Finding Aid
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation collection. – First accrual. – 138 microfilms.
Broadcast scripts of dramas produced by the CBC. All scripts except one were microfilmed and then destroyed. The extant script is by Charles E. Israel . It is described and located with the second accrual.
Note: This finding aid was created from index cards which were typed at the time of microfilming. The content of reels 1-7 were not listed but are presumed to be authors whose names begin with an “A” and some “Bs”. The location listing order is generally alphabetical by author; there are occasional title listings. However, sometimes the alphabetical order is not correct; the listing has been left as is because the listing order is by microfilm order, with one exception in “S”. To find all references to an author or title, it is necessary to search electronically. Also, some of the cards for authors beyond letter “B” do not have a microfilm number on them – it is assumed they belong to the adjacent microfilm number indication. The order of microfilming on each reel is not known definitely as cards could easily have been misfiled over the years.
Reels 1-7
Abrahams, E. New Bottles, New Wine. Festival II. September. 20-25, 1966.
Abrahams, E. & French, H. No Sand for the Ostrich. Playdate. November 1, 1963.
Abrahams, E. Thomas’ Elegy. Festival II. August & September 1966.
Absent Friends. Christmas 1933.
Adamov, Arthur. Professor Taranne. Adapted by Richard Howard. TV. Quest. January 21, 1962. Adaskin, John (producer) Sinbad the Sailor. Magic Carpet Series. January 3, 1943.
Afford, M. The Fantastic cast of the four specialists. February 1939.
Afford, M. Heroisms all around us.
Alcott, L. M. Little Women. G.M. Theater. Dec. 20, 1955.
Aleichem, Sholom. Eternal Life. CBC Stage. February 12, 1956.
Allan, Andrew. The Baby House, Windsor (Sandwich). Series: Within These Walls. December 12, 1937.
Allan, Andrew. Canada Salutes Australia. The Dominion of Canada salutes the Commonwealth of Australia. Jan. 27, 1938.
Allan, Andrew. Catherine the Great. Theater time. January 31, 1940.
Allan, Andrew. Dead Man’s Business. Vancouver Drama. March 29, 1943.
Allan, Andrew. Front Page Splash. Vancouver. Theater Time. July 22, 1941
Allan, Andrew. Fort York, Toronto. Series: Within These Walls. September 30, 1937
Allan, Andrew. The Heroine. CBC Stage. October 9, 1955.
Allan, Andrew. Mary, Queen of Scots. Vancouver Theater. December 8, 1939
Allan, Andrew. Midsummer Sisters. TV. On Camera (2 copies). July 28, 1958
Allan, Andrew. The Nativity Play. TV. CBC Folio. December 19, 1958
Allan, Andrew. Palatine Hill (The Servos Homestead, Niagara). Series: Within These Walls. November 28, 1937.
Allan, Andrew. A Sense of Sin. Stage 53 (Item 16). Toronto. January 11, 1953.
Allan, Andrew. Talbot House (Castle Malahide), Port Talbot, Ontario. Series: Within These Walls. October 31, 1937.
Allan, Andrew. The Thing That Walked. December 10, 19--
Allan, Andrew (producer). Send For Paul Temple #1. The Green Finger. Serial. May 31, 1940.
Allan, Andrew. All the Bright Company. August 4, 1942
Allan, Andrew & Bethune, J. All the Men and Women. January 27, 1943
Allan, Andrew & Herbert, B. St. George for England. Theater Time. April 22, 1941.
Allan, Andrew. Camille. April 11, 1937.
Allan, Andrew. Mary, Queen of Scots. December 8, 1959.
Allan. Andrew. Mistress Nell. Theater time. February 28, 1940
Allan, Andrew. Proud Procession. Vancouver. April 23, 1941
Allan, Andrew. Ringout the Old. Theater Time. December 31, 1940.
Allan , Andrew. Victor the Great. [n.d.].
Allan, Andrew. The Witch House, Port Rowan. Series-Within These Walls. 1937.
Allen, Cynthia. The Hand and the Mirror. CBC Portfolio. November 20, 1955.
Allan, Iris. That’s Hollywood. [n.d.].
Allan, J. Satan has a guest. [n.d.].
Allan, Ralph. Peace River Country. TV GM Presents. December 28, 1958.
Allan, Ted. Big Boys Shouldn’t Cry. Producers Workshop. August 5, 1955.
Allan, Ted. For Whom the Horses Run. Summer Stage. Toronto. August 22, 1954.
Allan, Ted. Lies My Father Told Me. Stage 55 (Item 2). Toronto. October 3, 1954.
Allan, Ted. Lies My Father Told Me. GM Theater. November 30, 1954.
Allan, Ted. Love is a Long Shot. Stage 55 (Item 9). Toronto. November 12, 1954.
Allan, Ted. A Poet is Born. Toronto. July 11, 1954.
Allan, Ted. The Secret of the World. Quest. November 12, 1961.
All the World Over. Christmas 1932 (2 scripts).
Allen, M. H and Freeman Denis. The Christmas Journey 1934 and 1936. December 25, 1934 and December 25, 1936.
Allen, M. H. (adapted Henry James). Four Meetings. Regional Programme. July 31, 1937.
Allen, M. P. Thanksgiving Aftermath. Listener’s Playhouse. November 23, 1940.
Allen, M. P. Turkey Soup. Radio Play. [n.d.].
Allen, M.P. Those in Need. Radio Guild. July 6, 1940.
Allen, R. Be Kind to Me. GM Theater. February 22, 1955.
Allen, Rita Greer. Romance. CBC TV Theater. February 3, 1957.
Allen Robert. The Hand and the Mirror. CBC Folio. November 20, 1955.
Almond, P. Rough Justice. On Camera. November 11, 1957.
Allingham, M. The End of the Rope. TV. The Unforseen. February 5, 1959.
Almond, Paul. The Hill. Religious Drama. March 30, 1956; Ford Startime. [n.d.].
Ambrose, John. The Song of Solomon. September 25, 1954.
Andersen, Hans C. The Snow Queen. Magic Carpet Series #15. January 10, 1943.
Andersen, Hans C. Great Claus and Little Clause. Dramatized by Fitzmaurice Hill. The Magic Carpet Series. Toronto. December 6, 1942.
Andersen, Hans C. The Nightingale. Radio. February 16 & 17, 1937; Magic Carpet Series. Toronto. November 15, 1942.
Andersen, Hans C. The Shadow. Freely adapted for Radio by Francis Dillon. Radio. December 27, 1956.
Anderson, Maxwell. Mary of Scotland. Festival. February 16, 1966.
Anderson, R. Silent Night Lonely Night. Festival. February 5, 1965.
Anon. Just a Little Bit of Gold.
Anouilh, Jean. The Lark. Festival. October 1, 1962.
Aquin, Hubert. Oraison Funbre. Jeudi Theatre. November 1962.
Aristophanes. Lysistrata. CBC Stage. March 11, 1956.
Army Night Programmes. July 9, 1941.
Arnold, Matthew. Sohrab and Rustum. Adapted. Stanley Mann. Vancouver. March 27, 1953.
Arnold, P. The Little Taylor. Radio. Cameo Series. January 8, 1960.
Andrews, V. The Guests of Life. Vancouver. December 31, 1954.
Art, J. There’s Murder Again at Stoney Point. Prairie Playhouse. January 9, 1958.
Art, J. Whoopee. Prairie Playhouse. September 9, 1956.
Arthur, C. J. The Green Pastures. Adapted. August 4, 1936.
Arthur, Robert. Change of Address. TV. The Unforseen. June 17, 1959.
Arthur, R. Change of Address. TV. The Unforseen. June 17, 1959.
Arthur, R. A Shelter for the Night. TV. The Unforseen. December 3, 1959.
Arthur, Robert. Footsteps Behind You. Drama in Sound. [n.d.].
As you Like Us.
Ashford, Daisy. The Young Visitors or Mr. Salteena’s Plan. [n.d.].
Askew, G. & Bull, E.J. King. Reconnaissance. [n.d.].
Atkinson, E. Home is the Transgressor. Radio Halifax Theatre. September 11, 1958.
Auden, W. H. Hadrian’s Wall. Regional & Empire Programme. November 25, 1937.
Auden, W. H and Britten, Ben. Up the Garden Path. June 13, 1937.
Austin, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. TV. GM Presents. December 21, 1958.
Aylen, P. Twenty Years After. Adapted. July 3, 1935.
Ayme, Marcel. Dermuche. Theatre of the Air. October 9, 1963.
Ayme, Marcel. Martin the Novelist. Theatre of the Air. October 2, 1963.
Baily, A.H. The Bomb. TV. The Unforseen. June 10, 1959.
Baily, Anne H. Leave it to Mother. On Camera. October 29, 1955.
Baily, A.H. Perilous Journey. TV GM Presents. The Unforseen. May 20, 1959.
Baily, Bob and King, Hugh. The Contest. “The Last of the Mohicans”. May 7, 1956.
Baily, Leslie. Scrapbook for 1914. A Microphone Medley of 20 Years Ago. [n.d.].
Baily R. Breaking Point. TV. GM Presents. April 16, 1961.
Baily, Ronald. Madge is for Maybe. GM Presents. February 28, 1960.
Baker, E. End of Summer. TV. GM Presents. [n.d.].
Baker, Phyllis. The Magic Summer. Prairie Playhouse. July 5, 1956.
Baker, S. S. The Story of August Rodin. [n.d.].
Balzac, Honoré de. The Mysterious Mansion. Adapted Ian Thorne. Vancouver. November 5, 1954.
Balzac, Honoré de. La Grande Bretcher. Theatre of the Air. October 16, 1963.
Banks, L. R. Already Its Tomorrow. On Camera. February 14, 1956.
Banks, S. Human Document. [n.d.].
Banks, S. Tania. January 24, 1943.
Bannerman, James. The Baccarat Case. CBC Wednesday Night. April 8, 1959.
Bannerman, James. Design for a Nation. October 18, 1964.
Bannerman, James. The Great Eastern. CBC Wednesday Night. May 19, 1954.
Bannerman, James. The “I’m Alone” Case. February 10, 1954.
Bannerman, James. The Life of Joseph Conrad. CBC Wednesday Night. December 4, 1957.
Bannerman, Joseph. Murder by Court Martial. CBC Sunday Night. October 27, 1963.
Bannerman, James. Red is for Danger. Stage 53 (Item 34) Toronto. May 17, 1953.
Bannerman, James. The Surgeon-Major. CBC Wednesday Night. January 9, 1957.
Bannerman, James. The Trial of Queen Caroline. CBC Wednesday Night. February 8, 1956.
Barclay, E. Murder in the Silo. Winnipeg. May 29, 1939.
Barran, P. A. Men and Machines. Large Scale Tailoring. November 10, 19–.
Barrie, Sir James M. Peter Pan. June 24, 1937.
Barrie, Sir James M. The Twelve Pound Look. May 9, 1937.
Barry, Fletcher. Harry. First Person. July 20, 1960.
Bate, Terry. H-Bomb. Vancouver Theater. March 15, 1957.
Beaufort, A. Send Her Victorious. [n.d.].
Beaufort, Aileen. This Freedom. July 19, 1940.
Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. Disb. Festival. April 21, 1964.
Beddoe, Donald. Old Naseby Hill. CBC Winnipeg. September 12, 1940.
Beerbohm, Max. Enoch Soamers. Adapted Mavor Moore. Festival II. November 17, 1966.
Benham, M. Isobel. TV. GM Presents. June 17, 1958.
Bennett, A. The Great Adventure. Adapted E. Barclay. [n.d.].
Bennett, C. Desire. TV. The Unforseen. February 10, 1960.
Bennett, Cecil. Where the Wheel Stops. TV. The Unforseen. April 8, 1959.
Bentkover, Jack. The Guests. P and G on Camera. November 5, 1955.
Benz, H. Domenco. Radio. Halifax Theatre. September 25, 1958.
Berg, D. Chain Reaction. TV. GM Theatre. [n.d.].
Bermel, Albert. The Big Plots. Winnipeg. June 16, 1955.
Messers, Bernard and Monjardin. For Valor. Adapted S. Kaufmann. n.d.
Berton, Pierre. The Lost Cabin. Prairie Playhouse. April 26, 1956.
Berton, Pierre. Paradise Hill. [n.d.].
Bessette, Gerard. Not for Every Eye. Playdate. May 24, 1963.
Bethune, J. Corinth House. TV. CBC Folio 2 Copies. February 6, 1958.
Bethune, J. Deadline. Radio. Stage 46. June 9, 1946.
Bethune, J. Great Catharine. Tv CBC Folio. [n.d.].
Bethune, J. Phantasmagoria. Thursday Playhouse. June 4, 1953.
Bethune, J. The Importance of being Ernest. TV. CBC Folio. April 22, 1956.
Bethune, J. Summer in Paradise. Pacific Playhouse. January 20, 1943.
Bethune, John. Deadline. [n.d.].
Bethune, John. Total Eclipse. Broadcasted. April 14, 1942.
Bett, S.G. Simpleton’s Truck. Winnipeg. June 5, 1939.
Betti, Ugo. The Gambler. Festival. October 29, 1962.
Big City. Canada and Britain Exchange Series. October 22, 1943.
The Big Wind. [n.d.].
Bird, Kenneth. Mr. Benchley’s Brother. Prairie Playhouse. September 20, 1956.
Birney, E. The Duel #1. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. March 6, 1962.
Birney, E. The Duel #2. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. March 13, 1962.
Bishop and Goddard. West of the Pecos. P & G on Camera. May 7, 1955.
Black, I. S. We must Kill Toni. Adapted Leslie Duncan. GM Theatre. January 3, 1956.
Blacklock, J. The Best of the Bargain. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 7, 1961.
Blacklock, J. My Cousin Mildred. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 5, 1960.
Blacklock, J. A Time of Shadow. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 2, 1960.
Bloom, Ursula. Blue Blood. Theatre Time. January 21, 1941.
Bloom, Ursula. Eightieth Birthday. [n.d.].
Bloom, Ursula. Homecoming. Theatre Time. February 25, 1941.
Bloom, Ursula. Like Wind I Go. Theatre Time. August 11, 1942.
Bloom, Ursula. The Little House. Theatre Time. May 5, 1942.
Bloom, Ursula. Triangle. October 18, 1940.
Bloom, Ursula. Time Limit. June 23, 1942.
Bloom, Ursula. Uncharted Sea. Theatre Time. May 13, 1941.
Boland, E. H. The Prisoner. Adapted: Joseph Schull. TV - Playdate. May 16, 1962.
Bond, Michael. The Statute of St. Romaine. Halifax. March 23, 1954.
Bond, Nelson. Home Coming. General Motors Theatre. September 18, 1956.
Bone, A. The First Day of Steam. Radio. April 11, 1937.
Boomer, A.H. The Crying Crypt. Halifax. February 19, 1953.
Boorne, Ron. The Day of the Dodo. Festival. January 18, 19–.
Booth, L.S. The Flowering Plant. TV. On Camera. June 9, 1958.
Reel 8
Bortnick, N. Asaph. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 27, 1962.
Bortnick, N. The Bottle Imp. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. February 6, 1962.
Bortnick, N. Catch as Catch Can. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. October 20, 1959.
Bortnick, N. How Karl Bauer Licked the Problems of the Depression. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 23, 1959.
Bortnick, N. In The Forrest There Are Trees. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 16, 1962.
Bortnick, N. A Little Rope Goes a Long Way. Late Night Theatre. August 9, 1963.
Bortnick, Norman. The Mad Gasser of Mattoon. Prairie Playhouse. August 4, 1961.
Bortnick, N. Men From Mars. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 25, 1961.
Bortnick, N. Mr. Noble in a Suite. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. June 23, 1961.
Bortnick, N. Odds Against Tomorrow. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 14, 1959.
Bortnick, N. Opus Three and Four. Radio Prairie Playhouse. April 19, 1960.
Bortnick, N. The Sawing Off of Manhattan Island. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 11, 1961.
Bortnick, N. Suffer Little Children. Prairie Playhouse. August 18, 1961.
Bortnick, N. The Venus of Ille. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. January 13, 1961.
Box, M & S. Adapted. B. Gillanders. Anticlockwise. Winnipeg. July 2, 1953.
Boyle, H. J. An Affair With Madelon. [n.d.].
Boyle, H. J. The Bishop’s Letter. Stage 52. April 13, 1952.
Boyle, H. J. Chicken for Supper. [n.d.].
Boyle, H. J. Death By Atom Light. Montreal. n.d.
Boyle, H. J. Easter at Black River. [n.d.].
Boyle, H. J. The Flame of the Spirit. Stage 84. January 4, 1947.
Boyle, H. J. The Feel of Fall. Summer Fallow. October 21, 1957.
Boyle, H. J. Grey Ghosts in the Moonlight. Summer Stage. July 1, 1956.
Boyle, H. J. Jimmy and the Pup. Caplan Productions; Winnipeg. September 23, 1954.
Reel 9
Boyle, H. J. Johnny Adams. Winnipeg. April 28, 1955.
Boyle, H. J. Lay Off. Toronto. Trans Canada Network. November 5, 1944.
Boyle, H. J. Lidice Lives. June 10, 1943.
Boyle, H. J. My Friend Ned. Stage 53. October 19, 1952.
Boyle, H. J. No Bands, No Marching. [n.d.].
Boyle, H. J. A Singing Man. Summer Fallow. May 30, 1955.
Boyle, H. J. Strike. Stage 44. Toronto. April 30, 1944.
Boyle, H. J. A Summer Burning. Adapted. George Salverson. [n.d.].
Boyle, H. J. The Time Uncle Pete Retired. Summer Fallow. August 27, 1956.
Boyle, H. J. The Widow and the Waitress. Stage 50. Toronto. November 20, 1949.
Boyle, H. J. Strike. Summer Stage. Toronto. September 12, 1954.
Boylston, H.H. Keys. Winnipeg. June 7, 1957; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 24, 1960.
Bradbury, Malcolm. Plane out of Iceland. Halifax. October 15, 1953.
Bradbury, Ray. A Sound of Thunder. Vancouver. January 18, 1957.
Bradbury, Ray. The Long Rain. Adapted Edward Kleiman. Halifax Theatre. February 28, 1956.
Bradbury, Ray. The Man. P & G on Camera. April 9, 1955.
Bradbury, Ray. Rocket Summer. adaptation. David Murray. Halifax Theatre. February 23, 1957.
Bradbury, Ray. (Adapted by Anne McRae). The Swan. Vancouver Theatre. April 29, 1955.
Bradon, B. (?). Fool’s Paradise. Radio. [n.d.].
Braden (?), B. Hometown. N.d. Philip Crawford - singer, Vesta Johnson - school teacher, Seth
Small - detective; Oliver Refrew - piano player, Rocky Rhodes - taxi driver, Gordon Taylor - reporter (V-J Day); Barbara Cavendish - rich girl, Edith Cavendish - social worker, Robin Armstrong - 12 year-old Japanese; Ian McLeod - clergyman, Willy Parker - village half-wit. Possibly also filmed on Reel 116.
Braden, B. Storm in the Night. Drama. Vancouver. July 2, 1943.
Braden, B. Wilfred Hits the Jackpot. [n.d.].
Braden, B. Bridge to Tomorrow. Drama. January 1, 1943.
Bradley, E.H. Lord Kitchener’s Presentiment. [n.d.].
Braithwaite, M.:
Hometown Stories #1. Winnipeg. March 3, 1949.
Hometown Stories #2. Winnipeg. March 10, 1949.
Hometown Stories #3. Winnipeg. March 17, 1949.
Reel 10
Hometown Stories # 4. March 24, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 5. Winnipeg. March 31, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 6. Winnipeg. April 7, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 7. April 14, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 8. April 21, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 9. April 28, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 10. May 5, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 11. May 12, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 12. May 12, 1949.
Hometown Stories # 13. May 26, 1949.
Bramah, E. Willow Plate. Adapted Kay Hill. Halifax. July 31, 1954.
Brampton, J. The Little Woman. Vancouver. December 1, 1953.
Brandel, Marc. Ashes to Ashes. September 16, 1965.
Brandel, Marc. The Devil Makes Three. Festival. May, 1966.
Brauer, V. T. Little Horses Have Big Ears. Winnipeg. July 16, 1953.
Braun, G. Rendezvous. TV. The Unforseen. April 29, 1959.
Breakthrough (revised). TV. GM Presents. October 5, 1958.
Brecht, Bertolt. Mother Courage. Festival. December 24, 1964. See also Reel 11.
Brice, Beatrix. The Old Contemptibles. Regional Programme. October 31, 1937.
Breen, M. Failure to Remain. CBC TV-Theatre. November 25, 1956.
Reel 11
Breen, M. The Witness. On Camera. March 11, 1957; TV. The Unforseen. May 6, 1959.
Breen, Melwyn. Failure to Remain. Toronto. Stage 54. Item 7. November 15, 1953.
Brench, R. M. Alum Pot. Northern Programme (From Leeds).
Bretcht, Bertolt. Mother Courage. Festival. December 23, 1964.
Bridie, J. Mr. Bolfry. TV CBC Folio. December 12, 1957.
Bridie, J. The Black Eye. Adapted Mavor Moore. GM Theatre. October 19, 1954.
Bridson, D. G. Tunnel. July 18, 1934.
Bridson, D. G. Hornby to Clitheroe. Regional Programme. October 31, 1937.
Bridson, D. G. The March of the 45. #1,2, & 3. [n.d.].
Bridson, D. G. Dove Days Or The Derbyshire Angler. July 5, 1937.
Bridson, D. G. Frost at Midnight. [n.d.].
Bridson, D. G. Steel, Regional Programme. February 23, 1937.
Brinitzer, Carl. They Tickled the Ivories. n.d.
Brinson, R. Lassies Shoudna Wear Sporans. Halifax. May 18, 1957.
Broadcast Enterprises. Send for Paul Temple.
Bronte, E. Wuthering Heights. Adapted Nathan Cohen. CBC. TV Theatre. May 19, 1957.
Broughton-Billet, Claire. This Is the Take. Hollywood Drama Series. n.d.
Brown, A.C. Curtains. [n.d.].
Browne, Art. The Way Station. The Last of the Mohicans. May 7, 1956.
Brown, D. David Carmichael Murphy. CBC Playhouse. July 15, 1953.
Brown, D. Fly Away Home. Prairie Playhouse. January 12, 1956.
Brown, D. You Never Can Tell About a Miracle. Toronto. September 17, 1953.
Brown, H. (Adapted). Bride of Manitou. [n.d.].
Brown, H. Christmas and the Stranger. [n.d.].
Brown, Horace. Contact. Toronto. April 1, 1939.
Brown, H. Dawn is for the Deserving.
Brown, H. The Doom of Doona. [n.d.].
Brown, H. Doctor Aurhaus. Half an hour with Mr. Jones. [n.d.].
Brown, H. Fast Train East. Drama. December 4, 1942.
Brown, H. The Monkey’s Paw. Summer Theatre. May 5, 1938.
Brown, H. Murder at Wycliffe Towers.
Brown, H. My Sister and I. (A conception based on the popular song). [n.d.].
Brown, H. The Terror That Walks like a Man. July 29, 1941.
Brown, Horace. The Lights Went Out. 1942.
Brown, Horace. The Green Eyes of Marie. [n.d.].
Reel 12
Brown, Horace. I Give My Life. Play if the Week. November 10, 1942.
Brown, Horace. The Light at Devil’s Head. [n.d.].
Brown, Horace. It’s a Racket # 1. Framed. Winnipeg. June 12, 1940.
Brown, Horace. It’s A Racket # 2. The Sure Thing. Winnipeg. June 19, 1940.
Brown, Horace. It’s A Racket # 3. Scandal Sheet. Winnipeg. June 26, 1940.
Brown, Horace. It’s A Racket # 4. Murder as a Racket. Winnipeg. July 10, 1940.
Brown, Horace. It’s A Racket # 5. Pearls of a Great Price. Winnipeg. July 17, 1940.
Brown, Horace. It’s A Racket # 6. See you in the Movies. Winnipeg. July 24, 1940.
Brown, Horace. Keep Em Rolling. Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. Copyright 1941. [n.d.].
Brown, Horace. Jungle Mist. Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. February 19, 19–.
Brown, Horace. The Light at Devil’s Head. Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. 1941.
Brown, H. Reunion. On Camera. February 17, 1957.
Brown, H. A Tribute to Loyuella. October 27, 1942.
Brown, Kenneth H. The Brig. Quest. January 24, 1964.
Brown, Lyal D. The Moosomin Courier. Midweek Theatre. August 17, 1966.
Brown, Lyal D. The Reluctant Eskimo. Summer Stage. Winnipeg. Disb. July 2, 1967.
Brown, William. Aunt May. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. October 6, 1959.
Brownbill, G. Greater Love Hath No Man. CBC Radio Broadcast. February 22, 1939.
Bruce, C. The Wind in the Juniper. Winnipeg. November 18, 1954.
Bruce, C. People From Away. Prairie Playhouse. May 10, 1956.
Bruce, Charles. The Wind in the Juniper. Prairie Playhouse. December 16, 1960.
Buck, P. S. Ransom. Adapted Otto Lowy. Vancouver. February 17, 1956.
Buckerfield, E. H. Barabbas. Opening Night. March 23, 1951.
Buckler, E. Four on a Match. [n.d.].
Bull, D. The Leonard Code. GM Theatre. April 19, 1955.
Budd, Sidney. An Island Comedy. Adaptation of a Short Story. Theatre Time. November 4, 1941.
Bullock, D.J. The Anchor. Vancouver. February 2, 1954.
Bullock, D. J. Haji. Vancouver. May 27, 1953.
Bullock, D.J. The Head. Vancouver. September 24, 1954.
Bullock, D.J. Tiger Woman. Vancouver. January 26, 1954.
Bullock, MacCallum. Fire. [n.d.].
Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward. Lady of Lyons or Love and Pride. Adapted Radcliffe. [n.d.].
Burch, E.T. The Island. [n.d.].
Burke, E. & Stewart, L. The Flannels are coming. Vancouver. May 23, 1953.
Burke, N. Warm Decision. TV. On Camera. April 14, 1958.
Burke-Gaffney, John. The Shop Lifter. Winnipeg. March 14, 1957.
Reel 13
Burke-Gaffney, John. Sweet Revenge. Radio. Northwest Frontier. June 23, 1958.
Burke-Gaffney, John. A Temple for Jenny. Winnipeg Drama. February 24, 1955.
Burke-Gaffney, John. The Well Cover. Winnipeg Radio Drama. April 11, 1957.
Burnett, E.O. The Lion of Babylon. Radioplay. [n.d.].
Burnham, B & Allen, M. Triumph over Time. June 1, 1937.
Burns, Katherine. Ani’s Mountain.
Burns, K. The Galilean. (Easter Play). [n.d.].
Burt, Harvey. Green Guest. CBC Stage. January 29, 1956.
Burwash, G. The Broken Pitcher. Everyman Theatre. Winnipeg. August 23, 1939.
Burwash, G. Jeppe of the Hills. Everyman Series. Winnipeg. November 1, 1939.
Burwash, G. Our Hearts are Yours. April 22, 1942.
Burwash, G. Parteners Three. February 6, 1940.
Burwash, G. Tea for Two. September 5, 1940. See other entries below.
Burwash, G. Master Pierre Patelin. Winnipeg. October 25, 1939.
Burwell, Basil. A Handful of Salt. On Camera. November 5, 1955.
Byrne, Stafford. Chen and the Brown Dragon. Halifax. April 13, 1954.
Byrne, S. Chen and the Brown Dragon. Winnipeg. April 29, 1954.
Burwash, G. The Devil and Tom Walker. Winnipeg. November 20, 1939.
Burwash, Gordon. Black Tom’s Dog. Winnipeg. January 16 / 18, 19–.
Burwash, Gordon. The Coffee Maker. Winnipeg. August 30, 1939.
Burwash, Gordon. Eugene Vidocq. Everyman Theatre Series. Tuesday January 9, 1940.
Burwash, Gordon. The Hole. Everyman Theatre Series. Winnipeg. September 27, 1939.
Cabay, M. La Linge du Nord. En Première. November 9, 1958.
Calderon, George. The Little Stone House. n.d.
Callaghan, Morley. And Then Mr. Jones. The Play’s the Thing. November 21, 19–.
Callen, Harold. Horns of a Dilemna. Ford Theatre. February 16, 1955.
Cameron, E. A Jury of her Peers. Radio. Prairie Playhouse.
Cameron, Eric. The Shadows behind the Women. Matinee Theatre. Winnipeg. October 30, 1963. Note: Cameron was written on the card which had been typed up for Eddie Cohen with Reel number 15.
Cameron, E. The Women at Seven Brothers. Radio, Prairie Playhouse. February 20, 1962.
Canada to Britain. (Series). Prairie Town, Big City. Quebec. October 22, 1943.
Caplan, R. (producer). English Sunday Drama. November 19, 1939.
Caplan, R. (producer). Shakespeare’s England. December 10, 1939.
Card, R. Johnny Dunn. Halifax Theatre. February 16, 1957.
Carlino, L. J. Sarah and the Sax. Eye Opener. March 2, 1965.
Carroll, Lewis. Alice Through the Looking Glass. [n.d.].
Reel 14
Carrooll, S. Adapted B. Lepkin. A Note for the Milkman. Winnipeg. November 12, 1953.
Carr, A. H. Z. The Incredible Sinner. GM Theatre. October 11, 1955.
Carr, A. H. Z. The Trail of Johnny Nobody. TV. The Unforseen. July 15, 1959.
Carr, J.D. Cabin B. 13. TV. The Unforseen. April 23, 1959.
Carr, J.D. Till Death Do Us Part. GM Theatre. August 21, 1956.
Carter, D. Russian Diary. “Guerilla Youth”. July 10, 1943.
Carter, Dyson. The Immortal Unknown. Winnipeg. October 29, 1942.
Carter, Dyson. The Man who Moved the World. May 26, 1943.
Casel, J. The Crib. Prairie Playhouse. January 5, 1956 ;Winnipeg. December 6, 1956.
Casel, J. Kate. Vancouver. April 6, 1956.
Casel, J. Wind. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 1, 1958.
