Finding Aid
Colin Smythe Limited, Publishers fonds. First Accrual. 1966-1975. 17 m of textual records, graphic material, and sound recordings (vinyl discs, Box 68; audio reel, Box 72)
Books. Arrangement is alphabetical by author. Boxes 1-99. See also boxes 121-122 for refused titles; boxes 123-124 for reviews; box 126 for art work.
Kenneth Allen, Mighty Men of Valour. The great warriors and battles of Biblical times.1971
- Photographs
- Dust-jacket
- Typescript manuscript. 215 p .
- Annotated carbon-script, 215 p.
- “Proof” copies of the title page and the index
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book and financial agreements
John Baldry, The Hackney Free & Parochial Schools. A History. 1970
- Printer’s proofs
- Annotated typescript, 82 p.
- Printer’s proofs, unbound version
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book
- Galley-proofs
Peter Bander, Carry On Talking. How Dead Are the Voices? 1972.
- Correspondence [2 folders]
- Photocopy copy of the Introduction
- 3 Versions of the Index
- Correspondence interleaved with MS. notes; and miscellaneous proof pages
- Proof copies of illustrations, and photographs
- 2 sets of galley proofs.
- Advance copy [galley-proof]
- [Proof] - Cover
- Miscellaneous “proof-pages”
Peter Bander, ed. Looking Forward to the 70's. A Blueprint for Education in the Next Decade.1968
- Advertising / Publicity [leaflets, pamphlets]
- Photographs
- 2 folders correspondence
- 2 sets of galley-proofs
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book
Peter Bander, The Prophecies of St. Malacy and St. Columbkille. 1969.
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Review of the book by the author. Reprinted from The Bookseller. 1969.
Peter Bander, One For The Road. 1966
- Photographs used in the publication of the book
- Typescript, in three (3) parts
- Annotated photocopy typescript, 46 p.
- First copy of One For The Road, typescript, 46 p.
- Photocopy of corrected copy
- Photocopy of corrected copy with additional (metes)? sp.
- Literary comments and critiques on the book
- Galley-proof
- Galley-proof copy (annotated). “Alterations for 2nd Edition”
- Published copy
- Correspondence with P. Bander regarding the publication of the book
Peter Bander, Two For The Road, 1966
- Holograph notes on the “Preface”
- Typescripts of “Preface and acknowledgments”
- Photographs and correspondence with Russell Brockbank
- Annotated typescript, 87 p.
- Printer’s typescript, [heavily corrected]
- Galley-proof copy
- Galley-proof, (2 parts)
- Published copy
- Correspondence with Peter Bander regarding the publication of his book
- Typescript sections of the book
One For The Road / Two For The Road
- Cover designs for both the books
- Publicity for both of the books
- Research material
- Galley-proof copies of both of the books
- Correspondence regarding both of the books
Maurice Bond, intro. St. George’s Chapel. Windsor
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book
- Photographs used in the book
- Proof set of the book
- Anno Suheil Bushrui, ed. Sunshine and the Moon’s Delight, 1972.
A Centenary Tribute. J. M. Synge 1871-1909 annotated typescript
BOX 10
- Remainder of the annotated typescript
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book (2 folders)
- Various versions of the glossary used in the book
- Photographs used in the published version, (galley-proof pages)
- (4) copies of the hard-cover (‘specimen-case’) used for the book
- Correspondence with the American University of Beirut
BOX 11
- 2 sets of annotated galley-proofs
- (miscellaneous annotated galley-proof sheets)
BOX 12
- 3 sets of galley-proofs
BOX 13
Archbishop H. E. Cardinale. Papal Nuncio. The Holy See and The International Order
- [2 Folders] Book MS containing typescript, annotated typescript and holograph notes.
- [2 Folders] Annotated typescript MS.
- Annotated typescript. Chapter I. Church and Politics.
- Annotated typescript. Chapter VIII. The Papal Exercise of the Passive Right of Legation.
- [Partial] Annotated typescript.
- Bibliography - Annotated typescript.
- Miscellaneous notes.
BOX 14
- [2 Folders] Galley proof
- [2 Folders] Photocopy, annotated manuscript
- Appendix typescript notes
- Various galley-proofs of the index
BOX 15
- Annotated galley-proofs
- Printer’s galley-proofs
BOX 16
- Printer’s galley-proofs
BOX 17
- Printer’s galley-proofs
- Annotated proofs
BOX 18
George Catlin, For God’s Sake. Go! an autobiography, 1972
- Corrected typescript [3 folders]
- Corrected typescript
- Complete? Corrected typescript
BOX 19
- Hard cover (specimen case)
- Typescript index
- Printer’s corrections - copy galley-proof
- Galley-proofs
BOX 20
- Galley-proofs
- 2 magazine articles:
Observer, Sept. 16, 1973. Article on Shirley Williams.
Christian Action Journal, Spring 1972. Article by George Catlin. “Sale for Heroes”.
BOX 21
George Catlin correspondence
BOX 22
Maurice Collis, The Three Gods. 1970
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book, publicity, and sales.
- Photographs used in the published version and cover designs.
- (2) hard covers (specimen case).
- Author’s annotated typescript, 329 p.
- Photocopy typescript, with annotations, 329 p.
- Clean set of galley-proofs.
- Galley-proof set with minor corrections.
BOX 23
R. Crookall, What Happens At Death? Truth Is Stronger Than Fiction
- Altered typescript manuscript
- Galley-proofs
BOX 24
Rev. Canon M.E. Dahl The Christian Materialist, 1968.
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
G. C. Edmonds. A History of Chalfont St. Peter and Gerrards Cross, 1968
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Galley-proof sets (annotated).
- Mock-up galley proof.
- Photographs used in the publication.
- Miscellaneous notes, etc.
BOX 25
Elizabeth I. A Book of Devotions. Composed by Her Majesty, Elizabeth I, with translations by The Reverend Dr. Adam Fox and a foreword by Canon J .P. Hughes. 1970
- Typescript, 24 p., entitled, “Queen Elizabeth I’s Book of Devotions.”
- Photocopy typescript, 24 p., with illustrations.
- Advertising cards.
- Publisher’s cards.
- Photocopy of the original miniature “[MS. Facs. 218]’.
- Clean galley-proof set.
- Corrected galley-proof set, with alterations.
- Correspondence regarding the book.
BOX 26
Leslie Roose Francis. Christ Incognito and the Church Myth. The Way towards Christian Unity in the United Kingdom. The Woodville Press, 1971. Distributed by Colin Smythe Ltd.
- Correspondence re: the book and with the author Leslie Roose Francis.
- Miscellaneous notes.
- Annotated typescript manuscript.
- Annotated galley-proofs.
S. Foderaro. Independent Africa [earlier title, “Free Africa”]
- Annotated MS. of “Free Africa”.
- Annotated MS. of “Independent Africa”.
- Hard-cover, (specimen case).
BOX 27
Sir Ronald Fraser. A Work of Imagination, 1973
- Annotated typescript, (3 parts).
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- List of “Other Books By Ronald Fraser”.
Frederick Fuller. A Handbook for Translators
- Correspondence regarding the book.
- Cover design dust jackets.
- “Master copy.” Annotated typescript of the book.
- Galley-proof.
- Partial (photocopy), manuscript.
BOX 28
N. Gernyet and G. Jagdfeld. Katya and the Crocodile
- Annotated typescript manuscript.
- Correspondence relating to the book.
- Colour-proof illustrations.
- Black and white illustrations.
- Hard cover (specimen case), and example of leather used in cover.
- Uncorrected proof
- Printer’s proof
- (2) Final proofs
BOX 29
G. M. Goldsworthy. Why Nursery Schools? 1972
Lady Gregory. Me And Nu: Childhood At Coole, 1970
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Prefatory note (typescript, annotated typescript)
- Galley-proof (loose pages).
- Printer’s mock-up.
- Illustrations and cover designs.
BOX 30
Lady Gregory. A Book of Saints and Wonders Put Down Here By Lady Gregory According to the Old Writings and the Memory of the People of Ireland. Forward by Edward Malins, 1970
- Correspondence
- Illustrations
- galley-proofs
BOX 31
Lady Gregory. Lady Gregory Collected Plays. Vol. I
- Miscellaneous photocopy sheets.
- Galley-proofs
- Correspondence [interleaved with galley-proof sheets].
- Printer’s (galley-proof) copy.
BOX 32
Lady Gregory. Lady Gregory Collected Plays. Vol. II
- Galley proofs.
- Printer’s (galley-proof) copy.
BOX 33
Lady Gregory. Lady Gregory Collected Plays. Vol. III.
- 2 sets of galley-proofs.
- Cover of the final printer’s copy.
BOX 34
Lady Gregory. Lady Gregory Collected Plays. Vol. IV.
- Galley proofs.
- Printer’s proofs in Box with Vol. II of the Collected Plays.
- Cover of the final printer’s copy.
BOX 35
Lady Gregory. Lady Gregory Collected Plays. Vol. I and II
- Galley proofs.
BOX 36
Lady Gregory. Lady Gregory Collected Plays. Vol. III
- Galley proofs.
BOX 37
Lady Gregory. Lady Gregory Collected Plays. Vol. IV
- Galley proofs.
BOX 38
Lady Gregory. Cuchulain of Muirthmne. The story of the men of the Red Branch of Ulster
arranged and put into English by Lady Gregory. With a preface by W.B. Yeats. Foreword by Daniel Murphy. 1969
- Correspondence
- Galley-proof and dust-jacket
- Miscellaneous galley-proof pages
BOX 39
Lady Gregory. Gods and Fighting Men. The Coole edition
- Page proofs, printer’s proofs.
- Dust-jackets.
- Correspondence.
Lady Gregory, Hugh Lane. The Coole edition
- Copies of the Index proofs.
- Dust-jackets.
- Photographs from the published version.
- Correspondence.
- Annotated proofs.
BOX 40
Lady Gregory. Our Irish Theatre. A chapter of Autobiography with a foreword by Roger McHugh.
- Cover-design.
- Photographs. Galley-proof layout of photographs.
- Galley-proof copy.
- Uncorrected proof copy.
- Correspondence.
BOX 41
Lady Gregory. Poets and Dreamers
- Cover designs
- Photographs used in the publication.
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Galley-proof set of the appendix, II, III, IV.
- Galley-proofs.
BOX 42
- Printer’s proof-set.
- (4) Printer’s book-proofs (not bound, without covers).
Lady Gregory. Selected Plays. 1975
Chosen and Introduced by Elizabeth Coxhead. Foreword by Sean O’Casey.
- Printer’s proof pages.
BOX 43
Lady Gregory. Seventy Years: Being the Autobiography of Lady Gregory. 1973.
Edited and with a foreword by Colin Smythe.
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Printer’s proofs.
BOX 44
- Proof copies.
BOX 45
Lady Gregory. Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Miscellaneous Gregory material.
BOX 46
- Miscellaneous Gregory material.
- Proofs.
BOX 47
T.R. Henn. The Weasel’s Tooth. Essays, mainly in Anglo-Irish Literature.1975
- Heavily annotated typescript (2 folders).
- Annotated carbon-script.
- Annotated page proofs.
- correspondence.
BOX 48
- Proofs, photocopies (some corrected).
BOX 49
George Hulme. The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, 1975
- Correspondence pertaining to the book, including advertising (publicity).
- 2 audio reels: interview with George Hulme by Sarah Dickinson.
- Typescript MS. [377 pages] 2 folders.
- Photocopy MS. [217 pages].
- Sample printer’s hard-cover, (specimen case).
BOX 50
- Galley-proof sheets.
- Printer’s proofs.
BOX 51
Josephine Johnson. Florence Farr. Bernard Shaw’s “New Woman”. 1975
- Correspondence with the author, Josephine Johnson, including page proofs interfiled in with the correspondence. Photographs used in the published version.
- Page proofs.
BOX 52
Rev. David A. Kennedy. A Venture in Immortality [previously titled, “To Know A Phoenix.”], 1973
- Correspondence.
- Author’s annotated typescript, 241 p. plus Appendix.
- Annotated typescript.
- Hard cover, (specimen case).
- Annotated galley-proof set.
BOX 53
Robert Wendelin Keyserlingk. Patriots Of Peace
- Photograph and biographical information on the author.
- Annotated typescript, 237 p.
- Cover-designs.
- Notes to the printer, and typescript of the index.
- Galley-proof with corrections; with the title changed to “Patriots of Peace.”
- Galley-proof set, corrected.
- Various pages of galley-proofs.
- Clean galley-proof set.
- Correspondence.
- (2) Cover dust-jackets, entitled “Fathers Of Europe.”
BOX 54
Horace Maybray King. Songs in the Night. A Study of the Book of Job. 1968
- Correspondence with the author regarding the publication of the book.
- Author’s annotated typescript, 69 p.
- Clean carbon typescript.
- Annotated carbon typescript.
- Cover designs of the dust-jacket.
- Publisher’s advertising [leaflets].
- Corrected page (galley) proofs of the author’s.
- Galley-proof copies of the book’s illustrations.
- Galley-proof copies.
- [Miscellaneous page proofs.]
Harrison Lewis. Ancient Walks in Gozo
- correspondence
BOX 55
James McCarry. Place Names In the Writings Of William Butler Yeats
- Cover-design.
- Typescript, 82 p.
- Photocopy typescript, different version.
- Typescript notes.
- Galley-proof set, heavily corrected.
- 4 Galley-proof sets, all with corrections.
W. H. MacIntosh. The Essence of Spiritualism
- proofs.
Dermot A. MacManus. The Middle Kingdom. The faerie world of Ireland.
- Cover design and dust-jacket.
- Photographs used in the publication of the book.
- Correspondence with the author.
- Correspondence and financial statements.
BOX 56
Matthew Manning. The Link. The extraordinary gifts of a teenage psychic, 1974
- [2 Folders] Annotated typescript manuscript.
- Dust-jacket.
- Newspaper reviews.
- Miscellaneous notes.
- Correspondence regarding the book.
- Galley-proofs.
BOX 57
Dorothy Moulton Mayer. Angelica Kauffmann. A Biography. 1741-1807, 1972
- Correspondence dealing with the book, 1969-1974.
- Galley-proofs of photographs used in the book.
- Photographs used in the book.
BOX 58
- Miscellaneous notes, including typescript, bibliography and index.
- Typescript [Ms] with minor corrections and alterations.
- Photocopy typescript [Ms].
- Photocopy typescript [Ms] with alterations and corrections.
BOX 59
- [Book proof] entitled, “The Three Lives of Angelica Kauffmann”.
