about the Museum
313128, 20 March 1972, handwritten draft from Edith to the Museum
313129, from Marie King (curator), 23 April 1972, ALS, 5 pp.
313130, 12 May 1972, ALS(car) draft from Edith
313131, 5 June 1972, ALS
Also in the file are an issue of The Northlander; five pamphlets; typed mimeograph “The Bay of Islands”, 2 pp.; 7 postcards; photograph of two photographs of Lord John Russell and Bertrand Russell as displayed in the museum; 3 b&w photographs with no apparent Russell connection
F.17 Caroline Robbins
313132, 23 September [1971], ACS
313133, 5 June [1972], ACS with envelope
313134, 20 August 1972, TLS
313135, 27 September [1972], TLS with envelope; she will bring back “the Cassatt if it is not in a frame.” See also Box 17.56, F.12.
313136, 8 October [1972], ALS with envelope
313137, 11 April 1973, TLS
313138, 23 November 1974, TLS
313139, 18 November 1975, TLS
F.18 Joseph Rotblat
313139A, 20 May 1974, ALS
313140, 19 February 1975, handwritten draft from Edith
313141, 26 February 1975, TLS with envelope
313142, 27 February 1975, handwritten draft from Edith
F.19 Re the Ralph Schoenman memorandum
313142A, Peggie Denny to Edith, 5 September 1970, TLS, 2 pp.; “I knew Ralph even before you did, and saw not only his charm and intellectual grasp, but also how dangerous he could be if crossed.” She contacted Russell to ask if “directives which Ralph had asked us to put out under Lord Russell’s name” were in fact his. “In each case I found that this was not the case.” She is glad the Memorandum has been published.
313142B, draft reply from Edith, 18 September 1970
313142C, Christopher Farley to Edith, 24 June 1970, TLS, encl. “Ralph Schoenman—A Word of Explanation”, 4 pp. (313142CC); also a photocopy of this document with marked corrections by Farley (313142CD).
313142D, Heald, Johnson & Co. to Christopher Farley, 5 October 1960, TL(car), 2 pp.; encl. photocopy of draft typed letter to H.S. Crossman of the New Statesman (312142DD)
313142E, Christopher Farley to Jack Black, Heald, Johnson & Co., 7 October 1970, TLS(x).
313142F, Jack Black, Heald, Johnson & Co., to Edith, 12 October 1970, TLS, encl. draft carbon typed letter to Clive Goodwin, Black Dwarf, n.d., 2 pp. (313142FF)
313142G, Anton Felton to Jack Black, Heald, Johnson & Co., 15 October 1960, TL(car)
313142H, Jack Black, Heald, Johnson & Co., to Anton Felton, 16 October 1960, TL(car) with envelope; Edith has written on the envelope “Ans[wered] by Chris”
F.20 Michael Scott
313143, to Edith, 19 May 1970, ALS, 2 pp.
313144, from Edith, 26 May 1970, TL(car), 2 pp.; “I do not understand your continued pursuit of your wish to have the Observer publish something concerning Bertie’s relations with Ralph Schoenman. The suggestion was unequivocally turned down by Bertie himself in a letter written to you as late as 30 December 1969.” There is also a draft reply, 25 May 1970 (313144A)
313145, to Edith, 10 June 1970, TLS, 2 pp.; “a fair elucidation of the matter was so important” to him
313146, from Edith, 11 June 1970, TLS(car), 2 pp.; “Bertie not only wrote the memorandum, he discussed fully, serious, and frequently, with those who were working with him and whom he trusted, what should be done in regard to Ralph Schoenman … If Bertie had wished to consult you in the matter, he would have done so.” There is also a handwritten draft of this letter, 11 June 1970 (313146A)
313147, from Edith, 12 June 1970, telegram, typed copy: “Kindly do nothing further about private memoire [sic]. Am writing.”
313148, to Edith, 21 June 1970, TLS, 2 pp., with envelope; encl. his offprint “Pacifism is not Enough”
313149, from Edith, 23 June 1970, TL(car); “Bertie himself could hardly, courteously, have made it plainer to you that he wished for neither your help nor your advice in the matter … You have shown yourself to be entirely untrustworthy … By your rash actions you have jeopardized the hoped for effectiveness of Bertie’s memorandum.” There is also a handwritten draft, 23 June 1970 (313149A).
313150, to Edith, 2 July 1970, TLS with envelope
313150A, to Edith, 30 August 1970; “In my worst moments I almost wish I had never seen Bertrand’s memorandum.”
313151, to Edith, 24 November 1970, TLS with envelope; encl. photocopy of letter from Ralph Schoenman, a director of Studies in the Third World, 5 November 1970 appealing for funds to get Against the Crime of Silence into libraries; Scott erased the name of the recipient. (313152)
313153, from Edith, 25 November 1970, TL(car); she will communicating with her solicitor re Scott’s letter of 24 November. On the verso of this letter are two letters, one to Anton Felton (313153A), the other to Jack Black (313153B), both dated 25 November 1970. The Felton letter is a typed carbon, the Black letter is a typescript.
313154, from Edith, handwritten draft; “I told you in my last letter, 25 Nov., that I would let you know when I heard from the solicitors”. This undated letter is in response to a letter sent by Scott which is not extant here.
313154A and B, Two notes written on circular paper cards about the memorandum; n.d.
Note: For Christopher Farley’s correspondence with Michael Scott see Box 17.59, F.14.
F.21 Scottish Seed House
313155, 12 September 1972, TLS; Edith had noted in the margin that a cheque has been sent
F.22 John Slater
313156, 17 June 1970, ALS
312157, 2 July 1973, ALS; Edith has noted on this letter that he had sent her a book
F.23 Stafford Hotel
313158, 22 July 1972, TL(car) copy, confirming reservations in August and October; she had stayed at the hotel in July
313159, 2 August 1972, TLS
F.24 T
313160, Joan (“Gogi”) Thompson, n.d., ALS, 2 pp., with envelope pmk. 2 June 1970
313161, Iewan Thomas, 4 November 1968, ALS; he apologizes for overcharging her on work done at Plas Penrhyn
313162, Thoms. Agnew & Sons Ltd. (W. Plomer), 17 May 1972, TLS with envelope; he is now uncertain whether “at Beaulieu” is a proper description of the watercolour by J.J. Harpignies but he cannot suggest an alternative; Edith had been in the shop that morning
313163, Sheila Taylor, 18 August 1970, ALS, 2 pp. with envelope; undated handwritten draft reply from Edith (313163A)
313164, F.A. Thorpe Ltd. (Mrs. B.E. Bassett), TL(car) from Edith, 28 February 1970
313165, C. Trevithick, 28 January 1976, ALS with envelope; his letter was addressed to Allen & Unwin Ltd. who forwarded it to Edith with a compliments card, asking her to reply (313165A); he wanted to know if Russell ever read “Oscar Wilde’s famous letter known as De Profundis, first published in complete form in 1949”; draft handwritten reply from Edith, 14 February 1976 in which she referred him to the Autobiography (313165B)
F.25 Katharine Tait
313166, 27 March 1970, ALS with envelope; she thanked Edith for letting her have “the Voltaire”. “I think the knowledge of all you gave him & of its immense value to him can at least make you stand up straight & feel proud.” Regarding her letters: “My life hasn’t been exactly a great success & I prefer to keep it within the family. I am sure David would love to have Uncle Frank’s watch.” “I do have a necklace of my grandmother’s, a pendant actually, one that Alys had returned to him for me. Perhaps that was the one he had in mind.” Which grandmother that would be is not identified. “I think of you often with love & sympathy. All we can say is that our love was helpful to him while he was alive & now we are left holding it in our hands with nobody to give it to.”
313167, 17 April 1970, ALS with envelope; she reassured Edith, “don’t reproach yourself for not being superhuman” during Russell’s last months. “You did what was given to you to do & you did it well; never mind if it was less than angelic.” Her son David is “delighted” to receive Frank’s watch.
313168, T. Rogers & Co. (Packers) Ltd., 23 April 1970, two invoices for “pottery in a wooden box”, i.e. Voltaire, with envelope; also one handwritten note: “Received from Mr. Farley. One box (figure). One case (watch).” (313168A, 313168B).
313169, 20 June 1970, ALS; both Voltaire and the watch have arrived.
313170, 27 July 1973, TLS, 2 pp. with envelope; her five children are fine, she is working on her book. “I am glad you saw John Thomas again. I liked him very much, and John Slater too.” Edith’s draft undated reply is written on the top of the letter; she gave advice about Kate’s book (313170A).
313171, 14 April 1975, ALS with envelope; re the death of Lucy
F.26 Koichiro Tanabe (Hiroshima House)
313172, 3 March 1970, TL(car) from Edith
313173, Christmas and New Year’s card, 1971–72
313174, May 1970, typed letter addressed to “Dear friends”
313175, published journal, No. 2, 1970 with envelope; the title is in Japanese
F.27 Stefan and Franciszka Themerson
313176, 19 October 1970, ALS
313177, 20 October 1970, handwritten draft letter from Edith, addressed only to Stefan
313178, Gaberbocchus Press Ltd., printed notification, November 1972; Edith noted “29/0/72 1 copy subscribed to”
313179, n.d., ALS from Stefan sending Christmas wishes; Edith has noted he sent Special Branch which was published in 1972
313180, n.d., handwritten draft of letter from Edith to Stefan; “20th Century Studies, no. 9, has just come.” Issue no. 9 was published in September 1973 and contained an article by Themerson, “Logic, Labels and Flesh.”
313181, 13 May 1974, ALS with envelope, from Franciszka
313182, Invitation, n.d., from the Polish Ambassador to attend the Order of Merit ceremony for Stefan, 5 April 1976, printed with typed details
313183, 25 March 1976, handwritten draft letter from Edith to Stefan, regretting that she will not be able to attend the ceremony
F.28 Veronica Toynbee
313184, 27 January 1975, ALS, with envelope
313185, 2 February 1975, ALS, with envelope
313186, handwritten draft reply from Edith, n.d., responding to Veronica’s letter of “a fortnight ago.”
F.29 Julian and Mary Trevelyan
313187, from Mary, 1 March [1970], ALS with envelope
313188, from Julian, 2 May 1970, TLS; re his father’s and also Russell’s letters
313189, from Edith to Julian, 4 May 1970, TL with handwritten additions; she is glad that his father’s letters are at Trinity; she typed and wrote McMaster’s Trevelyan holdings from the Archives catalogue
313190, 5 May 1970; he is sending her letter to Trinity
313191, 15 May [1971], from Mary, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope, encl. pamphlet of her art exhibit at the Hamet Gallery, 12May–5 June 1971, in London; she used her birth name of “Fedden” on the pamphlet. Her letter contains a sketch drawing of the traditional buildings in Puglia which she and Julian have just visited. She drew arrow from the words “the traditional architecture looks like this!” to the sketch. The letter is written in black ink.
313192, 19 February 1972, ALS, 2 pp. with envelope
313193, 8 September [1972], ALS, 2 pp.; dated from reference to Edith’s stay at the Brown’s Hotel
313194, 5 October 1972, from Mary, ALS with envelope
313195, 16 October [1972], from Mary, ALS with envelope
313196, n.d, ALS from Mary, with envelope pmk. 19 Nov. 1972
F.30 S.K. Trivedi
313197, 1 June 1973, ALS, 3 pp., with envelope
313198, 6 July 1973, handwritten draft reply
313199, 21 July 1973, ALS, 2 pp., with envelope; encl. “a first day cover” with Russell’s Indian postage stamp; the stamp is one of four—the others are of Vemana, T. Prakasam, Bhai Vir Singh
F.31 V
313200, Victoria & Albert Museum, 8 November 1972, TLS from S.M. Levey, re the cleaning of lace
313201, Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam, printed invitation to a reception on 19 May 1975
313202, TLS(car), n.d., declining the invitation but including a message of congratulations on “the great victory of the Vietnamese people”
313203, Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam, printed invitation to a reception, 2 September 1975
313204, Sylvani Vorsmissi and Leisch Furnes, ALS, with envelope, pmk. 24 June 1971, from Belgium, written in French. Edith was not sure of the spelling of Vorsmissi.
F.32 Enrico Vicenti
313205, 15 April 1972, TLS with envelope
313206, 29 April 1972, handwritten draft reply
313207, 20 October 1972, TLS(x) in Italian; typed translation (313207A), draft reply note on top of translation, advising him to get in touch with Kenneth Blackwell
313208, 20 November 1973, TLS in Italian with envelope; Edith has translated the letter writing above each typed line; draft reply note on top of the letter; she advises consulting Russell’s published writings
F.33 W
313209, Which? Consumers’ Association (Peter Goldman), n.d., TLS(mim); Edith has written the date “12/6/73” on the letter
313210, Women for World Disarmament (Kathleen Tacchi Morris), TLS, 13 August 1975, encl. typed mimeograph re an attached petition (not extant here)
313211, 15 August 1975, draft handwritten reply re her message to British Women; written on the verso of 313210
F.34 Maria Wyngaard
313212, TLS, n.d., with envelope pmk. 16 July 1975, encl. soft cover book of her poems The Never Lost Years, inscribed 15 July 1975; also encl. TLS(x) from Robert Stolz to Wyngaard (313212A)
F.35 Amicia Young
313213, ACS with envelope pmk. 23 December 1971, Happy New Year from Commander and Mrs. E.P. Young, signed Amicia, encl. typed mimeograph; Edith has written on the envelope: “Well Well. No reply needed, I think. ER. from Amicia Young”
Series 2:
Manuscripts – 1950–1974. – 12.5 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Box 17.49
F.1 Autobiography dedication “To Edith”
313214, The dedication is contained in a Notebook (313214A) on which Edith has written “Two Most Precious Enclosures”. “[Dedication of Autobiography] TO EDITH”, ms. written in pencil, 1 p., signed. Beside the word “peace”, Russell placed a star in ink; below his signature he wrote “*[substitute] I have found both ecstasy & peace”. Also in the notebook is a pressed four leaf clover in paper which has separated. The other precious enclosure was Russell’s 1961 letter written from Brixton prison. It has been moved to Box 8.01.
313215, Dedication typescript, “(Dedication of Autobiography) To Edith”, 1 p. The typescript does not contain the alteration added to 313214.
313216, Fragment of the dedication written in ink, “To Edith”, followed by three lines of text. The last word is “madness” rather than “anguish” which appears in the published text.
313217, Proof copy of the dedication “To Edith” with compliments card from Stanley Unwin, n.d.: “Herewith a proof of the latest version of the dedication which I imagine you will agree will do all right.” (313217A). Published as it appears here.
F.2 Two manuscripts found taped to the back of the Punch cartoon by Ronald Searle, 27 March 1957.
313218, [“Some classes are members”], manuscript written in ink, signed, 10 lines from Principles of Mathematics, p. 102.
313219, [“There are more things in”], manuscript written in ink, 10 lines.
Note: These manuscripts and the cartoon were printed in The Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and His Own Words, 1972, pp. 88 and 89. The Punch cartoon is oversize and has been placed in a folder made by our Conservator.
F.3, 313220, “May 12, 1950”, photocopy of manuscript about walking in the gardens of Pembroke Lodge as well as his son and daughter-in-law, John and Susan Russell. It was published in the Autobiography (3: 89).
F.4, Poetry
313221, This poem, n.d., is a spoof on John Milton’s famous sonnet written on losing his sight. “Miltonic lament of a spend thrift who discovered a cache of pre–1914 sovereigns and feared they would be confiscated as treasure trove.” Photocopy of manuscript 1 p. and typescript., 1 p.; on the top of the page (313221A) is written in Christopher Farley’s hand: “R.S. This poem has recently come to light.” Underneath the poem he wrote: “I wonder if you could supply the missing word?” “Fondly” is hand printed below. R.S. must be Ralph Schoenman. See also Box 17.62, F.9, document 315147 for Edith’s comment.
313222, “January, 1954 (just before hospital for operation)”, photocopy of typescript, 1 page, poem is four lines long and ends “B.R.”
313223, 1 December 1954, “There was an old man with no brolly,” both the typescript and the manuscript have been photocopied on the same page, 5 lines, ending “B.R.”
313224, “My heart is filled full with anguish,” manuscript written in pen, 1 p., dated “12/9/66” however to the left of this is written “Fec. c.1913”
313225, “Common are to either sex”, manuscript written in pen, 1 p., n.d.
313226, “Defoe in the Stocks”, typescript, 2 lines. Daniel Defoe (1660–1731) was put in the stocks for three days in 1703.
313227, “The Ape, so all the books of wise men say … by Dennis Robertson”, typescript, 1 page. Below the four lines is typed “(‘The Ape always represents the morals of the last generation.’ B.R.)”. Robertson may be Sir Dennis Holme Robertson 1890–1963, a British economist, but this poem cannot be identified as his.
313228, “I saw a peacock with a fiery tale [sic]”; manuscript, 1 p. This peacock poem is from the Puffin Book of Nonsense Verse. It is not clear if this is Russell trying to remember the poem or if he is re-writing the poem because some of the lines are variants and not in proper order. At the bottom are three lines in Edith’s hand. Edith has written yet another version; it is number 1 on 2 pages of text, numbered 1 to 42. See F.8.
313229, “What is a Communist?”, manuscript written in pen, 1 p., 8 lines; on the bottom Edith has written “(Learned by B.R. at age of 12.)” She has also written out this text in pencil with the title “Learned by B. from his tutor when he was 14. His tutor knew Mary’s daughter.” At the bottom she wrote: “Tutor sacked by B’s people for his agnosticism (1 January 1958)” The poem was written by Ebenezer Elliott (1781–1849).
F.5 Fragments presumably dictated to Edith and in her hand; all are manuscripts of one page each, dated fragments are followed by undated ones.
313230, “The Establishment: those who hold no news that are an obstacle to be included in the Honours List. BR 9 April 1962”
313231, “Mr. W.H., the inspirer, in his own view, of Mr. W.S. [suggested story—23/8/66 Plas P.]”
313232, “Onery twoery tuckaby seven”; there are two copies of this, one ends “BR’s eeny meeny miney mo” and the other ends “[BR’s infant ‘eeni meeni mini mo’ remembered 26/9/66 Plas P.]”
313233, “‘I didn’t sew my wild oats, I sewed by tame oats’ B.R. 10/6/67”
313234, “B plans a book: The Blasphemer’s Vars Mecum. 7/5/68 evening PTO. B’s description of his life: ‘Like the Curate’s Egg: Parts of it, My Lord, are Excellent!’ 7/5/68 evening P.T.O.”
313235, “Now the descendants of Eve wrought evil in the sight of Melchisedek. Only he & his descendants were to inherit the blessings which the Lord hath designed for all mankind. But the descendants of Melchisedek were to take refuge in the Ark [start of a story by B in 1968]”
313236, “I prophesy the unparalleled embarrassment of a battalion of harassed postilions gauging the symmetry of a potato peeled by a lovable grisly Sybil.”
313237, “Notes for Intrusion & Extrusions (has to do with Godel’s paradoxes)”
313238, “The Escalation of Horror. War is horrible. What is being done in Vietnam? We are used to Concentration camps. They were in the beginning. Then ‘wild killers.’ Then Napalm. (explain these) Now dams, Bombing hospitals & orphanages first. Get ready for nuclear war.”
313239, “Private Memoir: How the Wicked Flourish”
313240, “‘Dividends are no Use to Corpses’ Bertrand Russell [embossed at the foot of all begging Letters to the very rich]”
313241, “BR’s oath as cox: By the Holy Hind Leg of the Holy Lamb of God SWING!”
313242, “The little Bertie’s imaginary country. Country of Pincha-Dincha. Republic—'How do you know?’ ‘Because the people know how to govern themselves.’ 2 children, playmates. Leka—good. Ganninrudelation wicked. Leka has the room next to nursery when Bertie thought the lady’s maid of some visitor was Leka. [Leka is pronounced Leeka]”
313243, “BR’s recipe”: One version begins “to keep the temper”; and is followed by equations, recipe is written on the bottom; the other begins “the factors of” followed by the same equations. The one with recipe written on it is in ink; the other is in pencil (313343A).
313244, “‘You are requested to learn your God outside.’ (BR’s friend Fitzgerald)”
313245, “D. MacCarthy on Dr Stone of Eton & Broadstairs ‘that sometimes extravagantly gay old man with a wise heart and a random fastidious mind.’”
F.6, 313246, Fragments in Edith’s hand; research value is minimal, so they are not listed individually; some of the items are copied from published materials; 31 pieces of paper, various sizes and shapes
F.7, 313247, Five typescripts, one is copied from The Times, another is a well-known limerick
F.8, 313248, Untitled List, manuscript, 2 pp., numbered 1 to 42; they are all copied from items in F.4 to F.7
F.9 Ralph Schoenman memorandum
313249, “Private Memorandum concerning Ralph Schoenman by Bertrand Russell, Plas Penrhyn. 8 December, 1969.” Typescript signed, 18 pp. Attached to the memorandum is a typed signed note, 12 December 1969, Plas Penrhyn: “This is my memorandum. I told my wife what I wished her to type and she has typed it. I have read it over to myself twice carefully and she has read it aloud to me once. I entirely endorse it as being mine and what I wished to say.” (313249A) Also in the file are two photocopies of the memorandum, copies of the Black Dwarf and the New Statesman where it was published and many news clippings in reaction to it.
F.10 Notebook
313250, Russell practice signatures in various forms, including Grandpa, 7 pp.; Kenneth Blackwell has verified that this is Russell and not someone forging his signature.
F.11 Edith Russell
313251, “What was Bertrand Russell really like?”, manuscript, 1 p., signed Edith Russell. This was a “Question posed by Christopher Farley & answered by E.R. for McMaster T.V. 13/10/72.” Its transcription has been left to Kenneth Blackwell. See also Box 8.01, document 105113.
313352, “My Testimony”, manuscript, 1 p., signed Edith Russell, 13/3/70
F.12 The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, Vol. 1
313253, Unbound proofs in loose gatherings placed inside hard covers; the illustrations are loose on two folded pages. Not all the illustrations listed on page 11 are included. Someone has noted the corrections made by Russell to a previous copy on a separate sheet of paper. (313453A) With this copy he has corrected pp. 65, 67, 68, 73, 75, 80, 84 which match the numbers on the previous copy. The second to last gathering has uncut pages. The index is not included in these proofs.
F.13 Essays in Analysis (1973)
313254, “Specimen from Clowes to George Allen & Unwin Ltd. … 26 July 1972”; begins with Chapter IV, p. 109 and ends p. 112, two sheets of papers folded
Kenneth Blackwell
F.14, 313255, Original folder containing Blackwell’s working files on the Autobiography. On the front cover of the folder is a handwritten note that Blackwell wrote to Bill Sorsby, a friend who was also researching at the Public Record Office in 1967. The folder’s original label was “Ceylon (nuclear)”. There are scribbled notes on the back cover.
313255A, handwritten index to Volume 1, no title, 24 pp.
313255B, handwritten draft index entry on Russell for Volume 1, 1 p.
313255C, photocopy of typescript index to Volume 2, 75 pp.
313255D, photocopy of “Bertrand Russell Index—Specimen page”, with corrections by Blackwell
313255E, handwritten “Notes on BR’s Autobiography Vol III”, 18 pp.; most of the handwriting is Blackwell’s but not all.
313255F, handwritten “Literary Notes on BR’s Autobiography Vol III”, 5 pp.
Note: The rest of the file contains notes in an unknown hand, brief notes by Blackwell, tasks and hours worked at home.
F.15 Correspondence regarding the Index
Note: Blackwell was in Victoria, B.C.
313255G, [Barry Feinberg] to Blackwell, 19 December 1967, TL(car)
313255H, Blackwell to Feinberg, 22 December 1967, ALS, 2 pp.
313255I, Blackwell to Feinberg, 22 December 1967, ALS, 3 pp.
313255J, Feinberg to Blackwell, 22 December 1967, TL(car)
313255K, Blackwell to Feinberg, 25 December 1967, ALS, 2 pp.
313255L, Blackwell to Feinberg, 29 December 1967, ALS, 4 pp.
313255M, Feinberg to Blackwell, 29 December 1976, TL(car)
313255N, Blackwell to Feinberg, 2 January 1968, ALS, 2 pp. with envelope
313255O, Feinberg to Blackwell, 3 January 1968, TL(car); 146 orders have been received for the catalogue
313255P, Blackwell to Feinberg, 4 January [1967], ALS; index is finished
313255Q, Blackwell to Professor W.G. Constable, 16 January 1968, handwritten draft
313255R, Virginia Geis to Blackwell, Continuum 1 Ltd., 19 January 1968, TLS; Feis is writing for Constable who is ill.
313255S, Constable to Blackwell, 5 February 1968, TL: Constable “knew [C.P.] Sanger well and used to go frequently to his house and there met Bertrand Russell occasionally.”
313255T, Blackwell to Constable, 21 February 1968, TL(car); “you were identified in time to have the index corrected.”
F.16, 313256, “Wittgenstein’s Impact on Russell’s Theory of Belief by Kenneth Milton Blackwell”; Milton has been crossed out. “To Edith Russell with compliments of the author.” Master’s thesis, 101 pp., bound, photocopy. Also envelope, pmk. 24 July 1974.
Marvin Kaye
F.17, 313257, “Bertrand Russell’s Guided Tour of Intellectual Rubbish, a dramatization by Marvin Kaye and Robert Rounseville”, 56 pp., n.d., most of the pages are a photocopied typescript, but three unnumbered pages at the beginning are typed pages. On the verso of the title page are notes by Edith; on an unnumbered page she has written annotations. She has also written the title on a label stuck on the front cover. Pages removed by archivist.
Also in the file are two notes from Christopher Farley: “I don’t know if Felton sent you this, but it certainly confirms that there is no agreement yet with Marvin Kaye. 26.1.73” (313257A) “London 29/4/74. This has just arrived from Feinberg. I believe you have a copy of the Marvin Kaye—Robert Rounseville MS ‘BR’s Guided Tour of Intellectual Rubbish.’ Do you wish to look at the deletions listed, or do you wish me to do so in Wales (I don’t have the MS)? Chris” (313257B). Also a photocopy of a draft agreement between Edith, Farley, Felton, the BRPF and Rounseville and Kaye, with many handwritten changes. (313257C). See also Box 17.61, F.5.
Barry Feinberg and Ronald Kastrils
F.18 Bertrand Russell’s America (1973)
313258, Corrected galley proofs, 26 pp., Chapters 10 to 14. Also photocopy of 3 pages, corrected with references to galleys by number.
Barry Feinberg
F.19 The Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell (c1972)
313259, “Perplexities and Other Pieces: The Stories, Anecdotes and Aphorisms of Bertrand Russell Compiled and Edited by Barry Feinberg”, photocopy of typescript, 7 pp. “Introduction”, corrected photocopy of typescript, 9 pp. (313259A). Untitled typed page containing corrections suggested by Michael Burns (313259B).
F.20, 313260, Statement from Jean-Paul Sartre, Vladimir Dedijer, Laurent Schwartz, to the International War Crimes Tribunal, 28 June 1972, ts(car), 1 p.
Edith Russell
F.21, 313261
Christmas gift and card lists, 1954–1970; these lists are usually handwritten but occasionally typed; 40 pages
Series 3:
Address and Telephone Books, Lists and Cards, Diaries, Domestic, Medical, Hair Clippings. – [1936]–1977. – 14.5 cm of textual records, graphic material and realia. – Title based on content of series.
Box 17.50
F.1 Address Books
313262, green leather with her initials “E.F.” embossed on cover. Her address was New Place, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. She lived there from 1936 to 1948. Under the R it contains an address for Alys Russell, and multiple addresses for Russell: Little Datchet Farm is crossed out; his Dorset House flat in London is included as is Trinity but not his home in Cambridge; Ffestiniog in Wales and “after Jan 15, ‘50” Queen’s Road.
313263, kept while she lived at 29 Millbank and 43 Hasker Street, both in London as well as Plas Penrhyn; it includes people and businesses—all doctors are listed together under D, all restaurants under R
F.2 Address Books
313264, kept while she lived at 29 Millbank, 41 Queen’s Road, 43 Hasker Street, and Plas Penrhyn; includes telephone numbers
313265, issued by Ristorante il Tivolese, Roma; it is mostly blank but does contain the names of various restaurants and hotels in the UK, Italy and France
F.3 Address Book
313266, kept when she lived at 29 Millbank and 41 Queen’s Road
F.4 Lists
313267, Names are written on circular cards with no addresses; there is a card for A, B, C-D, E-G, H, I, L-K, M-N, P, R, S, T, W; one circle lists “Societies of which B. was a Fellow …” The cards are possibly for preparation of an invitation list.
313268, Names and addresses written on small slips of papers and organized by groups “Family, Chris’s list”; “My additions to family”; “Chris’s list of Colleagues & Friends”, “My Suggestions of Friends & Colleagues”. There are also five unassigned slips.
Note: See Box 17.49, F.21 for Christmas card lists.
F.5 Cards
313269, 16 business cards, all but one from the UK; one is from New York
313270, six change of address notifications, five are postmarked 1954 to 1960; four are addressed to Russell
F.6 Telephone
313271, stamped Telephone Numbers & Addresses, kept while she lived at 41 Queen’s Road, 29 Millbank, and Plas Penrhyn; used to record names, phone exchanges and numbers.
F.7 Telephone
313272, Cards removed from a metal Stratton Fonopad device
F.8 Telephone
313273, Leather book, stamped “Telephone”, meant to be hung on the wall. Used when she lived at 41 Queen’s Road and 29 Millbank
F.9 Names
313274, Names, addresses, and/or telephone numbers are written on paper slips of various sizes; mostly in Edith’s hand though some people have written down their own information; a few are typed
313275, Address note in Russell’s hand in pencil; also the closing of a letter from Edouard Le Ghait which has been torn off (313275A)
313276, “Loans to Frank”, notes written on a circular card, 31 January 1970. In Edith’s note he is referred to as “F.H.”
313277, List of products sold in Portmadoc
F.10 Diary
313278, Heffers’s Diary, 1959–1960, printed by W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., Cambridge; at the beginning of the Diary are telephone numbers for Cambridge University departments.
F.11 Pocket Diaries [see box 2.23 for other years]
313279, 1966
313280, 1967
F.12 London Appointment Lists
The years do not appear on most of these lists but the day and date of the month are on most of them. By using a Perpetual calendar, the choices are narrowed. Then the content of the list helps to determine which year applies. Those without months on them are impossible to date.
313281, 14 February to 6 March [1961], typescript and typescript carbon with handwritten additions
313282, Sunday 23 July to Wednesday 2 August [1961], typed with handwritten additions
313283, Wednesday 2 August to Monday 14 August [1961], handwritten
313284, Monday 28 May to Tuesday 5 June [1962]; on the verso are dates from Sunday to Sunday, no month
313285, begins “Thursday, Reporters and TV all day Cuban Crisis” to Sunday [1962], handwritten
313286, Thursday 31 October to Monday 11 November [1963], typed with handwritten additions; on the verso is a typed list with handwritten additions with various train times, tasks, and items; includes year 1963
313287, Saturday 29 February to Monday 16 March [1964], typed with handwritten additions
313288, Thursday 11 June to Thursday 25 June 1964, typescript and typescript carbon, with handwritten additions
313289, Thursday 9 July to Monday 27 July [1964], typescript with handwritten additions
313290, Monday 8 February to Thursday 25 February [1965], handwritten, 3 pp.
313291, Thursday 14 October to Sunday 24 October [1965], typed with handwritten additions; the verso is handwritten
313292, Thursday 11 November to Thursday 25 November [1965], handwritten on both sides
313293, Tuesday 7 June to Saturday 18 June, followed by Sunday to Tuesday, handwritten; this list has been created twice (312293A)
313294, Friday 11 November to Friday 18 [1966], typed with handwritten additions
313295, Friday 9 February to Friday 6 April, followed by Saturday and Sunday [1968], handwritten, 3 pp.; many of these dates have no appointments listed
313296, Monday 4 November to Friday 8 November [1968], handwritten
313297, Sunday to Sunday; handwritten, people met include Vanessa Redgrave, Linus Pauling and Mrs. Reichenbach
313298, Tuesday, handwritten, includes German television and the Bedfords
F.13 Lists
313299, “Old Friends”, 23 July 1952 to 18 May 1966, typescript, 7 pp.
313300, “Friends & Visitors”, 31 July 1952 to 26 April 1966, typescript, 21 pp.
313301, “Nuclear Matters & Politics”, 8 May 1951 to 26 April 1966, typescript, 17 pp.
313302, “Articles & Interviews”, July 19 (app.), 1951, 25 May 1954 to 5 November 1960, typescript, 2 pp.
313303, “Speeches (not radio or T.V.)”, Oct 19–Nov 11 1951 to 8 April 1977; there are no entries for 1957, typescript, 5 pp.
313304, “Some Visitors to Wales”, 1968–1969, typescript
Box 17.51
F.1, 313305, Plas Penrhyn: Staff schedule for one week, n.d., handwritten, 1 p.; 6 handwritten notes about various domestic matters including the duties of the cook-housekeeper, one note is dated 1971 to 1974; receipts kept by Mrs. Humphreys and grocery lists written on torn pieces of cardboard boxes
F.2, 313306, handwritten lists of tasks, n.d. for Mr. Daniel Jones, builder
F.3 Expenses at Plas Penrhyn and Hasker Street; also personal expenses
313307, “#43 [Hasker Street]”, n.d., handwritten, 9 pp.
313308, “London if #43 Sold”, 1971, handwritten, 1 p.
313309, “London”, n.d., handwritten
313310, “Plas Penrhyn”, n.d., handwritten, 1 p.
313311, Ledger sheets listing expenses for both properties as well as personal expenses, 1970, 13 pp.
313312, Personal, handwritten, n.d., 1 p.
F.4 Fabric Samples
313313, 2 different fabric samples folded in paper
F.5 Richmond Park Ordnance Survey Map
313314, “Sites known to BR in childhood ff. Marked by ER & verified by BR”; this map was used by them when they lived nearby on Queens Road in the 1950s. Note: “ff” indicates “and following years.”