Casel, J. Romance at a Rolling Ridge. Halifax. February 7, 1956.
Casey, Ben. Rage Against the Dying Light. Draft Copy.
Cavanaugh, A. The Second Home. TV. GM Presents. November 1959.
Cavell, J. & Orenstein, L. Once a Thief. CBC TV Theatre. March 3, 1957.
The Calling of Levi. Dramas from the Bible. [n.d.].
Chafe, J. W. A Trapper’s Tale. Winnipeg Drama. March 21, 1955; March 24, 1955.
Chafe, J.W. Small Town School Teacher. June 24, 1943.
Charles, B.D. Pellicrew’s Plot. Halifax Theatre. December 6, 1956.
Cheatle, J. & Gillian, L. The Thin Man. June 15 & 16, 1936.
Cheatle, John. Hamilton-Jenkins, A. K. For All Ills. December 10 & 12, 1936.
Checkov, Anton. The Bet. Immortal Drama Series.
Checkov, Anton. The Chorus Girl. Adapted For TV by Anne Baxter. Shoestring Theatre. April 26, 1964.
Chekov, Anton. Uncle Vanya. Festival. January 7, 1964.
Reel 15
Cheever, John. The Season of Divorce. P & G on Camera. May 28, 1955.
Chesterton, G.K. The Blue Cross. Adapted. Felix Felton. Everyman Series. Winnipeg. December 6, 1939.
Child, Peter. The Victorian House. Senior English. March 31, 1953.
The Story of Cinderella. Winnipeg. Once Apon a Time Series. October 9, 1939.
Clair, Colin. The Crime and Trail of Charlotte Corday. [n.d.].
Clark, J.E. Nor All Your Tears. Halifax. February 12, 1953.
Clark, K.R. Peaches Yellow. Radio. Cameo Series. October 30, 1959.
Clark, Russell S. Wait For Me, Georgina! Vancouver Theatre. January 4, 1957.
Clarke, W.K. The Room. GM Presents. TV Theatre. [n.d.].
Clifford, Patrick. A Ticket to Rome. Halifax. December 1, 1953.
Clinton-Baddeley, V.C. Mr. Pickwick–Still Going Strong. October 11, 1936.
Cochran, J. Let’s Be Civilized. GM Theatre. July 10, 1956.
Cochran, J. The Woman of Ballybunion. P & G on Camera. February 5, 1955.
Cohen, M. (adaptation.) The Fourth Man. Vancouver. October 28, 1955.
Cohen, M.C. Beautiful, Deep and Fine. Incomplete play, pgs.1-23 only. Vancouver. April 17, 1961.
Cohen, M.C. The Big Deal. Midweek Theatre. September 21, 1966.
Cohen, M. Charles. The Big Deal. Disb. Midweek Theatre. September 21, 1966.
Cohen, M. Charles. David, Chapter III. Festival. April 21, 1966.
Cohen, M.C. Etcetera. Halifax Theatre. May 4, 1957.
Cohen, M.C. The Exchange Teacher. TV. Playdate. December 6, 1961.
Cohen, M.C. The Great Lake Erie Float. Vancouver. October 5, 1956.
Cohen, M.C. The Old Switcheroo. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 15, 1959.
Cohen, M.C. Pasterale. Halifax Theatre. February 25, 1957.
Cohen, M.C. Witness to Murder. TV. First Person. December 7, 1960.
Cohen, M.C and Bloomfield, G. Canada’s Own Wesley Wheatfield. Halifax. March 16, 1957.
Reel 16
Cohen, M.C & Lavut, M. Strong Man of Parliament Hill. Halifax Theatre. March 27, 1958.
Coleman, A. The Seven Plagues of Daniel Hooley. Radio. [n.d.].
Collier, John Payne & Cruikshanks, George. Punch and Judy. Adapted for broadcasting and produced by John Pudney. March 20, 1936.
Collins, W. A Terribly Strange Bed. TV. The Unforeseen. October 2, 1958.
Collins, W. The Woman in White # 1. Adaptation. Sally Creighton. Montreal. April 29, 1956.
Collins, W. The Woman in White # 3. Adaptation. S. Creighton. Montreal. May 13, 1956.
Collins, W. The Woman in White # 4. Adaptation. S. Creighton. Montreal. May 20, 1956.
Collins, W. The Woman in White # 5. Adaptation. S. Creighton. Montreal. May 27, 1956.
Collins, W. The Woman in White # 6. Adaptation. S. Creighton. Montreal. June 3, 1956.
Collins, W. The Woman in White # 7 and # 8. Adaptation. S. Creighton. Montreal. June 10 and 24, 1956. See also Reel 18 under Creighton
Collins, W. The Woman in White # 10. Adaptation. S. Creighton. Montreal. July 1, 1956.
Collins, W. The Woman in White # 11. Adaptation. S. Creighton. Montreal. July 8, 1956.
Coneybeare, Arthur Rodney. The Grand Design. Stage 55 (Item 20). Toronto. February 6, 1955.
Conger, L. Bruno. Vancouver Theatre. April 19, 1957.
Conger, L. The Cross. Vancouver Theatre. June 1, 1956.
Conger, L. Grapevine. Point Counterpoint. July 27, 1956.
Conger, L. The Lilac Bush. Vancouver. May 25, 1956.
Conger, Leslie. Kingdom’s Child. On Camera. April 21, 1956.
Connolly, James Brendan. The Trawler. [n.d.].
Conover, J.D. The House Across the Pond. [n.d.].
Conquest. December 7, 1937.
Conrad, J. The Secret Agent. TV CBC Folio.
Conrad, Joseph. Amy Foster. Adaptation. T Wilkinson and J. Henderson. Halifax Theatre. February 2, 1957.
Constanduros, Mabel. Companion to a Lady. Theatre Time. November 26, 19–.
Constanduros, M. Decision. [n.d.].
Constanduros, M. The Eleventh Hour. August 12, 1941.
Constanduros, M. From the Bride’s Aunt. The Robinson Series. April 19, 1940.
Constanduros, M. Gather Ye Rosebuds. Vancouver. Theatre Time. March 24, 1942.
Constanduros, M. On Day of Gold. [n.d.].
Constanduros, M. Red Warning at the Robinson’s. [n.d.].
Constanduros, M and Agg, H. The Shadow Passes. Theatre Time. [n.d.].
Constanduros, M. and Agg, H. The Man from the Sea. Vancouver Theatre Time. February 18, 1941.
Constanduros, M. Saturday Afternoon. October 21, 1939.
Coopersmith, J. Tolliver’s Travels. GM Theatre. May 29, 1956.
Cooke, C. Tomorrow’s Past. Halifax. April 27, 1954. Continues on Reel 17.
Reel 17
Coppee, F. The Violin Maker of Cremona. April 15, 1943.
Coronation Programme. CBC Symphony. Toronto. [n.d.].
Cordova, Randolf de. Dr. Abernethy. Drama Hour. November 2, 1941.
Cordova, Randolf de. The Silver Candlestick. CBC Drama. June 1, 1941.
Costigan, J. Wind From the South. TV. GM Theatre. May 22, 1960.
Costigan, J. The World My Cage. On Camera. April 21, 1956.
Cornell, J.M. The Coming out of Ellie Swan. GM Theatre. March 22, 1955.
Couglin, B. King by my Fireside. Winnipeg. October 7, 1954.
Coulter, John. Mr. Oblomov. Playdate. November 1, 1962.
Coulter, John. Pigs. Theatre Time. Vancouver. December 3, 1940.
Coulter, John. Adaptation. R.G. Allen. GM Theatre. March 6, 1956.
Coulter, John. Christmas Accordion. [n.d.].
Coulter, John. A Tale of Old Quebec. September 13, 1940.
Coulter, John. Riel # 1. TV. GM Theatre. March 19, 1961; April 23, 1961; April 30, 1961. See next reel.
Counselman, M.E. TV. The Unforseen. July 22, 1959. Possibly on reel 18.
Reel 18
Coulter, John. Riel # 2. TV Drama. March 21, 1961.
Coulter, John. The Great Experiment. Special League of Nations Show. September 14, 1942.
Coulter, H.J. The House in the Quiet Glen. Theatre Time. July 22, 1940.
Courcey, Joseph de. The Brooch. TV. The Unforseen. February 17, 1960.
Court, Gordon. Prepare Yourself. March 4, 1943.
Couttie, Earl. Tobruk Encounter. Vancouver. November 24, 1953.
Cowen, M.C. Pastorale. TV. The Unforseen. [n.d.].
Cox, W.J. New Wine in Old Bottles. [n.d.].
Cox, W.R. The Heroes. TV. First Person. October 19, 1960.
Crawford, I. The Actress. Vancouver Theatre. February 18, 1955.
Creighton, S. The Woman in White. Vancouver. July 4, 1955.
Creighton, S. The Woman in White # 3. July 11, 1955.
Dagg, R.M. The Night Prince Edward Island Disappeared. Pacific 13. June 26, 1957.
Dales, Peter. Joe Judson Quits His Job. Theatre Time. May 6, 19–.
Dane, Clemence. The Bill of Divorcement. CBC Drama Hour. July 13, 1941.
Daniel, D.S. The Tygar’s Hart. P & G on Camera. April 23, 1955.
Daniels, Stan. No Two People. Festival II. December 16, 1965.
Darby, Ray. Cocoon. Stage 54 (Item 12). Toronto. December 20, 1953.
Darby, R. The Angry Mountain. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 12, 1960.
Darby, R. Charcoal. Radio. Tales the Prairie Tells. June 24, 1960.
Darby, R. Deathbed Scene. Vancouver. February 10, 1956.
Darby, R. Dead Game. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 9, 1959.
Darby, R. Mad Flight. August 5, 1943.
Darby, Ray. Oh-h-h Johnny. June 17, 1943.
Darby, R. One of the Best. Prairie Playhouse. September 29, 1955.
Darby, R. The Missing Cinderella. Winnipeg. September 17, 19–.
Darby, R. The Plan. Prairie Playhouse. September 22, 1955.
Reel 19
Darby, Ray. I’ll Be Around. August 24, 1943.
Darby, R. Magnetos for Rommel. January 7, 1942.
Darby, R. No More Rainy Saturdays. Summer Stage. June 5, 1955.
Darby, R. Running Man. Prairie Playhouse. January 19, 1956.
Darby, R. Second Homecoming. Winnipeg. October 28, 1954.
Darby, R. The Crossroads. Winnipeg. September 30, 1954.
Darby, R. The Lizard Women. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 5, 1960.
Darby, R. The Policy of the Firm. Tuesday July 13, 1943.
Darby, R. The Way Out. Stage 53 (Item 11). Toronto. December 7, 1952.
Darby, R. Thine is the Kingdom. January 21, 1943.
Darby, R. Thine is the Kingdom. Thursday January 21, 1943.
Darby, R. Tortilla Jones. CBC Stage. Toronto. December 25, 1955.
Darby, R. Two Ways to Go. September 9, 1943.
Darby, R. Within the Law. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 27, 1959.
Darling, Rose and Wilson, E. The Golden Watch and The Blue Ribbon. Halifax. December 15, 1953.
Darling, R. & Wilson, E. A Sea Serpent Named Margaret. Halifax Theatre. November 24, 1956.
Darling, R. & Wilson, E. Soldiers of Christ. Winnipeg. May 2, 1957.
Darling, R.& Wilson, E. Welcome Home, Uncle George. Halifax Theatre. January 5, 1953 / 1954.
Davidson, A. The Ikon of Elijah. TV. The Unforseen. October 23, 1958.
Davidson, David. High Man. General Motors Theatre. December 14, 1954.
Davidson, Ida M. The Selkirk Settlers. Winnipeg. [n.d.].
Davies, D. Count of Monte Cristo # 1. Nos. 34 & 27. Vancouver. May 5, 1950. Originally typed as Counte of Monte Christo
Davies, D. Count of Monte Cristo # 2. The Old Abbé. Vancouver. May 12, 1950.
Davies, D. Count of Monte Cristo # 3. The Cemetary of Chateau D’If. Vancouver. May 19, 1950.
Davies, D. Count of Monte Cristo # 4. The Blue Grotto. Vancouver. May 26, 1950.
Davies, D. Count of Monte Cristo # 5. “The Red Silk Purse”. Vancouver. June 2, 1950.
Davies, D. Count of Monte Cristo # 6 & # 7. Vancouver. June 9 & 16, 1950.
Davies, D. Count of Monte Cristo # 8. Vancouver. June 30, 1950.
Reel 20
Davies, D. Count of Monte Cristo # 10. Vancouver. July 7, 1950.
Davis, R. The Bottle Imp. TV. October 23, 1954.
Davis, Richard Harding. Miss Delmar’s Understudy. Adaptation. Clarence M. Roach. Halifax Theatre. February 21, 1956.
Dawson, D. & Baily, A. H. Time Bomb. Drama is Sound. [n.d.].
Dawson, E. The Affaire Auguste. Winnipeg Drama. February 10, 1955.
Dawson, Elizabeth. The Little Flautist. Vancouver Theatre. June 3, 1955.
Dawson, E. Wild Geese Calling. Toronto. August 8, 1954.
Day, Gerry. My Cousin Clarence. Vancouver. April 13, 1956.
Deane, Chris. Invitation to a Crime. September 23, 1943.
D’Easum, Lillie. Return to P’Yongyang. Vancouver. May 3, 1953; November 3, 1953.
Deeping, E. The White Cockatoo. Theatre Time. January 22, 1942.
De Graff, R. Good-Night, Uncle Henry. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 13, 1962.
De Graff, R. The Last Gold Leaf. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 3, 1962.
De Maupassant, Guy. The Drowned Man. Matinee Theatre. Winnipeg. November 6, 1963.
Dehn, P. & Felton, F. Opium-Eater. A Radio Dramatic Reconstruction from the “Confessions” of de Quincey. Regional. November 24, 1936.
Dennis, Nigel. The Making of Moo. CBC Tuesday Night. Winnipeg. July 26, 1966.
Derleth, A. The Metronome. TV. The Unforseen. December 16, 1959.
Desenfeld, J. Goodbye, Young Man. CBC Folio. January 8, 1955. Continues on Reel 21.
Reel 21
Design for Canadian Wings or Elsie MacGill.
Dichi, Nan and Fred. Wings over the Northland. The Day of Judgement. Action Theatre. July 7, 1964.
Devlin, E.W. A Miner’s Tale. A Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. Toronto. May 27, 1941.
Dickens, Charles. A Christmas Carol. Adaptation by P. Wade. Children’s Hour programme. December 25, 1937.
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations.
Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. Adaptation. Hanley. [n.d.].
Dickens, Charles. The Great Winglebury Duel. Adaptation. Kay Hill. Halifax. October 28, 1953.
Dickens, Charles. Nicholas Nickleby. Revised by V.C. Clinton-Baddeley. January 30, 1938.
Dickie, F. The First Explorer. Theatre Time. December 27, 1939.
Dickie, F. Indians in Paris. Theatre Time. March 20, 1940.
Dickins, J.C. Viva Sergeant Lopez. GM Theatre.February 22, 1959.
Diehl, Fred M. We’ll Hear No More About It. Radio. Toronto. Stage 54 (Item 8). November 22, 1953.
Diehl, Fred and Nan. Decision in the Arctic. Wings over the Northland. February 10, 1964.
Diehl, Fred and Nan. Flying Blind. Wings Over the Northland. January 13, 1964.
Diehl, Fred and Nan. Never Say Die. Wings Over the Northland. January 6, 1964.
Diehl, Fred and Nan. Omelettes for Sunday. Wings Over the Northland. January 27, 1964.
Diehl, Fred and Nan. Sherlock of the Wilderness. Wings Over the Northland. January 20, 1964.
Diehl, Fred and Nan. The White Fox Trader. Wings Over the Northland. February 3, 1964.
Diespecker, A.D. & Mackenzie, S. I’ll Be Waiting, Johnny. [n.d.].
Diespecker, Dick. Commando. Theatre Time. April 21, 1942.
Diespecker, D. The Cragsman. Vancouver Theatre. October 12, 1956.
Diespecker, D. Elizabeth. Vancouver Theatre. October 14, 1955.
Diespecker, D. Flying Saucer. Vancouver Theatre. December 28, 1956.
Diespecker, D. From Here the View is Different. Vancouver. June 29, 1956.
Diespecker, D. Joe Martin Goes Home.
Diespecker, D. John Smith, Canadian. Theatre Time. April 18, 19–.
Diespecker, D. This Land We Love.
Diespecker, D. Unbroken Glory. Vancouver. April 26, 1957.
Reel 22
Diespecker, D. Unbroken Glory. Vancouver. April 26, 1957.
Dillon, F. The Elephant. West of England Programme. December 16, 19–.
Dillon, F. Summer over the British Isles & Sunlight and Sea. West of England Regional and Empire Programme. July 25, 1937.
Dillon, Francis. Shipshape and Bristol Fashion. West of England and Regional Programme. July 10, 1937.
Dobson, R. The Man With the Beard. Radio. Late Night Theatre. August 2, 1963.
Doctor in Person. November 6, 1959.
Donaldson, G. & Paterson, I. The Night Roger Left. Vancouver. April 20 and 23, 1956.
Dorling, Captain Taprell. Arctic Rescue. Theatre Time. Vancouver. [n.d.].
Dorling, Captain Taprell. The Escape of the Calliope.
Dorling, Captain Taprell. The Loss of the Birkenhead. [n.d.].
Dorling, Captain Taprell . S.O.S. August 12 & 13, 1937.
Dorn, Rudi and Almond, Paul. The Broken Sky. Playdate. October 5, 1962.
Douglas, J. Your Favourite Ghosts # 1. 41 Pacific Street. Drama. February 10, 1943.
Douglas, J. Your Favourite Ghosts # 2. Oh to be a Ghost. Drama. February 10, 1943.
Douglas, J. Your Favourite Ghosts # 3. Story of Sentinal Lake. Drama. February 24, 1943.
Douglas, J. Your Favourite Ghosts # 4. The Ghost in the House. Drama. March 3, 1943.
Douglas, J. Your Favourite Ghosts # 5. Portrait of Power. Drama. March 10, 1943.
Douglas, J. Your Favourite Ghosts # 6. The Author Meets the Ghost. Drama. March 17, 1943.
Downing, R. The Limbo Kid. CBC Drama Hour. November 23, 1941.
Downs, Oliphant. The Maker of Dreams. [n.d.].
Drainie, J. & C. Babies In The Woodwinds. Summer Stage. May 15, 1955.
Dramatic Workshop Scripts. Obolor, A. Bright World. Holloway, J. Katherine Howard. [n.d.].
Drin, M. Hit and Run. [n.d.].
Dube, M. Zone. GM Theatre. May 8, 1956.
Duncan, R. Our Lady’s Tumbler. On Camera. December 24, 1955.
Duncan, Ronald. The Return of Don Juan. CBC-TV Presents. January 6, 1957. (Reels 22 and 23)
Reel 23
Dunmore, Spencer. Billy’s Burglar. TV, On Camera. July 21, 1958.
Dunsay, Lord. The Kith of the Elf-Folk. Adaptation. N. Bortnick. Radio, Late Night Theatre. July 5, 1963.
Duras, Marguerite. The Square. Trans. Barbara Bray. Playdate. February 28, 1962.
Durbridge, F. And Anthony Sherwood Laughed. August 15, 1941.
Durbridge, F. What Do you Think? Radio. Prairie Playhouse. October 21, 1960.
Durham, L. The English. [n.d.].
Dyer, Alex. The Blindfolded Lady. CBC TV-Theatre. November 11, 1956.
James, Henry. The Aspern Papers. Adaptation. Michael Dyne. Playdate.
Dyne, M. Checkmate. TV. The Unforeseen November 25, 1959.
Dyne, M. Garden in the Sea. GM Theatre. January 18, 1954.
Dyne, M. The Mayerling Riddle. Ford Theatre. March 16, 1955.
Dyne, M. Torment. TV. The Unforeseen. April 2, 1959.
Dyer, A. Dr. Mobile. On Camera. June 2, 1956.
Dyer, A. Three Lives has Margaret. GM Theatre. June 26, 1956.
Dyer, Alec. Murder Without Tears. CBC-TV Theatre. June 16, 1957. Continues on Reel 24.
Reel 24
Dyne, Michael. Adaptation. From Henry James. The Aspern Papers. Playdate. May 9, 1962.
The Easter Egg. First Festival of the Arts at McMaster. September, 1963.
Edelman, M. Act of Treason. GM Theatre. November 8, 1955.
Edge, F. Counsel for the Defence. TV. GM Presents. April 9, 1961.
Edge, F. The Grab Shot. [n.d.].
Edge, F. The Patsy. GM Theatre. October 22, 1957.
Edge, F. The Riggin’ Slinger. TV Theatre. April 15, 1958.
Edge, F. The Radioactive Man. GM Theatre. January 14, 1958.
Edward, J. Hide Me in the Mountains. TV. GM Presents. October, 1960.
Edge, Fred. One Man to Beat. TV. Playdate. January 3, 1962.
Edwards, M.K. The Gum-Chewing Angel. Prairie Playhouse. December 15, 1955.
Edwards, Norman. Little Ena. June 15 & 17, 19–.
Elbur, J. Storm and I. July 20, 1943.
Elbur, J. Terror for Two. August 26, 1943.
Reel 25
Elbur, John. Terror for Two. August 26, 1943.
Eldridge, J. Plague Ship. P & G on Camera. Dry Run. September 23, 1955.
Eldridge, J. Reluctant Millionaire. On Camera. November 19, 1955.
Eldridge, J. Time to Shoot. On Camera. November 19, 1955.
Elkin, S. They Shot an Arrow. TV. On Camera. November 5, 1955 or 1956.
Elton, M. Florizel Street. [n.d.].
Emmett, R. Good For You. GM Theatre. February 15, 1955.
The Entertainer. Adapted from the play by John Osborne. Bryanston Presents.
Erickson, D. See also Reel 26
Erickson, D. Abinora and Trebizon. Point Counterpoint. July 15, 1955.
Erickson, D. The Bug who Travelled to Outer Space. Point Counterpoint. July 1, 1955; Vancouver Theatre. February 1, 1957.
Erickson, D. The Night Before. Point Counterpoint. September 16, 1955.
Erickson, D. The Whistling Valley. Vancouver Theatre. May 4, 1956.
Erickson, D. Centrifuge. Point Counterpoint. August 10, 1956.
Erickson, D. The Devil’s Wench. Vancouver. May 27, 1955.
Erickson, D. Charlotte Corday. Vancouver. November 26, 1954.
Erickson, D. Hannibal. CBC Wednesday Night. January 5, 1955.
Erickson, D. Giselle. Vancouver. November 18, 1956.
Erickson, D. Hunted. Point Counterpoint. July 13, 1956.
Erickson, D. Silver Sue. Point Counterpoint. July 29, 1955. Also listed on being on Reel 26.
Erickson, D. Kang III – a Story of Horror. Point Counterpoint. August 12, 1955.
Erickson, D. New Years in Limbo. Vancouver. December 30, 1955.
Erickson, D. Confetti. Point Counterpoint. September 14, 1956.
Erickson, D. The Night Before. Point Counterpoint. September 16, 1955.
Erickson, D. Quest. Point Counterpoint. September 28, 1956.
Erickson, D. The Second Strike. Vancouver Theatre. May 11, 1956.
Erno, B. The Hunt. Playdate. March 22, 1963. Listed as reel 25, possibly could be on 26.
Reel 26
Empire Exchange. Christmas 1934.
Erickson, D. The Travels of Mrs. Glastonbury Jones. Point Counterpoint. September 2, 1955.
Erickson, D. The Weeping Rock. Point Counterpoint. September 30, 1955.
Espie, T. The Night Boss. TV. [n.d.].
Espie, T. A Special Music. TV – On Camera. June 16, 1958.
Espie, T. Rigoletic Rock. TV – On Camera. June 16, 1958.
Espie, T. Stopover. TV – On Camera. August 4, 1958.
Espie, T. Wrong Number. On Camera. December 2, 1957.
Espie, T. Mrs. Riders Rubens. On Camera. October 7, 1957.
Eunson, Dale and Wilde. Guest in the House. CBC -TV Theatre. June 21, 1955.
Evans, H. A Gift at Parting. Vancouver Theatre. February 4, 1955; December 14, 1956.
Evans, H. Grapevine. Death Has a Thousand Doors. Winnipeg. July 20, 1956.
Evans, H. Home For Christmas. Vancouver Theatre. December 21, 1956.
Evans, H. Like Father, Like Son. Vancouver Theatre. January 20, 1956.
Evans, H. Local and Personal. Vancouver Theatre. April 27, 1956; April 30, 1956.
Evans, H. None So Blind. Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. January 22, 1942.
Evans, H. The Way to a Man’s Heart. January 28, 1955. Also listed as being on Reels 25 and 27.
Reel 27
Evans, H. Young Ed’s Partner. Numbers: 1. Mail Order Pup. 2. Trouble at Swan Lake. 3. Test of Courage. 4.The Outcast.
Evans, H. Men with Vision. Vancouver Theatre. May 13, 1955.
Evelyn, J. Gold King. Saturday Cinema.
Exton, Clive. The Close Prisoner. Festival. August 23, 1964.
Exton, Clive. No Fixed Abode. Playdate. November 16, 1962.
Exton, Clive. None of Us is Perfect. TV – Playdate. May 30, 1962.
Exton, Clive. Some Talk of Alexander. TV – Playdate. December 20, 1961.
Exton, Clive. Where I Live. TV – GM Presents. November 13, 1960.
Fairbairn, E. There are Very Few of Us Left. TV – Toronto Playbill. October 16, 1958.
Famous Men and Women of England. Charles Dickens, David Livingstone, Florence
Nightingale, General Gordon, Jane Austen. See also listing under Peach, L. du Garde, Reel 86.
Farjeon, H. London Calling! - 1600. BBC Play. February 25, 1937.
Farjeon, J. Three Men on a Raft. BBC Home Service. February 10, 1941; CBC Drama Hour. July 20, 1941.
Farjeon, J. Number 17. Episodes #1 to #10. [n.d.].
Farrow, D. The Black Pearl. Halifax. May 25, 1954.
Fass, G & G. The Next Chapter. Vancouver. April 8, 1955. Continues on Reel 28.
Reel 28
Faulkner, W. Go Down Moses. Adaptation by M. Stobie. Winnipeg. January 22, 1953.
Faulkner, W. Grandmother Millard and the Battle of Harrykin Creek. Adaptation by M. Stobie.
Winnipeg. January 8, 1953.
Fearing, K. Adaptation by A.J. Russell. The Hospital. GM Theatre. January 24, 1956.
Feiffer, Jules. Harry, The Rat with Women. Summer Stage. August 27, 1965.
Felson, Henry. Mr. Gidding Attacks. Adaptation by Lois Landauer. On Camera. October 29, 1956.
Felton, F. A Century of Steam. National. October 6, 1937.
Felton, Felix. More Macabre. A Series of Uncanny Stories overheard at the Fireside. April 17,
Ferro, T & M. Two of a Kind. GM Theatre. August 28, 1956.
Ferry, A. Bert Brecht–A Threepenny Profile. Festival II. September 4 and 5, 1966.
Ferry, A. The Reluctant Bandit. On Camera. November 25, 1957.
55 in Revue. CBC Folio. January 1, 1956.
Filion (?), Jean-Paul. Step Out of Darkness. Translated by Mario Prizek (?). March 20, 1964.
Finch, R. From Paradise to Calgary. Adaptation by Howard Rodman. GM Theatre. January 11,
Firth, A. The Farm on the Hill. GM Presents. July 6, 1960.
Fischman, H. Problem Parents. TV. General Motors Presents. February 1, 1959.
Fisher, Ameel. The Shrinking of Mr. Pertwee. Theatre Time. September 23, 1940.
Fisher, Ameel. The Shrinking of Mr. Pertwee. Drama Hour. October 31, 1941. (Continues on Reels 29.
Reel 29
Fishers of Men. Dramas From the Bible. January 31, 1943.
Flanagan, Thomas. The Cold Winds of Adesta. Prairie Playhouse. September 6, 1956.
Fleming, P. Two Fugitives. Winnipeg. February 5, 1954.
Fleming, P. The Flying Visit. Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. [n.d.].
Flender, H. The Facts of Life. TV - On Camera. September 22, 1958.
Flender, H. A Room For Oneself. TV - On Camera. March 24, 1958.
Fletcher, L. Somewhere. P & G on Camera. April 30, 1955.
Fletcher, S. Inside Harry. CBC Summer Workshop. September 2, 1955.
Fontaine, R. Mr. Pixine Goes on Duty. [n.d.].
Fontaine, R. Meet Mr. Pixine. [n.d.]. 2 copies.
For The Time Being. A Christmas Oratio.
Foranzo, G. To Live in Peace. Adaptation. Victor Pietti. CBC -TV Theatre. March 10, 1957.
Forer, M. The Balladeer. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 15, 1961.
Forer, M. Circuit Patrol. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. June 4, 1959; October 6, 1961.
Forer, M. Mr. Domchuk’s Devilled Egg. Radio - Tales the Prairie Tells. June 10, 1960.
Forer, M. The Flame Dies. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. May 28, 1959.
Forer, M. For Mutual Advantage. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. May 21, 1962.
Forer, M. Frankie Johnson’s Grey Cup. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. November 27, 1958.
Forer, M. Free Trip to Las Vegas. Mid- Week Theatre. December 8, 1965. Continues on Reel 30.
Reel 30
Forer, M. Friend of the Gun. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. February 19, 1959.
Forer, M. The Great Oak. Winnipeg Drama. April 25, 1957.
Forer, M. The Hate Kick. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 9, 1960.
Forer, M. Here’s to Medea. Radio, Prairie Playhouse, June 18, 1962; Mid-Week Theatre. December 2, 1964.
Forer, M. In Loco Parentis. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. April 8, 1960.
Forer, M. The Land O’Canaan Maroon. Radio, Prairie Playhouse. April 14, 1961. Mid -Week Theatre. April 21, 1965.
Forer, M. The Last of the Whiskey Traders. Radio – Northwest Frontier. January 29, 1959; Radio, Tales the Prairie Tells. May 27, 1960.
Forer, M. The Leather Coat. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. October 28, 1960.