- German translation, Goethes Freundin in Rom.
- Book promotion - advertising
- Newsprint galley-proofs.
BOX 60
George Moore. Hail And Farewell, I Ave, II Salve, III Vale, 1972. Originally published by
William Heinemann Ltd., 1937
- Cards to the index.
- 3 vols. of printer’s copy, of Ave, Salve, Vale.
BOX 61
- Typed index.
- Printer’s galley-proofs.
- Typescript of footnotes, alterations.
BOX 62
- Printer’s galley-proofs.
BOX 63
Clara Claiborne Park. The Siege, 1968
- Correspondence regarding the publication of this book, with the publishers and the author.
- Various reviews concerning this book.
- Cover-designs of the dust-jacket for the book.
- Printer’s proof copy, (not sewn).
- Copy of the published version.
BOX 64
Mervyn Peake. The Rhyme Of The Flying Bomb, 1973
- Correspondence and legal agreements drawn up regarding the book.
- Cover designs of the dust-jacket and specimen case of the cover.
- Photocopy of the book.
- Uncut printer’s book-proof.
Cynthia Pettiward. The Case for Possession, 1975
- Correspondence regarding the book, and with the author.
- 1 set galley-proofs with corrections.
- Photocopy of typescript MS with corrections.
BOX 65
Terry Pratchett. The Carpet People, 1971
- Correspondence regarding the book.
- Illustrations from the book.
- Press Release [Advertising].
- Corrected typescript MS.
- Photocopy (corrected) typescript MS.
BOX 66
- 1 set printer’s galley-proofs.
- 3 [unfinished] proofs of the actual book.
- Miscellaneous MS, notes, pictures of the author, incomplete galley-proofs.
BOX 67
Terry Pratchett, The Dark Side of the Sun, 1975
- Corrected typescript.
- Photographs.
- Annotated galley-proofs (corrected).
BOX 68
Konstantin Raudive. Breakthrough. An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead, 1971
- Miscellaneous proof pages and notes.
- (2) vinyl discs, audio recordings of Dr. Raudive:
Vista. Breakthrough by K. Raudive. Examples of original voices received during experiments. 1971, 33 1/3 rpm.
Resco. Der Leuchter Otto Reichl Verlag. Stimmenbeispiele zudem Buch von K.R. Unhorbark wird horber. 33 1/3 rpm.
- Corrected typescript, [2 folders Pt 1. Pt 2.]
- Corrected typescript, [photocopy copy].
BOX 69
- Correspondence regarding the publication.
- “Memorandum concerning the contract of Dr. Konatantin Raudive.” (2 folders)
- Review in Light. Spring 1970. “Raudive Voices” by H. V. Bearman.
- Newspaper clippings, (German newspaper).
- 2 copies, “Introduction by Peter Bander,” 1 corrected copy.
- Typescript introduction.
- Typescript manuscript.
- Appendices - Raudive.
- Partial corrected manuscript notes.
- Miscellaneous notes.
BOX 70
- Corrected typescript manuscript.
- Miscellaneous notes, contents, figure diagrams and illustrations.
- Diagrams from the published version.
- Marked proof-copy, with corrections.
BOX 71
- Various printer’s galley-proofs.
BOX 72
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- (2) Hard cover (specimen covers).
- Audio reel entitled, “Ellis and Kaye.”
Note: See a1so Correspondence under Taplinger Publishing Co. Ltd.
BOX 73
Joseph Storey Rippier. The Short Stories of Sean O’Faolain. A Study in Descriptive Techniques, 1976
- Clean photocopy typescript, 182 p.
- Miscellaneous photocopy typed pages.
- Copy designs of the cover (4).
- Galley-proof copies.
BOX 74
Artur Schnabel. My Life and Music and Reflections on Music; with a foreword by Sir Robert Mayer and introduction by Edward Crankshaw, 1970
- Typescript of the foreword by Robert Mayer .
- Cover design and final dust jacket.
- Proof copy of title page and frontispiece.
- Original photographs and proof photograph sheets.
- Proof copy of the book.
- Correspondence and financial statements.
- Photocopy of the book as published by Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.
BOX 75
Kenneth Severs. A Place Of Being
- Incomplete typescript
- Photocopy typescript, pages with alterations.
- Page-proofs of the book with minor corrections or alterations.
BOXES 75-76
Barbara Simonds. The Christian Way Through the Centuries
Published: The Cornerstone Library and Studio, 1972; distributed by Colin Smythe Ltd.
- Correspondence with the author.
- Notes and correspondence with the author.
- Rough sketch designs of the book.
- 3 sets of the “Introduction”: Typescript, Corrected typescript, Galley-proof
- Annotated typescript MS. [2 folders]
- Galley-Proofs.
- Typescript MS.
- Proof Illustrations.
- Final Proof of the original book.
BOX 77
Wemer Simonson. The Last Judgement. An autobiography. Foreword by The Bishop Of Hertford, 1969
- Correspondence about the publication of the book. (with the author), including financial statements. (2 Folders)
- Correspondence regarding a reception given for the publication of the book.
- 5 Part story entitled. “Under The Shadow Of The Swastika,” that was published in Crusade, 1968.
- German translation of the book.
- General manuscript (design) pages including the following: title page, copyright page, dedication, foreword, contents.
- Dust-jacket of the book.
- Galley-proof photographs.
- Corrected typescript of the index.
- Corrected or altered pages of the index and photographs.
BOX 78
- Heavily corrected or altered typescript. pp.1-164; pp.1-169.
- [Authors] annotated typescript, pp. 1-169
- Typescript manuscript corrected and amended including an introduction. “As amended by the author but not all his amendments have been incorporated in the top copy. E.S.”
pp.1-50; pp.51-164
- Corrected authors typescript, pp.1-168.
BOX 79
- Galley-proof sets with alterations.
- 2 Advance proof-copies.
- Miscellaneous notes.
Colin Smythe, A Guide To Coole Park, Co. Galway Home Of Lady Gregory, 1973
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Annotated typescript entitled, “Coole Park”, (19 p.)
- Publisher’s galley proofs (2 sets), (mock-up).
- Photographs used in the publication.
- Annotated galley-proofs.
- Dust-jacket designs.
BOX 80
Henry Summerfield. That Myriad-Minded Man, 1975
Biography of George William Russell. “A.E.” 1867-1935.
- Legal agreement. Correspondence with the author.
- Author’s annotated typescript, 2 folders; pp. 1-244, pp. 245-421 plus index and notes.
- Miscellaneous.
- Carbon page proofs.
BOX 81
- Annotated proof-set belonging to the author.
- Annotated proof-set.
- Annotated proof-set, (“Kuchs” set).
- Carbon page proof set.
BOX 82
- 2 Newsprint proof sets.
- ? Play entitled, The Travelling Man, carbon copy.
BOX 83
Francis Sweeney, ed. The Vatican and World Peace. A Boston College Symposium, 1970
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Hard cover jackets (specimen case), 1 galley-proof cover.
- Typescripts and photocopy typescripts of the various essays in the book by the following:
Foreword by F. Sweeney
Introductory remarks by the Rev. M.P. Walsh.
Eugene J. Rostow.
Arnold J. Toynbee.
Robert A. Graham.
Archbishop H.E. Cardinale.
Norman Cousins.
Hon. Arthur N.R. Robinson.
- (3) Galley-proof sets (2 photocopies of galley proofs).
- Galley-proof set with minor annotations.
- (2) Printer’s galley-proofs.
- Reviews of the book.
BOX 84
Carlos Thompson. The Assassination of Winston Churchill,1969
- Galley proofs
- Photographs of the author
- Hard-cover jacket, (specimen case)
- Cards to the index of the book
BOX 85
- Transcripts of interviews with David Frost: “Frost On Friday, Frost On Saturday, Dec. 20, 21, 1968.”
- Court documents, legal papers with the solicitors, etc.
- Material regarding “Private Eye”.
- 2 Correspondence files regarding court proceedings for Contempt (abortive)
BOX 86
- Material relating to the court case
- File -“Irving”
- Legal documents
BOX 87
- Book and Court Case Press Clippings
- Clippings from:
German Publications
The Belfast Telegraph
The Birmingham Post
Express & Star (Wolverhampton)
Glasgow Herald
Irish News & Irish Times
Yorkshire Post
The Sunday Express
The Observer
The Sunday Times
The Times
- Press cuttings dealing with court proceedings.
BOX 88
- Court-case documents. David Irving vs. Carlos Thompson/Colin Smythe Ltd and Garden City Press.
- Press cutting. (clippings) regarding David Irving.
- Booklet entitled “The File On Soldiers”, historical notes on Rolf Hochhuth’s play (interesting insight on bombing and photographs).
- Correspondence
- Documents regarding “Errors in Mr. Carlos Thompson’s book”.
- Agreements and Contract with Cinecustodia Ltd.
BOX 89
- Court-case material
- Folders: Press-cuttings
Lord Chantos and Massey
Mrs. Hall
Miscellaneous - Correspondence
Stephen Terrell. Material Re: “Soldiers” and “The Assassination of Winston Churchill”
BOX 90
- Court-case, legal counsel’s papers, and transcripts:
Col. and Mrs. Lisiewicz re: Sikorska
Lord Chandos and Massey
Mrs. Hall
Re: “Accident”. Press Cuttings
Material re: ‘Soldiers and “The Assassination of Winston Churchill”.
BOX 91
- Telex Report. [Excellent insight into this case - opinions etc.]:
The Actors View of Winston Churchill
The Soldiers Controversy
Who Was It?
Hochhuth’s “Soldiers” (2)
The Soldiers
Carlos Thompson Puts His Sword Away
- Correspondence relating to “The Assassination of Winston Churchill”.
- Correspondence with the author, Carlos Thompson.
- Folder containing cover design and notes.
BOX 92
- Press Cuttings from:
The Sunday Telegraph
Arts & Artists
The Daily Cinema
The Listener
The Month
Plays and Players
Press & Journal
Radio Times & TV Times
The Stage
What’s On
News of the World
Sunday News
The People
Sunday Mirror
The Guardian
New Society
New Statesman
The Queen
The Spectator
Time & Tide
The Universe
Irving vs. Thompson & The Sunday Telegraph
The Times
The Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Sketch
Morning Star
The Sun
New Society
New Statesman
The Queen
The Spectator
Time & Tide
The Universe
The Guardian
News of the World
Sunday News
The People
Sunday Mirror
Arts & Artists
The Daily Cinema
The Listener
The Month
Plays & Players
Press & Journal
Radio Times & TV Times
The Stage
What’s On
BOX 93
- “McFarlane’s recollections. Sketch of crash.”
- W.J. Cook - statement.
- Correspondence regarding the novel
- Invitation list for party May 2
- Newspaper articles and cuttings
- “Assassination” - Reproduction rights
- Reviews
- Photocopies of reviews, articles, etc.
BOX 94
“Smythe and Thompson re Churchill”
- “Publicity prior to (and re “The Soldiers”)”. 20/12/68
- “Publicity following Frost Programmes 20/21st Dec. 1968 (mainly Daily Telegraph). Including German newspapers.
- “Complete 1st transcript of Berlin talk”. This is the complete transcript of Carlos Thompson’s talk with Hochhuth in a car in Berlin (Sept. 2, 1967).
- Correspondence and various documents (concerning Lublenski and Elton).
- Publicity and reviews concerning the novel.
- Documents re:
David Irving - Correspondence and attempts to stop publication (Spiegel) etc. Letter to Sunday Times.
Re: Churchill. Copyrights.
“Radio & T.V. Scripts. From Dec. 11 ‘ 68.” The Frost programmes.
Reviews, cuttings - following the publication.
“Advice - Prior to Publication” of the book.
BOX 95
Walter and Mary Jo Uphoff. New Psychic Frontiers. Your Key To New Worlds
- Correspondence regarding the publishing of the book.
BOXES 95-96
J. Van Der Hoeven. Slant-eyed Angel, 1968
Note: first published in Holland in 1949 under the title of “Scheel Engeltje.”
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book.
- Annotated typescript, translated by M. Zwart-Siegers, 67 p.
- Annotated typescript
- Annotated photocopied typescript
- 1st Proofs (Colin Smythe), clean copy (2 sets)
- Cover designed dust-jacket
- Miscellaneous pages
BOXES 96-97
Lesley Webb, Children with special needs in the infants’ school, 1967
- Correspondence with the author
- Printers typescript
- Correspondence with the Printers. n.v. Drukkerij Boach Utrecht
- Corrected typescript manuscript [alterations]
- Photocopy typescript manuscript [315 p.]
- Cover design; miscellaneous notes
- Galley-proofs 1st page proofs [2 sets]
BOX 97
George Weinberg Society and the Healthy Homosexual
- Correspondence regarding the publication of the book
- Printer’s proof copy of the published version
BOX 98
W.B. Yeats, ed., Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland
- Dust-jacket and specimen case
- bound proofs
- High Wych Scout News, summer 1971
- galley proofs, corrected
- typescript of “Introduction”
BOX 99
T.R. Young, A Basis For Religious Education
- Correspondence, mainly with the author, 1968 and 1973
- Corrected galley-proofs
T.R. Young, How It Began
- Galley proof
- 2 typescript manuscripts
- Galley proof with corrections
- Old typescript manuscript
- Photocopy typescript of manuscript
- Typescript manuscript
Administrative files
BOX 100
ALFA Edizioni e Rappresentanze Editoriali
AMS Press Inc.
APCK Bookshop
ATV Network Ltd.
Abbey Bookshop
The Abbey Theatre - 1 letter re invoice (see also: Fallon G.)
Aberdeen College of Education
Imprimerie Jos. Adam
Adams, C .V. Anthony - book reviewer
Addenbrooke, Clem (London representative)
Admack Directories
Alba House
Albany Freight Ltd
Sister Mary Albertine see: Zambia. The Dominican Convent School
Aldine Publishing Co.
Almqvist & Wiksell, Booksellers
Ambo Boeken
American Embassy - re visa application
American University of Beirut. Office of Printing Services
Anderson, Clare - indexer
Anglia Television
Anglican Church of Canada - Book Centre
Apeco Ltd
Apostolic Nunciatures - orders for religious books from apostolic nuncios around the world
Archbishop of Canterbury. see: Ramsey, Arthur Michael
Archbishop of Dublin. see: Simms, Most Reverend G.O.
A.M. Archer & Co Ltd.
Arlington House Publishers
Armstrong, Dr. Robert P. see: Northwestern University Press
The Arts Council (of Dublin)
Ashley, C.R.
Ashley, J.D.
