Finding Aid
Luca Codignola-Bo fonds. 1973-2015. 6.9 m
Series 1 Correspondence. 1973-2015 3.5 m
Personal correspondence relating to Codignola-Bos work as a historian of Canada and North America, with both Canadian and non-Canadian colleagues. Often includes copies of letters sent by Codignola-Bo. Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
Of particular interest is correspondence with W.J. Eccles (and family), beginning in 1974 (boxes 11 and 12). Codignola-Bo studied under Eccles, and, in 1992, Eccles was awarded an honourary doctorate from the Università degli Studi du Genova, where Codignola-Bo was a professor.
Box 1 Abe - Artiaga
Box 2 Artibise - Barbarito
Box 3 Barban Bernd
Box 4 Bernier Brasseur
Box 5 Breindenbach Buckner
Box 6 Burgess Cassel
Box 7 Cassiat Coates
Box 8 Coderre Crabb
Box 9 Craig dEntremont
Box 10 Desharats DiGiovanni
Box 11 DiLeone Eccles, Jean
Box 12 Eccles, W.J. Enciclopedia Italiana
Box 13 Engnehard Fossum
Box 14 Fournier Gill
Box 15 Gillis Greer
Box 16 Iacovetta Iraci
Box 17 Jackman Landry
Box 18 Landry May
Box 19 Mazerolle - Nemec
Box 20 Nemiroff Pyne
Box 21 Remie Seaborn
Box 22 Séguin Turcotte
Box 23 Turgeon Zucchi
Series 2 ICCS (International Council for Canadian Studies). 1985-87. 75 cm
Codignola-Bo was President from 1985 to 1987.
Box 24 Proceedings document cases 1-4
Box 25 Proceedings document case 5; correspondence document cases 1-3
Box 26 Additional ICCS material 1 document case
Series 3 Scholarship. 1969, 1973-2015. 2.5 m
Documentary material related to conferences, seminars, lectures, research projects, etc., and other scholarly events. Arranged in chronological order.
Box 26 Document cases 1-3, 1969, 1973-1982
Box 27 Document cases 4-7, 1983-1987
Box 28 Document cases 8-11, 1987-1988
Box 29 Document cases 12-15, 1988-1992
Box 30 Document cases 16-19, 1992-1997
Box 31 Document cases 20-23, 1997-2000
Box 32 Document cases 24-27, 2001-2004
Box 33 Document cases 28-31, 2005-2008
Box 34 Document cases 32-35, 2008-2013
Box 35 Document cases 36-37, 2014-2015
Series 4. AIÉA (Association international détudes acadiennes) and AIÉQ (Association international détudes québécoises). 2004-2010. 15 cm
Codignola-Bo was President of the AIÉA, 2004-2006, and a member of the Executive Council of AIÉQ, 2005-2010.
Box 35 Documents relating to both Associations.
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