Forer, M. Louis and the Sioux. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. May 21, 1959.
Forer, M. The Most Wonderous Thing. Winnipeg Drama. December 27, 1956.
Forer, M. My Name is Jackie Ronski and Im Bored. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. June 4, 1962.
Forer, M. My Son–My Seed. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. October 13, 1961.
Forer, M. The Negotiator. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. May 7, 1962.
Forer, M. The New Age. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. October 27, 1961.
Forer, M. The Paper Bird. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. December 12, 1957.
Forer, M. Pink and Blue. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. May 14, 1962.
Forer, M. The Pronghorn. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. October 20, 1961. (Continues on reel 31)
Reel 31
Forer, M. The Rascal. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. September 22, 1961.
Forer, M. The Second Oldest Profession in the World. CBC Summer Stage. June 19, 1964.
Forer, M. Silence is Beaten Gold. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. September 24, 1959.
Forer, M. The Six Horse Party. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. July 9, 1959.
Forer, M. Spring Dream. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. April 12, 1960.
Forer, M. There Will be Three Children. Mid-Week Theatre. September 8, 1965.
Forer, M. The Third Partner. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. September 29, 1961.
Forer, M. This Pair Belongs to Me. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. June 25, 1962.
Forer, M. The Tough-Luck-Nik. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. Summer Stage (CBW). September 3, 1961.
Forer, M. The Turtle Mind. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. May 28, 1962.
Forer, M. The Umbrella Money. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. November 18, 1960.
Forer, M. The Umbrella Money. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. June 11, 1962.
Forer, M. The Way In Which It Was Done. Mid-Week Theatre. December 30, 1964.
Forer, M. A World Transplanted. Radio – Summer Stage. July 3, 1960.
Forer, M. Wrap My Baby Bunting. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. May 3, 1960.
Forer, M. Wrap my Baby Bunting. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. May 29, 1958.
Forer, M. Write Me an Epitaph. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. April 30, 1962.
Forer, Marian. Masks at Midnight. Prairie Playhouse. October 31, 1957.
Forer, Marian. The Most Wonderous Thing. Winnipeg. December 27, 1956.
Forer, Marian Waldman. The Little Tree. Winnipeg Drama. April 21, 1955.
Forer, Marian. Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Winnipeg Drama. July 4, 1957.
Forer, Mort. Circuit Patrol. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. June 4, 1959.
Forer, Mort. Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Winnipeg Drama. July 4, 1957.
Reel 32
Forsythe, James. Heloise. Festival. August 31, 1965.
Fort, M. The Pronghorn. Radio – Northwest Frontier. February 12, 1959.
Foss, Della. He Came Home to Me. September 2, 1943.
Foss, Della. The Bugles Blow For Some. August 31, 1943.
The Fourteenth Colony #1. The Wooing. Explorations. March 20, 1962.
The Fourteenth Colony #2. Liberation. Explorations. March 20, 1962.
The Fourteenth Colony #3. The Inquiry. Explorations.
Fowke, E. Flood on the Goodwine. Vancouver. November 17, 1953.
Fowke, E. John the Revelator. Winnipeg. December 10, 1953.
Fowke, E. The Stolen White Elephant. St. John’s, Nfld. May 29, 1954.
Fowke, E. The Long Night. Halifax. November 24, 1953.
Fowke, H.S. Crisis at the Carlyles. Halifax Theatre. March 30, 1957.
Fowke, H.S. First Christmas. December 22, 1953.
Fowke, S. Imperial Wife. August 26, 1952.
Fowke, S. The Laird. Halifax Theatre. Radio Play. January 24, 1956.
Fowke, S.H. The Deserter. Halifax Theatre. March 13, 1956.
Fowler, D. Retraction. [n.d.].
Fox, E. The Fortune. Winnipeg. May 22, 1939.
Fox, Estelle. Best Laid Schemes. Winnipeg. Dramatic Series. November 27, 1939.
Fox, J.J. The Little Monster. On Camera. January 13, 1958.
France, Anatole. The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. November 25, 1955.
France, Anatole. The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife. Everyman Theatre Series. Winnipeg. July 12, 1939.
Francis, P. Ill Met By Moonlight. On Camera. December 24, 1956.
Francis, P. The Tintype. Adaptation. Vincent McConnor. TV – The Unforseen. January 13, 1960.
Francis, P. The Wreath. Adaptation. John Clements. TV – The Unforseen. December 23, 1959.
Franz Lizt. October 22, 1935.
Fraser, D. The Art of the Possible. Halifax. April 6, 1954. Continues on Reel 33.
Reel 33
Fraser, D. The Solid Citizen. Halifax Theatre. January 10, 1956.
Fraser, E. & B. Hitchman, Star Bright. [n.d.].
Fraser, H. The Silver Hammer. [n.d.].
Fraser, P. He Chewed His Label. Drama. January 29, 1943.
Fraser, P. Snakes and Ladders. Theatre Time. March 3, 1942.
Fraser, P. Sweethearts and Wives. Drama. January 8, 1943.
Fraser, W.D. Hat in the Ring #1. Halifax Theatre. April 6, 1957.
Fraser, W.D. Hat in the Ring #3. Halifax Theatre. April 20, 1957.
French, D. The Burning of Andrew MacNorran. On Camera. March 31, 1956.
French, David. Song and Dance. Nite Cap Drama. December 14, 1965.
French, J.M. Famous Battles of Canada. Chateauguay. March, 1937.
Freshley, M. Sauce for the Gander. June 16, 1938.
Friedlander, Neville. Anniversary of a Tea-Party. [n.d.].
Friends For Christmas. CBL Trans Canada Network. Toronto. December 25, 1950.
Fruttero, C. Mirabell. Radio – Prairie Playhouse. October 14, 1960.
Fruterro, Carlo. The Memory Machine. Adaptation by Robert Rietty. Midweek Theatre. March 7, 1966.
Fruttero, Carlo and Lucentini, Franco. The Memory Machine. Midweek Theatre. T/C Net. Wednesday March 2, 1966.
Fry, P. Call Me George. TV-GM Theatre. May 13, 1958.
Fuller, G.R. High Dawn. July 31, 1941.
Fulton, B. Far Beyond Signal Hill. A.M. Chronicle. June 26, 1956.
Furie, S. Man on the Roof. Ford Theatre. April 29, 1955.
Furie, S.J. The Runaways. TV Theatre. March 4, 1958.
Gagnon, M. Depth 300. TV-GM Presents. October 26, 1958.
Galsworthy, John. The Pigeon. Sunday One Hour Drama. May 11, 1941.
Galsworthy, John. Old English. [n.d.].
Galsworthy, John. Strife. Great Plays. April 14, 1940.
Galloway, M. Ninety-Nine Times Round the Block. CBC TV Theatre. June 2, 1957.
Reel 34
Gamble, H.E. At the Edge of the Sea – A Fantasy and a Monologue.
Gamble, H.E. From What Deep Wells. Drama. June 17, 1942.
Gamble, H.E. In Freedom’s Name. Winnipeg. [n.d.].
Gamble, H.E. Supermen. [n.d.].
Gard, R. Twelve-Foot Davis. Radio – Tales the Prairie Tells. May 20, 1960.
Gard, R.E. Johnny Dunn. Radio – Tales the Prairie Tells. June 3, 1960.
Gard, R.E. The Saga of Bob Edwards #1. September 12, 1949.
Gard, R.E. The Saga of Bob Edwards #2. September 19, 1949.
Gard, R.E. The Saga of Bob Edwards #3. September 26, 1949.
Gard, R.E. The Saga of Bob Edwards #4. October 3, 1949.
Gard, R.E. The Saga of Bob Edwards #5. October 10, 1949.
Gard, R.E. The Saga of Bob Edwards #6. October 17, 1949.
Gard, R.E. What We Say. Winnipeg. September 17, 1953.
Garner, H. Aftermath. TV-GM Presents.
Garner, H. The Father. On Camera. February 10, 1958.
Garner, H. The Magnet. TV - First Person. June 15, 1960.
Garner, H. Some Are so Lucky. On Camera. December 17, 1956.
Garner, H. Some Are so Lucky. TV - First Person. August 17, 1960. Continues on Reel 35.
Reel 35
Garner, H. A Trip For Mrs. Taylor. TV – On Camera. June 3, 1957.
Garner, Hugh. Two By Garner. Midweek Theatre. November 10, 1965.
Garstang, Tremain. The Eyes of a Poet. [n.d.].
Garth, C. The Delicate Deal. TV – GM Presents. November 7, 1958.
Gaunt, J. The Green Turquoise. Vancouver, Theatre Time. May 27, 1940
Gaunt, John. Adam and Eve on a Raft. Theatre Time. [n.d.].
Gaunt, John. The Man Who Went Back. Vancouver. Theatre Time. November 5, 1940.
Gaunt, John. War in the Pacific.
Episodes 1-11, followed by named episodes, 12. The Lost Isle of Malua. April 24,1942; 13.From Sea to Sea. May 1, 1942; 14.Silent Guerilla. May 8, 1942; 15. Bend Sinister. May 15, 1942; 16.Liberty March. May 22, 1942; 17. The Headhunters. May 29, 1942; 18. Item: One Englishman. June 5, 1942.
Reel 36
Gaunt, John. This England – The Commonwealth. April 14, 1941.
Gaunt, J. This England – The Drake’s Drum. January 24, 1941.
Gaunt, John. This England – The Garden of England. April 4, 1941.
Gaunt, J. This England – The Lights O’London. January 31, 1941.
Gaunt, J. This England – The Shackles Fall. March 21, 1941.
Gaunt, J. This England – The Sword and the Flame. February 7, 1941.
Gaunt, J. This England – They that Ride the Storm. February 21, 1941.
Gaunt, J. This England – The Unknown Soldier. March 7, 1941.
Gaunt, J. This England – The Vision. April 10, 1941.
Gaunt, J. This England – The Vigil. March 27, 1941.
Geiger, Milton E.H. The Twilight Shore.
Geiger, Milton E.M. In The Fog. Plays in Miniature. April 15, 1942.
General Wolfe. [n.d.].
Ghraham (?), Joe. Power by Proxy. GM Presents. June 25, 1961. This may be on Reel 39.
Ghelderode, Michel de. Christopher Columbus. Shoestring Theatre. Parts I and II, 9 and 16 Jan. 1966
Giddy, H. Congo Landing. [n.d.].
Giddy, H. In The Shadow. Naval War Drama. November 10, 1937.
Giddy, H. The Queen at Lochleven. [n.d.].
Gielgud, Val. The Marseillaise. June 21, 1936.
Gielgud, Val. We Shall Remember Them. Armistice Day, 1933.
Gilbert, A. My Guess Would be Murder. CBC -TV Theatre. June 16, 1957.
Gilbert and Sullivan. The Gondoliers. Festival. November 19, 1962.
Gilbert and Sullivan. The Grande Duke. Radio. March 4, 1934.
Gilbert and Sullivan. HMS Pinafore. [n.d.].
Gilbert and Sullivan. Iolanthe. Radio.
Gilbert and Sullivan. The Mikado. Radio. February 28, 1937.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Patience. Radio. [n.d.].
Gilbert and Sullivan. The Pirates of Penzance. CBC Folio. May 13, 1956.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Ruddigore. Radio. [n.d.].
Gilbert and Sullivan. The Sorcerer. Radio. March 18, 1934.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Utopia. Radio. February 18, 1934.
Gilbert and Sullivan. Yeoman of the Guard. Radio. [n.d.].
Gilbert and Sullivan. The Mikado. Festival. October 2, 1963.
Gilchrist, T. The Carpenter. Vancouver. December 29, 1953.
Reel 37
Gilchrist, T. The Case of the Dying Legend. Vancouver. June 27, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Case of the Vanishing Seaman. Vancouver. August 6, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Drums of Whangaroa. Vancouver. September 12, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Ear of Captain Jenkins. Vancouver. July 4, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Eyes of Stormy Grey. Vancouver. September 19, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Fugitive of the Faradon. Vancouver. September 15, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Lost Ships. Vancouver. August 1, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Midnight Leadsman. Vancouver. August 22, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Passing Ship. Vancouver. September 26, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. Prisoner of the Arctic. Vancouver. February 9, 1954.
Gilchrist, T. The Red Hand of Ulster. Vancouver. July 11. 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Return. Vancouver. August 15, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Road to the Isles. Vancouver. May 30, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Scarf of Shame. Vancouver. July 25, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Tale of the Modern Stormalong. Vancouver. July 18, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. The Tale of the Phantom Trip. Vancouver. August 8, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. Tales of the Seven Seas #1 - The Pilgrimage. Vancouver. June 14, 1951.
Gilchrist, T. Tales of the Seven Seas #2 - Out of Defeat. Vancouver. June 21, 1951.
Gilchrist, T. Tales of the Seven Seas #3 - Dawn Alibi. Vancouver. June 28, 1951.
Gilchrist, T. Tales of the Seven Seas #4 - Appointment With Fear. Vancouver. July 5, 1951.
Gilchrist, T. Tales of the Seven Seas #5 - The Red Ima Tang. Vancouver. July 12, 1951.
Reel 38
Gilchrist, T. Tales of the Seven Seas #6 - Account Rendered. Vancouver. July 19, 1951.
Gilchrist, T. Tales of the Seven Seas #7 - Hurricane. Vancouver. July 26, 1951.
Gilchrist, T. The Teardrop of Tarina. Vancouver. August 29, 1953.
Gilchrist, T. Tightrope. Point Counterpoint. August 24, 1956.
Gilchrist, T. The White Captive of Nootka. Radio Playhouse. Vancouver. August 12, 1956.
Gilford, C.B. Heaven Can Wait. Adaptation by John Clement. The Unforseen. December 2, 1959.
Gilliam, Laurence. August 4, 1914. Armistice Day Programme. November 11, 1937.
Gilliam, L and Morrow, H.L. Twelve Months Back. A Radio Retrospect of 1936. January 6, 1937.
Gilpatrick, Guy. The Hungint of the Haggis. Adaptation by Tommy Tweed. December 31, 19–.
Gilroy, F. Ten Grapefruits to Lisbon. TV-GM Presents. December 18, 1960.
Gittings, Robert. The Party at Haydons. Winnipeg. December 17, 1953.
Glennon, J. The Movie Star. CBC-TV Theatre. March 31, 1957.
Glennon, John. The Big Wheel. TV-Playdate. January 24, 1962.
Gogol, Nikolai. Gamblers. Adaptation by Peter Donat. Quartet. [n.d.].
Goldsmith, O. The Vicar of Wakefield. Episodes 1, 2, 3 and 4. [n.d.].
Good, E.E. Cave-In. On Camera. January 6, 1958.
Good Intentions – A Broadcast on Resolutions for 1938. January 1, 1938.
Goodhart, E.W. Skyscraper. [n.d.].
Gordon, J.E. and Sieveking, L. The Peaslake Crash. CBC Dramatic Hour. Radio. [n.d.].
Gorrie, J. The Pebble Beach. Mid-Week Theatre. March 24, 1965.
Reel 39
Gourlay, E. Narrow is the Margin. Prairie Playhouse. October 17, 1957.
Gourlay, Elizabeth. When Stars were Right. Prairie Playhouse. October 16, 1958.
Gowan, Elsie Park. Altar of the Moon. January and February 1941.
Gowon, E.P. The Blue Heron. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. June 25, 1959.
Gowon, E.P. Breeches From Bond Street. Winnipeg. March 26, 1953.
Gowon, E.P. Bump on a Log. Winnipeg. June 4, 1953.
Gowon, E.P. and D. Wilson. Burning Their Bridges Behind Them. Halifax Theatre. January 17, 1956.
Gowon, E. P. Clementine Steps in. [n.d.].
Gowon, E.P. The Eagle of Oregon. Theatre Time. November 18, 1941.
Gowon, E.P. Enter the Marquis. Winnipeg. July 3, 1939.
Gowon, E.P. Garibaldi Remembers. Vancouver. Theatre Time. May 6, 1941.
Gowon, E.P. Family Reunion. Theatre Time. September 9, 1941.
Gowon, E.P. Love Story. Drama. August 13, 1943.
Gowan, Elsie Park. Maestro. Vancouver, Theatre Time. April 27, 1942.
Gowon, E.P. Maestro Inspite of Himself. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 7, 1959.
Gowon, E. P. The Men in the News. Winnipeg. March 12, 1941.
Gowon, E.P. The Pirate of Peace River. Radio. Halifax Theatre. May 18, 1954.
Gowon, E.P. Raleigh, Prophet of Empire. Theatre Time. June 24, 1940.
Gowon, E.P. Souvenir For Suzanne. Theatre Time. March 26, 1941.
Gowon, E.P. Stagecoach Bride. On Camera. November 19, 1956.
Gowon, E.P. The Unquiet Spirit. Vancouver. August 17, 1954.
Graffe, R. de. The Naughty Mrs. Kildare. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. March 22, 1960.
Graffe, R. de. Night Song. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 30, 1959.
Graffe, R. de. Time Will Tell. Winnipeg Drama. July 18, 1957.
Graffe, R. de. Tomorrow is Mine. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 21, 1958.
Grant, M. Destiny Delayed. Toronto. March 15, 1939.
Grannan, M.E. Magic in Spring. April 6, 1944.
Reel 40
Graham, Gwethalyn. Access. Festival II. May 23 and 24, 1966.
Gray, John. Chevalier Johnstone. [n.d.].
Gray, John. The Enemy. [n.d.].
Gray, John. The Forerunner. [n.d.].
Gray, John. The Glove. [n.d.].
Gray, John. The Ledge. [n.d.].
Gray, John. The Lost Boy. [n.d.].
Gray, John. Miss Geraldine. [n.d.].
Gray, John. Miss Hanago. Associated Television of Great Britain. November 22, 1964. Note: All that is available may be a book form.
Gray, John. To Whom it May Concern. [n.d.].
The Great Family. Christmas Day 1935. December 25, 1935.
Green, Aubrey C. The Bride’s Best Man. Winnipeg Drama. May 19, 1955.
Green, Aubrey C. Cold and Bitter Tea. Midweek Theatre. July 14, 1954.
Green, Aubrey C. Portrait of An Artist. Winnipeg Drama. March 19, 1953.
Greene, J.L. Thanks to Mr. Shakespeare. [n.d.].
Green, P & A. The Survivor. Winnipeg. May 6, 1954.
Greenaway, T. and Rex. The Time Clock. Also A Book of Matches. Winnipeg. May 13, 1954.
Grey, E. At Twelve Midnight.
Grey, E. A Bargain’s a Bargain.
Grey, Earle. A Cabinet Discussion and The Clinger. [n.d.].
Grey, E. The Crystal Gazer. July 15, 1943.
Grey, E. Glimpse of the Moon. CBC Drama Hour. [n.d.].
Grey, E. Expectation. Dramas from the Bible. December 6, 1942.
Grey, E. The Goddess Fortune. Winnipeg. April 2, 1941.
Grey, E. The Godsend. Vancouver Drama. October 4, 1940.
Grey, E. Imperial Robes. [n.d.].
Grey, E. Lifting Clouds. ( synopsis) [n.d.].
Grey, E. A Man of God. Dramas from the Bible. November 29, 1942.
Grey, E. The Mission. Play of the Week. November 24, 1942. Continues on Reel 41.
Reel 41
Grey, Earle. The Morning. Half an Hour With Mr. Jones. January 8, 1942.
Grey, Earle. Imagination. [n.d.].
Grey, Earle. A Man of Love. Dramas from the Bible. November 22, 1942.
Grey, Earle. The Man Who Saved his People. Dramas from the Bible. November 15, 1942.
Grey, Earle. Points of View. CBC Drama Hour. Toronto. [n.d.].
Grey, Earle. Postman’s Knock. March 18, 1943.
Grey, Earle. The Presentation. July 15, 1943.
Grey, E. Stick Up To Your Last. Everyman Theatre. September 11, 1940.
Griffiths, Leo. A Fear of Strangers. Show of the Week. May 9, 1966.
The Brothers Grimm. Sleeping Beauty. Magic Carpet Series. January 31, 1943.
The Brothers Grimm. The Golden Hairs. Magic Carpet Series. November 1, 1942.
Grimrod, J. The Merchant. Foreign Drama.
Grove, F.P. Fruits of the Earth. Summerstage. September 15, 1957.
Grove, F.P. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Our Daily Bread #1. Winnipeg Drama. October 4, 1956.
Grove, F.P. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Our Daily Bread #2. Winnipeg Drama. October 11, 1956.
Grove, F.P. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Our Daily Bread #3. Winnipeg Drama. October 18, 1956.
Grove, F.P. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Our Daily Bread #4. Winnipeg Drama. October 25, 1956.
Grove, F.P. Settlers of the Marsh. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Prairie Playhouse. February 23, 1956.
Grove, F.P. Settlers of the Marsh #1. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Prairie Playhouse. February 9, 1956.
Grove, F.P. Settlers of the Marsh #2. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Prairie Playhouse. February 16, 1956.
Grupsmith, M. Gentleman From America. TV - The Unforseen. December 18, 1958.
Guevas, E. The Counselor. Shoestring Theatre. November 8, 1964.
Guitry, Sacha. Villa for Sale. [n.d.].
Hackday, H. Master-Used-to-Be. TV – The Unforseen. October 9, 1958.
Hagotzy, Jack P. The Gunman. P.C.G. On Camera. March 19, 1955.
Hailey, A. Course for Collision. TV – CBC TV Theatre. April 21, 1957.
Hailey, A. Death Minus One. TV – Theatre. January 28, 1958.
Hailey, A. Epitaph at Little Buffalo. TV - GM Theatre. April 22, 1958.
Reel 42
Hailey, A. Flight into Danger. TV V GM Presents. April 3, 1956.
Hailey, A. Time Clock. TV – 1st Performance. October 3, 1956.
Hailey, A. The Troubled Heart. TV – Playdate. February 21, 1962.
Hailey, Arthur. Seeds of Power. First Performance. October, 1957.
Hailey, A. Shadow of Suspicion. CBC TV – Theatre. September 30, 1956.
Hall, W. Final at Furnell. TV – 1st Person. June 22, 1960.
Hall, W. The Gentle Knight. Halifax Theatre. April 27, 1957.
Hallman, Eugene. Quartet for a Storm. Radio – Stage 54. March 28, 1954. Continues on Reel 43.
Reel 43
Hambleton, R. The Living Post. Producers Workshop. [n.d.].
Hammil, J. Major Midnight. GM Theatre October 18, 1955.
Hampton, Christopher. Savages. 1974.
Hampton, Orville. The Scapegoat. “The Last of the Mohicans”. December 7, 1956.
Hanbury, W. Miss Dean. Winnipeg Drama. July 11, 1957.
Hanbury, W. Portrait of a Woman. “Of Liesel”. (Title Page Missing). [n.d.].
Hanbury, W. Portrait of a Woman #1. Montreal. August 8, 1954.
Hanbury, W. Portrait of a Woman #2. “Krista”. August 15, 1954.
Hanbury, W. Portrait of a Woman #3. “Two sides of a Tortoise”. Montreal. August 22, 1954.
Hanbruy, W. Portrait of a Woman #4. “Fancy’s Knell”. Montreal. August 29, 1954.
Hanbury, W. Portrait of a Woman #5. “Of Liesel”. Montreal. September 5, 1954.
Hanbury, W. Portrait of a Woman #6. “Of Cathie”. Montreal. September 12, 1954.
Hanbury, W. Portrait of a Woman #7. “Of Allison”. Montreal. September 19, 1954.
Hanbury, W. Ring Fancy’s Knell. July 27, 1950.
Hanbury, W. A Souvenir of Summer. Prairie Playhouse. February 2, 1956.
Hanbury, W. Portrait of a Woman. “A Souvenir of Summer”. Trans Canada. August 8, 1954.
Hanbury, W. Uncle Sam’s Favourite Nephew. Winnipeg Drama. June 9, 1955.
Hanbury, W. What Became of Allison Farrell. Prairie Playhouse. December 1, 1955.
Hanbury, W. The Yearning of Yesterday. Listening Room Only. July 12, 1949.
Hanley, William. Whisper in my Good Ear. Festival II. December 5, 1965.
Hanley, William. Today is Independence Day. Adaptation. Otto Lowy. Midweek Theatre.
Hangman’s House. General Motors Presents. March, 1959. November 16, 1966.
Hanlon, Brooke. Aman’s Own. CBC Summer Stage. September 8, 1938.
Hardy, T. The Three Strangers. TV – Teleplay (A. Allen). The Unforseen. November 20, 1958.
Reel 44
Hardy, Thomas. Adaptation by Max Schoub. Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Episodes 1-13. Montreal. August 5-October 28, 1956.
Harding. Ship Canal. [n.d.].
Hardy, W.G. The Beggar of UR. Vancouver. January 5, 1954.
Hardy, W.G. The Bull Grappler. Vancouver. July 19, 1954.
Hardy, W.G. The Spy. Vancouver. January 12, 1954.
Harris, A. Alberta’s Black Pioneer. Radio – Tales the Prairie Tells. June 17, 1960.
Harris, A. Blackfoot Country. P & G On Camera. February 25, 1956; Winnipeg. Prairie Playhouse. November 24, 1956
Harris, A. Bend With the Wind. Death has a Thousand Doors. CBC. August 9, 1956.
Harris, A. Death Has A Thousand Doors. Winnipeg. July 12, 1956.
Harris, A. A Desertic Place. Halifax Theatre. March 9, 1957.
Harris, A. Down a Lonely Road. Winnipeg Drama. March 7, 1957.
Harris, A. Drive-in. Death Has a Thousand Doors. Winnipeg. August 2, 1956. Continues on Reel 45.
Reel 45
Harris, A. Emergency Ward. Death Has A Thousand Doors. Winnipeg. August 16, 1956.
Harris, A. A Friend in Need. Death Has a Thousand Doors. Winnipeg. July 19, 1956.
Harris, A. The Future of the Past. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 14, 1961.
Harris, A. Help Wanted. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. June 16, 1961.
Harris, A. The Hollow. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 9, 1960.
Harris, A. The House My Father Built. Vancouver. May 16, 1952.
Harris, A. Image of Love. Playdate. May 1, 1964.
Harris, A. Mischief. Death Has a Thousand Doors. Winnipeg. July 26, 1956.
Harris, A. Nectar in a Teacup. Winnipeg. February 17, 1955.
Harris, A. The Night They Came. Prairie Playhouse. June 26, 1958.
Harris, A. Nightmare. TV – Playmate. January 10, 1962.
Harris, J.N. One of our Men is Guilty. GM Theatre. November 5, 1957. Note: See also reel 46
Harris, A. One Quiet Night. Death Has a Thousand Doors. Winnipeg. August 30, 1956.
Harris, A. Once Upon an Evening. Winnipeg Drama. February 28, 1957.
Harris, A. Run Boy Run. Prairie Playhouse. September 1, 1961.
Harris, A. Search the City Streets. Winnipeg. February 21, 1957.
Harris, A. Small Town Blues. Chinook Playhouse. July 19, 1955.
Harris, A. Somewhere Every Summer. GM Theatre. June 5, 1956. Continues on Reel 46.
Reel 46
Harris, A. The Swamp. Ford Theatre. March 30, 1955.
Harris, Alfred. The Swamp. On Camera. September 2, 1957.
Harris, A. Whodunit. Death Has A Thousand Doors. Winnipeg. August 13, 1956.
Harris, A. The Wonderful Robot. Prairie Playhouse. March 8, 1956.
Harris, Christie. Hallowe’en Fantasy. Ici Radio Canada. Vancouver. October 29, 1958.
Harris, Christie. A Christmas Stocking. [n.d.].
Harris, C. Hansel and Gretel. December 24, 19–.
Harris, C. Jane and the Skookum Chuck. Part III of the Trilogy. A Matchmaker. Vancouver. June 22, 1956.
Harris, Christie. A Madrigal of Spring. Ici Radio Canada. Vancouver. March 21, 1958.
Harris, C. Marj and the Little Cowboy. Part I of Trilogy. The Young Mother. Vancouver. June 8, 1956.
Harris, Christie. Nora and Destiny’s Day. Vancouver Theatre. May 15, 1956.
Harris, Christie. Princess Rosette. For The Children. June 8, 1940.
Harris, J.N. Goldmine in the House. On Camera. February 17, 1957. See also reel 45
Harris, N. Alf Chester. Halifax. June 1, 1957.
Harris, Neil. The Dream Unwinds. Winnipeg. November 1, 1956.
Harris, Neil. Mary Scott. Halifax. [n.d.].
Harris, N. Herb Pomeroy. Halifax Theatre. May 25, 1957.
Harris, Neil. The Dream Unwinds. Winnipeg. November 1, 1956.
Harris, Neil. The Beginning of Summer. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. March 20, 1958.
Harry Hopeful’s Day in the Dales. [n.d.].
Harris and Rollins. Drought. CBC Theatre. June 7, 1955.
Harrison, C.W. Mr. Wickard’s Wallet. TV. The Unforseen. June 24, 1959.
Hart, H. The Asylum. Quest Series. TV. October 8, 1961.
Hart, J. Main Street Album.
Harvey, W.F. August Heat. Adaptation. Howard Rodman. TV. The Unforseen. Nov. 18, 1959.
Harwood and Wrede. Private Potter. TV. Playdate. December 27, 1961.
Reel 47
Harvey, W.F. August Heat. Adaptation. H. Rodman. On Camera. January 8, 1955.
Haskins, Doug. The Devil and Nathaniel Webster. Halifax. February 26, 1953.
Haskins, D. The Devil You Say? Prairie Playhouse. March 29, 1956.
Haskins, Doug. Devotion. Prairie Playhouse. October 27, 1955.
Haskins, D. Devotion. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. October 7, 1960.
Haskins, D. If Youth Only Knew, and Age Only Could. Prairie Playhouse. October 20, 1955.
Haskins, D. In Place of the Spring. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 25, 1960.
Haskins, D. Mr. Big Time. Prairie Playhouse. November 3, 1955.
Haskins, D. Penelope and the Guardian Angels. Winnipeg Drama. May 12, 1955; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 28, 1961.
Haskins, D. A Piece of String. Winnipeg Drama. June 30, 1955.