Ashmore, Basil
Ashton, Reverend L.J. - Chaplain Royal Air Force
James Askews & Son Ltd.
Association for Research & Enlightenment Inc.
Association of Christian Teachers
Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain
Association of Teachers in Colleges & Departments of Education
Association of Universities & Colleges of Canada
Atlantis Verlag
Austick’s Bookshop
Australian Book Publishers Association
Australian Council of Churches
Australian Forwarding Agency
Avery Label Systems
BPC Publishing Ltd
Bach, Julian - literary agent
Backhouse, B. & E. - accountants
Baden-Fuller, Anthony. see: Dispro Ltd.
W. & R. Balston Ltd.
Bander, Peter - some personal correspondence
Verlag Herman Bauer
Beaconsfield & District Historical Society
Bearman, H.V. - letter re: Road of Many Ways
Bechtle Verlag
Bedford Square Bookbag Ltd.
Beech, G. see: Gloriann, Reverend Sister
Ben Line Containers Ltd.
Bennett, Air Vice-Marshall
The Bermuda Book Stores Ltd.
C. Bertelsmann, Verlag
Bertelsmann Sachbuchverlag
Biddles of Guildford
Billings & Sons Ltd.
BOX 101
P.F. Bingham Ltd.
Birley, Lady Rhoda
Birmingham Post
Bishop of Bedford see: Trillo, Right Reverend A.J.
Bishop of Chelmsford see: Trillo, Right Reverend A.J.
Bishop of Gibraltar see: Satterthwaite, Right Reverend John
Bishop of Hertford see: Trillo, Right Reverend A.J.
Bishop of London see: Stopford, Right Reverend R.W.
Bishop of Southwark see: Stockwood, Right Reverend Dr. Mervyn
Bishop of Stepney see: Lunt, Right Reverend Revered
Bishop of Willesden see: Leonard, Right Reverend Graham
Bishop of Woolwich see: Woolwich, S.E. London
Blacklock, Farries & Sons Ltd.
Blackwell’s (B.H. Blackwell Ltd.)
Jones Blakey Publishing
Blissett & Pugh (Finishers)
Blunden, A. - bookseller
G. Blunt & Sons Ltd.
Bodleian Library, Oxford
N.V. Boekhandel
Danske Boghandleres
Bollettino Bibliografico Internazionale
Bonnell-Lewis, Dr. M.
The Book And Kettle
Book Centre Ltd, London
The Book Club Crowborough Ltd, Crowborough
Book Development Council, London
Bookland & Co. Ltd, Chester
Book Protectors Ltd.
Book Publishers Association of Israel
Books And Bookman
The Bookseller, London - correspondence, catalogues, advertising layouts 1966-1975
Booksellers Association of Great Britain & Ireland
Booksellers Cleaning House
Book Tokens Ltd.
Boots Pure Drug Co. Ltd. Book Buying Office
Borgens Forlag A-S.
BOX 102
Boxer Books Inc. including correspondence to various parties re: Frankfurt Book Fair 1971.
Brand, Paul - publishers
Brandreth, Charles - writer, father of Gyles
Brandreth, Gyles - writer, journalist, a director of C.S. Ltd.
British Council - Book Exhibits Dept.
British Rail
British Weekly & Christian World
R. Brockhaus Verlag
Brown, Douglas - mockup of cover original network for Crooks & Croziers - not published? (filed after F. 5)
Brown, Mrs. Rosemary
Brown University Press
Browne, Reverend John - of Trinity College, Dublin
Browne, M.
Buchereien Gmbh
Verlag F. Bruckmann K.G.
A.W. Bruna & Zoons Litgeversmij B.V.
Buckinghamshire Fire Brigade
The Bucks Advertiser
Bucks Free Press
Bucks Life
Burgess’ Bookshop
Business Brokers Ltd.
Business Intelligence Services Ltd.
Business Statistics Office
Butler, Anthony - of the Evening Press
Byrne, George - librarian, St. Patricks College, Dublin
Byrne, Patrick F. - reviewer
Cahill & Co. Ltd.
Calibre Packaging Aids Ltd.
Litgeverij G.F. Callenbach N.V.
Cambridge Music Shop
Camp, Victor - bookseller
Canny, Patrick
Cardiff Catechetical Commission
Cardinale, Archbishop H.E.
Carlton House
Carpenter, Susan T.
Carraig Books
Carson, Verg Rev. Mgr J.L.
Cass, Raymond A
John Cathcart & Sons Ltd.
Catholic Education Today
Catholic Fireside
Catholic Herald
The Catholic Standard
Cavendish, Richard re: Encyclopedia of the Paranormal
Cayce, Hugh Lynn see: Association of Research & Enlightenment Inc.
The Centre for Educational Television Overseas
Centre Point
Ceylon Methodist Church Record
Chapman, George - “distant healing”
Chapman, Ronald
The Chapter House - St. Paul’s (London) bookstore
Charleston Manor see: Birley, Lady Rhoda
Chenevix-Trench, A. - headmaster, Eaton College
Child Education
Childers, Erskine - including letters to Mrs. Childers and miscellaneous correspondence about “City Without Walls”.
BOX 103
Chorley & Pickersgill Ltd.
The Christian & Christianity Today
Christian Book Centre
Christian Education Fellowship
Christian Education Movement
The Christian Herald Co. Ltd.
“The Christian Materialist” - copies of letters sent to various clergy
Christian Witness
Church Assembly. Church Information Office
Church Illustrated Ltd.
Church of England. Council on Foreign Relations
Church of England. Youth Council
Church of England Newspaper
Church of Ireland. Board of Education
Church Times
Churches’ Fellowship for Psychical & Spiritual Studies
Clarendon Printers Ltd.
Clarizio, Archbishop Emmanuel. see: Apostolic Nunciatures
Classic Book Shops
Clifton Book Shop
Cole, Elizabeth
The College of Psychic Studies Ltd.
Rosica Colin Ltd.
Collins Publishers Ltd. (including Fontana Paperbacks)
Colour Reproductions Ltd.
Colum, Padraic - and others re: publication of The Kitartan Books
C. Combridge Ltd.
Communica - Europa N. V.
Concordia Publishing House
Connolly Publications Ltd. (Irish Democrat)
Conybeare, M.
Cope Allman International
Copyright: see File 4A
Cornmarket Press
John Corah & Son Ltd.
Cork Examiner
Cornell University Press
Copyright - receipts from national libraries of Britain, Ireland, Scotland, etc.; general correspondence
Cotterell, Lawrence- literary agent; publicity director for C.S. Ltd.
Courier Express
Coward - McCann & Geoghegan Inc.
Cowley, T.
Cowper, Rev. Fabian - University of London Chaplain
Coxhead, Elizabeth - proofreader
Crisp, G.L.
Cundell, Eve & Co. Ltd.
Curran, G.
Curtis Brown Ltd.
Cyprus National Youth Council
DPS Publicity Services Ltd.
Dall Oglio, Editore
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Telegraph
Danish Institute for Ed. Research
David, Gwenda - of Viking Press Inc.
Day By Day (TV show) see: ATV Network Ltd.
The John Day Co. Inc. Publishers
Dean, Douglas
De La Warr, Mrs. George (Delawarr Laboratories) - radionic treatment centre
Denson, Alan
BOX 104
Derry, Frank
Desclee de Brouwer, Publishers
K.V.J. de Silva & Sons
Dilia (Czechoslovak Theoretical & Literary Agency)
Dillons University Bookshop Ltd.
Diners Club - circulars, bills
Dispro Ltd.
Divine Saviour School see: Josephine, Reverend Sister
Doleman Press Ltd. - correspondence, invoices
Dominican Convent School. see: Zambia, The Dominican Convent School
Dooley, Anne
Dowding, Lady Muriel
Drake Publishers Inc.
N.V. Drakkerij Bosch
Dublin. Dept. of External Affairs
Dublin Stationery Office
Dublin Taxi Carriage Licensing Dept.
Dublin Castle. Genealogical Office
Dubugras, Elsie - freelance writer for newspapers in Brazil
Dundee. College of Education
Dundee. University Library
Dunod, Editeur
Duckett Ltd.
Durrant’s Press Cuttings Ltd.
Duncan, T. J.
Dutton & Co. Inc. Publishers
W.M. Egan & Sons Ltd.
Eason & Son Ltd.
Econ Verlagsgruppe
The Economists’ Bookshop
Edgar Backus
Editions de l’EPI
Les Editions de l’Homme
Editions du Seuil
Editions J. Duculot à Gembloux
Editions Jucar
Editions Seghers
Editions Universitaires
Edrich, David
Edric Films Ltd. (a.k.a. Fidelity Films Ltd.)
Education (Journal of the Assn. of Education Committees)
Education & World Affairs
The Education Authorities Directory
Educational Review
Educational Television International
Francis Edwards Ltd.
Giulio Einandi Editore
Elmore, John
The English Association
English Progress
Englisches Seminar Der Universitat Frankfurt. see: Rippier, Joseph (Short Stories of Sean O’Faolain).
Episcopal Book Club Inc.
Erasmus Booksellers
Essex Home School
Eton Rural District Council. Electoral Registration Officer
Evening Herald
Evening Press
Evening Standard
Examiner Press Bookshop
BOX 105
John Fairfax & Sons
Fallon, Gabriel (including reference to The Abbey Theatre)
Farnborough Abbey - brochure
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc.
Felix, Paul
Faswell Ltd.
Festival of the Arts In Britain - 1971 brochure
Fielden, Gordon see: Ab Raben & Sjogren Bokforlag
The Fifty Nine Club Ltd.
Hodges Figgis & Co. Ltd.
S. Fischer Verlag
Flint, Leslie
Floridia’s Bookshop
Fontana Paperbacks. see: Collins Publishers Ltd.
Foot, Paul
Fordham University Press
Foster, Reverend Tom
Fowler, Mrs. Nadia - translator, proofreader
Foyles Educational Ltd. W. & G. Foyle Ltd.
Franking Machine Control Card - for 1 week ‘76
Fratelli Fabbri Editori
Freund Publishing House
Frohde, Ms. Ellen (of Glydendal Norsk Forlag)
A.C. Frost & Co.
Fuller, Frederick (re: Funspeak)
The Furrow
Gale & Phelps, Solicitors
Galloway & Porter Ltd.
Alexander Gans, Literary Agent.
James Gant & Co. Ltd.
Garden City Press - correspondence re: Fairy & Folk Tales of Ireland, Voices From the Tapes, and other.
Garden City Press - correspondence re: statements of account, also personal correspondence with Denys Middleton
Garden City Press - invoices / statements of accounts
Garden House Press
The Garrick Bookshop
Aldo Garzanti Editore S.A.S.
Geerings of Ashford Ltd.
General Press Cutting Assn. Ltd.
Gerrards Cross. Dept. of Employment
Gerrards Cross. Dept. of Health & Social Security
Gerrards Cross. Post Office. - including correspondence with Head Post Office, Slough; Reading Telephone Area; various London postal stations
Gestetner Duplicators Ltd.
Get You Home Service (Private Car Hire)
The Ghost Club
BOX 106
Gill & Son Ltd.
Gius. Laterza & Figli
Claude Gill Books
Glasgow. New Book Exhibition - correspondence for 1971-1973 exhibitions
The Glasgow Herald
Gleerup Publishers
Gloriann, Reverend Sister
Gordon & Gotch Ltd.
Gospel Witness Fellowship
Gouin, Henry - letter to Sir Robert Meyer
Graber, Rudolf - Christmas card
Greater London Council
Green, Ross - engineer
Greenhead Books Ltd.
Green’s Fine Papers
Gregory, Anita
Gregory, Major Richard
Griffith, G. C.
Grosset & Dunlap Inc.
Grossi, Father Marco - of Libreria San Pablo, Philippines
Grosvenor, Chater & Co. Ltd.
Grossman Publishers Inc.
The Guardian
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag
Hale Paper Co. Ltd.
Hamilton, Alex
Hampton, Angeline A. - writer
Hampton Press
F. Hanna Ltd.
Jul Hansens Importboghandel
Hansom Books
B de V Hardcastle Burton & Co.
Norman W. Hardy Ltd.
Hargrove, Miss Aphra L.
Harvard University Press
The Hawthorn Press Pty. Ltd.
Hayward, Allan - company secretary for Colin Smythe Ltd.
Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd. - correspondence filed by date
Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd. - invoices & estimates
BOX 107
Headmasters’ Conference - publ. at Wellington College, Berks.
The Head Teachers Review
Heenan, John - Archbishop of Westminster
W. Heffer & Sons Ltd.
Heim, Archbishop Bruno B. - and others on his staff
William Heinemann Ltd.
Heinemann & Zsolnay Ltd.
Hely Thom - correspondence & invoices
Hentschel, Mrs. E.
Herbert, Reverend A.S
E.T. Heron & Co. Ltd.
Herts Advertiser & St. Albans Times
Uitgeverij Het Spectrum N.V.
Hetherington & Co. - solicitors
Hexham and Newcastle Catechetical Centre
G. Heywood Hill Ltd.
Higher Education Journal
Hill & Wang Inc.
Hindson Reid Jordison
Hiscock, Eric - aka “Whitefriar” - columnist
Hoffman Und Campe Verlag
Holt-Jackson Book Co. Ltd.
Holzer, Hans (The New York Committee For The Investigation of Paranormal Occurrences) - author, lecturer
Horizon Press
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Howe, Eric
Htway, Tin
Hudsons Bookshop Ltd.
Huntingdon, John. see: Putnam & Co.
G.R. Hurst & Co. (1968) Ltd.
Huttner, Matthew see: Pyramid Publications
IPC Magazines Ltd.
Independent Newspapers Ltd.
The Independent School Magazine
The Independent Schools Association Inc.
Infant and Nursery School Equipment
Institute for Research Into Mental Retardation
Intercontex Publishers (England) Ltd.
International Association for The Study of Anglo-Irish Literature - rough draft and photocopy of typescript of the 1974 bibliography.
International Feature Service
International Press Cutting Bureau
International Travel Ltd. re: 56a Packhorse Rd.
International University Booksellers Ltd.
Inter Orbis
Ireland. National Gallery
Ireland of the Welcomes July - August 1976 (magazine) (including article p.15 about George Russell: “That myriad-minded man”.)
Irish Book Publishers’ Association
The Irish Catholic Ltd.
Irish Churches Joint Peace Campaign 1974-1975
Irish Democrat. see: Connolly Publications Ltd.
Irish Democrat Book Centre
The Irish Independent
The Irish Press
Irish Representation Ltd.