F.6 Medical appointments, cards, medications and receipts for both Russell and Edith
313315, 1959, 1966–1977, n.d., 24 items. There is an undated handwritten list of medications taken; no indication who the patient was.
F.7 Hair clippings
313316, “BR”, hair placed in envelope
313317, “ER”, hair placed in envelope
Series 4:
Travel, Photographs and Artwork. – c1876–1972; predominant 1951–1972. – 10.5 cm of textual records and graphic material. – Title based on content of series.
F.8 Bertrand Russell passport, number 136942, with envelope and b&w photograph
313318, Issued September 1951; contains stamps from Greece, France, and America; also a visa issued to him to visit Turkey in 1952 when he visited Greece.
F.9 Edith Russell passport
313319, British passport, numbered 568690, issued 9 November 1960, with b&w photograph; Edith has written the information contained in this passport along with other document information on one piece of paper used on both sides (313319A)
In order to obtain this passport Edith had to renounce her American citizenship.
313320, Letter from Walter M. Walsh, American Consul, 21 April 1961, TLS with envelope, encl. Certificate of the Loss of the Nationality of the United States, 14 September 1960 (313321)
313322, British Nationality Act, 1948, Section 6(2) application, signed by Edith Russell and dated 14 September 1960
313323, Letter from Edith to Louis Tylor, 6 November 1960, TLS(car) encl. the birth certificate which was used to obtain her American passport; also in file is a receipt from the Department of Health, City of New York, and a mimeographed letter, n.d. regarding the certificate.
313324, Letter from Louis Tylor, Coward, Chance & Co., 15 November 1960, enclosing her new passport.
Also in this file are a British National Identity card, stamped in 1951 (313325); an International Certificate of Vaccination Against Smallpox issued in 1950 in New York (313326); and a handwritten appointment note for a meeting with the Consul (313327).
F.10 Edith Russell passport
313328, British passport, numbered 126356, with envelope, issued 24 April 1972, with b&w photograph; placed inside the passport is an International Certificate of Vaccination
313329, Letter from Edith to Jack Black, Heald, Johnson & Co., 3 April 1972, TL(car) requesting him to obtain a new passport for her. She enclosed two b&w photographs; her birth certificate and a certified copy of her marriage certificate.
Note: Additional correspondence re this passport is in Box 17.52, F.10, beginning with document 313597
F.11 Postcards
313330, France, Chartres, 2 col.
313331, France, Paris, 4 col.
313332, Greece, Athens, Parthenon, 4 b&w
313333, Italy, 1 b&w
313334, Italy, Venice, 4 b&w
313335, Vienna, Hotel Imperial, Wien, 1 col.
United Kingdom:
313336, London, 7 b&w
313337, Greta Green, 3 b&w
313338, Isle of Wight, St. Boniface Church
313339, Peterborough, Crowland Abbey, 4 b&w
313340, St. Fillans, Scotland, 4 b&w
313341, Scotland, 3 b&w, 2 col.
313342, Ullswater, Lake District, Kirstone Pass, 8 b&w
F.12 Travel Lists
313343, Trip itinerary from 4 May 1959, typed carbon with handwritten additions, leaving from Plas Penrhyn and visiting Devil’s Bridge, Brecon, Gloucester, Painswick, Wells, Bath and Bridport, 1 p.
313344, Five lists, n.d., recording mileage, towns, days, highway numbers, handwritten, all by Russell, each 1 p.
313345, Directions to Farley Green, written in ink in unknown hand; Farley Green is in Surrey.
313346, Note in pencil in unknown hand about the Pigalle metro in Paris
F.13 Pont-Royal Hotel, Paris
313347, Receipt for 2 dinners, “3.9.1954”; See also Box 2.20, F.5.
F.14, 313348, Russell as a child, b&w, the image is oval-shaped, presumably removed from a frame, c1876, published in Caroline Moorehead, Bertrand Russell: A Life (1992); she dated the photograph as “soon after the death of his parents”. John Russell, Lord Amberley, the last of Russell’s parents died on 13 January 1876. She presumably obtained the image from Newnham College (Rec. Acq. 941).
F.15 Images on postcards
313349, portrait of Russell being sculpted by Jacob Epstein, printed on a Christmas Greetings card 1953; the b&w image is credited to Ida Kar
313350, b&w portrait of Russell smoking a pipe, image credited to Ida Kar, n.d.
F.16, 313351, Nine identical photographs of a drawing of Russell by Robin Guthrie pasted on board. This drawing is similar to the one used in History of Western Philosophy, 2nd UK edition, 1965.
F.17 Photographs, Plas Penrhyn and Queen’s Road, Richmond
313352, Envelope 1: five col. photographs, in the garden at Plas Penrhyn, one of Russell alone, one of Russell with Peanut, the dog, three of Peanut, printed August 1962
313353, Envelope 2: three col. photographs, two of Russell in the garden with an unidentified woman, one of Russell with an unidentified man—between them is someone, possibly Edith, bending over to pat Peanut, printed August 1962
Prints in envelopes 1 and 2 are Lfocolor
313354, Envelope 3: seven col. photographs of Russell and Peanut with two young women, presumably his granddaughters, in the garden; an eighth photograph in the garden lacks Russell but includes another man, presumably the gardener
313355, Envelope 4: two col. photographs of Edith and Russell on the veranda with Peanut, their dog, printed October 1962
313356, Envelope 5: four col. photographs taken on the veranda, all of Russell, Ralph Schoenman and Peanut, printed October 1962
Prints in envelopes 3 to 5 are Kodacolor
313357, Envelope 6: Kodak Wallet from the Rembrandt Studio, Richmond Surrey containing 4 b&w photographs taken at Queen’s Road. In three of them Russell is sitting in a chair reading to a different granddaughter; Anne, Lucy, or Sarah. The fourth photograph is of an empty room. Taken in the early 1950s.
F.18 Plas Penrhyn
313358, 2 b&w images of Plas Penrhyn, Madoc Studio, E. Zak, photographer; the images are identical
Original Artwork
313359, Envelope 1: ink and wash drawing titled “Recollection of Shelley’s Casa Magni, Lerici at dawn. Feb 10. 1957.” Caption written in an unknown hand.
313360, Envelope 2: Pencil sketch of Bertrand and Alys Russell, captioned “She goes her way. He goes his.” “Mrs. Bertrand Russell” is carrying a book titled “Economics” while Mr. Bertrand Russell is carrying a book titled “Essay on Space”. Found in an envelope, pmk. 11 June 1973, from Margaret Lloyd to Edith; on the envelope Edith has written “Ldy John’s caricature of BR & Alys”. On a small piece of paper Edith has written: “Caricature of BR & Alys drawn sometime after their marriage by Lady John, his grandmother. (sent to me by Margt Lloyd, 10/6/73—E.R.)”
Series 5:
Legal. – 1966–1977. – 12.5 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Box 17.52
F.1 Coward, Chance & Co., 1970
These letters concern the granddaughters, Anne, Lucy and Sarah
313361, Christopher Farley to B.D.S. Lock, 16 January, TL(car)
313362, Edith to Louis Tylor, 7 March, TL(car)
313363, Tylor to Edith, 11 March TLS
313364, Tylor to Edith, 18 March, TLS
313365, Edith to Tylor, 27 March 1970, TL(car)
313366, Tylor to Edith, 1 April, TLS: he explained that since Anne was adopted, she was not entitled to a title like her sisters. The title would be “Lady” as a daughter of an earl.
313367, Edith to Tylor, 3 April, handwritten draft
313368, Lock to Farley, 6 October, TLS, 2 pp.
313369, Farley to Lock, 9 October, TL(car)
313370, Farley to Lock, 19 October, TL(car)
313371, Lock to Farley, 18 December, TLS
313372, Edith to Lock, 19 December, TLS(car)
313373, Lock to Edith, 22 December, TLS, 2 pp.
313374, Lock to Farley, 23 December, TLS, 2 pp.; encl. photocopy of educational expenses prepared by Lucy, 3 pp.
F.2 Theodore Goddard & Co., 1966
313375, Blanche Lucas to Russell, 1 July; Louis Tyler [sic] has looked after Russell’s affair since 1936 and is “upset about the proposed change.”
313376, Russell to Lucas, 2 July, TL(car); despite Tylor being upset, he is “very glad to have you take over my affairs.”
313377, Russell to Lucas, 4 July, TL(car); “I should be glad if you would see Sir Stanley Unwin about certain changes in the agreement I have with him for my autobiography.”
313378, Lucas to Russell, 7 July, TLS
313379, B.D.S. Lock (Coward, Chance & Co.) to Lucas, 12 July 1966, TLS(x), 2 pp.; re Harriet Ward’s birth certificate
313380, Lucas to Russell, 14 July, TLS
313381, Lucas to Russell, 20 July, TLS; the custody order restraining Lucy from leaving the country is expiring. Edith has written on this letter: “Ans[wer] by telephone to Ralph [Schoenman] > Mrs. L.”
313382, Lucas to Ralph Schoenman, 22 July, TLS; enclosing letters re the Russells’ taxes. Edith has written on the letter: “Signed & sent to Mrs. Lucas 25/7/66.”
313383, Lucas to Russell, 2 August, ALS, 2 pp.; “When he has recovered from what must have come as a shock to him, Mr. Tylor will change his mind and retire gracefully.”
313384, Lucas to Russell, 3 August, TLS, encl. photocopy of letter from Lock to her, 2 August 1966, TLS(x), 2 pp. (313384A)
313385, Lucas to Russell, 9 August, TLS; re Sarah and Lucy
313386, Lucas to Russell, 10 August, TLS, 2 pp.; re the contract with Allen & Unwin: Sir Stanley has “Volume 2 locked up in his safe and that he certainly gave the impression that he had the right to it.”
313387, Schoenman to Lucas, 10 August, TLS(car); “there is a great frustration here about Coward, Chance’s apparent ability to treat Lord Russell’s papers as he likes.”
313388, Lucas to Russell, 11 August, TLS, 6 pp., headed “Your Will and the Archives”, attached to this letter is “Copy Extract from Memorandum on Estate Planning”, 1 p.
313389, Russell to Lucas, 12 August, TLS(car); “Sir Stanley has a typescript of vol 2 as it stands at present—that is, up to 1954. The volume is not yet complete … he is to have the publishing of vol 2 if he wishes it … I should much have preferred losing money over vol 1 to having the present disturbance in the relations between Sir Stanley and me; and much as I should like to make money for the Foundation, I should prefer to lose money on vol 2 to having him feel that I am in any way double-crossing him or suspecting his bona fides or flouting our long and hitherto amicable association with one another.”
313390, Russell to Lucas, 12 August, draft TLS with handwritten corrections regarding his will and the archives; he wants to hold off the two documents that she sent him (not extant here)
313391, Russell to Unwin, August, TL; “I should like to confirm that as I have assigned to the Atlantic Peace Foundation … the remaining proceeds from the sale of all the rights mentioned in the Agreement between us dated 17 June 1966 …”
313392, Lucas to Edith, 15 August, TLS, re the appointment of trustees. “I am hoping that, as time goes by and calm is restored, Mr. Tylor may himself offer his resignation and that of Dr. Drover.”
313393, Lucas to Russell, 17 August; encl. schedule received from Mr. Lock (not extant here)
313394, Lucas to Lock, 17 August, TL(car)
313395, Lucas to Russell, 17 August, TLS, 2 pp.
313396, “To Discuss with Mrs. Lucas”, typescript, 2 pp. by Russell with five points: letter of 11 August, letter of 15 August, letter of 17 August, grandchildren, sale of copyrights
313397, Lucas to Russell, 26 August, TLS, 2 pp. encl. notes
313398, “Notes of Meeting on Wednesday 24th August at Plas Penrhyn …”, 7 pp.; Russell, Edith and Mrs. Lucas were present in the morning; in the afternoon Schoenman and Farley joined them. Topics discussed were wills, the archive, the appointment of Anton Felton, the autobiography, and the grandchildren.
313399, Russell to Lucas, 4 September, TL(car); Felton “and Ralph Schoenman were here yesterday and we (or I, for I think that Schoenman is most disappointed) decided that I would give the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation the bulk of the archives at once and hope that I will live for five more years … Your notes of our discussion at Plas Penrhyn seem to us to be entirely accurate.” He noted only one exception—what he said about £100,000 was said in jest.
313400, Lucas to Russell, telegram, 8 September: “Am sending you agreement express this afternoon but for reasons stated in my covering letter Foundation excluded and agreement is between you and Felton”
313401, Russell to Lucas, typed copy of telegram, 8 September: “Very anxious to ensure transportation of archives this Saturday.”
313402, Lucas to Russell, 8 September, TLS, 4 pp.
313403, Lucas to Russell, 14 September, TLS re Stanley Unwin
313404, Lucas to Russell, 15 September, TLS, 5 pp., concerning the archives, grandchildren, annuity, Lord Amberley, autobiography, and wills. Note: Lord Amberley is Russell’s son, John.
313405, Goddard & Co. to Russell, 16 September, 2 pp., confirming the telegram sent today re the autobiography
313406, Goddard & Co. to Russell, 16 September, telegram
313407, Goddard & Co. to Russell, 20 September, TLS
313408, Russell to Lucas, 22 September, TL(car); he confirms “that Messrs. Heald, Johnson & Garton are being instructed on behalf of the two Foundations.”
313409, Goddard & Co. to Russell, 26 September, TLS
313410, Russell to Lucas, 29 September, TL(car), 2 pp., re the Autobiography (vols. 1 and 2), archives, grandchildren, annuity, and wills
F.3 Theodore Goddard & Co., 1966
313411, Lucas to Russell, 3 October, ALS, 2 pp. re the U.S. Rights for Autobiography Vol. 1, archives, grandchildren, annuity and wills. Christopher Farley has printed in pencil on this letter “Felton notified.”
313412, Russell to Lucas, 7 October, TL(car), re wills
313413, Lucas to Russell, 14 October, TLS, 2 pp., re autobiography and archives; Felton has objected to her meeting with Unwin
313414, Lucas to Felton, 14 October, TL(car); she informs Felton that she met with Unwin at Russell’s request
313415, Russell to Lucas, 17 October 1966, TL(car); re Felton, assignments and wills
313416, Theodore Goddard & Co. to the secretary to Ralph Schoenman, 17 October, TLS, encl. TLS(x) from Peter Gibbings, The Observer, to the firm, noting the apology to Russell to be printed in the next issue, 21 August, re the Warren Commission (313416A)
313417, Lucas to Russell, 19 October, ALS
313418, Russell to Lucas, 20 October, TL(car); “We are very upset by the delay in receiving the draft Wills … As you know, we had a long history of delays by Messrs. Coward, Chance, and these were largely responsible for our decision to transfer our affairs from their hands to yours.”
313419, Schoenman to Lucas, 20 October, TL(car); The Observer has not published the apology as promised
313420, Schoenman to Lucas, 21 October, TL(car) re the Daily Mail
313421, Lucas to Schoenman, 24 October, TLS, the apology was published; Schoenman has changed his mind re the Daily Mail
313422, Lucas to Edith, 25 October, TLS, encl. draft will (not extant here)
313423, Lucas to Russell, 25 October, TLS, 3 pp. encl. draft will (not extant here)
313424, Lucas to Russell, 27 October, TLS, 2 pp.
313425, Lucas to Russell, 27 October, TLS, 2 pp., encl. assignment forms (not extant here)
313426, Russell to Lucas, 2 November, TL(car)
Note: The following three letters are not dated; except for one which has the year 1966. All the letters in this file were removed by the archivist from a binder. This was their binder location.
313427, Russell to Felton and Raymond Hawkey, Continuum Ltd., n.d., TLS; I “notify you that I have transferred my entire interest in the papers covered by that Agreement [of 10 September 1966] to the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Ltd.” TL(car) of this letter (313427A)
313428, Russell to Continuum Ltd., 1966, TL; the text of this letter is longer than undated one above. There are three carbons of this letter; two of the carbons have an acknowledgement of receipt typed on the bottom. There are two additional carbons with the double spacing of the original replaced by single spacing; the text remains the same. The carbons have been numbered 313428A-E.
313429, Russell to the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Ltd., n.d., TLS; “I have today transferred my archives, which are at present in the possession of Continuum Limited … to you subject to an Agreement.” This letter has a carbon, 313429A. There is also a typed letter, double spaced, dated 1966; Christopher Farley has written in pencil on it “Retype” (313429B). There are also three other carbons, made with a different typewriter; the text remains the same; they have been numbered 313429C-E.
313430, Russell to Lucas, 4 November, TL(car)
313431, Lucas to Russell, 4 November, TLS
313432, Lucas to Russell, 7 November, TLS
313433, Lucas to Russell, 18 November, TLS, 2 pp., re Wills
313434, Russell to Lucas, 22 November, TL(car)
313435, Russell to Lucas, 23 November, TL(car); re his son, John Russell
313436, Lucas to Russell, 24 November, TLS; encl. a draft Codicil to his Will, 18 November 1966, giving John an annuity
313437, Lucas to Russell, 24 November, TLS
313438, Lucas to Felton, 28 November, TL(car) with compliments card
313439, Russell to Lucas, 29 November, TL(car), re the removal of Harriet Ward from Burke’s Peerage
313440, Farley to Lucas, 29 November, TL(car), providing further clarification on Harriet Ward
313441, Russell to Lucas, 30 November, TL(car); he will sign the Codicil when it is ready
313442, Lucas to Farley, 2 December, TLS; re Harriet Ward, Burke’s Peerage and Debretts
313443, Farley to Lucas, 5 December, TL(car); re Harriet Ward
313444, Lucas to Russell, 6 December, ALS, encl. Codicil (not extant here)
313445, Farley to Lucas, 8 December, TL(car), re the Will and Codicil
313446, Lucas to Farley, 12 December, TLS; encl. photocopies (not extant here)
313447, Lucas to Russell, 20 December, TLS
313448, Lucas to Farley, 20 December, TLS; re Harriet Ward
F.4 Theodore Goddard & Co., 1967
313449, Farley to Lucas, 9 January, TL(car) re Harriet Ward
313450, Lucas to Farley, 11 January, TLS, re Harriet Ward
313451, Lucas to Farley, 24 January, TLS
313452, Tylor to Lucas, 9 February, TLS(x), 2 pp.; re Anne Dryden’s wish to buy a flat in Edinburgh
313453, Lucas to Russell and Edith, 14 February, TLS, 2 pp.; encl. 313452 re flat purchase
313454, Russell to Lucas, 15 February, TL(car), 2 pp.; re the flat purchase
313455, Lucas to Russell, 17 February, TLS; partly re the flat purchase. “Mr. Lock telephoned me this morning about the transfer of Caern [sic] Voel. He tells me that the papers relating to this transaction are ‘pre-blitz’ and so are not available. However he spoke to Mr. Tylor about it and the latter said that he was almost certain that you had conveyed the freehold of it to your then wife.”
313456, Farley to Lucas, 22 February, TL(car)
313457, Lucas to Farley, 24 February, TLS
313458, Monarch Ellman to Russell and Edith, n.d., ALS, 2 pp.; Edith has written “rec’d Friday morn. 24/2/67”; re the flat purchase. He noted that he rang up “upon the behalf of Mrs. Lucas”.
313459, Lucas to Russell, 14 April, TLS
313460, Russell to Lucas, 22 April, TL(car)
313461, Farley to Lucas, 24 April, TL(car)
313462, Theodore Goddard & Co. to Farley, 3 May, TLS
313463, Russell to Lucas, 24 July, TL(car); re buying the freehold for 43 Hasker Street
313464, Lucas to Russell, 26 July, TLS
313465, Lucas to Russell, 28 July, TLS
313466, Russell to Lucas, 29 July, TL(car) re Harriet Ward
313467, Lucas to Russell, 22 August, TLS
313468, Lucas to Russell, 24 August, TLS; the lease of 43 Hasker Street cannot be converted into a freehold; the lease runs for 18 years beginning 29 September 1955
313469, Russell to Lucas, 4 September, TL(car), re 43 Hasker Street
313470, Lucas to Russell, 14 September, TLS, 2 pp.; re Harriet Ward; Lucas suggested blood tests
313471, Russell to Lucas, 16 September, TL(car); he will do a blood test
313472, Theodore Goddard & Co., to Russell, 18 September, TLS
313473, Russell to Lucas, 26 September, TL(car); encl. a doctor’s note (not extant here) stating Russell is Blood Group A.
313474, Lucas to Russell, 27 September, TLS; thanks for sending Dr. Pritchard’s note
313475, Lucas to Russell, 29 September, TLS, encl. accounts for work done, 5 pp.
313476, Lucas to Russell, 19 September, TLS; re John’s annuity
313477, Russell to Lucas, 5 October, TL(car); re John’s annuity
313478, Lucas to Russell, 6 October, TLS; re John’s annuity
313479, Lucas to Russell, 9 October, TLS
313480, Farley to Lucas, 11 December, TL(car); re Ralph Schoenman’s not being Russell’s secretary: “He tells me that he has discussed this with Ralph Schoenman in the past and there is mutual agreement on this point.”
313481, Lucas to Farley, 12 December, TLS, 2 pp.; she has told the Home Office that Schoenman was still Russell’s secretary—she does not want to mislead the Home Office
313482, Lucas to Schoenman in New York, 21 December, TL(car); she informed him that there was no decision from the Home Office and that Mr. Ellman would be looking after his case during her absence. Also a Compliments card from Lucas.
F.5 Theodore Goddard & Co., 1968
313483, Farley to Lucas, 20 March, TL(car)
313484, Theodore Goddard & Co. to Farley, 22 March, TLS
313485, Farley to Theodore Goddard & Co., 26 March, TL(car)
313486, Lucas to Felton, 27 March, TL(car), with compliments card
313487, Theodore Goddard & Co. to Farley, 1 April, TLS
313488, Theodore Goddard & Co., to Farley, TLS; encl. photocopy of a TLS from the Home Office, 29 March 1968 re Ralph Schoenman (313488A) and a typed carbon of a letter to the Home Office from Goddard, 2 April 1968 (313488B)
313489, Edith to Lucas, 4 April, TL(car), 2 pp.; she found the lease for Plas Penrhyn “unsatisfactory” in certain respects. She does not want her husband bothered with “these questions”.
313490, Lucas to Edith, 10 April, TLS, 2 pp.; re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313491, Edith to Lucas, 19 April, TL(car); re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313492, Lucas to Edith, 22 April, TLS; re trying to resolve the clause in the lease that would require Edith to vacate Plas Penrhyn within three months of Russell’s death. Edith has written on this letter: “Replied to, in talk, by Chris 23/4/68 and 24/4/68.”
313493, Farley to Lucas, 25 April 1968, TL(car); he wanted to avoid the owner, Sir Osmond Williams, writing to Russell directly re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313494, Statement “From the Earl Russell, O.M., F.R.S.”, 28 April 1968, typed carbon, 2 pp. re Ralph Schoenman. Russell requires him to be in the United Kingdom. Edith has written on this document: “Signed ‘Russell’ & sent 29/4/68”.
313495, Lucas to Russell, 30 April, TLS; “thank you for sending me your letter of the 28th April concerning Mr. Schoenman, which is most helpful.”
313496, Theodore Goddard & Co. to Edith, 6 May, TLS; there is a photocopy of this letter signed only with initials (313496A). Enclosed was a photocopy of a letter, 3 May 1968, TLS, 2 pp., to Goddard from Edward Jones & Sons, Sir Osmond Williams’ solicitors (313496B). Williams has agreed to some, but not all, of the requested changes to the Plas Penrhyn lease.
313497, Farley to Lucas, 14 May, TL(car), re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313498, Lucas to Russell, 31 October, TLS; re insurance policies on Hasker Street and Plas Penrhyn
313499, Farley to Lucas, 2 November, TL(car)
313500, Lucas to Farley, 6 November, TLS
F.6 Theodore Goddard & Co., 1969
313501, Lucas to Russell, 31 January, TLS; re Hasker Street insurance
313502, Farley to Lucas, 26 February, TL(car); re Hasker Street insurance
313503, Lucas to Farley, 28 February, TLS; re Hasker Street insurance
313504, Lucas to Farley, 16 June, TLS, 2 pp.; re Hasker Street and Plas Penrhyn insurance
313505, Farley to Lucas, 25 June, TL(car)
313506, Lucas to Farley, 26 June, TLS
313507, from Russell and Edith to Lucas, 1 July, TL(car); they wish a change to their wills, appointing Anton Felton as an executor and trustee and removing Ralph Schoenman
313508, Lucas to Russell and Edith, 3 July, TLS
313509, Farley to Lucas, 29 October, TL(car); re removing Harriet Ward from Burke’s Peerage
313510, Lucas to Farley, 31 October, TLS; the blood test for Harriet Ward is at a stalemate
313511, Lucas to Russell, 28 November, TLS, 2 pp.; re the Russells’ assets; she has concerns about Edith’s financial position after Russell’s death and suggests removing the bequests from his Will.
313512, Lucas to Farley, 28 November, TLS; re Russell’s financial situation
313513, Farley to Lucas, 2 December, TL(car); the Russells are considering what they might do
F.7 Theodore Goddard & Co., 1970
313514, B.D.H. Lock to Lucas, 21 January, TL(x), 3 pp.; re the financial situation of the grandchildren if changes are made to the Will
313515, Edith to Lucas, 15 March, TL(car); “I have been considering the work of my husband’s Executors which has been placed in the hands of Messrs. Heald, Johnson and Company, and feel that on balance it would be better in future if my own personal affairs were also to be handled by that Company.”
313516, Lucas to Edith, 20 March, TLS; she is sending the Will with Codicils to Mr. Black.
F.8 Heald, Johnson & Co., 1970
313517, Jack Black to Edith, 9 March, TLS; re her Will
313518, Edith to Black, 17 March, TL(car); she has decided to use Black as her personal lawyer and has informed Blanche Lucas
313519, Black to Edith, 26 March, TLS; he is reviewing her Will
313520, Farley to Black, 6 April, TL(car); re insurance policies
313521, Black to Farley, 7 April, TLS
313522, Black to Edith, 27 April, TLS, 2 pp; he lists her legacies to family and domestic staff
313523, Edith to Black, 1 May, TL(car); she does not wish to remove any legacies
313524, Heald, Johnson to Edith, 6 May, TLS
313525, Black to Edith, 11 May, TLS; Will does need a short Codicil
313526, Edith to Black, 14 May, TL(car)
313527, Black to Edith, 4 June, TLS; he wants to prepare a new Will
313528, Farley to Black, 8 June, TL(car); new Will has been signed and witnessed
313529, Black to Edith, 9 June, TLS; new Will encl. (not extant here)
313530, Black to Farley, 19 June, TLS
313531, Black to Farley, 6 July, TLS; encl. receipt for services
F.9 Heald, Johnson & Co., 1971
313532, Lewis W. Taylor & Co. to Messrs. Heald Johnson & Co., 1 January 1971, TLS(x), encl. photocopy of Court of Protection order re John Russell, 20 October 1970, 3 pp.
313533, Black to Edith, 4 January, TLS; encl. 313352 which has also been sent to Farley and Felton. He advised them nothing should be paid out of the Estate until the claim could be assessed.
313534, Black to Edith, 6 January, TLS; encl. a typed note “summarizing the relevant provisions of the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1938”, 3 pp. The extent of a possible claim from John is not known.
313535, Black to Farley, 27 January, TLS; he has met with Mr. Taylor; his summary of their conversation, “Notes of an Interview with Derek Lewis Taylor”, 4 pp. on 26 January has been typed up and enclosed. On the letter Edith has written issues that need to be addressed. On the Notes Edith has also written several comments
313536, Heald, Johnson & Co. to Felton, 10 March, TL with compliments card; encl. typed carbon statement of charges from September 1970 to March 1971, in relation to the publication by the New Statesman of the Schoenman memorandum
313537, Felton to Black, 11 March, TLS(car); with compliments card to Farley
313538, Black to Edith, 18 March, TLS; encl. typed carbon, 18 March, of his letter to Felton with enclosed Estate assets as of 15 March 1971 (313538A)
313539, Heald, Johnson & Co. to Farley, 2 April, TL(x); re The Autobiography, Vol. 3
313540, Heald, Johnson & Co. to Messrs. Field Fisher & Co., 2 April, TL(x); re The Autobiography, Vol. 3
313541, Black to Edith, 16 April, TLS; encl. a photocopy of the Originating Summons in the Chancery Division issued on behalf of John
313542, Black to Farley, 16 April, TLS; John is receiving legal aid; encl. ts. carbon, 16 April of his reply to Messrs. Lewis W. Taylor re the Originating Summons (313542A)
313543, Black to Edith, 16 April; he noted that Jean Redmond has received her legacy payment
313544, Heald, Johnson & Co. to Farley, 19 April, TLS
313545, Farley to Black, 4 May, TL(car) sent to Farley, re the sale of the lease for Hasker Street
313546, Black to Farley, 6 May, TLS re the sale of the Hasker Street lease and its cooker; encl. photocopies of typed letters to Messrs. Barwell Blakiston & Ballingall, 5 May and Messrs. Andrew Milton & Co., 6 May re the sale (313546A and B). The letter to Milton noted that the purchaser was C.W.K. Baldwin. In Black’s letter he noted: “As to the cooker at the property which you discussed with Miss Wilson when you were selling to Mrs. Grindley, have you made arrangements to sell it to Mr. Baldwin or are you taking it away?” Note: This indicates that the initial sale of the property had fallen through.
313547, Farley to Black, 10 May, TL(car); the sale of the cooker is outstanding
313548, Edith to Black, 23 May, TL(car); “Is there anything further that can be done to restore reasonable relations with Mr. Unwin?”
313549, Black to Edith, 27 May, TLS; Messrs. Field Fisher & Co. are representing both Simon & Schuster and Allen & Unwin; he has had no reply to his letter of 2 April (see above). Felton is currently communicating with Unwin. Black added that the matter of John Russell’s claim is still outstanding.
313550, Black to Farley, 23 June, TLS; encl. photocopies: statement of costs re the sale of Hasker Street (Mrs. Grindley of Salisbury is listed); Andew Milton & Co. commission charged; “Completion Statement” which included a £10 charge for the gas cooker.
313551, Farley to Black, 28 June, TL(car)
313552, Black to Edith, 23 July, TLS; he would like to visit her. Edith wrote on the letter: “4 on Tues. 3 Aug.”
313552A, Felton to Black, 21 July, TL(car); compliment card to Edith on which she has written McMaster
313553, Black to Edith, 29 July, TLS; he looks forward to seeing her on 3 August
313554, Black to Edith, 17 August, TLS; enjoyed his visit, will try to help with the Post Office. Also he “shall do everything I can to dispose of the claim put forward by Mrs. Grace on behalf of her son” John.
313555, Black to Edith, 6 September, TLS; encl. photocopy of a TLS from the South Western District Post Office, 27 August (313555A)
313556, Black to Edith, 13 September, TLS
313557, Heald, Johnson & Co. (P.D.R. Brown) to Farley, 27 October, TLS, encl. “Note of a Conference with Mr. Mark Nesbitt on the 7th October, 1971” re the general administration of the Estate as well as John’s claim, 4 pp. There is also a photocopy of the Note with handwritten changes by Mark Nesbitt and signed by him on 12 October.
313558, Black to Edith, 27 October, TLS, re the conference he attended with Felton, encl. the Note.
313559, Edith to Black, 10 October [sic], handwritten draft; “Thank you for your letter of 28 October …”
313560, Farley to Brown, 28 October, TL(car)
313561, Black to Edith, 25 November, TLS, 2 pp.; he thanked her for her letter of 10 October [misdated by her]; he has met with Mr. Taylor re John; the amount to be given to John has not yet been settled.
F.10 Heald, Johnson & Co., 1972
313562, Black to Edith, 6 January TLS, 2 pp.; he is continuing to negotiate with the estate duty office to agree on the final value of the total estate for estate duty purposes.” Until this is done, a settlement re John, represented by Lewis W. Taylor & Co., cannot be finalized.
313563, D.L. Taylor to Black, 7 January, TLS(x); re an Interim Order
313564, Edith to Black, 11 January, TL(car); “It is exasperating, inconvenient and unjust to various beneficiaries that this matter drags on … It seems to me that Mrs. Grace clearly wants a settlement dictated by the value of the estate and not by John’s needs.”
313565, P.D.R. Brown to D.L. Taylor, 12 January, TL(x); re an Interim Consent Order
313566, Black to Edith, 1 February, TLS, 2 pp.; “the complicating factor is that any settlement would have to be approved by the Court of Protection who is ultimately responsible for looking after John’s affairs.”
313567, Edith to Black, 3 February, TL(car)
313568, Black to Edith, 4 February, TLS
313569, Black to Edith, 7 February, TLS; a year has passed since probate was granted thus he enclosed his charges
313570, Edith to Black, 12 February, TL(car); “I have not learned whether the estate is now ‘solvent’ or not.”
313571, Form requesting payment from Inland Revenue, 5 March, photocopy
313572, Black to Edith, 7 March, TLS; an interim order of maintenance has been requested by Lewis W. Taylor & Co.
313573, Edith to Black, 9 March, ALS(car); she agreed to the interim order
313574, Black to Edith, 10 March, TLS
313575, Black to D.L. Taylor, 15 March, TL(x); the Executors have agreed to “an Interim Order in the amount of £200 in addition to the annuity payable under the Will.”
313576, D.L. Taylor to Black, 16 March, TLS(x)
313577, Black to Edith, 21 March, TLS
313578, Black to D.L. Taylor, 22 March, TL(x); there is also an undated, unsigned typed document, 2 pp., “Re: Russell Deceased, Russell v. Russell & Others, Further Opinion” re John’s claim
313579, Black to Edith, 7 April, TLS; re her passport
313580, Heald, Johnson & Co. to Edith, 13 April, TLS; re her passport
313581, Black to Edith, 25 April, TLS; encl. her passport which is now in Box 17.51, F.10
313582, Black to Edith, 28 April, TLS
313583, Black to Edith, 10 May, TLS; re her new Will. They will meet in London on 17 May; Edith noted on the letter that she wanted to sign it “at once.”