Haskins, D. The Signal. Winnipeg. April 16, 1953, July 14, 1955.
Hatton, Charles. Fame Without Spur. Vancouver. March 6, 1953.
Hayes, P.L and Crean R.J. Come To Me. TV. Playdate. April 18, 1962.
Hayes, R. Make Believe. Proctor and Gamble. December 4, 1954.
Heath, M. Romantic Interlude. On Camera. July 1, 1957.
Heath, Phillip. The Garden. Summer Stage. September 25, 1966.
Heine, N. Interlude. Vancouver. October 21, 1955.
Hellington, M. Children of the Sun. TV. GM Theatre. June 10, 1958.
Hellington, M. The Dictator. GM Theatre. March 13, 1956. Continues on Reel 48.
Reel 48
Helliwell, P. To Where I Live. Drama. March 12, 1943.
Hemar, M. The Little Key. On Camera. December 31, 1956.
Hemar, M. Poor Man’s Miracle. Adaptation. R. Rietty. Radio. Summer Stage. July 31, 1960.
Hemar, Marian. The Key. TV. The Unforseen. December 25, 1958.
Hendry, Tom. Fifteen Miles of Broken Glass. Festival. March 23, 1966.
Hengesbaugh, J.R. Arena. On Camera. October 15, 1955.
Henry, V. Mother Was A Smuggler. Adaptation. G. Lefferts. On Camera. January 7, 1956.
Henshaw, D. Escalade. CBC Drama Hour. March 31, 1938.
Henshaw, Don. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Magic Carpet Series. December 27, 1942.
Henshaw, Don. Alladin and his Wonderful Lamp. Magic Carpet Series. December 20, 1942.
Henshaw, Don. The City of Brass. Magic Carpet Series. January 24, 1943.
Hermans, W. Heinrich Heine. Radio Sketch.[n.d.].
Hersch, Phillip. Masters in our own House. Show of the Week Series. March 26, 1965.
Hersch, Phillip. Prelude. Show of the Week Series. November 20, 1964.
Hersch, Phillip. Then and Now. October 20, 1964.
Hill, A. The London Girl. Vancouver. December 8, 1953.
Hill, F. The Tinder Box. The Magic Carpet Series. October 11, 1942.
Hill, F. Mother Elder. Winnipeg. Once Upon A Time Series. October 30, 1939.
Hill, Fitzmaurice. Adaptation. Hans Christian Andersen. The Fir Tree. [n.d.].
Hill, Fitzmaurice. The Ice Maiden. The Magic Carpet Series. November 22, 1942.
Hill, F. King Thrushbeard. Magic Carpet Series. Toronto. October 25, 1942.
Hill, Fitzmaurice. The Little Soldier. Magic Carpet Series. October 4, 1942.
Hill, Fitzmaurice. Marie Antoinette, Her Tragic Love Story. [n.d.].
Hill, Fitzmaurice. Thumbling. (by the Brothers Grimm). October 18, 1942.
Hill, Kay. Treasure Fever. [n.d.].
Hill, K. The Million Dollar Valentine. Winnipeg. February 14, 1957.
Reel 49
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #1-7. Halifax. September 28-November 9, 1949.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. # 8-15. Halifax. December 28, 1949.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #18 - 21. Halifax. January 25, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #26 & 27. Halifax. March 22 and March 29, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #29, 30, 31, 32. Halifax. April 12, 19, 26 and May 3, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #33, 34, 35, 36. Halifax. May 10, 17, 24 & 31, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. # 37. Halifax. June 7, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. # 39. Halifax. June 21, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #40 & 41. Halifax. June 28 and July 5, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #42 & 43. Halifax. July 12 and 19, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #44. Halifax. July 26, 1950.
Hill, K. The People in Our Town. #45. Halifax. August 4, 1950.
Hill, K. A Pinch of Snuff. Halifax Theatre. December 1, 1956.
Hill, K. Royal Visit. Halifax. [n.d.].
Hill, K. Treasure Fever. Halifax Theatre. March 20, 1956.
Hill, K. Three to Get Married. On Camera. February 17, 1958; GM Presents. January 1, 1961.
Hill, Kay. The Million Dollar Valentine. Winnipeg. February 14, 1957.
Hill, Kay. Happy New Year, Mrs. Petonsall. Halifax. December 20, 1953.
Hiller, A. Night in Harbour. P & G On Camera. January 29, 1955.
Hilton, J. & B. Burnham. And Now Goodbye. From the novel by James Hilton. N.d.
Hilton, J. Goodbye Mr. Chips. August 11, 1938.
Hirson, R.O. A Wicked, Wicked Woman. Playdate. December 7, 1962.
Hochwaelder, Fritz. The Public Prosecutor. Playdate. February 26, 1963. See also reel 50
Hogg, W. & W. Ritchie. (CBL Newsroom staff). Blood Donor Jones. November 6, 19–.
Reel 50
Hochwaelder, Fritz. The Public Prosecutor. TV. CBC Folio. N.d.
Holder, W.G. Mr. Gilfoote Drops a Line. [n.d.].
Holland, A.D. The Director. Halifax Theatre. February 28-29, 1956.
Holland, Norman and Paul Slocumb. The Vacant Chair. On Camera. December 16, 1957.
Holmes, Lyall. The Spirit of Christmas. [n.d.].
Holmes, Lyall and W. Dales. God’s in His Heaven. Winnipeg. Dramatic Series. July 10, 1939.
Hollywood, 1941. Victory Loan Broadcast. May 30, 1941.
Holmes, Lyall. November the Eleventh. [n.d.].
Honeysuckle Cottage. Vancouver Theatre. June 24, 1955.
Hood, Hugh. Friends and Relations. The Play’s the Thing. December 3, 4, 5, 1973.
Hope, Anthony. The Dolly Dialogues. Vancouver. February 27, 1953.
Hopkins, J. A Game-Like-Only-a-Game. Festival. [n.d.].
Horspool, Maurice. Apprenticeship. Winnipeg Drama. December 9, 1954.
Horspool, M. Goodbye to Grizelda. Drama. May 7, 1943.
Horspool, M. The Hidden Spring. Drama. June 11, 1943.
Horspool, M. Moment of Inertia. Winnipeg Drama. December 6, 1954.
Horwood, A. Atlantic Ferry. [n.d.].
Hosie, Herb. The Day the White Fox Came. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 2, 1962.
Hosie, H. The Bunker. Vancouver. February 24, 1956.
Hosie, H. The Man Who Knew a Good Thing. Vancouver. January 11, 1957; TV. First Person. July 13, 1960.
Hosie, H. The Mum, The Sah, The Berserker. Vancouver Theatre. May 24, 1957.
Hosie, Herb. The Stone Boat. Playdate. April 5, 1963; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 23, 1962.
Hosie, H. The Crime. Vancouver Theatre. November 2, 1956.
Hosie, H. Venice Libretto. TV. First Person. December 28, 1960.
Hosie, H. The Naming of the Blossom. Vancouver Theatre. April 5, 1957. Continues on Reel 51.
Housman, Lawrence. Consider Your Verdict. [n.d.].
Reel 51
Hough, D. Mr. Charles. TV. Unforseen. November 27, 1958.
Houghton, Gabrielle. If the Walls Could Talk. September 16, 1943.
Household, G. The Hut. Winnipeg Drama. June 20, 1957.
Houghton, G. Rabbit’s Foot. [n.d.].
Howard, W.R. Wheel’s Amidships. Vancouver. June 20, 1953.
Hughes, Isabelle. Return By Moonlight. [n.d.].
Hughes, D. No. 16 Sycamore Street. June 24, 1941.
Hughes, Dean. Racketeers. Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. July 15, 1941.
Hugo, Victor. Ruy Blas. Winnipeg. July 19, 1939.
Humphries, Mrs. A.L. The School at Waterhen Island #3. Winnipeg. December 3, 1953.
Humphreys, Ruth. No Trouble at All. On Camera. June 4, 1956.
Humphreys, Ruth. Mother is a Boy’s Best Friend. Halifax Theatre. January 19, 1957.
Hurley, J. Reville Pass. Drama. June 3, 1942.
Hurley, J.J. Danse Macabre. [n.d.].
Hurley, J. Turn Down an Empty Glass.
Hurley, Jeff. The Englishman. Everyman Theatre Series. Winnipeg. August 3, 1939.
Ibsen, Henrick. The Master Builder. Disb. Festival. October 16, 1964.
Ibsen, H. The Wild Duck. Adaptation. Alvin Goldman. Festival. December 18, 1962.
Ibsen, Henrik. Doll’s House. Adaptation. Drew Crosson. Bank of Canada Series. September 27, 1955.
Ionesco, Eugene. The New Tenant. Playdate. February 12, 1963.
Immortal Drama. N.d.
Ireland, J.W. Strike, Counterstrike. Radio. Late Night Theatre. July 11, 1963. (Continues on Reel 52 52)
Reel 52
The Iron Cross. Halifax Theatre. Radio. August 28, 1958.
Isles, P. Lal-Chal, Churigi and Chowdra. Radio Play.
Israel, Charles E. The Labrinth. Festival. June 12, 1963.
Israel, C. Angelino. Ford Theatre. May 4, 1955.
Israel, C. The Doll. CBC-TV Theatre. February 24, 1957.
Israel, C. Kunuk’s Revenge. Toronto. June 22, 1954.
Israel, C. The Lake of Healing. Toronto. June 8, 1954.
Israel, C. The Mark. December 12, 1954.
Israel, C. Never Had it so Good. Stage 55 (Item 7). Toronto. November 7, 1954.
Israel, C. Prophecy at Dawn. Summer Stage. Toronto. July 18, 1954.
Israel, C. Ruth. Religious Drama. September 20, 1955.
Israel, C. Who Sows the Wind. GM Presents. November 18, 1960.
Israel, C. Maeva and the Prince. Toronto. May 25, 1954. Continues on Reel 53.
Reel 53
Israel, C.E. Maeva and the Prince. Summer Stage. June 19, 1955.
Israel, C.E. The Mark. CBC Theatre. July 5, 1955.
Israel, C. Let Me Count the Ways. Festival. October 23, 1964.
Israel, C.E. Moment of Violence. CBC Stage. November 27, 1955.
Jack, Donald. A Case of Fraud. On Camera. January 20, 1958.
Jack, D. The Looking Glass World. TV. Playdate. October 11, 1962.
Jack, D. The Monument. TV. The Unforseen. November 6, 1958.
Jack, D. Music in the Wall. TV. GM Presents. May 8, 1960.
Jack, D. The Proof Machine. TV. On Camera. April 14, 1958.
Jack, D. Underminded. February 8, 1959.
Jack, D. The Beard. TV. On Camera. March 17, 1958.
Jackson, C. The Man Who Liked Dickens. TV. On Camera. April 8, 1957.
Jackson, F.D. Power to Destroy. TV. GM Presents. September 21, 1958.
Jacob, M. Where the Birds Sing. Radio. Summer Stage. June 9, 1963.
Jacot, Michael. The House of Madame de Jacqueminet. On Camera. June 16, 1956. See also Reel 54
Reel 54
Jacobson, P. No Time for Pity. Radio Drama. May 27, 1942.
Jacobson, P.N. Ridiculous and Sublime. [n.d.].
Jacobson, Stan. Adaptation of Trial of Josef Brodsky. Eye Opener Series. February 13, 1965.
Jacot, M. Love is Another Land. TV. Playdate. December 13, 1961. See also Reel 53.
Jacot, M. Rehearsal For Invasion. TV. GM Presents. January 17, 1960.
James, H. The Liar. Adaptation. Howard Merill. P & G On Camera. February 19, 1955.
James, L.G. Operation Briggs. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. June 11, 1955.
Janisch, G. The Jumble Sale. [n.d.].
Jasmin, Claude. Les Mains Vides. Jeudi Theatre.
Jeans, H.R. Beware Influalgia. A Comedy Fantasy. May 2, 1937.
Jeans, H.R. The Colonel’s Been Murdered at Last. Theatre Time. January 24, 1940.
Jeans, H.R. The English Love Music. [n.d.].
Jeans, H.R. Five Hundred Thousand Dogs Went to Town. Theatre Time. April 1, 1940.
Jeans, H.R. Goodnight, New World. Pacific Playhouse. December 16, 1942.
Jeans, H.R. Further Outlook Warmer. A Radio Comedy. [n.d.].
Jens, Walter. Ahasver. Adaptation. Otto Lowy. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. June 30, 1961.
Johnson, D. Double Exposure. Drama. May 20, 1942.
Johnson, Greer. The Guest Room. On Camera. January 21, 1957.
Johnson, P.H. Corinth House. TV Folio. [n.d.].
Johnston, Denis. Orpheus and His Lute. [n.d.].
Jonas, G. Tell His Majesty....... Radio Play. Summer Stage. August 20, 1967.
Jones, J.T. Action at the Bunch of Grapes. Toronto. July 15, 1954; Winnipeg. June 4, 1953.
Jones, J.T. Operation Bunch of Grapes. Winnipeg. June 11, 195-.
Jonson, Ben. Volpone. CBC Wednesday Night. November 2, 1955.
Jordan, Jean Paul. Altered Course. Halifax Theatre. March 30, 1954.
Jordan, J.P. The New Entry. Halifax. December 8, 1953. Continues on Reel 55.
Reel 55
Jordan, M. A Boy, A Girl, A Dog. [n.d.].
Jordan, M. Dear Allergy! [n.d.].
Jordan, M. Mrs. Sergeant Flynn. Play of the Week. October 13, 1942.
Jordan, M. Love is Everywhere.
Jordan, M. The Psychology of Indifference. [n.d.].
Jordan, M. The Three Volunteers.
Jordan, Marjorie. Meet the Prince. CBC Drama Hour. January 4, 1942.
Joseph, E.C. A One - Track Mind. August 5, 1942.
Joudry, P. Bitter Gold. Shoestring Theatre. November 7, 1965.
Joudry, P. Corrida. Vancouver Theatre. February 15, 1957.
Joudry, P. Gift of Truth. GM Presents. May 19, 1961.
Joudry, Patricia. Happy is the Day. December 14, 1952.
Joudry, Patricia. Mother is Watching. Stage 53 (Item 9). Toronto. November 23, 1952.
Joudry, P. The Painted Blind. GM Theatre. February 14, 1956.
Joudry, P. The Storm. Winnipeg. October 22, 1953.
Joudry, P. Teach Me How to Cry. Toronto. Trans Canada Network. April 19, 1953.
Joudry, Patricia. Thatcher Place. Stage 53 (Item 27). Toronto. March 29, 1953.
Joudry, P. Women’s Point of View. On Camera. July 8, 1957.
Joudry, P. Valerie. TV Playdate. October 18, 1961.
Jourdy, P. Child of the Cliffs. CBC Stage Playbill 15. CBL Trans Canada Network. January 15, 1956. (Possibly not here but on Reel 63 and / or Reel 138)
Juirs, S. Nicette. Adaptation. Audrey Piggott. Vancouver. February 20, 1953.
Junkin, H. The Enchanted Sod. Winnipeg. June 12, 1939.
Junkin, Harry. Long Distance. Vancouver. January 25, 1957. Continues on Reel 56.
Reel 56
Jupp, K. Blue and White. Playdate. November 23, 1962.
Jupp, K. My Representative. TV Playdate. January 3, 1962.
Juttner, Irene. The Clock Strikes In. [n.d.].
Juttner, I. No Christmas Please. December 17, 19–.
Juttner, Irene. Poison Flowers. [n.d.].
Kalb, J. Gamblers. On Camera. April 7, 1956.
Kalmer, B. The Exiles. December 15, 1942.
Kavanach, A. Birthday Party. CBC-TV Theatre. June 23, 1957.
Kean, A.D. The Hand Logger. [n.d.].
Kean, A.D. Thar’ She Blows! (Whaling).
Kearns, M. The Strange Experiment of Dr. Kane.
Kellett, W. No Other Way. CBC. Winnipeg. February 19, 1953.
Kemp, Hugh. Company Party. TV. GM Presents. June 4, 1961.
Kemp, Hugh. The Company Party. Summer Stage. August 28, 1967.
Kemp, H. Life With Adam. Stage 46. Radio. April 28, 1946; Winnipeg. July 17, 1954.
Kemp, H. Pastures of Plenty. Playdate. November 8, 1963.
Kemp, H. Mask of Beauty. Winnipeg. June 12, 1954.
Kemp, H. Mr. Mallory Leaves the Office. Stage 46. TV. June 16, 1946.
Kemp, H. The Outsize. Play of the Week. October 20, 1942.
Kemp, H. The Piper of St. James. GM Theatre. April 24, 1956.
Kemp, Hugh. Waltzing Matilda. Stage 53 (Item 10). Toronto. November 30, 1952.
Kemp, H. What Ever Happened to Jeremiah Goodwin. Show of the Week. April 22, 1965. Continues on Reel 57.
Reel 57
Kemp, Hugh. You May See a Stranger. Stage 55 (Item 32). Toronto. May 1, 1955.
Kemp, R. The Two Mice. [n.d.].
Kennedy, L. Murder Story. Adaptation. Leslie Duncan. GM Theatre. November 9, 1954.
Kennedy, M. Mercy Fight. [n.d.].
Kennedy, M. This Wise Man. (A Christmas Fantasy).
Kennedy, M. Two Legends. Theatre Time. [n.d.].
Kennington, A. A Scrap of Paper. Winnipeg. October 1, 1954.
Kenyon, F.W. Automatic Justice. Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. February 26, 1942.
Kenyon, F.W. Crooked Business. Vancouver. June 18, 1943.
Kenyon, F.W. Crooked Romance. [n.d.].
Kenyon, F.W. Jealousy Story. [n.d.].
Kenyon, F.W. Miss Robin Hood. Theatre Time. August 18, 1942.
Kenyon, F.W. The Prime Minister Plays Detective. [n.d.].
Kenyon, F.W. Thirteen Isn’t Unlucky. Drama. June 4, 1943.
Kerouac, Jack. On The Road. Adaptation. Norman Klenman. TV. Quest. January 28, 1962.
Kilty, Jerome. Dear Liar. Playdate. [n.d.].
King, Alan. The Executioner of Caverley. CBC Stage. January 22, 1956.
King, A. The Four Corners: [n.d.]
1. Suspended Sentence; 2. The Mirror of Truth; 3. Portrait of the Father; 4. The Dishonored Castle; 5. For Services Rendered; 6. Quiet Ending; 7. Mr. Buxton; 8. Lead On, Sir Francis
9. The Looser; 10. Lost Spring; 11. The Governor’s Tea Set; 12. At the Sign of the Golden Ram
13. The Four Corners Revealed
King, A. The Girl–Queen of the World’s End. Adaptation for Radio. Magic Carpet Series. Toronto. December 13, 1942.
King, A. A Name to Remember #1 - Mary Stewart. July 4, 1949.
Reel 58
King, A. A Name to Remember #2 - Benvenuto Cellini. July 11, 1949.
King, A. A Name to Remember #3 - Carry Nation. July 18, 1949.
King, A. A Name to Remember #4 - Roger Casement. July 25, 1949.
King, A. A Name to Remember #5 - Flora MacDonald. August 1, 1949.
King, A. A Name to Remember #6 - Benedict Arnold. August 8, 1949.
King, A. A Name to Remember #7 - Lady Godiva. August 15, 1949.
King, A. A Name to Remember #8 - Dick Turpin. August 22, 1949.
King, A. A Name to Remember #9 - Emma Hamilton. August 29, 1949.
King, A. A Name to Remember #10 - Paris. September 5, 1949.
King, A. New Bridge. January, 1943.
King, A. The Open Door. # 1, 2, 5 & 6.
King, A. The Open Door. # 8 to #13.
King, A. Princess Ida. [n.d.].
King, Alan. Pygmalion and Galatea. Winnipeg. June 24, 1954.
King, A. The Treasure They Guard.
King, Alan. Dick Turpin. Winnipeg. March 26, 1954.
King, A. and Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint. Series III, No. 3. April 21, 1956.
King, A. and Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint. Series III, No. 5. May 5, 1956.
King, A. and Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint. Series III, No. 6. May 12, 1956.
King, A. and Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint. Series III, No. 6. May 19, 1956.
King, A. and Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint. Series III, No. 8. June 4, 1955. (Duplicate on Reel 59?)
King, A. And Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint. Series III, No. 11. June 16, 1956.
Kipling, Rudyard. Gloriana. Adaptation. Ralph Sneyd. July 28, 1938.
Reel 59
King, A. and Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint. Series II, No. 8. June 4, 1955.
King, A. and Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint. Series II, No. 10. June 18, 1955.
King, A. and Morse, B. A Touch of Greasepaint #27. Toronto. November 18, 1954.
Kinner, G.A. The Tay Bridges. Revised by Alan Melville. Transmitted. January 5, 1939.
Kitchin, Laurence. The Man who Wanted to Know How to Shudder. Winnipeg. April 30, 1953.
Kittermaster, A.M. In The Good Time. TV. Playdate. October 25, 1961.
Knight, E. The Old General. Adaptation. G. Lefferts. Halifax Theatre. March 23, 1957.
Knowles, D. The Customer is Always Right. Prairie Playhouse. September 13, 1956; On Camera. February 11, 1957.
Knox, A. Mr. & Mrs. Harmon. Festival. [n.d.].
Knox, Olive. Mrs. Minister. Winnipeg Drama. January 3, 1957.
Knox, Olive. Red River Cavalcade. Prairie Playhouse. April 12, 1956.
Knox, O. Red River Cavalcade Pt. 2. Prairie Playhouse. May 31, 1956.
Koch, E. A War for Survival #1 - Judgement at Ancaster. Explorations. September 21, 1961.
Koch, E. A War for Survival #2 - Mr. Madison’s War. Explorations. September 21, 1961.
Koch, E. A War for Survival #3 - Loyalty. Explorations. September 28, 1962.
Koch, Eric and Breen, Melwyn. The Ninety-Ninth Day. Playdate. February 8, 1963.
Koenig, Julian. Death Pulls No Strings. Ford Theatre. January 5, 1955.
Korman, M. The Quiet Life. P & G On Camera. March 28, 1955.
Komroff, M. The Greatest Belief of All. Adaptation. Andrew N. McLellan. A Christmas Radio Drama. April 23, 1943.
Kristiansen, Denny. Hotel Home. [n.d.].
Reel 60
Kreisel, Henry. The Rich Man. CBC Stage. December 4, 1955.
Kraft, H.S. The Bishops of Munster. Written for the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League.
Kroge, Helga. Break-Up. Festival. Disb. November 12, 1962.
Kummer, C. A Successful Calamity. Adaptation. Radcliffe. Radio Guild. July 2, 1930.
Kuper, Jack. Lost in a Crowd. General Motors Theatre. November 26, 1957.
Kuper, J. On a Street Car. On Camera. November 12, 1955.
Kuper, J. Cameos (The Palace). January 1, 1960.
Kuper, J. Street Music. On Camera. February 27, 1957; Prairie Playhouse. April 23, 1959.
Kuper, J. Street Music.
Kuper, J. Street Music. On Camera. February 25, 1957.
Kuper, J. The Sun my Eyes. General Motors Presents. February 7, 1960.
Kuper, J. Two From King Street. On Camera. June 3, 1957.
Kuper, Jack. The Wounded Soldier. Quest. April 22, 1962.
Lagerloff, Selma. The Outlaws. Script: Marion Waldman. Matinee Theatre. Winnipeg. November 13, 1963.
Laffan, K.B. Portrait of an Old Man. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 9, 1962.
Laidlow, M. Full Many a Flower. July 29, 1943.
Laidlow, M. The Thin Flame. May 13, 1943.
Laight, Fred Birth Place of a Colony. National School TV Series: Where History Was Made.
Laight, F. The Ninth Head. Winnipeg. August 5, 1954.
Reel 61
Lait, R. Beauty’s Summer Dead. Prairie Playhouse. March 1, 1956.
Lait, R. A Threat of Fear. January 21, 1957
Lair, R. Confession. Dry Run. September 22, 1955.
Lamb, M. The Dress. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. May 5, 1961.
Lambert, B. The Summer People. Radio. CBC Wednesday Night. May 24, 1961.
L’Ami, C.E. The Black Dog of Yorrow. Prairie Playhouse. [n.d.].
L’Ami, C.E. Drusilla’s Wooing. Prairie Playhouse. June 14, 1956.
L’Ami, C.E. The Fatalist. Winnipeg Drama. July 21, 1955.
L’Ami, C.E. The Mad Lady Caryll. Prairie Playhouse. June 7, 1956.
L’Ami, C.E. Adaptation. By U.L Silberrad. Tobiah the Dissenter. Prairie Playhouse. June 7-21, 1956. 1. Drusilla’s Proposal; 2. The Mad Lady Caryll; 3. The Black Dog of Yorrow
L’Ami, C.E. The Winnipeg Wolf. Adaptation. Prairie Playhouse. December 26, 1957.
L’Ami, C.E. Taman. Winnipeg Drama. July 21, 1955.
Laming, Hugh. El Alamein. An echo —. [n.d.].
Laming, H. The Day After Tomorrow. [n.d.].
Laming, H. Go Softly All My Years. Halifax Theatre. December 27, 1956.
Laming, H. Top-Level. [n.d.].
Laming, H. The Uncertain Trumpet. Newfoundland. [n.d.].
Landiak, Olga. Darusha and the Devil. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 6, 1962.
Lane, M. Duval. August 25, 1939.
Lang, J.E. The Old Rascal. Winnipeg. July 17, 1939.
Langevin, André. Dust on the Town. Montreal. [n.d.].
Langston, C. Aunt Edna’s Picture. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. February 23, 1960.
The Last of the Mohicans. CBC Scripts Reports on
Laurendeau, Andre. The Furies. Festival. May 26, 1964.
Laurents, Arthur. The Man Who Forgot. CBC Drama Hour. June 8, 1941.
Lavat, M. Melony. November 24, 1966.
Reel 62
Law, D. Thalia.
Law, D. And Tait, M. Blind Landing.
Law, Margaret. A Closed Book. Theatre Time. Vancouver. February 14, 1940.
Lawrence, Jim. Blue Beard of the Bush. Winnipeg Drama. June 23, 1955.
Lawrence, J.D. Through a Glass, Darkly. TV. The Unforseen. December 4, 1958.
Lawrence, R. Lizzie Borden Took an Axe. Ford Theatre. April 13, 1955.
Lawlor, Harold. The Silver Highway. Vancouver Theatre. April 12, 1957.
Leclerc, F. Manhunt. Adaptation. Morna Stott Stoddard. Winnipeg. July 24, 1953.
Lee, B. His Brother’s Keeper. May 23, 1942.
Lee, Ben. Marry the Girl. CBC Drama Hour. June 8, 1941.
Lee, P. The Man Who Could Find Things. Playdate. November 15, 1963.
Lee, Pamela. A Woman Called Anne. TV. First Person. November 2, 1960.
Leete, M. The Unhappy Milkman. Winnipeg. April 23, 1953.
Lefferts, G. The Legend of Jeremy Tighe. GM Theatre. December 21, 1954.
Leokum, Arkady. Neighbours. Playdate. June 26, 1964.
Lepkin, B. The Day I Died. CBC Winnipeg Drama. June 17, 1954.
Lepkin, B. Beware My Lord. Winnipeg. August 6, 1953; November 29, 1956
Lepkin, B. The Inheritance #1. Northwest Frontier. January 8, 1959.
Lepkin, B. Mine Inheritance #2. Radio. Northwest Frontier. January 15, 1959.
Lepkin, B. Mine Inheritance #3. Radio. Northwest Frontier. January 22, 1959.
Lepkin, B. The Man Who Didn’t Get To Heaven. September 30, 1943.
Lepkin, B. The Phantom Bride. Winnipeg. May 27, 1954.
Lepkin and Morrison. The Smart Guy. Winnipeg. May 25, 1942.
Lepkin and Tweed. The Adventures of Gerry Grant #4 - The Mayor is Murdered.
Lepkin and Tweed. The Astonishing Hat of Mortimer Willouhby Vinebugle.
Lepkin and Tweed. The Beanstalk - Twenty Years After. Theatre Time. January 28, 1941.
Lepkin and Tweed. Canadian Canterbury Tales.
Reel 63
Lepkin and Tweed. The Duel. Winnipeg. May 9, 1940.
Lepkin and Tweed, Tommy. I Never Had Time to Turn Around. Vancouver Theatre Time. November 25, 1941.
Lepkin and Tweed. Inheritance. Drama. November 1, 1940.
Lepkin and Tweed. Flight to Freedom. Theatre Time. February 3, 1942.
Lepkin and Tweed. Jack and the Beanstalk. Theatre Time. August 3, 1940.
Lepkin and Teed. Jenk’s Whiskers. That was “Abnormal Experiment”. [n.d.].
Lepkin and Tweed. Long Live the Republic. Theatre Time. September 16, 1941.
Lepkin and Tweed, Tommy. Mateo Falcone. Drama Series. Winnipeg. May 8, 1940.
Lepkin and Tweed. The Miraculous Pitcher. Winnipeg. Once Upon a Time Series. October 23, 1939.
Lepkin and Tweed. Noah had a Wife. Theatre Time. December 9, 1941.
Lepkin and Tweed. On That Certain Day. Theatre Time. April 8, 19–.
Lepkin and Tweed. The Other Side. Theatre Time. October 7, 1940.
Lepkin and Tweed. The Other Way. Winnipeg. December 19, 1939.
Lepkin and Tweed. The Signal Man. Everyman Theatre. November 15, 1939.
Lepkin and Tweed. Special Broadcast. Radio. August 26, 1939.
Lepkin and Tweed. The Star-Crossed Lovers. Theatre Time. June 17, 1940.
Lepkin and Tweed. Trial and Death of Socrates. Theatre Time. September 2, 1940.
Les Miserables. May 15, 1935.
Lesley, L. The Mink Coat. P & G On Camera. March 26, 1955.
Lessing, Norman. Julie the Jink. P& G On Camera. June 25, 1955.
Levine, N. A Return to Ottawa. Radio. July 2, 1958.
Levy, M. Time For Nothing.
Levy, M. You Never Know. Northern Programme. October 14, 1937.
Lewis, Andy. The Last of the Red Hot Pilots. TV. GM Presents. November 1, 1959.