The Irish Times
Irish Tourist Board
BOX 108
Irish University Press - correspondence, contracts, catalogues
Irish Woman’s Journal
Johanson, T.M. see: The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain
Jarvis, Rev. K.T. of Winchmore Hill Baptist Church
H. & A. John (Booksellers) Ltd.
Johnson’s Booksellers
Samuel Jones & Co. Ltd.
Josephine, Reverend Sister (Sisters of the Divine Saviour)
Journal of the Conservative National Advisory Committee on Education
Jowitt, John
Juergenson, Friedrich - professor interested in electric voice phenomenon
Kalamazoo Ltd.
Karagulla, Shafica
Keane, Gerard M. (also treasurer of Kiltartan Society)
Kennicat Press Inc.
Kent County Council. Education Committee
Kent County Council, Supplies Dept.
Kent State University Press
Kingston Publishers Ltd.
Michael A. Klust Enterprises Ltd.
Kluter, Dr. Heinz see: Verlag F. Bruckmann K.G.
Kodak Ltd.
Editions Robert Laffort
The Lang Publishing Co. Ltd.
Larkin, Lawrence - employed by Van Duren Press
Gius. Laterza & Figli
Lawford, F.H.
Lawrence & Co. - solicitors
Legacy Books
Lemniscaat Publishers
Lennon, Allan
Leonard, Rt. Reverend Graham, Bishop of Willesden
Lewis, Dr. M. Bennell
The Library Association
Limerick Reader
Lister, Raymond - author
Liverpool Catechetical Centre
London Board of Trade - Export Services Branch
London. Inner London Education Authority
London. Metropolitan Regional Examination Board
London Correspondent New York Times
London Overseas Mail Office (LOMO)
The Longford Leader
“Looking Forward To The Seventies” - correspondence from editor of magazines and newspapers
Loveless, Reverend Kenneth N.J. - rural dean of Hackney
J.Y. Lovell (Bucks) Ltd.
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd.
Lunt, Right Reverend - Bishop of Stepney
Lutherisches Verlagshaus Gmb H.
Lyntone Recordings Ltd.
BOX 109
The Macmillan Co. of Canada Ltd.
The Macmillan Publishing Co. Ltd. (New York)
McCourt, Prof. Edward - wrote foreword to the autobiography of Sir Wm. Gregory of Coole
McGill-Queen’s University Press
McGraw-Hill Book Company
Bob McMurray Ltd.
McNally, M. Frances. see: Thoor Ballylee
Madrid evening newspaper
Mahony, Patrick - writer
The Malahat Review. see: Skelton, R.
Manchester Diocesan Church Bookshop
G.J. Manz Aktiengesellschaft. see: Manz-Verlag
Manz Verlag
Massada Press Ltd.
Matthews, Father V.J.
Robert Maxwell & Co. Ltd.
Mayer, Sir Robert - correspondence about “Eternal Youth & Music”
Mayer, Sir Robert - bound proof, cover sample, page proofs, typed ms. of “tributes” - all for “Eternal Youth & Music”.
Thomas Meadows & Co. Ltd.
Mental Health - magazine of Nat. Assn. For Mental Health
John Menzies (Holdings) Ltd.
Merrill, Charles see: Trinity Pubs. Ltd.
Metson Cross & Co. - solicitors
Mladinich, John J. see: Rowman & Littlefield
Modern Magazines (Holdings) Ltd.
Mole, Reverend John W. - editor of Christian Communications
Livraria Morais Editora
Morgan, Anthony - bookseller
Morton, Mrs. Joyce - proofreader
Muhoho, George Kaman
John Murray Publishers Ltd.
BOX 110
Nash Publishing Corporation
Napier, Very Rev. Charles
Nasionale Boekhandel Beperk
The National Book League
National Carriers Ltd.
National Enquirer
National Gallery of Ireland
The National Society
National Sunday School Union
National Westminster Bank Ltd.
N.V. de Nederlandsche Boekhandel
Neill & Co. Ltd.
Nelissen Publishers
Thomas Nelson Inc.
Thomas Nelson (Printers) Ltd.
New Divinity
New Education
The New Era In Home & School
New York University Press
New York Times
Newman, Rev. H. - re: statements of receipt of rental payments from Colin Smythe Ltd.
George Newnes Ltd.
News of the World
Nicholson, Dr. C.S.
Nigrizia Editrice
Niland, Nora - Librarian, Sligo County Library & Museum; including copies of letters of A.Gregory to Sally (Sarah) Allgood.
Nippon Gakki Co. Ltd.
Nix, Sjef - illustrator
Northern Illinois University Press
Northwestern University Press
Oakham School Bookshop
O’Brien, Reverend Mgr. M.J.
O’Connor, Rt Reverend Mgr. B.S.
O’Connor, J.
Octagon Books
Odendaal, N. - agent in S. Africa
O’Lochlainn, Dara - correspondence re: art work, invoices.
Ontario (Canada). Hastings County - Director of Education
Ontario (Canada).Minister of Education
Osterreichischer Bundesverlag
O’Sullivan, Mr. Donel (Irish Ambassador to London) - including other correspondence with the Irish Embassy.
BOX 111
Oxford University Press - 1968-1976
P.B.D.S. - invoices
Charles Paine Pty. Ltd.
Pakord Ltd.
F.3 Palm Publishers Ltd. - correspondence for 1969-71.
F.4 Palm Publishers Ltd. - correspondence for 1972-73.
F.5 Palm Publishers Ltd. - correspondence for 1974-76.
F.6 Palm Publishers Ltd. - invoices, catalogues.
BOX 112
Panther Books Ltd.
Parents’ Voice
Parker, J.R.
Paro, Archbishop Gina. see: Apostolic Nunciatures (Australia)
Paulist - Newman Press
Pearson, Ruby C.
Pennsylvania State University Press
Percivall’s Ltd. - invoices
Perdue, Reverend E.C.T. - of Trinity College
Periodici Rizzole
Peter, Margaret
Pia Societa San Paolo
Pickering, John M. see: Pennsylvania University Press.
Pijfers, H. see: Ambo Bocken
The Pitman Press
Pitney Bowes Ltd.
Planet Automatics Typing
Uitgeverij Ploegsma
Pocknell, Leslie see: St. Martin’s Press
The Portsmouth Bookshop
Presses Academiques Europeannes
John Prime Bookseller
Princeton University Press
Printing & Publishing Industry Training Board
Promenade Bookshop
Publishers & Booksellers Delivery Service see: F.2
The Publishers Association
F.5 Publisher’s World
Putnam & Co.
Pyramid Publications
Quastel, Charles see: Spiritualist Assn. of Great Britain
Ab Raben & Sjogren Bokforlag
The Radionic Centre Organization see: Deha Warr, Mrs. George Rainbird Ltd.
Raine, Kathleen - wrote foreword to Fairy & Folk Tales
Rampa, Dr. T. Lobsang - including letters to C.S. from his literary agent, A.S. Knight
Ramsey, A. Michael, Archbishop of Canterbury
Rand McNally & Co.
Rank Zerox Ltd.
M.H. Randall & Partners Ltd.
Ranfurly Library Service - letter to Sir Robert Mayer from H. Ranfurly
The Reader’s Digest
Readex Microprint Corp.
Red Bridge Book Cloth Co. Ltd.
Red Wood Burn Book Manufacturers
The Redwood Press Ltd.
BOX 113
Henry Regnery Co. Inc.
Religious Book News
The Review of English Studies
Richardson, Sally see: St. Martin’s Press
Richardson & Coppin Ltd.
Rigby Ltd.
Rippier, J.S. (Short Stories of Sean O’Faolain)
Rizzo, Rev. Bro. Pio. see: Examiner Press Bookshop
F.3 Roneo - Neopost Ltd.
Rowman & Littlefield Publisher
Royal College of Music (London)
Rusconi Editore
Russell & Associates
Ryan, A.P.
S.P.C.K. - Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge
St. Agatha’s Bookshop
St. Alban’s, Bishop of
St. George, Mr. George - writer
St. Katharine’s Convent, Berks. - mother superior
St. Martin’s-in-The-Fields, London - rector of
St. Martin’s Press
St. Mary’s Convent, Berks.
St. Saviour’s Priory, London - Sister Natalie
Saddlemyer, Ann - Canadian professor of English who wrote forewords to The Collected Plays
Salomon, Robert of Lyle Stuart Inc. - publishers
Satterthwaite, Right Reverend J.R., Bishop of Gibraltar
Schaffranke, Rolf - book reviews
BOX 114
Alfred Scherz Verlag
M. Schoeller Bucherstube
School and Society - publication of the Graduate School of Education, Pennsylvania.
School Government Publishing Co. Ltd.
School Library Association
Abelard Schuman - publisher
T.G. Scott & Son Ltd.
The Scottish Arts Council
Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society Ltd.
The Scottish Educational Journal
Scottish Schoolmasters Association
Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association
Screen Education
Seven Oaks Bookshop
Sharratt, Enid - book agent, S. Africa
Sheargold, Richard K. see: The Spiritualist Assn. of Great Britain
Sheepstor Handmade Papers Ltd.
Shelley, Henry H. - bookseller
Sherman, Harold - of ESP Research Associates Foundation
Simms, Reverend G.O., Archbishop of Dublin (later Archbishop of Armagh)
Sisters of the Divine Saviour see: Josephine, Reverend Sister
Skelton, Robin - editor of The Malahat Review
Skouras, Daniel P. - of EMI
Smeaton, A. - bookseller
W.H. Smith & Son Ltd. - correspondence
W.H. Smith & Son Ltd. - invoices & credit notes
The Society of St. Paul - invoices, and correspondence with houses in Australia, Philippines, Italy, England.
BOX 115
The Society of Young Publishers
Sound for Industry Ltd.
South Australia. The State Bank
South London Stationers Ltd.
Spearman, Neville
Special Education - Journal of The Assn. for Special Education
The Spectator
Spicer - Cowan Ltd.
The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain - re: psychic research; correspondence. with Richard K. Sheargold (Voice Phenomenon Assn.), Charles Quastel (Arthur Findlay College), T.M. Johanson (of Spiritualist Assn. of Great Britain).
Stanbrook Abbey Press
Standard Uitgeverij
Staples Printers Ltd.
Abner Stein
B.F. Stevens & Brown Ltd.
Stewart-Wallace & Co. - solicitors
Stockwood, Right Reverend Marvyn, Bishop of Southwark
Stolpe, Sven - book reviewer
Stones Bookshop, Devon
Stopford, Rt. Hon. Dr. R.W., Bishop of London
Lyle Stuart Inc. see: Salomon, R.
Sullivan, Reverend M., Archdeacon of London, Dean of St. Paul’s
Sunday Express
Sunday Independent
Sunday Mirror
The Sunday Press
Sunday Telegraph
Svenska Bokhendlareforeninger
Swindon Clerical Services Ltd.
(Royal) Swedish Embassy
The Tablet Pub. Co. Ltd.
The Talbot Press Ltd.
Johan Grandt Tanum
Taplinger Publishing Co. Inc. (Mrs. Terry Taplinger, Richard Taplinger)
William J. Tate (see also: Transatlantic Arts Inc.)
The Teacher
The Teacher of The Blind
The Teacher of The Deaf
Teaching And Training - journal of The Nat. Assn. of Teachers of The Mentally Handicapped.
Telex Monitors Ltd.
Thames Valley Constabulary
Theosophical, Publishing House
Therapeutic Education - journal of the Assn. of Teachers of Maladjusted Children
James Thin Ltd.
BOX 116
This Week In Ireland
Charles C. Thomas, Publisher
Thompson, Carlos - 1 personal letter to Colin Smythe
Thoor Ballylee - home of Wm. Butler Yeats; correspondence with curator
Thorn Office Equipment Ltd.
Three Candles Ltd. - binders
Tickle, Right Reverend, Gerald W. - Roman Catholic Bishop to Armed Forces.
Times Educational Supplement
Times (Times Newspapers Ltd.)
Times Literary Supplement - all correspondence interfiled in date order.
Tiptree Book Services Ltd.
To, Fred - freelance film producer
Toronto (Ont.). Board of Education
Trade Marks Registry - correspondence re: Colin Smythe trade mark, copies of Trade Marks Journal.
F.4 Transatlantic Arts Inc. - publishers & importers
Trans World Publishing Corp.
Trefoil Book Supplies
Trends In Education
Trillo, Right Reverend John, Bishop of Chelmsford
Trinidad & Tobago. Central Library
Trinity Publications Ltd.
Troiani, Joseph - of Channel 4 TV
Truslove & Hanson - booksellers
Turkey. Turkish Ambassador, London.
Turnbull, J.H. - re: census form
Turm - Verlag
Turnstone Books
Charles E. Tuttle Co. Inc.
Ulster Television Ltd.
Union Booksellers (Pty) Ltd.
The Union Society
United Lodge of Theosophists
Universal Stationers
Universal Verlags und Vertriebsgsellschaft
Universitetsbiblioleket, Uppsala
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo
University Books Inc. see: Salomon, Robert
University Bookshops (Oxford) Ltd.
University Co-operative Bookshop Ltd.
University Council for the Education of Teachers
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
The University of Chicago Press
University of Leicester
The University of Massachusetts Press
University of Miami Press
The University of Minnesota Press
University of Nebraska Press
The University of Notre Dame Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
The University Press of Kentucky
The Use of English
Valente, Reverend Dom - personal letter from P. Bander
Viking Press Inc. Publishers (see also: David, Gwenda)
Vista Records
Visual Education - magazine of the National Committee for Audio & Visual Aids in Education
Volume One Ltd.
BOX 117
Wahlströms Bokforlag AB
Wall, Mervyn see: The Arts Council (of Dublin)
John Wallace Printing Ltd.
Warnaar Trading Co. Ltd.
A.P. Watt & Son
Webb Son & Co. Ltd. - bookbinders
Wells, Joel - printed sheet of book reviews for Prophecies of Malachy
The Western Morning News
Weybright & Talley - publishers
T.A. Whelan
J. Whitaker & Sons Ltd.
Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd.
White, Dorothy M. - proofreader
White, James, director of National Gallery of Ireland. see: National Gallery of Ireland.
Williams, A.B. - bookseller
Hubert Wilson Ltd.
Wissenenschaftliche Bücher
Woman’s Home Journal
Woman’s Own
Woodbridge & Sons - solicitors
Woolston Book Co. Ltd.
Woolwich, S.E. London - Bishop of
Wyndham, Mrs. J. LePoer - personal letters from C.S. re: proposal of purchase of vacant house.