313583A, Peter Brown to Felton, 6 June, TLS(x); encl. photocopy of High Court of Justice Consent Order, 24 April 1972, between John Russell and Edith Russell, Lewis W. Taylor & Co. (313583B)
313583C, Felton to Brown, 7 June, TL(car) with compliments card, b.c. to Edith; Edith to Felton, handwritten draft, 11 June (313593D); re the Consent Order
313584, Edith to Black, 15 June, TL(car); re valuing the contents of Plas Penhryn
313584A, Felton to Black, 19 June, TL(x); attached invoice from Heald, Johnson & Co.
313585, Black to Edith, 22 June, TLS; re valuing the contents of Plas Penhryn
313586, Edith to Black, 27 June, TL(car); she believed that the books were insured by McMaster University and the Epstein bust was insured separately. She thought her personal assets were worth £13,000 while the Estate’s assets were worth £2,000. Also in the file is a handwritten working sheet by her listing each room and its contents, 19 rooms in all including halls.
313587, Black to Edith, 3 July, TLS; he confirms that McMaster has insured the books since they are the owners
313588, Black to Edith, 3 July, TLS; encl. his charges for work done
313589, Black to Edith, 5 July, TLS
313590, Black to Edith, 20 July, TLS; re insurance
313591, Black to Edith, 25 July, TLS; he noted that Edith brought some items from Hasker Street to Plas Penrhyn
313592, Black to Edith, 8 November, TLS; encl. correspondence—Black to Felton, 8 November, TL(car) re Archive II (313592A); Black to Richard Robinson, Messrs. Vivash Hunt & Co., 8 November, TL(car) re the archives, estate, Peace Foundation, Furtina Ltd., and McMaster (313592B)
313593, Black to Edith, 15 November, TLS; encl. charges
313594, Black to Edith, 13 December, TLS; encl. photocopy of TLS from Katharine Tait, 5 December—she wonders “why it is taking so long to get the will settled.” (313594A). Also encl. is Black’s typed draft reply, n.d. (313594B).
313595, Edith to Black, draft handwritten reply, 19 December; she agreed with Black’s draft and asked him to send it.
F.11 Heald, Johnson & Co., 1973
313596, Black to Edith, 3 January, TLS; re Sarah, John and the estate
313596A, Black to Felton, 28 March, TLS(x); encl. charges re Archives II
313597, Black to Edith, 19 April, TLS
313598, Black to Edith, 13 May, TLS
313599, Black to Edith, 12 June, TLS, with envelope: “Mr. Farley has asked me to send you a copy of the first agreement with McMaster University concerning the archives”, 28 March 1968.
F.12 Heald and Nickinson, 1974
313600, “Instructions to Counsel on behalf of the defendants to advise in Conference on Friday, 25th January, 1974 at 4.00 p.m.” The defendants were Edith, Farley and Felton, the plaintiff was John; ts. carbon, 5 pp.
313601, Black to Edith, 12 February, TLS
313602, Black to Edith, 22 February, TLS; re her swearing an affidavit
313603, Black to Edith, 28 February, TLS; encl. her typed affidavit, 3 pp. (313603A); there is one correction in pencil by Farley and Edith has written “scrapped” on it; handwritten statement by Edith, “Can’t arrange with Commissioner of Oaths to sign this till the following points are settled” (313603B); handwritten statement by Edith, “Affidavit” (313603C)
313604, Black to Edith, 4 March, TLS; encl. “fresh copy of the Affidavit”, not extant here. On the letter Edith has written points which need correction as well as points accepted. She also wrote that she received, answered, signed and sent it on the 5th of March.
313605, Black to Edith, 6 March, TLS; he is now filing the Affidavit
313606, Photocopy of Affidavit sworn by Dora Grace, 10 April, 3 pp.
313607, Affidavit sworn by Jack Black, 2 May, ts. carbon, 3 pp.; there is also photocopy of a handwritten draft
313608, Black to Edith, 14 May, TLS
313609, Black to Edith, 17 May, TLS; “Following the Hearing before the Chancery Master on which I reported to you in my letter of 5 April, the further Affidavit has been filed on behalf of John Russell, by Mrs. Grace and Counsel has now drafted an Affidavit in reply to be sworn by me.” See documents 313606 and 313607. His letter of 5 April is not extant.
313610, Black to Edith, 21 May, TLS
313611, Black to Edith, 5 June, TLS; encl. “Memorandum re: the Estate of the Right Honourable the Earl Russell Deceased; Matters discussed and decisions reached at a meeting … on 4th June”, typescript, 4 pp. (313611A). Present were Farley, Felton and Black.
313612, Black to Edith, 26 July, TLS; re John’s maintenance and negotiations with the tax authorities re the Estate.
313613, Edith to Black, 30 October, ALS(car); re pensions
313614, Black to Edith, 4 November, TLS
F.13 Heald and Nickinson, 1975
313615, Edith to Black, 20 January, TLS; re paying his accounts
313616, Edith to Black, 12 February, handwritten draft written on an envelope
313617, Edith to Black, 15 February, handwritten draft beginning “2)”; it has no closing; both 313616 and this letter concern insurance policies
313618, Black to Edith, 18 February, TLS; re insurance policies
313619, Black to Edith, 26 February, TLS; re insurance policies
313619A and B, Edith to Black, two handwritten draft letters, both written on the same sheet of paper; they are dated 1 and 14 March; the first concerns insurance while the second concerns a letter she received from her landlord, Osmond Williams
313620, Edith to Osmond Williams (whom she addressed as Michael), 2 March, handwritten draft; re repairs needed to the water tanks at Plas Penrhyn. This letter is written on the recto of 313619A and B.
313621, Edith to Black, 7 March, handwritten draft, re repairs needed to the water tanks at Plas Penrhyn
313622, Black to Edith, 20 March, TLS; “I have now had an opportunity of going through your Lease and I am afraid that it does seem that you are liable to pay for the damage which has occurred” at Plas Penrhyn
313623, Black to Edith, 27 June, TLS
313624, Black to Edith, 12 August, TLS; re Mr. [B.D.S.] Lock
313625, Account from Heald and Nickinson with the Estate executors, encl. V.A.T. invoice
313626, Black to Edith, 12 December, TLS; “I am writing to let you know that agreement has been finally reached with the Estate Duty Office and outstanding estate duty has now all been paid.” “A Conference with Counsel has been arranged … on Tuesday next 16th December.”
313627, “Conference with Counsel: Mr Colin Rimer, December 16 1975, J Black, P Brown, A Felton, C Farley”, draft typescript
313628, Black to Edith, 22 December, TLS, 2 pp.; re various Estate matters
F.14 Heald and Nickinson, 1976
313629, Black to Edith, 9 January, TLS; encl. “a copy of the paragraph 8 of the former Affidavit sworn by you.” This paragraph from 1974 outlined Edith’s financial position. She has marked it up with various changes.
313630, Farley to Black, 15 January, TL(car); encl. photocopy of handwritten letter from Mrs. Edwards, 12 January 1976, 2 pp. (313630A) Mrs. Edwards, who was a member of domestic staff at Plas Penrhyn, was a beneficiary of Russell’s Will.
313631, Edith to Black, 28 January, typed draft with handwritten corrections; beneath this draft Farley has written the names of Black, Fleet and Felton with tasks assigned. The letter concerns the lease and the owner’s (Sir Osmond Williams) intentions. Her “21-year lease on Plas Penrhyn ends in the second quarter of this year.”
313632, Edith to Black, 29 January, ALS(car) re her present financial situation
313633, Black to Edith, 9 February, TLS, 2 pp., with envelope; he sets out an option. “In this way you would have the security of knowing that you could live in the house for the rest of your life at a fair rent, and Sir Osmond would know that he and his family would obtain possession of the house on your death.” There are three penciled “OK” marks in the margin; Edith has noted: “The ‘OK’s’ in the margin are mostly Sir Osmond Williams.”
313634, Black to Edith, 11 February, TLS; re her financial affairs
313635, Edith to Mrs. [Kate] Lloyd, 14 February, handwritten draft re the estate being able to pay bequests.
313636, Edith to Osmond Williams (addressed as Michael), ALS(car); re the Plas Penrhyn lease, she referred to the letter of 9 February (313633) which she wants returned
313637, Mrs. Kate Lloyd to Edith, 18 February, ALS with envelope; receiving the cheque was a surprise; “Lord Russell … was a model patient and to me it has been a great privilege to be of service.”
313638, Mrs. M. Edwards to Farley, 19 February, ALS; she has received her cheque
313639, Mrs. Jones and family to Edith, 22 February, ALS with envelope; thank you for the cheque
313640, Edith to Black, 1 March, ALS(car); re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313641, Black to Edith, 8 March, TLS; “pleased to see that the terms for the new lease are agreed.”
313641A, Edith, photocopy of draft affidavit, dated 12 April 1976 at Lincoln’s Inn; photocopy of draft affidavit of Anton Felton, dated 12 April 1976 at Lincoln’s Inn (313641B); “Opinion in the Matter of the Estate of Bertrand Arthur William Earl Russell Deceased”, photocopy, dated 12 April 1976 at Lincoln’s Inn (313641C)
313642, Black to Edith, 23 April, TLS, 2 pp.; the Counsel has agreed to the payment of Katharine Tait’s legacy. Edith has written copious notes in the margin including information on John provided by Sarah.
313643, Edith to Black, 27 April, handwritten draft
313644, Black to Edith, 21 May, TLS
313645, Black to Edith, 1 June, TLS; re the Plas Penrhyn lease; Edith has written notes on this letter
313646, Black to Edith, 7 June TLS, re the Plas Penrhyn lease; also he thanked her for letting him know that John has taken his seat in the House of Lords. Enclosed photocopy of a TLS from Edward Jones & Son, 4 June who were acting on behalf of Sir M. Osmond Williams (313466A).
313647, Edith to Black, 9 June, handwritten draft; re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313648, Black to Edith, 22 June, TLS; re the Plas Penrhyn lease and the inheritance claim
313649, Black to Edith, 23 June, TLS, encl. Affidavit (not extant here); Edith has noted on the letter: “Signed & witnessed … & sent.”
313650, Black to Edith, 30 June, TLS; re the Atlantic Peace Foundation
313651, Edith to Black, 15 July, handwritten draft; she awaits the new lease
313652, Edith to Messrs. Dunn & Ellis, handwritten draft, 15 July; re lease payment
313653, Black to Edith, 21 July, TLS; encl. photocopy of letter he sent to Messrs. Edward Jones & Sons re the Plas Penrhyn lease (313653A)
313654, Black to Edith, 27 July, TLS; re John’s inheritance claim; Edith has written notes on this letter
313654A, P.D.R. Brown to Edith, 27 July, TLS; re the Peace Foundation tax appeal, encl. TLS(x), to Ken Fleet (313654B)
313655, Edith to Black, 30 July, ALS(car); re John’s inheritance claim. “because of all the enforced delay in tax and other settlements, I have had to draw largely on my own capital.”
313656, Black to Edith, 3 August, TLS
313657, Heald and Nickinson to Messrs. Edward Jones & Son, 6 September, TL(car), with compliments card
313658, Black to Edith, 13 September, TLS; Kate Tait’s lawyers are asking for interest to be paid at a higher rate; he suggested compromising at a rate of 7 1/2 per cent
313659, Felton to Black, TLS(x); re computing the amount to be paid to Kate Tait with compliments card
313660, Edith to Black, handwritten draft, 20 September
313661, Black to Edith, 23 September, TLS
313662, Black to Edith, 18 October, TLS, 2 pp.; Felton’s calculation is that Kate should be paid an additional £505
313663, Edith to Black, 19 October, ALS(car); “my own capital is nearly exhausted and I should like to receive something from the Estate.”
313664, Edith to Black, 21 October, ALS(car); she agreed to Kate’s payment
313665, Black to Edith, 28 October, TLS; the contribution that “the County Council will make for John’s maintenance” is not yet known
313666, Black to Edith, 11 November, TLS; re the Plas Penrhyn lease. Edith’s undated handwritten draft reply is written on the bottom of this letter (313666A).
313667, Black to Edith, 26 November, TLS, re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313668, Osmond Williams to Edith, 30 November, ALS, signed “Michael”; re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313669, Edith to Black, 1 December, handwritten draft written on the verso of Black’s letter (313667), re the Plas Penrhyn lease
313670 Heald and Nickinson (R. Innocent) to Edith, TLS; Mr. Black is absent
F.15 Heald and Nickinson, 1977
313671 Black to Edith, 12 January, TLS with envelope; lease is enclosed. On the envelope Edith has written: “Signed & witnessed 18/1/77, Posted to J. Black 20/1/77”.
313672, Edith to Black, 18 January, ALS(car); the lease is enclosed. The letter includes financial information. Edith has also written financial information on two small slips of paper clipped to this letter.
313673, Black to Edith 24 January, TLS
313674, Farley to Black, 5 February, TLS(x); The Estate “has now entered its eighth year without settlement … [the] strain for Lady Russell in not knowing her real financial circumstances … must be very considerable … It really is very worrying that she continues to live alone and has no idea if and when she may be able to afford to have someone live in to help with some of the essential housework.”
313675, Black to Edith, 8 February, TLS; encl. his reply to Farley, 8 February, TL(car); “I am very sorry that Lady Russell should find herself in this uncertain state for so long. The matter is by no means neglected and I will do whatever is possible in these almost Dickensian proceedings to bring things” to a conclusion. “In the meantime I think the executors should certainly consider getting someone to live in to help Lady Russell.” (313675A)
313676, Black to Edith, 18 February, TLS; re Plas Penrhyn rent
313677, Edith to Black, 21 February, handwritten draft written on the verso of Black’s letter
313678, Black to Edith, 24 February, TLS, encl. photocopy of a TLS from Edward Jones & Son, 15 February, re Plas Penrhyn rent (313678A)
313679, Black to Edith, 3 March; TLS, encl. photocopy of a TLS, 2 pp. from Lewis W. Taylor & Co. to Black. Black writes that John “has been accepted by the Richmond Fellowship Hostel” which “is an indication of his continuing mental disability.” Taylor writes: “Do your clients concede that he is by reason of mental disability incapable of maintaining himself?” (313679A)
313680, Edith to Black, 9 March, ALS(car)
313681, Black to Edith, 21 April, TLS with envelope; he has met with Mr. Taylor re bringing John’s proceeding to an end
313682, Edith to Black, n.d. but in reply to his of 21 April, handwritten draft
313683, Felton to Black, 26 April, TL(car) with compliments card
313684, Edith to Black, 17 April, ALS(car)
313685, Instructions to Counsel to Advise in Conference, photocopy of document, High Court of Justice, between John as the plaintiff and Edith, Farley, Felton and Kate as defendants, n.d., 4 pp.
313686, Black to Edith, 29 April, TLS with envelope; re her Will
313687, Black to Edith, 5 May, TLS with envelope, encl. “Lord Russell Deceased Re: Administration”, 3 May 1977, typed mimeograph, 2 pp. (313687A). Edith has written comments on both the letter and the document.
313688, Black to Edith, 15 June 1977, 2 pp.; encl. “Russell Deceased, Re: Inheritance Claim”, 12 May 1977, typed mimeograph, 2 pp. and a second document with the same title, 16 May 1977. All the paragraphs in the letter plus the documents have been numbered consecutively from 1 to 37. Present at the first meeting were Felton, Farley and Ken Fleet; at the second meeting Mr. Taylor was on the telephone (313688A and B).
313689, Black to Edith, 21 July, TLS, 2 pp.; mainly re the sale of copyrights; John is also discussed
313690, Edith to Black, 29 July, TL(car); re the sale of copyrights
313691, Black to Edith, 23 August, TLS with envelope; encl. a letter he wrote to Felton, 23 August 1977, TL(car), 2 pp.
313692, Black to Edith, 18 October, TLS, 2 pp. with envelope; re the Estate; Edith has written questions and comments on this letter
313693, Heald and Nickinson to Edith, 1 November, TLS, signed by Christopher Jackson for Black with envelope; encl. photocopy of TLS from Mr. Taylor, Lewis W. Taylor & Co.
313694, Edith to Black, TL(car); “I agree to your proposal that John should be offered £3,000 per annum, but that no capital should be set aside for him.”
313695, Black to Edith, 3 November, TLS; re John’s income
F.16 Lewis W. Taylor & Co.
Photocopies of legal documents
313696, Affidavit of Dr. R.E. Senior, 24 July 1970, 3 pp.
313697, Affidavit of Dora Grace, 13 November 1973, 7 pp.
313698, Certified Copy of an Entry of Birth for John Conrad Russell, issued 6 November 1973
F.17 Richard Williams
313699, Receipt for witnessing the signing of documents, 22 October 1970
F.18 Retirement Pension
313700, Edith placed these letters and documents in an envelope titled “Retirement Pension”. The documents are from the Department of Health and Social Security, 1975–77; there are also a handwritten notes by Edith.
313701, Felton to Edith, TLS, 31 October 1972
313702, Black to Edith, 5 December 1974, TLS
313703, Black to Edith, 27 January 1975, TLS
313704, Black to Edith, 13 February 1975, TLS
313705, Black to Edith, 21 April 1975, TLS
313706, Black to Edith, 22 April 1975, TLS
313707, Edith to Black, 14 February 1975, AL(car)
Series 6:
Financial. – 1965–1977. – 50 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Box 17.53
Anton Felton
Note: Files 1 to 6 contain correspondence removed from a binder kept by Christopher Farley and labelled Felton & Partners. Includes letters written on Contiuum Ltd. and Continuum 1 Ltd. letterhead as well as Felton & Partners.
F.1 1965, 1966
313708, 10 July 1965, typed carbon signed receipt by Russell for a payment by Mr. Raab for an interview, 12 July 1965
Continuum Limited letterhead:
313709, Felton to Russell, 7 September 1966, TLS; “everybody now appears to agree that the Archives should be assigned to the Peace Foundation. This would result in miniscule Income on you personally and, if you were to survive five years from the date of the assignment, no Estate Duty.”
313710, Farley to Felton, 19 September 1966, TL(car); re Russell’s accountant, Mr. Madams
313711, Felton to Farley, 23 September 1966, TLS; he is meeting with Mr. Madams. There are two typed signed letters of this date—one is addressed to Farley in London, the other to Farley at Plas Penrhyn.
313712, Farley to Felton, 25 September 1966, TL(car); re meeting Mr. Madams
313713, Farley to Felton, 6 October 1966, TL(car); “I am, quite improperly, sending you a copy of Lord Russell’s letter today to Madams, because I know that you are anxious to make the parting with him as easy as possible … Both Lord and Lady Russell are greatly heartened by this addition to your other services, which you can be sure is a great vote of confidence in you.” Note: there is no copy of Russell’s letter in Archives 1 or 2 and it is not extant here. H.E. Madams had worked for Percy A. Popkin & Co. but by 1966 it appears he had set up his own business.
313714, Russell to Felton, 6 October 1966, TL(car); “I understand … you have agreed to take over from Mr. Madams … [I] am hopeful that your new tasks will fit in well with your activities as literary agent.”
Felton & Partners Chartered Accountants letterhead:
313714A, Felton to Russell, 11 October 1966, TLS
313715, Felton to Farley, 11 October 1966, TLS; encl. ts carbon of Felton letter to H.E. Madams, 11 October 1966 (313715A)
313716, Farley to Felton, 12 October 1966, TL(car); Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas has joined the domestic staff at Plas Penrhyn
313717, Farley to Felton, 12 October 1966, TL(car); re Allen & Unwin royalties
313718, Farley to Felton, 17 October 1966, TL(car); re Mrs. Lucas whom Russell has informed about your responsibilities and H.E. Madams who accepted “the decision gracefully, but asking whether he should complete his work in the financial year … was told no.”
313719, Farley to Felton, 26 October 1966, TL(car); re payment of Mrs. Margaret Edwards, Plas Penrhyn domestic staff
313720, Felton to Farley, 28 October 1966, TLS
313721, Farley to Felton, 1 November 1966, TL(car)
313722, Farley to Felton, 8 November 1966, TL(car)
313723, Felton to Farley, 11 November 1966, TLS; “I am still hurrying up Mr. Madams to receive the papers as without those I cannot make sense of anything.”
313724, Farley to Felton, 21 November 1966, TL(car)
313725, Farley to Felton, 22 November 1966, TL(car)
313726, Farley to Felton, 1 December 1966, TL(car); re Mrs. Jean Redmond, the housekeeper at Hasker Street
F.2 1967
313727, Farley to Felton, 3 January, TL(car), 2 pp.; “I have been trying to reach you on the phone all afternoon about the financial situation of the Russells.”
313728, Farley to Felton, 4 January, TL(car); “Following up the possibility that B.R. is in arrears to the tax authorities, I have compiled a list.” The list, “Payments made by Cheque by Lord Russell in Connection with Taxes”, ts. carbon is enclosed. There are also 2 pages of handwritten notes by Farley.
313729, Farley to Felton, 21 January, TL(car); re tax certificates held by Childs Bank
313730, Farley to Felton, 29 January, TL(car)
313731, Felton to Russell, 27 January, TLS; re his taxes
313732, Russell to Felton, 30 January, TL(car); re his taxes
313733, Russell to H.E. Madams, 2 February, TL(car); he wants his files on taxes turned over to Felton
313734, Felton to Russell, n.d [dated by Farley as early February], TLS, 3 pp.; re taxes
313735, Russell to Felton, 7 February, TL(car), 2 pp.; “Thank you for your recent letter about my tax affairs .. We were advised by Mr. Madams and his predecessor that by paying my wife a salary we would … pay less tax.” There is also a one page typed carbon summary of Felton’s letter of early February.
313736, H.E. Madams to Felton, 13 February, TL(car), 2 pp.; “I do not keep a system whereby I have separate tax files.” Compliments card from Madams.
313737, Farley to Owen Sela, Felton & Partners, 20 February, TL(car)
313738, Farley to Felton, 8 March, TL(car)
313739, Felton to Russell, 8 March, TLS; “on 13th of December 1950, the sum of £11,331.5.11 was lodged in your account, being a transfer direct from Stockholm” for winning the Nobel Prize
313740, Russell to Felton, 14 March, TL(car); “I enclose two summaries of our discussion, one concerning the autobiography and the other concerning financial affairs.” The enclosed documents, both typed carbons, “Lord Russell’s Autobiography” and “Lord Russell’s Accounts” are both dated 13 March 1967 (313720A and B)
313741, Farley to Felton, 14 March, TL(car); a follow-up to the discussion
313742, B.O. Rees Jones, District Commissioners of Taxes to Russell, 20 March, printed form with typed additions re Russell’s tax appeal
313743, Felton to Russell, 30 March, TLS; re the meeting of 13 March. Unlike his preceding letters in F.1 this one is typed on Continuum 1 Limited letterhead. The following letters are again typed on Felton & Partners letterhead.
313744, Sela to Farley, 7 April, TLS
313745, Farley to Felton, 16 April, TL(car); encl. typed carbon of letter from Mrs. Lucas to Russell, 14 April 1976 (313745A). Her original letter is document 313459 in F.4, Box 17.51.
313746, Farley to Sela, 24 April, TL(car), 2 pp.; in the letter he identifies various people. A.W. Stephens is a London builder, Hughes Ellis Williams is a veterinarian, Evan Griffiths is a coalman, Sir O. William is the Wales landlord, Jim Whyley was paid in connection with a holiday for Anne and Lucy, Dobbie and Co. are seedsmen, Mrs. Grace is paid an odd amount in connect with John, D.H. Richards is a grocer who also runs a care hire business in Wales, MacKay and Whitfield are solicitors of the trust fund for the education of the children of the late Alan Wood
313747, Farley to Felton, 28 April, TL(car); re royalties
313748, Felton to Farley, 1 May, TLS; re royalties
313749, Felton to Russell, 3 May 1967; re royalties, encl. typed copy of letter of 8 March (313749A); the original is in this file, document 313739
313750, Farley to Sela, 9 May, TL(car)
313751, Farley to Felton, 15 May, TL(car), 2 pp.
313752, Felton to Farley, 5 June, TLS; re royalties, encl. photocopies of typed letter to Allen & Unwin, 31 May 1967 and typed letter signed from Allen & Unwin to Felton, 1 June 1967 (313752A and B)
313753, Felton to Russell, 12 June, TLS, 2 pp. re “the progress made in your Income Tax Affairs”
313754, Russell to Felton, 17 June, TL(car); “I am grateful for your summary of my tax situation; Everything appears to be in order.”
313755, Farley to Sela, 30 June, TL(car)
313756, Allen & Unwin to Russell, 30 June, photocopied Royalty Statement, 5 pp.
313757, Farley to Felton, 10 August, TL(car)
313758, Bryan O. Rees Jones, District Commissioners of Taxes to Sir or Madam, 22 August, typed signed mimeograph
313759, Felton to Russell, 19 September, TLS
313760, Farley to Felton, 26 September, TL(car)
313761, Sela to Farley, 27 September, TLS
313762, Farley to Sela, 4 October, TL(car); Russell has been paid £336 by the BBC for the year ending 5 April
313763, Edith to Felton, 4 October, TL(car); encl. typed carbon letter from her to Brown Shipley & Co., 4 October, authorizing the release of information to Felton (313763A)
313764, Russell to Felton, 4 October, TL(car); encl. typed carbon letter from him and Edith to Coward Chance & Co., authorizing the release of information to Felton (313764A)
313765, Farley to Sela, 4 October, TL(car)
313766, Farley to Felton, 6 October, TL(car); re the payment of Unwin royalties
313767, Sela to Russell, 9 October, TLS
313768, Felton to Farley, 24 October, TLS; re Unwin royalties, typed on Continuum 1 Limited letterhead. The following letters are again typed on Felton & Partners letterhead.
313769, Farley to Sela, 24 October, TL(car); encl. “six certificates signed by Lord Russell. They concern settlements in favour of his grandchildren … I thought you ought to see them before they are returned to Mr. [B.D.S.] Lock.”
313770, Sela to Farley, 30 October, TLS, 2 pp.
313771, Sela to Farley, 30 October, TLS
313772, Farley to Felton, 31 October, TL(car); “I am anxious to ascertain approximately Lady Russell’s financial situation after BR’s lifetime.”
313773, Felton to Farley, 3 November, TLS; some thoughts on Edith’s “sources of oncome”
313774, Farley to Felton, 7 November, TL(car)
313775, Farley to Sela, 7 November, TL(car)
313776, Felton to Stanley Unwin, 9 November, TL(car), 2 pp; with compliments card
313777, Felton & Partners (Mrs. L. Hardwick) to Farley, 13 November, TLS; re royalties
313778, Sela to Edith, 21 November, TLS; re her domestic staff
313779, Farley to Hardwick, 21 November, TL(car)
313780, Hardwick to Farley, 22 November, TLS; re royalties
313781, Farley to Hardwick, 24 November, TL(car)
313782, Farley to District Commissioners of Taxes; communicate with Felton in future
313783, Farley to Sela, 5 December, TL(car)
313784, Sela to Farley, 8 December, TLS; encl. typed carbon of his letter to Edith (313784A)
313785, Sela to Edith, 8 December, TLS; he needs a reply to his letter of 21 November
313786, Felton & Partners to Russell, 15 December, account
F.3 1968
313787 Farley, to Inspector of Taxes, 1 January, TL(car)
313788, Sela to Farley, 16 January, TLS; re Russell’s taxes
313789, Farley to Sela, 18 January, TL(car)
313790, Farley to Felton, 2 February, TL(x); BR’s bank account is overdrawn
313791, Felton & Partners to Russell, 6 February, statement
313792, Inspector of Taxes to Farley, 7 February, TLS
313793, Stanley Unwin to Felton, 7 February, TLS(x) with compliments card of 13 February from Continuum 1 Limited; Unwin will advance £1,000 to Russell
313794, Sela to Farley, 12 February, TLS
313795, Sela to Farley, 12 February, TLS
313796, Farley to Felton, 19 February, TL(car), 2 pp.; “I have been attempting to make a realistic calculation of BR’s estate and the taxation situation.” He then set out several figures.
313797, Sela to Farley, 20 February, TLS; re Russell’s taxes
313798, Farley to Sela, 8 March, TL(car)
313798A, Farley to Collector of Taxes, 8 March, TL(car)
313799, Farley to Sela, 20 March, TL(car)
313800, Sela to Farley, 21 March, TLS
313800A, Sela to Farley, 4 April, TLS; encl. typescripts “The Rt. Hon. Earl Russell, O.M., F.R.S. Payments in Respect of Covenants” (313800B) and “The Right Hon. Earl Russell, O.M., F.R.S., Bank Account 1 November 1967 to 29 February 1968, Child & Co.”, 3 pp. (313800C)
313801, Farley to Felton, 30 April, TL(car); “BR asked me to send you the enclosed copy of his letter of April 27 to his son Conrad for your information.” The letter can be found in Box 8.14, document 104925.
313802, Russell to Felton, 1 May, TL(car), re Philosopher of the Century; “Sir Stanley Unwin has enquired whether I should wish him to continue to pay royalties on the above book to the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. I write to confirm that that is my wish.”
313803, Farley to Sela, 7 May, TL(car); re BR’s income
313804, Felton to Russell, 8 May, TLS; “whilst I do not wish to sound any note of alarm, it would be advisable this summer to introduce a note of moderate caution in relation to the level of your expenditure.”
313805, Farley to Felton, 14 May, TL(car); Farley quotes from a letter that Conrad wrote to his father on 5 May; the original is in Box 8.14, document 104927
313806, Felton to Russell, 30 May, TLS, 2 pp.; “We have had a great many opinions and consultations following the Sale of the Archives and I am writing to set out the consensus of advice relating to the fiscal implications of the sale.”
313807, Russell to Felton, 31 May, TL(car), 2 pp.; “I understand the need to separate the financial affairs of the Foundation and myself, but am not clear about the short-term implications of this. In particular, if I am to have a net income of approximately £8,000 per annum, I am anxious to learn how this compares with my net income over the past two or three years … I do not know my actual net income recently. It is important for me to discover whether a net income of £8,000 per annum represents a decline in income.”
313808, Felton to Russell, 10 June, TLS; he will reply to the 31 May letter when he returns from abroad
313809, Russell to Felton, 10 June, TL(car); “I am enclosing my latest bank statement. It shows that on May 30 I had a balance of only £363 with Child & Co., after spending some £2,400 in May and paying off an overdraft of £532.”
313810, Farley to Felton, 12 June, TL(car); the Russells want to see a copy of the Hasker Street lease
313811, Felton to Farley, 17 June, TLS, 2 pp., encl. statement and “Lord Russell Archive Account”, 19 June 1968 (313811A). He sets “out the summary position on Lord Russell’s Estate and the Foundation along with my note of the recommended minimum reserves.”
313812, Farley to Felton, 25 June, TL(car); re Mr. Potter’s Opinion
313813, Farley to Felton, 26 June, TL(car); re Mr. Potter’s Opinion
313814, Felton to Russell, 24 June, TLS, 2 pp.; in reply to Russell’s letters of 31 May and 10 June. He set out Russell’s gross income for 1965 and 1968; “Your share of the Archives of some £36,000 which I am investing out to various Building Societies is primarily an Estate Duty Provision based upon Counsels advice.”
313815, Russell to Felton, 30 June, TL(car); “If my income remains constant throughout my lifetime, I shall at the present level of expenditure be coming to you for transfers from the Building Society investments of some five to six thousand pounds per annum (my taxes), plus whatever taxes are still in arrears.”
313816, Statement “Earl Russell. Breakdown of Subsidiary Rights for half year ending 30 June 1968”, typed photocopy, 2 pp.
F.4 1968
313817, Felton to Russell, 3 July, TLS; “transfers from the Building Society investments should not, in fact, account to £5,000 to £6,000 per annum.”
313818, Russell to Felton, 9 July, TL(car); “I am pleased to learn that you are reducing the amount of taxes which I have to pay. I should only point out that my expenditure … has been running at just over one thousand pounds per month.”
313819, Farley to Felton, 11 July, TL(car); “BR would like you to keep the pass books on his behalf and to ensure that the interest is paid into his account with Child’s Bank.” Attached is a leaflet from the National Post Office Building Society, an investment society.
313820, Farley to Sela, 12 July, TL(car); re Hasker Street
313821, Edith to Felton, 13 July, TL(car)
313822, Sela to Farley, 15 July, TLS; re Hasker Street and J.A. Paterson-Morgan, secretary of the Cadogan Estate
313823, Felton to Edith, 16 July, TLS
313824, Felton to Farley, 30 July, TLS
313825, Russell to Felton, 2 August, TL(car); “On July 29 the bank acknowledged receipt of my cheque for U.S. $3,556.43 from my American publishers, Simon & Schuster.”
313826, Farley to Felton, 2 August, TL(car)
313827, Farley to Felton, 3 August, TL(car)
313828, Farley to Felton, 15 August, TL(car); he wants Felton to look at the Oxford University Press royalty statement ending 31 March 1968
313829, Edith to Farley, Monday evening, [19 August], ALS; “I received the attached telegram late this afternoon”. The telegram is from Brown & Shipley, 19 August (313829A); Edith has also made a handwritten transcription of part of this telegram with a reply in Farley’s hand but sent by Edith (313829B)
313830, Sela to Farley, 6 September, TLS
313831, Farley to Felton, 14 September, TL(car)
313832, Sela to Farley, 16 September, TLS
313833, Farley to Felton, 20 September, TL(car)
313834, Farley to Sela, 20 September, TL(car)
313835, Felton to Edith, 1 October, TLS; re her investments
313836, Sela to Farley, 4 October; “it may be to Lady Russell’s advantage if Brown Shipley & Co. were authorized to advise us of any movements on her security holdings.”