Lewis, E. The Forge. Drama. November 3, 1936.
Lewis, E. Tenement.
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 1. Montreal. April 1, 1957.
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 2. Montreal. April 22, 1957.
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 3. Montreal. April 29, 1957.
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 4. Montreal. May 6, 1957.
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 5. Montreal. May 13, 1957.
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 6. Montreal. May 20, 1957.
Reel 64
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 7. Montreal. May 27, 1957.
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 8. Montreal. [n.d.].
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 9. Montreal. [n.d.].
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 10. Montreal. [n.d.].
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 11. Montreal. [n.d.].
Lewis, G..F. Joshua Doan -Episode 12. Montreal. [n.d.].
Lewis, G.F. Joshua Doan - Episode 13. Montreal. [n.d.].
Lewis, R. The New Member. TV. The Unforseen. June 10, 1959.
Lewis, T. The Brave Die Once. October 6, 1942.
Lewis, Thérèse. Night Raid. Play of the Week. July 8, 1942.
Linder, Cecil. Not Over the Phone. Winnipeg. January 27, 1955.
Link, W. and Levinson, R. Face to Remember. TV. General Motors. 1959.
Link, William. Man With a Rope. Playdate. September 20, 1963.
Link, W. and Levinson, R. Face to Remember. TV. GM Presents.1959.
Liss, Joseph. A Silent Cry. CBC TV Theatre. December 9, 1957.
Liss, J. The Silent Partner. CBC TV Theatre. April 14, 1957.
Little, N.J. Dreams Do Come True. Everyman Theatre. Winnipeg. September 25, 1940.
Lister, Fraser. Black Totem. [n.d.].
Lister, Fraser. Men Must Work. [n.d.].
Lister, Fraser. The Ploughman Poet. [n.d.].
Littlewood, Barry. The Big Club. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 17, 1962.
Littlewood, B. Search for Courage. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 16, 1962.
Livesay, Dorothy. Call my People Home. Winnipeg Drama. March 4, 1959.
Livesay, Frank. Cannibal Story. [n.d.].
Locke, W.J. Adventures of Aristide. Adaptation. Norman Lessing. Ford Theatre. March 23, 1955.
Lockhart, M.J. Blind Man’s Bluff. June 10, 1943.
Loewe, R.E and Morton, S.S. The Killing of Bentley Corner. TV. GM Presents. May 10, 1959. Continues on Reel 65.
Reel 65
Look Back in Anger.
Loren, W. The Boarding House. TV. GM Presents. December 4, 1960.
Lortz, Richard. The Others. Show of the Week. October 13, 1965.
The Love-Apple Tree. Act II in its entirety. Note: This may be on Reel 138.
Lowther, G. Soundings. TV Theatre. February 18, 1958.
Lowy, Otto. On The Ledge. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 20, 1962.
Lucas, Brock. Gambling Man. Winnipeg Drama. April 8, 1954.
Ludlam, G. Tales of the Titans, n.d.
Luke, Stewart. Roarin’ McAngus. Radio Drama Contest Entry.
Lynne, J.B. Return Visit. Midweek Theatre. March 8, 1967.
Lysenko, V. The Stone Hewers. Winnipeg Drama. January 31, 1957.
McCallum, N. and Gerrad, J. Boobatch. Ford Theatre. February, 1955.
McCance, L. Mannequin. Adaptation. Norman Klenman. GM Theatre. August 7, 1956.
McCardle, D. The Unforseen. CBC TV Theatre. November 18, 1956.
McConnor, V. Dream Beach. TV On Camera. June 30, 1958.
McConnor, V. Early One Morning. TV. The Unforseen. March 19, 1959.
McConnor, V. End of Innocence. The End of the Beginning. TV. First Person. June 8, 1960.
McConnor, V. The Haunted. TV. The Unforeseen. January 27, 1960.
Reel 66
McConnor, V. The Late Departed. TV. The Unforeseen.[n.d.].
McConnor, V. The Little Witch. TV. On Camera. April 28, 1958.
McConnor, V. The Mask. TV. The Unforeseen. October 9, 1958.
McConnor, V. The Return. TV. The Unforeseen. October 28, 1959.
McConnor, V. When Greek Meets Greek. TV. The Unforeseen. February 3, 1960.
McCourt, E. Cranes Fly South. April 16, 1959.
McCourt, Edward. The Fasting Friar. Disb. [n.d.].
McCourt, E. Music at the Close. #1,2, & 3. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Winnipeg. May 16, 1957.
McCourt, E. Songs My Mother Taught Me. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. October 3, 1957, March 19, 1959. CBC Summer Stage. September 9, 1962.
McCourt, E. The Trumpet Shall Sound. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 24, 1962.
McCourt, E. Where There’s a Will. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 4, 1960.
McCourt, E. The Uprooting. Prairie Playhouse. September 8, 1961.
McDonnell. Trial of Jesus. Adaptation. April 7, 1939.
McDougall, Pat. Sins of the Father. Shoestring Theatre. November 28, 1965.
McDougall, Roberta. Cartier and Donnaconna. [n.d.].
McDougall, R.R. I’m a Liar. NBC. October 17, 1941.
McFarlane, Leslie. Pilgrim, Where do you Come? Playdate. May 15, 1964. See also Reels 69-71
McFayden, A.B. MacTavish in the Underworld. Winnipeg. July 31, 1953.
McGarvey, Rita. Chiefswood. Series. Within These Walls. 1937.
McGibbon, E. Floating Island. TV. GM Presents. September 28, 1958.
McGibbon, E. and Vosniacos, Phed. Blood on Whose House. TV. GM Presents. July 1, 1958. Continues on Reel 67
Reel 67
McGuinnis, J. Wait For Me. On Camera. July 29, 1957.
McIntre, P. The Do-Gooders. Prairie Playhouse. February 20, 1958.
McKee, A. About This Time. Vancouver. November 10, 1953.
McKenzie, Jean. The Trader’s Wife. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 2, 1960.
McKenzie, Poppy. Johnny. TV. Vancouver. August 13, 1956.
McLean, Andrew Nixon. The Thousand Dollar Bill. Drama. August 27, 1943. Note: also listed as being by McLellan.
McLaren. My Love Goodbye. Summer stage. Vancouver. August 12, 1956.
McLeod, M. The Bells. Everyman Theatre. June 7, 1939.
McLeod, M. The High Brow Ladies. Winnipeg. June 21, 1939.
McLeod, M. The Highway Man. Winnipeg. June 14, 1939.
McLeod, M. Solange. Everyman Theatre. June 28, 1939.
McLeod, M. Transatlantic Sabotage. June 5, 1940.
McLeod, Mercer. God Sees the Truth But Waits. Everyman Theatre. July 5, 1939.
McLeod, Mercer. Right Turn. May 15, 1940.
McLeod, Robert. The Absent Lover. Winnipeg. February 11, 1954.
McLeish, Archibald. The Fall of the City.
McLellan, A.N. The Thousand Dollar Bill. Drama. August 27, 1943. Note: also listed as being by McLean.
McPhee, Janet. Bus To Nowhere. Drama. May 27, 1941.
McPherson, B. Mountain Homestead. Dramatic Series. Winnipeg. November 3, 1939.
McPherson, B. Northern Boat Ride. Drama Series. Winnipeg. June 19, 1939.
McPherson, Beryl. Rural Station. n.d..
McPherson, B. The Tender Plant.
McPherson, B. Old Man Jenkins. Theatre Time. June 10, 1941.
McRae, K. Autumn Affair. Halifax. November 13, 1954.
McRae, K. The Coin of O’Flaherty #1. “Brief Liberty”. Vancouver. April 6, 1954.
McRae, Kae. The Coin of O’Flaherty #2. Vancouver. April 13, 1954.
McRae, K. The Coin of O’Flaherty. Summer Stage. August 14, 1955.
McRae, K. The Trespasser. Winnipeg. November 15, 1956.
McRae, K. The Trespasser. Vancouver. December 10, 1954. Continues on Reel 68
Reel 68
McRae, Kae. The Painted Guitar. Winnipeg Drama. July 28, 1955.
McRae, Kae. The Swan. Vancouver. April 29, 1955.
MacBeth, Madge. Off the Highway. Series 1-7. See also Reel 70.
MacCorkindale, A. And All Our Tomorrows. Pacific Playhouse. December 9, 1942. See also Reel 70.
MacCorkindale, Archie. Dance of the Dummies. Drama. January 15, 1943.
MacCorkindale, A. Gowns by Stephanie. Drama. February 26, 1943.
MacCorkindale, A. Night Club. Drama. January 15, 1943.
MacCorkindale, A. Thirteen by One. N.d.
1. Delirium, 2. Scream in the Night, 3. Death Danced the Rhumba, 4. Joanna of Naples, 5. Portrait in Acid, 6. You See What I Mean? 7. I Heard a Voice Crying, 8. Wipe Away the Blood, 9. Flatiron, 10. You Don’t Need Moonlight, 11. Murder in D Flat, 12. The Old House, 13. Personal Column.
McCormick, Lanin. The Miracle in Quebec. CBC TV Theatre. December 23, 1956.
MacCracken, R. A Godmother for Amy. On Camera. April 15, 1957.
MacDonald, R E. Dark Throlga. Theatre Time. October 7, 1941.
MacDonald, R.E. Murder at Garcia’s. Mystery. May 11, 1940.
MacDonald, R.E. Murder at Mr. Garcia’s. Mystery #1-5. February 17, 1940.
Reel 69
MacDonald, R.E. Murder at Garcia’s. Mystery #6-10. March 23, 1940.
MacDougall, J.E. Miss Trent’s Children. May 12, 1939.
MacDougall, Ronald R. Who You Pushing, Brother. Drama Series. October 3, 1941.
Other McFarlane titles which were misspelled and presumably filmed here with the Mac entries:
McFarlane, L. Alias Mr. Pollard. P & G On Camera. October 1, 1955.
McFarlane, L. Black of the Moon. First Performance. October 17, 1956.
McFarlane, L. The Conquest of Cobbletown. TV. GM Presents. Drama. May 14, 1961.
McFarlane, L. Countess Keller. Dry Run. June 11, 1957.; On Camera. August 26, 1957.
McFarlane, L. Cousin Elivia. [n.d.].
McFarlane, L. Mr. Diamond’s Diamonds. Tv. On Camera. September 8, 1958.
McFarlane, L. The Eyeopener Man and the Wages of Zinn. TV - Playdate. March 14, 1962. Continues on Reel 70.
Reel 70
McFarlane, Leslie. Guest Shot. On Camera. November 20, 1954; On Camera. July 7, 1958.
McFarlane, Leslie. Love Story - 1910. GM Presents. December 6, 1959.
McFarlane, L. Gladly West. TV. GM Presents. [n.d.].
McFarlane, L. Gold For Uncle Angus. TV. Playdate. January 17, 1962.
McFarlane, L. The Gopher Colony. TV. Playdate. June 13, 1962.
McFarlane, L. The Ministations. Toronto. March 10, 1953.
McFarlane, L. No Angels in the Sky. First Person. December 21, 1960.
McFarlane, L. The Shadow Before. TV. On Camera. May 26, 1958.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway. #1 - 7 Drama. April 19, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #1 - Western 7439. Drama. April 19, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #2 - We Have Mr. Snider. Drama. April 21, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #3 - It Goes in Threes. Drama. April 24, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #4 - Thumb Talk. Drama. April 26, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #5 - Girl For Sale. Drama. April 28, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #6 - Death and a Pony. Drama. May 1, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #7 - Not Quite Murder. Drama. June 15, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #8 - Heels of Fortune. Drama. June 22, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #9 - Ella-May Sets the Stage. Drama. June 29, 1943.
MacBeth, M. Off the Highway #10 - Justice in the Barn. Drama. July 6, 1943.
MacCorkindale, A. I Was Walking in the Snow. Drama. June 25, 1943.
MacCorkindale, A. Two Weeks in the Sun. Halifax. February 2, 1954.
Other McFarlane titles misspelled with the Mac entries (continued):
McFarlane, Leslie. Black of the Moon. First Performance. October 17, 1956. Continues on Reel 71.
Reel 71
McFarlane, Leslie. The Blackwood Deal. TV. GM Theatre. April 15, 1958.
McFarlane, Leslie. Countess Kellar. On Camera. August 26, 1957.
MacFayden, Harry. Scenes from Shakespeare. Radio Guild. April 25, 1934.
MacKenzie, J.K. The Trader’s Wife. Winnipeg Drama. June 13, 1957.
MacKenzie, John. Devil’s Bar. On Camera. February 3, 1958.
MacKenzie, Poppy. Captain Virgil and the Pirate’s Daughter. Vancouver. April 20, 1954.
MacKenzie, Poppy. The Error of our Ways. Vancouver. June 5, 1954.
MacLennan, Hugh. Barometer Rising No. 1. Adaptation. Rita Greer Allen. Montreal. [n.d.].
MacLennan, Hugh. Barometer Rising No. 3. Adaptation. Rita Greer Allen. Montreal. [n.d.].
MacLennan, Hugh. Barometer Rising No. 4. Adaptation. Rita Greer Allen. Montreal. [n.d.].
MacLennan, Hugh. Barometer Rising No. 5. Adaptation. Rita Greer Allen. Montreal. [n.d.].
MacNaughton, John. For The Record. Winnipeg. July 22, 1954.
Main, S. A Plastic Item. CBC-TV Theatre. 12 May 1957. Continues on Reel 72.
A Man of Faith. Drama from the Bible. November 8, 1943.
The Man Who Listened to the Voice of God. Dramas from the Bible. November 1, 1942.
Reel 72
Makeham, Mark. Strange Path to Glory. [n.d.].
Manley, W.F. The First Gift. Play of the Week. December 22, 1942.
Mann, S. Broadway Story. TV. On Camera. September 1, 1958.
Mann, S. The Egg. GM Theatre. December 13, 19–.
Mann, S. The Glass Empire. GM Theatre. November 22, 1955.
Mann, S. The Long Doorway. GM Theatre. May 15, 1956.
Mann, S. On Trail. GM Theatre. May 15, 1956.
Mann, S. Ozymandias. GM Presents. November 22, 1955.
Mann, Stanley. The Sacrifice. On Camera. February 11, 1956.
Mann, S. The Waltz. On Camera. October 22, 1955.
Mann, S. Just Try It. On Camera. April 22, 1957.
Mann, S. Never Grow Old. Stage 55 (Item 4). Toronto. October 17, 1954.
Mann, S. The Owner. P & G On Camera. January 7, 1955.
Mann, S. The Road Between. Vancouver Theatre. March 8, 1957.
Mann, S. The Stamp Collector. On Camera. June 9, 1956.
Mann, S. The Young Man. Stage 55 (Item 4). Toronto. October 25, 1953.
Mannering, P. L’Arrabiata. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. March 27, 1962.
Marcuse, K. Gone Tomorrow. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. April 21, 1961. Continues on Reel 73.
Reel 73
Marcuse, K. The Intuition. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. June 21, 1961.
Marcuse, K. and Pearce, J. Marriage. Vancouver. March 20, 1953.
Margeson, J. Defiance. Vancouver. October 27, 1953.
Maria Marten. [n.d.].
Markeham, M. February Frolics. [n.d.].
Markle, F. Action of the Tiger. Theatre Time. September 2, 1941.
Markle, F. Another Year. Theatre Time. January 6, 1942.
Markle, F. The Artistic Truth About Senor Perez. Theatre Time. March 11, 1941.
Markle, F. Christopher Cricket. A Musical Fantasy for Radio. January 6, 1941.
Markle, F. He and She. Best Plays of 1942. January 10, 1943.
Markle, F. Presenting Mr. Charles. Theatre Time. December 2, 1941.
Markle, F. Radio Folio. N.d.
1. To Be Announced, 2. Here’s Harry, 3.Illusions, 4. Three’s Company, 5. Sometime Every Summer, 6. Great God Gadget, 7. For Future Reference, 8. They Come and They Go, 9. The Trouble With You Darling, 10. Blood, Thunder and A Woman in Green, 11. The Gilbys of Milbrook, 12. Marcia, 13. Sometime Every Summer.
Markle, F. This Land of Ours. Theatre Time. July 1, 1941.
Markle, F. This Was A Man. Theatre Time. February 11, 1941.
Markle, F. Treasure Island. Drama. Recorded. Parts 1-6. March 14, 1942.
Marriot, A. The Twenty Third. [n.d.].
Marsden, M. Bombers over England. Theatre Time. February 4, 1941.
Marsden, Monica. Contraband Control. [n.d.].
Marsden, Monica. Convoy. June 10, 1940.
Marsden, M. Dot Dot Dot Dash. [n.d.].
Marsden, M. For Richer–For Poorer. [n.d.].
Marsden, M. Go To It. April 29, 19–.
Marsden, Monica. Routine Enquiry. [n.d.].
Marsden, M. Time Bomb. April 29, 1941.
Marsh, D’Arcy. All Our Yesterdays. [n.d.]. Continues on Reel 74.
Reel 74
Marsh, D’Arcy. Exovede.
Marsh, D’Arcy. Louis Riel. [n.d.].
Mathew, Ray. A Spring Song. Festival. February 1, 1965.
A Matter of Facts. TV. [n.d.].
Maugham, W.S. The Circle. Adaptation. J. Ross. CBC Theatre. November 3, 1953.
Maugham, W. Somerset. The Hairless Mexican. Adaptation. Barry Cramer. VC Theatre. May 17, 1957.
Maupassant, Guy de. The Tide. Adaptation. Jean Orchard. Vancouver. May 10, 1957.
Mauro, J.M. Gemini - Minus One. Radio. Theatre of the Air. May 8, 1963.
Mauro, J.M. Summer Story. CBC Summer Stage. July 2, 1965.
Mauro, J.M. Calamity at Copperhead and The Treasure Hunters. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 1, 1961.
Mauro, J.M. Everlasting. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 15, 1961.
Mauro, Joseph M. The Middle of the Air. Theatre of the Air. April 10, 1963.
Mauro, J.M. The Garibaldi Gold. Radio. Theatre of the Air. May 1, 1963.
Mauro, J.M. Nightmare. Radio. Theatre of the Air. May 15, 1963.
Mauro, J.M. The Other Side of the Door. Radio. Theatre of the Air. April 3, 1963.
Mauro, J.M. Party Line. Radio. Theatre of the Air. April 24, 1963.
Mauro, J.M. A Star Falls at Crystal. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 8, 1961.
Mauro, J.M. The Third Day. Radio. Theatre of the Air. April 17, 1963.
Maxine-David, Jeanne. The Neighbour. TV. GM Presents. May 7, 1961. Continues on Reel 75.
Reel 75
Mayes, W. Death is a Spanish Dancer. TV. GM Presents. October 24, 1960.
Mazer, V. and Mishengrad, M. The Hand of the Hunter. On Camera. December 10, 1955.
Mercer, David. A Suitable Case for Treatment. Playdate. November 22, 1963.
Mercer, W.B. Survey of Farming in the North/West. Northern Programme. October 1, 1937.
Meridian 7-1212.
Merimes, Prosper. Mateo Falcon–Horror in France. Adaptation. Ian Thorne. Vancouver. November 19, 1954.
Meyers, Gordon. A Good Old-Fashioned Christmas. Winnipeg Drama. December 23, 1954.
Middleton, J.E. Hostage. Drama. February 5, 1943.
Miller, Alan. A Christmas Mystery. Vancouver Theatre. December 24, 1954.
Miller, Alan. The Journey of Mat Rullen. Vancouver. May 31, 1957; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. January 26, 1960.
Miller, Allan. Just a Short Visit. P &G On Camera. May 14, 1955.
Miller, Alan. Nor All Thy Tears. [n.d.].
Miller, Madge and Villani, L. The Third Ear. TV On Camera. June 18, 1955.
Miller, Marion. See Reel 76
Milne, A.A. Mr. Pim Passes By. Adaptation. Radcliffe. Radio Guild. July 23, 1930; Midland Programme. January 9, 1938.
Milne, A.A. The Romantic Age. Adaptation. Stanford. Radio Guild. [n.d.].
Milne, A.A. Toad of Toad Hall. Adaptation. Ian Thorne. CBC Wednesday Night. March 6, 1957. Continues on Reel 76.
Reel 76
Miller, Marion. The Wax Honeymoon. Maritime Theatre.
Misrock, H. Fear is No Stranger. TV. GM Presents. June 7, 1959.
Mitchell, R. A Husband for Breakfast. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Adults is Human. Jake and the Kid. November 7, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. The Alien. Radio. Summer Stage. July 10, 1960.
Mitchell, W.O. Anchors Aweigh. Jake and the Kid. December 15, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. And So is the West. Jake and the Kid. January 2, 1954.
Mitchell, W.O. Auction Fever. Jake and the Kid. November 21, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Back to Beulah. The Play’s the Thing. February 13, 1974.
Mitchell, W.O. The Black Bonspiel of Willie McCrimmon. CBC Folio. October 9, 1955; January 19, 1962; TV Playdate. March 7, 1962.
Mitchell, W.O. Bones, Bones, Bones. Jake and the Kid. August 29, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. Cabin Fever. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Choose Your Partner. Jake and the Kid Series.
Mitchell, W.O. Crocus Christmas. Jake and the Kid. December 25, 1951.
Mitchell, W.O. Crocus Under the Microscope. Jake and the Kid. February 24, 1952.
Mitchell, W.O. Curling Fever. Jake and the Kid. April 15, 1951.
Mitchell, W.O. The Day Jake Made Her Rain. Jake and the Kid Series. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. A Deal’s a Deal. Jake and the Kid. November 28, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. The Devil’s Instrument. CBC Folio. November 21, 1956.
Reel 77
Mitchell, W.O. Don’t Scratch That Baby. Jake and the Kid. November 25, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Earn Money at Home. Jake and the Kid. October 29, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Elbow Room. Jake and the Kid. October 28, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Fire with Fire. Jake and the Kid. January 23, 1955.
Mitchell, W.O. Gate’s Goats. Jake and the Kid. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Gents Don’t Chaw. Jake and the Kid. November 14, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Grass Roots is Grass Roots. Jake and the Kid. September 12, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. The Grim Gash of Death. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Hair Is Here To Stay. Jake and the Kid. December 19, 1954.
Mitchell, W.O. Happy the Day the Bride Shines On. Jake and the Kid. July 25, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. History Repeats Herself. Jake and the Kid. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Honey and Hoppers. Jake and the Kid. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Is That The Truth. Jake and the Kid. October 17, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. Jake and the Dirt Farmer’s Daughter. Jake and the Kid. September 19, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. Jake and the Medicine Man. Jake and the Kid. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. King of all the Country. Jake and the Kid. November 20, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. The Kite. CBC Summer Stage. June 12, 1964.
Mitchell, W.O. The Kite. Show of the Week. March 5, 1965.
Mitchell, W.O. The Liar Hunter. Jake and the Kid. October 30, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Love’s Wild Magic. Jake and the Kid. November 5, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. The Man Who Came to Rummy. Jake and the Kid. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Mind Over Madam. Jake and the Kid. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Nature’s Got Her Flags A-Flyin’. Jake and the Kid. September 27, 1953.
Mitchell, W.O. Old-Fashioned Christmas. Jake and the Kid. October 28, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. The Old Grey Car. Jake and the Kid Series.
Mitchell, W.O. Old MacLachlin Had a Farm. Jake and the Kid. August 22, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. One Hundred Percent Canadian. Jake and the Kid. April 29, 1951.
Mitchell, W.O. Open Up the Door and Let Her Come Right In. Radio. Summer Stage.
Mitchell, W.O. The Other Side of the Coin. Jake and the Kid. January 18, 1954.
Mitchell, W.O. Political Dynamite. Jake and the Kid. July 23, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Pome Romance. Jake and the Kid. November 4, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Prairie Flower. Jake and the Kid. May 24, 1953; December 17, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Prairie Lawyer. [n.d.]. Continues on Reel 78.
Reel 78
Mitchell, W.O. Prairie Scary. Jake and the Kid. January 2, 1957.
Mitchell, W.O. Pups and Babies Don’t Count. Jake and the Kid. August 15, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. Royalty is Royalty. Jake and the Kid. Radio. CBC Summer. June 23, 1963.
Mitchell, W.O. Scandal–Scandal–Scandal. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Sink or Swim. Jake and the Kid. January 9, 1955.
Mitchell, W.O. Struck Rich. Jake and the Kid. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Take Her Gently–Take Her Easy. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. The Teacher and the Wild One. Jake and the Kid. December 3, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Time is My Enemy. CBC Stage. February 5, 1956.
Mitchell, W.O. The Tongue Cuts Worse Than The Binder Whip. Jake and the Kid. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Trumper, Travellin’ Man. Jake and the Kid. November 28, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. Water Witchery. Jake and the Kid. November 26, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Way Too Late. Jake and the Kid. January 6, 1954.
Mitchell, W.O. What Fools. [n.d.].
Mitchell, W.O. Who Has Seen the Wind. July 20, 1955.
Mitchell, W.O. Wimmen is So Un-personal. Jake and the Kid. August 8, 1950.
Mitchell, W.O. You Gotta Teeter. Jake and the Kid. November 27, 1958.
Mitchell, W.O. Young Pete. Jake and the Kid. May 4, 1952.
Molière, J.B.P. The Ridiculous Damsels. Halifax. April 17, 1954.
A Month in the Country. CBC Folio. February, 1958.
Moore, Brian. The Feast of Lupercal. Disb. Festival. April 7, 1964.
Morenus, Richard. Bush Doctor. July 22, 1943.
Morenus, R. Bush Boy. January 14, 1943.
Morenus, R. Dark Portrait. Radio. July 8, 1945.
Morenus, R. Mr. Juggins. March 25, 1943.
Morenus, R. Recipe for Murder. April 22, 1943.
Morenus, R. Rolling Red Hots. June 17, 1943.
Morenus, R. Romance en Casserole. January 28, 1943.
Reel 79
Morenus, R. Trader’s Wife. May 6, 1943.
Morenus, Richard. Forgotten Gift. [n.d.].
Morenus, Richard. The Story of Myra Pierce. August 3, 1943.
Morgan, E. Every Minute Counts. TV. GM Presents. May 27, 1958.
Morgan-Jones, Elizabeth. Putting the Hard Work. Winnipeg Drama. March 12, 1953.
Moore,C. Mrs. Brady’s Vanity Fair. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 23, 1962.
Moore, M. The Well. TV. GM Presents. June 12, 1960.
Moore, Mavor. Catch a Falling Star. GM Theatre. November 1, 1955.
Moore, Mavor. Wise Guy. TV. First Person. January 25, 1961.
Morris, Richard and Leighton, Michael. The Man Who Stole the Blarney Stone. TV. GM Presents. March 13, 1960.
Morris, R. and Leighton, Michael. Over My Dead Body. GM Presents. June 14, 1959.
Morrison, Leslie C. Circumstantial Evidence. [n.d.].
Morrison, L. The Desert Shall Bloom. Everyman Theatre. March 19, 1940.
Reel 80
Morrison, L. Just S’Posin’. N.d. The Victoria Cross; Moon of Africa; The Wooing of Minnie and Clutterbell; I am a Canadian; Cottage Interlude.
Morrison, Leslie. Above Reproach. Winnipeg. August 21, 1939.
Morrison, Leslie. Cafe Interlude. Radio. [n.d.].
Morrison, Leslie. C. The Jelly Fish. Winnipeg. April 3, 1939.
Morrison, Leslie C. In Accordance with the Law. [n.d.].
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #1. Toronto. April 24, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #2. Toronto. May 1, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #3. Toronto. May 8, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #4. Toronto. May 15, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #5. Toronto. May 22, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #7. Toronto. June 5, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #8. Toronto. June 12, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #9. Toronto. June 19, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #10. Toronto. June 26, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #11. Toronto. July 3, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #12. Toronto. July 10, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #13. Toronto. July 17, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #14. Toronto. July 24, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #15. Toronto. July 31, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #16. Toronto. August 7, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #17. Toronto. August 14, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #18. Toronto. August 14, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #19. Toronto. August 28, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #20. Toronto. September 4, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #21. Toronto. October 7, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #22. Toronto. October 14, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #23. Toronto. October 21, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #24. Toronto. October 28, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #25. Toronto. November 4, 1954.
Morse, B. and King, A. A Touch of Greasepaint #26. Toronto. November 11, 1954.
Reel 81
Mosel, Tad. My Lost Saints. Festival. January 26, 1966.
Mowat, Farley. The Executioners. Teleplay by Len Peterson. The Play’s the Thing. January 25 - 27, 1974.
Muller, Robert. The Night Conspirators. Playdate. September 28, 1962.
Munro, Alice. How I Met my Husband. The Play’s the Thing. August 27, 28, 1973.
Munro, C.K. War Calls the Tune. [n.d.].
Munro, E.V. Davey. N.d.
Munro, H.H. Tobermory. Summer Stage. Vancouver. August 13, 1956; Adaptation. Gregg Rice. Summer Stage. August 19, 1956.
Murphy, A. The Beckoning Hill. TV. GM Presents. May 29, 1960.
Murphy, A.L. The Boy from Lanarkshire. Midweek Theatre. January 13, 1965.
Murphy, Arthur. The Clinical History of a Great Love. [n.d.].
Murphy, A.L. The Mordens. [n.d.].
Murphy, Arthur. You’ll be Calling me Michael. Draft Copy.
Murphy, Arthur. The Death Around Us. TV. GM Presents. March 6, 1960.
Murray, Claire. Cog in the Wheel. Theatre Time. July 15, 1941.
Murray, Claire. Grounds for Marriage. Theatre Time. Vancouver. September 23, 1941.
Nathan, Robert. Long After Summer. Adaptation. Kae McRae. Vancouver. January 6, 1956.
Nathan, Robert. Portrait of Jennie. Adaptation. Kae McRae. Vancouver Theatre. November 30, 1956.
Nash, N.P. Welcome Home. CBC TV Theatre. November 4, 1956.
Nazi Eyes on Canada. Third Victory Loan. N.d. Series 1. Helen Hayes, 2. Bert Lyell, 3. Aldrich Family, 4. Quentin Reynolds, 5. Judith Evelyn and Vincent Price, 6. Orson Welles. Continues on Reel 81.