Xerox Copy Bureau
Zais, Charles F. - enquiry re: “Breakthrough”
Zambia. Dominican Convent School - letters to Rev. Sister Mary Albertine re: booksales
Zondervan Publishing House
BOX 118
Rejected titles correspondence, A-Z
BOX 119
Unpublished books correspondence, A_M
BOX 120
Unpublished books correspondence, N-Z
BOXES 121-122
Unpublished titles, manuscripts
BOX 123
Clippings of Reviews - by author A- P
BOX 124
Clippings of Reviews - by author Q- Z; including file on publicity for Colin Smythe Ltd.
1 fi1e of advertising clippings
1 file miscellaneous review clippings
BOX 125
Miscellaneous - desk ornaments, signs
BOX 126
- miscellaneous art work - book cover designs (rough and final drafts)
- sketches in watercolor and ink
- photographs (probably of Colin Smythe)
- music sheets
Financial Records
Note: At the time of the publication of The Assassination of Winston Churchill Colin Smythe established a second company called “Colin Smythe (Gerrards Cross) Ltd.” in case of legal actions. Financial records of this second company have been kept separately. Hence the appearance of “overlapping” in dates of financial records.
Not Boxed:
Financial Register 1, Accounts Receivable Book, July 1966-Jan. 1967
Financial Register 2, Accounts Receivable Book, Jan. 1967-Mar. 1967
Financial Register 3, Accounts Receivable Book, 1967-1970
Financial Register 4, Accounts Receivable Book, July 1971-June 1972
Financial Register 5, Accounts Receivable Book, July 1972-Mar. 1973
Financial Register 6, Cash Book (Accounts Payable), Apr. 1966-Mar. 1967, Apr. 1969-July 1970
Financial Register 7, Cash Book (Accounts Payable), Apr. 1967-Mar. 1969
Financial Register 8, Cash Book (Accounts Payable), Apr. 1968-Mar. 1969 (personal expenses)
Financial Register 9, Cash Book (Accounts Payable), July 1971-June 1972
Financial Register 10, Cash Book Analysis (for direct payments), July 1971-Nov. 1972
Financial Register 11, Company Purchases Record Book, 1969-1970
Financial Register 12, Credit Book, Feb. 1970-June 1972 (records of books returned for credit)
Financial Register 13, Ledger Sheets for sales to bookstores, etc., 1970-1972
Financial Register 14, Mailing Expenses Book, [n.d.]
Financial Register 15, Mailing Expenses Book, 1971 - 1974 (costs of mailing to book centres)
Financial Register 16, Mailing Expenses Book, 1974-1976
Financial Register 17, Post Expense Book, 1970-1971 (general postal expenses)
Financial Register 18, Post Expense Book, 1971-1972
Financial Register 19, Post Expense Book, 1972-1973
Financial Register 20, Post Expense Book, 1973-1974
Financial Register 21, Post Expense Book, 1974-1975
Financial Register 22, Publication Cost Book - Bk. 1, 1967-1972
Financial Register 23, Publication Cost Book - Bk. 2, 1967-1972
Financial Register 24, Sales Day Book, July 1966-Apr. 1969
Financial Register 25, Sales Day Book, Apr. 1967-June 1972
Financial Register 26, Sales Day Book, Apr. 1970-May 1971
Financial Register 27, Sales Day Book, July 1970-Apr. 1972
BOX 126A
P.A.Y.E. Analysis Book 4/70-11/72
Salaries Record Book 1 8/66-9/69
Salaries Record Book 2 8/69-7/70
Written records on ledger sheets
Van Duren Press P.A.Y.E. Analysis Book 1/72-4/73
BOX 127
Annual Financial Statements 1967-1972 (Files1-6)
F.7 Typed explanation of the 3 companies which comprise the Colin Smythe Group with copy of 1972 financial statement
BOX 128
Financial Ledgers 1966-1968
BOX 129
Financial Ledgers 1969-1971
BOX 130
Business Files
F.1 Miscellaneous correspondence & invoices 1969-1974, including enquiry letters re: Assassination of Winston Churchill invoices
F.2 Stock records 1968-72, 1972-73
F.3 Bank account records
F.4 Miscellaneous business expense receipts
F.5 Ledger sheets of book returns 1966-67
F.6 Ledger sheets of business expenses 1971-72
F.7 Miscellaneous ledgers
F.8 Miscellaneous letters
BOX 131
Van Duren Press
business records - minutes of meetings, employee records, insurance
BOX 132
Van Duren Press
Catalogues, brochures
BOX 133
Minutes of meetings, employee records, insurance
BOX 134
Registers and Ledgers
Accounts Receivable Book, July 1966-Jan. 1967
Accounts Receivable Book, Jan. 1967-Mar. 1967
Accounts Receivable Book, 1967-1970
Accounts Receivable Book, July 1971-June 1972
Accounts Receivable Book, July 1972-Mar. 1973
Cash Book (Accounts Payable), Apr. 1966-Mar. 1967; Apr. 1969-July 1970
Cash Book (Accounts Payable), Apr. 1967-Mar. 1969
Cash Book (Accounts Payable; personal expenses), Apr. 1968-Mar. 1969
Cash Book (Accounts Payable), July 1971-June 1972
Cash Book Analysis (for direct payments), July 1971-Nov. 1972
Company Purchases Record Book, 1969-1970
Credit Book (records of books returned for credit), Feb. 1970-June 1972
Ledger sheets for sales to bookstores, etc., 1970-1972
BOX 135
Mailing expenses book, [n.d. ]
Mailing expenses book, (expenses incurred in mailing to book centres), [n.d. ]
Mailing expenses book, 1974-1976
Post Expense book, 1970-1971
Post Expense book, 1971-1972
Post Expense book, 1972-1973
Post expense book, 1973-1974
Post expense book, 1974-1975
Publication cost book - Bk. 1,1967-1972
Publication cost book - Bk. 2, 1967-1972
Sales Day book, July 1966-Apr. 1969
Sales Day book, Apr. 1967-June 1972
Sales Day book, Apr. 1970-May 1971
Sales Day book, July 1970-Apr. 1972
BOX 136
Royalty Ledgers
Ledger 28, Queen Elizabeth’s 1st Book of Devotions, How It All Began, The History of Chalfont St. Peter and Gerrards Cross, The Kiltartan Books, A Book of Saints & Wonders.
Ledger 29, The Collected Plays of Lady Gregory Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3 & Vol. 4
Ledger 30, Gods & Fighting Men, Cuchulan of Muirtheme, Looking Forward to the Seventies, Why Nursery Schools, Carry On Talking
Ledger 31, Sunshine & the Moon’s Delight, For God’s Sake Go, Mighty Men of Valour, Breakthrough, Christ Incognito
Ledger 32, Children with Special Needs..., The Siege, A Basis for Religious Education, Katya & the Crocodile, Slant Eyed Angel, Songs In the Night, Hackney Free & Parochial, The Christian Materialist, Me And Nu, The Carpet People
Ledger 33, Prophecies of St. Malady & St. Columbrille, My Life & Music, The Assassination of Winston Churchill
Ledger 34, Sales Record: The Proscenium Press Titles (sold by Colin Smythe Ltd.)
Colin Smythe Limited, Publishers fonds. Second accrual. – 1976-1979. 1.2 m of textual records and graphic material.
Note: arranged alphabetically by author and/or title.
BOX 137
Bandert, Peter. The Prophecies of St. Malachyand St. Columbkille (paperback reprint 1979)
- correspondence file
Bringlet, Jerald E. The formation and evolution of Widowers’ Houses
- TMs. (car.) - not published
Bushruit, S.B. ed., A centenary tribute to J.M. Synge (paperback edition 1979)
- correspondence
Cardinalet, H.E., The Holy See and International Order (1977)
- proof copy
Carpenter, Andrew, ed., Place, personality and the Irish writer (1977)
- correspondence
- TMs. (copy) corrected
BOX 138
- author’s corrected proofs
- galley proofs
BOX 139
- galley proofs
- proof copy
Catlin, George E.G., Kissinger’s Atlantic Charter (1974)
- correspondence
Cave, Richard. A study of the novels of George Moore (1978)
- correspondence
BOX 140
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
Clarke, C.E., The timeless stream - Tales of the Thames (1978)
- correspondence
BOX 141
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
- page proofs
Coldwell, Joan, ed. Charles Lamb On Shakespeare (1978)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
- page proofs
Cooper, M.V.L., The Lion and Prince Sharomuz
- TMs. (2 versions) - not published
Cooper, M.V.L., Warrion’s Summer
- TMs . - not published (see correspondence file)
Coxhead, Elizabeth, Daughters of Erin (new edition 1979)
- correspondence
- previous printed copy, altered for reprint
Crookhall, Robert, What happens when you die (2nd ed. 1978)
- correspondence
- galley proofs
Daly, Rev. Fr. Dominic, Douglas Hyde and the Irish literary revival
- correspondence (not published but later published by Irish University: Press)
BOX 143
Elizabeth I, A Book of Devotions (new edition 1977)
- correspondence
Etteldorf, Raymond, The end and the beginning (new edition 1979)
- correspondence
- galley proofs
Fisher, Barbara, Joyce Cary: the writer and his theme [n.d.]
- TMs. - 562 pp.
BOX 144
- TMs. corrections
- galley proofs
BOX 145
Flannery , Mary Catherine, Yeats and Magic (1978)
- correspondence
- TMs.
- TMs. (car.)
- galley proofs
BOX 146
- galley proofs
- proof copy
Foderaro, Salvatore, Independent Africa (1976)
- correspondence
BOX 147
Gregory, Anne, Me and Nu (paperback reprint 1978)
- correspondence
- earlier printed version, altered for reprint
Gregory, Lady
A Book of Saints and Wonders (1972,1973)
- correspondence
Collected Plays 1-4 (paperback edition 1979)
- correspondence
Cuchulain (paperback reprint 1973)
- correspondence
Gods and Fighting Men (paperback ed. 1976)
- correspondence
Journals (1978)
- correspondence
BOX 148
- TMs. of notes, index, etc.
- proofs
BOX 149
- proofs
Selected Plays (new ed. paperback 1975)
- correspondence
Seventy Years (Coole edition 1974)
- correspondence
BOX 150
Henn, T .R., Five Arches [n.d.]
- galley proofs
Last Essays (1976)
- correspondence
Hoeven, Jan Vander, Slant-eyed angel (new edition paperback 1978)
- correspondence
Hulme, G., The life and death of Adolf Hitler (1975)
- correspondence
Jackman , S .W., Nicholas Cardinal Wiseman: a Victorian Prelate and his writings (1977)
- correspondence re Smythe distribution of book
BOX 151
Jeffares, Bo (Felicity Anne), The Artist in Nineteenth Century Fiction (1979)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
- galley proofs
Johnson, Josephine, Florence Farr (1975)
- correspondence
BOX 152
Johnston, Denis, The Dramatic Works. Volume I (1977)
- correspondence
- galley proofs (1)
- galley proofs (2)
BOX 153
- galley proofs (Mrs. Morton’s set)
The Dramatic Works. Volume II (1979)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
BOX 154
- galley proofs
Johnstone, R. Edgeworth, The Lost World: Does It Exist? (1978)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
BOX 155
- galley proofs
- proof copy
Lazaron, Hilda, Gabriel Marcel: the dramatist (1978)
- correspondence
- photocopies of proofs (2 versions)
- proof copy
Lazaron, Morris, As I See Him [n.d.]
- correspondence
Lewis, Harrison, Ancient Malta: a study of its antiquities (1976)
- TMs. (bound copy)
BOX 156
MacLysaght, Edward, Changing Times (1978)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
- page proofs
BOX 157
MacManus, D.A., Between two worlds: true Irish ghost stories (1979)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
- page proofs
The Middle Kingdom (2d. rev. ed. 1974)
- correspondence
Manning, Matthew, The Link (1974)
- correspondence
Mayer, Dorothy Moulton, Memories of A.E. (1978)
- correspondence
BOX 158
McGarry, James, Place names in the writings of William Butler Yeats (1976)
- correspondence
McKenna, C. Wayne F., Charles Lamb and the theatre (1978)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
BOX 159
- proof copy
Mikhail, E.H., Sean O’Casey’s “Apotheosis” (not published)
- TMs. (copy)
Moore, George, Hail and Farewell (new ed. 1976)
- correspondence
The Untilled Field (1976)
- correspondence, production file
Moore, T.C. Kingsmill, A Man May Fish (new ed. 1979)
- HMs.
- copy of first edition, altered for reprint
BOX 160
- galley proofs
- proof copy
O’Driscoll Conference, Toronto
“Collection of Papers” (not published)
- TMs. (various) - copies
BOX 161
Peake, Mervyn, The Rhyme of the Flying Bomb (1973)
- correspondence
Pettiward, Cynthia, The Case for Possession (1975)
- correspondence.
Pratchett, Terry, The Dark Side of the Sun (new ed. 1978)
- correspondence
Prentki, Tim. ed., Francis Warner, poet and dramatist (Sceptre Press 1977, distributed by C. Smythe)
- galley proofs
Pym, David, The Religious Thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1979)
- correspondence.
- proofs (galley and page)
Quinn, W.C., The prophecies of St. Columbkille [ n.d. ]
- correspondence.
Rafroidi, Patrick, Irish literature in English [n.d.]
- TMs. (final)
BOX 162
- TMs., corrected
- corrected proofs
- card index
Raine, Kathleen, Blake Afterthoughts (withdrawn by author)
- TMs .(copy)
BOX 163
Rippier, Jo, Goodnight Morning (1977)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
The short stories of O’Faolain: a study (1976)
BOX 164
Russell, G.W. (A.E.), Contributions to the “Irish Homestead” ed. by H. Summerfield 2 vols. (1978)
- correspondence
- Ms. (oversize, filed elsewhere)
BOX 165
- 1st master galley proofs
- 2nd page proofs
BOX 166
- additional galley proofs
BOX 167
- galley proofs corrected by H. Summerfield
Severs, W .K., A Place of Being (originally titled “At the Spring”) (1975)
- correspondence
Simonson, Werner, The Last Judgement (German version) [n.d.]