313837, Farley to Sela, 10 October, TL(car); Edith will write to Brown Shipley & Co.
313838, Farley to Felton, 17 October, TL(car); re BR’s royalties, “You will observe there is no income from Satan in the Suburbs.”
313839, Sela to Farley, 17 October, TLS
313840, Felton & Partners to Brown Shipley & Co., 24 October, TL(car), with compliments card
313841, Felton & Partners to K.A.M. Abbott, Allen & Unwin Ltd., TLS(x); re royalties, with compliments card
313842, Sela to Farley, 6 November, TLS and TL(car) for Edith with envelope addressed to Edith; she is overdrawn by £240 at Brown Shipley
313843, Farley to Sela, 28 November, TL(car)
313844, Farley to Felton, 6 December, TL(car); re Brown, Shipley & Co.
313845, Sela to Edith, 10 December, TLS; re Brown, Shipley & Co.
F.5 1969
313846, Felton to Russell, 6 January, TLS, 2 pp., encl. invoice; also encl. accounts (not extant here)
313847, Russell to Felton, 7 January, TL(car); “I should like to add that I am most grateful for all the work that your firm has done in connection with my accounts. It must have been very arduous work and I congratulate you very warmly upon its success.”
313848, Farley to Felton, 6 January, TL(car)
313849, Felton & Partners to Farley, 8 January, TLS
313850, Farley to Felton & Partners, 17 January, TL(car)
313851, Felton to Russell, 28 January, TLS typed on Continuum 1 Limited letterhead; “You will be pleased to know that we have received from McMaster University a further $100,000 for the sale of your Archives, encl. statement “The Earl Russell and The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Limited in Account with Continuum 1 Limited, in relation to McMaster University” (313851A)
313852, Farley to Felton, 23 January, TL(car)
313853, Felton & Partners to Mr. Dudley, Child & Co., 3 February, TL(car), with compliments card
313854, Farley to Sela, 20 February, TL(car); re Brian Walker, the son of Mrs. Redmond, housekeeper at Hasker Street. Walker had worked as a decorator for the Russells.
313855, Felton & Partners to Child & Co., 11 February, TL(car); re a joint account for both Russells, with compliments card. Farley had doodled on the letter, the caricature has a thought bubble, “Quite right!”
313856, Sela to Farley, 26 February, TLS
313857, Sela to Farley, 3 March, TLS; re Brian Walker
313858, Felton & Partners, 5 March, TLS; re payments
313859, Farley to Sela, 6 March, TL(car)
313860, Farley to D.H. de Silva, Felton & Partners, 12 March, TL(car); re payments
313861, National Post Office Building Society, March, printed letter addressed to “Dear Member”
313862, Farley to Sela, 25 March, TL(car)
313863, Felton to Farley, 27 March, TLS; encl. invoice for services
313864, Felton to Farley, 28 March, TLS; re taxes
313865, Barclays Bank Ltd. to Russell, 14 April, TLS; encl. demand for payment letter to Russell of the same date (313865A); Brian Walker has filed for bankruptcy
313866, Russell to Barclays Bank Ltd., 16 April, TL(car); encl. payment of £250 in connection with Brian Walker
313867, Barclays Bank Ltd. to Russell, 18 April, TLS
313868, Felton & Partners to Barclays Bank, 23 April, TLS with compliments card
313869, Farley to Felton, 24 April, TL(car); re the domestic staff at Plas Penrhyn
313870, Felton & Partners to Barclays Bank, 25 April, TL(car) with compliments card
313871, Felton to Farley, 25 April, TLS; re the domestic staff at Plas Penrhyn
313872, Felton to Farley, 30 April, TLS; encl. TLS(x) from Barclays Bank (313872A)
313873, Felton & Partners to Barclays Bank, 30 April, TL(car), with compliments card
313874, Sela to Russell, 1 May, TLS; re taxes
313875, Farley to Felton, 8 May, TL(car); re payments to Dora Grace
313876, Farley to Felton, 9 May, TL(car), 2 pp.; re royalties, including the Amberley Papers. “You will remember that this book involves a part royalty to Mrs. Patricia Spence, BR’s third wife. Am I correct to assume that this is a title on which the advance has not yet been recovered and that there is now a debit balance of £639.1.7?”
313877, Farley to Felton, 13 May, TL(car); re payments to Dora Grace
313878, Felton to Farley, 14 May, TLS; re payments to Dora Grace
313879, Felton to Farley, 4 July, TLS; re domestic staff at Plas Penrhyn
313880, Farley to Felton, 8 July, TL(car); re domestic staff at Plas Penrhyn
313881, Felton to Farley, 9 July, TLS,; re domestic staff at Plas Penrhyn
313882, Felton to Farley, 10 July, TLS
313883, Felton to Farley, 16 July, TLS
313884, Felton to Russell, 5 August, TLS; re taxes
313885, Farley to Felton, 15 August, TL(car)
313886, Farley to Felton, 15 August, TL(car)
313887, Felton to Farley, 18 August, TLS; re Russell’s account at Child & Co.
313888, Felton to Farley, 19 August, TLS; re taxes
313889, Farley to Felton, 26 August, TL(car); re Russell’s accounts
313890, Felton to Farley, 27 August, TLS
313891, Farley to Felton, 29 August, TLS; re Russell’s Building Society Deposit Account
313892, Russell to Felton, 2 September, TL(car); encl. letter, form, cheque (not extant here)
313893, Felton to Russell, 3 September, TLS; he has opened an account with the Halifax Building Society
313894, Felton to Russell, 8 September, TLS, re Halifax Building Society
313895, Felton to Russell, 11 September, TLS; re Mrs. M. Edwards, Plas Penrhyn domestic staff member
313896, Felton to Russell, 23 September, TLS, 2 pp.; re Mrs. M. Edwards, Plas Penrhyn domestic staff member
313897, Russell to Felton, 7 October, TL and TL(car); re Mrs. Edwards and other members of the Plas Penrhyn domestic staff
313898, Felton to Farley, 9 October, TLS
313899, Felton & Partners to Child & Co., 9 October, TL(car)
313900, Farley to Felton, 19 October, TLS; “I enclose a copy of a letter to you from BR dictated many days ago but still unsigned as BR is not well.” This must refer to 313897.
313901, Farley to Felton, 20 October, TL(car)
313902, Felton to Farley, 21 October, TLS
313903, Felton & Partners to Allen & Unwin, 30 October, TL(car) with compliments card; re royalty statement ending 30 June
313904, National Post Office Building Society, October, printed letter addressed to “Dear Member” with attached note re interest payment
313905, Felton & Partners to Inspector of Taxes, 11 November, TL(car) with compliments card
313906, Felton to Blanche Lucas, Theodore Goddard & Co., 13 November, TLS(car) with compliments card; re Mr. Elman’s visit on 11 November
313907, Felton to Russell, 14 November, TLS; re sur tax liability, 1963 to 1968
313908, Felton to Farley, 14 November, TLS
313909, Felton to Farley, 17 November, TLS; encl. typed statement “The Rt. Hon. Earl Russell, O.M., F.R.S., Staff Wages 1969/70”; employees listed are Mrs. Margaret Edwards, Thomas H. Mullock, Mrs. Kate Lloyd, Mrs. Doreen Jones.
313910, Farley to Felton, 18 November, TL(car); re the sur tax liability
313911, Felton to Farley, 19 November, TLS; re Power of Attorney
313912, Felton to Russell, 25 November, TLS; “At this time your expenditure is currently meeting your income but does not provide a sufficient margin for taxation. We have effected certain reserves to provide for taxation and we also intend that these reserves should provide a reasonable sum towards any estate duty liability.”
313913, Farley to Felton, 2 December, TL(car); “BR is very grateful for your recent letter about his general financial position. It is not clear from Mrs. Lucas’s letter whether she personally met you … The Russells have a general feeling that she is insufficiently informed of their overall financial situation and they would rather depend upon your judgement in these matters. Mr. B.D.S Lock of Coward, Chance and Co. says he will be writing to Mrs. Lucas about the financial situation of the three grand-daughters and the Russells are very anxious that you should know what is being said and advise them accordingly.”
313914, Felton & Partners to Brown, Shipley & Co., 4 December, TL(car) with compliments card; re Edith Russell
313915, Felton to Farley, 5 December, TLS; “I am very sorry that Mrs. Lucas thought fit to trouble the Russells and yourself as it had been promised and agreed that Mr. Elman would contact me first. He enclosed a copy of a letter sent to Mrs. Lucas. “I am sure that Mrs. Lucas will now come back to me and we will be able to work together on the Estate Duty calculations.”
313916, Felton to Lucas, 5 December, TL(car), 2 pp., with compliments card; “Chris Farley has sent me a copy of your letter to Lord Russell of 28 November [document 313511]. I am sorry that neither Mr. Elman or you came back to me after my meeting with Mr. Elman as was promised, as a certain amount of distress and misunderstanding could have been saved … I cannot agree with the facts, the conclusions, or the advice set out in your letter.” He then set out his reasons.
313917, Farley to Felton, 10 December, TL(car); the Russells found “your letter to Mrs. Lucas restrained but somewhat formidable!”
313918, Felton to Farley, 15 December, TLS
F.6 1970
313919, Felton to M.A. Croft Baker, Theodore Goddard & Co., 6 January, TL(car) with compliments card
313920, Felton to Farley, 12 January, TLS; re the Archives sale
313921, Felton to Farley, 26 January, TLS, encl. photocopy of typed “statement recording Lord Russell’s interest in the last payment of the Archives” (313921A)
313922, Farley to Felton, 27 January, TL(car)
313923, Felton to Croft Baker, 30 January, TL(car) with compliments card
313924, Farley to Felton, 2 February (dictated 31 January), TL(car); he is going abroad, back on February 6
313925, Farley to Felton, 15 June, TL(car); requests an advance of £2,000 for Edith. This carbon was typed on the verso of the British ‘Who Killed Kenndy?’ Committee letterhead.
313926, Felton to Child & Co., 17 June, TLS(car) with compliments card to Farley
313927, Farley to Felton, 22 September, TL(car)
313928, Felton to Farley, 28 September, TLS
313929, Felton to Farley, 30 September, TLS; encl. TL(car) to Brown Shipley & Co., 30 September (313929A)
313930, Farley to Felton, 5 October, TL(car); this carbon was typed on the verso of a form letter sent out under Russell’s name by the Peace Foundation
313931, Felton to Farley, 6 October, TLS; encl. TL(car) to Child & Co., 6 October (313931A)
313932, Felton to Farley, 7 October, TLS
313933, Felton to Farley, 9 October, TLS
313934, Farley to Felton, 20 October, TL(car)
313935, Felton to Farley, 28 October, TLS(x); re Anne and Lucy Russell
313936, Farley to Felton, 12 November, TL(car); Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. Jones, all Plas Penrhyn domestic staff, have been terminated. Mr. Mullock, the gardener, has been kept on. This letter was typed on the verso of letterhead for the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, 8, Roland Gardens.
313937, Felton to Farley, 13 November, TLS
313938, Felton to Farley, 4 December, TLS
313939, Farley to Felton, 8 December, TL(car)
313940, Farley to Felton, 15 December, TL(car)
313941, Felton to Farley, 17 December, TLS
313942, Farley to Felton, 29 December (dictated 23 December), TL(car); encl. typed carbon list (313942A), “Possible Questions from Lady Russell Concerning Her Overall Financial Situation, December 1970.” There are 11 questions, number 12 was left blank on the white carbon (313942B) sent to her and Edith has written several questions concerning John’s annuity on it. The letter and the encl. carbon are on pink paper. Also placed in this file by the archivist is a circular card (313942C) found with the cards now in Box 17.50, F.4. Undated, it concerns Dora and John’s relationship to the Estate as well as Felton’s 10%.
313943, Farley to Felton, 29 December, TL(car)
F.7 1972–77
313944, Photocopies of 50 letters sent by Felton & Partners to Child & Co. re Edith; most have compliments cards with typed notes; a few of these letters are not photocopies but typed carbons. One letter, 21 December 1973, has statements re Archives II attached.
F.8 Felton to Edith, 1970
313945, 29 September, TLS(car)
313946, 23 October, TLS
313947, 4 November, TLS
313948, 5 November, TLS
313949, typed carbon statement, 2 pp., “Countess Russell, Valuation of Securities as at 22 September 1970” totaling £41,222
313949A, “Continuum 1 Limited and The Executor to the Estate of the Late Lord Russell, 2nd February to 2nd December 1970”, photocopy of typescript
F.9 Edith grouped these letters together with the title “Mortgage Bond”. The file contains letters not pertaining to mortgages and letters about mortgages are in other files in this box.
313950, Felton to Edith, 24 March, TLS(x), 2 pp.; the original of this letter is in F.10, document 313979 and is much more legible
313951, Felton to Edith, 5 May, TLS; “I have arranged the Private Mortgage.”
313952, Edith to Felton, 19 May, TLS(car); on the verso is a TL(car) to Ken Fleet, 19 May (313952A)
313953, Felton to Edith, 1 June, TLS, 3 pp.; “I do appreciate your annotations on my letter of the 24th March as it enables me to easily identify your comments.” Edith has written more comments on this letter. She also typed up a copy of this letter on which she wrote more comments (313953A).
313954, Edith to Felton, 7 June, TLS(car); this letter is a reply to his letter of 1 June
313955, Felton to Edith, 13 June, TLS; “Heald, Johnson & Co., advise that we should assess the value of the contents at Plas Penrhyn as divided between your personal assets and those of the Estate.”
313956, Felton to Edith, 13 June, TLS, 2 pp.; “Banks do make mistakes, with increasing frequency. It is not the machines which are wrong but increasingly unskilled and ill-motivated people who feed the machines with information.”
313957, Edith to Felton, 15 June, TL(car); “Have you ever received any reply to your letter to Mr. Jimmy Vaughan of 17 May concerning the proposed film?”
Felton’s letter to Vaughanis in Box 17.61, F.5, document 314949.
313958, Felton to Edith, 31 August, TLS; “I am now attending to your personal taxation affairs which are quite separate from the affairs of the Estate.”
313959, Handwritten signed note from Farley, 22 January, titled “Your Investments”
313960, Edith to Felton, 25 January, handwritten draft re her investments. There is an earlier draft with the same date of this letter which Edith has crossed out (313960A)
313961, Felton to Edith, 18 February, TLS; partly re private mortgages
313962, Felton to Edith, 26 February, TLS
313963, Edith to Felton, 18 March, handwritten draft
313964, Edith to Felton, 20 March, handwritten draft
313965, Felton to Edith, 21 March, TLS
313966, Felton to Edith, 8 April, TLS; encl. statement “Mortgage Investment”
313967, Edith to Felton, 9 April, handwritten draft
313968, Edith to Felton, 5 September, TLS(car); encl. “notes and quotations from your letters about the bond”, 3 pp. typed carbon. Edith also kept one page of handwritten notes used to type the enclosure.
313969, Carole Smith, Secretary to Anton Felton, to Edith, 10 September, TLS; Felton is abroad
313970, Felton to Edith, 18 September, TLS, 2 pp.; re her investments; Edith has written comments on this letter
313971, Felton to Edith, 7 October, TLS; re Mortgage Bond interest
313972, Felton to Edith, 13 December, TLS; re Mortgage Boind interest
F.10 Felton & Partners 1971
313973, Felton to Farley, 11 January, TLS; re “Lady Russell’s Account”
313974, Felton & Partners to Brown, Shipley, & Co., 18 January, TL(car) with compliments card to Edith
313975, Felton to Edith, 12 February, TLS, 2 pp.; “I understand from Chris Farley that you have intimated that you might wish to make a substantial gift to Conrad.” He set out Estate issues. “It might therefore be, in the light of the above, more prudent to consider deferring any substantial commitment towards any members of your family.”
313976, Edith to Felton, 21 February, TL(car), 2 pp.; encl. typed carbon list, 3 pp. “Schedule of Estimated Expenditure in Future,” with sub-headings, Plas Penrhyn, London, and Personal (313976A). In her letter Edith stated that she wanted to make the following gifts from her own funds: “Conrad Russell, £5,000, Mrs. Kate Tait, £1,000, the three grandchildren, Ann [sic], Sarah and Lucy, £1,000, Mrs. Jean Redmond, £500.”
313977, Felton to Edith, 25 February, TLS, 3 pp.; he thinks it a good decision financially to sell the Hasker Street lease. The gifts will involve a will change. He will write to Jack Black.
313978, Felton to Black, 25 February, TL(car)
313979, Felton to Edith, 24 March, TLS, 2 pp.; Edith has written copious notes in the margins
313980, Felton to Edith, 26 April, TLS; Edith has sold investments. “The net balance due to you is £44,126.87.” She planned on buying a private mortgage for £10,000.
313981, Felton to Edith, 14 June, TLS; re gifts to the grandchildren (Anne, Lucy, Sarah)
313982, Felton to Edith, 21 June, TLS; Edith has sent Mr. Lock of Coward, Chance “£180 out of your General Royalties” re the grandchildren
313983, Felton to Edith, 9 August, TLS; Edith has written comments in the margin
313984, Felton to Edith, 9 August, TLS; encl. TL(car) to Child & Co.
313985, Felton to Edith, 10 August, TLS
313986, Felton to Edith, 26 August, TLS; re her investments
313987, Felton & Partners to Child & Co., 2 September, TL(car), with compliments card to Edith
313988, Felton to Edith, 13 September, TL; Felton is meeting with Ronald Clark
313989, Felton to Edith, 11 October, TLS; re Hambro Bonds
313990, Felton to Edith, 11 October, TLS
F.11 Felton & Partners, 1972
313991, “ER Finances”, handwritten note with entries from 12 January 1972 to 1 January 1971
313992, Joan Daws, Felton & Partners, 12 January, TLS; encl. TL(car) of letter to Child & Co.
313993, Felton to Edith, 29 February, TLS; encl. letter “from Dunn & Ellis in which they ask for one years rent on Plas Penrhyn”. The letter is not extant here but Felton’s TL(car) reply to Dunn & Ellis is (313993A).
313994, Edith to Felton, 3 March, typed letter on the verso of Felton’s letter to her; “A horrid shock! For I am very much ashamed to say that I had clean forgot about rent for Plas Penrhyn. However, by good luck I can pay it.” She also inquired as to whether she should close her account with Brown, Shipley. There is also a handwritten draft of this letter (313994A)
313995, Felton to Edith, 7 March, TLS; he agreed it was time to close her account with Brown, Shipley & Co.
313996, Felton to Edith, 10 March, TLS
313997, Edith to Felton, 15 March, TL(car); she is unclear as to whether she should pay the Plas Penrhyn rent or the Estate should do it
313998, Felton to Edith, 15 March, TLS; encl. TL(car) of letter to Dunn & Ellis (313998A). In his letter Felton apologized for the muddle over the rent.
313999, Edith to Felton, [17 March], handwritten draft; she thanked him for paying the Plas Penrhyn rent
314000, Felton to Edith, 20 March, TLS; “it will not be necessary for you to refund the rent money to the Estate as there is a balance due to you from the Estate arising on the Gifts Inter Vivos.”
314001, Felton & Partners to Child & Co., 10 April, TL(car) with compliments card for Edith
314002, Felton to Edith, 5 June, TLS; “It is my understanding that until the Estate is wound up the Executors have a duty to protect the assets and this includes insurance of the property.”
314003, Edith to Felton, 6 June, TLS(car); she inquired what will happen if there is a fire at Plas Penrhyn. “As you will see from the enclosed statement from Child’s, I have made a royal muddle … I am well into the red in my account with them.”
314004, Felton to Edith, 10 July, TLS; encl. “a copy of a letter I have today sent to the Bank transferring £1,000 to your Account at Child & Co.” TL(car, x) (314004A)
314005, Felton to Edith, 25 July, TLS; encl. “a copy of a letter to your Bankers in which I enclose the interest from Crossmill Securities for June and July. Felton to Child & Co., 25 July, TL(car, x); encl. cheque for £209 (314005A)
314006, Felton to Edith, 4 September, TLS
314007, Felton to Edith, 15 September, TLS; Hollybush House in Barnet will now be his main address, not Newman Street in London. Edith has written a draft reply on this letter about interest and mortgages.
314008, Felton to Edith, 25 September, TLS
314009, Felton to Edith, 18 October, TLS; encl. letter; “I am sorry that the various negotiations in which I was involved at McMaster prevented me from enquiring as to your reactions to the University. I would be most interested to learn of your criticisms and views.” Felton to Child & Co., 18 October, TLS(x), sending cheques for deposit in Edith’s account (314009A). Also photocopy of document, “The Bertrand Russell Archives Rechargeable Expenses Computation, 1 September 1966 to 31 October 1972”, stamped Felton & Partners, 2 pp. (314009B).
314010, Felton, 31 October, invoice for services; Edith has written on this document: “Arranged with Mr. Felton by telephone 2/11/72 that this should be paid by Estate funds.”
314011, Continuum I Limited, 13 December, statement in account with Edith about the Second Archives, typed carbon
314012, Felton to Child & Co., 15 December, TLS(x) with compliments card for Edith
314013, Edith to Felton, 19 December, handwritten draft with questions about his letter of 15 December to Child & Co. Felton is going to South Africa for a month and she hoped to hear from him upon his return.
F.12, Felton & Partners, 1973
314014, Felton to Edith, 21 February, TLS; re the possible sale of property bonds. Edith wrote some questions and noted that she had replied by telephone.
314015, Felton to Edith, 21 March, TLS; re rent to be paid to Dunn and Ellis, the landlord’s agents for Plas Penrhyn
314016, Felton to Edith, 27 March, TLS; re her investments and the Capital Gains tax
314017, Felton to Edith, 3 May, TL; re her tax returns
314018, Felton to Edith, 10 May, TLS; encl. invoice for work done, 9 May
314019, Felton to Edith, 24 May, TLS, 2 pp.; re options for investments of the cash realized by the sale of the Hambro Bonds. Edith has attached a leaflet issued by Sun Life of Canada about annuities to this letter.
314020, Felton to Edith, 25 May, TLS
314021, Edith to Felton, 16 May, TL(car), 2 pp.; re the Sun Life annuity; “I have a rooted objection to annuities that it is difficult to overcome.”
314022, Felton to Edith, 8 June, TL; “I did not appreciate that you had had a heart attack in 1957 … I would not have advised an annuity scheme if I had know this.”
314023, Felton to Edith, 19 June, TLS, 2 pp.; re options for investment
314024, Edith to Felton, 20 June, handwritten draft
314025, Felton to Edith, 5 July, TLS
314026, Edith to Felton, 6 July, TL(car)
314027, Felton to Edith, 9 July, TLS; re Phoenix Assurance
314028, Felton to Edith, 11 July, TLS
314029, Felton to Edith, 2 August, TLS; re Phoenix Wealth Assured Bonds; encl. a copy of the acceptance form, 24 July
314030, Felton to Edith, 15 August, TLS
314031, Felton to Edith, 30 August, TLS
314032, Felton to Edith, 5 November, TLS; re income tax
314033, Felton to Edith, 5 November, TLS; “What splendid news about the Irish Sweepstake. I am very happy to confirm that your receipt of the prize is quite legal and absolutely tax free.”
314034, Felton to Edith, 10 December, TLS
Note: Also in this file are printed pamphlets from Phoenix Wealth Assure Fund.
F.13, Felton & Partners, 1974
314035, “Basic things in 1974”, handwritten document by Edith
314036, Felton to Edith, 4 January, TL; re taxes
314037, Carole Smith to Edith, 17 April, TLS with envelope; she apologized for an error. Edith has written notes on the envelope detailing the error.
314038, Felton to Edith, 9 July, TLS
314039, Felton to Edith, 11 July, TLS; re taxes
314040, Felton to Edith, 16 July, TLS; encl. invoice for his fees, 15 July
314041, Felton to Edith, 19 July, TLS
314042, Felton to Edith, 12 December, TLS; “I gather the Gardener is getting married.”
F.14, Felton & Partners, 1975
314043, Felton to Edith, 2 January, TLS; he needs more details about the gardener for tax purposes
314044, Edith to Felton, 6 January, handwritten draft written on the bottom of Felton’s letter
314045, Felton to Edith, 12 February, TLS; encl. photocopy of letter to Child & Co.
314046, Edith to Felton, 14 February, handwritten draft; also a note by Edith, 14 February about questions she asked Felton on the telephone (313446A)
314047, Felton to Edith, 17 February, TLS, 2 pp.; re investments
314048, Edith to Felton, 18 February, handwritten draft
314049, Felton to Edith, 19 February, TLS; re her Phoenix Wealth Assured Bond which has fallen in value. Attached is a letter from Peter Evans, Sure-Way Insurance Consultants Ltd. to Felton, 18 February, TLS(x), 2 pp. (313449A)
314050, Edith to Felton, 24 February, handwritten draft; do not cash the bond until she thinks it over carefully
314051, Felton to Edith, 21 February, TLS; encl. Phoenix surrender form
314052, Felton to Edith, 2 April, TLS; her Phoenix bond “is guaranteed to be worth £25,000 on 18 February 1983.”
314053, Denis de Silva to Edith, 11 April, TLS
314054, handwritten reminder note to Edith from herself, 29 April
314055, Felton to Edith, 1 May, TLS
314056, Edith to Felton, 2 May, TL(car); “Your letter of 1 May has puzzled me. It does not appear to agree with your letters of 12 February and 17 February (transcriptions of which I enclose).”; the enclosure is 3 pp.
314057, Felton to Edith, 8 May, TLS; encl. schedules of interest payments
314058, Felton to Edith, 27 May, TLS; re income tax; encl. invoice for his fees, 23 April
314059, Phoenix Assurance Co. Ltd., 31 October, notice with cheque attached (not extant here)
F.15, Felton & Partners, 1976–77
314060, Felton to Edith, 13 January, TLS; re interest on mortgage loan
314061, Felton to Farley, 13 January, TL(car, x), encl. letter to Peter Brown, Heald and NIckinson, 13 January, TL(car, x), 2 pp. (313461A)
314062, Felton to Peter Evans, Sure-Way Insurance Consultants Ltd., 13 January, TL(car, x); re Phoenix bond redemption
314063, Felton to Edith, 14 January, TLS, 2 pp.; “Although the [Peace] Foundation is a Corporation for Public Purposes it is not a charity (unlike the Atlantic Peace Foundation.)”
314064, Felton to Edith, 21 January, TLS; re the redemption of her Phoenix bond
314065, Felton to Edith, 21 January, TLS; he had confused the Capital Transfer Tax with the new Wealth Tax in his letter of 14 January
314066, Felton to Edith, 23 January, TLS with envelope
314067, Felton to Edith, 28 January, TLS; re providing a Capital Statement for the Court
314068, Edith to Felton, 30 January, handwritten draft
314069, Edith to Felton, 11 February, handwritten draft; “In one of your recent letters you ask for a rough estimate of my probable expenses for 1975–76.” There are seven pages of handwritten notes by Edith titled “Possible personal expenses 1975–76 (based on expenses in 1974–5)”. She also clipped an article from the Times, “Legislation soon on refund over sewerage charges”, 15 January to which she attached a handwritten note. Also one handwritten page, “Lady Russell’s Personal Expenses” to which Edith noted “Ken Fleet’s summary”.
314070, Felton to Edith, 18 February, TLS
314071, Edith to Felton, 14 May, handwritten draft
314072, Denis de Silva for Anton Felton, 2 July, TLS; re the Phoenix bond
314073, Edith to Felton, 8 July, handwritten draft signed
314074, Felton to Edith, 19 July, TLS
314075, Felton to Edith, 17 December, TLS; encl. copy of letter to Child & Co.
314076, Felton to Edith, 24 May, TLS
314077, Felton to Edith, 26 September, TLS
Box 17.54
F.1 Barclays Bank Ltd., Portmadoc Branch
314078, Dewi W. Jones to Russell, 21 December 1967, TLS; notice of an overdrawn account
F.2 Barclays Bank Ltd., Portmadoc Branch, 1967, 1970
314079, Printed acknowledgement card from the Manager, 27 December 1967, to Edith. The other acknowledgement cards in this file are not listed.
314080, from Edith, TL(car), 7 March
314081, from D. Wynn Jones, Manager, to Edith, 18 March, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314982, Edith to Jones, 19 March, TL(car)
314083, Jones to Edith, 15 April, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314084, Jones to Edith, 13 May, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314085, Jones to Edith, 18 June, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314086, Edith to Jones, 22 June, TLS(car)
314087, Jones to Edith, 15 July, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314088, Jones to Edith, 14 September, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314089, Edith to Jones, 9 November, TL(car); Mrs. Margaret Edwards, Mrs. Kate Lloyd and Mrs. Doreen Jones are retiring from her employment on 13 November
314090, Jones to Edith, 10 November, TLS
314091, Edith to Jones, 22 December, handwritten draft
314092, Jones to Edith, 23 December, TLS
F.3 Barclays Bank Ltd., Portmadoc Branch, 1971–75
Printed acknowledgement cards in this file are not listed.
314093, Jones to Edith, 5 April, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314094, Jones to Edith, 22 June, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314095, Jones to Edith, 8 March, TLS your account is overdrawn
314096, Edith to Jones, 9 March, handwritten draft signed
314097, Jones to Edith, 19 April, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314098, Jones to Edith 4 May, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314099, Jones to Edith, 28 June, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314100, Jones to Edith, 4 September, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314101, Jones to Edith, 31 October, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314102, Jones to Edith, 22 December, TLS; your account is overdrawn
314103, Edith to Wyn Roberts, Manager, 19 March, handwritten draft
F.4 Barclays Bank Ltd., Portmadoc Branch
314104, Statements, 1973–77
F.5 Brown, Shipley & Co. Ltd., 1967–70
314105, Secretary to Edith, 21 July, TLS
314106, from Edith, 22 July, TL(car); “please supply my accountants with duplicate bank statements beginning July 1964.”
314107, Secretary to Edith, 26 July, TLS
314108, Assistant Manager to Edith, 12 October, TLS
314109, from Edith, 11 October, TL(car); please correspond with my accountants
314110, Assistant Manager to Edith, 17 October, TLS
314111, from Edith, 7 March, TL(car)
314112, Assistant Manager to Edith, 10 March, TLS
314113, from Edith, 25 August, TL(car); wants a statement of value for her securities
314114, Statement of Securities, 27 August, 2 pp., signed by the Assistant Manger with compliments card and envelope
314115, Mimeographed signed letter from the General Manager, 21 September, advising of a temporary change of location but their postal address will remain unchanged
314116, Handwritten list by Farley, “E.R.’s balance” from 1967 to 1970
F.6 Brown, Shipley & Co. Ltd.
314117, Envelope containing three cheque stub books: 12 November 1962 to 7 June 1971; 15 June 1967 to 5 June 1971; 10 June 1971 to 9 March 1972. The stubs record the recipients of the cheques and the amounts paid.
314117A, from Edith, 9 March 1972, TL(car); she is closing her account which she does “with the greatest regret.”
F.7 Child & Co.
314118, from Edith, 5 March 1970, TL(car); she wanted a bank statement sent monthly.
314119, Notifications of remittances and transfers, 6 April to 11 January 1971, 14 documents not listed individually
314120, Mimeographed notification letter, September to the customers of Child & Co.: Child & Co. was owned by Glyn, Mills & Co. In September 1970 there was a merger between Glyn, Mills & Co., Williams Deacon’s Bank Ltd., and the National Bank Ltd. The new name of the company was Williams and Glyn’s Bank Ltd. Child & Co. continued to operate under its own name within the newly amalgamated bank.
314121, TLS from the bank, 23 December 1970, regretting that they had been addressing her incorrectly
314122, Christopher Farley handwritten note, recording “E.R.’s current a/c Childs Bank”
314123, Glyn, Mills & Co. pamphlet explaining computers and cheque sorting machines
F.8 Child & Co., 1972–77
314124, from Edith, 5 July 1972, TL(car)
314125, to Edith, 19 September 1972, TLS with envelope; re traveller’s cheques; also a Travel Facilities form dated of 12 September 1972
314126, from Edith, 22 September, handwritten draft
314127, to Edith, 2 October 1972, TLS; re a cash gift of £5 for Julie Medlock; attached bank form for this gift
314128, Printed invitation to a Ball to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the bank on 24 June 1973, with envelope pmk. 11 April and a directions card; Edith has written “no” on the envelope
314129, to Edith, 8 June 1973, TLS; her current account is overdrawn—permission is sought to move funds over from her deposit account
314130, from Edith, 12 June 1973, TL(car); she agreed to the transfer
314131, to Edith, 18 June 1973, TLS; the overdraft was the bank’s mistake
314132, to Edith, 5 February 1974, TLS
314133, from Edith, 13 May 1974, handwritten draft
314134, to Edith, 20 May 1974, TLS
314135, from Edith, 13 June 1974, TL(car); wants money transferred from her deposit to her current account
314136, Bank Notice, 18 June 1974; funds have been transferred
314137, to Edith, 1 November 1974, TLS
314138, from Edith, 1 November 1974, handwritten draft; she wished to continue the cashing arrangement she has between Child & Co. and Barclays Bank, Portmadoc
314139, to Edith, 7 November 1974, TLS
314140, to Edith, 13 May 1975, TLS
314141, from Edith, 29 January 1976, TLS(car); she requested a statement be sent to her lawyer, Jack Black. Attached to this letter are some notes Edith made about a mortgage bond from 1974 to 1975.