Reel 82
The New Candidate. Half an Hour with Mr. Jones. May 13, 1941.
Newman, Sidney. The Butler. TV Theatre. February 25, 1958.
Newton, Jeanette. The Twenty First Floor. TV. GM Presents. October 25, 1959.
Nicol, Eric. The Addict. Vancouver Theatre. March 10, 1955; Winnipeg Drama.
Nicol, E. Brass Tacks. On Camera. January 28, 1957.
Nicol, E. Hail Fellow, Well Met. Prairie Playhouse. January 26, 1956.
Nicol, Eric. Hair of the Dog. Vancouver. October 15, 1954.
Nicol, E. Hamburgers and Heraldry. Vancouver. January 14, 1951.
Nicol, E. Love is a Wanton. Laughing Matter Series. Vancouver. February 4, 1952.
Nicol, Eric. Instant Ivy. Show of the Week. June 13, 1966.
Nicol, Eric. Fifteen Men. Laughing Matter Series. Winnipeg. January 21, 1952.
Nicol, Eric. The Good Candidate.
Nicol, Eric. The Graduation. Winnipeg. June 2, 1955.
Nicol, Eric. The Machine. Vancouver. January 1953.
Nicol, Eric. The Man From Inner Space. The Play’s the Thing. [n.d.].
Nicol, Eric. Rings on her Fingers. Vancouver. June 13, 1953; Winnipeg. December 2, 1954.
Nicol, Eric. Strictly from Hunger. Laughing Matter Series. Vancouver. January 7, 1952.
Nicol, E. Uncle Lush. Laughing Matter Series. Vancouver. February 11, 1952. Continues on Reel 83
Reel 83
Nixon, J.D. A Dream, A Smile, A Memory. [n.d.].
Nixon, J. Douglas. One Leaf from a Maple. Theatre Time. May 26, 1942.
Nimchuk, Michael John. Last Letters from Stalingrad. CBC Tuesday Night. February 1, 1966.
Nobleston, Allen. Final Test. [n.d.].
Novikoff, Philip. Ghost Mine Gold. [n.d.].
Noxon, Gerald. The Big Ditch. [n.d.].
Noonan, M. The Man with Green Fingers. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 3, 1959.
Noxon, Gerald. Impulse. Radio. Stage 50. February 26, 1950.
Nugent, Lilo. Consider the Lilies. Halifax. November 9, 1954.
Oboler, Arch. The Engulphed Cathedral. Theatre Time. June 3, 1940.
Obolor, A. Finale. Plays in Miniature. April 29, 1942.
Obolor, Arch. The Flying Yorkshireman. Everyman’s Theatre - No. 7. November 15, 1940.
Obolor, A. Happy Year. April 8, 1942.
Obolor, A. Mister Important. Play of the Week. August 18, 1942.
O’ Hagan, Howard:
Tay John #1. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. January 2, 1962.
Tay John #2. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. January 9, 1962.
Tay John #3. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. January 16, 1962.
Tay John #4. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. January 23, 1962.
Tay John #5. Adaptation. M. Waldman. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. January 30, 1962.
O’Grady, Alvin. Echoes of Unheard Cheers. [n.d.].
O’Kelly, S. The Weaver’s Grave. Adaptation. Audrey Pigott. Vancouver. November 16, 1956.
The Old Men. Radio. October 16, 1959.
Oldham, H.R. The Day the Bomb Went Off. Halifax Theatre. November 29, 1956.
Oldham, H.R. Death Wears Two Bright Eyes. St. John. September 11, 1954.
O’Neal, C. The Monsters. TV. The Unforeseen. January 22, 1959.
O’Neil, P. Bend to the Wind. Summer Stage. August 26, 1956.
Orchard, J. The Pig Watching. Halifax Theatre. November 22, 1955.
Orchard, Jean. Tactful Adam. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 30, 1960.
Orchard, Jean. The Tide. Vancouver Theatre. May 10, 1957.
Orchard, Jean. Tono Bungay. Adaptation. From H.G. Wells. Montreal. Continues on Reel 84.
Reel 84
Orenstein, J.N. A Question of Discipline. TV. GM Presents. April 1, 1958.
Orenstein, Leo. Forever Galatea. GM Theatre. November 29, 1955.
Orenstein, Leo. The Silent Kingdom. TV. GM Presents. March 8, 1959.
Orenstein, Leo. To My Son . . .With Love. TV. GM Presents. July 8, 1958.
The Ottawa Man. TV. CBC Folio. February 20, 1958.
Owen, A. The Stag. Playdate Series. April 17, 1964.
Owen, A. After the Funeral. TV. March 21, 1962.
Owen, A. You Cant Win Em’ All. Playdate. [n.d.].
Oxenford, Marie. The Blue Ribbon. TV. December 22, 1958.
Packer, P.J. A Doctor’s Career. CBC. September 10, 1938.
Paley, S. Miracle at the Windsor. On Camera. December 25, 1954.
Paluk, W. Back Door. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 12, 1961. Continues on Reel 85. There may be some of Paluk’s scripts on Reel 87.
Reel 85
Paluk, W. Let the Machines Do It. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. April 7, 1961.
Paluk, W. A Thousand Dollars for John. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. April 9, 1962.
Paluk, William. The Trouble with Mink. Prairie Playhouse. May 26, 1961.
Panorama: Note: Some of this material may also be on Reel 86. 3. Capital City - Hugh Kemp. November 8, 1945. 4. Upper Canada - T.W. Tweed. December 13, 1945. 5. We All Hate Toronto - Lister Sinclair. January 17, 1946.
Note: Additional Pattison scripts are on Reel 86.
Pattison, M. Career Night - Episode #2. Prairie Centre. January 22, 1958.
Pattison, M. Co-Operation gets Monotonous. Prairie Centre. September 27, 1957.
Pattison, M. Gun Shy. Prairie Playhouse. January 26, 1956.
Pattison, M. A Hobby for Henry #7. Winnipeg. [n.d.].
Pattison, M. Hockey and Hamburgers #5. Prairie Centre. February 12, 1958.
Pattison, M. Never Hire a Friend. Prairie Centre. August 22, 1957.
Pattison, M. Old-Fashioned Girl. Prairie Centre. February 19, 1958.
Pattison, M. The Promoters. Prairie Centre. August 15, 1957.
Pattison, M. The Sack Look. Radio - Prairie Centre. April 2, 1958.
Pattison, M.R. A Crow by Another Other Name. Radio - Prairie Centre. Episode 11: March 26, 1958.
Pattison, M.R. A Hobby for Henry. CBC Prairie Centre.[n.d.]
Pattison, M.R. May in December #7. Radio - Prairie Centre. February 26, 1958.
Pattison, M.R. Never Hire a Friend. Prairie Centre. August 22, 1957.
Pattison, M.R. No Pink Tea for Paddy #9. Radio - Prairie Centre. March 12, 1958.
Pattison, M.R. Nowadays You’ve Got To Have Knowhow #4. Prairie Centre. February 5, 1958.
Pattison, M.R. The Old Tie Trail. Prairie Centre. July 26, 1957.
Pattison, M.R. On to the Rodeo. Winnipeg - Prairie Centre. August 1, 1957.
Pattison, M.R. Paddy the Politician. Winnipeg. September 24, 1957.
Pattison, M.R. The Promoters. Prairie Centre. August 15, 1957.
Pattison, M.R. Science is a Wonderful Thing. Radio - Prairie Centre. Episode #8. March 8, 1958.
Pattison, M.R. Watch out for Willie. Prairie Centre. August 29, 1957.
Pattison, M.R. Wedding of Interest #10. Radio - Prairie Centre. March 19, 1958.
Pattison, Mary. Last Rock Coming Home #3. Prairie Centre. January 29, 1958.
Pattison, Mary. Nowadays You’ve Got to Have Know-How. Episode 4. Prairie Centre. February 5, 1958.
Pedrick, Gale. Mr. Butters Writes a Notice. Winnipeg. March 11, 1954. (See also Reel 87).
Perrault, E.G. The Patient. Vancouver. January 28, 1954.
Reel 86
Pargeter, Edith. Freedom Fighters. Adaptation. Lester Powell. TV - The Unforeseen. December 9, 1959.
Parish, James. Distinguished Gathering. CBC TV Theatre. October 14, 1956.
Parr, Charles. Memoirs of a Girl Queen. Halifax Theatre. October 10, 1957.
Parr, J. Freedom for Scotland. Vancouver. January 13, 1956.
Parr, J.L. Hello Clarence. Radio - Prairie Playhouse. September 10, 1962.
Parr, Jim. Freedom From Scotland. Vancouver Theatre. January 13, 1956.
Parsons, R. The True Calling of Egbert Wishwell.
Parsons, Ruth. Sixty Dollars a Month. Winnipeg.
Paton, Tom. I See Said the Blind Man. CBC Special Broadcast for White Cane Week. February 6, 1958.
Pattison, M. The Action Committee. Prairie Centre. January 8, 1958.
Pattison, M.R. Wedding of Interest #10. March 19, 1958.
Pattison, Mary. Bingo is Different. Prairie Centre. August 8, 1957.
Peach, L. du Garde. Bread. March 14, 1952.
Peach, L. du Garde. Buckingham Palace. Empire and National Programme. March 7, 1939.
Peach, L. du Garde. Carisbrook Castle. The Castles of England - 13. [n.d.].
Peach, L. du Garde. Famous Men and Women of England. #2. Michael Faraday, Mrs. Siddons Nelson, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Victoria, Sheridan. Theatre Time. [n.d.] Note: This may have been filmed on Reel 34.
Peach, L. du Garde. Hindlip Hall. The Castles of England - 14. [n.d.].
Peach, L. du Garde. Nor’ - West. [n.d.].
Peach, L. du Garde. Playing the Game. December 16, 1937.
Peach, L. du Garde. St. James’ Palace. Royal Palaces. February 10, 1939.
Peach, L. du Garde. St. Michael’s Mont. The Castles of England - 2. [n.d.].
Peach, L. du Garde. Story Tellers of Britain: VIII Scott and Ivanhoe. [n.d.].
Peach, L. du Garde. Story Tellers of Britain: IX Dickens and Pickwick Papers. [n.d.].
Pearce, A. Denis Pierce is Dead. Prairie Playhouse. September 27, 1956.
Pearce, A. The Saga of Willie Moran. Pt. 2. - The Marriage. Vancouver Theatre. January 14, 1955.
Pearce, A. The Saga of Willie Moran. Pt. 1. - The Youth. Vancouver Theatre. January 7, 1955.
Pearce, A. The Saga of Willie Moran. Pt. 3. Vancouver Theatre. January 21, 1955.
Reel 87
Pedrick, G. Double Exit. On Camera. July 24, 1957.
Pearce, Alan. Runaway. On Camera. May 26, 1956.
Pelletier, Rooney. A London Note-Book. Regional Programme. December 23, 1938.
A Penny for the Guy. General Motors Presents. TV January 4, 1958.
Penny, Gladys Wagstaff. Listen to the Voice. [n.d.]
Perrault, E.G. Meet Mr. Climax. Winnipeg. July 9, 1953.
Perrault, E.G. The Station. Winnipeg. November 11, 1954.
Perrault, E.G. The Travellers. Vancouver. December 22, 1953; Winnipeg. December 20, 1956.
Peterson, L. Oh, Columbus. [n.d.].
Peterson, L. Oh, What Can Ail Thee? Half an Hour With Mr. Jones. July 22, 1941.
Peterson, L. Brave Calvin. Theatre Time. February 10, 1942.
Peterson, L. Burlap Bags. Winnipeg. July 2, 1953; Toronto. September 12, 1954.
Peterson, Len. Between the Silences of Love. Show of the Week. October 8, 1954.
Peterson, Len. Now, What Does He Know What He’s Getting? Winnipeg. November 4, 1953
Peterson, Len. One-Way Ticket to Orramisha. Stage 53 (Item 8). Toronto. November 16, 1952.
Peterson, Len. The Whizz. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 19, 1961.
Reel 88
Peterson, L. The City. Pacific Playhouse. January 6, 1943.
Peterson, L. The Desperate Search. TV. GM Presents. November 8, 1959.
Peterson, L. Down Payment for a House. Toronto. July 4, 1954; Winnipeg Drama. June 27, 1957.
Peterson, L. Erkki’s Boots. Toronto. May 18, 1954.
Peterson, L. The Ginks. Drama. [n.d.].
Peterson, L. A Girl Named Pearl. Prairie Playhouse. November 28, 1957.
Peterson, L. How Fame Came to Archie McFee. Winnipeg. February 25, 1954.
Peterson, L. Ice on Fire. First Performance. October 10, 1957
Peterson, L. It Happened in College. [n.d.].
Peterson, L. Little Alfy Gilligan of Squeegie, Manitoba. Winnipeg Drama. April 18, 1957.
Peterson, L. The Long Road Back. TV. GM Presents. December 11, 1960.
Peterson, L. Look at One of Those Faces. Best Plays of 1942. January 17, 1943.
Peterson, Len. Cold Comfort and Candy-Floss. Toronto. Stage 54 (Item 5). November 1, 1953.
Peterson, Len. Electro. CBC Stage. October 30, 1955.
Peterson, Len. The End of the Line. Pacific Playhouse. November 25, 1942.
Peterson, Len. Lilith. CBC Stage. December 6, 1959.
Peterson, Len. A Little Girl in a Fabulous Fable. CBC Workshop. March 14, 1951.
Peterson, Len. Look Down. Theatre Time. June 30, 1942.
Peterson, Len. Mr. McGatt’s Modest Proposal. Stage 55 (Item 19). January 30, 1955.
Reel 89
Peterson, L. Mr. Mulroony’s New Year Party. Winnipeg Drama. December 30, 1954.
Peterson, L. My Room-mate. Summer Stage. May 22, 1955.
Peterson, L. Olli and the Troll. Winnipeg. February 18, 1954.
Peterson, L. One Room. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 28, 1961.
Peterson, L. Second Thoughts. Winnipeg. March 3, 1954.
Peterson, L. The Souvenir That Looked Like Something. Summer Stage. June 26, 1955.
Peterson, L. Success. Stage 54. October 4, 1953.
Peterson, L. They’re All Afraid. Radio. November 27, 1956.
Peterson, L. Mr. Warren’s Profession. Winnipeg. 1941.
Peterson, L. White Collar. Winnipeg. October 29, 1953.
Peterson, Len. The Mathematics Teacher. Playdate. October 1, 1963.
Peterson, Len. Mr. McGatt’s Modest Proposal. Stage 55 (Item 19). Toronto. January 30, 1955.
Peterson, Len. Never Shoot a Devil. (Part 1). Stage 53 (Item 33). Toronto. May 10, 1953.
Peterson, Len. Never Shoot a Devil. (Part 2). Stage 53 (Item 33). Toronto. May 10, 1953.
Peterson, Len. The Shadow of Doubt. [n.d.]
Peterson, Len. Strangers on Streetcars. CBC Stage. November 20, 1955.
Peterson, Len. They’re All Afraid. Winnipeg Drama. May 7, 1953.
Peterson, Len. The Two-Faced Angel. Playdate. TV Series. November 30, 1962.
Peterson, Len. The Widow of the Mississagi. CBC Stage. January 8, 1956.
Peterson, Len. Your World On a Plastic Platter. Prairie Playhouse. April 19, 1956.
Peterson, P.L. The Little Loaves of St. Genevieve. GM Presents. [n.d.].
Peterson, Phyllis Lee. Border War on Bolton Creek. “Summer Fallow”. September 2, 1963.
Peterson, Phyllis Lee. The Outcast of Ste. Angele. [n.d.]
Peterson, Phyllis Lee. Strangers in Ste. Angele. “Summer Fallow”. June 24, 1963.
Reel 90
Peterson, Phyllis Lee. The Land is Loved. “Summer Fallow”. June 17, 1963.
Petri, E. Gianni Schicchi. TV. CBC Folio. [n.d.].
Phelps, G. The Tankerdown Skull. Radio. May 20, 19–.
Phelps, G. The Winter People. Radio. Home Service, July 14, 1958. General Service (overseas) - November 2, 1958.
Phillips, Stephan. Paolo and Francesca. Adaptation. Leonard. N.d.
Phillpotts, Eden. Old Bannerman. Regional Programme. Bristol. May 1, 1938.
Pigott, A. The Canary. Vancouver. February 22, 1957.
Pigott, A. Captain Davey. Vancouver. February 16, 1954.
Pigott, A. Captain Wither’s Curse. Vancouver. October 19, 1956.
Pigott, A. Kukla. TV. First Person. August 3, 1960.
Pigott, A. The Music Box. Vancouver. October 8, 1954.
Pigott, A. Portrait of Vanessa. Vancouver Theatre. May 6, 1955.
Piggott, A. The Two Strangers and Two Husbands. Vancouver. November 18, 1955.
Piggot, A. The Willow Tree. GM Presents. June 24, 1958.
Piggott, Audrey. My Sister’s Marriage. TV. First Person. July 27, 1961.
Pilcher, W.D. Both Their Houses. CBC Winnipeg. November 20, 1940.
The Piltdown Fraud. April 29, 1969.
Pinero, Sir Arthur. The Magistrate. Adaptation. Peter Howarth. September 4, 1966.
Pinero, Sir Arthur. The Magistrate. Summer Stage. September 4, 1966.
Reel 91
Pelleck, Eileen and Robert. A Heart and a Diamond. General Motors Presents. May 13, 1958.
Pinero. Trelawny of the “Wells”. TV. GM Presents. December 27, 1959.
Pinter, Harold. The Birthday Party. Festival. June 9, 1964.
Pinter, Harold. The Lover. Playdate. October 25, 1963.
Pirandello, L. The Captive. Prairie Playhouse. May 24, 1956.
Pirandello, L. The Medals. Drama is Sound. [n.d.].
Pirandello, Luigi. His House in Order. Adaptation. Poppy McKenzie. Vancouver Theatre. March 29, 1957.
Pitchford, Roger. Hullo! Mr. Holmes. [n.d.].
Plaxton, Gary. Santa Baby. Shoestring Theatre. December 26, 1965.
Pogostin, S.L. Night Be Quiet. Ford Theatre. March 2, 1955.
Porter, C. Fury Rides Home. Dramatic Series. Winnipeg September 18, 1939.
Porter, C. The Grass is Greener. A Comedy for Radio - Drama. July 31, 1939.
Porter, Charles. The Little People. Theatre Time. October 28, 1941.
Porter, Charles. Go Back, Napoleon. Radio Play. [n.d.].
Porter, C. Nellie Lacey and the Bushranger. [n.d.].
Porter, Charles. Prelude to Death. Dramatic Series. Winnipeg. November 6, 1939.
Porter, D. Gallery Goddess. A Romantic Comedy of the Theatre. April 14, 1938.
Porter, I.M The Night the Lions Beat the Eskimos. Vancouver Theatre. November 23, 1956.
Post, M.D. The Doomdorf Mystery. TV. The Unforeseen. January, 1960.
Powell, L. Margin for Error. TV. On Camera. September 30, 1957.
Powell, L. Nigh of the Plague. CBC Theatre. June 9, 1957.
Powell, L. Night Call. On Camera. March 1, 1957. (Reel 91 and 92).
Prairie Town - Canada and Britain Exchange Series. October 25, 1943.
Reel 92
Powell, L. Who is Carapace. TV. GM Presents. May 6, 1958.
Powell, Lester. Trial Balance. On Camera. November 18, 1957.
Power, Paul. The Aliens. Vancouver Drama Dept. November 19, 1956.
Pratt, W.W. Ten Nights in a Bar-Room. July 30, 1965.
Presnell, Robert. At The Railing. TV. First Person. July 6, 1960.
Price, Evadne. Mrs. Brown and Five Sons. September 26, 1941.
Priestly, J.B. Laburnam Grove. Adaptation. L. Sieveking. November 3 & 5, 1936.
Priestly, J.B. Night Sequence. Adaptation. O. Lowy. Vancouver. October 29, 1954.
Prizek, Mario. The Guard. Eye Opener Series. August 27, 1964.
Pudney, J. Ethel and Her Engine. Empire and National Programme. January 12, 1938.
Pudeny, John. The Power and the Glory. Radio. April 11, 1936.
Pulman, J. A Book with Chapters in It. Festival. October 8, 1962.
Pushkin. The Queen of Spades. Adaptation. Leo Orenstein. CBC TV-Theatre. October 28, 1956; Playdate. February 22, 1963.
Quebec - Canada and Britain Exchange Series. October 29, 1943.
Raasch, Avis M. A Centaur in the Dark. TV. Pacific 3. July 9, 1956.
Raddall, Thomas H. The Powers of Darkness. Adaptation. Clyde Douglas. Summer Theatre. September 23, 1956.
Raddall, Thomas. The Wings of Night. Episodes 6 and 7. August 7, 1962. Continues on Reel 93.
Reel 93
Ragotzy, J.P. The Lovelorn Hitch-Hiker. GM Theatre. April 5, 1955.
Ranier, G.R. The Colorado Beetle. Theatre Time. August 26, 1941.
Rainier, G. Rodney. The Quest of the Golden Fleece. Theatre Time. February 17, 1942.
Rant, G. Muriel. Its All Over Town. [n.d.].
Reaney, James. Names and Nicknames. Manitoba Theatre Centre. September, 1964.
Raymond, Bruce. The Snowflake Children. Montreal. December 24, 1956.
Read, Elfrieda. Darling Have You Checked. Chinook Playhouse. July 5, 1955.
Reevers, John. Autumn Nocturne. [n.d.].
Reeves, John. A Beach of Strangers.
Reeves, J. The Romantic Butler. Winnipeg. January 7, 1954.
Reeves, John. We Shall Not Be Moved. Focus. October 1, 1955.
Reid, Colin. The Morning After. TV. On Camera. April 21, 1958.
Reid, E.J. Cassel’s Manor. CBC Summer Stage. June 5, 1964.
Reiser, Anna. The Marriage Mart. First Person. November 2, 1960.
Reiser, Anna. The Rosebush. Last Person. September 21, 1961.
Rietty, Robert. Dawn, Day and Night. CBC Folio. December 5, 1958.
Reitty, R. And Levi, P. Rendevous in Sleep. Radio. Halifax. October 9, 1958.
Reynolds, M. Time Unrecorded. [n.d.].
Rhode, Tod. Mr. Brisher’s Treasure. TV. The Unforeseen. March 26, 1959.
Rhode, Tod. Ordeal by Poison. TV. GM Presents. March 20, 1960. Continues on Reel 94.
Reel 94
Rice, H.C. Fear. [n.d.].
Richards, John. You To’s First Lesson. Vancouver. January 2, 1953.
Richards, S. Mr. Bell’s Creation. On Camera. November 4, 1957.
Richardson, H. & W. Berney. Dark of the Moon. TV. CBC Folio. January 30, 1958. Richardson, Richardson, James. The Wedge. Vancouver. January 30, 1953.
Richardson, Norah. The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia. West of England Programme. December 10, 1937.
Richardson, Norah. Towers and Sheep-Bells. Bristol Regional Programme. October 1, 1936.
Richler, Mordecai. The Acrobats. CBC TV Theatre. January 13, 1957.
Richler, Mordecai. A Friend of the People. CBC TV Theatre. May 26, 1957.
Ridge, Antonia. Told on Christmas Night. Vancouver. December 15, 1953.
Riggan, Byron. Some of My Best Friends. TV. GM Presents. January 25, 1959.
Rigoletto. Festival. November 28, 1964.
Ringwood, G.P. A Fine Coloured Easter Egg or, the Drowning of Wasyl Nemitchuk. Prairie Playhouse. March 22, 1956.
Ringwood, Gwen Pharis. Still Stands the House. Winnipeg Drama. March 5, 1953; Prairie Playhouse. December 8, 1955.
Ringwood, Gwen. So Gracious the Time. December 25, 1955.
Ringwood, G.P. The Courting of Marie Jenvrin. Winnipeg. February 26, 1953.
Reel 95
Ringwood, G.P. The Wall. Winnipeg Drama. January 21, 1954.
Rivers, Claire. Time Lapse. Vancouver. January 18, 1957.
Rivers, Claire. With a Bow to Benny. Vancouver Theatre. June 10, 1955.
Robertson, G. It’s A Wise Father #3. Quentin Durgens, M.P. July 23, 19–.
Robertson, G. A Family Affair #2. Quentin Durgens, M.P. June 24, 25, 26, 19–.
Robertson, G. A Germ of Doubt. Show of the Week. February 4, 1966.
Robertson, G. Perfect Day. Summer Stage. Toronto. August 29, 1954.
Robertson, G. Point of Impact. Show of the Week. September 2, 1965.
Robertson, George. The Suspect. Vancouver. May 22, 1955.
Robertson, George. You Take The High Road. Quentin Durgens, M.P. May 28, 1966.
Robertson, George and Rhena. The Long Night Through. Winnipeg. April 7, 1955.
Robinson, Berton. Juggernaut. [n.d.].
Robinson, B.E. King Solomon’s Mines, 1-13. [n.d.].
Robinson, Berton. E. Romance, My Eye! March 1, 1939.
Robinson, Meredith. From Ancient Grudge. Winnipeg. May 28, 1953.
Roche, Mazo de la. Whiteoaks. CBC TV Theatre. January 20, 1957. Continues on Reel 96.
Reel 96
Roddan, Samuel. Journey into Night. Vancouver Theatre. September 24, 1953.
Rodman, H. The Flight for Martin Wheeler. Playdate. September 27, 1963.
Rodman, H. Not Made In Heaven. TV. GM Presents. March 29, 1959.
Rodman, H. That Was the Night the Roof Fell In. Ford Theatre. January 26, 1955.
Rodman, Howard. The Blacksmith. Vancouver. December 3, 1954.
Rodman, Norman. Boy Makes Good. CBC Theatre. August 2, 1955.
Rodman, Howard. Not Made in Heaven. TV. GM Presents. March 29, 1959.
Rodman, Howard. Ride a Cock Horse. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. February 9, 1960.
Rodman, Howard. The Shadow Boxer. Halifax. February 5, 1953.
Rodman, Howard. Will Piper. Winnipeg. January 24, 1957.
Rolde, Neil. David and Jonathan.
Rollins, E. Passport to Yesterday. CBC TV Theatre. April 7, 1957.
Rollins, Edward. The Picture and the Lily. Vancouver. October 21, 1954.
Romains, Jules. Dr. Knock. Adaptation. Ivor Barry. TV. Presents. June 18, 1961.
Rooke-Ley, Wilfred, and Martin, Christopher. Chopin. [n.d.].
Rosenfield, Jacqueline. Blind Date. On Camera. November 12, 1955. Continues on Reel 97.
Reel 97
Rose, Ralph. The Exposure. On Camera. May 20, 1957.
Rose, Ralph. A Lesson in Psychology. On Camera. September 3, 1957.
Rose, Ralph. Torgut. TV. The Unforeseen. October 30, 1958.
Rose, Reginald. The Incredible World of Horace Ford. TV. GM Presents. March 27, 1960.
Rose, Reginald. The Remarkable Incident at Carson Corners. TV. GM Presents. February 7, 1960.
Rosenfeld, J. Alias: Jones. Playdate. January 17, 1964.
Rosenfeld, J. Who Needs an Enemy #1 & #2. Playdate. May 27-29, 1964.
Rosenfield, Jacqueline. Blind Date. On Camera. November 12, 1955.
Rosenfield, Jacqueline. Penthouse. CBC TV Theatre. October 21, 1956.
Rosenfield, Jacqueline. Stop the World and Let Me Off. TV. Playdate. October 4, 1961.
Rosenfeld, Max. The Discoverers. First Performance. October 24, 1956.
Rosenfeld, Max and Salverson, George. The Discoverers. TV. GM Presents. November 29, 1959.
Rosenfeld, Jackie. Spring Song. On Camera. February 18, 1956.
Rosenfeld, Jackie. The Town That Didn’t Care. TV. GM Presents. May 21, 1961. Continues on Reel 98.
Reel 98
Rowland, B. Behold! A Pale Horse. Winnipeg Drama. November 8, 1956.
Roston, Norman. Death of a King. NBC Vancouver. [n.d.].
Roy, Gabrielle. The School at Waterhen Island #1. Adaptation. Morna Scott Stoddart. Winnipeg Drama. April 4, 1957.
Roy, Gabrielle. The School at Waterhen Island #2. Adaptation. Morna Scott Stoddart. Winnipeg Drama. April 4, 1957.
Ruskin, John. The King of the Golden River. Magic Carpet Series. Toronto. January 17, 1943.
Russell, A.J. Deadlock. TV. On Camera. January 22, 1955.
Russell, A.J. Follow Me. The Unforeseen.
Russell, A.J. The New Year Caper. P & G On Camera. May 19, 1956.
Russell, A.J. The 39th Bomb. On Camera. December 11, 1954.
Russell, Gordon. Masterpiece. TV. Playdate. November 15, 1961.
Russell, J. Adaptation. M. Cohen. The Fourth Man. Vancouver. October 28, 1955.
Ryan, Elaine. The Chair. P & G. November 27, 1954.
Ryfield, Vernon. After Twenty Years. [n.d.].
Ryfield, Vernon. Asking Father. [n.d.].
Ryfield, Vernon. The Cop and the Anthem. [n.d.].
Ryfield, Vernon. Near Deadline. [n.d.].
Ryga, George. Man Alive. Festival. January 26, 1966.
Salvage Programme. Half-Hour With Mr. Jones. [n.d.].
Salverson, G. The Captain’s Lady. Radio. Late Night Theatre. January 4, 1963.
Salverson, George. Death to my Love. Stage 53 (Item 19). Toronto. February 1, 1953.
Slaverson, G. Georgie. TV. GM Presents. [n.d.].
Slaverson, G. In The Shadow of the Bomb. CBL, T/C. January 1, 1950.
Salverson, G. Lean Down and Listen. Radio. Late Night Theatre. January 25, 1963.
Slaverson, G. A Letter For The New Year. December 31, 1942. Continues on Reel 99.
Reel 99
Salverson, G. The Midnight Trumpet. Toronto. September 14, 1954.
Salverson, G. The Murderer. Festival. [n.d.].
Salverson, G. Night River. TV. First Person. June 29, 1960.