- TMs. (copy)
Smith, Eric H.F., St. Peter’s: The Founding of an Oxford College (1978)
- correspondence
- TMs. of index
BOX 168
-camera copy
- galley proofs
St. George’s Chapel Windsor. Quincentenary Souvenir Book of Photos (1975)
- correspondence
Stephens, James, The Insurrection in Dublin (1978 reprint)
- correspondence
- original edition, altered for reprint
BOX 169
Summerfield, Henry, That Myriad-Minded Man (1976)
- correspondence
Thompson, Carlos, The Assassination of Winston Churchill (1969)
- correspondence
Thornton, Weldon, J.M. Synge and the Western Mind (1979)
- correspondence
- TMs. (final)
- galley proofs
- additional galley proofs
Uphoff, Walter and Mary Jo, New Psychic Frontiers (2nd ed. 1978)
- correspondence
BOX 170
The Urga Manuscript (1976)
Warner, Francis, A Conception of Love (1978)
- TMs. (copy) final
- galley proofs
- camera ready copy
Light Shadows (1980)
- TMs. (copy) final
- galley proofs
Welch, Robert, Irish Poetry from Moore to Yeats [n.d.]
- TMs. (final)
BOX 171
- galley proofs
- additional galley proofs
Wentz, W.Y. Evans, The fairy faith in Celtic countries (facsimile reprint of 1911 edition, 1977)
- correspondence
BOX 172
Wilkinson, Burke, The Zeal of the Convert (1978)
- correspondence
- original copy prepared for reprint
Yeats, William B., Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland (1977 edition)
- correspondence
Representative Irish Tales (1979)
- correspondence
- original copy for reprint
- galley proofs of editors introduction and notes
BOX 173
- galley proofs with J.M. corrections
- galley proof read by Alan Denson
- galley proofs
BOX 174
IASAIL Bibliography (chaired by Colin Smythe 1973-8)
- correspondence with subcommittee
- original text (2 sets)
- oversize text (filed elsewhere)
BOX 174A
Bander, Peter, Carry On Talking
- mock-up of dust jacket
Cave, Richard, A Study of the Novels of George Moore
- cover artwork
Hoeven, Jan Vander, Slant-eyed Angel
- cover artwork
Irish Literary Studies Series
- mock-up of dust jacket
Lazaron, Hillda, Gabriel Marcel
- cover artwork
McKenna, C. Wayne F., Charles Lamb and the Theatre
- mock-up of cover
Yeats, W.B., On a Child’s Death (Christmas card 1978)
- text, mock-up and samples
BOX 175
This box of correspondence has been sorted into alphabetical order, but the contents have not been listed. For the most part, it consists of letters from writers hoping to get their books published. While most of the correspondence dates from 1976 to 1979, there are some pieces from an earlier period.
BOX 176
Correspondence with Barnes and Noble, U.S.
Correspondence with Billings Ltd. (Printers)
Correspondence with Irish Representation Ltd.
Correspondence with Lemma Publishers, U.S.
Correspondence with Macmillan of Canada
Correspondence with Post Office Telesystems
BOX 177
Correspondence (miscellaneous business, including Reliance Systems)
Correspondence re reviews of Colin Smythe Ltd. publications
Stock List 1975 - final printed copy
Catalogue and Stock List 1977 - text, proofs, corrections
Catalogue 1978/79
- correspondence and text sample
- partial text of index
- galley proof of index
- galley proofs
Catalogues of publishers associated with C. Smythe Ltd. and of some exhibitions in which Colin Smythe Ltd. participated.
BOX 178
Royalty Statements
Cash Banking Analysis 1970- 71
Lodgment Analysis January 1974 to June 1975
Lodgement Analysis and Purchases Day Ledger. July 1974 to June 1975, July 1975 to June 1976
Lodgement Analysis 1976-77
Posting Book, February 1975 to February 1977
Posting Book, February 1977 to October 1977
Posting Book, October 1977 to June 1978
Invoices from Dolmen Press
Trade Counter Ltd. Statements
Colin Smythe Limited, Publishers fonds. Third accrual. 1979-1981. 3.6 m of textual records, graphic material, and sound recordings.
Arranged alphabetically by author and/or title.
BOX 179
Bander, Peter, The Prophecies of St. Malachy and St. Columbkille (4th edition, 1979)
- folded sheets from printer
Barnwell, William, The Blessing Papers (1981)
- correspondence
- replaced sheets, photocopied typescript
Barnwell, William, Yeats and the Idea of Perfection (n.d.)
- photocopied typescript
Booth, Martin, Devil’s Wine (1980)
- correspondence
Samuel Butler on the Resurrection (edited and introduced by Robert Johnstone, 1981)
- correspondence
- proofs
Cairncross, Alec, Snatches (1980)
- correspondence file
Collis, Maurice and Louise, A Private View of Stanley Spencer (1972)
The Collected Works of Maurice Collis
Leopard Boots
- correspondence
Crookhall, Robert, What Happens When You Die (1978)
- galley proofs
BOX 180
Edmonds, G.C., A History of Chalfont St. Peter and Gerrard’s Cross (1968)
- correspondence regarding reprinting
Etteldorf, Raymond
The End and the Beginning (new edition 1979)
- correspondence file
Eyre, Margery,The Sacred Mirror (1980)
- correspondence
- annotated typescript
- 2 sets page proofs
Fisher, Barbara, Joyce Cary, The Writer and His Theme (1980)
- correspondence
- index, typescript
- folded proofs
BOX 181
Gibbon, Monk, The Pupil (not published by Colin Smythe. in 1980)
- correspondence
- photocopied annotated typescript
- 4 sets of page proofs with the author’s corrections
Gregory , Lady I.A.
Collected Works (series)
- correspondence regarding rights and permissions
Collected Plays (1979)
- art work (also for Kiltartan Books and Book of Saints and Sinners)
Mr. Gregory’s Letter Box (1971)
- page proofs, photocopied
BOX 182
Gregory , Lady I.A.
Mr. Gregory’s Letter Box
- 2 sets of galley proofs
Sir William Gregory’s Autobiography (1980)
- 3 sets of galley proofs
- photocopied speeches
Seventy Years, An Autobiography (1976)
- reviews
Henn, T.R., Five Arches (1980)
- correspondence file
BOX 183
Henn, T.R., Five Arches
- original annotated typescript
- 2 sets galley proofs
- corrected galley proofs
BOX 184
Hogan, J.J., The English Language in Ireland
- correspondence re reprinting
Hulme, George, The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler (1975)
- paper bound proof copy of the book
Jeffares, A. Norman (editor), Yeats, Sligo and Ireland (1980)
- correspondence file
- original annotated typescript
BOX 185
Jeffares, A. Norman (editor), Yeats, Sligo and Ireland
- galley proof of contributors’ page
- partial galley proofs
- partial galley proofs
- complete set of galley proofs
- index, typescript and photocopy
- folded proofs
BOX 186
Kleynhans, Evert, Life on Earth and Hereafter (1974)
- correspondence file
Krause, D. and Robert Lowery (eds.), Sean O’Casey: Centenary Essays (1980)
- correspondence file
- corrected typescript
- partial galley proofs, corrected
- complete galley proofs
BOX 187
Krause, Sean O’Casey
- partial galley proofs of individual essays
- complete galley proofs
Lazaron, Hilda, Gabriel Marcel, The Dramatist (1978)
- folded proofs
Logan, Patrick, The Holy Wells of Ireland (1981)
- correspondence
BOX 188
- original typescript
- corrected typescript
- 4 sets of page proofs, 3 corrected
- partial page proofs
Milligan, Rev. W. J ., Six Secular Sermons on Europe (not published in 1971)
- correspondence
BOX 189
Moore, George, A Drama in Muslin (reprinted, with an introduction by A.N. Jeffares, 1980)
- correspondence
Hail and Farewell (new ed. 1976)
- correspondence and art work
The Lake (revised edition, with afterword by Richard Cave, 1980)
- correspondence
- typescript of Cave’s Afterword
- 4 sets of page proofs, some with revisions
- page proofs with Cave’s corrections
BOX 190
Moore, T.C. Kingsmill, A Man May Fish (new edition, 1979)
- correspondence
- galley proofs
Moulton Mayer, Dorothy, Angelica Kauffman (1972)
- correspondence
Mystic Forces and the Conduct of Life (no author given, projected new edition, no date)
- corrected sheets from first edition
O’Casey, Sean, The Harvest Festival (1980)
- correspondence
- unbound U .S. version
- folded sheets of Colin Smythe. version
O’Driscoll, Robert
Yeats Studies (projected publication, 1974)
- correspondence
BOX 191
Pearse, P .H., The Letters of P.H Pearse (edited by Séamas O’Buachalla, 1980)
- correspondence
- original annotated typescript
BOX 192
- 2 sets of corrected page proofs
BOX 193
- index and list of correspondents
- corrected index
- 2 sets corrected page proofs
BOX 194
- 2 more sets corrected page proofs
BOX 195
Pratchett, Terry, The Carpet People (1971)
- correspondence
Strata (1981)
- correspondence
- corrected typescript
- 2 sets of galley proofs
- corrected galley proofs
BOX 196
Pursglove, Glyn, Erected Wit and Infected Will, an introduction to the plays of Francis Warner (n.d.)
- annotated manuscript (first version)
Rafroidi, Patrick, Irish Literature in English: The Romantic Period, 2 vols. (1980)
- correspondence
- copy of L’Irland et le romantisme (1972)
- index and illustrations, ts. and galleys
BOX 197
- annotated index
- page proofs, vol.1
- photocopied opening pages, vol.1
- unbound proof copy, U.K. version unbound proof copy, vol.1, U.S.A. version
- page proofs, vol. 2
- covers for vols. 1, 2
BOX 198
- unbound proof copy, vol. 2, U.K. version
- unbound proof copy, vol. 2, U.S.A. version
The Irish Short Story, U.K. edition, 1980, edited by Rafroidi and Terence Brown
- correspondence
- page proofs
- incomplete page proofs
Raudive, Constantine, Breakthrough (1971)
- correspondence
Ronsley, Joseph (editor), Dennis Johnston at Eighty (1981 )
- original annotated typescript
BOX 199
- R.A. Cave’s essay, photocopied typescript
- holograph index
- 4 sets of corrected galley proofs
- corrected page proofs
BOX 200
Severs, W .K., A Place of Being (1975)
- galley proofs, work originally entitled “At the Spring”
Tessier, Therese, Thomas Moore’s Irish Melodies (not published, 1980)
- correspondence
- copy of La Poésie Lyrique de Thomas Moore
Thompson, Carlos, The Assassination of Winston Churchill (1969)
- Art work
Uphoff, Walter and Mary Jo
Mind over Matter (1980)
- correspondence file
New Psychic Frontiers (1974, 1978)
- corrected galley proofs
Warner, Francis, Light Shadows (1980)
- correspondence (includes folded proofs)
Requiem and its Maquettes (1980)
- correspondence
Welch, Robert, Irish Poetry from Moore to Yeats (1980)
- correspondence
Wentz, W.Y. Evans (1977 reprint of 1911 edition), The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries (1977)
- correspondence file
Yeats, W. Butler, Representative Irish Tales (1979 reissue of 1891 edition)
- correspondence (with Mary Helen Thuente)
BOX 201
The following correspondence which has been sorted alphabetically, comprises letters to and
from writers whose work was not accepted for publication.Where there are more than two or
three letters the would-be author has been given a separate file.
Rejected Authors
Feeney, W. J.
Finnegan, P. H.
Foster, John W.
Rejected Authors
Rejected Authors, N-P
O’Connor, Philip
O’Dwyer, Ria
Painter, Nancy
Prance, Claude A.
Pupillo, John A.
Rejected Authors
Robinson, Hilary
Rejected Authors
Williams, Charles (proposed books about)
Business and Financial Records
This material, largely consisting of letters to various authors, illustrators, printers, publishers and
distributors, has been sorted alphabetically. Most of it dates from circa 1975 to 1981.
BOX 202
A.E. - music sheet of song Frolic
Booksellers, miscellaneous (2 file folders)
Bord Failte Eireann
Boxerbooks Inc.
Carpenter, Andrew
Carter, Will
Corpus Instrumentorum
Courtney, Neil
Denson, Alan
Dolmen Press
Dublin Municipal Gallery of Modem Art
Employment Applications and Staff matters, including letters from editors, illustrators, translators, indexers and publishers’ representatives
Expenses - Colin Smythe’s trip to Ireland and France, 1977
Fallon, Gabriel
Folklore Society
Forrest, Michael de (Bottle Cutting)
BOX 203
F -I
Frankfurt Book Fair
Garland Publishing Inc.
Gay News
Gillison, James
Grafica Gutenberg
Harcourt, Brace and World Inc.
Harper and Row, Inc.
Herbert, Roy
Humanities Press
India and Pakistan - British High Commissions
Institute of Public Administration
Irish Academic Press
Irish Representation Ltd.
BOX 204
London Book Fair
Mackillop, James
Macmillan of Canada
Manning, Matthew (cuttings only)
Matheson, Ormsby and Prentice (1963-1977)
Metson, Cross & Co. (1971-1973)
National Council on Aging Inc.
Nelson, Thomas
New English Library
New York Public Library
Niger (Acada) Bookshop
Northwestern University Press
BOX 205
O’Gorman’s Printing
O’Lochlain Design
Oxford University Press
Paine, Charles Pty.
Pan Books
Pax House
Penguin Books
Pontifical Commission - Justice and Peace (Fred Baker)
Preface Ltd.
Prins & Prins Literary Agents
Proscenium Press
Prentice Hall
Radio Telefis Eireann
Red Cross - Buckinghamshire Annual Reports
BOX 206
St. Martin’s Press
Schnack, Elizabeth
Society for Individual Freedom
Society of Authors
Sotheby Parke Bernet
Sphere Books
Stanbrook Abbey Press
Taplinger Publishing
Thames and Hudson
Thames Television
Thoor Ballylee
To, Fred
Trade Counter
Trevi Publishers
United Church Press
Ure Smith Pty Ltd.
VIP Agency
Walkter- Verlang
Weiser, Samuel Inc.
Youth and Music Research Account
Zen-On Music Co.
Miscellaneous Art Work
BOX 207
Financial Material
Purchase Day Book 1972-1978
Sales Day Book 1975-1979
Audio tape - “The View From Troy”, talk given to Friends of Covent Garden - shelved with other audio material.
Colin Smythe Limited, Publishers fonds. Fourth Accrual. 1970-1982. 3.6 m of textual records.