314142, to Edith, 5 February 1976, TLS
314143, to Edith, 15 December 1976, TLS
314144, Printed notice from the bank re the retirement of J.N.W. Dudley on 30 June 1977
314145, from Ken Fleet, 3 August 1977, TL(car), with compliments card from the BRPF; encl. cheque to be deposited to Edith’s account
314146, from Edith, 5 August 1977, handwritten draft; she wants the cheque credited to her Deposit Account
314147, from Edith to Ken Fleet, 5 August, handwritten draft; she thanked him for his assistance
Note: Both 314146 and 314147 are written on the verso of 314145
314148, to Edith, 11 August 1977, TLS
314149, to Edith, 5 October 1977, TLS
314150, from Ken Fleet, 24 October 1977, TL(car); encl. cheque for deposit in Edith’s account
F.9 Child & Co., 1971–77
314151, Notifications from the bank of remittances, credits, and transfers
F.10 Child & Co., 1972–76
314152, Printed bank statements to which Edith has added information
F.11 Child & Co. cancelled cheques
314153, Cheques, 7–28 February 1970, with compliments card from Felton and a form filled out by Edith requesting a cheque book
314154, Cheques, 6–27 March 1970
F.12 Child & Co. cancelled cheques
314155, Cheques, 1–29 April 1970; also a request for a cheque book
314156, Cheques, 2–29 May 1970; also a request for a cheque book
F.13 Child & Co. cancelled cheques
314157, Cheques, 5–26 June 1970; also a request for a cheque book
314158, Cheques, 1–30 July 1970
F.14 Child & Co. cancelled cheques
314159, Cheques, 4–24 August 1970; also a request for a cheque book
F.15 Child & Co. cancelled cheques
314160, Cheques, 21 October 1972; 11–21 May 1973
F.16 Child & Co., cheque stubs
314161, Four books of stubs, 1 June 1970 to 19 October 1970; name of bank identified by matching the stubs to the cancelled cheques
F.17 Child & Co., cheque stubs
314162, Three books of stubs, 21 October 1970 to 15 January 1971
F.18, Child & Co., cheque stubs
314163, Four books of stubs, 1971
F.19 Child & Co., cheque stubs
314164, Seven books of stubs, 1972, 1973
Box 17.55
F.1 Child & Co., cheque stubs
314165, Three books of stubs, 1973, 1974
314166, Five books of stubs, 1973, 1974
F.2 Child & Co., cheque stubs
314167, Four books of stubs, 1974
314168, Two books of stubs, 1974, 1975
F.3 Child & Co., cheque stubs
314169, Five books of stubs, 1975
F.4 Other banks
314170, Lloyds Bank Limited, two photocopies of notices of deposit from Hambro Life Assurance Ltd., 1972, with compliments card from Felton
314171, Bank of Ireland, 1 November 1973, printed letter encl. cheque; Edith has written on this letter that she sent the cheque to Child & Co. for deposit and that she wrote to Felton about advice on the Sweeps.
Invoices from Businesses and Government Councils
F.5 Addressed to Edith at 41 Queens Road
314172, Cunningham Beattie Ltd., 1 September 1954
314173, Southdown Laundry Ltd, two invoices both paid on 2 March 1954
Invoices and other Communications arranged in Alphabetical Order, mostly addressed to Edith at Plas Penrhyn; those addressed to Russell are noted as are those for Hasker Street
F.6 A
314174, Afonwen Steam Laundry Ltd., North Wales (Mrs. B. Owen), mimeographed letter, n.d., outlining changes to the business
314175, Automobile Association, 9 June 1975
F.7 Army & Navy Stores
314176, 21 April 1967 to 15 December 1975
F.8 B
314177, John Bell & Croyden, 27 November 1967
314178, Betterwear, 14 September
314179, A&C Black Ltd., April 1968
314180, British Domestic Appliances, 6 October 1975
F.9 G.F. Blount Building Contractor
314181, March 1967 to July 1968
F.10 Bravingtons Diamond Merchants, Jewellers & Watch Importers
314182, March to December 1968; watch repairs
F.11 M. Brody Ltd.
314183, July and August 1968
F.12 Brown’s Hotel
314184, Two invoices from 1972 and one from 1973; Edith stayed in Rooms 71 and 188
F.13 C
314185, Cambrian Cleaners Ltd., 5 April 1975
314186, Invoice for a commode, supplier’s name not on invoice, 4 October 1967
F.14 Co-Operative Retail Services Ltd.
314187, Two remittances notices and one notification, 1968; two are addressed to “Earl Russell”
314188, to Edith from J. Dibb, 21 November 1973, TLS; re her television rentals
F.15 D
314189 Damart Thermaware Ltd., n.d.
314190, Dafydd Ellis, Jeweller & Watch Repairs, 4 May 1975
314191, K. Davies, 19 Oct. 1976; trimming Peanut
314192, Deudraeth Solid Fuel Merchant, 16 February 1975
314193, Alfred Dunhill Ltd., 16 July 1969; pipe cleaners
F.16 Debenham & Freebody
314194, 1970–1973
F.17 Deuraeth Rural District Council
314195, rates notices, 1967–1974; addressed to Earl Russell, changed to Edith after his death
F.18 D.I.Y. & Garden Centre
314196, 1973–1975
F.19 Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd. Robe Makers & Tailors
314197, Invoices sent to Russell for storing his House of Lords robes, 1968–70
F.20 G.H. & M. Edwards (Wines & Spirits)
314198, 1969–1977
F.21 Electrolux
314199, 1968–1972
F.22 Elwyn Evans, Dispensing Chemist
314200, 1967
F.23 F
314201, Franklin Watts Inc. invoice to Feffer & Simons Inc., New York, sold to Edith, 1968, paid 1969 via Transatlantic Book Services Ltd. The invoice lists 11 titles.
Fortnum & Mason Ltd., F.24–F.29
314202, 1967
314203, 1968
314204, 1969
314205, 1970
314206, 1971
314207, 1972–73
Fribourg & Treyer, F.30–F.37
314208, 1967
314209, 1968
314210, 1969
314211, 1970
314212, 1971
314213, 1972
314214, 1973–4
314215, 1977
Box 17.56
Invoices etc. (continued) plus one file of Christopher Farley expenses
F.1 G
314216, Galt’s Early Stages 1969 catalogue; note in Edith’s hand that she wished to buy “Tiny Trike” on p. 37
314217, Glaslyn Hotel (P.C. Everett), 2 January 1969, TLS, encl. bill for the accommodation charges for Anne and Ian Dryden
F.2 Givans Irish Linen Stores Ltd.
314218, 1967–1972
F.3 Graigddu Contractors
314219, 1974–76
F.4 H
314220, Harvey & Gore, Jewellers, July 1972; for brooch repair
314221, G.F. Hicks, n.d., for painting at Plas Penrhyn
314222, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., 1967; for Cambridge University Pocket Diary
F.5 Hammond & Chapness Ltd.
314223, 1967–1976
F.6 Harrods Ltd.
314224, 1967–75
F.7 Hatchards
314225, 1973, 1975
F.8 Henlys Ltd.
314226, 1968, 1970–71
F.9 Hilliers Couture Ltd.
314227, 1970–76
F.10 The Hotel Portmeirion
314228, 1967–72; Edith paid for accommodation and meals for her guests at Plas Penrhyn; also a letter from Farley about one of the reservations, 29 July 1972
F.11 Charles Hunter Couture
314229, 1972
F.12 J
314230, James Smith (Scotland Nurseries) Ltd., 1974
314231, John Burgess Coal Co., 29 October 1973, TLS
314232, P. de Jager & Sons Ltd., 5 February 1975, TLS
F.13 Jones
314233, Jones Bros. Builders & Contractors, 21 March 1974
314234, Jones & Beeb Builders, Merchants and Ironmongers, 13 May 1974; for servicing the cooker
314235, Evan Jones & Son, Timber Merchants, addressed to Lord Russell, 3 December 1969
314236, Signed note by Mrs. Jones for delivery of railway sleepers from Minffordd
F.14 H.G. Jones, Family Grocer
314237, 1970–71
F.15 John Pugh Jones, Plumber & Heating Engineer
314238, 1967–76
F.16 David Tecwyn Jones, Butchers
314239, 1971–77
F.17 Tom Jones & Son, Undertakers, Builders, Plumbers
314240, 1970–72
F.18 Kerfoots
314241, 1970
F.19 Leman Bros. Ltd., laundry accounts
314242, 1967–70
F.20 Liberty & Co. Ltd.
314243, 1967–1973
F.21 Lillywhites Ltd.
314244, 1968
F.22 London Electricity Board
314245, 1967–1971; addressed to Russell; the 1971 invoice is addressed to the Executors
F.23 M
314246, Murrells of Shrewsbury, 21 March 1975
314247, Note re delivery of railways sleepers from Minfford stock yard, 8 September 1969; Edith has written on the bottom that Thomas Mullock the gardener paid for them and she will write him a cheque.
F.24 Maple & Co.
314248, 1968
F.25 Mappin & Webb Ltd.
314249, 1969, 1973
F.26 The Meirion Café
314250, 1967–1972
F.27 Meirionnydd District Council
314251, rates notices, 1974–76
F.28 Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board, later Manweb Electricity
314252, 1967–1975; invoices addressed to Russell until his death when they were changed to Edith
F.29 Metropolitan Water Board
314253, 1967–1960, Notices of Water Rates addressed to The Earl Russell
F.30 Miles & Miles Ltd.
314254, 1970–73; a car hire company, the invoices detail Edith’s trips around London
F.31 Ministry of Pensions
314255, 13 April 1967; a receipt for a contribution by Russell to the Ministry of Social Security
F.32, Multitone Electric Co. Ltd., later known as A&M Hearing Aids Ltd.
314256, 1967–1975; mostly addressed to Edith though a few are to Russell
F.33, Richard Newell Limited
314257, 6 January 1968, addressed to Russell
F.34 North Thames Gas Board
314258, 1967–1971, all addressed to Russell; for Hasker Street
F.35 Nu-Swift International Ltd.
314259, 1968–1977; the 1968 invoice is addressed to Russell; all the rest to Edith
F.36 Owen
314260, Handwritten note: D. Owen’s fees for pruning trees, paid 26 March 1969; also Mr. G. Thomas had delivered one load manure
F.37 T.J. Owen, Electrical Contractor
314261, 1974–1975
F.38 Richard Owen & Co., Electrical
314262, 1970–75
F.39 P
314263, Tom Parry & Co., 4 January 1971
314264, Perez, 27 September 1969; cleaning the Aubusson rug at Hasker Street
314265, Owen Parry (Chemists) Ltd., February 1968
F.40 S. Pierce & Sons, Furnishing, Builders and General Ironmongers
314266, 1967–1974; addressed to Russell until his death and then to Edith
F.41 Peter Jones, a branch of the John Lewis Partnership
314267, 1967–1973
F.42 Post Office, Chester
314268, Invoices for telephone services, 1968–1976
F.43 Post Office, London
314269, Invoices for telephone services, 1967–1971; some addressed to Russell, others to C. Redmond, the husband of the Hasker Street housekeeper
F.44 Post Office, Minffordd
314270, Invoices for newspapers (Guardian, Times, Cambrian News, Radio Times), 1967; addressed to Russell
F.45 Charles H. Pugh Ltd.
314271, Two invoices for servicing the lawn mower addressed to Russell, 1967, 1969; two for batteries, 1971–72
F.46 G. Quaeck & Co. Furnishers
314272, 1967–1975
F.47 R
314273, H. & M. Rayne Ltd., 31 August 1972
314274, C. Rayner, 1973, 1975, sweeping
314275, Roberts & Rayner Industrial Cleaners, 31 July 1972
314276, Royal National Institute for the Blind, 15 July 1968; for re-rushing a chair
F.48 D.H. Richards, Grocery & Provision
314277, 1967–1970; all but one of these invoices is on plain paper, matched to Richards by the handwriting
F.49 The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
314278, Rates notices, 1967–1970, for Hasker Street; addressed to Russell
F.50 S
314279, Robert Sielle, 21 March 1958, for framing 5 Chinese scrolls, a Pagoda and Tower and repairing a Japanese Idiogram, addressed to Russell
314280, Smiths Industries Ltd., 2 November 1968
314281, Spink & Son Ltd., 21 April 1967; repairs to “Peace” goblet
314282, Frank Symythson, 9 December 1975
F.51 Stafford Hotel
314283, Invoices, 1972; also a leaflet about the hotel
F.52 A.W. Stevens
314284, 1968–69; plumbing repairs at Hasker Street
F.53 T
314285, Taxi Service, 6 February 1973
314286, F.A. Thorpe (Publishing) Ltd., 11 October 1967; addressed to Russell
314287, The Times, 9 February 1970
314288, Threshers, 28 June 1969; for Red Hackle (deluxe)
314289, F. Thomas, n.d.
314290, Treca de Paris Ltd., 14 March 1968
F.54 Visionhire Ltd.
314291, 9 July 1975
F.55 W
314292, G.C. Williams, 26 November 1968
314293, Humphrey Williams Limited, 1968; addressed to Russell
314294, Walter H. Willson Ltd., 17 October 1968; “Small ribbed mug, made in London in 1825 by William Bell. Engraving with the Russell crest as instructed.”
314295, Wundarest Products, 1969
F.56 Walker Refrigeration Ltd.
314296, 1968–1974
F.57 Wallace & Barr Ltd.
314297, Order pmk. 20 October 1971; handwritten list of plants, 2 pp.; 1977 catalogue
F.58 Iorwerth Williams, Coal Merchant
314298, 1967 addressed to Russell; 1974 addressed to Lady Harrington with paid note in Edith’s hand
F.59 Williams & Ingman, Veterinary Surgeons
314299, 1967–1975
F.60, Y Dresal
314300, 24 April 1969
F.61 Christopher Farley expenses
314301, 1968; also receipts for some of his purchases
Series 7:
Organizations. – 1970–1977. – 37.5 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Organizations are McMaster University, Bertrand Russell Society, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Atlantic Peace Foundation
Box 17.57
McMaster University
F.1 McMaster University
314302, William Ready to Anton Felton, 3 December 1970, TLS(x), 3 pp.; with encl. “Note on the Implications of Article 17.”
314303, Felton to Christopher Farley, 21 December 1970, TLS(x); encl. “a copy of McMaster’s letter to us and draft of my proposed reply.” (not extant here)
314304, Felton to Ready, 21 December 1970, typed carbon, draft, 5 pp.
314305, Farley to Felton, 29 December 1970, TL(car), encl. “Comments from Chris Farley”, ts. carbon
314306, Farley to Barry Feinberg, 20 September 1971, TL(car); re the relationship with McMaster University
F.2 Willam Ready
314307, Four letters to Edith: 8 April, 5 May, 11 August, 23 November 1975; all TLS with envelopes
F.3 Legal Agreements
314308, Photocopies, 1972
Centennial Conference held at McMaster, 12–14 October 1972
F.4, 314309, Correspondence partly re an essay titled by Kenneth Blackwell, “The Status of Women” [published in Summer 1974 in the Russell Journal and later in CPBR 12, Paper 19], programmes, Edith’s speech, “What Was Bertrand Russell Really Like?”. Correspondents include McMaster people who wrote to Edith and her replies, people who attended the conference and wrote to Edith and others.
F.4A “The Status of Women”, photocopy of untitled typescript, 13 pp. with “ER” written on p. 1, probably in Blackwell’s hand
F.5, 314310, Kenneth Blackwell, “The Future of the Bertrand Russell Archives”, photocopy of typescript, 17 pp. This speech was given at the Conference.
F.6, 314311, News clippings about the Conference
Kenneth Blackwell correspondence with Edith Russell
F.7, 314312, 1972
F.8, 314313, 1973
F.9, 314314, 1974
F.10, 314315, 1975
F.11, 314316, 1976
F.12, 314317, 1977
F.13 John Thomas correspondence with Christopher Farley and Edith Russell; there are no replies from Edith and one letter from Farley
315318, 1971–75
F.14 Kenneth Blackwell and Julie Medlock correspondence
314319, 1971–72; typed carbons that Julie sent to Edith; there are no replies
F.15 Kenneth Blackwell correspondence with Barry Feinberg
314320, 1972–73, photocopies and typed carbons
F.16 Kenneth Blackwell
314321, Hallam Tennyson (BBC) to Blackwell, 13 November 1973, TLS(x)
F.17 William Ready
314322, Ready to Felton, 16 October 1973, TLS(x)
314323, Felton to Ready, 5 August 1975, TLS(x), 2 pp.
314324, Ready to Felton, 16 December 1975, TLS(x)
314325, Felton to Ready, 27 January 1976, TLS(x), 2 pp.
F.18 Poster
314326, Poster for talks given about Russell, 1973
F.19 Collected Essays (later known as Collected Papers)
314327, “A Prospectus for the Collected Essays of Bertrand Russell”, 1973; file also contains correspondence, 1974-75, and a typescript carbon “Production Factors”. Correspondents include Anton Felton, Christopher Farley, Kenneth Blackwell, John Slater, William Ready, John Geoghegan (Coward, McCann), D.J. Enright (Chatto & Windus)
Box 17.58
Bertrand Russell Society, founded 1974
314328, Christopher Farley to Edith, 30 August 1973; encl. note from Peter G. Cranford (not extant here)
314329, Christopher Farley to Peter Cranford, 3 September 1973, TL(car)
F.2 Edith Russell, 1974
314330, Jack Pitt to Edith, 25 April, TLS; encl. Minutes of the Organization Meeting of the BRS and Constitution of the BRS, both typed mimeographs
314331, Edith to Pitt, 7 May, ALS(car); “I am intensely interested in its founding.”
314332, Cranford to Edith, 27 June, TLS; Edith has been elected to an honorary membership
314333, Cranford to Edith, 23 July, TLS with envelope; “we are most grateful to you for making a good man happy.”
314334, Cranford to Edith and Lester Denonn, 19 July, TL(car); re honorary membership
314335, Cranford to Edith, 13 August, TLS, with envelope; Cyrus Eaton has not yet accepted his honorary membership
314336, Edith to Cranford, 19 August, handwritten draft and TL(car); re the terms of her membership
314337, Edith to Cranford, 22 August, TL(car): Martin A. Garstens “and his wife paid a very short and flying visit here a fortnight ago. He whished in, met me and two of the grandchildren, had a look around, and took some photos.” The photographs are in Box 2.25
314338, Lee Eisler to Edith, 26 August, TLS, 2 pp. with envelope; “Are you the owner of the Jacob Epstein head of Russell, and if so, would you consider giving permission to have replicas of it made.”
314339, Cranford to Edith, 17 August, TLS with envelope
314340, Cranford to Edith, 2 September, TLS; encl. a typed copy of her 6 July letter “as requested.” (314340A)
314341, Edith to Cranford, 10 September, handwritten draft; she agrees to the publication of her letter of 6 July accepting honorary membership
314342, Edith to Eisler, 25 September, ALS(car); “I suppose that when the Estate is settled I shall be the owner of” [the Epstein bust.]
314343, Edith to Anton Felton, 25 September, TL(car); Farley “tells me that he has spoken to you abut Prof. Eisler’s and the American BR Society’s wish to have a replica made of the Epstein bust of my husband.”
F.3 Edith Russell, 1975
314344, Eisler to Felton, 20 February, TLS(car) with envelope addressed to Edith; on the top of the letter he typed: “Anything you might be able to do, to nudge Mr. Felton into action, [re Epstein] would be most helpful.”
314344A, Felton to Eisler, 25 February, TLS(x)
314345, Eisler to Edith, 14 June, TLS; “Lady Epstein has refused to give permission to have replicas made of the bust; encl. photocopy of TLS that Eisler sent to Lady Epstein, 13 June, 2 pp. (314345A)
314346, Edith to Lady Epstein, 22 June, typed draft with a handwritten paragraph added by Farley. She outlined the history of having replicas made, dating back to the late 1960s. Any money raised would go to the BRPF “which is under severe pressure from Inland Revenue.”
314347, Pitt to Edith, 5 December 1975; TLS
314348, Edith to Pitt, n.d. but in reply to Pitt’s letter of 5 December, handwritten draft
F.4 Edith Russell, 1976
314349, Cranford to Edith, 24 February, typed mimeograph signed with envelope; the BRS now has “close to 200” members
314350, Robert K. Davis, 1 March, TLS; Davis is the new president; “I understand that our new British member, John Sutcliffe, has been in touch with you … John is attempting to organize a British chapter of our group.” In addition to America, there are members in Canada, Japan, Germany and Africa.
314351, Edith to Davis, 18 March, handwritten draft; she expects to see Sutcliffe at the end of May
314352, Davis to Edith, 31 March, TLS
314353, Davis to Edith, 6 June, TLS with envelope; encl. mimeos
314354, Cranford to Edith, 2 December, TLS with envelope; encl. a typed copy of the chapter he has written for Erica Wich’s proposed book “The Meaning of Life”.
314355, Davis to Edith, AC, 20 December, pmk. London
F.5 Edith Russell, 1977
314356, Davis to Edith, 24 January, TLS; he enjoyed his visit to Plas Penrhyn; he is attempting to discourage Sutcliffe from setting up a foreign chapter
314357, Davis to Edith, 19 February, TLS
314358, Cranford to Edith, 11 April, TLS with envelope; I think that Kate “has identified too strongly with her mother who was unrealistically competitive with Russell … I am very fond of Kate … The truth of the matter is that she does not really know the most important side of her father … [her] book tells more about Kate than it does about her father.”
314359, Pitt to Edith, 25 April, TLS; encl. “notes and minutes pertaining to our annual meeting”
314360, Cranford to Edith, n.d. but pmk. 27 April, ALS with envelope; encl. photocopy of typescript, “Russell and His Detractors”
314361, Edith to Cranford, 25 March, handwritten draft, 3 pp.
314362, Davis to Edith, 12 June, TLS; “My trip to Britain resulted in the loss of Sutcliffe” but in the gain of Peter Houchin
314363, Davis to Edith, 25 June, TLS
314364, Cranford to Edith, ALS, n.d., with envelope pmk. 1 July
F.6 Circular and Monthly letters, Memorandums, Programmes, Meeting minutes, reports
314365, 1973–77
F.7 John Sutcliffe attempt to found an English chapter
314366, Correspondence with Edith, 1971–76; also typed mimeograph by Sutcliffe, “The Bureaucratic Mind”, 3 pp.
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, founded 1963
Ken Coates and Christopher Farley were directors; Ken Fleet was secretary; Edith Russell was Hon. Vice-President.
The correspondence has been arranged as follows: Edith’s correspondence with various officers of the Foundation followed by their correspondence with others on behalf of the Foundation. Following that is Edith’s correspondence on behalf of the Foundation and appeals for funds.
F.8 Ken Coates and Ken Fleet, n.d., 1970–72
Although many of the letters are noted by Edith as answered, her replies, with three exceptions, are not in files 8 and 9.
314367, Three undated notes and two undated letters from Fleet, all handwritten; also a birthday card “from all of us at Bertrand Russell House”
314368, One undated note and two undated letters from Coates, all handwritten
314369, Coates to Edith, 2 March 1970, ALS; encl. change of address
314370, from Edith to Fleet, 19 May 1971, TLS(car); she is lending the Foundation money
314371, Fleet to Edith, 21 May 1971, TLS; he thanks her for her £4,000 cheque
314372, Coates to Edith, 4 June 1971, ALS
314373, Coates to Edith, 28 June 1971, ALS, 3 pp.
314374, Coates to Edith, 2 July 1971, ACS; “We are just passing through Cairo at 6 p.m., staying one hour before going on to Karachi.”
314375, Fleet to Edith, 6 July 1971, TLS; encl. telegram from Prince Sihanouk (not extant here); “the first indication that they have arrived safely in China”
314376, Fleet to Edith, 8 July 1971, TLS
314377, Fleet to Edith, 9 July 1971, TLS
314378, Coates to Edith, 17 August 1971, TLS; “copies of the Appeal for signature so that they can be presented as letters to the editors of The Times and Le Monde”
314379, Coates to Edith, pmk. 9 September 1971 in Yugoslavia, ACS; “We interrupted our holiday to come here to see Dedijer”
314380, Fleet to Edith, 20 October 1971; “your cheque for £3,000 which I received today … Chris will be in a position to discuss the overall financial state of the Foundation with you in early November.”
314381A, Coates to Edith, AN, n.d. but encl. The Crisis of British Socialism published on 1 January 1972.
314381, Coates to Edith, 13 January 1972, TLS; “Our friends the coal-miners mean business so I think you need some logs laying in.”
314382, Coates to Edith, 18 January 1972, TLS
314383, Coates to Edith, 26 January 1972, TLS; “The conversation with Vladimir Dedijer was extremely friendly … He asked me to invite you to sit on his committee for the investigation of the conduct of the police and their tribunals in France.”
314384, Fleet to Edith, 7 February 1972, TLS
314385, Fleet to Edith, 9 February 1972, TLS
314386, Coates to Edith, n.d., ANS; Edith has dated it 11 February 1972
314387, Coates to Edith, n.d., ANS; Edith has dated it 16 February 1972
314388, Fleet to Edith, 21 February 1972, TLS
314389, Coates to Edith, 23 February 1972, ALS
314390, Coates to Edith, 3 April 1972, ALS, 2 pp.; re becoming an executor; he doesn’t know what Anton Felton “will think of the appointment of another literary watchdog, who seems necessary principally in order to bite” him.
314391, Coates to Edith, 11 April 1972, ALS, 3 pp. with envelope; “Dedijer is a very warm & enthusiastic chap, but sometimes I find him a little difficult to understand, & negotiating with him is a strain.”
314392, Coates to Edith, 17 April 1972, TLS; he has returned from Germany; Farley is in hospital
314393, Coates to Edith, 19 April 1972, TLS
314394, Coates to Edith, 28 April 1972, TLS; encl. letters (not extant here)
314395, Coates to Edith, 22 May 1972, TLS; “It was very nice to see you at Woburn”; encl. appeal to Willy Brandt; “A man called Schlichter replied … in terms which are really quite extraordinarily silly.” (9 May 1972, typed copy of reply, 314395A)
314396, Fleet to Edith, 25 May 1972, TLS
314397, Coates to Edith, 1 June 1972, TLS; “You are quite right, Dedijer has been romancing again and inflating your message into an address.”
314398, Coates to Edith, 2 June 1972, TLS; “Did Mike Cushman inform you that Aurelio’s exhibition in Italy is to take place, after all?”
314399, Coates to Edith, 7 June 1972, TLS; “It is likely that Felton has taken legal advice abut whether I can become a full executor or not: at the same time it may not be all that helpful if I were an executor’s consultant with no powers.”
314400, Coates to Edith, 7 June 1972, TLS; re a possible third session of the Tribunal
314401, Coates to Edith, 7 July 1972, ALS
314402, Fleet to Edith, 10 July 1972, TLS; “I am sending you some printed letters for you to sign and send on to various pop stars”, not extant here.
314403, Coates to Edith, 22 August 1972, TLS
314404, Coates to Edith, 7 September 1972, TLS; he will soon leave for Linz
314405, Fleet to Edith, 19 September 1972, TLS
314406, Farley to Edith, 5 October 1972, TLS, 2 pp.; encl. letter from Felton to Coates, 21 September 1972, TLS(x) (314406A). “It seems to us that Felton is saying that he wants his ten percent on everything. We thought that the most sensible answer to Felton is that each title of Bertie’s should be considered on its merits … Unwin had made it clear he does not wish to reprint” Icarus.
31407, Fleet to Edith, n.d., ALS; Edith’s note indicated she answered it on 2 November 1972
314408, Coates to Edith, 3 November 1972, ALS
F.9 Ken Coates and Ken Fleet, 1973, 1975–77
314409, Edith to Coates, n.d., handwritten draft; re his book Socialists and the Labour Party published in 1973
314409A, Fleet to Edith, AN, n.d., possibly written in 1975
314410, Coates to Edith, 17 February 1975, ALS; encl. photocopies of his published letters to the editor
314411, Eileen Brookes, Nottingham Office, 17 March 1975; TNS
314411A, François Leclerc to Coates, 3 May [1975], TLS(x); encl. photocopies of news clippings; “Copy for Lady Russell” is written on the letter.
314412, Coates to Edith, 2 June 1975, TLS; re McMaster University, “It looks as if there is very little that we can do to rescue any intervention by Felton in this whole business. My feeling is that we will have to wait until Ready comes up with a proposal, as is his right, and then we will have to view it very critically.” Encl. photocopy of Swedish news clipping.
314413, Coates to Edith, 29 August 1975, typed mimeograph
314414, Fleet to Edith, 13 October 1975, TLS; Charles Hindley has suggested “that we write to the Mayors of the principal cities of Italy.” A standard letter has been produced for her to sign and send. See F.23 in Box 17.59 for replies.
314415, Fleet to Edith, 4 November 1975, TLS; he had produced “some standard letters for a number of German contacts” for her to sign
314416, Fleet to Edith, 1 December 1975, TLS; he asked her to sign letters to various newspapers in New Zealand
314417, Coates to Edith, 8 December 1975, ALS
314418, Fleet to Edith, n.d., ALS; encl. photocopy of TLS to Edith from Robert O. Boothe, 15 March 1976 (314418A). Edith has written some notes on the top of Boothe’s letter.
314419, Edith to Boothe, 26 March 1976, ALS(car); “Like my husband—and like you—I enjoy caricatures of him. But not all of them. I don’t much like the one in the Review of Books. It looks so squashed and fierce and quite mad!”
314420, Fleet to Edith, n.d., ANS; Edith has written the date 26 March 1976 on it
314421, Fleet to Edith, n.d., ANS; Edith has written the date 16 April 1976 on it
314422, Fleet to Edith, n.d., ANS; Edith has written the date 1 June 1976 on it
314423, Coates to Edith, 16 June 1976, TLS
314424, Coates to Edith, 5 July 1976, TLS
314425, Fleet to Edith, n.d., ANS; Edith has written the date 29 July 1976 on it
314425A, Coates to Edith, 7 October 1976, TLS, 2 pp.
314426, Fleet to Edith, 21 October 1976, TLS
314427, Fleet to Edith, n.d., ANS; Edith has written the date 23 October 1976 on it
314428, Fleet to Edith, n.d., ANS; Edith has written the date 4 November 1976 on it
314429, Coates to Edith, 15 November 1976, TLS; Farley has told him of the “sudden onset of your illness”
314430, Coates to Edith, 8 December 1976, TLS, 2 pp.; partly re finding her help at Plas Penrhyn
314431, Fleet to Edith, 16 December 1976, TLS
314432, Coates to Edith, 29 April 1977, TLS
314433, Fleet to Edith, 17 June 1977, TLS with envelope; “Mr. Black refers to the provision which has been made in the Estate Accounts for a fee to be paid to the Foundation for the literary agency work which it has done since Mr. Felton gave up this role.” Edith wrote a draft reply on the verso then crossed it out.
314434, Edith to Fleet, 18 June 1977, ALS(car); she agreed to paying the fee
314435, Fleet to Edith, 22 June 1977, TLS
314436, Coates to Edith, 17 October 1977, TLS
314437, Coates to Edith, 6 December 1977, TLS; Edith has had a “nasty accident”
314438, Fleet to Edith, 6 December 1977, TLS with envelope; “We do hope that the pain and discomfort you have been suffering will soon disappear and that you will be able to find a housekeeper who will make life easier for you generally.”
F.10 George Williams, Burlington County College, 1975
This file involves both the Foundation and the Society
314439, Williams to Coates, 14 May, TLS, 4 pp. with envelope
314440, Williams to Coates, 3 July, TLS(x) with envelope addressed to Edith
314441, Edith to Williams, 16 June, handwritten draft and 21 June 1975, TL(car) (314441A). Both letters begin with the same sentence. “Thank you for sending me a copy of your letter to Mr. Ken Coates setting out the attitude of yourself and of the Bertrand Russell Society in the United States towards the Foundation.” The text of both letters appears to be identical.
314442, Williams to Edith, 21 July 1975, TLS, 2 pp. with envelope
314443, Cranford to Williams, 22 August, TL(car) with envelope addressed to Edith
314444, Williams to Cranford, 10 September, TLS(x), 2 pp. with envelope addressed to Edith
314445, Williams to Blackwell, 16 September, TLS(x) with envelope to Edith
314446, Williams to Blackwell, 16 September, TLS(x) with envelope to Edith; this is the same letter with a handwritten note by Cranford: “Dear George and Ken, This is simply a typing error. The word [Russell] should have been Schoenman.”
F.11 Ken Coates, 1972
314447, Mehmet Ali Aybar to Coates, 16 May, TLS(x); the letter is in French
314448, Lelio Basso to Coates, 17 May, TLS(x), 2 pp.
314449, Lelio Basso to Coates, 29 May, TLS(x)
314450, Vladimir Dedijer to Coates, March 1972, TLS(x)
314451, Dedijer, signed note, n.d.; “Viena, Most Grateful for your message to the Linz Symposium”,
a compliments card attached to both Dedijier items
314452, Laurent Schwartz to “Chère amis” [Dear friends], 15 May 1972, TLS(x)
314453, Coates to Schwartz, [May 1972], typed transcript of telegram
314454, U Thant to Coates, 14 January, ALS(x)
314455, Coates to Thant, 2 February, typed carbon transcript of telegram
314456, Thant to Coates, 18 February, TLS
314457, Thant to Coates, 22 March, TLS(x)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations:
314458, Richard Hoggart to Coates, 10 January, TLS(x)
314459, René Maheu to Coates, 24 April, TLS(x)
314460, Vienna Institute (Arne Haselbach) to Coates, 19 May, TLS(x); encl. copies of the letter invitation to the Bertrand Russell Centenary Symposium, Spheres of Influence in the Age of Imperialism, 11–15 September 1972 and the agenda. Both documents are typed mimeographs.
Note: Additional Coates correspondence can be found in Box 17.59, F.9
F.12 Ken Fleet to Child & Co.
314461, 11 November 1977, TL(car)
Christopher Farley was both an officer of the Foundation and an executor. These letters often concern both, as well as personal matters.
F.13 Christopher Farley, n.d., 1970
314462, Greetings Telegram, 18 May, from Farley, Coates, Fleet and Cushman to Edith at Brown’s Hotel. Edith stayed there in May 1972
314463, to Edith, n.d, AN; “Affectionate birthday greetings!” Edith was born on 5 November.