Salverson, G. The Outlaw and the Fiend. Toronto. July 6, 1954.
Salverson, George. The Paper Railroad. CBC Stage. December 18, 1955.
Salverson, G. The Party Dress. Radio. Late Night Theatre. January 18, 1963.
Salverson, G. The Rendevous. Radio. Late Night Theatre. January 11, 1963.
Salverson, G. The Screaming Skull. Toronto. April 27, 1954.
Salverson, G. Shore Leave A La Mode. Radio. Late Night Theatre. February 8, 1963.
Salverson, G. Tomorrow The Ship. Radio. Late Night Theatre. February 1, 1963.
Salverson, G. Train Order. On Camera. November 6, 1954.
Salverson, George. Two Worlds in One Act. CBC Stage. October 23, 1955.
Salverson, Laura Goodman. The Viking Heart. CBC Wednesday Night. February 1, 1956.
Salverson, G. A Winter Meeting. Toronto. September 21, 1954; TV. GM Presents. April 2, 1961.
Salverson, G. Younger Brother I. Prairie Playhouse. August 16, 1960.
Salverson, G. Younger Brother II- Andy Running Wolf. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 23, 1960.
Salverson, G. Younger Brother III. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 30, 1960.
Salverson, G. Younger Brother IV. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 6, 1960.
Salverson, G. Younger Brother V. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 13, 1960. Continues on Reel 100.
Reel 100
Salverson, G. Younger Brother VI. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 20, 1960.
Salverson, G. Younger Brother VII. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 27, 1960.
Sands, Leslie. Mr. Nobody. TV. Playdate. February 14, 1962.
Sangster, A. Nor The Years Condemn. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 11, 1960.
Sangster, A. Remember me Like This. Halifax. January 23, 1953.
Sangster, Allan. The Case of the Substitute Surrogate. Halifax. March 2, 1954.
Sangster, Allan. Fishing Trips! Phooey! Vancouver. January 22, 1953.
Sangster, Allan. Yesterday was Another World. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 19, 1960.
Sargent, A. The Bandit. TV. First Person. September 7, 1961.
Sartre, Jean Paul. The Wall. Theatre of the Air. October 23, 1963.
Sarjeant, Glenn. Old Tales of the Klondike. [n.d.].
Saunders, J.A. The Drop Too Much. Vancouver. October 22, 1954.
Savage, David. John Jewitt. August 2, 1940.
Savage, D. Nicholas Nickelby #1, 2, 3, 4. Drama. June 12 to July 3, 1942.
Savage, D. Thermopylae. May 18, 19–.
Savage, D. Tuesday. July 7, 1942.
Savage, David. Doors. Winnipeg. May 14, 1953.
Savage, David. Samuel Pepys. Drama. May 2, 1941.
Savage, G. Look What Love Can Do. Vancouver. June 6, 1953.
Reel 101
Sayers, Michael. Kathleen. General Motors Theatre. May 29, 1956.
Sayers, M. Kathleen. GM Theatre. May 29, 1956.
Sayers, M. Walking Stick. On Camera. December 8, 1955.
Schactor, L. Move Along Little Sister. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 10, 1960.
Schactor, Lee. The Gingerbread House. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 30, 1959.
Schacter, Lee. Melvin and the Witch Doctor. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 24, 1958.
Schafheitlin, J.E. The Great Open Spaces. Halifax Theatre. January 7, 1957.
Schisgal, Murray. The Typist. Playdate. October 12, 1963.
Schnitzler, Arthur. The Affairs of Anatol. Adaptation. Susan Fletcher. Summer Stage. July 29, 1956.
Schoub, Mac. Elegy to the Uncelebrating. Montreal. December 31, 1956.
Schull, J. Almighty Voice. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 3, 1961.
Schull, J. The Case of Posterity Versus Joseph Howe. CBC Folio. November 19, 1956.
Schull, J. Chelsey and the South Seas. TV. First Person. July 20, 1961.
Schull, Joseph. The Colonel and McCaskey. Prairie Playhouse. November 10, 1955.
Schull, J. The Concert. TV. CBC Folio. Unscheduled.
Schull, Joseph. The Devil’s Mother-in-Law. Summer Theatre. June 25, 1950; Winnipeg Drama. April 15, 1954.
Schull, J. Education’s The Thing. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 16, 1959.
Schull, J. Eleventh Floor. [n.d.].
Schull, Joseph. The First Servant. Stage 53 (Item 16). Toronto. January 17, 1954.
Schull, J. The Flower in the Rock. GM Presents. October 19, 1958. Continues on Reel 102.
Reel 102
Schull, Joseph. For Three Days Only. Stage 55. (Item 3). Toronto. October 10, 1954.
Schull, Joseph. The Glass Walls. Winnipeg. July 8, 1954.
Schull, J. Greenlaw Moor. Winnipeg. November 4, 1954; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 7, 1958.
Schull, J. The Gold Bug. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. February 13, 1962.
Schull, J. Mrs. Hoagie’s House. GM Theatre. May 11, 1954.
Schull, Joseph. The Jinker. Stage 55 (Item 26). Toronto. March 20, 1955.
Schull, J. Joanna or The Self-Made Widow. March 4, 1941.
Schull, Joseph. Kennedy’s Quest. Stage 54 (Item 9). Toronto. November 29, 1953.
Schull, J. Lady’s Choice. CBC TV Theatre. May 5, 1957.
Schull, Joseph. The Legend of Ghost Lagoon. Stage 53 (Item 6). Toronto. April 12, 1953.
Schull, J. The Land of Ephranor. Winnipeg. April 22, 1954.
Schull, J. The Lost Islands. Winnipeg. July 1, 1954.
Schull, Joseph. Love is a Four-Letter Word. Stage 53 (Item 25). Toronto. January 17, 1954.
Schull, J. The McAndrew Family. Winnipeg. [n.d.].
Schull, J. The Magic Life. GM Theatre. March 27, 1956.
Schull, Joseph. Mrs. Hoagie’s House. Stage 53 (Item 16). Toronto. January 17, 1954.
Schull, J. O’Brien. First Performance. October 10, 1956. Continues on Reel 103.
Reel 103
Schull, J. Old Flames. On Camera. December 18, 1954.
Schull, Joseph. The Other Side of the Wall. Stage 54 (Item 10). Toronto. December 5, 1953.
Schull, J. Our Miss Hammond. GM Theatre. February 11, 1958.
Schull, J. The Painted Door. TV. First Person. August 24, 1961.
Schull, J. The Piano Tuner. CBC Winnipeg Drama. November 25, 1954.
Schull, J. Proud Passage. CBC Folio. March 27, 1957.
Schull, J. Thorgunna of the Western Isles. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. January 12, 1960.
Schull, J. Turn off the Road. Winnipeg. January 13 or 31, 1954; January 13, 1955.
Schull, J. Whenas in Silks. Prairie Playhouse. March 15, 1956.
Scott, David. Mine Women. December 3, 1942.
Scott, Desmond. A Cure for the Doctor. TV. On Camera. June 23, 1958; Prairie Playhouse. July 8, 1962.
Scott, Corrine and Desmond. Night Class. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. July 30, 1962; Late Night
Scott, F.R. The Roncarelli Affair. Dramatization by Mavor Moore. The Play’s the Thing. [n.d.].
Scott, Munro. The Devil’s Petition. TV. GM Presents. October 30, 1960. Continues on Reel 104.
Reel 104
Scott, Munro. The Thirteenth Laird. TV. Playdate. May 2, 1962.
Scott, Walter. The Two Drovers. [n.d.].
The Twenty First Girl. Albert N. Williams. The Listeners Playhouse. [n.d.]
Scott in the Antarctic. November 11, 1935.
Seacombe, A.J. Honeysuckle Cottage. Vancouver. June 24, 1955.
Seal, G. Green Quilt With Yellow Ducks. Nite Cap. February 6, 1966.
Seavy, Susan. The Quality of Fear. TV. The Unforeseen. July 8, 1959.
Second Victory Loan Campaign. Ten Short Stories by Various Authors.
Sellar, R.J.B. One Crowded Hour. Vancouver. September 17, 1954.
Semi - Detached. Sam the Sudden. Adaptation. From P.G. Wodehouse.
Serling, Rod. Mr. Finchley Versus the Bomb. Ford Theatre. January 5, 1955.
Seymour, Alan. The One Day of the Year. Playdate. February 14, 1964.
Shakespeare. As You Like It. Adaptation. Radcliffe. [n.d.].
Shakespeare. Antony and Cleopatra. Adaptation. Radcliffe. [n.d.].
Shakespeare’s Readings. The Falstaff Scenes from King Henry #1. February 3, 1944.
Shakespeare’s England. November 5, 1939.
Shakespeare. Hamlet (Part 1). Adaptation. Radcliffe. An Hour with Shakespeare. August 3, 1930.
Shakespeare. Henry IV. Part 1 - First Half, Part 2 - Second Half. Adaptation. Warburton. [n.d.].
Reel 105
Shakespeare. King John. Adaptation. Rupert Lucas. N.d.
Shakespeare. King John. Adaptation. Warburton. The Radio Guild. November 7, 1935.
Shakespeare. King Lear. Shakespearean Series. Toronto. November 13, 1938.
Shakespeare. King Richard III. Adaptation. Vernon Radcliffe. An Hour with Shakespeare. September 21, 1930.
Shakespeare. King Henry VIII. Toronto. [n.d.].
Shakespeare. Coriolanus. Radio Guild. October 4, 1937.
Shakespeare. King Lear. CBC Wednesday Night. Toronto. March 2, 1955.
Shakespeare. King Richard III. Part II. Adaptation. Charles Warburton. Radio. February 6, 1936.
Shakespeare. Othello. An Hour with Shakespeare. July 6, 1930.
Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice. Adaptation. Rainey. June 15, 1930.
Shakespeare. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Directed by John Macdonell. N.d.
Shakespeare. Much Ado About Nothing. Adaptation. Radcliffe. Radio. October 12, 1930.
Shakespeare. King Lear. Adaptation. Radcliffe.
Shakespeare. The Taming of the Shrew. Festival. March 10, 1966.
Shakespeare. The Taming of the Shrew. Radio Adaptation. [n.d.].
Shakespeare. The Tempest. CBC Wednesday Night. April 20, 1955.
Shakespeare. The Tempest. Radio Adaptation. April 22, 1929.
Shakespeare. Twelfth Night. Festival. February 11, 1964.
Shakespeare. Twelfth Night. Adaptation. James Church. Radio Guild. [n.d.].
Shannon, Norman. The Balding Eagle. TV. GM Presents. March 22, 1959. (2 copies)
Shatner, W. Dreams. On Camera. April 14, 1956.
Shaw, Bernard. Arms and the Man. Festival II. October 17, 1965.
Shaw, Bernard. Candida. January 29, 1953. Continues on Reel 106.
Reel 106
Shaw, Bernard. The Dark Lady of the Sonnets. Shaw Festival. May 3, 1940.
Shaw, Bernard. Great Catharine. Shaw Festival. May 13, 1940.
Shaw, Bernard. The Man of Destiny: A Trifle. January 11-12, 1937.
Shaw, B. The Philanderer. CBC Folio. December 18, 1955.
Shaw, Bernard. The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet. CBC Wednesday Night. November 30, 1955.
Shaw, Bernard. Village Wooing. TV. GM Presents. July 2, 1961.
Shaw, J. Open the Door For Murder. Radio. Drama in Sound. October 31, 1959.
Sheldon, Michael. The Ghost of the Bank of Lower Canada. On Camera. March 24, 1956.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Hellas. January, 1941.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Hellas. National. Experimental Hour. March 10, 1938.
Shepherd, Catherine. Exit Socrates. August 19, 1941.
Shepherd, Catherine. The Judas Sheep. Halifax. January 12, 1954.
Sheridan, R.B. The Critic. Playdate. April 19, 1963.
Sheridan, R.B. The Rivals. Adaptation. Radcliffe. CBC Drama Hour. May 18, 1941.
Sheridan, R.B. The School for Scandal. Adaptation. Davis. Great Plays. [n.d.].
She Stoops to Conquer. Oliver Goldsmith. N.d.
Sherman, L.R. The Major’s Batman. Winnipeg. May 20, 1954.
Shields, Roy Allan. The Idealist. On Camera. December 3, 1956.
Shields, Roy. Watch Willie Go. TV. On Camera. May 12, 1958.
Ship, Reuben. The Greatest Man in the World. CBC Stage. December 4, 1955.
Ship, Reuben. The Man Who Liked Christmas. December 27, 1953.
Ship, Reuben. The Investigator. May 30, 1954. Continued on Reel 107.
Reel 107
Ship, Reuben. The Man Who Liked Christmas. CBC Wednesday Night. December 21, 1955.
Shiply, Nan. Doctoring is Different. [n.d.].
The Short Success of Tom Heggen. Quest Series. January 21, 1962.
Shoub, M. Address Unknown. Theatre Time. May 12, 1942.
Shoub, M. Ashes in the Wind. GM Theatre. February 1, 1955.
Shoub, M. The Ballad of Grass. Summer Stage. July 8, 1956.
Shoub, M. Confession. Ford Theatre. February 2, 1955.
Shoub, M. The Counterfeiters. On Camera. November 13, 1954.
Shoub, M. Dear Mom, and The White Angel. January 5, 1942.
Shoub, M. Mama’s Sidewalk Cafe. On Camera. August 12, 1957.
Shoub, M. The Man Who Couldn’t Disappear. Montreal. September 24, 1957.
Shoub, M. My Own, My Native Land. Drama. June 10, 1948.
Shoub, M. Songs of Liberty. Great Britain, Norway, United States and Denmark - June 15, 1944.
Shoub, M. The Old Man Says No. Summer Stage. [n.d.].
Shoub, M. Thank You Edmond. On Camera. November 26, 1956.
Shoub, M. Thunder On, Democracy! Play of the Week. July 22, 1942.
Shoub, M. 224 Maple Drive. Winnipeg. September 16, 1954. Continues on Reel 108.
Reel 108
Shoub, M. Big League Goalie. CBC TV Theatre. March 25, 1957.
Shoub, M. Masquerade. Ford Theatre. January 12, 1955.
Shoveller, Brock. Black Cats Are Good. On Camera. July 15, 1957.
Showell, Russell. Dear David Goodbye. Radio. October 9, 1959.
Shwartz, S. Strictly Normal. CBC TV Theatre.
Sieveking, Lance. Airways of the Empire. (Programme in the celebration of Imperial Airways tenth year.) May 3, 1934.
Sieveking, Lance. The Key to the Situation. National and Regional. [n.d.].
Sieveking, Lance. Money for Nothing. [n.d.].
Sieveking, Lance. The Shadow of the Shark. Vancouver. September 3, 1954.
Silk, Douglas. Blackmail by Proxy. Radio. Special Drama from Winnipeg. April 8, 1958.
Siller, Hilda Van. Champagne at Noon. Theatre Time. May 19, 1942.
Simmonds, Gladys. Vancouver. Drama. April 30, 1943.
Singer, Isaac. The Magician of Lublin. Adaptation. Alvin Goldman. Festival. November 6, 1964.
Sinclair, K. You and the Night. Winnipeg. January 29, 1953. See also Reel 109.
Sinclair, L. Age of Elizabeth I. Toronto. March 18, 1953.
Sinclair, L. The Age of Elizabeth. [n.d.].
Sinclair, L. The Blood is Strong. GM Theatre. January 25, 1955.
Sinclair, L. Janey Canuck. First Performance. October 17, 1957. Continues on Reel 109.
Reel 109
Sinclair, K. The Legend of the Jewels. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 22, 1961.
Sinclair, Lister. The Crystal and the Rose. [n.d.].
Sinclair, Lister. The Empty Frame. Stage 55 (Item 24). Toronto. March 6, 1955; TV. CBC Folio. February 27, 1957.
Sinclair, Lister. Encounter by Moonlight. [n.d.].
Sinclair, L. The Hand and the Mirror. [n.d.].
Sinclair, Lister. The Haunted Post Office. CBC Folio. [n.d.].
Sinclair, Lister. Saint Augustine of Canterbury. Stage 53 (Item 20). Toronto. February 8, 1953. See also earlier script below.
Sinclair, Lister. The Small Rain. Vancouver. CBC Wednesday Night. July 6, 1955; CBC Stage. November 6, 1955.
Sinclair, Lister. Return to Colonus; Retour a Colone [n.d.].
Sinclair, Lister. The Last Refuge. [n.d.].
Sinclair, Lister. Saint Augustine of Canterbury. October 23, 194-.
Reel 110
Sinclair, Lister. The Summit and the Tide. Toronto. Stage 55 (Item 18). January 23, 1955.
Sinclair, Lister. The View from Here is Yes–A Modern Nativity Play. [n.d.].
Sinclair, Lister. When Soft Voices Die. Stage 55 (Item 31). Toronto. April 24, 1955.
Sinclair, Lister. Retreat from Moscow. CBC Wednesday Night Series. November 28, 1962.
Sinelikoff, Michael. Spirit of the Dead. Festival. February 9, 1966.
Slade, Bernard. Men Don’t Make Passes. General Motors Presents. October 26, 1958.
Slade, B. Blue is For Boys. GM Presents. October 9, 1960.
Slade, B. Do Jerry Parker. TV. Quest. November 5, 1961.
Slade, B. Innocent Deception. On Camera. December 23, 1957.
Slade, B. Reluctant Angels. Playdate. May 23, 1962. Continues on Reel 111.
Reel 111
Slade, B. How to Make More Money Than Men. TV. GM Presents. January 31, 1960.
Slade, Bernard. The Big Coin Sound. TV. GM Presents. March 25, 1958.
Slade, Bernard. The Gimmick. Playdate. September 7, 1962.
Slade, Bernard. The Most Beautiful Girl in the World. TV. Playdate. April 4, 1962.
Slade, Bernard. The Prize Winner. TV, Playdate. November 1, 1961.
Sleigh, Barbara. Sammelkin. December 25, 1942.
Slocomb, Paul. Mademoiselle Fifi. TV. The Unforeseen. February 26, 1959.
Slott, Jon. Flight into Oblivion. [n.d.].
Slott, J. Soldier of Fortune. Dramatic Series. Winnipeg. July 24, 1939.
Slott, Jon. Hollywood Holiday. [n.d.].
Slott, Jon. Immortal Little Miss. Winnipeg. September 11, 1939.
Slott, Jon. Taxi, Lady? [n.d.].
Slott, Jon. Interlude at Midnight.
Slott, Jon. Light of Dawn. Dramatic Series. Winnipeg. June 26, 19–.
Slott, Jon. The Night is Thine. [n.d.].
Slott, Jon. White Fires of Inspiration–Yehudith (Judith). Hollywood, California. July 4, 1938.
Soft Ticker. [n.d.].
Soiberg, Harry. The Mound. Adaptation. Esse Ljungh. Winnipeg. February 15, 1939.
Somin, W.O. Double Hazard. Adaptation. Mac Shoub. GM Theatre. July 17, 1956.
Smee, Donald. Operation Petard. Vancouver Theatre. January 27, 1956.
Reel 112
Smith, Donaldson. The Iron Man. The Iron Man. [n.d.].
Smith, E.D. Bayonet In The Night. Prairie Playhouse. April 5, 1956.
Smith, E.E. Which Calls in the Night. Halifax Theatre. January 14, 1956.
Smith, J.B. Wherein the Shadows Lie. Halifax. July 20, 1957.
Smith, Robin. A Inheritance for Davy. Winnipeg Drama. January 10, 1957.
Socrates. CBC Wednesday Night. November 7, 1951.
Smith, W.D. Flowers of the Sea. Theatre Time. December 17, 1940.
The Spectacular Sixties. Broadcast Script. February 13, 1960.
Spencer, C. After Twenty Years. February 15, 1939.
Spencer, G. The Ends of Justice. TV. First Person. September 14, 1961.
Spencer, G. Femme Fatale. Vancouver Theatre. March 1, 1957.
Spencer, G. The Ghost at the Gaiety. Vancouver. April 15, 1955.
Spencer, G. Point of View. Vancouver. March 22, 1957.
Spencer, G. Tightrope. Point-Counter-Point. Vancouver. August 31, 1955.
Spencer, G. The Town that Believes in Santa Clause. Halifax Theatre. December 20, 1955; Prairie Playhouse. December 22, 1955.
Spencer, G.A. Femme Fatale. Vancouver. February 25, 1955.
Spencer, Geoff. The Last String. Vancouver. October 26, 1956.
Spencer, Geoff. Mr. Marmiton Intervenes. Prairie Playhouse. December 29, 1955.
Spoerly, Frederick. The City. Midweek Theatre. [n.d.].
Spoerly, F. The New Order. Midweek Theatre. August 11, 1965. Continues on Reel 113.
Reel 113
Spriggs, Elizabeth. Having it Both Ways. Drama Series. Toronto. January 12, 1937.
St. Clair, Leonard. Latitude Thirteen North. Halifax. February 16, 1954.
St. Pierre, Paul. Cariboo Country #6 - Strong Machine. Radio. August 27, 1960.
St. Pierre, Paul. Cariboo Country #8 - The Only Smith. Radio. August 20, 1960.
St. Pierre, Paul. Cariboo Country #11 - Who Wants O’Mara. Radio. September 10, 1960.
St. Pierre, Paul. Cariboo Country #12 - Under the Blanket. Radio. September 17, 1960.
St. Pierre, Paul. Cariboo Country #13 - The One Man Crowd. Radio. September 24, 1960.
Stafford, Ellen. My Uncle Joe. Radio. Late Night Theatre. July 26, 1963.
Stapleton, C.C. The Hours that Count. February, 1937.
Stapleton, C.C. Unto us a King is Born. Christmas Play. November, 1937.
Stanwood, S. These Truths are not Self-Evident. Drama Hour. November 9, 1941.
Stein, M. Alladin and the Wonderful Lamp. [n.d.].
Stemo, J. The Bargain. Vancouver. May 2, 1953.
Stemo, J. The Interlude. Vancouver. April 24, 1953.
Stemo, Johanne. The Changing Tides. Vancouver. April 10, 1953.
Stemo, Johanne. The Cougar Hunt. Vancouver. May 9, 1953.
Stemo, L.J. The Courting of Jenny. Vancouver. April 17, 1953.
Stephen, Adrian Hay. Ticonderoga. Halifax Theatre. November 17, 1956.
Stern, M. The Back Room of the Apartment. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 1, 1959.
Stern, Seymour. The Successor. TV. GM Presents. May 20, 1958.
Stevenson, Ken. Maggie. Winnipeg. December 24, 1939.
Stevens, Louis. The Delaware Hoax. [The Last of the Mohicans]. Revised May 7, 1956.
Stevenson, R.L. Markheim. Adaptation. Alfred Harris. On Camera.
Stevenson, R.L. The Sire de Maletroit’s Door. Adaptation. Sam Riddell. Vancouver. March 13, 1953.
Stevenson, R.L. St. Ives (1, 2, 3, 4). Adaptation. Sybil Clarke. Continues on Reel 114.
Reel 114
Stevenson, R.L. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. New York (NBC). Radio Guild. September 18, 1933.
Stewart, Bruce. The Cell 5 Experience. TV. Playdate. October 11, 1961.
Stewart, Bruce. Shadow of a Pale Horse. TV. GM Presents. January 3, 1960.
Stewart, Luke. Gesture from Gerda. Theatre Time. June 17, 1941.
Stewart, Luke. Sidewalk Serenade. Winnipeg.
Stewart, Luke. To the Least of These. Winnipeg. [n.d.].
Stoddard, Morna Scott. The Heritage. Winnipeg Drama. January 6, 1954.
Stoddard, Morna S. The Last Reckoning. Summer Stage. May 29, 1955.
Stoddard, Morna Scott and Leclerc, Felix. Sandale the Charmer. Winnipeg. April 9, 1953.
Stoddard, Morna Scott. Adaptation. The School at Waterhen Island. Winnipeg. November 26, 1953.
Stoddard, Morna S. Something to Explain. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 17, 1959.
Stone, Gregory. Michael’s Mountain. On Camera. May 6, 1957.
Stone, Noel. Look Out Below. CBC Winnipeg Drama. March 3, 1955.
Stoppard, Tom. Albert’s Bridge.
The Story of Old Kingston. Series–Within These Walls. June 29, 1936.
Strindberg, August. Miss Julie. Festival. April 6, 1966.
Storey, R. The Front Room. Adaptation. M.J Nimchuk. [n.d.]. Recorded as also being microfilmed on Reels 120-121.
Sweeting, Dennis D. Theatre, Anyone? January 22, 1963. Original card indicates it is also on Reel 114.
Note: Further authors beginning with the letter “S” were microfilmed on Reels 120 and 121. Their names are listed here.
Stones, David. When Your Time Comes. August 24, 1940. (Reel 120)
Storey, R. The Front Room. Adaptation. M.J. Nimchuk. Radio. Midweek Theatre. March 15, 1967. (Reels 120 and 121; from here on Reel 121).
Storm, Lesley. Black Chiffon. CBC TV Theatre. February 25, 1957.
Story of the Last Frontier. January 19, 1937.
Strange, W. Atlantic Flight. May 1, 1939.
Strange, William. Dead Men Tell No Tales. Theatre Time. Vancouver. April 3, 1940.
Strange, William. The Legend of Lord Castle. Everyman Theatre. April 2, 1940.
Strange, William. Murder by Proxy. March 31, 1940.
Strange, William. They Shall Not Pass. November 21, 1940.
Strange, William. Thunder Rock.
Strange, William and Dunn, Murison. Fort Beausejour. April 8, 1939.
Strauss, Ralph. The Room on the Fourth Floor. TV. The Unforeseen. December 18, 1958.
Strong, Austin. Drums of Oude. Adaptation. Dean Hughes. CBC Summer Theatre. [n.d.].
Strindberg, August. Playing with Fire. Script. P. Howarth. Midweek Theatre. October 14, 1966.
Stuart, M. All the Days of their Lives. May 14, 1943.
The Surgeon-Major. January 9, 1957.
Suttles, Shirly. Russian Roulette. Vancouver. January 14, 1956.
Sweet, Mrs. H.C.L. The Ends of the Earth. Winnipeg. May 29, 1939.
Swift, David. Race for Heaven. TV. GM Presents. September 9, 1959.
Reel 114 continues
Tanchuck, Nat. The Search. “The Last of the Mohicans”. June 7, 1956.
Taylor, Kenneth. The Stowaway. On Camera. August 5, 1957.
Taylor, Ron. The New World’s Record. Shoestring Theatre. October 24, 1965.
Taylor, Ron. The Orange-Sailed Cutter. Nitecap. Playdate. February 23, 1966. Continues on Reel 115.
Reel 115
Temperly, H. Twenty -Five Years–1910-1935. May 16, 1935.
Templeton, C. Absentee Murder. On Camera. January 27, 1958.
Templeton, Charles. Biography of a Crime. TV. GM Presents. [n.d.].
Terpilore, A. Ivan. Festival. November 27, 1962.
Thackery, William Makepeace. Vanity Fair #1. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. February to April 1956.
Vanity Fair #2. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #2. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #3. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #3. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #4. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #5. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #6. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #8. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.]
Vanity Fair #9. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #10. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Vanity Fair #11. Adaptation. John Bethune. Montreal. [n.d.].
Reel 116
Theatre of Freedom. Vol. No. 2. Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People.
Theriault, Yves. Baby. Vancouver. July 18, 1948.
Theriault, Yves. David Who was Denied by God. Behold the Land Series, #4. Dramatic Allegory. Vancouver. July 25, 1948.
Theriault, Yves. Night Beat. Winnipeg. August 13, 1953.
Theriault, Yves. The Joyless Child #4. Melodrama. Vancouver. August 1, 1948.
Theriault, Yves. Languirand. Montreal. July 30, 1953.
Theriault, Yves. The Story of Harvests. Vancouver. August 15, 1948.
Theriault, Yves. Vincent the Thickhead and a Horse. Vancouver. March 4, 1948.
Theriault, Yves. The Woman from the South. Behold this Land Series #2. Vancouver. July 11, 1948.
Thibault, D’Andrée. Elisabeth. Jeudi Theatre. February 9, 1963.
This Great Family–Xmas 1935. December 25, 1925.
This is Our Canada. N.d. 3. Chicken for Supper - H.J. Boyle; 4. Merritt’s Madness - Gerald Nixon; 5. Mothers are Funny People - H. Junkin; 6. Westward to the South Seas - L. Sinclair;
7. Letter from Home - Gabrielle Upton; 8. Crossing at Jumieges - Gerald Nixon; 9. No Bands, No Marching - H.J Boyle; 10. Easter at Black River - H.J Boyle.; 11. The Seed that Won the Plains - Gerald Nixon; 12. The Dream of a Canadian - Harry W. Junkin.
Reel 117
This is Our Canada. 13. You’ve got a Job there, Soldier - R & R Greer Allen; 14. The Land of the Younger Sun - Bernard Byaden; 15. The Long Day - Gerald Nixon;16. Hatfield the Rainmaker - Robert E. Gard.
Thomas, Charles. Retribution. [n.d.].
Thomas, D. and Slocumb, P. Next to Last Rites. On Camera. December 30, 1957.
Thomas, Dylan. Return Journey. Halifax Theatre. December 29, 1956.
Thomas, Gilbert. Stalemate. Vancouver. January 9, 1953.
Thompson, Burke. Horn of Gabriel. Halifax. May 11, 1954.
Thompson, Mrs. Marjorie J. The Island with Wings. [n.d.].
Thorne, I. Hunted. Point-Counterpoint. July 6, 1956; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 24, 1961.
Thorne, I. The Trial of Nicolas Van Doren. Vancouver. February 8, 1957.
Thorne, Ian. The Death of Harry Rice. Midweek Theatre. September 14, 1966. Also listed as being filmed on Reel 118.
Thorne, I. The Trial of Nicolas Van Doren. Point-Counterpoint. September 23, 1955. Also listed as being filmed on Reel 119.
Thorne, Ian. The Birth of our Lord. Vancouver Theatre. December 23, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. Celebration. Point- Counterpoint. July 22, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. Centrifuge. Point- Counterpoint. August 3, 1956.