BOX 208
Bander, Peter. The Prophecies of St. Malacy and St. Columbkille
F.1 general correspondence and invoices
Barnwell, W.C. Shelter
F.2 photocopy typescript (published as The Blessing Papers)
F.3 Barnwell, Wm. The Blessing Papers
correspondence, 6/81-9/81
C.S. Ltd. announcement
clippings of book reviews
Bushrui, S.B. and Benstock, B. James Joyce, An International Perspective
editorial and production correspondence, 4/80-1/83
contributed essays & information about contributors
cover design layout
photocopy of complete “Notes On Contributors & Index”
clippings of reviews
F.5 photocopied typescript
F.6 page proofs (3 copies)
F.7 page proofs set up for printer
Cairncross, John. La Fontaine Fables & Other Poems
F.8 correspondence, 3/81-5/83
F.9 galley sheets with corrections
F.10 Cardinale, H.E. (Hyginus Eugene, Archbishop). The Holy See and the International Order
extensive correspondence i.e. publication of book, 1/73-12/80
personal correspondence between Colin Smythe and Gene Cardinale
sample of cover of book
clippings of book review
undated notes
sample catalogue: International Transnational Associations
sample paper: The Tablet
BOX 209
F.1 Carleton. Carleton’ s Traits & Stories
correspondence, 6/81-7/83
jacket samples
page proofs of Index and Contents page
F.2 typescript (photocopy)
typed “Index” with copy
photocopy of typed “Notes”
page proofs of Notes & Index
photocopy of page proofs with corrections
F.4 page proofs, 2 copies, with corrections
F.5 page proofs, with corrections, and photocopy set up for printer
F.6 Clark, David R. Yeats at Songs & Choruses
correspondence 2/81-3/83
agreement between Smythe & Clark
permissions received
photocopy of typed index (2)
sample jacket (2)
misc. pages of page proofs
misc. pages of typescript
F.7 photocopy of typescript
F.8 photocopy of typescript with corrections
F.9 author’s page proofs
BOX 210
F.1 page proofs, set up for printer
F.2 page proof (“Master”)
F. 3 incomplete set of page proofs and rough index notes
F.4 page proofs with reader’s notations
F.5 Connolly, Peter. Literature and the Changing Ireland
editorial and production correspondence 2/79 - 4/82
cover design
clippings of reviews
F.6 contributors’ essays, foreword, index
F.7 page proofs, 3 photocopies
College of Psychic Studies. Various Titles.
F.8 correspondence, misc. galley proofs
Denaerde, Stefan. Operation Survival Earth.
F.9 2 photocopied typescripts, 49 pages of the carbon copy of typescript
Dunleavy, J. George Moore In Perspective.
F.10 photocopied typescript of contributors’ essays
F.11 photocopied page proofs with corrections; “master” page proofs, and photocopy
BOX 211
F.1 Falconar, A.E.I. Gardens of Meditation / Trans-Cendental Poetry.
Note: correspondence deals mainly with the Gardens of Mediation but some letters contain references to the second work.
editorial and production correspondence, 4/79 - 4/83
cover design samples
carbon copy or correction pages, by author
F.2 carbon copy or typescript
F.3 2 copies of text co-published in India, one extensively corrected
F.4 Gallagher, S.F. Woman in Irish Literature.
editorial and production correspondence, 7/81-5/83
cover design samples
rough notes of Index; 2 photocopies of typed Index
F.5 typescript or full text
F.6 2 photocopies of page proofs, both extensively corrected
F.7 2 photocopies of page proofs
F.8 Gregory, Robert. A Festschrift.
editorial and production correspondence 11/79-1/83
photocopies of pictures and poems used in the text
mockup of booklet with pictures
clippings of reviews
F.9 misc. essays about Lady Gregory by various contributors
F.10 selected plays; photocopies of galley proofs with corrections, partial paste-up of text (pg. 349-378)
Gregory, Lady A. Various Titles.
F.11 production correspondence i.e. publishing various titles by Lady A. Gregory, 3/79-8/82
F.12 permissions
F.13 sample bindings for Coole editions, and others
F.14 Gregory,Wm. Mr. Gregory’s Letter-Box
production correspondence, 8/72-4/82
cover design and many samples
errata and addenda sheets
clippings of reviews
galley proofs of index, rough notes of index
photocopies of page proofs of index
BOX 212
F.1 “Gatherings” for Mr. Gregory’ s Letter-Box, complete text
Gregory, Wm. Sir William Gregory, An Autobiography.
F.2 corrected galley proofs of various sections of the text; photocopied notes; typed table of contents
F.3 galley proof of full text
F.4 printed typescript of text corrections, incomplete
F.5 photocopied typescript with typed pages indicating corrections
Hayley, B. Carleton’s Traits & Stories see Box 209, F.1
F.6 Heath, Jeff. Evelyn Waugh.
photocopy of typescript
critical review for grant purposes by Prof. James Gindin
F.7 Hogan, Robert. Since O’ Casey & Other Essays.
editorial and production correspondence, 6/81-5/83
rough, typed, photocopied proof pages of index
F.8 typed text with corrections
F.9 photocopied page proofs with corrections (4 sets)
BOX 213
F.1 Jenkins, Brian. Sir Wm. Gregory at Poole.
photocopy of first version of text
Johnson, Toni O’Brien. Synge, The Mediaeval and The Grotesque
F.2 editorial and production correspondence, 10/78-12/82
F.3 original text, photocopy
F.4 photocopy of typescript with corrections
F.5 page proofs with corrections, 2 sets
F.6 page proofs, 2 sets -1 incomplete
F.7 page proofs, set up for printer
F.8 Johnston, Denis. Selected Plays.
editorial and production correspondence, 9/81 - 2/83
photocopy of play “Golden Cucko”
original typescript of Introduction
various galley proofs
Johnstone, Robert. The Lost World: Does It Exist?
F.9 photocopy typescript of “corrections and additions for a second edition”
Manning, Matthew. The Link.
F.10 correspondence and newspaper clippings about M. Manning
Mercier, Vivian. Victorian Evangelicalism and The-Anglo-Irish Literary Revival.
F.11 photocopied typescript of text
F.12 Montague, H. Patrick. The Saints & Martyrs of Ireland.
editorial/production correspondence 4/80-4/83
misc. galley proofs
clippings of book reviews
F.13 photocopy of typescript with corrections
F.14 galley proofs with corrections
BOX 214
Moore, H. Kingsmill. A Man May Fish.
F.1 production correspondence for second printing, 8/79-10/82
Park, C.C. The Siege.
F.2 transfer of royalties; summary of royalty payments to author 10/69-1/82
Peters, Anne. Rings of Green.
F.3 editorial / production correspondence, 4/81-12/82
F.4 photocopied typescript
Pratchett, T. Colour of Magie.
F.5 original typed text, 1 photocopied set
F.6 page proofs
Pursglove, G. Francis Warner and Tradition.
F.7 production correspondence, 1/78-9/81
F.8 2 sets or typescript, 1 with some original typed pages; typed Index
F.9 2 sets or page proofs
F.10 2 sets or page proofs
Rarroidi, Patrick. Irish Literature in English: The Romantic Period.
F.11 page proofs for Vol. 1, Parts 1, 2, 3
F.12 page proofs for Vol. 2
F.13 Robinson, Lennox. Selected Plays.
production correspondence, 10/76-2/83
original typed introduction
misc. galley proofs
F.14 corrected page proofs
F.15 corrected page proofs
BOX 215
F.1 corrected printer’s page proofs
F.2 Ronsley, Joseph, ed. Denis Johnston-A Retrospective.
editorial and production correspondence, 6/79-11/81
misc. page proofs
photocopy of galley proofs for acknowledgments, notes, check-list
F.3 gatherings, pictures
F.4 2 page proofs; 1 of complete text, 1 of acknowledgments and notes, etc.
Saddlemeyer, Ann. Theatre Business.
F.5 editorial and production correspondence 1979- 6/82
F.6 photocopied galley proofs, with corrections
F.7 photocopied typescript
F.8 page proofs
BOX 216
Synge, J.M. Collected Works Vols. 1-4.
F.1 editorial and production correspondence, 8/79-5/83, misc. galley proofs and page proofs
F.2 sample covers
Warner, Francis. Moving Reflections.
F.3 production correspondence, clippings of reviews 1983
F.4 photocopy of typescript
F.5 galley proofs
Wilkinson, Burke. The Zeal of the Convert.
F.6 correspondence 5/79-6/83 after book published
Winkler, Ken. Pilgrim of the Clear Light.
F.7 correspondence re distributing this title in England, 12/80-8/82
Yeats, W.B. The Celtic Twilight.
F.8 production correspondence, 8/79-10/83
F.9 1st page proofs of part of text
F.10 photocopy of text
F.11 paste-up of text
F.12 corrected proofs
Rejected Works correspondence
F.13 Authors A-D
F.14 Authors E-J
F.15 Authors K-Q
F.16 Authors R-Z
F.17 proposals from publishers
Business Correspondence
BOX 217
F.1 A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd. (printers & binders), invoices, 6/77 - 5/82
F.2 Arno Press (later Ayer Co.)
correspondence, 1980-83
undated papers
F.3 Atlantic Iceland Review , invoices, 1979-81
F.4 Billing & Sons Ltd., correspondence, invoices & credit notes, filed in chronological order, 6/77-5/83. Note: Billing & Sons Ltd. (also known as Billings) is a member of Blackwell Press Ltd. Associate companies include Bookplan Ltd., and Kemp Hall Bindery Ltd. See Also: Blackwell Press Ltd.
F.5 Blackwell Bibliographical Services Ltd.
correspondence, 1976
F.6 Blackwell Press
correspondence & invoices filed in chronological order, 9/80-8/82
Note: Blackwell Press since 1975 includes Billing and Sons, Bookplan Ltd., and Kemp Hall Bindery Ltd. See Also: Billing & Sons Ltd.
F.7 British C.I.P. (Cataloguing in Publication), C.I.P. data forms for Jan. 1978, July 1982
F.8 British Telecom, invoices, correspondence, 10/81-5/82
F.9 Business Expenses: Entertainment & Travel, 1978-82
statement of accounts for Access, Am. Express & Diners Club
letters re: these charge cards
statements from International Travel Ltd.
receipts for air flights, car hire, etc.
F.10 Business Expenses: General, 1978-81
advertising receipts
shipping and freight receipts
F.11 announcements , new publications
F.12 catalogues - 1967-70, 1978-79, 1982 (photocopy)
F.13 catalogues - correspondence about the 1979 and 1982 catalogues
F.14 catalogues - misc. notes and corrections
F.15-6 1982 catalogue - corrections (2 files)
F.17 1982 catalogue - paste up
F.18 1982 catalogue - proofs and corrections
F.19 inventories - annual for 1975 to 1980
F.20 orders - from bookstores (one for 1978), 1980-81
F.21 purchases - books purchased by C.S. Ltd. from book dealers, institutions, etc. 1978-1981
F.22 stock lists - paste up and corrections
F.23 catalogues - from other publishers
F.24 Cheney & Sons Ltd. (lithographic printers), invoices, 1980
F.25 clippings, book reviews of publications by C.S. Ltd. (by title)
F.26 (The) Delworth Group (wholesalers), invoices, l978-l98l
F.27 Dolmen Press (publishers, printers), invoices, Oct. 1978
F.28 Durrant’s Press Cuttings Ltd., invoices to renew annual subscription, l978-82
F.29 Eason & Son Ltd. (wholesalers), invoices and correspondence filed in chronological order, 1977-198l
F.30 (The) Garden City Press Ltd. (printers & bookbinders), invoices & letters filed in chronological order, 1977-l978
F.3l Gillison, James (graphic artist), invoices 1974-l980
F.32 Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd., invoices and letters filed in chronological order, 9/78-7/80
BOX 218
F.l Independent Publishers Guild, bulletins, May 1979 - Feb. 1982
F.2 Insurance, renewal notices, correspondence, etc. for both personal and business insurance, Nov. 1978 - April 1981
F.3 Irish Press Cuttings Ltd., invoices and letters filed in chronological order, Oct. 1978- Feb. 1982
F.4 Leighton Straker Bookbinding Co. Ltd., invoices and correspondence filed in chronological order, 1975-1981. Stock lists are undated, & have been filed together as per last date on each sheet
F.5 Lennard & Erskine Ltd., invoices, 8/78- 4/79
F.6 Dara O’Lochlainn & Partners Ltd. (design consultants) , invoices and correspondence filed in chronological order, 8/73-9/79
F.7 Oriel Bibliographical Services Ltd., correspondence, 1978
F.8 Oxford University Press, invoices, 1981
F. 9 Partridge & Legg Printers & Stationers, invoices, 1971-l98l
F.10 (The) Pitman Press, 3 quotations, Jan. 14, 1981
F.11 Post Office, box rental charges, 11/78-11/81
F.12 Post office Telecommunications, invoices and correspondence (some undated)
F.l3 Presses Universitaires de Lille, invoices, 1977-82
F.14 Redwood Burn Ltd., catalogue and correspondence, 1976-82
F.15 Society for Scholarly Publishing, directory of members for 1981, letter to Colin Smythe
F.16 Society for St. Paul, invoices, 1975-79
F.17 Trade Counter Ltd., statements or account, 1978-81
F.18 United Cargo Containers, shipping records, 1980-1982
F.19 Vlasak Printers, invoices and correspondence, 3/77-10/77
F.20 Watford Typesetters Ltd., invoices, 1975-l980
F.2l John Wellsman & Son, invoices, 6/78-6/79
F.22 Western Union International Inc., invoices, 3/79-l0/80
F.23 Accounts Book, 1977-1981,contains both Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
F.24 Accounts Payable, ledger for 1970-1977
F.25 Accounts Payable, ledger for royalties and VAT payments, 1980-1981
F.26 Accounts Receivable, ledger for 1973
F.27 Accounts Receivable,2 ledgers for 1977-82 (only accounts receivable recorded although set-up for payables as well)
F.28 Accounts Receivable, ledger 1979-80, 1981-82
F.29 Bank Record Books,1975-79
F.30 Financial Reports, annual, done by auditor for 1974-78
F.31 (Daily) Posting Book , 1978-79
F.32 (Daily) Posting Book, 1979-82
F.33 Record Cards, for publishing companies and bookstores, 1973-80
F.34 Royalties, rough note records for 1974-78
BOX 219
Unsorted material. Includes correspondence and proofs.
Colin Smythe Limited, Publishers fonds. Fifth accrual. 1978-1984. – 4.5 m of textual records and graphic material.
BOX 220
Barham, Allan, Strange to Relate
F.1 correspondence
F.2 copy of 1980 New Horizon edition, corrected
F.3 proofs and some ts. of 1984 revised ed.
F.4 Bearman, H.O., Operation or Autopsy, correspondence
F.5 Cardinale, H.E., The Holy See and International Order, correspondence
F.6 Christian, David Ernest, Joyce Cary’s Creative Imagination, Ts. first version
Cook, Hugh, The Wizards and the Warriors
F.7 Ts. 261 pp.