314464, to Edith, n.d., ALS on the letterhead of The Savoy Hotel where he and others were about to dine
314465, Handwritten notes, n.d., re tasks to be done by Edith; one in Edith’s hand, the other in Felton’s
314466, to Edith, handwritten note on Compliments card: “This is the interview from Terry Philpot with A.S. Neill; encl. photocopy of interview is dated January 1970, 4 typed pp.
314467, to Edith, 23 April, TL(car)
314468, to Edith, 13 May, TLS; “You are curious to know my views about Rupert’s typescript and I am anxious to learn your views of Michael Scott’s letter.”
314469, to Edith, 27 May, TLS
314470, from Edith, 2 June, handwritten draft with her initials
314471, document number not used
314472, to Edith, 8 June, TLS
314473, to Edith, 16 June, TLS with envelope; encl. clippings. Edith’s draft reply is written on the envelope.
314474, to Edith, 21 July, TLS
314475, to Edith, 22 July, TLS
314476, to Edith, 23 July, TLS
314477, to Edith, 7 August, ACS
314478, to Edith, 18 August, TLS
314479, to Edith 19 August, TLS; “I am enclosing some letters to Pablo Picasso and the owner of his gallery in Paris, which I should be grateful if you could sign.”
314480, to Edith, 29 September, ALS with envelope; he hopes she is recovering. Her address is Harley Street Nursing Home in London.
314480, to Edith, 7 October, TLS; re Felton, Ronald Clark, and the two Kens
314481, to Edith, 12 October, TLS; encl. a letter to Mr. Black’s colleague re the Estate (to P.D.R. Brown, Heald, Johnson & Co., typed carbon, 314481A)
314482, to Edith, 23 October, TLS
314483, to Edith, 9 November, TLS
314484, to Edith, 8 December, TLS
314485, Signed typed promissory note by Farley and Coates, 12 December
314486, to Edith, 29 December, TLS
314487, to Tom Parry, 30 December, TL(car); Farley is writing on Edith’s behalf about furniture he collected in 1969 for sale
F.14 Christopher Farley, 1971
314488, to Edith, 24 February, TLS; encl. list of all the insurances. “The agents are asking £5,250” for Hasker Street.
314489, to Edith, 13 April, ALS
314490, to Edith, 26 April, ANS with encl. re the re-direction of mail from Hasker Street
314491, to Edith, 27 May, TLS
314492, to Edith, 28 May, ANS; re the sale of the Hasker Street lease
314493, to Farley, 5 June 1971, TL(car); re Executor’s fees
314494, to Edith, 6 June, TLS; re a “possible £6,000 further for the Foundation.”
314495, to Edith, 2 June, TLS, 2 pp.; re Anton Felton and Ronald Clark. “The main long-term problem is that Felton’s great abilities are not balanced by someone more concerned about Bertie’s writings as writings.”
314496, from Edith, 6 June, handwritten draft on which she noted “not sent”
314497, to Edith, 7 June, TLS, 3 pp.; re a strange phone call from Lucy Russell; the
“disgraceful” piece in the Sunday Times. “I went out to look for Jimmy Vaughan, the only person mentioned by name.” Farley was very angry.
314498, to Edith, 2 July, TLS; re Felton, Ronald Clark, McMaster, Dedijer and Schwartz
314499, to Edith, 5 July, ACS; Coates has added a postscript
314500, to Edith, 19 July, TLS; encl. a draft letter to Prince Sihanouk in China (not extant here)
314501, Farley’s schedule, 26 July, typed carbon
314502, to Edith, 24 August, TLS, 2 pp.
314503, to Edith, 31 August, TLS
314504, to Edith, 6 September, TLS; re the National Portrait Gallery and possible corrections for the reprinting of the Autobiography.
F.15 Christopher Farley, 1972
314505, to Edith, 10 January 1972, ANS; “I have drafted several such letters as this over the weekend to try to provoke a response from the Home Office.” Encl. letter, (ts .car), from Joseph Stafford to Richard Crossman, M.P., 11 January 1972; re Dennis Stafford (314505A)
314506, to Edith, pmk. 3 February, ALS from hospital, with envelope
314507, to Edith, 8 February, ALS from hospital
314508, to Edith, 13 February, TLS; “I hope the two enclosed letters will do for Picasso and his manager.”
314509, to Edith, 1 March, ALS; “Do you like this photograph of yourself?” Encl. photo is by Lotte Meitner-Graf
314510, to Edith, 18 March, TLS
314511, to Edith, 24 March, ANS: “Ken Coates asked me to send you this.” Encl. photocopy of a TLS from Lelio Basso, 15 March 1972 (314511A)
314512, to Edith, 28 March, TLS, 2 pp.; “It seems to me that the following points arise from Felton’s letter of 20 March.” Re his performance as literary executor.
314513, to Farley from Mike Cushman, 26 April, typed memo carbon, 2 pp. with copy to Edith. The memo concerns “Comments on letter from Duchess of Bedford, 23.4.72.”
314514, to Edith, 27 April, ALS from hospital
314515, to Duchess of Bedford from Mike Cushman, 28 April, TL(car), 2 pp.
314516, to Edith, 9 May, ALS
314517, to Edith, 3 May, ALS
314518, to Edith, 10 May, TLS, 2 pp.; Farley wrote at length about his book with David Hodgson, The Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and His Own Words. Hodgson has followed all your points about deletions, e.g. the mirror at Telegraph House.”
314519, to Edith, 14 May, ALS
314520, to Edith, 15 May, TLS, 2 pp.; “I think Brendan Lynch has done at Ravenscroft a good job in a difficult situation … The prospect of Bernard Levin’s article fills me with horror … I am really sorry that you look forward to McMaster ‘with dread’ … It is too bad of everyone to urge you to go.”
314521, to Edith, 17 May, ALS
314522, to Edith, 20 May, ALS
314523, to Edith, 5 June, TLS, 2 pp.; “David Hodgson returned to me the photographs from Harold White.”
314524, to Edith, 8 June, TLS; “I enclose a further letter from The Times on the Nobel Prize, and your correspondence with Graham Sutherland, which we have photocopied to ensure we have sufficient authority to collect the painting.” (not extant here). Farley did enclose a letter to him from Felton, 6 June, TLS, re insurance of Plas Penrhyn (314524A)
314525, to Edith, 12 June, TLS, 2 pp.
314526, to Edith, 12 June, TLS; re McMaster University
314527, to Edith, 28 June, AN: “Here is the letter and ‘translation’ which Senator Basso gave to Ken Coates yesterday in Milan.” Letter from Beniamino Segre, 8 June, to his colleagues, TLS(x) (314527A)
314528, to Edith, 17 July, ALS
314529, to Edith, “Thursday Dover”, ACS, pmk. August
314530, to Edith, 8 August, TLS; “I spoke to David Spencer Brown. He wants £3,000 to publish a memoir of Bertie which he has not yet begun, though he has an American contract … I honestly was not very happy about anything that he said.”
314531, to Edith, 22 August, ALS, encl. his schedule
314532, to Edith, 11 September, ALS; seminar in Linz is going well
314533, to Edith, Saturday [16 September], ALS, 2 pp.; he has returned from Linz and is staying at Brown’s Hotel
314534, to Edith, 18 September, TLS
314535, to Edith, 9 October, ALS; re the Marvin Kaye contract and Dr. Strong; Edith has written notes on this letter
314536, to Edith, 29 November, ANS; “This is a proposal from Barry Feinberg for a book of Bertie’s debates in America.” (not extant here)
Box 17.59
F.1, Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and His Own Words. See also correspondence in Box 17.58, F.15.
Farley correspondence:
314537, to Edith, 13 September 1971, ANS; encl. typescript, 2 pp. “Bertrand Russell Photographic Sites”
314538, to Edith, 24 September 1971, TLS; “David Hodgson and I are coming on Tuesday afternoon … [we may] have time to take photographs at Ffestiniog on the way.” After leaving Plas Penrhyn they will visit Ravenscroft.
314539, to Edith, 30 September 1971, TLS; encl. typescript carbon, 4 pp. “Bertrand Russell Photographic Sites, etc.”
314540, to Hodgson, 6 January 1972, TL(car)
314541, to Edith, 24 March 1972, TLS; attached to this letter is a photocopied handwritten list in Farley’s hand, “Bertrand Russell Picture Book: Texts”, 2 pp.
314542, to Hodgson, 25 March 1972, TL(car); Edith “spoke to me to day about the proposed photograph book and made the following points.”
314543, to Hodgson, 20 April 1972, TL(car)
314544, Michael Pountney (W.H. Smith & Son Ltd.) to Cushman, 24 October 1972, TL; he refused to stock the book because it is expensive and “our sales of Russell’s Autobiography have dropped to a very low level since his death.”
F.2 Christopher Farley, 1973–75
314545, to Edith, 13 May 1972, TLS; re Ken Blackwell, Anton Felton
314546, to Edith, 14 May 1973, TLS; the lease on Shavers Place expires next month
314547, to Edith, 9 June 1974, ALS; “Kenneth Blackwell has sent a strange letter about the Bertie photo-book asking questions which seem to imply that McMaster’s rights have been infringed.”
314548, to Edith, 16 March, 1975, ALS; re Sir Bernard Miles, Dora Russell, Philip Unwin
F.3 Christopher Farley, 1976
314549, to Edith, 16 May, ALS
314550, to Edith, 21 May, ALS
314551, to Edith, 25 May, TLS
314552, to Edith, 26 May, TLS
314553, to Edith, 9 June, TLS, 2 pp.; encl. photocopies of news clippings
314554, to Edith, 14 June, TLS; re Estate copyrights and the Atlantic Foundation
314555, to Edith, 16 June, TLS; re the Pas Penrhyn lease, encl. letter (ts. car), 16 June from Farley to Felton re the BBC and Autobiography film rights, Estate affidavits. (314555A)
314556, to Edith, 17 June, TLS, re “the possibility of a screen version of Bertie’s autobiography.”
314557, to Edith, 1 July, TLS
314558, to Edith, 26 August, ALS
314559, to Edith, 8 September, ALS; encl. letter to Felton, typed carbon (314559A)
314560, to Edith, 19 September, TLS
314561, to Edith, 12 October, TLS
314562, to Edith, 19 October, ALS
314563, to Edith, 14 November, TLS
F.4 Christopher Farley, 1977
314564, to Edith, 5 February, TLS; included an explanation as to why there are delays in receiving her interest payments
314565, to Edith, 20 June, TLS; “Felton would like to know if the reinsurance of the contents of Plas Penrhyn and the Epstein bust at the previous sums of £22,510 and £3,980 respectively is sufficient.”
314566, to Edith, 21 June, ALS; Basker Vashee has sent a further £2,000
314567, to Edith, 25 June, ANS; Vashee’s address; Edith noted that she sent Vashee, in Amsterdam, a thank you letter
314568, to Edith, 1 August, ALS
314569, to Edith, 8 August, ALS; “I have discussed with the two Kens Jack Black’s advice that the Foundation should be represented by another solicitor … The matter would not delay or hasten the timetable of the Estate, which remains a matter between John and the Estate.”
314570, to Edith, 10 August, TLS; “Felton has given up his earlier hope to prepare the grounds for an overall settlement with John, and has reverted to his previous position, that it will be necessary to prepare a two-stage settlement, the second part of which would be after your lifetime.” There are currently six demands on the Estate.
314571, to Edith, 16 August, TLS; Jack Black “has changed his tune a bit. He now thinks it is not necessary for the Foundation to have separate representation.”
314572, to Edith, 17 August, TLS; re the Peter Liddle book
314573, to Edith, 29 August, ALS
314574, to Edith, 30 September, TLS; “I have stopped the publication of Dedijer’s letter to the press.”
314575, to Edith, ACS, 14 October; “Otto Nathan has joined the Tribunal on Germany and sent his love.”
314576, to Edith, ANS, 22 October; encl. photocopy of a letter (TLS) from Felton, 17 October, re Edith’s taxes (314576A)
314577, to Edith, ANS, 25 October; encl. carbon of his typed letter to Jack Black, 25 October (314577A)
F.5 Christopher Farley
314578, to Stephen A. Awokoya (UNESCO), 5 June 1971, TL(car); re the Kalinga Prize
314579, from Michael Burn, 20 May 1970, ALS; encl. his letter (TL, car) to Mrs. Schlessner, Kindler Publications Ltd. re an article she commissioned for her magazine about Russell (314579A)
314580, Farley to Rupert Crawshay-Williams, 19 May 1970, TL(car); re Rupert’s manuscript of his Russell memoir; “I hope that you can make something of the general impression I had on a quick first reading that there were points about Bertie’s income and deafness which could be misunderstood by the general public.”
314581, from Thérèse Nicod, 15 September 1972, ALS(x)
314582, to Peter R. Patzig, 4 January 1972, TL(car); “We are delighted to learn of your interest in the continuing work of this Foundation.” Patzig had written to Felton on 16 December 1971, TLS(x) (3145882A); Felton’s secretary, Joan Daws, wrote to Patzig on 3 January 1972, TL(x), that she was forwarding his letter to the Foundation (3145882B).
314583, from Donald Thomas, 16 June 1970, TLS; re a BBC script—“I hadn’t actually seen the papers on the Mabel Edith divorce [from Frank Russell] but I’m very pleased that the programme was an accurate reflection of the facts.”
314584, to World Medicine, 28 April 1971, TL(car); re Barbara Evans article on “Medical Aid to Vietnam”; “What is the source of [her] statement concerning Bertrand Russell?”
F.6 Allen & Unwin Ltd.
314585, Rayner Unwin to Farley, 29 December 1970, TLS; “Thank you for your letter of 15 December on the subject of the plaque or rather the lack of it on Pembroke Lodge.” Farley’s letter is in Box 10.31, document 140524.
314586, Farley to Rayner, 15 March 1971, TL(car); sent his thanks for “sending a copy of the letter to you from the Head Archivist of the Greater London Council.” Encl. letter, TLS(x), 14 January 1971 with compliments card. There is no record of a plaque at Pembroke Lodge. “There is, however, an ornamental bird bath in the grounds bearing an inscription to the effect that it was presented by the Russell family to commemorate many happy years spent there.” There is already a plaque at 37 Chesham Place “erected by the London County Council in 1911. It is not the usual practice of the Council to erect more than one plaque to one individual. … I understand that the Department of the Environment is preparing a plaque stating the connection between Pembroke Lodge and Lord John Russell and Bertrand Russell to be erected inside the house in a position where it can be seen by the public.” (314586A)
314587, to David Ross, 20 May 1971, TL(car); “As we receive enquiries daily about Bertrand Russell’s writings, these brochures will be put to good use.”
F.7 Jack Black, Heald, Johnson & Co.
314588, Farley to Black, 10 March 1972, TL(car); re the interim order for maintenance
314589, Farley to Black, 13 June 1972, TLS; re literary executors
314590, Black to Farley, 16 June, TLS(x); “The position is that while the administration of the Estate remains to be completed, further literary executors cannot be appointed.”
F.8 Peter Cunard, Public Relations Officer, Woburn Abbey
314591, Cunard to Farley, 15 April 1972, TLS(x); re the Art Catalogue; “I was amazed to see such a boring piece of literature.”
314592, Farley to Cunard, 17 April 1972, TL(car); explanation re the Art Catalogue
F.9 Anton Felton, Christopher Farley, Ken Coates
314593, Farley to Felton, 24 July 1969, TLS(x), 2 pp.; re Russell’s Archives; this letter is also signed by Ken Coates as a Director of the BRPF. Edith must have requested a copy of this letter; Farley sent her a very poor-quality copy of this letter on 16 March 1972 (ANS, 314593A).
314594, Felton to Farley, 1 August 1969, TL(car, x)
314595, Felton to Farley, 10 March 1971, TLS; encl. “a copy of the Standing Orders which were paid out of Lord Russell’s account”, 3 February 1970, typed, 2 pp.
314596, Farley to Felton, 15 March 1971, TL(car)
314597, Felton to Farley, 23 May 1971, TL(x), 2 pp.; re “Allen & Unwin and the B.R.P.F. Royalties”
314598, Felton to Farley, 28 May 1971, TL(x), 2 pp.; re “Allen & Unwin and the B.R.P.F. Royalties”
314599, Farley to Felton, 19 June 1971, TL(car)
314600, Farley to Felton, 19 July 1971, TL(car); re Marvin Kaye
314601, Farley to Edith?, 7 October 1971, ANS; encl. typed carbon of his letter to Felton, 7 October 1971 re Ronald Clark, (314601A)
314602, Felton to Farley, 19 October 1971, TLS(x); re publishing Russell in large type
314603, Felton to Farley, 1 February 1972, TLS(x), 3 pp.; re “our present publishing plans”
314604, Farley to Felton, 23 February 1972, TL(car), 2 pp.; a reply to Felton’s letter of 1 February
314605, Farley to Felton, 15 March 1972, TL(car)
314606, Felton to Farley, 11 April 1972, TLS(x); re Archive II
314607, Farley to Felton, 13 April 1972, TL(car); re Archive II
314608, Coates to Felton, 28 April 1972, TL(car); “I would be delighted to take on the duty of literary executor.”
314609, Felton to Coates, 26 May 1972, TLS(car); “The basic principle is that you cannot become a Literary Executor de jure because despite Lord Russell’s stated intention, you were not so appointed by the Will.” With compliments card to Edith.
314610, Felton to Coates, 12 June 1972, TLS(car); re becoming a literary executor, with compliments card to Edith
314611, Coates to Felton, 23 June 1972, TL(car); re literary executorship. Coates has written a note to Farley on the top; “Chris—could you pass this on to Edith. K.”
314612, Farley to Felton, 22 September 1972, TL(car); re Allen & Unwin
314613, Farley to Felton, 7 June 1974, TL(car); re Jeffrey Norton cassettes
314614, Farley to Felton, 30 June 1976, TLS(car); re affidavits and Marvin Kaye. A photocopy of a letter (TLS) from Kay to Felton, 17 June 1976 is attached (314614A)
314615, Farley to Felton, 6 October 1977, TL(car); Edith “has written to me in response to the information that she could henceforth receive modest sums from the Estate for her immediate needs.” With a compliments card to Edith: “I hope this is alright? Chris”
F.10 Barry Feinberg
314616, Farley to Feinberg, 22 October 1970, TL(car); re Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind. He, Edith and Coates “would like to see the interviews with Ralph Miliband incorporated, if possible, in the re-publication of the Woodrow Wyatt interviews.”
314617, Farley to Feinberg, 25 November 1970, TLS(x); “We have made an agency agreement with Features International who will in future look after all requests for photographs of BR. The person to speak to there is David Hodgson.”
314618, Feinberg to Farley, 17 September 1971, TLS re Douglas Lackey’s “collection of BR’s essays on Logic” encl. “recent correspondence on this matter”. The photocopies enclosed have not been given document numbers.
314619, Farley to Feinberg, 20 September 1971, TL(car); “we are anxious that the technical writings of Bertrand Russell, no less than all the others, should be available to readers as widely as possible.”
314620, Feinberg to Farley, 21 September 1971, TLS(x); encl. photocopy of letter (TLS) that Felton wrote to William Ready, McMaster University, 20 September 1971, 2 pp., re the American volume and Douglas Lackey (314620A)
314621, Farley to Feinberg, 23 February 1972, TL(car), 2 pp.; re The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell
314622, Farley to Feinberg, 24 March 1972, TL(car); re Justice in War Time
314623, Farley to Feinberg, 20 April 1972, TL(car); encl. notes taken from the Catalogue of Library at the London School of Economics, typescript carbon, “Schedule of Some of the Lesser Known Writing of Bertrand Russell in the Library at the London School of Economics,” 2 pp.
314624, Farley to Feinberg, 20 April 1972, TL(car); re Bertrand Russell & U.S.A., Vol. 1; terms with Viking
314625, Farley to the Editor of the Guardian, 30 December 1971, TL(car), 2 pp. re Vietnam
F.12 Otto Nathan
314626, Farley to Nathan, 1 May 1971, TL(car), 2 pp. re Ronald Clark
314627, Nathan to Farley, 10 May 1971, typed copy, 2 pp.; re Clark’s work on Einstein
314628, Nathan to Farley, 12 May 1971, typed copy; re Clark’s work on Einstein
314629, Nathan to Farley, 15 October 1972, TLS(x); re Clark’s book on Einstein; “We have been very dissatisfied with the book once we had a chance to read it.”
F.13 Conrad Russell; Dora Russell
314630, Farley to Conrad, 31 July 1972, TL(car), encl. photocopy of letter (TLS) from Otto Nathan to Farley, re assisting Conrad with lecture appointments—he is unable to help much to his great regret. (314630A).
314631, Dora to Farley (addressed as Secretary), 4 March 1970; encl. letters that need to be answered by Edith and Farley (not extant here). “Perhaps you would say that you answer on John’s behalf, and imply that he is not connected with the Foundation.”
314632, Farley to Dora, addressed as Mrs. Grace, 10 March 1970; he will write to Mr. Effendi.
314633, Farley to Aslam Effendi, 10 March 1970
F.14 Michael Scott
314634, Farley to Scott, 23 February 1970, TL(car, x)
314635, Farley to Scott, 6 April 1970, TL(car, x); re Ralph Schoenman, Roy Perrott and the Observer
314636, Farley to Scott, 7 April 1970, TL(car, x); Roy Perrott has told Farley that Scott “had given him a copy of Bertie’s private memorandum which was sent to you some time ago for your own attention only … how [could] you have done such a thing.”
314637, Scott to Farley, 8 May 1970, TLS, 2 pp.; his justification for his actions
314638, Farley to Scott, 27 May 1970, TL(car, x); “I am absolutely amazed at your letter of May 8 … I cannot come to any other conclusion than that your behaviour in this matter has been one of the most shocking pieces of dishonesty that I have ever encountered.”
F.15 Simon & Schuster
314639, Diane Clever to BRPF, 28 December 1977, TLS with encl. permission forms to quote from Russell’s Autobiography in a book (extracts also encl.) to be published by Roger Gould, Transformations.
314640, Clever to BRPF, 29 December 1977, cable telex, containing the same information as her letter, adding a deadline
314641, Farley to Cleaver, 5 January 1978, TL(car); permission given in principle although her deadline has passed
314642, Cleaver to Farley, 18 January 1978, TLS
F.16 Arnold Toynbee (Royal Institute of International Affairs)
314643, Farley to Toynbee, 14 April 1970, TL(car); asked that Toynbee write to Madame Tussaud’s Ltd. requesting that Bertrand Russell be added.
314644, Toynbee to Farley, 17 April 1970, TLS; encl. typed carbon of his letter sent to Tussaud’s on 17 April (314644A)
314645, Farley to Toynbee, 21 April 1970, TL(car); thank you
F.17 Barbara Wootton
314646, Wooton to Farley, 11 June 1970, TLS; re her notes from Monday; she had hoped “that Monday’s speeches might be recorded.”
314647, Farley to Wootton, 18 June 1970, TL(car)
F.18 Christopher Farley
314648, 16 July 1969, typed, “Memorandum from Chris Farley re: Archives (Further Volumes of Letters)”
314649, “BR’s Fiction Book [Collected Stories]”, handwritten note, 23 February 1972; the price will be £4.50
314650, “Script”, n.d., handwritten note beginning “Snowdonia”
314651, “Part of the LP disc…”, n.d., handwritten note. Archival Note: Mentioned in Newsletter no. 14 “on Italian disc of BR’s poem to her [Edith.] (set to music?)”
F.19 Pamela Wood
314652, to Edith, 19 February 1971, TLS; her resignation letter from the Foundation; she thanked Edith for her “many kindnesses”
314653, reference letter for Pamela Wood from Farley, ALS(x), 22 February 1971, 2 pp.
Edith Russell correspondence written on behalf of the BRPF
F.20 Organizations: Foundations, Committees, Congresses and Other Groups, 1972–76
314654, to Edith from Fondation Internationale Lelio Basso pour le Droit et al Libération des peoples (François Rigaux), 19 September 1976, TLS
314655, to Edith from Fondazione Internazionale Lelio Basso (Linda Bimbi), 21 February 1976, TLS
314656, from Edith to Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Dick Nettleton), 23 February 1972, TL(car)
314657, to Edith from Comité Cubano de Solidaridad con Viet-Nam, Cambodia Y Laos (Melba Hernandez), 29 October 1975,TLS; letter is in Spanish
314658, from Edith to the Comité, 8 January 1976, TL(car, x), 2 pp.
314659, to Edith from the Comité, n.d., TLS, 2 pp. with envelope pmk. 3 December 1976
314660, Congress for International Co-operation & Disarmament, Hiroshima Planning Committee (Pauline Mitchell) to the BRPF Secretary, 14 July 1975, TLS; encl. flyer about their planned March
314661, from Edith to Mitchell, 25 July 1975, TL(car); encl. typed carbon message for Frankston to Melbourne march, 9/10 August 1975 (314661A)
314662, Japan Congress Against A-and H-Bombs (Ichiro Moritake) to Edith, 15 July 1975, typed mimeograph with typed postscript
314663, Edith to the Congress, 25 July 1975, TL(car)
314664, Louis M. Rabinowitz Foundation (Catherine Rosenberg) to Edith, 21 April 1972, TLS(x)
314665, Revolutionary Workers Party (Trotskyist) British Section of the IV International (John Davis), n.d., TLS, encl. leaflet; Edith has written a note on the letter dated 22 June 1972
314666, Tribunale Russell II (Lelio Basso) to Edith, 19 February 1975; TLS
314667, Tribunale Russell II (Linda Bimbi) to Edith, 19 February 1975, TLS
314668, from Edith to Vienna Institute for Development (Arne Haselbach), 4 October 1972, TL(car)
F.21 People, Newspapers, and Publishers, 1972–76
Lelio Basso:
314669, to Edith, 17 June 1972, TLS
314670, from Edith, 24 June [1972], handwritten draft reply in Farley’s hand with Edith’s signature
314671, from Edith, 8 January 1976, TL(car)
314672, from Edith, 23 August 1976, TL(car); encl. photocopy of her letter to President Houari Boumedienne of Algeria, TL(car, x) (314672A)
314673, to Edith from Benazir Bhutto, 24 November, ALS on Oxford Union Society letterhead
314674, to Edith from Noam Chomsky, 12 September 1976, TLS
The Guardian:
314675, from Edith, 11 March 1972, TL(car)
314676, John Cunningham to Edith, 16 March 1972, TLS; re his article
314677, from Edith to H.A. Hetherington, 20 March 1972, TL(car); Cunningham “suggests that perhaps you had not intended to publish my letter … publish it in order to begin to undo the damage which has been done by Mr. Cunningham’s article” on the BRPF and the International Marxist Group.
314678, from Edith to Cunningham, 20 March 1972, TL(car)
Vladimir Dedijer
314679, from Edith, 18 April 1972, TL(car)
314680, from Edith, 24 June 1972, handwritten draft in Farley’s hand
314681, from Edith, 4 October 1972, TL(car)
314682, from José Ricardo Eliaschev, 1 April 1972, TLS
314683, from Gisèle Halimi, 16 June 1972, TLS; the letter is in French
314684, from Mahmud Ali Kasuri, TLS, 7 September 1976
Giorgio La Pira listed after Neilands below
Spike Milligan:
314685, to Edith, 3 March 1975, TLS(x), encl. letter he wrote to Denis Healey, Chancellor of the Exchequer (TL, x) (314685A)
314686, from Edith, 20 March 1975, TL(car)
314687, to Bernard Miles, Mermaid Theatre, 20 March 1975, TL(car) re a possible performance by Milligan to support the Foundation
314688, from Jules Mock, n.d., TLS
Emma Molinari:
314689, to Edith, 13 January 1976; re art in support of the BRPF
314690, from Edith, 3 February 1976, TL(car)
314691, to Edith, 16 August 1976, TLS
314692, from Edith, 8 November 1976, TL(car)
Note: Attached to this group of letters is Molinari’s business card and a photocopy of her CV.
314693, J.B. Neilands to Edith, 14 September 1976, TLS
314694, Edith to Giorgio La Pira, 3 March 1972, TL(car)
Joseph Rotblat:
314695, from Edith, handwritten draft, 8 September 1972
314696, to Edith, 21 September 1972, TLS, with envelope; re the Oxford Conference and his decision to give up the post of Secretary-General of Pugwash
314697, from Jean Paul Sartre, 1 October 1976, TLS(x)
314698, from Laurent Schwartz, 29 September 1965, TLS
314699, to Simon and Schuster Inc., 17 December 1970, TL(car), 2 pp.
314700, to Telephone Manger, South-Central Area, 6 April 1972, TL(car); “One of the directors of the Foundation wrote to you.”
314701, Fan Yew Teng, 28 September 1977, typed signed mimeograph
F.22 Countries, 1971–76
314702, to Ex-President Juan Perón in Spain, 22 October 1971, TL(car), 2 pp.
314703, to Bruno Kreisky, 18 April 1972, TL(car)
314704, to Chou En-lai, 30 July 1971, TL(car)
314705, to Kuo Mojo [aka Guo Moruo], 4 September 1972, typed transcript of overnight cable
314706, to Mao Tse-Tung, 13 January 1976, TL(car); re the death of Chou En-lai
314707, to the Chairman, Academy of Sciences, 20 March 1972, TL(car)
314708, to Dom Mintoff, 5 January 1972, TL(car)
314709, from Private Secretary (J. Camilleri), 29 February 1972, TLS
314710, to Zulfikur Ali Bhutto, 5 January 1972, TLS
314711, from Bhutto, 25 January 1976, TLS, 2 pp. with envelope
314712, to Bhutto, 11 March 1976, TL(car)
314713, from Bhutto, 25 August 1976, TLS; with compliments card on which Ken Fleet has written: “This is a nice letter but no reply seems to be called for.”
314714, to Juan Velazco (aka Juan Velasco Alvarado), 18 October 1971, TL(car)
314715, from Hélène Sturdza, 30 December 1975, ALS(x); Edith noted: “Letter about this sent to President Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania”
314716, from Allala Laouiti, 15 April 1975, printed form with typed additions
314717, to Pham Van Dong, 4 September 1972, typed transcript of overnight cable
314718, from Pham Van Bach, 22 May 1975; TLS in Vietnamese; TL in English, both 2 pp.
314719, to Pham Van Bach, 22 June 1976, TL(car), 2 pp.
314720, to Pham Van Dong, 23 August 1976, TL(car); “my gratitude for your kind help in alerting so many people to the threats facing my husband’s Foundation from British Government agencies.”
314721, from Dobrivoje Vidic, 26 August 1971, TLS with envelope
314722, from Vidic, 29 May 1972, TLS
314723, from Vidic, 2 November 1972, TLS
314724, to Kenneth Kaunda, 11 March 1976, TL(car)
F.23 Italian cities, 1972–76
314725, from Arezzo (Aldo Ducci), 20 November 1975, TLS(car)
314726, from Bologna (Renato Zangheri), 5 November 1975, TLS with envelope
314727, from Firenze (Fioretta Mazzei), 13 March 1972, TLS
314728, to Mazzei, 25 March 1972, TL(car)
314729, from Firenze (Elio Gabbuggiani), 7 November 1975, TLS with envelope, in Italian
314730, from Gabbuggiana, 17 March 1976, TLS, in Italian
314731, from Genova (Fulvio Cerofolini), 18 November 1975, TLS
314732, from Perugia (Giovanni Perari), 22 November 1975, TLS
F.24 8 June 1972, letter about the brutality of the United States, typed carbon
314733, Houari Boumedienne, Algeria
314734, Nicolae Ceausescu, Romania
314735, Chou-en-la, China; with an added paragraph, 2pp.
314736, Enver Hoxha, Albania
314737, Kim Il-Sung, Korea
314738, Josip Tito, Yugoslavia
F.25 Prince Nordom Sihanouk, Cambodia, to/from/about, 1971–77
314739, from Edith, 8 June 1972, TL(car)
314740, from Edith, 24 February 1975, TLS, 2 pp.; Edith has written that this letter was “scrapped, substitute sent”
314741, from Sihanouk, stamped 21 March 1975, photocopy of telegram, two pages; in French
314742, from Edith, 11 November 1976, TL(car)
314743, from Edith, 21 March 1977, TL(car)
314744, to Kuo Mo-jo, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 July 1971, TL(car)
314745, 13 letters written by Edith, 28 to 30 July 1971, held together with a clipped note “Signed & sent 31/7/71”
314746, to Salvador Allende, Chile, 14 September 1971, TL(car)
314747, to Josif Tito, 22 October 1971, TL(car)
314748, to Hadji Lechi, Albania, 22 October 1971, TL(car)
314749, to Hua Kuo-Feng, China, 11 November 1976, TL(car), 2 pp.
314750, to Hua Kuo-Feng, China, 21 March 1977, TL(car)
F. 26 Centenary Art Exhibit, Rotunda Gallery, 29 December 1972 to 13 January 1973
314751, Draft typed appeal from Edith, with note from Farley, 31 March 1972: “Will this do as a revised appeal for November?”
314752, from Farley, 1 March 1972, ANS
314753 and 53A, to Jan Boomers and Mike Salt, 7 September 1972, TL(car); thanks for donating works to the Exhibit
314754, from Farley, 30 October 1972, ANS, encl. typed carbon draft invitation
314755, from Farley, n.d., TN, encl. typescript of “A Message from Edith, Countess Russell”; Edith has written “Paintings of Snowdon” on this typescript
314756, from Mike Cushman, n.d., ALS; written after the success of the Exhibit
314757, Handwritten note by Edith: “Professor Ch’ang was written to in 1972 or 1971 with request he send a work of his art.” He has now sent a poem translated by Professor Alexander Wilson. Received April 1974
314758, Ch’ang Jen-hsia, January 1974, typed translation of his letter; he was too ill to send something in 1971. There is also a photocopy of his letter
314759, Ch’ang Jen-hsia poem, January 1974, photocopy of typed translation; photocopy of poem
314760, Nottingham postmark, 17 March 1972 with text “Bertrand Russell 1872–1970 Centenary”
Appeals for Funds for the BRPF by Edith
F.27 Appeals sent to the press
314761, Handwritten draft, January 1975: “I am writing to ask you once again for help.”