Thorne, Ian. The Children of Darkness. Point- Counterpoint. August 5, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. The Shottery Affair. Vancouver Theatre. May 3, 1957. Also listed as being filmed on Reel 119.
Thorne, Ian. Laughter in the Sun, Part 1. Vancouver Theatre. March 4, 1953. Also listed as being filmed on Reel 118.
Thorne, Ian. Laughter in the Sun, Part 2. Vancouver Theatre. March 11, 1955. Also listed as being filmed on Reel 118.
Thorne, Ian. Company Call #1 - Leading Lady. Vancouver. July 19, 1954. Continues on Reel 118.
Reel 118
Thorne, Ian. Company Call #2 - Guest Artist. Vancouver Theatre. July 16, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. Company Call #3 - Character Actor. Vancouver. July 23, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. Company Call #4 - Student. Vancouver. August 20, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. Company Call #5 - Juvenile. Vancouver Theatre. August 27, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. Confetti. Point - Counterpoint. September 7, 1956.
Thorne, Ian. The Death of Harry Rice. Midweek Theatre. September 14, 1966.
Thorne, Ian. Doubled and Vulnerable. Vancouver. May 7, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. First Love. Point-Counterpoint. October 7, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. Hard to Port. A Travel Comedy. Point - Counterpoint. September 9, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. The Horla. Vancouver. November 12, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. A King Is Not Enough. Vancouver Theatre. December 9, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. King of the Castle. Toronto. Summer Stage. July 25, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. Laughter in the Sun, Part 1. Vancouver Theatre. March 4, 1953.
Thorne, Ian. Laughter in the Sun, Part 2. Vancouver Theatre. March 11, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. More Joy in Heaven. Vancouver. May 14, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. Odds and Evens. Vancouver Theatre. February 3, 1956.
Thorne, Ian. Operation Bundle. Vancouver. February 11, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. The King’s Messenger. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. February 27, 1962.
Thorne, Ian. A Prophet is not Enough. Vancouver. December 16, 1955. Continues on Reel 119 .
Reel 119
Thorne, Ian. The Purple Plain #1. Vancouver Theatre. November 4, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. The Purple Plain #2. Vancouver Theatre. November 11, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. Quest. Point-Counterpoint. September 21, 1956; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 17, 1961.
Thorne, Ian. The Road to Golgotha. Parts 1, 2 and 3. Vancouver Theatre. March 16, 23, May 30, 1956.
Thorne, Ian. The Shottery Affair. Vancouver Theatre. May 3, 1957.
Thorne, Ian. Sonnet for a Summer’s Day. Vancouver Theatre. April 30, 1954.
Thorne, Ian. Space and All That. A Satire of Space. Point - Counterpoint. July 8, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. Susan. Point-Counterpoint. Vancouver. August 17, 1956.
Thorne, Ian. Tales of the Dead. A Story of Horror. Point - Counterpoint. August 26, 1955.
Thorne, Ian. The Trial of Nicolas Van Doren. A Tragedy of Faith. Point-Counterpoint. September 23, 1955.
Thornton, D. The Turkey Feud. Halifax. November 17, 1953.
Thurber, J. The Night the Ghost Got in. Adaptation. H. Rodman. On Camera. January 28, 1956.
Thurber, J. The Thirteen Clocks. Adaptation. M. Lassner. Halifax Theatre. December 24, 1956.
Tilsey, Vincent. The Camel’s Back. TV. On Camera. September 15, 1958.
Tilsey, Vincent. Money to Burn. TV. On Camera. June 2, 1958. Continues on Reel 120.
Reel 120
Tilsey, V. Room on the Fourth Floor. The Unforeseen. December 11, 1958.
Toller, Ernst. Pastor Hall. Theatre of Freedom. [n.d.].
Title, Irwin. Mother Love. Drama Hour. October 19, 1941.
Townes, R.S. Who Destroyed the Earth. Adaptation. G. Salverson. Religious. April 19, 1957.
Townsend, Elizabeth Morrison. Dune’s End. Winnipeg. September 3, 1953.
Tremain, B. The Empty House. October 29, 1940.
Trevor, Elleston. The Cloud. Radio. Summer stage. [n.d.].
The Trial of James Whelan. TV. CBC Folio. November, 1957.
Torgov, M. The Builders. TV. On Camera. August 18, 1958.
Tremain, Barbara. The Magnanimous Victim. February 4, 1943.
The Trial and Death of Mary, Queen of Scots. Regional Programme. Edinburgh. February 15, 1938.
Turner, David H. Peter Piper Picks his Pepper. Winnipeg. [n.d.].
Turner, David. Fligh to Reality. [n.d.].
Turner, H. Depth Charge. Winnipeg. [n.d.].
Turner, Harold. Flight Lieutenant Santa Claus. Winnipeg. [n.d.].
Tweed, Tommy. John A. and the Double Wedding. CBC Folio. February 6, 1957.
Tweed, Tommy. Sir John and the Long Wait. Stage 55 (Item 16). Toronto. January 9, 1955.
Tweed, T. Feeding of the Five Thousand. Dramas From the Bible. February 28, 1943.
Tweed, T. The Healing of the Nobleman’s Son. Dramas From the Bible. February 21, 1943.
Tweed, Tommy. The Insidious Alien.
Tweed, Tommy. The Transfiguration. Dramas from the Bible. March 7, 1943.
Tweed and Lepkin. So All Right .. Sue Me. Theatre Time. August 19, 1941.
Tweed, Tommy. Who Put the Overalls in Captain Jones’ Submarine? CBC Stage. November 13, 1955.
Tyler, Alma. A Lady in the Making. [n.d.].
Tyler, F. Terror from the Sea. West of England Programme. March 8, 1938.
Reel 121
Uncle Bod’s Musical Train. August 30, 1958. Continues on Reel 122.
Note: Most of the contents of Reel 121 are listed earlier under “S” authors.
Reel 122
Uncle Bod’s “Scripts”. Uncle Bod’s Musical Train. 1965.
Unto the Hills.
Van Dyke, H.S. The Other Wise Man.
Van Dyke, Ina. Thirty Seeds of Passion. Prairie Playhouse. June 28, 1956.
Vane, N. Collision. TV. GM Presents. November 27, 1960.
Vinogradoff, I. and Wright, G. Mail Coach. Empire and Regional. March 26, 1937.
Vollmer, Lula. Sun-Up. Adaptation. Joseph Bell. February 4, 1936.
Voodoo Magic. The Dramatic Workshop.
Vulkelich, George. The Memoirs of a Young Man. February 9, 1957.
Vyvyan, F. Behind the Whiskers.
Vyvyan, Frank. Carry On. [n.d.].
Vyvyan, Frank. Don’t open until Xmas. [n.d.].
Vyvyan, Frank. Repatriated. Theatre Time. December 16, 1941.
Vyvyan, Frank. Scandal. Drama. February 12, 1943.
Vyvyan, Frank. That Rakish Simon Lovewell. Vancouver. March 2, 1954.
Wade, Phillip. Family Tree #1. Nov. 3 and 5, 1937. Possibly on Reel 123.
Wade, Phillip. Oranges and Lemons. A Story of the Passing Years. March 21-22, 1932.
Waenlur, E. The Prince of Silence. On Camera. N.d.
Waldman, M. And Some in Velvet Gowns. Radio Theatre of the Air. October 3, 1962.
Waldman, M. Also the Crescent Bus Is off its Trolley. Matinee Theatre Series. April 1, 1964.
Waldman, M. Ask For and My House. CBC Summer Stage. September 7, 1958.
Waldman, M. Mr. Brothers. Mid-Week Theatre. January 27, 1965.
Waldman, M. Burn My Charlie’s / Bury My Charleys (?). Travellin’ Joe. August 18, 1955.
Waldman, M. Dragon on a Hill. Prairie Playhouse. July 10, 1958.
Waldman, M. The Fruit of the Carols. Radio. Xmas Almanac. December 25, 1958; Prairie Playhouse. December 23, 1960.
Waldman, M. Here Comes the Sandman. Radio. Theatre of the Air. November 7, 1962.
Reel 123
Waldman, M. Holidays. Radio. Midweek Theatre. January 4, 1967.
Waldman, M. How the Prairie Became. Tales the Prairie Tells. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 13, 1960. Possibly filmed on Reel 124.
Waldman, M. I May Look at An Ugly Thing. Radio. Theatre of the Air. Winnipeg. October 17, 1962.
Waldman, Marian. Joe’s Love. CBC. Travellin’ Joe. September 15, 1955.
Waldman, Marian and Forer, Mort. The Gray Dory. Travellin’ Joe. September 8, 1955. Also listed as being filmed on Reel 124 with Waldman as the sole author.
Waldman, M. Kapitan’s Fortune. Radio. Daily Drama Series
Episodes 1-10, April 3-14, 1961. Episodes 11-20, April 17- 8, 1961. Episodes 21-30. Radio. May 1-12, 1961. Episodes 31-40, May 15 - 26, 1961. Episodes 41-50, May 29-June 9, 1961. Episodes 51-65. June 12-30, 1961.
Waldman, Marian. Dear Heart any Kind of Gold or Silver. Matinee Theatre. Winnipeg. April 8, 1964.
Waldman, Marian. Its Better with Butter, Though Bitter. Matinee Theatre. Winnipeg. April 15, 1964.
Waldman, M. The Key to Una. Radio. Theatre of the Air. Winnipeg. November 14, 1962.
Waldman, M. and Forer, M. Ma Green has Saxophone. Prairie Playhouse. May 3, 1956.
Waldman, M. The Long Division. Radio. Theatre of the Air. Winnipeg. October 24, 1962.
Waldman, M. Marya, Who Loved the Sea. Winnipeg. September 10, 1953.
Waldman, M. Masks at Midnight. Radio. Theatre of the Air. October 21, 1962; October 31, 1957.
Waldman, M. Mirror in the Bush. Travellin’ Joe. September 1, 1955.
Waldman, M. Moment in the Light. Midweek Theatre. July 14, 1965.
Reel 124
Waldman, M. The Most Wonderous Thing. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 29, 1959.
Waldman, M. Mother Makes Good Soup. Travellin’ Joe. August 25, 1955.
Waldman, M. The Musician of Gokorska. CBC Summer Stage. September 24, 1965.
Waldman, Marian. Slow Learners Learn Clear. Matinee Theatre. Winnipeg. April 29, 1965.
Waldman, M. The Night is my Enemy. Radio. Summer Stage. September 10, 1961.
Waldman, M. The Old Man. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 1, 1958.
Waldman, M. Pandora–Who is She. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. August 20, 1959.
Waldman, Marian. Pig in a Poke. Travellin’ Joe. August 11, 1955.
Waldman, M. The Quiet Wedding. Radio. Summer Stage. June 16, 1963.
Waldman, M. Side Show. Winnipeg. August 4, 1955; Prairie Playhouse. May 17, 1956.
Waldman, M. Strand of Scarlet. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. October 30, 1958.
Waldman, M. Street of Riches. Radio. Summer Stage. July 5, 1959.
Waldman, M. Tell Aunt Bessie the Truth. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 18, 1958.
Waldman, M. The Tender Hand. CBC Summer Stage. August 7, 1955; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. March 6, 1958.
Waldman, M. Those Who Won’t Hear. Radio. Theatre of the Air. October 10, 1962.
Waldman, Marian. There’s Always Teeny. Matinee Theatre. Winnipeg. May 6, 1964.
Waldman, M. The Way to Nowhere. Summer Stage. Winnipeg. September 2, 1956; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 13, 1958.
Waldman, M. The White Mustang. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. May 15, 1958.
Waldman, Marian. As For Me and My House. Radio. CBC Summer Stage. September 8, 1958.
Waldman, Marian. The Great Dory. CBC. Travellin’ Joe. September 8, 1955.
Reel 125
Walker, D.F. Also a Picnic Saturday. June 24, 1943.
Walker, Della Foss. That Old Affair. August 10, 1943.
Wallis, Cedric. The Naturalists. [n.d.].
Warburton, Charles. Merchant of Venice. October 9, 1938.
Warburton, Charles. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. [n.d.].
Warburton, Charles. A Tribute to Shakespeare. Radio Guild. [n.d.].
Ward, Canon J.E. and Grey, E. The Boyhood of Jesus. Dramas from the Bible. January 3, 1943.
Ward, Canon J.E. and Grey, E. A day in Capernaum. Dramas from the Bible. January 24, 1943.
Ward, Canon J.E. and Grey, E. First Disciplines in Cana. Dramas from the Bible. January 17, 1943.
Ward, Canon J.E. and Grey, E. The Magi. Dramas from the Bible. December 27, 1942.
Ward, Canon J.E. The Nativity. Dramas from the Bible. December 20, 1942.
Ward, Canon J.E and Grey, E. Jesus’s Baptism and Temptation. Dramas from the Bible. January 10, 1943.
Ward, Rev. J.E. The Babe of Bethlehem.
Warriner, Timothy. Man Running. On Camera. March 17, 1956.
Wasserman, C. See also Reel 133.
Wasserman, C. Assignment Europe:
Fixation. Vancouver Theatre. March 18, April 1, 1955.
Frustration. Vancouver Theatre. March 18, 1955.
Persecution. Vancouver. March 25, 1955.
The Fisherman. Vancouver Theatre. March 23, 1954.
Avalanche Half Past Five. Vancouver. March 16, 1954.
Behaviour Pattern. Vancouver. March 30, 1954.
Dateline Budapest. CBC TV Theatre. February 17, 1957.
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns :
#1 The Flying Canoe. Montreal. May 29, 1951.
#2 Marius the Miser. Montreal. June 5, 1951.
#3 The White Moon. Montreal. June 12, 1951.
#4 Rose Latulippe. Montreal. June 19, 1951.
#8 St. Catharine’s Cap. Montreal. July 17, 1951.
#5 The Two-Faced Horse. Montreal. June 26, 1951. Continues on Reel 126.
Reel 126
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns
#6 The Miller and the Werewolf. Montreal. July 3, 1951.
#7 The Devil’s Machine. Montreal. July 10, 1951.
#9 The Bushman’s Debt. Montreal. July 24, 1951.
#10 The Flying Treasure Pots. Montreal. July 31, 1951.
#11 The Reversing Curse. Montreal. August 7, 1951.
#12 The Black Dog. Montreal. August 14, 1951.
#13 The Honest Liars. Montreal. August 21, 1951.
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns.:
Series 2, No. 1. Montreal. September 30, 1951.
Series 2, No. 2. Montreal. October 7, 1951.
Series 2, No. 3. Montreal. October 14, 1951.
Series 2, No. 4. Montreal. October 21, 1951.
Series 2, No. 5. Montreal. October 28, 1951.
Series 2, No. 6. Montreal. November 4, 1951.
Series 2, No. 7. Montreal. November 11, 1951.
Series 2, No. 8. Montreal. November 18, 1951.
Reel 127
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns:
Series 2, No. 9. Montreal. November 25, 1951.
Series 2, No. 10. Montreal. December 2, 1951.
Series 2, No. 11. Montreal. December 9, 1951.
Series 2, No. 12. Montreal. December 16, 1951.
Series 2, No. 13. Montreal. December 23, 1951.
Series 2, No. 14. Montreal. December 30, 1951.
Series 2, No. 15. Montreal. January 6, 1952.
Series 2, No. 16. Montreal. January 13, 1952.
Series 2, No. 17. Montreal. January 20, 1952.
Series 2, No. 18. Montreal. January 27, 1952.
Series 2, No. 19. Montreal. February 3, 1952.
Series 2, No. 20. Montreal. February 10, 1952.
Series 2, No. 21. Montreal. February 17, 1952.
Series 2, No. 22. Montreal. February 24, 1952.
Series 2, No. 23. Montreal. N.d.
Series 2, No. 24. Montreal. Continues on Reel 128.
Reel 128
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns:
#25. Montreal. March 16, 1952.
#26. Montreal. March 23, 1952.
#27. Montreal. March 30, 1952.
#28. Montreal. April 6, 1952.
#29. Montreal. April 13, 1952.
#30. Montreal. April 20, 1952.
#31. Montreal. April 27, 1952.
#32. Montreal. May 4, 1952.
#33. Montreal. N.d.
#34. Montreal. May 18, 1952.
#35. Montreal. May 25, 1952.
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns:
Series 3, No. 1. Montreal. September 28, 1952.
Series 3, No. 2. Montreal. October.
Series 3, No. 3. Montreal. October 12, 1952.
Series 3, No. 4. Montreal. October 19, 1952.
Series 3, No. 5. Montreal. October 26, 1952.
Series 3, No. 6. Montreal. November 2, 1952.
Series 3, No. 7. Montreal. November 9, 1952.
Series 3, No. 8. Montreal. November 16, 1952.
Series 3, No. 9. Montreal. November 23, 1952.
Reel 129
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns:
Series 3, No. 10. Montreal. November 30, 1952.
Series 3, No. 11. Montreal. December 7, 1952.
Series 3, No. 12. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network December 14, 1952.
Series 3, No. 13. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network December 21, 1952.
Series 3, No. 14. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. December 28, 1952.
Series 3, No. 15. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. January 4, 1953.
Series 3, No. 16. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. January 11, 1953.
Series 3, No. 17. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network.
Series 3, No. 18. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. January 25, 1953.
Series 3, No. 19. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. February 1, 1953.
Series 3, No. 20. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. February 8, 1953.
Series 3, No. 21. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. February 15, 1953.
Series 3, No. 22. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. February 22, 1953.
Series 3, No. 23. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. March 1, 1953.
Series 3, No. 24. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. March 8, 1953. Continues to Reel 130.
Reel 130
Series 3, No. 25. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. March 15, 1953.
Series 3, No. 26. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. March 22, 1953.
Series 3, No. 27. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. March 29, 1953.
Series 3, No. 28. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. April 5, 1953.
Series 3, No. 29. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. April 12, 1953.
Series 3, No. 30. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. April 19, 1953.
Series 3, No. 31. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. April 26, 1953.
Series 3, No. 32. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. May 3, 1953.
Series 3, No. 33. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. May 10, 1953.
Series 3, No. 34. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. May 17, 1953.
Series 3, No. 35. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. May 24, 1953.
Series 3, No. 36. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. May 31, 1953.
Series 3, No. 37. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. June 7, 1953.
Series 3, No. 38. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. June 14, 1953.
Series 3, No. 39. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. June 21, 1953.
Reel 131
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns:
Series 4, No. 1. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. September 27, 1953.
Series 4, No. 2. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. October 4, 1953.
Series 4, No. 3. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. October 11, 1953.
Series 4, No. 4. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. October 18, 1953.
Series 4, No.5. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. October 25, 1953.
Series 4, No. 6. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. November 1, 1953.
Series 4, No. 7. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. November 8, 1953.
Series 4, No. 8. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. November 15, 1953.
Series 4, No. 9. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. November 22, 1953.
Series 4, No. 10. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. November 29, 1953.
Series 4, No. 11. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. December 6, 1953.
Series 4, No. 12. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. December 13, 1953.
Series 4, No. 13. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. December 20, 1953.
Series 4, No. 14. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. December 27, 1953.
Series 4, No. 14. (Rewritten). Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. December 27, 1953.
Series 4, No. 15. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. January 3, 1954.
Series 4, No. 16. Montreal. CBM to Trans Canada Network. January 10, 1954.
#17. Montreal. January 17, 1954.
Reel 132
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns:
#18. Montreal. January 24, 1954.
#19. Montreal. January 31, 1954.
#20. Montreal. February 7, 1954.
#21. Montreal. February 14, 1954.
#22. Montreal. February 21, 1954.
#23. Montreal. February 28, 1954.
#24. Montreal. March 7, 1954.
#25. Montreal. March 14, 1954.
Series 4, No. 26. Montreal. March 21, 1954.
Series 4, No. 27. Montreal. March 28, 1954.
Series 4, No. 28. Montreal. April, 1954.
Series 4, No. 29. Montreal. April 11, 1954.
Series 4, No. 30. Montreal. April 18, 1954.
Series 4, No. 31. Montreal. April 25, 1954.
Series 4, No. 32. Montreal. May 2, 1954.
Series 4, No. 33. Montreal. May 9, 1954.
#32. Montreal. May 2, 1954.
#33. Montreal. May 9, 1954
#34. Montreal. May 16, 1954.
#35. Montreal. May 23, 1954.
Reel 133
Wasserman, C. Fiddle Joe’s Yarns:
#36. Montreal. May 30, 1954.
#37. Montreal. June 6, 1954.
#38. Montreal. June 13, 1954.
#39. Montreal. June 20, 1954.
Wasserman, C. Livin’ Doll. [n.d.].
Wasserman, C. A Free Ride to Zurich. Vancouver. March 9, 1954.
Wasserman, C. A Hair’s Breadth. Montreal. August 27, 1953.
Watts, Noel M. Hang the Poets at Dawn. [n.d.].
Waugh, Evelyn. The Man who Liked Dickens. On Camera. April 8, 1957.
Waugh, Hillary. The Voice. TV. The Unforeseen. January 20, 1960.
The Way We Began. September 6, 1964. J. Bannerman.
Wayne, Paul. Bulgarian Bread. TV. 1st Person. July 27, 1960.
Wayne, P. Heir for a Shoestring. TV. Playdate. November 8, 1961.
Wayne, Paul. Kiss Mama Goodbye. TV. GM Presents. November 20, 1960.
Weathers, Phillip. Murder Anyone? TV. GM Presents. February 14, 1960.
Webster, H. Mr. Baker’s Little Widow. On Camera. May 5, 1956.
West, Rebecca. The Salt of the Earth. Adaptation. Elizabeth Hart. TV. Playdate. November 29, 1961.
Weyman, R. Bella Fleace Gave a Party. TV. The Unforeseen.
Reel 134
Weyman, R. Jenny’s Trees. Halifax Theatre. December 19, 1957.
Weyman, R. The Desperate Search. Show of the Week. December 22, 1965.
Whatsley, A. After Dinner. Radio.
Whatsley, A. Blind Reason. Video.
Whatsley, A. The Invaders. GM Theatre. March 18, 1958.
Whelan, J. Maiden Voyage. GM Theatre. January 7, 1958.
Whelan, John. Substitute Soldier. TV. GM Presents. May 15, 1960.
When Soft Voices Die. [n.d.].
Whitehead, Eric. The Ken Watson Story. Vancouver. September 1, 1953.
Whitehead, Eric. The Lester Patrick Story. Vancouver Theatre. March 9, 1956.
Whitehead, E. The Story of Annis Stukus. Vancouver. July 7, 1953; November 25, 1955.
Whitehead, E. The Story of Barbara Ann Scott. Vancouver. May 12, 1953.
Whitehead, E. The Story of the Bluenose. Vancouver. August 4, 1953.
Whitehead, E. The Story of the Edmonton Grads. Vancouver. June 30, 1953.
Whitehead, E. The Howie Morenz Story. Vancouver Theatre. March 2, 1956.
Reel 135
Whitehead, E. The Story of Newsy Lalonde. Vancouver. May 5, 1953.
Whitehead, E. The Story of Lionel Conacher. Vancouver. August 18, 1953.
Whitehead, E. The Story of Tom Longboat. Vancouver. August 25, 1953.
Whitehead, E. The Story of Jimmy McLarnin. Vancouver. April 28, 1953.
Whitehead, E. The Story of Lester Patrick. Vancouver. July 21, 1953.
Whitehead, Eric. The Story or Marlene Stewart. Champions of Sport. Vancouver. September 8, 1953.
Whitehead, Eric. The Story of Torchy Peden. Champions of Sport. Vancouver. July 14, 1953.
Whitehead, Eric. The Winnipeg Toilers. Vancouver. August 11, 1953.
Whitehead, Eric. The Short Success of Tom Heggan. Quest. January 21, 1962.
Whitehouse, R. Give Me Your Hand. Vancouver. November 9, 1956.
Whitehouse, Ray. Skin Deep. Vancouver. September 18, 1954.
Whitelaw, V. Now Quietly, Mrs. Grainger. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 4, 1958.
Who Was Anna Jameson? CBC Wednesday Night. January 11, 1956.
Wilde, Oscar. The Canterville Ghost. Winnipeg Drama. July 7, 1955.
Wilde, Oscar. The Importance of Being Ernest. CBC Folio. April 22, 1956.
Wilde, Oscar. The Fisherman and his Soul. Halifax Theatre. February 14, 1956.
Reel 136
Wilde, Oscar. The Happy Prince. Vancouver Theatre. December 2, 1955.
Wilde, Oscar. The Selfish Giant. Adaptation. A Millar. Vancouver Theatre. December 17, 1954.
Wilder, Thorton. Childhood. Festival. September 18, 1965.
Wilkinson, Roderick. I’m A Father. Halifax. May 2, 1954.
Wilken, Francis. Forever England. Vancouver Time. June 3, 1941.
Wilkinson, R. Free Lance. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. June 9, 1961.
Wilkinson, R. How To Live with a Successful Husband. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. December 29, 1961.
Wilkinson, Roderick. Buying a Dog. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. November 10, 1961.
Wilkinson, Roderick. The Colonel. Halifax. May 22, 1954.
Wilkinson, Roderick. National Crisis. Halifax Theatre. January 31, 1956.
Williams, A.N. Festival. CBC Drama Hour. December 7, 1941.
Williams, A.N. The Trees that Shelter. Listeners Playhouse. August 24, 1940.
Williams, A.N. The Towers of Hatred. CBC Drama Hour. October 26, 1941.
Williams, B.A. Fiddling Fool. Adaptation. N. Lessing. Ford Theatre. April 20, 1955.
Williams, B.A. The Journey of Matt Rullen. Adaptation. A Millar. Vancouver. June 3, 1957.
Williams, N. So Sways the Tide. Drama. May 28, 1943.
Williams, T. The Long Goodbye. Playdate. February 1, 1963.
Williams, Tom. The Bullfighters. Winnipeg. October 14, 1954.
Wilson, A. Shaft of Stone. CBC Drama Hour. November 28, 1941.
Wilson, Don. Burning Their Bridges Behind Them. [n.d.].
Wilson, G.M. The Old Lady Opposite. Halifax. October 8, 1953.
Winston, H. Abel’s Girl. CBC Winnipeg Drama. February 3, 1955.
Reel 137
Winston, H. A Little too Faithful. Winnipeg. May 21, 1953.
Winston, H. Mrs. Murphy Abroad Among the Mortals. Winnipeg. August 13, 1953; April 14, 1955.
Winston, H. Rosie Leprechaun. Winnipeg. June 10, 1954.
Winston, H. The Strange History of the Satisfied Man. Radio Comedy. September 25, 1952; Winnipeg. July 24, 1953; Prairie Playhouse. April 3, 1958.
Winston, H. Woman with a Shopping Bag. Winnipeg Drama. January 20, 1955; Radio. Prairie Playhouse. April 17, 1958.
Winter, D. Sweet Was the Song. Theatre Time. November 12, 1940.
Wiseberg, Aubrey. Valor Fulfilled. [n.d.].
Witty, Don. O Pioneers. TV. GM Presents. [n.d.].
Wood, Cyril. Looking Westward. Western Programme. July 5, 1937.
Wood, Lorna. House Chestnuts. Northern Programme. November 28, 1937.
Wood, N. Witch Girl. Winnipeg. January 17, 1957.
Wood, Nora. Winter Birds. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. March 5, 1959.
Wood, T. And Sone, J. The Man on Four Beat. TV. GM Presents. May 24, 1959.
Woodward, G. Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Prairie Playhouse. October 13, 1955.
Woodward, G. The Wall of Glass. Winnipeg. January 14, 1954.
Woodcock, George. El Dorado. Summer Stage. Vancouver. August 5, 1956.
Wright, C.P. (producer). A Sleeping Lion. Winnipeg. December 4, 1940.
Wright, D.H. Three Day Blow. TV. On Camera. March 10, 1958.
Wright, Eric. Pictures. Adaptation. Katherine Mansfield. Vancouver Drama. February 5, 1943.
Wright, E. The Portrait. Drama. September 10, 1943.
Wright, E. The Quiet Island.
Wright, Harold. Orbit. Vancouver. January 23, 1953.
Young, A. Spring has Come. March 25, 1940.
The Young Queen. TV. CBC Folio. January 2, 1958.
Reel 138
Zigouras, A. Memory’s Voice. Radio. Prairie Playhouse. September 3, 1959.
Zigouras, A. The Music of War. Prairie Playhouse. January 23, 1958.
Zigouras, A. The Night Caller. Winnipeg Drama. March 21, 1957.
Zigouras, A. The Silent Village. Prairie Playhouse. June 12, 1958.
Zigouras, A. Subway Stop. CBC. Prairie Playhouse. November 14, 1957; April 2, 1959.
Zweig, Stefan. The Royal Game. Playdate. June 19, 1964.
Incomplete scripts:
Sinclair, Lister. The World of Columbus, 3 pages.
The Trial of Queen Caroline, 1 page, 8 February 1956
Five additional scripts without title or author.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation collection. Second and Third accruals. – 20 cm of textual records. – 4 audio reels.
Second accrual:
Box 1
Printed materials, originally part of McMaster Library collection: texts of speeches broadcast, 1940-1941; pamphlets printed by the CBC describing their programming, 1936-1943.
Third accrual:
4 audio reels, containing a speech by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen (1874-1960), Prime Minister of Canada, 1920-1921 and 1926, to the Canadian Club in 1936 with an introduction by W. A. Bishop.
Materials from the first accrual not destroyed:
Interviews (mimeographs):
F.3 Pierre Bourgault interviewed by Gilles Constantineau, 31 March 1968; text in French.
F.4 Jean Lesage interviewed by Jean Dufresne, 24 March 1968; text in French.
F.5 John Diefenbaker interviewed by Bernard Ostry; 28 January 1971
F.6 Lester Pearson interviewed by Bernard Ostry; 3 February 1970
Historical series (mimeographs):
Chronologies of Events in Canada
F.7 1903-1913
F.8 1914-1919
F.9 1920-1929
F.10 1930-1939
F.11 1940-1955
Broadcast drama script:
Charles E. Israel, “To Season with Time”, typed and sent to duplicating 12 July, 1972; shooting dates: 2-16 August 1972. The typed title has been amended to “The Veteran and the Lady”; 127 pages.