F.8 Ts. 2d. version, replaced by that sent June-August 1984, p. 1-239
F.9 Ts. 2d. version, p. 240-483
F.10 Ts. 2d. version, p. 3-231
F.11 Ts. 2d. version, p. 232-446
F.12 Cooper, H.J., They Saw Fairies, correspondence
F.13 Denaerde, Stefan, Alien Culture or Operation Survival Earth, correspondence
F.14 Denaerde, Stefan, U.F.O. Contact, correspondence
F.15 Dunleavy, Janet Egleson, George Moore in Perspective, correspondence
BOX 221
F.1 Dunleavy, Janet Egleson, George Moore in Perspective, page proofs, corrected
F.2 Falconer, A.E.I., Celtic Tales of Myth and Fantasy, correspondence
F.3 Friel, Brian, Selected Plays, page proofs
Fuller, Frederick, The Translator’s Handbook
F.4 correspondence
F.5 Ts. 129 pp.
F.6 page proofs, with corrections
F.7 page proofs, with author’s corrections
F.8 page proofs
F.9 page proofs, U.S. edition, with corrections.
Gemayel, Amine, Peace and Unity: Major Speeches 1982-84
F.10 correspondence
F.11 Ts. 153 pp.
F.12 Ts. setting copy, and spiral bound copy, 122p.
F.13 galley proofs, corrected
F.14 page proofs, corrected, 2 versions
Gregory, Isabella Augusta (Lady), The Blessed Trinity of Ireland
F.15 correspondence
F.16 page proofs
F.17 Gregory, Isabella Augusta (Lady), Selected Plays of Lady Gregory, correspondence
F.18 Robert Gregory 1881-1918, correspondence
BOX 222
Harmon, Maurice, ed., The Irish Writer and the City
F.1 correspondence
F.2 Ts., corrected
F.3 page proofs, slightly corrected
F.4 page proofs, author’s corrections
F.5 page proofs, corrected
F.6 page proofs, corrected
F.7 Hayley, Barbara, A Bibliography of the Writings of William Carleton, Ts., photocopied, corrected.
F. 8 Henn, T.R., Five Arches, correspondence
F.9 Hindley, Winifred, Full Circle, negatives
Iyer, Raghaven and Nandini, The Descent of the Gods
F.10 page proofs, p. 1-192
F.11 page proofs, p. 351-780
F.12 page proofs with author’s corrections, p. 1-347
F.13 page proofs, with author’s corrections, p. 348-780
BOX 223
Jenkins, Brian, Sir William Gregory of Coole
F.1 Ts. p. 1- 125
F.2 Ts. p. 216-416 + notes
F.3 early drafts and omitted appendices
F.4 galley proofs, corrected
F.5 page proofs, corrected
F.6 Jones, Raymond A., The British Diplomatic Service 1815-1914, correspondence
Kenneally, Michael, Portraying the Self: Sean O’Casey and the Art of Autobiography
F.7 Ts. 1st version, p. 1-202
F.8 Ts. 1st version, p. 203-440
Knowland, A.S., W.B. Yeats, Dramatist of Vision
F.9 correspondence
F.10 Ts., setting copy, p. 1-198
F.11 Ts., setting copy, p. 199-379
F.12 photocopied page proofs, corrected
F.13 photocopied page proofs, corrected (another set of corrections)
F.14 photocopied galleys and proofs of index
F.15 photocopied page proofs, corrected
F.16 faulty pages
BOX 224
Komesu, Okifumi, The Double Perspective of Yeats’ Aesthetic
F.1 correspondence
F.2 Ts., with corrections, 279 pp.
F.3 page proofs with corrections (two versions)
F.4 page proofs with author’s corrections, 2 sets of different corrections
Kosok, Heinz, O’Casey the Dramatist
F.5 correspondence
F.6 Ts., setting copy, p. 1-123
F.7 Ts., setting copy, p. 216-416 + index
F.8 page proofs, corrected
F.9 incomplete proofs, corrected
Kuch, Peter, Yeats and A.E.
F. 10 Ts., (1st version?), bound
F.11 Ts., 276 pp.
F.12 another copy of Chapter III “Self and Soul”.
BOX 225
F.1 Ts. of footnotes, p. 1-75 and 20-56
Luke, Peter, The Mad Pomegranate and The Praying Mantis
F.2 correspondence
F.3 proof copy of Under the Moorish Wall, (Mantis Press) corrected, issued by Colin Smythe Ltd. as The Mad Pomegranate and The Praying Mantis.
F.4 setting copy
F.5 page proofs, corrected by publisher
F.6 page proofs, corrected by author
F.7 partial proofs
Malone, E.J., Irish Trout and Salmon Flies
F.8 correspondence
F.9 another file of correspondence
F.10 Ts., author’s foreword
F.11 Ts. of text
F.12 proofs
F.13 page proofs, corrected
F.14 page proofs, some corrections
F.15 Ts., various sections of text
BOX 226
Malone, E.J., Irish Trout and Salmon Flies
F.1 author’s corrected proofs
F.2 corrected proofs, p. 184-415
F.3 Maxwell, D.E.S., “Essays on Behan’s Borstal Boy”, correspondence and texts
F.4 Moore, George, The Lake, Hail and Farewell and A drama in Muslin, correspondence
Moore, George, Hail and Farewell ed. by Richard Cave
F.5 miscellaneous galley proofs
F.6 page proofs
Moore, Kingsmill, A Man May Fish
F.7 correspondence
F.8 unbound sheets of 1985 reprint
F.9 Nicholson, H.P., Episcopi Vagantes, correspondence
Pratchett, Terry, The Colour of Magic
F.10 correspondence
F.11 page proofs
F.12 Pratchett, Terry, correspondence re various titles
Pratchett, Terry, The Light Fantastic
F.13 Ts., p. 1-205
F.14 Ts., p. 206-386
Rankin, Arthur C.,The Poetry of Stevie Smith
F.15 correspondence
F.16 Ts., cut and pasted version
F.17 galley proofs, corrected
F.18 galley proofs, corrected
F.19 page proofs, corrected (2 versions)
F.20 page proofs, corrected
F.21 page proofs, corrected
Saddlemyer, Ann and Colin Smythe, ed., Lady Gregory Fifty Years After
F.22 correspondence
BOX 227
F.1 Ts. copies of essays with corrections
F.2 Ts., p. 1-248
F.3 Ts., p. 249-434
F.4 page proofs, correspondence re corrections
F.5 Ann Saddlemyer’s marked copy of page proofs; Colin Smythe’s marked copy of page proofs
F.6 Sedir, Paul, Mystic Forces and the Conduct of Life (distributed by CS), correspondence
Sekine, Masuru, Irish Writers and Society at Large
F.7 correspondence
F.8 Ts. corrected, 331 pp.
F.9 Ts. of index
F.10 galley proofs, corrected
F.11 page proofs
F.12 page proofs, corrected + 2 sets of page proofs of index, 251 pp.
Sekine, Masuru, Ze-Ami and his theories of Noh Drama
F.13 correspondence
F.14 Ts., corrected
BOX 228
Sekine , Masuru, Ze-ami and his theories of Noh Drama
F.1 page proofs
F.2 page proofs, corrected
F.3 Shaw, Bernard and Frank Harris, The Playwright and the Pirate, correspondence
Smythe, Colin, A Guide to Coole Park
F. 4 correspondence
F.5 galley proofs, corrected
F.6 galley proofs + corrected set
F.7 correspondence, Ts. setting copy, photographs
Sommerville, George, Ideology for Survival
F.8 correspondence
F.9 Ts. p. 1-219
F.10 Ts. p. 220-389
F.11 page proofs, corrected
F.12 page proofs, author’s corrections
Squire, Raglan, Portrait of an Architect
F.13 correspondence
F.14 page proofs
F.15 photographic material
F.16 bound copy of Ts., 490 pp.
BOX 229
F.1 corrected page proofs
F.2 page proofs with additional corrections
F.3 Warner, Francis, Living Creation
galley proofs (set from publisher, set corrected by author, corrected galleys)
F.4 Winkler, Ken, The Furies Arise, correspondence
Young, John N., Erskine Childers, President of Ireland, a biography
F.5 correspondence
F.6 Ts., final draft May 1984, 186 pp.
F.7 Ts.(photocopy), corrected
F.8 Ts. 203 pp.
F.9 galley proofs with author’s corrections
F.10 galley proofs, with Joyce Morton’s corrections
F.11 page proofs, (setting copy?), 212 pp.
F.12 page proofs, corrected
F.13 corrected page proofs for setting
BOX 230
F.1 Publications by Colin Smythe Ltd., 2 pamphlets.
The Cornerstone Library and Studio 1920-1970.
Percy Stone Ltd. A Century of Milling 1871-1971.
F.2 “Raven Arts Material”, photocopy of printed text and ts., Raven Long Poem series
F.3 Editorial correspondence, The Abbey Theatre
F.4 Editorial correspondence, Hazard Adams
F.5 Editorial correspondence, Alvin Boretz
F.6 Editorial correspondence, Charles Brandeth, Gyles Brandeth
F.7 Editorial correspondence, Rt. Hon, Lord Butler of Saffron Walden
F.8 Editorial correspondence, Fanny and John W. Cradock
F.8A Editorial correspondence, A.J. Trillo, G. Simms
F.9 Refused titles correspondence 1978
F.10 Refused titles correspondence 1979
F.11 Refused titles correspondence 1980
F.12 Refused titles correspondence 1981
F.13 Refused titles correspondence 1982
F.14 Refused titles correspondence 1983
F.15 Refused titles correspondence 1984
F.16 Rejected manuscripts / projects - various authors
F.17 Rejected manuscripts / projects - various authors
F.18 Refused titles / unsolicited manuscripts - correspondence
F.19 Miscellaneous refused titles
F.20 Unsolicited manuscripts - correspondence
F.21 Unidentified manuscripts
F.22 Unidentified manuscripts
F.23 Unidentified manuscripts
F.24 Rejected manuscripts , Beckson, Karl & J.M. Munro, Collected Letters of Arthur Symons
F.25 Bimmer (?), Tragic Victory
BOX 231
F.1 Falconer, A.E.I., Holism: Ecology of the Mind
F.2 Haito, Shiro, Yeats and Zen
F.3 Hobbs, Elizabeth, Columba of Iona
F.4 Horrocks, Stella , correspondence re refused title
F.5 Kohfeldt, Mary Lou, Laughing in Black: the life of Lady Gregory 1852-1932
F.6 Kohfeldt, Mary Lou, “The Road to the Renaissance” from Laughing in Black
F.7 Murphy, P.J., “Study of Samuel Beckett’s prose works”.
F.8 Reynolds, Lorna, The Lark in the Clear Air - A study of Kate O’Brien’s novels
F.9 West, Trevor, Horace Plunkett: Cooperation and Politics
F.10 Wolfowicz, Jacqueline, The Questor and the Guide: A Study of Iris Murdoch. 2 volumes, bound.
F.11 Youe, C.P., Robert Thorne Coryndon...
F.12 Zurbrugg, Nicholas, article on Beckett.
F.13 Zurbrugg, Nicholas, photocopied manuscript on Beckett.
Business and Financial Records
BOX 232
Business correspondence
F.1 Richard Abel & Co.
F.2 Aer Lingus
F.3 AMS Press Inc.
F.4 Anglo-Irish Studies
F.5 Apeco Ltd.
F.6 Atheneum Publishers
F.8 Bennu Books, South Africa
F.9 H.M. Bergs Forlag A.S.
F.10 Biblios Publishers Distribution Service
F.11 Billing & Sons Ltd.
F.12 Board of Trade, Export Services (Customs & Excise)
F.13 David Bolt (David Higham Associates, Bolt & Watson Ltd.)
F.14 The Book Centre Ltd.
F.15 The Bookseller
F.16 Boxerbooks Inc.
F.17 British Library - Cataloguing in Publication
F.18 British Library - Copyright receipt office + C.W. Copp/ATS mail and National Library of Wales receipts
F.19 British Museum
F.20 Canadian Association of Irish Studies
F.21 The Catholic University of America Press
F.22 Clay Publishing Co., Canada
F.23 College of Psychic Studies Ltd.
F.24 Dept. of Education & Science, U.K. (L.J. Burrows)
F.25 Devin Adair Co. publishers
F.26 Walt Disney Productions Ltd.
F.27 Doubleday & Co. Inc., UK & US
F.28 Dunmore Press Ltd.
F.29 Ealand Enterprises
F.30 Fontana Paperbacks
F.31 Garden City Press Ltd.
F.3 Garland Publishing
F.33 Humanities Press Inc.
F.34 Ideal Reprographics Ltd.
F.35 Irish Humanities Centre
F.36 Jaca Book Edizioni
F.37 Morningstar Publications
F.38 Claire O’Kelly - books distributed by Colin Smythe Ltd.
F.40 Publications de L’Université de Lille III
F.41 Charles Scribner’s Sons
F.42 St. Neots International Bookseller / Academicus International
BOX 233
F.1 The Trade Counter Ltd.
F.2 The Trade Counter Ltd.
F.3 G.P. Turner & Co. Ltd. - insurance
F.4 Van Duren Publishers
F.5 John Wellsman & Son
F.6 A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd.
F.7 Wilfred Laurier University Press
F.8 Wilfred Laurier University Press
F.9 re Willis Books Ltd.
F.10 correspondence with various remainder firms
F.11 correspondence with various firms on printing, typesetting, other publishing costs and estimates
F.12 enquiries re distribution rights
F.13 Permissions - re K. Raudive and F. Jurgenson photos
F.14 Permissions - re Lady Gregory
F.15 Permissions - re A.E. (G.W. Russell)
F.16 Sales Catalogue 82/83 - corrected copy
F.17 Production - metric conversion tables
Miscellaneous contracts for out of print books and distribution agreements - lapsed:
K. Allen
C.E. Clarke
Miscellaneous contracts for out of print books and distribution agreements - lapsed:
H.P. Nicholson
Nightingale & Corrin
F.20 Stenographer’s notebook of dictation, unidentified photograph, glass plates of part of Lateran Treaty.
BOX 234
Bank Book 1/7/81-30/6/84.
Bank Lodgement book July 1981-June 1983.
Bank Lodgement book July 1, 1983-30 June 1984.
Sales Day Book 1982-1983.
Sales Charts.
Purchases ledger July 1978-June 1982.
Posting book 10/9/82-17/5/84.
Accounts book - Easons, Lemma, WLU, etc.
Accounts payable - invoices for supplies, subscriptions, etc. 1979-84.
100% written off bad debts.
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