314762, Typed appeal, n.d.: “I am writing as a matter of urgency to ask you for help.” News clipping for The Age, 26 March 1975, which printed this letter.
314763, Fourteen letters to various publications, 28, 29 and 30 July, TL(car), 2 pp.: “The Appeal to save the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation from closure has now realized the sum of £10,000.”
314764, Typed draft, 24 October 1975: “Many of your readers will know that my late husband, Bertrand Russell, established the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation in 1963.” There are three typed carbons of this letter sent to the Morning Star, Workers Press, and Scottish Daily News.
314765, to Morning Star, 6 November 1975, TL(car)
314766, to Times Literary Supplement, 7 November 1975, TL(car)
314767, “Bertrand Russell Foundation Appeal”, printed leaflet, n.d.
F.28 Appeal responses: Nola Miller and the Duke of Bedford
314768, Ian, Duke of Bedford to Edith, 10 April 1975; encl. letter written to him from Nola Miller, 17 January 1975, ALS, 2 pp. (314768A). The Woburn Trust will be sending a donation.
314769, Hester Breuvart, Secretary to Bedford, reply to Miller, 10 April 1975, TL(car)
314770, Edith to Miller, 22 April 1975, ALS(car)
314771, from Miller to Edith, 5 May 1975, TLS, 7 pp.
314772, from Edith to Miller in reply, 6 June 1975, ALS(car)
314773, from Miller, 19 June 1975, ALS, 13 pp. with envelope
F.29 Appeal responses
314774, from Charlotte Amendra, 14 October 1975, TLS
314775, Fleet to Amendra, 20 October 1975, TL(car)
314776, from Kenneth Armitage, 22 January 1975, TLS
314777, from Sir Leon Bagrit, 30 January 1975, TLS
314778, from Edith to Fleet, 7 July 1975, AN, re Hilda Ballinger donations
314779, Robert O. Boothe, 21 September 1975, ALS with envelope
Phyllis Busst
314780, from Edith, 18 March, draft handwritten reply
314781, from Edith, 10 April 1975, draft handwritten reply
314782, from Busst, 7 March 1976, ALS, 2 pp.
314783, from Busst, 28 March 1976, ALS, 4 pp.
314784, from Leonard B. Boudin, 10 March, 1976, TLS
314785, to Boudin, 17 March, 1976, TL(car)
314786, from Yuen Ren Chao, 1 March 1976, TLS
314787, to Chao, 12 March 1976, handwritten draft
314788, from M. St. S. Casie Chetty, 21 October 1975, TLS
Lester E. Dennon
314789, to Edith, 28 April 1975, ALS
314790, from Edith, 3 May [1976?], handwritten draft written on the back of an envelope
314791, to Edith, 27 March 1976, ALS with envelope
314792, Dong-In Bae, 15 May 1975, TLS; ANS on a compliments card signed by Farley, 21 May 1975 attached; the note mentions Spike Milligan
314793, from E.F. Dugdale, n.d., ALS; on the verso is a handwritten draft to Mrs. Bellinger [sic] as well as a P.S.; on the front of this letter Edith wrote: “Printed letter of receipt plus P.S., 11/4/75”. Should be Hilda Ballinger.
314794, from Chanchal Dutt, 15 October 1975, ALS
314795, from W.H. Ferry, 28 February 1975, TLS(x)
314796, from Ferry, 10 March 1975, TLS
314797, from W.H. Ferry, 10 March 1976, ALS written on verso of printed letter from the DJB Foundation, 18 December 1974
314798, from Alma Jones, 11 June 1975, ALS
314799, to Jones, 23 June 1975, ALS(car)
314800, from Corliss Lamont, 20 March 1975, TLS
314801, to Lamont, 11 April 1975, handwritten draft
314802, from Irving F. Lauck, 21 January 1975, TLS
314803, from Salvador de Madariaga, 12 February 1975, TLS
314804, from Barbara Maldegen [?], 16 September 1975, ALS
314805, from Gerhard Marcks, 15 August 1975, ALS in German with translation
314806, to Marcks, 27 August 1975, TL(car)
314807, from Margaret A. Milne, 19 February 1976, TLS
314808, to Milne, 6 March 1976, TL(car)
314809, to B. Kliban, 5 March 1976, TL(car), 2pp.; written at the suggestion of Milne
314810, from Le Monde (Hubert Beauve-Méry), 29 January 1975, TLS, in French
314811, from Morning Star (Tony Chater), 11 November 1975, TLS
314812, from Ichiro Moritaki, 10 December 1976, ALS, encl. news clipping
314813, from Edith to Moritaki, 16 December 1976, TL(car)
314814, from Edith to Hiroshima Gensuikin, 16 December 1976, TL(car); “Moritaki has sent to us a cheque [from] donations you have collected.
314815, from Miyao Ohara, 8 February 1977, TLS
314816, from Edith to Ohara, 15 February 1977, TL(car)
314817, Fleet to Edith, typed note, sending Edith the letter to send to Ohara and the cheque which she needs to endorse and return to him. Edith added the date 16 February 1977 for the return.
314818, from Osamu Ono, 16 June 1976, TLS(x)
314819, from Open Roads Films Ltd. (Carl Foreman), 14 January 1975, TLS
Kaoru Ishido
314820, from Ishido, 28 September 1976, TLS
314821, to Ishido, 7 October 1976, TL(car)
314822, to Ishido, 22 October 1976, TL(car)
314823, from Ishido, 13 November 1976, TLS
314824, to Ishido, 12 December 1976, TL(car)
314825, to Shigetoshi Iwamatsu, 12 March 1976, handwritten draft
314826, from Victor K. Myhill, n.d., ALS
314827, to Myhill, 27 August 1976, TL(car)
314828, from New Society Publications, printed card, pmk. 22 September 1975
314829, from H.C. Peiris, 15 October 1975, TLS, 2 pp.
314830, from Miguel Pelegrina, 7 November 1975, ALS
314831, to Arnoldo Pomodoro, 7 November 1975, TL(car)
314832, from Joseph Pulikelt, 16 October 1975, TLS
314833, from Maria Reichenbach, 9 May 1975, TLS
314834, from Dilip Roy, 16 October 1976, ALS
314835, from Laurent Schwartz, 10 March 1975, TLS
314836, from A.L. Lytton Sells, 1 February 1975, ALS
314837, from Cathy Shaw (UU World staff), 26 June 1976, ACS
314838, from Kathleen Singleton, 17 July 1975, ALS
314839, from Wole Soyinka, 8 May 1975, TLS
314840, to Graham Sutherland, 19 June 1975, TL(car)
314841, from Fleet to Messrs. Taylor & Humbert, TL(car); thank you for the donation from the Woburn Trust
314842, from The Times (A. Holmes), 26 September 1975, TLS
314843, from The Times Literary Supplement, 25 September 1975, TC
314844, from Transport and General Workers Union, 15 March 1976, TLS(x)
314845, from Basker Vashee, 26 November 1976, TLS with envelope
314846, to Vashee, 8 December 1976, handwritten draft
314847, from S. Whelan, 15 October 1975, ALS
314848, Messages and Press Releases from the BRPF, 1972–77
F.31 Atlantic Peace Foundation; trustees Russell, Edith, Michael Barratt Brown, Kenneth Fleet
Note: All the following typed signed letters are written by Ken Fleet to Edith on APF letterhead.
314849, 9 December 1970
314850, 26 March 1971, ALS
314851, 20 April 1971
314852, 17 May 1971
314853, 13 July 1971
314854, 16 August 1971
314855, 3 January 1972
314856, 27 November 1972
314857, 28 December 1972
314858, 23 April 1974
314859, 2 May 1974
314860, 7 October 1974
314861, 23 July 1975
314862, 16 December 1975
314863, Edith to the Trustees, 8 February 1976, TL(x); confirms her gift of £15,000.
Series 8:
Estate of Bertrand Russell. – 1970–1977. – 37.5 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series. – Estate issues are also discussed in correspondence in other series. Letterhead was printed in 1972 for the Estate. See document 315194 below.
Box 17.60
Accounts, Invoices, Royalties
314864, Folder with title, “The Estate of the Late Lord Russell for the Two Years Ended 2.2.72”; the typescript has “draft” typed in red on every page
314865, Folder with Felton & Partners printed on the cover; Edith has written “Estate, Income & Balance on 5 April 1972”; typescript
314866, Folder with Felton & Partners printed on the cover; inside is a typescript for income and balance, 5 April 1973; also in the folder is a photocopy of a typescript, “Estate Capital Account—Schedule B”. The file also contains financial documents, May to November 1973 re royalties, all with compliments cards from Continuum One Limited (Anton Felton)
314867, Felton to Edith, 22 August 1974, TLS; encl. Estate Accounts for the year ended 5th April 1975; the accounts are typed photocopies
314868, Estate Balance Sheet, 31 December 1975, handwritten photocopies
314869 Four Invoices for Professional Services Rendered, 1970 (photocopy), 1971, 1975, 1977; other invoices were attached to letters and can be found in the Financial series.
314870, “The Executors of the Estate of the Late Lord Russell, Schedule of A&U Royalty Receipts for 1966 to 1971”, photocopy of typescript, 3 pp.; Royalty statement, typed carbon, 29 October 1973 (314870A)
314871, “Approximate Sales to 30 June 1972”, photocopy of typescript, 3 pp.
314872, “Breakdown of Subsidiary Rights for half year ending 30 June, 1972”, photocopy of typescript, 2 pp.
314873, from Continuum 1 Limited to the Executors, 1 August 1972, Simon & Schuster royalties, photocopy of typescript
314874, “List of Foreign Publishers”, n.d., photocopy of typescript, 9 pp.
F.8 Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Note: There is one letter from K.A.M. Abbot in Box 17.46, F.6, document 312726
314875, Abbott (Royalty Accountant) to Edith, 16 September 1974, TLS; “We have pleasure in enclosing photocopies of the Bertrand Russell Estate accounts as requested by Barry Feinberg.” Some are photocopies while others are typed carbons.
314876, Group of accounts, for the half year ending 30 June 1975; no cover letter
314877, from Abbott, 26 April 1977, TLS; encl. photocopies of accounts
314878, from Abbott, 5 September 1977, TLS; encl. photocopies of accounts
F.9-F.12 All the royalties in the following four files were found in an envelope addressed to Edith, postmarked in Hemel Hempstead, 24 April 1977
F.9 Various titles
314879 one slip dated 31 December 1976; the remainder undated
F.10 314880
Book titles, A–H, 1976
F.11 314881
Book titles, I–N, 1976
F.12 314882
Book titles, O–W, 1976
F.13 Simon & Schuster
314882A, Royalty statement addressed to the Executor, for Human Knowledge and History of Western Philosophy, 14 August 1973
314883, Royalty statement addressed to Anton Felton, for History of Western Philosophy and Human Knowledge, 30 September 1977
F.14 Invoices
314884, Invoices sent to the Estate by publishers, 1970–72
F.15 Barclays Bank
314884A , Two letters from Felton to Barclays Bank Limited, Tottenham Court Road, 1972; attached to one letter is a photocopy of the royalty statement for Principia Mathematica, 1971
F.16 Royalty Statements
314884B, Royalty Statements, May 1973, re Principia and the Collected Stories; also photocopy of TLS from Felton to Fleet, 14 May, re Ronald Clark
Box 17.61
F.1 Anton Felton/Christopher Farley, 1970–77
Group of letters clipped together with Compliments card on which Edith wrote “Estate”:
314885, Felton to Farley, 16 December 1970, TLS
314886, Felton to Child & Co., 16 December 1970, TLS(car); b.c. to Farley
314887, Felton to L.F. Harris, State Duty Office, 16 December 1970, TL(car), 3 pp.; b.c. to Farley; Note: Correct name is L.S. Harris.
314888, Farley to Felton, 18 December 1970, TL(car); Edith has written “Estate” on this letter
314889, Farley to Felton, 30 September 1971, TL(car); attached photocopies of royalties
314890, Felton to Farley, 26 May 1972, TLS(car); encl. typed carbon of royalty statement for the Collected Stories; Edith has written a note on the compliments card dated 30 May 1972 (314890A)
314891, Felton to Farley, 26 September 1972, TLS(x); encl. photocopy of handwritten list of sales of The Autobiography up to June 1972
314892, Felton to Farley, 4 October 1972, TLS(x)
314893, Farley to Felton 2 November 1972, TLS(x); re Felton’s letter of 30 October (not extant here) about the Lady Ottoline correspondence—it should be “a matter or urgency if the embargo is to be lifted in fifteen months’ time.” Ken Blackwell should be consulted “about the situation in Texas.”
314894, Felton to Farley, 12 April 1973, TLS(x); encl. photocopy of TLS(x), 3 pp. from Allen & Unwin (Rayner Unwin) to Feinberg, 19 March 1973 (314994A). Edith has written a note on this letter as well as on the compliments card
314895, Felton to Farley, 30 April 1973, TL(x); encl. Feinberg correspondence with the Philosophical Library, December 1972
314896, Felton to Farley, 9 May 1973, TLS(x)
314897, Felton to Farley, 30 May 1973, TLS(x); encl. photocopies of royalty statements
314898, Felton to Farley, 26 June 1973, TL(x), with compliments card to Edith; he needs a clear reply to his letter of 25 April and he enclosed photocopies of relevant letters; Allen & Unwin to Feinberg, 19 March 1973, TLS(x), 3 pp. (314898A); Felton to Farley, 12 April 1973, TL(car, x) (314898B); Farley to Felton, 17 April 1973, TLS(x) (314898C); Felton to Farley, 25 April 1973, TL(car) (314898D).
314899, Farley to Felton, 21 August 1973, TLS(x)
314900, Felton to Farley, 22 August 1973, TLS(x)
These letters clipped together with a compliments card.
314901, Felton to Farley, 3 September 1973, TL, with compliments card to Edith; Unwin has decided to keep the paperback rights to The Autobiography
314902, Felton to Farley, 10 October 1973, TLS(x), 3 pp.; with enclosures
314903, Felton to Farley, 26 October 1973, TL(car, x)
314904, Farley to Felton, 1 November 1973, TLS(x)
314905, Farley to Felton, 1 November 1973, TLS(x); “Denis Forman of Granada TV visited Lady Russell recently about the Joseph Losey project.”
314906, Felton to Farley, 5 November 1973, TLS(x)
314907, Felton to Farley, 6 November 1973, TLS(x)
314908, Farley to Felton, 6 November 1973, TLS(x)
314909, Felton to Farley, 7 November 1973, TL(car, x)
These letters clipped together with a compliments card
314910, Felton to Farley, 8 November 1973, TLS(x), with compliments card; encl. photocopies of correspondence about The Autobiography from Ken Coates, Barry Feinberg, and others, beginning in 1972
314911, Felton to Farley, 9 November 1973, TLS(x)
314912, Farley to Felton, 11 November 1973, TL(car)
314913, Farley to Felton, 12 November 1973, TL(car); the entire collection of letters about The Autobiography has been sent to Coates.
314914, Felton to Farley, 14 November 1973, TLS(x); re The Autobiography; “There are a number of points therein with which I really cannot agree, but doubt that this matters at this stage.”
314915, Felton to Farley, 14 November 1973, TLS(x), 2 pp.; re the Estate Accounts; encl. photocopies of typed accounts with regard to leasehold properties and creditors. With compliments card from Felton & Partners to Edith.
314916, Farley to Felton, 15 November 1973, TLS(x); re The Autobiography. There is also a typed carbon of this letter, originally not clipped with this pairing
314917, Felton to Farley, 16 November 1973, TLS(x)
These letters clipped together with a compliments card
314918, Farley to Felton, 18 November 1973, TL(car), 2 pp.
314919, Farley to Felton, 28 November 1973, TLS(x)
314920, Felton to Farley, 3 December 1973, TLS(x)
314921, Allen & Unwin, draft agreement modification, n.d., photocopy of typescript, 2 pp.
These three items were clipped together with a compliments card
314922, Felton to Farley, 2 January 1974, TLS(x); c.c. to Edith
314923, Felton to Farley, 15 February 1974, TLS(x); with compliments card to Edith
314924, Felton to Farley, 2 June 1975, TLS; Edith has noted she signed the cheque
314925, Felton to Farley, 2 June 1975, TLS; Edith has noted she signed the cheque; encl. photocopy of Capital Gains Tax for the year ending 5 April 1967
314926, Felton to Farley, 19 May 1976, TLS(x)
314927, Felton to Farley, 25 July 1977, TLS(x)
F.2 Felton/Fleet/Edith, 1973
Edith put the contents of this file into an envelope on which she wrote: “Ken Fleet & Felton re 9-10 % interest on frozen McMaster money”
314928, Fleet to Felton, 17 April, TL(x), 2 pp.; “the McMaster instalment was frozen for 18 months”
314929, Felton to Fleet, 3 May, TLS(x); “unhappy that we seem to be at odds”
314930, Fleet to Felton, 24 May, TL(x), 2 pp.; re Interest on Archives II monies
314931, Felton to Fleet, 11 June, TLS(x) with handwritten additions
314932, Fleet to Felton, 3 July, TLS(x), 2 pp.; re Interest on Archives II monies
314933, Felton to Fleet, 6 September, TLS(x), 2 pp.; “I think it is very wrong to attempt to penalize me.”
314934, Fleet to Felton, 14 September, TL(x), 2 pp.; re Archives II interest
314935, Felton to Fleet, 5 October, TLS(x), 2 pp.; “I am really most upset that Lady Russell should have been troubled in this at this stage and worried that you report her to be thoroughly shocked.” He queries the sale of Archives II—under the old Agreement or a new one.
314936, Fleet to Edith, 9 October, TLS; encl. 314934 re “the dispute that has arisen over interest on the frozen instalments”
314937, Fleet to Edith, 16 October, TLS; encl. photocopy of Felton’s letter 29 March, TLS(x) (314937A). Also clipped to this letter is a photocopy of a typed statement, “Continuum One Limited, Bank Interest, Re Archives II 1st Receipt”
314938, Fleet to Felton, 16 October, TL(car), 2 pp.; “I was dismayed by your letter of 5th October.”
314939, Also placed in the envelope was a photocopy of typed statement “The Estate of the Late Lord Russell, The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Ltd.”
F.3 Felton to Peter Brown, Heald, Johnson & Co., 1971–72
314940, Eight letters, all typed signed carbons, sent to either Farley or Edith
F.4 Felton/Brown (Heald and Nickinson), 1976
314941, Felton to Brown, 3 February, TLS(x), 2 pp.; Edith has written on this letter: “Felton promises by telephone to straighten this out at once.” Re domestic staff payments.
314942, Brown to Felton, 6 July, TLS; encl. photocopy of letter from Lewis W. Taylor, 1 July, TLS, 2 pp. (314942A). Taylor sent Brown a photocopy of a Court Protection Order, 14 June 1976 concerning both Katharine Tait and her brother John Russell.
314943, Felton to Brown, 12 July, TLS(x); re Katharine Tait’s legacy with compliments card
F.5 Felton/others
Allen and Unwin
314944, Felton to Rayner Unwin, Allen & Unwin, 22 February 1971, TLS(x); re “The Autobiographies Soft Back Editions”
314945, Unwin to Felton, 5 March 1971, TLS(x)
Marvin Kaye
314946, Kaye to Felton, 8 February 1973, TLS(x), 3 pp.
314947, Felton to Black, 22 February 1973, TL(x); encl. photocopy of Kaye’s letter
314948, Kaye to Felton, 19 April 1974, TLS(x), 2 pp.; encl. photocopy of typescript, “Bertrand Russell’s Guided Tour of Intellectual Rubbish”, 7 pp. Also a leaflet issued by Harry Walker, Inc., n.d.
Jimmy Vaughan
314949, Felton to Vaughan, 23 July 1971, TLS(x), 2 pp. with handwritten note from Farley to Edith, 26 July 1971 (314949A), commenting on Felton’s letter
314950, Felton to Vaughan, 17 May 1972, TLS(car) with compliments card
F.6 Felton/Edith Russell, 1970
314951, Edith to Felton, 12 July, TL(car); “I am writing to confirm that all the papers concerning my husband which I possess have now been sent to you from here … I wish to be consulted about their proposed future use.”
314952, Felton to Edith, 21 December, TLS
314953, Felton to Edith, 23 December, TLS
F.7 Felton/Edith Russell, 1971
314954, Felton to Edith, 1 January, TLS, 5 pp., re “The Estate: Interim Report”, encl. seven typed statements
314955, Felton to Edith, 10 March, TLS, 2 pp.
314956, Felton to Edith, 13 April, TLS; re insuring the Epstein bust
314957, Edith to Felton, 2 May, TL(car), 3 pp.; although Edith wrote one paragraph about Ronald Clark the rest of the letter is about other matters
314958, Felton to Edith, 24 May, TLS, 3 pp.
314959, Edith to Felton, 25 May, TL(car), 2 pp.
314959A, Edith to Felton, 30 June, TL(car)
314959B, Felton to Edith, 8 July, TLS, 2 pp.
314960, Felton to Edith, 27 July, TLS
314961, “The Executors to the Estate of the Late Lord Russell, Schedule of Allen & Unwin Royalty Receipts for 1969 and 1970”, typescript, n.d. with attached handwritten note by Edith stating she forwarded their tax statement to Felton on 19 August 1971.
314962, L.S. Harris, Estate Duty Office, October, TLS(x), 2 pp.; forwarded to Edith, cover letter not extant
314963, Edith to Felton, 10 October, handwritten draft; “I should have thanked you long ago for your letter of 19 October in reply to mine of the 14th”. See those letters listed below; the date Edith wrote on this letter must be incorrect.
314964, Felton to Edith, 11 October, TLS
314965, Edith to Felton, 14 October, handwritten draft
314966, Felton to Edith, 19 October, TLS
314967, Felton to Edith, 4 November, TLS
314968, Felton to Edith, 4 November, TLS
314969, Felton to Edith, 15 November, TLS
314970, Felton to Edith, 22 November, TLS, 3 pp.; encl. photocopy of typed memorandum explaining his professional charges, 11 November
F.8 Felton/Edith Russell re Ronald Clark, 1971
314971, Felton to Edith 29 April, TLS, 3 pp. with envelope
314972, Edith to Felton, 29 May, TL(car); “we are unlikely to obtain a better agreement with Mr. Clark than that you outline.”
314973, Felton to Edith, 21 May 1971, TLS; re Clark’s ability, whether he should be allowed to see embargoed materials
314974, Edith to Felton, 25 May, TL(car), 2 pp.; Edith’s assessment of Clark: “He seems to be equipped with an overdose of industry and a lamentable underdose—apart from literary ability—of sympathetic imagination and sensitiveness to human qualities and other such imponderables.” She wanted Clark to see Bertie’s memorandum “of the main difficulties that arose in his first three marriages.” With regard to the embargo: “I do not think that we can now break our promises to” Russell that the embargo would be enforced.
314975, Felton to Edith, 28 May, TLS; what to do about letters owned by others; Dora is given as an example.
314976, Felton to Edith, 25 June, TLS
314977, Felton to Edith, 28 June, TLS
314978, Felton to Edith, 1 July, TLS
314979, Edith to Felton, 3 July, TLS(car); she commented on the Clark contract
314980, Felton to Edith, 6 July, TLS, 2 pp.
314981, Ronald Clark contract, 9 July, photocopy of typed document, unsigned, 2 pp.; with a typed list of embargoed people.
314982, Felton to Edith, 13 July, TLS; encl. copy of typed final draft contract, 8 pp. This draft was photocopied, and changes were written on it in an unknown hand. The embargo list was changed.
All of Felton letters in this file are on Continuum 1 Limited letterhead.
F.9 Felton/Edith Russell, 1972
314983, Felton to Edith, 9 February, TLS; re Estate Accounts
314984, Edith to Felton, 12 February, TL(car)
314985, Felton to Edith, 25 February, TLS; encl. letter to Jack Black, TLS(car) re a meeting about the Estate (314985A)
314986, Edith to Felton, 12 March, TL(car), 2 pp.; “I have been giving considerable thought to the volume of my husband’s fiction [Collected Stories], and to questions which it raises … You will remember that my husband invited you to be his executor in place of Sir Stanley Unwin in order to protect his estate from precisely such conflicts of interest … You have announced your intention of making in perpetuity, over and above your other charges, a levy upon the estate of 10 percent.” There are two earlier typed drafts of this letter, one undated, 2 pp. (314986A) and one dated 11 March (314986B), both typed carbons with handwritten additions; there is an undated handwritten draft (314986C); there are also three handwritten notes about the letter (314986D)
314987, Felton to Edith, 20 March, TLS, 3 pp.; “I am sorry that you have been caused distress by the question of our role.”
314988, Felton to Edith, 23 March, TLS; encl. typed carbon signed letter to the Collector of Taxes (314988A)
314989, Felton to Edith, 23 March, TLS; encl. draft copies of the Estate Accounts
314990, Edith to Felton, 31 March, TL(car) with handwritten note; she returned the bill to him
314991, Felton to Edith, 29 March, TLS; encl. photocopy of letter from the Tax Collector, Bangor, 28 March (314991A)
Note: The following letter has three dates; all concern the appointment of Ken Coates as an additional literary executor:
314992, Edith to Felton, March, handwritten draft in Christopher Farley’s hand with additions in Edith’s hand
314993, Edith to Felton, 29 March, handwritten draft
314994, Edith to Felton, 30 March, TLS(car)
314995, Edith to Felton, 3 April 1972, TL(car), 2 pp.; this is a reply to his letter of 20 March. The editing of this work of fiction, Collected Stories, should not be paid by a percentage of royalties; a flat sum should be paid. Edith also wrote an undated handwritten draft of this letter (314995A). She has also written some notes on a circular disk of cardboard.
314996, Felton to Edith, 4 April, TLS; in reply to her letter of 31 March
314997, Felton to Edith, 7 April, TLS, 2 pp; in reply to her letter of 3 April; “We really have got into quite a tangle over this problem.” Edith has written questions on this letter.
314998, Felton to Edith, 10 April, TLS
314999, Edith to Felton, 11 April, TL(car) with handwritten p.s.
315000, Felton to Edith, 27 April, TLS, 2 pp.; he is writing to Ken Coates
315001, Felton to Coates, 27 April, TL(car)
315002, Edith to Felton, 29 April, handwritten draft written on verso of 315001
315003, Felton to Edith, 2 May, TLS; encl. photocopy of TLS from Coates, 28 April (3145003A). The typed carbon of this letter is document 314608.
315004, Felton to Edith, 10 May, TLS
315005, Felton to Edith, 16 May, TLS; encl. photocopies of “a statement from Mr. Clark’s Agents along with the Continuum Statement”
315006, Felton to Inspector of Taxes, 17 May, TLS(car); compliments card, b.c. to Edith
315007, Felton to Edith, 1 June, TLS; re appointing Ken Coates as Literary Executor de jure
315008, Felton to Edith, 8 June, TLS; encl. correspondence and document re taxes
315009, Felton to Edith, 16 June, TLS
315010, Felton to Edith, 19 June, TLS; encl. Black’s bill for the Collected Stories (not extant here)
315011, Felton to Edith, 20 June, TLS
315012, Edith to Felton, 22 June, TL(car); Black’s bill took her by surprise
315013, Felton to Edith, 28 June, TLS
315014, Edith to Felton, 3 July, TL(car)
315015, Felton to Edith, 21 July, TLS; encl. “a [photo]copy of a statement in regard to the second payment on the biography.”
315016, Felton to Edith, 1 September, TLS
315017, Felton to Edith, 25 October, TLS; encl. statement re Clark biography; he was “delighted … to learn of your happiness about McMaster.”
315018, Felton to Edith, 20 November, TLS; encl. photocopy of an account from Jack Black
315019, Felton to Edith, 20 November, TLS; re taxes and pension
315020, Edith to Felton, 22 November, handwritten draft written on the verso of 315019
F.10 Felton/Edith Russell, 1973
315020A, Felton to Edith, 21 January, TLS(x)
315021, Felton to Edith, 14 February, TLS
315022, Felton to Peter Brown, 19 February, TLS(x) with compliments card to Edith; re the Consent Order
315023, Edith to Felton, 22 February, handwritten draft
315023A, Felton to Edith, 28 February, TLS
315023B, Edith to Felton, 4 March, handwritten draft
315024, Felton to Edith, 14 March, TLS
315024A, Edith to Felton, 16 March, handwritten draft written on the verso of 315024
315025, Edith to Felton, 17 March, TL(car) with handwritten changes: “Christopher Farley has sent me his Memorandum of his meeting with you on 12 March.” Attached to this letter is the “Memorandum from Chris Farley to Lady Russell, Ken Coates & Ken Fleet Concerning My Visit to Anton Felton, March 12 1973”, typescript, 2 pp. with handwritten notes by Edith (315025A)
315026, Felton to Edith, 19 March, TLS; “I am sorry to hear of Mullock’s death.” Note: Thomas Mullock was the gardener at Plas Penrhyn.
315027, Felton to Edith, 23 March, TLS
315028, Felton to Inspector of Taxes, 19 March, TLS(x) with compliments card to Edith; encl. photocopy of TLS from W.L. Jenkins, Inspector of Taxes (315028A)
315029, Felton to Edith, 2 April, TLS
315029A, Felton to Edith, 2 April, TLS; re Black’s fees for Archive II
315030, Edith to Felton, 3 April, handwritten draft; re Archive II
315031, Felton to Edith, 19 April, TLS, 4 pp. in reply to her letter of 17 March; Edith has written notes on this letter; on the verso of page 2 is a handwritten note by Farley, followed by one by Edith
315032, “Comments from Chris Farley on Anton Felton’s Letter of April 19”, n.d., typescript, 2 pp.
315033, “Chris’s Comments on Felton’s letter of 19 April”, handwritten by Edith, n.d.
315034, Felton to Edith, 24 April, TLS
315035, Felton to Edith, 2 May, TLS; encl. photocopy of TLS from B.D.S. Lock, 30 April re Lucy who is in Nepal (315035A) and photocopy of Felton’s TLS to Lock, 2 May (315035B)
315036, B.D.S. Lock to Felton, 3 May, TLS(x) re Lucy; compliments card to Edith
315037, Felton to Edith, 4 May, TLS; encl. typed “statement summarizing the recent Allen and Unwin Royalty payment”
315038, Edith to Felton, 10 May, TL(car); “I am distressed by the muddle that has occurred concerning Lucy Russell. I can guess, though I do not know, who stirred up the hornet’s nest, and how.” Also handwritten notes by Edith written in preparation for the letter (315038A)
315039, Edith to Felton, 22 May, handwritten draft
315040, Felton to Edith, 22 May, TLS
315041, Edith to Felton, 29 May, handwritten draft
315042, Felton to Edith, 6 June, TLS
315043, Felton to Edith, 6 June, TLS; he returns a “sheaf of letters”. Edith wrote on this letter that she gave a copy to Michael Burn.
315044, Felton to Edith, 6 June, TLS; “the embargo must stand … we made our position clear to Ronald Clark and to Dora Russell… any change of heart that the Vinogradoffs may have is irrelevant.” Note: Mrs. Vinogradoff was Ottoline Morrell’s daughter.
315045, Felton to Farley, 6 June, TLS(car) in reply to Farley’s letter of 4 June (TLS, x) re The Collected Stories (315045A); compliments card to Edith
315046, Edith to Felton, 12 June, TL(car); re The Collected Stories
315047, Edith to Felton, 12 June, TL(car)
315048, Felton to Edith, 26 June, TLS, 2 pp., partly re Harry Ruja; a typed carbon of a letter to Ruja, 11 August 1969 (315048A) is enclosed. Also partly re The ABC of Atoms; photocopies of TLS letters from Feinberg to Joseph Rotblat on this topic are also enclosed (5 December 1972, 315048B; 22 June 1973, 315048C)
315049, Edith to Felton, 1 July, handwritten draft; “I hope that you will soon hear from … Professors Rotblat & Ruja.”
315050, Felton to Edith, 5 July, TLS
315051, Felton to Edith, 15 November, TLS
315052, Felton to Edith, 21 December, TLS
F.11 Felton/Edith Russell, 1973 re Marvin Kaye
315053, Felton to Edith, 26 February, TLS
315053A, Felton to Edith, 7 March, TLS; encl. photocopy of TLS from Kaye, 2 March (315053A) and photocopy of Felton’s typed reply, 7 March (315053B)
315054, Edith to Felton, 12 March, handwritten draft
315055, Felton to Edith, 3 April, TLS; encl. photocopy of TLS from Kaye, 14 March, 2 pp. (315055A)
315056, Felton to Edith, 1 May, TLS; encl. photocopy of TLS from Kaye, 23 March (315056A)
F.12 Letters found in an envelope with a note by Edith: “Felton fuss about title”. Most but not all of them concern Felton’s role as literary executor. Compliments cards from Continuum One Limited and Felton & Partners are clipped to some of the Felton/Farley correspondence.
315057, Farley to Feinberg, 1 November, TLS(x)
315058, Felton to Farley, 7 November 1973, TLS(x)
Clipped to these two letters is a photocopy of a typescript, “Summary of Sundry Non-Commission Service Charges February 1970–August 1971”, 3 pp. (315058A)
315059, Edith to Felton, 8 November 1973, handwritten draft, 2 pp.; also undated handwritten draft and initial brief draft in Farley’s hand
315060, Edith to Felton, 17 November 1973, TL(car); in reply to Felton letter of 7 November to Farley
315061, Felton to Edith, 23 November 1973, TLS
315062, Farley to Felton, 18 November 1973, TLS(x), 2 pp.
315063, Felton to Farley, 26 November 1973, TLS(x), 3 pp.; encl. statements
315064, Felton & Partners to the Executors, 1 December 1973, typed statement, 2 pp.; Edith clipped a note to it.
315065, Felton to Edith, 19 December 1973, TLS; in reply to her letter of 17 November; encl. photocopies of correspondence from Peter Janson-Smith Ltd., Jonathan Clowes Ltd., Curtis Brown Ltd., Richard Scott Simon Ltd., A.D. Peters & Co. whose opinion he sought about normal arrangements for literary agents
315066, Felton to Farley, 15 January 1974, TLS(x); Farley note to Edith “I shall go to this meeting.”
315067, Farley to Felton, 18 January 1974, TLS
315068, Edith to Felton, 20 January 1974, TL(car), 2 pp. with handwritten changes and questions for Farley. There are also handwritten notes by Farley, 2 pp.; a handwritten draft of the letter by Edith and a list compiled by Edith.
315069, Black to Edith, 5 April 1974, TLS; re Affidavits regarding John Russell
315070, Edith to Jack Black, 10 April [1974], handwritten draft
315071, Farley to Edith, 1 April 1974, TLS
315072, Farley to Feinberg, 1 April 1974, TL(car)
315073, Farley to Feinberg, 7 April 1974, TL(car); encl. correspondence with Taurus Ediciones of Madrid
315074, Felton to Black, 10 April 1974, TLS(x), 3 pp. re literary executors fees
315075, Edith to Feinberg, 10 April 1974, handwritten draft; she is concerned by “the apparently inexplicable delays that occur.”
315076, Jack Black to Edith, 16 April 1974, TLS, 2 pp. re literary executors
315077, “Literary Executor’s Fees”, typescript, 1 p.; concerns Black’s letter of 16 April and Felton’s letter of 10 April; n.d., presumably prepared by Farley
315078, Feinberg to Edith, 17 April 1974, TLS, in reply to her letter of 15 April re inexplicable delays; either Feinberg has misdated her letter or Edith revised it again and did not send it until 15 April; encl. photocopies of letters he wrote to Farley
315079, Edith to Black, 6 May 1974, TL(car) 4 pp., in reply to Black’s letter of 16 April; “I was very sorry to see that Mr. Felton continues to ignore to you, as he has done throughout to me, the terms of my husband’s Will … I am sure that you can imagine how distasteful I find this matter, and how I long for its resolution.”
F.13 Felton/Edith Russell, 1974
315080, Felton to Edith, 3 January, TLS
315081, Felton to Edith, 11 January, TLS; encl. photocopies of taxation documents
315082, Edith to Felton, 19 January, TL(car); also a handwritten draft of this letter
315083, Felton to Edith, 25 January, TLS
315084, Felton to Edith, 25 January, TLS
315085, Edith to Felton, 28 January, handwritten signed copy
315086, Felton to Edith, 6 February, TLS
315087, Felton to Edith, 6 February, TLS
315088, Felton to Edith, 24 May, TLS [written on Estate letterhead; all others on Partners letterhead]
315089, “Questions Asked on Telephone 8 November 1974”, handwritten note by Edith
Box 17.62
F.1 Felton/Edith Russell, 1975; Partners letterhead
315090, Felton to Edith, 25 March, TLS; encl. photocopy of tax assessment
315091, Felton to Edith, 28 April, TLS
315092, Felton to Edith, 4 August, TLS, 2 pp.
315093, Russell-Cooke, Potter & Chapman to Elek Books Ltd., 17 September, TL(x), re the reference to Felton in Dora Russell’s book, Tamarisk Tree.
F.2 Felton/Edith Russell, 1976
315094, Felton to Edith, 30 January, TLS; encl. account fees (315095, 3 pp., 28 January). “Particularly this year there is an overlap between our three clients; yourself, the Estate and the Foundation.”
315096, Felton to Edith, 3 February, TLS, 2 pp.; re Estate legacies
315097, Felton to Edith, 12 February, TLS
315098, Felton to Edith, 23 March, TLS: encl. photocopy of his typed letter to The Free Thinker, 23 February, re Dora Russell
315099, Edith to Felton, 22 May, carbon copy of signed handwritten letter; re affidavits and the Plas Penrhyn lease
315100, Edith to Felton, 8 July, carbon copy of signed handwritten letter; re affidavits
315101, Felton to Edith, 14 July, TLS
F.3 Felton/Edith Russell, 1977
314102, Edith to Felton, 7 July, TL(car), 2 pp. re Estate accounts; Farley’s name also appears as a signatory
315103, Edith to Felton, 28 August, TL(car); re the BRPF and the Estate; Farley’s name also appears as a signatory
F.4 Edith Russell, 1970–77
315104, Janice Ogg (Continuum 1 Limited) to Edith, 5 April, TLS
315105, Ogg to Edith, 20 April 1970, TLS; re the address of Sir Claud Russell’s wife
315106, Ogg to Edith, 11 May 1970, TLS; encl. Russell’s family tree (not extant here)
315107, “Notable Words”, handwritten notes, some dated 1972, 1 p.
315108, Farley to Edith, 19 March 1975, ANS re a Felton request
315109, Edith to Felton, 21 March 1975, handwritten draft written on the verso of 315108
315110, Farley to Edith, 4 June 1975, ANS; encl. 2 letters from Felton, only one extant here, photocopy of TL, 9 April 1975 (315110A)
315111, Edith to Farley, 8 July 1976, carbon copy of handwritten letter
315112, “Telephone Report from Anton Felton to Chris Farley, 23 June 1977”, typescript, 1 p. in envelope that also contains a photocopy of a typed letter from Felton to Jack Black, 11 June 1977, 2 pp. (315112A)
315113, Farley to Edith, 24 June 1977, ALS; re Estate accounts
F.5 Farley/Anne Russell
Note: Anne usually signed her letters as Anne but the letters in this file are signed “Ann”.
315114, Anne to Farley, 10 April 1970, ALS
315115, Farley to Anne, 11 April 1970, TL(car)
315116, Anne to Farley, 13 April 1970, ALS
315117, Farley to Anne, 13 April 1970, TL(car); measurements of John Stuart Mill
315118, Anne to Farley, 26 April 1970, ALS
315119, Typed document re arrival at Bangor, 27 May 1970, signed “Ann Dryden”
315120, Farley to Anne and Ian Dryden, 1 June 1970, TL(car) re taxis
315121, Ian Dryden to Farley, 23 October 1970, ALS
Also is in this file is a typed statement (car) titled “Ian Dryden”, which outlines his finances, Summer 1970 (315121A) and a handwritten note by Farley, “Mr. Lock” re financial arrangements (315121B)
F.6 Farley’s correspondence with the BBC in his role as executor
315122, Farley to C.F.O. Clarke, 28 April 1970, TL(car); re the programme “The Passionate Involvement: Bertrand Russell and the Twentieth Century”
315123, Archie Gordon to Felton, 11 May 1970, TLS in reply to Farley’s letter of 28 April
315124, from Mrs. C.L. Grace, 10 January 1972, TLS
315125, Felton to Grace, 12 January 1972, TL(car)
F.7 Farley’s correspondence with Chester Telephone Area, 1970, 315126
F.8 Farley’s correspondence with others
315127, Farley to Alina Dadlez, Allen & Unwin, 16 February 1978, TL(car)
315128, Felton to Clarendon Press, 17 September 1970, TLS(car) sent to Farley with a compliments card
315129, Alberto Coffa to Farley, 28 February 1978, TLS, 2 pp.; permissions request
315130, Farley to Coffa, 9 March 1978, TL(car)
315131, Oxford University Press (Henry Hardy) to the Estate, 22 December 1977, TLS(x)
315132, Farley to Hardy, 16 February, TL(car)
315133, Hardy to Farley, 21 February, TLS
315134, T.B. Steel, Jr. to Farley, 1 June 1978, TLS; re permissions, encl. photocopy of already published letter from Russell to Mr. [Herbert A.] Simon, 2 November 1956, RANDom News, May 1957, p. 4.
Barry Feinberg, Continuum 1 Limited, a company set up by Anton Felton to deal with Russell’s literary affairs, c1963.
F.9 Barry Feinberg, 1970–72
315135, to P.D. Johnson, Allen & Unwin, 11 June 1970, TLS(car); re problems with the new Russell brochure. Sent to Edith with a Continuum 1 compliments card on which Edith wrote: “Three cheers for Barry Feinberg!”
315136, to Edith, 8 September 1970, TLS
315137, to Edith, 24 September 1970, TLS
315138, to Edith, 13 October 1970, TLS; he asked her if she wanted him to reply to the enclosed photocopy of a letter to him from Alec Kassman, The Aristotelian Society, 9 October 1970, TLS, (315138A) re Gilbert Ryle’s article. Edith wrote “Please” on Feinberg’s letter.
315139, to Edith, 22 October 1970, TLS
315140, to Edith, 22 October 1970, TLS
315141, to Edith, 1 March 1971, TLS; “I am happy that in general you approve of the plans for the American book and for the Anthology of Fiction.”
315141A, from Edith, 25 April 1971, TL(car); her delay in replying is because she has giving considerable thought to the preface of the fiction anthology [Collected Stories]
315142, to Edith, 12 May 1971, TLS; Edith’s reply is written on Feinberg’s letter, n.d. (315142A); she denied permission to Dr. Jones to use the Edith poem in his anthology.
315143, to Edith, 25 May 1971, TLS, 3 pp. in reply to her letter of 25 April; encl. photocopy of typed “Contents” of the Collected Stories; handwritten beside each selection is the source, 2 pp.
315144, from Edith, 28 May 1971, TLS(car), 2 pp.; re the history of “John Forstice”; he “should write the preface as you think best.” “Francizska Themerson’s illustrations of the letters of the Good Citizens Alphabet … are essential.”
315145, to Edith, 3 June 1971, TLS
315146, to Edith, 22 June 1971, TLS
315147, from Edith, 29 June 1971, TL(car); “I am distressed, not to say horrified, by the correspondence about Dear Bertrand Russell. What do you think accounts for the paucity of sales during the last year? Re Russell’s parody of Milton’s sonnet; “Bertie frequently let off steam or celebrated particular occasions by writing them.” The sonnet is in F.4, Box 17.49. “I am very glad Dr. Lackey is continuing with his proposed book.” “A beautiful precision is one of the chief characteristics, to my mind, of Bertie’s own writing.”
315148, to Edith, 8 July 1971, TLS; encl. a photocopy of the typed “revised first paragraph of the Preface” of the Collected Stories, 1 p.
315149, from Edith, 11 July 1971, TL(car), with suggestions for the preface
315150, to Edith, 14 July 1971, TLS
315151, to Edith, 2 August 1971, TLS
315152, to Edith, 16 September 1971, TLS
315153, to Edith, 25 October 1971, TLS
315154, to Edith, 15 November 1971, TLS; encl. an agreement with Allen and Unwin for the Collected Stories; Edith noted she signed and returned it.
315155, to Edith, 10 December 1971, TLS, encl. photocopy of a letter from Rayner Unwin, 26 November 1971 (TLS) re War Crimes in Vietnam (315155A).
315156, to Edith, 17 December 1971, TLS with envelope
315157, to Edith, 27 January 1972, TLS
315158, to Edith, 8 February 1972, TLS; he thanked her for sending the Michael Burn notes. Attached to this letter is a handwritten note by Edith, titled “Feinberg”, dated 8 and 10th of February (315158A)
315159, to Edith, 9 February 1972, TLS; re the Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell.
315160, from Edith, 12 February 1972, TL(car); she has received a long letter from Mr. Egner.
315161, to Edith, 21 February 1972, TLS; attached is a letter from Felton to Mr. R. Eames, Allen & Unwin, TL(car) (315161A)
315162, from Edith, 2 March 1972, TL(car); “I think that McMaster should be told, once for all, that they agreed to the embargo and must stand by it, just as we must.”
315163, to Edith, 6 March 1972, TLS; “I am so pleased that you think well of the cover for the Collected Stories.”
315164, to Edith, 15 March 1972, TLS; he is leaving for New York on 20 March
315165, to Edith, 7 April 1972, TLS; he has returned from New York
315166, to Edith, 11 April 1972, TLS, encl. photocopy of a letter (TLS) from Rayner Unwin, 7 April 1973, re “Simon & Schuster’s offer for the collected stories.” (315166A)
315167, to Edith, 12 April 1972, TLS
315168, to Edith, 12 April 1972, TLS; encl. three chapters from the American book, not extant here.
315169, from Edith, 16 April 1972, TL(car); “His whole situation at the time [of World War II] must have been unspeakable—though there is little parade of his feeling in his own writing … I think that perhaps your book does not bring into sufficient relief the dark background of suffering against which all the details of daily life …” She is going to return the three chapters from Volume 1 to him with her comments and Michael Burn’s suggestions. In her letter she mentioned Chapter 14. The chapters in Volume 1 of Bertrand Russell’s America that cover World War II are 11-14; 14 is titled “Getting Back to England.”
315170, to Edith, 26 April 1972, TLS
315171, to Edith, 8 May 1972, TLS; “most of the mistakes you found in the anecdotes section of the ‘Collected Stories’ had been picked up but, because of the great rush to publish on May 18, it was impossible to get them correct.” They will be corrected in the U.S. edition. Attached to this letter is “Mistakes in the transcription of ‘Family Friends & others: Anecdotes’”, ts. carbon, 1 p.
315172, to Edith, 10 May 1972, TLS; “the tape recording … The proposal is for the composition to be included on a long play record of songs for distribution in Italy.”
315173, to Edith, 11 May 1972, TLS
315174, to Feinberg, ALS, 12 May 1972; one paragraph has been crossed out, presumably this letter was not sent. Re the tape recording.
315175, to Edith, 24 July 1972, TLS; “We have now settled in our new offices at Mr. Felton’s home in Barnet.”
315176, to Edith, 2 August 1972, TLS
315177, to Edith, 7 September 1972, TLS; he and his son stopped at the Beetle and Wedge in Moulsford while on vacation.
315178, to Edith, 27 September 1972, TLS; encl. “an Account of Earnings on the Collected Stories which covers just five weeks.”
315179, to Edith, 2 November 1972, TLS; “I arranged for Unwins to send you a proof copy of Professor Lackey’s BR’s Essay in Analysis”; encl. photocopy of typed letter from Feinberg to Lackey, 24 October 1972 (315179A); compliments card
F.10 Barry Feinberg, 1970, re Bertrand Russell’s America, Volume 1
315180, to Edith, 1 December 1970, TLS, encl. “the first part of the book which deals mainly with the 1896 visit.” Photocopy of typescript, 14 pp.
315181, to Edith, 18 December 1970. TLS, encl. photocopy of typed Chapter 2, 20 pp.
315182, to Edith, 6 January 1971, TLS, encl. photocopy of typed Chapter 3, 13 pp.
315183, to Edith, 25 January 1971, TLS, encl. photocopy of typed chapters 4 and 5, 18 pp.
315184, to Edith, 15 February 1972, TLS, encl. photocopy of typed chapters 6 and 7, 12 pp.
315185, “Bertrand Russell & the U.S.A. Vol. I A few small notes”, unsigned undated handwritten document; Edith has written “Please return to ER” on it. These notes were probably written by Michael Burn.
315186, Chapter 5, photocopy of typescript, 22 p.
315187, Chapter 7, photocopy of typescript, 17 pp.
F.11 Barry Feinberg, 1973–75
315188, to Edith, 15 January 1973, TLS; “I enclose Chapters 10–14 which include the various corrections and additions arising out of your and Michael Burn’s comments on B.R. and World War II; as well as certain excerpts from your letter of 10 April 1972, which we have quoted … having just returned the corrected galleys, we expect to receive book-proofs by mid-February.” Note: Edith’s letter of 10 April is not extant in this accrual or the previous two. Corrected galley proofs are in Box 17.48, F.18.
315189, to Edith, 27 February 1973, TLS; re her letter to Felton of 24 February (located in Rec. Acq. 1343, Box 5.61)
315190, from Edith, 19 March 1973, handwritten draft written on the verso of a compliments card from the Bertrand Russell Estate. “Though the sender seems to be ‘The B.R. estate’ [who, I have wondered for some time, is ‘the BR estate?’] I think it must be you who send me the clippings from newspapers of Jan. & Feb.”
315191, to Edith, 3 April 1973, TLS, re Marvin Kaye
315192, to Edith, 5 April 1973, TLS, re her letter of 2 April (located in Rec. Acq. 1490, Box 7.47). There is a summary of the 2 April letter written on a tiny slip of paper dated 2 April 1973 (315192A)
315193, from Edith, 8 April 1973, handwritten draft: she had read “The Guided Tour of Intellectual Rubbish” and thought “that it does a good job of presenting many of my husband’s precepts without distortion—a difficult job!” She did have some reservations.
315194, to Edith, 13 April 1973, TLS; “I am sorry that you have been puzzled by the Bertrand Russell Estate letterhead. We discussed the need for such a letterhead with Christopher Farley in August of last year, as it was felt desirable to reflect in our stationery the division between our work as literary agents through Continuum, and our work on behalf of the Estate.”
315195, Leaflet advertising an Art Exhibit, 7–31 May 1973, at a gallery in London; Feinberg’s work was featured along with two other artists
315196, to Edith, 19 July 1973, TLS; encl. “Our summary of Unwin’s 1972 accounts. I enclose as well a copy of the 1966–71 summary which we prepared last year so that you can compare the figures. You will be pleased to see that the total income for 1972 is the highest since 1968.” The enclosures are all typed photocopies.
315197, to Edith, 20 July 1973, TLS
315198, to Edith, 27 September 1973, TLS
315199, from Edith, 9 October 1973, handwritten draft: “I have finished reading your and Mr. Kasril’s book about my husband in America and have found it exceedingly interesting and delightful.” Three points worry her: there is no photograph of Alys. “She seems to me over-played-down.” There is an “overstress on Lucy Donnelly”. Finally she questioned why there was a a photograph of her in this volume. “I meant no more to Bertie in those days than hundreds of others did, if as much.” She regretted not looking at proofs. This letter was not sent.
315200, to Edith, 11 October 1973, TLS; he thanked her for her letter of 29 September (located in Rec. Acq. 1490, Box 7.47).
315201, from Edith, 20 October 1973, handwritten draft; Edith noted on 315199 that “something like it was sent on 20/10/73”. This letter indicated there was “no good photograph of Alys”. “Delightful” was removed. “If as much” was also removed as was her regret over the proofs. The letter that was sent is in Rec. Acq. 1490, Box 7.47.
315202, to Edith, 25 October 1973, TLS
315202A, to Edith, 25 October 1973, TLS, re Brian Carrr’s book; Edith has written notes for Farley on this letter
315203, from Edith, 2 November 1973, handwritten draft written on the verso of 315202. “I am delighted to have the U.S.A. edition of the Collected Stories & to see how well they have published it, free of most of the errors that we all noted in the British edition.” Three errors remain. She also thanked him for sending her Brian Carr’s typescript.
315204, to Edith, 2 November 1973, TLS, 2 pp.; this is a response to the three points she raised in her letter of 20 October. Edith has heavily annotated this letter; her comments fill the margins of page 1.
315205, from Edith, 3 November 1973, handwritten carbon draft, 2 pp.; “I hope that all this makes my October 20th letter clearer!” There is also a handwritten draft of 2 November on which Edith wrote: “Copy sent to C. Farley with Feinberg’s letter & request for return of both.” (315205A)
315206, Rayner Unwin to Feinberg, 12 November 1973, TLS(x), forwarded to Edith with a compliments card; re Jack Pitt and Human Knowledge. Also a typed carbon from Feinberg to Farley, 15 November 1973: “Further to our recent communications on Jack Pitt and Human Knowledge, herewith Unwin’s response to us on Ken Blackwell’s letter of November 2.” Edith was noted as receiving a carbon of this letter (315206A). See also F.13 below for more correspondence about Pitt.
315207, to Edith, 15 November 1973, TLS: “I have made a note of the three errors you have found in the U.S. edition of the Collected Stories and will see to it that they are corrected in future printings of the book. The clarification of your criticism of the American volume has been most helpful.”
315208, Compliments card on which Edith wrote: “Came from Feinberg 17/11/73” and “Penguin Inquiry into Meaning & Truth”; attached to it are two handwritten documents by Edith. “Comments on Brian Carr’s book for Sixth Formers [The proposed title seems to me too dry & dull]”, 3 pp. all carbon except for the title which is original except for “Comments” (315208A). Also one page of handwritten notes for Chris [Farley] “re Brian Carr’s books for 6th forms” (315208B). The book’s published title is Bertrand Russell: An Introduction.
315209, to Edith, 5 December 1973, TLS; encl. photocopy of a letter (TLS), 3 December, from David Fielder, Allen & Unwin, re the promotion of Bertrand Russell’s America (315209A).
315210, to Edith, 19 December 1973, TLS
315211, to Edith, 8 January 1974, TLS; encl. photocopies of reviews of Bertrand Russell’s America
315212, to Farley, 22 January 1974, TLS(x); sent to Edith with a compliments card. Re the “Status of Women”. Edith has written questions on the photocopy.
315213, to Edith, 28 January 1974, TLS; encl. photocopies of “two important advance reviews” of Bertrand Russell’s America
315214, to Edith, 28 February 1974, TLS; encl. photocopies of reviews of Bertrand Russell’s America.
315215, to Edith, 4 March 1974, TLS; encl. photocopies of proposals from Gramm & Grey and Maureen Saunders
315216, from Edith, n.d., handwritten draft in reply to his letter of 4 March 1974; attached to this reply is a small handwritten note headed by a telephone number (315217)
315218, to Edith, 17 April 1974, TLS; encl. photocopy of a letter from Douglas Lackey (TLS), 7 April 1974 (315218A) and photocopy of letter from Jeffrey Meyers (TLS), 1 April 1974 (315218B)
315219, to Edith, 23 April 1974, TLS; encl. photograph of a Rollei camera advertisement using a quotation from The Conquest of Happiness which did not go ahead.
315220, to Edith, 24 May 1974, TLS; encl. photocopy of “an updated schedule of Allen & Unwin’s royalty receipts.”
315221, to Edith, 16 July 1974, TLS; encl. photocopy of a letter from Ann Cochrane, Allen and Unwin, 9 July 1974 (TLS), 2 pp. Bertrand Russell: An Introduction is now her responsibility (315221A).
315222, from Edith, 17 July 1974, handwritten draft reply written on 315221
315223, to Edith, 22 July 1974, TLS; encl. photocopy of a TLS from Brian McGuiness to Anton Felton, 27 June 1974 asking for access to Russell’s Library on which Edith has noted that any date after 7 August will be fine for a visit (315223A) and a photocopy of an undated typed letter from Feinberg to Farley with a typed list of articles that Verlagsbandlung of Munich wish to use (315223B)
315224, to Edith, 13 August 1974, TLS; encl. “The first of two instalments of Bertrand Russell’s America, Volume II” (not extant here).
315225, from Edith, 4 September 1974, handwritten draft in reply to his letter of 13 August. The installment he sent “re-awoke memories and all the hot passions of those doings and controversies of the 50’s.”
315226, to Edith, 16 September 1974, TLS; “We have since met with Christopher Farley, who passed on the typescript with your valuable notes and comments.”
315227, to Edith, 4 October 1974, ANS written on a compliments card, re the second volume of Gathorne Hardy’s Ottoline. Edith noted on the card that she had replied on 8 October 1974—that letter can be found in Rec. Acq. 1343, Box 5.26.
315228, to Edith, 12 February 1975, TLS; “at long last, the remaining chapters of the book.”
315229, to Edith, 14 February [1975], ALS; “herewith Chapter 17”.
F.12 Barry Feinberg’s correspondence with Christopher Farley
315230, “Report on meeting between Barry Feinberg of Continuum and Chris Farley—October 15, 1970”, typescript, 2 pp. with copies sent to Edith, Ken Coates and Ken Fleet
315231, Farley to Feinberg, 10 November 1972, TL(car); re publishing Bertrand Russell’s America, Volume 1; “It is absolutely shocking! It is a disgraceful catalogue of incompetence and indifference. As you know we signed a contract with Richard Seaver in June …”
315232, Feinberg to Farley, 12 December 1972, TLS(x); encl. “a list of sales by publishers other than Unwin.”
315233, Feinberg to Farley, 12 December 1972, TLS(x); re Understanding History and Justice in Wartime; attached is a handwritten list.
315234, Feinberg to Farley, 25 July 1973, TLS(x); re Jack Pitt
315235, Feinberg to Farley, 1 August 1973, TLS(x), 2 pp.; re Allen & Unwin royalty statements
315236, Feinberg to Farley, 15 August 1973, TL(car)
315237, Feinberg to Farley, 15 October 1973, TL(x); encl. photocopy of a letter (TLS) from Douglas Lackey, 6 October 1973 (315237A)
315238, Feinberg to Farley, 9 November 1973, TLS(x); encl. photocopy of a letter (TLS) from Rayner Unwin, 6 November 1973 (315238A) and a photocopy of a review of Bertrand Russell’s America.
315239, Farley to Feinberg, 15 November 1973, TL(car), re Brian Carr’s typescript; Edith “feels that we are not called upon to determine whether the book is fitted for the readers for whom Carr intends it, but only whether the book presents the material fairly.”
315240, Farley to Feinberg, 15 November 1973, TL(car), 2 pp.; re Douglas Lackey, Jack Pitt, and several other issues
315241, Farley to Feinberg, 17 November 1973, TL(car)
315242, Feinberg to Farley, 27 March 1974, TL(x), 2 pp.
315243, Feinberg to Farley, 10 May 1974, TL(x); encl. photocopy of a letter (TLS) from F.D. Wardle, Methuen Publications, 25 April 1974, 2 pp. (315243A)
315244, Feinberg to Farley, 17 October 1974, TL(x); encl. photocopy of letter (TLS) from Marvin Kaye, 10 October 1974 (315244A)
F.13 Feinberg’s correspondence with Allen & Unwin. Some of these letters have compliments cards from the Estate indicating they were sent to Edith.
315245, from Rayner Unwin, 15 June 1970, TLS(x)
315246, to Unwin, 14 October 1970, TL(x)
315247, from Unwin, 12 November 1970, TLS(x), 2 pp.
315248, to Unwin, 14 November 1970, TL(x), 2 pp.
315249, from Unwin, 10 December 1970, TLS
All these 1970 letters are about Dear Bertrand Russell.
315250, to Unwin, 6 May 1971, TLS(car); re monies owned
315251, to Unwin, 10 June 1971, TL(x), re Dear Bertrand Russell
315252, from Unwin, 18 June 1971, TLS(x), re Dear Bertrand Russell
315253, from Unwin, 13 March 1972, TLS(x), 2 pp.; “The more I read of your ‘Bertrand Russell in the U.S.A.’ the more I admire your scholarship and exposition but do not regard it as a natural Simon & Schuster book.” Unwin wants to publish it but only if “we can combine the single typesetting between ourselves and an American publisher.”
315254, from Unwin, 21 April 1972, TLS(x), 2 pp.; further thoughts on “Bertrand Russell and the U.S.A.”
315255, from Alina Dadlez, 17 April 1972, TLS(x); encl. photocopy of a letter (TLS), 24 March 1972 from Longanesi & C. (315255A). Re recording of the poem “To Edith”
315256, to Unwin, 21 June 1972, TL(x), re “Bertrand Russell and the U.S.A.”
315257, from Unwin, 7 September 1972, TLS(x)
315258, from Unwin, 30 October 1972, TLS(x); encl. correspondence between Unwin and Viking Press
315259, from Unwin, 13 December 1972, TLS; encl. photocopy of signed letter from Mrs. V.J. Green, 8 December 1972, re Why I am Not a Christian (315259A).
315260, to Unwin, 22 March 1973, TL(x); re Bertrand Russell’s America
315261, from Unwin, 28 June 1973, TLS(x); re the ABC of Relativity and Justice in Wartime; Edith wrote a note on the compliments card, 4 July 1973
315262, from Unwin, 19 July 1973, TLS
315263, from Unwin, 19 September 1973, TLS; re Jack Pitt; attached is typed carbon letter from Feinberg to Farley, 3 October 1973 and a photocopy of some typed notes about Human Knowledge.
315264, from David Fielder, 8 November 1973, TLS(x), 2 pp.; re the promotion of Bertrand Russell’s America.
315265, from Dadlez, 9 November 1973, TLS(x), 2 pp.
315266, to Fielder, 13 November 1973, TL(x)
315267, from Fielder, 14 November 1973, TLS(x), 2 pp. enclose photocopy of a review of Bertrand Russell’s America.
315268, to Fielder, 28 November 1973, TL(car); re the promotion of Bertrand Russell’s America.
315269, to Unwin, 1 March 1974, TL(x); about the mark-up of books sold in Canada
315270, from Unwin, 22 March 1974, TLS(x); re the new paperback series titles
315271, from Unwin, 19 April 1974, TLS; the Ruja project has “gone to ground”.
F.14 Feinberg’s correspondence with other publishers
315272, from Peter Carson, Allen Lane, 24 March 1974, TLS(x), re Harry Ruja’s book
315273, from Fonit Cetra, 28 April 1972, TLS(x); re the recording of the Edith poem
315274, from Jonathan Cape Ltd., 24 April 1974, TLS(x), turning down a Russell book of essays
315275, Richard Seaver Books, photocopies of 1974 letters
315276, from Rikisutvarpid, Iceland State Broadcast Service, 22 August 1972, TLS(x) addressed to Continuum 1 Limited
315277, from Michael Korda, Simon and Schuster, 14 May 1974, TLS(x), turning down a book of Russell essays
315278, Viking Press, Richard Seavers, photocopies of letters, 1972
F.15 Feinberg correspondence
315279, from Abraham Edel, City College of New York, 24 April 1972, TLS(x); re the CCNY case
315280, from Joseph Rotblat, 1 August 1973, TLS(x); re The ABC of Atoms
315281, from Harry Ruja, 1 July 1973, TLS(x); re the Hearst essays he was editing
315282, from Harry Ruja, 12 November 1973, TL(x); he is mailing his typescript of the Bertrand Russell Hearst essays
Series 9:
Printed and Published materials. – [1930?]–1977; predominant 1970–1977. – 12.5 cm of textual records. – Title based on content of series.
Box 17.63
F.1 Ham House
315283, Ralph Edwards and Peter Ward-Jackson, Ham House: A Guide, second edition May 1951, published for the Victoria & Albert Museum. Ham House is located near Queen’s Road where Russell and Edith lived in the early 1950s.
F.2 Anne Tait
315284, Northfield Mount Herman Bulletin clippings, n.d., 1970, featuring awards won by Anne Tait, Kate Tait’s daughter, with images of Anne.
F.3 Woburn Abbey
315285, Card with “Farewell to Woburn Abbey” printed on one side and “Nicole Nobody” The Autobiography of the Duchess of Bedford, 27 March 1974 on the verso.
F.4 Portmeirion
315286, Guide with colour illustrations; insert from the Hotel Portmeirion, with tariffs for March 1974 to March 1975
F.5 Bryn Mawr
315287, Byrn Mawr: 1977 Report of the President, 56 pp.
F.6 Jeffrey Norton Publisher, Inc.
315288, Audio Catalog, n.d., 64 pp.
F.7 Invitation Card
315289, “The Faries Lesson: A play for children and grown-ups will be presented at St. James Prish Hall, Friday October 24th …. By Edith Finch and Company.” Friday fell on October 24th in 1924, 1930 and 1947. Also in this file is a stamped cheque book holder, “The Countess Russell”.
F.8 Cards
315290, printed cards, postcards from museums, print of a wood engraving by Bewick, prints of engravings of London landmarks—one is of the Mansion House were Russell was tried in 1916.
F.9 Refusal Cards
315291, Sent out by Russell to refuse invitations and requests to read people’s manuscripts and books
F.10 Calendar Poster
315292, Folded poster for the year 1976, with a quotation from The Impact of Science on Society (1952); illustrations include a globe of the world and peace symbols.
F.11 Gaberbocchus Press Ltd.
315293, Promotional materials for their publications; only one is dated, “In Print 1970”
F.12 Publishers
315294, Promotional materials. The International Who’s Who 1968–69; an image of Russell appears on the cover to which Edith clipped a circular note: “This I think is a nice & cheerful one.” Insel Verlag, a German publisher, 1970, advertising Russell’s Autobiography among various publications by other authors.
F.13 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
315295, Four mimeographed, typed statements, two are dated 1970
F.14 Reviews
315296, News clippings and tear-sheets of reviews of Russell Remembered, and other books, 1970; Collected Stories, 1972
F.15 Ronald Clark, The Life of Bertrand Russell
315297, Reviews, notices, letter to the editors, 1975; one review is combined with Dora Russell, The Tamarisk Tree; news clippings
F.16 Ronald Clark, The Life of Bertrand Russell
315298, Reviews, 1975, photocopies of news clippings
F.17, Ronald Clark, The Life of Bertrand Russell
315299, Serialization in The Sunday Times, 1975, news clippings
F.18 Ronald Clark, Einstein
315300, Reviews, 1971, photocopies of news clippings
F.19, News clippings
315301, 1953–73, n.d.
F.20 Edith Russell, Letters to the Editor
315302, “Double Assault”, New York Review of Books, 16 October 1975, news clipping
315303, “Bertrand Rusell’s Legacy Jeopardized”, The Churchman, March 1976
F.21 Foundations
315304, Letters to the Editors from Ken Coates and Chris Farley, BRPF, 1975–76; letter from Michael Scott, “Atlantic Foundation”, Sunday Telegraph, 2 February 1975; news clippings and photocopies of news clippings.
F.22 News clippings
315305, Clippings and photocopies, collected by the BRPF on various topics, 1971–77, with compliments cards and notes to Edith
F.23 Bertrand Russell Society
315306, Classified Advertisement in an issue of the Spectator, 20 March 1976
F.24 Dowager
315307, Clipping from presumably Burke’s Peerage or Debretts; entry on “Peer’s Widows” and the use of the word Dowager, n.d.
Oversize item placed in a protective folder made by archival staff. Ronald Searle cartoon of Russell, published as part of the “Heroes of our Time” series, Punch, 27 March 1957.